― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Monday, 21 August 2006 17:44 (eighteen years ago) link
It's a ways yet for me -- my folks are in their sixties and in good health still. But my dad is starting to slow down a touch -- kinda good that he's retired, officially -- and more than once I've wondered a bit about what the not-so-far-away-now future will mean.
Certainly I salute your patience with this all -- I'm not sure how I would react.
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 21 August 2006 17:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Monday, 21 August 2006 17:56 (eighteen years ago) link
The patience is key, but it's really hard to keep it up. Can other siblings/capable family members come to visit to spell you for a bit?
― patita (patita), Monday, 21 August 2006 18:43 (eighteen years ago) link
If by 'graying', you mean 'balding', then yes, to some extent I am such a one.
At the moment the brunt of the responsibility has fallen to an older sister who lives much closer to my 81 year old mother than myself or my other siblings. She takes on the 'dutiful child' role, while the rest of us come in and put in a burst of assistance whenever the tide of troubles rises above a certain level, so my sister doesn't burn out.
My father died two years ago. During his last year and during the year immediately following his death, I drove the 75 mile round trip to see the two of them (later, just my mother) very often. There was so much that needed tending to.
My father, too, suffered from severe short term memory loss toward the end of his life, reducing him to a small shadow of the man he had been - because he became literally unable to encompass any activity that could not be completed within the two minutes or so that he was able to form and hold a single thought. He, too, was inclined to minimize or dismiss the severity of his problems. I finally realized that he understood very well the extent of his diminished capacity, but facing it was too great a threat to his sense of worth and happiness. Denial was how he held depression at bay.
Now that he has passed on, my mother has grasped the nettle of losing her companion and mainstay of 57 years with surprising firmness. I spent 8 months visiting her almost weekly during that transition. It helped a lot, I think, to have family members to talk to and grieve with, and help her form plans and carry them out.
I wish both you and your mother the best, but, as you no doubt know in your bones, even the best possible outcomes available to you and her are still damned difficult to embrace. The cost of love can be pretty steep sometimes, and the bills fall due with increasing frequency at this time. Good luck.
― Aimless (Aimless), Monday, 21 August 2006 19:10 (eighteen years ago) link
I just moved all of my (paternal) grandfather's stuff in with his, uh, 'friend' because he couldn't afford his truck payment and townhome rent and medicines and everything else at once. And since he's still part of the family cosntruction business I spend much of my day ensuring that he isn't overworking (or just screwing things up - he gets frustrated easily that his muscles and joints don't work like they used to).
My grandmother (maternal) has Alzheimer's (early-mid stage), and drove me kind of nuts before it was full-blown. Neither of my uncles, none of my ten cousins and my brother don't do shit. Anything not handled by my parents falls directly to me. The extent of the agonies here (some her fault, some not, mostly involving my useless uncles and their brood) is too long to list.
With both I'm always on-call to fix something or help out or figure out why the TV isn't working or why this bill didn't get paid. I can't say no, even when I want to, and the occasional feeling of being put-upon hasn't helped my relationship with my grandmother. (And, theoretically, I'd like to move north when my finances are sorted and my degree is finished - but I can't knowing that I'd leave anyone in the lurch.)
Only 20 years 'til my parents are in their late-70s...
― milo z (mlp), Monday, 21 August 2006 19:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― i'll mitya halfway (mitya), Monday, 21 August 2006 20:17 (eighteen years ago) link
It's a tricky situation as for whatever reason, mostly a weird sort of shame or embarassment, she is loathe to talk about her problems with my Dad or myself, or anyone really, my sister whom she is very close to can sometimes get a little discussion about it.
It's terrible because she grieves for her feet as things worsen, quite slowly, though the condition may one day lead to her being in a wheelchair. She grieves yet she never seems to get past the denial stage, she can't accept or discuss the problem.
So she will often cry kind of uncontrollably, it's awful to hear, but worse is that she won't allow you to help or even talk, my Dad sometimes just says to me "I have no idea what to do", which is also quite weird, it all feels kind of dysfunctional.
So I relate to the "denial" thing you mention Beth, my mother is much younger and this is a problem. I can only imagine what she'd think if she knew I was discussing this on a messageboard...I just wish I had some productive advice rather than just empathy...
― Ronan (Ronan), Monday, 21 August 2006 20:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Monday, 21 August 2006 23:43 (eighteen years ago) link
Good luck Beth, and everyone else posting here. I've been really lucky so far, but the day isn't far off -- my mother will be 74 next month and my dad is 77. But my dad, Jesus, he heals quicker than Wolverine. He planted his garden this year, went in for quintuple bypass surgery, and was recovered enough to bring in the harvest himself.
― Danny Aioli (Rock Hardy), Monday, 21 August 2006 23:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 00:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― Major Alfonso (Major Alfonso), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 00:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― Danny Aioli (Rock Hardy), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 00:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 00:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― Danny Aioli (Rock Hardy), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 00:25 (eighteen years ago) link
The child unable to believe that the parent has lost power?
― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 00:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 00:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― Danny Aioli (Rock Hardy), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 00:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― Aimless (Aimless), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 01:09 (eighteen years ago) link
My mother (89) has had alzheimers for about 8 years. Her body has served her well, but her brain slowly went to bits shortly after my stepfather died. Unable to manage her house anymore, my brother and I moved her to an independent living center that guaranteed access to its nursing home if and when the time came. It came about two years after the move. I live 3 hours away, but my brother lives within walking distance and visits her several times a week and we included her in family events until about a year ago when she just became unable to feel comfortable outside of her nursing home environment.
She's now almost totally deaf and has never used a hearing aid which makes any serious communication impossible. I visited last week and found her doing a crossword puzzle. We did the puzzle together for a while, but her mind kept drifting all over the place.
My wife's father (82) has Parkinson's and fell down the stairs recently. Compression fractures of three vertebrae was the diagnosis. Surgeons injected some kind of cement in his spine and he was getting about with a walker after only a few days. My wife plans to care for him in his home in the near future. He suffers from dimentia, too, but is on so many meds that I think that may be a contributing factor. This guy was an infantryman in world war II, a radio and tv personality and has had a very good life. He is loved by many people and has had countless visitors at the hospital. He is very frail now and has told me, and I'm sure others, that he knows his life is at the very end.
These are two of the coolest people that I have ever known, both with precious little time left. One knows it and one doesn't seem to. They are both receiving the best care available, but y'know sometimes that don't mean a thing. My thoughts are with all of you.
― jim wentworth (wench), Tuesday, 22 August 2006 01:27 (eighteen years ago) link
This. Heavy shit, huh?
― (✿◠‿◠) (ENBB), Monday, 20 August 2012 17:34 (twelve years ago) link
― curmudgeon, Monday, 20 August 2012 18:31 (twelve years ago) link
In darker moments, I look at my folks now (esp. my Pa who is 75 this week) and feel like the wave of their good years is just on the cusp of breaking. Not really ready for it, not at all.
― that mustardless plate (Bill A), Monday, 20 August 2012 18:44 (twelve years ago) link
My mothers good years are most definitely past. This has become very evident as she's staying with me for a couple days and it's totally heart breaking. Also, there's some memory loss/disorientation stuff happening that's scaring the crap out of me.
― (✿◠‿◠) (ENBB), Monday, 20 August 2012 18:54 (twelve years ago) link
so heavy i can't really talk about it
― these albatrosses have no fear of man (La Lechera), Monday, 20 August 2012 19:00 (twelve years ago) link
Yeah. I started trying to talk about it with someone at work and couldn't really hold myself together. This is really tough. :/
― (✿◠‿◠) (ENBB), Monday, 20 August 2012 23:12 (twelve years ago) link
Good luck Erica... luckily my parents are still mostly 'together' and my dad's problems are a result of his alcoholism rather than real mental deterioration, but it's still awful to have to deal with this stuff.
― one dis leads to another (ian), Monday, 20 August 2012 23:31 (twelve years ago) link
yeah i'm going through this too. all the best, E x
― jed_, Monday, 20 August 2012 23:36 (twelve years ago) link
and everyone else :/
This took up took up over 10 years of my life (from 1994 - 2008 in fact). Both my parents got ill in their early to mid-seventies, and both had dementia and a pretty terrible end in a nursing home in their late seventies.
I spend most of this period visiting at weekends, and other times - and in that rather mad space where you seem cut off from the concerns of normal life, unable to relax for a minute, and living a kind of nightmare existence that no-one else around you realises. (Nothing like the horrific life of a full-time career - but bad enough).
The only thing you can say about it is that it passes, and you realise that what felt like an endless enduring period was in the end just another temporary era.
― Bob Six, Monday, 20 August 2012 23:43 (twelve years ago) link
Siblings help -- if you're lucky.
― a regina spektor is haunting europe (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Monday, 20 August 2012 23:46 (twelve years ago) link
I'm an only child. This is the only time I've ever wished I had siblings tbh.
Thanks, guys. Things are OK and we had a really nice evening. She's staying with me until she flys back to FL on Wed. Ian - alcoholism is a factor here too in addition to a lot of other things. I guess I just really feel for my dad and am really saddened by realizing that it's only going to get worse from here and I'm afraid it's going to do so pretty quickly.
― (✿◠‿◠) (ENBB), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 00:10 (twelve years ago) link
I feel for you, ENBB. I'm an only child too; my mom's 84 this year but still drives, takes care of her own stuff, is still sharp as ever (dad died in 2000). But I dread so deeply the coming of the signs. I can't even model it in my mind. Hugs.
― Lewis Apparition (Jon Lewis), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 00:37 (twelve years ago) link
my mom's 84 this year but still drives, takes care of her own stuff, is still sharp as ever
That's fantastic, good for her! Mine is 74 this year but she's an old 74 and hasn't driven in at least 5 years. Anyway, like I said, we had a lovely day today. It's just a really difficult process to watch and I worry about what will happen down the line.
― (✿◠‿◠) (ENBB), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 00:53 (twelve years ago) link
pullin for you E - us only children gotta stick together. this terrifies me too - and is a big part of what motivates me to do what I do now - but hopefully there will be a good, long time before anything really happens.
― jack chick-fil-A (dayo), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 00:58 (twelve years ago) link
You know you have my support as another only, but I'm too much of a weakling to talk about this stuffIn earnestIn publicBeyond this
But you know where to find me offboard if you wanna talk!!
― these albatrosses have no fear of man (La Lechera), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 01:57 (twelve years ago) link
i will say that my mom is pretty damn sharp in mind, but whenever i visit, i insist on driving EVERYWHERE. her driving scares the bejesus out of me, don't understand how she hasn't had her license taken away. and it only gets worse as she gets older.
― for reasons of sass (the table is the table), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 05:28 (twelve years ago) link
yeah driving is often the "tipping point" of aging parents decline. really hard to give up.
my heart goes out to enbb,la lechera, ian and everybody facing this. all my middle-aged friends have ailing/aging parents right now, you guys are confronting it early like i did. these days my father in law is essentially dying, i was going to post this on the fuck cancer thread but it fits here too. he's 84, until a couple years ago was robust mentally and physically, the picture of how you'd hope to age. so it's shocking to see his rapid decline not just bodily but he's become very confused and withdrawn, barely a shell of his former self. chemotherapy is keeping him alive but at what cost? we just had our annual visit and my wife, her mom (who's a rock) and her two siblings are stressed out and struggling. not much else to say. but it's good to talk about it, in fact it's important for your - our - own mental health to let it out.
― (REAL NAME) (m coleman), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 09:39 (twelve years ago) link
My dad had the driving decision taken out of his hands as he went blind in one eye at the start of the year, but he was getting to be quite a dangerous driver before than (he's 80) so we're really quite glad about it.
― ailsa, Tuesday, 21 August 2012 09:54 (twelve years ago) link
even though she knows she needs them, my mom refuses to get glasses because she thinks that they make her face look weirdshe lives in fear of having her driver's license taken away from her because she is a very independent person and likes her alone time:(
― these albatrosses have no fear of man (La Lechera), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 13:24 (twelve years ago) link
My mother-in-law has had quite serious dementia for the past six years or so. This started when she was in her early-to-mid 60s - one of the first events that really got us thinking that something was up was when she drove her car the wrong way round a large roundabout into oncoming traffic. At the moment she lives in a nursing home as is pretty much just a shell of her former self - she doesn't even know who her children are any more when they come to visit, but thankfully she does still appreciate the company which at least is one small positive that you can take away. Totally depressing though, so for anyone out there who is dealing with this right now, I can totally sympathise.
― mod night at the oasis (NickB), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 13:35 (twelve years ago) link
My mom, turning 80 next month, has been fighting the decline, bless her. Joined the hospital wellness center, has been selling and giving away decades' worth of my dad's accumulated packratcrap, still gets out there and mows her own lawn, etc. Next week she, my daughter and probably my wife are heading off to Biloxi to the casinos. But the decline is there...bad knees, bad feet, diabetes... My sympathies to everyone having a tough go of it these days.
― Romney's Kitchen Nightmares (WmC), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 13:45 (twelve years ago) link
My mum (68) has been dealing with my gran (88) for a long time; my gran has alzheimers. About six months ago she finally got her moved to a nursing home in the same town (200 miles from where my gran was before). Only now is she at the point where she can see any humour in the situation, which results in Facebook messages like this from my mum:
Today's visit to your gran!G. (after a bit of mumbling and searching for words) Are you my daughter?Me. Yes.Gr. Are you really my daughter?Me. Yes.Gr. I can't remember. Am I your mother?Me. Yes.Gr. Where did we live?So I started giving her a potted history of our life.GR. How do you know you're my daughter?A bit later on....Gr, Haven't I got nice legs!She thought it was quite funny that she couldn't remember things; seemed very happy and settled. The staff bore this out.
G. (after a bit of mumbling and searching for words) Are you my daughter?
Me. Yes.
Gr. Are you really my daughter?
Gr. I can't remember. Am I your mother?
Gr. Where did we live?
So I started giving her a potted history of our life.
GR. How do you know you're my daughter?
A bit later on....
Gr, Haven't I got nice legs!
She thought it was quite funny that she couldn't remember things; seemed very happy and settled. The staff bore this out.
― Sick Mouthy (Scik Mouthy), Tuesday, 21 August 2012 14:11 (twelve years ago) link
My mom and grandma live together with mom's "girlfriend", and I moved to be closer to them and my terminally ill Dad (they were separated). Grandma is sharp as a tack and well into her 90s. Of course I love Grandma, but mom is making seeing Grandma a miserable experience.
Like I said elsewhere she is getting into that old people thing of being passive-aggressive. I know I called her a "fascist" I didn't mean it, it's that her emotional state is kind of fascist.
It's her stupid family. She wasn't raised by her own mother, she was raised by her abusive and creepy grandmother and aunt and it really shows in how she deals with stuff like death and adult responsibilities.
If anything difficult happens in her life - death or whatever - she just escapes mentally. Her mom's family had a lot of money and stuff was handled for her all her life!! She doesn't understand why other people don't have it as easy. Because of her family, she feels she has a lot of power and I can't ever suspect her of having mental problems EVER.
― โตเกียวเหมียวเหมียว aka Debriefed by David (Mount Cleaners), Monday, 17 December 2012 18:34 (twelve years ago) link
My mom gave up driving last month. Kinda shocked, but pleased that she came to the decision herself. She's 88 and is in reasonably good health for her age - despite the piles of crap that she's hoarded (ongoing issue for her entire life). Sister is gone for several weeks so I'm on mom duty... it's extra frustrating because her hearing is so bad that she leaves the televisions on with the sound maxed-out and she can't hear the phone.
Vexing problem of the moment... Her sense of time and calendar dates are slipping, so making plans becomes a comedy of errors ("stop by this week" *does so* "what are you doing here, I said to come by next week") ad infinitum ad nauseum
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 1 July 2013 23:40 (eleven years ago) link
wow, that sounds like a serious challenge. i'm sorry. i have this thread bookmarked and it popped up just as my parents arrived yesterday for their first visit in 3 years. they are aging. my mom is in great shape (in spite of some health issues this year) but my dad keeps looking and acting less like himself, which is thrown into stark relief when we look at old pictures together.
― free your spirit pig (La Lechera), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 14:15 (eleven years ago) link
I am going to visit my parents this weekend and I think that I'm actually going to have to ask them point blank what they want me to do for them if they ever get dementia or need care etc. My mom is in bad shape and her memory is already slipping and my biggest fear is that my dad dies first (though this is prob unlikely you never know) and I'm left to make decisions for/about her. I want to know now and while I know she's not going to want to talk about this I'm going to make them because I'm an only child and they have no other relatives here to help and I can't handle the stress and weight of this alone without knowing what they want.
― Airwrecka Bliptrap Blapmantis (ENBB), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 14:19 (eleven years ago) link
Just to share my own personal woes on this thread --
My father nearly died last week; he collapsed on his way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The ambulance came and got him to a hospital and it turned out he had two massive ulcers in his stomach and large intestine. This comes about 6 weeks after a surgery to biopsy a growth in his spinal cord.
Yesterday morning, recovering from the emergency surgery to stitch up the ulcers, he had a major heart attack and is in the hospital with a breathing tube, heavily sedated etc. On our way up to Rhode Island yesterday our van broke down on the Triboro Bridge -- shocks gave out and started to rub against the front tires, causing lots of burnt rubber smoke. We got it towed back to your neighborhood (luckily we weren't halfway through connecticut) and it's going to be repaired this afternoon, $800 later. I'm incredibly worried about my dad. The doctors are not sure how to treat him; they can't give him the usual blood thinners and medications because of the ulcers and recent surgery. I wish so badly I was there. And now I'm worried about the drive up, even though the car is getting fixed, I have a strong distrust of automobiles... Just don't know what to do. It's bad when my aunt is telling me to go straight to the hospital and bring his 'paperwork' (read: living will.)
So scared :\
― i guess i'd just rather listen to canned heat? (ian), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 17:06 (eleven years ago) link
I'm sorry to hear all of that.
― Tottenham Heelspur (in orbit), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 17:37 (eleven years ago) link
me too. suerte, ian.
― free your spirit pig (La Lechera), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 18:41 (eleven years ago) link
Oh, Ian. I'm sorry.
― Airwrecka Bliptrap Blapmantis (ENBB), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 18:51 (eleven years ago) link
Aw man... Hoping for the best
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 23:26 (eleven years ago) link
the latest news is that he's off the respirator and able to talk a bit, though he is very disoriented and doesn't know where he is... so that's great news. the doctor was surprised at how much he's improved since last night when things were a bit more up in the air.
our car didn't get repaired until after 5:30, and not wanting to drive in rush hour, we are going up tomorrow morning.. thanks everyone for your kindness.
― i guess i'd just rather listen to canned heat? (ian), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 23:34 (eleven years ago) link
Safe travel, sweetie.
― Tottenham Heelspur (in orbit), Wednesday, 3 July 2013 03:53 (eleven years ago) link
Urgh ENBB, reading your posts here and on other threads - I have the feeling that we're on the same boat. I'm an only child, living 4 hours away from my parents, with my father at a very advanced stage of Parkinson's and my mother seriously diminished by years of alcoholism (with late-blooming epilepsy added to the mix). My dad has been the justification for getting home-help but in my mind the caretaker's role is also to watch over my mom and alert me when things get real bad. I've been freaking out for the last two years at what will happen if/when my dad passes away and I cannot justify to my mom keeping a caretaker at home.
that rather mad space where you seem cut off from the concerns of normal life, unable to relax for a minute, and living a kind of nightmare existence that no-one else around you realises.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Wednesday, 3 July 2013 07:54 (eleven years ago) link
There is a fine line between being a responsible child of an aging parent and being a child who feels responsible for his aging parents in the same way a parent is responsible for their child. If you feel like a disaster of some sort is perpetually imminent in your parents' lives, then they need both more and less from you than your being on perpetual panicky standby.
Hovering nearby in anxiety just exhausts you and accomplishes very little. They need your assistance to form a plan to get more help in their daily lives. If they refuse this assistance, either you must honor that refusal and trust them to steer themselves, or if they have become legally incompetant to be responsible for themselves, then you must bite the bullet and seek the authority of a conservator or guardian, so at least you can move them away from the brink or perpetual disaster.
I know this x1000 times easier to say than to do. I just would like to plant the seed of this thought so you can consider it.
― Aimless, Wednesday, 3 July 2013 18:14 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah you're totally right. Knowing deep down that this endless anxiety has zero value to them is one of the most frustrating parts. I basically feel I'm on the border between the two scenarios you describe - ie. my mother is too lucid/young/healthy to be completely assisted or put in a home or under my legal guard - and yet alcoholism makes her accident prone and unable to care for my dad and her household. They've got several hours of help every day but even that is starting to seem not enough.I know that I should stop aimlessly panicking and start making concrete plans but my general response to the anxiety is to try as hard as I can to put in my head in the sand and try no to think about it. So yeah, obviously not a winning strategy
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Wednesday, 3 July 2013 19:05 (eleven years ago) link
Alcoholism really complicates that picture. You have a damned tough row to hoe. But you can't realistically save people from themselves.
― Aimless, Wednesday, 3 July 2013 19:09 (eleven years ago) link
baaderonixx - Yeah, it does sound similar although thankfully my dad is still in pretty good health but you never know and that's what scares me. I've tried to talk to them about it before but my mom flat out refuses to do so because she likes to ignore her mortality but that's just fucking selfish and I'm sick of worrying about this so I'm going to bring it up when I'm down there next weekend. He is her caretaker right now and I just have no idea what I'd do if something happened to him. I'm sure as hell not moving to Florida that's for sure.
"The last two-three years of my life have been a long panic attack basically, always concerned what may be happening at my parent's house at any given minute, always refusing to relax or to go on trips because I always feel like i'm on standby mode and might need to rush to my parent's home at any time."
If my dad weren't around and in good shape I'm sure this would be me too. That said, if my phone ever rings and I see it's them calling at a time I'm not expecting I go into extreme panic mode. Also, Christmas this year was so awful that I wound up extending my visit to go with my mom to the dr to see about her meds/drinking but sadly, it didn't really do much. At least I felt better for trying.
Oh baad, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It's really stressful and yours sounds like a particularly tough situation right now.
― Airwrecka Bliptrap Blapmantis (ENBB), Thursday, 4 July 2013 02:00 (eleven years ago) link
geez ian, hang in there man.
― call all destroyer, Thursday, 4 July 2013 02:02 (eleven years ago) link
I'm spending my Christmas break cleaning out my mother's hoarder house. She's 89 and after being very active for most of her life, her body has quit out on her and she's depressed, but meeting it with competing levels of rage and denial. She's flat-out refused all help for years and can be quite alienating about it. Her balance is very unsteady, but she can't use a walker in the house because there's too much trash. My sister brings her food, but she won't let anyone in the house. Hoarding has been an issue in her entire life - it's the reason why my parents broke up. When given the choice between her house full of newspapers and unopened mail or her family, she chose the pile. Now there are consequences.
Ten days ago she began (lust like the commercial) falling down and not getting up. She knows she can't call 911 because emergency services will report just how much of a fire hazard things are in there. Each fall has been progressively worse... The next day, my sister found her fallen over on a pile of unopened magazine. Apparently she had been there overnight without any clothes on and had, well, vacated herself on top of things. The day after that, she fell again and became hypothermic. So after a stay in the hospital and time away from the horrifying conditions in her house she's in outpatient assisted living and impatiently wanting to go home. Only she can't, because it's a shambles. About the only plus side to having to having to Make A Decision about assisted living/nursing homes during Christmas break is that there are so many of them in Orange County.
So we're finally cleaning the house. Desperately want to rant about the weird shit I'm finding, but I don't anything ending up on Reddit right now. The photos I took of the "high water mark" before we began emptying things out have been powerfully radioactive. I think my aunt had a nervous breakdown and I haven't heard back from the last person I sent them too.
his Christmas I've broken out of my current state of "existential depression fortified by all-new economic anxiety" has been interrupted by
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 05:23 (ten years ago) link
oh man
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 05:26 (ten years ago) link
oops... meant to finish with
"At least this Christmas I've broken out of my current state of "existential depression fortified by all-new economic anxiety" with this."
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 05:31 (ten years ago) link
ugh, i'm sorry, that must be really stressful. :-/
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 06:14 (ten years ago) link
oh wow C that's so awful. I hope you get thru it with plenty of support.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Tuesday, 24 December 2013 06:53 (ten years ago) link
Aw, jeez, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this right now. Well, at all, really. Hope that she is able to get the help she requires, and that you are able to cope with it all.
― Branwell Bell, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 10:47 (ten years ago) link
My sister and I went on a whirlwind tour of four different assisted living places yesterday. The outpatient place where my mom is put us in touch with a woman who works as a real estate agent for (what the preferred term is) assisted living facilities. Whatever stereotypes you're imagining after reading that describes the day. If I was a douchey indie film screenwriter, a repeating theme would be:
ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY AGENT has programmed the addresses of dozens of facilities in the satellite navigation system of her Mercedes SUV and scrolls through them with the expertise of a veteran video gamer.
Oddly enough the one we went with is the one that felt most like a well appointed desert Indian casino. Guess that's what the Greatest Generation goes for now. The facilities were all new and the staff simply seemed like they gave a shit about the residents. Blurted out "it looks just like The Village from The Prisoner" several times during the day.
― Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 28 December 2013 12:31 (ten years ago) link
I know what you mean - we went through a similar search three years ago, right before the holidays, for Mr. Jaq's mom. If there had been a more casino themed one available, it would have been a perfect fit. As it is now, he takes her out every other Sunday to one. She was just moved into the "memory care" unit though, and has trouble remembering how the slot machines work. It's a challenging time, and my thoughts are with you.
― Jaq, Sunday, 29 December 2013 23:15 (ten years ago) link
I'm so sorry man, that's so rough. It's such a hard decision to make. I foresee that we'll be facing similar tough decisions in the coming year/s with my father in law as his dementia worsens. There's a small, quiet part of me that hopes that he shuffles off before such a decision has to be made.
It's so hard to bear witness to that level of helplessness...I really sympathize.
― set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 29 December 2013 23:30 (ten years ago) link
So last weekend, my mother unplugged the monitor and tried to use the bathroom by herself (this is still at the first outpatient place). She fell and hurt her back pretty badly, so assisted living is now completely out of the question. Go directly to Memory Care, do not pass Go, etc. The doctor's report gets directly to the point... "dementia, memory loss, wandering & fall risk." I drove her to the new facility on Monday in her own car, but she couldn't recognize it and kept forgetting after I reminded her. Since then she has been just horrible to the staff who have been nothing but patient. I got a message this morning that she had been screaming so loudly at everyone that she developed chest pains and had to be readmitted back to the hospital.
I had been thinking to myself "ok, maybe after 90 days (a totally arbitrary number) things will become predicable again." Now I'm not sure at all.
Thanks for all the kind words. Need to unload somewhere and it might as well be here.
― Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 4 January 2014 22:41 (ten years ago) link
In the meantime, I'm dealing with two floors of this.
The front door to the house is back there somewhere. I bought a giant 150 count box of 13 gallon trash bags at Home Depot and have filled half of them (75 - I counted) with unopened mail, magazines, and newspapers. That's just from the living room.
I think I'm now an expert in dealing with aging parent hoarders - feel free to ask questions!
― Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 4 January 2014 22:46 (ten years ago) link
Oh, ET, I am so sorry it's going down this way. Just wishing you strength to cope with it!
― Branwell Bell, Saturday, 4 January 2014 22:58 (ten years ago) link
(feeling kinda guilty tho coz that room is really only a year or so away from my living room. Eep!)
― Branwell Bell, Saturday, 4 January 2014 22:59 (ten years ago) link
oh jesus. sorry elvis and best to u
― mookieproof, Saturday, 4 January 2014 23:30 (ten years ago) link
Damn. Sending best.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 4 January 2014 23:36 (ten years ago) link
et, you will get through, i'm so sorry to hear of the circumstances. stay strong. don't forget to take care of yourself.
― Hunt3r, Saturday, 4 January 2014 23:47 (ten years ago) link
Oh Elvis. I'm so sorry.
― set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 5 January 2014 00:08 (ten years ago) link
This is the tough stuff of life, sorry you are going through it.
― eclectic husbandry (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 5 January 2014 00:33 (ten years ago) link
I recently learned that hoarding disorder is now classified as a distinct disorder (as opposed to a form of obsessive compulsive disorder) in the new DSM-V. One of my profs at BU does hoarding research--apparently it is very difficult to treat. I'm so sorry that you have a massive cleanup on your hands on top of your mom's move. What a good child you are, you should be proud and take all due credit for what you are doing on your mom's behalf. Best wishes during this difficult time, to you and all of the other ilxors dealing with aging parent issues.
― quincie, Sunday, 5 January 2014 00:47 (ten years ago) link
And to ENBB and everyone else trying to engage their family in end-of-life planning, you might find this helpful? This is how I'm pushing my spouse to structure a convo with his parents:
Click on "download the one slide"
― quincie, Sunday, 5 January 2014 00:50 (ten years ago) link
quincie, thanks for that link - knowing it's too late to have this conversation with my MIL makes it seem possible to approach it with my mother, and to think about what I would want for myself.
Elvis, oh man - take care of yourself as you deal with all this, take full advantage of any and all resources you can. It can feel invasive to contract out a cleanup, but remember the possibility is there if it becomes just too much.
― Jaq, Sunday, 5 January 2014 01:45 (ten years ago) link
It can feel invasive to contract out a cleanup, but remember the possibility is there if it becomes just too much
My sister and I have considered this, but there's some treasure mixed in with the trash so everything needs to be looked at. An example...
A great uncle had a career straight out of a Biggles adventure story. When World War One started, he left Canada for England, learned how to fly, and joined up with the pre-RAF Royal Flying Corps in 1915. He was a reconnaissance pilot, was pals with King Albert I of Belgium, took part in the first aerial survey of Africa, and somehow survived it all. Would have loved to have met him, but he passed before I was born.
One long-standing mystery was whatever happened to his war medals (a Distinguished Flying Cross, a cigarette case presented to him by King Albert, etc.) My mother eventually convinced herself that one of her sisters took them when the old family house was cleaned out but she was always questioning herself about it.
Well I found them. Stuffed in a plastic supermarket grocery bag, Underneath a pile of squalid newspapers with a chair over them. The only thing missing was a "Beware Of The Leopard" sign.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 5 January 2014 03:26 (ten years ago) link
― mookieproof, Sunday, 5 January 2014 03:34 (ten years ago) link
Seriously wow
― Jaq, Sunday, 5 January 2014 03:35 (ten years ago) link
I recently learned that hoarding disorder is now classified as a distinct disorder (as opposed to a form of obsessive compulsive disorder) in the new DSM-V. One of my profs at BU does hoarding research--apparently it is very difficult to treat.
Does your prof have any articles or books out? Would love to read anything on hoarding that's not at a reality show level. I'm especially curious about neuropsych/genetic connections. My mother's father was a big hoarder, my brother is a hoarder, while an aunt is an obsessive neat freak.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 5 January 2014 03:37 (ten years ago) link
BTW, while I'm not a physical hoarder - I do have 8TB of hard drives full of mp3s, scanned comics, etc.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 5 January 2014 03:40 (ten years ago) link
Finding some amazingly Really Weird Shit too. My favorite so far is a fake pewter (but probably aluminum) peacock free-standing flower vase. Apparently you're supposed to put the flowers in its butt. It's aggressively hideous.
Black humor helps immeasurably through all this.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 5 January 2014 03:49 (ten years ago) link
By the way, if anyone here is facing these kinds of issues with your parents. PLEASE do everything you can to have power of attorney, bank accounts, etc. squared away. I don't know what we would be doing now if that wasn't taken care of.
On the lighter side, I found this. Yes, I'm a member of the Wacky Packages generation.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 5 January 2014 03:55 (ten years ago) link
I wish you the best ET, I empathize with your situation, and I recommend a book called Stuff by Steketee/Frost. It was very compassionately written and totally not stupid. It changed my relationship with my mom after she read it.
― mambo jumbo (La Lechera), Sunday, 5 January 2014 04:14 (ten years ago) link
The Steketee/Frost book is great. Recommend it to anyone dealing with this.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 5 January 2014 04:51 (ten years ago) link
One more crazy treasure-in-the-trash story, but I'm doing this at risk of class warfare.
My mother's interests can be summarized like this: cars, football, skiing, ice skating, and the British Royal Family, but cars are definitely #1 on the list. She was pretty active in vintage car clubs, and 2013 was the first time she missed going to the vintage races and concours up in Monterey. The Little Old Lady from Pasadena? That's her.
About two years ago she voluntarily chose to stop driving. This was a HUGE decision and one I never ever expected her to make on her own. She was just way too independent to admit that her eyesight and hearing was failing on her.
The Little Old Lady From Pasadena might have driven a shiny red Super Stock Dodge, but my mom drove these:
When she stopped driving, the key to the A-M vanished in the house somewhere. I offered to help look for the key, but she completely refused (with increasing levels of fury and anger as her health worsened). Getting a new key from the dealer was out of the question ("I'm not paying for a new goddamn key - it's in the house somewhere!") so there it sat for a year.
I eventually found the key at the bottom of a box filled with letters (date range 1968 - 2009) and thousands of those pre-printed return address labels that you sometimes get unsolicited in the mail.
P.S. to the story... When I took her to the nursing home on Monday night, I took her in the A-M - patiently explaining "don't worry, I'm taking care of the cars. I found the key. etc. etc." She didn't recognize the car at all. Sure, she might have occasionally called me by my brother's name and she's been repeating her words for awhile, but this was my first hand "she's not coming back" moment. A couple hours later, I found out that Benjamin Curtis passed. Fucking hell.
P.P.S. What's getting me through this is cooking (the meals at Casa Drone are spectacular and my baking skills are now off the charts), binge watching X-Files on Netflix, and good old-fashioned California Medical Weed. One day at a time as they say.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 5 January 2014 05:48 (ten years ago) link
Indeed. And yeah...not coming up for the Concours must have seemed so strange.
To an earlier point:
Thankfully -- very thankfully -- my parents have been extremely good about this, and I have all paperwork to hand if necessary. We just spent a little time as well during the holidays updating access to safe deposit boxes too. As time progresses we'll see what more needs to happen, but they've been very proactive, and if anything my sis and I wait on them. And so time continues, for now.
When my grandma died, my parents and my dad's brother and his wife spent months clearing out what was a fair amount of stuff from her house, and much like ET mentions, there were hidden treasures among...not trash per se (it never got that cluttered), but a lot of unnecessary things. They said the experience made them aware of how to keep things as simple as possible in terms of what was kept at the house -- it's almost been two decades since grandma's and the process has always been one of a careful paring down of possessions and necessities -- and seeing a story like ET's make me feel very fortunate.
― Ned Raggett, Sunday, 5 January 2014 18:25 (ten years ago) link
ET, we're dealing with something not dissimilar. my wife's mom has alzheimer's (70 years old) and is getting progressively worse (yesterday she thought i was her father) and her eyesight is also terrible. in addition to that, my wife's dad (83 years old) is a mid-level hoarder (almost in a "sweep everything under the rug" way; the living room is deceptively clean but the bedrooms and his office are stacked with old newspapers, magazines, etc, the garage is worse than that, real earthquake hazard rooms.) he refuses to throw pretty much anything away and the kitchen and dining tables are stacked with papers that have to be shuffled aside so we can eat.
worse still is that he was never social and has really no friends, and she has one good friend. plus he leaves her alone for 90 min every day when he goes to temple. and he won't stop. we're just in the process of trying to get their finances in order as best we can AND getting someone into the house to help while working our jobs and raising a two year old.
― christmas candy bar (al leong), Sunday, 5 January 2014 18:35 (ten years ago) link
my inlaws are caring for my father inlaw, who has severe dementia. my brother inlaw swore to his mom before she died that he would take care of his dad, and now he is saddled with the depth of that reality.
at first it was just him & my sisterinlaw doing the caring, but two months of that proved that the task was too big for just them to manage. my brother inlaw, a paramedic & firefighter, had come across Samoan women caring for dementia patients a few times when he ran calls, and he had noticed how good they were with their charges. years later he remembered them & made some calls, and hired two of them to take over his inhome care & housekeeping 7-4 every day except sunday.
this was a HUGE gamechanger. it allowed my inlaws to restore their relationship with him somewhat instead of being "in charge of him" which is a big distinction & a hard role to take on for family members. it also frees up their time so they could separate a little during the day & focus on caring for him at night. unfortunately sunset is the worst time for him - he gets anxious & belligerent, barricades himself in his room, and loses a lot of his cognition around this time of day, as quickly as if you flipped a switch.
the carers have bought them some time, but we are all well aware that it's all borrowed now. but unless/until he becomes violent or a threat to himself/family, my brother inlaw will keep him under his roof.
and while he still knows who we are, it seems to do him some good.
but i have every understanding for anyone not in the position to manage homecare. it's not black or white, and ultimately the best thing for these people we love is as changeable as weather.
i think the thing I have learned watching my father inlaw is the sad reality that most of the qualities i associate with him are now largely gone, just swept away like an eroding sand dune. the shape of him is still there, and it tricks you...but he is fragile inside, and more and more unable to live up to what we all want for him in this stage of his life. it's the hardest thing to watch
― set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 5 January 2014 19:41 (ten years ago) link
Tomorrow marks a milestone: my 89-year-old grandmother has sullenly consented to live-in care. Mind, this was a woman who up until two hours ago still drove her car to the supermarket, about three miles east to the beauty parlor and manicurist, and until three months ago balanced her own checkbook. To increasing scorn and now resignation from my grandmother, Mom has taken this away and restocks her pillbox every week. Except for short term memory lapses which clear as soon as she has a conversation, she's a woman of stunning mental and physical fortitude: no heart trouble to speak, no hereditary cancers, no longterm problems of any kind! When I visit Sunday mornings we watch the Food Channel and she tells me what horrors Guy Fieri concocted an hour before.
Although I'm proud of her independence, it's not a good idea for a woman a year shy of ninety to drive anymore, and my mother understandably resents waiting by the phone anxiously when it's 6 p.m. and Grandma doesn't answer the phone -- she's at the supermarket and lost track of time. Pride keeps Grandma from admitting she wants Mom to do for her what Grandma did to her own mother: be a slave in the most abject manner as she deteriorates (my great grandmother's dementia was a searing experience; unlike Grandma she was a violent woman who bit, kicked, punched, and yelled bloodcurdling imprecations at anyone, young and old, male or female). She would like nothing more than my mother to simply move in with her, regardless of the fact that she's married, happily, to my father and has no intention of spending her autumnal years in bondage to quiet dementia...and for what exactly? To assuage a guilt that doesn't mean shit anyway once the person dies?
When my grandma died, my parents and my dad's brother and his wife spent months clearing out what was a fair amount of stuff from her house, and much like ET mentions, there were hidden treasures among...not trash per se (it never got that cluttered), but a lot of unnecessary things. They said the experience made them aware of how to keep things as simple as possible in terms of what was kept at the house
My mom learned the wisdom of this a few months ago as she threw away Grandma's tax returns from 1976. Fortunately she gave Mom power of attorney and do-not-resuscitate orders years ago, before the trouble.
― the objections to Drake from non-REAL HIPHOP people (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 5 January 2014 19:50 (ten years ago) link
Gail Steketee is my prof! Super smart and passionate.
― quincie, Monday, 6 January 2014 00:24 (ten years ago) link
I filled an entire cargo van with paper garbage (newspapers, unopened/junk mail, and magazines) to the recycler yesterday. Total weight: 1.52 tons. This was mostly trash from the upstairs living room and side bedroom. There's still a long ways to go, but at least there's a little bit of maneuvering room.
Strong possibility that the nursing home might Section Eight my mother out to a mental hospital for a couple of weeks while they adjust her meds. My sister and I brought her some furniture on Friday night and she greeted us with the worst kind "my children are horrible. I'd rather die alone" hostility and violence (she's been punching the staff members and shrieking out loud for minutes at a time). The floor supervisor told us that this behavior is "moderate to average" for Level 4 dementia. Had to ask what the worst is and she said that they sometimes get residents who throw themselves against the wall, beat their heads on furniture, etc. Wondering what the hell level 5 and up is...
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 27 January 2014 01:16 (ten years ago) link
Sorry to hear it, ET. A psychiatric unit may be very helpful for your mom; clearly she is having a hard time of it (which of course means YOU are having a hard time of it, too!). Sounds like you making good progress with the house, kudos on that.
― quincie, Monday, 27 January 2014 01:46 (ten years ago) link
Sheesh, ET, my heart goes out to you, I can't imagine what it's like to go through something like this.
While I was out in Vermont last autumn, my Mum, while in the process of rearranging her own house, announced that she had no intention whatsoever to live past 80, even if it took measures to ensure this. And at the time I was kind of freaking out, like, how can you say this, it's not your choice to make, you live as long as you live, if I'm not allowed to end my life, you're not allowed to end your life. But then I realised, that she is a priest, and has an ageing congregation, and spends half her life going to hospitals and old age care facilities, and administering last rites, and she's seen a great deal of how people end their lives and under what conditions. I suppose I should commend her for making the decision while she still has the faculties to make it, but it scares the shit out of me.
― I'd rather be the swallow than a dick (Branwell Bell), Monday, 27 January 2014 10:38 (ten years ago) link
Oh ET how hard this must be for you to go through. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this. I have about 30 something unread bookmarks and only just now saw this. I can't even imagine.
My mom is beginning to forget things. A lot. She forgets words for this and instead describes them and stops mid-sentence. Last week she apparently had no idea who my dad was in a picture of the two of them taken back when they first met and admitted that her forgetfulness is beginning to scare her.
I never did get to talk to them about what will happen if he dies first and I'm literally the only person left to make decisions about her/with her etc. I think I really need to when I go visit next month though because her flat out refusal to talk about his not only ridiculous at this point, it's insanely selfish.
― Airwrecka Bliptrap Blapmantis (ENBB), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 14:06 (ten years ago) link
I have about 30 something unread bookmarks and only just now saw this. I can't even imagine.
You need to stop hoarding bookmarks.
― pplains, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 14:39 (ten years ago) link
yeah I think I'm gonna delete some now tbh. I bookmark things I don't even care about which is weird.
― Airwrecka Bliptrap Blapmantis (ENBB), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 14:54 (ten years ago) link
I mean, someone's going to have to come along and delete those things one day.
I kid about a harsh subject because I'm on the internet and none of you can punch me, but I've been watching my parents go through all of this with their parents. My mother has been moving things back and forth between three houses since my grandmother died nine years ago. I just want to say STOP, THROW IT AWAY, TAKE IT TO CHARITY.
And my diabetic father who's losing feeling in his feet lives in this swanky 1981 A-frame with spiral staircases and a loft bedroom that has this imitation wrought-iron barrier separating him from the living room 25 feet below. Step-mom has MS. Right now, there are about 20 years worth of Fantasy Football trophies sitting on the floor at the pinnacle of one of those spiral staircases.
So I'm not as close to the situation as some of you are, but I can sure smell it from here. My dad's mom went a little demented late in life, thinking Mexicans were electrocuting her dog through the carpet. I ask him, what am I going to do when you start saying crazy things like that? His answer is along the lines of, "Well, first of all, Mexicans weren't really doing anything to your grandma," and I"m like I KNOW THAT.
― pplains, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 15:11 (ten years ago) link
thinking Mexicans were electrocuting her dog through the carpet
― Airwrecka Bliptrap Blapmantis (ENBB), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 15:12 (ten years ago) link
Oh, they'd come in and steal checks that she had written to the phone company. Leave the TV and jewelry behind, even the checkbook itself.
― pplains, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 15:15 (ten years ago) link
So I'm not as close to the situation as some of you are, but I can sure smell it from here.
My sister and I knew that the status quo with my mother was going to change sometime - we just didn't know when and how it would play out. You just end up waiting around vaguely worried and on hold. I'm right in that age-range when people are dealing with elderly parents and answering the "hey ET, how's it going?" question has led to a lot of stories. I believe a lot of us are more worried about our parents than climate change.
*throws away more mp3s and bookmarks*
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 22:34 (ten years ago) link
haha yeah - for the last 3 years my parents have been my main source of concerns (on a daily basis basically). My situation is pretty extreme, but it's true that once your touch the subject you realise how many people around you are dealing with all kinds of family shit.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 31 January 2014 16:56 (ten years ago) link
as documented elsewhere here I'm helping my wife deal w/her parents (her mom has Alzheimer's and her dad has hoarding issues) and it's a terrible combo. I think this particular generation of people was a generation also that accumulated a lot of stuff, in general, maybe more than subsequent ones. I have no evidence to back this theory up but I also know a lot of people ourselves included who are almost terrified of having too much random crap around the house bc of how we've seen it pile up in the houses of older relatives. my wife's grandparents on the other hand (who are in their 90s, lucid, and sadly well aware of their daughter's state) on the other hand just have always thrown or given everything away (to almost comical degrees: they'll get a gift from someone and a week later quietly give it to someone else. Sometimes the same day!)
― christmas candy bar (al leong), Friday, 31 January 2014 17:09 (ten years ago) link
my wife lives in fear of the day she inherits the staggering hoard of antique car parts that fills the barn and house of her childhood home
― sleeve, Friday, 31 January 2014 17:18 (ten years ago) link
Call those American Picker guys.
― carl agatha, Friday, 31 January 2014 17:36 (ten years ago) link
FWIW, the antique/collector car underground is surprisingly helpful when it comes to these situations. Last year a friend of mine had to deal with her father's car/car parts hoard and after just a few well-placed ads got connected with a collector who paid $$$$ to take the whole works. That world is obsessed with "old cars in barns" stories.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 2 February 2014 23:33 (ten years ago) link
my wife's grandparents on the other hand (who are in their 90s, lucid, and sadly well aware of their daughter's state)
This is heart-breaking
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Monday, 3 February 2014 11:37 (ten years ago) link
my hard left (but stock market baller dad): "wait for rick santelli's take, he knows what he's talking about"
― nothing a reincarnated ronnie james dio couldn't fix (brimstead), Thursday, 6 February 2014 21:36 (ten years ago) link
Aging parents.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but one of the reasons I moved to Los Angeles was to spend the last few years of my guardian's life with her. She raised me and though she was not my biological mother, she was the closest thing I ever had to one.
Today marks two months since she passed away. There was a lot of reflecting going on in the last three months. Earlier in 2013, I remember having a conversation with a good friend and telling her, "I don't know if she can make it through another winter". But the next winter seemed so far away. And even a couple of days before her passing, death seemed so far away.
Now, I'm not judging anyone, obviously, and I think it totally depends on other circumstances, but we would have never put her in a home. Too many thoughts going through my head right now to write something coherent.
I remember about 8 of us slept in her hospital room for probably four days, because we didn't want her to be alone. Many of her family members visited and she seemed to be improving. As the black sheep in a Catholic family, I always looked at the science, and was sceptical ever since maybe April of 2013. And everyone kept...I don't know if deluding themselves is the right word, but they kept holding onto their faith and at the hint of any positive news, they'd forget about all the other ill-occurrences and symptoms she'd had and would continue to have. It was shocking to me, and I tried to say something, but pretty much got accused of so many bad things and being so negative, when I was only trying to help.
Too many thoughts.
She was probably the strongest person I have ever met in my entire life.
I remember when I first created this user, it was meant as an experiment. I really can't keep it up anymore, as it is too much work and seems quite infantile and frivolous. Still trying to understand if there was a deeper meaning for all of this than what it all appears on the face of it.
Created a new user.
― c21m50nh3x460n, Friday, 7 February 2014 00:51 (ten years ago) link
god bless you. i mean that. and i don't believe in god. but i feel for you. i went through something similar w/ my grandmother, but it's too difficult to write about right now.
― espring (amateurist), Friday, 7 February 2014 01:00 (ten years ago) link
I spend most of this period visiting at weekends, and other times - and in that rather mad space where you seem cut off from the concerns of normal life, unable to relax for a minute, and living a kind of nightmare existence that no-one else around you realises. (Nothing like the horrific life of a full-time career - but bad enough).The only thing you can say about it is that it passes, and you realise that what felt like an endless enduring period was in the end just another temporary era.
Pfff - i'll requote this again, mostly for my own personal benefit. Good to know that people have gone through this shit, since it often feels like you're living a nightmare that's completely oblivious to everybody else.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Thursday, 13 February 2014 16:18 (ten years ago) link
An Amazing Village Designed Just For People With Dementia
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 24 March 2014 20:07 (ten years ago) link
For example, one common symptom is the urge to roam, often without warning, which had led most "memory units" and dementia care centers to institute a strict lock-down policy. In one German town, an Alzheimer's care center event set up a fake bus stop to foil wandering residents. At Hogeweyk, the interior of the security perimeter is its own little village—which means that patients can move about as they wish without being in danger.
― pplains, Monday, 24 March 2014 20:25 (ten years ago) link
The whole concept makes me very teary, I think that is a wonderful way to care for dementia patients.
And the fake bus stop made me lol, I bet that would work wonders with my father in law.
― set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 24 March 2014 20:31 (ten years ago) link
If I could live out my final days as a shambling Number Six perpetually harassing The Village in that annoying old-person way... I would be so fucking happy.
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 25 March 2014 05:57 (ten years ago) link
right? it makes total sense
― set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 25 March 2014 06:04 (ten years ago) link
What if you already are? WHAT IF YOU ALREADY ARE?
― pplains, Tuesday, 25 March 2014 14:08 (ten years ago) link
The floors are now able to tell The Village if you've wandered too far: http://www.future-shape.com/en/technologies/23/sensfloor-large-area-sensor-system
― Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 26 March 2014 09:48 (ten years ago) link
Was it on this page where I talked about my grandmother thinking her dog was being electrocuted through the carpet by her neighbors?
Because I'm so glad she never saw that link, Elvis.
― pplains, Wednesday, 26 March 2014 14:28 (ten years ago) link
TMI ahead.
So back in March my mother managed to sneak out of the memory care floor and make it outside by hiding next to the food cart in the elevator and then casually walking out the front door. Alert! The facility calls the cops and everything becomes comically ridiculous with all the procedures that have to be activated when a well-appointed assisted living facility in 2014 surveillance state Orange County goes on lockdown. I'm so fucking thankful I have a job however tenuous because I dodged being the one who had to take the call to persuade my mom to go back inside - my sister did. It all works out OK and she goes back in. The folks at the facility were trying to figure out how she managed to get off of the second floor, but I know the real reason: all the 60s/70s-era pulp espionage fiction she loves*! Alistair MacLean, Len Deighton, Robert Ludlum, Clive Cussler, etc. she read it all. One unexpected benefit of being the child of a super-conservative mom is that we saw every James Bond** movie, every nihilistic conspiracy movie, cold war/WWII/etc. movie on opening night at the Big Edwards in Fascist Island.
The situation over there though was worsening. My mother was just being obnoxious and belligerent, kept trying to get out, and just horrible to everyone. Two weeks ago the facility finally had enough... An Official 5150 (really! It's on the form) and she was moved to a psych hospital for a couple of weeks so her meds could be straightened-out. Success! My sister saw her today and the difference was incredible. She's still talks in cycles and thinks she fell down and hit her head while ice skating but at least she's friendly. One staffer described her as being "the mom you wished you had." Hoping so at least for her sake. I haven't been over there since she told me to shut up and shrieked like a pod person.
*I've been hauling all of these books out of the hoard and taking them to Goodwill by the van-full. My sister and I just started in on month four of this and by my rough calculations + actual vehicle weighing we've hauled out 8.5 tons of crap: most of it books, old clothes, leftover material from abandoned construction and bags upon bags upon bags of paper garbage. One set of civic trash cans have already been killed and replaced (for free!) with larger/stronger ones. Last weekend I let my inner troglodyte take over and took two van loads of disgusting desiccated furniture and leftover construction material to the San Juan Capistrano landfill. At least there's an ocean view out there. The master plan for that part of the county is that the landfill will close in 2067 and then a regional park and city built over the top. I haven't been to the county landfill in over twenty years and I had no idea just how oversized it is now. These days you just kick the trash out of the van onto the landfill moonscape while a bulldozer the size of a McDonalds stands by to grind your filth into the ground. I totally nerd out on infrastructure and things the CLUI does but holy shit there's an eye-croggling amount of Future Bullshit our followers are going to have to deal with. I hate hoarding. I fucking hate it. I hate the corporations who sell "collectables" to elderlies because it's only collectable to a dying generation. I hate the default "that will be worth something some day" and "one day I'm going to fix that up" attitudes. I'm even more annoyed when my hoarding gene is validated and something I hung onto becomes useful again. Prima Deshecha Landfill is now my #1 search term on my phone's Google Maps.
**Of course there will never be a movie about what happens when the older children of an 89-year-old Stage 4 Dementia Moneypenny have to deal with her craziness. I'm still waiting for that perfect existential moment to hit while driving the Aston Martin around but so far no success. Too many assholes that rev engines at stop lights and try to ruin your day.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 14 April 2014 11:23 (ten years ago) link
whoa! I can't believe your mom sneaked out! That is scary but also totally amazing and I can't help but cheer for her.
Glad she is doing better. What meds is she taking? <<< that is a totally personal question so feel free to ignore, of course, but I do have a professional interest in such things or I wouldn't ask!
Your cleanup is amazing. So is your writing. TY for these posts!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 14 April 2014 13:04 (ten years ago) link
I wish I could be around in 2067 for a 20th Century bureaucrat to explain to the new mayor what to do with the landfill.
"Well, our thinking back then was that you could build a park on top of it."
Porcelain Air Bud doll, commemorative plate remembering the 5/23 attacks, wicker bean bag roll by...
"Yeah, that's what you were thinking, eh?"
― pplains, Monday, 14 April 2014 13:40 (ten years ago) link
medication adjustments can really make a huge difference
my father in law (dementia) was aggressive, argumentative, downright misogynistic to my sister in law and his female carer and over a period of 6 months had turned into this horrible man that they didn't want to be around, and did not at ALL resemble the man he had been before things ramped up.
a month ago they took him off a few medications, put him on some new ones (I couldn't tell you what exactly the changes were)...he's back to his old self. He can follow a logical flow of conversation, doesn't get aggressive or agitated with ideas that are new to him, and is much friendlier to be around especially for my sister in law and his carer
I think it's difficult when they are on so many medications for physical ailments AND mental ailments, and in some cases they may have more than one doctor and none of them know what the other is prescribing, or aren't made aware by guardians or whatever. having someone knowledgeable to act as a *medical* advocate for aging patients where mental health is an issue can really make a difference
― set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 14 April 2014 23:41 (ten years ago) link
I haven't seen the full report back from the hospital so I don't have the full details. The text from my sister simply said "Better living through chemistry"
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 00:28 (ten years ago) link
You don't have to wait, you can read about the toxic mess at the former Coyote Canyon Landfill site
From all outward appearances, Newport Coast—the prized real-estate development project of Orange County's wealthiest, most powerful man, Irvine Co. billionaire Don Bren—looks to be a slice of heaven on Earth. Elaborate gates and private guards protect hillside neighborhoods with sweeping, Pacific Ocean views. Mediterranean-style houses, some accurately called "palatial estates" in real-estate guides, can fetch $20 million or more. Even the palm tree-, succulent- and flower-lined, litter-free public roads suggest paradise.It's the perfect setting for a crime or, at least, a bizarre mystery.Just as Bren hails himself as the perfect, proud capitalist even though his private, cash-cow project is (cleverly) publicly subsidized, Newport Coast is built on a contradiction. Next to all those gorgeous estates is one of OC's largest toxic dumps: Beside Newport Coast Road, the 395-acre Coyote Canyon Landfill contains 60 million cubic yards of municipal solid waste generated from household, commercial, industrial, recreational and agricultural trash sources during a 30-year period.But the waste—so extensive it goes 200 feet deep—hasn't just been sitting there. County officials and Bren have allowed a gas-recovery company to burn the trash to generate power. Incinerating trash can have negative consequences for nearby humans through the release of dioxins and arsenic into the atmosphere. In January 2010, a decision to burn Coyote Canyon trash around the clock seven days a week doubled the cancer-risk threshold, requiring government air-quality officials to alert 200 Newport Coast households to the danger.This is where our crime mystery begins.After the decision to keep Coyote Canyon incinerators burning nonstop, Anna D. Steiner—a practicing medical doctor, single mother of three children and well-to-do Newport Coast resident—noticed that her children (ages 14, 12 and 11) began suffering unusual symptoms, including bloody noses and chronic abdominal pain. Concerned, Steiner took them for urinalysis testing. Arsenic—a lethal poison in large doses—was detected, but in levels considered normal. The kids continued to exhibit signs of sickness, and Steiner continued to test. In May 2010, her youngest child twice tested positive for above-normal levels of arsenic in her system.The findings were understandably alarming. Steiner wondered if Coyote Canyon landfill activities caused the poisoning, or if a sneaky, would-be killer was loose. On the advice of a social worker and with the hope of solving the mystery, she went to the local police in Bren's home city for help.
It's the perfect setting for a crime or, at least, a bizarre mystery.
Just as Bren hails himself as the perfect, proud capitalist even though his private, cash-cow project is (cleverly) publicly subsidized, Newport Coast is built on a contradiction. Next to all those gorgeous estates is one of OC's largest toxic dumps: Beside Newport Coast Road, the 395-acre Coyote Canyon Landfill contains 60 million cubic yards of municipal solid waste generated from household, commercial, industrial, recreational and agricultural trash sources during a 30-year period.
But the waste—so extensive it goes 200 feet deep—hasn't just been sitting there. County officials and Bren have allowed a gas-recovery company to burn the trash to generate power. Incinerating trash can have negative consequences for nearby humans through the release of dioxins and arsenic into the atmosphere. In January 2010, a decision to burn Coyote Canyon trash around the clock seven days a week doubled the cancer-risk threshold, requiring government air-quality officials to alert 200 Newport Coast households to the danger.
This is where our crime mystery begins.
After the decision to keep Coyote Canyon incinerators burning nonstop, Anna D. Steiner—a practicing medical doctor, single mother of three children and well-to-do Newport Coast resident—noticed that her children (ages 14, 12 and 11) began suffering unusual symptoms, including bloody noses and chronic abdominal pain. Concerned, Steiner took them for urinalysis testing. Arsenic—a lethal poison in large doses—was detected, but in levels considered normal. The kids continued to exhibit signs of sickness, and Steiner continued to test. In May 2010, her youngest child twice tested positive for above-normal levels of arsenic in her system.
The findings were understandably alarming. Steiner wondered if Coyote Canyon landfill activities caused the poisoning, or if a sneaky, would-be killer was loose. On the advice of a social worker and with the hope of solving the mystery, she went to the local police in Bren's home city for help.
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 00:42 (ten years ago) link
If there are any Boston-area ilxors who read this thread, I need your help.
We live in nyc, but my wife is in Framingham right now trying to get her mother's situation sorted out. In a nutshell, her mom has had severe OCD for a long time and it has gotten to the point where it is seriously imperiling her health (she's barely eating or drinking because of her inner edicts). She lives on her own in a subsidized complex and gets social security. She still drives (is only in her early 70s) and goes out every day, but is highly, angrily, nastily, cunningly resistant to treatment for her problem. My wife is down there to basically force her into treatment by hook or by crook, preferably CBT and with a female practitioner, maybe inpatient if medicare/Tufts HMO will cover it. Wife is gonna stay down there for a week and half but there is def gonna need to be something like a caseworker popping in on Mom after that to make sure she is working whatever program is assigned her etc. I am hoping one of y'all might know a) a provider that fits the bill in the area around framingham/metro west and or b) some kind of MA state program that is especially geared toward this kind of instance with elderly patients? Or a state hotline that points one in the right direction? Wife does not have much internet access down there and only has her smartphone with her so I'm trying to come up with a game plan from my perch in nyc...
― Khamma chameleon (Jon Lewis), Thursday, 22 May 2014 16:24 (ten years ago) link
Does anyone here have any advice on convincing a reluctant parent to cooperate in this sort of business? My mother is living in squalor reminiscent of the pictures upthread, and in the past has dodged the question when I try to bring up this subject. I dread the idea of something critical happening, and having to dig through feet of stuff to try and find her information.
(I am so cowardly in the face of this that I am considering getting back together with the guy I dumped years ago, just in hope of getting some emotional support.)
― #TweetFromAnUnknownWoman (j.lu), Sunday, 25 May 2014 20:57 (ten years ago) link
hey jon. to get the attention of the people you want, just keep posting here: Boston -- Classic or Dirty Water?
that's kind of our thread. (even if you didn't get a response last time)
― markers, Sunday, 25 May 2014 21:43 (ten years ago) link
it's been more inactive as of late than it has in the past, but it's possibly your best bet on ilx
Best wishes and positive thoughts to all on this thread -- this is hard, hard stuff.
Since his retirement, Pa C. has been living in a cabin in the north Georgia mountains. Over the last year or two it has become obvious that his ability to function on his own is waning. What finally prompted me to intervene was his inability to make the drive to or from our house, about 100 miles, without becoming confused and lost and arriving many hours late. After his last nerve-wracking attempt, I talked to him very directly about how much stress and fear his diminishing capacity was creating for me and for the rest of the family. His short-term memory is shot, but he's otherwise still fairly cogent, and he seemed to respond much better to my saying "you can't live this way any more because it's scaring me to death" than "you can't live this way any more because you're frail and demented."
Once I got him to acknowledge there was a problem, he gradually let me get more directly involved. That was about six months ago. Last week he moved into a place a few blocks from ours and so far seems to be adapting well to his new environment. How I am going to adapt to spending many hours a week helping him shop, clean, etc. remains to be seen.
I think a huge part of the challenge of these situations is breaking through the psychological conditioning of childhood in relating to a parent, whether that conditioning disposes one toward passivity, rebellion, deference, terror, or whatever. It's difficult to get past habitual emotional responses and find new ones that are based more on current events than on history. This opportunity for emotional reorientation is one faintly positive aspect of events that otherwise can feel overwhelming.
― Brad C., Sunday, 25 May 2014 21:53 (ten years ago) link
By calculation I'm up to around 13 tons of crap out of the house and into the Goodwill and Prima Deshecha: City Of The Future. Most of the heavyweight: mouse-pee infected furniture, 1200 pounds of rusted wrought-iron furniture, enough books to stock several Goodwill stores of the type of books Goodwills carry, and unending piles of accumulated bullshit that's hard to deal with. Every day I utter "Fuck, do I just put all that into a bag?" I feel like I'm paying some perverse type of psychic penalty for being really into Mad Men - having to dig out a mid-century modern house
I keep thinking in terms of restarting a derelict spaceship ("life-support is at 35% captain") but the reality is more ferally practical. I want to get the fucking toilet working so I don't auto-conclude "enh, it's just easier to pee in the trees on the hillside." On top of all that, I'M MOVING IN. It's hard not to think of it as squatting in a derelict place, but if those maniacs in Slab City can make it work out in apocalypse land I certainly can deal with this. Mad respect to those folks in Detroit who buy ten dollar houses and somehow Make It Work.
Meanwhile my mother is... well let me quote from an email my sister just sent me:
It seems that when mother is left alone, she walks around a bit and participates on the periphery of things going on, which is a big improvement. As soon as one of the staff is in the room or I'm there, she manipulates and moans and groans. There was an issue a week ago of two staff people having to make her get in the shower, and those people are now "evil."
There's another hoarder on the floor! She comes into other residents' rooms and takes stuff.
Potential problems!!
The CENSORED is having a hard time renting out the room next door because mother enjoys walking around in the nude. She doesn't go out in the hallway like that though--yet. Another big problem (brace yourself for this one) is that she is also very sexual and noisy about it. A number of dementia patients are like this--more men than women. I asked if there was some kind of med to tone it down, and there is one that they give to men sometimes. CENSORED STAFF will ask the doctor.
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 27 June 2014 07:51 (ten years ago) link
You cannot get enough praise and support for what you're dealing with, ET.
If I lived near you I would totally adopt your mom and hang out with her, because it is SO MUCH EASIER when it is not *your* parent!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 27 June 2014 11:36 (ten years ago) link
i think you deserve a breakhow heavy, on a scale of 1-10 is this for you? (feel free to not answer this if you don't want, i don't mean to pry)i ask bc if it were me (and it will be eventually on some scale), i think i would be completely imploding. i hope you have someone you can talk to and hang with irl to decompress.
― La Lechera, Friday, 27 June 2014 13:23 (ten years ago) link
1 = can totes handle this no problem10 = take me down to the hospital
― La Lechera, Friday, 27 June 2014 13:24 (ten years ago) link
aw dude, sending you good vibes.
― polyamanita (sleeve), Friday, 27 June 2014 14:05 (ten years ago) link
It's all over the scale. Sometimes I wish my memory wasn't quite so sharp because *everything* in there has sense memory and you can't turn that off. My gf has come down several times to help me dig out and she approaches it as pure archeology - separating the treasure from the trash - and is asking the honest "keep, eBay, Goodwill, or trash" question and I keep having answering "trash" and getting frayed around the edges because every single fucking thing in there was a choice my mom made to value that thing more than she valued her family. There's no sense of importance - the piles of unhandled junk mail become equally as important as family photographs, kindergarten drawings, old furniture she compulsively bought at garage sales, broken hot plates, dozens of old desiccated dolls, even more dozens of teapots, hundreds of never opened cook books, water-damaged photographs that I remember not because of the vacation or occasion but because she made me feel bad about wearing glasses ("you got your father's eyes") and demanded that I take them off, and on and on and on.
At some point I just had to push back and deliberately say out loud "you will not be able to make sense out of this because she's crazy. Crazier for much longer than you suspected. It's also not your fault because she got a bad hand dealt to her by her parents." I've been seeing a therapist regularly for about a year and a half now. Good guy - he and his family left revolutionary Iran for Australia and then the US with only the clothes on their backs. Has a perspective on life I can relate to and specializes in PTSD. I actually started seeing him after I was laid off and discovered that nuTech had disrupted me out of my profession and into a New Economy Midlife Crisis. The mother stuff came a few months later and after a sufficiently long period of weed, screeching guitar noise, staying up all night watching X-Files reruns, Diablo 3 and halfhearted attempts at looking for work I had to make the choice of either surrender to depression and just be Depressed Guy or slowly and deliberately get some momentum going again. I went with cathartic determination and my own special blend of black humor.
The last major breakdown I had onsite was last week when I finally found the picture from the time my parents and I went to Florida to see the launch of the last moon landing flight - Apollo 17. A NASA astronaut from Orange County spoke at one of my mom's political groups, got us passes for the launch with everything it entails for a minor local visiting dignitary. Go ahead and guess how important that trip was to seven-year-old me. Anyway, after the flight he got the A17 crew to autograph a print of the launch - not a NASA PR auto pen, but actually hand-signed. The photo disappeared into the horde and hadn't been seen since 1973. Sure, that photo has huge artifact importance to the Telecom household but that to Florida was the last time my parents and I went on a vacation together and acted about as well as a normal family could be. Huge psychic importance and I wasn't giving good odds to recovery as six months into the digging I had found nothing. Until last weekend. Found it sandwiched in between 30 year old magazines and crumbling newspapers. Still in the original NASA envelope. I must have cried for 15 minutes straight.
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 27 June 2014 22:26 (ten years ago) link
Some cool side-effects... In the early 50s my dad was trying to sell short-stores to magazines. My mom always said that he put "writer" in the Father's Occupation box on my brother's birth certificate because he felt bad about putting in "Taxi Driver," but I didn't know that he was actually working the hustle. Found a box with all his stories complete with the rejection letters from Esquire. Remind me a little of Elmore Leonard.
Also discovered that my kindergarten art is so obvious of an indicator that I'm going to be into abstract expressionism, obsess over Kandinsky, Leger, etc.
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 27 June 2014 22:35 (ten years ago) link
Another side-effect. I'm in the best physical shape I've ever been in this century. My next door neighbor was positive that I was ten years younger. Seriously looking at preparing for a big hike on the John Muir Trail later on.
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 27 June 2014 22:37 (ten years ago) link
Elvis i fucking love you for these posts.
― OutdoorF on Golf (Jon Lewis), Friday, 27 June 2014 22:53 (ten years ago) link
One of my parents-in-law is gravely ill rn, but NOT the one whose house is filled to the gills with a physical pandemonium that (I'm told, we've not been allowed in there in the 10 years my wife and I have been together) bids fair to put anything seen on Hoarders in the shade. When that parent in law passes I'm going to be the copilot for a garbage journey that will probably be unimaginably painful and intense for my wife. May tap you for wisdom when that time comes.
― OutdoorF on Golf (Jon Lewis), Friday, 27 June 2014 22:59 (ten years ago) link
oh man elvis
pretty sure my reckoning will be, for better or worse, infinitely more mundane: fifty-year-old sewing/gardening implements, windows 3.1 manuals, 90s-era newspaper clippings, hidden caches of v8 juice forgotten amidst the mess
― mookieproof, Friday, 27 June 2014 23:55 (ten years ago) link
Seriously looking at preparing for a big hike on the John Muir Trail later on.
My dad and sis have done it. I encourage you to do so.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 28 June 2014 02:30 (ten years ago) link
elvis, your posts in this thread are humbling and inspiring. i have a shit ton going on with my elderly folks at the moment, and i truly appreciate the fortitude, forthrightness, and imo righteous dignity that you present here. take care of yourself. hope you get to go hiking.
― blisco sinferno (Hunt3r), Saturday, 28 June 2014 05:01 (ten years ago) link
― set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 28 June 2014 05:11 (ten years ago) link
ET, this sounds like an almost unbearable load, and yet you seem to be bearing it with forthrightness and even good (albeit black) humour. That you are taking this terrible experience and turning it into this heartbreaking yet beautiful and strengthening series of posts is such a sign of your personal strength and integrity. This is going to sound like a strange thing to say, but I hope that you are writing it down elsewhere, as well. You are such a creative person, creativity is really the way to handle these impossible and unbearable things. (Short way of saying: it's an insane and yet fascinating experience to be digging out the personal archeology of your and your family's life as you try to transform a hoarder's prison into a liveable home. I'd read a book about that subject, should you have the energy to turn it into one.)
I dunno about saying the other half of what I want to say (my talking about mental illness on ILX always ends up coming out wrong) but it's this: you do have the right to feel angry and sad and frustrated and betrayed about your mother's aberrant behaviour. (Some of it - the stuff about the glasses - yeah, that's not mental illness, that's a choice.) But the stuff that very much *is* mental illness - the hoarding, the indiscriminate composting of your most treasured family memories in amidst fucking garbage - the thing that I always have to try to remember when dealing with the seriously mentally ill members of my family, is that people are not being mentally ill *at* you. Intention is one of those hard things to disentangle, because, when someone is hurting you, and badly, it does not matter if they *meant* to step on your foot or not, it still hurts having your foot stepped on and your bones crushed, and you have a right to that pain. But when you're reading into it "my mother didn't care about me any more than she cared about rubbish" - that's not how it is. Your mother's mental illness was unable to distinguish between mementoes of your life and mementoes of the morning's post, but that is not an intentional act, that is the madness, and as hard and as painful as it is, one cannot draw conclusions about what a person truly values, emotionally, from what their mental illness and their compulsions compel them to do.
Like, to use a metaphor here, which will feel very familiar to you: I hoard CDs. You've seen (at least part of) my CD collection, and you know that it's physically impossible for me to get rid of CDs, even promos I don't even like. I keep everything, it's a weird compulsion. Yet, when it comes to the things I treasure, I fucking know the difference between "this is a treasured and meaningful artefact, a demo that was given to me by the guitarist" and "these are 37 copies of the same single (not even my favourite single!) in different formats that I just have because my bandmate was working at their record company when it came out that I cannot bring myself to get rid of." No one looking at that CD collection would know that the treasure sandwiched between 37 copies of junk is my treasure, but I still know. It's a dumb metaphor and probably doesn't work, but it's just about the futility of trying to draw ideas about value from the actions of a compulsion.
Anyway, just sending you light & love and reminding you that there will eventually be an end to all this digging.
― FEEL MY DESIRE. I'M A FRUSTRATED FAN. (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 28 June 2014 08:02 (ten years ago) link
Branwell -
If anything I've learned just how human my mother is. I allude to her family background a little in http://www.ilxor.com/ILX/ThreadSelectedControllerServlet?showall=true&bookmarkedmessageid=5052558&boardid=77&threadid=100094 but in short - she was raised in a 1920s-era children-seen-and-not-heard family were parental emotions were, at best, austere. Her father was also a out-of-control hoarder. Furthermore, she was the eldest of five daughters - I can only imagine what the competition was like in the middle of that: fifty years later, my mother still held a grudge against a younger sister who got ballet lessons when she didn't. Others held grudges against my mother for being the one who "moved away and left us." I was born so late into the marriage that all of this background may as well have happened to another person - I never really had an idea of what her experiences were like and reading all the saved letters (and they're *all* saved) has been, well, eye-opening. She was dealt a bad hand, got married at 19, and sadly was never able to get out in front of her own festering mental illness. Who could? It was the 1940s and 50s - mental illness itself wasn't even an addressable problem, much less hoarding. My dad used to say "I wonder how bad it could get?" Um dad, pretty fucking bad!
Of course I bring my own baggage and perspective to the Current Situation. I'm a expert problem-solving guy - perpetually on the lookout for patterns and intentions and latching onto them like Sherlock Holmes. I can't help it - my whole brain is optimized for doing that. After thirteen broken hotplates, 70+ teapots, endless numbers of empty tissue boxes and on and on and on it I finally had to admit to myself that I probably would not and never will find any connections, explanations, and certainly not any answers and to just get on with the digging. If I paused at every "WTF is this?" moment I'd still be outside trying to open the door. I'm also completely terrified because in a parallel universe that's very close to this one, I'm a hoarder too and probably just as bad - towers of albums, books, ephemera, on and on.
I used to think that I was responsible for a lot of her behavior. Two weeks ago I made it to the back wall of the garage (the windows had not been opened in over 45 years - I know this for a fact) and found most of her things that pre-dated her marriage that she could never let go of. There's a lot of it. I wish that she could have found a way to let go but hooboy were there a lot of consequences. I need to write a follow-up post to my exegesis at Tell me all about 10-year-old you
I didn't intend to take over the thread, but megathanks to everyone here for all of the support. Whenever I answer the "so what have you been up to?" question with "89-year-old hoarder mom" more often than not it inevitably ends up being a "I don't know what's going to happen to my parents" discussion. Seems like there's a lot of ambient fear, uncertainty and doubt when it comes to dealing with parents in the final stage of their lives. I wouldn't usually suggest stream of consciousness core-dumps on ILX, but HFS I gotta get this out somewhere.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 30 June 2014 04:07 (ten years ago) link
xxxxxxpost to Jon - please ask away when it's time.
I can only describe the excavation as like writing a book, climbing a mountain, driving I-10 through Texas or really anything that requires constant, steady, unchanging work. It sucks, I hate it. I want my weekends back and then all of sudden, holy shit I made a clean spot. Hey, there's a house under here. That bedroom can now be yellow-tagged.
Sign posts like that keep you going - also taking things to Goodwill where I'm hoping the stuff will, you know, actually get used for once.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 30 June 2014 04:23 (ten years ago) link
OK, one last thing.
You know who I hate? I hate the people at Franklin Mint, QVC, or anyplace who markets ridiculously priced "collectables" at elderly folks vulnerable to the exploitation of nostalgia. Over a long enough time scale, the value of these collectables is a Big Fat Zero. Can only imagine the meetings going on as these people look at aging population of baby boomers and how to best market them out of their money.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 30 June 2014 04:36 (ten years ago) link
the thing that I always have to try to remember when dealing with the seriously mentally ill members of my family, is that people are not being mentally ill *at* you.
Thanks for this, Branwell. You're absolutely right.I've been dealing with my own aging parents hell, as documented upthread, and yeah I do get in these fits of rage because of my mother's drinking and all the accidents and the middle-of-the-night calls from the local hospital. But beyond all the horrible practicalities, the hardest part is this misguided resentment I have towards my mom - as if she was stabbing me in the back everytime she buys a bottle.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 1 July 2014 13:36 (ten years ago) link
Louis Theroux's documentary about dementia patients in Arizona to thread:http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xs16mn_extreme-love-dementia_shortfilms
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 11 July 2014 06:49 (ten years ago) link
^^^just finished watching this--thank you for posting. I'm feeling a little torn about doing my next internship (I do 2--am currently in a hospital ICU) in hospice or at a memory care facility. I'm going to try to get a volunteer gig it a local memory care joint to get a little experience.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Saturday, 12 July 2014 13:46 (ten years ago) link
When I first learned that dementia progression was broken down into numbered stages I kept thinking of hurricane and tornado strength ratings. If you're already at stage five, then what the heck happens when things get even worse?
Last week the nursing home called. In short, my mother's needs have gone beyond what they can provide. They're absolutely correct too... her dementia is progressing very quickly and because of all the falling, she's had to trade in the walker for a wheelchair. She can barely cut her food, much less move a fork to her mouth. Using the bathroom (which she does often) is more of a production. Her instinct is to get up and go, but that's when she keeps falling down and whenever she complains about the pain the home automatically sends her to the hospital for examination. Repeat repeat repeat.
The next step is a board-and-care house. These are residential houses with five to six residents and since they're smaller, the staff (the better ones have RNs on duty) can provide constant and more individualized care. They're also significantly less expensive. So last week my sister and I met up with a Realtor For The Elderly and we visited a half-dozen. Knocked flat at just how camouflaged they are - they look just like a regular Orange County suburban house from the outside, but the insides are all set up for dementia care. Instantly thought of suburban marijuana grow houses or stash houses for the undocumented. Apparently there's a lot of them in OC, because of the crash quite a few homeowners have converted their properties to board-and-cares. Just in time too, there's not enough facility space to accommodate the growing numbers of patients.
Finding the right match is tricky. One house was scratched off because of my mother's casual racist colonialism (the director was Indian and I instantly envisioned my mother going off again on "how horrible it was that England gave up on India"). Another house scratched because the manager looked visibly worried when we mentioned the middle-of-the-night hollering and attempts to walk. All of them have hospice options which I suspect we're going to need sooner rather than later.
