As a bonus question, how often do you tend to get sick? What's the worst physical illness you had and how'd that go?
― Ally, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Mike Hanle y, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― james e l, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Madchen, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
One time (in band camp), I had a case of the flu that laid me out for 24 hours. I could not move at all, literally. Strength was literally sapped. I had to caterpillar myself from my bed to my in- room potty - felt quite pathetic.
Sickness - when in shape & living relatively healthy (i.e. not constantly around cig smoke, sleeping regular hours, eating well), I'm OK 90% of the time. When lumpy & living like shit (i.e. right about..NOW), I don't get sick sick, but usually have prolonged cases of the snifflies, with an 50% chance of a sneezing fit.
― David Raposa, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
The worst physical illness (as opposed to something that needed an operation, which was a double hernia when I was seven, such fun!) -- I've had flus, colds, etc., chicken pox when young, and get yer basic sneeze/stuffed nose combination three times a year or so, though things have improved. The worst feeling of recent years, though, was this miserable two day thing I had earlier this year, chills, slight nausea, completely wrecked, god knows what it was. I stayed at home and stayed in bed and worked my way out of it, but yech, it was horrible. Glad it was quick, though. Thankfully never faced anything life-threatening.
― Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Ed, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
I have a cold too at the moment. My throat is killing me. The only way I got through last night was with half a bottle of Lemsip potion and a roll of soothers. Still couldn't get reasonable noises to come out my mouth by the end of the evening.
I have no patience with sickness. I take drugs and go to bed until it's over.
― masonic boom, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
I don't particularly have a stuffy nose, in fact one side is runny, but I have a raw, scratchy throat and a headache and a cough and a general feeling of having my head up my ass. I'm congested but I can breathe, basically...I blame one person and one person only for this, Mr. "No, Seriously, I'm Not Sick Anymore!", but I should know better.
I get sick really ridiculously easily, and have gotten one major illness, at least, per year for the past 5 years. It's just stupid. Last year it was pnumonia, followed by several bouts with bronchitis. The year before it was strep throat followed by mono. I get strep throat at least once a year. I haven't this year, nor have I gotten anything devastating this year, so i'm hoping to last out til Dec.
― Pete, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Lesley Higgins, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Melissa W, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Richard Tunnicliffe, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Geoff, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Tom, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Jonnie, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― scott, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
i think i do actually get really sick every time i'm extremely stressed or depressed about something. my last crushing illness was in february. it came right when the new landlord of my rooming house started doing major renovations without notice that were making the house unliveable and gave us a month's verbal notice to vacate. i got this really nasty flu and was really feverish and basically good for nothing except lying in bed.
don't hurl yourself off a bridge over a cold. so many of us care about you. do you have time off work? if so, take the time off to do something you wouldn't normally have time for.
― sundar subramanian, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Emma, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
I am an absolutely useless repository of all these folk cures cause my granny was a botanist.
Peppermint will also stimulate nasal and bronchial passages. Honey helps fight infection. Small amounts of booze acts as an anti-inflamatant (or whatever the term is) and relaxes muscles and veins. The best cure for nausea is ginger and fennel.
I get sick a lot, as you can probably tell...
The sickest I've ever been was when I had mono, and no one believed me, and they all thought I was just depressed and acting up, so they pumped me full of tranquilisers or something that nearly killed my mono-weakened liver.
Wait, no! The sickest I've ever been was actually back in March, when I mysteriously lost half my body weight in blood overnight, and no one could figure out where it had gone. I couldn't walk, I kept falling over and passing out, my blood pressure went down to 70/30 or something half dead. It was kinda scary.
― masonic boom, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Melissa W, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
The bonus round: I had mono/glandular fever when I was 14 (yesssss! no gym classes!) and meningococcal meningitis aged 10 months, which my mother thought had done me some damage as did not speak properly until I was two and a half. She revised this opinion when instead of 'mama' etc. her child was using, immediately, WHOLE SENTENCES AND PARAGRAPHS, which obviously continues to the present. I lost 4 pints of blood in a freak nosebleed incident (on Halloween, no less, I was 6 and cross about missing Trick Or Treat as a result) and was found in a pool of same, unconscious, by own shocked mother because it happened while I slept.
