A New Year so last year is so last year innit.
So we put aside those so passe thing swe were listening to a few hours ago and go yuck, what were we thinking. & then go wasn't that great music.
So what is now out is
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d14e2bb1c8b88c9cf77a86867e215663/10022683https://i.discogs.com/_9MwNuw73vwLkDC7IgXb-pL-mDZa7adY3thKCp1FzBo/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:526/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE2MzMz/NTYwLTE2MDcxMTkz/MTYtMTI0OS5qcGVn.jpeg //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/f908c6dc146c8e7c616c1b8a8a2fc7d3/2052844
and what we are opening the new year with is //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1df993cb4079082df3430b1efae740c0/8817019finally got this, should have had it like ages ago.Long instrumental psychedelic improvisations where several themes from earlier recordings turn up from time to time. Messed up playing on first listen so hope it was just a matter of cleaning not me needing to return the disc.
[imghttps://i.discogs.com/WN_reupng3ht3jz9o8ipUD3wZvq_lupSrIauHu-RrAU/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:599/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTkzOTMw/MDEtMTQ3OTc2MDQ2/OS00MTM2LmpwZWc.jpeg[/img]Edsel compilation of more country rock oriented 70s work by bluegrass banjoist and band largely comprising of his sons etc.Pretty decent on first listen. I stumbled on this lot when downloading videos from youtube for better perusal on my tv I was looking through what early Austin City Limits they had up and they had a pretty good edition on these up.I was aware of Scruggs work with Lester Flatt but hadn't heard this later stuff. This is a decent compilation i think I may need to investigate individual lps further.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/0d6ea518d770213c47fdff789c383dbb/1263946pretty decent 2cd compilation of great jazz singer. I'm getting more and more into female singers of quality so went out and bought this which I've seen on the racks for absolute yonks.I think it is a pretty standard 2003 release which you can get in a lot of places. Probably only touches on her work which on the basis of this is something I should be far more familiar with. Great voice, but that shouldn't be a surprise. Should be something that people are aware of, hope it is to some extent but don't want that to fade into background noise. may be a bit polite for some but quality etc should shine through.I need to work out who else i need to know about. next point of focus may be Shirley Horn.
― Stevolende, Sunday, 1 January 2023 14:13 (two years ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/WN_reupng3ht3jz9o8ipUD3wZvq_lupSrIauHu-RrAU/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:599/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTkzOTMw/MDEtMTQ3OTc2MDQ2/OS00MTM2LmpwZWc.jpegscrewing up m,y html. not putting enough brackets in and things. Ho hum.
― Stevolende, Sunday, 1 January 2023 14:15 (two years ago) link
― Shard-borne Beatles with their drowsy hums (Chinaski), Monday, 2 January 2023 12:48 (two years ago) link
― Shard-borne Beatles with their drowsy hums (Chinaski), Monday, 2 January 2023 12:54 (two years ago) link
I have that Jazz Sattelites and a few other Kevin Martin compiled sets from the time.I think it may be where I came across Fat, Though may have been a review in Melody Maker.https://catdogmouse.bandcamp.com/album/hit
― Stevolende, Monday, 2 January 2023 13:07 (two years ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/d5YADSqMLsfJeyJ0v0Fltbu5o1MDxIXn4tK0k2dtzSo/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:539/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE4NjMz/NzU3LTE2NDE0ODQ5/MzUtMTQ1MS5qcGVn.jpegkoma saxo - live
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Monday, 2 January 2023 16:19 (two years ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/Q6eCnl2q5lHQt_VwJENC7cA74NfqxOTMlI29tXbjpdc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:400/w:395/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExNjUw/MS0xMzg1NDA3NDcw/LTQ5NDIuanBlZw.jpeg + indeterminate crackle from my shagged out 30yr old richer sounds amplifier
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 3 January 2023 11:43 (two years ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/j0a6PWRIa8rRDtWJBZkE_T_Nzi18Uwxlh7ZCaUkImWc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIzMTE5/OTUtMTI4NDAzNDY3/Ny5qcGVn.jpeg daryl cura / the sun god 12" jamal'S hissy hot plastic sounds are just loving the crackle outta my old boxes
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 3 January 2023 13:00 (two years ago) link
This morning:
And now I'm listening to a bunch of 12" disco singles on the Westbound Records thread.
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Thursday, 5 January 2023 19:47 (two years ago) link
― no lime tangier, Friday, 6 January 2023 23:00 (one year ago) link
right now - daze maxim's "rising / falling"https://i.discogs.com/6UTQVX7tFBELB-d5kEJ6scK0y-SfStdrnJ4-nwd8dzI/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:589/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTgyMzE4/NzEtMTQ1NzY5ODAz/My0zMTYyLmpwZWc.jpegrecently:pierre favre ensemble "singing drums" does what it says on the tinhttps://i.discogs.com/sHYTY0mLovgzEQi-8jwLdztWmhHIOTe3xY-BgrAJlb0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:596/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM2ODc4/NzUtMTQwMTEzNjc3/OC02OTExLmpwZWc.jpegcarlos barretto trio w/ louis sclavis "radio song" surprisingly jesus lizardy in placeshttps://i.discogs.com/sIAU3SIhO9joVEYby0-krnP-EFp9DjHsD0u2-IlcY1Y/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:336/w:389/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTUzMjAz/MzEtMTM5MDQ5NzI0/NC0zNTI0LmpwZWc.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 8 January 2023 16:16 (one year ago) link
also thx stevolende for starting this year's thread!
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 8 January 2023 17:04 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/NZlF-oEeZIzDLSF5QPA8sGrCOEg5v6c_O0USV6ntTiw/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:557/w:557/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTcxNjUw/MzMtMTQzNTE2OTAy/OS01OTYxLnBuZw.jpegAlper Maral + Mert Topel – Control Voltage Project - cover art makes it look like it should sound like david tudor, is actually knockabout john carpenter blues riffs & plangent spook with a radiophonic skew. a fun listen
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 10 January 2023 09:23 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/pDYLtG_2vil3OmAozO3QHZ1jX1RdZkg17534OCIADsg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:595/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE0NjMx/OTktMTQ3MzE3Njc1/MC0xMjMwLnBuZw.jpegsun ra - heliocentric worlds vol 2 - somehow missed this one - just scored it cheap & it's grand, of course!
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 12 January 2023 10:05 (one year ago) link
trying to drown out the renovation crew downstairs - no chance of me getting any exams marked today.https://i.discogs.com/u1CKLnjPvN5FL5kEgALTk3q4-3dfy6ja02pLoR_aYmA/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:524/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTU2OTYy/NjgtMTQwMDE4MDM2/OS04ODAyLmpwZWc.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 12 January 2023 15:06 (one year ago) link
yknow yesterday i was listening to archie shepp for ages waiting for something to happen, and ra is ALL happening
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 12 January 2023 17:31 (one year ago) link
heliocentric worlds vol. 2 has always been a favourite of mine. a house of beauty!
― no lime tangier, Friday, 13 January 2023 05:32 (one year ago) link
There are 50th anniversary versions of several caetano veloso lps out at the moment. Not heard comparison to earlier versions but bought my brother the other s/t for Xmas.
― Stevolende, Friday, 13 January 2023 05:35 (one year ago) link
― Nabozo, Friday, 13 January 2023 09:34 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/3_OjRCyzIR38l5ib3bpLJ6hyaRb5clgoqt8oO0foEs0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:597/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIwMjcw/NC0xNjE1NzQ4MDE5/LTMwMzcucG5n.jpegholger hiller - demixed
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 13 January 2023 09:34 (one year ago) link
funny how the primitive '92 tech & clunky "dance rhythms" now sound like contempo recon anti-funk shoewave or summat. not vaporshoes, tho.
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 13 January 2023 09:37 (one year ago) link
I had grandparents who played pop country in their bar...even they thought Mac Davis was boring. As boring as Perry Como. He had this utterly negligible sub-Three Dog Night thing called "Stop and Smell the Roses"...but on this album is a song against racism that DROPS THE N-BOMB! Imagine granny bringing it home thinking it's this lightweight from TV and hearing this.
― Picture of Chairman Mao (I M Losted), Friday, 13 January 2023 23:10 (one year ago) link
Seriously. More n-bombs than that Patti Smith song, and less equivocal. My northern urban liberal ears can't handle it, instinctually.
I guess a brother had to do what he had to do back then to get his point across....
― Picture of Chairman Mao (I M Losted), Friday, 13 January 2023 23:13 (one year ago) link
Lucas Was A Redneck?
― made entirely of styrofoam (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Saturday, 14 January 2023 03:49 (one year ago) link
Yes...I'm playing some seventies country-pop like Charlie Rich and feeling nostalgic for trips down south...all of a sudden the "n-word" coming out of my stereo...multiple times. Just ... weird.
― Picture of Chairman Mao (I M Losted), Saturday, 14 January 2023 05:47 (one year ago) link
Yeah, that was definitely a thing in the 70s and into the early 80s, you hear it on punk records of the time, too. Like I know you guys were trying to make a point but it did not age well at all.
― made entirely of styrofoam (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Saturday, 14 January 2023 10:14 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d548984d919b7fa431007c7dc693140d/23727701974 lp recorded while singer was in rehab. I think mainly getting out for recording sessions. Pretty funky.I am beginning to love James' material from this early 70s period, but I'm not overly familiar with her work in general . I had a Chess best of with the track All The Way Down on which I always meant to look more into what else was available in the style of. THis starts with a track vry reminiscent of that track and stays pretty good throughout. There are a couple fo lps before this one that I want to check out including an s/t that has the track All the Way Down on. I think I have been semi awar eof her existence for decades, it's been about 20 years since I got taht Chess Best of. Think I'm picturing where i was when I first had it and taht would be 1st couple years of millennium. So should be more familiar, bit have had other things I've discovered since. Think I was picking a few tracks from Spotify to intersperse podcast listens with and finally got around to getting this ordered over Xmas. So will be looking into the other material.contemporary clip or possibly a year after recordinghttps://www.neverendingchartrendering.org/?fbclid=IwAR0SNsWLCkB0uklIsOdWw4UdWk2fLewUgKzE_u5Xny3G0fo3B6fGllr8VN0not a track on the lp though. I do think she is clean though, which I wondered about on first seeing. She does seem overwhelmedCover of lp slightly changed since this is a reissue of a reissue. Sound is pretty good though. Original had the image across teh full sleeve.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/814c7879719625f30732c04add117198/5751957all instrumental improvised set by stripped down version of the band live in 75.INteresting stuff, I find the time to be pretty peak for the full sized band and this 4 piece stuff is pretty good I think. Has each member playing several instruments so not getting enough of the Fred Frith giant ballbearing turning in deep space thing which I loved from Concerts. Have been meaning to put this on for a while and just got around to it. Only listened to first disc this time. So need to revisit for the 2nd one.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d513efef26f8ce7ef5342d7d4284807d/5978111Final lp put out by alternative icon while he was still alive, he died 3 days later. I think its pretty good but I don't play it taht frequently. Put it on partially because it was his Birthday and partially just cos I had just found where I'd put it. Pretty rewarding. Nice,melodic a bit melancholic. I could see how this could be a favourite lp by some though I think I would be more attached to much earlier lps by him. I don't really know the material from between the early 80s and this. Picked it up a few years ago, listened to it a few times and then its been sitting on a shelf not in any order a while back. I sorted through a few cds on the shelf and found it. It is pretty decent but I do have other things by him and others I'm probably more likely to play.Good though.
― Stevolende, Saturday, 14 January 2023 11:51 (one year ago) link
re: recent caetano reissues, are they the elemental ones? i got a few of them & they sound really good
listening to some late seventies/early eighties releases by mostly former tropicalistas... more veloso, gal costa, sivuca &https://i.discogs.com/b4NWkJHPi5E48Kd2_r4JDbtoOwIwcHUXogCPEluB-ig/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:597/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI0MDYx/NTEtMTU5OTk4MTA4/NS03MzE4LmpwZWc.jpeg
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 15 January 2023 02:50 (one year ago) link
xxxpost stevolende, the one Etta James LP I had, and played the hell out of, was her 1973 s/t. Starts with "All The Way Down," then even better with "God's Song, " later "You Can Leave Your Hat On," "Sail Away" (considering these three and "Let's Burn Down The Cornfield," she should have done a whole album of Randy Newman songs). Also, "Down So Low," "Yesterday's Music" (much better than David Clayton Thomas's original, as you might suspect). Should add that I smoked a lot of weed when listening, but think most of it would still sound now (with or without weed etc). Otherwise, I think her Chess recordings are usually considered the or a peak.
― dow, Sunday, 15 January 2023 03:27 (one year ago) link
I sent the wrong link yesterday.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZt1xKtPbUQ
definitely want the 2 lps before the one I did get at least. & Tell Mama too.
no lime tangier Not sure on label for Caetano Veloso stuff. Got the copy I bought mailorder from Mr Bongo cos it would get to London in time. So not seen it up close. 50th Anniversary seems to have been 2019. I don't remember hearing about it at the time. I got my copies of the cds something like 10 or 15 years back. But got a couple of pretty early 90s cds so was thinking I might get a better edition if I could.
― Stevolende, Sunday, 15 January 2023 10:24 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/dd088e730c55bac9215c513c67fac738/9638464Remaster of LA band's 2nd lp. This is more reflective, poetic touching on psychedelia. It was apparently recorded in a claustrophobic New York studio though it fills my head with more open swampland with damp fronds overhead.The music is a melange of various influences, a garagey rock thing infused with blues, country and other roots music. Later material by the band more overtly takes up influence from New Thing Jazz thre is a great live version of a section of A love Supreme recorded live in Italy at the end of 1983 the year after this was released garage rock take on Coltrane. I think lead singer Jeffrey Lee Pierce had been introduced to that era of jazz by Phast Freddie at the turn of the decade though Jim Duckworth has claimed he introduced JLP to the music. I think I would go with the earlier introduction though. Pierce had also written on reggae and taken a trip to Jamaica to do further research. It has been said that the track Watermelon Man here may be based initially on a cover of teh Herbie Hancock track by the reggae group the Revolutionaries with Ward Dotson improvising a Link Wray inspired guitar part over it. It had been played live pretty heavily by this point and may have morphed further along the way. It winds up also sounding like a reference to Dr John who JLP was getting into at the time.The credited covers on here are quite interesting too. A total rewrite of CCR's Run Through The Jungle with lyrics changed to quote a load of blues dervied lyrics where teh original seems to be about the Vietnam experience. There's also a version of Jody Reynold's Fire of Love which had given their debut lp its title. This seems to follow the form of teh song taht the MC5 had done in teh alte 60s. I'm not sure how widely head teh live versions of taht were at teh time this came out though, I think it is more widely available on a Total Energy release and an Easy Action box set now, though not sure if either is still in print. There's also a really good version of the traditional folk song John Hardy here in a style that starts out as rockabilly but the guitar is more jangly.JLP's own songs are also pretty great. His lyricism is pretty poetic which also put me in mind of psychedelia, deeply spiritual stuff I guess. This Blixa Sounds version has great sound, I think I am hearing elements IK haven't heard before. I've loved this lp since I first got it at the end of 1983 after seeing the next line up for the first time at the start of the month. The line up on this lp changed soon after which ties in with the actual bassist not turning up for the photo session and therefo9re being absent. He, Rob Ritter, was replaced by Patricia Morrison who is with the band until JLP retired them at the end of 1984. She was on teh wrong coast when teh recording session for Death Party opened up in NYC when a Tex & the Horseheads session ran short or was cancelled. So she was temporarily replaced on that.This came with a 2nd cd of demoes for this lp and some later stuff but doesn't have a lot of details as to the material taht turns up[ on the later releases, if they were written earlier and therefore demoed with either of the Dotson line ups or what.I think I need to get the other 2 pre retirement lps in the Blixa Sounds versions. I think they are moving on to the reformed band now, saw a cover image for Mother Juno on the Blixa Sounds website.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/f4cfa7a7798d8c198fbcc396b4cdc356/104671132cd of material from a few live sets from 66 and 67. So featuring a couple of different lineups. But all based ona small jazz groups picking up folky themes and de/reconstructing them.Most of this features European violinist Michel Samson who fits jn quite well. I thought there was more Call Cobbs on harpsichord on the vinyl version I had of some of this material, not seeing it. No longer have the double lp set I had .THis is the Donald Ayler era and he has introduced the idea of using marches as the source material to work with. Albert had been using folk airs from various sources prior to that but the rhythms were more varied. I thought Beaver Harris was another free drummer like Sunny Murray and Milford Graves, I think I need to hear more of him in different contexts though. Do enjoy this stuff and seriously hoping that the live video footage turns up in full somewhere I can access cos I would enjoy seeing a full set now I've seen clips. Shame the BBC footage was destroyed anyway.I was looking for this at the time I read the book Holy Ghost by Richard Koloda over Xmas. Now found it on a pile elsewhere in the room.Not sure to what extent this is an acquired taste it seems to be pretty much it sown thing at the time. The introduced elements of a self taught trumpeter and a classically trained violinist makes it even more different that Ayler's own idiosyncratic style. Very interesting to my ears anyway.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/f9ab70f7471626369f6c17afe9e36598/28025322nd cd of the 3cd version of the set. Dead live around the time of Live Dead which partially comes from this run of dates as well as other locations at the time.This starts with a couple of the more sedate tracks from Aoxomoxoa before going into a great version of the 3 song medley from Live Dead i.e. Dark Star, St Stephen and The Eleven. My cd glitches right when the 11 peaks unfortunately. It is just hitting exactly the right spot when it starts coming apart. May need a new copy. Got this when it came out, not sure how much of a coincidence this is that the scratch is right there . Blooming frustrating though.Anyway, great period for the band . They are great in the summer of 68 and May 70 too. 69 has them discovering country more than they had done. Garcia had been a bluegrass banjoist prior to the band forming but I think they had been more blues orientated probably down to Pigpen.But country songs came in and stayed an element of the sound from around this point. I do prefer the longer more open ended improvisations though.
― Stevolende, Tuesday, 17 January 2023 17:57 (one year ago) link
vanligt folk - "Jag Har Utvecklat Mig Till Både En Hund I En Katt" 2015: swedish EBM reminiscent of Der Plan, not quite as joyfully weird as their hafler-trio-does-crazy frog "allt e'nte" from 2020, but fun nonethelesshttps://i.discogs.com/ugARVSU9dc1id_p1tla_8i4r8wXYdYTsaFnxTSAijGI/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:500/w:500/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTcxMjIw/MjUtMTQzNDIwODU0/Ny0yNDU1LmpwZWc.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 18 January 2023 10:16 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/YUVVEMQIrNy5eHScXDxiQrSwxDxC76loIz_TUe_dC0U/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:450/w:450/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI2MjM1/Mi0xMTYzNTI2ODM5/LmpwZWc.jpeg Tod Dockstader & James Reichert – Omniphony 1. kinda campy somehow. grand stuff
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 20 January 2023 04:42 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/ffad0ee46b1530c407fcbcd38d7b6255/3216442Saturnian icon and band featuring a load of regulars and some guests. A snippet of a much larger performance series, about 45 minutes of them playing from about 3 ho0urs per night for 6 nights. So not 100% sure why this is what they picked, particularly since this coupling of 2 different vinyl lps starts and ends with the same recording as the linernotes point out.A lot of this is pretty abstract which is pretty cool. It's been a while since I listened to the recordings this is based on so yeah not sure what I would have picked. You can get a box set of teh full run though I think there was some trouble with duplication of performances in it. Did notice that RYM had this marked pretty low which I would argue with, but maybe its personal taste. I think I would tend to be looking for something along the lines of Strange Celestial Road or possibly Lanquidity which this isn't really, can't remember if there is a lot more of that dotted through the full set.THis does really get me after repeated listens though, I'm really enjoying this. Picked it up as part of a £5 sale through Rermegacorp which is also true of teh other 2 titles here. Artyard reissue so it does sound pretty good, Even got some good melody in the shape of a Rocket Number Nine. But I think the main point of connection is Sun Ra's own keyboard textures nice and noisy.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/968c54468d55ecc38c4c4883b8b5cda9/4416416German band's 4th reunion lp. THis is also heavily about texture, it sounds like vast spaces made of corroding steel or something. INdustrial psychedelia. Like an abandoned Geigeresque spaceyard.I haven't picked up any of the reunion era studio recordings til now as far as I can remember. I think I did get live sets but can't remember what they sound like. If other things are as good as this set I think I've been missing out. I do love the 70s stuff, though do wish there was live stuff from then around.THis reminds me of a few things I did hear a fw years ago, Heitkotter's damaged garage jams, a French band somebody gave me a cd by 20 odd years ago that I can't remember the name of. Really like this and pretty good coincidence taht I put this on with teh Sun Ra here I think. Kinda fits in a loose way.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/c1bb9445d7ec427136784692d2687b1f/1720185lp by spinoff of Slapp Happy/Henry Cow and big band of supporting players. Pretty surreal, jazzy, proggy stuff.Another lp I heard about years ago and have somehow not actually heard until now. Surprised if I did and have forgotten it, it is a bit complex and in-jokey but I just think it's 'kin fine now I have it. It has some pretty good guitar on it in places so I initially assumed Fred Frith was gusting, I take it that is Blegvad. Not really heard other material where I was aware it was him playing to compare it to.Lyrics are obscure arty aphoristic things that seem to have been picked up from philosophical/zen texts. Booklet has a lot of them written out so they may be better understood than if I had just chanced on tracks as audiophiles, which I'm wondering if I ever did.Anyway another great set That I will familiarise myself with over the coming years better than I have so far,
Arrival of package I ordered over xmas holidays has coincided with me being in bed with heavy cold/flu so have spent more time with these than I would have done on normal schedule.