Meanwhile there are some issues with her physical health. A couple months ago the doctors ran a complete physical test and found an aortic aneurysm. Surgery is out of the question because of her age and fragility. She's on a pain patch right now, which seems to help but the dementia is front-and-center.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 28 July 2014 00:53 (ten years ago) link
BTW, the costs of all this is eye-croggling. Because of all the outbursts, we had to move her to a private room - a change from $5500/month to $6650/month. Pharmacy costs are equally as HFS: $1800/month - mostly from a couple of black box meds. There's some small relief from Medicare and social security. There's an upcoming change in January that will relieve some more, but I don't know what it is - my sister is handling all the medical stuff while I deal with the house. For that matter, I'm unsure if my mother will make it to January.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 28 July 2014 01:00 (ten years ago) link
Oh yeah, I finished moving into the house yesterday.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 28 July 2014 01:01 (ten years ago) link
Didn't expect to be updating again so soon, but the board-and-care is out for the time being. The dementia behavior is completely out of control again. She's now "painting herself in shit" and hollering so loudly at all times that folks on the first floor are calling up to see what's going on. Anyway, it's back to the hospital for now while the doctors again readjust her anti-psychotics and try to level her out.
One of my aunts commented that my mom "thought of herself as an only child who happened to have 4 younger sisters" and commonly threw tantrums. The nursing home manager remarked that as dementia patients regress back to the toddler stage those emotional memories become front-and-center again. Fucking hell.
One resident on the memory care floor has 11 children and all of them are fighting amongst themselves. The conservator wants to quit.
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 02:27 (ten years ago) link
thank you for your contributions to this thread, which as horrid as they are to read give a very lucid insight into something that few people who don't have first-degree relatives with dementia will be particularly acquainted this
― Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Tuesday, 29 July 2014 02:39 (ten years ago) link
acquainted *with*
― Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Tuesday, 29 July 2014 02:41 (ten years ago) link
Yeah. I mean...damn. DAMN.
ET, seriously, if you need to step away for an evening at some point, you know where I'm at, and you're more than welcome to just come over here and decompress.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 03:00 (ten years ago) link
I can't even imagine on how families deal with early-onset dementia/Alzheimer's. One of the dementia patients featured in the Theroux documentary is a forty year old woman with a family and a nine year old child. Utterly heartbreaking. I feel like I'm... well, not lucky but maybe dealing with an abbreviated experience? It's not like I'm super-close with my mother, but as nakh. said she's still first-degree and you only have one. I was 22 when my dad died and very young at handling Big Life Issues like that. I'd like to think I'm better at that now.
I can't wait until I no longer need to monopolize the thread, but I'm glad it's here should another ILXor need it.
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 03:40 (ten years ago) link
BTW, TIg Notaro's LIVE may just be the best thing to listen to when you're suddenly navigating through pits of stress and uncertainty:http://tignation.com/2013/08/tig-notaro-live-full-release/
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 03:44 (ten years ago) link
saw my 101-yr old grandfather again today -- he said he misses his mother
shits real
― johnny crunch, Friday, 1 August 2014 18:23 (ten years ago) link
my wife's mom has been on and off various medications for her alzheimer's and she has also been prone to seizures. she went off one medication that was giving her certain 'digestive issues' and then yesterday had another seizure, pulling down my wife's dad as she fell. she's okay, relatively speaking, and is at home. my wife's dad has a small hip fracture and needs a rod installed to prevent any future complete break.
we drove out there last night to deliver some overnight stuff to my wife, who had gone earlier. my wife's mom is asking to go home or asking where her husband is or needs to (or more accurately thinks she needs to) use the bathroom every ten minutes. my wife's trying to use this time to get rid of any crap lying around the house resulting from her dad's hoarding problem. on my way out the door last night i grabbed about twenty old used tissues lying on the dining table and an old banana.
i did not attend to the pile of paper towel bits: you know how when you tear a paper towel and sometimes there's just a little triangle left to the roll? he doesn't leave it there, he tears it off and saves them in a pile on the kitchen counter for tiny spills. this would be ok if the counter wasn't filled with dozens of other things and also if he ever actually used the scraps.
― LIKE If you are against racism (omar little), Sunday, 17 August 2014 16:52 (ten years ago) link
Elvis did you ever find anything to read about hoarding? I read Stuff a while ago and it's a thoughtful, sensitive, fascinating-but-not-lurid account of hoarding and the psychology of hoarding. (It's popular nonfiction, not an academic text, but the authors are a research psychologist and a clinician with loads of experience.)
― heck (silby), Sunday, 17 August 2014 17:21 (ten years ago) link
― LIKE If you are against racism (omar little), Tuesday, 19 August 2014 19:25 (ten years ago) link
it's not like it was a total surprise, but getting the official dementia diagnosis for an otherwise extremely healthy 73 year old is oh god I know this road and it is such a fucking sad road
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 29 September 2014 23:18 (ten years ago) link
oh quincie. It is.
― ljubljana, Tuesday, 30 September 2014 00:43 (ten years ago) link
already I have had suggestions for "looking into coconut oil and a super-low carb diet" I mean this is Alzheimer's, c'mon.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 01:43 (ten years ago) link
suggestions from well-meaning ppl who don't have a clue, is what I mean
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 01:44 (ten years ago) link
yeah, the pervasive notion that dementia can be halted or reversed is depressing, because it just reinforces that these helpful ppl have not witnessed the cruel decline in person
― difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 04:39 (ten years ago) link
mr veg's dad continues to decline. seeing him slowly fade is the hardest thing i have faced. it's like watching dandelion seeds blow away one at a time
each time there's just a little bit less of him, and a little more fog
― difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 04:42 (ten years ago) link
when I was small my mom was POA for her mother, who had non-Alzheimer's senile dementia and must have been a mighty challenge to deal with. It was many years before the phone in her room was taken away and until then my mom would regularly have frustrating phone calls with her that ended in shouting, which was naturally upsetting and confusing to small-me. Thinking about it now as a young adult and my folks on the edge of retirement makes me anxious sometimes. I don't know what they might need in 10 or 20 or 30 years, or if they have advance directives, or anything.
― Spirit of Match Game '76 (silby), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 05:37 (ten years ago) link
I highly recommend "5 Wishes" for advance directive planning:
It's actually pretty cheesy in places, but has the advantages of 1) being very straightforward and accessible and 2) recognized and honored as a legal document across most states (so you don't necessarily have to do a state-specific directive) and 3) no lawyer required
The palliative care team at my hospital uses it and it is pretty much the "go to" document for hospitals and hospices. I'm doing one myself.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 12:21 (ten years ago) link
this is relevant to the discussion, tangentially:
there should maybe be a 'fuck dementia/alzheimer's' thread. it is a terrible, terrifying thing.
― LIKE If you are against racism (omar little), Wednesday, 8 October 2014 18:07 (ten years ago) link
The fact that Alzheimer's is a thing that is happening to ppl every day irl is utterly intolerable to me, one hates to scale dissimilar horrors but I abhor it even more than C.
― a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Wednesday, 8 October 2014 20:28 (ten years ago) link
Not to start some sort of suffering Olympics, but Alzheimer's takes the gold for absolute worst fucking disease.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, 8 October 2014 21:01 (ten years ago) link
like i've said before we're dealing with my wife's mom going through it, she's towards the end of stage 6. she seems to be where glen campbell is at, recognizing people and able to have happy moments, but also on the cusp of going into a care facility. she's had these plateaus that last for months and months, then there's a sudden decline, then another plateau. so much of it is being aware that another decline is inevitable, but knowing just when it will occur is impossible. w/r/t my previous story a few weeks ago, my wife was at her parents' house for a week while her dad was in the hospital and they've had caregivers for most of that time since. it's just devastating stuff, going over there and seeing how bad it is.
― LIKE If you are against racism (omar little), Wednesday, 8 October 2014 21:07 (ten years ago) link
My mother's 90th birthday was on November 1. The hospice folks (she's on hospice now) brought in a big cake and had a party. She loved it. Her current med combination is working out well and her dementia state has advanced along to whatever counts as Stage Five Acceptance.
Meanwhile, we hit the wall at 18 tons of crap hauled out of the house. There were dishes in the crawlspace, under all the sinks, everywhere... the woman who's handling the estate sale (my life in the the hoarder estate sale voyeur underground deserves another post) has seen all the obsessions: dolls, penguins, radios, but apparently my mom earns the "I've never seen so many dishes before!"award.
The sale is happening this Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday. Here's what's left.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 17 November 2014 06:40 (ten years ago) link
I hope it's to some extent gratifying that after all of this heartache your mom was able to enjoy a birthday party and you've unearthed enough of value from the home to have an extravaganza.
― Geoffrey Splenda, the first Baron Splenda (silby), Monday, 17 November 2014 06:56 (ten years ago) link
Best of luck and congrats on all the progress ET.
― chemical aioli (Hunt3r), Monday, 17 November 2014 12:08 (ten years ago) link
Good luck with the sale! It's encouraging to hear how much you've accomplished.
― Brad C., Monday, 17 November 2014 13:40 (ten years ago) link
I should never click on those things because it's always "Wow, I had that toy airplane! Is that a Snoopy sno-cone maker? Here, let me get my billfold…"
― pplains, Monday, 17 November 2014 14:49 (ten years ago) link
Yes, I see a Cathrineholm bowl in there and a lot of the kind of stuff my grandma left to my mother that's now considered sentimental family loot.
― Orson Wellies (in orbit), Monday, 17 November 2014 14:54 (ten years ago) link
Basically we'll be right over.
I like knowing that many of those items are going to go on to be much-loved by other folks. I'm glad your mom is feeling better and had a great birthday. You are a great person and I really admire your grace and humor and humanity in dealing with this most difficult of situations. I hope I can be half as good with my dad as things progress.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 17 November 2014 15:22 (ten years ago) link
Sounds like you're getting to a (relatively) good place - really happy to hear
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Monday, 17 November 2014 16:43 (ten years ago) link
sending good thoughts your way Elvis
― sleeve, Monday, 17 November 2014 17:07 (ten years ago) link
same, i am sincerely in awe of the enormous task you took on and of how gracious and respectful and loving you have been throughout. and i'm glad your mom had a nice birthday.
― estela, Monday, 17 November 2014 21:04 (ten years ago) link
ILX gets first dibs on whatever's left from the sale. The only catch is that you have to come here to get it. I take Square.
Dishes and bowls are a hard sell in the current estate sale market. Read as much sociology into this as you want, but it's difficult to liquidate those kinds of family inheritance. Sterling silver is only worth the melt value. Dishes, china, etc. that aren't microwaveable just aren't desirable except for other folks of that generation. OTOH, I've been told that a lot of dish patterns are desirable in China and that it's relatively common for liquidators to buy up all the dishes from a sale, repeat until one container unit is filled, and then ship it off across the Pacific. 2014 economy: go figure.
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 18 November 2014 02:03 (ten years ago) link
I recognize at least two china patterns. I don't know if it's worth seeing if Replacements Ltd would buy anything.
― tokyo rosemary, Tuesday, 18 November 2014 02:19 (ten years ago) link
"Ooh, it's a special family dinner taking place in our house? Liao, make sure we set out the fine California."
― pplains, Tuesday, 18 November 2014 02:35 (ten years ago) link
Er, is a joke my granddad would have made, that silly guy.
four hospital trips in two weeks for my father in law, he refuses to cooperate in any way when he's back at home, won't take meds, won't eat, but is of sound mind and lies to everybody so they can't do anything just yet.
L is near Hudson NY on FMLA time (Family Medical Leave Act) and it is slammed w/snow as well, she has been driving him back and forth from the Albany hospitals in hellish road conditions while he yells at her.
her dad doesn't want her there. everybody (family, medical folks) is telling her that it's time to let go.
what is up with these WW2 guys who just fuck with/abuse everybody and treat serious issues like they are jokes, it's like they live inside their own personal mythology.
she's been reading "Being Mortal" and I guess it helps, a little, in the abstract sense.
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 17:10 (ten years ago) link
I wish I had gone with her now, we didn't think it was gonna turn out this badly when she first left.
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 17:11 (ten years ago) link
aaand now he's in the ICU
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 17:31 (ten years ago) link
sometimes people just want to die
I guess
― Οὖτις, Thursday, 11 December 2014 17:33 (ten years ago) link
i'm sorry. that sounds really rough. this thread totally freaks me out but i am trying to steel myself for the future so i read it anyway
― vigetable (La Lechera), Thursday, 11 December 2014 17:39 (ten years ago) link
yeah that's what's going on xp
he's been clear with her that he wants to die at home if possible, has signed over power of attorney, no heroic measures, all that good stuff. so at least the paperwork is in order, there's a will and a trust, all that.
I just wish he could ease up on her a bit
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 17:50 (ten years ago) link
Have you talked with hospital's palliative care team? ICU docs can be dicks about not a palliative consult unless you demand it. Hospice is good at helping with family dynamics stuff. You can ask for the hospital social worker for referrals.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 11 December 2014 18:40 (ten years ago) link
I'm so sorry you're both having to deal with this, her up close and you long distance. Being Mortal doesn't address cantankerousness enough or how to deal with people you care for behaving badly toward you. I get reminded of the nasty old racist lady trying to kick her morphine addiction in To Kill a Morningside whenever I hear my MIL let fly. Not that it helps.
― Jaq, Thursday, 11 December 2014 18:42 (ten years ago) link
will forward to L, she's the one there right now, thanks xp
thanks Jaq
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 18:43 (ten years ago) link
the VA hospital person dryly described him as "fiercely independent"
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 18:45 (ten years ago) link
This is not advice nor bear any reflection on your situation.
But those two sentences describe the very similar situation I watched my dad go through with his mother. He would drive back and forth 300 miles roundtrip to take her to the doctor, to go through her bills, to get her groceries, etc. Sounds very noble except that you have to keep in mind that he has four siblings who also lived in the same city as my grandmother, including a son who lived with her.
He said it was his duty, that he had to, that the other siblings wouldn't or couldn't handle running errands or have the know-how to wrangle a head nurse to get grandma her medication. He was also an overweight diabetic in his late 50s, doing all of this driving through the worst stretch of I-40 in America. Once, he told me on the side, something had happened and his car spun around in a 360 before he stopped in the median.
Sometimes, I'd go over there by myself to visit. Grandma would tell me how she didn't know why my Dad did all that. She'd complain about how angry he'd get at her. She appreciated it, she told me, but it seemed like too much to her at times.
I'm not doing any of that. I love my parents, but no.
― pplains, Thursday, 11 December 2014 19:01 (ten years ago) link
thanks pp
I should clarify here that my wife is an RN and works in a hospital, so she is familiar with the systems in general.
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 19:10 (ten years ago) link
and although she does have some of that overachiever/wounded healer stuff going on (by her own admission), I know she wouldn't hang on as long as your dad did in that case.
an interesting side note here is that the family uber-Republicans she argues with on FB have stepped up the most, helped the most, given the best advice, and generally just been awesome and supportive.
if he makes it out of the hospital this time, there is a small army of assorted cousins and uncles who will be checking in on him, they are the ones who are telling her it is OK to let go.
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 19:15 (ten years ago) link
diagnosis is bacterial endocarditis
they think they caught it early enough that antibiotics will take care of it
but their next level is, like, bowel removal and open heart surgery, for an 84-yo guy who has emphysema, is medically/legally "frail" (I did not know this was a thing), and weighs 115 lbs. utter Western medicine head-up-its-ass insanity.
quincie, L says thank you and she is ready to demand palliative care if necessary. if her dad demands the surgery, she may break out the big guns and have a mental health evaluation (which he will almost certainly fail, right now he is also "confused" in the medical sense) so that she can nix the extreme heroic measures.
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 11 December 2014 23:41 (ten years ago) link
so sorry sleeve, please can you give l. my kindest and best wishes.
― estela, Friday, 12 December 2014 07:11 (ten years ago) link
thanks estela
antibiotics appear to have done the trick. from L:
At the hospital waiting to talk to a doctor. He is better and plans are being made for transfer to a rehab place for IV meds and physical therapy! He's agreeing. I have a few more things to tie up but think I will be able to swing a ticket for Wednesday. Much of what may be needed of me could be done by phone and fax...
(she's stayed about ten days longer than her initial plan was for)
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Monday, 15 December 2014 16:44 (ten years ago) link
Phew, sleeve, that's so rough. I hope she has the chance for some self-care when she gets back home.
― carl agatha, Monday, 15 December 2014 17:01 (ten years ago) link
I think my mom is showing early signs of dementia but she denies it and won't get a screening. :(
― Frobisher, Monday, 15 December 2014 17:11 (ten years ago) link
xp thanx carl.
self-care and pampering are definitely on the agenda :)
this whole situation plays in to a lot of the old Italian patriarchal expectations - that the women of the family drop everything and devote their lives to the men when duty calls. L doesn't play that game and never has, fortunately she only had to argue her case with one relative (a woman). I know in orbit and others have written eloquently about this in ILX before, the expectation of total self-sacrifice.
Frobisher, is there a will, advance medical directives, that sort of stuff? it's a tough subject but having some of that in place definitely makes it easier down the road, speaking from experience.
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Monday, 15 December 2014 17:15 (ten years ago) link
Not to link dump, but I saw this story on NPR about a residential care home that has phased out anti-psychotics for dementia. This approach seems like it has some common ground with certain approaches to child rearing or cat ownership. Like, our kid loves to open a specific desk drawer and pull out the checkbook. Rather than try to stop her (she's one, so it's not like reasoning is an option here), we just took the checks out of the cover, and also put a toy she likes in the drawer, so now she can open it and pull things out until her heart's content. Or giving the cat something acceptable to scratch next to the chair we don't want her to scratch (thank you Jackson Galaxy). Basically adapting the environment to the people living in it instead of adapting the people to the environment.
Anyway, here's the story - http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/12/09/368539057/this-nursing-home-calms-troubling-behavior-without-risky-drugs.
― carl agatha, Monday, 15 December 2014 17:23 (ten years ago) link
I saw that story and the harsh truth is that long-term care facilities that are for-profit are not willing to pay for the staff necessary to create individualized therapy plans that are not strictly medical (the one in the story above is non-profit). I worked part-time at a place that wouldn't even pay for an extra nursing aide in the evenings to help get people to bed--even though we were able to show that falls among residents decreased when one extra aide was on shift.
― kate78, Monday, 15 December 2014 18:55 (ten years ago) link
Yeah somebody brought that up in the comments. It's monstrous.
― carl agatha, Monday, 15 December 2014 18:57 (ten years ago) link
Being rich is nowhere more useful than when it comes to elder care. The place I'd choose for my father is 12 grand a month.
Twelve. Grand. Per. Month.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 15 December 2014 20:07 (ten years ago) link
― carl agatha, Monday, 15 December 2014 21:02 (ten years ago) link
― difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 15 December 2014 22:11 (ten years ago) link
It's nice but it ain't the Ritz, y'know? Medicare does not cover long term care, and the nicer places don't take Medicaid, which you'd have to get really fucking poor to qualify for anyway.
I am going to manage my own dottage (lol no kids) by moving to Finland and/or Taiwan, where they take good care of old people on the cheap.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 15 December 2014 22:45 (ten years ago) link
Or the Netherlands where I can just smoke a nice joint before being euthanized in a dignified manner.
Holy shit that's insane. TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS? What the fuck is wrong with this country.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 16 December 2014 14:00 (ten years ago) link
By the time the Baby Boomer cohort goes through old age, I expect someone to create real-world suicide booths.
― Miss Anne Thrope (j.lu), Tuesday, 16 December 2014 14:11 (ten years ago) link
Wow, those nursing homes are expensive!! I moved in with Dad to watch over him after heart surgery, thankfully between the two of us we (barely) had enough for that.
I guess it is sexist that I'd be expected to drop everything for Dad (now deceased), but I was closest to him and I loved him that much. I try not to be bitter about no one else putting up much of an effort. That's just how I was raised.
Of course I'm still having trouble recovering from that economically. But at least Dad had a real roof over his head in his last years.
― Threat Assessment Division (I M Losted), Tuesday, 16 December 2014 22:26 (ten years ago) link
Also when Dad was recovering in the hospital, the doctor called us all in a meeting so we could learn what an artificial heart does, what it's like living with a person who has one.
Thankfully that was a decision we never had to make as the doctor decided he didn't need one. It was terrifying, though, having to sit through the presentation.
― Threat Assessment Division (I M Losted), Tuesday, 16 December 2014 23:11 (ten years ago) link
Before my mother switched over to hospice care, her monthly cost was pushing $9000/month once you accounted for the medications and everything else. There's a reason why the Walmarts and Costcos around the retirement clusters in Orange County all heavily stock adult diapers.
― Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 06:29 (ten years ago) link
so my dad died last week after more than a year of extreme Parkinson agony. A relief for him, in a way, but man this is tough. Now I need to figure out what to do with my mom who thinks she's autonomous but really isn't, especially considering her severe alcoholism. My dad being sick justified the presence of a lot of home care and now that he's gone I don't really know how I can convince my mom to have someone at home who could discreetly watch over her for me.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 19 December 2014 18:46 (ten years ago) link
My condolences Baaderonixx, that's tough.
Don't have a lot of advice to offer, though when my nan became a widow, she too had to 'warm up' to accepting help for quite some time. In her case it was trying to be strong, and not admit incapabilities or weaknesses. It didn't take too long for her to see she actually needed help though. But your mother is probably younger.
In any case, all the best man.
― a pleasant little psychedelic detour in the elevator (Amory Blaine), Friday, 19 December 2014 19:08 (ten years ago) link
I know this is "aging parents" and not "aging grandparents" but my parents are about to the point of throwing up their hands. I have two grandfathers, 88 and 91 years of age, who are stubborn old men who live alone and refuse to change their ways. My parents check on my mom's dad every week or two, steal his clothes to launder them, make sure there aren't too many mice and that the house is livable (he lives in an old farmhouse).
Apparently some people driving by saw him next to the mailbox down by the road, fallen over, sometime in the last day and helped him to the house but he refused to be taken to the hospital. The neighbors checked on him later, and he'd made it no further than the chair inside the front door and accepted the fact he needed to go seek treatment. He had a bladder infection that apparently led to sepsis, is responding to treatment in the hospital, but apparently might lose some fingers from having been out in the cold. My uncle is apparently who was called first, so my parents aren't even heading out to see him for now. They do more than they could be expected to, and I think having him safely in the hospital, and with my uncle as the first point of contact, is actually an improvement in some ways even if his current condition is bad.
My other grandfather, my dad's dad, is the 91 year old and very much the stubborn obnoxious WW2 veteran type. He fell over in his kitchen the other day and my dad had to drive over to lift him off the floor, since he was stuck there. He's fallen before and he has one of those medic alert bracelets and has seriously had paramedics come just to get him off the floor.
I am emotionally supportive of my parents but there's not a lot I can do other than moral support.
― valleys of your mind (mh), Tuesday, 6 January 2015 19:02 (nine years ago) link
This is very hard on the people like your parents who see their job as keeping your grandfathers healthy and alive, but as I age further and have watched my parents' generation age and die I could definitely see myself going in this direction, too.
Unless you are a prodigy of longevity, at 89 and 91 the idea of 'health' has lost most of the meaning it had for you earlier in life and its place is now occupied by something wholly nebulous and indeterminate. You scarcely recall what 'health' is any more or how to pursue it. otoh, death has also changed meaning in fundamental ways, and seems like something very close and quotidian, a presence so familiar you could almost draw its face without looking at the paper.
What looks like pure obstinacy, and a kind of fatalism that would be very inappropriate in a younger person, is a somewhat realistic reaction to being so close to the end of life. They know it's a fight they can't win.
― earthface, windface and fireface (Aimless), Tuesday, 6 January 2015 19:41 (nine years ago) link
My parents have vowed to move into a community-based living situation at a certain age threshold and have been strongly contemplating moves past that. They see it as incredibly self-centered, afaik, and are kind of resigned to letting this play out since they were unable to force many issues earlier in life, partially due to my uncles not really agreeing to having productive talks.
― valleys of your mind (mh), Tuesday, 6 January 2015 19:46 (nine years ago) link
I guess what I'm saying is that every time I have the idea "I could definitely see myself going in this direction" I shudder and add things on to my living will. This is a really bad direction.
― valleys of your mind (mh), Tuesday, 6 January 2015 19:47 (nine years ago) link
xp: Yeah, that bridge was crossed a while back when your grandfathers chose to continue to live alone, and didn't put an adequate support structure around themselves to let them die in place without calling on your parents for constant help in their final year(s). Americans don't do death very well.
added: My wife and I know we can't lean on children to bail us out, so we are planning what supports we'll need past age 70 to 75, as best we can.
― earthface, windface and fireface (Aimless), Tuesday, 6 January 2015 19:58 (nine years ago) link
I don't see why you can't talk about caring for other elders, such as grandparents, here.
Recently lost my grandma, who was 98. She drove a car until she was 96. Frankly, I was shocked when she passed. She was still walking on her own. Don't smoke and eat a lot of grapefruit.
― Whitney Di-Ennial (I M Losted), Wednesday, 7 January 2015 12:08 (nine years ago) link
Hospice folks are the best.
Also, that "death smell" that everyone talks about on AllNurses.com is a very real thing.http://allnurses.com/general-nursing-discussion/does-death-have-452535.html
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 9 January 2015 02:18 (nine years ago) link
I guess what I'm saying is that we're in the endgame
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 9 January 2015 02:19 (nine years ago) link
Oh, ET.
Hi there - long time reader, first time caller. My mom is 70. She had emergency surgery yesterday because of a bowel obstruction, which turned out to be NOT CANCER (phew) but rather a huge but exploded benign ovarian cyst made of pus. Apparently she had polycystic ovaries when much, much younger and one just stuck around, growing to the size of a softball until a week ago, when it went BOOM and she started to feel unwell. She's a total stubborn Minnesota Swede don't-bother-the-doctor type, so am relieved she got help and will get better.
― camp event (suzy), Friday, 9 January 2015 09:50 (nine years ago) link
Exactly one week ago we got the "you better stick around - don't make any plans" message. The hospice nurse noticed "the smell" (see link upthread) and irrespective of age, gender, nationality, etc. that distinct smell is the early signal that the body is closing up shop. You've probably heard the stories about cats and dogs being present around the dying and that smell what they zero in on. I'd describe it as an odd hybrid of old mushrooms and burnt sugar. Hospice folks are trained to detect it.
I visited my mom on Christmas day and given her overall situation (she's 90) - she was doing pretty good. We opened up cards (she remembered who they were all from), had a conversation, and she could still manage to eat and drink. One week later and you could obviously feel that master fader steadily being lowered. On Monday she managed a "Happy new year!" By Thursday she wasn't noticeably responding at all.
Last night we'd been playing for a couple hours last night when I just stopped, put my guitar down, and turned off my amps. Nothing alarmist, just a "I need to stop" and my gf and I were talking for a few minutes when I said "the phone could ring anytime." No more than twenty seconds later my sister calls: "It's over."
I was in Trader Joe's earlier in the day and impulsively bought a bouquet of sunflowers for the house. I don't really do that and I had no clue that my mom was going to pass a couple hours later, but they're sure brightening the place up.
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 11 January 2015 22:44 (nine years ago) link
sorry man.
― mookieproof, Sunday, 11 January 2015 22:59 (nine years ago) link
sorry elvis
― difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 11 January 2015 23:07 (nine years ago) link
My condolences - its been a long road for you.
― I checked Snoops , and it is for real (Trayce), Sunday, 11 January 2015 23:14 (nine years ago) link
RIP and wishing you the best
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Sunday, 11 January 2015 23:18 (nine years ago) link
I'm very sorry for your loss Chris. Wishing you the very best.
That photo is wonderful by the way. A treasure.
― a pleasant little psychedelic detour in the elevator (Amory Blaine), Sunday, 11 January 2015 23:30 (nine years ago) link
Ive been following but too scared to pipe up. Now's the time - first, my condolences, and sympathies.
My dad just told me he has a serious neurological disease, made me promise not to tell anyone (aside from partner, who I had to negotiate for) and a week after my trip home I'm kinda quietly freaking out. Handling it, but I can tell I'm not feeling right.
I'm glad your mom is at peace, Elvis. I believe in premonitions too, that part was beautiful.
― vigetable (La Lechera), Monday, 12 January 2015 00:09 (nine years ago) link
<3 LL, that is so hard
― difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 12 January 2015 01:16 (nine years ago) link
Not even close to what you all are going through, but the partner of a close older relative of ours was diagnosed with a pretty bad case of prostate cancer. Our side of the family was sworn to secrecy while he waited to tell his side of the family after the holidays were over.
That made for some weird gatherings.
― pplains, Monday, 12 January 2015 01:37 (nine years ago) link
i'm sorry for your loss, chris, but also relieved for both you and your mother - the suffering is now hopefully over.
― just1n3, Monday, 12 January 2015 01:55 (nine years ago) link
Hugs to you, Elvis, and to you, LL.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 12 January 2015 03:12 (nine years ago) link
I hope you're able to find some peace in her passing, Elvis.
<3 LL!
My maternal grandfather is going to be in the hospital for at least a couple weeks, and my uncle is checking around for a spot at assisted living facilities, which is excellent.
― valleys of your mind (mh), Monday, 12 January 2015 15:08 (nine years ago) link
sorry Elvis - went through this exactly one month ago, hope you can stay strong, focus on all the things your mother did and saw and come to the conclusion that it's been a good life. I know that thought helped me realise that to some extent there was nothing to be sad about my dad's passing.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Thursday, 15 January 2015 13:34 (nine years ago) link
my father-in-law is out of the hospital!
now he gets two weeks in a nursing home for rehab, and hopefully goes back home after that.
― some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Thursday, 15 January 2015 15:09 (nine years ago) link
so my dad died last week after more than a year of extreme Parkinson agony. A relief for him, in a way, but man this is tough.Now I need to figure out what to do with my mom who thinks she's autonomous but really isn't, especially considering her severe alcoholism.My dad being sick justified the presence of a lot of home care and now that he's gone I don't really know how I can convince my mom to have someone at home who could discreetly watch over her for me.― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 19 December 2014 19:46 (4 weeks ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 19 December 2014 19:46 (4 weeks ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
So eventually I stayed with my mom for a bit more than a month to sort out all the paperwork, inheritance, etc.I thought that after a month of complete abstinence my mom would manage to stay sober for a bit, but now, barely three days after me leaving, she's back to heavy drinking.This is really the nighmare scenario since, as I posted a month ago, now ther'e really no-one to watch over her (I live a 4-5 hour drive away). When drinkinh she's prone to falling over at home and in the street, epilepsy, getting robbed, etc.Pondering what to do - I don't really have space to have her stay with me at present and paying somebody just to watch over her seems a bit crazy and unaffordable.I've just bought a new flat in which I haven't even moved into yet but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't already re-sell it, use the inheritance money and buy a big suburban house in which my mom could live with me and my wife. Seems a bit crazy to have my mom live with me permanently at this age (me in my thirties and her in her sixties) but I'm at my wit's end really...
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 16 January 2015 10:01 (nine years ago) link
Oh Baad I'm so sorry. That's really my biggest fear - my dad passing before my mom and me not knowing what the hell to do with her. Is there anyone that lives near her that you can enlist to maybe check up on her regularly? Not a carer but a friend or something?
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 16 January 2015 13:07 (nine years ago) link
thx ENBB - not really, my mom lives in a big condo in the big city but is pretty isolated - her friends are old, frail and scattered. I think the only solution is to have her live with me or a
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 16 January 2015 13:12 (nine years ago) link
oops... or at least close to me, but I realise that, to some extent, I'm procrastinating in starting this process (ie. sell her house, drive her back with me kicking and screaming) because sub-consciously i'm still hoping/expecting validation from her, that she'd wake up sober one day and say "sure, you're right, I'll come with you". Clearly taht's never gonna happen. Everyone around me is telling me that I'm past the stage where I need worry about her agreeemnt and her comfort and that I should force things through. Pretty difficult to accept though.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 16 January 2015 13:17 (nine years ago) link
Respectfully, rearranging your whole life in order to care for an addict doesn't seem like a good long-term strategy.
― Orson Wellies (in orbit), Friday, 16 January 2015 13:19 (nine years ago) link
well I can't imagine that said addict will live that long tbh - but you're right, problem though is I don't see any alternatives... My mom is clearly not fit to live on her own but otoh legally I am in no position to impose anything on her (eg. if I dragged her and put her in a elderly home, she'd escape immediately). Some people tell me that I should resign myself to accept the situation and let her drink herself to death but, besides the moral aspect, I know that I'd just be in a state of constant panic which would prevent me from living my life all the sameAnyway sorry for hijacking this thread with my freak-outs.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 16 January 2015 13:35 (nine years ago) link
I get it. I mean it wasn't my mom but it was someone I cared about, and I've seen other ppl go through similar.
"besides the moral aspect" -- do you think it's immoral to let someone choose addiction/accept that people sometimes choose addiction?
― Orson Wellies (in orbit), Friday, 16 January 2015 13:46 (nine years ago) link
That's very similar to what my parents are going through with my grandfathers. I think, luckily, that my mom's dad is going to end up in an assisted living place after his release from the hospital, which is really what he's needed for years.
I think the addiction part in b's story there is an extenuating circumstance, but it's just another factor that makes someone unable to care for him/herself. If you can't convince someone that it's in their best interest to change their life, you kind of have to wait until their life changes to the extent it's no longer viable. It doesn't mean that you don't want them to have some help or at least compassion, and cutting off all help is really difficult. I think it's a matter of finding the balance where you feel like a decent person without being an enabler.
― valleys of your mind (mh), Friday, 16 January 2015 14:53 (nine years ago) link
Also there's something about the end of life that makes me want to throw all the usual things I think are true about addiction/addicts -- extra so when it's a parent. Addiction may be involved but it's just not the primary thing. I totally understand the impulse to house mom under these circumstances.
― groundless round (La Lechera), Friday, 16 January 2015 14:57 (nine years ago) link
my main goal atm is getting my parents out of their crumbling house and into a place they are safe and comfortable
― groundless round (La Lechera), Friday, 16 January 2015 14:59 (nine years ago) link
do you think it's immoral to let someone choose addiction/accept that people sometimes choose addiction?
Tricky question - not sure where exactly I stand on this on principle, but I get your drift of course.In the case of aging parents, I still think there is I have some kind of moral responsibility to protect them from themselves (be it from addiction or anything really).In my mom's specific case, decades of drinking and a pretty horrific accident 4 years ago have significantly affected her intellectual abilities, so I'm not sure I would ever think of her as "choosing" addiction.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 16 January 2015 16:00 (nine years ago) link
People who -choose- addiction can be VERY controlling, even if they are not physically strong.
People suffering from dementia and aging/ illness-related tantrums can also be so manipulative that if you seek therapy for it - as I did - they will tell you to quit feeling guilty and get the hell out. This is what I went through with Dad, but he was so sick I decided to stick with him until he died. My brother and sister bailed on him, though. Can't say I blame them.
― SCOTTISH PEOPLE ONLY (I M Losted), Friday, 16 January 2015 18:11 (nine years ago) link
problem though is I don't see any alternatives...
When every choice open to you comes with deeply undesirable consequences, the only thing you can do is make the least bad choice that seems most manageable and get on with it. It sounds like you understand this already.
btw, it is ok to feel wretched about the whole thing. that's just one more lousy piece of the situation you'll have to manage as best you can -- and while it may be tempting to shove those feelings aside as unproductive, my experience has been that it works better to find at least a small slice of brain space and time to acknowledge them on a somewhat regular basis.
good luck. I'm sure you're going to do about as well as anyone could in the circumstances.
― Aimless, Friday, 16 January 2015 18:27 (nine years ago) link
tbh - I think my mom would probably be diagnosed with mild alcoholic dementia at this point. I guess I've been denying it for a while because dementia seems to imply "CRAY-ZAY!", but it's clear that her short term memory is shot and complex reasoning, planning or decision-making are all out of reach. I don't know to which extent psychiatric help would be of help
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Monday, 19 January 2015 15:01 (nine years ago) link
Wouldn't that be actual physical damage from alcohol? I'm not sure what is done about that. Epithets like "crazy" aren't helpful.
― SCOTTISH PEOPLE ONLY (I M Losted), Monday, 19 January 2015 15:16 (nine years ago) link
"dementia" is just a term that means a loss of mental ability, not insanity. psychiatric help is unlikely to restore her mental abilities. even quitting drinking would be more in the nature of slowing the damage rather than reversing it.
― Aimless, Monday, 19 January 2015 20:03 (nine years ago) link
An acquaintance of mine drank heavily for twenty years, and now he permanently slurs his words. He can't remember my name half the time, either. It's a waste of faculties that makes me cry.
― SCOTTISH PEOPLE ONLY (I M Losted), Monday, 19 January 2015 20:59 (nine years ago) link
My maternal grandfather, following his disastrous fall next to his mailbox and hospitalization, is now in a nursing/assisted living facility! We now know he's safe, forced to change clothes on a regular basis, and they bathe him twice per week. My mom had his mail forwarded to her and she can now handle his finances from home, and visit him less regularly, and no longer feels obligated to do his laundry.
Grandfather #2 is still being obnoxious, but my parents already seem like a burden has been lifted.
― mh, Monday, 9 February 2015 20:08 (nine years ago) link
That must be a huge relief. How is he adjusting?
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 10 February 2015 10:13 (nine years ago) link
Slowly but surely, it sounds like. He enjoys talking to people, so I'm sure he'll grow to like it. I think he's currently telling people about his mean daughter who won't let him go home, but that'll pass.
― mh, Tuesday, 10 February 2015 14:43 (nine years ago) link
It seems like bitching about your ungrateful damn kids to the other residents of a senior center would offer good opportunity for bonding through shared misery.
― about a dozen duck supporters (carl agatha), Tuesday, 10 February 2015 14:45 (nine years ago) link
Lord knows I would never say the same about my ungrateful damn parents.
― pplains, Tuesday, 10 February 2015 15:01 (nine years ago) link
My dad has advancing Alzheimer's and has finally become unmoored enough that his constant agitation and anxiety seem to have disappeared. My mom is so relieved. "He's really so nice and pleasant, he's much more like the person he was when we got married!" Because my dad could be very difficult and hard on her, I'm actually happy for her (along with the soup of other emotions I feel).
― men without hat tips (Hunt3r), Tuesday, 10 February 2015 15:57 (nine years ago) link
The Biggest Threat To Your Retirement Portfolio: Mild Dementia
(follow-up discussion on MetaFilter: http://www.metafilter.com/150240/The-Biggest-Threat-To-Your-Retirement-Portfolio-Mild-Dementia)
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 9 June 2015 06:43 (nine years ago) link
I'm fairly certain my mom now has dementia. I'm in the process of trying to get my dad to take her to the doc specifically for this but he's reluctant as he doesn't think they can do anything for it. Apparently she sleeps most of the day but when she's up it's like she's far away and often confused. She starts sentences and stops mid-way forgetting what she was going to say and a lot of the time it's mixed up or incoherent anyway. I'm so unbelievably sad over it. While she hasn't been the mother I grew up with in many many years this is something entirely different. I miss my mom and the fact that I'm now near certain I'll never have her back is something I don't know how to process.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 10:11 (nine years ago) link
oh enbb, i'm so sorry, that’s pain beyond words
― drash, Tuesday, 9 June 2015 11:34 (nine years ago) link
Aw thank you, Drash. I'm sure I'll figure out how to handleIt but it's tough especially since I'm far away. If it's any indication of my mental state rn I just started crying on the T when I read your tweet because I was touched.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 11:52 (nine years ago) link
very sorry to hear ENBB. This sounds awfully familiar :-/ After denying it through false hopes and what-ifs, I've been grieving over the fact that I'll never have a chat with my "real" mom for a couple of years now. You'll come to accept it I'm sure but it is indeed a very painful process (after a while it gets even difficult to remember the person when they were healthy, which is yet another kind of sad).
Hang in there, cherish the past but stay invested in your own present and future.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 12:35 (nine years ago) link
I'm your sister in grief, ENBB. I don't know whether it is helpful or not helpful that my dad has a diagnosis (Alzheimer's) and, as fate would have it, I care for hospice patients with AD pretty much every day. There are many heartbreaking ways to lose a loved one, but dementia is a special kind of heartbreak. Sending you as much strength and peace as can be mustered in difficult times :(
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 13:17 (nine years ago) link
ENBB, quincie I'm so sorry you're both dealing with this. Love to you both.
― from batman to balloon dog (carl agatha), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 13:22 (nine years ago) link
Elvis that's an interesting and scary article. I regularly participate in a clinic my firm offers where we help seniors put together powers of attorney for medical and financial concerns and I'm pretty evangelical about getting your POA/medical directive paperwork ducks in a row ASAP, as in once you have kids or when you hit 40, whichever comes first.
― from batman to balloon dog (carl agatha), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 13:32 (nine years ago) link
ENBB that sounds incredibly hard.That article has me sightly worried about my dad. I don't think he's got dementia at all but he is prone to believing everything he reads about finances and it wouldn't take much in his old age to get him to make awful decisions. I can't count the number of (legit but pointless) 'schemes' he's tried to partake in already.
My mum never really talks about finances with him but does work with elderly and dementia patients so I guess it's a conversation worth having.
― kinder, Tuesday, 9 June 2015 15:47 (nine years ago) link
visited parents for all of last week. it was bizarre explaining to my dad who his brother is, while at the same time he was sufficiently oriented to know me, my wife, our kids, and what we all had been doing all day. crazy transient memory holes.
more usual was his being able to give addresses and describe the streets in Pittsburgh where each of his granddads had lived in 1944, but not recall where he had lived between 1992 and 2014.
― wishy washy hippy variety hour (Hunt3r), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 15:55 (nine years ago) link
There is a lot of good advice in that article, which reminded me of a few situations I've seen IRL. A friend of my wife only discovered the extent of her father's dementia when she happened to find out he was paying his mortgage several times a month.
When my father asked me to start helping him manage his finances, my first problem was figuring out where all his assets were and how to get access to those accounts. His memory is erratic now, to say the least, and it was not until I had been shuffling through paper statements for a few weeks that I was able to track down everything.
I had always imagined he kept this information in a few orderly files ... he did, but by the time I saw them, the files were about 15 years out of date.
― Brad C., Tuesday, 9 June 2015 16:49 (nine years ago) link
Thanks Quincie and Carl and Kinder and Bad <3
The thing with my mom is that she's on some sedatives and SRRIs and stuff that I think are making everything worse. Even if my dad is right and that a diagnosis wouldn't mean much, maybe it would change what she's being prescribed? I don't know.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 18:01 (nine years ago) link
My dad is her sole caretaker and pretty much waits on her hand and foot and he's a really young and active 71 year old but has no life and I just feel horrible for him. Being so far away makes it worse and I feel guilty that I can't help. I've even wondered if I should move down there but they're the ones who moved to Florida, not me! :(
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 18:02 (nine years ago) link
She definitely needs a neuro appointment and get her meds looked at.
― kate78, Tuesday, 9 June 2015 18:15 (nine years ago) link
That's what I said!! :(
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 9 June 2015 18:16 (nine years ago) link
my mom turned 72 today, upon which i learned that she's part of an experimental drug trial because she has alzheimer's markers.
she seems remarkably chill about it, after a period of being not chill/not telling me. she also seems to not be totally following the (admittedly complex) series of historical novels that i gave her and she's claimed to have read.
she's already talking about maybe having to move; some years ago she said she wouldn't survive without her garden.
as an only child i always knew this was coming, but that doesn't mean i'm going to be good at it
― mookieproof, Saturday, 8 August 2015 02:36 (nine years ago) link
ugh, that is my greatest fear about my parents (mom turns 70 next month). so far the aging parents' maladies have been arthritis, prostate cancer, cataracts, and high blood pressure. I know it's gonna get worse though.
― sarahell, Saturday, 8 August 2015 02:43 (nine years ago) link
oh and type 2 diabetes
― sarahell, Saturday, 8 August 2015 02:44 (nine years ago) link
Mine will be 76 this year. The tumor in her lung has gotten bigger and she says she doesn't want to treat it. She had a PET scan yesterday to see if the cancer has spread anywhere else. I guess we'll get the results next week and go from there.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Saturday, 8 August 2015 11:44 (nine years ago) link
spent the last two years m/l helping both my parents deal with the decline of theirs which ultimately has caused a Faulknerian dissolution of extended family relationships (such as they were anyway) on my mom's side. dads estranged dad passed and he wasn't invited to the funeral, not sure if his likewise estranged mom is still alive. All the battles over driving and getting help with daily basic tasks converted to a scramble to find a suitable assisted living/hospice for my mom's mom (she won a spot at an exclusive joint because my dad's beloved grandmother passed there in the 80s and they still remembered her).
It brought my immediate family much closer together and put the issue into perspective for when my parents advance in age, but it has been a hard 18 months or so and my heart goes out to you folks
― art, Saturday, 8 August 2015 11:57 (nine years ago) link
sorry to hear about everyone's aging parents :( we have some recently diagnosed issues in my family that i don't feel like typing about but i am pretty into the idea of finding a support group locally where i can talk about it off the recordare there things like that? for only children of aging parents?
― La Lechera, Saturday, 8 August 2015 14:10 (nine years ago) link
Thanks, Elvis. The follow-up discussion is even better, with comments and links.
― dow, Saturday, 8 August 2015 14:50 (nine years ago) link
heyo your mom and my dad may very well be in the same clinical trial, tho my dad is beyond MCI markers and definitely AD :(
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Saturday, 8 August 2015 15:11 (nine years ago) link
xxpost La Lechera idk if these are in your area but there's a number to call, they may have more info to help u find a group
― difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 8 August 2015 16:04 (nine years ago) link
Thank you. Honestly I can't bear to google for it. I'll look into it at some point but srsly there's a huge feeling of betrayal about typing (on or off record) about my parents. I'm more comfortable talking aloud and letting the words float away instead of seeing them.
― La Lechera, Saturday, 8 August 2015 16:09 (nine years ago) link
I never got to see my father age. Cancer took him away from my mother and me before he turned sixty, so it was illness that robbed us of him, though in helping take care of him I got my first lessons in caregiving, something that proved invaluable when it came time for me to step up and become my mother's caregiver. I was a sort of caregiver to her beginning as soon as my dad passed away in 2003, but when I really became my mom's caregiver was in the middle of 2006, when I stayed with her in the hospital for the very direct time. From that moment on I was with her at practically every doctor's appiintment, during every hospitalization, I drove her everywhere, made all her meals, and so on. I also balanced that with work and ended up paying someone to be a professional caregiver to her for a couple of hours a day while I was at work, just so she could have some time in that time period when I didn't have to worry about her and she could do stuff she couldn't do by herself, such as go to the bathroom or take a shower. But when she had to go on dialysis it provided one setback for me and when she had to do hemodialysis I had to either work part-time to accommodate two of the three times a week she had dialysis into my schedule (and she really needed someone else there to get her stuff from her bag or readjust her or what have you), but when she went on peritoneal dialysis, after a period of time when I had to be off work so she could get through the all-manual treatment period of that type of dialysis, when we finally got to the "cycler" or machine stage, I could go back to work and only worry about rushing home from work to do the one manual treatment for the day and something called the "exit site care" (where you clean the site where the dialysis catheter is -- it's something that has to be done once a day), so I could hook her up to the dialysis machine in time for me to be able to disconnect her before I went to work. That and a host of appointments every Friday was our life from March of 2014 to May 30 of this year, when she was hospitalized for what ended up being her final time. I lost her on July 2 and have aged considerably on the inside as a result. I feel like I'm a sixty-year-old in a thirtysomething's body, and while I have a wealth of hard-earned caregiver wisdom inside me, I also have a giant hole inside me too and it's been very tough trying to recover from losing the one parent I had in this world. But I am relying on some good friends and am eternally grateful for that, as well as a local amputee support group my mom and I had joined in March 2010, several months after she became a right, below the knee amputee (rbka). In fact, I'm typing this message out while at one of their meetings, because they've welcomed me to be a permanent part of the community even after my mom's passing. I am also blessed to have a wonderful primary care physician who saw me two and a half weeks ago and diagnosed me with major depression as a result of grief, and after a little over two weeks of being on some antidepressants I am finally ready to go back to work. But it's going to take me a very long time to recover from this loss, and I'm not going to try to rush it like I did when my dad passed away, which caused me to be a terrible person to be around for a good long while, which is something some of you will remember from the last time I was here around these parts. I have done a whole lot of growing up since then and am jot the same person I used to be, and I am going to let the grief flow through naturally. And then I'll continue to live my life, because that's what Mom would've wanted from me, and I want to honor her with my life for as long as I live.
So... hello again.
― deethelurker, Saturday, 8 August 2015 16:09 (nine years ago) link
Sorry, "very first time", not "very direct time". And sorry for the super long paragraph. I'm typing this while paying attention to the other people's testimonials.
― deethelurker, Saturday, 8 August 2015 16:10 (nine years ago) link
LL, you can also call an area hospital that may offer treatment for the diagnosis and ask about support groups. In my (thankfully at this point limited) experience with Advocate Illinois Masonic, for one specific example, they have really good referral services like that. My insurance plan also comes with a nurse you can call for help with various things, so that's another possible avenue. Also, if this is something that hospice may handle, you could call Illinois Hospice and see if they can direct you somewhere.
Also: <3
mookie, sarah, art, dee - much love to you all
― carl agatha, Saturday, 8 August 2015 17:30 (nine years ago) link
You're a sweetheart, carl agatha (and I don't even know who you are). Anyway, today I'm back at work for the first time since losing my mom and they have been so accommodating to me. But it feels odd not getting those phone calls I always used to get from Mom or knowing that I don't have a reason to rush home tonight. As stressful as it was being Mom's caregiver, I miss it desperately and I still feel like I need my mom, even the mom with disabilities and plenty of medical issues I had for the last six years. I need to hear her voice again and feel her hugging me.
Ok, going to stop right now because I do not like crying at work. But if anyone needs logistical advice, I can try to help.
― deethelurker, Monday, 10 August 2015 21:40 (nine years ago) link
had weekend of aging parent issues. my mother-in-law has been suffering from the beginnings of dementia for a couple of years now. she has still been living alone, and is still herself, but her short-term memory is extremely poor. she's had lots of doctor's appointments, some tests, but we've never been given any sort of diagnosis.
on thurdsay she couldn't stand because she was so dizzy, and was totally confused. her friend took her to the hospital where she was given tests, she has had multiple small strokes (though none recently, we don't have any explanation for her episode on Thursday). anyway her gp has said he thinks that she has vascular dementia. multiple small strokes and other infarcts in her brain, progressively damaging it more and more. she has high cholesterol but she has resisted her family and her gp's recommendations to eat properly (she hardly eats anything, when she does it's usually chocolate). she has high blood pressure and she refuses to attempt to quit smoking (as in still, she waited a couple of days after her bad experience but she's back smoking again).
so worrying about her health is combined, for my wife at least, with a feeling of frustration and anger that she has pursued this really reckless approach towards her health for so long and against her doctor's constant advice. she's gradually, and this may be linked to her condition, grown more apathetic and more isolated in her life, and she seems unable to take her situation seriously, or just to give a damn about her own welfare - while she remains a very generous person who constantly puts effort into trying to help the people close to her.
with a drastic change in her lifestyle she might be able to stem the deterioration, and to remain independent. but I don't think she will make that change, and so I don't think we'll have long before she's no longer with us - either literally or figuratively.
― corbyn's gallus (jim in glasgow), Monday, 10 August 2015 21:57 (nine years ago) link
My mother (83 next month) is starting to feel the urgency to sell property and get into assisted living in the next year or two. My sister and I are for it, but I worry about my brother being an obstacle.
― rack of lamb of god (WilliamC), Monday, 10 August 2015 22:25 (nine years ago) link
Good for her, imo!
― Upright Mammal (mh), Monday, 10 August 2015 23:26 (nine years ago) link
jim in glasgow, you should let your wife know that there are times when her mom's dementia will make it to where she cannot listen to reason or do the right things for herself, and the solution to that is to either have her mom live with y'all and treat her like one of your children or put her in an assisted living facility for the long-term. And, if that still doesn't work, maybe just accept that the dementia is slowly claiming her, because of all the illnesses you have to deal with as a caregiver, that and cancer are by far the most fatal. But your wife shouldn't feel guilty or tie herself in knots over how her mom is acting. That's the disease taking over her mom, not her mom period. That's what my family ultimately had to accept when my maternal grandmother was in the deepest throes of Alzheimer's and making my mom and I cry with her barbs and insults and general nasty behavior. Dad reminded us that this was just the disease taking over Grandma, not my grandma herselff, and for Mom in particular to remember all the good times she had with her mom while growing up as who her real mom was.
― deethelurker, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 04:24 (nine years ago) link
― difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 11 August 2015 04:35 (nine years ago) link
My grandmother is still mentally acute but is losing mobility fast due to arthritis and refuses to use a walker (except at night when she needs to get to the bathroom so there's that), only occasionally and reluctantly uses a cane, and refuses to undergo any kind of conservative therapies like injections or physical therapy that might ease her symptoms and give her a little more mobility. My mom gets so frustrated at this because my grandmother's (in her opinion selfish and irrational) refusal to ameliorate her symptoms makes my mother's life more difficult (they live together and my mom is my grandmother's primary caretaker).
Dee's post about the disease talking is super OTM and a good thing to remember, but also aging parents frustratingly refusing to do things to benefit their own health is also a thing (there are other posts about it in this thread iirc) so jim in glasgow, at least let your wife know that she is not alone in her frustrations.
Also, Dee, I'm so sorry for your loss. Your post about your mom was beautiful and heartbreaking.
(also hi, I'm part of the Chicago ILX crew and have posted since 2004 or so as pullapartgirl, jenny, and now carl agatha, although in the early days I mostly just stuck to the Chicago thread so I don't think we interacted too much. It's nice to meet you.)
― carl agatha, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:14 (nine years ago) link
My grandmother fell getting out of the shower and refused to call anybody for help even though she was not alone in the house because "nobody wants to see this bitch naked." :(
― carl agatha, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:15 (nine years ago) link
Also my mom says that when she takes my grandmother shopping, my grandmother refuses to bring her cane or use the little motor scooters at the grocery store and instead uses my mom as a cane. Basically Mom Mom is going to break a hip sooner rather than later and it's very distressing because I don't think she will handle hospitalization/rehab very well.
― carl agatha, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:18 (nine years ago) link
my mom was like that, refusing to use a cane while her hip deteriorated, until she got a new hip and now she talks about her bionic hip all the time and walks with ease! from what i remember, it sounds like your mom and your grandma have a really antagonistic relationship and it's affecting your grandma's decisionmaking?would she listen to you?
― La Lechera, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:22 (nine years ago) link
It's not like bone-deep antagonism. More like antagonism that has developed over the last couple of years due to proximity. I actually think it's going to get a little easier once my mom retires in October because she won't be so stressed out by work and her long-ass commute. But right now my mom is definitely annoyed by most things my grandmother does, even if they are rational (like not wanting to go out to dinner because her knees hurt. Totally rational, but my grandmother didn't say "I don't want to go because my knees hurt." Instead she said, "I don't want to go because you want to spend more time with Jenny and the baby, and I'll just get in the way." Only later when I went to tell her that she's not in the way did she admit it was pain keeping her in the chair watching TCM).
She'll listen to me a little. I told her the next time she falls naked to call whoever is home right away and have them throw a towel on her. I definitely spent a lot of time during this last visit acting as a translator between the two of them because now they just talk past each other.
― carl agatha, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:49 (nine years ago) link
yeah that's what i meant, not that they were mortal enemies or w/efeeling like someone is annoyed at me all the time yet still requiring their assistance would be enough to turn me into a pill too, esp if they're pass-agg annoyed. that smarts. and it's no one's fault it's just not...helping, yknow?
― La Lechera, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:55 (nine years ago) link
glad your gma listens to you!
like when my dad used to get mad at me when i ordered noodles and butter at a restauranti knew he disapproved of my choice (i was picky, i was a little kid) and he made it clear by grumbling and grousing but he didn't SAY anything so he thought he was free and clear. really, he was making me feel extremely embarrassed about wanting/needing to eat noodles and butter.
― La Lechera, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:59 (nine years ago) link
feeling like someone is annoyed at me all the time yet still requiring their assistance would be enough to turn me into a pill too, esp if they're pass-agg annoyed. that smarts. and it's no one's fault it's just not...helping, yknow?
Oh yeah. Alas mom is not exactly open to suggestion that a different approach might work better. She feels pretty put upon (there's a younger sister who is retired but claims she's too busy to help, which heightens the aggravation) and has always had a bit of pass-agg martyr tendencies anyway.
Really Mom could use some supportive therapy but when I've suggested it she says "Sounds great and when do I have time for that?" Fingers crossed for retirement.
― carl agatha, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 14:09 (nine years ago) link
My mom gets the results of her blood tests/PET scan tomorrow. :( I'm scared. I don't have a great feeling about it and knowing she will likely refuse all treatment is hard.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 11 August 2015 15:43 (nine years ago) link
Thank you for letting me know who you are, Carl agatha, and I do remember seeing you around these parts back in the day. You are so very kind and it is wonderful that what I wrote touched you. Any time I think about not having any of my parents around I feel lost and adrift, but it really stings when I think about my mom because we made a team for almost twelve years and we were a package deal, and even when my caregiving demands became more and more stress-inducing (something that was alleviated when Sam's aunt started a wonderful caregiver support group on Facebook that I was welcomed into), it still fit into the routine we had set up for our lives. Anyway, it sounds like your mom is leading the kind of life my mom led in the '90s, when she had to worry about my grandmother who had been rendered stubborn and mean from Alzheimer's as well as working full time, maintaining a separate household, and having me be a teenager. Although I believe my dad and I helped as much as we could and I would hope the same for your mother.
ENBB, I hope that either your suspicions aor that your presumption of your mother's actions post-diagnosis are proven wrong. But whatever happens, try to be there emotionally for her and be a good listener. She will definitely appreciate that regardless of the outcome.
― deethelurker, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 21:16 (nine years ago) link
Sorry for all the typos there. Sometimes I don't quite master touch typing on the phone. Anyway. I wish there was a grief support group somewhere online that was relatively easy to join, much like the caregiver one was. The only local grief support groups I can find are for widows and widowers or for children, or for people who've lost a loved one to cancer. As I said before, the amputee support group proved invaluable to my mom and me, so I really believe in the power of support groups and feel like if I could find one to help me in my post-caregiver grief process, I would feel a lot better than I do right now.
Also, I miss bathing my mom. I had to use her shower (which was converted to make it easy for her to transfer onto a shower chair and wheel in the rest of the way) last night because mine got clogged up from three months of not being deep cleaned (it was all I could take just to dash home from the hospital to take a shower, so), so I need to get some drain cleaner, but for now I'm using Mom's shower, and every time I see those walls I remember shampooing and conditioning her hair and scrubbing her body down with a loofah saturated with a special body wash. And even though it took me a good hour to clean her completely because there were so many steps to it and I had to do so much before and after the actual shower itself, and even though at the very end of it all it felt like my arms were going to fall off, I would more than happily do that for twice a week like I had been doing (I would also wipe her down with cleaning wet wipes for the body twice a week) for another decade at least if it meant I could get my mom back.
― deethelurker, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 21:30 (nine years ago) link
GF's father (mid-80s, highly intelligent but faltering) was just talked out of $800 by a virtual kidnapping scammer. Suspect it's time for everyone to have a "how to talk to your parents about people trying to rip them off" moment... sigh.
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 8 September 2015 19:01 (nine years ago) link
he's certainly not alone
my mom volunteered in the consumer protection office for the state attorney general for a few years. a depressing number of cases were about companies or individuals that prey on the elderly :/
― μpright mammal (mh), Tuesday, 8 September 2015 19:12 (nine years ago) link
My grandmother almost fell prey to a scam disguised as a Publisher's Clearinghouse award (a letter basically saying we want to give you the award but we need some banking info from you first so please call this number and provide it), despite many such conversations. The worst was she tried to hide it from my parents because she was afraid they would say it was a scam and not let her go through with it! Actually no the worst was she confessed the whole thing to my aunt, who is a smart woman with multiple degrees and a background in science, and who also kept it from my parents because my grandmother asked her to. I can't remember how the truth came out but she was spared any losses and we reported the situation to the AG.
Anyway, I feel you about the frustration of this. Also the serious anger at people who take advantage of old folks.
― carl agatha, Tuesday, 8 September 2015 19:19 (nine years ago) link
mine are at or nearing Medicare age and I'm weary being their son. I've been bailing them out financially since I was 20 years old, despite them being able bodied and both employed mostly the entire time. Short story is they're irresponsible with money, live above their means, and are entitled to the point where they buy things because they "deserve" them and say they'll figure it out later. they also managed to ruin my brother's credit for similar reasons, after which he rightfully cut them off.
they just moved back and of course are already being a huge drain on us. my dad had to live with us temporarily for 2.5 months, in which they lived rent-free (as my mom stayed with a friend), were both working, with my dad getting social security on top of that, and still have no money. he filed bankruptcy 7 years ago and then somehow amassed new, crippling debt.
apparently the move sucked them dry and they want to borrow again, as if someone forced them to move here. we've had the talk before of how I can't keep doing this, but naturally when the alternative is my mom not having food I always cave (I blame my father for most of this).
by the time I actually have to legitimately take care of them....I have no idea how I'm going to have the energy to do it.
― Hammer Smashed Bagels, Sunday, 13 September 2015 14:17 (nine years ago) link
it sucks because it makes me resent them and then I feel guilty for THAT.
― Hammer Smashed Bagels, Sunday, 13 September 2015 14:20 (nine years ago) link
my grandparents got a call from someone claiming to be their granddaughter, saying she was in jail and needed them to send money to bail her out. Thank god they called my parents first, we figured out it was a scam pretty quick (just had to, uh, call my cousin and confirm that she was indeed not in jail). and apparently my other grandparents had the same scam attempted on them a few years back, but in this case it was someone claiming to be ME calling them up asking for money!
― brimstead, Sunday, 13 September 2015 19:47 (nine years ago) link
lol i remember now that my mom actually called the scammers back and told them off. that was pretty awesome.
― brimstead, Sunday, 13 September 2015 19:48 (nine years ago) link
my mom just gave me a coupon for $1 off yogurt. she wants me to mail it back to her if i don't use it
― mookieproof, Sunday, 13 September 2015 19:59 (nine years ago) link
That's like Peak Mom right there.
― carl agatha, Monday, 14 September 2015 00:36 (nine years ago) link
no matter how much it needs to happen, or how right I know I am, it never feels good telling my 62 year old mother, who is fragile and loves with her whole heart, that her and my dad are stressing me out with their insane financial dependence on me for the last fifteen years.
but I finally had to do it tonight, as I'd bottled it up too long. it was easier for me to dish the shit to my father, who has somewhat poisoned our relationship by treating me like a bank, but I feel like equal parts relieved and equal parts shit now that I've had to tell them they're cut off and I need some air.
part of it's also me seeing them and doubly wanting to make sure I don't wind up that way. if I'm that poorly off at retirement age, there will be a carbon monoxide funeral in my future.
oh well...I think deep down I keep seeing the passage of time and worrying about them getting older and frail and that's why I've held back so long.
― Hammer Smashed Bagels, Thursday, 24 September 2015 22:28 (nine years ago) link
Has anyone heard of a disease or allergy or otherwise where the eyes are constantly swollen and teary and the salt eats away at the corneas? This is some bad stuff and folks are having real trouble finding anyone that knows how to treat it or what it is really. They just got back from another appointment and the lab had somehow forgotten to do some bloodwork. They've been seeing people since June.
They said something about the immune system being responsible, that it is attacking the eyes. It is scary stuff he's laying down all day w a cloth over his eyes doing drops every 1hr. Nobody they've seen has any clue.
― AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Friday, 9 October 2015 19:31 (nine years ago) link
Sjogren's syndrome? I think that's either where you stop producing tears or the tears produced are not H2O enough?
― voodoo rage (suzy), Friday, 9 October 2015 19:58 (nine years ago) link
No this is constant tears.
― AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Friday, 9 October 2015 20:02 (nine years ago) link
I will ask them about that tho, thanks.
― AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Friday, 9 October 2015 20:03 (nine years ago) link
Sjogrens is not enough tears -- my mother-in-law has it. That sounds scary as hell, Adam.
― I might like you better if we Yelped together (Phil D.), Friday, 9 October 2015 20:03 (nine years ago) link
could it be this?
― Flamenco Drop (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 9 October 2015 20:26 (nine years ago) link
Maybe. I'll see them tomorrow and maybe find out more.
― AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Saturday, 10 October 2015 16:47 (nine years ago) link
good luck! it sounds awful, hope you get some answers/cure soon
― Flamenco Drop (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 10 October 2015 17:31 (nine years ago) link
not my aging parent but christ it is fucking horrible the way some companies go hard after elderly people. my wife's dad is 86 and he gets calls all day long from people claiming he owes money to the IRS, people telling him there's a virus on his computer and they need access to it, he gets mail from Publisher's Clearing House all the time, or other similar companies where he's won like 2 million bucks* (*just buy this set of tools and you'll be in line for the prize, you might be the lucky one!)
and now I just got off the phone with some fucking skin care company that corralled him into a trial membership for the low low price of $10 for two samples of skin cream, with monthly charges of $200 for both for the subsequent 12 months (or until he stops membership.)
i acted old on the phone, just in case. i think i did a pretty good job and jeez if you think trying to cancel cable is bad, try to cancel this shit. they at first said i couldn't cancel because i was still in the trial period, then they said they would lower the cost by 50%, then finally said i would just have to pay like $50 for the creams i already had and i doddered about and finally told them "ok."
fucking monsters, all of them. he's already throwing $5k a month at long term care for my wife's mom (bc of alzheimer's, bc of course insurance won't cover it.)
― nomar, Wednesday, 1 March 2017 21:31 (seven years ago) link
I get so upset about this ^^^^ kinda thing. I'm so glad that your FIL has ppl looking out for him to mitigate this stuff but so upset for all of the vulnerable people (not just elders) out there who are very systematically preyed upon and have no safety net if there isn't an attentive and involved loved one. Which, with the most vulnerable, there is often not.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, 1 March 2017 23:42 (seven years ago) link
I mentioned it upthread, but if your state has a consumer protection office, report this shit. I have no doubt it's one of those things that is getting gutted in many places, but it's often part of a state's attorney general's office and does advocacy for people like your father in law. Giving them a heads-up about new phone scams is useful.
― mh 😏, Thursday, 2 March 2017 00:00 (seven years ago) link
Bump because I'm probably going to be visiting this thread a lot. My 76-year-old mother drives reasonably well and seems perfectly coherent if you talk to her, but cannot take care of the house--imagine an East Coast center-hall colonial in much the same condition as the pictures above.
Another forum recommended that I talk to the county Adult Protective Services office and seek out a lawyer to talk power of attorney. Does anyone here have any advice on this?
A related issue: my Aunt Donna (sister of my late father) has been living alone. Three weeks ago she collapsed with some sort of seizure. The good news is that she has a circle of friends who found her soon after said collapse and rushed her to the hospital. The doctors still haven't made a diagnosis, but she's made enough of a recovery to call my mother yesterday.
Apparently my aunt's circle of friends has dealt enough with these matters to have power of attorney and related documents prepared in advance. I wish my mother had a circle of friends like that (she has a few long-distance friends; I don't think she has any face-to-face friends). I wish I had a circle of friends like that.
― Diana Fire (j.lu), Sunday, 5 March 2017 15:08 (seven years ago) link
It might be difficult, but I'd suggest talking this over with your mother and persuading her to see a lawyer with you to prepare a will, power of attorney, and related healthcare documents. She might not agree immediately, but give her some time to think about it, keep bringing it up, and perhaps get other family members to encourage her. It's to her benefit as well as yours for her to do this while she can consider and choose the options that work best for her. Once that paperwork is done, it's one less thing for everyone to worry about.
If she's still driving safely and is rational but can't take care of her house any more, a simple option might be hiring someone to come in and do some cleaning. Everyone ages differently and loses competencies at different rates. A chaotic house doesn't necessarily mean that she can't still function independently, but it does signal she's starting to need more help and ought to observed closely in case her capacity declines in other areas (for example, not eating properly, not keeping track of medications, or forgetting or over-paying bills).
My father is 82 and last year his Alzheimer's advanced to the point where he had to move into a memory care facility. By then I was already taking care of his banking, taxes, etc. If I hadn't had power of attorney it would have been much harder to do everything that was needed for his care. According to a lawyer I met with, the alternative to his having granted me power of attorney while he was competent would have been for me to apply for a conservatorship or guardianship, which could have taken months at a time when major decisions needed to be made in a hurry.
It's strange to look back over the last 10 years and realize how completely my relationship with my father changed during that time. I had to set aside some lingering hard feelings and become the more responsible and care-giving person in our relationship. My father also had to acknowledge that his memory problems were severe and that he needed my support. Both of us had to overcome lifelong patterns of fighting with and then withdrawing from each other and instead talk much more openly than we ever had. I'm glad I took the initiative and that we got together on what to do before it was too late.
― Brad C., Sunday, 5 March 2017 21:20 (seven years ago) link
I went to my mother's house today, where I broached the subject of moving in the near future and letting my sister and I deal with the house. She didn't agree right there, but I think she was listening. I also tried talking about her eating habits (the kitchen can only be described as a "disaster area"), but she got belligerent.
One piece of good news: my mother had been talking about finding an attorney to take my late father's name off the house title. More recently she would mention maybe having a will done at the same time. I volunteered to find a lawyer and make an appointment, and when she agreed, she mentioned "power of attorney" without being prompted. It's possible that Aunt Donna's recent health issues have made it clear that it's better to prepare these things in advance, rather than scramble around after something has happened.
― Diana Fire (j.lu), Sunday, 5 March 2017 21:33 (seven years ago) link
AGING PARENTS are a big chunk of my life both personal (father with Alzheimer's) and professional (hospice social worker). Can't echo more strongly what Brad C. and others have said about getting living will (including naming medical POA) and financial POA.
J.lu I've had to make DC APS reports on multiple occasions; ime if the person in question has decision-making capacity, APS won't do boo even if the decisions the person is making are clearly not in their best interest. And the DC guardianship process is a cluster easily avoided with medical/financial POA (these don't have to be the same person, lots of families I work with divvy it up). Those documents and living wills can be done without an attorney, let me know if you'd like me to point you to forms available online. Only the financial POA requires notarization (and I'm a notary so holler if you need one!).
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 5 March 2017 23:41 (seven years ago) link
Yes please point to online help! My parents have 0 documents prepared and I'm an only child. Their reason for not having anything prepared is that everything will fall to me regardless :-/
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 6 March 2017 00:10 (seven years ago) link
Another alternative is Five Wishes, a very plain-language, legalese-free advance directive that is recognized in 40+ states. There is a small cost and it is a little emo for my own personal taste, but it is very approachable and actually a lot more comprehensive than a lot of the state versions. https://www.agingwithdignity.org/
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 6 March 2017 00:18 (seven years ago) link
For basic financial POA documents, I just google Durable Power of Attorney + name of the state and find a .gov link. Don't pay money!
Some people use legalzoom or similar online service for after-you're-dead wills, but unless you have a very straightforward situation (which maybe your parents do), a trust and estate lawyer is a good idea. Even if you are an only child, their estate will have to go through probate if they die intestate! AVOID!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 6 March 2017 00:29 (seven years ago) link
^^ everything that quincie said
ime if the person in question has decision-making capacity, APS won't do boo even if the decisions the person is making are clearly not in their best interest.
currently we are trying to convince my live-in 85-yr old FIL that it is not in his best interest to move back to New York with no support network or plan, originally he was gonna sell the (empty) house but he has gotten cold feet basically so we are in a holding pattern. hopefully he will realize that he can't fend for himself, but if he insists on going I think we can make sure he gets an apartment ahead of time...
― sleeve, Monday, 6 March 2017 00:34 (seven years ago) link
and yeah, fortunately my wife has all that POA stuff dialed in, got that done a few years back and boy are we glad.
― sleeve, Monday, 6 March 2017 00:35 (seven years ago) link
Thanks for the info quincie. What does intestate mean? I'm in total denial about my aging parents.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 6 March 2017 01:22 (seven years ago) link
Idk want "go through probate" means either but I can tell it's something to be avoided & has to do with court.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 6 March 2017 01:23 (seven years ago) link
Another thing about POA, durable POA for healthcare, etc. -- be sure you keep the originals somewhere safe and secure. I spent about two years searching for the certified original copy of my father's POA; before that I had only photocopies, which probably wouldn't have been accepted if I had tried to make changes to his financial accounts or to sell his real estate.
Knowing where important documents are is especially important if your AGING PARENTS have memory problems because eventually they will not remember which very safe place they put them in.
xp "Intestate" is the condition of not having a valid Last Will and Testament. If you die intestate, the disposition of your property is determined by state law and the judgment of the probate court rather than by the terms of your will. I don't think probate can be avoided for most people's estates. Having a will makes that process a lot smoother. Also see above about certified original copies. My only copy of my father's will is a photocopy, which might or might not be accepted at probate. The terms of his will are so simplistic that the outcome would be much the same either way, but for many families it could make a big difference.
I don't know much about how the probate process works, so I'd appreciate more info about this too.
― Brad C., Monday, 6 March 2017 01:40 (seven years ago) link
Hi Quincie,
My mother is in Rockville, so I'd be dealing with the Montgomery County APS--do you know how responsive, effective, etc. they are?
A couple of years ago I gave my mother a copy of Five Wishes. Earlier today I found it at the house (uncompleted and insect-stained). Drafting the will and POA based on online templates is probably the best way to start. However, since my mother WANTS to talk to a lawyer about the house title, and seems to be receptive to preparing a POA and a will, I'd like a lawyer to look at the documents. A little preliminary work on Yelp identified two possible firms; does anyone have any better ideas for finding a lawyer?
― Diana Fire (j.lu), Monday, 6 March 2017 02:12 (seven years ago) link
I now work in MoCo, actually! I have not yet had any interaction with MoCo APS, but according to colleagues it's much the same story: person has capacity? Best of luck to you! The MoCo Office of Aging and Disability may be more helpful, but probably not by much.
Again via colleagues I've been given names of two trust&estate attys who seem to be well-liked; I'll e-mail those to you when I'm back in the office.
Idea: everyone on ILX can ship their AGING PARENTS and a buttload of money to me and I'll take care of everything!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 6 March 2017 02:26 (seven years ago) link
I'm starting to lowkey freak out about the fact that I live in another country from my (somewhat rapidly) aging parents. Like How TF am I going to deal w this.
― illegal economic migration (Tracer Hand), Monday, 6 March 2017 08:56 (seven years ago) link
urgh - sorry J. Lu for the situation you're in - this is all terribly familiar.These last 7 years, I've considered most of the options upthread but my mother has been very hostile and belligerent to any suggestion that she may not be 100% lucid. It is basically impossible to talk about these things with her, she will just clam up and get upset. My solution has been to bring in more and more house-help under somewhat false pretenses - ie a "cleaning lady" coming in every day for a couple of hours. It costs us a fortune but the peace of mind it's brought me in the last couple of years is, as they say, priceless.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Monday, 6 March 2017 09:14 (seven years ago) link
Tracer I know the feeling. My brother still lives in the usa & even in the same city as them so he'll shoulder the physical burden at least.
It's possible for me to bring them here too if things get very bad.
― droit au butt (Euler), Monday, 6 March 2017 09:23 (seven years ago) link
I can't imagine that Tracer. Every time I've had the chance to live in another country I've avoided it because of the distance it would put between my parents and me. How long have you lived overseas now?
― Brevs Mekis (dandydonweiner), Monday, 6 March 2017 21:26 (seven years ago) link
Every so often I see articles talking about (U.S.) citizens who retire in a country outside the U.S., because of cheaper costs of living. I hope to god for the sake of these retirees' next of kin that the retirees prepared their wills and powers of attorney BEFORE the move. Imagine trying to support an aging parent not just over a distance, but with language barriers and possibly a drastically different legal system to complicate things.
(Since the 2016 election, I've thought vaguely about emigrating to Germany. It wouldn't have been imminent anyways, but it sure won't be happening any time soon.)
In the meantime, I've downloaded templates for a will and a power of attorney, and I just spoke to my mother about drafting these documents before we go to a lawyer. She sounded reluctant but resigned.
― Diana Fire (j.lu), Monday, 6 March 2017 22:59 (seven years ago) link
I'm so mad at my sister right now. When we first decided we couldn't let Mom go on in her current way any longer, my sister suggested letting her stay temporarily to the currently vacant condo she owns. So when yesterday I suggested moving Mom there as a halfway house to getting her to move to Leisure World, my sister balked. Her explanation was that it would disrupt Mom's "momentum" towards moving to Leisure World.
I do not doubt that my sister is as busy with work as she says. But Mom seems alarmingly happy to live in a squalid house, spending her days watching TV and petting the cats, and buying more clothes and groceries (which tend to get lost in the clutter). If my mother has any momentum when I'm not around and trying to coax her into doing something, I see no sign of it.
I've still got my mother's cats, and have said that I really don't want to return them until the situation is "resolved." I love cats, but 1) one of them has occasionally pooped on the floor, no matter how frequently I clean the litter box, and 2) my hands and wrists are itching and irritated in a way that make me afraid I'm allergic to cats.
― Diana Fire (j.lu), Tuesday, 7 March 2017 10:55 (seven years ago) link
So my mother has had lung cancer for the past 4 ish years but she stopped treating it about two years ago and is definitely in rapid decline. She also has some form of undiagnosed (my dad doesn't see the point in taking her to see someone for that) dementia which is heartbreaking. My father won't even consider a visiting nurse even though he's at the point of pretty much doing literally everything for her because he thinks having people coming in to help would be betraying her somehow. ?! While I'm not in another country I am still quite far away (they're in FL and I'm in MA) and I'm an only child. Recently her doctor said that he can't say if it'll be next week or in six months but she'd definitely dying. That might be the weirdest part - that limbo. I'm going down there at the end of the month for a couple days and the above info is helpful. I just feel like I need to have a better handle on all of this especially since I'm the only one. My dad's six years younger than my mom (78/72) and much younger in both body and spirit thank god. Still, this shit is so hard.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 7 March 2017 16:24 (seven years ago) link
The good news is that now I don't think I'm allergic to my mother's cats. The bad news is that I think one of them has scabies (which would be what's causing the rashes on my hands and wrists). Then at work I just got back a set of massive and poorly documented changes to a document I'm working on.
This is really wicked of me, but I am sorely tempted right now to just return the cats to my mother and let her go her own way, in the hope that something catastrophic will happen. I thought I couldn't hate myself any more.