But that's not even The Worst. I was four and a half when diagnosed with a bad strain of kiddie kidney cancer and given weeks to live. This diagnosis was unacceptable to my mother, who insisted they do everything to get rid of it, which meant surgery, radiation and chemotherapy until I was about six, lost hair etc. You really haven't lived until you've seen a nurse drop a glass jar full of your own snot and bile, I tell you. I had to go every year for tests until I was 11 but I've had no relapse, ever, so I count as CURED.
― suzy, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― anthony, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
Also, weird about the speaking thing- I learned to talk in the same way. Wouldn't even do so much as a baby style "mama" until I was 3, and my brother went away to school, and I suddenly burst out in complete sentances.
Mel- no, they still don't know what happened. After giving me some nasty invasive tests, thinking I had a stomach ulcer, they just sort of gave up, shrugged and put it down to "anaemia due to heavy periods" which is Nu Science for "woman problems". Funny thing was, my period ended weeks prior. God bless the NHS. My mum keeps bugging me, saying I really should go back and get them to chase it (I could really gross some people out with descriptions of my woman problems, but I'll be respectful to the boys on the board, as they don't like it when you say things like "Jesus, I've been passing clots the size of peaches!!!") I still get dizzy spells and faint and stuff if I don't take my mega-ultra-iron pills. Weh-hoo. Mystery Anaemia is fun!
Heh heh. Maybe we should start a "Menstration: Classic Or Dud" thread.
― Mike Hanle y, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Kate the Saint, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Ally, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
Sickest I've been? Hmmm. I've been duelling with high blood pressure, and I had a horrible heart problem back in April which seemed to go away pretty quickly, though apparently my immune system's been left in a mess. Don't know. I was ill with flu to the point of passing out before I got to the phone once... Actually, I guess the sickest I've ever been, in terms of immediately life threatening, was when I took that ridiculous overdose. Taking too much ibuprofen can turn your blood acidic, plus too much paracetamol attacks your liver, so I began vomiting bile and blood, had to have really invasive tests, and my heart rate went up so high I almost went into cardiac arrest. Out of embarrassment I never told the doctors what I'd done, too, so they didn't pump my stomach and I just kept getting worse, to the point that I collapsed on the floor of the emergency room and began having violent convulsions. But in the end I had an IV drip of some weird liquid and it left me feeling fine.
― Paul Strange, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
Yes, people, THE POX. (It is much more serious in adults, but still, I just like saying THE POX because it sounds so silly and medieval.)
(It would probably be in bad taste to say "A pox on her!", wouldn't it?)
― Dan Perry, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
Talking of run-down, it's 8.30 and I'm still at work, *waiting to be given* the big task of the day. A pox on them!!!
This sounds like the type of mid-song break Jarvis would say if he was American and didn't care about sex.
― Ned Raggett, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― anthony, Friday, 20 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Mike Hanley, Friday, 20 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
I have never broken a bone.
― Emma, Friday, 20 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― ffffffffff ffff, Friday, 3 May 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link
Luis xx
― Luis, Saturday, 20 July 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 8 November 2004 03:54 (twenty years ago) link
I've been drinking too much lemon tea & honey. And this lemon flavored Theraflu Cold & Flu stuff. :-P :-P :-P It works, but it's sooooo nasty. I think that my cold is finally tapering off- it's been 2 weeks, way too long. Blech.
― lyra (lyra), Monday, 8 November 2004 04:49 (twenty years ago) link
― jocelyn (Jocelyn), Monday, 8 November 2004 15:53 (twenty years ago) link
― JaXoN (JasonD), Monday, 8 November 2004 21:39 (twenty years ago) link
― jushinthunderliger (deangulberry), Monday, 8 November 2004 21:42 (twenty years ago) link
― jushinthunderliger (deangulberry), Monday, 8 November 2004 21:43 (twenty years ago) link
― JaXoN (JasonD), Monday, 8 November 2004 23:10 (twenty years ago) link
Yeah, a number of friends have caught something as well, so I'm not too surprised. Still obnoxious, though. I'm still somewhat bleah but I think I'll be able to go into work tomorrow for at least part of the time.