― Stevolende, Friday, 20 January 2023 12:08 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 21 January 2023 08:12 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/nODNXbXJKWTHawSh69S7_rjRinjb0SLENiy4NPwoWX0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:543/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTY4ODMy/MjgtMTQyODY5NTI2/MS0zNDM2LmpwZWc.jpeg kaze - uminari. circum-disc winter22 sale still on - i got to choose a free disc and catch up on Kaze, who mix amm laminal style improv with pangent / strident stammering lurching RIO collapso-riffs on piano trumpet trumpet drums.
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 21 January 2023 14:01 (one year ago) link
plangent.i wonder what pangent could mean. a smelly goat like gentleman, perhaps
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 21 January 2023 14:02 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/PNpxWwEko9kX7O6pOiNFRy_IvSjWMTSgXQ7c2PnY16I/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:170/w:170/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExNDIz/MTctMTE5NTQ4MjQ4/Mi5naWY.jpeg the Danish Moskus, not the Norwegian Moskus. A more scrabbly incus type affair
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 22 January 2023 11:41 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/SZAqd210e5Zv8-jjNPYYenSGeobuODDYLhUdIv5-7hM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:500/w:499/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTMxMjUx/MC0xMjQxNDIwMTUw/LmpwZWc.jpega handful of dust - musica humana
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Monday, 23 January 2023 16:29 (one year ago) link
irl lol at a smelly goat like gentleman.
Not bothering to post covers, but most recently:
Chet Baker - Sings and Plays from the Film "Let's Get Lost"Jimmy Scott - DreamMavis Staples - We'll Never Turn BackRobert Ward - Fear No EvilMiles Davis - Miles in BerlinLou Donaldson - Say It Loud!
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Monday, 23 January 2023 16:54 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/OQhDeFNRsx_3WksIobukkpd87Vr-5D_n5R8eCqUm-Lk/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:500/w:500/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI4NzU3/NDAtMTMwNTE3ODgy/Ny5qcGVn.jpeg koichi makigami - tokyo taiga - intergalactic throat singing, plainsong, jaws harp, trumpet, theremin, synth bloop. wowzers!
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 25 January 2023 10:22 (one year ago) link
― made entirely of styrofoam (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Wednesday, 25 January 2023 10:51 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 14:50 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 18:36 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/7_yRKtnL0TXMjYJ_-1-5iJj4rhpT7Mk1LlGBGvetm2M/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTg3NTQ5/NTItMTQ2ODk2MDQ5/Mi00NzQ2LmpwZWc.jpegkassem mosse - chilazon
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 26 January 2023 10:51 (one year ago) link
dabnaggit the new fever ray jam is a blast - looping it for an hour
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 26 January 2023 18:44 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/4c491c9100fef75b439e2558f4f67047/3173192Hungarian band fuse local traditional folk, jazz, RIO and various styles together in pretty decent way. I've been aware of the bandname for decades without having a sound to go with it. Glad I grabbed this from the rermegacorp sale.About 50 minutes of them live from one location plus about a quarter of an hour of b0onus from elsewhere. I think I need to pick up some more. Instrument\lly pretty great, I think these people can play pretty well. I think I had thought they were more punky possibly, thought I had heard about them fro an NME thing on international forms of punk (1984 hardcore edition?)but may find out it is more from 80s or 90s US fanzines. Now wish I'd put sound to name a lot earlier.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d1c28443eb9c7482c8cbba6e1a859614/233315680s post-punk stuff with hints of RIO possibly. Basically THis Heat minus a member but plus a long time associate come in permanently. Missing member is Charles Bullen and guitar is replaced by other instrumentation.I was thinking This Heat were basically Quiet Sun with a new guitarist but looks like linearity of link is less simple. Anyway do heavily enjoy this. So now regretting not getting it together to see them at the time cos I think I had the chance probably frequently.I hear a melodic sensibility that seems to be more rooted in folk than I remember This Heat having. Wonder if other people hear echoes of that.This is a compilation of 2 e.ps and an lp. Most of the material the band released at the time anyway. Great choice from the £5 sale.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1ae54f8c38c691bba18dab0c4cb8d431/6354614If you hear any noise its just Blount and teh Boys.Eschewing the bourgeois maximalism of having such extraneous players as bassists and such like our Saturnian friend goes on an Italian tour with 2 horns, a drummer and a Crumar Mainman organ/keyboard and still comes out with a surprisingly phat sound.THis is the Art Yard 2cd edition of what was originally a single lp. IT comes from the same tour as Disco 3000 though it may be less expansive. Pretty great anyway and again from the rermegacorp sale.I do love Sun ra from this turn of the 70s into 80s era. My introduction to him was Strange Celestial Road and possibly also the Live AT Montreux set from the mid 70s. But it's teh deep space funk stuff I especially love. This does get reasonably out there. I think less so than Disco 3000 but still pretty great.
― Stevolende, Friday, 27 January 2023 20:51 (one year ago) link
― CerebralCaustic, Saturday, 28 January 2023 01:38 (one year ago) link
― Picture of Chairman Mao (I M Losted), Saturday, 28 January 2023 08:46 (one year ago) link
"This time" being one of my all-time favorite disco tracks.
― Picture of Chairman Mao (I M Losted), Saturday, 28 January 2023 08:47 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/V283ztHRM2cIbJAXY1FE0OfgPX_1sJTRUNuXIK-MYrc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:539/w:545/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQ2MDA4/MS0xMTI3NTE1Nzg3/LmpwZWc.jpeg bailey / holland - that ECM LP. pointillistic scrabble. the smell of the cover is a beautiful woodsmokey damp concrete patchouli
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 31 January 2023 11:36 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/tnO9ap_bAw1KbIwruVKg9yNiA7C99FXmYEvuXsPpJC8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyMDI5/NzgyLTE1MjY4ODUz/ODYtNjUxNC5qcGVn.jpeg TOC- "will never play these songs again" french gtr keys drums trio get kinda psychic paramount
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 31 January 2023 13:53 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/TBcEGghpwr7heLY9lA9uCD58vgv3Lcz-LBDMiNuKgXY/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:350/w:350/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQ5NDMx/MS0xMzEzNDIxNDg4/LmpwZWc.jpeg8rolek-"umpomat" spastic digital abstraction from 2005. no silly breakbeats or sampling, mainly polymetric clicking & buzzing some understated tuneage
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 1 February 2023 09:14 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 2 February 2023 04:28 (one year ago) link
montel palmaer - catastrophelandhttps://i.discogs.com/F9CMNJfVwYYdJQKWYzyQI8pGJXoLAlMBJAMmif9Pdag/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:599/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIxNTcy/NzAxLTE2NDExMDk4/ODgtOTIxMy5qcGVn.jpeg some kinda ash nav do matias aguayo gloop
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 2 February 2023 16:51 (one year ago) link
that's palmer, not palmaer
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 2 February 2023 16:52 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/e66053ddd2472f7d04ba01dfddce6571/7602895Korean post-rock band I discovered through somebody on the bike course.Epic texture with an underlying metallic influence. Glad I discovered these, probably even more so that I did when I did cos I caught a sale from the record company so saved a few quid. I think the sale ended a couple of days after i did buy this. May pick up some other material by the band if I come across it. Hadn't realised there was a post-rock scene in Korea before finding out about these and it looks like there are a few bands involved.Vocals and some of the linernotes are in Korean so I'm not fully getting what is being sung about but it's done quite well. Avant classical, local folk , and some bits of a more metal feel.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/29c279e258716b485d8feeea18540945/2592794Atmospheric 3rd lp by LA based psych band.This appears to be seen as a lesser lp by the band but it was one of the first I heard so I really enjoy it. GOt given this by a friend a couple of months back along with another couple of their lps on cd. I think these were from the Original album series but came loose in a charity shop he picked them up in. Could do with linernotes for this.Anyway, really enjoying this and should know Spirit better tahn I do. Had this on vinyl as a 2fer with the first lp back in the late 80s but that disappeared a long time ago. This has a couple of jazz instrumentals written by the keyboard player . & I think Give A Life Take A Life has popped up in my head for decades. Could be heard as touching on the prog since it melanges jazz and something epic and a bit classical as well as the use of melody. Sombre feel to quite a bit of this too but it is a bit beautiful.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/bf957b8072d17604b957bcba4caceffb/6259192Zanzibara series compilation by band from mid 70s. Slightly latin tinge to the Taraabs here.THis is really growing on me. Pretty good guitar standing out among the melody etc.Zanzibara is another series by the record label that brought us Ethiopiques and has some pretty great stuff in it.I'd recommend this, just wish my 3player played it better. But seems to be distorted on some playbacks but seems intermittent.Worth a listen though.
― Stevolende, Thursday, 2 February 2023 20:30 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/XSv3h3hKHFSIyp4chXUE7awI5PJ5Z2kNKsIThb6dB-0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:532/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExODM4/NjUyLTE1MzEwNDk1/ODgtOTg4OS5qcGVn.jpeg Henry Threadgill 14 Or 15 Kestra: Agg – Dirt... And More Dirt, and https://i.discogs.com/qqY_3NceubWdnXG7HhStbZfrbTxBAZp49wJMVN9yMIg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:400/w:400/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQ4Nzky/OTctMTM3OTAxMzUz/My05MzM0LmpwZWc.jpeg Karel Goeyvaerts – Pour Que Les Fruits Mûrissent Cet Été / Op Acht Paarden Wedden
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 3 February 2023 12:25 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/jvxg6UX-XBJx6oKmUuRdl10O_OBtBaZ8RQHiY0Omw9Q/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:595/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE2OTU3/NTYtMTQyNTIxNzUz/NS0yNTI4LmpwZWc.jpegGuitar Festival Summer 1999 - Dr. Eugene Chadbourne's Adventures At The Guitar Festival / Greetings Fellow Pickers
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 5 February 2023 10:15 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/D6RTv8s0h9Zq0jIlFg7t14-lqsNGTZeSaaEJ4pX-rV0/rs:fill/g:sm/q:40/h:300/w:300/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI5Nzc4/NTctMTQ1MTU1NDg3/MS04Nzk0LmpwZWc.jpegtight & tangled avant/post-bop - totally "on"
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 8 February 2023 12:58 (one year ago) link
― CerebralCaustic, Wednesday, 8 February 2023 13:46 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/c3d1815f43b6e3f231cc90a262f8f1bd/910876460s Dutch pop artist in a somewhat baroque/circus music style. I don't understand Dutch so not sure what is being sung here. I picked this up for 50c and I guess it's ok. Not sure how frequently I will revisit, might be different if I understood what teh songs were about a bit more. Dutch can be pretty glottal. I'm not sure it's a very pretty language.Anyway, saw this while looking at cd spines in a charity shop I frequent and recognised the name. Not sure where from, assume it's from reviews in Ugly Things etc, well, interesting find since not sure how many people would recognise the name. May grow on me in future listens, not sure.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/f306876dd2834c58aa25c660f9e64ab3/10665162enjoyed some of this, Americana compilation covermount from the most recent Uncut magazine. Love the starting track Kassi lavazza Watching PLanes Go By which is her current release, hearing it through the air it seems reminiscent of some psychy Britfolk stuff with pretty psychedelic guitar stuff. I listened to it on headphones earlier and it sounded more overtly country. I think i will be looking further into her work based on this and the couple of tracks I have heard more recently.Has some more traditional country based stuff smattered across the cd including what I think is an Australian band from what I can work out from the town names.So, listenable and i think I have discovered an artist I like and hadn't known about before.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/f4cfa7a7798d8c198fbcc396b4cdc356/104671132nd disc which appears to include a lot of this, //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/43a49be62d9ebdd557d9a8ad8bf6305d/1895135 i.e. the a-sideand teh first disc of this //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/50154f88cd6b5c9bd2ca294d81e420e3/1654615It all comes from one gig on February 26th 1967 and captures him in the era his brother was in the band as well as European violinist Michel Sampson reworking folkish themes in a free manner. I would really love to see all of one of teh European live sets from teh previous year. Loved the book by Richard Koloda which I got for Xmas. Enjoy this so think I do need to pick up some more. I thought I had a lot of his earlier stuff but not seen it in a while so need to check through my collection and see what I do still have.
― Stevolende, Wednesday, 8 February 2023 19:12 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/cIK--pvsaXcrLGvIA-GBLGeEAtuwJiIBvVf_tQOZ1rk/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:591/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTU4NTEx/MC0xNDc2ODYyMDUy/LTYyOTYuanBlZw.jpeg dave kerman / 5uu'S "abandonship" nerdy not wizardy prog like early xtc doing allan holdsworth numbers or something
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 10 February 2023 11:32 (one year ago) link
I have a smart playlist that grabs all of the ambient music in my library that I haven't listened to in at least 12 months. I've been shuffling it for two weeks now. One of the highlights is the Em:t catalogue I downloaded from some pirate site years ago.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 11 February 2023 20:04 (one year ago) link
This album, to take one example, is pure gold.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 11 February 2023 20:10 (one year ago) link
― CerebralCaustic, Monday, 13 February 2023 02:15 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/kcAoXO5PBRO__YbTdZf_9EunWZ9cu5jdzQbmK2ugNBk/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE1MDAz/MjgtMTI3OTI5MDYy/Ny5qcGVn.jpegtujiko noriko - "U"https://i.discogs.com/0C36Vh0bZA82e4Jf2mxBsDXx3NTdJ9BrxCJ6XCxP2Eg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTUyNTgx/MS0xMTU2MjEyNDU4/LmpwZWc.jpegtujiko noriko - "blurred in my mirror" 2 supremely forlorn sounding tujiko joints with some acoustic instruments.
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Monday, 13 February 2023 16:11 (one year ago) link
https://media.pitchfork.com/photos/63d179aa77b003fc6028ec6b/1:1/w_450%2Cc_limit/The-Tubs-Dead-Meat.jpgThe Tubs - Dead MeatNever really got into Joanna Gruesome, but this is a new band formed by two former members. Reductive, but not entirely incorrect, description is what if Richard Thompson joined a New Zealand jangle pop band.
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Monday, 13 February 2023 18:46 (one year ago) link
[imghttps://i.discogs.com/pURUfwl-NRXc47l5A6gt8BM0uP8xM4NkiRMGGiEDT1g/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:225/w:225/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExOTE0/NzUwLTE1MjQ2NTk1/OTktNjQ4MC5wbmc.jpeg[/img]76 minutes of New Orleans Italian singer/trumpeter/bandleader. Raucous enough for rock'n'roll though maybe more directly jazz based? May be in a similar neighborhood to Sonny Burgess possibly. I just discovered his career dates back to the 30s too.I've been a\ware of him voicing King Louie in The Disney cartoon of Jungle Book since I was a child so took me way too log to get to this. I picked up another compilation of him a few yeas ago but that was a single disc and way too quiet it coming from the early 90s. May have been in the wake of reading an Ugly Things review of the Bear Family Rocks series volume on him but not sure of exact chronology with that right now.Anyway this is pretty superlative and I've yet to hear the 2nd disc of this set. Handy label for artists like th8is In think, assume cheapness is down to things becoming public domain. & I think the public has a right to know about this stuff. Even if the artist himself did have the dubious taste to call his singing partner/sometime wife Keely Smith 'Tonto' thanks to her ancestry. She has such a great voice too.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1ae54f8c38c691bba18dab0c4cb8d431/63546142nd disc of this, Saturnian bandleader takes small combo to Italy but sounds so much bigger. Fits oddly well with the above.Both this and Disco 3000 sound oddly expansive for a band so small. I think Disco 3000 even more so but this is pretty gnarly in places.I picked this up in the Rermegacorp £5 sale over Xmas and pretty glad i did. Did take me a few weeks to get around to playing this 2nd disc though.THis is Blount on various keyboards including trying out a Crumar Mainman organ/keyboard which i think may still be a protoype. So he can get pretty noisy . Also has a lot more of what sounds like a conventional piano than the first disc. He is joined by 3 other players including a trumpeter who was better known beforehand for his work with the Stylistics. Plus John Gilmore the great saxophonist and drummer Luqman Ali.This is the Art Yard expanded version which I can recc9ommend, same with their Disco 3000Wow just seen this was recorded on my 11h Birthday though I didn't get to see him, then with a larger band, until 5 or 6 years later.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1df993cb4079082df3430b1efae740c0/88170192nd disc of this too. Way shorter than I had thought it was going to be. German improvisatory band who I thought played 2 -3 hour shows as a matter of course and possibly a bit longer. So surprised this disc is 20 minutes long. Good though, just wish there was more of it.Atmospheric instrumental stuff . Shows they still have it live even if I rarely listen to the lps from his era. Though maybe that needs reexamination. Do love that earlier really psychedelic stuff anyway. They still have quite a bit of that feel here but I think I'm possibly more into them a few years earlier. Quite ecstatically great music still though. I think I need to hear the rest of this series.
― Stevolende, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 18:53 (one year ago) link
missing link was https://i.discogs.com/pURUfwl-NRXc47l5A6gt8BM0uP8xM4NkiRMGGiEDT1g/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:225/w:225/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExOTE0/NzUwLTE1MjQ2NTk1/OTktNjQ4MC5wbmc.jpeg
― Stevolende, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 18:54 (one year ago) link
― Fuck You Know About a Tralee (I M Losted), Wednesday, 15 February 2023 08:54 (one year ago) link
― Fuck You Know About a Tralee (I M Losted), Monday, 20 February 2023 19:45 (one year ago) link
said it in the other thread but the Tubs are phenomenal
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 20 February 2023 19:46 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/532660e0f4a63edc35efb3d59a270c20/1841699Great live set from NY band. I think live 1978 is a peak for them for me. It took me a couple of weeks to get something on by them after their bandleader died. That was initially the remaster of the Marquee Moon lp but that turned out to be severely distorted for some reason.This was a limited edition live set from Rhino Handmade when I got it , I think it may have been reissued since though, I know it was around as a bootleg before. This appears to have better sound than the boot cd I had of it though. Guitar interplay can get really hypnotic at times. Love this stuff so definitely need to get another Marquee Moon. Do have a copy of the Adventure from that early 00ies remaster series somewhere too.Combination of improvisation based around garagey riffs, heavy repetition, great syncopation and a great load of inspiration. Should be mandatory listening at least a few times. Quite addict6ive though.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/c4f70204e4efa2d1c658b4aa157b3f92/8261477First disc of the 3cd version of live 73-74 set from Canada and Northwest US. More great guitar interplay. Songs more medium length on this disc, than the other 2.Great takes on some tracks they played frequently. This is them as jazz based takes on folk/country stuff, Do like tehm in this era . I mainly stick to the pre-retirement era as in pre-75 though Blues For Allah and One From The Vault are both pretty great. & I enjoyed seeing them in 90.Great, possibly elegaic sound. I find 73/4 feels a bit different to 72 and that to their more overtly psychedelic stuff of a couple of years earlier. Glad I got this a while back anyway. I do like their jammed out take on NOt Fade Away quite a bit. & Bird Song is sublime.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/befa9d2585216f121ef2ac346d188155/15096932nd disc of this set of mainly edited versions of tracks by Spiritual jazz saxophonist. I rarely listen to this one, mainly bung on the earlier stuff on disc one. This starts in like 72 and goes into the 90s.This is not all quite as psychedelic as the first disc but stays pretty transcendent. Has a couple of very danceable tracks on, kind of thing Gilles Peterson would have been playing in Dingwalls in the late 80s.Yeah, really not sure how much I have played this disc and am not as aware of his later stuff as I should be i think. But I think I was mainly listening to him for the near tranced out stuff from the turn of the 70s. So could be missing out.