― Diana Fire (j.lu), Wednesday, 8 March 2017 15:02 (seven years ago) link
The good news: My mother has signed off on a will and medical and legal powers of attorney.The bad news: I just tried talking to her again about cleaning out the house, only to be brushed off again. These cats are going to be with me for the rest of their lives Y/Y/Y?
― Diana Fire (j.lu), Thursday, 20 April 2017 00:17 (seven years ago) link
Last week, I sat with my dad in a hospice facility in Florida for 8 hours every day for 6 days and watched my mother slowly die. She was completely unresponsive the entire time and we had no idea whether or not she knew we were there. The smell as her body began to shut down was something I will never forget. Nor is sitting on the floor and holding her hands so that I could look in her eyes on the off chance that she could see me or feel my presence as I told her it was OK to go. She must have lost 20 pounds in those six days. The way she looked the finally afternoon when the nursing aides came to turn her over was probably the most frightening thing I've ever seen. We got the call from the nurse that she'd passed about two hours after we left for the night. When we got to her room they'd placed a gold butterfly on the door and a rose in her hands. Hers was the first dead body I've ever seen and she was still warm. That was one week ago and today is my first day back at work. We had a very complicated relationship and she's been ill for a very long time. That said, this is the most intense and surreal experience.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Monday, 12 June 2017 16:57 (seven years ago) link
i'm sorry to hear that enbb
i know what you mean by surreal as you describe something similar to what i felt when mine passed
thoughts are with you and your family
― i n f i n i t y (∞), Monday, 12 June 2017 17:13 (seven years ago) link
Very sorry indeed, ENBB. Sending best in such an upsetting time.
― Ned Raggett, Monday, 12 June 2017 17:14 (seven years ago) link
I'm so, so sorry ENBB. I watched my dad pass away slowly in hospice; like you, his was the first dead body I had ever seen and I have never been able to characterize the experience as good or bad, just IMMENSE, like being hit with a stray moon or something. Peace to you.
― or at night (Jon not Jon), Monday, 12 June 2017 17:26 (seven years ago) link
Love and peace, ENBB.
― Conic section rebellion 44 (in orbit), Monday, 12 June 2017 17:57 (seven years ago) link
i'm so sorry E. we went through some of that with Mr Veg's mom.
I remember going to see her after they'd cut off all treatment. the change was so dramatic, she looked like a ghost almost. but her final hours brought all of us together in a way that we hadnt experienced as a family in a long time... and i felt a closeness with her that was sort of reassuring at the same time as being so sad and strange.
i know it's weird to say but i am glad you had that time with her <3
― Yoni Loves Chocha (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 12 June 2017 18:13 (seven years ago) link
a minute or so after my dad passed, my aunt (she, my mom and me had been the only ones in the room) said 'he looks like a little baby' (which is not to say that the moment of passing was peaceful harps or anything; it wasn't) and she was otm
― or at night (Jon not Jon), Monday, 12 June 2017 18:20 (seven years ago) link
Although it might seem like a jarring note in the circumstances, I am glad to hear you were able to spend so many hours and days with your mom as she made the passage from life to death. I am certain it helped her to have you and your dad there so much of the time, and the immediacy and intensity of it will help both you and your dad assimilate and adjust to her departure. That adjustment can take a lot of unfamiliar shapes and you'll probably feel really weird at times, but the time you spent with her will mean a tremendous amount to you as time passes. My condolences.
― A is for (Aimless), Monday, 12 June 2017 18:35 (seven years ago) link
just want to second everything aimless wrote, i witnessed this painful process w/my mom and then my dad years ago and over time those mixed-up memories eventually helped me heal and became not a comfort exactly but a central part of what i'll always hold close about both of them. beaming love and positive energy your way enbb.
― busy bee starski (m coleman), Monday, 12 June 2017 18:55 (seven years ago) link
i'm so sorry E -- i can't imagine how much more intense it was knowing that you (too) are an only. <3
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 12 June 2017 20:06 (seven years ago) link
condolences to you and family.
― Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Monday, 12 June 2017 20:34 (seven years ago) link
Sorry E
― kinder, Monday, 12 June 2017 20:41 (seven years ago) link
very sorry, E. I'm glad she was with her family in her final days. take care of yourself.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 12 June 2017 23:31 (seven years ago) link
sorry for your loss, ENBB
― the baby grew up to be a secessful kid (unregistered), Monday, 12 June 2017 23:58 (seven years ago) link
My condolences, E.
― syzygy stardust (suzy), Tuesday, 13 June 2017 07:18 (seven years ago) link
Love and thoughts E
― May o God help us (darraghmac), Tuesday, 13 June 2017 08:28 (seven years ago) link
I rememeber reading about your family predicament over the years ENBB - so similar to my own. My deepest condolences. I hope you can find, in time, some serene closure .
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 13 June 2017 10:50 (seven years ago) link
May she rest well , my condolences.
― Dean of the University (Latham Green), Tuesday, 13 June 2017 11:24 (seven years ago) link
Just realized I never said thank you for all the nice messages. Thank you. <3
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Monday, 26 June 2017 15:37 (seven years ago) link
how are you holding up, E?
― Yoni Loves Chocha (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 26 June 2017 23:46 (seven years ago) link
Hey! I kept meaning to respond. I am . . . OK. Ish. Last week and this weekend were really really hard. The weirdest part though was that I was just sad and unmotivated and teary in a way I've never been. It wasn't this specific missing of my mom or thinking about her death just this overwhelming heaviness and it hits at the weirdest times and it can be so intense. At first I was confused because I've never felt this way before and didn't know how to process it but then I realized that it is grief and that this is normal. That doesn't make it any less hard or shitty but it helps to remind myself of that that and of the fact that I won't feel this way forever.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Wednesday, 5 July 2017 17:55 (seven years ago) link
<3 <3 over time it sorta, calcifies? like it becomes a part of you without weighing you down. everyone's different though. it takes a lot of time bendon hugs help i'm sure :)
― Yoni Loves Chocha (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 6 July 2017 03:17 (seven years ago) link
I realized that it is grief and that this is normal.
Yes. A thousand times yes.
― A is for (Aimless), Thursday, 6 July 2017 04:43 (seven years ago) link
The thing that strikes me the most these days is how it almost doesn't even seem real that any of this happened. I know she's gone but the whole way it all happened made the actual event pretty traumatic and the days after that were such a whirlwind. I feel like I've been a weird daze all summer but lately I've been having these moments where I think "Holy shit, my mom died" but it still feels unreal somehow. I haven't been back to see my dad since I was there in June so maybe that's why - I don't actually notice her absence every day. I feel like I haven't been doing anything except going through the motions of being a person and it's been making me feel bad like I'm not strong enough or something. I know it's only been a few months. Everything has just been so hard for such a long time. I'm tired of it. Also, I don't feel well today so I'm feeling sorry for myself.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 25 August 2017 17:43 (seven years ago) link
it's been making me feel bad like I'm not strong enough or something.
Older cultures than ours understood well how the death of loved ones affected the survivors and they evolved traditions that allowed families to cope with the aftermath. They often prescribed a set of activities that lasted a full year. You're only months into this and more or less afloat and on your own to deal with it. You just experienced one of life's most powerful and disturbing events. It is no wonder your mind still feels disturbed. Just be kind to yourself. Renew that kindness constantly. It's necessary. I wish you sufficient moments of peace to find how to piece this enormous event into your life and make it normal.
In my own case, my 92 year old mother is now in hospice care. I'm back to weekly visits again. Rather than having one terminal problem, all her systems are simply slowing drastically and rather gently fading out. She's not in much pain, but her slow cessation is evident from week to week. She now spends about 22 hours a day in bed. She is losing interest in anything but the intermittent visits from her children. Even then, she only wants to look at me, hold my hand and listen to me talk, although she is mostly blind and deaf now.
I suspect she'll drift along like this, emptying out bit by bit, for five or six more weeks. But this seems like one of the gentler ways to bow out, so I am glad of that.
― A is for (Aimless), Friday, 25 August 2017 18:29 (seven years ago) link
Thank you, Aimless. Your words are very helpful. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. It's so hard though that does sound gentle which is definitely good.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 29 August 2017 14:43 (seven years ago) link
visiting my parents at the jersey shore and my dad had a stroke this morning
i think it could have been much worse? we were there, the ambulance was super fast. but it's still bad
also i apologize to paul ryan for not using the power of the free market to unlock cheaper and better health care options. we were in a rush
― mookieproof, Sunday, 10 September 2017 21:24 (seven years ago) link
oh no. I'm sorry. I was just listening to a radio show emphasizing that time is of the essence - thank goodness family was around. The wait to figure out what 'bad' is going to actually mean is so hard.
― ljubljana, Sunday, 10 September 2017 21:46 (seven years ago) link
i'm sorry to hear about your dad! at least you are there for your mom.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 10 September 2017 22:29 (seven years ago) link
aww mooks <3 and hugs
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 10 September 2017 22:32 (seven years ago) link
<3 mookie
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 10 September 2017 22:52 (seven years ago) link
Terrible. Sending best for you all.
― Ned Raggett, Sunday, 10 September 2017 22:54 (seven years ago) link
<3 mookie, so sorry this has happened, best wishes to you all
― estela, Monday, 11 September 2017 01:34 (seven years ago) link
also my belated condolences to enbb. i've always thought you were a very good daughter to both of your parents. i hope you find peace after your enormous loss <3
― estela, Monday, 11 September 2017 01:38 (seven years ago) link
Sorry about your dad! I'll be thinking of you and your family.
― tokyo rosemary, Monday, 11 September 2017 02:45 (seven years ago) link
<3 thanks dudes
― mookieproof, Monday, 11 September 2017 05:08 (seven years ago) link
mooks <3
― Week of Wonders (Ross), Monday, 11 September 2017 05:19 (seven years ago) link
aging parents is hard. my dad's 69, my mom's 64. Few weeks back I told her she looked just as young as ever, made her day. It's sad when people get old and they start thinking they look "bad" in family pictures, like my Mom recently did. breaks my heart
― Week of Wonders (Ross), Monday, 11 September 2017 05:23 (seven years ago) link
My dad passed last Monday 9/4. He had had a bad heart for nearly 20 years, really lived years beyond what he should. After going through this, I kinda think he was on point in not having a big funeral or anything.
― earlnash, Monday, 11 September 2017 05:33 (seven years ago) link
earlnash <3
― Week of Wonders (Ross), Monday, 11 September 2017 05:43 (seven years ago) link
sorry for your loss, earl
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 11 September 2017 05:47 (seven years ago) link
they want him to stay awake because his blood pressure falls when he falls asleep (kinda seems like this could be adjusted for, but i guess not). so he's lying there sort of half dozing and periodically raising his right arm just to show that he can still do it.
it's a lot more willpower than i have, i'm certain
i'm sorry about your dad, earlnash.
― mookieproof, Monday, 11 September 2017 07:21 (seven years ago) link
Sorry for your loss, Earlnash.
Sending good thoughts, Mookie.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Monday, 11 September 2017 07:53 (seven years ago) link
Feeling for you Mookie. These periods, of fear and helplessness, can be so hard. Wishing you strength and patience.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Monday, 11 September 2017 10:42 (seven years ago) link
hope you are all managing as well as possible, mookie. condolences earlnash.
― Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Monday, 11 September 2017 13:18 (seven years ago) link
John, I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope he's doing a little better and that you and your mom are doing OK.
― estela, Sunday, September 10, 2017 9:38 PM (one week ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Oh Estela, thank you. This just made me tear up at my desk.
It's been nearly four months now and it is still so strange/hard. My dad landed in Germany this morning to visit my aunt and uncle for two months which I think will be good for him - getting out of the house they shared where he's been alone and being in a new environment and around family and all. Tyring to think of something he and I can do for Christmas together that doesn't involve being at their house without her.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Thursday, 21 September 2017 14:28 (seven years ago) link
Good lord this is a hard, harrowing read.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:10 (seven years ago) link
i'm not sure i can deal with reading that.
― Mad Piratical (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:19 (seven years ago) link
I mean, to be blunt, I really did move to the Bay Area in part because I wanted to make sure I'm much nearer my folks in case of emergencies. Reading that makes me very glad their plan is strictly based on staying at their home with long term health coverage as needed, and California isn't Nevada. I still got jumpy.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:30 (seven years ago) link
I'll have to, later.
My mom told me the other day that she's kind of anxious waiting for the corn harvest season. My grandfather, before he moved to an assisted living facility (and started incurring all kinds of medical bills) was living off of money from tenant farming. He's too old to do work, so someone farms land he owns and he gets a share of the (hopeful) profits. As it is, she's mortgaged about 2/3 of the land to pay for his bills, and if the income doesn't cut it, will have to mortgage the last third. I don't know that selling the land would let them get that much more money.
― mh, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:33 (seven years ago) link
So the money management part is relatable, but oh boy, the idea of her profiting off of being custodian of his finances sure isn't/
― mh, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:34 (seven years ago) link
Oh my God. I read the whole thing and I want to throw up. Those people are pure evil.
― maura, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:44 (seven years ago) link
As a court-appointed guardian for my daughter, that article was appalling. The worst thing about that NYer article is that the court itself was so spectacularly irresponsible. It did not make any attempt at an independent assessment of the couple and relied on extremely flimsy evidence to declare their incompetence, without even notifying the couple of the proceedings against them. That defines a legal process which begs to be abused.
― A is for (Aimless), Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:47 (seven years ago) link
I was just now searching to see what the status of Parks and her immediate accomplices are -- I can't determine if the trial itself is ongoing.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:49 (seven years ago) link
And yeah that judge...it's a different kind of evil but I'm content to put him right up there with that Pennsylvania jurist who got his for the scheme sending kids to prison. So this guy being shunted over TO kids' court is not so good.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:50 (seven years ago) link
ok, I assumed this was about children taking advantage of guardianship, but the person this is about is completely horrible and I'm furious
― mh, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:51 (seven years ago) link
that's horrific, and heartbreaking
― kinder, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 19:58 (seven years ago) link
I have thread-appropriate tidings but I’ll wait til that article has been fully bruited
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 3 October 2017 20:35 (seven years ago) link
Amazing story
― jmm, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 21:20 (seven years ago) link
Some of the courtroom scenes described in the article are on Youtube:
― jmm, Tuesday, 3 October 2017 21:53 (seven years ago) link
no way am i reading about this
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 3 October 2017 23:26 (seven years ago) link
One part I'm unclear on is just what the commissioner was getting out of the scheme. I don't think he directly benefitted from funnelling people into guardianship. My guess is that the same private guardians were a constant presence in his courtroom, whereas there was a continuous stream of wards and family members whom he never had to see again and who were much less practiced in talking in front of a judge. So he sympathized with the guardians. That and contempt for elderly people.
― jmm, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 14:40 (seven years ago) link
Sorry to detract from the article under discussion. But it’s time for one of my characteristic oversharings.
My wife’s dad had a massive heart attack over a week ago (last Monday night) and has been in ICU at Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston since then. So have we - my wife and I and her sister and her sisters longtime bf - except for going to my cousin’s house to pass out at night.
Apparently this was an extraordinarily severe cardiac arrest - the director of cardiac here said it’s the worst one he’s seen in twenty years. Father in law is 80 and as long as I have known him he has literally worked out at the gym every single day. If he wasn’t so fit he would not even have survived this heart attack.
He’s basically been on life support (for three systems: impella pump for heart, continuous dialysis for kidneys, ventilator for breathing) for nine days, except for part of Wednesday when they thought he could start breathing on his own, which he did for awhile but then he started struggling to breathe and the tube had to go back in. Except for that window last Wednesday he had been sedated to the extent that he has the aspect of someone asleep, except that occasionally his eyelids part briefly. He hears what we say a lot of the time. When my wife or her sis talk to him, his blood pressure improves: you can watch it on the screen. He sometimes answers yes or no questions via hand squeezes.
Incredible thing is, Monday and Tuesday there were some signs of his heart improving, starting to heal itself. The odds were very much against this. They’ve said a large portion of his left ventricle was ‘destroyed’.
He could be in this ICU for months inching his way back to autonomy, and months more of a regular ward/rehab type thing. We kind of need to live here for awhile. The NYC friends are being incredible about looking after the dog and birds and my job is playing ball with me so far but I’m scared some of these people will lose patience, especially scared that my cousin will tire of having us in her guest room and of us having to find another free haven in this ridiculously expensive city (we can’t stay at her dad’s house. Its legit not habitable. Long story.)
Her dad was a popular guy around here! Apparently (older) people all around Boston are talking about him being in here fighting for his life.
Monday there was a 17 year old girl in one of the family hangout areas who had just found out her dad had a cerebral hemorrhage and was not gonna make it. She was such a cool kid. Gangly nerd with a nasa t-shirt and a flannel, who wants to be an environmental engineer. It was AWFUL. I held it together until she went back with her mom to her dad’s room and then I cried and cried. This morning I saw that someone different is in that girl’s dad’s room.
Her dad’s status as the sickest guy in the whole hospital, which happens to be one of the world’s best, has clearly energized the cardiac team... I think for underdog-rooting reasons and professional challenge reasons they are incredibly determined to save him.
This morning when we were here for rounds there were two things. One: director of cardiac now says his heart is ‘livable’. Yes part of it is destroyed, but there’s enough there to power him. Two: the infection they started detecting yesterday is worse now, per his white blood cell levels, and is now an emergency.
Wife and her sister fight really badly. When their mom was dying of cancer three years ago, the fighting was almost as traumatic as the situation itself. They have kept it decent these nine days but today they went at it hard. Now there’s talk of shifts so they don’t have to ever see each other. It’s partly because of that relationship that I can’t go back to nyc and leave her here on her own. Her sister drives and she doesn’t. When it’s just the two of them that leads to SIL having the ‘power’ and then really bad shit goes down.
Primarily, jeez this guy who has clawed his way back from a world-record cardiac arrest surely can’t die from an infection? NB he and I aren’t friends. He thinks I’m a schlub who doesn’t make enough money for his daughter and I think he’s a fucking asshole who ruined people’s lives. But I want him to LIVE please.
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 4 October 2017 15:33 (seven years ago) link
man that's rough, sending you good vibes.
infections are a huge risk with heart surgeries (my wife is an RN cardiac specialist). she was just telling me how some patient has like 15 teeth pulled, that happens a lot when people with bad teeth get surgeries cuz of infection risks. so yeah, it is probably the #1 post-op concern.
― sleeve, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 15:35 (seven years ago) link
Yeah he didn’t actually have any surgery other than immediate insertion of a stent. His heart was too fucked up for surgery. They think the infection probably originated with the extended time he has been intubated.
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 4 October 2017 15:43 (seven years ago) link
Wishing you all the best man, that's a terrible situation. Your description of the sisters fighting... Awful esp in that situation. I've been in a similar situation twice before, going to the hospital every day for months. The odd things you cling to (staff that are good people, others in the waiting room)...
Again, all the very best.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 16:00 (seven years ago) link
If only this were happening in the city where we live there’d be so many additional stress factors removed (Duh)
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 4 October 2017 16:05 (seven years ago) link
Gosh, horrible news. Best indeed to you for sure.
― Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 16:06 (seven years ago) link
JnJ, it sounds to me like you will be absolutely critical support for your wife as she deals with this and the enormous stress it will put on her family. I hope that your father-in-law's condition soon settles into moving in one clear direction, so everyone involved can begin to prepare for one relatively predictable outcome. Nothing could be more stressful than a series of crises, complications, reverses, with hopes raised and dashed. Modern medicine has a way of prolonging this shit indefinitely, in a way that is not always helpful to the patient or the family. Good luck.
― A is for (Aimless), Wednesday, 4 October 2017 19:17 (seven years ago) link
good luck jon -- don't forget about your needs in the processthey are no less important than those of well-liked trooper cardiac patients or their familieslike if you need to go back to work in order to support yourselves longterm, that's as valuable as being sibling intermediary/chauffeurimoy'all are in my thoughts!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 5 October 2017 03:53 (seven years ago) link
RIP. this was an unexpected turn of events. He was improving so much he was about to 'graduate' off the external heart impeller today. But then this afternoon he suddenly went into "v-fib", but they shocked him and he was fine again. And then about an hour and a half ago he coded again for the same reason. And then again about an hour ago and they couldn't revive him. This is going to utterly destroy my wife and her sister. Things REALLY looked good before this afternoon.
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 7 October 2017 00:30 (seven years ago) link
so sorry to hear this jon, sending love
― niels, Saturday, 7 October 2017 00:33 (seven years ago) link
Indeed -- best for you all on the road ahead.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 7 October 2017 00:54 (seven years ago) link
oh man, sorry. good luck with everything <3
― mookieproof, Saturday, 7 October 2017 01:13 (seven years ago) link
sorry to hear this, also sort of glad it wasn't protracted or agonizing. good luck -- "best for you all on the road ahead" otm -- esp since it applies to the living.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 7 October 2017 04:21 (seven years ago) link
I'm really hoping that his circle of friends around here will help us with the funeral planning - he has no actual family here and it's just way too fucking much. Also the legal situation is a mystery and a mess. Unpaid bills, things put up as collateral against legal costs, probably no will etc etc etc
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 7 October 2017 16:08 (seven years ago) link
Good lord, that all sounds like nightmare fuel waiting to happen.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 7 October 2017 16:30 (seven years ago) link
It sounds like the estate will probably have to bear the cost of some legal assistance to help you sort it all out. if other potential heirs (family members) object to this expense (it isn't cheap), ask them who it is they think will be doing all that work. the best you can do right now it take each day's problems as they arise and try to stay balanced and grounded. good luck.
― A is for (Aimless), Saturday, 7 October 2017 17:43 (seven years ago) link
One of his inner circle is a prominent Boston lawyer so I think that'll help. But yeah it's gonna be hard
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 7 October 2017 17:58 (seven years ago) link
Very sad, Jon. I'm sorry.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 8 October 2017 17:39 (seven years ago) link
so my dad killed himself thursday afternoon
― mookieproof, Sunday, 26 November 2017 01:45 (seven years ago) link
so sorry to hear that mookie <3
― In a slipshod style (Ross), Sunday, 26 November 2017 01:47 (seven years ago) link
Ugh. So sorry. How old was he? Had he been depressed? Maybe this stuff is already upthread.
― Modern Zounds in Undiscovered Country (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 26 November 2017 01:50 (seven years ago) link
oh no mookie
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 26 November 2017 01:50 (seven years ago) link
sorry for your loss
― calstars, Sunday, 26 November 2017 01:53 (seven years ago) link
Good lord. Deepest condolences, sir.
― Ned Raggett, Sunday, 26 November 2017 02:09 (seven years ago) link
he had a (easy for me to say, but relatively mild) stroke in september. then pneumonia four weeks ago, which involved a week with a breathing tube down his throat. he'd just gotten out of the rehab hospital on wednesday. the pneumonia had pretty much wiped out whatever gains he'd made since the stroke.
i mean, i understand. he was 81; it's not like he had a bright future ahead even if he regained the ability to drive/ride his bike/whatever.
but he shot himself in the fucking eye in my mom's basement while she was upstairs. so she found him gushing blood all over the floor, had to call 911, had to tell the EMTs to let him die, had to deal with the cops' initial suspicion that she'd shot him, and held on to the idea for a full day that it might somehow have been an accident.
i can't sleep because i keep thinking about her voice when she called me.
i mean he was a great guy and i love(d) him and i know it's textbook to get pissed off but that's just so fucking wrong
tbf he always hated holidays; i guess he got his revenge on thanksgiving
― mookieproof, Sunday, 26 November 2017 02:16 (seven years ago) link
Sorry, man. <3 to you and your mom
― Modern Zounds in Undiscovered Country (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 26 November 2017 02:20 (seven years ago) link
i’m so sorry mookie, that is awful. <3
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 26 November 2017 02:21 (seven years ago) link
Oh mookie, I’m sorry.
― El Tomboto, Sunday, 26 November 2017 02:24 (seven years ago) link
thx guys. guess i got through denial pretty quickly
― mookieproof, Sunday, 26 November 2017 02:32 (seven years ago) link
jeez mook, so sorry to hear this. <3 back to you. good luck to you and your mom.
― rb (soda), Sunday, 26 November 2017 02:37 (seven years ago) link
love to you, mookie. I'm so sorry to read this.
― Susan Stranglehands (jed_), Sunday, 26 November 2017 02:44 (seven years ago) link
Really sorry to hear this, mookie
― xyzzzz__, Sunday, 26 November 2017 04:55 (seven years ago) link
Sorry to hear about all of this. Death is not easy in any form.
― earlnash, Sunday, 26 November 2017 05:02 (seven years ago) link
jesus, sorry bud. i'll be thinking of you and your mom.
― call all destroyer, Sunday, 26 November 2017 05:17 (seven years ago) link
I'm very sorry Mookie, that is dreadful. Thinking of you and your mom.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Sunday, 26 November 2017 11:41 (seven years ago) link
I am so sorry, Mookie, thinking of you and your family.
― FKA (doo dah), Sunday, 26 November 2017 13:30 (seven years ago) link
really sorry to hear that - i hope that you and your family can manage to cope.
― Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 26 November 2017 13:33 (seven years ago) link
Damn, sorry Mookie.
― brownie, Sunday, 26 November 2017 14:27 (seven years ago) link
Sorry mooks
― i n f i n i t y (∞), Sunday, 26 November 2017 14:35 (seven years ago) link
i emailed you but am bumping this thread again just to say how sorry i am that you and your mom are going through this. i woke up thinking about your mom.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 26 November 2017 15:22 (seven years ago) link
I don’t even know what to say. I’m so sorry, mookie, and have been thinking about you and your mom <3
― mh, Sunday, 26 November 2017 20:30 (seven years ago) link
so sorry mookie<3
― estela, Sunday, 26 November 2017 22:14 (seven years ago) link
Wow so sorry to hear about this.
― Randall Jarrell (dandydonweiner), Sunday, 26 November 2017 22:44 (seven years ago) link
<3 you, mookie
― Conic section rebellion 44 (in orbit), Sunday, 26 November 2017 22:57 (seven years ago) link
Mookie I can't believe you had the wherewithal to post an anti-Blackhawks link for me since this happened. Take care of yourself and your family; my deepest sympathies.
― I want to change my display name (dan m), Monday, 27 November 2017 00:39 (seven years ago) link
Sorry to hear this, Mookie
― The Harsh Tutelage of Michael McDonald (Raymond Cummings), Monday, 27 November 2017 00:53 (seven years ago) link
I'm also lost for words. All my love though <3
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Monday, 27 November 2017 00:55 (seven years ago) link
So sorry to hear, mookie.
― Montgomery Burns' Jazz (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Monday, 27 November 2017 00:56 (seven years ago) link
I'm really sorry you and your mom are going through this, mookie.
― WilliamC, Monday, 27 November 2017 01:41 (seven years ago) link
Awful stuff, mookie. I'm so sorry.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 27 November 2017 01:42 (seven years ago) link
This is just awful. I’m so sorry for you and your mom, mookie.
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Monday, 27 November 2017 03:53 (seven years ago) link
Mookie, I have (almost) no words either, apart from condolences to you and your mother at what must be a very confusing and sad time.
― kim jong deal (suzy), Monday, 27 November 2017 08:59 (seven years ago) link
thanks ilxors <3 <3 <3
― mookieproof, Monday, 27 November 2017 15:07 (seven years ago) link
thinking of you mookieprob don’t need to say it but obv feel free to let off steam/stress here as the days go on i know the post-death arrangements & stuff can be p stressful
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 27 November 2017 22:57 (seven years ago) link
jeez, sorry man
― Roberto Spiralli, Tuesday, 28 November 2017 03:14 (seven years ago) link
it probably doesn't mean much but s sorry for you and your mom - truly tragic. I can only second advice upthread to try to let off steam and get some fresh air out of the house, as much as the situation allows it.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 28 November 2017 17:03 (seven years ago) link
yeah i really just want to stop thinking about it, but that doesn't seem to be an option
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 28 November 2017 17:38 (seven years ago) link
you're carrying about as heavy a load as anyone could stagger under right now. just know it's going to take you a long time to process all the thoughts and feelings from this. and you don't always have to be the 'strong one'.
― A is for (Aimless), Tuesday, 28 November 2017 18:58 (seven years ago) link
geez no kidding -- and it really does help alleviate some of the persistent thoughts to talk about it.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 28 November 2017 19:08 (seven years ago) link
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 28 November 2017 19:59 (seven years ago) link
mookie, I'm still thinking of you and your mom. LL's thought is one of the things I was thrashing around trying to say - she has pinpointed the reason.
― ljubljana, Tuesday, 28 November 2017 20:33 (seven years ago) link
having been there, I can only say what I hope I or somebody said at the time: squint at how desperate he must have been to do that, whether it was a sudden impulse, reaction, decision, or however long he'd thought about it--how desperate, incl. knowing on some level how he would leave y'all to deal with the consequences---but now he's beyond his desperation and misery.
― dow, Wednesday, 29 November 2017 05:01 (seven years ago) link
But if you're to some degree angry, I don't blame you at all.
― dow, Wednesday, 29 November 2017 05:16 (seven years ago) link
ugh... so sorry mookie.
― Elvis Telecom, Thursday, 30 November 2017 02:07 (seven years ago) link
Just saw this, mook. How awful. I'm very sorry for you and your mom.
― ice cream social justice (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 30 November 2017 02:12 (seven years ago) link
Same here, hang in there.
― dow, Thursday, 30 November 2017 15:42 (seven years ago) link
complications indeed
― mookieproof, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 19:00 (seven years ago) link
― kim jong deal (suzy), Wednesday, 6 December 2017 19:02 (seven years ago) link
really lovely obit; I guy I would definitely kiw
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 8 December 2017 01:45 (seven years ago) link
lovely indeed, thanks for letting us read it.
― dow, Friday, 8 December 2017 04:22 (seven years ago) link
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 8 December 2017 05:02 (seven years ago) link
Saddest thread. Sorry Mookie.
― albvivertine, Friday, 8 December 2017 05:55 (seven years ago) link
Gotta vent.
So just went for a quick visit to my aging parents (met my mum in central London to help her with food shopping ahead of xmas) and more importantly to see my father, who I knew had been ill with what sounded like - in phone conversations - something viral (nausea, some vomitting), eating a bit but not much and living on water and tea. The doctors haven't been to ascertain exactly what it is (only a blood test so far) with a "there is nothing wrong" from it.
I knew he had lost about weight but I was mildly startled. I think its about 10 pounds off, legs are thinner. He can walk but may need a walking stick at this rate.
He is having an X-ray on Thursday and an endoscopy on the 5th Jan (that's three weeks away) then talking to a consultant who is going to take a view on it.
This all started after they came back from a summer in India so I wonder if he picked something up that will not shake off. If he is weaker and with this cold weather too...I have to say as I saw him later on the phone (with family who are calling even more to find out how he is) I just...pictured myself reading an eulogy at his funeral. Totally caught me.
I just hope it isn't the last xmas.
I HATE that this is three fucking weeks away I just want it done NOW. We were discussing a private option but he doesn't think its that far away blah. I dunno, hands are tied praying the bad thing doesn't happen otherwise its damage limitation in A&E. Fuck.
― xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 21:21 (seven years ago) link
My mom has rallied a bit since my last bulletin to this thread. She'll certainly last through Christmas, and probably has months more to run if she doesn't get ill. But she's obviously done engaging with life in any meaningful way.
She doesn't recall anything other than the deep past and has no interest in that either. I visited her weekly up until mid November and she greatly enjoyed listening to me, but her participation was limited to a few words here and there. She no longer has an opinion on anything other than how pleasant it is to see her family. She's very tranquil and that's a good thing.
― A is for (Aimless), Tuesday, 19 December 2017 21:59 (seven years ago) link
My mum was rushed to hospital on Saturday and had surgery yesterday: she'd been unwell for weeks and convinced herself she had stomach cancer. Actually just a blocked bowl (just!) and double hernia (just!).
Visited her yesterday and she's doing pretty well. Should come home today.
― Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Wednesday, 20 December 2017 07:55 (seven years ago) link
I had planned for a month for my mom to take the train today and come to my house for Xmas. Opportunity for her to see her granddaughter and meet for the first time her 3-months old grandson. But in classic depression/bipolar behavior, she bailed out two hours before the train departure (“what am I gonna do at your place?”). So gutted
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Wednesday, 20 December 2017 10:23 (seven years ago) link
Good thoughts going yr way, xyzzzz - horrible to have that consultation hanging over Christmas.
― Akdov Telmig (Ward Fowler), Wednesday, 20 December 2017 10:59 (seven years ago) link
Thanks Ward.
― xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 11:46 (seven years ago) link
best wishes for yr mum Scik <3
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:50 (seven years ago) link
Solidarity with Scik and everyone who's in this thread.
Obit lovely. Would have loved to have talked science with him.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 25 December 2017 06:13 (six years ago) link
On Friday, in –10F weather, my mom called me to say that my dad had a stroke, but she'd decided to let him sleep and instead of calling an ambulance. My wife and I drove an hour in our subcompact auto at the height of the blizzard, w/ 50 mph winds to find: there had been no stroke. Dad had a virus. Mom was deep in denial about dad's still-undiagnosed Parkinsonianism, and claimed the symptoms (inability to dress himself, trouble eating, impaired walking, etc.) were recent and resulted from a stroke, and had appeared only in the last two days only. But... they're years old. FWIW, Dad also denies the symptoms. He's fine. However, dad's capable of covering up his infirmities (so he thinks) and my mom won't challenge him because she doesn't want to have to deal w/ him. Meanwhile, I learned my mom did *not* try to help my dad when he fell on the ground a few days ago (and she is physically a LOT more capable than him), and only helped him get dressed when he begged for it. I... don't know what to do about them.
I'm not ready to say goodbye to my parents, but I think that even if they stick around bodily my time with their minds is ... dwindling.
― rb (soda), Monday, 8 January 2018 23:20 (six years ago) link
i'm very sorry to hear all that. wishing you strength.
― Chocolate-covered gummy bears? Not ruling those lil' guys out. (ulysses), Tuesday, 9 January 2018 04:59 (six years ago) link
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 9 January 2018 06:28 (six years ago) link
we officially have "caregiver fatigue" :(
father-in-law's condition is deteriorating, we started having home care people come a few times a week for various things but I'm not sure how long we can keep him living with us at this rate. he got nauseous last night and my wife had left her phone downstairs, he called her sixteen times rather than make any noise or knock on a door. he tells different providers different things, fired one nurse without telling us, and is disturbingly focused on his new tiny diminishing 1-time scrip of oxy.
― sleeve, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 15:47 (six years ago) link
oh dearsympathies to everyone
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 9 January 2018 15:54 (six years ago) link
I'm so sorry everyone. This is so tough - all of it.
I spent the holidays with my dad, the first after my mom's death. They were OK and better than I feared overall but still hard. I'm still processing her passing and am both angry and sad now for a lot of different reasons too complicated to go into though I've spoken about them here and elsewhere on ILX before. Weird things happen and sometimes it just hits me like the other day when I was driving and for some reason I remembered the way her body looked when we went back to the hospice after getting the call that she died and I just started sobbing.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 9 January 2018 16:36 (six years ago) link
My dad seems to be doing OK which is nice but I do worry about his health deteriorating and him being alone.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 9 January 2018 16:37 (six years ago) link
R - that sounds really really tough and I'm sorry you're going through it. I don't have any advice to give as I also struggled with not entirely dissimilar situations and after a while just stopped trying to intervene because I realized that in my parents case they were going to do what they wanted regardless.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Tuesday, 9 January 2018 16:38 (six years ago) link
mother visited recently and i had the first moment of NOT IMMORTAL and have decided i'm going to be super nice to her from now on
― Chocolate-covered gummy bears? Not ruling those lil' guys out. (ulysses), Wednesday, 10 January 2018 04:56 (six years ago) link
rb - I went through very similar situation, with my mom refusing to acknowledge the effects of parkinson on my dad (saying he was using the illness to justify his laziness...). If you father's not yet medicated, bear in mind that pills can really slow down the progress of the disease. I empathise with spouses who need to downplay/deny or detach themselves from the domestic horror of neurodegenerative diseases but if possible in any way you should convince them to get nurses and outside help asap. I only wish I'd pushed for this earlier with my dad (it ended up - predictably - wrecking my mom)
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Wednesday, 10 January 2018 14:43 (six years ago) link
To continue my previous post from around xmas results have now come - we are onto biopsy for "complcations in the pancreas and kidney" so that's that. Its in 1-2 weeks, results would be a week after so we'll know, at most, by early Feb.
My father sounds weak and diminished, mother was crying on the phone (not something you forget when you hear it), younger brother is in a panic and upset leaving me with having to repress whatever it is I'm feeling. In some ways that's fine, for now. Fighting words around being positive are thrown in...I nod away but keep thinking back to that moment when I saw him on the phone...the gut instinct was hard to shake then. I'll keep quiet on it, post it here.
― xyzzzz__, Friday, 12 January 2018 16:34 (six years ago) link
mother was crying on the phone (not something you forget when you hear it)
my heart now drops whenever i see i have a voicemail message
<3 best to you xyzzzz
― mookieproof, Friday, 12 January 2018 16:39 (six years ago) link
thinking of you, julio
― mark s, Friday, 12 January 2018 16:57 (six years ago) link
Thanks all.
― xyzzzz__, Friday, 12 January 2018 22:15 (six years ago) link
my mom has a lot of opinions about traffic patterns
― mookieproof, Friday, 19 January 2018 22:32 (six years ago) link
So its cancer of the liver however it seems to be a few spots of it (its apparently a rare form of it), it is curable and treatment will start soon. No need for surgery, just injections. Talking to a specialist next week.
Not at all over. This has made me face things, not least the ongoing sadness that blocks your insides (even more so than usual).
― xyzzzz__, Monday, 29 January 2018 20:20 (six years ago) link
Sending best indeed. A very good friend lost her dad a couple of years ago and her mom is starting to fail mentally; based on her notes to me, the tangle of issues involved with her siblings on what to do has been awful. Makes me grateful for where I am so far, but I wonder what the future will hold.
― Ned Raggett, Monday, 29 January 2018 20:48 (six years ago) link
thinking of you julio: the liver is an organ it's hard to do without but also one with unusual capacity to regenerate so best of luck to yr dad and yr family x
― mark s, Monday, 29 January 2018 21:31 (six years ago) link
Thanks, appreciate the message
― xyzzzz__, Monday, 29 January 2018 21:41 (six years ago) link
So...the doctors looked at the results again: my father has late stage cancer (and its a rare form, whose name I can't recall, around 2% of all cancers) (actually in a bit of the pancreas and the small intestines). It will be determined next week but he might be too weak for chemo too - they will try to strenghten him but if he cannot go through chemo then that gives him a few months. With a successful chemo its 2-5 years. Its devastating, he never had much of a retirement.
Had a deep conversation with my mother today and her strength through all of this is something else. The situation might have not been there for me to see it, but I was blind to it too - she is incredible. Its my mission to make sure she will be cared for, and I want to deepen our relationship too.
― xyzzzz__, Saturday, 10 February 2018 23:38 (six years ago) link
Strength and love to you all, sir.
― Ned Raggett, Sunday, 11 February 2018 00:26 (six years ago) link
― mookieproof, Sunday, 11 February 2018 00:31 (six years ago) link
Best to you and your family xyz
― papa poutine (∞), Sunday, 11 February 2018 00:37 (six years ago) link
i am so sorry
― estela, Sunday, 11 February 2018 02:40 (six years ago) link
sorry to hear this, dude: best wishes and good luck and let me know if there's anything i can do IRL (including talking obv)
― mark s, Sunday, 11 February 2018 10:37 (six years ago) link
sounds like you've got some good perspective. thinking of you, j
― ogmor, Sunday, 11 February 2018 10:44 (six years ago) link
Thanks all!
(and Mark thank you for such a kind offer I will let you know)
― xyzzzz__, Sunday, 11 February 2018 20:05 (six years ago) link
My mother, 85 y.o., has been in hospital for two months now. It is only in the last week or so that we've had the distressing experience of her not recognising us -- NB this is not dementia, but rather the effects of a urinary tract infection she contracted *in* hospital, which apparently causes severe delirium which can last for a couple of weeks after the infection itself has gone away. She is hardly eating and is being fed intravenously off and on, time before last I visited (Thursday) she drank some vitamin enriched milkshake from a sippy cup, but on Saturday wouldn't even accept water.
Track back to when she was admitted, just before Christmas...we'd just flown out to the in-laws in Poland, we receive the news via SMS from my sister -- the carer who normally turns up to get her out of bed found she hadn't gone to bed but had fallen asleep in an armchair (second time this had happened). She was admitted with low oxygen levels and a chest infection. On New Year's Eve she was transferred to a different hospital for rehabilitation because although the initial problems had cleared up, while she'd been there her walking had really deteriorated to the extent that she could no longer walk unaided. Little or no progress was made in the rehab unit -- the deterioration in mobility was, it appeared, something of a mystery to the medics insofar as they couldn't even work out if it had a physical or psychological cause. Then the infection happened leading to her being transferred *back* and...we are where we are.
― Grandpont Genie, Monday, 12 February 2018 15:12 (six years ago) link
Yes, urine infections can cause the oldsters to go gaga, we had to get an emergency doctor out for my mother when I was last visiting because she fell asleep and woke up on another planet - the doctor gave her some antibiotics and she was back to (what these days passes for) normal the next morning.
― Video reach stereo bog (Tom D.), Monday, 12 February 2018 15:17 (six years ago) link
There was one amusing incident, after the emergency doctor had asked my mum the standard questions they ask to test for dementia - what month it is, what's your address etc. - which, despite her urinary infection addled state, she somehow had managed to pull herself together to answer, the doctor asked what medication she took and mum went into the kitchen brought a box of pills through and said, "I take one of these a week before breakfast".
― Video reach stereo bog (Tom D.), Monday, 12 February 2018 15:26 (six years ago) link
My mother-in-law has also had the weirdness as a result of a UTI, she thought the doctors were trying to kill her, set fire to her, throw her out a window, poison her food, etc. Cleared up after a dose of antibiotics (which took ages to persuade her to take since she thought they were poison)
― ailsa, Monday, 12 February 2018 15:58 (six years ago) link
I'm sure this is connected to oldsters' aversion to drinking water.
― Video reach stereo bog (Tom D.), Monday, 12 February 2018 16:09 (six years ago) link
a little?
my grandfather, who passed away a few months back, was in an assisted living place for a few years and ended up having a UTI that progressed to sepsis, leading to a brief hospital visit, multiple times. I think some people are more prone to it than others, but sepsis is one of the main causes of death for the elderly. your body just doesn't work that well.
― mh, Monday, 12 February 2018 16:12 (six years ago) link
*takes notes on UTI-insanity connection*
having the 86 y.o. father in law is working out OK these days, really. no crises to report, thankfully.
― sleeve, Monday, 12 February 2018 16:13 (six years ago) link
Tonight I saw a doctor who told me that the UTI insanity can last 6 months.... :-(
― Grandpont Genie, Wednesday, 14 February 2018 22:09 (six years ago) link
My mom passed away on Monday afternoon, slowly and (one hopes) without too much pain or distress, at the age of 92. My last visit with her was six days earlier and even then she was nearly silent, eyes closed, spending her final reserves of energy. I held her hand for two hours, moistened her mouth a few times, sat and thought intensively about her, mostly silently, because I knew that if I spoke aloud it would only agitate and exhaust her because she could not hear well enough to understand my words.
It was difficult to see her in that state, knowing she was so very near death, but creeping toward it at a snail's pace, not yet released from the struggle. otoh, it felt wonderful to be there and share my love with her one more time, knowing it might be the last opportunity and pouring my heart into it.
Now she is released from her thoroughly worn out and used up body. It helps to know that the work of her spirit is still doing its good work in the world, through her many gifts of that spirit given to others, including me. Those gifts feel tremendously alive still.
Today my sister has assigned me to write her obituary. Since she outlived almost all her contemporaries, so that it will be possible to contact personally everyone who matters, we've agreed that I may keep it relatively brief.
― A is for (Aimless), Wednesday, 21 February 2018 19:31 (six years ago) link
― mookieproof, Wednesday, 21 February 2018 19:39 (six years ago) link
I'm sorry for your loss, Aimless. From the warm and eloquent way you write about her departure I can only conclude you'd be perfect to write a loving obituary. Sending good thoughts.
(the 'thoroughly worn out and used up body' part rings awfully familiar... I fear I will have to use those words sooner rather than later for my own mother..)
― Le Bateau Ivre, Wednesday, 21 February 2018 19:43 (six years ago) link
love to you Aimless. Your post is crushingly beautiful.
― Lockhorn. Lockhorn breed-uh (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 21 February 2018 19:48 (six years ago) link
Best to you sir. A hard burden, but she is free of hers.
― Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 21 February 2018 19:57 (six years ago) link
RIP aimless's mom -- she was clearly loved <3
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 21 February 2018 19:59 (six years ago) link
sorry to hear that, Aimless
― omar little, Wednesday, 21 February 2018 20:45 (six years ago) link
my wife's dad has become pretty paranoid these days. he's 87 and believes people are stealing from him. He thought the gardener stole his new trash bin, which we're not even sure existed in the first place. So he insisted my wife fire his gardener (she's handling all the details in his life as best she can, in between having a full-time job and being a mom), and the gardener (apparently a very decent man) was quite mystified.
in a more alarming way, my brother's wife's stepdad is similarly losing it. he's in assisted living now and they were visiting him recently bc they were going to take him somewhere, and he got into an argument with them and with the facility over which wheelchair he could take with. when they wouldn't allow him to take the one he wanted (not sure the reason, it may have been a good one) he called the police. they apparently showed up and were less than amused. he called the police a second time about it later, much to their increased annoyance.
he's dealing with some form of dementia and once he was diagnosed his wife filed for divorce, at the behest of her children. he's also *their* stepdad, he married three women that all had children by previous marriages but he has no children of his own. my brother's wife is the only stepchild willing to help and the other stepchildren keep asking her why she isn't doing more to help, when she's the only one helping.
― omar little, Wednesday, 21 February 2018 20:55 (six years ago) link
<3 to Aimless. My parents had to write obituaries for their own fathers last year and while difficult, it also was a time for reflection
― mh, Wednesday, 21 February 2018 21:09 (six years ago) link
I'm sorry for your loss, Aimless. She was a fortunate woman to be loved so well.
― Brad C., Wednesday, 21 February 2018 21:15 (six years ago) link
So sorry, Aimless. Much love to your mom. I'm agnostic and the idea of 'energy' or 'spirit' manifest through work and influence is the only one that holds something like religious sway over me. Yr. words captured that idea eloquently. My thoughts are with you.
In other news, my dad's doctor FINALLY diagnosed him with Parkinson's. This is the doctor who told me he *didn't* suspect Parkinson's three years ago, when I sent my dad to be evaluated for tremors, left-side weakness, hallucinations, and motor issues. He also told me last September that my father was just 'soft-spoken' and 'a good guy' and didn't have Parkinson's. Today, he announced my father had pretty severe Parkinson's and would be in a wheelchair maybe pretty soon. My dad is at Stage 3 of the progression. FFS.
I've suspected almost to a certainty my dad has Parkinson's since at least 2016, but my mom/dad have been deep in denial about it, since they didn't have the diagnosis. Now they're both really sad, and I just can't help but think ... what if they had accepted help earlier? How many more family times and good things could we have done together?
― rb (soda), Wednesday, 21 February 2018 23:33 (six years ago) link
Very sorry to hear about your loss, Aimless.
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 22 February 2018 10:04 (six years ago) link
all the best aimless and everyone else on the thread <3 <3
― mark s, Thursday, 22 February 2018 10:07 (six years ago) link
sorry for your loss, aimless. i’ve always liked the sound of your mom. <3 to you.
― estela, Thursday, 22 February 2018 11:42 (six years ago) link
Best wishes to you Aimless. I really admire the bravery it takes to handle something so difficult with such clear-eyed love
― ogmor, Thursday, 22 February 2018 12:47 (six years ago) link
Thoughts with you aimless
― Planck Blather (darraghmac), Thursday, 22 February 2018 13:22 (six years ago) link
soda my dad has it tooidk what stage he is because my parents don't talk with me about this stuff. sometimes, every now and then, i am able to talk with him on the phone and he sounds like his old self again, i can hear the old him i remember. sorry to hear about your dad :(
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 February 2018 13:45 (six years ago) link
my experience of a dad with parkinsons -- recognised very early in his case (at 36) -- is that once it's properly medicated, it's very cyclic: there's good period and bad periods, physically and mentally
― mark s, Thursday, 22 February 2018 13:49 (six years ago) link
Dad was in hospital for a few days as he was quite weak. Now he is back home with carers coming twice a day however talking to my mother it seems like my father can't easily get him out of bed first thing in the morning and the effort to lift him is causing her back pains. It's distressing as both my brother & I are working (and in my case I haven't lived there for years) so can't help apart from weekends. I'll be there seeing if there is a way he can work to lift himself.
Doctors say he is strong enough and indeed once he's up he does walk with the accessories, its just getting up in the first place. He is eating more so hopefully he can get his strength back, otherwise I am afraid as to what this could to my mother's physical health.
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 22 February 2018 14:53 (six years ago) link
*himself out of bed..
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 22 February 2018 14:56 (six years ago) link
There is also tension in terms of my mother wanting him to eat/exercise more than he can and perhaps my father doing less because my mother is there to do it for him.
I really hope her (almost certainly) final memories of him don't 'break' something in her.
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 22 February 2018 15:54 (six years ago) link
my parents have a similar dynamic -- it's tough but i figure that is their business and they are adults. (i am an only child and don't feel that my parents' relationship dynamic is really my business) can't catastrophize too much either -- sorry to hear you are having rough times :(
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 February 2018 15:57 (six years ago) link
Yes part of me wants to say 'they will figure it out' and my mother isn't crying for help right now but she's frustrated and venting. Just want to think on what I could do. Unfortunately I can't resign my job and help out...I probably need to look at the care, this is a field I am only getting acquainted with now.
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 22 February 2018 16:26 (six years ago) link
there's various gadgetry -- railings and boosters and such -- that might help with the getting out of bed?
anyway, best to you and them
― mookieproof, Thursday, 22 February 2018 16:30 (six years ago) link
Will look at that thanks.
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 22 February 2018 16:51 (six years ago) link
― Moo Vaughn, Thursday, 22 February 2018 16:59 (six years ago) link
Aimless that was a beautiful post. Love to you. <3
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 23 February 2018 16:51 (six years ago) link
My father passed away on Tuesday. There was no real fight with this cancer, but he told me he was not scared of dying a week ago. Nevertheless I held his warm hand and placed my palms on his forehand for much of his last day. I kissed him goodnight once he breathed for the last time.
I have been with my mother for the past few days. My younger brother too. We all grieve at different rates - I started accepting the way this was going at xmas - but my brother didn't and is taking it a lot harder (I think my mother is being stronger for him). At the moment I am present, watching and listening and saying as little as possible. I promised my father I would look after them, but I wonder how that will work itself out as the months draw on.
The funeral is in five weeks (apparently too many people die at this time of year, if he had passed away in summer they would have been able to have the ceremony in a week).
I want to thank everyone on this thread for their kind words throughout this time.
― xyzzzz__, Saturday, 10 March 2018 22:14 (six years ago) link
my condolences to you
― Algerian Goalkeeper (Odysseus), Saturday, 10 March 2018 22:17 (six years ago) link
― mookieproof, Saturday, 10 March 2018 22:21 (six years ago) link
Best indeed.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 10 March 2018 22:40 (six years ago) link
my love to you, j. it sounds like you have been strong and present in the best sense and I'm sure that's helped everyone. treat yourself gently x
― ogmor, Sunday, 11 March 2018 00:03 (six years ago) link
xo, deepest sympathies to you
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 11 March 2018 00:16 (six years ago) link
my mom's new thing is parking at a store, shopping, and returning to find that her car has rolled across the lot into a curb or another car because she left it (a manual) in neutral without applying the parking brake
i don't even know how this is possible -- did it not move when she got out of the car? -- but she's done it twice (that i'm aware of) in the last four months
― mookieproof, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 01:49 (six years ago) link
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Wednesday, 29 August 2018 03:38 (six years ago) link
Visiting my mother: more regularly, now decreasing it a bit. Call her everyday. Stayed over Sat; Sat eve-Sunday mornings seem the hardest time, and we've had the first batch of birthdays without my father. Thankfully I'd stopped giving a shit about birthdays but he always wrote me a nice card so there's an absence there, one which is felt in a diff way.
My aunt (on my dad's side) called and talked to me for nearly two hours on my birthday and I was bitter (not that I need an excuse) about becoming this go to person to my wider family they can load their fucking grief (her husband can provide, that's about it).
I'll have to dig in, which is unlike me. Confident I won't break but I'm feeling my way into this. There's no manual and I wouldn't read one anyway so..
― xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 11:23 (six years ago) link
Just reading this news, J. All the best to you. Think about doing something for yourself for a week or so. Have a late summer break somewhere, if you can. Or just do something that's not putting the family first for a short time.
― Britain's Sexiest Cow (jed_), Wednesday, 29 August 2018 11:29 (six years ago) link
Thanks. I had a break in early July (I booked it months ago and my mother insisted I'd go instead of cancelling and spending more time w/her). It was nice, but now its more digging in...I am doing a lot more yoga, and I think it is keeping me afloat (as much as ppl round these parts, my housemate's kindness and my reading)
― xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 11:41 (six years ago) link
Likewise have only just seen your post from a few months ago, xyzzz - belated condolences and good wishes for the here and now. Nothing is easy.
― Ward Fowler, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 12:08 (six years ago) link
<3 to you and the family, j
mook, does yr mom have a friend nearby who can take her shopping if it's necessary?
― a Mets fan who gave up on everything in the mid '80s (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 29 August 2018 13:58 (six years ago) link
My Mom’s 90th on Tuesday. About to head to Minnesota for it. I moan about a lot of things as you all know but constantly thank the local deities that her health issues are all second tier ones.
― cheese is the teacher, ham is the preacher (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 29 August 2018 15:07 (six years ago) link
Congrats to yr mom, Jon
Father-in-law (who is 86) finally moved out of our house, where he has been living (unplanned) for the last two years (not the deal we agreed on). Everyone is happy and relieved. He has his own little apartment in HUD housing now, probably 10-15 minutes away from us on his scooter.
― sleeve, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 15:11 (six years ago) link
My dad (74, poorly managed Parkinson’s) and my mom (73, some kind of dementia) are staying in separate un—air-conditioned houses despite the 90+ degree heat. They have a main residence and seperate beach hut an hour away and they’re each in one, and they check in every night by phone. BUT my dad has missed two doctor’s appointments this week and my mom is unconcerned, and giggles about it. She does not want to go check on him because “he’s cranky” and she selfishly doesn’t want to reschedule her tennis group or get a sub when she paid for court time ($16). But she’s not lucid either, and I can’t be too hard on her for that. Meanwhile, my aunt met her for dinner the other night and told me that my mom bought a $19 lobster roll and a $2 iced tea, plopped a $20 bill in the middle of the table during dessert and walked out mid-sentence to go strolling on the beach “because she doesn’t feel right without doing that once a day.”In the spring I set them up with an attorney to do medical directive, HIPPA stuff, etc., but they ghosted the attorney and now they’ve forgotten about it. Now they can’t sign documents in sound mind, and they’re too avoidant to follow-through when provided with reminderszMy sister lives near my parents, but she’s trying to convince them to give her one of the houses and provide free babysitting, so even though she wants to help she’ll constantly minimize their behaviors so that she doesn’t feel guilty about exploiting them. I don’t know what to do, and as much as I love them there are days in which I think of giving up and never taking to any of them again. I want help, but I don’t think there is such a thing... when the principles seem determined to messily screw up theirs remaining years.
― rb (soda), Thursday, 30 August 2018 00:52 (six years ago) link
They won’t talk to me about finances, doctors, plans, mobility issues, modifications to the house (they hand-shovel a 400 foot driveway on a steep grade, and they don’t have railings by their front door) and they both get mad at me if I bring such issues to to attention, saying “we’ll deal with them when we’re ready.” If I try to deal with these things on my own (e.g. installing grab bars for bathroom), I’ll find them missing on the next trip.
― rb (soda), Thursday, 30 August 2018 00:57 (six years ago) link
can empathize, I had some of these same issues with my parents. don't give up, now that I'm older myself I think the only important thing is staying engaged
― Dan S, Thursday, 30 August 2018 01:05 (six years ago) link
Thanks. I’m just venting, I guess. Every time the phone rings I’ve just got this crazy moment of anxiety before the number comes up, when I think it’s going to be That Call.
― rb (soda), Thursday, 30 August 2018 01:26 (six years ago) link
Been through a very similar situation - totally relate about phone anxiety. Things only got "better" when my mother's dementia got worse and I somehow managed to impose caretakers on her. Staying engaged seems indeed the right thing to do - there will come a time when you will get a chance to take some control.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Thursday, 30 August 2018 07:58 (six years ago) link
My father died from Alzheimer's early this morning. He was 76. More sudden than we anticipated but not unexpected. My mother cared for him at home until very recently.
Back when he could reflect and speak, he'd respond to questions about his diagnosis with: "it doesn't hurt."
But it did, and it does. Fuck you, Alzheimer's.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 7 April 2019 14:07 (five years ago) link
I’m so sorry, Quincie. <3
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Sunday, 7 April 2019 14:28 (five years ago) link
fuck, that's awful, and I know Alzheimer's takes so much away for so long before the end comes. I hope it's a release from that, and that you will remember who he was. I'm really sorry.
― an incoherent crustacean (MatthewK), Sunday, 7 April 2019 14:30 (five years ago) link
I'm sorry, quincie.
― tokyo rosemary, Sunday, 7 April 2019 14:59 (five years ago) link
Deepest condolences.
― Ned Raggett, Sunday, 7 April 2019 15:36 (five years ago) link
sorry quincie <3
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 7 April 2019 15:37 (five years ago) link
<3 quincie
― Yerac, Sunday, 7 April 2019 16:02 (five years ago) link
Hugs Quincie. ❤️❤️❤️
― nathom, Sunday, 7 April 2019 17:08 (five years ago) link
I send my condolence, too. Alzheimer's makes one's grief and sense of loss so drawn out and equivocal that it can be hard to know how to approach it.
― A is for (Aimless), Sunday, 7 April 2019 17:16 (five years ago) link
Sorry, Quincie. It’s a beast.
― rb (soda), Sunday, 7 April 2019 17:25 (five years ago) link
Very sorry to hear Quincie.
― xyzzzz__, Sunday, 7 April 2019 17:28 (five years ago) link
i’m so sorry, quincie, it’s such a loss
― estela, Sunday, 7 April 2019 17:51 (five years ago) link
Thanks, it is comforting to here from my ilx crew. My father was an interesting and unusual man who was quite admired and nationally recognized in his field, despite being an odd bird who didn’t practice the self-promotion that most people at his level relied on. His was success was pure talent and results; god knows he was not a particularly personable guy. Alzheimers gave me an opportunity to have a different sort of relationship with him than I had growing up. The whole experience has been difficult, yes, but also quite meaningful. Deeply touching, really.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 7 April 2019 17:52 (five years ago) link
quincie, take exceptionally good care of yourself. Feel free to mourn this terrible loss for as long as you wish and don't listen to anyone who wants to put a time limit on it. This is one of the most devastating losses you will ever have to deal with and you feel whatever emotions come to you. You're never going to look at April 7 the same way again. If you need the help of a therapist to help you get through the grief process (and it is a process), GO. If you want to go the self-help option, I can't recommend How to Survive the Loss of a Parent by Lois Akner enough. Whatever it takes, whatever option(s) you take. Grief is a very individual process, but remember to be good to yourself and mourn for as long as you wish. If you need to vent, I'm here; I trained as a grief education class facilitator and went through grief therapy myself.
― The Colour of Spring (deethelurker), Sunday, 7 April 2019 18:03 (five years ago) link
I'd also like to extend the offer to any other ILXors who've either just experienced a major loss or who are struggling with one, who would like some support. It sounds weird to say this but I kinda feel like grief is one of the things I'm good at, in the sense that I can offer emotional support to people going through the grief process. Let me tell you, for one thing: it's never a straight trajectory. Those oft-quoted "stages of grief"? Total lie. Don't feel that you have to follow said stages the way they're laid out because that never happens. Like I said, grief is a very individual process and you're going to follow your own path through the pain. Also, it's something you get "through", not get "over", because you never "get over" the grief.
― The Colour of Spring (deethelurker), Sunday, 7 April 2019 18:10 (five years ago) link
Thank you dee, I needed that. I’m a geriatric social worker, formerly a hospice social worker and bereavement counselor—so this all feel familiar, but not *my* people familiar. Different story when it is your own family. My partner’s parents are a decade older than my parents and are still trucking along without much in the way of problems. Aging parents is some mysterious stuff.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 7 April 2019 18:11 (five years ago) link
I'm sorry for your loss, quincie. With Alzheimer's grief hits us hard even before our loved ones are gone. Perhaps that can make the subsequent phases of grief a little easier? I hope so, anyway. Love and strength to all the children of aging parents.
― Brad C., Sunday, 7 April 2019 19:13 (five years ago) link
Deep condolences and hopes for strength in a difficult time.
― Fuck the NRA (ulysses), Monday, 8 April 2019 17:27 (five years ago) link
so sorry quincie...take care
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 9 April 2019 14:23 (five years ago) link
sorry to hear this quincie! take care <3 i am terrified of the contents of this thread and generally avoid it but wanted to share my condolences
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 9 April 2019 14:43 (five years ago) link
I'm so sorry quincie.
― ljubljana, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 17:29 (five years ago) link
Thank you dee, I needed that. I’m a geriatric social worker, formerly a hospice social worker and bereavement counselor—so this all feel familiar, but not *my* people familiar. Different story when it is your own family.
My partner’s parents are a decade older than my parents and are still trucking along without much in the way of problems. Aging parents is some mysterious stuff.
Thank you for that. You would absolutely know more than me in a professional capacity, but everything I've learned is from personal experience (and getting through said personal experience). BTW, thank you for having been a hospice worker; those places are amazing and the one my dad was in really strove to foster a nurturing environment for my family and me.
Having read more into the thread, I'd almost forgotten I'd posted on here before. Thank goodness I didn't repeat my story here! Also, for all of you who are fellow only children, you never know how much it would have helped (if at all) to have had any siblings when it comes to being a parental caregiver. I've heard stories where families with many siblings left all the care up to one sibling, or there were many differing opinions about how to care for a parent that caused bad blood amongst the siblings and a total lack of care on the behalf of the ailing parent. For awhile there I wished I'd had siblings who would pitch in to help out with my parents, but now I'm glad everything was left to me because I knew I was providing the absolute best care I could and I didn't have any siblings to provide additional drama or strife when things got especially rough. And I want to thank Jenny once again for all her kind sentiments. I've come through the other side and am lots better, and it was because of seeking therapy for my grief that I finally got help for some undiagnosed/untreated mental illnesses, so my mom's death was a blessing in disguise.
Another thing I hesitate to admit is that when my mom died, it was freeing in an awkward, weird way. Like, having to devote so much of my life to caring for her prevented me from doing things for myself, but after she died I was able to do some traveling and concert-going, things I'd been denied throughout the vast majority of my twenties and early - mid thirties. Also, before she died I would have never dreamed of doing some of the things I do on a regular basis, e.g. drive on the highway as much as possible (she only ever wanted me to drive the side streets), and I can enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage without her reacting as though I've made the decision to become an alcoholic. I feel like this is this great unspoken thing because it sounds like my life has improved as a result of losing my parents, but... in a way, it has.
― The Colour of Spring (deethelurker), Tuesday, 9 April 2019 19:18 (five years ago) link
That is a good thing to say, and as a parent I would want my kids to feel released if they were so selfless as to care for me as I declined. If it's not too glib, job done, enjoy knowing that you did your best.
― an incoherent crustacean (MatthewK), Tuesday, 9 April 2019 20:15 (five years ago) link
Quincie - I'm so sorry. Love to you.
It'll be two months in June since my mom died and I honestly don't know that I've really processed it. Her actual death was pretty traumatic and the 10 years proceeding it were horrific. I had some sort of breakdown lite last summer probably triggered in part by all this. I am sure I will process it all eventually but for now it's almost too heavy for me to really start doing so. My dad has a new ladyfriend who is completely terrible and hardly talks to me anymore so that's pretty weird and a whole other thing I don't know how to handle.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Wednesday, 10 April 2019 09:04 (five years ago) link
sorry to hear this quincie, look after you and yours
― fremme nette his simplicitte (darraghmac), Wednesday, 10 April 2019 10:07 (five years ago) link
e <3
life should come with better manuals
Wishing lots of strength to you Quincie. I've been through pretty similar circumstances and can totally relate to Dee's strange sense of relief. After losing my dad to a neuro-degenerative illness, I've been dealing for the last few years with my mom's long and painful cognitive decline. In both cases, the hardest part has been to remember my parents as their old lucid selves, and not let the sick years overshadow my perception of them.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Wednesday, 10 April 2019 14:57 (five years ago) link
Thank you ever so, MatthewK. I feel like that's a great unspoken thing amongst those of us who have lost a parent after being their primary caregiver because it seems so self-centered and uncouth, but... it's the truth.
Two years is hardly enough time to get through the grief process, ENBB. The grief's still fresh, even if you had "ten 10 years proceeding it". It's going to complicate matters greatly that your father "has a new ladyfriend who is completely terrible", because it creates a wedge between you two when you need each other the most. Even though I pushed my mom to try to find a gentleman friend of her own a handful of years after my dad died, she never expressed any interest in that (she would say, "why would I want to raise another one?") and that actually helped us develop a closer relationship with each other, because we were on each other's side and were all each of us had in the world. It was very "you and me against the world" and that created a kinship that made the twelve years we spent together after Dad's death all the sweeter. I hope you can seek therapy and have some awesome friends to lean on for emotional support, and that your father eventually wakes up to reality, but as my therapist pointed out, you have to be ok with not having control over the actions of others. I'm sorry your situation's the way it is.
― The Colour of Spring (deethelurker), Thursday, 11 April 2019 18:59 (five years ago) link
My father in law is sadly on his deathbed tonight. He has suffered from dementia for the past 5 years & been in a care facility these past 4 yrs. He had hip surgery last month but has also struggled with near constant UTI infections. he ended up in the ER with extreme sepsis & this afternoon they took him off life support, he’s now on oxygen & morphine to keep him comfortable. We all knew it was coming but it still destroys your heart to watch it. A native Hawaian, college footballer for the UoP Tigers, geologist, jazz lover. This man was my surrogate dad when I moved to the US, between him & my mother in law i don’t think I would have weathered being so far from home. My first christmas in the US he gave me card containing a check for roundtrip airfare to Aus, with a note that says “if you were my daughter I would want you to come home as often as possible” (not even my mother in law knew that he planned it) Knocked me for a loop. Truly, no hyperbole, The most kind, loving, generous man I have ever known. It seems like he is going to hang on for anothr day or so, but these next 48 hours are almost certainly to be our last with him.
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 13 April 2019 06:17 (five years ago) link
Imagine leaving this life so well remembered, what a gift. Hope you have good support VG.
― an incoherent crustacean (MatthewK), Saturday, 13 April 2019 06:36 (five years ago) link
My sincerest condolences to you, your husband, and your husband's family, VegemiteGrrrl.
― The Colour of Spring (deethelurker), Saturday, 13 April 2019 15:24 (five years ago) link
Damn, VG, it's hard to say goodbye to wonderful people you love and care about. But it sounds like his race is run and it is time to cheer and love him to the finish line. Your story about him made me smile. Remember, that smile won't end when he does.
― A is for (Aimless), Saturday, 13 April 2019 17:47 (five years ago) link
i’m so sorry, vg. he sounds like a wonderful person (and father in law) and i’m sure you were a great joy and a gift to him as well. kia kaha<3
― estela, Saturday, 13 April 2019 23:06 (five years ago) link
vg <3
― fremme nette his simplicitte (darraghmac), Saturday, 13 April 2019 23:12 (five years ago) link
thanks everyone. he is still barely holding on. there is talk of moving him back to his care facility to see out what remains of his hospice care. we shall see, i suppose. he has been visited in the hospital here by a few of the facility caregivers which is very touching - gives truth to my feeling that anyone who has spent any time with him could not help but love him, at any stage of his life. and i love that my husband gets to see how loved his father is, by people who are strangers to us personally. so we sit, humbled, waiting, with equal measures of love & sadness in our hearts.
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 14 April 2019 00:15 (five years ago) link
beautiful words, very inspiring. thank you and sending good vibes.
― Emperor Tonetta Ketchup (sleeve), Sunday, 14 April 2019 00:19 (five years ago) link
I loved reading about you father in law, VG, and wish for him a peaceful and comfortable journey.My father’s funeral was today. Nice to see so many people with such kind things to say about him. My parents would have been married 50 years in July.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 14 April 2019 05:27 (five years ago) link
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 14 April 2019 06:50 (five years ago) link
I lost a parent late last year, i expect to lose the other this year or in 2020, and i lost a sibling last year as welli haven't really processed my losses yet, i have too much going on in my family and career to truly step back but i pray for you to navigate whatever you need to get by
― velko, Sunday, 14 April 2019 07:17 (five years ago) link
Father in law passed this morning. His cremated ashes will join my mother in law’s ashes & the ashes of their beloved pitbull Sam, and at some point they will be scattered together in Hawaii. <3 And we will arrange a memorial for all of the extended family to say their goodbyes - he wasn’t really a church guy. It’s raining today & when I saw the grey sky this morning I just had a feeling it would be today.
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 15 April 2019 19:30 (five years ago) link
hugs vg, he sounds like an awesome guy
― arli$$ and bible black (bizarro gazzara), Monday, 15 April 2019 19:41 (five years ago) link
thx -he really was
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 15 April 2019 19:42 (five years ago) link
Best indeed -- and what a lovely way to remember them all.
― Ned Raggett, Monday, 15 April 2019 20:12 (five years ago) link
Love, vg
― There's more Italy than necessary. (in orbit), Monday, 15 April 2019 21:03 (five years ago) link
love vg
― fremme nette his simplicitte (darraghmac), Monday, 15 April 2019 21:13 (five years ago) link
Hugs and sympathy, VG
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 16 April 2019 00:04 (five years ago) link
so sorry vg. your remembrance here is touching.
― call all destroyer, Tuesday, 16 April 2019 00:28 (five years ago) link
very sorry VG.... take care
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 16 April 2019 04:07 (five years ago) link
My mother passed away on 30th March. We had just transferred her to a care home here in Oxford from one in north London close to where she had lived: we thought she'd be happier down here and of course we could visit her more regularly. Sadly she was only in the new home a day and a half.
Cause of death was listed as "bronchopneumonia" although several people have hinted that this is what they put when they aren't sure of the real cause.
The funeral is today.
― Grandpont Genie, Tuesday, 16 April 2019 07:59 (five years ago) link
Sorry for your loss, gg
― xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 16 April 2019 08:54 (five years ago) link
Thank you, ― xyzzzz__
― Grandpont Genie, Tuesday, 16 April 2019 08:59 (five years ago) link
Very sorry to hear.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 16 April 2019 11:32 (five years ago) link
Sorry for your loss VG <3
― Uptown VONC (Le Bateau Ivre), Tuesday, 16 April 2019 16:35 (five years ago) link
I think this is wonderful:
Barthes quotes Proust’s letter to Georges de Lauris after his mother’s death: “Tell yourself this, too, for it is a kind of pleasure to know that you will never love less, that you will never be consoled, that you will constantly remember more and more.” pic.twitter.com/rtPuL68tv7— Maja Lukić (@majalukic113) April 17, 2019
― xyzzzz__, Monday, 22 April 2019 20:56 (five years ago) link
This interview posted on the Rapture thread in which the lead singer's gets quite deep into growing up with suicidal / neglectful parents, dealing with codependency and eventually getting through it, could maybe also be of interest to people here:http://www.self-titledmag.com/2018/10/03/luke-jenner-interview-the-rapture-meditation-tunnel
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Wednesday, 1 May 2019 18:54 (five years ago) link
I’m in Minnesota. I flew in this afternoon after my aunt let me know that my mom has been in such abdominal discomfort that she has not eaten in several days. She was waffling about hitting the senior alert button (she is 90 and lives independently and I mean *independently*).
I basically flew here to force her to call the medics. She acceded.
We have been in the ER less than two hours and they already know the issue - she had a stomach ulcer which sometime in the last few days has ruptured. They are taking her straight into surgery.
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 30 May 2019 01:52 (five years ago) link
Ugh, sorry to hear. Good work on following yr otm instincts and getting up there to intervene!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 30 May 2019 01:57 (five years ago) link
<3 jon
― Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 30 May 2019 02:13 (five years ago) link
Just as a cautionary note. Surgical anesthesia in the very elderly can lead to a prolonged period of hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion afterward. This happened to my mom at 92 and to my wife's aunt also. Neither fully recovered their mental abilities before they died. If it doesn't happen to your mom, be very glad.
― A is for (Aimless), Thursday, 30 May 2019 02:20 (five years ago) link
Quincie otm about otm instincts. Take care of you while the docs take care of her <3 Compose a symphony while u wait?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 30 May 2019 02:23 (five years ago) link
Ok so this is now too eventful and hard to explain so I am gonna copy and paste what I just emailed to the family: Plot twist! We were taken to the pre-op area and the surgeon came to talk to us. After seeing mom in person, she re-examined the scans in detail as she was perplexed that someone with that internal situation could present so functionally and be able to get out of bed etc. She said this is an unusual case where the scans plus her personal state indicate that the perforation has begun to be “walled off” or self-sealed by her body. She recommended that we prove this out by keeping her in the hospital for a few days on no food (IV fluids obviously), then doing a contrast scan on Friday or so; if there is an actual perforation at that point the contrast will be visible outside her stomach. If not then we can conclude that her body is indeed healing it. The other option is to do the surgery tonight and verify first hand the open or contained status of the perforation. At the age of 90 an abdominal incision a few inches long is a serious matter. So mom and I both agreed the no-food period followed by contrast scan was the right choice and the surgeon feels positive about it too. And actually, just now the pre-op nurse was talking to me about how glad she is they don’t have to operate tonight and basically said exactly what Aimless just said about anesthesia - which I hadn’t even been thinking about, I was just worried about incision and infection and recovery etc.
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 30 May 2019 03:00 (five years ago) link
good luck to you and all of yours, Jon
― quelle sprocket damage (sic), Thursday, 30 May 2019 04:36 (five years ago) link
Sorry to hear all this jon; hope it's cleared up soon and that your family gets back on track
― Fuck the NRA (ulysses), Thursday, 30 May 2019 06:09 (five years ago) link
Excellent - I can only second Aimless' point - I've seen this happens to both my parents who lost 50% of their mental acuity after anesthesia/artificial coma. In my dad's case, anesthesia (for a minor thing) sent his hitherto slow neuro-degenerative disease speeding down towards complete senility.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Monday, 3 June 2019 10:29 (five years ago) link
Yeah my mom hallucinated smoking nurses and spiders in her room after one of many surgeries.
She died two years ago on Thursday and I still feel shellshocked. Tbh it was a pretty traumatic experience (as were the previous 10 years) but it just all still feels so weird and unreal.
― Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Monday, 3 June 2019 10:51 (five years ago) link
Sorry to hear ENBB that. My dad died 4 years ago and, i'm kinda sad to admit this, but it didn't really affect me one way or another. I think the last 10 years of his life, and the decline into cognitive oblivion throughout, progressively detached me from him. His last two years he was as good as gone to me. And I'm seeing the same thing happen with my mom these days. They always say, keep the good memories of when they were healthy, but it's proving hard. Also, as far as my mother is concerned, her "difficult" ageing (and some therapy) has opened my eyes on the nature of our relationship (which I'd previously idealized to some extent).
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Monday, 3 June 2019 11:06 (five years ago) link
The course chosen by that surgeon has been borne out as wise, my mom is gradually getting better and the perforated ulcer has stayed shut. There was a very fucking terrifying moment Friday morning where she had a “vasovagal” response while on the toilet and passed out - the nurse and her were in the bathroom and I heard the nurse saying her name repeatedly to no response and then about 8 staff rushed in with a crash cart and everything and I was just like well this is it... but then it was fine, they were all like oh a vasovagal, nbd. Her bp had dropped to 60/40. That kind of thing did not happen again. She will maybe get discharged Wednesday and I have heard two versions - discharge to a transitional care place for a couple of weeks of rehab, or discharge to her condo under family supervision (i.e. me). It feels like we are turning that corner to independent living no longer being so feasible. I am at a loss how to make such decisions. Have talked to the social worker a bit. Realizing that I have leaned heavily on her two younger sisters (age 88 and 86) to keep tabs on her and help get to appointments etc but now they are too old themselves to really do that role anymore. Could be the end of the NYC phase of my life. Which will be especially hard on my wife if so. She loves Minnesota and my mom, but she doesn’t drive and has a large network of nyc friends and contacts to lose.
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Monday, 3 June 2019 18:40 (five years ago) link
I am at a loss how to make such decisions. Have talked to the social worker a bit.
That's abig transition, if you are the close relative most able and willing to fill this role. Talk to your mom about it. Mention getting a power of attorney and see if she is comfortable with that. Also, ask about becoming her health care representative, so you could make medical care decisions on her behalf.
All this stuff does mean getting much more intimately involved in her life. It would a burden of new responsibilities, but can also be a renewal and deepening of your relationship with her that you'll come to appreciate and ultimately be grateful for.
― A is for (Aimless), Monday, 3 June 2019 19:10 (five years ago) link
That sounds very difficult to navigate. Could be a whole new phase of your life though, who knows?! Keep breathing!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 3 June 2019 20:48 (five years ago) link
gl jon
― godfellaz (darraghmac), Monday, 3 June 2019 21:16 (five years ago) link
Jon, let me give you a recommendation for your mom: A PACEMAKER. My late mom was diagnosed with a vasovagal response about eight years before she died, while recovering from a standard procedure (but the symptoms were present for a few years prior). It landed her in the ICU ward at first, but thankfully this cardiovascular specialist was on hand to observe her vitals and diagnosed her with said response. He told me (i.e. the caregiver in charge) the best thing they could do for her was implant a pacemaker into her so her heart rate would never dip below a certain level. It did her a world of good and she never had another dangerous dizzy spell for as long as she lived. Sure, you may need to help your mom out for awhile after the surgery but perhaps that will keep her able to live independently for a few more years.