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 8 November 2004 23:11 (twenty years ago) link
― Logged Out, Tuesday, 9 November 2004 15:22 (twenty years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 9 November 2004 15:29 (twenty years ago) link
― PinXorchiXoR (Pinkpanther), Tuesday, 9 November 2004 15:34 (twenty years ago) link
Have some soup...and then...then wrap a hot towel around your head.
― Velveteen Bingo (Chris V), Tuesday, 9 November 2004 15:46 (twenty years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 9 November 2004 15:48 (twenty years ago) link
― bostonneb, Tuesday, 9 November 2004 15:55 (twenty years ago) link
I was at work today, but on 3 hours of sleep (got paged at 2 AM for something that is so not my job, but everyone else in our rotation was sleeping through their pagers. i should have done the same, but i'm stupid). So I felt like crap again most of the day- I even pulled out my ultimate "snuggly blanket equivlent" CD, Cross Road by yes, BON JOVI. I can't help it. When I feel that lousy the inner NJ girl emerges and takes over.
I just got home from pilates class, which suprisingly made me feel much better. Mostly, I think, because now I'm thinking about how sore my stomach muscles are instead of how stuffed up my nose is.
― lyra (lyra), Wednesday, 10 November 2004 03:59 (twenty years ago) link
All seems well! Barely needed Kleenex all day, always a good sign. One more night's sleep should do it.
I even pulled out my ultimate "snuggly blanket equivlent" CD, Cross Road by yes, BON JOVI. I can't help it. When I feel that lousy the inner NJ girl emerges and takes over.
We all have our stand-bys. ;-) I hope you get over all that soon too!
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 10 November 2004 04:08 (twenty years ago) link
― JaXoN (JasonD), Wednesday, 10 November 2004 05:06 (twenty years ago) link
But I can't remember the last time I had a cold before this - it was so long ago.
― Bob Six (bobbysix), Monday, 31 January 2005 23:03 (twenty years ago) link
― Rumpie (lil drummer girl parumpumpumpu), Wednesday, 7 December 2005 11:23 (nineteen years ago) link
― Rumpie (lil drummer girl parumpumpumpu), Wednesday, 7 December 2005 12:11 (nineteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Wednesday, 7 December 2005 12:17 (nineteen years ago) link
Doesn't seem to matter that my nose is dripping all over the keyboard....
― Rumpie (lil drummer girl parumpumpumpu), Wednesday, 7 December 2005 12:24 (nineteen years ago) link
― StanM (StanM), Wednesday, 7 December 2005 13:09 (nineteen years ago) link
― Rumpie (lil drummer girl parumpumpumpu), Wednesday, 7 December 2005 13:12 (nineteen years ago) link
― smee (smee), Wednesday, 7 December 2005 13:15 (nineteen years ago) link
― Rumpie (lil drummer girl parumpumpumpu), Wednesday, 7 December 2005 13:36 (nineteen years ago) link
― StanM (StanM), Thursday, 8 December 2005 11:35 (nineteen years ago) link
― Pashmina (Pashmina), Thursday, 8 December 2005 11:44 (nineteen years ago) link
― thor heyerdahl (Jody Beth Rosen), Thursday, 8 December 2005 13:12 (nineteen years ago) link
― Bob Six (bobbysix), Thursday, 8 December 2005 23:24 (nineteen years ago) link
― sgs (sgs), Monday, 12 December 2005 13:42 (nineteen years ago) link
― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Monday, 12 December 2005 15:22 (nineteen years ago) link
All my colds follow this pattern.
― o. nate (onate), Monday, 12 December 2005 16:06 (nineteen years ago) link
― hstencil (hstencil), Monday, 12 December 2005 16:08 (nineteen years ago) link
― o. nate (onate), Monday, 12 December 2005 16:31 (nineteen years ago) link
― J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Sunday, 25 December 2005 00:05 (nineteen years ago) link
― jaymc (jaymc), Thursday, 29 December 2005 22:31 (nineteen years ago) link
― jaymc (jaymc), Thursday, 29 December 2005 22:40 (nineteen years ago) link
― The Milkmaid (of Human Kindness) (The Milkmaid), Thursday, 29 December 2005 22:44 (nineteen years ago) link
― jaymc (jaymc), Thursday, 29 December 2005 22:46 (nineteen years ago) link
Not going to stop me from partying this weekend tho, no sireeeeeee
― Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 30 December 2005 09:45 (nineteen years ago) link
― Mike Hanle y 3000 (hanle y 3000), Friday, 30 December 2005 10:17 (nineteen years ago) link
― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Wednesday, 4 January 2006 17:05 (nineteen years ago) link
― sgs (sgs), Monday, 13 March 2006 19:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Maria :D (Maria D.), Monday, 13 March 2006 19:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa (ailsa), Monday, 13 March 2006 20:01 (eighteen years ago) link
Misery loves company.