― Stevo, Monday, 20 February 2023 22:24 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 21 February 2023 15:21 (one year ago) link
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 21 February 2023 15:25 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/iqBBS0a5go-Uj5tPBUf83cM-vJWF0w7BC5lDnaAIKbQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:191/w:210/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEwMDEx/OTMtMTE4MjY4NjY4/NC5naWY.jpeg flower / corsano - "the radiant mirror" serrated raga-rock lift off/bliss out rumblatum.
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 12:12 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/lbNBvyi3ZiH-vWEo2IBSuvjunT1Ir0-TbwRMicBCYFE/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:587/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTU5MTcz/MjMtMTU5MjkxNTc4/Ny00NDYyLmpwZWc.jpeg anthony naples "zipacon" these TTT 12"s have such a charming clunky DIY eno & cluster go house thing on the go.and out US mapling US maple by 10000% in the drunken clown falling over dept Joe Maneri Qt's "coming down the mountain" https://i.discogs.com/_sacFasAtTBX-0Gtua103hRw79rolTwiIbKRMmz9fQg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:447/w:500/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTY0NTUz/MC0xMTYxNDMzOTE3/LmpwZWc.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 13:48 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/s4Kf8BP8xck_7Za9JI0uVeHb5wit1Xxg-gp-YXFj7J0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:587/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI0NDY3/ODczLTE2NjI3ODM3/NTktMzc1My5qcGVn.jpeg Benoît Delbecq, Jorrit Dijkstra, John Hollenbeck – "Linger" itchy crosseyed improv with secret alien grooves
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 23 February 2023 14:41 (one year ago) link
natural calamity — let it come down (1992)
― up and down. SO FAST! stay together.💙 (Austin), Friday, 24 February 2023 13:26 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/C7_LBUIrodxvHnHmcOac2AgQ8uUvxqzTbQDZm8S3KNM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:541/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc2Mjk2/ODMtMTQ0NTUwNTQ0/MS0xOTI3LmpwZWc.jpeg super tight/loose RIO / Jazz goodness
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 24 February 2023 17:50 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/ZusHxSizUTtIrVLPHaUHwU8Q9j69o2DKCzngmc_ocXo/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:599/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM2NTUw/Mi0xNjUwMjY1MTYy/LTk2MDUuanBlZw.jpeg michael rother - fernwärme
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 24 February 2023 20:02 (one year ago) link
Mandy, Indiana - "Injury Detail"https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a4014079430_10.jpg
excellent video too:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d9RnTONexY
― Spencer Chow, Saturday, 25 February 2023 18:50 (one year ago) link
Briefly wondered why I always bookmark these threads despite pretty much never following up what happens here by e.g. listening to the records mentioned; realized it must be because they tend to be really awesome album cover galleries.
― anatol_merklich, Saturday, 25 February 2023 18:58 (one year ago) link
Älgarnas Trädgård, both records plus the bonus tracks
― obsidian crocogolem (sleeve), Saturday, 25 February 2023 19:00 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/PVHu8fD32w_Svi5XsVfLsi8sg6NGmOFeI9jwndgBnck/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI1Mzk0/NTk5LTE2NzI3ODgz/OTItMjY3MS5qcGVn.jpeg the "extra" disc on the bogshed bog-set
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 26 February 2023 19:17 (one year ago) link
p much all nihilist/depressive sludge, as this world grows more painful each day
― waiting for a czar to fall (Neanderthal), Monday, 27 February 2023 02:20 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/iGDpMq5E9Uya8o8XGGOzMTI_OPB1F-mcZFAUVvxFNO4/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE1NDEz/NzUzLTE1OTkzOTQx/NzMtMzc4MC5qcGVn.jpegthrowing muses' "sun racket"
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 1 March 2023 10:15 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/48229da17227554439c38b3cbcb22530/8477449Ethiopian singer who I know about from the Ethiopiques series own compilation from a few years agoGreat mix of fuzz guitar and funked up versions of what sound to be more traditional sounds. I think he was one of the highlight artists on the series and this is pretty archetypal. But do wonder if other bands did pick up on this stuff as a recognisable influence. Seemed like its appearance and popularity in the West could inject a new flavour to garage rock but not sure that would be what that scene would be looking for. I love it anyway.Seemed to go very well with the other music i eventually wound up having on the 3 changer this week which went througha number of different discs cos I think I need to get the top off and the laser cleaned again but have a load of things obstructing my way to get to moving the player. Ho hum. THings skipping and not being recognised and just playing a line or 2 then turning the disc off. BUt did wind up with
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d46bebbf645d55038bedbf7f54409c65/9464604Later than I would normally listen to Great german experimental/psychedel;ic/improvisation band here as mainly instrumental 4 piece.Set was shorter than I'd realised but still pretty great, just may be even better to have more of it. I thought they did play longer gigs so semi surprised by length of discs here. Quite transcendental anyway. 4th track starts off with some pretty heavy symphonic rock and Jaki Liebezeit playing in a way I don't remember hearing him play much elsewhere. Sounds like something other bands reached for being addressed and then moved away from quite rapidly. Not played disc 2 yet, need to do so.
Initially the Can went on with disc 2 of this //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1fe38dbbc2211999cc1dd3a5926be987/6688985but it wouldn't play beyond half of the first track. I tried teh other disc to teh same result. Had picked this up on the other side of the country while away for the day. Seems to be recognised by my Blu Ray player thankfully so hope cleaning will allow it to play.https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548334497i/1486779.jpgsame thing as Lee Perry disc. Played a bit of one track, crashed. Disc taht came with a book from teh library.
so put on //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/e24875f19af7bc255d2a655cef87fcee/2713020which I hadn't listened to in an age. Stoner folk stuff that is pretty great. By this point the 2 main members had added a supporting band who were pretty ok.Unfortunately disc glitched azt one point quit ebadly so listened to it a few times but had to change it . Hopefully get back to it once i get player properly cleaned.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/82b18e308a78877a8f59c45d60d3772a/7329772First lp by Stoner rock band. Waslying around my player when Holy Modal Rounders wouldn't play properly and hadn't been played ina while.I think I need some more by this bunch. Especially from this early era. Reworkings of a sound rooted in early 70s heavy/space rock stuff which came out quite well. Have been aware of these for a long time so should have more stuff by them
― Stevo, Wednesday, 1 March 2023 20:53 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/upSs1QNJDFa4aHEKhFJczKi5pmWroubW-65PI4qaTQk/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:472/w:472/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI1NDAz/MDEtMTI4OTYwNjk5/My5qcGVn.jpeg leslie q - "into handicapped" no-wavey vox & acoustic gtr w/ tape warble
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 4 March 2023 15:10 (one year ago) link
whoa I had her Majora records but never knew abt any others!
― obsidian crocogolem (sleeve), Saturday, 4 March 2023 17:23 (one year ago) link
and bizarrly enough i stumbled across zips of the casual plane and presque vu while looking for something else on an old drive last night! wer hätte es gedacht?
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 5 March 2023 08:10 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/18I_96PhSgxYQDFwaLk8mVabmESUkJRi32LkSnhM9Ks/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyNzk2/NjU0LTE1NDIxMjM1/MzEtNTM0NS5qcGVn.jpeghmr vol. 1&2
― no lime tangier, Tuesday, 7 March 2023 04:48 (one year ago) link
https://merchbar.imgix.net/product/4/1616/42621768/AJ-yyjkS4087661-2831146.jpgTia Blake - Folksongs & Ballads
― Nabozo, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 14:22 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1ace21fef1d0421c1d18474c689a9a11/76247713rd lp by band that started with a pretty different line up here getting pretty avant and noisy while adding several horns as front line instruments. THis is the edition with the Proms set as a disc 2. But it's been the main set that I've played when the 3 changer has actually played it. I did clean it out last week but still not reliably working it seems. Anyway do think this is pretty interesting, semi ambient before that became a thing while also being screamingly loud in places as Ratledge's organ goes into overdrive. 4 lengthy tracks which were initially an lp side each.Here all 4 sitting on one cd. May help if you're stoned I guess. Was sitting around the flat neglected for too long hope that didn't screw up the disc. 3 changer is getting older though.But yeah pretty otherworldly. & I think necessary. Fits well with Can, Henry cow and a few others.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/459141f922149c4cec8b4713bd30df7f/1233547Luaka Bop release from teh late 90s which turned up in a local charity shop. I think it is sung in Portuguese and featuires a lot of pretty funky jazzy acoustic guitar. I'm enjoying this quite a bit. Can get a bit melancholy in places but also pretty beautiful. Glad I found this cos I think I do like it a great deal. Don't think I was aware of uits existence before seeing it in the charity shop but yeah pretty good. Reminds me of tropicalia, Salsa and a few other things . So good use of a Euro. & was in pretty decent nick too.Part produced by Arto Lindsay too. Only just taking in that it dates from 98, not sure when I would have placed it . But pretty fine anyway.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/52a1bb9d279b4dbd667edaa6d8f7ec08/6810066Another random charity shop find. I think I was semi aware of their existence at teh time but not familiar with a lot of their stuff. Enjoying this anyway. I think this is a band playing as a band and sounding pretty trip-hoppy or something. All woman band with ties to Beastie Boys and a number of other groups. Drummer was in the hardcore version of that band i.e. very early on.Glad i got this cos am enjoying it . Do think they do it quite well anyway.
― Stevo, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:11 (one year ago) link
Can't even find a good version of the cover art to link to, but I'm currently spinning the self-titled debut from Italy's London Underground, apparently a spin-off of 90's prog rockers Standarte.
Basically, a circa 2000 take on the first couple of Yes albums, striking a balance between prog ambitions and still beholden to late '60s pop writing conventions. Not sure yet how much I love it, but it is endlessly fascinating.
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:30 (one year ago) link
(ftr I had no idea the roots of that particular band name until just now googling it... yikes)
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:33 (one year ago) link
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:36 (one year ago) link
new Gina Birch record, it rules
― obsidian crocogolem (sleeve), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:50 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 9 March 2023 15:45 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/SSbhyUXwtIFib_JkoAwlb91iU9Ke8rHX34QiksYjqUo/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM0MDk4/LTExNjg3MjYzNzku/anBlZw.jpegjohn harding - "marbat" muscular minimal dubby tech stuff from 2001. managed to put an almighty scuff in this with clumsy turntable shenanigans ( gotta take the turntable off to change the belt speed )
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 11 March 2023 17:30 (one year ago) link
Right this second one of the newest releases by the ever productive Mike Vest, king of UK shadowy psych overload. This one is from his newish duo with Charlie Butler, Neutraliser:
Good slow burn dark ambient vibes out of the gate.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 11 March 2023 17:34 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 12 March 2023 01:35 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 12 March 2023 07:35 (one year ago) link
just realised what another of the books on the (no pussyfooting) cover is. 3 down, 12 to go!
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 12 March 2023 07:51 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 16 March 2023 06:30 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/348f5eb73c173a5b67128f0bc27692cc/9516161Early 70s Free Jazz set with a good melodic sense and decent riffs forming. Picked this up a decade or 2 ago and should probably play it more. IT is pretty fantstic.Does sound like something people should be adopting and adapting riffs from so wonder if anybody has done. The track Your Eyes Are Like a Cup Of Tea from the Brian Jones produced Pipes of Pan at Jajouka has a similar effect on me in that I just think it would sound amazing translated to teh guitar.Really enjoy this
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/9e34f653d1f56911864e1bca585fbb6c/6198259THis was the sampler 2cd fr the Early Years compilation box set, I've been listening to the first disc which has them from the late 60s starting with the psychedelic pop material written by Syd Barrett through to the more spaced out material from the turn of the decade.Quite great, not sure why I never picked up a couple of the smaller breakdowns of the box set dedicated to individual years. I was thinking that Scream Thy Last Scream was on here or at least released outside of the box sets. Also I think I would have bunged in a track from the Ahoy gig featuring Syd. But what's here is pretty great.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/c008d7cd031fa8a84fe2de637f3fb8eb/2204328First disc of this I think initially because i wanted to hear the original version of Mystery Train which I knew from th Elvis cover,.But the rest of teh disc is also pretty fine. r'n'r, blues r'n'b etc.Do like the Mystery Train a great deal seems to be an updated blues but rhythm seems to be a bit less obvious than the jump blues i'd heard it described as. Also has Billy Riley and Sonny Burgess who are always worth hearing. PLus classics from Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Warren Smith.It's a box set but turned up as individual discs in a charity shop locally. Great set I think.
same purchase got me //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d25529274482a573858af5f5b76c44d7/5354009which played through a few times initially and seems to be a pretty good overview I think. Unfortunately 3player seems to be reluctant to play it and it was getting progressively fuzzy sounding. Shame cos I was enjoying it.
― Stevo, Saturday, 18 March 2023 21:16 (one year ago) link
I'm listening to the motherfuckin NEW BOMB TURKS, that first run of singles and the debut LP are all time great
― obsidian crocogolem (sleeve), Saturday, 18 March 2023 21:30 (one year ago) link
Ned Milligan & John Atkinson, Call Me When You Can
Very atmospheric, lots of wind chimes. A good listen while working.
I bought the entire Facture catalog recently from Bandcamp. I already had a fair number of titles, but the price was ridiculous. Making my way through it now.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 18 March 2023 22:57 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 19 March 2023 08:35 (one year ago) link
shana cleveland — manzanita (2023)
lead singer/guitarist from la luz' third proper solo album. continues the dreamy acid folk from her last album and just generally sounds like early fog creeping up from the beach through the redwoods. shades of hope mazzy star jamming with the pentangle. nothing revelatory, but damn pretty music.
― ''can be prusuaded to show gayness'' (Austin), Sunday, 19 March 2023 16:39 (one year ago) link
*hope sandoval and mazzy star
― ''can be prusuaded to show gayness'' (Austin), Sunday, 19 March 2023 16:40 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/IuR3jwgmE1T9ZOCFXJl_YWwyQdoC5S0i0bpgf4lCMCQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc3NTUw/NTQtMTQ0ODExNTE0/Ni0zODI0LmpwZWc.jpegabercrombie hammer dejohnette - timeless
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 19 March 2023 16:49 (one year ago) link
The Individualism of Gil Evans.
― Shard-borne Beatles with their drowsy hums (Chinaski), Sunday, 19 March 2023 21:14 (one year ago) link
― obsidian crocogolem (sleeve), Sunday, 19 March 2023 21:20 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Monday, 20 March 2023 02:53 (one year ago) link
― not too strange just bad audio (brimstead), Monday, 20 March 2023 03:21 (one year ago) link
lol whatever
Cecil Taylor – Nuits De La Fondation Maeght Vol. 1
aw, yeah - one of the best, that!
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Monday, 20 March 2023 08:14 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 23 March 2023 18:48 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/YPyK1JLLhGVA9sLAQGU-p3Ujj6opcRBkdfoYe5apIUE/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:500/w:500/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTU5MDA5/NDAtMTQwNTgyNDYx/Mi04MjE2LmpwZWc.jpegjoint-venture - "mirrors" - through composed post-bop without eternal face-melting crescendo. measured control & lyricism throughout & not without fire. 1991 but of a part with much on the halvorson rainey laubrock / clean feed axis
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 24 March 2023 08:13 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/xUBOPrq0B0uLHxze5gcaz1Ipzuomn1uRvG7yo_Zk_GE/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc3MzU2/OS0xNjI1ODQzMDMx/LTY1ODQuanBlZw.jpeg 42 of jad's residentsy instrumental miniatures from 1985
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 24 March 2023 08:32 (one year ago) link
Six Finger Satellite Severe Exposure, y'all heard of this?
― made entirely of styrofoam (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Friday, 24 March 2023 10:02 (one year ago) link
Yngwie Malmsteen - Trial by Fire
― The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Friday, 24 March 2023 11:58 (one year ago) link
I saw 6FS on that tour opening for the Jesus Lizard. Their drummer was a machine.
― The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Friday, 24 March 2023 11:59 (one year ago) link
nice. never got to see them sadly.
― made entirely of styrofoam (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Friday, 24 March 2023 13:55 (one year ago) link
They were rocking some Moog Keytars at one point.
I really like that one and the last one Law of Ruins.
― The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Friday, 24 March 2023 14:06 (one year ago) link
I've been diligently listening to Wayne Shorter in chronological order over on that thread, but last night I was really vibing on Cannonball Adderley. Wiki says this was the first soul jazz album taped in a noisy club environment, a practice later copied by others.
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Friday, 24 March 2023 16:37 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 25 March 2023 02:20 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 25 March 2023 04:30 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/acb4e1b65ad9e2b7a4a5a8a1cc2b68c4/3027784disc one which is //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/b3e16bf2c8e4d9149e1dae557c26dee5/2384762and //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/6ef672337ebcefc923837ed8315f9a9e/1445853Nice cheap compi of a singer I knew the name of but not much work by that turned up in the local cd/tat shop anI thought I'd grab. Glad I did she has a great voice, I'm not 1000% taken by the backing though it does its job relatively well. I think it is more MOR when I would prefer something more fluid and non saccharine, more dialogic or something. Not heard disc 2 which is 2 songbooks of earlier artists, Bessie Smith and Fats Waller. Enjoying it and think I will look further into her including Dinah Jams which is more jazz orientated and may look further. I am enjoying listening through these female singers from around the middle of the 20th century. There are some great ones I need to be more familiar with.Songs here I knew already from singers like Sinatra. So interesting to hear her interpretations.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/a183d5dbde5bc23a1403ef80a9b81128/2644679This is not the disc pictured but appears to be the same material but differently ordered and with a different cover. I picked it up in a local charity shop for a Euro. Had gone over on being told that Tommy Tiernan had dropped in a load of stuff to te shop. Picked up a load of books and sorted through a load of cds only to find taht tey weren't in great condition. Got a copy of Supergrass's compilation but 3 changer keeps rejecting it. Also got a few dvds which I haven't checked out yet.But back to the cd. I haven't been able to find the recording dates of the tracks. The cash in lp came out in 74 so must predate taht. I say cash in cos this seems to be presented as a current lp but with no input from the artist, in terms of agency.Tracks are at least semi decent turn of the 70s soul stuff. I thought Long Black Veil might be interesting but not sure it's the same song. Hearing him do the standard might be interesting at least.I see this gets viewed as substandard in most of the review sites I'm seeing. I don't think it's that bad but certainly not his classic material. Worth a Euro , somewhat decent music but not transcendent like.
3 changer still acting up;. Got knocking sounds on Dinah Washington this morning. & it's refusing to play some things. Supergrass started on couple of occasions but I had to turn it off and get up for the day. So thought it would play next time and just got the player attempting to read it and then skipping onto next disc. Wire Tapper played first track seriously fuzzed out then stopped oin teh 2nd. I thought if i go it to play through it might work better teh next time round. May just need a new player. But 17 years is somewhat good going. Don't have a 2nd player so can't tell if it is te player and not the disc. Hoping I don't have a load of cds that won't play if I do get a new player anyway.