― Dee the (Summer-Hating) Lurker (deethelurker), Tuesday, 4 June 2019 21:58 (five years ago) link
My mother, who refuses to connect her phone to the internet I pay for at her house, or use the tablet that my sisters bought her, managed to send a txt message to my email address, from the other side of the world asking what Netflix is, because the physical newspaper keeps running stories about Tales Of The City on Netflix
― quelle sprocket damage (sic), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 23:43 (five years ago) link
my mother has an email account with her isp, a gmail account, and an email account associated with her iphone. she steadfastly refuses to acknowledge even having the latter and does not check its inbox, despite sending most of her emails to me from it
she also gets like 100 emails a day to each address -- some of them are (health/food) newsletters, some are Special Offers from stores, and quite a lot are from random democratic candidates around the country asking for money
the internet has made her life actively worse. mama sic otm
― mookieproof, Thursday, 13 June 2019 02:56 (five years ago) link
tbf I gave her a laptop six years ago and within 13 months she managed to get enough spam which she clicked on that the whole computer was fucked & had to be trashed
― quelle sprocket damage (sic), Thursday, 13 June 2019 03:54 (five years ago) link
The most technologically advanced my mom ever got was being able to work a DVR and play computer Solitaire, so y'all's parents are way ahead, though sic, had I managed to get my mom computer literate enough to work with e-mail I suspect I'd have had a similar story to yours. Oh well, I figure that as far as my parents (and others in their generation like them) went, they didn't even get TVs in their households until they entered high school and spent well over half their working lives without a computerized workplace, so it was impressive enough that Mom knew how to operate a DVR.
― Dee the (Summer-Hating) Lurker (deethelurker), Thursday, 13 June 2019 19:48 (five years ago) link
My mother's been dealing with bowel and sudden-diarrhea problems on and off for years, and it's been especially bad for the past few weeks. Today I went with her to one of her checkups and she was telling the LNP about it -- "I've been taking Metamucil like Dr. _________ told me to but it's just getting worse and worse..." LNP and I look at each other. Me: "Metamucil? Not Imodium?"Mom: "Metamucil...?""Mom, you've been treating your diarrhea with a laxative. You're probably causing your diarrhea."Mom looks at LNP, who nods."Ohhhhh, lorrrrrd..."
We have to get her into assisted living, but she's just able enough and very much independent enough to keep putting it off. But stuff like this is getting more common.
― Manfred Hemming-Hawing (WmC), Friday, 5 July 2019 20:07 (five years ago) link
Has anyone here ever asked the police to do a welfare check on a relative? My mother's not answering her phone.
― Anne Hedonia (j.lu), Saturday, 23 November 2019 23:40 (five years ago) link
Happens all the time, don’t hesitate if you are concerned and don’t have another contact (neighbor, etc.) to do it.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 24 November 2019 02:12 (five years ago) link
My sister wound up going out there. Fortunately she was okay, but we're still at an uncomfortable impasse. My sister "jokes" about burning the house down.
― Anne Hedonia (j.lu), Sunday, 24 November 2019 03:23 (five years ago) link
My Dad has a malignant tumor in his colon - was only discovered last month after he began getting odd fevers and developing anemia. He turned 80 two weeks ago and, until a few months ago, was walking miles every day. He's been a healthy guy most of his life til now. We find out Wednesday next week what stage cancer he's in and my two younger sisters in the US ( Dad is in Colombia and I'm in Netherlands) sent me a Whatsapp message last night while I was asleep stating they'd decided it was best I be there beside him in case he needs to go into immediate surgery next week. Both sisters have families, I'm single with no kids so it's easiest for me to head over. Am going to pack up what I'll need for a couple of months at least and prepare to fly over to be with him. Crazy week.
― SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Friday, 6 December 2019 09:26 (five years ago) link
Good luck man.
― xyzzzz__, Friday, 6 December 2019 10:16 (five years ago) link
Thank you. Hoping the best for my old man.
― SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Friday, 6 December 2019 10:58 (five years ago) link
That's rough, Capitane. Best of luck.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 6 December 2019 11:12 (five years ago) link
Sorry to hear. It’s really great that you are traveling so far to be with him.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 6 December 2019 13:16 (five years ago) link
Wishing you a lot of strength. Like Quincie said, it's a small silver lining that you are in a position to head over for him.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 6 December 2019 15:00 (five years ago) link
yesterday, at the drugstore, my mom couldn’t find her car keys, setting off a five-minute scramble until they were found in ‘a pocket she never uses’
going back out later, she had to use a backup set of car keys because she couldn’t find the main set
this morning at the chiropractor she locked the keys in the car and may or may not return home before i have to go to the airport
― mookieproof, Monday, 30 December 2019 15:22 (four years ago) link
update: the keys were not in the car but in her pocket all along
― mookieproof, Monday, 30 December 2019 15:37 (four years ago) link
Alex, I'd like "Where are my keys?" for $200.
― A is for (Aimless), Monday, 30 December 2019 18:37 (four years ago) link
I have so many confusing thoughts about watching my parents get older but most of them center around knowing that it's happening to me, too. And that's even without considering their various maladies and how it points to my own fallibilities.
― Joe Gargan (dandydonweiner), Monday, 30 December 2019 22:33 (four years ago) link
I don't really know how to say this, or where, but I'm overcome with emotion right now. I was gonna post something on Facebook but it didn't feel appropriate at all. And also it doesn't really belong on any other thread.
In my family I have two relatives with whom I had a deep connection. One of them, my godmother/great-aunt, passed in 2017. The other is a cousin who is in her late 70s. She was diagnosed with late-stage ALS a couple years ago, around the same time that her partner was diagnosed with cancer.
Her partner is now on his last days, he is in hospice with two-months to live. My cousin, however, was facing another year of slow deterioration as a result of her ALS. Already she has extreme difficulty speaking or doing anything.
I was just informed this morning that my cousin has been approved for physician-assisted suicide. Her life will end this coming week. This only became legal in Canada in 2016. I was e-mailing her and I was feeling so, so overwhelmed with happiness and gratefulness. I am so happy that she has been able to choose how she wishes to die, I am so happy that I'm able to be in touch with her and see her before she does, I am just... feeling really grateful that this mechanism exists.
― Montegays and Capulez (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 1 February 2020 23:13 (four years ago) link
Much love to you and to your cousin, fgti. When Jerry Brown signed the law allowing for that in California, I appreciated his public statement: "In the end, I was left to reflect on what I would want in the face of my own death. I do not know what I would do if I were dying in prolonged and excruciating pain. I am certain, however, that it would be a comfort to be able to consider the options afforded by this bill. And I wouldn't deny that right to others." That seems very right to me.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 1 February 2020 23:19 (four years ago) link
Well put, Jerry Brown! I mean, it's kind of amazing right now. She picked out her coffin herself, she's telling us all what she wants to have done at her funeral (and subsequent joint remembrance once her partner passes). I, like, don't feel really much grief at all right now, this is such a dignified thing. I feel sad that she got sick but happy that she has the opportunity to go out with dignity and with all of us being able to tell her how much we love her and how much she means to us.
― Montegays and Capulez (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 1 February 2020 23:26 (four years ago) link
The last time we hung out (outside of like family Christmas/Thanksgiving) we ate oysters and drank champagne at a place in Toronto and she got tipsy and said "I'm going to the ladies' room. When I come back, I'm gonna be YOUNGER. And RICHER." Ugh she is the best
― Montegays and Capulez (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 1 February 2020 23:27 (four years ago) link
She ran a geriatric-care company that provided in-home nursing services so she is very-well acquainted with the progress of ALS on the body and ya idk, I'm feeling so sad and happy at the same time, it's an interesting feeling
― Montegays and Capulez (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 1 February 2020 23:29 (four years ago) link
Ah fgti I just read this after watching The Good Place finale and the ILX thread on it. So I'm thinking good things about all this although I know it will be so hard in lots of ways.I hope that doesn't sound demeaning - the show ended on, basically, situations where you choose your own exit.
― kinder, Sunday, 2 February 2020 00:36 (four years ago) link
Ya she died yesterday. She sent me a nice e-mail on Wednesday! She thanked me for agreeing to play violin at her funeral on Monday, and I sent her a recording of what I'm going to play (with bf accompanying on piano, tho it'll be an organ at the funeral home). She said "I always thought we were both really 'out there' and so I was glad to have company".
― Andrew Lloyd Webbersplainer (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 7 February 2020 14:21 (four years ago) link
I'm sorry for your loss, Fgti. But it's a loving way to choose your end, and to do it surrounded by such love and warmth. Glad your special relationship with her was acknowledged at the very end. That's something to treasure. Good luck Monday <3
― Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 7 February 2020 14:25 (four years ago) link
xpost Gosh what a lovely, lovely sentiment. And it's so true, knowing there's someone else who gets you.
― Ned Raggett, Friday, 7 February 2020 15:00 (four years ago) link
oh wow <3
― mookieproof, Friday, 7 February 2020 16:22 (four years ago) link
that’s really beautiful. sorry for yr loss fgti
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 8 February 2020 16:56 (four years ago) link
An update on my Dad: He had successful surgery earlier this month to remove a cancerous growth on his colon. Fortunately it hadn't metastasized. He went in for a follow up appointment two days ago and was told no other signs of cancer are present. He will have a Q scan (?) in a few months (his choice) but right now he's just getting back to enjoying his life: spending time with his wife and siblings, walks in the neighborhood, seeing old friends and afternoon stops at the local café.
Thanks for all your good thoughts, everyone. It means a lot.
― SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Wednesday, 26 February 2020 15:30 (four years ago) link
Have to add that my love for my parents - my Mom lives in Colombia as well - was never more present to me, at least in my adult life, than in these past couple of months. I can kick myself for giving them so much grief in the past.
― SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Wednesday, 26 February 2020 15:33 (four years ago) link
My father passed away a few days ago, six years after he moved to Athens so we could care for him. He had severe Alzheimer's. He was doing fairly well in a memory care facility until the end of January, when he had emergency surgery for deep vein thrombosis in both legs. The surgery was effective, but the work of healing was beyond his 85-year-old body, and when he left the hospital he went into hospice at a nursing home. I'm grateful he didn't linger longer than he did.
Rereading my previous posts in this thread, I'm struck by how long my life was shaped by his caregiving needs and how strange it feels to be released from that constant vigilance.
Discussions upthread about getting power of attorney, locating original copies of important documents, and intervening to help with financial management all look extremely OTM as I'm beginning the process of settling his estate. If your aging parent is starting to show signs of dementia, do everyone a favor and get ahead of those problems while your parent can still contribute to solutions.
― Brad C., Saturday, 7 March 2020 14:44 (four years ago) link
My condolences and love to you and yours, Brad C.
― SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Sunday, 8 March 2020 00:44 (four years ago) link
best wishes
― Fuck the NRA (ulysses), Sunday, 8 March 2020 05:19 (four years ago) link
Sincere condolences to you Brad. I went through pretty much the same experience caring for my dad who had a specific brain-damaging type of Parkinson. He was OK-ish until we had to get him operated and he deterioated pretty quichly after that. Strange sense of relief once he passed but that was short lived since I then realised I now had to deal with my aging and deranged mother being on her own. Anyway, all advices regarding power of attorney are OTM. I guess things vary across countries, but one of the best advices I got was to get, while my mother was still lucid enough, a general power of attorney and a prior designation of guardianship.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Monday, 9 March 2020 10:54 (four years ago) link
Sorry to hear about your father, Brad. I’m going through exactly what you’re describing now — trying to get documents and PoA in place. One parent has dementia, the other has Parkinson’s. It would be easiest if my dad didn’t have spurts of manly independence in which he’ll undermine the work I’m trying to do with him.
― rb (soda), Monday, 9 March 2020 12:41 (four years ago) link
The place my mom lives (assisted living/skilled nursing/memory care - she is at a lower level of assisted living but memory issues getting obviously worse) just emailed that they have had their first resident death from covid-19, and 1/2 the skilled nursing residents have tested positive. And mom keeps "sneaking out to check her mail". She's half the country away and we have a fraught relationship but very worrying.
― Jaq, Sunday, 12 April 2020 21:04 (four years ago) link
That's terrible, Jaq. Not least of which is your inability to intervene in any meaningful way. Here's hoping the people on site are able to form and follow the best possible plan and your mom escapes the danger.
― A is for (Aimless), Sunday, 12 April 2020 21:08 (four years ago) link
My parents are only an hour away, and although I’m Instacarting all their groceries for them nearly every two days, they are going to the supermarket on the alternate days for- that soup we like- cottage cheese with pineapple- to see if they have the other kind of deli turkey- some better tuna fish than the one you bought us
― rb (soda), Sunday, 12 April 2020 21:35 (four years ago) link
my sister brought groceroes for my parents & later that day dad went out for the newspaper & came home with two more bags of groceries
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 13 April 2020 02:13 (four years ago) link
I swear if I ever get another text / email about whether my folks should worry about running out of iCloud storage, caused by Apple default "back up everything including the backups to iCloud", I am going down to Cupertino with a very large axe.
― an incoherent crustacean (MatthewK), Monday, 13 April 2020 02:47 (four years ago) link
my mom had a knee replacement on tuesday, after a three-week coronavirus delay.
she had the other knee replaced eight years ago and was in the hospital for two or three nights. they've made some advances since then, so the initial plan was for her to spend one night, and if all went well send her home the next day.
somehow over the weekend, no doubt because she wasn't paying attention, she got the idea that she'd be in the hospital for a week. (?!?!) and my dad isn't there to take care of things anymore. she didn't bother cleaning up her hording-mess house, making it unsafe for her to be at home either way. nevertheless, home she went yesterday afternoon.
this morning i woke up to several voicemails from various therapy/home healthcare people who were unable to reach her at home. no answer on her home phone, which isn't surprising; also no answer on her cellphone. did she turn it off? did she not charge it? has she fallen and can't get up? who knows
i am 500 miles away but persuade one of the nurse people to go to her house; later i get a call from the nurse saying my mom is at home and everything's okay.
four hours later the nurse calls me back saying my mom's back at the hospital; in the nurse's judgment, the state of my mom's mobility and the state of her house made it unsafe for her to be there. the nurse has had a fight with the physical therapist who then showed up -- both groups talked to their superiors, no one got authorization to do anything, and the nurse decided to call an ambulance.
so now my mom's back at the hospital, in the emergency room. she finally called me an hour ago. she's exhausted and has no idea what's going on. indeed, nothing may be going on because no one appears to have made any plans. she's paid a shitload of money for this escalating care-at-home program but i can't tell what they're actually doing here.
this is pretty frustrating!
― mookieproof, Thursday, 7 May 2020 21:41 (four years ago) link
mookie I help ppl navigate stuff like this ^^^ for a living so feel free to hit me up.
unlikely she will be admitted into hospital. possibly a shot at a rehab stay.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 7 May 2020 22:25 (four years ago) link
moving this off the Covid 19 thread, but:
My parents are fascinating in the age of Covid. Dismissing / minimizing the pandemic is a point of pride for them, even though they're clearly terrified of it (when they remember it exists).
They are old New England Quakers, and emotionally/physically closed off in the Robert Frost mode They do not have friends. They do not have a TV, and probably can't get on the internet Their parents all stayed healthy until their 90s, or dropped off suddenly due to rapid illness, and so my mom/dad have no idea what normal aging looks like. Each ailment and infirmity is Just An Unbearable Tragedy to them, and perpetually unexpected. My dad bought five new cell phones last year 'because all the earpieces are too quiet.' Each time, I pointed out that the phone was fine and he couldn't hear well any more. I kept suggesting the audiologist. After returning phone number six, dad became really teary/upset and said he wondered if there was something wrong with his ears. One night he undertook an exploration with a q-tip that required an urgent care visit and antibiotics, and ... then had a very teary breakdown about how Awful Old Age Is, and Out of Nowhere He's Deaf. (He's not deaf. He's got age-related hearing loss, and he doesn't like most of what people around him say, so he ignores it).
So what's a coronavirus to them?
― rb (soda), Wednesday, 22 July 2020 18:24 (four years ago) link
I think I'm finally ready to bite the bullet and coerce my mom into moving into a retirement home. Worse period ever to do this, I know, but she's been in and out of ERs for the last 6 months because she's basically unfit to live on her own (although she has someone coming most days to check in on her). Now, given how lost she is mentally, I figure I could somehow lie to her and pretend I'm stationing her into a "hotel" for a while, while i look for a new house for her. A bit shitty but oh well
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Thursday, 30 July 2020 17:26 (four years ago) link
My dad bought five new cell phones last year 'because all the earpieces are too quiet.'
My mum went through God knows how many phones she couldn't hear - not cell phones, she never worked out how to use them.
― Sonny Shamrock (Tom D.), Thursday, 30 July 2020 18:17 (four years ago) link
Having now seen many people age and die, there is generally a goodly lag time between losing an ability and starting to see oneself as someone who has lost that ability. I expect I will not be much different. Like most old people, I'll complain that nothing is as good as it used to be and then blame externalities for it.
― the unappreciated charisma of cows (Aimless), Thursday, 30 July 2020 19:03 (four years ago) link
Is it true of most old people? I don't know. When my hairline started to go, I didn't attempt a comb-over. I shaved it, and cut it short, and said 'well, hell, that was the part of my life where I had hair. I enjoyed it.' i think it has to do with attitude and comfort with change and, inevitably, death... i'm pretty cool with it.
― rb (soda), Thursday, 30 July 2020 19:24 (four years ago) link
Currently, nothing is as good as it used to be, so make hay.
― Steppin' RZA (sic), Thursday, 30 July 2020 19:34 (four years ago) link
I have been redo-ing my will and trust, worried about covid-19. I have been thinking about my parents, who are both now dead, and about who I want as my heirs and about my eventual death and burial
My parents were so much older than me that they almost felt like grandparents. When I graduated from catholic grade school they wouldn’t allow me go to the catholic high school I so wanted to attend to be with my best friend, but insisted that I attend the local public high school instead. I guess in retrospect that was a good decision.
― Dan S, Wednesday, 26 August 2020 01:15 (four years ago) link
Although all of my other siblings went to a local state university I selfishly demanded that they allow me to attend the college of my choice despite the financial burden it was for them. They acquiesced. I know how much of a sacrifice they made to allow me to do it
― Dan S, Wednesday, 26 August 2020 01:22 (four years ago) link
My parents had big dreams for me but they never pushed me, they just showed their love and were happy for my accomplishments. When I think about that I am so forever grateful.
― Dan S, Wednesday, 26 August 2020 01:23 (four years ago) link
My mother died of Alzheimers after 10 years of decline. She was mute for most of the last several years of her life. When she died it was hard for me not to visualize her as an Alzheimers patient.
In the years since though that has faded away and I have come to remember her as she was, the person I loved the most in my life
― Dan S, Wednesday, 26 August 2020 02:00 (four years ago) link
Same. Although she is still alive and we have fallen out and probably won't be alive for long, which is a problem.
Thanks for those posts. Say as much as you want to. I don't know what to say or ask yet. All the best, Dan.
― Gerneten-flüken cake (jed_), Wednesday, 26 August 2020 02:20 (four years ago) link
I had big issues with my mother over my being gay and she being a hardcore catholic, but recommend that everyone reconciles with their mother before she dies
― Dan S, Wednesday, 26 August 2020 02:35 (four years ago) link
RIP Dad. My father had a massive heart attack Saturday at 90. He was mentally sharp to the end, using Venmo, ordering groceries for he and Mom online, following jazz and other music ( and discussing it with me as well as sometimes reminiscing about his days in NYC jazz clubs in the late 49s and 50s plus his days working in his dad’s NYC deli). He was very happy to see Biden win, and donated to various causes like HIAS ( who helped his Dad immigrate to America). He also helped my Mom. I miss him so
― curmudgeon, Friday, 27 November 2020 11:32 (four years ago) link
I’m so sorry curmudgeon.
― Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Friday, 27 November 2020 11:42 (four years ago) link
I'm sorry for your loss, Curm. The obituary reads like he had a fully lived life, something to be very proud of.
― A Scampo Darkly (Le Bateau Ivre), Friday, 27 November 2020 11:44 (four years ago) link
So sorry to hear that, my friend, my condolences. Sounds like your dad was a great guy, I loved reading about him (I am assuming you wrote that.)
― Robert Gotopieces (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 27 November 2020 11:51 (four years ago) link
Love to you and yours, curmudgeon!
― healthy cocaine off perfect butts (the table is the table), Friday, 27 November 2020 12:18 (four years ago) link
Adding to the best wishes and sympathy for all. Clearly a remarkable man.
― Ned Raggett, Friday, 27 November 2020 13:41 (four years ago) link
Thanks for the kind words. I wrote the obituary with some help from my mom, plus my siblings and our respective spouses.
― curmudgeon, Friday, 27 November 2020 14:03 (four years ago) link
I'm sorry for your loss, curmudgeon.
― Brad C., Friday, 27 November 2020 16:41 (four years ago) link
May his memory be for a blessing
― is right unfortunately (silby), Friday, 27 November 2020 16:51 (four years ago) link
Amen to all of that!
― dow, Friday, 27 November 2020 17:03 (four years ago) link
My sincere condolences, curmudgeon.
― pomenitul, Friday, 27 November 2020 20:40 (four years ago) link
Sorry to hear, curmudgeon.
― a certain derecho (brownie), Friday, 27 November 2020 22:24 (four years ago) link
Best wishes for you and your family, curmudgeon
― Lover of Nixon (or LON for short) (Neanderthal), Friday, 27 November 2020 22:40 (four years ago) link
I have sympathy for you. I hope you will be OK.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Saturday, 28 November 2020 02:54 (four years ago) link
very sorry man. it's rough as hell
― mookieproof, Saturday, 28 November 2020 02:57 (four years ago) link
very sorry curmudgeon. it's a lovely obit. sounds like it would have been great to chat w/your dad about music or basketball or any number of topics.
― call all destroyer, Saturday, 28 November 2020 03:22 (four years ago) link
Love to you, curmudgeon. Your father sounds like my kinda guy x
― Gerneten-flüken cake (jed_), Saturday, 28 November 2020 03:40 (four years ago) link
Thanks to all of you for the kind words
― curmudgeon, Saturday, 28 November 2020 05:35 (four years ago) link
so sorry curmudgeon, thinking of you and yours x
― boxedjoy, Saturday, 28 November 2020 08:34 (four years ago) link
My deepest condolences. Sending love and strength. He sounds like a wonderful Dad.
― SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Saturday, 28 November 2020 10:03 (four years ago) link
Sorry for your loss, curmudgeon
― Clean-up on ILX (onimo), Saturday, 28 November 2020 10:07 (four years ago) link
my condolences, curmudgeon. sending you strength to cope with your loss.
― Running up that hill but fleeting (a deal with Gop) (breastcrawl), Saturday, 28 November 2020 14:47 (four years ago) link
So sorry, curm
― kinder, Saturday, 28 November 2020 18:30 (four years ago) link
how can you tell how serious an ailment is when the person ailing can barely speak?
Dad fell the other day (as I mentioned in the other thread), and we finally have a wheelchair due this week. since then, yesterday, he has vaguely complained of pain around the sternum, but when asked has said it's not 'chest pain'. originally he said "2" when we asked on scale of 1-10, but last night seemed to be worse. might be related to fall - I've had muscle strains in that area before.
he has a PCP appointment next week anyway, but mom and I are thinking of taking him to another doc a few days earlier if it doesn't get better. we're wary of running to the ER every time he has anything wrong. could also be related to the hernia, perhaps?
we've tried framing questions he can reply "yes or no" to to get an idea of pain severity but the problem is that's us framing it and he also lies sometimes.
live-in nurse has to be around the corner, well obv not 'live-in' due to COVID, more like 24-hour nurse services.
i'm just mentally drained - I feel like any time I leave the house to do anything I'm always worried about what happens when I'm gone. I know i'm just one person and that's foolish but given this last year I'm superstitious as hell. every time I leave town I usually tell my brother and/or my best friend in case they can be 'on call' if something happens, though both have their own lives too.
― Looking for Cape Penis house (Neanderthal), Monday, 4 January 2021 15:29 (three years ago) link
My very elderly parents (93 & 83) in England have just been booked for their first Covid vaccine dose on Saturday.
― Ward Fowler, Monday, 4 January 2021 15:32 (three years ago) link
that's fantastic! glad to hear that.
― Looking for Cape Penis house (Neanderthal), Monday, 4 January 2021 15:34 (three years ago) link
Thanks Neanderthal, and best of luck with your father.
― Ward Fowler, Monday, 4 January 2021 15:35 (three years ago) link
Hope it goes well, Ward and Neanderthal.
― xyzzzz__, Monday, 4 January 2021 15:41 (three years ago) link
Mom back in hospital for the second time in less than a month due to what is now being called a Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in her urinary tract.
She's immunocompromised, has a permanent ileostomy, probably drinks too much, and only takes baths rather than showers. Perfect storm... More worried about her being in hospital than getting over this infection, tbh.
― "Bi" Dong A Ban He Try (the table is the table), Monday, 4 January 2021 16:23 (three years ago) link
^ This is the story of half of my life. All you can do is try. For pain, the best non-verbal clues are facial expressions and reflex actions. They don't lie.
― Respectfully Yours, (Aimless), Monday, 4 January 2021 19:08 (three years ago) link
Yea he winced last night as dead giveaway.
― Looking for Cape Penis house (Neanderthal), Monday, 4 January 2021 19:45 (three years ago) link
In hospice we used PAINAD: https://geriatricpain.org/assessment/cognitively-impaired/pain-assessment-advanced-dementia-painad-instructions
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 4 January 2021 20:56 (three years ago) link
― Looking for Cape Penis house (Neanderthal), Monday, 4 January 2021 20:57 (three years ago) link
^this turned out to be nothing. thanks again for link.
kinda feel like we're at a crossroads. my mother has plantar fasciitis in her foot that isn't improving, and a bad neck and back. I have a worsening back, though mine's better than my mother's. lifting dad from a sitting position if needed is easy, but the last time he fell, I hurt my back lifting him and it didn't feel well for days (it's back to normal now).
i'm not good w/ wet nurse type functions, but can help him onto and off of the toilet, and do just about everything else. but she doesn't let me - half the time I start doing things like helping my dad up, she tries to join and I have to shoo her away - "LET ME DO THIS!". not just because i don't want her hurting herself, but because it's a lot harder for me to help dad up if someone else is trying to grab hold of him as well.
we have Home Health Care coming starting again tomorrow, though I'm not sure what for (bathing? physical therapy?), and apparently we're looking into additional support, but I'm not sure what. but I don't know how long we can try to do it without more frequent nurse support or....assisted living. which is both expensive and also not something we want to do with our beloved paps.
one of you told me to take time for myself in another thread. Lord I'm tryyying. occasionally succeeding. but I just feel guilty any time I'm doing anything as simple as sitting on the couch watching tv.
people always ask where my brother is in all this, well, I've been lenient with him because a) he lives with his girlfriend, and b) works full-time and is about 20+ miles away, and c) works at a theme park so until they're fully vaxxed, kind of a risk. beginning to think I am going to ask him to try and show up once a week. the problem is....he gets mom stressed out, he tries to help but ultimately seems to want more to tell her how to do things rather than trying to help offer support with what she's alraedy doing. so I'd have to set ground rules because him getting her upset is a deal breaker. he doesn't do it on purpose, he's just....the type of needly person that sometimes frustrates his folks.
idk - I'm not MEGA stressed out about it or anything , just trying to think aloud.
― Looking for Cape Penis house (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 13 January 2021 17:33 (three years ago) link
sorry to hear. I think now is the time to be looking at your options though because I've known so many people struggle doing it themselves for far too long. Your brother should be contributing to this process too imo - if you start off with you researching and making all the decisions he'll carry on leaving it up to you I suspect.
― kinder, Wednesday, 13 January 2021 19:05 (three years ago) link
yeah plus honestly he's just like that in general. i'm gonna talk to him this week and see what we maybe can work out.
― Looking for Cape Penis house (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 13 January 2021 19:17 (three years ago) link
we're getting some temporary help in the form of physical, speech, and occupational therapists coming by the house, as well as a nurse to come help bathe dad.
his vitals still are just fine. his oxygen's great, blood pressure is the lowest in the entire family. he also still laughs at dirty jokes.
looked at cost of assisted living. holy fuck....i do well but not well enough to afford that. so this bandaid solution will do for a while.
still, glad to have this help for my mother!
― Looking for Cape Penis house (Neanderthal), Monday, 18 January 2021 17:19 (three years ago) link
Not really the right thread I know, but does anyone know the likely prognosis for a 72-year-old female who might test positive for Covid? It's not great, is it?
― kinder, Tuesday, 26 January 2021 16:54 (three years ago) link
it depends on a lot of factors, but somebody over 70 getting it isn't inherently a death sentence (though it's definitely a much higher risk than someone younger). My close friend's father, who isn't quite that age but is *close* had it and recovered.
I can't seem to find it anymore but I seem to recall the mortality rate for people in the above 70 age range being something like 10-15%, which is high and not good, but does show that the majority still 'survive'. obviously a narrow way of looking at it, as a larger portion get hospitalized and might have long-term effects. but it does mean there's some hope.
it's a shitty thing to have to worry about and I hope that this person does not have COVID :(
― if Spaghetti-Os had whammy bars (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 26 January 2021 18:00 (three years ago) link
Thank you Neanderthal. I'm attempting to not worry until I need to worry!
― kinder, Tuesday, 26 January 2021 18:59 (three years ago) link
My stepmom, who lives in AZ and who I haven't been worrying about because she's younger (72) and active (teaches aerobics at her community center), had some kind of accident that ended up with two broken wrists this week. My half-brother also told us she has undergone a very rapid cognitive decline, so during her recovery there will be evaluation for WTF is going on there.
― Jaq, Friday, 5 February 2021 18:22 (three years ago) link
Hi Neanderthal, Home Health Care can be great; I was surprised at the options, and your father's Medicare Advantage or MediGap etc. may also help w hiring one part-time person w training, like even a "sitter," designated as such by nursing agency, turned out to be experienced as hell, and even a crucial source of incremental help, a couple of times, though also young enough to sit up all night, allowing me and my sis some much-needed sleep--even if you have to pay out-of-pocket for such a person, would so be worth it, for yourself and your Dad (can think better w more sleep duhhhh). This was just 2-3 times a week at most, but even one night a week made a difference. Something to to think about even if your brother does clean up his act a bit.
― dow, Friday, 5 February 2021 19:28 (three years ago) link
And of course that's more affordable than Assisted Living.
― dow, Friday, 5 February 2021 19:30 (three years ago) link
thanks dow. i've started to look into some of these options, just to give my mother a break. I'm handling the extra load fine but I'm realizing it's starting to wear me down a bit so it'll help us all out.
good news is we have some Home Health coming over for speech, physical therapy, and bathing. last time, they ended the benefits rather quick. this time we're going to fight to keep them coming longer.
you aren't kidding about Assited Living. I shit when I saw the costs.
― he said that you son of a bitch (Neanderthal), Friday, 5 February 2021 20:29 (three years ago) link
in-home care can be a huge help if you can swing it! my father inlaw had a helper i think they got through his medicaid somehowshe was amazing. my fil was first-generation native Hawaiian, and the helper they hired for him was a middle-aged Tongan woman. Because his memory had regressed so much, seeing another brown person put him back in happy childhood memories & he responded so well to her, and she was so good with him, making sure he ate & was clean (and she was huge & could lift him which was awesome).she took care of him until he really started deteriorating & needed fulltime care. But it was a major source of relief for my inlaws, that they could interact with him on their own terms, without the exhausting heavylift of bathing or bathrooming and all that goes with the carer-side of dementia . being able to remove *that* part of the emotional/physical stress was huge. puts such a huge strain on the household, and alleviating it can make a huge difference in your day to day coping/interactions
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 5 February 2021 21:45 (three years ago) link
i think mom applied for Medicaid on dad's behalf and they didn't approve it cos of Florida's stingy standards or somethin but I am gonna get on her to do it again.
Dad fell again shortly after I posted earlier. probably the least severe of all of them, he went down softly on the floor up against the couch, but it's just exhausting thinking if one of us leaves the room for a minute (which is legitimately what happened) he might lose balance. i had no trouble getting him up (I'm getting swole now thanks to this), but i realize i'm tired as fuck at the moment.
and i also know deep down that my bro will never give much more than he is doing now because he just can't. he freezes because he freaks at seeing his parents being vulnerable. eventually the come to jesus talk is gonna have to come because well, fine, but, I cna't do it all myself.
but if dad gets on Medicaid and we can afford more help to give us a break......it'll be a relief.
It's ok tho. i'm still here, i just gotta....find my pockets. this is such a reversal from the nomadic "hey let's book a flight to Chicago this weekend, I'mbored" lifestyle I was living not that long ago. but that could never have endured much longer anyway.
― he said that you son of a bitch (Neanderthal), Saturday, 6 February 2021 04:06 (three years ago) link
some days I step in and take over with helping dad cos mom just gets impatient and yells at him.
like...is that going to make a stroke patient suddenly do what you want? lol
but she's also mentally exhausted from the last two or three years so I cut her some slack.
― he said that you son of a bitch (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 10 February 2021 03:20 (three years ago) link
apparently we have a meeting to see what we qualify for ongoing....had home therapy again for the last two months and it's gone well.
we had a room in a hotel for my dad's birthday with a handicapped bathroom. dad still managed to fall...on top of my mother.
both are ok.
we're looking into adult day care, Medicare will barely help with shit, already want to discharge him for his physical therapy. they hear he falls and it's like "cool, heard of a wheelchair"....we have a shitty one, because the insurance company and provider were bickering, but the one we have works ok. but the bathroom is so damn small as we didn't look at it before we moved in.....so the wheelchair doesn't fit and he has to use his case the rest of the way to it. though honestly he's always been fine doing that.
ran out to Walgreens at midnight to get bandages and neosporin and of course somehow at 11 pm the 2 lines were long as the cashiers were moving slow as shit, I was gone for 20 minutes and i only went across the street.
I actively hate my life now. but my brother now has like few free nights a week due to a new acting gig so yeah good luck getting more help from him. i showed him how to take dad to the bathroom yesterday and you'd have thought he was going through the Ludivico technique.
wanna get through one week without sobbing into my hands
― if you meh them, shut up (Neanderthal), Thursday, 18 February 2021 05:01 (three years ago) link
Sorry you're having to deal with this by yourself, Neanderthal.
― The return of our beloved potatoes (the table is the table), Thursday, 18 February 2021 16:39 (three years ago) link
i'm a wee better this morning as my bro showed up and is helping again and a few of my friends were able to calm me down. that's my mother and I really need is relief.
thinking about paying for occasional private home health care but gotta price search and figure out when would be best. adult day care seems like reality.
he's 73 today. here's to many more.
― if you meh them, shut up (Neanderthal), Thursday, 18 February 2021 16:40 (three years ago) link
def pursue medicaid; its not cheap but worth it, likely, if you can get the resources together to have an elder care lawyer do the application for you if they assess he can qualify
my mom has been on medicaid for a few years now, she is 70 -- shes in an "independent" living facility (similar to assisted living) which has been working out p good but she fell 3 days ago going to the bathroom at 2am and fractured her hip. she had 3 screws put in yesterday. i visited her in the hospital today (only the second time i have physically seen her since march 2020), she really battles a lot of anxiety and depression that interplay w her physical issues in a bad way but i am somewhat hopeful the rehab process could be good for her
― johnny crunch, Thursday, 18 February 2021 17:38 (three years ago) link
Hey Neanderthal does your ilx webmail work?
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 19 February 2021 03:36 (three years ago) link
hi quincie - it does!
― if you meh them, shut up (Neanderthal), Friday, 19 February 2021 23:36 (three years ago) link
Mother-in-law had a stroke two weeks ago and my wife flew out to Savannah to help and get a sense of her condition. Turns out she is more or less okay. Doc says she doesn’t need someone with her constantly, in fact MIL seemed happy when wife left. She appreciated that she came out in the middle of a pandemic, liked the company, but i’m sure she was tired of someone monitoring her life. We live in Houston, so wife totally missed out on the snowy apocalypse.
Now wife is musing about us moving to Savannah to help her mom. Our kids are happy here and are in good schools. We have friends and work with benefits here. Her mom doesn’t need constant help. And when her mom does need help, I say she should come to us instead of us uprooting our lives. But she maintains that she will never move here, and I say that is her choice. I really don’t want to make the kids move and I REALLY don’t want to live in Savannah.
― Cow_Art, Saturday, 20 February 2021 19:16 (three years ago) link
Mum diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Where do we go from here, I wonder.
― assert (MatthewK), Monday, 8 March 2021 19:53 (three years ago) link
Sorry to hear, MatthewK. Fwiw, I've known a few people with Parkinson's, and many have lived fulfilling if sometimes difficult lives as things have progressed. May it be so for your mum, too.
― it's like edging for your mind (the table is the table), Monday, 8 March 2021 20:55 (three years ago) link
Thank you, that’s my hope too. She’s intellectually very active so I’m hoping that will be unaffected at least.
― assert (MatthewK), Monday, 8 March 2021 21:03 (three years ago) link
Both my mom (82) and my stepmom (72) were diagnosed with dementia last week. Stepmom is level 4 on FAST, mom is closer to level 5. So many family text threads going.
― Jaq, Tuesday, 9 March 2021 18:35 (three years ago) link
That's really rough, Jaq. Best to you all.
― A Scampo Darkly (Le Bateau Ivre), Tuesday, 9 March 2021 18:48 (three years ago) link
That’s very hard Jaq, I’m sorry. The place I work has a free online course about dementia which explains what happens and how people and families are affected, it might be worth recommending to family. You can search up Wicking Understanding Dementia MOOC.
― assert (MatthewK), Tuesday, 9 March 2021 19:20 (three years ago) link
Thank you both! MatthewK, I will look that up - much appreciated. Mom is currently in skilled nursing for a bit due to an extreme hypertensive episode that probably made the memory loss much worse. Stepmom is back in her house, with home health visits and no car keys while everyone rallies to try to figure this all out.
― Jaq, Tuesday, 9 March 2021 23:32 (three years ago) link
very sorry to hear Matt K and Jaq
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Monday, 15 March 2021 22:14 (three years ago) link
bumped this bc just saw my own 72-year-old parents for the first time in a long time and, you know, they are old. I was just sort of wondering what I should be doing to prepare for the fact that they are old. They have some retirement savings but not really enough, and a ton of equity in their house that they are relying on but no particular plan to sell it -- admittedly they are in an area that has appreciated a lot and is probably unlikely to crash due to schools and amenities, but I still worry about them relying on that. Like what happens if 2 years from now there is a market crash and their health deterioriates at the same time, necessitating some kind of home health aide or move to a home. Do I need to be preparing financially to help them if I have to? Get the guest room ready? Anything I can/should be doing to prepare?
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Monday, 15 March 2021 22:16 (three years ago) link
have you asked them what they want
― Canon in Deez (silby), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 00:24 (three years ago) link
Ask them what they want and diplomatically try to address what financial planning they have done for the future ? Determine if they would want planning advice from you, or websites, or paid financial planners ( if $ is available to pay for the latter)?
― curmudgeon, Tuesday, 16 March 2021 01:58 (three years ago) link
Yeah, even gently asking never hurts. I'm very fortunate that my parents' situation is ridiculous stable all around especially for their age, and they remain very active, but further knowing their specific health-care plans and directives and general financial overview has meant even less worry.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 16 March 2021 03:03 (three years ago) link
looks like my dad might qualify for Medicaid after all. working on subbing an application so he can get a waiver in FL to use for home/adult day care. the application for Florida is terrible, teh questions are written stupidly, and the site is buggy, but I figure submitting it gets us through the door at least.
― Red Nerussi (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 16:48 (three years ago) link
Like what happens if 2 years from now there is a market crash and their health deteriorates at the same time, necessitating some kind of home health aide or move to a home.
My parents have spent the last 2-3 years working on this house to prepare to sell it for as much $ as possible in order to "retire" (they're already retired but haven't noticeably slowed down) to a house that won't need any upkeep where they can live on one floor if nec. It has been an enormous job for them to deal with all the details--if your parents are prepared to tackle it on their own, it will save you ONE MILLION HOURS of stress. Plus, like...it's their life & choice, if they're still mentally astute?
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 17:53 (three years ago) link
But yeah they talked about doing it now specifically because they're still capable, and they want real estate & finances resolved before a health crisis forces them to do it in a rush & maybe not get the best outcomes.
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 17:55 (three years ago) link
and it's helpful if they can use the house to fund their future lifestyle. my parents lost their house due to foreclosure in 2008, and have rented ever since. one of my mother's doctors started getting on her, "you need to start settling affairs, putting money aside for assisting living. sell your house when you need to." my mom said "wtf are you talking about, we don't own a house....we can't afford assisted living". doctor just assumed everybody has assets at their disposal.
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 18:18 (three years ago) link
My god memory care is expensive. $4k-$8k/month depending on the level needed (in the Indianapolis area) not including meds/supplies.
― Jaq, Tuesday, 16 March 2021 20:28 (three years ago) link
yeah I feel like parents have not completely thought it through, but it's hard to say. They do purportedly have a financial planner but IDK who that is or how much they talk to them. They of course say they never want to be in a home and that they don't expect to move in with us. They also have an attitude of "we're prepared to sell our house if/when we need to." And they do have some ideas about places they could afford an apartment and would want to live. But again, like what if it happens to be a bad time to sell when they need to? And are they thinking about the full cost of a home health aide or other care? I assume Medicare provides for that at least to some extent, but IDK. They're in better shape than a lot of Americans so I don't want to freak out over it, but they don't have the "recommended" amounts for retirement savings either, especially if you exclude the home equity (which is the bulk of their "savings").
OTOH I feel like my conversations with them about this repeatedly dead end at some point, and I may just have to cross the bridge when I come to it.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 21:01 (three years ago) link
I assume Medicare provides for that at least to some extent, but IDK.
they do, but boy will they try to give you as little as possible. when my dad first left the hospital, they sent an occupational therapist, speech, and physical therapist for about a month, as well as a nurse to bathe my dad, but they sometimes no-showed or cancelled late, and didn't come anywhere near enough. and they discharged all of them after a month, and my dad's disabled! they believe in 'train the trainer' approach, or at least did for us.
important to just stay on them/demand things - this year we realized dad was deteriorating and asked them to come back out and resumed a lot of the therapies that were discharged prematurely last year.
if they qualify for Medicaid, then there's more options - in my state at least, you can get vouchers for in-home care/adult day-care/assisted living which cover most of the cost.
hopefully of course none of that is necessary for them, or at least not for a while.
quincie will probably have more helpful hints on this (and thank you again btw quincie for what you sent me - we're using a lot of this information)
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 21:40 (three years ago) link
side note, my mom yelling at my father who had a stroke and clearly CAN'T do things the way he used to really frustrates me and I can tell he does better with me than her. having to keep asking her not to do it but she can't help herself.
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 21:41 (three years ago) link
as I typed that, she said "you don't give a shit" to him. :/
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 21:42 (three years ago) link
that sucks so much for all three of you
― armoured van, Holden (sic), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 21:44 (three years ago) link
xp :/
OTOH I feel like my conversations with them about this repeatedly dead end at some point
would they be amenable to setting up a session purely to talk about this? like it or not, it's going to come up at some point and if they understand it's causing you worry if you haven't thoroughly talked through, would that make them more agreeable to actually finishing the discussion?
it's good that you're already thinking about it!
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 22:06 (three years ago) link
I do aging parents for a living, specifically helping adult children with aging parents, at the moment I am in transit to other coast to get my FIL out of ICU to inpatient hospice, will be back to thread and happy to share tips once shit is settled with FIL. There is a reason there are jobs like mine, stuff ain’t obvious.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 00:11 (three years ago) link
best of luck with your FIL, quincie...and thank you again!
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 00:24 (three years ago) link
Ugh, Neanderthal, that sounds really hard. sending good feeling.
― it's like edging for your mind (the table is the table), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:34 (three years ago) link
thinking about even 2 more months of this is enough for me to pull my hair out. even when COVID's over, I'm going to be afraid to go two inches from the house for ten minutes.
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Thursday, 18 March 2021 01:07 (three years ago) link
btw, I'm monopolizing this thread and I know it and I"m sorry so I'm unbookmarking for a bit because at this point it's what it is and I would rather let you all talk about your shit. i'm gonna keep working on the Medicaid application (yay the site is down for maintenance tonight!)
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Thursday, 18 March 2021 01:08 (three years ago) link
<3 to all caretakers
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Thursday, 18 March 2021 01:09 (three years ago) link
Welp down another aging parent.
Pleased with myself for aggressive advocacy to get FIL out of ICU to have peaceful, comfortable death in hospice.
Another advantage of hospice is that now my MIL will have regular follow up for bereavement support vs nothin' from hospital.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 19 March 2021 15:22 (three years ago) link
Oh quince. I'm sorry. Good looking out on the advocacy. <3
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Friday, 19 March 2021 15:23 (three years ago) link
Thanks IO, he was 90 and perfectly happy to move on, absolutely hated hospitals so getting him out was a win.
Neanderthal (and anyone else), send me your zip and I can get you connected with free "help" (quality of said help varies tremendously) with Medicaid application.
Maybe I should offer a Zoom on Aging Parents 101? Anyway I have long thought about starting an ILX Pro Bono thread where people can offer up skillz, happy to contribute my strange little set.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 19 March 2021 15:25 (three years ago) link
I'm so sorry, quincie, but glad that you were able to get him out of the hospital and into a nice hospice unit.
my zip is 32792, and you can send to the email from earlier. thanks! I subbed an app but I guarantee they're going to have a bazillion follow-up questions and that I'll probably have to redo it.
plus side - i learned about every toilet adjustment/pee splash guard known to man today. i don't mind dad peeing on the floor so much, I mind mom screaming when he does it. I found 3 products that should help as I've spotted the 'problem'.
lol @ me being handy-man adjacent now.
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Friday, 19 March 2021 18:46 (three years ago) link
i think a zoom 101 would be extremely useful & possibly help with the loneliness of dealing with aging parents esp for only children
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 19 March 2021 19:15 (three years ago) link
― "Salvation Army FUCK!" (Neanderthal), Friday, 19 March 2021 19:17 (three years ago) link
Oh yes I work with lots of onlys—that’s a special category for sure!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 19 March 2021 20:32 (three years ago) link
I would take that course, quincie.
also, sorry to hear, though glad he was able to come to rest in a more comfortable place.
― it's like edging for your mind (the table is the table), Friday, 19 March 2021 21:14 (three years ago) link
esp for only children*raises a paw*
― covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 20 March 2021 16:59 (three years ago) link
Any advice on helping an elderly parent (in Montgomery County, MD) get an appointment for a COVID vaccination? My mother refuses to get Internet access. According to her the phone system for registration is useless and keeps referring callers to the web site. (When I did my preregistration in DC I had to enter a lot of personal information, and would prefer not to have to do this for my mother.)
If the stories I hear about Maryland are true, appointment slots drop at midnight and/or 6am, and if you don't grab one right then, you're SOL.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Thursday, 25 March 2021 13:22 (three years ago) link
Does the county she lives in have an an Office for the Aging or something similar? Mine does and had a phone number to call for older people who had no internet access and needed help getting the vaccine.
― Notes on Scampo (tokyo rosemary), Thursday, 25 March 2021 14:18 (three years ago) link
Montgomery County Area Agency on Aging Information & Referral Helpline: 240-777-3000
^^^usually pretty helpful
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 25 March 2021 15:41 (three years ago) link
This website is laughably designed, but I use it all the time to find Area Agencies on Aging. The Older Americans Act designates one for every area of the country: https://www.n4a.org/
Good to try, but the agencies vary widely in quantity and quality of the services they do or do not offer :(
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 25 March 2021 15:44 (three years ago) link
My parents are not computer people and I used websites to see where vaccines were being delivered and got them on lots of waiting lists. Eventually one panned out. I put their phone numbers but my email address. This is in Texas, so things might be different where you are. I put them on about ten different lists at pharmacies and clinics.
― Cow_Art, Thursday, 25 March 2021 17:30 (three years ago) link
So, I've posted elsewhere about my mom (age 69) and her recent diagnosis with brain cancer. She's at my sister's in Philly during the week getting her third of six weeks of 5x/week chemo and radiation, home on the weekends.
My dad (age 69) had prostate surgery Thursday and was supposed to be out the same day but got a pulmonary embolism and he is still in the hospital (and likely another week) with complications.
My wife and I are working remotely from their place over DSL internet, supposed to be caring for my Dad post-surgery, but right now caring for their 4 aging cats.
I was freaking out yesterday when I got bit by a tick and shit got intense with my dad. I think they now have treatment plan straightened out. But man the last 24 hours have been nuts.
― guillotines aren't just for royalty anymore (PBKR), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 23:01 (three years ago) link
Yikes. Sending absolute best. My dad had prostate surgery years back -- thankfully nowhere near as fraught a situation as your dad has but it still was a bit uneasy to go through. This, this is a whole other level I can't pretend to have faced.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 23:17 (three years ago) link
Thank you, Ned. My parents are only 21 years older than me, have always seemed young, and were both in generally good health for their age. This has been an adjustment.
― guillotines aren't just for royalty anymore (PBKR), Wednesday, 14 April 2021 00:39 (three years ago) link
All the best to you and your folks PKBR, and to their respective care teams. I hope the next few weeks are easier all around.
My mom had to move directly to memory care in a different facility from where she had been living with very little notice. Fortunately my brother and sister were able to handle everything and it went fairly smoothly. It's evident now Mom is much further along in memory loss than any of us realized. She remembers nothing of her living situations from the past 6 years, isn't recognizing her collection of DVDs or figure out her TV, can't remember that she has been socializing with people every day. Speech and physical therapy are starting soon.
Step-mom is not wanting to consider not living in her house, is sure it's just a little memory glitch that caused her two broken wrists, is rampant on Facebook with random out of character sentimental memes and jigsaw puzzle apps. But cheerful and okay with not driving.
― Jaq, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 03:58 (three years ago) link
Mum doing pretty well with her L-dopa treatment, super happy with the specialist she is seeing for her Parkinsons
― assert (MatthewK), Wednesday, 14 April 2021 04:13 (three years ago) link
Thanks, Jaq. Best to you and your family dealing with your mom and step-mom's issues.
Wishing all ilxors strength and wisdom for the years ahead.
― guillotines aren't just for royalty anymore (PBKR), Wednesday, 14 April 2021 12:10 (three years ago) link
My sentiments exactly
― it's like edging for your mind (the table is the table), Wednesday, 14 April 2021 23:14 (three years ago) link
things settling down on this front. oh, shit still hits the fan, but we're learning not to treat each instance like a big scary disaster.
i was not home last night, and dad tripped (his cane collided with something) and hit his head, and went to the ER. he's ok.
Medicaid application is underway, we've submitted everything they need, but the wait list is fairly long. we have an interview at the Center for Aging so we can get a waiver form in a few weeks.
― P-Zunit (Neanderthal), Sunday, 18 April 2021 20:46 (three years ago) link
Good luck, Neanderthal. I'm almost two weeks into being at my parents and probably two weeks more to go and I'm going a little nutty. You are not just a good poster, but a good son.
Dad came home this afternoon after 10 days in the hospital. He had never been overnight in a hospital. He hugged me and broke down sobbing when he walked in the house!
― i bought biden some thin mints with my stimmy (PBKR), Sunday, 18 April 2021 23:00 (three years ago) link
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 19 April 2021 00:35 (three years ago) link
somehow the main thing my mom knows about my life is that i need to renew my driver's license (not a pressing matter, as i don't own a car or otherwise drive)
in the last three months she has emailed me easily 20 times -- once three times in a single evening -- about how i need to get a 'REAL ID' as opposed to a regular license. twice she's mailed me physical clippings out of the newspaper about it. every time we speak on the phone it comes up at least twice, at which point i mention that she's brought it up now dozens of times. 'really?'
i guess it's better than hounding me about getting a job, but it's fucking unsettling
(also she is unknowingly sending all her emails out on her iPhone, through an icloud account she is unaware that she has and never checks, and wonders why people don't respond, but that's another story)
i'm going there next week and can probably fix a few things, but not everything
― mookieproof, Thursday, 3 June 2021 23:27 (three years ago) link
Good luck, mookie. Just try to enjoy the time you have to the extent that is an option.
― Vin Jawn (PBKR), Thursday, 3 June 2021 23:43 (three years ago) link
well, the larger issue is that i'm a shitty child/person and simply don't want to deal with it
― mookieproof, Friday, 4 June 2021 01:29 (three years ago) link
Obv I don't know the details, but not wanting to deal is a pretty normal reaction and doesn't make you a shitty person.
Just tell her you got the new license and it is a real id?
― Vin Jawn (PBKR), Friday, 4 June 2021 01:41 (three years ago) link
my mother got bit by my brother's girlfriend's dogs today on her arm. her luck has just been terrible.
in addition to feeling bad for her run of luck, the recurring fear I've had of mom being knocked out of commission due to an injury or something and leaving me the sole caretaker of BOTH of them ran through my head and freaked me out. granted, it's obviously not going to happen due to dog bites, but I'm realizing how precarious a sitch is with my brother basically only helping when I ask him.
― Feta Van Cheese (Neanderthal), Friday, 4 June 2021 20:50 (three years ago) link
can you ask more regularly to make it more part of his routine to help? Might be more work short term but helpful longer term?
― assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 4 June 2021 23:18 (three years ago) link
I'm gonna have to honestly. But he's working 72 hours next week :/
― Feta Van Cheese (Neanderthal), Friday, 4 June 2021 23:36 (three years ago) link
and I hurt my back yesterday. both my mother and I try to spare each other work with nobody wanting to cede lol. but my back is in much better shape than her hands after a dog bite. (she's ok - no stitches, antibiotics, rest)
― Feta Van Cheese (Neanderthal), Saturday, 5 June 2021 13:50 (three years ago) link
will be in a permanent state of heightened anxiety until we ever get approved for Medicaid and get waivers for home health services.
ironically, not because things keep happening, but because things have been quiet lately and there've been a few fall "close calls".
mom told me she's depressed. didn't have the heart to tell her that I am too, as she'd feel responsible (but of course that's ridiculous). both of us keep trying to take care of the other's emotional wellbeing.
― not up to Aerosmith standards (Neanderthal), Monday, 12 July 2021 20:32 (three years ago) link
Hang in there Neanderthal.
― Carlos Santana & Mahavishnu Rob Thomas (PBKR), Monday, 12 July 2021 22:31 (three years ago) link
After 2 months of no incidents, he fell. Mom didn't let me know she was back with him from daycare so I wasn't outside to help. Going to ER
It's been only a year of this and I have little left. The psychological impact of this has me just ready to abandon any optimism I had left. Zero end in sight.
― making splashes at Dan Flashes (Neanderthal), Friday, 16 July 2021 20:37 (three years ago) link
Just wanted to share this story, and it kinda fits here since Mom is 72, though she's totally independent and requires nothin' from nobody.
So the other day I'm on the phone with her and she says "By the way, tomorrow is [AUNT]'s birthday" and we continue with our conversation.
Here's the thing: [AUNT] is a TWIN.
Mom is ICE COLD when she wants to be.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Wednesday, 21 July 2021 00:52 (three years ago) link
Hahaha amazing.
― Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 21 July 2021 00:55 (three years ago) link
Your mother's twin or another sibling?
― Halfway there but for you, Wednesday, 21 July 2021 01:44 (three years ago) link
Another sibling. Mom was the second born, the twins came after her, then two more sisters she's also not talking to.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Wednesday, 21 July 2021 02:06 (three years ago) link
I liked it better as Mom being passive-aggressive about her own birthday.
― Carlos Santana & Mahavishnu Rob Thomas (PBKR), Wednesday, 21 July 2021 02:09 (three years ago) link
love it
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Wednesday, 21 July 2021 02:11 (three years ago) link
PBKR's interpretation was what I thought at first.
― Halfway there but for you, Wednesday, 21 July 2021 02:12 (three years ago) link
Seemed more Mom-like.
― Carlos Santana & Mahavishnu Rob Thomas (PBKR), Wednesday, 21 July 2021 02:15 (three years ago) link
The 'real' is colder though
― Mark G, Thursday, 22 July 2021 15:27 (three years ago) link
Ahhhh... Nothing says summer break like spending the day picking up dried up cat vomit in my mother's squalid apartment.
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 27 July 2021 08:59 (three years ago) link
Sitting here watching Gunsmoke w/ my aged p’s because their helper had heart palpitations/panic attack (because of Henri?) and left to go to her doctor in the city and the rest of my generation just was exposed to COVID.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 00:10 (three years ago) link
Just think; it could be the Waltons.
― Captain Beefart (PBKR), Sunday, 22 August 2021 00:28 (three years ago) link
Gunsmoke rules
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 22 August 2021 00:34 (three years ago) link
I think they show The Waltons on this channel too! Thought I saw a profile of Grandpa Walton on the website. Yes, never really watched whist growing up but Gunsmoke is in fact pretty good.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 00:36 (three years ago) link
The Virginian is better, and so are The Big Valley and The High Chaparral, sorry to be a dick
― Josefa, Sunday, 22 August 2021 00:56 (three years ago) link
No worries.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 01:18 (three years ago) link
Feel like we should have a thread called itt we ask Josefa about old tv shows and NYC restaurants
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 01:19 (three years ago) link
oh man the waltons was on in the clinic when i got my second vaxx and it was brutal. i'd never seen it before!
― mookieproof, Sunday, 22 August 2021 01:29 (three years ago) link
That would actually make me feel special. I would take the responsibility seriously.
Btw what with the pandemic and everything it feels like every NYC restaurant is an old NYC restaurant now. The system crashed in March 2020 and we’re trying to reset it still.
― Josefa, Sunday, 22 August 2021 01:30 (three years ago) link
It was Gunsmoke reruns and The Waltons all over our TV in the late 70s.
― Captain Beefart (PBKR), Sunday, 22 August 2021 02:04 (three years ago) link
we got METV years ago before we stopped dping cable & i watched at least 5 seasons worth of gunsmokesurprsingly, the last season color eps, which seemed super weird, are some of the best!
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 22 August 2021 02:19 (three years ago) link
I only acknowledge the radio version.
― Clara Lemlich stan account (silby), Sunday, 22 August 2021 02:52 (three years ago) link
There's an early-ish color Gunsmoke where the Doc has to quarantine a sick rich dude & his entourage on a train and anyone living the past two years knows how that turns out.
― “Heroin” (ft. Bobby Gillespie) (C. Grisso/McCain), Sunday, 22 August 2021 03:06 (three years ago) link
Miss Kitty refuses to take the smallpox vaccine?
― Captain Beefart (PBKR), Sunday, 22 August 2021 11:26 (three years ago) link
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 12:50 (three years ago) link
Sorry, I actually meant that, but the allcaps probably made it seem sarcastic. The intranetz, how do they work?
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 12:53 (three years ago) link
Festus won't wear a face mask.
But seriously, the rich guy doesn't want to quarantine and tries to bargain his way out because he's got business in another town that just has to be settled, but soon he's too sick to do anything. One of his bodyguards tries to escape but gets killed by some townies who-lacking Doc's compassion-don't want no sick people in Dodge. They form a rebellion, knock out Marshall Dillion, and set the train on fire, getting a number of themselves killed in the process. Doc, the rich guy, and his pregnant trophy wife manage to escape.
The ep is called "Death Train" and it's from season 13 in '67.
― “Heroin” (ft. Bobby Gillespie) (C. Grisso/McCain), Sunday, 22 August 2021 13:23 (three years ago) link
― Captain Beefart (PBKR), Sunday, 22 August 2021 13:37 (three years ago) link
…and today we’re back to earlier in the day viewing, Little House on the Prairie.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 18:35 (three years ago) link
Well, at least you will have The Price is Right to look forward to tomorrow.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 22 August 2021 18:40 (three years ago) link
Michael Landon had one of those punchable faces.
― it is to laugh, like so, ha! (Aimless), Sunday, 22 August 2021 18:40 (three years ago) link
Lol, quincie.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 18:44 (three years ago) link
lessons i learned rewatching little house- paw is legit terrible farmer - mary is a pain in the fucking ass- that song mr edwards sings all the time is super annoying - there is waaaay more jesus in that show than i remembered from watching as a kidi still kinda like the show though, all that being said. i love the opening credits where baby carrie trips & falls down the hill
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 22 August 2021 18:51 (three years ago) link
There is waaaay more Jesus in the show than in the books.
In college, one of the girls in my first year studies group (Melora, later the star of the film LAMBADA) had been one of the random school kids in Little House with lines here and there, and one week her friend Matt came to visit and sat in our seminar. Several other students made the faux pas of calling him ‘Albert’. Melora just looked like she wanted to kill them.
― the thin blue lying (suzy), Sunday, 22 August 2021 19:12 (three years ago) link
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 22 August 2021 19:20 (three years ago) link
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 August 2021 19:24 (three years ago) link
Now onto The Hallmark Channel. Chesapeake Shores.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 August 2021 00:15 (three years ago) link
Warming up to the teasers for Sweet Pecan Summer.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 August 2021 00:16 (three years ago) link
This stuff is easy to make fun of but seems to fill some of the void left by most regular movies being about superheroes and such.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 August 2021 00:41 (three years ago) link
Treat Williams and the actress playing one of his daughters are now singing a tuneful version of “Tura Lura Lura,” although maybe not as good as the one in The Last Waltz.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 August 2021 00:46 (three years ago) link
Treat Williams possibly not a Covidiot tho.
― “Heroin” (ft. Bobby Gillespie) (C. Grisso/McCain), Monday, 23 August 2021 00:51 (three years ago) link
lol.These are like the non-auteur versions of that recipient of a noted Morbius zinger, They All Laughed.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 August 2021 00:52 (three years ago) link
Will refrain from live-blogging Todaytoday.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 August 2021 14:58 (three years ago) link
Don’t hold out on us man
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 23 August 2021 18:41 (three years ago) link
Can’t go there right now
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 August 2021 20:01 (three years ago) link
Starting to lose it after a very short period of time, don’t know how Neanderthal does it.
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 August 2021 20:10 (three years ago) link
Not trying to be weird or brag or anything, but truly happy that my early 70s parents don't watch TV or know anything about the internet.
― heyy nineteen, that's john belushi (the table is the table), Monday, 23 August 2021 22:02 (three years ago) link
― mambo jumbo (La Lechera), Saturday, January 4, 2014 10:14 PM (seven years ago) bookmarkflaglink
― Elvis Telecom, Saturday, January 4, 2014 Thanks yall! (also to quincie, actual student of Prof. Stetekee). Just started reading it. Elvis, I seem to recall that somewhere you recommended a particular kind of shredder---crossbolt?
― dow, Monday, 23 August 2021 23:32 (three years ago) link
― Hitsville Ukase (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, August 23, 2021 4:10 PM bookmarkflaglink
shit, I lose my mind all the time. gotta make sure to carve out the time for yourself every so often <3
― Duke Detain (Neanderthal), Monday, 30 August 2021 00:35 (three years ago) link
good news:
*we got a new walker for dad, and he walks better with it*we rearranged the furniture in the house, and he's moving better as it's a straighter shot from his chair to bathroom*we got a portable ramp for dad outside, and that's nullified the risk outdoors, where he had his last fall*we've had temporary physical therapy prescribed for him again which is helping*mom is going back to work part-time doing a relatively low risk, low intensity job, and that will help
bad news:
*I'm hemorrhaging money, despite making 70k a year. that seems impossible, but ...here we are. It is costing me wayyyy more to live here than it did last year as the rent is more expensive, mom spends a lot on groceries for us and stuff for dad like diapers, adult day care visits REALLY adds up and I split it with her/my bro. I'm going to have to approach the conversation about their cell phone bills, which I've paid now for about 6 years, and maybe taking their phones and finding their own plans, since they barely use their phones anyway. It's like over $100 a month, and adds up. yes, some of it is me being lazy and spending too much on food, but....there's definitely more expenditure than I expected.
*(don't get me wrong, I still have plenty of savings, but I can't lose money at this rate, esp if I'm finding it difficult to rebuild my savings)
*I'm having to renew this lease for another year. mom can't do it on her own. unfortunately, the idea I had of conning my brother to move in with us couldn't materialize (even though he needed a place to live) as we were closing in on our 60 day cancellation period, and it is way too risky to have us opt out of our lease with nowhere lined up to go. the thought of doing this another year is....ugh. hopefully we get the HSBC Waiver approved next year.
all in all, things are going better-ish lately, but my life feels very *on hold*. mom keeps trying to encourage me to date, but between pandemic and LOL this living arrangement, how even could I? fortunately I have zero desire to do it right now.
but...i am carving out pockets of time for me, so at least there's that.
― Duke Detain (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 1 September 2021 02:39 (three years ago) link
my mother is just so brutal to my dad these days it's taking me everything not to scream at her.
I have held off because she has a lot of physical pain but the poor guy shuts down around her because she does nothing but yell at him and say he isn't trying.
but it's kind of poetic, dad screamed at mom all the time growing up, now they've reversed roles. cute.
I still have an anxious reaction like I did as a kid when it happens too. regress to my teens.
― Duke Detain (Neanderthal), Saturday, 4 September 2021 02:17 (three years ago) link
Just started reading it. Elvis, I seem to recall that somewhere you recommended a particular kind of shredder---crossbolt?
Crosscut. If you have a LOT of shredding (boxes and boxes worth), it might be worthwhile to contact a third-party shredding service. My local box & ship store has one and I'd probably take stuff there rather than kill another shredder with the volume.
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 10 September 2021 00:38 (three years ago) link
hope the karma bank is paying triple interest to neando
― bobo honkin' slobo babe (sic), Friday, 10 September 2021 04:48 (three years ago) link
This is kind of small potatoes, but my parents, who are reasonably well-informed, are about as eager to "return to normal" as people can get. They're going to an art show at a small-ish gallery tomorrow, and I said I'd meet up with them beforehand for brunch, outdoors. My mom made a reservation...for indoors. I had to call and explain to her that I won't be eating indoors anytime soon, and that she and my dad probably shouldn't either, and she seemed a little shocked by my insistence.
― I'm a sovereign jazz citizen (the table is the table), Friday, 10 September 2021 17:22 (three years ago) link
xxpost Thanks, Elvis! Hadn't thought of third-party, hope they have crosscut, which might be more secure, if it really shreds, not just separates into those easily matched segments.Neanderthal, maybe check Consumer Cellular for cheapo rates, and highly rated (by Consumer Reports readers' surveys etc etc) service. Their main competitor is Lively, with Jitterbug etc., dunno how that is.
― dow, Friday, 10 September 2021 17:49 (three years ago) link
not a bad idea
also my dad doesn't use his phone and destroyed it yesterday so I think i'm just taking him off altogether. mom basically takes his calls for him on hers.
― Duke Detain (Neanderthal), Friday, 10 September 2021 18:15 (three years ago) link
every day, mom continues to express disbelief that a stroke victim with bad arthritis in his knees sometimes can't move the way she wants him to.
yelled at him and said she wouldn't take care of him anymore if he didn't start listening to her (this was a week or so ago). i started bawling and hugging my dad tight because he had a reaction to it like it stung.
I started taking on extra things like driving dad to daycare on occasion to help out, and mom promised to try and be more mindful of the things she says.
all very tiring. i'm good cop, he does better with me.
― you had me at "giallo" (Neanderthal), Thursday, 16 September 2021 20:35 (three years ago) link
I can't remember whether you've talked about this before, Neanderthal, but I wonder how much of her anger and vitriol at him is her fear of mortality (both his and hers), her own declining health, etc? I guess I don't really know what their relationship was like before, and you don't have to go into that, but it seems really likely that she's lashing out because she's absolutely terrified. It doesn't justify it, of course, but it could explain it.
― I'm a sovereign jazz citizen (the table is the table), Thursday, 16 September 2021 22:18 (three years ago) link
I'm sure that plays into it a bit. she's not in perfect health herself. there's a lot at play and I don't think she's worked it all out.
a therapist might help, idk the last time she saw one
― you had me at "giallo" (Neanderthal), Thursday, 16 September 2021 22:20 (three years ago) link
someone took/stole my dad's portable wheelchair ramp off of our doorstep today.
i'm just at my wit's end with assholes right now.
― you had me at "giallo" (Neanderthal), Saturday, 18 September 2021 00:39 (three years ago) link
Wishing you some hours or days of respite, neanderthal. You're a damn good good cop, but everyone needs time for themselves.
― it is to laugh, like so, ha! (Aimless), Saturday, 18 September 2021 00:53 (three years ago) link
might go for a late night drive along the beachline tonight and jsut blast tunes.
― you had me at "giallo" (Neanderthal), Saturday, 18 September 2021 01:00 (three years ago) link
Damn, that is dirty. Best to you, Neanderthal. Hope you can catch some breaks soon.
― Taliban! (PBKR), Saturday, 18 September 2021 02:00 (three years ago) link
― bobo honkin' slobo babe (sic), Saturday, 18 September 2021 04:28 (three years ago) link
had a positive moment of clarity today. dad fell again today, but not seriously. the frustration was more that it happened during one of my classes and I was freaked out cos he was not in a position I could quickly get him up.
but I didn't let it overwhelm me today, I quickly sent my class to break, got it covered, and managed to get him to a temporary sitting position and heaved him the fuck up.
i felt proud of myself that i'm able to actually serve this role because I don't think I could have done this pre-anxiety medication. yes...i have bad days. but i'm standing. and once upon a time, this would have driven me into committing myself. but it's not doing that.
im going to be ok.
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 October 2021 19:21 (three years ago) link
also managed to return to class before break ended lol. my boss's boss suggested I take a few mins before jumping back in and took over temporarily.
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 October 2021 19:26 (three years ago) link
he fell and hit his head today, little cut on his forehead. *sigh*. there goes my Saturday. hoping he is ok.
mom left him alone standing with his walker for 2 seconds, and inexplicably, he was on the floor way in front of his walker. no idea how that happened.
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Saturday, 16 October 2021 13:40 (three years ago) link
Dang sorry. You took him to Bond right? How'd he like that?
― maf you one two (maffew12), Saturday, 16 October 2021 14:20 (three years ago) link
he had a great time. we all did! want to take him to Halloween Kills now.
getting ready to go to ER.
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Saturday, 16 October 2021 14:27 (three years ago) link
He's still there though mostly out of precaution. ER thinks his meds slowed his heart and made him dizzy and took him off said meds.
He is apparently going to a short term rehab facility. I feel guilty because I don't just find this good news because it's for the best for his health and mobility, but because (especially) Mom and I need a break. They can do the things we've had to for the last year temporarily.
Hoping I can visit him as I miss him already
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Sunday, 17 October 2021 20:46 (three years ago) link
Sometimes it's for the best for him and you and there is nothing wrong with feeling that.
― Hannibal Lecture (PBKR), Sunday, 17 October 2021 21:18 (three years ago) link
thanks <3
going to see him after dinner later. going to tell him Marx Brothers jokes until he laughs and mom rolls her eyes and storms out
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Sunday, 17 October 2021 21:21 (three years ago) link
Wait was he admitted to the hospital? Medicare doesn’t pay for rehab unless there was a hospital admission for at least 3 nights?
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 18 October 2021 02:13 (three years ago) link
Oh wait that is waived during COVID apparently
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 18 October 2021 02:16 (three years ago) link
He was admitted yes. Tomorrow will be his third day.
They changed one of his medications as they think it was slowing his heart. I'll know more tomorrow... I'm gonna work out of his room
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Monday, 18 October 2021 02:29 (three years ago) link
^^^for finding a skilled rehab with decent quality ratings. The social worker/discharge planner may try to railroad you into a particular facility, but you have the right to choose.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 18 October 2021 03:00 (three years ago) link
thanks quincie. we took this under advisement, looks like they found ag ood facility for him. they just have to clear a UTI first to send him there.
I've worked out of the hospital and spent time with him this week, he's in good spirits. mom has been too, probably because the hospital is taking care of him and not her for once.
I got a massage last night. holy gooood did I need that.
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 October 2021 16:51 (three years ago) link
*a good, not an odd facility, though my dad arguably does need to go to one of those too given his terrible jokes
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 October 2021 16:52 (three years ago) link
inexplicably was given a 2k performance award at work today. it doesn't pay out until March (almost like a 'bonus'), and I have to stay employed through then to get it, but....very shocked (in a good way). which makes me feel bad for my recent grousing (which wasn't about my department as much as the company), honestly I am very grateful for it and this will shut me up for a long time no matter how shitty things get.
as I am spending a lot more living with my folks and taking care of dad and also I have a big tax bill coming up for a 401k withdrawal and this will help mitigate that a lot.
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 October 2021 22:17 (three years ago) link
Thanks quincie, rat on neanderthal!
― dow, Tuesday, 19 October 2021 23:52 (three years ago) link
Well deserved I am sure Neander, glad you had a bright spot this week!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, 20 October 2021 02:14 (three years ago) link
ok so UTI seems to be dealt with but haven't sent him to rehab center yet because they did a CT scan of his pelvis to see why he was retaining urine and found a huge mass of dookie up in there, he was apparenlty majorly constipated (which mom suspected for a while, but he would never be honest/couldn't tell us due to his condition).
they think this is why he's retaining urine AND why his heart rate is up, they've been enemaing him all day.
I guess this is the last step before he comes home. I didn't get to see him today as mom told me the smell would make me sick, so that was disappointing, but I'll see him tomorrow.
brother hasn't seen him once. he's busy, I know, but he also does this thing when he becomes afraid to visit dad in the hospital, so I'm gonna have to be a hardass on him soon if he can't make 20 minutes.
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Thursday, 21 October 2021 20:36 (three years ago) link
he's still...here. ugh. still retaining urine after enema, heart rate is still high, so they think his medication that helps lower his blood pressure/heart rate caused his fall, but without it, his heart rate goes up a lot.
it's not like he's in danger or anything but we keep spinning wheels, while meanwhile he has a room available at rehab center that I'm sure won't be held forever.
and then one of my friends last night lays on me a guilt trip that I should be doing more to help my mother escalate things with the doctor (i.e. why haven't we talked to the urologist yet, we always seem to miss them). that didn't help, because now I think I'm doing too little but I'm here this morning and have been calling the nurse and trying to do things so mom doesn't have to come in and can work. but I also was here a lot this week despite working full time (I spent 16 hours of my work week working from here, only went home when I had classes to teach, and the one day where mom said not to come as he was getting an enema).
oh and btw this is a Jesus hospital :/
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Saturday, 23 October 2021 14:58 (three years ago) link
being discharged as we speak! to go to his rehab facility. excellent!
mom and I have had a good system of being present, which has been needed because his doctors seem to be the lead character in Memento and continually ask questions they've asked 30 times already or forget he can't talk and act puzzled when he doesn't launch into a monologue on command.
managed to work out of his hospital room while my friend had a meltdown and called me in mid-panic attack at the same time.
― the utility infielder of theatre (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 26 October 2021 21:41 (three years ago) link
that sounds extremely stressful Neanderthal but getting out of hospital sounds like a real positive step, happy for you!
― Tracer Hand, Tuesday, 26 October 2021 21:48 (three years ago) link
major positive step. one step closer to getting him back home! and getting strength back.
― the utility infielder of theatre (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 26 October 2021 21:49 (three years ago) link
glad to hear he's out of hospital, Neanderthal.
― I'm a sovereign jizz citizen (the table is the table), Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:26 (three years ago) link
thanks tabes! I visited him yesterday in the rehab facility. it's a little....well...chaotic, but he was watching TV (as usual) and apparently walking fine. looking forward to him being home soon, though it has given us a bit of a break as well and let professionals take care of him to an extent that exceeds our capability for the time being. but his chair is lonely so I want to see him sitting in it soon. thinking a week or two and he'll be back.
― the utility infielder of theatre (Neanderthal), Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:39 (three years ago) link
― dow, Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:44 (three years ago) link
Dad comes home Monday!
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Saturday, 13 November 2021 20:45 (three years ago) link
he's home!
only bad thing - they sent home someone else's meds with him (in addition to his own). that's...pretty startling.
who do I report that to?
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Monday, 15 November 2021 17:53 (three years ago) link
(I mean, we're calling the facility to alert them so they can pick up the meds, but I'm worried that they might do this again and want this addressed beyond just telling them)
Director of Nursing at the facility
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 15 November 2021 19:10 (three years ago) link
Thank you!
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Monday, 15 November 2021 19:21 (three years ago) link
Done btw
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 15:00 (three years ago) link
Dad fell this morning. Home less than 24 hours.
He's ok but...ugh
The fall cycle really sucks. I’m sorry :(
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 15:16 (three years ago) link
on the plus side, we hadn't yet tried the gait belt, which should make a big diff (we hadn't been using one previously. the shit I don't know, loooord...)
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 17:51 (three years ago) link
how easy is it to get a doctor's prescription for a hospital bed?
I'm tempted to offer to give them my bed as it's lower.
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 17:54 (three years ago) link
The script is easy; it’s getting Medicate to pay for it that is virtually impossible unless he is bed bound, requires head elevated a minimum of 30 degrees, and has pressure sores.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 18:09 (three years ago) link
Tho to be fair you live in the capital of Medicare fraud, so maybe your chances are better than average
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 18:11 (three years ago) link
lol. i think a better idea is for me to offer my bed to them, as it's lower. theirs is a bit high and it's on a box spring which isn't the type that they recommend removing. mine is much lower and it's a shorter walk to my bedroom.
mom is thinking about it. my bed's new and comfy and built for 2.
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 18:15 (three years ago) link
Do you have home PT/OT coming? This is the perfect sort of thing for them to advise on
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 18:35 (three years ago) link
both - in the past the OT talked about their concerns re: the bed height but their suggestio nwas "take out the box spring" which we can't cos it's not the wrong type of bed to do that. but we never gave the idea of switching beds.
waiting to hear from them when they're coming, one of them was supposed to be here today.
good idea for asking them!
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 November 2021 18:40 (three years ago) link
another day, another fall. more like a slip this time, out of bed.
this is just ridiculous. I had to go to a follow-up appointment for my vaccine study, I was only gone 90 minutes. what, I can't even leave the house now without this happening?
mom doesn't seem to be able to keep him steady, and didn't use the gait belt this morning (why have it if we don't use it?).
he's complaining of dizziness. so when the therapist comes today we're going to have to talk to her and figure out what to do.
we can't live like this. and dad says his knee hurts now.
we're getting a new industrial wheelchair, I've suggested to mom using the old one we have in the house until then. she doesn't seem to want to as she thinks he'll get used to it and never walk again but honestly what's the alternative?