I've been drinking hot green tea, sleeping a lot, drinking a "Mega C" fruit beverage with ten times the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C.
What is wrong with Western science that we haven't figured out a cure for this damn thing?
And I'm damned and determined NOT to miss work tomorrow. I've got stuff I need to get done. Christ I've even got a job interview in a few days.
― Bimble, Monday, 21 May 2007 23:09 (seventeen years ago) link
Man, Emergen-C was PERFECT for me until the day I vomited after drinking some. now I cannot even stand to look at a package of it.
― Abbott, Monday, 21 May 2007 23:11 (seventeen years ago) link
And it's so silly cause it's like people have said for decades that Vitamin C helps. I really doubt that it does.
― Bimble, Monday, 21 May 2007 23:14 (seventeen years ago) link
i've had it a week now. normally these things where off after a couple of days but i've felt like crap for ages now!
― the next grozart, Monday, 21 May 2007 23:33 (seventeen years ago) link
There's some serious colds/flus going around right now. I spent a night trying to get my temperature below 103 - and that was with Advil *and* Tylenol. Viruses = EVIL. I'm finally getting better after being sick for about 2 weeks.
I hope everyone else gets better soon, too.
― Sara R-C, Tuesday, 22 May 2007 00:01 (seventeen years ago) link
zicam zinc chews. for reals.
― will, Tuesday, 22 May 2007 00:03 (seventeen years ago) link
I think Zinc lozenges are about the only thing I haven't tried, but I'm too tired to go to the store, now.
Viruses are definitely evil. As much as I complain, this is nothing compared to what a full blown case of Chicken Pox was about 7 years ago.
I'm just somewhat surprised that Wikipedia says a cold is supposed to last about a week. I guess it's been too long since I've had one, so I'm out of the loop.
I really feel bad for folks that don't feel better after a week.
― Bimble, Tuesday, 22 May 2007 00:10 (seventeen years ago) link
just getting over one. usually i bombard myself with some combo of both 'quils, emergen-c, and nasal spray
― impudent harlot, Tuesday, 22 May 2007 01:00 (seventeen years ago) link
I do not have a cold. Why am I on this thread?
― Beth Parker, Tuesday, 22 May 2007 01:06 (seventeen years ago) link
last night my throat was so sore it brought tears to my eyes. but this morning it's much better! still a little sore, but now i am continuously pouring frozen yogurt down it. aaaaah.
my voice is all gravelly which would be sexy but for the copious quantities of snot pouring out of my nose.
― f. hazel, Tuesday, 22 May 2007 01:19 (seventeen years ago) link
Dude colds are supposed to just last one week and not seven whole days.
― Abbott, Tuesday, 22 May 2007 02:24 (seventeen years ago) link
Mine actually last a month, tho.
Urgh, having kids (and a sick mom) means recurring cold. I am wearing one of those masks at night. Have to admit it works. But damn this headache. :-(
― stevienixed, Friday, 28 December 2007 04:53 (seventeen years ago) link
As is obvious from my posts , I've been drinking brandy lately
― PappaWheelie V, Friday, 28 December 2007 05:24 (seventeen years ago) link
wish i cld but i am breastfeeding. :-(
― nathalie, Friday, 28 December 2007 08:41 (seventeen years ago) link
I read some article the other day about how the Western pharmaceutical industry is salivating over profit potentials in China...'cept the Chinese still by and large prefer to use traditional remedies, so there will be some enormous hurdles to overcome before the pharma execs have yuan bleeding out the pores of their asses. Anyhow, a (native Chinese) woman quoted in the article said that she boiled ginger in Coca-Cola when she had a cold.