Did wind up with this playing though //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/cba20d73b558412baf1e673a6178e998/1392290The lp recorded by 2 ex Tourists backed by several members of Can and Blondie and produced by Conny Plank. So something of a stand alone lp.I think it doesn't sound much like later work. I hear a load of influences in it, obviously psychedelia and some other earlier rocky stuff. I have always heard a degree of Britfolk in the mix too. I have loved this record since it came out. Tracks were being played in nightclubs etc when I was first going out to things like that in the early 80s. I have had several copies of this on vinyl and cd. There was a mid 90s cd release I had that seemed very tinny so I was glad to get a remaster that returned the warmth etc to the sound.
― Stevo, Saturday, 25 March 2023 11:49 (one year ago) link
I heard a little bit of early stereolab type vibes on a few tracks of in the garden.. v cool albumPrime Dinah Washington is just some of the sauciest music around
― brimstead, Sunday, 26 March 2023 01:31 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/mqGjqjdcl9fhTu4h9ktLMVRBKQCrHBMv7qU80YF9ogc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:527/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTY0MTUz/NDQtMTUwMTQ5ODI1/MS0zOTQzLmpwZWc.jpegdisc 2 of the eno drop expanded reish. if anthony manning's no longer doing music i'll take this. amazingly pedestrian up down up down structures but some pleasant digital martin dennyisms. i do wonder about eno's idea of "exotica". not much, mind
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 07:09 (one year ago) link
Stuff by The Middle Class from A Blueprint For Joy and a few tracks from Out Of Vogue: The Early Material. Kinda wish they had stayed hardcore but the Mission Of Burma-esque tracks aren't bad.
― made entirely of styrofoam (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 11:04 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/a_mSoiWTqzXRggO8OcfPsmCxZ0sMtlcV9w_ffmO9uhg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE5MTI5/MTE3LTE2MjUyMzg4/NDctMjE2OC5qcGVn.jpeg kalle moberg - twist - accordion free jazz quartet
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 11:44 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Friday, 31 March 2023 08:36 (one year ago) link
this morning:Athanor - FlashbackLovely punchy Beatlesque private press bearded power pop from 73-81. Great vocal harmonies and hooks. There’s a song recorded in 2006 which doesn’t stick out too bad.Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made FleshCanadian technical death metal, slicing and dicing, brutal precision and unfettered ecstasy.
― brimstead, Friday, 31 March 2023 16:35 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/4a9aff5b8bf515881cfdab5ed58037a7/1594870early d.,i.y. post punk stuff compiled in the mid 00ies.I was aware of the band but not much of this early stuff before buying this around the time it came out. Pretty gppd, roughly played material nowhere near as smooth as the later chart stuff.I think this was recorded at a time the band were living in squats in London. I have heard that Green hung out with Henry Cow before his own band really took off. I think there is some hint of melody but nowhere near what that later stuff has. Not sure how proficient band members were with their instruments yet, almost sounds like some of these are pretty tentative, could be wrong could just be the style required. Anyway do really enjoy this. It's an era I really enjoy, people with ambition beyond their current playing proficiency. Need some more stuff along these lines and to see what articles from the time the music was first appearing I have. Rescued a pile of the ones my brother had just not looked through them in a while, think Scritti were interviewed quite a bit.Also need to look up and read through the lyrics, what I can make out is pretty interesting.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/60ce439671aba97ab78df328d74d9704/10435813Irish prog-folk from the early 70s.This is the Acme version from 2004 that comes with the first single as bonus.Nice melodic atmospheric stuff, gets pretty rocky in places.I heard some of Clodagh Simonds' later soundtrack stuff a while back which was also very interesting.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/b164e79a74e109bfad6340ca66cd9b00/1512678Been hoping to pick up some material from this guy for a while, several Latin titles turned up in a local 2nd hand shop last week. So I grabbed this and 2 others I haven't played yet.Barretto appears in Summer of Soul which was about the first time I actually saw him play.Songs seem to hinge on semi classical sounding piano themes on top of syncopated latin beats. I thik this si a decent compilation but I probably need to pick up more stuff by him.
3changer problem this week //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/90bdc39ef842f8b17d2a770843a788e5/6580545only got a couple of tracks into this, shame enjoy it.
― Stevo, Sunday, 2 April 2023 20:31 (one year ago) link
spacey pedal steel work-outs, canterbury sound-ish art rock with a leavening of country/pub rock, even an aereo-plain era john hartford cover.
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 6 April 2023 08:05 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 6 April 2023 08:25 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1790b609dac1f041344cbc8bfafb73a1/1392844Brazilian funk compi I picked up in the same purchase as the Ray Barretto cd last week. I think I mkay have had it way back when it was first around but long since lost it. It starts with a track with a bassline that seems to be on the verge of becoming disco which colours the rest of the set I think.Unfortunately 3changer is still fuzzing out regularly so that's been interfering with listening to this clearly. I think it is still a pretty good compi when i does play with the proper sound. That verging on disco is not something I'm that into would prefer the heavy funk, thinking of contemporary James Brown who also seemed to be on the cusp between the 2 and tilted towards disco unfortunately. It was one thing taht stopped me from getting into the Banda Black Rio compilation from a band featured here, seemed like a wrong move from more organic funk when i was first listening to that stuff. I may be more tolerant of it now. & maybe should look into early disco after reading Tim Lawrence.Still stuck on the idea of it being somewhat fake so should give it a better listen. Though i think that was what George Clinton was talking about when saying faking the funk, may have been a bit later though so the actual music more diluted?
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/530b9b44571078c571951a006d6e19a4/8953993Last lp by Sheffield based band. Has an ecological them throughout. LP starts with a track called Weeds that I keep hearing an echo of Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song in which seems ironic since i think the song is about refugees. I take it that is intentional, I think the band were well known for arch irony etc in their work. Actually song reminds me of a cross between Immigrant Song and i think Venus in Furs, certainly a song from the first Velvets lp melanged with the band's own sounds. I haven't really got into Pulp before, I was aware of tem at teh time they were releasing music and did enjoy hearing tracks but never had any so may pick up some more. This was a charity shop find for a Euro so good find. I think I may need to replace it though keep finding it going into a repetitive glitch on the last track. Waking up with this noise going off which is a second or 2 of a song in continual repeat.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/0b8da210dfecd3cd01353de66e72522d/1814200Classic archetypal rock band from the mid 70s. This is the first disc of a 2 disc set with 4 or 5 songs from each of 5 lps and 2 from a 6th one. A band that initially swam against the tide but seems to have set the agenda for a lot of what came after it so may seem a lot less iconoclastic now.A wash of sound comprising semi minimalist repetitive playing by 3 players and a singer in places making a wall of noise. Blooming love i. Do wonder to what extent this is the default sound of what a band should sound like for people this late in the aftermath of its release. I think the aesthetic as deliberately against what was happening at the time it was created. Now wondering to what extent teh Ramones tshirts that were semi ubiquitous a few years ago reflected the wearer's actual taste and to what extent it was just fashion. I think the ripped knee jean thing that I still see everywhere is still traceable back to them though do wonder who else popularised it along the way. Well, enough to have so many young ladies have cold knees throughout the winter.3 changer seems to be fuzzing things out by the end of a long cd but interesting to hear that the band seem to be introducing elements of technique by the time of their 4th or 5th lp. Could be earlier, no actual solos but seem to be trying to get there. Has been a long time since i was listening to those lps, did always love teh song Danny Says so shame I'm not actually getting to hear it because of the sound on the player by that point. I think I bought End of The Century as my first Ramones lp, 2nd hand back in around 81 and also think I saw the TOTP performance for Baby I love You.
― Stevo, Monday, 10 April 2023 10:15 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/mJ9eOYkL0mfuFX8GWiupVhtkBYQNqFDhaa_uqRTIeoU/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyMDIy/NjU0LTE1MjY3NDE1/NjktMjM5NC5qcGVn.jpeg monopoly child star searchers
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Monday, 10 April 2023 15:29 (one year ago) link
John Lee Hooker - Free Beer and Chicken (1974)
In which Hooker is inspired to "Make It Funky" with the Tower of Power horns and Joe Cocker pops in to sing a few.
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Monday, 10 April 2023 16:25 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/9JzzCqivnXQaY2TSBnuO_cTURlszRto1dHqkhxB_Fl4/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:535/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI0ODEw/NjY4LTE2NjU3NzE4/OTYtMTc4NC5qcGVn.jpeg tim berne / matt mitchell - one more time, please
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 12 April 2023 08:24 (one year ago) link
Hey hey my Lordy, Lord. I'm gonna buy three mocking birds. One for to whistle. One for to sing. One to do most any little thing.
― Nabozo, Wednesday, 12 April 2023 08:37 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/398836164061a6349bd67d78f5e8420c/7690222Great charity shop find. Has some great choices on it, particularly on this 3rd disc of 5 which is ska/rocksteady classics from late 60s to early 70s. This also seems to play all of 25 tracks without fuzzing out or tapping noises. Still having trouble with the player elsewhere.But this disc has been solidly good has a lot of tracks that the initial ska revival bands were playing so hangs together well and avoids being cheesy. Liquidator, Message to You Rudy, Long shot Kick the Bucket and some less obvious ones by Lee Perry and Max romeo etc.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/cda608370f709fe3d72001d3c8eff0d8/1529619THe only disc by this band that I have which si a shame since it is pretty dashed tasty. Very sensuous in its grooves etc.So post hardcore with a sense of sex in the beat.Unfortunately cd player has been playing back badly so it didn't last the week. Have just found out that the blu ray player in the front room does seem to play everything ok. So may need to replace my bedroom player. Shame grown attached to it over teh years.BUt have enjoyed what I could listen to of this.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/8a43a6090f7417e267ad135167890ef1/1567125possibly overly smooth Brazilian disc I bought in a purchase with another couple of titles from teh area a couple of weeks ago. Does have a couple of decent tracks on .But 3 changer was adding fuzz and tapping sounds which si a pain.Have been busy so not tried to clean the player again, hoping i can return function it seems a stabiliser feature or something has been disabled or worn out.Hopfully can have another go at it in a couple of days. Not sure what is allowing some things to play properly still though.
wound up trying to play these as replacements //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/7236be92871ebdeeeed4274b5b9bb5ba/10228585Looks like a great intro to the Irish traditional institution but 3changer wouldn't play it. Gave totally distorted sound. Blu ray sounded fantastic.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/22f16eccac44a6bde87a2c8852834cde/2578178A couple of different discs from this 6 disc compilation set. A live thing from 1968 which started having beating sounds from the 3changer but played smoothly on the blu ray.Minimalist abstract sound which I think I need to spend a while listening to
& a later disc La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus Christ, for 100 voices, pno, cello, fl, clar, xylorimba, vib, mar & orchestra, which does appear to be playing,
― Stevo, Sunday, 16 April 2023 21:48 (one year ago) link
carolina boogie!https://i.discogs.com/eTiF-9dAaOSjwDvX_9-NX-D7ESw3hGa1wuh2yCDR1do/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:599/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyOTE1/MDktMTQzNjIyNTUw/MS04MTE1LmpwZWc.jpeg
― no lime tangier, Monday, 17 April 2023 04:00 (one year ago) link
mainly listening to my final selections from 1956, however i also stumbled across this from 5 years ago and the end section has been playing in my head for the last week now.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDqiDufJABw
― the world is your octopus (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Monday, 17 April 2023 17:43 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/5pKHMacjkRxL8vLWlo0yZV8MS156WIwLJUjs5t0rhFA/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIwOTQ2/OTcwLTE2MzY3MTE5/MDItNTM1OC5qcGVn.jpeg jamal moss with 2 long jam/lewis do tangerine dream ecstatic bangers
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 19 April 2023 07:17 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 19 April 2023 07:45 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/cSeQ5Ao18ubJLzM5DXv_WH7goJ7Rr8afL0EeSmQ6M9E/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEwMTY2/NjQ0LTE0OTI3NzMx/MjUtMjI0Ny5qcGVn.jpeg roberto negro - garibaldi plop, w/ darrifourcq on drums & v.ceccaldi on cello - nifty piano trio action halfway twixt the flying luttenbachers & erik satie
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 19 April 2023 11:01 (one year ago) link
okay i'm weirdly intrigued by that tim berne/matt mitchell cover art. i've just now learned that the artist is warren linn and that the dude's resume is 100% legit. dang. also thx no lime; def gonna check out bj cole!
as for me. . .
so many tears — so many tears (2011)
fishmans rhythm section with takashi kato from tokyo ska paradise orchestra replacing shinji sato. definitely leaning towards the rock side of their influences. it's only marginally similar to fishmans. they try to do a driving pearl jam (?) style rockin` rhythm gallop on some songs and there's some approaching wanky guitar work that uhh... well, they can play so why not? not like it's every song(guitar solo kinda old fashioned innit?). they really get going when they end up sounding like kashiwabara's other band polaris (who i highly recommend btw) and, in that respect, the second half of the album is definitively stronger than the first. i downloaded their entire output (not on streaming) and some of the albums were tagged with the genre "j-alternative" and . . . yeah, pretty much! haven't gotten to everything yet, but this is my favorite of their albums so far. another solid "RIYL" satellite in the fishmans universe. i did skim the live album after peaking at the tracklist; it seems like tons of fun and has some rather kickass r+b covers.
fav thread on ilx currently, fyi. thx everyone.
― ''i am the kanye west kanye west thinks he is.'' (Austin), Wednesday, 19 April 2023 15:38 (one year ago) link
― Perverted By Linguiça (sleeve), Wednesday, 19 April 2023 15:40 (one year ago) link
https://kwjaz.bandcamp.com/album/s-tdesert island disc for sure, lofi dreamy semi-ambient paradise, like Eleventeen Eston on ‘ludes (???)
― brimstead, Wednesday, 19 April 2023 16:35 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Friday, 21 April 2023 08:13 (one year ago) link
There's at least one 2cd set of the Dollar Film Morricone s/trks which are all good. Nice atmospheric stuff. I do love Quicksilver Messenger Service's Calvary which seems to explore very similar territory.
― Stevo, Friday, 21 April 2023 10:50 (one year ago) link
The God Machine - Scenes from the Second Storey
― Nabozo, Friday, 21 April 2023 11:01 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/acb4e1b65ad9e2b7a4a5a8a1cc2b68c4/3027784disc 2 which is these 2 in succession //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/fdefef97c2e6f01668c81ed07e3eb721/1445849 //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/de77624f17ce58f664e4a6e2c2af9ada/3103652which seems to be how they were originally released, ir at least both in the same year.The Bessie Smith has Washington in a setting which apparently wants to echo the jazz of Smith's time in a not totally authentic way. It's done better than I had feared, quite tastefully in fact. The singing is pretty fantastic too. I'm hearing less attempt at recreation in the Fats Waller set. & listening to this earlier I was wondering if my player was speeding up cos it does sound a bit pinched or something.Not sure if that's the recording or my player. (cleaned it but still having trouble, may need to take it apart more thoroughly)Cover photo used for this compilation seems to be used pretty heavily but this is a cheap but very useful compilation. Other disc is another 2 great lps.Love Dinah Washington's voice. This turned up in the local popular music/tat shop and I thought I'd give it a bash. I knew her name but wasn't very familiar with her work. Now want to explore more thoroughly.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/691d90f988046748f62a87979a222a6c/85538452nd disc of this too. A recentish compilation of mod revivalist's post Jam work where he expanded a bit on the things being reinvestigated.Strike's me taht the idea of mod as a retro style is counter it's initial purpose which was to be continually cutting edge leading me to wonder what the idea of 'mod' meant way after its initial 60s heyday.Like it would boil down to being about remaining stylish and having a taste in music taht updated similarly and encapsulated later developments. Origins being people in Italian suits listening to Modern jazz and continuing to morph from there through the related develo0pments in jazz, soul, rock etc that came in the next few years so likely to continue to adapt to fit around a semi amorphous idea of stylishness.So Weller taking in the newer influences he shows in this work would follow that pattern. IT may get a bit glossy in places but overall glad I finally got around to picking up some of this stuff. Think this may be as far as I've gone with anything later tahn The Jam so far but may look further into this lot and his solo work.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/36ce7e8026483411d0b5cf06a71f4731/100226832nd lp by current band. Interesting set of influences and abstract lyrics.I'm hearing guitar that borrows influence from Johnny Marr and probably some others. I think a lot of his influences and mid 60s stuff etc.The lyrics are odd , maybe the lack of traditional structure is striking. Think I may need to more of this stuff and get around to listening to the live set(s) I've picked up since. I guess they are sung so can be morphed live to fit some live interplay. But the structure does seem weird and abstract. I do need to hear how things are reproduced live if there is a lot of flexibility or what. Have a couple of sets I grabbed off Dime etc but just have not had a chance to listen to them yet.
finally got a chance to take the cd player apart and daub isopropyl alcohol on the laser lens but still not working properly. Had thing s fuzzing out earlier. I think I may need to take the machine apart again and remove the sections of it above the lens set up. There is a problem of access and a shutter across the lens which means that the area possibly didn't get cleaned as thoroughly as it should have been. I think that used to suffice when I was first having to dismantle the machine instead of just using a cd cleaning disc. Now its getting older I may need to actually dismantle further. may be dust accumulated that I'm not seeing or something. Seemed like a stabilizing process has been marred recently and I'n getting beating sounds etc when trying to play some discs. Hoping the thing is still salvageable. Not had to buy a new player in a very long time and getting attached to this after 17 or 18 years. Wonder if I can actually swap out the laser if it comes to that.
― Stevo, Friday, 21 April 2023 11:48 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/h4_iDSgl3hngDWzZ31rtXJrTJ0dHEYkunC1tI2U9rU8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:380/w:380/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc3NDU3/NDgtMTQ0NzkxNzk3/NS0zMzUwLmpwZWc.jpeg mark mcguire - beyond belief - itchy midi michael-rother-scapes for hot-air-ballooning etc
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 21 April 2023 15:28 (one year ago) link
physical graffiti, disc 2
― brimstead, Friday, 21 April 2023 15:44 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 23 April 2023 01:50 (one year ago) link
― Perverted By Linguiça (sleeve), Sunday, 23 April 2023 02:08 (one year ago) link
^reminds me i keep meaning to listen to this: https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/saturday/audio/2018857289/toody-cole-return-of-the-living-dead-moon
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 23 April 2023 02:19 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 23 April 2023 06:57 (one year ago) link
xp THere was a really interesting looking Turid compilation that i was thinking of buying a couple of years back. That's not it is it?Same label who were reissuing other Swedish prog stuff
― Stevo, Sunday, 23 April 2023 08:01 (one year ago) link
yep... if only they'd rerelease those first 3 lps in full!
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 23 April 2023 09:56 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/51faff2d426070b0a73d9abdce8ea89c/9996445Debut lp of Bristol post-punk group, dubbed out to psychedelic excess. One of my all-time fav lps since I was turned onto it by comparisons in Birthday Party articles I read in 83 though they were actually from a while earlier. Prompted by it sitting by my bed and Mark Stewart had just died. THis is the version from the anniversary 3cd set. So its on a weird black disc thing not a silver cd. So my player got fuzzy half way through.Cleaned that more thoroughly this morning so may have sorted.Love the way it sounds like the sound is in freefall when this does play properly though.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/83422f89d6dbfce58d36b5c6f49a5055/32866901st disc of this which may be more ska and soul than reggae. A lot of thsi does sound like it would be classed as soul if played by different groups, I'm assuming it is actually Jamaican or UK artists picking up on soul before they wind up really getting into what constitutes reggae. Have definitely heard reggae with a major Impressions/Curtis Mayfield influence elsewhere. I think this is mainly 60s recordings so a bit early to be reggae per se.Anyway hangs together quite well even crossing several genres . I think I picked this up in Sister Ray a few years ago and was happy to see a second wave of Trojan 2cd compilations after the Sanctuary version of Trojan 2cd sets were pretty exemplary. Not sure if this is quite to that level, good though.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/78e50a3faba5f4320d6846f2330e6f7d/4648469Heavy, primitive Brazilian psychedelic rock stuff with stun guitar. Trying to get the cd cleaner cleaned I was next to a shelf I haven't really been getting to for a while so checked this out. I think it's pretty good.Very doomy too.THis version comes with a load of bonus tracks from the earlier incarnation of the band as the Love Machine
― Stevo, Tuesday, 25 April 2023 20:18 (one year ago) link
Ultima Thule, a long-running Australian ambient podcast, drops about 20 episodes at a time every quarter or so. I'm listening my way through them now. It's a nice, eclectic mix presented each show by a different member of a rotating cast of DJs.
― immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Tuesday, 25 April 2023 21:06 (one year ago) link
I've been listening to all the Lou Donaldson records, pretty much one per day. Today's was Alligator Bogaloo, which I had never noticed before is misspelled!
And that led me to these two great Idris Muhammad albums.
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Tuesday, 25 April 2023 21:38 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 27 April 2023 08:15 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/vDDzgPBA813GmhekJMKKhgu-WPixS4qKZQeVnYWDZUM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:594/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIzNTg2/MC0xMTgxNjYyMzIw/LmpwZWc.jpeg the vacuum boys - "songs from the sea of love" 2002 scratchy jerky abstract tuneless lo-fi hi-fi ambient wtf from gert-jan prins, a stillupsteyppa and 2 others. highly satisfactory. thank you, gents.
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 28 April 2023 13:56 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/ceY_AXLfZo8ZFlF6Sgg3GIS9iLcrwiGMlhv3fJDMfa8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:40/h:300/w:300/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc0NDEz/OTUtMTU0MDQ5Njky/NC02MTg1LmpwZWc.jpegchristian lillinger - grund. perfect storm of campy '60s "modern" jazz, braxton chess moves and heavy beat science
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 29 April 2023 19:26 (one year ago) link
This thing rocks hard.
― Confessions of an Oatmeal Eater (I M Losted), Saturday, 29 April 2023 22:08 (one year ago) link
Sad man in him room
― ian, Sunday, 30 April 2023 15:11 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 30 April 2023 15:17 (one year ago) link
― Perverted By Linguiça (sleeve), Sunday, 30 April 2023 15:47 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/9c7a84062e9f1c88f9a7d166e8784a02/4297218San Franciscan psychedelic band not to be confused with the Lemurians. I take it this name refers to an internal light which I think is audible.THey use loads of repetition but reference a wider palate of music than i think one might assume. I'm hearing bits of things like Telstar in teh mix here. Alongside a lot more Krauty and spacerock stuff. But done pretty much right.I really liked this. So shouldn't have been sitting on a difficult to access shelf for so long.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/904dd939ed36b3adebac6c3225e66f57/3453564ONe of my favourite lps. Luo benga guitarist picking out melodic lines in a percussive way. Rhythm section doing something very danceable that isn't really funk but is pretty infectious. Bits of this remind me of Television who I think I was discovering at around teh same time my dad gave my family a single by him on one of the trips he made through London in the early 80s. So when this compilation appeared it was something I'd been dying to get hold of for years.Very colourful music that isn't intentionally psychedelic but I'd love to hear some psych with this incorporated as influence.I'm still having trouble with the sound on the cd player so this is fuzzing out at times I've been trying to play it. BUt has played through at others.
tried playing //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/078c399edd85153918ed49595988b1c2/1255105both discs. Got through about 1/2-2/3s of teh live stuff a couple of times before it became unlistenable then tried playing the studio compilation and first track was just a cloud of fuzz. Does work on dvd/blu ray in front room. I'm going to see if I can actually fix the bedroom cd player again hoping I can keep it running.
https://i.discogs.com/J8TA-EwnARiL_OuWDheTI64Av96GIupaf4SuWziLkUQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE0NzY0/MDcxLTE1ODExNDg0/ODUtODE4Ni5naWY.jpeggreat set by pioneer of electric guitar in jazz. Player only played first half a couple of times. Which is a pain.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/9c04c8e4a510d8c7dff712de45556bad/6907433Late 70s heavy psych/garage prog . THis has played through a few times. Really like this, it came out a few years back. An archival release from a previously unknown band that were doing their own thing
― Stevo, Monday, 1 May 2023 15:40 (one year ago) link
discreet music side a
― brimstead, Monday, 1 May 2023 18:26 (one year ago) link
― Confessions of an Oatmeal Eater (I M Losted), Tuesday, 2 May 2023 04:37 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 3 May 2023 07:30 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 3 May 2023 19:00 (one year ago) link
I bought like fifteen Edward Ka-Spel records on Bandcamp last weekend, filling in some gaps, I think I have 66 releases by him now. Great stuff, particularly this 2003 live recording w. a guest theremin player:https://legendarypinkdots1.bandcamp.com/album/an-unlikely-event-2013-remaster
― Perverted By Linguiça (sleeve), Wednesday, 3 May 2023 19:06 (one year ago) link
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Wednesday, 3 May 2023 19:12 (one year ago) link
first thought on seeing that^ was trying to imagine some kind of zappa/harmonia mash-up & just couldn't do it
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 3 May 2023 20:45 (one year ago) link
lol I actually thought the same thing for a sec. It's chamber music arrangements of Zappa compositions. I'm listening again today, it's really nice morning music.
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Thursday, 4 May 2023 15:06 (one year ago) link
Maybe "nice" isn't quite right, it gets a little prickly. But I like it better than most real Zappa albums these days. Anyway, onto other morning music:
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Thursday, 4 May 2023 16:20 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/f24IPYD32xpjQdftnqaczZpkWFOQXFNW5zGGnNzmxbY/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE2MzI3/OTktMTI5NDcwMzA1/Ni5qcGVn.jpegthe puke eaters - "hello valhalla" pami anderzen corsano genuinely weird toytown shamanism
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 4 May 2023 17:36 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 6 May 2023 04:44 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/e01aba99cd4ed689f173e729e71b71c4/76602913rd lp by legendary underground rock band and possibly the first of their absolute classics. I think I haven't been giving this enough if a chance, not sure how much better I know its follow up. Anyway great burning rock stuff with smouldering guitar leads. I think this must have been an influence on both grunge and stoner rock later on as well as being something that a few post-punk bands admitted to liking. I known Mark E Smith has said he liked them .THink I picked this up in a FOPP not sure how long ago, think it's the version that came out about 20 years ago. I also have the next 2 and have also neglected Who Will Save The World. I hadn't realised they had just continued putting records out for so much longer after the material I'm aware of. Not sure if I've really heard Hogwash and don't know what I've heard after that. Think I may have been turned onto the band more by Julian Cope writing about them in the early 00ies.Very worth checking out if you haven't already. They started out rooted in the blues but there's a number of other influences coming in here. Like the syncopated drumming and use of dynamics.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/c3b7fbc3c66e15c7984081505a450fa7/5542597Senegalese singer's early 2000s exploration of his view of Islam and how it has influenced him. Beautiful record with interesting rhythmic use of strings. N'dour has a great voice and I really like his earlier 1980s work with Etoile De Dakar.I got lucky with this, picked up a nice conditi8on one for a euro from a charity shop in town. So glad people are disposing of cds in this way. Just wish I could rely on my player more. Think I need another go at it.
https://i.discogs.com/J8TA-EwnARiL_OuWDheTI64Av96GIupaf4SuWziLkUQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE0NzY0/MDcxLTE1ODExNDg0/ODUtODE4Ni5naWY.jpegDid finally get to hear this through a couple of times but it has fuzzed out and not played at other times. It's a really great set by a mid 20th century jazz guitar pioneer normally in a setting with vibes also dominant playing pretty short tunes which are pretty melodic and really atmospheric. I love what I'm hearing and wish the player would play clearly and consistently cos i could really get into this if it did.
I started the week with Groundhogs, Charlie Christian and this on the 3 changer //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1f28df8f9c46bfadc3f06ba3d91b77ca/1395886First disc of this which is the blues/soul singer from the early 60s singing the original versions of a number of songs heavily picked up by Beat bands in the mid 60s also artists like the Grateful Dead who did his Turn On Your Lovelight as extensive raveups throughout 1969.I love the way his voice can be as smooth as Sam Cooke or as rough as Howlin Wolf often within the same song.Also enjoy the backing group who utilise some odd textures in the sound. Otherwise some pretty exemplary r'n'b type stuff.But player is fuzzing out prt wa through disc. Will see if i can get into the machine over the next couple of days and see if I can improve things.
― Stevo, Tuesday, 9 May 2023 21:50 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/MXgsn9ZDQwViMhe6O55Z6T62PA2eMTtIf_zmeGN3Sd4/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:228/w:227/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM0MDE3/NzktMTMyODk4MzY2/NC5qcGVn.jpegtom abbs & frequency response - lost & found: punky & poignant bass/tuba, sax, drums, vn. plangent rumblatum. what an absolute gem.
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 10 May 2023 13:06 (one year ago) link
― scott seward, Friday, 12 May 2023 15:15 (one year ago) link
I've long been into the Invictus / Hot Wax catalog, but I've had to get most of the stuff at thrifts on the south side of Chicago, or scavenged stuff from Ebay / Amazon.
This would be an awesome record to have but I'm listening to it on YouTube.
― Confessions of an Oatmeal Eater (I M Losted), Friday, 12 May 2023 15:15 (one year ago) link
I think Edsel did some pretty comprehensive sets of COTB some years ago. 2 or 3 lps together on 2cds. I managed to pick one up a few years ago. Wish I'd got more.
Think it may have been a more comprehensive reissuing of the Invictus catalogue cos I think I have a related Ruth Copeland set. Seems to be just before teh turn of the millenium they put out the series.I was just thinking I had another band's material tied in with Invictus, early 70s funk bunch. The 8th Day.
Invictus being the label that the Holland brothers and Lamont Dozier set up after leaving Motown
― Stevo, Friday, 12 May 2023 16:02 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/j3ugCmxE7cgTM5IlmAFbHIMiorwMjukteZSa6w-Yr-g/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:200/w:200/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIxMjgz/NDgtMTI2NTU2MDAy/MC5naWY.jpeggay against you - "righteous signals, sour dudes" proggy punky chiptune nonsense
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 12 May 2023 17:20 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/kKMb-zfkbzMoKJtG0G6x3Wz2XCKkyP7RPjTkbXuPJfQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:400/w:400/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE5MTgx/NzYtMTI1MjM2MzE0/Ni5naWY.jpegvoks - "astra & knyst" like if sun city girls did casio yamaha presets. RIYL aavikko, yximalloo etc
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 13 May 2023 06:33 (one year ago) link
first time
― broken breakbeat (sleeve), Saturday, 13 May 2023 06:38 (one year ago) link
― broken breakbeat (sleeve), Saturday, 13 May 2023 06:39 (one year ago) link
^so damn good! trying to convince myself i don't need that recent 2 lp reissue.
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 13 May 2023 06:58 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 14 May 2023 08:38 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/b76d5bdd3963e51900183a93f8a178d4/5311302Nyabinghi drumming, parping horns and other elements of groove. Reissue from 2003 .Really does sound quite amazing. Mystic Jamaican trance. Heavy influences from Jazz and Africa tied in with repetitive communal drumming makes for a sublime result. I should be more familiar with this. It is pretty great. I must have bought it around the time it was reissued since it has the price tag from a shop that closed way back on the cover.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d5e41d25b4d75c9c2c3f4c8edbe127e0/2375657White hillbilly blues artist sounds like he is playing pretty much what would just be thought of as blues if he was black. Like seems to be little differentiation apart from skin colour. Not notably more European derived I think .Pretty good. I think this was something i had meant to get for years after having read an NME piece on the Gun Club where the writer threw in a stack of names of artists from both blues and hillbilly and other early roots music . Took me about 20 years to get this after reading that and I've had it for about the last decades. It's on Document who are often pretty good.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/57d7e3f78a1852d1966aa4995594be29/1239452Compilation from the start of the millennium covering outtakes and live tracks. This bridges the last few years of what I think of as the classic line up and the first few of the new. Deeply resonant epic music.Classic line up is the one I prefer hence my use of the term. I did continue buying the lps on release for a while after the lineup change but don't think I've picked up the last few.Classic line up features the very idiosyncratic guitar style of Blixa Bargeld. I think he stopped playing on all of the newer stuff, Also the classic band had Marc Chung on bass and Alex Hacke on 2nd guitar among other stuff, reshuffle with new line up had Alex move over to bass. & Chung become a record label executive. They also lost F.M. "Mufti" Einheit in the reorganisation which is a shame.
― Stevo, Sunday, 14 May 2023 10:29 (one year ago) link
Still listening to one Lou Donaldson record per day. I'm up to 1976, when Lou moved from a long tenure at Blue Note to Cotillion Records and dove fully into (pretty cheesy) disco.
― Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Thursday, 18 May 2023 14:50 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Friday, 19 May 2023 10:13 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d6c9f8c95837393a03499d5cdd35c936/66710873rd album by Dublin based folk meets avant band, level of drone makes things pretty psychedelic. I'd heard the band name around for a while but not looked into them prior to picking this up last year. Great record though.I think most of the material is traditional or at least based in the traditional style. They do heavily accentuate teh drone though which gives it a different feel. The vocals may be an acquired taste though.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/7e43e526a04bcab0ea86e62ce4187c7a/4189135Again avant meets melodic reinvention. Coltrane taking Mary Poppins tune apart as well as Eden Ahbez.But this is Coltrane post Love Supreme as he's getting further out with the original quartet.Player is totally temperamental these days still so not getting full sound picture. But album is pretty good. Just don't need the extra fuzz.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/5488d926e0e8ecd64c7ec748561e145b/6680684First disc of this which combines pretty poppy bands with guitar distortion and the start of heaviness. Really enjoying what I'm hearing of this but need to get myuself together and seeif taking the 3cd player apart again will sort anything out. This and other Grapefruit sets are very worth investigating But I need to sort my player out cos this recently has been frustrating.
I also tried putting this on //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/8f20d7f52e18ca3909700b79729d631e/2423036but only got a cloud of hiss, which si a major shame cos it is a pretty great set. First disc is the first 2 lps in totla plus a couple of bonus tracks i think from singles. I got this when it was released in the early 00is or shortly after that.I had the 3 lps on vinyl since the late 80s. Do love teh bands' sound the mix of Television/ballroom sound guitars and the melodicism etc. & Perret's lyricism.
so have had to listen to various tracks on Spotify instead alongside bits of Drexciya 2 of whose cds I will be getting before long in the mail so definitely need to see if there is anything I can do about the player. Tresor were on single digits of cds they still had on their bandcamp page if you are looking fo rthei rmaterial.
― Stevo, Saturday, 20 May 2023 17:27 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Monday, 22 May 2023 08:45 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/d1bXAemoY59H67aSyl3FnELpZpkeJVyESFWhs74ukdk/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:510/w:508/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIwODAy/NzktMTMxMDI3MDg5/MC5qcGVn.jpegsam rivers - black africa! villalago
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 25 May 2023 17:54 (one year ago) link
i have no where Stevo lives, but if i live nearby, then i would love to given them my unused cd player thats in my attic.the never ending cd player issues are heartbreaking.
― mark e, Thursday, 25 May 2023 18:44 (one year ago) link
Thanks. I'm in Ireland.IT is frustrating. I've now got one cd taht seems to be playing ok with no distortion and growing amounts of distortion from a couple of others. Which is a bit confusing, always seems to be one that is almost listenable and others that aren't. So not sure what is triggering major distortion and what is avoiding it.
Keep hoping that I can sort out the thing myself and not managing to.
Inow have Martin Hayes Peggy's Dream that I can hear nuances etc in and very little distorion. Irishfiddle player plus band playing pretty sublime stuff. amd have gone through Frank Sinatra Only The Lonely charity shop find still sealed 50th anniversary reissue that cut off half wayPlastic Cloud Canadian psych band that started out sounding clean and fuzzed out within a few tracks.and a few others I've swapped out.
Think I just need to get something else to play things on while I take the player apart and try to se what I can do
― Stevo, Thursday, 25 May 2023 19:22 (one year ago) link
mendocino &https://i.discogs.com/NTS-AsNb6hzoDoGOY0SSkfQYeAyygfBLa9mzcmdl3ks/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:596/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI3NTk0/NTktMTI5OTc5MzQx/MS5qcGVn.jpeg
― no lime tangier, Friday, 26 May 2023 08:21 (one year ago) link
I have the reissue of Mendocino on Acadia it's got some great grooves. Title has also been used for a number of compilations representing other parts of the band's career.
Haven't heard the later 1+1+1=4 material which I need to remedy.
Have heard some of the garage era stuff . She's About a Mover is pretty great.
― Stevo, Friday, 26 May 2023 08:32 (one year ago) link
1+1+1=4 is from a bunch of different sessions & players, so not as cohesive as mendocino. still solid though.
― no lime tangier, Friday, 26 May 2023 08:58 (one year ago) link
singers unlimited - the complete a capella sessions (1970s)
so great.
― my beard exists more than i do. (Austin), Friday, 26 May 2023 18:14 (one year ago) link
this unexpected lo-fi house stormer on the new nabihah iqbal album.
― undomondo, Wednesday, 31 May 2023 09:20 (one year ago) link
this upcoming psychedelia & stoner fusion from japan on guruguru brain https://mayaongakuggb.bandcamp.com/track/approach
― undomondo, Wednesday, 31 May 2023 09:22 (one year ago) link
Because nothing says warm early summer day like massive funeral doom.
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 31 May 2023 17:45 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/vO38b71hL-RH6UB5vk20fqDXi0mTQj1MSlIHHHqcp3s/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEzMzQ5/MDg3LTE2MTc4ODE4/ODctMjc5MC5qcGVn.jpeg theo ceccaldi / roberto negro - montevago
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 3 June 2023 14:25 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 3 June 2023 20:40 (one year ago) link
friend saw them recently in austin, recommended them to me on that. i like the album a lot, though it def is not novel in any of its stylings.
― Laurie Anderson’s Singing Bowl Migraine Orchestra (Hunt3r), Sunday, 4 June 2023 17:47 (one year ago) link
my partner bought me church my billy woods so I am listening to that
― brimstead, Sunday, 4 June 2023 19:08 (one year ago) link
I grew up with Peggy Lee but these post-LSD era LP's of hers are real Scott Walker territory.
― Confessions of an Oatmeal Eater (I M Losted), Tuesday, 6 June 2023 04:44 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/ShESgCGqwKERGmS1_UboX3QvCr7aNa215gldIjlCoP4/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:588/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE0MTgz/ODkyLTE1Njk0MzA0/NjktMTM1NC5qcGVn.jpegh-fusion - captured entities. lo-fi minimal techno wonk riyl jamal moss / l.i.e.s stuff etc
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 6 June 2023 06:29 (one year ago) link
― Stars of the Lidl (Chinaski), Tuesday, 6 June 2023 20:11 (one year ago) link
― broken breakbeat (sleeve), Tuesday, 6 June 2023 20:50 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 22:55 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 01:47 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/0kMizzGB_v_oUA6udV19i2aQNVHrfxWfrsoASPbmsuI/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:345/w:350/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyMzQx/NDE0LTE1MzMyOTY3/NTUtOTUwNi5wbmc.jpeg fernando - fernando- lovely lp of lo-fi vhs '80s pop horror soundtrack vibes recalling the best of early james ferraro etc
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 7 June 2023 03:36 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/7b13649b0acfc4bf10de39093bbd76a1/10834588Latest lp, & 1st in a few years by Irish fiddle virtouso that I've seen play locally a couple of times. He's here with other people of similar skill but I think he may be best known for a duo he had with teh guitarist Dennis Cahill who died a few years ago.I don't know exactly why bit this is a cd that has distorted possibly the least in any I've tried to play recently. I'm still stuck with the old player but trying to get something new. I don't get why it sometimes p[ays quite cleanly and at others distorts almost totally. YOu could hear nuances in this disc for ages and even that is now being obscure by intermittent distortion. Would have thought it was either one way or the other. With a few other things they start out ok and then get fuzzed out by about the 3rd or 4th track. Hopefully I'll get something sorted shortly . I think I will miss the process of having a 3 changer so I can have 3cds I have on for a week and therefore get more familiarised with those through extended exposure. Having a single disc player would just mean discs were being changed all the time so wouldn't be hearing things appear on repeated listen as much. Oh well.This is pretty sublime. I love teh bit on the first track where a swell of sound resembles a usage of feedback in a rock track. This combines trad, classical and jazz as main influences I think . Some use of repetition which had me thinking systems music and possibly a few other elements that may become clearer if I actually hear this fully properly.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/0f70cd2456ece83bc392baacfbca7b97/10903843Really liking what I'm hearing of this. I bought 2 Tresor cds in the wake of Kodwo Eshun and Deforrest Brown giving talks on the band at the opening of an exhibition influenced by the mythology they came up with about Subaquatic civilisations descendant from women cast overboard in the middle passage. have been listening through the band's oeuvre on Spotify too as single tracks as I listen through podcasts among a load of other music. But definitely need to get a player and hear these discs properly since they are fuzzing out a bit towards the end of the disc.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/61b741f5ab3a401ff69cd030d9951a75/7163215Canadian psych band from the late 60s. They combine a really melodic poppy element with noisier distorted guitar in an interesting fashion. Seemed to be a Canadian quirk from teh time where you got a Beatlesy pop element in material that did verge on heaviosity. I hear something similar in Bent Wind though not as poppy as this is .Good record if you're into the genre at all. But have only been able to hear first few tracks before player acts up. Ho hum.