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 17 November 2021 15:07 (three years ago) link
I feel for you, Neanderthal. I've seen your situation in my own family, where new problems emerge faster than you can address them, and the latest solutions that you so arduously put in place are outmoded almost as soon as you've: a) bought the equipment or b) changed the meds or c) hired the home aide or d)... whatever it was that was supposed to 'fix it'. You get on a treadmill of minor crises that seems to be accelerating. At some point you can strike the word 'minor'.
All I can say is you're being a fabulous caregiver and if there's any way you can shuffle some of your burden onto family, friends or neighbors, it's worth thinking about. You aren't superman and trying to be will eventually imperil your ability to do be of any help at all. Don't break yourself!
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 17 November 2021 20:12 (three years ago) link
really I need my brother to step up and I've treated him with kid gloves on the subject and I have to be blunt. we've had a good relationship for years and I guess part of me is afraid of splintering that but he's basically living his life unimpeded while the rest of his family is making sacrifices. I don't believe everybody is inherently capable of this type of support but if dude gave up even like 10% of his social engagements it'd be a bigger help and he just won't. yeah, he's busy, but I had to turn things down outright.
*venting*. I've always been an introvert and I grew more extrovert tendencies after I got on Effexor, which made me a more social animal ,but that side of me is almost gone now. I'm too exhausted to deal with other people.
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 17 November 2021 20:16 (three years ago) link
that's a really nice post Aimless and as it happens I totally agree with it. I really feel for your situation too Neanderthal. I love very far from my folks but this sort of thing is going to start happening soon and my sis does not have a great track record with helping out on this sort of thing. So I have some thinking to do.
― Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 23:15 (three years ago) link
Agree ty for that post Aimless
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 17 November 2021 23:19 (three years ago) link
ty, but this isn't about me. I'm an orphan now.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 17 November 2021 23:39 (three years ago) link
Money does not solve all of the aging parents problems, but damn it sure helps with options. In the absence of anything resembling a care system i.e. the USofA
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 18 November 2021 00:08 (three years ago) link
Like, my dad had 10 years of decline before dying from Alzheimer’s, but my family situation was completely different because $$$
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 18 November 2021 00:10 (three years ago) link
Ne, maybe ask Home Health about bedrails? I ordered a couple of set, w/o dealing w HH or Medicare, because couldn't wait---but, after merely rolling a little too far sometimes in her sleep, or slipping, as you mentioned, then (don't know if your father ever gets this restless, but neither did she before this) my mother went in hospital and tried to climb over those professional rails at least a couple times, ditto hospital bed during home hospice---the ones i ordered were never used, but very popular, with mostly good customer reviews:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005EHNL3M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1And these, the regular size:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0070WGV9K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1There are others, of course.
― dow, Thursday, 18 November 2021 01:34 (three years ago) link
thanks dow.
fortunately, there are still house calls made! apparently....our skilled nursing gave us a brochure for at-home health care for minor issues and we used it today, and thank god. they came and examined my dad's knee, noted it was swollen, wrote an RX for x-ray, gave him injections, said he can do a little walking but to limit it for now, and the x-ray will be done *at our house*.
godsend. all that for a $35 co-pay.
don't get me wrong, senior care in FL sucks balls, but that was the only good thing that happened today. it was my folks anniversary. 49 years. it was pretty much ruined. mom has been in tears most of the day.
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Friday, 19 November 2021 00:59 (three years ago) link
Sorry about the anniversary sad, but YAY for scoring a house calls practice! That is HUGE and will come in handy big time.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 19 November 2021 02:33 (three years ago) link
Seriously. We couldn't have handled an urgent care wait today. This was eaaasy
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Friday, 19 November 2021 02:40 (three years ago) link
Strength to you, Neandi, and if your brother really will blow up or cut you out for asking him to do 10% more than nothing, maybe better to get that over with than keep having it hang ominously in yr future.
― bobo honkin' slobo babe (sic), Friday, 19 November 2021 06:05 (three years ago) link
Is there something *very specific* that you can ask him to do on a weekly basis? Some people need a discrete assignment spelled out for them when a general “hey can you maybe step up and help here” doesn’t work. Plus it makes them look like a total dick if they say no or fail to execute. Shaming for the win!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 19 November 2021 15:06 (three years ago) link
yeah that's what i'm planning to do - "can you come over this week to help mom take him to appointment" etc etc
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Friday, 19 November 2021 15:28 (three years ago) link
My mom will be relocating to be closer to me in the next year or two; my brother lives out of state, but he is soooooooo manipulable (is that a word?) via guilting and I WILL be making use of this on the regular.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 19 November 2021 15:59 (three years ago) link
sooooooooooooooo, lots happened. anyway, last night, the friend I mentioned on the cancer thread was in town one last night, with his girlfriend, and especially due to his recent bad news, I wanted to see him before he left. I had maybe a 3 hour window as dad's usual bedtime is 10, and I didn't want mom by herself for that. also, friend's Jeep had a battery that wouldn't start, so I offered to jump his car.
I'd only just finished work, and mom was out doing errands, so when she got back, she told me I should go meet my friend, but that she did have to go to the laundromat across the street for a bit (our dryer only semi-dries lately, sigh....). this meant dad would be unsupervised for a short while.
he was seated in his recliner, so against my better judgment, I said "ok", as we've done this before mostly without issue. However, on occasion, he's tried to get out of his chair. Usually, it's because he wants to change the channel and doesn't have the remote - he'll try to get up to get it and will slide on his butt. so I gave him both remotes so he wouldn't do that (which is my usual move), and told him mom would be home soon and not to move (he understands conversation very well, and he agreed).
I get to the friend's and am in the process of jumping the car when mom texts me that she got home and found dad on the floor. We don't know what he was trying to do, but mom said his ice pack for his knee was on the floor, and also she didn't see the remotes on the arm chair. We think he either knocked the remotes off the arm chair or dropped his ice pack and tried to pick it up. I told mom to call 911 as I was 45 minutes away, and they got there in like 5-10 minutes and picked him up without issue, he's fine, not hurt. but of course, I was flipping out and then i slowly calmed down.
Today, the plan was to relax. I had plans with another friend in the morning. Well....first of all, I had agreed to housesit for my friend on the 21st and 22nd. Well, apparently he meant 20th-22nd, and didn't realize he gave me the wrong dates, so he messages me after he and his wife and kids have already left the house to go to an out of town resort, and tells me they've left and all is ready for me to come by. Was pretty aggravated about this but I wasn't about to punish his animals for it, and it's not a terribly difficult or time consuming thing, so whatever, I pencilled that in in my head and said I would talk to him later about his 'mistake'.
so then I go to get dad up, and find this bump on his chest, resembling that of a hernia (which he actually does have). he says it doesn't hurt, but we hadn't seen it the night before, and it was concerning. we were worried it might have happened during fall. so reluctantly we got ready to take him to get it checked out, meaning I had to cancel on my second friend in two days, and mom and I had to give up a huge chunk of the day we'd planned to use to relax. we figured we'd just have them do his x-ray since the group that was supposed to come by to do it at our house still hadn't come by.
we were both stressing and very exhausted, and mom called my brother to ask if he could come by, because both her and I were mentally exhausted, we were going to have to load dad into a car with a bum knee (which we hadn't done before), and we could use the help. He was working, and she asked if he could take off just once to help (since he about never leaves work for anything). he messaged me to try and weasel out of it and I just bluntly said "I ain't gonna tell you what to do, and I ain't telling you to get fired from yur job, but mom and I are on our last legs here" and proceeded to tell him that we've given up a LOT, that I've had to cancel all of my plans for the weekend, and that I've had to take off of work in the past too.
motherfucker shocks me by agreeing to leave early and he showed up and was actually a huge help. we tried going to multiple urgent cares with X-rays but got turned away for a variety of reasons (one said he needed to be able to stand on his own and that their facility was smaller than a hospitals so we couldn't come back with him to help him stand). so we wound up going to the ER, the bump on his chest the doctors didn't find to be a concern (they felt it was small, and just related to his hernia but not a pressing issue according to them). x-ray showed no breaks, and dad seems to be able to put more weight on it, as we learned while loading him into the car.
but my brother took over and would not let mom do anything (to give her a break), and I also got a bit of a break, and it helped a ton.
it's too early to say he's turned a corner but this is the first real time he's really sacrificed anything. and obviously we don't want him leaving work often, it's just that today, we were too tired to go it alone.
(I did also manage to walk the dog twice and feed the fucker in the midst of all this).
let's just say I'm watching football tomorrow and little else.
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Sunday, 21 November 2021 04:45 (three years ago) link
(xray was for his knee, and the friend who I was housesitting for is diff than the friend who I had to cancel plans with. my whole post was sloppy, sorry)
― Cool Im An Situation (Neanderthal), Sunday, 21 November 2021 04:47 (three years ago) link
my folks are now both 77, which must be an ILX approved age. Doing pretty good aside from my mum’s late onset, slow progression Parkinson’s which is totally managed by medication for now.
― assert (matttkkkk), Sunday, 21 November 2021 08:32 (three years ago) link
My mom is in her early 90's and is in assisted living. She's well-cared for, and has something of a social network there. (She has dementia, as do the other residents.) When I visit or call we have fine, upbeat, normal conversations, but at some point she will refer to a recent visit she had from a friend or relative who has been dead for years. She has essentially outlived her friends and family, but has brought them all back. Every so often she will say she's feeling down, because she heard that so-and-so (again, long deceased) has recently passed away. I find it interesting, this conjuring back the dead only to kill them off again and again. Not that she's doing it intentionally, I think it's just a subconscious attempt to make sense of an increasingly confusing situation.
― henry s, Sunday, 21 November 2021 18:29 (three years ago) link
I think My Mother is losing it mentally, she is 70 and just generally confused. She lives Down The Road and has other children but all lontano. So I fix her internet for her, but she phones up the social work and rants on my behalf, I have an assistant but she's... non-confrontional like. So I guess my mother will die in the next year or so and I don't know what the fuck to do, I can't use the phone. My father occasionally sends me football shirts from Korea but is otherwise not to be relied on, my siblings live far away and have babies and such to deal with, I'm just scared what's going to happen to me shortly. Social Worker hates me for spurious reasons, I have a cat and a fridge and am acting as an adult but eeeeeeh... Imma be put in some home when my mother dies and that's gunna be soon
― The Speak Of The Mearns (Jonathan Hellion Mumble), Sunday, 21 November 2021 18:56 (three years ago) link
my mom died a year ago and this morning i dreamt she’d finally come back, we were getting ready to go out together and i was so relieved and happy and excited. i heard her walking into the room but then my guy spoke to me, it was actually him walking in irl and i woke up and remembered she was dead and it felt like i’d been kicked. (it’s okay tho, i’m okay, her death was okay, it all just keeps being strange)
― cookie hat, esq. (cat), Monday, 22 November 2021 19:17 (three years ago) link
My mother just came up to mines to watch the football... there is no football on today. Then she started rambling about milk bottles, I don't know what the fuck is going on in her head
― The Speak Of The Mearns (Jonathan Hellion Mumble), Monday, 22 November 2021 19:47 (three years ago) link
aw dude, i’m sorry. my mom was pretty scattered for the last few years, i found it best to just roll with it in a laid-back way even though it was scary to see her unmooring like that.
― cookie hat, esq. (cat), Monday, 22 November 2021 20:03 (three years ago) link
boy do i hate having to be the responsible adult in the room
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Saturday, 27 November 2021 11:02 (three years ago) link
so sorry, Brad. it really isn’t fair.
― a swift, a shrike, a kite, a (cat), Saturday, 27 November 2021 20:29 (three years ago) link
Sorry, Brad, I know some of how that goes.Got this today from Chuck Eddy---it's not private, as you'll see, so okay to post here, though it is a powerfully candid, concentrated account. He's mentioned some of it in the Voice and elsewhere, over the years, but even if you've read that, brace yourselves (no melodrama, "life and life only"):
New post on Eliminated for Reasons of Space
Peggy Eddy, 1931-2021by Chuck EddyFifty years ago this past September 22, Margaret Mae Eddy (né Richmond né Griffith) adopted me and my four siblings, aged 4 to 11 at the time. She would have been 40. My natural mom had died of ovarian cancer at 46 the previous June. Peggy, as most people called her, had been a nurse in the hospital where my "real" mom Elizabeth (also a nurse) died; it's where Peggy met my dad, who within a year she married. I've been told all my life (no idea if it's true) that Elizabeth somehow approved of the pairing, since she recognized Peggy was a great caregiver. Which was an important trait, since my dad died -- committed suicide -- two and a half years after the adoption, in February 1974. He was 43. I'm used to parents dying young. Old, not so much.
Peggy wasn't always a great stepmom. She was, in a lot of ways, it seems to me, psychologically abusive. Someday maybe I'll go into details; I finally, in this past year, confronted her about it. That was probably a good thing to do. But abuse or no, it's hard to know what would have become of my two brothers, two sisters and me if she hadn't shown up in our life. We had spent maybe a year and a half in a Catholic orphanage (St. Vincent/Sarah Fisher Home, Farmington, Michigan) when Elizabeth was dying and my dad thought he was incapable of taking care of us. We could easily have gone back there, or been split up from each other. (Even at Sarah Fisher, we were divided into different "cabins" based on age and gender.) Peggy is the main reason we stayed together. Think of that -- my dad hung himself and left her with five kids who weren't even hers. But she'd made a commitment, and she kept it. Stubbornly, which is the way she did pretty much everything. Trying to reconcile the saintliness of that act with the memory of whatever she did wrong in raising us (hey it's not like I've always been a perfect parent myself!) has kept me in therapy, on and off, for pretty much all of my adult life.
After high school -- well, after my first year in college at University of Detroit -- I got the hell out of Michigan, shut the door behind me, and almost never looked back. As life strategies go, that kind of compartmentalization has served me pretty well over the past six decades. Three of my siblings stayed in suburban Detroit. One of them stopped talking to Peggy a few -- maybe several -- years ago; I never knew specifically why, and never asked, even though Peggy asked me if I knew why pretty much whenever we talked, which wasn't that often but was often enough: on her birthday, Mother's Day, Christmas, a couple times when she was hospitalized a few months back. Even though she'd never met him, she almost always also asked about my wife's dad, who's in his 70s and has early onset dementia and is in assisted living here in Austin. She inevitably had advice about how we should or shouldn't be dealing with him. She was always full of unsolicited opinions about stuff like that. She could be a real know-it-all, a real pain in the ass.
Last time we talked was October 15, her 90th birthday. She was grumpy, and it didn't help that I probably asked a couple stupid questions about her medical treatment. Especially being so geographically detached -- unlike my youngest sister Emily and stepsister Nancy, who had to put up with her every day -- it was hard to keep all the medical issues straight. Her body had become increasingly frail over the past few years. As recently as this summer, though, her mind was sharp. She told me what she remembered about polio and smallpox. Fairly recently, she was still providing in-person care to elderly patients years younger than she was.
This morning, Emily called me. Peggy had died peacefully, on her couch, sometime after waking up. She had just, in the past day or two, come to terms with the realization that she was about to go into assisted living care herself. Now I have to figure out if I'm going to fly up for the funeral next week. I've been trying to sort out my mixed feelings all day. I don't even know if I'm comfortable flying now, what with omicron and all. I'm leaning toward going if Emily needs the support, if she says my being there would be helpful. But I've been to enough funerals, since I was little, to know that it will only depress me. I don't want to have to stand around shaking strangers' hands all day. Michigan December weather won't help; my fingers turn white and go numb with Raynaud's as soon as the temperature drops below 50ºF. On the other hand, maybe obviously, there's a good chance I'll feel guilty if I *don't* go. I already feel guilty for not swinging up to Michigan when I visited my daughter in Cleveland this summer. But none of these seem like legitimate reasons to go, or not to. Still trying to process all this. Maybe I should sleep on it.
Chuck Eddy | December 3, 2021 at 4:39 pm | Categories: Not Music | URL: https://wp.me/pcuz5h-1QM
― dow, Saturday, 4 December 2021 01:15 (three years ago) link
I told him I thought he would be wise to sleep on it.
― dow, Saturday, 4 December 2021 01:20 (three years ago) link
That is really well written, thanks.
― Goofy the Grifter (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 4 December 2021 13:47 (three years ago) link
mom's broken toe meant she opted to pass on visiting dad at the skilled nursing tonight so I went. told him she had a broken toe, and he got the familiar furrowed brow look that he used to get pre-stroke , asking me "broken toe?". and I put him on the phone with her and he managed to get more out than he usually does in terms of speech, asked her how she was doing and all.
it was sweet to see.
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Thursday, 9 December 2021 23:56 (three years ago) link
My Mother came in here, apparently she has a blood clot on her lung, the doctor warned her that she might be found dead in her bed tomorrow morning, I telt her haha no chance, it'll be a week at least til anyone finds you, now your cat is dead, she took that in good humour so I think she's mentally capable. Then she cadged cigarettes and left and now I'm like Holy Fuck, what if My Mother dies?
― Aberdeen Thugs Kiss All Visiting Fans (Jonathan Hellion Mumble), Sunday, 19 December 2021 06:28 (three years ago) link
!!! really hoping your mother is ok, JMM!
my dad's still in skilled nursing. I sort of shattered a bit during that semi-traumatic post-Thanksgiving weekend. After I couldn't lift dad off of the floor after multiple attempts the day he fell I just sort of stared into space feeling defeated, and since then have felt like I've not been as helpful as I was prior, like there's part of me holding back because he's afraid of feeling those intense anxious feelings again.
I still visit dad frequently, and my brother has majorly stepped up (shockingly) and he's been around a lot. financially, he and I are still doing what we can to support Mom, and ....sometimes, it's a lot.
the skilled nursing thing is frustrating as we had planned to try and pull him out after 10 days and they told us last weekend they had to wait until Wednesday (today)'s discussion about his progress that the doctors do, only to then tell us they can't release him without a doctor's permission (?) so we might not have him back by Christmas. we're obviously going to fight hard against that because his physical therapist doesn't seem to think he needs to be there anymore, but now this is going to cost a fortune.
the money I raised via GoFundMe from all those amazing friends has paid for medical bills and will help cover the majority of his stay there (thank God), but we're going to have a pretty big overage and apparently the payment plan they told us about only goes for 6 months (which they neglected to tell us). looks like brother and I will have a fun monthly bill to enjoy soon.
I'm doing ok. in anticipation of dad coming back, we got a big bedside commode for dad to reduce the difficulty of bathroom visits, and a proper wheelchair that he could use to wheel himself.
i've gotten myself so wigged out by Omicron I'm debating masking in the house temporarily like I did when I lived w/ them last year. he's boosted but he's not perfect health, though not immunocompromised.
really hoping 2022 can take it easy on us cos we had a helluva 2021.
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 22 December 2021 22:55 (three years ago) link
fingers crossed for you and yr dad and the fam!
― we need outrage! we need dicks!! (the table is the table), Wednesday, 22 December 2021 23:14 (three years ago) link
Wishing you and your family the best Neanderthal.
― ma dmac's fury road (PBKR), Thursday, 23 December 2021 00:47 (two years ago) link
O Hell Yes!
― dow, Thursday, 23 December 2021 01:24 (two years ago) link
he's home tomorrow officially :)
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Thursday, 23 December 2021 21:18 (two years ago) link
I hope it adds measurably to yours and your family's enjoyment of the holiday.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Thursday, 23 December 2021 21:21 (two years ago) link
it definitely will.
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Thursday, 23 December 2021 21:24 (two years ago) link
That's good news Neanderthal.
― ma dmac's fury road (PBKR), Thursday, 23 December 2021 21:43 (two years ago) link
So glad your dad will be home with you for the holidays!
― Jaq, Thursday, 23 December 2021 21:51 (two years ago) link
thanks all!
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Thursday, 23 December 2021 22:03 (two years ago) link
he's home...right as someone in his nursing facility got the VID. dad was tested today, negative (all of us tested negative too as a precaution), and we'll test him again in a few days.
thank god for the facility in walking distance, mom and I got our tests in 10 mins. can't find the at homes ANYWHERE
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Friday, 24 December 2021 22:16 (two years ago) link
so glad he's home. he walked tot he toilet mostly on his own.
dad stopped singing along to songs he knew like two years ago. one of the things that made me the saddest.
my bro put on some Beatles tonight and he started singing along word for word (faintly but audible) for the first time since then.
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Saturday, 25 December 2021 00:49 (two years ago) link
i think it speaks more to just how obsessed he was with them because he doesn't do this with the Beach Boys, who he also loved, but...still.
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Saturday, 25 December 2021 00:50 (two years ago) link
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Saturday, 25 December 2021 02:03 (two years ago) link
That's awesome. Think the xpost home tests are antigen? If so, apparently not as accurate (so I've heard in interviews w some experts, but others may disagree?) So yeah, good you're so close to center, even if you could find the home tests.
― dow, Saturday, 25 December 2021 02:11 (two years ago) link
great news Neand (mostly) - especially glad to hear yr brother's getting more involved.
― dark end of the st. maud (sic), Saturday, 25 December 2021 02:13 (two years ago) link
Haven’t been on ILX for a bit so just catching up. Glad your dad is home! Hit me up if you have medical bill/Medicare questions. Medicaid is usually retroactive so, if possible, try to stall parting with OOP payments because they could be picked up by the great state of Florida.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Saturday, 25 December 2021 18:30 (two years ago) link
Oh I definitely will - great tip, thanks!
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Saturday, 25 December 2021 18:40 (two years ago) link
I don't want to fight in the War Room bring down the Aging Parents thread, but my visiting mother-in-law fell and fractured her hip on Thurday. They operated that night, but she will need something like six weeks of rehab once she gets out of the hospital. My mid-eighties amiable but short-term-memory-gone father-in-law is staying with us right now whilst we try to finish college applications for the girls. Meanwhile my sister and dad came over for a few hours yesterday although my dad was very reluctant to leave my extremely-advanced-dementia-suffering mom alone with her caregiver whilst she adjusts to her new meds. That is all, think I will head over to Meditation people roll call!, if not The Monkees: Classic or Dud? or moog power
― Heatmiserlou (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 26 December 2021 17:37 (two years ago) link
yike James - that's a lot! sorry to hear about all of that, a lot to carry.
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Sunday, 26 December 2021 17:41 (two years ago) link
Thanks, especially coming from you.
― Heatmiserlou (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 26 December 2021 17:43 (two years ago) link
Good luck, James, dealing with your range of Aging Parents issues.
― ma dmac's fury road (PBKR), Sunday, 26 December 2021 18:19 (two years ago) link
Thank you.
― Heatmiserlou (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 26 December 2021 18:25 (two years ago) link
My mom has been having epileptic fits pretty regularly since a brain hemorrhage she had 10 years ago. Three weeks ago she had one but the ER gave her a treatment that was way overdosed. That plunged her in a coma after which the hospital told me that she probably was a goner not worth transferring to the ICU. After a bit they changed their mind and did put her in the ICU. After a week she seemed to be slowly but steadily waking him up so the doctors were optimistic that after a brief stint in neurology she would be back home. Except that after a few days in neurology she went completely loony and prone to hallucinations. Now for the last three days she’s been sleeping non stop. I try to keep faith in the doctors but this has been quite a rollercoaster. Not really optimistic that my mom will ever go back home tbh
― licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Sunday, 26 December 2021 18:34 (two years ago) link
Oh, man, that sounds so difficult, sorry.
― Heatmiserlou (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 26 December 2021 18:37 (two years ago) link
It sounds like you're dealing with it the best anyone could, finding that intermediate place neither hopeful nor despairing, but feeling your love for her. May it all turn out for the best.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Sunday, 26 December 2021 18:57 (two years ago) link
An unexpected, sad argument with Mom last night because I had the audacity to remark, in a dinner conversation about schools, that "class has a lot to do with the choices parents make." It infuriated hr. I got the bootstraps story I've heard four decades: Cuban parents emigrate, stick private school-educated daughter in public school, then scrimp and save enough to send her to private school here. I spoke as a university instructor of 20+ years; I see the products every day; I made no judgment, merely made a statement of sociological fact. She insisted her parents had no prejudices, saw everyone the same, etc. I failed to convince her that, while true, these facts didn't negate what I said; they're unconscious forces at work which even the most honest liberals won't confront or fail to confront.
Well, it got loud. I don't know who you are anymore. You don't have children, so how could I possibly know, etc. She came close to remarking on my sexuality's impinging on my ability to comment on decisions about children, and it was my choice to live this way.
The last half of the evening crumbled to ash. Dad, surprisingly mute, said when he and I were alone (she had stormed off) that he agreed with me but...it doesn't matter. When arguing with parents, being right isn't the point -- is never the point. I share this delicacy in this thread because the story our parents tell themselves in order to live emphasize sacrifice and nobility; to rip them in half is to revoke their right to live. Throw in a few glasses of wine and you've got tasty pudding.
― So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 26 December 2021 19:44 (two years ago) link
happy to report that this stint back home for dad is going much better so far. at Thanksgiving, he hurt his ankle and could barely walk, and we had to cart him everywhere and it was really difficult, but he's walking better than he has in a long time right now (knock on wood), with the use of his walker.
just glad to have him back.
― hopefully this review helped someone (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 29 December 2021 14:25 (two years ago) link
It was lovely visiting home for the holidays after last year's impossibility but it was sobering to hear my dad say he's not sure if he'll be able to drive anymore due to issues with his ability to brake properly. He'll be looking into physical therapy and crossed fingers there, but without that his general mobility would be reduced to local walks in the neighborhood, definitely a vast change from how he's lived his adult life -- giving up bicycling a couple of years back due to balance concerns was frustrating enough for him but he still regularly gets on his spincycle at least. My mom's in good shape for driving, for now, so it's not like basic errands can't happen, but time does continue on. We'll just have to see.
― Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 29 December 2021 16:36 (two years ago) link
apparently we got approved for a hospital bed and Hoyer Lift for dad? they're telling us there's a delivery date and everything?
logistically, it will be a challenge, but holy fuck, if this actually happens, what a huge help that would be. 90% of the reason I was afraid to be away from home at 10 pm is just that dad's bed is too high and hard to get into and has the wrong box spring so we can't lower it.
he seems to be constipated (again) so we got an x-ray, and his walking has degenerated a bit from where it was last week, but mom and I have had a good system and both of us definitely calmed a bit during the time off. the new wheelchair is also mega-nice.
bedside commode was a waste of money, he doesn't want to use it and we don't have a good place for it. trying to see if I can return it ("lol would you like my used toilet?")
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Thursday, 6 January 2022 17:20 (two years ago) link
Neanderthal, appreciate your posts here. My folks are thankfully ambulatory, driving, and in relative good health, but with my dad having had a heart attack, rehab, and recovery, this long-term caretaking future seems much closer. Reading your posts with all their awkward details helps lessen my fear of the unknown.
― the body of a spider... (scampering alpaca), Thursday, 6 January 2022 17:37 (two years ago) link
anytime! :) glad to be of help.
ixnay on the hospital bed/hoyer lift, apparently they aren't covered by insurance (lol shoulda known that) and too expensive. so we'll forego. but nbd. we're managing fine atm.
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Thursday, 6 January 2022 20:37 (two years ago) link
i have been home visiting my parents bc my dad is in a nursing home now thanks to that dud of dud diseases, parkinson'slots of ups and downs over the last few months.
i am not sharing details for his privacy but i will say it has been truly heartbreaking. i don't use that term lightly, i keep my heart protected with a stone fortress and it still broke because of this. it's the absolute worst.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 6 January 2022 21:34 (two years ago) link
<3 LL, so sorry.
― kinder, Thursday, 6 January 2022 21:58 (two years ago) link
Neanderthal I about coughed up my coffee when I saw you were approved for an hosp bed and hoyer, because as lovely as that sounds, it would be straight up Medicare fraud if someone was trying to get that by--
It may be totally worth shopping around to see about a hospital bed rental. There are also places that have loan closets (like my org), and occasionally an HB may be available via loan closet. Check with your Area Agency on Aging (https://eldercare.acl.gov/Public/Index.aspx).
IANAD but a daily "bowel regimen" of colace and/or senna and/or metamucil is U&K for lots of folks, especially if they are not very mobile. I plan to put myself on said regimen as soon as the bowel problems start, which they pretty much invariably do at some point in aging.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 6 January 2022 22:19 (two years ago) link
LL I am terribly sorry. Some of my hardest hospice cases were advanced Parkinson's :(
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 6 January 2022 22:20 (two years ago) link
I'm not surprised. It's absolutely the worst disease I have ever encountered.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 6 January 2022 22:22 (two years ago) link
what's funny, quincie, is you told me exactly that months ago and it wasn't until after my mom came in and told me "not covered" that I remembered "wait, quincie clearly told me this a long time ago". my memory is flighty lately.
we were supposed to put him on colace daily but mom was nervous after last discharge and now they told us to wait until x-ray is in, but i think he needs it asap.
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Thursday, 6 January 2022 22:26 (two years ago) link
One day, when the Aging Parent thread requests it, I can give the "sqwoosh vs. push" constipation med tutorial. I mean I can't believe I haven't been invited to do a TedTalk yet tbrr.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 6 January 2022 22:30 (two years ago) link
LL very sorry about your dad. I don't even know what is the best for you but I wish you and your family peace in this time.
― ma dmac's fury road (PBKR), Friday, 7 January 2022 02:13 (two years ago) link
thank you -- peace is what i wish for us too. it has been total chaos and peace is what i want for us.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 7 January 2022 03:47 (two years ago) link
I hope it happens in the best way.
― Ned Raggett, Friday, 7 January 2022 04:17 (two years ago) link
Yeah, echoing what others have said, LL— sending good vibes and peace to your mom and your family.
― we need outrage! we need dicks!! (the table is the table), Friday, 7 January 2022 17:34 (two years ago) link
very sorry to hear about your father, LL - sending my best <3
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Friday, 7 January 2022 17:35 (two years ago) link
thanks everyonei just got back from visiting and i don't have any words for how sad it was. probably the saddest thing i have ever gone through and i have had some sad times to choose from. i find it impossibly cruel that i am not just dealing with trying to balance 2 new jobs/finding a new path for my career, i am also dealing with Parkinson's, profound geriatric depression, and my mom living alone in a house that may not be fit for human residence. oh and fucking COVID. all anyone (self included) can say is "it's a lot" :(
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 8 January 2022 00:45 (two years ago) link
<3. that's a mountain LL. i' mso sorry you're having to deal with all of that simultaneously
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Saturday, 8 January 2022 00:47 (two years ago) link
it's truly absurd, feels v much like a mountain
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 8 January 2022 01:05 (two years ago) link
Just now saw this---I too wish you peace, LL, peace and light, not glaring, just enough.
― dow, Thursday, 13 January 2022 04:19 (two years ago) link
Peace and best of luck in dealing with it all LL
― curmudgeon, Thursday, 13 January 2022 05:49 (two years ago) link
thanks folks. i don't know where this goes from here. i don't have any words of wisdom or knowledge to share.
however, i will suggest that anyone whose elderly parents are prone to depression (esp if it's unacknowledged/undiagnosed/untreated) or any vexing mental health issues get sat down to have a real conversation about mental health. my dad's hospitalization and rapid decline were like an exclamation point on a long period during which we -- including he himself -- did not acknowledge what was going on in his head and the consequences were dire. i have struggled with thinking about ways in which we could have avoided this outcome and all i can come up with is 'frank unflinching conversations about mental health'
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 13 January 2022 16:00 (two years ago) link
i will add that i tried -- i tried to talk with them a number of times but they did not want to hear what i had to say. i had to look after myself and here we are.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 13 January 2022 16:06 (two years ago) link
really sorry LL. I fully agree. In my extended family there is someone who at a fairly young age started a decline (a very unusual form of dementia) and the family intended to sit down and discuss directly what they wanted. one day, not very long after it was detected, it was like a switch had flipped and it was simply too late.
― kinder, Thursday, 13 January 2022 21:30 (two years ago) link
i had to look after myself and here we are. Yes. It's unavoidable sometimes, for various reasons, and we all have to look after ourselves at some points, no matter what else is going on. Not really advice, but just remembering, though in some ways this still applies: the only way I got through some potentially crushing situations was by stepping in and out, with work in its own area, unavoidably, and at least it's a different area, for a while. But also being able to go in a music interest area, or one for a reading break, walking around, running errands, combining those last two, but only sometimes. Time is limited, but going back and forth at all can come to be seen as some degree of relief in itself.
― dow, Friday, 14 January 2022 07:33 (two years ago) link
at least it's a different area, for a while. I meant that at least it's a different area to be in, for a while.
― dow, Friday, 14 January 2022 07:36 (two years ago) link
(Also after I'd go to bed, I'd make a point of saying, when it seemed necessary,"Well this shit isn't going to be resolved by lying awake all night," because it never has, for me. "So fuck it and goodnight, self."
― dow, Friday, 14 January 2022 07:40 (two years ago) link
like sharing the good here as well. dad has his good and average days, but it's a joy spending time w/ him. i tell him how much I love him every day. he lights up. I love that look.
his sense of humor is still buried in there. sometimes I tell his old jokes to see if he still remembers them. he was looking at me today and I said "what're you looking at" and he said "not much", deadpan. <3
other than the one day that scared the shit out of me w/ mom, she's been much better lately. and we think we've found a new adult daycare for him that's better than the last (we've been holding off as it seems risky to send him to one right now, but cases/hospitalizations coming down in FL). this one has financial assistance, which last one didn't.
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Saturday, 22 January 2022 17:52 (two years ago) link
(please picture me knocking on huge planks of wood as I typed all that)
Got a fun email from my mom yesterday...I'll excerpt the relevant sections.
Yesterday morning I delivered myself to a dermatologist for Mohs surgery. I had a suspicious spot on my left temple, very close to the hairline. Generally, it was dry and sometimes flaky; however, one day in October, I had blood running down the side of my face. The biopsy was done 2 weeks ago and indicated basal cell carcinoma....The procedure was done in Morristown and went smoothly. The doctor did two scrapes to get to clear skin. There are sutures which stay in place until next week. I haven't yet removed the big pressure bandage but must do it this afternoon (24 hours). I have no idea what the surgical damage is but any scar will be under my hair. It's nearly impossible to see the spot because it is right behind the temple piece of my glasses and without said glasses, I cannot see at all.Nonetheless, I am home for the next week feeling unsettled and unable to either drink alcohol or exercise to work off my general anxiety. Stitches come out next week on Wednesday. ...I will need to see a dermatologist every 6 months for the next few years and need to go for a whole body check after this spot heals.
The procedure was done in Morristown and went smoothly. The doctor did two scrapes to get to clear skin. There are sutures which stay in place until next week. I haven't yet removed the big pressure bandage but must do it this afternoon (24 hours). I have no idea what the surgical damage is but any scar will be under my hair. It's nearly impossible to see the spot because it is right behind the temple piece of my glasses and without said glasses, I cannot see at all.
Nonetheless, I am home for the next week feeling unsettled and unable to either drink alcohol or exercise to work off my general anxiety. Stitches come out next week on Wednesday.
I will need to see a dermatologist every 6 months for the next few years and need to go for a whole body check after this spot heals.
This is the first I'm hearing about any of this and the inciting incident took place in October! Thanks for the update, Mom!
― but also fuck you (unperson), Saturday, 22 January 2022 18:57 (two years ago) link
Oh my in-laws were famous for that. Like,"oh well Harold went to the ER in an ambulance with chest pain two Fridays ago, but he is feeling better now."
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Saturday, 22 January 2022 20:09 (two years ago) link
I have a friend whose father had a heart attack one morning, and drove himself to the hospital while my friend slept in the other room. The first he heard about it was the hospital calling to say his father was in a coma.
― Halfway there but for you, Saturday, 22 January 2022 22:24 (two years ago) link
DAMN. My mother tripped on the cats and fell down the stairs, injuring her leg enough that she went to urgent care. She only told my sister and myself this afterwards.
Does anyone here have experience/advice/recommendations on moving an aging parent into one's household (as distinguished from moving back home to a parent's house)? For years I've talked about wanting to buy a 2+ bedroom condo, within walking distance of Metrorail and retail, "if my finances ever permit." I did not say out loud that the second bedroom would be for my mother or other aging relatives, but that was always the assumption.
Well, my finances just now might permit, and I've identified a neighborhood with certain recent developments that check off a great many points on my wishlist. (Fun fact, given ILX's origin as a music forum: I would be literally going back to Rockville.)
I floated the idea with my sister, and she immediately said Mom and I would drive each other crazy. And she's probably correct. But I'm already facing the major life change of menopause. Should I be considering this change as well?
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Monday, 24 January 2022 14:29 (two years ago) link
Would your mother even go along with this if you told her ( and you decided that you could deal with it despite your sister’s comments)?
― curmudgeon, Monday, 24 January 2022 16:31 (two years ago) link
I haven't even discussed it with her. I don't imagine she'd be eager to take me up on the offer.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Monday, 24 January 2022 17:18 (two years ago) link
Maybe just get the house, if it appeals to you either way, and mention it to her as an option---if you really think it might work out, that is---and maybe she'll eventually come around, without a hard sell---?
― dow, Monday, 24 January 2022 17:50 (two years ago) link
And even if she didn't, it might be good to have if she really could not live on her own.
― dow, Monday, 24 January 2022 17:57 (two years ago) link
(As long as you don't overburden yourself, of course.)
― dow, Monday, 24 January 2022 17:58 (two years ago) link
some suggestions, though my situation was different:
1) Make sure she is amenable to it. resistance at first is normal and ok but if she goes along with it but doesn't really want to, it'll lead to resentments later.
2) Agree up front on 'house rules' , like with any other roommate. It's hard to adjust to someone else's habits when you're used to going solo, even more so when it's family.
3) I don't know your mother, so have to kind of give 'conditional' suggestions, but if your mother is the type that is resistant to help, try to frame it as an offer rather than a demand. rather than 'I'm going to go grocery shopping for you' or 'I will left this for you', framing it as "would you like some help with that?", "can I help you get groceries this week?" etc.
4) make time for yourself to be out of the house periodically, for 'me time'.
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Monday, 24 January 2022 18:12 (two years ago) link
Thanks. I assure you I am at the beginning of this process. (You've heard "Look before you leap"? I tend to look so deeply and intently I sometimes never get around to leaping.)
(Also, if the markets continue on their current trajectory, I may not be in such an advantageous position financially after all.)
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Monday, 24 January 2022 18:34 (two years ago) link
MoCo has better aging services than DC, and way more assisted living/memory care/nursing homes if she ever needed that.
If living together wasn't working out, would she have the $$$ to move out and into independent living/assisted living/memory care/nursing care???
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 24 January 2022 22:28 (two years ago) link
The $$$ is a significant consideration because America. If she owns a home, it is not considered an asset when calculating Medicaid eligibility (in case I have not said it before one billion times, MEDICARE DOES NOT PAY FOR ASSISTED LIVING/MEMORY CARE/NURSING HOMES, NOT AT ALL, NOT A PENNY, HAVE A PLAN, THAT PLAN MAY BE MEDICAID***).
***not the great plan really, and it does require doing things like NOT selling a house generally
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 24 January 2022 22:34 (two years ago) link
sorry for yelly
it's just really really important for planning purposes
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 24 January 2022 22:36 (two years ago) link
hard agree with quincie, this stuff is super important
but ... aren't there situations where someone has to sell a home to pay for long-term care before he/she is eligible for Medicaid? all I know about this is that it's complicated and confusing, so more details would be welcome
a few years ago I went through some of this with my father (who had enough income to pay for memory care) and very recently watched it play out with a close friend's partner (who couldn't afford memory care), and the differences in their comfort and longevity were brutal.
― Brad C., Monday, 24 January 2022 23:27 (two years ago) link
My mother may have the money right now. But she's fiercely independent (as I will be if I live to her age); she just insists on living alone in squalor.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 25 January 2022 02:32 (two years ago) link
Medicaid varies somewhat by state, but unless you have a high-end property and a ton of equity in it, a primary residence is excluded as a countable asset for purposes of Medicaid qualification.That said, game plan in my family is to sell off house and use proceeds for long term care, because while the Medicaid route can work, it ain’t pretty ime.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 25 January 2022 02:35 (two years ago) link
Jlu that sounds like many of my clients. They don’t/won’t make a move until there is no alternative. A fall is not infrequently what forces a change :(
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 25 January 2022 02:37 (two years ago) link
Mom, Monday - "I think dad might have anxiety. maybe we should get anxiety meds."Me: "Not a bad idea. but....this is also why yelling at him frequently isn't a good idea" (which I've told her a bazillion times)Mom: "I know, I know...."
Mom proceeds to start barking at him in the bathroom cos he had the audacity to soil his diaper while at the doctor when he hadn't had an opportunity to go to the bathroom for several hours because he was at the doctor.
while I'm trying to supervise a training class.
I call her on it often, she often lashes back out ("I NEED HELP!", "THIS IS HARD!"), which...she's not wrong, no, and she's been fucked by the terrible healthcare system, but, at the same token...ain't helping dad out any either.
(I'm fine, because this is a 'regular' thing for us, just noting the yin/yang my mom have where I often have to be the 'good cop').
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Thursday, 27 January 2022 22:40 (two years ago) link
but, on the plus side, i think we've found a new adult day care. just wanting to wait a little longer for OMicron's plateau in FL to decrease a little more
(also....I have been doing a much better job of taking time to myself, which has me much more on an even keel. probably cos I'm drinking muuuuch less)
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Thursday, 27 January 2022 22:43 (two years ago) link
This summer we'll be moving to my wife's hometown. She got a job there that is a huge step up career wise, but we also need to help take care of her mom. She had a stroke a while back and recovered very well but we can tell her short term memory is shot and she falls down too often. I won't have a paying job for the foreseeable future; I'm going to take care of the house and the kids and keep an eye on the mother-in-law (and make art).
A big part of this is being a buffer between wife and MIL. They get a long pretty well for a few days and then wife gets touchy and cranky because of old resentments and before I know it she's being shitty to a daffy old lady. Thankfully MIL functions on her own pretty well, we don't need to live with her or even visit her every day for the time being. Although I need to check in often enough to keep her off the roads. Once we get settled we'll need to figure out when and how to get the car away from her.
― Cow_Art, Friday, 28 January 2022 04:23 (two years ago) link
the car issue is always "fun". be real careful with the being a buffer to understand the limits of you serving that function - it's important to remind the other person of their behavior to the other, but a few times I've felt pretty beat up when trying to do the same with my own mother towards my dad.
― he's very big in the region of my butthole (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 2 February 2022 19:05 (two years ago) link
dad was doing real well, then the phys therapist they sent, who is very high-strung and stresses my mother out, showed up and freaked the fuck out at his heart rate, which was in the 90s-100s (which is high, borderline tachycardic, but it has been for years). his blood pressure has been fine. basically ended the phys therapy session early and demanded we set up an appointment with the doctor.
Doctor wasn't worried about it, said they weren't going to put him on a beta blocker again out of fear of slowing his heart too much, only to do it anyway. Mom went ahead and filled it, and since then, his heart rate is a lot lower, but sometimes his BP is low and he can barely move now. the nurse we saw today said (as I suspected) his body seems 'shocked' by the sudden drop in heart rate so he's weaker now.
so now (with doctor consultation) we're taking him back off of it. we're hoping to not be assigned that physical therapist again.
― he's very big in the region of my butthole (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 2 February 2022 19:08 (two years ago) link
Hope things are okay, Neanderthal!
― we need outrage! we need dicks!! (the table is the table), Friday, 4 February 2022 23:29 (two years ago) link
yeah as we expected, he's moving better again once he's off of the beta blocker.
― he's very big in the region of my butthole (Neanderthal), Saturday, 5 February 2022 00:29 (two years ago) link
so we good ! :)
Good to hear.
― we need outrage! we need dicks!! (the table is the table), Saturday, 5 February 2022 03:13 (two years ago) link
― dow, Saturday, 5 February 2022 07:29 (two years ago) link
they're keeping dad on the beta blocker. but he's been slightly better since then, getting used to it.
now I'm thinking I might need a beta blocker, so I'm making an appointment at dad's cardiologist.
my resting heart rate has always been between 90-100, no matter what shape I'm in, and it has dad's down to a manageable 67-70, whereas mine has felt for decades like it's beating out of my chest.
beta buddies? maybe!
also it's dad's 74th birthday today. i sang happy birthday to him and he smiled.
― sorry Mario, but our princess is in another butthole (Neanderthal), Friday, 18 February 2022 22:02 (two years ago) link
My mom turned 73 yesterday. I called, we talked. This morning she emailed me to let me know her power (electricity & hot water) was down, but it was restored by the afternoon, which is good, because I would not have been able to help her in any way.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Friday, 18 February 2022 22:11 (two years ago) link
have learned just incredibly how bad with money mom has been by seeing the series of loans with shady companies mom took in what feels like mere minutes after their last bankruptcy in 2016.
I could not cure her debt issues unless I completely trashed my own future and took all of my savings out, and that would probably last all of ten minutes until she started doing it again. neither my brother are I are willing to sacrifice our entire futures, so we're really just helping stop some of the bleeding. which is still hurting us and neither of us would be able to do if we didn't both have well-paying jobs (trying to get my head around what we would have done if both of us were struggling or out of work).
it's more a 'sigh' than a table-bang at this point, mostly because a lot of the elderly are in this position, but this is what decades of "Well, we can't afford this, but we want it, and we'll find some way to pay for it later" does. especially considering mom seems to think loans are 'free money' and forgets the 'having to repay part'.
this was the saga of our relationship that was actually flaring up prior to the pandemic/dad's decline, that I put aside for the good of the family, but every so often I get reminded of it and I'm still not completely over it. during the times where mom and dad should have been thriving, failing to budget or limit big purchases or thinking of the future completely got them upside down and they've been struggling to get back above the surface for 15+ years. dad's disability just sent things into a death spiral because he had to outright stop working abruptly in 2019 after he got fired (arguably for something related to his disability, which they should have fought, but in fairness, it probably wouldn't have worked).
This is why I get mad when friends ask me "why do you act like you have no money, you make a good salary, you have savings", and I reply "yeah, and I too have a mountain of debt, some of which acquired in helping the folks, and I am not willing to wind up in the same situation they are if I can help it".
I don't know that they could have survived the great recession even if they had been good with money, but having to file for bankruptcy a second time literally the minute after their last one hits the "7 year" mark and then immediately setting themselves up for what will probably be a third in a few years from now means this will be a never-ending cycle. my brother and I are helping only as much as we can and avoid having the remainder of our lives ruined in the process, so it's a very thin tightrope.
(what shocked me is how many other people I found on the internet in a similar scenario).
― sorry Mario, but our princess is in another butthole (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 1 March 2022 03:55 (two years ago) link
one key example - in 2005, my folks borrowed $1,000 from me, promising to pay it back later in the year. instead of paying it back, they bought a flat-screen tv that cost more than that. even though they were making payments on it, those payments in essence prevented them from paying me back a little each month.
in 2012, they decided they wanted to go to New York for their 40th anniversary, and wanted us to join them. we'd agreed for months we'd all pay our own way, no sign or sound of concern over the expense. even when I asked. after everything had already been booked, dad said he really couldn't afford the trip but couldn't say "no" to mother and that he hadn't won the lottery, so could I give him $1000 (which was about more than a quarter of what I had saved up). I said ok, if he repaid me every month after, as that was going to hurt my savings. he made one repayment, then asked for it back, then never saw another dime.
again....I buried my frustration over this when shit hit the fan the past few years, but tonight, when my mom asks me to help her upload docs for the debt consolidation she's doing and I see all of the damage she did to them over the last few years....well, it reminds me that I'm still not entirely over it. even though I still love them both dearly.
I had emotional outbursts over it in years past, those won't happen again. there's no point, and it won't help anything. but let's just say I've been bailing my folks out financially for the entirety of my adult life. Literally since the moment I graduated high school, without interruption. so yeah, I'm an enabler. I just realized it wayyyy too late.
― sorry Mario, but our princess is in another butthole (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 1 March 2022 04:02 (two years ago) link
That is very frustrating to read, even. I'm so sorry you've been having to deal with it for so long.
― we need outrage! we need dicks!! (the table is the table), Tuesday, 1 March 2022 22:52 (two years ago) link
yeah, that is really awful. i’m sorry they put you guys through this.
― *hic* (cat), Wednesday, 2 March 2022 00:10 (two years ago) link
Literally cannot fathom the concept of doing this to my own kids. I guess the only lesson they've learned is that it'll all work out somehow because our sons will sort it out for us, so fuck it, let's do it again.
― assert (matttkkkk), Wednesday, 2 March 2022 01:44 (two years ago) link
sillier note, but I'm in the other room and the physical therapist is working with my dad and all I hear is:
and trying not to giggle
― i read to 69 position (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 8 March 2022 20:05 (two years ago) link
mom got a job! 20 hours a week or so. and the hours are probably going to be like 4 or 5 a day (or maybe a few full time days and a lot of 'off' days) so it shouldn't negatively impact me being able to work and watch dad (plus we're probably sending him back to adult day care soon).
and the apartment complex FINALLY is building our handicapped ramp, a year later!
nice to get some good news.
― i read to 69 position (Neanderthal), Thursday, 10 March 2022 16:17 (two years ago) link
and I just got a huge unexpected bonus.
please be the beginning of a big cycle of good news!!!!
― i read to 69 position (Neanderthal), Friday, 11 March 2022 16:44 (two years ago) link
congrats & congrats, that's all fantastic!
― A Certain Catio (cat), Friday, 11 March 2022 18:32 (two years ago) link
Yay! You're due for some good luck.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Friday, 11 March 2022 18:36 (two years ago) link
So I started openly talking to my mother about my looking to get a 2-bedroom place, which would be available to her. This happened while we were traveling to Minneapolis for a memorial service for my late Aunt Donna (her sister-in-law), so we were already discombobulated and facing change. My mother at this point wouldn't commit to moving in with me, but she did talk some about wanting to downsize. Baby steps?
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 10 May 2022 17:14 (two years ago) link
My 80 year old dad, who got divorced in the past year, now has a girlfriend who is my age. Um, good for you, Dad?
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Tuesday, 10 May 2022 17:19 (two years ago) link
was a good week for me to 'recover' mentally and emotionally, mom had a meltdown, her first in a while.
I'm getting better at this. weirdly due to increased upper body strength due to a) having to lift dad all the time to save mom from hurting her shoulder/back and b) being in a play that requires me to brandish a heavy-assed claymore the last two months.
tomorrow, though, we talk to the Area Agency on Aging for our annual re-evaluation of his eligibility for the LTC plan in Florida. we're on the waiting list, and he's rated a priority of 4 out of (I think) 7. but a lot has changed since that assessment, so hoping we get him moved up.
good thing is I now have a nurse I trust and can hire ad hoc now and then for short 3-4 hour spurts.
― Deez NFTs (Neanderthal), Thursday, 12 May 2022 19:52 (two years ago) link
I got mom Tix to Paul McCartney months ago. Her and my bro were going. It was tonight. I was thrilled that she'd finally get to do something fun...after the last month.
She nearly passed out and threw up one hour in. She is with a paramedic now and my brother is with her.
One half of me is bawling because I was scared something is seriously wrong with her. The other half is upset that she is missing out on something she was looking forward to for ages.
I told dad and then collapsed crying on his shoulder as he hugged me.
― Gymnopédie Pablo (Neanderthal), Sunday, 29 May 2022 01:39 (two years ago) link
Aw Ne. So sorry.
― dow, Sunday, 29 May 2022 03:58 (two years ago) link
I hope your mom is doing okay now - how scary! I hope it was brought on by the overwhelming excitement of the evening and nothing more, and that she thoroughly enjoyed that first hour. So sorry it hit you hard, what a double whammy.
― Jaq, Sunday, 29 May 2022 13:44 (two years ago) link
heat exhaustion. she's ok. I recognized what it was when I got the details from her specifically, cos I've had it before.
Dad is coming off of the wait list for Long-Term Care for Florida. I am stunned. thought it would never happen.
assuming all of the paperwork from here on out goes to plan, we may have help by August.
which would be, frankly, life-changing for my mother and I.
― Gymnopédie Pablo (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 8 June 2022 16:57 (two years ago) link
good luck, Neanderthal.
― sleep, that's where I'm the cousin of death (PBKR), Wednesday, 8 June 2022 18:10 (two years ago) link
Medicaid application is away! (wasn't too hard as we started doing it in preparation last year, so only had to update 2022 data).
i'm wondering what kind of care they're going to recommend, they have to do a visit of the house to evaluate and give us options. still, excited that some form help is on the way, whether it's home care, adult day care, assisted living, etc.
mom was worried that when she goes to surgery, I will be too overwhelmed taking care of dad during her recovery, so yesterday I woke dad up in the morning, and his diaper was FULL, and I took him into the bathroom and cleaned him up myself to prove to her that I could do it. and I was fine. now, if I can get my brother to do that....but lol that will never happen. and that's aight, he can help with other stuff.
― Gymnopédie Pablo (Neanderthal), Monday, 13 June 2022 15:37 (two years ago) link
humorous moment this morning.
mom hands dad a washcloth to try and get him to clean his, y'know, cos she is at a bad angle to do it.
Mom: "come on, wash 'down there'. no! i need you to wash 'down there! come on! WASH 'DOWN THERE!'. what aren't you getting me?
Me: (from next door room) WASH YOUR COCK AND BALLS DAD
Mom: ok he's doing it
― Gymnopédie Pablo (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 14 June 2022 14:11 (two years ago) link
just random stand-up around the house today
Mom: Ugh, this toilet paper I bought yesterday is for SHIT
Me: Yes, mom, it quite literally is.
― Gymnopédie Pablo (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 14 June 2022 19:38 (two years ago) link
less comedic...dad fell backwards into the bathtub in the bathroom today.
fortunately my bro was already coming over to give me relief tonight, dad seems to be sore but ok. and he answered all of our questions (what's your name, what's my name) just fine.
if he looks wonky they will take him to the hospital later while I'm taking time for myself.
― Gymnopédie Pablo (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 14 June 2022 20:02 (two years ago) link
one happened mere minutes after the one. this household is fast lol
that's a lot to handle! ... I am driving down Sunday to see my aging parents (76) ... mom recently got diagnosed with high blood pressure and congestive heart failure and whenever she has a medical problem, she wants to have "the talk" about "how things will be when she is gone" and how to set things up so that my dad doesn't have to struggle with having to do the numerous adult things that he doesn't know how to do because my mom always did them for him (and before that, his mom did for him).
― sarahell, Tuesday, 14 June 2022 20:17 (two years ago) link
ugh - always an uncomfortable topic for more reasons than one. I'm sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis - do they have her on beta blockers?
― Gymnopédie Pablo (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 14 June 2022 20:19 (two years ago) link
yeah, mom is on meds ... not sure what kind. They had to reassure her that they wouldn't impair her cognitive function. Like, she has arthritis in her knees/legs but will only take the minimum dose of ibuprofen because she doesn't want to be impaired or become a victim of the opiate epidemic.
I am officially reminding myself to check to see if they have enabled the GPS on dad's car so that he is less likely to get lost when driving places. ... As far as we know, he doesn't have alzheimer's, he has always had a horrible sense of direction, but apparently it has gotten worse in the past year or so?
― sarahell, Tuesday, 14 June 2022 20:22 (two years ago) link
It's always hard to tell when memory lapses in our elderly loved ones are actually something to worry about or just a natural part of aging. I know there's cognitive tests that can be done. my friend begged his dad to take one a few years ago.
― Slowzy LOLtidore (Neanderthal), Friday, 17 June 2022 19:40 (two years ago) link
so, dad became estranged from his family back in the mid-2000s. a real shame, because his side of the family was a HOOT. grandpa was from Palermo I think, grandma from Sicily, my dad, his two sisters, and half brother all grew up in New York (Smithtown I think). eventually almost everybody on dad's side of the family moved to Ft Myers Florida, and of course my mother. dad's family stayed in Ft Myers, my folks eventually moved to the Central Florida area, outside Orlando.
so we used to visit them frequently, my brother and I loved listening to our aunts yammer on and bust my dad's balls. sometimes they'd visit. but for whatever reason, dad had a fight with them and we pretty much never saw them again after 2005. one of my aunts died from heart failure due to chronic smoking (I think that was 2010), and dad did go to the funeral. this lead him to re-open communication with his other sister, but because my folks were living in North Carolina until 2015, and dad's health issues started the next year, never visited her again.
Until tonight. She's in town and we are going to see her. She is probably going to be a bit shocked by dad, because the last time she saw him, he still had all of his faculties and now she's fast-forwarding past a lot of degradation and getting hit by it all at once. but I'm excited as I think this is good for dad, I think it will brighten him up, and hell, I wanna see her too, it's been forever.
― Slowzy LOLtidore (Neanderthal), Friday, 17 June 2022 19:48 (two years ago) link
(so I muddled the timeline a bit there, but it goes - folks moved from NY to Ft Myers, FL in the early 70s, by the 80s had moved to Central Florida, stayed here until 2009, when they moved to Raleigh, NC (trying to start over after bankruptcy...ha), then came back here in 2015 (whereas my bro and I have been rooted to the spot since we were born here). The hospital I was born at is 5 minutes away from my apt lol.
― Slowzy LOLtidore (Neanderthal), Friday, 17 June 2022 19:50 (two years ago) link
Mom for whatever reason, known only to her, frequently throws away plungers. today she plugged the toilet up and as I got ready to get the plunger, she told me "oh I don't think I have one anymore", and when I asked why the fuck she threw it away, she kept saying "it was in the wastebasket!" after the last time I unplugged the toilet (because...I had put it in there temporarily while I was cleaning the floor last time? and you have no autonomy to take it out of the wastebasket?)
so anyway she gets another one, but I'm in meetings, and she is terrible at using it, and instead of her waiting for me to do it (even though we have another working toilet), she tries to unplug it, overflows the toilet, doesn't know how to shut the water off, so I had to interrupt my meeting and run in and show her while she's wailing and moaning.
the folks also didn't have a plunger during Hurricane Maria in 2017 when dad plugged it up and I came over to keep them company.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Thursday, 23 June 2022 20:09 (two years ago) link
tomorrow is D-day, mom's lung surgery. dad is still here because he's failed a swallow study. I am off of work for the next week, my brother is off the next two days and most evenings. we're all in.
anxious but stoic at the moment. stress gave me a migraine yesterday but today I'm more in take action and conquer mode.
going to be a wreck until I hear mom's out of surgery tomorrow but thankful my bro will be with her (I'll be with dad).
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Monday, 27 June 2022 15:03 (two years ago) link
Best of luck, Neanderthal.
― Am I doomposting? I would say you’re not doomposting enough. (PBKR), Monday, 27 June 2022 15:13 (two years ago) link
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Monday, 27 June 2022 15:15 (two years ago) link
Good luck to you and your mother.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Monday, 27 June 2022 17:40 (two years ago) link
good luck with everything, Neanderthal!
― broccoli rabe thomas (the table is the table), Monday, 27 June 2022 21:28 (two years ago) link
Keeping you and your folks in mind - hoping for best possible outcomes all around.
― Jaq, Monday, 27 June 2022 21:50 (two years ago) link
Echoing all that indeed.
― Ned Raggett, Monday, 27 June 2022 21:56 (two years ago) link
luv 2 ur momz, and i totally probably don't mean that in a lewd way
― bule bulak oying (cat), Monday, 27 June 2022 22:21 (two years ago) link
good luck
― curmudgeon, Tuesday, 28 June 2022 13:04 (two years ago) link
Mama Neanderthal: 1Tumor: 0
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 28 June 2022 16:59 (two years ago) link
(everything went well)
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Tuesday, 28 June 2022 17:24 (two years ago) link
― Lily Dale, Tuesday, 28 June 2022 17:32 (two years ago) link
excellent news!!
― broccoli rabe thomas (the table is the table), Tuesday, 28 June 2022 22:02 (two years ago) link
Dad passed his swallow test. He's eating his first meal since Friday.
Next up physical therapy (inpatient)
Mom will be home Thursday
Also dad's butthole is working again
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 28 June 2022 22:05 (two years ago) link
Congrats, man... stressful stuff to deal with
― Andy the Grasshopper, Tuesday, 28 June 2022 22:15 (two years ago) link
Watch this space. ARGH.
― put a VONC on it (suzy), Tuesday, 28 June 2022 22:30 (two years ago) link
Xpost honestly the surgery being over is a huge weight off. Dad being in the hospital is a more "business as usual" thing heh.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 28 June 2022 22:54 (two years ago) link
& good luck suzy, with whatever aging parents chicanery life is winding up to pitch at you
― bule bulak oying (cat), Tuesday, 28 June 2022 22:56 (two years ago) link
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 28 June 2022 23:03 (two years ago) link
thumbs up to the working butthole (among other things)
― mookieproof, Wednesday, 29 June 2022 01:10 (two years ago) link
that was what we actually brought him in for, and yet not what's keeping him there, lol. as usual.
spent 10 hours with him today, my mom STILL doesnt have an actual room so I couldn't see her (my brother did). we're going to call in a few minutes.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 29 June 2022 01:26 (two years ago) link
Mom is home but in a lot of pain, as expected, and temporarily on oxygen (for about 2 weeks). dad had a rehab facility lined up and then they claimed they were out of network (even though it appeared to the coordinator that they were), so now we're lining up a second place.
my brother and I have tag-teamed, but he's at work again - however, and you know I don't say this lightly, he really stepped up this week. until dad's in rehab facility, I'm alternating between being around to help mom and being with dad in the hospital (mostly to make sure he eats). will be much easier when the transition is complete. there's more contact with other people in a rehab facility.
she should improve in a week or so. my anxiety will go down significantly when dad gets to rehab facility.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Friday, 1 July 2022 15:09 (two years ago) link
dad's at rehab. of course, the moment I give my brother a compliment, he dips right back into the stuff that frustrates me.
yesterday was exhausting, bro couldn't come by, so I had to take care of mom, visit dad in the hospital and make sure he ate lunch and dinner, and was driving back and forth between the two. dad didn't get transferred to his rehab facility until 9:30 and it's 25 minutes away, and I had to follow and sign some paperwork and give all the info needed. (even called back when I remembered a few extra things).
he shows up today after work as he promises, to get dad's bag of clothes, and it had rained, so he insisted he needed to not only change clothes, but throw his wet clothes in the washer AND wait for them to dry. we weren't sure of visiting hours and couldn't find it online, so mom called (since my bro kept refusing to, saying 'i'll find out when I get there'), and it closes at 5 (it's 3 pm when he arrived). I told him "dude just leave your wet clothes and get them tomorrow, go now", and he just wouldn't (cos he also wanted to spend time w/ mom - ok, fair, but our house doesn't close at 5 pm).
I had to go out and do an errand for mom, picking up groceries, and I got back at 4 and my bro was STILL HERE. so he only got there a half hour before close, and he's literally pinging me question after question and panicking about every random thing ("oh dad's not talking, I think he's mad - he had a stroke, bro, he often does this). "oh the nurse was rude", well then TELL HER THAT, jfc, you're there, not me!
this was supposed to be MY break today, and instead, he's getting me more worked up than if I had gone by myself. I can't even so much as turn a television show on.
it's not the biggest thing in the world but I'm tired of him doing pointless stuff like demanding his clothes be dried before he goes, like WHY do you have to wait for your clothes to dry when you brought a change of clothes and you're going to be here tomorrow?
and half the time his concerns turn out to be overstated, and that's saying a lot coming from me, but it's doing nothing to alleviate my worry about sending him here. but we need him to get the physical therapy and if he comes home now....I frankly have no idea how the fuck I could take care of both him and my mother at the same time.
the surgery my mom had was NOT the one we were told she was getting (she was supposed to have video-assisted thoracic surgery, but she had a thoracotomy), so the recovery is longer and a little more severe than what we were told it would be.
taking care of mom isn't that difficult really, I just have to do things for her and make sure to help get her into bed, but she is capable of most other things. but I'm just very tired and didn't expect I'd have to have another "c'mon bro" convo with my brother this weekend, after all the great stuff he did during the week.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Saturday, 2 July 2022 20:59 (two years ago) link
Has anyone here ever had to exercise power of attorney over a parent? The good news is my mother granted me POA when she had her will drawn up several years ago. The bad news is I have no idea how to exercise it, or what to do once the process has begun.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 5 July 2022 21:24 (two years ago) link
hmm, we're juuuuust going through that w/ dad now. I found this, not sure if this helps: https://www.avvo.com/legal-guides/ugc/managing-someones-affairs-under-a-power-of-attorney
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 July 2022 21:32 (two years ago) link
xp soon
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 5 July 2022 21:56 (two years ago) link
You will likely need to assemble documentation that the individual does not have capacity for decision-making (two doctors’ letters usually does the trick) unless the POA does not require an incapacity. Then you need to go to each of the orgs (bank, Social Security, etc) with the documentation, your ID, and request whatever it is you need. It can still be a real pain in the ass. If there is some $ to throw at the problem, a meeting with an elder law atty can be worthwhile. Let me know if you need referrals.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 5 July 2022 22:09 (two years ago) link
I like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s “Managing Someone Else’s Money” guides.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 5 July 2022 22:10 (two years ago) link
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 5 July 2022 22:11 (two years ago) link
Qunicie OTM about having an attorney walk you through the process -- requirements for declaration of incapacity can differ state-to-state and even county-to-county. Unless there are some wrinkles here that I'm not aware of, you shouldn't need an elder law specialist per se; any atty who works with estates/trusts/wills will be fine.
My advice from personal experience: I know this process can be emotional/painful, but it is better to get started too early than too late. When we got into my mom's financial/medical statements, we found that she had given out her credit card number to pretty much anyone who called her on the phone and asked for it; we were on the phone for about a week cancelling recurring charges where she had signed up for one thing or another. We also found her Medicare number in the wild; insurers will cold-call the elderly and go into the 'we can save you money on your supplemental insurance, just give us your Medicare number, tell us that you have no preexisting conditions, and we'll do the rest!' spiel. And then there's the durable medical equipment (braces, etc.) fraudsters. And then the pitches for genetic testing for cancer, etc. We didn't incur any serious losses, but unfortunately there are a good number of predators out there.
― Jeff Wright, Wednesday, 6 July 2022 01:08 (two years ago) link
definitely do this before a major election ... I have an elderly client (through a friend who has POA), and before he got the POA, the client had donated thousands of dollars to campaign fundraisers who called her on the phone.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 6 July 2022 05:22 (two years ago) link
I may have some Aging Parent stuff to share but might have to wait until light of day or afterwards.
― Mr. Art-I-Ficial (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 6 July 2022 06:22 (two years ago) link
Thank you to everyone who has responded. The good news is my mother seems to be still sharp enough to avoid scams (she gripes about wanting to get rid of her land line because she gets so many robocalls). The bad news is that a doctor probably would not find her incapable. (She probably COULD improve her living situation herself, but for whatever reason she DOESN'T do so.)
A neighbor contacted my sister because of a pest problem. I hope the neighbor will report this to the county, because this might light a fire under her.
I saw a reference to "geriatric social workers." Does this sound like the sort of person to help negotiate a solution between my mother, my sister, and myself? (I was already considering looking for a two-bedroom place in order to take in my mother, even though my sister has repeatedly said we'd drive each other crazy in no time.)
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Wednesday, 6 July 2022 14:31 (two years ago) link
what type of pests? ... I don't know where your mother lives, but in general, I would not be eager for this to be reported to authorities, because it might lead to problems you really don't want to have.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 6 July 2022 15:55 (two years ago) link
Geriatric care managers. In MoCo, I like Suzy Murphy at the group formerly known as Deborah Levy Associates.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, 6 July 2022 16:02 (two years ago) link
https://care-manager.com/Also Amy Silver: http://eldercareopts.com/?page_id=15
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, 6 July 2022 16:04 (two years ago) link
I live in a neckbeard nest, and I was able to get my roach problem down to a normal level without having to do too much cleaning. Just bring the exterminators in.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Wednesday, 6 July 2022 16:12 (two years ago) link
those Harris Roach Pills always severely reduced the problem for me when I inherited an infested apartment (ugh), exterminators took care of the rest.
might not eradicate them, but will prevent massive, overwhelming infestation, the type that gets neighbors grousing.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 July 2022 16:16 (two years ago) link
Roach TABS, not pills, lawdie i'm tired
https://care-manager.com/Also Amy Silver: http://eldercareopts.com/?page_id=15― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, July 6, 2022 12:04 PM (one hour ago) bookmarkflaglink
Also Amy Silver: http://eldercareopts.com/?page_id=15
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, July 6, 2022 12:04 PM (one hour ago) bookmarkflaglink
Thanks for the links. Do you know anything about Iona House (https://www.iona.org/services/iona-care-management/)? Another source recommended them to me.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Wednesday, 6 July 2022 17:18 (two years ago) link
is the problem roaches or something else ...? Several years back the house next to my building was owned/occupied by an elderly woman with dementia and she had a rodent problem, and vector control was called (probably by a neighbor) ... basically, if your mom owns her home, and there is an official complaint to code enforcement, that goes on the property history. If the plan for her care involves selling the house and having her move in with you, your sister, or into an assisted living facility, it will be harder to sell the property and/or you wouldn't be able to get as good a price for it with that code violation/complaint on the record. ... If you are potentially struggling with the cost of her care, then it would be in your best interest to get as good a price as possible for the house, so you could use that money for your mom's care ... which, as many of y'all know already, can be expensive af.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 6 July 2022 19:16 (two years ago) link
xp I know them well, since I work for them :). Ask for Lisa in community care management, she is excellent.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Wednesday, 6 July 2022 20:27 (two years ago) link
dad fell in his assisted living facility. bruises on his head. nobody has any fucking clue what happened, "I had just checked on him".
he looked very down the last few days, and he used to get out of his chair/bed etc when he wanted to get up or find a remote or something, but he hadn't done that in over a year as he was not strong enough to stand on his own anymore.
well, we think he did again. and I think it's because his roommate was stressing him out. I just ignored him, but he'd constantly swear at the nurses, and ask me and my brother to use our phones/take him down the street. we just tuned him out, but I guess dad couldn't, and I feel bad that I didn't try to get him moved then. I didn't think there were any rooms and the other guy is wheelchair bound and also can't stand so I viewed him as inert. but the last few days he started moving his wheelchair onto dad's side of the room.
so now I get to go to a new hospital that's 30 mins away and figure out if he's ok and figure out if we can send him back to assisted living afterwards for the remainder of his 'free' Medicare days, and if so, can we get him a new room. I told mom "fuck it, let's just bring him back after the hospital clears him", and she keeps shutting it down, saying she can't take care of him during her recovery and that I can't either, but I have more wellness leave available and certainly could do so if I had to . I think she's afraid my life will suck or something...newsflash, mom, it already does. I fantasize daily about driving into the ocean. or carbon monoxiding myself in a garage. I don't do it simply because too many people need me at this point. there is nothing driving me to wake up in the morning besides that at the moment.
(all of this will pass - home health is moving along and we're at the next phase of getting Medicaid approval. and mom will be fully recovered in 2 months. but right now, this is unbearable).
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 July 2022 21:01 (two years ago) link
Xposts -- J.Lu, good sign that your mom is scam-suspicious. We tried to convince my mom to not even pick up the phone if she didn't recognize the caller ID, but she pointed out to us that she was from the generation where if the phone rang, you answered it (which I sort of get, but if history shows you that 90% of callers want your credit card number. . ,) and truth be told I think part of it was she was lonely and didn't mind that there was a voice on the other end. Once it was clear that too many scammers had her land line number, we tried to move her to a flip-phone cell, but keeping it charged was a challenge, and then when 2G service ended, they sent her a touch-screen phone, and that was beyond her. Shortly after we moved her out of the house, I was there for a few hours waiting on a repairman and her land line rang about thirty times. . .
Xpost Neanderthal -- hope home health/Medicaid/recovery moves quickly for you and your folks.
― Jeff Wright, Wednesday, 6 July 2022 21:25 (two years ago) link
Thanks Jeff.
It's unfortunately a little more serious than we thought. C2 fracture in spine. :(
I just returned to work from a week off and already have to go back out tomorrow.
The stress of being a caregiver is one thing. The thought of dad being depressed enough that he would summon the strength to stand on his own so he could leave the facility just broke my heart. We visited him daily but he looked miserable. Our reasoning for sending him there was because the phys therapist recommended rehab but also respite, and because my mother is out of commission due to her recovery.
Just keep thinking if we had brought him home instead, this wouldn't have happened. The thought that he could be in danger depending on how serious it is, is doing things to my head. Dad and I cried together as he squeezed my hand.
My brother managed to make my mom cry because he started insinuating that maybe if she visited him, he would have had better morale, making her feel guilty. I had to rebuke him for that.
If he hadn't gotten so constipated and had more swallowing difficulty, we never would have brought him to the hospital or assisted living, and I would have taken care of him solo as originally planned.
Right now I'm regulating my emotions to not let them overtake me, because I HAVE to be together, but letting myself experience them when I need to.
I need lots of weed
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 July 2022 02:13 (two years ago) link
no stenosis or dissection of artery. thank god.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 July 2022 13:22 (two years ago) link
The few times I tried weed I never got anything out of it. But if it works for you, great. I'd been trying to stop drinking, because my sleep has been awful. (Didn't help that I interpreted pandemic self-care as watching a silent movie and drinking whiskey.)
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Thursday, 7 July 2022 13:28 (two years ago) link
as long as it's smoked it's good for me, edibles just make my anxiety worse.
drinking would make me never sleep again, yeah, esp due to the reflux it triggers in me. but i'm gonna get plastered tonight more than likely after this week.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 July 2022 13:34 (two years ago) link
Awaiting MRI to see how bad the fracture is. Here with dad, brother thankfully relieving me later
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 July 2022 16:31 (two years ago) link
^ this is painfully otm. been there. you can't let yourself grieve in real time, but without the grief you can't adjust to the reality that you're grieving over. hang in there as best you can, N. the self-medicating is a dangerous stopgap, but sometimes it is all you've got, so you do it anyway. been there, too.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Thursday, 7 July 2022 17:10 (two years ago) link
Thx Aimless. I'm gonna take a night to myself when my brother relieves me and brace for tomorrow.
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 July 2022 19:15 (two years ago) link
I got very drunk. needed that.
still no MRI on dad yet so they have to put him under as he fidgets too much. stubborn paisan
― Doop Snogg (Neanderthal), Friday, 8 July 2022 17:44 (two years ago) link
this is the frustrating thing about hospitals. what happens when you're not there.
work and my hangover kept me from getting here as early as possible. last we heard, he was going to get an MRI.
I get here 30 minutes ago and am told they have to do a CT scan instead, as it will rip out his cochlear implants.
my dad has no cochlear implants and you would know this within seconds of looking at him.
what ...the actual...fuck.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Friday, 8 July 2022 20:15 (two years ago) link
Ugh. My mother's pest problem is in fact rats, and the neighbor has notified the city. (I've tried telling Mom that the city has rights and responsibilities in the face of a public health risk; she responded yes, she knows.) My mother says she's going to do various things, and then does not follow through. I think my sister and I are going to need to have her declared incompetent.
My sister has plans tonight, but we just discussed going to the house tomorrow to confront her (possibly saying that we are ready to throw our hands up and let the city and/or county step in).
I've identified a county resource for elder care, but naturally they shut down at 5pm on Friday.
I'm at home alone, I'm longing to go out and do something to take my mind off this, but have no idea what to do. I don't have any in-person friends to contact. I don't want to go for a walk or drive alone, because I assume I'll keep ruminating on the matter.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Friday, 8 July 2022 21:39 (two years ago) link
Well, I've made one decision: order in Chinese food. I'll probably look for a sitcom to occupy my mind tonight.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Friday, 8 July 2022 21:51 (two years ago) link
I'm so sorry you have to wade into such difficult waters, j.lu. definitely take a night to yourself tonight.
Hoping you and your sis can get a productive conversation going.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Friday, 8 July 2022 22:04 (two years ago) link
Sorry to hear about this, j.lu. Hope a good conversation can get started.
― broccoli rabe thomas (the table is the table), Friday, 8 July 2022 22:27 (two years ago) link
love to you both, Neanderthal & j.lu, and bonus love to your families.
― i REFUSE to pay for my own cbd (cat), Saturday, 9 July 2022 19:05 (two years ago) link
Much love right back to everyone who has posted here. Since my last post, my mother has delivered to me her cats so she can work on the rodent issue; and I called the county elder services center and asked for their assessment. (I tried calling a few years ago, but whoever took my call then told me up front that if the person is reasonably healthy and mobile, a judge is likely to find them competent to live alone.)
Last Sunday I went to one of the National Gallery of Art's first in-person film screenings since the pandemic shutdown.
This coming Sunday: I plan to look at a condominium that would not be my first choice, but would be affordable on my current savings and income. I am not in a rush; rather I intend to talk to the realtor about the neighborhood--why the prices are what they are and why certain units that have been on the market for months haven't been snapped up by investors.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 12 July 2022 17:16 (two years ago) link
Aaaand APS just called: While my mother appears to be making bad decisions right now, in their estimation she is still capable of making decisions for herself. So my sister and I are likely to let the city do its job on the health issue; and I will probably be keeping her cats for the indefinite future.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 12 July 2022 17:41 (two years ago) link
that's a bummer that you have to let an unfortunate situation play out with the city, but sounds like the right one given the circumstances, as is taking the cats. hoping she is able to get to a good resolution without the city coming down too hard on her.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Thursday, 14 July 2022 19:25 (two years ago) link
(if my clumsy post above wasn't clear, it was intended to be supportive since I know that likely isn't the way you wanted things to go, with APS).
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Thursday, 14 July 2022 19:26 (two years ago) link
good news on both parents' side:
*Mom seems to be mostly recovered from her surgery. she's started going without oxygen for longer spells, and oximeter has her oxygen levels at 97-98 regularly (even in the hospital on oxygen, she was topping out at 88-90). Tomorrow, we have a follow-up with her doctor to find out if she can go without.
*Dad's CT fracture in his spine was confirmed, but it's acute and very minor. No surgery needed, just wearing a neck brace for a while. Now the question becomes where to send him next. Brother and I are nervous about sending him to the same facility where he had a fall (we would need to demand he has a bed with rails and that he's never left unsupervised in his wheelchair). He has about 15 "free" days left as he's still in his 90 day period.