― dell, Saturday, 29 December 2007 02:35 (seventeen years ago) link
God the cold I've got gave me such a miserable headache all day
I finally hit it with Comtrex head congestion formula, that seemed to do the trick
― J0hn D., Saturday, 29 December 2007 02:54 (seventeen years ago) link
-- dell, Friday, December 28, 2007 9:35 PM (25 minutes ago) Bookmark Link
this is dumb
chinese people as a whole mostly dont use 'traditional chinese medicine'
― and what, Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:01 (seventeen years ago) link
My wife and daughter have been battling colds/a flu for a week. Until today, every time my girl seemed good during the day, her fever shot up to 101 -- 102 at night. It's been miserable, especially since I get unreasonably worried every time my daughter has a cold/flu that it's going to turn into something much worse.
Thankfully, tonight they're both okay. I'm hoping we're in the clear. So -- once they're both asleep -- I'll be drinking scotch.
― Daniel, Esq., Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:01 (seventeen years ago) link
I'm pretty sure that they do, except for cancer and acute heart conditions and, not just going by the article, I'm pretty sure that's the case. "TCM" is vastly cheaper, for one...
― dell, Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:04 (seventeen years ago) link
do you really think that the rural populace there has a medicine chest full of Advil and Tums?
― dell, Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:07 (seventeen years ago) link
well more to the point, all over Asia there are formulae you can buy that incorporate some of these "traditional" ingredients. chaki's right though there's something about the "traditional medicine" tag that exoticizes. I think most Chinese people do the same thing everybody else does when they get sick: go to the pharmacy and ask the guy behind the counter "what can I take for this cold"
― J0hn D., Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:25 (seventeen years ago) link
I mean it's not like China is some backwater or something
COLD CURE ALL: hot buttered rum and dave clark 5.
― chicago kevin, Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:27 (seventeen years ago) link
I ended up in the ER yesterday afternoon after a good seven hour stretch of diarrhea/vomiting and eventual dehydration. I don't recommend it.
― forksclovetofu, Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:28 (seventeen years ago) link
Yikes! Feel better.
― Daniel, Esq., Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:28 (seventeen years ago) link
Yeah, but the article that I read was talking more about urban, like, Shanghai people and stuff. And my own experiences in Chinatowns in North America lend some credence to the whole idea of Chinese/Chinese-NorthAmericans being like "wtf, why should I buy this EX-LAX/Metamusil crap (no pun intended) for my constipation or whatever the fuck is ailing me when there are cheap herbal remedies to be had and so forth"...
― dell, Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:36 (seventeen years ago) link
uh, but i don't mean to argue unreasonably. I hope you all feel better. There's not much to recommend being sick...
― dell, Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:38 (seventeen years ago) link
the only thing i pop are dafalgan against the headaches. Usually i recover pretty quickly. I am with dell: i don't think it's "exoticizing" isrsly think a lot do the trad methods.
Xpost wtf. You better now? My mom was in horrible pain as well biut she likes to be a martyr.
― stevienixed, Saturday, 29 December 2007 03:39 (seventeen years ago) link
Yeah, I'm basically cool now, just a stomach ache and no ability to eat. Lotta gatorade and water. It hit at 4 in the morning and after nonstop puking and runs and eventual doubling over in pain I finally went to a doc around noon or so, then a quick cab to the ER and I passed out around three or so. Walked home two hours after that. Just the worst: constant stomach cramps, headache, chills, couldn't really walk or talk or think. Thank god my girl was around to help out or I would've likely tried to play it cool and ended up facedown on the kitchen floor. I heard later on that everybody who went to my boss' christmas party got the same thing; they're all laid out.
― forksclovetofu, Saturday, 29 December 2007 04:23 (seventeen years ago) link
I'm spending a lotta time in front of computer and wii and staying near a bathroom. It's fun being me.
― forksclovetofu, Saturday, 29 December 2007 04:24 (seventeen years ago) link
so what was it? some stomach virus? had one when i was pregnant. NO FUN. i feel for you.
― stevienixed, Saturday, 29 December 2007 04:31 (seventeen years ago) link
"wtf, why should I buy this EX-LAX/Metamusil crap (no pun intended) for my constipation or whatever the fuck is ailing me when there are cheap herbal remedies to be had and so forth"...