― Stevo, Friday, 9 June 2023 11:03 (one year ago) link
https://shop.tapeterecords.com/thumbnail/c3/21/e0/1660405377/bb272_cover_rgb_1920x1920.jpghttps://shop.tapeterecords.com/thumbnail/11/d5/0f/1660405294/bb273_cover_rgb_1920x1920.jpgesmark - māra I & II amolog snyth bobblin' low key enough to put together a tech english exam to. kinda industrial. kinda cosmic, but somehow not ambient
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 10 June 2023 16:15 (one year ago) link
Water Damage, 2 Songs -- straight out of the Faust songbook but a really nice angle grinder to the brain
― The Terroir of Tiny Town (WmC), Saturday, 10 June 2023 16:28 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/X3QWYyuCTJyqq5ypiLaEtdARmhST7d446enHWffWoKE/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:536/w:597/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTMzNDEy/ODYtMTMyNjU0ODIz/Ni5qcGVn.jpeg braxton / hemingway - old dogs
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 10 June 2023 17:23 (one year ago) link
― Confessions of an Oatmeal Eater (I M Losted), Saturday, 10 June 2023 21:41 (one year ago) link
Lubomyr Melnyk - Corollaries
― Stars of the Lidl (Chinaski), Saturday, 10 June 2023 21:47 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 11 June 2023 02:23 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/jERVZDo0-kHy2RrHqoXEL-jOd37ZgOTNwDWLwteX4zo/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:400/w:397/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQ1MTk4/OTktMTQwNzc5MzY2/NC0xNzYxLmpwZWc.jpeggeorge lewis - shadowgraph, 5 "sextet" inquisitive plinky plonk AACM goodness. playful
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 13 June 2023 19:23 (one year ago) link
got a 2nd hand cd ghetto blaster reasonably cheaply yesterday. Sound is ok if not brilliant and it will tide me over until I can get something more substantial. But has meant that I have been able to hear things through ok. Started with //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/5078d79eeeac3d51e2e608323ee8e359/1642866or as I have it https://i.discogs.com/FWFR2R6JQgtadycHgz3g3jUNLp4wAxs0yK3emIGbrNM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:539/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI0NDQ1/MTMwLTE2NjI1ODEx/OTEtNDQwOC5qcGVn.jpeg though far prefer the earlier one.First listen through the album in full and yeah pretty great. I picked up the other Tresor full length at the same time and the stocks of teh discs they have on the bandcamp site seemed to have dropped 1 from the handfull they had when I bought mine in the interim until like 3 days ago when I checked back. A bit surprised it didn't sell outor alternatively have more available. Maybe everybody looking for it got it when it came out.Anyway great electronic stuff with its own mythology which I need to get more into knowing. These cds don't have anything in the way of notes so would prefer something. Maybe i just need the book of Drexciya or Deforrest Brown's Assembling A Black Counter Culture.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1d5c877d9e9fa29ac3e6f92a457e12c3/8389197Atmospheric set from late 50s crooner, here singing lower thanI normally pictured his voice. Pretty divine anyway. Deep, dark and moving. I love the sound I'm hearing glimpses of on a ghetto blaster so would probably be a lot better on a more solid player. I really like him from this era anyway.
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51gsSqY+jqL.jpgcd that came with a book on flamenco called Song of the Outcasts by Robin Tottom. So samples of various styles of the music from across Spain . Mainly acoustic. I need to clean the disc to listen to it better so only got about 1/3 of the way. Have had this book out of the library for too long but it got a little mislaid so I only just refound it . BUt good stuff until the player started glitching. So will listen to it through later.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1fe38dbbc2211999cc1dd3a5926be987/6688985A set of lps together on a 2cd set by one of Jamaica's leading bands of the time. Starts in Ska/Rocksteady era and moves forward. I have only listened to about 2/3s of the first disc so far. But at least it is playing which it wasn't with the old player
― Stevo, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 09:51 (one year ago) link
listening to: A House - On Our Big Fat Merry-Go-Round (1988)
(i never heard them in the 80s. or i don't remember hearing them. i would have liked this record in the 80s. one of those bands where every song reminds me of someone else. hey, woodentops! hey, echo & the bunnymen! hey, the bolshoi! hey, the blue aeroplanes? maybe the blue aeroplanes. been awhile since i've heard them. anyway, the more 80s janglepusses the merrier. hey, this song on now reminds me of robyn hitchcock! sorta. the singer definitely sounds like the bolshoi guy. haven't heard a song as good as books on the bonfire yet though.)
― scott seward, Sunday, 18 June 2023 18:46 (one year ago) link
Speaking of janglepusses, I've been enjoying Freedy Johnston's 2022 Back On The Road To You (does he get there? Listen & hear!). Incl. a good strong duet w Susan Cowsill, a more (atypically) subdued but still ok cameo by S.Hoffs, a touch of country-folk-rock at beginning and more folkish toward end, sort-of-jangle-samba in middle, subtle-simple lyrics, jangle all the way duh:http://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lCxE16gc4cPH-TzGEweOLISE2n77oA1bE
― dow, Sunday, 18 June 2023 19:04 (one year ago) link
foo youtube---here's cover
Freedy and Susan and Jon Dee Graham, billed as The Hobart Brothers & Lil' Sis Hobart, made a good campfire-gas-station album, At Least We Have Each Other, in 2012.
― dow, Sunday, 18 June 2023 19:11 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 22 June 2023 05:55 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 22 June 2023 06:20 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/5decf64495412f181094ac4bb2071f11/1756637a good 1 euro find last week. Presumably the kind of thing every charity shop has a copy of but quite toetapping. He was a vicious antisemite but he had a way with a tune. I quite enjoyed this probably shouldn't.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/0f70cd2456ece83bc392baacfbca7b97/10903843I'm glad I picked this up , should be something I was familiar with a long time earlier. I do remember the Kodwo Eshun article in teh Wire that is now in the entrance to the Galway Arts Centre so should have picked up on the music in the interim. Have to wonder if I have not picked up a load of titles in sales etc because the bandname was one i was only partially aware of.Oh well got it now and may pick up some more of their work.Got this nd teh other Tresor full length. I see that both have the tracks from e.p.s included or at least share titles so assume it is the same recordings.Intelligent electronica stuff, a genre again I'm only partially aware of . But this is good.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/078c399edd85153918ed49595988b1c2/1255105I tthink I listened to both of the discs of this over the last week. I think I have normally concentrated on the 2nd disc which is the career til then spanning compilation and has some pretty good stuff on. Live disc is quite great too anyway.Do wish I had seen him and possibly them a couple of years later, not sure why i didn't other than lack of dosh. & I could have seen a reunion of Television at some time and didn't. Which is an oversight.l Wish there was more peak era live footage of Television around than the Foxhole video .
― Stevo, Thursday, 22 June 2023 08:04 (one year ago) link
― The Terroir of Tiny Town (WmC), Thursday, 22 June 2023 16:59 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Thursday, 22 June 2023 17:51 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/lo8yjqiXfue66jtmZCSUsEp1xkxdzDbPAfGa6tFF67c/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyNjc3/NTYwLTE1Mzk4Nzgw/NTgtMjMxOC5qcGVn.jpeg lonnie holley's "mith"
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 24 June 2023 05:54 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/76e3205bbd9bf8f3bd077281cd4eed6d/1944356Picked this up in the same purchase as the Wagner I listed a few days ago. I know Concierto Di Aranjuez from teh Miles Davis take on Sketches of Spain which I think in turn begat the Grateful Dead's Spanish Jam. This version is quite tasteful anyway. Probably another much seen cd from charity shops etc.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/56c38b7ae01e722c758070e11f1bc849/2293199I've had this compilation for a couple of years during which the old player has regularly refused to recognise it's on the player or latterly fuzzed out part way through the disc. So great to hear teh details of later tracks now. Do love this stuff. I can hear how great the guitar here is, though not sure it's by the guy I really want to hear Joshua Sithole who was pioneering a guitar style incorporating the influence of the mbira playing style his tribe were known for, There is a lot of mbira here too which is cool.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/1928fda5fc648335c9dd8978d63a2401/1332876or more preciselyhttps://i.discogs.com/N_7SabSUOxZCBzaZknVwbN_qh0l96iXq_zvw92OBMiM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQzOTA5/MTYtMTUwMjg2MzM0/Mi00MjY2LmpwZWc.jpegone disc of a Proper box set that I picked up a decade plus back. Got some pretty good stuff on. I do like a bit of bebop.This does have Ella Fitzgerald straying into non pc orientalisation for no great reason but other than taht it's quite great.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/0be7d21321ff2b34288b6cd1f3f2c2b0/37689332nd lp by Mexican psych/prog band sung in Spanish. Also featuring a lot of flute that had me wondering how a 3 piece would play that live since presumably whoever is doing flute would be playing something else at the time. Can get quite heavy in places. Quite good really.
― Stevo, Saturday, 24 June 2023 11:39 (one year ago) link
I saw Wagner and thought it was the another thread for a second.
― Johnny Bit Rot (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 24 June 2023 14:28 (one year ago) link
this is so awesome! i can't believe i'm hearing it for the first time today. better late than never. wow. love it. bought it at my friend's record store at the last minute. it popped out at me.
― scott seward, Saturday, 24 June 2023 22:44 (one year ago) link
got this dragons record too. french+chinese madness from 1982. so crazy.
― scott seward, Saturday, 24 June 2023 22:45 (one year ago) link
that damon edge album has a real Suicide vibe at times. so cool.
― scott seward, Saturday, 24 June 2023 22:50 (one year ago) link
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 24 June 2023 23:20 (one year ago) link
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 24 June 2023 23:21 (one year ago) link
xp I lost the Dragons lp a couple of decades back after finding it in Dublin years after readng about it in NME from when it was released. Really is quite other, also somewhat Crampsy.Backstory is pretty crazy too, either the version told about a journalist having smuggled a tape out of Red China or the story I heard about it all being a total scam made up by a French journalist, recorded in France and then retrofit with teh released story. Have hoped somebody would reissue it on cd or make flac files available.
Oh yeah I watched a webinar on the actual Beijing punk scene over teh last couple of years and brought up this story but I don't think people had heard of the record.
― Stevo, Sunday, 25 June 2023 09:36 (one year ago) link
this is a good letter about Dragons: https://stuartschrader.com/writing/letter-editor?fbclid=IwAR2IXgUDX85G7mBuIUuHy1MHmgp_2nJPxSM-bY8G0N-BEikdetnjIpOOQws
― scott seward, Sunday, 25 June 2023 13:25 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/Y_eyCM7moY_Qi1gXLUjmTu_kmaSK55wP3ms_xAeReEU/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExODg4/NTUyLTE1MjQxNjQ3/MzMtNjUxMC5qcGVn.jpegoksennus - kolme toista - nutty finnish branca on cough syrup metal like ehnahre or portal
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 25 June 2023 14:13 (one year ago) link
― youn, Sunday, 25 June 2023 15:57 (one year ago) link
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Sunday, 25 June 2023 17:31 (one year ago) link
friend lent me this tape. this seriously rules!
― budo jeru, Tuesday, 27 June 2023 13:46 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Tuesday, 27 June 2023 19:30 (one year ago) link
this album is crazy! it's intense.
― scott seward, Tuesday, 27 June 2023 20:00 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 30 June 2023 06:51 (one year ago) link
Is Clastrier carrying a hurdy gurdy on his shoulder or what is that? Dulcimer?
& I need to get some of the Voivod remasters still. Or that box set of that era.
― Stevo, Friday, 30 June 2023 12:37 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 4 July 2023 07:00 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/ed1e9603b44629e9d494194da7bf5964/4031857Mid 70s Nigerian siblings. This is a Soul Jazz compilation that slightly morphs their first lp sleeve.Nice funky stuff taht can get pretty dubbed out in places. Infectious beats and things.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/cebbd686f2851b31c5e7777bec43048c/8238683Uncut cover mount from 3 years ago based around material released through the light In The Attic label. Pretty great, not sure to what extent I have played this before. I think it has mainly been sitting in a pile for ages.BUt yeah more tahn a throwaway cover mount. Need to listen to this more. Could do with having a 3 changer again but am getting through a load of things i have had sitting around for a whle this way. Just did enjoy that have 3 titles as main listening if I am in that room over the course of a week Has meant me familiarising a few things i hadn't, well until the player stopped playing cleanly.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/3eb3e9d739dd6a3a445984f9b8bb25d6/2117784Anadolu Pop stuff i.e. Turkish beat/psych . I'm not 100% sure what eras this covers I think it does have some mid 60s stuff which might be the Siluetler and some that I think might be a bit later. I think I really need to pick up the first co0uple of lps by Mogollar if I get the chance. Always did love this middle eastern stuff either as purer folk or possibly preferably with the psychy touches they picked up at the turn of the 70s.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/61b741f5ab3a401ff69cd030d9951a75/7163215Very interesting Canadian late 60s band. Seems to reach a near duality between a main band that seems to be pretty poppy and setting out to be a melodic combo and an overdriven guitar that seems to be doing its own thing while in semi tandem with the band but not in a way that most bands seemed to operate. I think it works pretty well. Would have liked to hear that some of the band went onto other projects including the guitarist developing further, but not seeing any links on RYM
https://i.discogs.com/XO3d3dIDD8PE8eSe6S1BKRjQdqoYyzlqJRR232lynO4/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:500/w:500/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTcxMTI0/NzctMTQzMzk3NjE2/My00MDMxLmpwZWc.jpeggreat 3 piece Irish trad set. Picked this up after seeing the band live at the local University. Had to order it online since it seems he hasn't put things out in a while and it is a pretty sublime record.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/973b8e9506c15a53d0351db7ea8c49be/5961414Charity shop find so I thought I'd take the plungeECM label band so pretty spacious. This has female vocals as part of the ensemble singing songs of angst and introspection and things. Singing is jazz/blues type.Think it's ok but have on ly played a couple of times.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/c379bc709111eed9e7000d86aa1dc38d/4618421Quite stunning. Energu ball as vocals added to music that fits the 1970 release date a bit more. So there's pretty funky stuff and some great fuzz guitar. A number of songs are cowritten with Esquerita who Penniman somewhat resembled in style though I think Esquerita may have been a nickname based on irony, -ita normally meaning diminutive and I think Esquerita actually being quite tall. His own material is a bit less tunefully sung. Still being pretty fine r'n'r. Actually have this on the BGO version which is a 2cd of 3 lps from similar vintage. The Reprise lps. I picked this up at a time when I was looking at artist who had been like r'n'b/ soul pioneers of great quality a while earlier and were finding their way around turn of the 70s sound. I think I was triggered into thinking about that by the Al green lp Gets Next To YOu which has a band sound that I wish was more archetypal .l Seems to have mainly been a momentary node point that was left before the artist moved on in a slightly different direction but does have me wanting more or finding other bands that utilise that sound at least for a while. Noticing that a more mercurial artist can create a record that is just going to be where they were at a specific point and not really something they are going to repeat. But that point they were at at that time be something one would want to continually revisit in one's listening and one won't find something taht is an exact match elsewhere but that being part of what keeps things interesting. Or one get sit together to get a band together and use the sound as part of a template one plays around with.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/96086aea9cdd1d7f262f3a53868926dc/2372770soul divas 1974 lp which was recorded around teh time she was attending rehab. It is really funky and really emotional .Pretty fine, would love to pick yup her other early 70s sets. I think that turn of the 70s thing i was talking about in the little Richard entry may have also been triggered by having loved the song All The Way Down from a best of I picked up a couple of decades back. This does have some of that sound on but again would like some more.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/5decf64495412f181094ac4bb2071f11/1756637some decent music from a woeful bigot. Gives one a dichotomy over listening to him but oddly toetapping when one does. I guess at least it isn't him one is listening t personally but still
― Stevo, Tuesday, 4 July 2023 17:22 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 5 July 2023 07:25 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 5 July 2023 07:41 (one year ago) link
in honor of ilm
― scott seward, Friday, 7 July 2023 15:16 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Friday, 7 July 2023 19:23 (one year ago) link
um history of trance ‘91-‘96 part 1
― brimstead, Friday, 7 July 2023 19:24 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 13 July 2023 07:25 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/meXMcIWOrwGfM0A9Y614vJ3AI09gBPQ8UcqH47VINtY/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:594/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI2MDAy/NDA4LTE2NzU2MTUw/OTQtNjAwMS5qcGVn.jpeg delbecq/adam/foch as les amants de juliette "s'electrolysent" hassellesque ethno space jazz, a less prissy cousin to arve h's chron / cosmic creation?
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 15 July 2023 12:49 (one year ago) link
first visit to an actual real live record shop in over 3 years & walked out with the stunning sounding reissue ofhttps://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61YQX8XNbSL._AC_SX679_.jpg
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 13:15 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 15:25 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 15:46 (one year ago) link
gnidnatsrednU repeeD A - sgurD no raW ehT
― brimstead, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 15:47 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 16:07 (one year ago) link
Ok see if this one works https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71FjuNy2+dL._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg
― brimstead, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 16:52 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 19:00 (one year ago) link
following the taylor swift chaos, the last week it has all been about cabaret voltaire and richard h. kirk for me.which is a result.still think that this is still the best 'solo' album i have of his.
― mark e, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 19:16 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 20:28 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Wednesday, 19 July 2023 20:29 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 23 July 2023 21:45 (one year ago) link
cristian vogel - all music has come to an end (tresor - 1997)
― scott seward, Wednesday, 26 July 2023 14:19 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/pWqJYR_KCmtuyEiCr0MtZnpZAxe43fOZkXDF9QPfXFs/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:599/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEwMTQ4/NjktMTMwNzY2ODY3/Ny5qcGVn.jpegmccoy tyner - fly with the wind
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 26 July 2023 14:33 (one year ago) link
Danny Tenaglia – Global Underground 004: Danny Tenaglia - Athens (Thrive/Boxed - 1999)
― scott seward, Wednesday, 26 July 2023 15:23 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Wednesday, 26 July 2023 16:16 (one year ago) link
i saw Natalia Lafourcade at a beautiful outdoor venue and she opened with this song which i am now obsessed with
― Heez, Wednesday, 26 July 2023 18:00 (one year ago) link
was listening to Big Thief because my kid went to see them and everyone is talking about them here and i watched the now famous late show song and it is SO for my kids generation! or their group of peers who like rock music anyway. and even dress-wise i can see why my kid and his friends are fans. though if i'm not mistaken its more my kids partner who is the fan. that song does kinda remind me of that 4 non blondes song. but its probably more likable than a bright eyes song. (i tried to watch an older thing. a tiny desk thing. but the singer does that voice in that performance and i can't hang with that voice for long. cocorosie thing? that thing. middle school girls at school talent shows sang in that voice! i know. i was there. it was a thing. anyway, the kids want it. iz cool. everyone has to have their fave heartontheirsleeve yodeler when they are young. i had leon thomas and biz markie!)