We have to wait for the social worker - mom is pushing to get him to do physical therapy, thinking it will help, but also I think for continued respite for her. I have informed her that if we bring him home, obviously we can clean him up/change him on the bed after bathroom trips, as I don't think him standing for long periods of time will be good for his neck, and mom can't lift him (but I can, by myself).
so, we'll see. compounding things = I am busy tomorrow but we don't want him to stay in a hospital over the weekend.
OH - and the Long Term Care process is moving along, annoyingly. our contact at the Area Agency on Aging who sent us the paperwork that needed to be completed and said we could email it back to him, confirmed yesterday after five requests that he got none of it. I snarkily pointed out in my follow-up screenshot that we had already sent the information but, sure, why not send it again. then I went to FedEx Office and scanned it all so that I can fax it as well to remove any plausible deniability on its receipt.
Access Florida (for the Medicaid application) is also requesting documentation, which I've mostly submitted all of. but they also wanted us to do a phone 'interview' before tomorrow. it's not clear whether this is for food stamps, which mom initially applied for and then opted not to want anymore, or LTC Medicaid, but mom and I called this number daily for two weeks, nobody ever answers, it's a voicemail saying to leave our name and number and we'll get called b ack in two weeks. we've left a ton of frustrated voicemails, nothing. I even uploaded a document with the other required documents stating they werent answering the phone or calling us back. Next step is trying to find the contact's email address.
so much damn legwork, but...hopefully we're closer.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Thursday, 14 July 2022 19:32 (two years ago) link
Pro tip: try your congressperson. Their constituent services people may be able to shake out some action. Or they may be useless. But it sometimes actually works.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 15 July 2022 04:19 (two years ago) link
thanks quincie! that one will be in my chamber, for sure.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Friday, 15 July 2022 04:21 (two years ago) link
finally got the interview done at an alternate number they gave us (makes me wonder why they gave us the other number). my faxes were received so I guess we should be set.
but I may ping Rep Anna Eskamani if things Elder Aging guy keeps "not getting" our docs, a friend of mine is friends w/ her.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Friday, 15 July 2022 14:14 (two years ago) link
So dad goes back to his assisted living facility today. Mom went as she was cleared to drive/stop her oxygen.
We had requested a new room for him after his fall, not knowing it'd be more than a week before his return, because his roommate was rude and disruptive and was stressing him/us out.
I arranged all this myself last week, and they even called me back to tell me they would be moving him. Today, they give us his room number, and it is indeed different.
So mom texts us asking about the roommate, giving a description that is similar to the prior roommate, and my brother freaks out, assuming it's him, and doomsdaying.
And it was not him.
I thought I was the male D3l M3d1c0 with anxiety. He's driving me nuts lately
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Saturday, 16 July 2022 22:25 (two years ago) link
really starting to worry about my ability to work during our busiest time of year with mom semi-sidelined from caretaking dad until probably late August. (she'll still be able to do things, but all lifting = me and anything intensive).
if the home health care is situated by then, though...that'll be a godsend. Florida DCF said we've done all we need to, for the moment, with the application process.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Monday, 18 July 2022 16:29 (two years ago) link
Neanderthal, my total respect and admiration for what you do for your folks. My mom died on Friday, after two weeks in home hospice care, so it’s almost a relief that we were spared months of seeing her as a husk of her normal self.
― put a VONC on it (suzy), Tuesday, 19 July 2022 14:10 (two years ago) link
i'm sorry to hear about your mom, suzy <3
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 July 2022 18:57 (two years ago) link
I'm just at my wit's end right now. every time things look up, we get knocked down.
DCF denied our Medicaid LTC application, and we have no idea why. They claim we did not submit documentation of unearned income, which I most specifically did - over 100 pages worth, both uploaded and via fax. Their website reflects everything I submitted. Also, our phone hearing was on 7/15, and their letter on 7/1 told us we would have ten days from the hearing date to submit all documentation. It's been four days, and they denied us. Wouldn't even tell us what specifically was missing, just wrote as if we submitted nothing.
Also, they seem to have mushed two disparate applications together. Unfortunately, my mom was trying to submit a Food Stamps and Medicare Access application back in May, which we realized after he probably didn't qualify for. For some reason ,they seem to have combined this application with the one I submitted in June for LTC. One example is they denied my mother for LTC, and she never applied for it - you can see in the application where it clearly states No next to her for LTC, and Yes next to Dad.
We called and have been waiting on the phone for an hour - they wouldn't talk to me because I'm not dad's representative.
Meanwhile, I complained to OSHA and AHCA for my dad's long-term care facility's handling of dad's roommate's COVID case. we don't want to visit dad right now to avoid risking our own exposure (so far, we are both negative). Mom has tried calling them all day, and left a message for the social worker. Nobody is answering.
This type of existence in 2022 is agonizing. People don't do their jobs, and I have to basically escalate to government agencies to force their hands. I'm starting to lose hope.
probably going to have to have an attorney assist with the next application attempt for DCF. I'm hoping we don't lose our place on the wait list. they also notified the Elder Affairs of the denial.
Is this really how it goes? if your documentation is missing something or isn't what they're looking for, they don't just tell you and let you submit it, they just blanket deny you?
there's just no joy for us right now.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 July 2022 19:05 (two years ago) link
So sorry! If you're not your Dad's representative, who is?? Might be good to contact an attorney right now, re time factor and getting past feelings of helplessness to some extent.
― dow, Tuesday, 19 July 2022 19:47 (two years ago) link
in the now almost two hours we've been on hold, I've managed to get zero work done, but I have managed to email/fax several officers on Florida DCF begging someone to answer our questions so we know what to do. the letter is so confusing.
we're giving up in 15 minutes and going to call at 8 am.
xpost Mom is. she's next to me and I offered to handle the call together.
we've discussed going to attorney next, definitely. I have Group Legal with my company, and we have already sought legal for dad's injury so we will look into that too. the three of us are just tired, it's constant effort effort effort.
I wish we had brought dad home instead of sending him to this damn facility.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 July 2022 19:52 (two years ago) link
thx dow!
means testing is such bullshit. I’m really sorry, Neanderthal.
― brimstead, Tuesday, 19 July 2022 19:58 (two years ago) link
that it is. thanks brimstead.
the killer is I know he qualifies, but they are completely inept at this place. they even spelled my mother's name wrong in the original letter even though it was correct on the application. can nobody cut and paste anymore?
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 July 2022 20:00 (two years ago) link
i'm sorry your mom has passed, suzy. i totally get what you mean about the almost relief. my mom was losing more and more of herself in her last few years and it never got too bad, but when a blood clot* took her suddenly there was -- in addition to the shock and grief -- at least the consolation that she didn't have to keep fading away by inches.
(probably a blood clot. dad wasn't real communicative. my brothers and i just got a group text out of the blue. "Your mother died today at St. Whoever's ER. It wasn't COVID. We can grieve later when the pandemic subsides." cool, dad. thanks.)
Neanderthal, holy hell. i don't even know how to respond and i'm just reading your posts, i can't begin to imagine the stress of it being your actual life! is there any room in the budget for a burly nursing aide to come help out sometimes? any more family members to shake out of the family tree? i really hope things get better for you and your folks. <3
― CYANIDE MUKBANG (cat), Thursday, 21 July 2022 22:42 (two years ago) link
no more family members, but things are somewhat settling down. I'm still not convinced that dad won't eventually test positive, but his roommate is now in the hospital (presumably for COVID). no idea if he was vaccinated. as of yesterday, dad was still testing negative.
mom was only going to take him his clothes and pop in and out, but once she saw the roommate was not there, she decided to stay longer (masked and gloved of course). I warned her not to be too lackadaisical as there's a chance dad has it and we don't know yet, and she's the one who's concerned about getting it.
assuming dad's next test is a negative, I may go visit him again. I feel terrible not being there but it's not for invalid reasons. even if dad hadn't had covid, work kicked my ass up and down this week, and the doors shut at 6 pm. so I probably couldn't have gone.
kinda just wanna bring him home, once we're sure he's in the clear, esp now with the roommate not in the room. (obv I hope the roommate comes out of it ok).
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Friday, 22 July 2022 21:11 (two years ago) link
thanks cat btw
my self-hating brain, however, is taking the positive news that mom saw dad, and he was so thrilled to see her, and knowing my brother has seen dad, and I haven't seen dad since Sunday, to read as "you're the only one who hasn't seen him over a widdle iddie biddie COVID", and I feel guilty as hell.
but I reminded myself I was the one who made the most trips to visit prior ti this week
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Friday, 22 July 2022 21:13 (two years ago) link
I get the brain thing, but you're comparing yourself to a non-existent ideal versus the average child or more common in my experience, the sibling that lets the other children carry the weight. This thread has been an impressive diary of your care, man.
― the body of a spider... (scampering alpaca), Saturday, 23 July 2022 00:15 (two years ago) link
alpaca otm! at a bare minimum you deserve a "#1 Favorite Son" coffee mug to flaunt at your brother. i've probably said it before, and so have many others, but it's stone truth: you are an amazing dude & your parents are so incredibly lucky to have you.
― CYANIDE MUKBANG (cat), Saturday, 23 July 2022 02:44 (two years ago) link
There's been a multi-day heat wave in our state (I know that only narrows it down to about 49 of 'em), so I called my mom last night and she laughed and said, "Checking in on the elderly, huh?"
― but also fuck you (unperson), Saturday, 23 July 2022 14:17 (two years ago) link
Wow, this is deeply fucked — Two decades of Alzheimer's research may be based on deliberate fraud that has cost millions of lives. (Here's the other article cited in the piece.)
― but also fuck you (unperson), Saturday, 23 July 2022 16:21 (two years ago) link
what the absolute fuck
so wait is it normal for massive swathes of disease research to be based on a single unreplicated paper or
― CYANIDE MUKBANG (cat), Sunday, 24 July 2022 07:45 (two years ago) link
The impact is wildly exaggerated - I've worked in Alzheimer's for 20 years and had never even heard of the suspect paper. It's part of a range of somewhat-reliable evidence around amyloid which everyone with any sense is deeply skeptical about. There was definitely research funded on the basis of this fraud, and the money was wasted and the company tried to develop a therapeutic based on false findings, which unsurprisingly failed, and the shareholders were misled and lost their stakes. There is a lot of wasted money and time in Alzheimer's research, and a lot of the data are crap, but the idea that one faked paper cost "millions of lives" and 20 years of research was based on it, pure bullshit, well maybe one lab did but the rest of us were following up our own ideas and not influenced by it. Shitty behaviour, massive press beatup, cast shade on all Alzheimer's research, what a helpful outcome.
― assert (matttkkkk), Sunday, 24 July 2022 08:33 (two years ago) link
so wait is it normal for massive swathes of disease research to be based on a single unreplicated paper
That was my question. Thanks mattkkk for the context.
― kinder, Sunday, 24 July 2022 15:47 (two years ago) link
I guess I kicked back pretty hard against the exaggeration but there were other labs influenced by the finding. At the time it was yet-another "finally, the key to Alzheimer's" and I wasn't really working in the field during that period, so it was a case of shrug, wait and see. However I'm surprised to see its massive citation count, >2300 by some estimates, which speaks to a lot more influence than I had realised.The story, and a balanced take on the paper's harm as well as details of the fraud, are well documented in this piece from Science:https://www.science.org/content/article/potential-fabrication-research-images-threatens-key-theory-alzheimers-disease
― assert (matttkkkk), Monday, 25 July 2022 07:09 (two years ago) link
this DCF thing is a nightmare. I've now written to my Florida State representative about the issue, asking for help. Instead of long waits on hold at DCF, now that's not even an option. You get a canned message saying call volume is too high, asks you to call back later, and it clicks and hangs up.
The FAX MACHINE isn't even working! I faxed documentation two mere weeks ago. Since last week, all attempts to fax have failed, citing 'poor phone quality'.
I filed a complaint with the Inspector General, but they will probably close it as that's more for wrongdoing. I'm hoping by opening that door they'll forward it to someone else. I accused them of abdicating their duties and closing off all means of communication.
I've also emailed/faxed several officers on DCF without response.
the only other solution I can think of is just to apply again, but what's the point if they're just going to tell us we didn't send in what we sent in.
so defeated. but not giving up.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Monday, 25 July 2022 16:20 (two years ago) link
I'm sure they'll do the usual shit, accusing us of trying to 'cut the line'. lol
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Monday, 25 July 2022 16:21 (two years ago) link
‘Maladministration’ is a useful word for your arsenal.
― put a VONC on it (suzy), Monday, 25 July 2022 17:12 (two years ago) link
oh i like that!
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Monday, 25 July 2022 17:25 (two years ago) link
dad is coming home today. so fucking thrilled. :)
been long overdue, no more half hour drives back and forth and worrying that the nurses would do something stupid again. plus, well, i've missed having him here.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Monday, 1 August 2022 13:27 (two years ago) link
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Monday, 1 August 2022 17:00 (two years ago) link
― Andy the Grasshopper, Monday, 1 August 2022 18:01 (two years ago) link
all attempts at escalation for the Medicaid application bullshit paid the fuck off. I finally got in contact with someone there who explained what was 'missing' from the application, which could be easily rectified in the form of a simple letter.
I sent said letter, they have now confirmed the Medicaid side of the application is complete and approved, and now only Form 2515 from Senior Resource Alliance is required and we're done, and SRA just visited our house yesterday and said they would take care of that part.
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Thursday, 11 August 2022 13:46 (two years ago) link
Good stuff. Hopefully on the home stretch now.
― doomposting is the new composting (PBKR), Thursday, 11 August 2022 16:16 (two years ago) link
in the interim, our process for taking care of dad is pretty smooth now, as I am doing 95% of everything, and mom changes dad on the bed (with me holding him in place).
but mom is once again resuming that thing she does of saying rude things to dad that make him feel self-conscious/bad. "oh, you stink - why do you still stink?". cos he can't fucking take a shower by himself, mom, we haven't cloth bathed him today, and also he just took a shit. and you were already getting worried about the fact that he hadn't gone in days - now you're annoyed that he did go? well maybe he holds it cos you make him feel terrible when you clean him up after. we've told her this, she makes promises, then relapses.
"ew, that's gross, Tony" when his nose runs, like he can control it. I told her today to quit making him feel bad and she barked at me like I was 15 again
it's going to stop being a polite reminder if it continues. this isn't like before - I'm doing almost everything now. dad doesn't move from one location to another without me physically moving him, and I get him out of and put him into bed. I'm not treating him that way. if anything, I've just been enjoying the fuck out of our time together after that nightmare he spent in assisted living.
anywho, he got a CT Scan today to look at how his C2 fracture is healing, so fingers crossed! :)
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Sunday, 14 August 2022 23:06 (two years ago) link
(I mean, these are all things I've said to her face, but the calm, Mr Van Driessen way I've been saying it may need to be a little more vinegar-y)
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Sunday, 14 August 2022 23:07 (two years ago) link
Whenever I’m trying to navigate some fucked-up maladministered bullshit, I think about people who don’t know how to use computers, or they don’t speak english, and i’m aghast.
My family recently moved near my mother-in-law because she lives alone and had a stroke with only mild after effects. But the right job opened up for my wife and it made sense to move and we knew she would eventually need more help. She has a neuro-psych evaluation soon so we’ll have a better sense of what is going on.
Neanderthal, you’re a saint. Your parents are very lucky.
― Cow_Art, Monday, 15 August 2022 02:05 (two years ago) link
Dad somehow fell out of his chair at the breakfast table. His balance has been off. Back to the hospital we go.
I'm relatively calm, it doesn't help to assume the worst.
― Toonie Orlando (Neanderthal), Sunday, 21 August 2022 15:46 (two years ago) link
He's ok and coming home.
Mom is trying my patience. I've had moments lately where I came close to screaming at her. The constant negativity and berating dad needs to stop or my dad's temper is going to come out of me.
― Toonie Orlando (Neanderthal), Sunday, 21 August 2022 21:40 (two years ago) link
It'd be one thing if I wasn't helping much but literally I'm the one doing all the physical labor with dad and making me anxious while I'm holding a 175 pound man isn't a good thing
― Toonie Orlando (Neanderthal), Sunday, 21 August 2022 21:41 (two years ago) link
Can you make a hard and fast rule with her, that when you say "stop talking now" she actually does it? When you're both calm and not physically dealing with your dad, tell her it's making things unsafe so you will mean it when you say it and she'll need to comply?
― Jaq, Sunday, 21 August 2022 23:16 (two years ago) link
that's a good idea actually. thanks!
― Toonie Orlando (Neanderthal), Monday, 22 August 2022 01:35 (two years ago) link
I hope it works and makes things a bit easier for you.
― Jaq, Monday, 22 August 2022 03:00 (two years ago) link
MEDICAID APPLICATION IS APPROVED, IT'S FINALLY DONE!!!!!! they just sent a letter to the Senior Resource Alliance confirming.
took way more effort than should have been, but I shook the right tree and got a personal contact and that made the process much easier. she singlehandedly fixed the errors the original processors made in denying us.
― Toonie Orlando (Neanderthal), Thursday, 25 August 2022 21:08 (two years ago) link
anyone in the US have a parent with a fall alert system and if so which did you use and do you like it? My mom is going through her latest round of chemo (she's terminal); I got to her house (I live out of state) last week and she looked like she'd been in a car crash; she fell in her kitchen and smashed her head into the stove top and didn't bother to tell me about it until I got there.
― akm, Thursday, 25 August 2022 21:39 (two years ago) link
I can't help with the question but v sorry to hear about your mom. Good luck.
― Abel Ferrara hard-sci-fi elevator pitch (PBKR), Friday, 26 August 2022 01:50 (two years ago) link
I've now talked to three other people about my age and been disturbed to find out how much of a trend it is for these elders to hide shit from their kids. falls, car accidents, strokes.
― akm, Friday, 26 August 2022 14:33 (two years ago) link
it's absolutely terrifying. many elders don't have the care they need, and they know that level of care would burden their children, so they hide it all. i'm sorry to hear about your mom. we haven't yet tried one of those fall alert systems but I wonder if quincie (summoning you!) knows!?
― and the worms, they entered his ass (Neanderthal), Friday, 26 August 2022 15:59 (two years ago) link
(also quincie I hope you are doing alright re: your recent health concerns as well)
I sensed the summon! And I am doing well, thank you. My boobs are now gone and hopefully all of the cancer has thus been evicted.Re: fall alert systems. I do not have first-hand experience with a particular system, but I have referred clients to shopping guides for medical alert systems. IIRC (I am not at work so don’t have that info at my fingertips), Bay Alarm gets consistently good ratings. They may have a fall monitor option. Cameras are increasing popular. Safety check phone calls (which trigger calls to emergency contacts if not picked up) are another option. I think Apple watches offer a fall alert option. My ilx webmail doesn’t work but perhaps Neander could make an email connect to me if you’d like to be in touch off board.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 26 August 2022 16:14 (two years ago) link
Also if you mom is not already enrolled in hospice, I would strongly strongly recommend; that could get more nursing visits onboard to help with safety and patching up injuries without having to do the ER thing.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 26 August 2022 16:17 (two years ago) link
Actually Neanderthal I think a talk about hospice would not be premature for your dad. The repeated ER to hospital/rehab cycle is a red flag.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 26 August 2022 16:19 (two years ago) link
^ otm. when you are a caregiver in the midst of dealing with serial crises it is hard to free up the attention to recognize that red flag and even harder to process it, but hospice is an option worth considering.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 26 August 2022 18:58 (two years ago) link
We're starting to have discussions re: hospice for my mom now. Before we started talking, I was under the assumption that hospice was strictly for patients whose death was imminent, but I've learned that that's not the case -- as quincie says, it can help with more nurse/social worker visits in the short- and medium-term.
Re: fall alerts, a lot of assisted living/memory care places will have a facility-wide electronic system in place, and in my mom's case it's worked very well. Don't have experience with anything in-home.
― Jeff Wright, Friday, 26 August 2022 20:03 (two years ago) link
For insurance coverage of hospice, the patient has a prognosis of six months were the disease to run its expected course. I’ve had clients in hospice for a year or more as they continued to outlive the best-guess prognosis. You can leave hospice at any time, it’s in no sense a one-way street. Sooner rather than later is absolutely my recommendation. Over and over, families say they wish they had known they could start long before “imminent.”
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 26 August 2022 21:26 (two years ago) link
dad's neurologist said he could take off the neck brace now. victories.
we pretty much move him around instead of letting him walk on his own now to avoid fall risks and it's gone pretty well, having medical equipment if Medicaid pays for any will be nice, and the nursing care.
i'm going to be swole pretty soon, it's good exercise.
― and the worms, they entered his ass (Neanderthal), Friday, 26 August 2022 21:51 (two years ago) link
the other day, I said "what are you looking at" and he still said "not much", same as when I was growing up.
got dad's Medicaid card in the mail and our caseworker paid a visit and set up an appointment for next Tuesday to talk about coordinating care.
I almost can't believe it's finally happening. relief!
― and the worms, they entered his ass (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 30 August 2022 22:13 (two years ago) link
That is fantastic news! Really hoping it makes positive differences in all your lives!
― Jaq, Wednesday, 31 August 2022 00:39 (two years ago) link
I knew this day would come. Because my mother's phone was off the hook for the last day I requested a welfare check. She's been contacted, but the officer who made the check is threatening to have the property condemned if my sister and I don't do something NOW.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 4 October 2022 14:36 (two years ago) link
I'm sorry you have to deal with that persistent weight. have you all decided what you plan to do?
― stank viola (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 4 October 2022 16:43 (two years ago) link
She's at my sister's now. Right now we're talking about starting to clean the place out, but I'll believe that when it actually happens.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 4 October 2022 20:56 (two years ago) link
Oh hello panic attacks; you've come around again. (Familiarity in this case has bred contempt.) Hoping that tomorrow I will see my mother and we will get constructive work done.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Friday, 7 October 2022 19:25 (two years ago) link
j.lu, sorry you are going through this. Wishing you the best - try to focus on maintaining yourself - you'll be in a much better space to help others.
― sometimes you have to drink to kill the paranoia (PBKR), Saturday, 8 October 2022 01:41 (two years ago) link
think we've reached shit/fan time
my mom emailed me tonight saying that she wouldn't make thanksgiving because she didn't feel comfortable making the drive. (fair.) i replied that she needn't drive as four days ago i had discussed with her and purchased a train itinerary that was sent to every single email account of hers i'm aware of. and that if she couldn't remember that, it was a problem
then we spoke for 20 minutes on the phone while she searched for emails -- she did actually find the most recent one, but avoided mentioning that 'it was a problem' when she read it to me -- and again and again misconstrued the departure times. basically there's no way she makes that train trip without someone physically positioning her at each of the key points
i don't even know where she'll end up, but she can't stay in hordeopolis. and i guess i'll get to sort it
― mookieproof, Wednesday, 19 October 2022 04:15 (two years ago) link
my aunt fell and hurt her arm last night and i can’t get her to just sit down and stop doing things
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Saturday, 26 November 2022 20:50 (two years ago) link
i insisted on doing the dishes. she is doing the dishes
i can understand why my cousins are so frustrated with and worried about her lol
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Saturday, 26 November 2022 20:51 (two years ago) link
My 79-year-old mother came for a visit a few weeks ago. I have to say she's doing great. She's happy in her life, very active, in some ways in better physical shape than she was, say, 10 years ago. I'm trying really hard to focus on how well she's doing and not on how little time she may have left. (I do take encouragement from the fact that her father was very hard to kill; despite abusing his body for decades, he made it to nearly 90.)
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 26 November 2022 20:55 (two years ago) link
Back to ER we go with dad. Mostly precautionary - he's had a nasty bout of diarrhea for weeks that subsided but returned. We think it might be a blockage of stool, as when there's a mass of stool, sometimes a paradoxical bout of diarrhea occurs so the body can get feces out from behind the blockage.
It sucks but my current mood day = this is nothing.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 30 November 2022 23:41 (two years ago) link
Hope things are okay with yr dad!
― Goose Bigelow, Fowl Gigolo (the table is the table), Thursday, 1 December 2022 02:19 (two years ago) link
thanks tabes. he's home. he's constipated but not enough to keep him there, they gave him a prescription for Glycolax and Augmentin for his UTI, and he's home. twice we've changed him only for him to shit his new diaper before we got him stood up (not his fault at all....poor guy).
things have been pretty smooth lately but now I have to deal w/ mom's frequent freakouts, no matter how much I offer to take off of her plate (nevermind my own blood pressure, which lately sits around 140/100, which I'm addressing w/ the doctor today).
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Thursday, 1 December 2022 13:12 (two years ago) link
hospital were a bunch of shitheads and I think we're done going to this one. I was there from 6:30 pm - 3:30 am with a little break in between, and he still hadn't been seen by a doc, patients spilling into hallways, only one doctor in the ER.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Thursday, 1 December 2022 13:13 (two years ago) link
Yes, take care of yourself too, man! Hope you can find a good way to get yr BP into a moremanageable place, tho obviously you have a lot on yr plate and some of that stress might be out of yr control. Be gentle with yrself!
― Goose Bigelow, Fowl Gigolo (the table is the table), Thursday, 1 December 2022 13:43 (two years ago) link
Reading this thread and steeling myself. My parents and in-laws are all between the ages of 74 and 78, all still living at their own homes etc (and heck my father-in-law is still working), but multiple signs of looming issues. My siblings and I talk about our parents a lot (I live farthest away, so I rely on them for updates), and we all know that a crisis point can come at any time but for now there's not much to do except wait to see what it is. I have so many friends with parents in various stages of decline and assisted living (and of course many whose parents have already died). So it's like, my wife and I feel lucky right now to still have all of our parents in moderately good health, but we know it's not a sustainable situation. We can't even really plan anything, because things could go so many different directions that there's no way to prepare except a general awareness that things will change.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 1 December 2022 13:53 (two years ago) link
xpost thanks tabes. I successfully got a new prescription today.
unfortunately we took dad back to the ER. dad's diarrhea has been like non-stop, like Old Faithful erupting, copious amounts. since they've confirmed he's impacted, clearly the diarrhea is his body's way of trying to get feces out around the stool, which means its bad. we can't do an enema easily in our house and that's probably what he needs.
we went to a better hospital though. waiting now.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Thursday, 1 December 2022 19:26 (two years ago) link
Sorry to hear. I had a small bowel obstruction recently and it was...just ungodly painful
― Goose Bigelow, Fowl Gigolo (the table is the table), Thursday, 1 December 2022 20:12 (two years ago) link
sorry to hear that, i can imagine. and dad in his limited capacity did indicate he's in some kind of pain.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Thursday, 1 December 2022 20:18 (two years ago) link
once again they're trying to discharge him. I'm finding this very weird since in the past, when we had a similar scenario, he was admitted for a few days to treat that and his UTI, so I can only surmise they want to free up the bed.
mom, though, pushed back (and did a good job) and asked if they could keep him to observe, and wanted the doctor to talk to her, because the amount of diarrhea he's having is beyond anything we've ever seen w/ him before, and it's been happening for two weeks. i guess they want to push the medication angle but we couldn't even administer any before he started going ridiculous amounts again.
it also boils down to my mother is having freakouts every time he goes that much, and neither her nor I can clean him up by myself when he's like that (usually it takes two nurses to clean him up at most facilities). I can't listen to mom screaming/freaking out every time, esp when I'm working or leading a class, and it's a two person job, and my brother is about to be out of the country. so I'm hoping they just help us by keeping him a few days or sending him to a facility while he 'heals' so that we can get him back when his bowels are normal.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Friday, 2 December 2022 02:00 (two years ago) link
part of the problem is also no doctors really explaining well what's going on so that's why talking to them will help.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Friday, 2 December 2022 02:01 (two years ago) link
Jeez Neanderthal, I'm sorry. Everything I hear about trying to get access to hospital care these days is quasi-nightmarish. And we're really just at the leading edge of baby boomers needing this level of care, I'm afraid this system is going to just break down.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Friday, 2 December 2022 02:16 (two years ago) link
It was horrible 30 years ago, it's unrecognizable now.
Hospital killed my grandpa in the 90s, I guess at least they haven't done that
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Friday, 2 December 2022 02:37 (two years ago) link
I'm at my wit's end.
this morning, my mother went down there and a bunch of nice doctors explained dad's situation (mild impaction) and that they'd give him an enema to clear it, and then if that was enough, they'd send him home. and that'd stop the 'diarrhea', which is really feces escaping around the impaction.
nothing happened with that all day, and after I left for day, my mother calls later, and is told he's being discharged, and oh you silly goose why would we give him an enema, he has diarrhea?
I called back and pointed out (again) that the doctors had told us this and was told another nurse had said this was likely a 'mistake' and intended for another patient, which first of all WHAT THE FUCK, THAT'S NOT OK, second of all, come on, the description by the doctor completely matched my dad's situation, they were clearly talking about him and not another patient. and I pointed out to the nurse this wasn't 'diarrhea', this was an impaction that feces were leaking around, and she sat there dumbfounded. she was nice and suggested calling case management in the morning.
I already filed complaints with both Advents with the AHCA for Florida, and basically accused the latter of fraud, stating if there was no enema being administered, why the fuck did they let him stay there all day and rack up charges, when all we asked them for was an overnight observation?
It's probably a mistake but my week off has been fucking ruined with all of this shit. now i get to wake up early and fight another battle.
like this isn't a small amount of diarrhea and my mom and I are being whiny babies, like this is food poisoning levels of diarrhea. I don't mean to be graphic, so I'll hide the text, but he had feces completely smeared across his penis, testicles, leg, everywhere, which is why he has a UTI, and we'd clean him up only for him to go again before we even stood him up, and we'd have to change the diaper a SECOND time. and then he'd go again. he's going every fifteen fucking minutes. this isn't an infant, this is a 170 pound man. we're not built for this, and it can't be good for him to keep getting UTIs and getting dehydrated. not to mention he was in physical discomfort.
they want us to fix the problem with a stool softener, which historically has never worked on dad. we gave him Miralax for weeks once and he still didn't shit, and that lead to a hospital visit.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Saturday, 3 December 2022 04:59 (two years ago) link
what doesn't help is cleaning him up is a two person job due to his lack of mobility and weight, and my mom is at the point of freaking out every time he has diarrhea and it's a massive effort to calm her and myself down. we don't have a nurse anymore as we had to release her so mom could get paid 15 hours/week for caretaking. she's in a lot of pain with nerve issues. I can't do this by myself. my brother is about to leave the country for weeks.
we may have to look into another week of respite care, but idk how long that would take for approval.
but maybe it's all a mistake and they'll enema him tomorrow
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Saturday, 3 December 2022 05:02 (two years ago) link
jeez dude, that's a lot for you all to bear. your poor dad! and mom! and you as well :( wtf at that hospital, damn
― abyssalbussy (cat), Saturday, 3 December 2022 06:47 (two years ago) link
a two person job, and my brother is about to be out of the country
at least it's good to potentially infer from this that your brother has been helping out more lately, after the previous few years? strength to you for dealing with each member of the immediate family, let alone all at once
― more crankable (sic), Saturday, 3 December 2022 07:19 (two years ago) link
dad's home. they gave him an enema. the nurse was wrong.
quite 'hilariously', there's no reference to the enema in the discharge paperwork, and all of the discharge instructions are clearly written from the perspective of him having like, traditional diarrhea, and not obstructive diarrhea, and neither nurse that discharged him seemed aware that he had one.
how do we know he had one? well, cos mom walked in while it was happening, and they told her that's what they were doing.
meanwhile, the doctor's notes referencing enema are clear and appear multiple times on their website, so how the nurse didn't see them, I don't know.
I have an open complaint where I'll detail all of this but right now dad just being home and doing ok is enough for me.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Monday, 5 December 2022 16:46 (two years ago) link
Stuff's much calmer now with dad home. He's not "going" much, which is always the issue after he has an enema it seems, possibly long term.
Financially, I'm being leveraged to the brink and I'm worried. Mom got through the entire application process to be paid as a caretaker a month ago practically, only for the last piece (training us how to record the time), went nowhere.
Case manager was alarmed to hear we hadn't heard back and went on an all out harassment campaign, only to finally hear from them today, and set up an appointment. The contact was apparently sick and apparently they have two employees or some shit.
Mom in the interim has borrowed about $400-$500 from me in a manner of weeks and still owes me something like $400 from before.
I make 70k a year, but I got reckless with my credit/debt, somewhat out of helping her, but also self destructive behavior a year or two ago, including a 2k gambling loss. In one year I've lost something like 8k and have no idea how.
Very worried about getting backed into a corner and having to file bankruptcy myself. Not there yet AND if I no longer have to lend money I could possibly reverse it in time.
Not the greatest feeling when my bank account is getting lighter and I haven't even bought a single Christmas gift.
My brother just went to England and Italy so now he's cash short (and got engaged) so I assume he will cease helping.
I told mom this in interest of honesty but was careful to tell her it wasn't her fault.
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Friday, 16 December 2022 04:58 (two years ago) link
(don't get it twisted, I'm not broke or anywhere near. But losing money that fast could put me there quickly of I don't stop the bleeding)
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Friday, 16 December 2022 04:59 (two years ago) link
N can I ask what program this is where your mom can get paid as a caretaker? This has some relevance to my in-laws’ situation.
― epistantophus, Friday, 16 December 2022 14:57 (two years ago) link
it's through Medicaid through Florida. there was a lengthy application process, several forms, we had to get fingerprinted, etc, but it apparently will pay $15/hour for up to 15 hours a week at first.
not sure if it varies by state (quincie?).
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Friday, 16 December 2022 16:07 (two years ago) link
Thanks- I’m in FL too.
― epistantophus, Friday, 16 December 2022 16:34 (two years ago) link
oh cool! yeah then...you can probably use the same process. i'll have to see where mom found the info on how to do it
― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Friday, 16 December 2022 17:08 (two years ago) link
Awesome- many thanks! My webmail works.
― epistantophus, Friday, 16 December 2022 18:27 (two years ago) link
Yep, varies by state. Good work on getting enrolled!
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Friday, 16 December 2022 20:46 (two years ago) link
as if everything being terrible weren't enough, i have been informed this morning that there is a raccoon living in the basement of my childhood home where my mom now lives alone. i have tried everything imaginable to get her to consider leaving. i feel like i am in a nightmare?!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 16 January 2023 16:52 (one year ago) link
Oh, so sorry.
― The Gate of Angels Laundromat (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 16 January 2023 17:03 (one year ago) link
we had raccoons in the attic when i was small, they can be scary beasties! would her local animal control division be any help? not with the larger issue of her wanting to stay alone, of course -- i wish there was some way to make the people we care about do what's best for them (she says, while not doing what's best for her)
i'm really sorry, ll. <3
― #homilytweet (cat), Monday, 16 January 2023 18:03 (one year ago) link
she called animal control, i staved off the freakout as well as i could after losing my morning to itshe is going to need to get comfortable with accepting other people's help bc i cannot and will not manage my way through this situation alone
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 16 January 2023 20:22 (one year ago) link
Seems really good that *she* called animal control; some are past that, one way or another.Animal control should also give advice on blocking access---I don't have a basement, but the critter man (private contractor, by the job or membership) told me to cut back greenery to keep 'em out of attic, which I did, also he put metal over some cracks in wood trim etc.---no prob since, so worth it.
― dow, Monday, 16 January 2023 22:08 (one year ago) link
Really sorry that you had to deal with that, LL
― fentanyl young (Neanderthal), Monday, 16 January 2023 23:44 (one year ago) link
Raccoons (heart) chimneys, so if you have a fireplace, you may need a chimney cap to keep the raccoons out. Any chimney cleaner can install one, or if you're not afraid of heights, you can buy one at the local home store and install it yourself.
― Jeff Wright, Tuesday, 17 January 2023 00:13 (one year ago) link
although bear in mind that many, many brain injuries are the product of people thinking they are safer up ladders than they actually are!
― assert (matttkkkk), Tuesday, 17 January 2023 00:22 (one year ago) link
Im guessing the flue has been closed since the 80s — my mom found a broken window and assumes that’s how it got in. It and whoever else has set up house in the basement. I agree that it’s good that she called — when she cooperates w me, things genuinely get better. When she fights me or resists my help (when she knows I’m right) it inflames my nervous system really badly and doesn’t help her situation either.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 17 January 2023 02:19 (one year ago) link
Yeah, was thinking it might be one of those little windows I associate with basements: just a little break or crack in a little pane can be enough for a critter to squeeze or push through, even with bars over the window, so I'm told (not actually having a basement, as I said). Would try to make sure about the flue, whenever feasible, as well.
― dow, Tuesday, 17 January 2023 02:47 (one year ago) link
my spouse and i have been trying to get her parents to relocate or reconfigure their current living situation. single floor preferred but it's been all pushback. they have a narrow staircase to the bedroom/bathroom, no reliable help within immediate driving distance, etc.....
― Western® with Bacon Flavor, Tuesday, 17 January 2023 05:20 (one year ago) link
The guy is coming to place the traps and close off the window this morning. I asked her to request that he look around the house for any other signs of animal activity as well. I mean he’s there, might as well take a looksie.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 17 January 2023 14:52 (one year ago) link
The envy I have for people whose parents are so well adjusted & resourced that they take care of their own welfare without protest is completely off the charts. I’ve always had family envy but hearing folks talk about how their parents are downsizing of their own volition and taking. care of their business without incident — such a fortunate bunch. Embarrassing to admit this but I’m certain I’m not alone in feeling this way. I don’t wish them any harm obvs I’m just quietly envious.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 17 January 2023 14:56 (one year ago) link
I'm sorry LL, good luck with the guy!
The reality of aging parents hit us really hard this winter so far. At one point between Christmas and New Year's Day, three of our four parents were in the hospital. Thankfully my MIL has fully recovered from her serious RSV, but my FIL passed away from pneumonia and my father is still recovering a brain bleed (that has also uncovered other health concerns which he has withheld from us for over a decade!). It has been a lot to process and I still don't think I've done so, we've been in react and survive mode for many weeks now.
To LL's point, my FIL was an eccentric artist, a wonderful guy, but he squirreled himself away in his three-story house and would not be budged to move elsewhere, no matter how hard my wife tried. We expected a mess (literal, emotional and figurative) when he passed, but it has been so much harder than expected - none of his wishes were written down, no will, no instructions and an absolutely packed three-story house to deal with. It's going to be a long process, but it has certainly motivated my wife and I to not do this to our son.
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 17 January 2023 16:46 (one year ago) link
fuck i'm in a spot. My mother lives in south dakota (i'm in the bay area) and has stage 4 cancer, which is mostly in her liver now and adrenal gland (started in lungs but seemed to clear up there). She's been on chemo for two years at this point, long past the point she was supposed to have died; and she's still kind of ambulatory and functional. we have almost no family left in the area because they've all died (native american and most people still in that area kicked off from diabetes in their 60's; she's 72 now). I have her 82 year old best friend watching after her (she's built like a tank and very healthy); my sister and I have been switching off going up there for a while but I had a nervous breakdown this winter and didn't go up for a few months (I got laid off from my second job in 12 months in october and am still looking for work; I support a wife and a teenager).
I've got a dinwdling savings and am desperately trying to find work as an engineering director/manager but obv the industry is on fire and it's been really tough. Add to that now having to go back to Rapid City for at least the next week and take my mom's keys away since she insists on driving, but she keeps getting lost and is driving recklessly now according to my sister and friend. Her grey matter is deteriorating as a result of the chemo and possibly just because she's dying. She will not leave her home permanently, we tried to move her to my sister's in Washington and she refused; I can try to convince her to come to my place though we barely have room but it wouldn't be forever. Or I can go up there and take a huge loan on her house to pay for someone to stay with her; or I can basically fucking move there indefinitely, abandon my family back here, look for work while there, make sure she doesn't kill herself, and make sure my wife sends me weed in the mail so I don't fucking lose my mind entirely.
Just venting.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Wednesday, 1 February 2023 19:35 (one year ago) link
AKM, I'm sorry; best wishes to you, your mom, and your family. Agree that the first priority is getting the car keys. If your family has the resources, and if your mom would consider the idea, I would try to convince her to temporarily move to a care facility in Rapid City, be it assisted living or hospice care -- this would get her out of immediate danger and would give you/your sister a few weeks to clear your heads and evaluate your options. This sounds bad, but don't be afraid to be opportunistic here -- in our case, my mom (dementia) had landed in the ER after inadvertently overdosing on meds; the doctors basically refused to discharge her anywhere except to a care facility, so this gave us the chance we needed to get her into a safe place while we found a place she could go medium-term. Also, given the cognitive decline, you should know whether your mom has set out who would make her health care/financial decisions if she isn't capable and the steps necessary under SD law to get a declaration of incapacity so that you/your sister could quickly take the reins if necessary. Good luck; keep us posted.
― Jeff Wright, Wednesday, 1 February 2023 21:43 (one year ago) link
Thanks JW. Yea all things I’m considering. I’m lucky she owns her home so we can potentially use that equity, I just wish I knew how long this was going to go on. I believe we are already named as decoders on medical care but def don’t have power of attorney, that’ll be really fun so sort out. These old people are so attached to their freedom. I get it but they get to a point where they seem to have no idea how much that freedom becomes a source of pain for their families. Someone throw me off a bridge when I get older. By which I meanBefore my next birthday when I turn 51.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Thursday, 2 February 2023 02:03 (one year ago) link
Very sorry akm.
― Unfairport Convention (PBKR), Thursday, 2 February 2023 03:21 (one year ago) link
Yeah, that sounds rough... especially the distance. The home ownership is a real blessing - a reverse-mortgage or something could help keep her in there - but it sounds like it's probably more prudent to move into some kind of (at least) independent living facility, and possibly something with more care options
― Andy the Grasshopper, Thursday, 2 February 2023 04:46 (one year ago) link
my dad is 75 with him, I love him. that is all.
he's pretty chipper today too.
― waiting for a czar to fall (Neanderthal), Saturday, 18 February 2023 20:39 (one year ago) link
wtf? with him = "today"
Happy birthday to NeandoPop!
― Jaq, Saturday, 18 February 2023 20:40 (one year ago) link
― waiting for a czar to fall (Neanderthal), Saturday, 18 February 2023 20:40 (one year ago) link
My mom turned 74 yesterday, on vacation in Mexico with one of my aunts. (She goes down for two weeks around her birthday almost every year — she skipped the last two years because, y'know, pandemic, and she was pretty salty about it. We joke that she's going to visit her secret other family.)
― but also fuck you (unperson), Saturday, 18 February 2023 20:54 (one year ago) link
my mom turned 75 last week, on her way to SF today. We're all in a very specific stream of experience right now.
― POLIZISTEN VERSINKEN IM SCHLAMM (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 19 February 2023 00:05 (one year ago) link
Daddy made not one but two hilarious jokes at dinner, both in service of teasing my bro
Using only his hands.
He's still got it
― waiting for a czar to fall (Neanderthal), Sunday, 19 February 2023 00:58 (one year ago) link
Heh forks u right xpost
the eye doctor w/ dad is the sixth layer of hell. not because of him, but because these facilities never adapt to people with disabilities, and my mother acts embarrassed/annoyed/keeps dramatically apologizing when he can't do what is asked as if he has any control over it and if it doesn't make him feel bad.
looks like it's time to revisit the convo i'm tired of having w/her (has to have been 20 times already).
also trying to work remotely from here but that isn't going well, couldn't take the time off though due to a class.
― waiting for a czar to fall (Neanderthal), Thursday, 23 February 2023 18:55 (one year ago) link
My dad, 81, had a stroke a few weeks back. Luckily for him, it was a pretty mild one. It also helped the doctors discover he's about 90% blocked in his carotid artery. So, the experience may have added years to his life. My family members in general are remarkably hard to kill.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 23 February 2023 18:57 (one year ago) link
had a zoom call with my aunt and my mom's social worker this morning and he was basically like, you need to set up a new home (with 'memory care') for her in the next six months, and then kidnap her and take her there
also he's not wrong
― mookieproof, Saturday, 4 March 2023 03:22 (one year ago) link
my brother send me and my other bro a long text last week about how dad freaked him out bcs of his behaviour. Dad's in his late 70s and fairly immobile due to a hip replacment that made things worse instead of better and possible parkinsons (some sort of mild palsy anyway).
Bro had apparently organised to drop round and talk with dad about cleaning, detailling and selling his car. I dont know why that'd been decided, but apparently once he turned up and started taling about it dad got belligerent, had completely forgotten this'd been planned and then got very argumentative with my bro about anything to do with working out the price etc. But in a confused, irrational kind of way? Bro said mum was brushing it off "no thats just how he is now". Bro eventually got fed up and went home.
I mean maybe Dad's upset cos selling car = loss of independance, cars are presumably important to him (he sold them all his adult career). Having to admi he's become infirm.
But there's also the looming concern of dementia, which is what did for his own mum.
I live in another state. I see my folks one a year if I'm lucky, and I hardly even talk to them anymore. I know they'll refuse to move even though they live in a house on a steep hill so theres loads of stairs to get in the house. I dunno how much my brothers help out. I left the family home town 30 years ago, so this is all weirdly remote to me, and I'm not sure why I've gotten so emotionally detatched.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Saturday, 4 March 2023 04:44 (one year ago) link
dad's been fidgeting a lot in his sleep the last few days, moving his legs around and sometimes off of the bed, and his pulse has been over 100 and he's woken up breathing heavy, though his oxygen and temperature are fine. His pulse used to be high regularly but he went on beta blockers so now it's normally in the 70s. he did tell us he felt dizzy. also, he has restless leg syndrome (as do I), so wasn't sure if that's why the constant leg movement. we also suspect dad probably has anxiety, for obvious reasons, so there's that too.
Naturally, mom's frantic nature didn't help, as first she comes in telling me dad's oxygen is at 40% when she put the oximeter on him - I had to remind mom that if it were that low, he'd be near death, that it probably slipped off, and when she retook it, of course it was like 98. then she badgers dad with a battery of questions and then gives him no time to respond, even though he's mostly non-verbal and takes a while to respond, which no doubt stressed him out.
trying to figure out whether to take him in to be checked out or what, but this was a good reminder to get a new bed rail since our last one was recalled.
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Thursday, 9 March 2023 15:09 (one year ago) link
pulse back to normal, so we're just gonna watch and see. honestly he's been like this on random occasions before, and we have blood pressure cuffs/oximeters/thermometers checking him regularly.
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Thursday, 9 March 2023 15:21 (one year ago) link
update on my above situation (I've since been out to spend time with her once, with my wife and the kid, who she hadn't been able to see in years now) and that was a good visit and my assessment at the time (mid Feb) was that she had about 2 months left, and that seems to be holding up. Her cancer has started to spread, so they were going to change the treatment this week, but it was apparent her blood ox was extremely low; a few days in the hospital indicating the cancer came back in her lungs in a manner that it's restricting oxygen. Recommendation from oncologist is going to be to stop chemo. She was hospitalized but left against medical advice today saying she was going home to her dog and is insisting she will get chemo next week. Appointment in the morning I think will disabuse her of this notion. My sister and I are handling all of this remotely while her old friend transports her to and from the hospital. They did send oxygen home with her...but she fucking smokes. So she's either going to blow herself up, or, more likely, just not use the oxygen enough, get hypoxia and pass out again (which is what happened this week). She's still alone. Sister going up next week and me a few days later...and probably remaining there for some time (but I suspect that won't last longer than the end of April at most).
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 17 March 2023 03:02 (one year ago) link
Sorry to hear that, akm. Smoking is the devil. When I was in my late teens, my grandfather got me to sneak him cigarettes into the hospital where he was recovering from having surgery to remove a cancerous section of his colon. He would not, or could not, quit.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 17 March 2023 03:10 (one year ago) link
it is really insane. I say that as someone with a history of substance abuse issues, but in no way do any of them compare to the insane grip cigarettes have had on my mother. they are her only true love. she talks about how her brother taught her to smoke when she was 13. she has never once stopped. I smoked half heartedly for about 2-3 years 30 years ago and finally quit because I hated the smell on my clothes.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 17 March 2023 03:13 (one year ago) link
does anyone have any book recommendations or internet resources to support someone with a terminally ill parent? feeling pretty lost right now.
― not too strange just bad audio (brimstead), Monday, 20 March 2023 20:30 (one year ago) link
I don’t right at the moment but I wanted to say you’re not alone here, I hope you are finding some strength brimstead
― assert (matttkkkk), Monday, 20 March 2023 20:53 (one year ago) link
thank you, mattt
― not too strange just bad audio (brimstead), Monday, 20 March 2023 21:15 (one year ago) link
i'm sorry, brimstead. i also don't know of any resources for your particular situation, but like mattt, i'm wishing you all the support and strength i can. little acts of kindness could help them, or maybe gently asking them what they need right now? it's difficult all around. <\3
― so amazing moments ever. . (cat), Monday, 20 March 2023 21:26 (one year ago) link
Brimstead, this is not exactly what you are asking for, but I found the book Staring at the Sun, by Irvin Yalom, to be immensely helpful in addressing anxiety about death. It may be of some comfort in thinking about your own parent's passing. It doesn't really contain any practical advice about caring for someone who is terminally ill, though.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Monday, 20 March 2023 22:08 (one year ago) link
I've not read it (it came out at a time I wasn't able to tackle it) but I have heard wonderful things about Dying - A Memoir by Cory Taylor (an Australian writer). A friend was involved with it at the time and said it was a remarkable piece. https://www.textpublishing.com.au/books/dying
― assert (matttkkkk), Monday, 20 March 2023 23:15 (one year ago) link
Being Mortal, Atul Gwande
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 00:35 (one year ago) link
I depended on advice and instructions from professional caregivers, but books might have helped, might help the next time, at least in getting more focused----here are a bunch, incl. authorized manuals; checking customer reviews might give a fairly clear idea of any that could be useful, possibly:https://www.amazon.com/Hospice-Palliative-Care/b?ie=UTF8&node=689744011\
― dow, Tuesday, 21 March 2023 02:00 (one year ago) link
Thank you all, much appreciated <3
― not too strange just bad audio (brimstead), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 04:05 (one year ago) link
STRONG recommend for this book DIGGING OUT by Michael Tompkins (who you may recognize if you have watched any latter-day Hoarders, he's one of the doctors and is very compassionate -- and effective) I finally found someone to help my mom with her living situation (a professional organizer via NAPO) and she recommended it to me. I finally started reading it and wish I had known about it earlier, it would have really eased some pain. Anyway, if you are dealing with a loved one who has a hoarding tendency/problem, this book is for you <3 https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/5132666
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 14:34 (one year ago) link
My dad developed complications from the surgery he underwent last week to put a stent in his carotid artery. The possibility of his death, which I thought I had reconciled myself to, has hit me much harder than I thought it would have. He seems to be making slow but steady improvements, which is good, but I'm really worried and sad about the idea of losing him, and that's something I didn't expect, given our relationship.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 14:41 (one year ago) link
sorry to read about everyone else in the same/similar boat. I will say that taking ativan every morning is helping me significantly with my own anxieties about what is likely going to be a very shitty upcoming month. My mother has been hospitalized 4 times in the past week for falls caused by low blood oxygen; they kept releasing her but are now holding her until my sister arrives, at least. We are going to have to convince her to go on hospice care; I'm fairly positive they are not going to grant her more chemo treatments but she's under the delusion that they will. I've nothing against chemo in theory and it certainly has extended her life; she's lived 2 years longer than anyone expected, but it's clearly time to stop now, it's stopped working against her cancer which is spreading. I'll be heading to south dakota over the weekend and spending what I fully expect to be 2-3 weeks of hell trying to sort out what's next.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 15:30 (one year ago) link
first of all, brimstead, I am so very sorry to hear about your situation, and send my best. same for akm and jimbeaux.
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 15:33 (one year ago) link
I guess there was no second of all, sorry about that.
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 15:34 (one year ago) link
sending love and strength to you all!
― Goose Bigelow, Fowl Gigolo (the table is the table), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 16:49 (one year ago) link
re: books on dying, many many years ago I read Sogyal Rinpoche's The Book of Living and Dying. I had flirted with buddhism at the time, didn't commit to it as a practice, but I don't think you need to to find much of this book very comforting. Much of it has stayed with me and I'm likely going to read it again soon.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 16:56 (one year ago) link
Having watched the most recent John Oliver episode my biggest current worry with my mom is that I think she owns a timeshare in Mexico that I might get saddled with when she dies. (If that turns out to be the case, I will fly down there and set the building on fire and see whether that resolves the issue.)
― but also fuck you (unperson), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 18:29 (one year ago) link
and make Mexico pay for it?
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 18:35 (one year ago) link
(jokes 7 years past expiry-date!)
I lolled
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 18:39 (one year ago) link
Didn't know about xpost Digging Out, thanks! A very illuminating study-saga that quincie and Elvis Telecom recommended, on this very thread, I think, is Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things, by pioneering researchers-therapists Gail Steketee (quincie's professor) and Randy Frost. I'm a bit leery of hoarding bools about hoarding (why they say they've stopped giving print-out sheets in workshops), so haven't checked their others yet---but Digging Out looks good...
― dow, Tuesday, 21 March 2023 19:05 (one year ago) link
Oh yeah i read STUFF back when it came out, again a few years later. It's good for understanding hoarding and its many facets. Digging Out is specifically aimed at family members trying to deal with loved ones who are exhibiting hoarding behaviors. They're both good!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 19:31 (one year ago) link
thanks, that looks super helpful. sending best wishes to akm and jimbeauxthis really sucks.
― brimstead, Tuesday, 21 March 2023 19:42 (one year ago) link
Got mom to acquiesce to home hospice since it's clear there is nothing more they can do. Not entirely sure she's fully aware of what this means, since as of earlier this morning she was telling my sister she thought God would cure her if she got more chemo. Not entirely sure how all of this will go; I'm heading there on Sunday, which is probably about when they'll send her home. I'm hoping she goes fast, the hospice nurses only come 3x a week apparently. We can't really afford to pay for any additional carers.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Thursday, 23 March 2023 21:38 (one year ago) link
I am so sorry, akm.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 23 March 2023 21:39 (one year ago) link
I'm so very sorry, akm :(
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Thursday, 23 March 2023 21:45 (one year ago) link
thanks everyoone.
the weird thing about home hospice is it seems to be a nod-and-wink euthanasia , which I am not morally opposed to, but the vague terms the medical establishment uses leave lots of room for interpretation. For instance, in the hospital notes, it says: "Daughter is updated that while she is with her mother in the hospital to get "hands-on" with medication for comfort". this is still in the hospital. what does this even mean? beats me.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Thursday, 23 March 2023 22:03 (one year ago) link
I think it's more stopping treatment of the various ailments and letting things take their course, which kind of accelerates the process. that's very much what my grandma's hospice was - mostly about keeping her comfortable and free of pain.
that note's a bit confusing in its wording but I think it's saying "she will be given medication to keep her comfortable on request and as needed".
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Thursday, 23 March 2023 22:07 (one year ago) link
When my mother-in-law was switched to hospice care, she was completely unconscious and died pretty much the next day. When my grandmother was, on the other hand, she lingered for a couple of weeks, with my mom basically keeping watch at her bedside all day every day. She was 99% gone, too, you couldn't talk to her or anything, but then she'd take a ragged gasping breath, scaring the shit out of my mom, and then lapse back into corpsehood. It wasn't a whole lot of fun. It sounds like your mom is still awake and aware of her surroundings, so I would say I hope it goes well, but... "well" in my experience translates to "unconscious patient, quick expiration," so... good luck.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Thursday, 23 March 2023 22:10 (one year ago) link
xps speaking as someone who had my FIL die at home w/us in hospice, the "comfort" part basically means "give them as much morphine as they want, it's ok now"
― obsidian crocogolem (sleeve), Thursday, 23 March 2023 22:45 (one year ago) link
I am so glad you got to this stage akm, wishing you an easy transition
my sister seems to think she will live another month, maybe two, which seems delusional to me. my mom did live much longer on chemo than originally thought, but she's about to have no medical interventions of any kind and we already suspect she had a heart attack a week ago on top of everything else.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Thursday, 23 March 2023 23:23 (one year ago) link
so sorry, akm <3
― brimstead, Thursday, 23 March 2023 23:47 (one year ago) link
i hope everything goes as well as it can, akm. i'm sorry things are like this.
― so amazing moments ever. . (cat), Friday, 24 March 2023 00:07 (one year ago) link
Wishing you and your family the best, akm
― Jeff Wright, Friday, 24 March 2023 02:53 (one year ago) link
Adding to the good wishes. I hope all can be peaceful as possible.
― Ned Raggett, Friday, 24 March 2023 03:51 (one year ago) link
dad's been pretty good for a while, but I guess I was naive regarding how facilities work with disabled people. dad has an echocardiogram today, and originally I was going to drop him and mom off, because I'm watching a virtual class, but I opted to stay as I had a bad feeling that they wouldn't be able to get him onto the bed for the test. Sure enough, they could not, and I had to go and move him and position him all myself. I guess they also might not want to due to liability reasons, whereas a hospital has no choice.
there are also two separate Adult daycares that refused to let my dad go there because he was (their words) "too big", saying they'd need two staff members to help get him onto and off the toilet, etc, and didn't have the staff available to devote two to him. He's 6'0, 175 pounds (far below his pre-disability weight of about 220), but he still has the same body shape from when he was bigger, so I think this is people making judgments purely off of the eyeball test.
meanwhile, I'm one person without training, I'm not swole, and I lift him and move him by myself daily with ease. even my tiny mother used to get him up by herself pre-lung cancer surgery! he pushes up with his feet, so all you have to do is use his momentum to keep carrying him upwards. it's somewhat annoying because adult day care would be good for him and us, but otoh, I don't think I trust him at a facility anymore so I'd rather him be with us during the day.
― Trout Fishing in America (Neanderthal), Friday, 7 April 2023 15:37 (one year ago) link
places definitely have what seem low weight limits on these things. We got 4 hours of homecare a day to help with my mom through hospice and they aren't supposed to life more than 25 pounds, which means if she needs to get up I'm the one who lifts her. She's about 90 pounds now and I'm a fucking weakling though I was working out daily for the past three months in anticipation of this.
She won't be getting up much going forward. We had about a week of pretty horrifying days on home hospice before I really got a sense of how this was going to go, which is: as soon as you can tell the codeine doesn't work, it's time to go to liquid morphine, and you will start increasing the dosage of that fairly liberally, you just have to call and let them know.
It's been hard to really get a handle on hospice, finding this relatively old article on the NYT helped quite a bit: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/27/health/27sedation.html?unlocked_article_code=PKwX6_hTGgCzXILV7iPhhcI3MqspqXpfBcmzbb4lOOLFCapiY7Ex7qYP5WF9OwSfdjVSlZvdU9mrRzyzyXQytLq6JvorajRbHFumxZlUFa34fNo0x0YFj7ciMBe5nXlnos0SKzx0Hto1AhCJrJOe6PoHqI1Rr_3I5edNIU2Daor0UnMky7Ezh59whCEz1DFns0WVWt5f2scLvlvVymkFDPThvMZR3Q75HRpRUO67sdeQPFDdsa_qn84Sc9esmdrYEaSO7gUpK2UqeHatnBKTxhvtzlL0XYeHirUzSTHjaJ7cHl5UnZXZ64ahMZmjN4-zHvZZ&smid=url-share
My mother doesn't express pain in a normal way; she starts folding and refolding kleenex, getting weird, hallucinating. The goal is to keep her sedated as much as possible with morphine and ativan. She takes a truckload of ativan; I take .5 in the morning myself daily these days, and she takes that much every 2-3 hours. Her blood oxygen and heart rate fluctuate wildly and are usually the best way for me to tell she's in distress because she will rarely vocalize it. She barely ate today and I have a sense she will not eat much more. She had one smoke break this morning and has not asked for more; nor has she asked for the coffee that she drinks almost 24 hours a day normally. I'm meant to fly home on Wednesday and my sister will take over if she hasn't died yet; but I'm not sure. On the one hand I miss my family and dogs but knowing I'd likely have to turn around and fly back here within days makes it not seem worth it.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Saturday, 8 April 2023 05:07 (one year ago) link
akmm wishing peace for your mom and strength and peace for you. And everyone else dealing with aging parents.
― This machine bores fascism (PBKR), Saturday, 8 April 2023 11:38 (one year ago) link
― This machine bores fascism (PBKR), Saturday, 8 April 2023 11:39 (one year ago) link
Co-sign. Sending you strength and warm vibes, akm
― Trout Fishing in America (Neanderthal), Saturday, 8 April 2023 13:36 (one year ago) link
Not actually a parental issue, but re aging disabled family members in general, and some stuff I may have to deal with and would like to understand better before it comes up---please read the following succinct initial narrative and then the latest update, which is what my questions will quote: https://www.gofundme.com/f/for-james-chance-and-judy-taylorSo,
...the mailman just assumed James had moved and stopped delivering his mail because it was piling up in his mailbox.
As a result of this, his Social Security Disability got cut off,
...his bank account had become dormant and they closed it.
― dow, Thursday, 20 April 2023 00:21 (one year ago) link
sorry for late response. it's possible that the time came up for re-review of his disability status, and they notified him via mail, and he didn't reply, causing his Social Security to be suspended? granted, they don't do these re-reviews often, but they do them periodically over the life of the disability.
― Cthulhu Diamond Phillips (Neanderthal), Saturday, 29 April 2023 03:34 (one year ago) link
Thanks Ne! Looked on the ssa site, somehow missed that. Stands to reason that they would check back at least once in a while.
― dow, Monday, 1 May 2023 03:36 (one year ago) link
Dad's headed to ER. choked a bit during dinner, as he has swallowing problems, seems to have possibly aspirated some food though and had a harder time clearing his airway. Temperature elevated and he's still making gurgling noises hours later.
Due to risk of pneumonia being precautious.
I'm ok. Had been a long time since last visit. We'll see what's what
― Qeq-hauau-ent-pehui (Neanderthal), Monday, 8 May 2023 02:43 (one year ago) link
Chest x ray didn't seem to show anything untoward, which is good. But high WBC which suggests an infection.
Waiting for results on that so he can get antibiotics.
His colons a mess (lol not shocking), possible impaction or colitis. Tbh kinda glad we brought him in to address that
Nothing earth shattering so far.
― Qeq-hauau-ent-pehui (Neanderthal), Monday, 8 May 2023 14:10 (one year ago) link
Hoping everything gets sorted out for him soon. Were you there with him all night?
― Jaq, Monday, 8 May 2023 16:55 (one year ago) link
Til 2:30 am. Went back this morning.
He's getting antibiotics and an IV but partly due to him moving his arm and their ineptitude, 70% of the time I've been there, his line has been occluded.
This last time they took 35 minutes to show up to fix it, flush it, and two minutes after nurse left, without dad doing anything, it became occluded again.
Gonna be done getting antibiotics in 2035 at this point
― Qeq-hauau-ent-pehui (Neanderthal), Monday, 8 May 2023 17:24 (one year ago) link
^all that got fixed yesterday, he's finished one course of antibiotics, onto the next. we couldn't be here early this morning because someone hit mom's car a few weeks ago and today was finally the day we had to drop her car off to be repaired at 10 am, so naturally that's when the doc came by.
he keeps cancelling dad's swallow study, but dad is making congested/throat clearing/gurgling noises he's never made before constantly so I asked the nurse to ask him why and he left three voicemails. fun. not letting them discharge him until they answer me that.
his last blood test shows he's clearly still fighting an infection, his WBCs are normal but his neutrophils are high, his RBC is low but could be because he didn't resume getting food until this morning. doc said he might un-cancel the GI consult he previously cancelled due to the drop, took blood again.
he looks miserable. it sucks. but not in immediate danger.
not COVID, they did a PCR on admission. and his oxygen levels are fine.
i love being work from home because I get to be here w/ him all day and still not have to burn wellness time.
― Qeq-hauau-ent-pehui (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 9 May 2023 17:06 (one year ago) link
alright, he's coming home. I talked to the doc, i'm ok with what he told me.
― Qeq-hauau-ent-pehui (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 9 May 2023 19:13 (one year ago) link
you know, the one thing that has kept me from having a complete and permanent breakdown has been the ability to occasionally take a break and do things for myself. The one thing I wanted...the only thing...was to take a trip this year. with my best friend. to a metal festival.
I planned this five months ago. Dates and everything, so we could work out the respite care. Although I was the person who got our medicaid approved, since approval, mom handled it last time and knows better how we set up the respite care. The last time around, we had to start it a day late as mom got the final form needed to the office too late, so I was adamant about us getting this done sooner this time around.
Mom assured me she'd taken all of the steps necessary, contacting the facility and the coordinator, but I kept asking about the form from last time and she kept saying she didn't remember doing that, and I kept reminding her to check. She promised to call during the week and didn't several times - I could not as I was working during their business hours, teaching a class. Finally she called them and sure enough, there was a form needed after all...as I'd been insisting all along. so I had to run out and print out the forms and we got them to them on Friday and dad's respite care was approved.
For a whopping day. today, they call back and say there's a balance left from the last respite care stay and that they can't accept him until that is dealt with. Apparently the Medicaid provider didn't pay them (so she claims - we have not seen a single bill from this place).
I was out all afternoon and had this all dumped on me when I walked in the door. so my first thought is to go on the medicaid provider website to look up the claim - nope, can't do that, mom somehow deleted the saved password from her Chromebook and has no recollection of what it is, and can't remember her security questions, so we're completely locked the fuck out unless we call and wait on hold a half hour.
Oh, but the admissions director gave mom her private number to talk to her with any questions! that'll help!
Nope, she lost that too. managed to write it down on a sheet of paper, not enter it into her phone, and leave it at the doctor's office she went to today.
I am now spending the entire evening trying to solve this on my own despite having two of the things I need to fix this being unavailable. I know my mother is under a lot of stress too but I had a vacation planned, one that I've sunk over $500 on as has my friend. I can't get a refund...I don't want one either. I need this! I haven't had a vacation in three years. Even my mother got one last year when dad was put in respite care (my brother and I visited him to keep him company).
if this falls through...I have no earthly fucking idea how the hell I'm going to go on this trip. as it is, I may have to pay the due balance by credit card (which, btw, I only have one left with any credit on it, because I'm in debt relief). or work out some kind of plan where I pay for a nurse to come in the morning and night for five days, which will cost me frankly as much as the vacation will. or have mom leave dad in bed all day and have my brother come over every now and then to help get him up. Mom was supposed to go out of town too, so there's also that.
i'm about to have a complete panic attack right now. it's so fucking unfair because I did everything right, communicated the dates months in advance, and she still managed to drop the ball. had we gotten the form to them weeks ago, we'd have found out the billing thing weeks ago.
this was literally the one thing....the only thing I said could not be screwed up. any other plan I make throughout the year, whatever..shit happens. but the one bit of relief I've been seeking for three years and now it's in jeopardy.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Monday, 22 May 2023 23:18 (one year ago) link
Wednesday is the day we were supposed to drop him off. so my tomorrow is ruined now too. first two days of my vacation and they're going 'wonderfully'
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Monday, 22 May 2023 23:19 (one year ago) link
before anybody invariably asks me why I didn't just take charge myself if this was so important to me, well...I handled the entire Medicaid application, which stretched over 2+ years. it was a bear. I spent hours upon hours of my time filling out the lengthy application, and revising it two years later when we finally came off the wait list. also responding to follow-ups, scanning and faxing tons of requested documents, and then putting in hours of written escalation when we were improperly denied because the fucking idiot at the Area Agency for Aging claimed we never sent him the documents which we sent him three times (and I had the receipts to prove). like once it got approved, it felt like a miracle, and everything was supposed to be simple after that.
mom handled the respite care issue mostly without issue last time, the only problem was taking too long to get the final paperwork dropped off, and I felt like it'd be easier for her to handle since she had last time and I had no idea how to initiate the process. I assumed learning what we knew last time and notifying the respite care place earlier than last time that we'd be ok. didn't start to notice the cracks until we were weeks out.
welp, going to take a sleep aid and go to bed tonight so tomorrow can get here faster and I can hopefully fix this.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Monday, 22 May 2023 23:39 (one year ago) link
hope things fall into place swiftly and easily for you. and if they do not, that you can find the patience and strength to persevere until it's all settled and moving in the right direction again.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Tuesday, 23 May 2023 04:39 (one year ago) link
Good god what a fucking disaster Neando, that is so unfair and a very crappy outcome for avoidable issues you tried to push people to avert well in advance. I hope it's due to not really comprehending how this would impact on you, and a series of slips and errors that you're unfortunately forced to cover because nobody else has been able to. "The buck stops here" indeed.On the plus side of the ledger I have been giving my folks extra support this last few weeks with some cancer scares etc. but yesterday my dad came up clear and that's taken the issue off the agenda for now. I suppose at 79 something will turn out to be serious sooner or later but not today, not today.
― assert (matttkkkk), Tuesday, 23 May 2023 04:48 (one year ago) link
it's a hard thing to admit that there can be a self-centeredness to the very old that makes dealing with them exceptionally difficult. My mother was always a very conscientious person until suddenly she was not. She seemed to have no capacity to understand that her desire to (do whatever) was an extreme inconvenience for her and everyone around her.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Tuesday, 23 May 2023 06:32 (one year ago) link
I'm completely embarrassed about my posts from last night.
The issue was resolved but I was basically just having a panic attack.
Going to spend a few days offline and enjoying my vacation, just wanted to let everyone know I have since come down from the stratosphere
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 23 May 2023 23:37 (one year ago) link
Glad it worked out for you. Have some goddamn fun for a change.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Tuesday, 23 May 2023 23:45 (one year ago) link
― broken breakbeat (sleeve), Wednesday, 24 May 2023 00:54 (one year ago) link
he's been out of respite care three days and it's clear they fucked up his care badly. my brother visited most all of the days but not all day and when we got him out, he could barely stand, seemed very weak. his doctor today said he needs an IV. they failed to keep him hydrated.
so yet another work-day interrupted mid-day and now lifting him requires extra upper body strength because he is so weakened.
they couldn't get a vein at his doctor so now we're taking him to urgent care and it just started pouring rain. he looks so miserable.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Thursday, 1 June 2023 17:40 (one year ago) link
My mother in law has developed severe dementia--they think it's Lewy-Body. Tragic in that the decline has come on fast and strong; she's 77 and is now incapable of taking care of herself. We need to move her close by, but she needs 24/7 care. What makes this even more difficult is that she has always been a difficult person, a fairly classic narcissist. I'm quite torn about this situation, but am following my wife's lead, since it's her mother, and her attitude is basically that she can't let her mother die in her own filth, no matter how problematic their relationship has been.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 1 June 2023 18:18 (one year ago) link
Lewy-Body is pretty bad, so sorry.
― The Original Human Beat Surrender (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 1 June 2023 18:20 (one year ago) link
Thanks. Yeah, I didn't know much (or anything) about it until my mother in law developed it.
I do feel for her on a basic human level. This is someone who lived by her mind all her adult life--she was a gifted academic--and is now incapable of holding a thought for more than a few minutes.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 1 June 2023 18:25 (one year ago) link
I think a brutal disease like that would make me feel sorry for almost anybody who got it (a few evil fucks non-withstanding).
definitely understand the difficult position both you and your wife are in, wishing you both the best.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Thursday, 1 June 2023 21:14 (one year ago) link
Please forgive me if this is trying too hard to relate or some kind of oversharing but a little while back my kid’s piano teacher told me that a friend of his was dying and had LBD and he asked me if I knew what it was. He then explained something about it and told me it was what Robin Williams had at the time he died which caused him various mental problems that then led to what transpired. So yeah, my sympathies.
― The Original Human Beat Surrender (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 1 June 2023 23:56 (one year ago) link
Nothing to forgive, I appreciate your sharing. I didn't know that, or maybe had forgotten it, about Robin Williams until my mother in law was diagnosed. One of its characteristics is earlier onset than is typical with, e.g., Alzheimers.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 2 June 2023 00:04 (one year ago) link
My mother had dementia. For a while it was kind of fun to try to help her complete her sentences when she was still cheerful. A friend of mine had described this kind of interaction to me many years ago. She stayed cheerful for a long time as her vocabulary kept shrinking until she only knew a few choice words. At the very end she couldn’t talk at all, seemed generally fearful, didn’t recognize me or my kids and didn’t seem to know who anyone was except maybe my father and would get very disturbed if he left her alone for too long. All this kind of stuff didn’t bother me that much at the time as if my extra Vulcan eyelid protected me somehow. Plus my sister was the one dealing with most of it. Of course there was plenty of stuff to sort out during the subsequent grieving process. A friend of mine lost his mother recently and I told him that I experienced the aftermath as some sort of rolling blackout, where sometimes I didn’t know what was ailing me and had no way to articulate it, but it felt like something was happening way down inside in some subterranean river that I had no way to access directly. I am a bit surprised I am typing about it now, maybe it’s because it’s pretty much eleven months ago as of this month.
― The Original Human Beat Surrender (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 2 June 2023 00:19 (one year ago) link
That made me choke up. Thanks for sharing, JRB.
I am really, really hoping that my soon-to-be-80-year-old mother does not go through this. There is no family history, as far as I know. I am pretty convinced that she'll just go until her motor winds down completely, from one day to the next. With any luck (for her), she'll go in her sleep or on the golf course.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 2 June 2023 00:25 (one year ago) link
my mom will turn 80 in august. until four months ago, the big problem was 'how can i get her out of her house'? fortunately (honestly) she had a crisis in february and is now in a home that offers memory care
needless to say, she hasn't really paid any bills recently, so that's a struggle. she does at least (presumably) have the money to do so.
sometimes she's a bit sad that she's not ever going to go back to her house, but honestly she's been so friendly to the people who take care of her, and so loving to me, who is not dealing with all this particularly well, that it makes me cry.
for the last year or so she (who has multiple masters degrees) has just been reading harry potter again and again. she'll say that she's read them before, but that it was a long time ago. i went to some lengths to put like a hundred similar books on her kindle -- narnia, the dark is rising, whatever -- but inevitably they've 'disappeared' and she cannot find them.
i haven't read them, but i guess there are worse worlds to get stuck in than harry potter? certainly there's quite a lot of it.
anyway yeah, it's bad. and i feel like i'm failing her
― mookieproof, Friday, 2 June 2023 01:33 (one year ago) link
I don't know if it's appropriate but my workplace offers a free online course in understanding dementia - it's aimed at anyone interested, but particularly people who care for folks who have dementia. There's helpful knowledge about care and causes, etc., and it also offers a sense of community which can be a huge deal for people feeling isolated. Something like half a million people have done it and it's very highly regarded. It's offered a few times a year and the next run begins in July:https://mooc.utas.edu.au/course/33
― assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 2 June 2023 01:55 (one year ago) link
Dementia is the worst. I really don't want my son to go through this with me, I fear that a lot more than death, in fact I'd welcome death rather than years of dementia. My Dad had a very slow decline into dementia that went on for about a dozen years before he finally died a couple of years ago. It was hellish to watch. He too was an academic and a professor of medicine and to watch his mental abilities just fall away like that was beyond sad - my Mum refusing to acknowledge what was happening didn't help either. It was probably a lot worse for us than for him though. He never had insight into what was happening to him, and while there was an early period when he was clearly confused and anxious, once dementia took fully hold, he was fairly serene and placid with it. Not the case with all dementia patients I know - when I visited Dad at his residential care, there were a lot of very troubled and even violent dementia patients there. Anyway, fuck dementia, and my sympathies for everyone going through it with their loved ones.
― Zelda Zonk, Friday, 2 June 2023 02:01 (one year ago) link
Dementia is one of my biggest fears; it's right at the top of my "reasons to pull the rip cord without hesitation" list.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Friday, 2 June 2023 03:24 (one year ago) link
i feel like i'm failing her
This killed me. I can completely identify with this feeling, and I am completely confident that you are not failing her. Her illness is not your fault, and it sounds as though you are there for her, which is all any of us can really do.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 2 June 2023 03:28 (one year ago) link
my mom died last month, we did home hospice as I hinted at above, I'm not sure at what point I'll be able to completely process what that experience was like. suffice it to say I swore to my wife and child that I would never do that to them.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 2 June 2023 03:31 (one year ago) link
I'm so sorry for your loss.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 2 June 2023 03:32 (one year ago) link
xps one thing you might get from the online course is insight to the way people live good lives with dementia - you can't avoid the effects or progression of most of the diseases which cause it, but there are ways to live and interact which maximise the good things and work around the bad. I'm no Pollyanna, and dementia is a fucker in general, but there is a lot of stigma and fear around it which is often very isolating for the people who have it, and for their families and carers. People shy away, stop coming around, break contact - and that can have an even greater effect on quality of life than the disease does.Not trying to preach, just to say there's likely more to it than you've previously encountered or heard about.
― assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 2 June 2023 04:31 (one year ago) link
for anybody who struggles w/ the feeling of falling short w/ your ailing parents, which I very much empathize with, my mother kinda hit it on the head the other day after I apologized to dad for the umpteenth time when he moaned in pain when I was lifting him.
she pointed out the pain is going to be there no matter what we do, we ourselves can't make it go away, but that we should go easy on ourselves because we are doing our best. and especially for those itt who have made numerous life sacrifices to do it - you're giving everything you have to your parent. they might not be able to appreciate it, communicate it or comprehend it. but you're doing an incredible thing.
you'll screw up sometimes. you'll lose patience. and sometimes you'll not be able to stop yourself from feeling guilty - but it's good every now and then to remind yourself "I'm doing my best for the person I love" and just keep on loving them.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Friday, 2 June 2023 13:32 (one year ago) link
I have no firsthand experience with dementia so I'll defer to the experts above but my heart goes out to everyone who has lived with or is currently living w/ a parent or loved one with dementia. it's one of life's cruelest hands.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Friday, 2 June 2023 13:33 (one year ago) link
Back to the hospital for dad. He's been a changed man (and not in a good way) since he got back from Respite and it hasn't improved.
His legs and knees are still really stiff and he doesn't want to extend them. He became so dehydrated on Thursday that we had to get him an IV . They suspected a UTI but told us to call if he worsened and needed an antibiotic before the results came back.
Yesterday he developed a 101 fever and was disoriented, so we got the antibiotic script and let him rest. His fever seems to be going down but he's been somewhat catatonic, not reacting to those around him, not wanting to eat or drink on his own without help.
And then tonight he had the worst diarrhea he's ever had in history. Literally got everywhere, we spent 90 minutes cleaning him up.
His mobility completely changed in one mere week.