-- dell, Friday, December 28, 2007 10:36 PM (55 minutes ago) Bookmark Link
because one of them works and one of them doesnt?
― and what, Saturday, 29 December 2007 04:32 (seventeen years ago) link
― stevienixed, Saturday, 29 December 2007 04:33 (seventeen years ago) link
I'm assuming stomach virus. I was thinking maybe zombie virus? I told my girl, "If I die tonight and come back as a zombie, promise me that you will allow me to infect you and be my zombie bride." And she promised. Good for her!
― forksclovetofu, Saturday, 29 December 2007 04:50 (seventeen years ago) link
So my mom had pneumonia. I had a cold again this week, the third one in the last couple of months. Thanks to having a kid who brings all these nasty bacteria home.
Also, please stop saying that wet hair can give you a cold. IT FUCKING DOES NOT.
― stevienixed, Thursday, 17 January 2008 13:16 (seventeen years ago) link
emergen-c zinc(um) lozenges faux sudafed Claritin guafisenin multivitamin + B vitamin
― milo z, Monday, 4 August 2008 03:09 (sixteen years ago) link
gah, i'm going for an 84-mile walk starting saturday, probably in the rain by the looks of things, would like to shift this before then. any advice pls?
― like i read your blog (braveclub), Wednesday, 20 May 2009 13:43 (fifteen years ago) link
I feel like crap and my nose is all sore from tissues and bright red and I look ridiculous and feel gross. WAH!
― \(^o\) (/o^)/ (ENBB), Tuesday, 25 January 2011 03:22 (fourteen years ago) link
Chappede nose is the worst!You seem to be having a tough time lately, E. I hope things get better for you soon.
― Stop Non-Erotic Cabaret (Abbbottt), Tuesday, 25 January 2011 03:23 (fourteen years ago) link
It hurts so much! Puffs plus with lotion my ass. I might as well have used sandpaper. Also, thanks doll. I'm OK. Just some shit going down right now but it'll pass etc. etc.
― \(^o\) (/o^)/ (ENBB), Tuesday, 25 January 2011 03:25 (fourteen years ago) link
I hope you understand I meant "chapped" and not some stampede of chaps instead of cattle.
― Stop Non-Erotic Cabaret (Abbbottt), Tuesday, 25 January 2011 03:25 (fourteen years ago) link
lol I did but I sorta dug the typo so wasn't going to say anything.
― \(^o\) (/o^)/ (ENBB), Tuesday, 25 January 2011 03:28 (fourteen years ago) link
E! I feel yr pain. (Literally - this entire weekend has been breathing through alternating nostrils.) Peppermint tea is A++ as temporary relief.
I'm trying to get 10 hours sleep and be functional for my quiz tomorrow.
― Alex in Montreal, Tuesday, 25 January 2011 03:31 (fourteen years ago) link
<3 2 my sick homies itt
― markers, Tuesday, 25 January 2011 03:31 (fourteen years ago) link
― the cure is worse than the frizz-ease (get bent), Saturday, 28 September 2013 21:50 (eleven years ago) link
spent an all-nighter 2 days ago and now boom i'm sick. soup , black halls, gatoraid, oj (plus vodka, maybe), tylenol. would like to avoid extra strength syrup but maybe before bed. hate the word strength, always spell it strenght. sounds so much better you guys should consider changing it.
― Sébastien, Saturday, 28 September 2013 23:22 (eleven years ago) link
Just got over this shit. Water, juice, Cold-Eeze, Advil, and two days in bed home from work mostly did the trick.
― hopping and bopping to the krokodil rot (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Saturday, 28 September 2013 23:26 (eleven years ago) link
It won't go away.
― Dear Catastrophe Theory Waitress (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 23 September 2014 00:52 (ten years ago) link
I briefly misread the thread title as I have a child. Even so, your post still made a kind of sense, though the effect was moderately strange.
So, uh, get well.
― Aimless, Tuesday, 23 September 2014 02:06 (ten years ago) link
ha, thx
― Dear Catastrophe Theory Waitress (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 23 September 2014 02:15 (ten years ago) link
Gah, I've had a cold for like 12 days now. Don't remember them lasting this long. I'm almost wondering if it's two consecutive colds or something. Either way, I'm spent.