― scott seward, Wednesday, 26 July 2023 23:56 (one year ago) link
"Masterpiece"! that's a pretty good one. hey i try...
― scott seward, Thursday, 27 July 2023 00:00 (one year ago) link
there is a kid band that practices across the street from me at the old ironworks and they totally sound like this. its charming.
(i played the late show song for maria just now and i already think its better and catchier the 2nd time. its a sign of good construction. in my experience. solid foundation. if i hear more the 2nd time around. people can be very dismissive even when they aren't trying to be. so, you won't always hear everything in a song you were designed to dislike. look, its like opera...oh whatevernevermind.)
automatically boygenius tiny desk popped up and i have never heard them and they do THAT VOICE but i am stoned enough to get into the harmonies. peace. one love.
― scott seward, Thursday, 27 July 2023 00:10 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/MGGh92-Zy1AAOpdujIx2AoEj7NO3L52lOg5lUZDR9pE/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:592/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE1NDYz/NTg2LTE1OTg4ODUy/NTgtNzE0My5qcGVn.jpeggoddamn lillinger is the bomb
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 28 July 2023 16:03 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Friday, 28 July 2023 22:57 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Friday, 28 July 2023 23:28 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 29 July 2023 05:40 (one year ago) link
on a kick I see
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 29 July 2023 05:54 (one year ago) link
why not
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 29 July 2023 05:55 (one year ago) link
^nice. so long since i listened to any ahod.
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 29 July 2023 05:57 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/a24HxLLTThriuRY6bof-KsPkC8XNSANshz5Ve6vdsX8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:350/w:350/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExMjI1/ODEtMTM2Njk4MjIz/MC05ODYxLmpwZWc.jpeg jacek sienkiewicz
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 29 July 2023 13:16 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/y3vjxKJWxzP7hDWdE1hih2DmPdttArgN0kb_43ugrwo/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExMjQw/Njg5LTE1MTI2ODI3/ODctOTMxOC5qcGVn.jpeg kassem mosse - chilazon gaiden
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 29 July 2023 15:56 (one year ago) link
amazing amazing amazing comp.
― scott seward, Saturday, 29 July 2023 18:37 (one year ago) link
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 29 July 2023 18:46 (one year ago) link
continuing with the scrape, drone & clatter theme of my recent listening:
― no lime tangier, Monday, 31 July 2023 06:12 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Tuesday, 1 August 2023 06:05 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 5 August 2023 02:50 (one year ago) link
Space Opera s/t LPGary Stewart “out of hand” lpJandek “you walk alone” and “lost cause” LpsTownes van Zandt “flyin shoes” lpPeter brotzmann “the nearer the bone the sweeter the meat” lpSteve lacy trio “the flame” lp
― ian, Saturday, 5 August 2023 17:08 (one year ago) link
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 5 August 2023 17:18 (one year ago) link
I am continuing my "listen to all my CDs in alphabetical order" project that I have been doing for the last four years, I only listen while driving so it goes slow, currently I am in the last third of like 30 Legendary Pink Dots CDs.
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 5 August 2023 17:22 (one year ago) link
― Gavin, Leeds, Saturday, 5 August 2023 19:40 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 12 August 2023 05:38 (one year ago) link
kate westbrook's vocals almost approaching dagmaresque territory at moments
― no lime tangier, Monday, 14 August 2023 07:00 (one year ago) link
weirdly pretty for an SCG album. good all the way thru
― Hospital Radio, Monday, 14 August 2023 11:32 (one year ago) link
yes, one of their very best
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Monday, 14 August 2023 14:42 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 16 August 2023 09:00 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/PMLO8CZftCY2eLyXA9xMEY0yXtu150LhbSU5Yp0i0xk/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:597/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE2MTIw/My0xMTU4MjM2ODAy/LmpwZWc.jpeg robert hood - wire to wire
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 16 August 2023 16:01 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/6z4CVC06q5LHKPGoW5iL0fSaTvpNY4gBGXqFVvXM31s/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM2NTky/NTQtMTQwNTUwMjQ5/MC0xOTA5LmpwZWc.jpeg dro carey - leary blips ep
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 16 August 2023 16:26 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/jwm5c6CVAXANZDIRkid-dDaRcGbPor9TBrsD9umkP2Q/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:250/w:250/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI5MjM5/ODktMTMwNzUyNTA5/MC5qcGVn.jpeg the howling hex - rogue moon. sir hagerty & co plying a bowie on chocolate monk vibe for this one
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 17 August 2023 07:55 (one year ago) link
Polygon Window - Surfing on Sign Waves
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 17 August 2023 09:05 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/zRwLH4esz6fyDeq-qUy5Tc_xmbRBFR82IOF8b-RCfC4/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:333/w:386/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI1NTUw/MTItMTI5MDIxMzEy/MS5qcGVn.jpegearl brutus - "north sea bastard" offa the b side on loop for an hour so far
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 17 August 2023 10:57 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/e2910b9c0401729c997a0cbac5497be9/27557521970 garagey psych lp with some pretty decent guitar on. Not listened to this for a while but it turned up in a pile of cdss I was going through. Pretty great.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/6c7a923ec61624ebe12475e99086ab59/1458878Canadian heavy psych with an Eastern European influence. A 3 piece who shared Slavic heritage which I think is the source of that Eastern European influence.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/05eed9c29042763262186355d0cd7109/1509693Late 60s era soul jazz so in the vicinity of psych. THis was the first disc again which is the main one I've listened to since I first got the set. THis compilation mainly has edited versions of tracks taht are longer on the original lp release with a couple fo full length tracks around teh 15 minute mark. So yeah, great band at a great point and music I think is just stellar or whatever other cliche for fantabulous you like.Trancey in places which is one reason I like it. I may need to listen to the full length tracks a bit more.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/414520b121ad50f6d04084a11416f6dc/1908085shortish free jazz set from great drummer. & band that he'd recently changed the lineup of.I read the French linernotes despite not fully speaking the language. I picked up this and the lp before it a couple of years ago.I am missing the ability to stick 3cds on a player and have them on for a while while I hear them several times. THink I need to relisten to this a lot more.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/9dc33b5fff9a034fdb5a98bb3476b145/11172798Another decent Mojo cover mounted cd with a few tracks I don't think I physically have elsewhere. Hangs together quite well.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/22f16eccac44a6bde87a2c8852834cde/2578178a few different discs from this set . Have been sticking on over the course of teh last couple fo weeks now I can actually play them.Spacious avant stuff.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/ae8d5d324ed4e71370d64118bea19599/2727203first disc which is the a-sides. Covers all of their history I think . & hangs together quite well again .
― Stevo, Thursday, 17 August 2023 13:01 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/6a99a8f15479eff00e712fae50372c5e/6530168Set based around a set of traditional songs about May from 2017. I picked this up when she played in the Arts in Action series and then met her at Rough Trade East when i was back in London later. Pretty nice set with various degrees of traditional setting and several guest appearances including David Tibet.I did think some of teh traditional songs about May were actually about the appearance of Hawthorn which is also known by that name. & I'm not sure how closely that sticks to April. Oh well great set taht I hadn't listened to in a while.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/071c98c8be251a37836329ac28823e02/5720698The one studio set by the free jazz rock supergroup. Probably them at their most succinct since the tracks are about 4 or 5 minutes long.Visceral psychedelic noisy duntoid melange of delectable sound. Oh yeah.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d624d4d6fc7c679e46260eabfb7a24b6/3600420the one set by this lot I have and on this strength odd that that is still true.Think I picked it up in a sale somewhere. Still needs a few more i think.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/064b646b06d91b5062e63bc5fe53c30c/1859230one of a number of Proper boxes I picked up about a month back. 3 discs of material by individual artists and one V/A compilation . Bill Monroe, Stanley Brothers and Flatt& Scruggs. All great so good find. Hoping I get some more of these appearing. Got another set of Bluegrass, One on teh Louisiana Hayride, Roy Acuff and this //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/c640754302b5ddb1f238c34328c2fa77/1671960 //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/414fa2f4c581090096e4f68f416a5df6/1315535 //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/6a52314a0accc28a53c126320d2e0d50/2696749 //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/55497a69c6ce15e90808638279599e9f/2323222all of which I've listened to bits of.
― Stevo, Thursday, 17 August 2023 15:52 (one year ago) link
Oh great, got the 2 Bluegrass sets backwards.One with a disc each per artist is this one //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/a9f6a3128cd744b0dca2b98cf05361d1/3722606
whereas the blue one Bluegrass Bonanza is 4 mixed discs or in my case 3 and no booklet. Maybe the previous owner kept the disc of classic bluegrass.
https://i.discogs.com/uqYVh5QL67H5mWEZTmGK2Apx-L-8OsoIzp0u2Ll_M6c/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:594/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc1NzYz/NzQtMTQ5NzcyNDcy/Mi01NjgxLmpwZWc.jpeganother eurp find from a charity shop which is several downtempo and r'n'b tracks
also stuck this on this week //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/b0b8bf217dbe77e6a2806d6f3bcf95d2/6224604the 1st cd of teh 2cd digipak which is the original lp.& still the psychedelic melange of different styles that first turned me on in the early 80s. I bought my firs copy of this in teh same purchase as Never Mind The Bollocks from a Brick Lane market stall. I found out later that that had a weird tracklisting that I don't think reappears on many other releases of it.THough on comparison looks like this might be the same but seems a number of others followed the US lp release. I see the 2000CD had this tracklisting plus a number of bonus tracks..
― Stevo, Thursday, 17 August 2023 18:12 (one year ago) link
Now rechecking on Discogs looks like Europe got a cd release in 2000 that followed the tracklisting I knew and the version released to the UK shuffled things around a bit in a new way than the original US version. I thought I was remembering it had changed.
― Stevo, Thursday, 17 August 2023 18:23 (one year ago) link
Arnold Dreyblatt - Resolve
― Ward Fowler, Friday, 18 August 2023 10:47 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/kRtqTGjIChdCZ6yiYDmKI83_8Z4SwIXxTqtsmMSoXsA/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEwMTc1/NjgtMTUyOTMxNTE1/NC01MTk2LmpwZWc.jpegcomp of zero pop's 2 LPs. proggy sax/gtr/drums no wave of a delicate & whimsical stripe
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 19 August 2023 10:53 (one year ago) link
20th Century Duos for Violin and Cello (Kodaly, Sessions, and Ravel performed by Gil Morgenstern and Darrett Adkins); 75 Dollar bill; Emerging Artist Series recordings from tne Norfolk Chamber Music Festival 2023
― youn, Saturday, 19 August 2023 12:48 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Monday, 21 August 2023 07:20 (one year ago) link
Self-titled debut from Laurel Canyon, a trio from Philly. Don't let the name fool you, this is gritty rawk in the vein of Stooges, Mudhoney, Green River, etc. Love it.
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Monday, 21 August 2023 15:20 (one year ago) link
Brian eno - neroli
― brimstead, Monday, 21 August 2023 15:35 (one year ago) link
― Ward Fowler, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 10:04 (one year ago) link
Vietnam - Revolutionary Ensemble
― Ward Fowler, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 10:05 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/G3t218GbKvMvZX9kTvzEqilREECmXv09FXOk8oNCsI4/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:543/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE3OTYy/Ny0xNTk0NDc5ODcw/LTQzOTMuanBlZw.jpegeinstürzende neubauten- silence is sexy
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 23 August 2023 10:37 (one year ago) link
really like that revolutionary ensemble recording. the only other release of theirs i know is the very different people's republic.
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 10:44 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 10:55 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/xoqtYw2uLEM6fu-LJtOet50IalroMhabbBLTJ9sxew8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI5NjY1/MzMtMTUwMDg1Njg0/Ni03MDE4LmpwZWc.jpeg better than death's "swimman" lp meat puppetsy talking headsy TMBGish 80's no-wavey pop-rock. mark howell prime mover here afaict, hillbilly jon anderson like ed fromohio. some bass clarinet skronk. like the sorta gastr del sol record where they might have a kajagoogoo bassline awhile
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 23 August 2023 17:28 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 24 August 2023 08:45 (one year ago) link
the levitts leading into cromagnon is a glorious juxtaposition.
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 24 August 2023 08:50 (one year ago) link
I know I had teh East Village Other set in the mid 90s so maybe still do. Also know I had an ESP sampler with Caledonia on around the same time not sure if it is that one. Think it may be later. Need to try the Cromagnon album again, don't think its as listenable as that track. Thought a jingle writer going semi avant might lead to something interesting and think that was just too concrete or something. But have a late 90s version somewhere I think. Definitely bought one. Caledonia is at least interesting.
I have an oral history of the label from a few years ago too which was also interesting.
― Stevo, Thursday, 24 August 2023 10:03 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/mMoMUHIikksfv6FbRovy7BdxBQuOir36uIwd-Erxd10/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:549/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEwNzEx/NzAwLTE1MDY5NTMx/NzMtMTkwNi5qcGVn.jpeg supreme vagabond craftsman "my mum & dad went to kenya in 2004" wherein the usual loughborough bowie / wayward xtcisms are eschewed in favour of a suite of tangled proggy meanderings
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 25 August 2023 06:07 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/iMmb8bW5nLs7L10ePGYxdTqSca_KG2CVqX2tCxDOTZM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE0NDQ2/MzcwLTE1NzQ2ODY0/NzktOTUyMy5qcGVn.jpeghieroglyphic being - black hands vol. 1 - took me about half an hour to find this
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 26 August 2023 12:06 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/loQacfXLML10Nn--ePnnrWtTOaBYBr1mU6n_aXHQjp8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI2MDE3/MTY1LTE2ODc4NTMw/MjItNjgwMS5qcGVn.jpeg tolouse low trax - leave me alone. fills a hole where the 2023 susanne brokesch album should be
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 29 August 2023 20:46 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/hBRlY6d6aMrThIMdWXxN0Lz9AUZoUT7azZpcUiywYoA/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:591/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTg4ODMx/NDItMTU1MDc1MjE4/MC04MTg5LmpwZWc.jpeg Kristian Poulsen & Anders Lauge Meldgaard – "Leben In Bewegung" Danish free-whatever - melodious & measured. riyl kemialliset ystävät, charalambides etc
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 13:25 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/5yiRuNFZ_Bo2TXEtV3qZ85Aojr0VS8RIwjndYKpGFSs/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:598/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTcyOTg2/NTItMTQzODMwNDI3/NS03MTAxLmpwZWc.jpeg sick bees - on the one. flipping awesome no wave-y grungey duo. first album from '98. halfway between throwing muses and DNA? catchy hooks short songs. a whole album of "shaking hell"? yes please!
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 1 September 2023 12:26 (one year ago) link
kind of an L7 / babes in toyland thing going on too, but the guitars are as rhys chatham and the rhythms are as spiky as you like
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 1 September 2023 12:31 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/pfTRzq4fLYUAp0UDQZtGfMRyuHPAZ4eD0MvraqBx9cY/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:538/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc3OTg1/MTItMTQ0ODk5NzAz/Ny04NzY2LmpwZWc.jpeg Trondheim Jazz Orchestra / Christian Wallumrød – Untitled Arpeggios And Pulses - totally jim o'rourke somehow
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 2 September 2023 15:37 (one year ago) link
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 2 September 2023 20:20 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 2 September 2023 22:33 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Monday, 4 September 2023 23:52 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/PBjxm2W5ACjGcdwIERKMQgZtWsjVTPV0z0AllK0bQD0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc4NTE1/Mi0xNjQxMjQ1ODc1/LTM2ODMucG5n.jpeg voks - darkvacs - daffy little 3" of ethno presettery
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 6 September 2023 11:08 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Monday, 11 September 2023 08:00 (one year ago) link
xposts to stevo: could have been this esp disk sampler https://www.discogs.com/it/release/12610119-Various-Boots-n-Roots maybe? i remember trying to download it way back in the napster days
― no lime tangier, Monday, 11 September 2023 08:02 (one year ago) link
Ywah I think so. Picked it up Rom Smile records the Dublin shop that later had the Nick Drake blanket on the wall.
― Stevo, Monday, 11 September 2023 08:06 (one year ago) link
Yawning Balch - Volume OneFu Manchu's Bob Balch stops by to jam with the Yawning Man dudes in the Joshua Tree desert. Instrumental cosmic stoner rock, RIYL Causa Sui, Colour Haze.
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Monday, 11 September 2023 17:22 (one year ago) link
― budo jeru, Thursday, 14 September 2023 04:02 (one year ago) link
Kristian Poulsen & Anders Lauge Meldgaard
i know these guys, and that's a record i like too!
― budo jeru, Thursday, 14 September 2023 04:04 (one year ago) link
say "hi"!, i love poulsen's ukulele 7"
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 14 September 2023 12:21 (one year ago) link
will check that one out
― budo jeru, Friday, 15 September 2023 23:12 (one year ago) link
https://cheickhamaladiabate.bandcamp.com/album/anka-ben-mali-denouThe ex-pat MNalian Griot who fronts Africa to Appalachia solo lp from a few years ago. More African based sounding but also pretty sublime .I thought Africa to Appalachia was a great gig that I'd like more of . THe organiser doesn't have a cd player so he passed this on to me.So this and a load of youtube videos of the various versions of Africa to Appalachia.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/fa440a9e17c53d2c24c93c08e80ab603/5548595I think this is one of my all time favourite records but I've been neglecting it for a while. But when it starts and you get the searing guitar tone and Larry Young's divine snaking keyboard it gets me like right there. I'm not sure where I would place thsi genrewise. I link it to acid rock because of its trancgendent questing nature. It comes from after Mahavishnu Orchestra being up and running and Caravensarai also being out so I gues sit is likely to be grouped with taht but just seems to transcend it. Seems to have an internal light which I find quite psychedelic. NOt sure how recognised it is and maybe teh cover showi8ng the 2 guitarists in their white clothing religious period may be offputting, might mean some potential listeners have a hurdle presented. But it levitates which seems to be a feature of most of Larry Young's recordings. I do remember Christgau was quite scathing about it but can't remember his exact take but I'd give it a listen.There are also a bunch of live sets from the tour promoting the lps release which are worth hearing.I'm not sure what the story is on the drumming on here either. I think both Michael Shrieve and Billy Cobham were playing full kits not sure about Don Alias and Jan Hammer. So like that makes 4 drummers and a congo player and it doesn't seen to dominate, not sure if taht si just production.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/56c38b7ae01e722c758070e11f1bc849/2293199guitar stood out for me this week. Maybe in teh light of thinking about Mea Puppets. I think I heard something about guitar player playing with metal fingerpicks which always has me thinking of the magic band but this is really melodic. Great set and an artist I need more by and to be more familiar with.
― Stevo, Sunday, 17 September 2023 10:51 (one year ago) link
https://www.instagram.com/p/CxOoFHeMS-F/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==Malian griot plus American old timey players = Africa TO Appalachia.I think this is a patron complimenting song that they're using as their first number and using to compliment audience members and friends
Can you let me know if the link works. Not tried to link in to Instagram before.
― Stevo, Sunday, 17 September 2023 13:38 (one year ago) link
New to me the past couple of weeks:
John Scofield "Piety Street" - really soulful listen and immaculately recorded New Orleans funk/gospel/jazz record.
Little Feat "Electrif Leifmotif: Live at Ultra Sonic '74" - Lots of praise on this one on the Little Feat threads and with good reason, it is an excellent sounding and played live studio radio show by the band. I don't know that it is better than Waiting for Columbus, but is a good live recording of the Feat. Would eventually love to hear a well recorded early days, first couple of albums Feat show to contrast.
Gov't Mule "Dub Side of the Mule" - good New Years Eve show from 2006 of the band doing a reggae centered gig with a middle set guesting Toots Hibbard and then in the last set Greg Allman. Their hard rock/reggae version of Al Green's 'I'm a Ram' is better than you might expect considering the description. I liked it.