With all these concurrent worries, we want to see if we're missing something here.
If something turns up to indicate maltreatment at respite care on his diagnosis, I'm going to file a complaint. I am convinced he injured himself and they hid it. Especially given the way he was positioned when we picked him up.
Mom and I are ok though. Looking into palliative care and pending results of ER visit, we are applying for more hours for Medicaid - process already started.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Sunday, 4 June 2023 23:06 (one year ago) link
At hospital. Took him to a different one this time. Took him to the one that successfully took out my mom's lung cancer.
*Palms up*
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Monday, 5 June 2023 00:58 (one year ago) link
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Monday, 5 June 2023 03:20 (one year ago) link
That's never good. Sorry you're going through all this, Neanderthal. Your devotion is pretty amazing.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Monday, 5 June 2023 12:51 (one year ago) link
he's better. I'm losing my voice. antibiotics zapped out my sinus infection but unfortunately the post nasal drip and residual congestion gutted my throat. it happens all the time...going to ENT to see about fixing my deviated septum.
can't wait for him to get food. we were just about to feed him dinner yesterday after getting him rehydrated when we realized he needed to be seen.
I am working overtime to fight the guilt. I keep making and breaking promises to him, not out of fault but first it was "as soon as respite care ends, you'll be back with us and we'll be having good times together again", so he comes home and he's miserable, so we take him to get an IV and "I"m sorry dad, I know this sucks, but once you get this you'll feel like yourself again", then fever/UTI and we get him an antibiotic and "sorry dad, but you'll feel as good as new after getting this antibiotic", and then now he's at the hospital and it's "we're sorry we brought you here, but you'll be good as new again". I know how it is coming across to him :(
worse, the rehab folk here suggested that we might be able to send him to a temp rehab facility and my dad looked shellshocked. we are not interessted in doing that at all (we've done it - it doesn't provide lasting benefits for a guy as beat up as dad at this point), but if we did that, he'd be devastated.
I am trying to work out of this hospital and had to cancel a meeting due to frequent interruptions. my mother is hours late to relieve me.
but I'm feeling good. i don't know how my brain works sometimes.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Monday, 5 June 2023 16:50 (one year ago) link
just got a nosebleedmom can barely walk due to a strange knee malady that cropped up last week (I've begged her to use dad's cane temporarily as she's almost fallen a few times)none of us can really be at the hospital long tomorrow due to work or appointments. I'm trying to avoid missing more work due to this as I don't want to give my company an excuse to say I'm no longer able to do the job, but also...I'm supposed to get OT this week and need it (badly).
fun times. but we'll manage.
I WOULD teach from the hospital if there was anywhere I could work quietly and weren't any doctors to disturb me. I may even try it tomorrow and just go to the business area and come back up stairs at random times
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Monday, 5 June 2023 19:28 (one year ago) link
just got a nosebleedmom can barely walk due to a strange knee malady that cropped up last week (I've begged her to use dad's cane temporarily as she's almost fallen a few times)none of us can really be at the hospital long tomorrow due to work or appointments. I'm trying to avoid missing more work due to this as I don't want to give my company an excuse to say I'm no longer able to do the job, but also...I'm supposed to get OT this week and need it (badly).fun times. but we'll manage.I WOULD teach from the hospital if there was anywhere I could work quietly and weren't any doctors to disturb me. I may even try it tomorrow and just go to the business area and come back up stairs at random times
― BlackIronPrison, Monday, 5 June 2023 23:59 (one year ago) link
Speaking of falls, I recently came across foot specialist's advocacy of stability sneakers, said especially good with overpronation, where the foot turns inward, overdoing a natural attempt to maintain balance. Apparently they can be found in runner stores.
― dow, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 17:42 (one year ago) link
dad's UTI and constipation are gone. they recommended skilled nursing (the physical therapists). Aetna Medicare initially denied it because they said my dad is at his baseline and it won't help (he's not even remotely at his baseline, which is why we brought him the fuck in).
so...in an amazing coincidence, one of my good friends works in this hospital and got my dad's case. no idea she even worked here. she called and filled me in, and said they were going to do a peer to peer call to push through authorization. then today, called me angry saying the physician responsible for that call opted to miss it, disagreeing with the physical therapists and thinking there's no benefit. so she escalated.
so now I'm spending my Friday calling Aetna to file an expedited appeal while my dad sits in limbo over the weekend.
we're starting the convo about permanent long-term care for dad, though admittedly I don't think mom realizes how that would impact her financially. and also, lots of those facilities around here are shitholes. but the hospital said I'm going to kill myself physically if I keep doing total disability care for dad (I think that's dramatic - at the moment at least, the mental strain is much more than the physical, which is what they were talking about).
I'm not mad because I assume incompetence so I fully expected this fuck up today. I am however annoyed because I want to take a shower and I smell at the moment.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Friday, 9 June 2023 21:52 (one year ago) link
a) mental health affects physical health and b) this is probably something they say bcz a lot of non-patients are more prepared to take advice about their physical health
great to hear you have some kind of advocate on the inside.
― serving bundt (sic), Saturday, 10 June 2023 01:19 (one year ago) link
Heh yes that's probably true.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Saturday, 10 June 2023 01:42 (one year ago) link
Is it possible/feasible to get permanent long-term care at home?Agree w sic re mental-physical.
― dow, Sunday, 11 June 2023 23:10 (one year ago) link
long term home care is exceptionally expensive and medicare part b does not really cover much if anything in that regard in the US. Long term care is a huge horrible hole in coverage for the elderly in this country.
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Sunday, 11 June 2023 23:11 (one year ago) link
I know Medicare per se doesn't cover, wondering about Medicare Advantage and other supplemental plans, since he mentioned Aetna---not imagining it would cover all, but maybe a percentage. Still, even with the family covering all costs, mainly the wages of qualified caretakers (though offset by family members providing some care) seems like it would be more affordable than in a facility---?
― dow, Sunday, 11 June 2023 23:34 (one year ago) link
There is such a thing as Long Term Care insurance. My wife and I took out policies when we were in our mid-to-late 50s. Sad to say, initiating such insurance when you are in rapidly failing health is not possible. Also, many companies that used to offer it no longer do because their initial actuarial projections were inaccurate and they backed off from taking any further risk.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Sunday, 11 June 2023 23:43 (one year ago) link
More than likely we would do the form of LTC where he forfeits his Social Security and gets admitted to a facility.
But you always get the shit facilities then
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Sunday, 11 June 2023 23:46 (one year ago) link
working out of the hospital today as I didn't want to miss a visit from physical therapist. next to impossible to get anything done between mom's constant interruptions with questions, and people coming in.
Aetna Medicare are a bunch of useless dipshits, but I knew they would be. this morning I had to fax in a form 1696 for CMS.gov to act as dad's representative, and not surprisingly, after a lot of effort on my part, they claim they don't have it. which really means they probably use a shitty electronic fax service and that the faxes have to be manually indexed to individual accounts and it takes 24 hours or so (why? because my call center does that too, except THERE'S A WAY TO LOOK UP SAME DAY FAXES, if you're not lazy).
so I had to point out "this is an expedited appeal and you are going to hold this process up due to your antiquated fax technology? I sent it to the EXPEDITED APPEAL number! I even checked it three times and got a confirmation it sent."
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Monday, 12 June 2023 19:42 (one year ago) link
they got my fax, and appeal is in progress, will have final decision made by Thursday.
we found out there's a way to get Long Term Care for dad without him forfeiting his social security - a program we had no idea existed that protects the spouse in those instances. however, we don't want to send him to an outright shithole, so we're looking into options. we think it might finally be time.
what I really *didn't* need this week is a new assignment at work that I got no time to prepare for. now working on certifying 4 instructors at a partner location, which I had only yesterday to prepare for, while I was also trying to navigate dad's care at the hospital AND finishing work I couldn't finish last week because they triple booked me.
I've never done certification before (and I'm fairly sure as usual, they incorrectly misremembered that I had and thought it'd be nbd), and we've never done it at this location before, so the process is very loose. The certification was going well and everybody was excited, and then with about an hour to go, everybody kind of switched off, I started getting a lot of techie questions rapid fire that I couldn't answer, and the demeanor changed. now I'm sitting here worried that I did something to put them off (it's probably NOT that but I have OCD/anxiety so) and that they're going to go running to my boss tonight about how ill-prepared I was (which tbh I wasn't really, half of this certification was them listening to training).
i get the impression they aren't huge fans of how this is structured but I didn't design the certification process and frankly think it's really stupid.
i just need a decision to be made on dad's goddamn skilled nursing care because it's stressing me out every day it's in limbo. we'll know by Thursday morning. yippee.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 13 June 2023 21:48 (one year ago) link
rooting for ya dude
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Tuesday, 13 June 2023 21:50 (one year ago) link
same, Neando.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Tuesday, 13 June 2023 21:51 (one year ago) link
thanks buddies.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 13 June 2023 21:54 (one year ago) link
his appeal was approved :)
skilled nursing for a few weeks which buys us time to think about next options if he doesn't improve back to his previous baseline. I don't think the LTC option would be a quick approval so he probably will have to come home.
in the meantime, the facility is less than 10 minutes away from us, making visits a lot easier (hospital is 30 away)
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 15:51 (one year ago) link
great news for now.
― serving bundt (sic), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 16:20 (one year ago) link
yep yep!
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 16:33 (one year ago) link
Sad update: my dad passed toward the end of May. It was inevitable obviously and I felt peace knowing he was finally at peace. I have a lot of things to say about this but nothing I am willing to share on a public message board.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 16:36 (one year ago) link
aw I'm very sorry to hear that, and no need to expand further beyond what you're comfortable with.
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 16:37 (one year ago) link
thank you. the service will be later this summer, looming over my head and sucking up all the air in the room until then.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 16:45 (one year ago) link
So sorry to hear that, LL. You have my deepest condolences.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 17:22 (one year ago) link
My condolences, LL. It's always hard to lose those we love.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 17:32 (one year ago) link
my condolences, LL.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 18:35 (one year ago) link
I know Medicare per se doesn't cover, wondering about Medicare Advantage and other supplemental plans
that's what I meant by medicare part b actually
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 18:42 (one year ago) link
Sorry for your loss, LL.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 18:45 (one year ago) link
― CeeLô Borges (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 18:48 (one year ago) link
Sending heartfelt condolences, LL. May his memory always be a blessing.
― Jaq, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 20:23 (one year ago) link
Yes, totally feeling relating to your whole post, LL, my condolences as well.
― dow, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 21:50 (one year ago) link
thanks folks. father's day has typically been fraught for me and this one feels extra hard. I am trying to remember that i have ok days as well as bad days and to give myself the freedom to feel how i feel.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 23:24 (one year ago) link
so sorry, LL, best wishes to you and yours
― brimstead, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 23:25 (one year ago) link
Hope you get to feel from peace soon.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 23:26 (one year ago) link
father's day has typically been fraught for me and this one feels extra hard.
you're not alone. several of the worst days of my entire life fell on father's day. this will be my first one since my daughter died. not sure how I'll be feeling tbh.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 14 June 2023 23:33 (one year ago) link
O shit Aimless, did not know about that! So sorry.
― dow, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 23:38 (one year ago) link
I remember hearing you talk about your daughter Aimless, and very sorry you have to go through that this year :(
― the manwich horror (Neanderthal), Thursday, 15 June 2023 19:56 (one year ago) link
dad has pneumonia. because of course he does. and he probably had it for days and the hospital didn't notice as they were just waiting for approval to transfer him and not checking for these things.
already on antibiotics. this skilled nursing place is on it.
My mom went on a river cruise in Germany and Austria this week and didn't catch Covid, so that's good news. She'll be home tomorrow.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Thursday, 15 June 2023 20:01 (one year ago) link
Sent this article about late-night TV animal guy Jack Hanna, who now has Alzheimer's, to my mom, because Hanna apparently lives in the town I moved to back in March. She replied telling me that there's a history of Alzheimer's in the family — her grandfather and her uncle both had it. But no sign of it in her, yet, so that's good.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Thursday, 22 June 2023 18:57 (one year ago) link
so Aetna wants to basically release dad from the skilled nursing facility. we're appealing but we're starting the application for ICP (Institutional Care Program) to put him in a facility full-time.
it's sad but it's time. we are overmatched caring for him here, and mom and I took both emotional and physical tolls over the last three years that I don't think we're able to sustain.
the place he's at now, which we like, also has a bed available, but I don't know how long this application process will take.
I'm dealing with the usual feeling guilty for doing it as I promised dad when he went to the hospital three weeks ago he'd be back with us in no time. but then I remember the ugly moment two months ago when both mom and I, physically and emotionally at a breaking point, screamed at each other and know that this would likely happen again, esp since he's in a diminished state and has lost a lot of weight.
guilt doesn't help anybody and we have visited him every day for the last three weeks (all three of us, brother included), and we shower him with love.
― sad Mings of dynasty (Neanderthal), Friday, 23 June 2023 15:43 (one year ago) link
Jesus, man. Hang in there. You're doing heroic work.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 23 June 2023 18:16 (one year ago) link
I understand the guilt. Your dad deserves the best, most loving care. But that can't alter the fact that you and your mom can't deliver that standard of care by yourselves without doing yourselves serious mental and physical harm. Which is not an outcome that helps any of you. Sometimes painful choices are the only ones available and you need to go with the least harmful, knowing in advance whatever you do will have painful consequences. What you're choosing for him is still a pure reflection of your love for your dad, even though it doesn't feel like it because we like to think that love isn't supposed to hurt that much.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 23 June 2023 18:56 (one year ago) link
Absolutely agree, Aimless. We just got my mother-in-law moved to a care facility. There is no way any of us can care for her, it's beyond our capabilities. To acknowledge that is not weakness, it's compassion.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 23 June 2023 20:40 (one year ago) link
lucked out, the application is pretty much identical to the one we got approved for, so I filled it out much the same way with updated details, and it is now submitted. hoping that we can keep him where he's at as they've done a wonderful job w/ him at the new place.
― sad Mings of dynasty (Neanderthal), Friday, 23 June 2023 23:15 (one year ago) link
here's hoping it resolves rapidly and for the best
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 23 June 2023 23:22 (one year ago) link
so naturally my brother is trying to push back on this idea. It took every bit of restraint for me not to write back "So glad you are comfortable telling us how dad should be cared for when it's not you that has to fucking do it - go on and tell Mom and I what we should be doing different, then, while you live your life unimpeded!"
but I didn't, and this morning I wrote a much calmer but long message basically telling him that Mom and I have been in over our heads for a while and it's caused us physical and mental strain, and that it's far better for him to be in a place with equipment and trained professionals rather than two civilians who barely know what they're doing.
everybody has been suggesting institutional care and we've dismissed it simply because we didn't think we could afford it, and now we realize we can thanks to the Community Spouse provision of ICP.
I had this chat w/ him mostly because I don't want him getting mom mega upset today when they talk, as I'm going out of town for the day and won't be here to jump in and tell him to fuck off. she already broke down crying on Wednesday as she thinks dad doesn't know who we are anymore (I don't think that's the case, but I can understand why she thinks that - he's non-responsive lately).
mom and I agreed anyway that our bro's opinion on this gets significantly less weight than ours because he's not actively participating in the care. that was my stipulation from day 1 - he deserves to be included on what we're doing, but he doesn't get to override our decision (and technically it's mom's decision as his POA)
― sad Mings of dynasty (Neanderthal), Saturday, 24 June 2023 13:39 (one year ago) link
Kepro denied our appeal. Reconsideration request sent, which is end of the line.
which means if denied paying for room and board at this skilled nursing facility falls to us come Monday. sigh. of course this latest development happens as I get ready to see the Misfits.
i'm just gonna forget about it and enjoy myself as I've done all I can do tonight.
― sad Mings of dynasty (Neanderthal), Saturday, 24 June 2023 20:49 (one year ago) link
Should keep him LTC as “Medicaid Pending.”
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Sunday, 25 June 2023 06:23 (one year ago) link
That's what I was wondering because I had read that!
That's what mom and I are gonna figure out today.
Thanks Quincie
― sad Mings of dynasty (Neanderthal), Sunday, 25 June 2023 12:11 (one year ago) link
we're visiting today to make them aware he's now Medicaid-Pending (Access Florida has received teh application and has it officially as pending).
thanking the lord this is a much easier process than the LTC application/wait list process.
― sad Mings of dynasty (Neanderthal), Monday, 26 June 2023 14:20 (one year ago) link
ICP vs LTC, so many acronyms, so confusing
facility is helping us w/ the application. I had alraedy submitted it but of course they ask you for a sea of supporting documentation. which we seem to have already gathered! thankfully we kept it all together after last time.
my mom naturally neglected to tell me she had a CD account AND gave me the wrong info on her life insurance as having no cash value, but fortunately the combined assets are well below the limits.
last time we applied they picked up on all of the Zelle payments I sent my mother thinking it was income but I pointed out to them that this isn't 'income' this was me sending money for rent/bills that mom pays and they said that was ok.
― sad Mings of dynasty (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 27 June 2023 13:58 (one year ago) link
One year out from my mother’s passing and still plenty to think about. That’s all I will say.
― Looking For Mr. Goodreads (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 4 July 2023 04:04 (one year ago) link
i always just assumed if anyone came to live with me it would have been my mom and not what i have now which is my dad because mom lived right and my dad lives on candy, lemon soda, and cereal and has never ever exercised. and i can't help but think about what it would have been like the other way around. my mom got the alzheimer's and had to go live in a facility after she started visiting the neighbors late at night and my dad is 88 and still lives on candy and lemon soda and cereal. he's got god and the people in his family like his mom who lived to be 100+ on his side. and i'll tell you what it would have been like the other way around. if my mom lived with me my kitchen would be IMMACULATE every day. so, that's my WHAT IF. and i love my dad but my dad...and this is no exaggeration...doesn't know how to do ANYTHING. i don't think...and again this is not hyperbole...i don't think my dad has EVER made a pot of coffee. for real. i don't think he knows how to do it. my mom did it and then when she couldn't do it he would go to the convenience store or the coffee shop. i don't think i have ever seen my father do dishes. i have never seen him cut a vegetable in my life. he has never cooked a meal in his life. unless heating a can of ravioli on the stove counts. he basically lived at home until he got married and he never lifted a finger at his childhood home and only did stuff in a disgruntled boy way if my mom yelled at him long enough. he would mow the lawn. trim the hedges. he DOES know how to eat candy and read the Wall Street Journal and watch Blue Bloods though. And read crime novels. He is very good at these things. he worked a lot. that's his excuse. i don't know what his excuse is for the last 20 years. i didn't see him much when i was a kid. he travelled a lot. my mom did EVERYTHING. which, in the end, is why he lives with us. him at home alone was a sad sight and only getting sadder. he never taught me how to do anything. But he did give me my love of jazz. so, all is good.
― scott seward, Wednesday, 5 July 2023 16:32 (one year ago) link
was that too mean? just felt like venting. this is a support group, right?
beth parker started this thread!! that's how old it is. i love beth. i hope to see her someday soon. maria saw her not long ago.
― scott seward, Wednesday, 5 July 2023 16:33 (one year ago) link
ya dude vent away.
― FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 5 July 2023 18:34 (one year ago) link
my mom for the first time ever was "watching the kids" while i worked, since i am alone with them for a bit. it took less than an hour for them to literally almost kill her. my best guess is they accidentally ran into her while she was getting some water and bowled her over. she's not been in the best shape since surviving a stroke and the kids are supposed to know the "rules" about playing with grandma (no jumping on her, don't ask to play tag etc). but having to *firmly* remind them of her limitations while she was in earshot kinda felt crappy... but man when i came down the steps and saw her on her side in the hallway, soaked, with my three year old on top of her screaming like a banshee i thought she was fucking dead. i was literally dialling 911 when she waved me off insisting she was fine.
― FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 5 July 2023 18:56 (one year ago) link
― scott seward, Wednesday, 5 July 2023 18:59 (one year ago) link
it felt good to vent. i do love my dad. i like having him with us! i like feeding him. he has eaten more salad in a year than he has probably ever eaten. he still gets his candy and soda in but we sneak food in there somehow. i try to be patient. we have laughed a lot. we have watched a lot of american football. we both miss my mom.
― scott seward, Thursday, 6 July 2023 05:14 (one year ago) link
kinda prosaic, but i beg you all to try to secure as many of their websites/accounts/passwords as you can while you can. especially the email stuff, of course. trying to get access to shit like credit cards/gmail/amazon without it is a fucking nightmare
― mookieproof, Thursday, 20 July 2023 00:01 (one year ago) link
Scott, we ran into a lot of similar issues when my Dad passed away and my (pre-dementia) Mom had to suddenly start trying to make sense of monthly financial statements, talking to people at the bank, and learning to hang up on callers who began with 'we believe your Windows OS has been compromised. . .' Most people my age (62) and younger have lived alone at some point and thus have a little experience in all parts of running a household, but like your folks my parents went right from their parents' home at 22 (Dad) and 19 (Mom) into the marriage, at which point the traditional division-of-labor immediately started. My wife and I joke that if my mom had predeceased my dad, we'd have had to teach my dad how to shop for groceries and turn on the stove.
― Jeff Wright, Thursday, 20 July 2023 00:38 (one year ago) link
So DCF approved my dad's Medicaid application! For at-home care. When we applied for ICP (institutional care) benefits. I'm at a loss as to how they fucked this up. These are separate options on the application, not even similarly named, and I checked, and we chose the right one.
So we talked on the phone, and they tried to tell me the nursing home/I submitted the wrong application, that we requested at-home care and not ICP. I pushed back twice saying we chose the Medical assistance for person in nursing home option, which even the nursing home (who submits these daily) said was the right one. And then I found the initial response letter from them which acknowledges that the application is for a nursing home, tells us they can't choose one for dad, but that we need a nursing home placement form filled out (which the skilled nursing facility did fill out and send back).
after pushing back a few times (politely), the lady said she was going to recode the form and re-send it internally.
the nursing home said this "happens all the time" to them. but my main concern is, if we resubmit, then the benefits probably won't go back retroactive to when he was first admitted, meaning we'd be on the hook. so I'm working with someone there now to make sure that doesn't happen.
really just fucking sick of their ineptitude. we had a similar issue when we applied for home health, where they wrote back to say my mother was denied for Medicaid (when she hadn't even applied for it), and the Senior REsource Alliance had also failed to provide timely documentation to them despite us having contacted our case manager there four times with the requested information.
I should have known - they kept asking us to verify two bank accounts that we didn't include on the application, that were from the original application in 2021 for home health, and I couldn't figure out why or where they got that from. seems like they were looking at the wrong packet.
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Friday, 21 July 2023 20:08 (one year ago) link
after all that, they reprocessed it...INCORRECT....AGAIN!
I am now wasting time during work escalating it again.
it's almost as if they don't know how to read their own forms. given how Florida works, most of the people hired at this place are borderline incompetent at their job - sometimes the letters they send us are riddled with typos, including spelling my own mother's name wrong on the application.
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 25 July 2023 16:16 (one year ago) link
part of the problem is their "Apply for Additional Benefits" option on their site apparently triggers a renewal of existing benefits, which you can't turn off or opt out of. But that's fine! But the application ITSELF still shows the additional benefit that you are applying for on it.
I'm sure they're going to say "we processed the renewal first, we were getting to the second part, you are just impatient", but the application is showing as closed, they themselves told me that it was closed and that I'd "done it wrong", only to retreat, and they also processed the same thing a second time in a week.
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 25 July 2023 16:44 (one year ago) link
Jesus, it must be so exhausting.
Yeah, when my brother died we lost access to his Amazon account, which amusingly had a load of credit on it because we were trying to make sure he could buy food and clean sheets and stuff. Luckily for us, my husband set up most of my parents' online presence, so we have all their passwords. I know this because I regularly have to help them log into things that should be easy for them to log into.
― trishyb, Tuesday, 25 July 2023 17:14 (one year ago) link
After my Dad died at age 90 in November 2020, my brother and sister and I alternated in staying with my Mom who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. For awhile I could even work there and take lunch and dinner breaks with her. In September 2022 she had a health downtown and was in a hospital, got Covid , and then was in a rehab facility. In October 2022 she entered an assisted living facility. While some of the staff were good and dedicated , they were responsible for many patients. Occasionally my Mom would fall trying to get herself out of bed in the morning. The bed had partial rails and we put pillows under the sheets near her hips. My Mom, a former nurse with a sharp wit, a Hoboken, NJ based teenage Frank Sinatra Fanclub president, and sports fan sometimes coherently and cognitively showed her old self. She might forget the days of the week and said sorry it’s the disease I have , but she still remembered us and attended my son’s wedding last year. Alas, on July 13 when we were not there early in the AM she somehow got or fell out of bed and hit her head. She was in a trauma hospital and then a hospice and passed away this week on Tuesday July 25 at age 89. She’s at peace without Alzheimer’s or pain now but I miss her and will cherish my memories of her. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/washingtonpost/name/glenda-kiviat-obituary?id=52568464
― curmudgeon, Saturday, 29 July 2023 05:32 (one year ago) link
i'm very sorry for your loss, curmudgeon. may she rest in peace <3
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Saturday, 29 July 2023 05:33 (one year ago) link
I'm so sorry.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Saturday, 29 July 2023 07:02 (one year ago) link
Very sorry, curmudgeon. Glad she is at peace.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Saturday, 29 July 2023 09:35 (one year ago) link
so sorry to hear, curmudgeon
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Saturday, 29 July 2023 11:24 (one year ago) link
I am sorry for your loss
― Glower, Disruption & Pies (kingfish), Saturday, 29 July 2023 11:33 (one year ago) link
Condolences, my friend.
― Poor Little Fool Killer (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 29 July 2023 11:45 (one year ago) link
Thinking of you and your family as you learn to navigate the world without her.
― Jaq, Saturday, 29 July 2023 13:56 (one year ago) link
Thank you all. Need to make it through the graveside funeral Sunday morning and take every day at a time.
― curmudgeon, Sunday, 30 July 2023 04:18 (one year ago) link
Yes indeed, and sorry and thanks for posting that account and obit.
― dow, Sunday, 30 July 2023 17:15 (one year ago) link
My deepest condolences, curmudgeon.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Sunday, 30 July 2023 17:19 (one year ago) link
Sorry for your loss.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Sunday, 30 July 2023 17:59 (one year ago) link
So sorry, Curmudgeon.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Sunday, 30 July 2023 19:47 (one year ago) link
dad is finally approved for ICP Medicaid.
the spousal diversion calculation is way off but we'll get that addressed.
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Thursday, 3 August 2023 15:20 (one year ago) link
Neando, forgive me, but every time I see you refer to ICP Medicaid I must resist making a Juggalo joke.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Thursday, 3 August 2023 16:32 (one year ago) link
Lmao oh me too, don't worry. Daddy's a juggalo now, have to reteach him how magnets work
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Thursday, 3 August 2023 16:35 (one year ago) link
so, glad that dad's ICP application is approved, but naturally, the share of cost issue I mentioned above still isn't resolved because:
A) the person we were working with in the business office left, and the person who's always there now is a trainee who barely knows anything, and the more experienced person is rarely there, and
B) Mom just can't seem to handle these convos, she lets the other people confuse her, she doesn't push back enough or ask the right questions, even when I prep her.
I spent the last month harassing DCF to approve the right application, often spending work hours doing it, and it mentally wore me out. I told my mother on Saturday at lunch that I can't do it anymore. The business office is only open weekdays during the hours I work, and work is way too busy for me to take time off to go there to handle this. But also I just can't mentally handle it right now - I have way too much responsibility on my shoulders at work and it can't fall to me to do everything. I told this to mom over lunch on Saturday and she understood and agreed.
But today she waits to go visit dad until too late, when the more 'on top of things' business office employee is gone, and only the green, inexperienced person is there, and she's rude to mom and also a complete dumbfuck from the sounds of it. But mom also didn't ask the questions I wanted her to ask and from the sounds of it didn't properly explain what we needed so...now we've lost three days to get on top of this.
i'm at the point where I'm about to type my mother a script with what to say on it, except the last time I did that, for a phone call, she managed to still not ask the most important question even though it was written down right in front of her.
God....I wish we'd bought into a long term care plan years ago.
(btw, quincie or anybody who is Medicaid knowledgable reading - do you know who exactly helps with the recalculation of the amount the patient can send to their spouse vs how much the nursing home gets for a Community Spouse scenario? that's all we need to know and apparently the office in charge of billing people has no clue).
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 9 August 2023 00:01 (one year ago) link
and well it's stressful because if we don't get this recalculated, mom will not be able to pay her bills with what's left over. and I can't foot the cost. so I just hoped she'd treat it with more urgency. if I do have to get involved, i'm going to be a very ornery person.
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 9 August 2023 00:02 (one year ago) link
(main issue is they clearly didn't include mom's rent over the FL threshold and utility cost in the calculation, which should divert $300 - $400 more to her. and they're including income she will no longer be receiving).
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 9 August 2023 00:03 (one year ago) link
man I've been in v similar---can you see any way you're not going to have to take care of it yourself? If you do have to, fucking have to, won't your work people understand? Is there no one else at work who can cover when you're dealing with this?
― dow, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 01:56 (one year ago) link
they would, it's less that than coming back to a mountain of work to make up when I'm back. I took one day off this week for pre-planned PTO and I took forever to get caught up today. and just the unbearable pressure of being the one guy who 'has to get it right' or everything falls apart.
i'm going to give mom an outright script to work from tomorrow, if that doesn't cut it then I may have to bite the bullet. problem is you can't really make 'appointments' with them, they just show up when they feel like it and sometimes aren't there when they say they're going to be.
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 9 August 2023 02:02 (one year ago) link
O shiiit---could your brother do it?
― dow, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 02:09 (one year ago) link
heh. that was my second idea. now he is a wilting flower in front of people but if I gave him what to say and he went with mom together the whole will be greater etc etc.
i'll figure it out. just tired of the 'rubber bands around my chest' feeling.
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 9 August 2023 02:21 (one year ago) link
Word. Go listen to some headbang, every day, if don't already. Thuh allotment.
― dow, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 02:27 (one year ago) link
oh for realz, u know it
― linoleum gallagher (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 9 August 2023 02:32 (one year ago) link
Both my parents are gone, but now it's my older sister.. moved to a suburb of Kansas City where she knows hardly anybody; hasn't been working; was diagnosed with some serious health issues to do poor living.. and is now asking me to pay her electricity bill because the power was shut off, almost $500 to restore
I think she's received an eviction notice
She needs like a social worker or something, but I've been looking at the Missouri Social Services website and it's fair to say they're not so generous with their benefits
Very stressful, there's no one but us, no rich relatives to bail her out.. she's gotten herself into this situation but she's in awful health now, I don't know what to do
― Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 20:48 (one year ago) link
'due to poor living'^^^
― Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 20:49 (one year ago) link
There should be a cooling center she could go to for now, with whatever rules, and contacting Missouri Social Services seems worth a shot, even with shit benefits; maybe they could advise, at least in general terms, also her landlord? So sorry!
― dow, Thursday, 10 August 2023 02:00 (one year ago) link
Thanks.. I think she has like literally no income, she said that her disability case is 'pending' but I don't know what to believe
She had a good job at a post office in rural Colorado, and then got into some injury litigation with them where they basically gave her a few thousand bucks and let her go. She moved to MO and then I guess just burned through the money watching television or something, never actually got a job in missouri so she's not on the rolls there. The one friend she does have there has been texting me and says that she never cleans her apartment or even hardly leaves the apartment except to go get cigarettes and groceries I guess. I think she's self-medicating for depression, a relationship fell apart a couple years ago, but for chrissakes, get your shit together, nobody is going to save you
uggh, sorry for the rant but this is really stressful, she has like literally no cash at all... just an old truck and a couple cats. She's only in her mid-50s and already semi-infirm
― Andy the Grasshopper, Thursday, 10 August 2023 18:29 (one year ago) link
well, as intimated above, in the almost two weeks since dad's application for ICP was approved, mom's done next to nothing to get the spousal diversion recalculated. I asked her last Friday to call DCF as we believed that was now the place to call - and I was having a day at work and barely could afford the 30 minutes away for lunch. She made one cursory try, got lost in the phone menu, and put her soap opera back on. so I begged her if she could try harder and she apologized and did but of course the stupid DCF line always says "we're too busy ,call back later", no option to wait on hold.
she said she'd call first thing Monday in the morning when they opened. didn't, woke up late, couldn't get through by the time she called. said "sorry I will wake up early tomorrow". didn't again.
this doesn't even affect dad anymore - this affects her income alone. It's a difference of $300+ month and I cannot afford to help her financially now that I'm in my own financial ruins.
when I woke up and realized she hadn't woken up to do it, I tried to call, and of course, same stupid message. so I went online and found something that looked like it might be what I need to report the miscalculation of spousal diversion, and did it.
but since mom is clearly not going to help with this (even though it directly affects her), I signed up for Group Legal at work and hope I can get an Elder Law attorney to help.
really just disappointing that she saw me in the middle of my work meltdown last week and heard me say I can't take something else on, on top of what I'm already doing, but she decided to force me to anyway.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 15 August 2023 14:08 (one year ago) link
so I get to have 'that' convo now before I go to therapy and rehash it again, and hope whatever I submitted ont heir website wasn't completely ass wrong, but we really can't wait any longer on this.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 15 August 2023 14:09 (one year ago) link
My brother kept asking me for a few years if I could claim my folks as dependents. I mistakenly thought that I could not because of their income. Their social security exceeded the income limits posted. Somehow I missed the part that said social security doesn't count unless the combined income exceeded a certain threshold, which my folks' combined didn't. moreso, my parents only file jointly to get a refund and don't owe taxes.
so once I found this out I decided to go file amended returns.
net income to me by doing this change and filing as head of household (which I also qualify for)
downside - 20 week processing time.
plus side - it is the miracle I've been looking for, for three years. if no hiccups at IRS - wouldn't completely solve debt issues permanently but would basically end my current straits as I know them and get the rope off of my chest.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Thursday, 17 August 2023 01:46 (one year ago) link
i don't even know how to register this yet because it is a shocking bit of good news that seems almost too good to be true.
That is excellent news - I hope everything goes smoothly with the IRS!
― Jaq, Thursday, 17 August 2023 02:08 (one year ago) link
this week my mother used the actual phrase "a knife in my heart" when I asked her to stop telling me how terrible I look in selfies and that I shouldn't take those kinds of photos, or at least share them with family.
― assert (matttkkkk), Thursday, 17 August 2023 03:19 (one year ago) link
Is your mother's name Livia?
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 17 August 2023 03:21 (one year ago) link
sounds like a healthy boundary to set to me. those comments can weigh on you over the years even if in their mind it seems innocent or 'typical mom comments'.
mom gets on me about the way I dress and i'm like "I'm 42"
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Thursday, 17 August 2023 03:21 (one year ago) link
yeah, my brother gets it all the time too, your haircut doesn't look professional, you're being uncouth, you don't look nice in those clothes, you should think about how you come across, your kids keep pulling gloomy faces in photos and I would like you to have a word with them, you should never share a picture where you look that terrible (in response to a pic of me and my partner happily rock scrambling at the beach in winter). Had it for years. I'm 53, he's 49, just maybe we are pretty on top of our presentation and interaction with the world. And when I call it out, she's "devastated" (literal quote) that I could imply that she is anything other than purely supportive and positive, to question it is the occasion for said utensil in said organ. Thank god it was an email because the Livia reference would have surely caused a visible reaction on my face.And holy shit Neando, if anyone was due a break ... fantastic news.
― assert (matttkkkk), Thursday, 17 August 2023 03:29 (one year ago) link
your mom and mine must have run in the same circles. when in reality they should be happy you feel comfortable being open with them. otherwise you get kids that grow into adults that talk to you in single word sentences and speak through gritted teeth and tell the real truth to your therapist.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Thursday, 17 August 2023 03:32 (one year ago) link
and thanks!
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Thursday, 17 August 2023 03:34 (one year ago) link
My mom got moved to level 2 memory care this week which my sister is protesting. But this same sister disagreed strongly with me when I said mom was having serious memory issues 2 years before mom finally got diagnosed so eh whatever. I'm generally very happy to be living thousands of miles away and never visiting and leaving those judgements to the professionals.
― Jaq, Thursday, 17 August 2023 13:45 (one year ago) link
i had to tell my parents both point blank that i did not want their feedback on my physical appearance. their response was "we made you!" and i replied that i did not care, that it was my body/appearance and i was not interested in their opinions.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Thursday, 17 August 2023 18:19 (one year ago) link
kind of a damper on the good news from yesterday, after weeks of trying without success to get mom to treat the billing thing with urgency, the thing I predicted happens, she gets told dad owes $1500 from his social securit yfor July and August, and she is acting panicked now.
I wrote back a long, stern message saying this is exactly why I told her to get moving on this and that her inaction forced me to get involved after I had told her I could not take this on, and now she is acting shocked by something that should be a surprise to nobody. told her I loved her, but that she needs to get on top of this.
I won't see that refund money from amended taxes for 4-5 months based on current timing, and I cannot foot the bill. I have an applicatio nfor a grant at my company's help fund but I have no idea when that will show up.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Thursday, 17 August 2023 18:33 (one year ago) link
it will be solved one way or another (I'm not gonna let dad get evicted, and I predicted mom would fuck this up so I already have some other things in motion) but it's just the lack of listening to me that frustrates me.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Thursday, 17 August 2023 18:35 (one year ago) link
xxp LL I think that is perfectly valid, and I am pretty scrupulous about only saying positive things to my daughters (which is not the same as no feedback, I realise). Life is hard enough without another set of arbitrary standards to comply with.
― assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 18 August 2023 03:25 (one year ago) link
I really don't get the impulse of parents to criticize their grown children's appearance. Sure, I tell my 13-year-old to brush his hair (he wants to wear it long, fine, but keep it minimally groomed), but the adults? What's the point? They all have their own style and it's really none of my business. I think they all look great.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 18 August 2023 03:31 (one year ago) link
My mom used to absolutely rake my clothing choices and I mostly ignored her, but managed to make it stop when (in front of her friends) I told her, ‘one of us gets to write for Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue, and it’s not you.’
― steely flan (suzy), Friday, 18 August 2023 06:18 (one year ago) link
For me it's less about disparaging comments than the abundance of appearance-based comments themselves -- it felt like my value was tied up with what i look like and it made me feel like they didn't see me at all, they only saw what i look like. It felt like the way i looked was the primary thing that mattered to them. when it occurred, the disparagement was disguised as "just asking questions" type pass-agg behavior when it did come. "so...what made you decide to cut your hair so short?"
my answer to that type of question was always "idk" because i do not owe anyone an answer about my stupid hair as a middle aged adult. i also do not have any witty or scathing retorts so i go with "idk"/DNAQ
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 18 August 2023 14:28 (one year ago) link
it's a thing parents/moms do that I wish they wouldn't. one time in high school, I went to church looking odd (I wore shorts and black socks with sneakers....I had no style). I got home and mom flipped out on me, like got angry and said "do you want to look like a DORK?". she was humiliated that I went out that way and I was really hurt by it because literally nobody gave a fuck but she was harassing me over it.
today she keeps telling me to stop wearing heavy metal shirts and I'm like this is the way I dress and feel comfortable and I don't care what the fuck people think about it, why do you?
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Friday, 18 August 2023 15:06 (one year ago) link
so I had to break down and start a GoFundMe because although dad isn't *yet* going to be evicted or anything, if mom doesn't furnish the money to the nursing home eventually, he will be, and if she does and she can't pay rent, then *I* will be evicted.
so I start it and my brother refuses to help me share it because he 'doesn't feel comfortable'. so I had to respond 'hey dude, uhh...this affects *me* too, not just mom. I'm near bankruptcy and do not have the savings to pay this myself, I will be out of money and unable to pay rent in a few months if I do that".
literally tired of the effort I have to put in to get anybody to do things.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Friday, 18 August 2023 15:08 (one year ago) link
part of the reason is he mistakenly thought the room and board was free now under Medicaid and still doesn't get the "has to give up $784 of his Social Security that mom used to use to pay bills and this calculation is also wrong by almost double but we can't get traction on fixing it".
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Friday, 18 August 2023 15:11 (one year ago) link
Damn, if my brother pulled that, I'd tell him my foot up his ass would feel a lot more uncomfortable.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 18 August 2023 16:01 (one year ago) link
yeah i'm like boy is it easy to be prideful when you aren't the one impacted by it.
I did find that there is some taxpayer advocate group that can apparently help you work with the IRS to get manual amended return expedited so I'm going to try that. getting an extra $8k in less than 5 months would be a godsend . getting it at all is a relief though.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Friday, 18 August 2023 17:28 (one year ago) link
the problem is now solved. for privacy i'll not go further than that but I know some incredibly supportive people is all I'll say.
I feel the most relief I've felt in some time.
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 22 August 2023 17:44 (one year ago) link
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Tuesday, 22 August 2023 17:45 (one year ago) link
Excellent news, Neando. Pat yourself on the back for that one.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Tuesday, 22 August 2023 17:50 (one year ago) link
That is very good news.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Tuesday, 22 August 2023 18:21 (one year ago) link
Dad's in the ER. he can't swallow basically.
Only happened because I kept on the nurses when I observed dad unable to eat.
― I can't turn a fart into a question (Neanderthal), Friday, 1 September 2023 01:38 (one year ago) link
thinking of him and you
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Friday, 1 September 2023 02:00 (one year ago) link
thank you tabes. so he has an infection and severe dehydration (because they neglected him this week). he's doing a lot better now that he's on an IV and antibiotics, but my mother and I are livid an I've already lodged a complaint and filing one with AHCA right now.
― I can't turn a fart into a question (Neanderthal), Friday, 1 September 2023 03:09 (one year ago) link
He's stable, in PCU (one below ICU).
Possibly feeding tube time :(
But he's severely underweight. 122 pounds as a six foot tall man.
Investigating other nursing homes to move him to ...
― Neanderthal, Friday, 1 September 2023 16:28 (one year ago) link
It all just got realer. I was a bit naive about what a big step a feeding tube is, but also...that dad might not even want it. The doctors have urged us to be cautious and consider the possibility of...hospice.
To do that, we have to ask a lot more questions. But today was the first day I looked in dad's eyes and realized we may be nearing the end.
Mom and I are sobbing and consoling each other in the ER
― Neanderthal, Friday, 1 September 2023 18:06 (one year ago) link
Oh, Neanderthal, that's a real tough thing. Wishing you and your family the best navigating this.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Friday, 1 September 2023 18:13 (one year ago) link
Man, I am so sorry. Hang in there.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 1 September 2023 18:19 (one year ago) link
But today was the first day I looked in dad's eyes and realized we may be nearing the end.
After all your struggles to maintain him in health that's a hard (and huge) realization. Glad you and your mom are pulling together on this. If your dad is anything like mine was, he needs to hear that your mom will be loved and taken care of in his absence. That will free his mind to think about how much he's willing to endure to stay alive. Much love to you and your family in this painful time.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 1 September 2023 18:28 (one year ago) link
Sorry to hear this, N. I just went through this with my uncle, who passed in July. I visited him in the hospital while he was still speaking and watching TV, on a Saturday. He passed the following Monday, will both my cousins (his daughters) there, listening to Merle Haggard.
When I saw him, he was still talking about wanting to take a roadtrip up north to see his old haunts.. it was clear that trip would not likely happen, but I was still helping him plan and offered to drive... it was pretty heartbreaking
― Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 1 September 2023 18:32 (one year ago) link
oh N, thinking of you and your dad and mom and sending you good feeling.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Friday, 1 September 2023 19:07 (one year ago) link
I send you my condolences and sympathies.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Friday, 1 September 2023 19:16 (one year ago) link
Yeah, best to you and your family.
― read-only (unperson), Friday, 1 September 2023 19:18 (one year ago) link
Keeping you all in mind, Neando, and sending hugs across the miles
― Jaq, Friday, 1 September 2023 19:25 (one year ago) link
Take care Neando — you’re def not alone in going through this. My dad went to hospice last September and passed in May. My sister in law (not even 50 years old) went from chemo to hospice in a matter of weeks and then we lost her within a few days. It’s all a lot to take in and deal with. Personally I think hospice can be beautiful and freeing, and it also sounds really scary to most people. Glad to know you and your mom have each other.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 1 September 2023 19:49 (one year ago) link
Sending you and family my sympathies, neanderthal.
― xyzzzz__, Friday, 1 September 2023 20:06 (one year ago) link
god i'm so sorry Neanderthal, i wish i had better words to help you and your family
you've been so good to your father, and you've fought so hard for him. he raised a wonderful man and must love you tremendously. i am so goddamn sorry.
my condolences to you as well, La Lechera -- that all sounds rough
― sleepy bee (cat), Friday, 1 September 2023 20:07 (one year ago) link
So sorry to hear, both N and LL.
― kinder, Friday, 1 September 2023 22:26 (one year ago) link
thank you so much everyone.
today felt like three days. but we got through it.
Personally I think hospice can be beautiful and freeing, and it also sounds really scary to most people. Glad to know you and your mom have each other.
very much so. I think dad would rather spend his last moments there than alongside a bunch of neglected patients in a nursing home.
it was a tough day for me as I had to play so many roles. gave the doctor his case history going back three years, there to prop mom up as she was faltering. she broke down saying "what am I going to do without him?" and it was so hard to hear that, but....she is resilient and is intent on not making decisions based on what would make us feel better but what would make Dad feel better.
Dad was an independent man all of his life. He fixed cars. He worked on roofs. He managed stores. he was strong and muscular. he has probably been in Hell for years because of losing all of that. I always told him "you took care of us for years - let us take care of you". but he never wanted that for us.
My brother, otoh, is being a right prick about things. I know he's scared and that's how it's manifesting, but he's expressing it in unhelpful ways.
we invited him to dinner to talk about things and he is very much not on board with Mom and I. he feels like we're rushing to 'give up', when in actuality, what we're doing is saying 'if all of the efforts in the hospital don't get him back to swallowing and eating again and restoring his lost muscle mass, dad wouldn't want a feeding tube, and we need to CONSIDER palliative care'. He seems to think even the consideration is a sin against Dad.
so at dinner, he kept interrupting mom and I, being rude, talking over us, nostrils flaring, eyes bugged wide out, saying "dad seemed ok to me when I visited", ironically saying mom and I were raising our voices at him, and then he said at one point that he thought we were in a rush to give up, and idk where I pulled it out of, but instead of losing my famous Neanderthal temper, I got angry (internally) and said outward "we all need to take a breath. every one of us here loves Dad early and none of us wants to lose him, and we're all scared. You (*pointing at bro*) have been interrupting Mom and I since you got here, and Mom has had a really tough day. I need you to LISTEN to me right now - after you listen, then you can offer your two cents". and he finally went silent.
We aren't even moving him to palliative care yet - the hospital wants to see if he responds better after his UTI is cleared, his BUN comes down, and he's more hydrated, and see if he can pass a swallow test there. but I told him point blank - even if he does, he has a BMI of fucking 16 right now. he's malnourished. we'd have to build his weight back up an that is no easy uphill climb. we can try it, but we have to consider the fact that it won't work and then the next step is a feeding tube, and....that could lead to more infections. aspiration. choking. pain. would he want that?
He's still not really on board. I'm trying not to be too hard on him because I know what this is really about - he loves dad, dearly. I don't doubt that. He's getting married in March. it means a lot to him for dad to be there. now today he's hearing not only might he not be there, he might not be with us anymore. that thought hit me today and it stung me too.
but we are also dealing with complex feelings like his, and we need him to quit using his fear as a shield, or expressing it outwardly towards us. as I told him - we're all on the same team. sadly I think this whole ordeal with dad the last three years has caused a bit of a fracture with my brother and I that I didn't think would ever happen and though it won't stop me from loving him or being there for him, is going to leave a lingering resentment that will resonate long after dad is gone. that makes me sad, but I am also a forgiving person.
thank you all again. Love you all.
― Neanderthal, Saturday, 2 September 2023 03:21 (one year ago) link
― Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 2 September 2023 04:53 (one year ago) link
I'm sorry the family dynamics of this are so complicated and frustrating, Neando, especially when you love everyone involved and you just want what is best for your dad. Sending you love.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Saturday, 2 September 2023 15:34 (one year ago) link
So sorry you are going through this, N. All my love to you & family.
so he has an infection and severe dehydration (because they neglected him this week). he's doing a lot better now that he's on an IV and antibiotics, but my mother and I are livid an I've already lodged a complaint and filing one with AHCA right now.
Yes it's infuriating. Our experience was that once we could no longer care for my father at home, the hospital's neglect was what killed him. That was the point where it stopped being a thing we could steer or navigate, we were being swept along and it was more of a struggle just to manage our own reactions and keep pace with the rate of change. Just the shock of losing someone in a matter of weeks to an easily preventable condition after breaking our backs and turning our lives upside down for years.
I hope it doesn't come to that obv, wish for a much better and different outcome for your dad and for you, sincerely. wish i had some helpful words or insights but i don't, though i know what you're going through and i feel for you.
― Deflatormouse, Saturday, 2 September 2023 17:28 (one year ago) link
Little more positive today. I got him to smile (I told him a poop joke). First time in weeks.
But I'm a sideshow. He got a jolt of electricity when mom arrived.
They're looking at constipation maybe being a cause of delirium. Nobody checked that yet as it wasn't part of his immediate emergency.
But, being realistic, despite him looking better I still think we're headed towards palliative care. It's just that perhaps he'll be feeling better when it begins.
My brother is relieving me and I am headed for time with friends.mucg needed
― Neanderthal, Saturday, 2 September 2023 18:02 (one year ago) link
things dramatically improved since Saturday in a way that shocked my cynical ass.
there didn't originally seem to be much hope that clearing his infection was going to repair his cognitive impairment and unwillingness to eat. but one of the doctors also noticed he hadn't taken a shit once since being in the hospital and also noticed he was retaining urine, and decided to have his bowels looked at, and they determined he was severely impacted (again), and had him given enemas and a catheter.
I have to say, I've had my (sometimes major) issues w/ this hospital before, but the doctors in the PCU unit are on it. they've read his case history thoroughly, which is how they made some of these decisions, and...between that AND his underlying UTI/other infections clearing...he's restored to a baseline I haven't seen him at in months.
obviously I have to temper my excitement by saying - he is still extremely malnourished and the overall prognosis is still not great. BUT...he's talking again. in fact, more than he did in recent weeks. he's smiled quite often. He waved at the doctors when they left. and...he passed his swallow study and is back on solid foods, albeit in limited quantities at first. he's off of oxygen.
on Friday I thought we might only have a week or two left with him. now I'm slightly more optimistic.
Palliative care may still be the call. I would much rather him be in an environment where he's not neglected and anxious due to his living conditions, and where food isn't withheld because of fear of aspiration, and he's allowed to eat when/how often he wants. and so far, the hunt for new nursing home isn't going great - Medicaid beds hard to find.
but what matters to me is he looks so much more peaceful now. it was scary to see him Friday. he stroked my hair on Sunday, like he used to when he was still living at home.
also I asked him to point to the smartest guy in the room yesterday and he pointed at himself so....he has his sense of humor back ;).
as with all of these things, I expect the news to be akin to waves at a beach, with positive developments offset by setbacks, so I'm planning to just take care of myself the best I can, as is the rest of the family. the plan, as always, is to constantly show dad how much we love him so no matter what he's going through, he never feels alone.
― Dinglebert Humperstink (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 14:12 (one year ago) link
(btw, obviously by 'talking', I really mean 'occasionally repeating what we say or saying 'yes/no' in sotto voce', but he was barely doing that in the last month).
my test for him is me saying "quotes and quotes and quotes, add another quote -" and see if he responds "make it a gallon", since he's a Marx brothers fan. when he says that, usually I know he's doing ok. :)
― Dinglebert Humperstink (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 14:14 (one year ago) link
so he's being discharged today due to his improvement. this created a big quandary, as we had nowhere near enough time to find a new nursing home, especially with labor day weekend, and we absolutely did not want him going back to the previous shithole. also, nobody prepared us this would happen, but likely because they didn't expect the improvement that happened.
we are leaning towards hospice. and I know how that's going to SOUND to everybody, particularly those who don't know how it works. we think, paradoxically, he will improve and do better in this environment than another nursing home. we also don't think he has a long time left in his current condition, as he's malnourished. and also, I know that about 20% of patients graduate from hospice to having a better prognosis on life, at which point we could find a much better nursing home with much more advanced time.
obviously this would be MUCH easier if dad could tell us what he wanted. but he has ways of communicating and he seems receptive to it.
our visits with him in the nursing home were miserable for the last month. mom came home crying at the way he looked multiple times. dad looked stressed. it was chaos in that place.
and the same conglomerate owns a lot of the nursing homes here, so would I trust them?
There is ONE nursing home I would trust sending him to - the very first skilled nursing place he went to. and guess what...it doesn't exist anymore. LMAO. someone else bought it. I'm not going to trust a changed ownership.
my brain keeps saying "you're choosing the easy option" which makes no sense because the 'easy' option is sending him back to his nursing home and then spending five months trying to deal with the guilt of watching him waste away there.
or an option that makes him comfortable and maybe allows him to gain some weight back and not need hospice anymore.
I don't know. I'm scared and tired....but my decisionmaking, mom's, and hopefully my brother's will be based on his experience, not ours.
― Dinglebert Humperstink (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 16:30 (one year ago) link
sending y’all love and glad to hear his condition has improved, Neanderthal! fwiw I have known people who have left hospice and lived for years after, as well as those who entered and were much more comfortable and at peace in their final months. do not feel guilty for doing what is best for his health and happiness and you and your family’s sanity
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 16:48 (one year ago) link
so apparently whatever nursing home we get dad sent to, they'll be another layer of protection, going to that facility rather than it being in-patient.
the case manager did not want to help us initially find another place, saying it would be 'easier for us to do it on our own' even despite the fact it was Labor Day weekend and all of the admissions offices closed until today, but the hospice care leader asked her to talk to us and help with it.
if he has to go back to the old shithole...well...at least he will have the hospice care team assisting and consulting with the nurses there on his care, as well as helping with things that are getting overlooked.
as always thank you tabes - and thanks for that perspective!
― Dinglebert Humperstink (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 16:57 (one year ago) link
Hospice nurses are very capable, special people generally - my mom was in hospice at home for her last few weeks of life and they also really helped me and my sister process what was happening.
― steely flan (suzy), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 17:52 (one year ago) link
I know how that's going to SOUND to everybody, particularly those who don't know how it works. --- I don't know. I'm scared and tired
Just keep thinking about his needs and know in advance that there's no option that will do as much for him as your love desires. In the end it is the love that registers, not the details of the outcome. However awful you feel at times, by any objective measure you are coming through for your dad like a champion.
My experience suggests that your moving your dad to a nursing home was the step most likely to elicit undercurrents of disapproval from casual acquaintances or workmates. You've already moved beyond that one. The news that your dad has entered hospice is far more likely to elicit responses that assume your dad is inches away from death and awkward condolences for your loss - even though he's still alive.
You shouldn't have to shoulder the burden of explaining everything to people who are at the far periphery of your real life. By now you'll know who to open up to and who to fob off with generalities. Again, much love to you and your family.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 18:48 (one year ago) link
Does he qualify for inpatient hospice (aka GIP hospice)? Because if not hospice services will be provided where he is living i.e. the crappy nursing home.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 19:14 (one year ago) link
oh sorry you already said that. Yeah, I see zero down side to hospice at this time. It isn't a one-way street--if you decided to do another hospital admission, he'd just discharge from hospice, do the hospital stay, then could go back onto hospice.
Danger with this plan is good chance of dying in the hospital without as much morphine as he might benefit from.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 19:17 (one year ago) link
So the nurses and doctors were great but the case workers were useless. Spent all this time trying to find a new place for him only to tell us after they didn't know he was Medicaid and because he is, he has to go back to original nursing home and we have to work out a transfer with them.
Only alternative is bringing him home and we can't go back to that.
Now I get to break another promise to Dad because we were misinformed.
However we do know of a nearby facility with a bed and we're working on a transfer.
Hopefully it's not long. My AHCA complaint generated a mandatory inspection of the facility. Maybe the care temporarily improves. Idk.
We could have been calling and discussing this for two hours if we hadn't been misinformed. Now they're basically pushing us out the door.
I can file an appeal over the discharge and considering that to buy more time.
I just cannot take on more lifting right now. Mom has got to. I missed work both of my last few days because of this.
― Dinglebert Humperstink (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 19:48 (one year ago) link
Appealed the discharge. We're doing this on our terms.
It's going to be denied because I don't have a truly valid reason to do it. But it gets us two days.
Mom met with the old nursing facility and they appeared shook by it. They are amenable to us transferring but plan to move him to a new room until then.
Stupid case manager tried to tell me if we lose the appeal, we have to pay for the days he stayed during appeal.
I've done Kepro appeals before and know we would only be liable from noon of the day we're informed of denial, not the days in between. So I told her that.
― Dinglebert Humperstink (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 20:39 (one year ago) link
dad's much better today. the previous nursing facility, we are going to give another chance, but will be ready to move him to another at a moment's notice. they are giving him his old room/nurse back, and he was getting much better care in that room. but we'll be on top of them.
the idiot Case Manager here said he has to be discharged today, even though there's a pending Kepro appeal (it isn't finished - most times the Kepro case manager calls you and the facility around the same time, and nobody called me, so it's not possible.
Mom and I agreed we're not going to fight it this time because we think he's ready to go back, and I did it as a 'time-buying' measure. he ate a full meal today AND took the spoon out of my hand to feed himself four times. But I am filing a care complaint re: the case managers and their ineptitude because they have butchered the discharge and caused me to miss work yesterday and my mother a lot of distress, as well as my father. and they've had no accountability.
however I also wrote a thank you for all of the doctors and nurses because they were exemplary and it's only fair that I recognize good care too.
interesting twist - we couldn't ask Dad what he wanted to do last week when it looked like feeding tube time, since he wasn't talking. the assumption based on prior conversations was that he wouldn't want that.
we were wrong! he says if it's ever required, he does want it. and he told us two different ways. go figure.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 September 2023 19:58 (one year ago) link
it might be hard to tell but the overall tone of that post is positive.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 September 2023 19:59 (one year ago) link
nevermind, Kepro found out what they were doing and called them to say "what the fuck are you doing, you can't forcibly discharge him". we can still voluntarily do it and may still do it but they're getting told it's on our terms.
I didn't intend to set that ball in motion, but I had asked them about it .
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 September 2023 20:06 (one year ago) link
i gotta learn to just let things go when they might cause further harm.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 September 2023 20:09 (one year ago) link
but then again, their confusion/lack of compliance w/ law isn't my fault either. they called mom instead of me because they feel I'm unreasonable.
they think I'm undermining things but it's like....they keep giving us wrong info. and they need to know they're doing this, because they're going to keep doing it to other people!
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 September 2023 20:15 (one year ago) link
false alarm. Mom believed they were telling her he had to leave. they claim mom asked for him to go today (which is bullshit). I'm guessing the CM has no communication skills.
I told mom let's just let him go tomorrow like was originally planned and I'm going to cease any action because it's not gonna help anything. nursing home agreed to that and wasn't even expecting him today.
ooooi. now I will get eyeballs and be the 'difficult' son for one day.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 September 2023 20:27 (one year ago) link
― vashti funyuns (sic), Wednesday, 6 September 2023 21:01 (one year ago) link
so the AHCA called me about my complaint about my father. they're doing an inspection of the facility to ensure that patients there are being treated properly, based on my complaints. they'll be making sure all patients on thickened liquid diets are getting them as expected, interviewing a few of the nurses who cared for my dad, and basically making sure what happened to him isn't happening to others.
admittedly I was focused mostly on my dad when I made the complaint, but the thought that many of these other patients may benefit from it as well warms my heart a little. most of the other patients don't get frequent visitors (possibly because of not having family in state) and there can be a tendency to neglect those patients because of that, even if subconscious.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 September 2023 13:58 (one year ago) link
interesting twist - we couldn't ask Dad what he wanted to do last week when it looked like feeding tube time, since he wasn't talking. the assumption based on prior conversations was that he wouldn't want that.My dad made the opposite choice in 2000, after being on a tube for several months (he could no longer swallow, 8 years after a stroke). The latest tube wasn’t working and they wanted to situate a new one. He told my mom no more tubes, and we moved over to hospice where the caregivers were tbf wonderful through to the end.
― realistic pillow (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 7 September 2023 17:57 (one year ago) link
that's the thing, based on all of the things dad told us before the stroke, I reaaaally thought he wouldn't want it. and maybe he feels differently when the choice is made.
dad's back in the nursing home today. Mom said it was electric there, like the staff was much more responsive across the board. The health care inspector I talked to on the phone was going to a sampling of rooms of people with thickened liquid and making sure it was all thickened. Including my dad's room.
he of course began choking on food again (not severely - he's always been an aspiration risk and this was a milder case per mom), but they actually called the doctor immediately this time. (it's ok, nothing majorly to worry about as of yet).
he's getting hospice services there now too.
I didn't think I had in me what I did this week. I don't think mom think she had it in her either. we have a strong familial bond and when we thought he was reaching the end, it just kicked us into overdrive. just like being on a battlefield and getting shot in the leg and using the adrenaline to get you to safety before the pain hits you.
we're in for many more tough weeks I'm sure - he'll have setbacks. all I wanted was for dad to see how much we love him because he gave everything for us and he's been asked to endure so much. I hope we can finally bring him to some peace for however much longer he's around.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 September 2023 21:11 (one year ago) link
You might not claim the description, but your post abounds with hard won wisdom.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Thursday, 7 September 2023 21:28 (one year ago) link
brother shows up at nursing home and because dad's roommate was shouting a bit, he immediately messages me "WE need to move him, this place sucks".
I said "We? Ok, well get right on that, buddy - mom and I are spent, and we literally just got him situated here."
every place I reached out to this past week had no male LTC Medicaid beds available. the one that did has reviews just about as mediocre as this place. he doesn't seem to get that the types of rooms we can get are typically not private rooms and any of these Medicaid-accepting communities are likely to have dementia patients who might shout now and then. it sucks. I don't like it. long-term, sure, I want to find a new place, but he's been back for like 7 hours.
I told him in no uncertain terms that if he felt passionate about this, he can do it himself because mom and I don't have it in us. for the record, I don't like this place either, but we were told there was no way to set up an alternate destination due to the Medicaid dollars, that we had to do this on our own with the current facility and any new one we found.
swear to God he like acts so pious like he's the only one who gives a shit about dad sometimes - despite doing little of the work. I spent more time in the hospital this last week than I did working.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 September 2023 23:22 (one year ago) link
The good news: the near-term issues with my mother appear to be solvable, given sufficient supplies of money, energy, and willpower.
The bad news: while we probably have enough money, the required amounts of energy and willpower on my part look daunting from where I am right now.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Friday, 8 September 2023 12:39 (one year ago) link
Sending love and good vibes. Just thinking of the task at hand when having to take on a much bigger role with a parent can be terrifying.
My advice is to try and look at it like "what do I need to do to be successful today?" - and accepting some days those goals might not be met and that's ok. Also self-care a must - just being honest with yourself about how you're feeling and finding pockets of time to 'reward' yourself, whether it's going out to dinner, making plans with a friend, etc. Having things to look forward to makes it a little easier.
Wishing the best for you and feel free to vent whenever you need.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Friday, 8 September 2023 12:54 (one year ago) link
dad's improvements have all vanished since he's been back, and it's not the nursing facility.
this isn't unusual for someone in dad's condition, but was just naively hoping we'd have a week of 'recovery' after last week.
i'm doing ok. mom isn't and I understand - they've been married 50 years! i also have moments when I'm not ok, like yesterday.
hospice nurses have done an amazing job making him comfortable.
my brother continues to be a little shit. He's coming to visit dad now and I'm stealing myself up for a speech that is equal parts harsh but empathetic.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Monday, 11 September 2023 16:31 (one year ago) link
word has reached me that my mom, who turned 80 last month and also is leaving her current home to move 300 miles east in a couple weeks, has a boyfriend!?!?
her current place is not appreciative of their snogging, presumably due to liability issues. remains to be seen if they ask me to talk her down, which would be hilariously awkward
she has yet to mention any of this to me; looking forward to seeing if she says anything about it when i next call
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 12 September 2023 04:44 (one year ago) link
That's a tough one mookie and also sounds like a rejected Seinfeld plot.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Tuesday, 12 September 2023 12:25 (one year ago) link
Mom, why are you so set on that Forest Glen condo development? (It's a gated community right by a Metrorail station. There's a shopping center four blocks away, but the walk involves an underpass under the Capitol Beltway. And it's accessible to downtown Silver Spring, but I can get there from the neighborhoods I want. Also, a sunken living room seems like a really bad idea.)
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Sunday, 17 September 2023 19:41 (one year ago) link
dad's roommate is pretty late stage Alzheimer's but he has a booming voice and has episodes a lot, which is to be expected. he's also blind. so obviously I can't be mad at the guy.
but the situation is just frustrating. when my dad may be entering his last stages here, not being able to visit without hearing his roommate screaming "TAKE EM BACK THE OTHER WAY" for a half an hour is extremely upsetting. I was also trying to work and I couldn't focus and hearing the same phrase shouted over and over for a half hour (with his poor daughter trying to help him) was too much for me and I had to leave the room to work and try to go back later.
Private rooms are pretty much an impossibility here unless someone dies, which I don't wish on anybody. only a 55 patient capacity.
mom keeps talking about wanting to ask about moving him to another room but I don't want dad elevated above all of the other patients in terms of importance. if his roommate is moved, he'll likely get worse care. besides...I don't think it's going to matter pretty soon. dad can't swallow at all now. and we're not doing a feeding tube.
most days I can tune the roommate out and it's not a big deal. but today I can't.
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Friday, 22 September 2023 17:03 (one year ago) link
xpost j.lu I'm sorry to hear about that development. have you had any success trying to convince her since Sunday?
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Friday, 22 September 2023 17:04 (one year ago) link
I haven't tried yet. I'll probably try to talk to her this weekend.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Friday, 22 September 2023 18:29 (one year ago) link
hoping for the best. I know the entire enterprise has got to be stressful as hell for you :(
― Make the chats AI (Neanderthal), Friday, 22 September 2023 18:31 (one year ago) link
sending you love, Neando
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Friday, 22 September 2023 20:39 (one year ago) link
We think he's moved to the last stage. He's no longer eating or drinking and breathing heavy.
We called the hospice nurse who concurred and was really sweet
In a rare example of someone who is looking out for us, dad's roommate unfortunately had the worst sustained outburst lasting almost 90 minutes of screaming and yelling while my mother and I were crying on dad's shoulders.
I msged my friend "I can't say goodbye to him this way". Mom looked ready to fall apart.
The hospice nurse got dad qualified to his own IPU room where we can spend his last hours as a family in a private room, in peace, without any of the commotion or stress of this nursing facility.
So he's moving there now. Finally can actually spend some final moments with dad without listening to screaming and the attitudes of nasty nurses.
It's how we wanted it.
― McNugget Aggressive Growth Fund (Neanderthal), Sunday, 24 September 2023 21:48 (one year ago) link
Hospice nurses are superheroes. Glad your dad’s was so helpful right at the moment it was needed.
Thinking of you.
― steely flan (suzy), Sunday, 24 September 2023 22:12 (one year ago) link
I hope you find some peace and closure Neando, and when you’re ready, take a minute to reflect on the time and care you put into helping your dad through this stage, and your mom in coping with it. All that stress and upheaval, a selfless gift and a sustained act of love.
― assert (matttkkkk), Sunday, 24 September 2023 22:19 (one year ago) link
sending you and your family a lot of love, Neando. may yr dad’s transition be guided by love and light.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Sunday, 24 September 2023 22:28 (one year ago) link
Hoping you and your Mom get some peaceful time with Dad.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Sunday, 24 September 2023 22:37 (one year ago) link
Thank you so much.
You are all very sweet.
I've frequently had dreams of dad in the last year where he's talking again.
Last few weeks the very limited speech he was capable of has gone and he's stopped squeezing our hands.
I just kept thinking how much I'd love to hear his voice again. To have one last conversation.
But then I realized his voice already reverberates through me whether I hear it or not. I tell his jokes. I learned so many life skills from him while stubbornly pretending I wasn't listening. He instilled in all of us a closeness that has never wavered.
Dad worked crazy hours growing up but he refused to be the absent father. Yes, sometimes it meant missing a ballgame or two, but he went out of his way to rework his schedule so that he could be at most of them. And he always wanted to hear about it if he couldn't be there.
He wasn't perfect. He could be a tough son of a bitch as a kid. He had a temper. I can't deny those things. He wasn't abusive. But he was a hard ass and sometimes we resented him for it.
But he didn't want to be that way and he saw how his anger issues impacted us and he transformed significantly. He mellowed out significantly because he loved us and he worked to change.
There was one night in college where he outright saved me. He doesn't know it. But I'll tell him when I have private time with him tonight.
When I was 19, in college, I was severely depressed and suicidal in my second semester of college. I finally reached the point where I was ready to attempt it. I made a plan to take my entire bottle of SSRIs when I got back to my dorm.
Dad was driving me six hours home from Orlando to Tallahassee. The entire ride all I could think was "six more hours then it's all over. Five more hours. Four." I kept fantasizing about dad leaving and me being alone with my pills and nobody being able to stop me. It was my singular focus. I was almost excited by it.
I stared out the window the entire drive. Deathly silent. He picked up on it and tried to engage me in conversation and I was very checked out.
As we got deeper into the drive, there was a hint of desperation in his voice. "Rob, are you ok?"
Normally I'd deny something was wrong aggressively or reassure him but I had no interest in doing that. I just faintly responded "I'm ok", with as much energy as I could muster to try and fool him.
He was not fooled. He would ask again a few more times. Now I was starting to get mad. "Fuck", I thought, "he's going to ruin this for me". I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get rid of him.
I tried harder and harder to fool him into thinking I was ok. But he knew I wasn't.
Maybe if it had been two years ago, he'd have yelled WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU out of frustration. But instead I heard fear in his voice.
I realized he'd figured out what was going on. He knew this wasn't me being sad, tired, or down. He knew my mind had gone to another level beyond that and he was scared.
We were about an hour away and I wasn't budging. Fuck, you can't let him suss this out, he'll ruin it! You have to get him to leave when he drops you off!
Dad's pleas were getting a bit more desperate. "Rob, I can tell you're not ok. Can you talk to me?", with his voice breaking. Suddenly he was cutting through to me a little.
At this point I didn't have the energy to put on the acting performance to convince him I was ok. I just told myself I'd say whatever I had to when he dropped me off to get him to leave and then I'd be able to do it.
Finally, we got to my dorm and I thought I'd succeeded. But we got to the dorm and he threw a hail Mary.
"Rob - I don't know what's going on right now. I know you're not ok. I'm scared. I love you. I'm afraid to leave you right now. I can't drive home unless I know you're ok. You don't have to talk to me about what's going on right now but can you tell me honestly if you're ok?"
He was outright weeping by now. And it cut through hard.
This time, my response was genuine, where I forced a response (while going to pieces internally) and I smiled - "I'll be ok, dad".
He responded softly to me "can you promise to tell me if that changes - at any point?"
I reassured him I would and that he didn't need to worry. We hugged, with him still crying heavily. He said "ok", and departed.
Once I shut the door I had an emotional breakdown where I was crying uncontrollably for about five minutes. He'd won.
I had no friends, self-esteem, and I was abandoning my schoolwork. I hated myself.
But dad's actions that night made me think - if my father loves me this much... maybe I could learn to love myself. I decided not to do anything that night. I was still very depressed that semester and almost flunked out of school...but I never had those thoughts again.
That's the kind of dad he is. Love seeps out of his pores.
― McNugget Aggressive Growth Fund (Neanderthal), Sunday, 24 September 2023 23:47 (one year ago) link
I'm going to send a hug to you. It should be there shortly.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Monday, 25 September 2023 00:18 (one year ago) link
That’s so powerful. No wonder you love him like you do.
― assert (matttkkkk), Monday, 25 September 2023 02:40 (one year ago) link
<3 <3
― kinder, Monday, 25 September 2023 08:28 (one year ago) link
A deep well of feeling you’ve shared. All the love to you both.
― Ned Raggett, Monday, 25 September 2023 12:28 (one year ago) link
I don't suppose you'll check in here except for a brief touch, N, but we're thinking about you and your family.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 25 September 2023 16:38 (one year ago) link
My thoughts are with you all too.
― curmudgeon, Tuesday, 26 September 2023 17:33 (one year ago) link
Yom Kippur mourner’s service took on a new more serious meaning for me yesterday just about 2 months after my Mom’s death and 3 years after my Dad’s. Also had just learned my sister in law’s Mom died .
― curmudgeon, Tuesday, 26 September 2023 17:38 (one year ago) link
I more or less lurk in this thread to get a sense of what will be coming my way before too long, but I always read your posts Neanderthal and I'm often struck by what a caring, thoughtful son you are. Your mom and dad are very lucky. I can't imagine how hard everything has been but you have a lot to be proud of.
Please make sure you take care of yourself while all of this is happening.
― Cow_Art, Tuesday, 26 September 2023 18:05 (one year ago) link
Goodness gracious Neanz what a story. Huge sympathy for what you're going through. It's been a long tough road. Thinking of you.
― Tracer Hand, Tuesday, 26 September 2023 21:56 (one year ago) link
And it's true everybody says here, what a perceptive and sensitive person you are. Sounds like it runs in the family.
― Tracer Hand, Tuesday, 26 September 2023 21:57 (one year ago) link
Thank you so much everyone.
Weirdly it's been an emotional but serene few days. This hospice facility is gorgeous. The nurses are the sweetest.
Everyone, me, my mother, brother, his fiancee have spent almost the entirety of the last two days with him.
I'm what you call an avoidance coper these days. After the extreme pain of the last three years, I started refusing to acknowledge my pain, pretend I was fine when things happened. It went about as well as you'd expect.
I felt that creeping in again and my inner voice said "no. Not now. Accept them". And I have. They're all contradictory, they come in waves, but I've had the mental clarity in this space to do it.
I've gone from wailing despair ("I'm not ready!"), to laughter and tender moments. We played a video of dad singing karaoke from 2015.
Then his blood pressure dropped to 59/20 and his respirations about 50/minute. So acceptance is very much here.
Nurse estimates 12-24 hours. I'm not really ready. But nobody is. I am so very thankful for this hospice facility experience as it's allowed us to have tender final moments with dad.
I told him "you have nobody to answer to. When you're ready - just go. We'll be with you. We love you."
I also love all of you. Thank you for all of your encouragement the last three years.
― McNugget Aggressive Growth Fund (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 00:40 (one year ago) link
*"accept them" meaning my feelings
― McNugget Aggressive Growth Fund (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 00:41 (one year ago) link
Much love to you and your family, brother. You are all lucky to have one another.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 00:42 (one year ago) link
― the wind beneath my wang (cat), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 00:51 (one year ago) link
feeling this. my wife's dad died in our house on hospice, we were there in the room. it's a special moment as weird as that sounds. rock on dude.
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 01:04 (one year ago) link
Yes, I had a very similar experience with my 103-year-old grandmother. I was so glad to be there.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 01:05 (one year ago) link
Thank you for sharing this experience with us.
― Cow_Art, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 01:25 (one year ago) link
Hugs, Neanderthal.
― hat trick of trashiness (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 01:29 (one year ago) link
Yes, many hugs to you and the whole family.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 01:39 (one year ago) link
He's gone
― McNugget Aggressive Growth Fund (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 02:20 (one year ago) link
love to you
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 02:22 (one year ago) link
in waves, brother.
― dow, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 02:34 (one year ago) link
oh man <3
― mookieproof, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 02:35 (one year ago) link
I'm going to miss him so much but we're going to be ok. We're a very tight knot family.
Taken the week off of work
― McNugget Aggressive Growth Fund (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 02:45 (one year ago) link
― assert (matttkkkk), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 02:45 (one year ago) link
May you, your mom, and brother find moments of peace in the coming days. Thinking of you all.
― Jaq, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 03:00 (one year ago) link
Best to all of you.
― read-only (unperson), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 03:46 (one year ago) link
Love to you and your family, Neanderthal. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm glad you got to spend some peaceful time with him at the end.
― Lily Dale, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 05:16 (one year ago) link
I’m thinking of you and your family, Neanderthal, wishing you all peace and great memories.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 11:22 (one year ago) link
My condolences, N.
― xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 11:33 (one year ago) link
N.--I'm so moved by your posts that I rather feel bad reporting my good news:
This last Sunday my mother and I looked at another condo, and she seemed quite receptive to it. It's not in one of the neighborhoods I would have preferred, but it is right by a Metrorail station within a few stops in either direction from neighborhoods I do like. Do any DC-area ILXors feel safe venturing out for a FAP?
And N., thank you for your posts. I will probably find myself in similar straits in the near future.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 12:11 (one year ago) link
all the best neando, to you and your family: this has been sad and difficult reading but your care and patience and love have been admirable throughout
― mark s, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 12:13 (one year ago) link
We're here if you need to vent.
― hat trick of trashiness (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 12:18 (one year ago) link
Condolences to you and your fam, N.
― I Wanna Find an ILXor That'll Flag My Last Post Till I Have To Go (WmC), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 13:14 (one year ago) link
Condolences and hugs to you and your fam, N.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 13:31 (one year ago) link
My sympathies to you. We're all here for you.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 14:10 (one year ago) link
Xxxposts No need to feel bad j.lu. it's what the thread is for and I'm so glad to hear your mom was receptive to the more suitable location <3.
Thank you all above, this thread has been a constant well of support for me. We have donated dad's body to a tissue network and they will take care of the cremation costs.
Job is giving me ten paid days of bereavement. My brother gets a week. We're so very lucky.
― I love you, dad (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 14:14 (one year ago) link
Sending you lots of love Neando, my thoughts are with you and your family today.
(Feel bad that I hadn't checked this thread in a few weeks and thus missed recent developments until today.)
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 14:19 (one year ago) link
My sincere condolences, Neanderthal.
― Look closely, that is all. (doo dah), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 14:47 (one year ago) link
Adding to everyone here. Much love and care.
― Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 14:47 (one year ago) link
Adding to the condolences, and I just want to say that your dedication to trying to do the best for your dad through such a long series of painful situations and challenges has been remarkable and what love looks like in action. It's been instructive for me as I contemplate my own aging parents and whatever lies ahead for them.