― Evan R, Tuesday, 3 January 2017 17:46 (eight years ago) link
I am in this same predicament myself. I don't have the patience to deal with it and keep fleeing to different places, only to then feel worse. I've currently got bowls of water balanced on radiators throughout the house in an effort to humidify the place so that I can breathe more easily. I might put on some pans of water to boil too.
― dance band (tangenttangent), Tuesday, 3 January 2017 18:09 (eight years ago) link
It is happening again
― The Magnificent Galileo Seven (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 3 January 2017 18:10 (eight years ago) link
I too have a cold.
― If authoritarianism is Romania's ironing board, then (in orbit), Tuesday, 3 January 2017 18:11 (eight years ago) link
Ha, I'm doing the pans of water under the radiator thing myself. I dunno if it makes any difference, but at least it's something.
My least favorite symptom right now: brain fog. Makes it mighty hard to work.
― Evan R, Tuesday, 3 January 2017 18:21 (eight years ago) link
I had a double-length cold in August too. I think mine probably was two colds in a row because I flew out to a family event and flew back 5 days later and started feeling bad/worse a couple of days after each flight; I've noticed before that even an hour-long flight seems to give me about a 1-in-3 chance of catching something.
On the other hand, colds seem to be getting worse year on year for me, which I'm 98% sure is just aging, but maybe there've been some nasty cold strains around lately.
(Every time I get a cold I seem to get an ear infection or nose lining infection that won't go away for a while afterwards, plus my usually mostly ignorable tinnitus becomes extra bothersome for several days)
Anyway, get well soon, Evan and other ILXors!
― a passing spacecadet, Tuesday, 3 January 2017 18:50 (eight years ago) link
Dang, that sucks. It's funny because you never think of colds as being that big of a deal until you get one. Hoping I can chalk this one up to just a nasty strain and that I don't have a sinus infection or something
― Evan R, Tuesday, 3 January 2017 19:40 (eight years ago) link
i've gotten pretty good at battling colds before they get really bad. sleep and water seem to be the most important things. lots of miso. a salt water rinse for a sore throat really helps, too.
― marcos, Tuesday, 3 January 2017 19:42 (eight years ago) link
avoiding alcohol helps too.
― marcos, Tuesday, 3 January 2017 19:43 (eight years ago) link
― Eats like Elvis, shits like De Niro (Tom D.), Tuesday, 3 January 2017 19:45 (eight years ago) link
I'm in the recovery phase. Still somewhat low energy. Much less snot today and what there is has become more viscous, as opposed to watery and copious. Good luck, ill-xors.
― a little too mature to be cute (Aimless), Tuesday, 3 January 2017 19:45 (eight years ago) link
had one since the 23rd. think there's a particularly brutal strain this year
― illbient microtonal poetry Surbiton (imago), Tuesday, 3 January 2017 19:46 (eight years ago) link
insisting on going to work/holiday not helping obvs
― illbient microtonal poetry Surbiton (imago), Tuesday, 3 January 2017 19:47 (eight years ago) link
Yeah I caught a particularly nasty one the week before xmas, just getting over it now but still coughing a lot.
Was so heavy with fever at its peak, no appetite at all. Horrid.
― Ste, Tuesday, 3 January 2017 20:08 (eight years ago) link
Two weeks in and I think the worst of the symptoms are finally over, except for some lingering sinus stuff and a kinda painful dry cough I can't get to go away.
I really gotta bring in some donuts or something for my coworkers who have put up with all the coughing and other unpleasant noises this week.
― Evan R, Friday, 6 January 2017 18:23 (eight years ago) link
Oh god I do not feel good.
― emil.y, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 06:59 (seven years ago) link
Man, I don't remember having such bad brain fog during colds. Every time I get a cold now my brain just drifts, making writing almost impossible. Does mental fog get worse with age or something?
― Evan R, Monday, 22 January 2018 16:53 (seven years ago) link
I never get ill. I am ill. Exhausted and listless, with a bunged up nose. I can't face going back to work (secondary school) at less-than-half-speed, but fuck the job is just as hard from home.
Belle and Sebastian are helping a bit.
― Have the Rams stopped screaming yet, Lloris? (Chinaski), Tuesday, 27 November 2018 13:00 (six years ago) link