As it happens I'm at the airport now having made a very short trip up to accompany my mom to a doctor's appointment where she received an expected but still sobering diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. We've all noticed increasing issues with her memory over the past year and she was kind of in denial about it for a while but things sort of came to a head this summer and she has settled into more-or-less acceptance that something's going on. We don't know much yet — MCI is a broad category that doesn't automatically mean any one thing, although it very much can be a precursor to more serious cognitive decline. We'll see, tests and scans have been ordered. The good thing is that me and my siblings and parents are all on board and in sync in how we're approaching it, and we're working to show Mom as much love as we can at every step. So again, thanks for the model of that, N.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 15:03 (one year ago) link
My deepest sympathies, Neando. <3
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 16:40 (one year ago) link
ilu neanderthal!!! <3
― ivy., Wednesday, 27 September 2023 16:44 (one year ago) link
The sense that many of us sit while a darkness gathers over the hill when it comes to our parents' cognitive abilities sobers me.
― hat trick of trashiness (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 16:48 (one year ago) link
very sorry to hear about your mother, tipsy. "showing as much love as you can at every step" is really the best foot forward. make sure to be patient with yourself through her journey as well. hoping for the best for her and you and your family!
― I love you, dad (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 17:32 (one year ago) link
Been thinking of you, Neanderthal. Love and condolences to you & family <3
― Easter underwear (Deflatormouse), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 19:52 (one year ago) link
sorry to read this news man
― close encounters of the third knid (darraghmac), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 20:14 (one year ago) link
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, 27 September 2023 20:46 (one year ago) link
Neanderthal, very sorry to hear the news, was thinking about you and your family the last few days. Best to all of you going forward.
― Jeff Wright, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 21:43 (one year ago) link
Neanderthal - much care and kind thoughts to you. Grieving can be hard, but also insightful. Where there’s shadows there’s also light. Take care of yourself and family as best as you’re able.
― BlackIronPrison, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 22:45 (one year ago) link
My mother-in-law was getting pretty daffy and we took her in for an evaluation. Turns out she's just getting older but no signs of alzheimers or anything. Still, the doc prescribed a low dosage of meds for dementia and it sharpened her up pretty good. It's like a fog lifted.
― Cow_Art, Wednesday, 27 September 2023 22:53 (one year ago) link
My fondest hope for my mother, and I mean this sincerely, is that when it is her time she will be swinging a golf club.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 29 September 2023 00:11 (one year ago) link
word has reached me that my mom, who turned 80 last month and also is leaving her current home to move 300 miles east in a couple weeks, has a boyfriend!?!?― mookieproof, Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:44 AM (two weeks ago)
― mookieproof, Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:44 AM (two weeks ago)
so everything was packed up and carted off for the move and earlier this week my aunt came to drive her to eastern PA, and . . . my mom refused to go. didn't want to leave her friends or Joe the Boyfriend, with whom she is in love
fortunately her existing place hadn't yet reassigned her room. it's not terrible; the facilities at her current place are perfectly fine. many thousands of dollars were spent reserving her place eastward, but so it goes
mostly it is lol -- i'm glad she has friends, i'm totally fine with her having a bf (although it kind of sounds like they both have memory issues). but also v. sad
― mookieproof, Friday, 29 September 2023 03:16 (one year ago) link
I get it. In a way, part of letting go. Enjoy what's still good.
― assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 29 September 2023 04:07 (one year ago) link
dang smh -- never ever underestimate the stubbornness of an elderly person. glad she has suitable accommodations at least.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 29 September 2023 13:53 (one year ago) link
And companionship. My mother in law has a sort of boyfriend at the assisted living facility. My feeling is, she's nearing the end of her life, she should enjoy herself.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 29 September 2023 18:26 (one year ago) link
Aside from the occasional married couple, my mom's memory care ward has been pretty consistently 90+% female since she moved in four years ago.
― Jeff Wright, Friday, 29 September 2023 20:08 (one year ago) link
Is that mostly because of women living longer, or is there another reason for women being more likely to be in memory care?
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Friday, 29 September 2023 21:40 (one year ago) link
It's because women live longer.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Friday, 29 September 2023 22:17 (one year ago) link
Dad's memorial is going to be in November. I think my brother and I are going to emcee a lot of it.
Already had one 'friend' last out at me for picking a date they specifically couldn't attend. Idk why people enjoy kicking me when I'm down but I'm not letting this bullshit stop me.
I've taken an outsized amount of space itt so I want to let everyone else have the space going forward. I'm glad to offer lessons learned for anybody going through similar things in the future. Just email me (ILX email works)
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Thursday, 5 October 2023 16:51 (one year ago) link
*lash out
Good news: my mother and I are about to make an offer on the condo that seemed to be a reasonable compromise. In theory purchasing this place should be reasonably straightforward; but buying real estate has got to top the list of "positive strssors."
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 10 October 2023 15:15 (one year ago) link
it sure does, good luck and take deep breaths as needed
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Tuesday, 10 October 2023 15:17 (one year ago) link
glad to hear that j.lu! hoping for a bump-less process for you all, and that you can finally have that weight off of your shoulders
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 10 October 2023 15:50 (one year ago) link
I own my current condo, but I bought it nearly 30 years ago. I do not doubt the changes this time around are intended to minimize fraud and do things remotely when possible. But I have to keep telling myself to not hyperventilate.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Tuesday, 10 October 2023 18:15 (one year ago) link
My mom has ended up in the hospital with low sodium. Anyone have any experience with that? It has likely been a contributing factor in her cognitive issues, but not necessarily the underlying cause. They won't be able to tell until they get her sodium back up. This has been a bit of a known problem for a while, she had a really bad sodium depletion incident after a hip surgery last year and her levels have periodically dipped since. But it really crashed over the last few weeks, apparently. The last blood test she took, her doctor called my parents at home at 11:30 at night this past weekend and told my dad he had to take her to the ER. She was very disoriented by the time she got there. She sounded much better on the phone today, but she still isn't allowed any actual food until the sodium gets back to a good level.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 12 October 2023 02:21 (one year ago) link
Well so the prior post turned out to be a bit more involved. My mom had a rough week and I ended up flying up to help out. She's out now, sodium levels seem stable but wow she was completely confused and out of it at the hospital. She woke up from a nap by herself, because Dad had come to get me at the airport, and she had no idea where she was or why she was there. She thought she was at the gym and packed up her stuff to go home. The nurses at the station stopped her and asked where she was going and when she said she needed to drive home one of them said, "Really? Well, where are your car keys?" That kind of snapped her out of it (well done, nurse) but she was still only kind of tenuous when they discharged her. (Her mental state being not so much their concern once the sodium levels were addressed.) Since then she's been up and down, definitely fades into some cloudiness in the evenings. So we still have the cognitive issues to wrestle with, once she's rested up a bit.
One thing that came out, she's barely been eating. She's always been super skinny but I noticed that she seemed even smaller, and at the Dr's office for the follow-up she weighed in at 96 pounds fully clothed. One of the doctor's big recommendation was EAT MORE! Especially protein. So anyway, quite a time. I'm also the family liaison with my brother and sister and assorted other relatives. Everybody's really concerned of course so they're all calling and texting, which is really sweet, but a lot of times they have more questions than we have answers.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Wednesday, 18 October 2023 01:59 (one year ago) link
Tipsy, I don't know anything about sodium depletion, but another thing that can cause sudden disorientation is a urinary tract infection; assume they checked for that at some point.
My mom also < 100 pounds, got as low as 85 just before we moved her to the care facility ('dinner' at home was a few crackers and a couple spoonfuls of yogurt). They've gotten her stabilized around 95 now. . .
― Jeff Wright, Thursday, 19 October 2023 01:40 (one year ago) link
My mom has also been losing weigh but it’s because she has a permanent ileostomy and can literally house pounds and pounds of food and it just comes out a few hours later. No weigh gain. Once saw her eat an entire party plate of nachos to herself. It’s kind of shocking.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Thursday, 19 October 2023 01:45 (one year ago) link
Yep, UTIs themselves are a prime cause of sodium depletion apparently. There was no particular sign of that with my mom, but they put her on antibiotics anyway just in case she had an underlying infection.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 19 October 2023 01:47 (one year ago) link
Oh! That’s why I commented previously— my mom gets UTIs all the time, has often made me worry about memory loss with her. The ileostomy means that she has a hard time getting proper electrolytes.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Thursday, 19 October 2023 01:51 (one year ago) link
Yeah with my mom it's tricky because there are definitely underlying cognitive issues going on, but then the sodium crash sent it totally off a cliff. So now she's more or less returning to the more mild fog that was there before.
The sodium drop — not to get all wonky, but of course I've read a lot about it in the last week — is generally because of retaining too much water in the blood, which dilutes your sodium levels. So kidney or urinary problems that lead to reduced processing of water and reduced urination can cause sodium levels to drop. And I can definitely attest to just how much that messes with cognition, whoo boy.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 19 October 2023 01:59 (one year ago) link
It's funny, if there's a problem with salt and water you'd tend to think it would be too much of the former and too little of the latter, but the reverse is also bad it turns out.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 19 October 2023 02:01 (one year ago) link
tipsy this all feels very familiar - dad had similar issues due to UTI/urine retention.
Glad they have her on an antibiotic, hope if there is an underlying infection it zaps it out and the sodium returns to normal and cognition stabilizes.
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Thursday, 19 October 2023 02:09 (one year ago) link
Hoping for the best for your mom!
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Thursday, 19 October 2023 02:10 (one year ago) link
Many thanks!
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 19 October 2023 02:54 (one year ago) link
Yes, for sure. I'm glad you can be there for your folks, I just hope you're getting support and care also.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 19 October 2023 21:54 (one year ago) link
Decided to extend my stay for another week because my mom woke up last night super disoriented and anxious and unable to form coherent sentences. She was trying to tell me something but she was using the wrong words, it was like a total brain malfunction. She was awake, it wasn't sleepwalking or anything like that — she remembered the episode when she woke up this morning and remembered that she was very confused but wasn't sure why. Alarming. But today has been probably her best day of the week. So my hope is that I'll see some kind of real stabilization over the next week. Just wasn't quite ready to go off and leave them alone here. (They live in a somewhat remote place, which has been a point of some contention over the years because we've all known it would eventually pose challenges.)
Did manage to get out today for a drink with an old friend, the first person I've seen in a week who wasn't my parents or a medical professional. I talked about my parents, she talked about her struggles with her teenage son, good times good times. :) Probably I don't really need to be here for another whole week, but they were glad when I said I was staying and I'm more conscious than ever of how little actual time I have left to spend with them. Fortunately I can work remotely.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Friday, 20 October 2023 00:44 (one year ago) link
Well this has been quite the cold-water plunge into the aging parents experience. I've been here for two weeks and have to fly home tomorrow, but basically my mom was in the hospital when I arrived, I was able to help bring her home and get her stabilized and see things improve for about 4-5 days, only to have them turn south over the last three days and now she's being readmitted to the hospital for the exact same thing she was in for when I first got here (low sodium) — with still no known or identified underlying cause. Been quite the rollercoaster. My dad is handling it all OK, but he's of course super stressed and exhausted and sort of overwhelmed by the circumstances. My brother showed up yesterday and can stay into next week, so at least I'm not leaving them alone. But it's not really sustainable for any of us kids to be here full time, we all have homes and jobs in other cities. Ai yi.
They have friends here who will check on them, but you can only ask so much. As I said to my brother last night when we were cleaning up her vomit at 2 a.m., it's not like anyone else is gonna come do that.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 26 October 2023 19:47 (one year ago) link
Ahh geez tipsy, I'm so sorry. :(
Do doctors have any working theories yet, even if they still haven't settled on one?
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Thursday, 26 October 2023 19:54 (one year ago) link
Thx. I guess the next step will be to call in an endocrinologist, once they get her more stable. My mom keeps saying, "Whatever it is, it's because I'm old" — obviously true.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 26 October 2023 21:38 (one year ago) link
always the fun, finding the right specialists to be consulted and then hoping they all talk to each other.
hoping some progress can be made on that front very soon for your mother!
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Thursday, 26 October 2023 22:35 (one year ago) link
tipsy my nurse wife says:"Low sodium is a strange thing and involves fluid and electrolyte imbalances and intercellular fluid m. If the balance of fluids and sodium is upset, you can experience hypernatremia – having too much sodium and not enough fluid. Or you can experience hyponatremia – having too much fluid and not enough sodium. Both of these conditions can be the result of dehydration. It usually is related to diuretics but can also be problems with kidneys and sometimes when it has one of these causes it is not a simple fix ie, more water or more salt dies not necessarily fix it.
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Thursday, 26 October 2023 23:49 (one year ago) link
she adds "I am not a doctor"
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Thursday, 26 October 2023 23:55 (one year ago) link
Thanks! It definitely seems complicated.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Friday, 27 October 2023 06:57 (one year ago) link
Old habits (never having insurance, don't go to a doctor unless absolutely necessary) die hard (even after Medicare) - my mom waited until her appendix perforated to go to the doctor, who immediately sent her to a CAT scan who immediately sent her to the ER.
― papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 1 November 2023 23:22 (one year ago) link
Jeez, sorry. I hope she's OK.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 2 November 2023 02:35 (one year ago) link
best wishes for your mother milo
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Thursday, 2 November 2023 02:48 (one year ago) link
Thanks, she's currently mostly concerned about making sure her dogs get their proper diet of leftover turkey and fancy kibble.
― papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 2 November 2023 02:49 (one year ago) link
that's an a+ mom
― mookieproof, Thursday, 2 November 2023 02:57 (one year ago) link
so hey, nothing like finding out the church (that my mother was a member of btw) that we're holding dad's memorial at tomorrow wants $750 for the entire ceremony...the day before.
we never would have used them.
we expected they'd just ask for a donation to the church based on prior conversations, something in the low hundreds.
I hate my life right now.
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Friday, 3 November 2023 21:37 (one year ago) link
can't move it or postpone it because family coming from out of town
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Friday, 3 November 2023 21:38 (one year ago) link
death is an absolute racket
― mookieproof, Saturday, 4 November 2023 01:59 (one year ago) link
so fucked
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 4 November 2023 01:59 (one year ago) link
It is our most modestly priced receptacle.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 4 November 2023 03:58 (one year ago) link
plz don't lump ilxor Jaq in with the death racketeers. some of the people drawn into that field see it as a calling and are truly wonderful. in sum, death is a land of contrasts.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Saturday, 4 November 2023 04:01 (one year ago) link
Would never, Jaq is amazing!
― real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Saturday, 4 November 2023 04:40 (one year ago) link
Aww y'all are very sweet. That's a terrible spot the church has put you in Neando - I really hope the celebration of your Dad's life is memorable for good reasons.
― Jaq, Saturday, 4 November 2023 12:22 (one year ago) link
Mom had an ER visit this weekend, though fortunately relatively minor - turned out to be a minor bout of colitis and she got sent home after an IV drip with antibiotics.
we chose a different one than the one dad usually stayed at because didn't wanna dredge up those memories.
she also has a cough that she's seemed to have for a month and a half that I'm concerned about, esp given lung cancer history (though she never had a cough when she DID have the lung cancer before it was removed). asking her to get that looked at next. hospital didn't really do anything w/ that since it wasn't her primary reason for visit.
― a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Monday, 27 November 2023 15:38 (one year ago) link
Mom borrowed $150 from me a week and a half ago and is extremely vague about when she can pay back. I really wasn't in any place to do it. But I can survive that once.
So she hasn't paid that back and asks for $350 today and I (unintentionally) reacted exasperated "no way - I don't have that to spare right now".
Like if I do that, nobody's getting a Christmas gift this year.
Why don't I say no more often?
Half the time she goes to my brother who immediately msgs me to complain.
Or she goes and gets a predatory loan from somewhere without telling me.
20+ years of this shit, going back to age 18.
At least this time I finally reacted the right way. But she knows I can't afford to do this and saw the distraught way I looked on Friday before I broke down crying in my car and my best friend called me trying to comfort me.
Why would you ask when you know I can't and when you know it's going to get me worked up? It's the feeling of being asked to solve everyone's problems that stresses me out more than anything.
On the plus side, I think I staved off the lawsuit by settling with my bank. If you can call it that.
― a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 03:40 (one year ago) link
Like at what point do I just leave the country and go into hiding so I can start over anew under a new identity and everyone else cash my life insurance cos that's all I am apparently anyway atm, a bank
― a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 04:13 (one year ago) link
It’s ok if no one gets a Xmas gift. Felt like I needed to say that. I feel like saying no and maintaining your boundaries is a muscle that needs to be flexed in order to grow strong enough to work.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 14:51 (one year ago) link
it is for sure. I appreciate the response.
It was a wee bit easier for me to enforce my boundaries when my mother wasn't my roommate. then, I actually told them a few times I would not help but actually told them how these actions were hurting me. they would always find a solution when I said "no" (usually someone else that wouldn't tell them "no"), even filed bankruptcy twice in the shortest window of time allowable by law.
The moment I agreed to move in with the folks to help with rent and take care of dad, that hurt that dynamic a little. I'm aware that this is still an excuse and not one that absolves me, but - my ability to stay detached and not get directly involved in my mother's financial issues became a lot more difficult when they could potentially threaten her ability to pay rent. I absolutely can't afford to pay the entire rent myself - and I'm stuck in this lease until October of 2024. (after which I am 100% moving out, it's already been discussed - mom needs to find a rental assistance property as she will likely qualify)
as far as the presents thing, it might sound silly and materialistic, but...I went to Sea World with friends a few weeks ago and they were playing nothing but old school Christmas music and I just got really down and sad. it reminded me of dad, but all I could think as well is how great our family Christmases were growing up and how lousy this year's is going to be, not just because of dad, but because of how much I'm struggling just to keep the lights on.
at least being able to treat my friends and family, even if on a diminished scale...would at least help me salvage the holiday, make it feel real. I'm not a religious person or even someone who was mega into Christmas, but our family Christmases brought a lot of wonderful memories - even recently, in 2021, dad got sprung from assisted living on Christmas Eve, returned home, and promptly began actually singing (sotto voce) Beatles songs along with my brother, which he'd not done in a long time.
in any case, so my brother apparently made a secret deal with mom that he's going to give her a little bit of money each week until her job starts (and she's already passed orientation and is ready to start ASAP). I'm not contributing anything. I'm going to let my brother do this because frankly, I've done way more of the financial lifting than him, and he isn't in danger of going ass-up at the moment, from what he told me.
also Social Security is fucking Mom over their seeming confusion of how Waivers of Overpayments work - their own form says not to use it if it's for a waiver of under $1,000, and every time she calls, they refer her to use the form, even when she points out the form says not for under $1,000. One of the times when I was with her, they told her they were taking care of it, only to send a letter showing us they actually did nothing whatsoever. so now we're sending in a form and going to snarkily circle the part that says not to use for under $1,000, but if anybody knows of any way to escalate a complaint to SS sooner, please let me know.
― a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 22:05 (one year ago) link
I was worried about how Christmas would go this year. we decided to celebrate at an affordable hotel that my brother and I paid for, because Mom just thinks of Dad all the time she is home and wanted a change of scenery, and we thought this was a great idea. Although we're all grieving, Mom is (understandably) having the hardest time with it. She was married to him for 50 years, and we never had a hospital bed for him - even in his last months living at home, they slept in the same bed.
Mom and I had not been getting along as well recently, which for us is unusual - for years we had gotten along wonderfully, one or two caregiver burnout squabbles excepted. Part of it due to her putting her energy 100% into me now, and me feeling suffocated at times, whereas me not having fully processed my grief also has lead me to act out in ways unlike me. I even apologized a few weeks ago for my mood...it just comes out of nowhere.
Well, this Christmas was nothing short of wonderful. We spent a lovely time together, me, my mother, my brother, and his fiancee. My brother's fiancee was with us as Dad died and is just as much family as any one of us three, and has been a huge help to my mother (she lost her own father in a tragic accident a few years ago). Mom did have a moment that broke my heart a little - we left dinner to go back to our hotel and I asked (foolishly) "Are you having a good Christmas?", and her demeanor changed and she said "as good as ...can be expected", and started crying, so I hugged her hard for a moment and told her I loved her.
My brother...for all the complaints upthread, did one of the most thoughtful things he's ever done, and as a gift got me custom guitar picks...with pictures of me and Dad on them (as well as one of the four of us on the back).
Over the few days, I had moments where I kept thinking of Dad. I finally had a moment alone after mom went to sleep, and I pulled up dad's FB profile (which now is a Memorial page), and thumbed through pics for the first time in some time, I finally let the grief wash over me instead of hiding from it, and just cried for about a solid half hour. there's still a lot of it left in me because my brain tries to shut down these crying fits but I didn't let it this time. I'm glad I did. it helped me understand how much I'd been holding back but also means I'm not just holding onto these feelings.
we're visiting my aunt this weekend for New Year's and going to finally spread some of his ashes around on his sister's property. that'll be a nice moment. we're healing, it's happening, but we've survived the first two holidays without him closer together, which was the end goal.
― Ghidorah, the three-headed Explorah (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 26 December 2023 19:38 (eleven months ago) link
That's really good to hear. Glad you all were able to be together, and that you're able to let yourself feel your grief.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Tuesday, 26 December 2023 19:40 (eleven months ago) link
My dear Dad passed away peacefully in hospital on Hogmanay. He had only been given a few days left about a week earlier.
We never told him he wasn't going to make it, so he was never frightened. I felt it was for the best. He wasn't in pain nor did he suffer.
He managed to say a few words to my mum on video call the night before and his last word was my name. I reassured him he would be home soon feeling better. He fell asleep.
He passed away 4 hours after I left (i spent the nights there as he was always afraid of sleeping alone in the living room on his hospital bed, so I always slept on the floor for most of the past 2 years.)
The nurse looking after him was there when he passed. This nurse had looked after Dad years ago and only lives 5 mins walk away from our home.
― Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Tuesday, 2 January 2024 16:59 (eleven months ago) link
saw your post on FB - very sorry to hear about your Dad :(. I know he'd been through a lot in recent years and that you'd been taking care of him. I think your strategy was absolutely for the best, and glad to hear he wasn't in pain.
Sending love and strength to you and your family - I know it's a tough time, but hopefully you're able to cherish the fond memories together.
― Disco Biollante (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 2 January 2024 17:09 (eleven months ago) link
all of that love and care you showed, it really sounds like it made a big difference in making things easier for him. my condolences to you and your family.
― z_tbd, Tuesday, 2 January 2024 17:20 (eleven months ago) link
Daddy's birthday is in two days. we're going to have to cancel our plans to have dinner at the same restaurant we took him to two years ago, but it's ok - we can postpone and can do later, and her and I will be together on the day.
we're all getting more emotional again as the day comes. last year, he spent his birthday with us at home, and we took him to one of his fav Italian restaurants.
the other day I was trying to look up mom's medical records at AdventHealth, looking for bloodwork, and I pulled it up, but it was dad's account, registered under her name. i saw his last order releasing him to hospice, but the thing I wasn't ready for was the profile pic.
Advent started taking pics of the patients upon admission, which they never previously did, for the in-room tablet. so in the account was his frail face with the tubes under his nose.
that's not how I remember you Dad. I'll always remember your face being full of life even as shit collapsed all around you. thank you for everything. i'll always be your boy
― CEO Greedwagon (Neanderthal), Friday, 16 February 2024 23:34 (ten months ago) link
Mom seriously fucked me over and i'm livid. I know she didn't do it on purpose but i'm still upset.
bottom line on top, I can claim her as a dependent for last year, which I only discovered last September. I told her I was going to do this 5 or 6 times. she was fine with it (especially since I loan her money on occasion, so this would put me in a better position to do so). Because I waited so long to do it, I was still going to get approximately a $550 refund this year. Mom is getting no refund, owes no taxes, and isn't even legally required to file due to low income.
however, she has been convinced all year that she has to. I've clarified her 5 to 6 times she does not have to and even showed her the IRS regulations on this. Every time, she believes me for a little while, then two weeks later convince herself she has to file again, just because she got tax forms in the mail, so we have the conversation again. I also told her point blank - if you file jointly w/ dad for last year, and you're not claiming a refund, I *can't* claim you - so don't do it as it will cost me a lot of money!
The only thing we were unclear about is that PPL fucked up her caretaker payment tax form, not properly labeling the payments as Difficulty of Care. You can recharacterize these monies on the tax form itself, but since mom wasn't required to file, I wasn't sure if she actually had to do this or not, and whether it'd impact my ability to claim her. Mom said she'd go on her Turbotax and ask them in the help chat, so I wrote out the question for her in detail.
She not only never asked it, but she also secretly filed her taxes and didn't mention it to me at all. as a result, I went to file mine, and it was rejected, telling me she was already claimed. now I go from $550 refund to owing almost $1000, unless she files an amended return, and I file mine by paper. meaning a 2+ month delay, AND the possibility I don't get the money at all, and having no idea until they decide whether I'm getting $550 or owing close to $1000.
I'm trying not to be mad because I know she didn't do it on purpose but it's the principle of not listening to me when I said not to do this thing that would harm me financially and her doing it anyway. and then acting the aggrieved one when I got upset when I found out tonight.
― CEO Greedwagon (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 02:07 (nine months ago) link
oh it's actually even dumber now, she is apparently getting a $5 refund (no idea how), but she deliberately left the box indicating she could be claimed as a dependent unchecked. which makes even less sense because we talked about that at length.
when I talked to her about it she immediately apologized in a way that was meant to make me feel sorry for her, how she's going through a lot, and I asked "am I not allowed to be upset?", like...why is it that anytime I'm rightfully upset about something it gets turned around on me?
going for a drive.....fuck this
― CEO Greedwagon (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 02:17 (nine months ago) link
Hoo boy, trying to get my parents moved about 900 miles to be close to me. It took me and my siblings a few months of effort to persuade them that they need to move now to be close to one of us, because they are developing and will continue to develop needs that will make it hard for them to stay where they are — in a semi-rural setting with all of us hours (and in my case several states) away. For assorted reasons it makes most sense for them to move to where I am rather than where my siblings are. So my 79-yr-old dad has been packing boxes maniacally for a few months now and the strain of it all is overwhelming both of them. My job is to find the moving company and set all that up; find them a rental house to move into in the short term until they can sell their current house and then buy one down here; find them a doctor and start working on getting them a Medicare plan here; and then probably make multiple trips up and back to supervise the move and drive both of their cars down here. And all of that is supposed to happen by like June.
If we all survive, they should end up in a better situation. But whooee the next few months are gonna be fun.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 14 March 2024 14:59 (nine months ago) link
congrats on getting them to listen/agree to move. i failed at that w my mom because she is the most stubborn person ever born and i am but one human being she doesn't actually want to be closer to.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Thursday, 14 March 2024 15:05 (nine months ago) link
lol I thought my dad was the most stubborn person ever born, but I guess he's second-most.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 14 March 2024 18:24 (nine months ago) link
We moved more local a few years back for my in-laws as this thing does as time does. 3 years in and we (me and my wife) are intensely frustrated. All the passive aggressive "be near" has been for nothing, her (divorced parents) dad has basically decided to be resistant to any action to help him keep living. He is a Viet Vet, now blind and continues to insist living in a tiny old house with minimal support.
We are at the point that we have done what we did and live with it. Everything could be a lot worse but we gave up a lot that worked for us to try and help with them (very much my wife's ethos than mine). It is going to keep hurting for a good few more years and that is before we have to try and sort their shit out.
― horizontal, Friday, 15 March 2024 04:46 (nine months ago) link
"If we all survive, they should end up in a better situation. But whooee the next few months are gonna be fun."
try and take care of yourself. its a very stressful process. drink lots of water? wait, i meant whisky...
anyway, do what you can to not go bonkers with it all. one step at a time.
― scott seward, Friday, 15 March 2024 04:54 (nine months ago) link
i'm terrible at advice.
and i am lucky enough to be blessed with a spouse who will take my father to appointments while i work. and get his banking in order. and help with the bulk of the house selling and insurance stuff. wait, what do i do again? i must do something.
― scott seward, Friday, 15 March 2024 04:56 (nine months ago) link
has this ever happened to you guys? you try and build a business for 15 years and work a ton and cook meals for 4 people for almost 20 years and then your two kids finally go off to school and you want to relax a little and then there is a pandemic and your mom dies and your dad looks like death so he moves in with you and then your 80-something year old aunt who you never talk to and who is the most prickly pear you will ever meet decides that SHE is going to move to your town as well because she's lonely by herself - she was near my dad before he moved in with us - and gets an apartment and is coming here in april and when the inevitable happens and my dad goes - though lord knows he might outlive me - maria and i will be her only family as far as the eye can see and will no doubt have to deal with HER long into our dotage because she is way too prickly to die.
we actually think about moving and not telling anyone. my dad will just look up from his Wall Street Journal or his CJ Box book or his episode of Blue Bloods and wonder where we went to and he will have to walk to Walgreens for all his meals. he'd manage...
― scott seward, Friday, 15 March 2024 05:02 (nine months ago) link
just a little venting...nothing to see here.
― scott seward, Friday, 15 March 2024 05:03 (nine months ago) link
its always nice to beth parker's name at the top of this thread. she just e-mailed me last week to rant about science fiction podcasts.
― scott seward, Friday, 15 March 2024 05:07 (nine months ago) link
Yeah - I feel that vibe Scott (that is awful and I am sorry for you). Except we just gave up a ton of shit we liked to walk into whatever that turns out to be.
I need to meditate more.
There is that running point in the US that the generation of mass growth, success, glory and everything is also happily choosing to hand its care to their kids in a wonderful "plop" basket. Cos why wouldn't you?
― horizontal, Friday, 15 March 2024 05:15 (nine months ago) link
Tell Beth hi from us.
― Ned Raggett, Friday, 15 March 2024 05:42 (nine months ago) link
Scott I hope it works better than you're fearing, it sounds like you are a generous and loyal person who feels for his family, and ultimately that makes a better life than an asshole who's able to cut people off. But it comes at a cost.
― assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 15 March 2024 06:19 (nine months ago) link
I feel these posts. My siblings and I talked and none of us wanted to move, we all like where we are (and much love to Rochester, but if I wanted to live there I wouldn’t have left). Having my folks here does still restrict us, in the sense that my wife and I were tentatively talking about moving elsewhere in a few years and now obviously that is on hold. But we do love our current home and community, so staying longer is ok.
As I grapple with these move logistics part of me is like, we shoulda just let them stay where they are. But I know that’s not good either.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Friday, 15 March 2024 13:18 (nine months ago) link
best wishes to yall and yr families <3
― brimstead, Friday, 15 March 2024 14:30 (nine months ago) link
My uncle died the night before last. Throat cancer got too hard to endure and he applied for MAID and went through with it. He was 70. He didn’t tell my mom he was sick, she just got the news after he’d passed. No funeral or service or anything.
Felt a little vindictive, but he was always the odd uncle. He wasn’t close to my mom or her other brothers. I always liked him, he was the arrested development uncle, shared his comics with me when I was 8, got me interested in Talking Heads when I was 10.
My mom isn’t showing any signs of grief, she never really got on with him. She was more piqueish herself about my health over the phone. “Smoking is how you get throat cancer.” I know, mom, I know.
Still, I’m like “wow I’m halfway between age 20 and dead at age 70.” My mom and stepfather are getting pretty old. By default I assume I’m the one who will need to live with them when they need it, I’m the gay one, my brothers all have wives and families.
I’ve had a tentative plan to move out west to be closer to my brothers and my mom, the plan is now less-tentative. I think I’m gonna be a good care-child? I’d like to be. Anyway. Sad to lose an uncle. First of my mom’s generation to go.
― Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 6 April 2024 14:55 (eight months ago) link
Sorry to hear that indeed -- and I get this sense of planning and wondering, though it's at best very vague for me still. One of my mom's siblings died of a heart attack some years back, nobody was close to him -- a classic fuckup, being blunt, but I hope wherever he was at gave him some peace. The real loss was my dad's younger brother and only sibling out of nowhere in 2015; the fact that it's almost been a decade now and my dad's the only one of his core family left is very strange to think about.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 6 April 2024 15:38 (eight months ago) link
I think I’m gonna be a good care-child?
This is something I've resolved too, even tho it wasn't a role I ever particularly planned on. Not that there were really any plans, which maybe would have been good if there were, but you can't force these things. Until about 6 months ago I think my dad's plan was "We stay where we are until we die." But subsequent events persuaded him otherwise, and now we have actual moving dates on the calendar. I don't have any exact expectations of what it will be like to suddenly live near my nearly-80-year-old parents after 30-plus years of NOT living near them, but I've just kind of decided I'm willing to do whatever that is.
Sorry about your uncle. My dad's brother died a few years ago, the first one of that generation for either of my parents (they both have/had two siblings). He was the youngest of my aunts/uncles but also the unhealthiest for decades (chronically overweight, smoker, addiction issues, COPD). My parents and the rest of their siblings all seem poised at the moment to make it into their 80s, but obviously anything can happen at this point. I've become accustomed to reading lots of obituaries of people famous and otherwise who died younger than my parents are already. On one hand it can seem a little crazy to be going to so much effort and expense to get my folks moved because we all know that at a likely maximum we're looking at 10 years at the outside. If they both keeled over tomorrow, I think they'd be as relieved as anything at not having to deal with continuing to get older. But as long as they're here, we'll do what we need to.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Saturday, 6 April 2024 15:51 (eight months ago) link
Big love to you both
Also going to see my dad next weekend, he’s been end-of-lifing for five years now, I feel oddly like this will be my last visit. Goddammit!! Navigating age is a psychological part-time job
― Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 6 April 2024 16:04 (eight months ago) link
Good luck, hope it's good time.
― assert (matttkkkk), Saturday, 6 April 2024 23:32 (eight months ago) link
Dad has made it to 97, but he’s now in hospital receiving end of life care and probably won’t make it to the end of the week. When someone you love reaches such an advanced age it feels almost greedy or selfish to wish for more - but however old, it never seems enough once the end of the road is in sight.
― Ward Fowler, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 12:35 (eight months ago) link
I'm so sorry to hear this.
― Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 12:39 (eight months ago) link
97 years, that is really something to celebrate <3
― H.P, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 12:43 (eight months ago) link
Wow @ 97. I'm sorry he is reaching the end, best thoughts to your family. That's sort of inconceivable to me. My mom is 77, it's hard for me to imagine another 10 years much less 20.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 12:56 (eight months ago) link
Mom has mostly not been duped by scams because she often asks me to look at things first or googles then first.
Then yesterday, has dresses for sale on Poshmart, and gets an email formatted so poorly it was obviously fake, saying her dress sold and they needed her banking info.
Nevermind the fact that the website itself showed no sale on it, and the site tells you never to give your bank info to buyers, she clicked on the link, proceeded to give these people all of her banking info, and only realized it was a scam when they asked her for $200 to verify her account.
Now she has to cancel her debit card AND get a new checking account number. I really hope this is not a sign of a mental decline because she's never been foolish like that before. And if she gets cleaned out, it'll impact us both.
― RICH BRIAN (Neanderthal), Sunday, 5 May 2024 20:30 (seven months ago) link
And to report it, just now, she juxtaposed two digits and called a scam impersonator instead of her bank.
Praying she's just brain farting today because I really don't have the energy to become her POA agent
― RICH BRIAN (Neanderthal), Sunday, 5 May 2024 20:51 (seven months ago) link
Yeah my mom fell for a scam a year back that started with a fake iPhone alert, proceeded to have her call a phone number and told her she need identity fraud protection, and then in this case asked my mom to drive to a convenience store with a bitcoin atm to make a deposit.
Fortunately we caught her before the last part.
But I think it wasn't cognitive impairment here as much as confusion followed by shame. And the scammers knew how to prey on the shame.
― fajita seas, Monday, 6 May 2024 00:28 (seven months ago) link
trying to explain to my mother why she can't just cash a check made out to my deceased father in her own bank account is like explaining tax codes to kindergartners. i gave up after a half hour.
― Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Friday, 17 May 2024 21:33 (seven months ago) link
My project continues: After months of effort by everyone — especially my dad, who made packing up their house basically a full-time job for about four months — I have successfully moved my parents' stuff down to a rental house about a mile from me. Step 2 is actually moving them. I'm going to fly up next weekend and drive back down with both of them. This will be ... interesting. My sister is also moving here, which is great. But it also means I'm suddenly going to be living in the same city with most of my immediate family, after not even living in the same state with any of them for most of the last 30 years. Huh.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Friday, 17 May 2024 21:38 (seven months ago) link
The move won't be complete until they buy a house here, which they can't do until they sell their current house in western NY. A lot of change for people who are turning 78 and 80 this year.
― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Friday, 17 May 2024 21:39 (seven months ago) link
wild amount of work - glad your folks have you and your sister, but wow that sounds like a huge undertaking. my only advice is - leave breathing time for you. but it's a good thing you're doing!
― Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Friday, 17 May 2024 21:44 (seven months ago) link
eightysomething dad had a "mild to moderate" stroke and wow this is not easy
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Thursday, 19 September 2024 15:24 (three months ago) link
it is not. do you have support (family or otherwise)?
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Thursday, 19 September 2024 17:24 (three months ago) link
Many sympathies. My parents have seen a few friends have strokes and their subsequent struggles, and I think that’s the thing they’re both maybe most afraid of (on the endless scale of ways they could suffer a loss of quality of life).
― Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 19 September 2024 17:38 (three months ago) link
yep support system is good both familial and financial, just kind of reckoning with putting my life on hold and shifting back into parent care mode
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Thursday, 19 September 2024 18:13 (three months ago) link
no physical or speech issues, just diffuse cognitive problems that mean he can't be alone right now... hoping for some recovery in the next couple of months but the brush with mortality has everyone shook
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Thursday, 19 September 2024 18:25 (three months ago) link
understandably this period of life is such a monster!!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Thursday, 19 September 2024 18:40 (three months ago) link
glad to hear you have people <3
I'd mentioned upthread how my dad had started to show irrtional demential symptoms well, it turns out not too long ago he had some minor strokes (like they didnt even have syptoms) that have caused "vascular dementia". It got to the point where mum just couldnt be his carer anymore as he was ust getting up in the night and falling down and incontinent and all that.
So he's just gone into a home. I know my dad. He used to gruffly say "if I ever go senile or end up in a home just effing shoot me". I'm sure some part of him is still in there thinkin the same thing. Mum said this morning he quietly said "I feel like I'm in prison". :( Its a nice room with comfy chairs and a lovely view and he could go walk out in the gardens and its only a 10 min walk from their house.
But my poor mum needs the help and the break. I just dont know how to process any of this. I've never been any good at dealing with other peoples frailties and illnesses, except when it is in my direct path (like a partner).
But hearing my dad confabulate in a weirdly childlike voice, nothing like the crabby, increasingly angry man he'd been the last 10 years or so is... so weird and I dont know how to feel.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Friday, 20 September 2024 00:07 (three months ago) link
Ugh so many typos in all that sorry.
oh man, sorry. it is super rough
― mookieproof, Friday, 20 September 2024 00:26 (three months ago) link
Sorry for the both of you and your ailing parents. It's so hard to balance the person's needs with the family's needs - and the real crime is that aged care has become such an underfunded shitshow that it's difficult to find the positives in what should be a supportive and caring decision to give someone assisted living. Please be easy on yourselves, the harm caused by these strokes is the actual problem, and you're not to blame for trying to find the best way through it.
― assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 20 September 2024 00:34 (three months ago) link
Oh dont even start me on that part. My parents are financially able to pay for good care but apparently it isnt as simple as just calling a place and slotting in, mum says she is "drowning in paperwork" trying to get all the govt funding ducks in a row. This is just 2 week respite care I dont know what the long term plan is, but he really cant live at home easily anymore.
And I live in another state, I cant just pop up there and help - theyve asked before and I had to say no because I couldnt leave work alone at the time. My brothers are helping though. I'm just the useless black sheep who left home and never calls lol
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Friday, 20 September 2024 01:24 (three months ago) link
why is my biological father texting me (which i hate, because fuck typing on a phone) about how i should be on zoom calls (which i also hate, because fuck having to supply an image when there are so many other ways to communicate)
oh, yeah
― mookieproof, Monday, 23 September 2024 07:16 (two months ago) link
He used to gruffly say "if I ever go senile or end up in a home just effing shoot me".
I can easily understand the source of that sentiment, but at the same time it is asking your loved ones for something that is totally beyond their ability to grant. Your mom's decision to place him in the care of others was absolutely correct, in spite of his declared wishes, because they were based in the fantasy of an easy solution to one of life's most painful dilemmas. He can't help his feelings, but your mom and you are not in a position to assuage his feelings. As matttkkkk said, you are not to blame. This is a matter of necessity far more than it is a matter of choice.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 23 September 2024 22:45 (two months ago) link
My mom said the same as your dad, Trayce. Almost verbatim.And now she’s in a home and happy as a clam. Some regrets in my part, but mostly that I didn’t get her to assisted living sooner. My mom, the person who advocated for being effing shot, was a chanfing person projecting herself into a quality of life she didn’t know and was frightened of. My decision to send her to a facility in the present, is based on a person she is now. And I believe the same is likely true for your father.
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Tuesday, 24 September 2024 01:31 (two months ago) link
Thanks for the good thoughts, tipsy and LL! Sorry to hear that, Trayce... it's difficult, you can't settle down because you don't know how to feel or move forward.
My father isn't the gruffest guy around but after a lifetime of having him be able to handle pretty much anything life has thrown at him without ever needing to lean on me that hard, suddenly having to be the one looking after him is like an earthquake... it reverberates all through every aspect of your own life. Familiar lines are all askew, the animals are unsettled, and my compass needle is pointing towards a black void instead of north.
He's improving a little bit day by day, and as noted he has the means for quality care, but whatever the new normal is, it doesn't feel normal at all yet.
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Tuesday, 24 September 2024 03:06 (two months ago) link
(also thanks to matttkkkk!)
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Tuesday, 24 September 2024 03:26 (two months ago) link
I don't speak about it much but my dad's physical state has been getting worse these past few years -- he can walk very slowly but steadily with a cane, with a deep stoop, while neuropathy means he's almost having to will his feet and legs forward. He's still 'here' in essence, though my mom says there have been some moments of late. I predict nothing beyond hoping this is where he stays at for as long as possible -- can't unwind the past, not at this point. He's long outlived how long his dad was around in comparison, and we're coming up on ten years since his only sibling -- his younger brother, even -- passed on. We can't predict, we just have to see.
My sis and a good friend of hers and I are all going with my dad on a trip to Yosemite in a couple of weeks -- the four of us did this trip five years back pre-pandemic, right around this time of year, and we were all happily able to hike some pretty notable and sometimes steep trails, my dad using hiking poles but still able to keep on a good pace. It won't happen now, so he'll stay at the hotel as we do similar, I guess, and just enjoy being there, though I'm sure we'll do plenty of visits around to spots he can get to as well. He's being going to Yosemite one way or another for many years, ever since he was a small boy, and also hiked, over the course of a few years, the full John Muir Trail in the Sierra Nevada, and all this not that long ago even. This will, I'm guessing, be his final trip there. It'll be good to be part of that.
The other weekend, when I was visiting home, he surprised me in a lovely way. "Ned, do you know what I'm most proud about you?" I couldn't guess, nor did I guess what prompted it. His answer: "That you're a good human being." Frankly, inside, I demurred. I'm well aware of my faults and mistakes, I try to keep them in check. But I am glad of those words, and as I told him and my mom, any good qualities I exhibit, as I do, all came from them. Whatever the future holds next, that happened and he said that. I am grateful.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 24 September 2024 03:31 (two months ago) link
I'm pretty sure "well aware of my faults and mistakes, I try to keep them in check" is the gold standard for "a good human being".
― assert (matttkkkk), Tuesday, 24 September 2024 04:03 (two months ago) link
I'm well aware of my faults and mistakes, I try to keep them in check.
This is practically the definition of how to be a good human being, Ned!
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Tuesday, 24 September 2024 04:07 (two months ago) link
Well, thank you kindly. I view it a little differently but that’s another conversation.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 24 September 2024 04:45 (two months ago) link
Not knowing your your family history, that was a well handled situation. Take their best and plant some hardier roots.
― Western® with Bacon Flavor, Tuesday, 24 September 2024 05:44 (two months ago) link
That's a good story, Ned. Having lived (ehh, sorta) through the implosion of my parents' lives, I feel quite differently about aging than I did before.
It's had to puzzle out all the dimensions of the perceptual change, since it's sort of a wobbly ball of slow-processing emotion, but the gist of it is that I'm now more attuned to letting people die on their own terms. I don't think that's a sad or dark thought, even, but I definitely would have felt that way a few years ago.
When I look back on photos of the year before my father's life ended, I can barely recognize him. He was a pale shell. He was tired and ready to go, and he was only holding on because it was habit, and he loved us, and his body hadn't given out. We gifted him strength, and in our minds improved his appearance and cognition, and didn't see what he really was, at that moment. We made excuses for him, and he didn't necessarily want excuses. We talked about little plans, and acted like he'd be around forever. How tedious it must've been for him to live through our phony optimism! He absolutely knew that he was dying!
I wish – like you're writing about – we'd just taken him for one nice weekend somewhere, and then said to him something like 'We always want you here. And we'll be okay without you, eventually, because you made us into the people that could do this, and the kind of people that can take of each other. But you don't have to stay." I wish we'd done that, because he was ready to go.
When my mom was still verbal and mostly articulate, before the Alzheimers really set in, she said "Just drive me into the ocean when I can't play tennis or walk with my dog." At the time, I thought "that's good, at least she knows what she wants." But looking back, it occurs to me how arrogant those thoughts were on both our parts. Billions of people can't play tennis and walk their dog and they're just fucking peachy. I was ablist, classist, and narrow, and a whole host of other privileges we didn't know we were perpetuating. And while that's who she was (and I was) back then, it's not who we are now. She's actually got a good life in a memory care facility, and (although she's no longer verbal) she's got friends and activities and three meals, lots of Lawrence Welk on YouTube, and family to visit every week. In an inversion of the way that I regret trying to prolong my father's suffering, I am proud to have extended my mother's happiness – even over her expressed wishes. I am glad I didn't drive her into the ocean.
― america's favorite (remy bean), Tuesday, 24 September 2024 10:09 (two months ago) link
I'm glad for you indeed. And for her.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 24 September 2024 16:22 (two months ago) link
spent the day at a memorial for my 88-year-old uncle with my 89-year-old father. here he is with his two 80-something little sisters. it was a full house in westport, new york. it was a very mortality-heavy day. but also very nice in a lot of ways. living with an oldster gives you a lot to think about.
― scott seward, Sunday, 29 September 2024 02:37 (two months ago) link
hail the elders
― mookieproof, Sunday, 29 September 2024 02:40 (two months ago) link
my parents got married 50 years ago this evening. it is my earliest memory.
i wore a clip-on bow tie and at dinner was seated between my two grandmothers (neither of whom, in retrospect, was too happy about the proceedings). my wee cousin eric was in a basket on the table.
i did not remind my mom of this lest she become sad : /
― mookieproof, Sunday, 29 September 2024 02:44 (two months ago) link
xxp that's a great pic!
― Western® with Bacon Flavor, Sunday, 29 September 2024 02:50 (two months ago) link
My mother must have accidentally clicked on "try the new Outlook" and it replaced her Windows Mail - this was apparently the end of her public life and her contact with everyone just because the layout is a little bit different (I really don't see the difference that much: menu on the left, list of mails in the middle, opened mail on the right) and my conviction that it was easily explained by just showing her how to use it was WRONG and INSENSITIVE. I was still able to uninstall outlook & return to her familiar Windows Mail but I won't be able to do that forever, Microsoft is going to replace Mail with Outlook this year definitively. Sigh.
― StanM, Wednesday, 16 October 2024 16:35 (two months ago) link
feel u on the intensity of parental stubbornness and refusal to learn how to use or do basically anything new to them. we had a whole thing that involved my dad accepting hand delivered food to his home in his f'ing bathrobe and yelling at me on the delivery girl's phone. his phone wasn't working and he couldn't figure out why (reader: it was the power cord)
part of that could have been parkinson's but not all people with parkinson's behave like he did. after this incident i basically washed my hands of trying to help with technology in particular because i do (did, in this case) not need to be yelled at.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 16 October 2024 17:59 (two months ago) link
having to reckon with modern user interfaces through my dad's new stroke-impaired mindset just makes me despair. just endless amounts of irrelevant pop-ups and "helpful" nonsense that instantly overwhelms and defeats him. like StanM notes, one aspect of this is every single tech companies' refusal to ever just pick an interface and stick with it. Apple being by far the worst.
that said, while it makes my dad withdraw in depression he doesn't yell at me. I feel like I have to stick with it since the iPhone is just too valuable a tool for him not to learn... we can see where he is, he can keep in touch with me and my sister overseas, etc. he was sad his grandkids wouldn't write him letters (lol) or reply to his emails but they'll happily message with him all day long on WhatsApp, which makes him want to keep the phone close by.
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Thursday, 17 October 2024 17:33 (two months ago) link
Argh @ trying to convince my folks to have their house decluttered/dehoarded before the house literally kills them
― brimstead, Friday, 1 November 2024 00:51 (one month ago) link
v. familiar : /
― mookieproof, Friday, 1 November 2024 00:59 (one month ago) link
i tried literally everything
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 1 November 2024 14:55 (one month ago) link
I don't have this with my parents, I'm so lucky for that. But my neighbor friend has a house so full of things they don't use most of the rooms, and she laughs when she says that her son can throw it out on his own time. :( It's not GARBAGE so I guess things could be a lot worse.
A little while ago, she told me that she cleaned all the stuff off her counters once but it made her so upset that they were empty, she had to fill them back up again. O_____o
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Friday, 1 November 2024 15:09 (one month ago) link
it's different when it's your parents and your childhood home and all of the memories contained thereini can't even go inside anymore without having a panic attack :(
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 1 November 2024 15:11 (one month ago) link
For sure. The last time I went inside I felt like I had to leave as soon as possible, it was so upsetting. I have a really nice green compassionate junk cleanout place all picked out and ready to call for an estimate appointment…I just don’t think my dad is fully grasping the reality of the situation.I should read the rest of this thread.
― brimstead, Friday, 1 November 2024 15:32 (one month ago) link
iirc Elvis Telecom has some stories upthread about being in the hoarder trenches
― dmt taking comedian podcaster (sleeve), Friday, 1 November 2024 15:33 (one month ago) link
This stuff is no joke, to clean out my in-laws home required many years of sneaking items out of the house and out to the garbage and then when they passed away, it required a junk removal service taking away three truckloads. My mom’s house is in a pretty grim state too, during the pandemic something took a turn there. And unfortunately, I’m 2000 miles away and can’t help. I really really worry about the next few years with that.
― omar little, Friday, 1 November 2024 16:30 (one month ago) link
I've been getting rid of tons of stuff in my own house as a displacement activity for all the stuff my dad won't part with (but hasn't touched in 30 years)
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Friday, 1 November 2024 16:41 (one month ago) link
There’s nothing that’s made me more enthusiastic about becoming a minimalist who can travel light as needed than dealing with multiple hoarder houses
― omar little, Friday, 1 November 2024 16:54 (one month ago) link
my belongings would fit in a car at the moment. i love it.
― Kurt Dandruff (Neanderthal), Friday, 1 November 2024 16:55 (one month ago) link
ok the desk wouldn't but other than that
I’ve got 2000 records and my goal is to cut that down to 500. I really have no idea how I’m going to do that.
― omar little, Friday, 1 November 2024 16:57 (one month ago) link
it's different when it's your parents and your childhood home and all of the memories contained therein
this aspect of clearing out stuff can be pretty intense, I have boxes and boxes of childhood stuff and while you know it's not worth keeping, it's like fused with your skin and you can only tear away so much at a time before you need a break
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Friday, 1 November 2024 16:59 (one month ago) link
Yes it’s like seeing little pieces of oneself rotting on the floor or in a bag and knowing it’s trash but still having a hard time seeing it as such. Really painful stuff.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 1 November 2024 17:04 (one month ago) link
xxp feeling u omar, I'd like to go from 6K to 2K without basically throwing money away on a bulk store sale
― dmt taking comedian podcaster (sleeve), Friday, 1 November 2024 17:05 (one month ago) link
I don't have this with my parents, I'm so lucky for that.
Agreed. Mine realized this when they were cleaning out my dad's mom's place after her passing -- a genial hoarder, of the sort that always had to 'buy a little something' whenever she went out on an errand. It was a big house and the whole process took months. Afterwards, my folks dedicated themselves to stripping things down to certain key and necessary things, a good but not crazy book, music and movie collection and some very nice art. I don't look forward to when my sis and I will have those duties they once did, but I rest assured on this and other points.
― Ned Raggett, Friday, 1 November 2024 17:07 (one month ago) link
Yes, sleeve, the money thing is what’s holding me back for now. eBay and discogs work for selling a few at a time but at this level it’s pretty daunting. Thought about having a garage sale pop-up record shop but that also seems daunting. I don’t wanna deal with too many record guys at once, I feel like Bernard from Black books.
― omar little, Friday, 1 November 2024 17:10 (one month ago) link
The difficult part with cleaning out the in-laws home for us was there was no logic to the mess, we found the label from my mother-in-law‘s crib in the hospital from the 1940s mixed in with dozens of receipts from Robinsons May dating back to the 1990s
― omar little, Friday, 1 November 2024 17:12 (one month ago) link
yeah I remember Elvis talking about that upthread
― dmt taking comedian podcaster (sleeve), Friday, 1 November 2024 17:12 (one month ago) link
like, finding the house deed in the middle of some old newspapers or something
― dmt taking comedian podcaster (sleeve), Friday, 1 November 2024 17:13 (one month ago) link
There never is a logic to the mess. It didn’t get to be a mess because of a strong organizing principle.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 1 November 2024 17:18 (one month ago) link
grateful that my parents have moderate collections of pretty much everything, but continue to do years culls of their possessions.
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Friday, 1 November 2024 18:30 (one month ago) link
― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Friday, 1 November 2024 18:31 (one month ago) link
Yeah exactly re: the mish mash. My dad just leaves his tools around and then piles of paper and shit accumulate around them. Trying to be assertive about it with my dad is hard. My mom is too far gone right now to really be involved. Feel extremely guilty for letting things get to this point. It’s not like Collier Brothers level but.. it’s really bad.
― brimstead, Friday, 1 November 2024 19:37 (one month ago) link
I think there were probably 50 pounds of store receipts in that house we cleaned out. And a shocking number of bags from CVS with the receipt still in them, dating back decades, with the exact amount of change still in the bags.
― omar little, Friday, 1 November 2024 19:38 (one month ago) link
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 1 November 2024 19:40 (one month ago) link
People I’m going to speak my mind on this so please exit if you don’t want to hear it: It’s not your responsibility to make sure your parents don’t hoard — that’s not fair at all to yourself nor to anyone else in this situation. Honestly, being related to a hoarder is a form of trauma and I won’t sit here while anyone blames themselves. I’ve dealt with it myself for many years and watched many episodes of Hoarders therapeutically in order to see that I am not alone. Ngl it’s already very isolating and very difficult to deal with loving a hoarder, or more than one. Please do not feel guilty.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 1 November 2024 19:49 (one month ago) link
To be more clear: feel what you feel (most likely very sad if my feelings are a good barometer) but guilt — nah. Guilt implies there’s something YOU could have done. And you can’t wish a mental illness/extreme form of OCD out of someone.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 1 November 2024 19:53 (one month ago) link
Thank you, that is helpful to hear.
― brimstead, Friday, 1 November 2024 20:23 (one month ago) link
glad to help. six years of therapy this month. i have learned at least to stop banging my head against the wall trying to help bc my head was taking a severe beating and...nothing i did was helping.
to the degree that; i found and spoke at length with a local personal organizer (who had actually worked on the show!!) who had MSW credentials as well and understood the nature of why people do this and STILL no significant change bc my parent did not follow through on meeting up with this person. this cannot be my fault and it's not yours or anyone else's either.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 1 November 2024 22:36 (one month ago) link
this fucking sucks. that is all!!
― brimstead, Sunday, 10 November 2024 16:36 (one month ago) link
I wish you the best ET, I empathize with your situation, and I recommend a book called Stuff by Steketee/Frost. It was very compassionately written and totally not stupid. It changed my relationship with my mom after she read it.― mambo jumbo (La Lechera), Saturday, January 4, 2014 10:14 PM (seven years ago) bookmarkflaglinkThe Steketee/Frost book is great. Recommend it to anyone dealing with this.― Elvis Telecom, Saturday, January 4, 2014Thanks yall! (also to quincie, actual student of Prof. Stetekee). Just started reading it. Elvis, I seem to recall that somewhere you recommended a particular kind of shredder---crossbolt?― dow, Monday, August 23, 2021Crosscut. If you have a LOT of shredding (boxes and boxes worth), it might be worthwhile to contact a third-party shredding service. My local box & ship store has one and I'd probably take stuff there rather than kill another shredder with the volume.― Elvis Telecom, Thursday, September 9, 2021
― Elvis Telecom, Saturday, January 4, 2014Thanks yall! (also to quincie, actual student of Prof. Stetekee). Just started reading it. Elvis, I seem to recall that somewhere you recommended a particular kind of shredder---crossbolt?
― dow, Monday, August 23, 2021
― Elvis Telecom, Thursday, September 9, 2021
― dow, Sunday, 10 November 2024 21:13 (one month ago) link
Full title is Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things by Gail *Steketee* and Randy Frost), indicating the kind of insight provided, incl.meaning of things for those who are not hoarders, and the kind of logic-illogic that can be confusingly encountered.
― dow, Sunday, 10 November 2024 21:20 (one month ago) link
I wish that change had lasted. ten years later we are still talking about it as of this morning :(
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Sunday, 10 November 2024 21:23 (one month ago) link
Visited my folks, dad in the nursing home after a stroke left him with vascular dementia - he'd already been having a lot of falls and issues walking/sleeping a lot, the stroke was just kind of a last straw.
He's pretty much a shell of himself now :( Apparently I missed the weeks prior where some anti depressant med he got put on made him paranoid and angry and he was lashing out at everyone, so they took him off it which stopped that... but now, he's basically a sleepy inert blob. Got one or 2 lucid days, and sometimes he knows perfectly well where he is and seems at least resigned to it, but sometimes he's completely off the planet (one day he was determined he was "going to the track" to put a bet on a horse, bcs Melbourne Cup races had just been. We couldnt disavow him of this even slightly).
I'd like to say it was good to see them and support my mum but my mother has become a whole other massive stress point that I'm not sure wether to rail about here, in the fam probs thread or to a shrink. Multiple times this week she told me with sharp tones that I was "wrong" about something I'd done/said in past years, including insisting I'd performed at some bar in my 20s (never happened), that the fact I got Barbie dolls one xmas "didnt happen" (dafuq, everyone had Barbies).
She's not losing her marbles is the thing! She's just completely twisted in so much stress, she cant see past that and stop. Her logorrhea is just constant, she couldnt go more than 5 minutes without talking about something, frequently reiterating things. Not out of forgetfulness, just ... thats what she does.
When I talked briefly about a bad fall I'd had last time I was up home (due to lol drunkenness) and how traumatic it'd been not to mention humiliating, all she could say in reply was "you have no idea how traumatizing that was for me".
Constant "you have no idea", grasping, unempathetic mindpuke. I get that she's in a state due to the enormous stress she must be under, so I cant even get mad about it but... goddamn.
One of my brothers completely agrees with me. The other is far more sanguine and calm about it all - he works in Emergency Services stuff so I guess he's more used to this.
I am left with a revulsion about the whole thing and just want to walk away from it all, which is a disgusting response I know but... I dunno.
I'll be going up for xmas because who knows how much longer we'll have dad but after that? I just dont know. I live 9 hours away by car/2hrs by plane, so its not a matter of popping by whenever esp as I'm currently sole breadwinner for my own fam.
I had to ask for an additional day off work when I got back just so I could decompress! This all both sucks and blows.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Sunday, 10 November 2024 23:56 (one month ago) link
Oof I completely relate to mom’s logorrhea (except my mom is probably losing her marbles :-/). Mindpuke is exactly right.
― brimstead, Monday, 11 November 2024 01:46 (one month ago) link
I mean, I genuinely don't think she is, because she's *always* been a bit like this - talks way too much, cuts people off, doesnt listen as much as she talks, is frequently dismissive. At least she is with me. Its just worse now and because she's been coping with this shit for so long (her mum, then her dad, now her husband) frankly I can't blame her for losing her shit somewhat.
Not to defend the constant dismissing both my feelings AND my fucking memories of things. I don't know why she does that and it's been an ongoing source of angst for me. Anywho. I wont get further into it as I just realised this isnt on 77 but thats ok.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Monday, 11 November 2024 02:20 (one month ago) link
I feel all of this, my mom is in the situation of both some obvious cognitive decline (slow but very apparent to the whole family) and constant talking about things/repeating things. Sometimes she'll preface it with, "I know I've told you this, but ..." and then repeat the thing anyway, and sometimes she maybe doesn't remember that she has already said the thing multiple times.
― Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Monday, 11 November 2024 02:38 (one month ago) link
A thread I thought I never had to post to again, or at least not so soon. *deep breath*
Mom and I have had a strained relationship since Dad died. He really was the glue keeping us together. Since she has less money coming in now, my brother and I have basically been covering her for a year. She has a lot of debt from a litany of bad decisions and can't file for bankruptcy until 2026 because...she already did in 2018. This would be her third. My brother and I give mom an allowance
But also...she keeps secrets from me and dumps them on me. For example, telling me today that she never paid the full rent on the 1st because she was saving to pay all of her bills. We got an eviction notice today. Now I basically have to pay $639 that I wasn't expecting to.
I just dropped about the same for new tires. I went on a vacation that i never would have had i known. I am filing for bankruptcy tomorrow, signing the paperwork to start the process. And it's my birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday to me.
Mom has suggested my brother and I "take over her finances". I simply mentally couldn't do it - I'm dealing with my own bankruptcy and budgeting for myself has set my OCD/anxiety into overdrive. Not to mention the three years as a caretaker taking on literally everything left me fucked up after the smoke cleared. But also...there's nothing to manage. She makes way less than her bills each month because of foolish debt she took on.
I can't afford to pay both halves of our rent even with bankruptcy. And of course i don't know how secure my job is after the last round of layoffs.
Mom sent me all this as a text while I was sleeping. Getting ready to have the convo now
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 13 November 2024 14:04 (one month ago) link
Have you read a book called (completely unironically) Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents? It might help w coping.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 13 November 2024 14:09 (one month ago) link
I can’t recommend it enough tbh.
I have not but I appreciate the recommendation as I can use any toolbox I can find.
i can already hear mom semi-performatively wailing in the other room in anticipation of our convo. after this convo, sadly, that's not likely to dissipate.
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 13 November 2024 15:20 (one month ago) link
Ugh so sorry Neando. I have some concerns with my parents' finances but that's mostly a matter of whether or not they outlive their resources. My dad has it calculated out to I think an estimated five years ...
I can give second-hand testimonial to the book LL recommended, someone close to me has also found it tremendously insightful in dealing with their parents.
― Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Wednesday, 13 November 2024 15:38 (one month ago) link
well, the conversation went about like I thought it would, other than I held firm. mom wailed like a toddler and I actually do believe she is remorseful but I told her point blank how it made me feel without yelling or raising my voice, including making decisions for us and then hiding them from me and told her that wasn't ok.
and my bro and I are taking over her finances. I resisted for so long because of the reasons I stated above, but also I was grieving dad heavily and could not handle the stress....but it's been over a year and I'm in a better (albeit not good) place to do it plus at least now it'll be the devil I know.
expected myself to be emotional afterwards but all I feel is gut punched and weightless again. the last 4 years have had more pain and stress than the previous 20 combined for me.
I forgave her and told her I accepted her apology.
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 13 November 2024 16:20 (one month ago) link
Like the wonderful person you are.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Wednesday, 13 November 2024 17:16 (one month ago) link
Mom woke me up at 4 am crying and saying she'd called 911 and her chest hurt. She had an Ozempic injection days ago and has been complaining of GI issues since.
She was crying and saying oh god no, please no, her BP was 180/something...
They gave her aspirin and nitroglycerin and she described her symptoms more like extreme indigestion/reflux.
Early tests were good but Troponin test came up in the lowest of the borderline range so they're running again to completely rule out a heart attack.
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Thursday, 14 November 2024 17:06 (one month ago) link
Went home to rest, going back now
Latest troponin test was in normal range. She has diabetes which sometimes causes temporary elevated levels.
She's in short stay unit now as a precaution
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Thursday, 14 November 2024 19:30 (one month ago) link
I'm sorry you and she are going through this today - hope you can get some respite from all the worries.
The memory care where my mother lives can tell when she's got another UTI going by her wandering the halls with a random possession (shoe, book, toothbrush) telling everyone she's leaving. I'm glad it's a dependable sign.
― Jaq, Thursday, 14 November 2024 19:42 (one month ago) link
My mom's memory care today and let me know that the Trazadone they put her on is not working and she cries all the time and makes telegraph noises. She is on Trazodone because Nuedexa, the drug that did work for her is not covered by insurance and costs $7,000/month. When they took her off it, she lost all of her speech. Now they are thinking of making a case to put her back on the drug that worked but ... why? She has no speech any more. The drug can't bring that back.
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Thursday, 14 November 2024 22:23 (one month ago) link
(Good luck to Jaq and Neanderthal)
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Thursday, 14 November 2024 22:24 (one month ago) link
Is the Trazadone for sleep or mood? I take it for former.
Ugh stories like that make me hate the health care system even more soda
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Thursday, 14 November 2024 22:44 (one month ago) link
Jaq not happy to hear she frequently has UTIs but glad there's a tell to identify them.
I wish I had known more about UTIs effect on cognition when dad was having them.
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Thursday, 14 November 2024 22:48 (one month ago) link
Mom is basically able to be discharged and is just staying overnight as a precaution
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Thursday, 14 November 2024 22:49 (one month ago) link
I am taking an out of town trip tomorrow and that will be my respite
Mom's Alzheimer's causes some kind of has pseudobulbar affective disorder. She starts manically laughing or crying for hours at a time, but it's evidently neurologically-rooted and not psychological. It's only after she starts emoting that she looks for an environmental cause to blame (too cold, too hot, the wrong lunch companion). Nuedexta stablized the neurological affects, which is its primary use, but insurance only covers it for a short period after a stroke. And mom hasn't had a stroke. So the weird health provider subbed in Trazodone which only makes her sleepy and easier to calm down after she's had a PBA episode.
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Thursday, 14 November 2024 23:15 (one month ago) link
gotcha - yeah I take Trazodone as a sleep aid so makes sense that it makes her sleepy. I'm sorry to hear she lost her speech and that the Trazodone isn't working as well as the Nuedexta. :(
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Friday, 15 November 2024 13:47 (one month ago) link
waiting on discharge. Protonix have helped mom out a lot. a little nervous cos I'm going out of town tonight but gonna make sure mom fills her Protonix Rx and plus unlike dad she's able of calling 911 herself if something happens. Baphomet forbid
― Joe Boudin (Neanderthal), Friday, 15 November 2024 15:55 (one month ago) link
Gah. Finally vented at my dad today after spending all year getting them moved down here, finding them a rental house, helping them find a place to buy, taking my mom to the gym 3-4 times a week, inviting them out to do things ... and he's just been nonstop fucking miserable the entire time, just fucking pissing and moaning about how much he hates everything. Which I anticipated, because that's pretty much how he is. But this whole move was because Mom really wanted to live near family — and had been telling him that for a decade-plus, which he just totally waved away and ignored — and her evident tho still mild cognitive issues finally made him give in. But "giving in" in his mind is just fucking bitching about it nonstop and being totally miserable. I finally had it this morning and vented a few years (decades?) worth of stuff at him about how selfish he is and how he's being a big fucking baby and they should just go back where they came from because I don't give a fuck anymore.
Sigh. None of which is likely to change anything except he'll sulk and won't talk to me for months, which honestly is OK by me. It's sad to me because objectively they're both in relatively good health for 78 and 80, they may well live several more years and they could have a nice little life in the house they just bought, with me and my sister living nearby, but my dad has made clear he doesn't give a shit about being near family and is just going to be mad at us the rest of his life because for one time he actually had to do something he didn't want to do. Grrrr. (Still venting, obviously.)
― Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Friday, 22 November 2024 19:47 (one month ago) link
Oy, sorry team. All of that sounds very very familiar.
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Friday, 22 November 2024 19:52 (one month ago) link
my father is watching way too much Gunsmoke.
― scott seward, Friday, 22 November 2024 19:58 (one month ago) link
sorry to hear about that tipsy, I know how hard it is to work that hard and have your buttons pushed as a reward to where you can't bottle the resentment anymore. it's exhausting...glad you stood your ground
― her pal Santa falls to the floor (Neanderthal), Friday, 22 November 2024 20:03 (one month ago) link
Thanks. The venting was necessary for sure. Definitely making resolutions to try to not be a gigantic pain in the ass to my kids when I'm older. Or at least to try not to be miserable about it.
― Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Friday, 22 November 2024 20:07 (one month ago) link
Their attitudes! JFC. Def gotta stand up to the negativity.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 22 November 2024 20:56 (one month ago) link
watching way too much Gunsmoke
it's the only way he's got to go on a date with Kitty
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 22 November 2024 21:20 (one month ago) link
Festus is a dweeb.
― scott seward, Friday, 22 November 2024 21:38 (one month ago) link
I’m a Quint Asper fella myself
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Friday, 22 November 2024 22:19 (one month ago) link
I don’t keep in regular contact with one of BFFs from high school but I was catching up with her recently and found out her mum has early onset Alzheimer’s. Just devastating news. Her mum has had a pretty tough life. She had my friend at 15 and the dad fucked off permanently. When she was in her late 30s, after being single for years, she married a coworker who seemed like a stable and good guy. They had a daughter with Down Syndrome and quite a lot of developmental and behavioral issues. He couldn’t handle it so he completely fucked off out of their lives. So she’s been full time carer for her youngest daughter for 20+ years and never had another relationship. She and her daughter have moved in with friend and her family (husband and two teenagers). Rach is a nurse and worked for years in retirement homes so she knows what’s in store, and I just feel fucking terrible for her and her family.
― just1n3, Tuesday, 26 November 2024 01:18 (three weeks ago) link
If you friend hasn't read it, the book "The 36 Hour Day" is a great place to start learning about the progression of Alzheimer's and Alzheimer's caregiving. IMHO Alzheimer's is, yes, really awful. But it's also funny, with bits of really gorgeous humanity and beauty sprinkled throughout. Alzheimer's care groups are super fun. And ... I love and appreciate my mom now at late stage / stage 7 / severe Alzheimer's as much as I did when she had MCI. I will be relieved and devastated when she passes, but I think there is still joy to be had in my little visits with her. I am proud to help her, even if I am exhausted by the responsibility.
If my experience is a guide, your friend Rach will appreciate nothing more than little tokens letting her know that you remember her. Not just once, but every few months. As a caregiver I have lost most of my friends and social life, I am not "fun," and I struggle to keep up with my professional responsibilities in addition to mom-care. Knowing that a few people still remember me, and care about me, means more than anything.
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Tuesday, 26 November 2024 01:42 (three weeks ago) link
Reading this back: sorry if you weren't looking for advice, I didn't mean to presume you needed anything. I just (compulsively) want people to know that it's okay. Apologies if I overstepped.
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Tuesday, 26 November 2024 01:45 (three weeks ago) link
Wow that's a rough situation. Sympathies to Rach and her family.
soda, if you don't mind me asking: For your mom, what was the progression of MCI to Alzheimers? We're about a year into the MCI diagnosis and while I can see ongoing changes it hasn't been particularly dramatic. Her doctor told us only a minority of MCI cases presage Alzheimers, so I'm hopeful but I don't really know how quickly that shift happens.
― Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Tuesday, 26 November 2024 02:33 (three weeks ago) link
Her doctor gave a “lies, damn lies, and statistics” answer. Her likelihood of progression to dementia is higher than those without MCI and the risk increases every year. I would err on the side of planning for progression vs stability.
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 26 November 2024 03:34 (three weeks ago) link
I don’t post itt much because Aging Parents is my profession as a social worker. I do it every day as my full time job and also as a person with Aging Parents. I’m not sure where to have boundaries with “empathetic ILX person” vs “hai let me give advice on your Aging Parents” stuff. So I lurk but mostly don’t post itt because I want to give myself space from my day job and also not be captain save-an-adult-child
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 26 November 2024 03:41 (three weeks ago) link
But I care a lot about this stuff so
― mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Tuesday, 26 November 2024 03:43 (three weeks ago) link
my mom has been stuck reading harry potter over and over again for like five years now. (tbf, at least she no longer claims that there are new ones she's just getting to.) a year ago, when everything was set up to move her closer to me and her sister, she shut it down because she was in love with a fellow memory-care denizen and didn't want to leave her friends.
that was all fine, because she was happy with it/her situation. but now, suddenly, she is not happy. (possibly to do with bf joe? who knows?) and seems to expect that her sister and i once again find a place for her elsewhere. an elsewhere where she knows no one and has no friends
i'm not so great at telling her No, but i suppose it's fine if she won't remember
this whole process, however, has been predicated on her being happy or at least content with her situation (which i think is honestly good!) but if she becomes unhappy then what can i do?
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 26 November 2024 04:03 (three weeks ago) link
Appreciate the perspective, quincie! Her mother had progressive dementia of a non-Alzheimers variety, so that's kind of what we are most prepared for, although I'm sure heredity only goes so far in these things.
― Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Tuesday, 26 November 2024 04:20 (three weeks ago) link
― Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Monday, November 25, 2024 9:33 PM (yesterday)
Mom took about 24 months from diagnosis of MCI to becoming mostly dependent on us to maintain her care. However, we only got her the MCI diagnosis well after symptoms were apparent. We decided to move her to a full time care facility when she could no longer bathe herself, or bathe easily even with our assistance. We became concerned, too, about her wandering out of the house. Once, she put on a bathing suit and wanted to go swimming in the duckpond in front of our house.
A lot of her progression happened out of our sight during COVID. Since she stayed in the house she'd lived in for 40 years, she was able to mask a lot of symptoms ... and with my father's assistance. When I was cleaning the house to sell it, I found a stack of shopping lists she'd written from 2019 - 2021. They each repeated almost the same items verbatim (bananas, yogurt, Progresso soup, crackers, green grapes, ground beef) but were a good chart of her cognitive decline. Early lists might include a repeated item or abandoned word (Progresso so ) and later lists degenerated to delirious text (bnasnas, krsa RITZ) and unrecognizable handwriting.
It took the "proof" of these lists to convince me of the severity of her change. Mom has a high baseline. She is highly educated, agreeable, has great social language, and much of her personality has stayed intact until fairly late in the game. Her intelligence and humor 'tricked' at least neurologist and a speech pathologist, who evaluated her as far more capable than we knew she was. However, during the general practitioner's screener/Montreal/MMSE cognitive exam the questions (what year is it? where are you?) showed her to be functioning at a fairly low level.
― mildew and sanctimony (soda), Tuesday, 26 November 2024 10:48 (three weeks ago) link
I wondered who was the customer for things like Halloween shower curtains and Thanksgiving napkins. It's my mother.
Whenever she gets the Aldi flyer she looks at the seasonal household crap. I keep having to tell her "We HAVE that/We don't NEED that."
Our first joint Thanksgiving has been an exercise in frustration. I have a number of nice things that have served well at past Thanksgivings. But she talks about wanting to get new things (tablecloth, napkins, dishes) and foods I don't normally serve (cranberry sauce, rolls). She's affluent enough to buy these things without thinking twice. But the old house got so cluttered because she would buy things and neither use them nor put them away. I DON'T want to repeat that at this new address.
― Infanta Terrible (j.lu), Wednesday, 27 November 2024 15:21 (three weeks ago) link
Re that book people keep talking about
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 11 December 2024 15:37 (one week ago) link
(gift link so u can read it)
Maria was doing a record show on Sunday so I was going to be at the store by myself and I asked my dad if he wanted to come to the store with me or stay home and I figured he would want to stay home because he almost always does on Sunday. I said to him why don't you call Pam and have her come over and watch football with you. She likes football. Pam is his sister. She moved to my town to be close to my dad. She had previously lived near him in New York state. My dad is 89 and Pam is 80-something. The baby sister. He immediately says: "No". And I say why not she'd probably like it if you called her and invited her over. He pauses and sighs and says: "We have a long history."
― scott seward, Wednesday, 11 December 2024 15:58 (one week ago) link
xp thanks LL!
― dow, Wednesday, 11 December 2024 22:54 (one week ago) link
Scott, I can see how that might be a marker---or just candor. Or both. Like, I eventually noticed, and was soon pleased to see, that my Mom was reading mags while going, "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm" during dutiful phone calls to a blissfully repetitive mouth-of--the-South. Not sure if that was a marker or not, though she was, years later, diagnosed with dementia, though high-functioning for quite a while (also some "masking," although if you asked her, she'd tell you, just had to ask the right question).
― dow, Wednesday, 11 December 2024 23:04 (one week ago) link
Reminded of this while recently reading Rodney Crowell's funky memoir, Chinaberry Sidewalks: his mother told him a very graphic story about her horrible father and long-suffering big brothers having biggest confrontation yet way back there, nearly a shoot-out. Rodney says he could never see anything at all of this in Grandpa and uncles' interactions, and indeed, every subsequent mention of the former has him doing the right thing as parent etc., and even, eventually, providing cogent commentary on origins of the subsidized substandard subdivision (near Houston Shipping Canal) where Rodney spent most of his formative years. But what she's claiming seems to be true of his (even worse, if so) paternal great-grandfather, so maybe this kind of possibly shared family backstory, however verifiable, is part of his part-crazy parents' certainly backstory-laden affinity---?Also wondering about my early relationships with younger sibs, what that might have been like for them, what they still remember, even while we get along fine most of the time---but I haven't brought it up----
― dow, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 22:32 (four days ago) link
Jaq not happy to hear she frequently has UTIs but glad there's a tell to identify them.I wish I had known more about UTIs effect on cognition when dad was having them.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 22:45 (four days ago) link
in men it's usually something else causing the UTI, like prostate issues or kidney stones
― hope is the thing with challops (f. hazel), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 23:20 (four days ago) link
Or tumors in the bladder … which is what my dad had surgery for
― sarahell, Thursday, 19 December 2024 01:22 (three days ago) link