― earlnash, Sunday, 17 September 2023 15:35 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 19 September 2023 10:25 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/7fdae98ed9538efa97216aee8144ff11/4070717I just got reminded to play this after reading the Ugly Things review of a more recent version. I have the Aztec records cd version from about a decade ago which adds a loadd of single sides and a 15 minute guitar work called God which was live from the Sunbury festival.
Lp itself is great anyway. Loads of incendiary guitar and psychedelic interplay while this is from 1973. IUU think its pretty necessary le alone essential.
― Stevo, Tuesday, 19 September 2023 10:43 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 21 September 2023 09:05 (one year ago) link
the art ensemble being a compilation of the longer pieces from the byg lps
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 21 September 2023 09:07 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/4accc7b1aa3b6f63e827badfe16a90c5/2545788arrived a couple of days ago and I've managed to get through it while listening to a load of other stuff. Quite enjoying it and glad to find out about a bunch of guitarists I wasn't aware of. Though may find out they were mentioned on here.Prompts me to want to read teh Michael Heller book on the scene even more so.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/e52474cb3de4f3c7c9e0ad7ff9357454/2971415Not really consciously heard her before but found this for a euro yesterday so took the plunge .Quite pleasant, ties in with some other stuff I quite like. Good voice against music taht references soul/singer songwriter stuff from the 70s
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/a1410d2ed6dccd0539ff45087d35bbec/7725156This was 50c so I thought i'd pick it up in the same purchase as teh Corinne Bailey Rae. Guitar si quite good but lyricism is a bit earnest .Had heard or read that this was omewhat decent but do think could do with more of the guitar and less of that lyricism. Seems to be going for a populism based on some notion of authenticity which seems a little fake I dunno. Maybe very much of its time. I think the production may reflect that too. & this is a cd from then. Guess it was worth 50c but then again could have listened to Spotify versions of the tracks. Guitar gets semi gnarly for a few moments at least.
https://i.discogs.com/Ko38ASQaeUJOm4glRyWb4qkw14ADjI3Ffn8raDn3nok/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:586/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI4MzE0/ODU5LTE2OTUwMzA3/NTctMzI4MS5qcGVn.jpeganother decent cover mount cd from the anniversary edition of the magazine I think I have about half of it and hadn't heard a few of the other tracks. Plays quite well and may well be the first time a lot of people have heard a load of these tracks. Think I'm a more eclectic listener than the person in the street so yeah, probably does what it set out to.
― Stevo, Thursday, 21 September 2023 10:44 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/t31PsZjhJVT2mYYg5Q0rpVBI7MdN16EpAAl0s52q-4Y/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:540/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI3NTE3/ODk5LTE2ODc5Njg5/NTItODUwOS5qcGVn.jpeg christian lillinger / elias stemeseder - "umbra" querulous next-level lurch & filligree
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 21 September 2023 15:53 (one year ago) link
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61hdM09NQlL._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpgdouble disc of various mid 00s idm folks remixing machine drum (the kind of idm folks that continued where autechre left off in the mid 90s and fell hard for BoC). I mainly kept this because of the artwork but there’s some good lush vibes and crisp beat stuff with some smatterings of chiptuneage
― brimstead, Thursday, 21 September 2023 16:10 (one year ago) link
thought that said Mouthus at first
― made entirely of styrofoam (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Friday, 22 September 2023 12:25 (one year ago) link
i love mouthus SO MUCH, but my son is listening to BTS right now
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 22 September 2023 12:31 (one year ago) link
https://fb.watch/ndoJovWymq/see if this link works for people
― Stevo, Friday, 22 September 2023 14:50 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 23 September 2023 03:25 (one year ago) link
these two going in different rooms:https://i.discogs.com/z5kXzFVUaVgPpn1pq-U-zA5cIv9fKvjzHelNlxGFVQw/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:586/w:580/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTU3OTI4/Mi0xMzMwNDYwMzk0/LmpwZWc.jpeghttps://i.discogs.com/HP4Pgt36eYTX-T7orFXekZbBuctAvWAsgMi7XNx1bJo/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:539/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI1NTU2/MzUtMTQzMTk1OTM0/OC0xNzg2LmpwZWc.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 24 September 2023 11:41 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 24 September 2023 15:09 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/n2ck707Qtsb042OZCqyBoSjFYvqnZsK5yQ1UyQbBPpE/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:514/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQ3NjQx/MTktMTM3NDc2NDMy/OS0xNTQwLmpwZWc.jpegAEoC's "Urban Bushmen" they really let rip here, and then Nancarrows lost/last CD heiliger bim bam i forgot what this man does to me https://i.discogs.com/cjf2zzEc0oMNnDB6ZxzzhLhNlO3zfhf24lI5rIQAbEw/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:594/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTMyNDI0/NDAtMTU2NTM5MzQy/Ni0xMTUwLnBuZw.jpeg absolutely delightful. exhilarating - like a power-tickle or somepin
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 28 September 2023 06:45 (one year ago) link
https://xalamproject.bandcamp.com/album/brandon-terzic-xalam-project50c charity shop purchase.Based in a blend of Middle Eastern and North African sounds.Seems to work quite well as music. Seems to reflect years of study. Not sure how authentic to anything other than sounding quite good it is.
― Stevo, Thursday, 28 September 2023 10:28 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 06:52 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/ZMLE5R6OqoNwXAdwb6j1d6FqD7L_TaJ-8vUWNXOLmqw/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExMDI3/NDctMTQ4Mjc0MTcx/NS00MDEyLmpwZWc.jpegadrain orange and her band S/T. sounds like mayo thompson doing an ethiopiques disc
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 6 October 2023 03:34 (one year ago) link
sorry that's "adrian" not a drain
https://i.discogs.com/k0luWpjXOqauSfvZwk14yYIBPxORKU11wfMXu3YWxdc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIzMDAy/Mi0xNjQwODgzNzEx/LTYzOTQuanBlZw.jpegamorphous lo-fi lo-tech gloop. lovely
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 6 October 2023 11:38 (one year ago) link
This is early 80s global electro awesomeness.
― Confessions of an Oatmeal Eater (I M Losted), Saturday, 7 October 2023 04:38 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/3523615833e55e56a13eb51e184f0b7c/3434448nice compilation of Black Ark era productions and performances with a couple of glitches over version of tracks chosen.I have a few Perry compilations floating around andnot sure where they all are. Tyhis appeared a few days ago so I thought i'd give it an ear. Glad I did so.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/549f6da6cb89c08988a36593ddf88b8f/9181866 //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/522165f16eb438000aa68c2cc12dd327/5815817actually 2nd disc of a 2cd set by the jazz singer . I do like her voice . Like her with then husband Max Roach on Freedom Now Suite.THis is more blues and torch songs and pretty fine. her later People in Me is pretty great too. I still haven't listened to her later stuff from the 80s etc
― Stevo, Saturday, 7 October 2023 07:29 (one year ago) link
someone kind has shared another song by The Rain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwz4UA23xSE
― youn, Saturday, 7 October 2023 14:19 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 7 October 2023 23:05 (one year ago) link
Was surprised that the youtube link was posted so long ago and that it took so long for me to find it.Some good live performances here: https://unrest.bandcamp.com/
― youn, Sunday, 8 October 2023 09:18 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/sCKgtFodYU8KufdTVAG6maIEBoJuBPqRlaQR1opGL2Q/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM5NDU0/MjAtMTUxNjE5Mjky/Mi0zNDEwLmpwZWc.jpeg just picked up a couple of new hi-fi boxes offa our neighbourhood platform to replace my shagged out knisterkasten and this insipid valium shit is sounding FANTASTIC
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 8 October 2023 09:25 (one year ago) link
kinda helps that my old turntable belt needs replacing so it has a touch of vangelis pitch-wheel wooze, too
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 8 October 2023 09:26 (one year ago) link
wow. working cd player enables a spin of axolotl's "memory theatre", too. sweet https://i.discogs.com/fSgeIhsQevKGDHLZ2QThPnZxTdXlnyP3NQIKYjCwFX8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:598/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTk3MzE3/OS0xNjY2NDQxMTA3/LTM5ODguanBlZw.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 8 October 2023 10:10 (one year ago) link
working through some selections based on the discography in Tony Russell's Country Music Originalshttps://rateyourmusic.com/list/stevolende/country-music-originals-the-legends-and-the-lost-pt1-old-timey/
among some other stuff.
― Stevo, Sunday, 8 October 2023 10:46 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 8 October 2023 14:15 (one year ago) link
double bill of seth nehil - "furl" & "flock & tumble" understated spacious concrete https://i.discogs.com/TI0OlCN6arthiU3rMdyGlVX2ZVQSA0MWFvesod09tdk/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:271/w:250/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIzNDA1/MjItMTI3ODE1MTUy/OS5qcGVn.jpeg & https://i.discogs.com/XsDEh36gNDhkVWNDcnUgmVgC-Q2QRRj1LjCgXuP6Zdg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:236/w:250/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE4MzM4/NDctMTI0NjU1NjIz/Ni5qcGVn.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 12 October 2023 10:35 (one year ago) link
oh i wanted to enthuse about jan jelinek's "kosmischer pitch" in sunday but fudged the linkhttps://i.discogs.com/b4kW6cUKhTEnbhxlL1Pt9sdNc661zFpj0Pl8YTrTGxo/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:539/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTUzMzUy/NS0xMTYyMTkzNTUw/LmpwZWc.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 12 October 2023 10:37 (one year ago) link
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 13 October 2023 15:31 (one year ago) link
lee gamble - koch
― brimstead, Friday, 13 October 2023 15:36 (one year ago) link
― budo jeru, Friday, 13 October 2023 23:49 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Sunday, 15 October 2023 00:10 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 15 October 2023 08:05 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/a324306233ffdb0ca22d47452bb3e381/10426238Welsh folk act who played local University last week. I bought the cd from the singer.I can't find a band history that's complete. Looks like most of band line up has changed over the years. Though I think guitarist remained from the start and they've just got a new violinist. Theyre a trio.Anyway pretty sublime disc. Glad I got it.Sung in Welsh like.
― Stevo, Sunday, 15 October 2023 08:18 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Tuesday, 17 October 2023 06:05 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/75712509e6fead9d28665007fdd9425f/5043048mid 70s reggae set by producer and vocalist. I'm not familiar enough with his work to see if he has a signature style per se. But this is pretty great m got great groove and individualistic vocal style. Think it might even get semi tuneful in some of the bonus tracks which it isn't on the lp itself,I had a copy of teh Hudson Saga which I'd love to replace but at least one disc is not very playable. Picked this cd up from Honest Jon's a few years back and should be more familiar with it. Vocals may be an acquired taste.The Man From Shooter;s Hill is a classic though. Love that track
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/81cb6f4f95e4e1a8147915d707e9b097/2206723NOt sure why I didn't have this beofre Bob Mould's last birthday. I saw the trio live at teh Astoria in late 89 and thought they were pretty great. So not sure why I wasn;t famniliar with this lp that has that line up on , Did have a recording of Work Book and some mid period Huskers.So this was a great find I got the last Dog & Pony Show from the same person's cd collection a week or so ago.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/ce92bb7960504aef5c88542d1c7a355c/10259574Have had this lying around for a while. I think I knew the other s/t much better and even then only partially but I had it around teh time it was current. Musically I would like to hear more like this. But singer is not a decent person so going to be a factor in wanting t6o relisten.
― Stevo, Tuesday, 17 October 2023 12:28 (one year ago) link
aoxomoxoa bonus live disc +
sub-par sound but worth it for the almost ferocious death don't have no mercy
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 21 October 2023 07:04 (one year ago) link
B-52s "Whammy", way way better than I remembered
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Saturday, 21 October 2023 07:06 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/ac7bcd6bb9acd39b6be673be8e845f19/1391127Interesting melange of influences here. Half Indian singer partially brought up in Australia plays wityh international band including Tony Allen and a couple of members of Yat -Kha , I picked this up in a charity shop yesterday not knowing anything about it. Brought it home and it is pretty great. May be the one really good lp by her apparently. So great find.
I found a copy of Tom Verlaine's Miller;s Tale for a Euro earlier in the week too but haven't played it yet so hoping it does play OK.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/324a25d6e50840d7ad7f0b5352bc866f/2281379Balllroom era psych with great lengthy guitar parts. I hear a soul influence in the sound as well as the great guitar. Think I might need a new copy of this or the other compilation by them cos I've had this since around the time it came out & it;s showing wear.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d49d3ac54376889507cd10facf67ec59/2875106 //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d1fe439cef34b9f6bdf7fcfd0d4ffb6c/4151986First couple of lps by US heavies from their original album series.Getting into them. Went to find the first lp again and mislead it which is why I went for the 2nd.Do enjoy them, asnd Leslie West's earlier Vagrantssomewhat heavy guiitar, bassist produced Cream. Rocks I guess
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/44a77db90b75d7bd1af4c8fbee039c51/6123174First lp by band taht went onto play with Hugh Masekela for another couple of records.Pretty sublime. African psych mixing traditional influences with electric guitar etc
― Stevo, Sunday, 22 October 2023 18:33 (one year ago) link
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/312ivZjXqaL._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpgneo ouijia comp… more chill clicky blippy early 00s idm
― brimstead, Monday, 23 October 2023 15:41 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/PJVtJM2ZQqmHZj84f2Wv43am3FKWXcYnwCSLt1Qj_ok/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:535/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTY5NDI3/MjktMTQzMDA1MjU5/OC00NjIwLmpwZWc.jpeg "senegal superstar" credited to n'dour but it's an étoile de dakar comp feat a lot of the earlier stuff that didn't end up on the sterns comps and goddamn i forgot how flipin fantastic this band sounds
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 27 October 2023 06:43 (one year ago) link
was familiar with a bunch of the doo wop and r&b material from other comps, but most of the rest is new to me. nuclear war... goddamn wow.
― no lime tangier, Friday, 27 October 2023 08:50 (one year ago) link
I've been into 20s and 30s jazz of all kinds, this is an astonishing find. It sounds so fresh!
― Confessions of an Oatmeal Eater (I M Losted), Friday, 27 October 2023 22:03 (one year ago) link
That's an area I haven't looked into. Does it sound like it foreshadows later rock or anything at all. Keep hearingthings in 20s Irishand other ethnic folk stuff that I hear as echoing or pre echoing rock and roll things I'm aware of.
I have the preceding 2 cds in this thread. Was listening to the Sun Ra singles diwc 3 last week too. . Not heard taht Youssou N'dour in a while though.
― Stevo, Saturday, 28 October 2023 09:54 (one year ago) link
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d5dbd668ec2c82c8e55320db37cf3804/3068204Galician folk in very celti8c style. Loads of percussion, a few pipes and a touch of medievalism.THis turned up in a charity shop i infrequently visit but normally walk out with a stack of books frem. I only took one book this trip plus 10 cds. Now hoping i didn't leave anything by these behind because this is p[retty good. My one qualm about them was that on not being able to find anything about the band on the music rating pages I googled tehm and found one of their later sets highly regarded on Stormfront. NOt sure that has anything to do with them themselves though. Hope not at least.Also trying to work out what teh music was like had me struggling with Spanish linernotes trying to decipher them based on my smattering of French and Italian. Understood enough to give it a try which is justy as well but I do think there were some other Spanish titles there so really do hope I didn't miss anything else as good.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/db6e190407af6ec92d94ed6eed25a141/2620794Solo Donegal fiddler, quite sublime. Another find in the same purchase and really really good. I think I may have come across teh title mentioned somewhere else. Seemed to ring a bell when I came across it.Charity shop has started integrating cd shelves into the bookshelf . So I was working through and went through most of teh cds in the shop I think and did find some great ones. Think I'd recommend this to anybody who could take listening to a solo stringed instrument. It is about Irish airs but it is just really really good.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/6d5ba1f98452974fa45002565299eb6b/2841374Another great one from teh same purchase. I know taht Sandy Denny covered a few of teh songs her. Not as sure about direct influence on Drake. Do have teh Richard Morton Jack biography out of teh library right now so may find mention of some of this stuff, I do remember Patrick Humphries talking about him hitching into London to see Graham Bond quite frequently. Otherwise not sure to what degree Nick Drake actually ties into a traditional framework simply because he was an acoustic player.But what is here is great and seems to hang together well.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/ae145d62e4d4cdaaef19783c968e4821/2677489pretty quiet folky stuff by Canadian producer/performer who I think I know best for producing teh Simply Saucer material but went onto fame under his own right in the 80s. Some sung in French.I had been looking at a copy of this in a different charity shop a couple of weeks earlier but I think it looked to be in questionable shape so wasn't sure it would play at home. It's nice enough I guess but not sure how much I will be returning to it.Has member of U2 and The Neville Brothers on as well as Eno . Like its ok and may grow on me. I don't really like U2 after teh early singles taht much ho hum.
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/8fb3acdad7d9321e5d584b520815eb6d/2445009Compilation of British r'n;r/pop star material from across several years in teh early to mid 60s. Not tyaken in how the later stuff fits with its time since i would have mainly associated him with late 50s/ear;y 60s. So will be listening again;.Some of this stuff has a wall of sound type thing going on like a Spector.I do like a lot of this stuff and possibly should know him a bit better. Got this now so will familiarise myself more
//e.snmc.io/i/300/w/ca35adba213d552c5b7de5dee277f3ec/2261677Cheap compilation crossing a long period of time from Perry Como to Justin Timberlake. Mostly listenable, not very impressed by Timberlake.But got some good stuff on. The 3 Guinness ad tie ins are fun as is Esquivel .
― Stevo, Sunday, 29 October 2023 14:28 (one year ago) link
i'm really loving the new album by ilxor TtEG! its way cool. more Who fans should make records this good. the Who should make records this good.
― scott seward, Monday, 30 October 2023 17:48 (one year ago) link
j Davey - the land of the lostthis fuzzy wobbly space r&b still jams
― brimstead, Monday, 30 October 2023 17:52 (one year ago) link
it is still supreme awesomeness
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Monday, 30 October 2023 23:16 (one year ago) link
Eyvind Kang - Sonic Gnostic
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Monday, 30 October 2023 23:35 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Tuesday, 31 October 2023 00:41 (one year ago) link
budget compilation of early electronic music... a nice mix of academic/classical/pophttps://i.discogs.com/TNoIZfcN3tuvc8IjD1juHAL_SkGYXZwavyHrcAPYFqM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:514/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTg5NzQz/OTYtMTU3NDI0Nzkx/OC04OTQzLmpwZWc.jpeg
― no lime tangier, Tuesday, 31 October 2023 07:00 (one year ago) link
that does look like a pretty nifty selection! been jamming religious knives it's after dark https://i.discogs.com/tBbo8EA3Yu9VEnPnJ3Ol9jyPYgxk8-Zk3crKdCo_sUc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:333/w:333/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEzNTc4/NDktMTIxMjUyNTQw/MC5qcGVn.jpeg and toya delazy today
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 31 October 2023 19:01 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/DYHtYPGa7EX3tjc5bCx7iqot9YosoBuX8ta1ixWYfnE/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:272/w:271/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI2NTIx/MTEtMTI5NTA0MDg4/NC5qcGVn.jpegfieldwork (vijay iyer, steve lehman, tyshawn sorey) - "door" - cover art's not up to much but plenty evil semi- composed contempo jazz grooves of a piece with tim berne's snakeoil etc
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 2 November 2023 18:25 (one year ago) link
― omar little, Thursday, 2 November 2023 18:48 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Thursday, 2 November 2023 22:15 (one year ago) link
remaster, totally rules
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Thursday, 2 November 2023 22:36 (one year ago) link
Baaba Maal- Being (2023)
El Alfa - Dembow Worldwide Hits Teteo 42 (2023)
― curmudgeon, Friday, 3 November 2023 00:25 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Friday, 3 November 2023 00:53 (one year ago) link
continuing my adventures in cheapo cd compilation listening with...https://i.discogs.com/0KhDjZAxhvJtywu_xqxLKn5n1Oiykl9Gex32Kcd8FYc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:532/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE1MTU2/MzY5LTE2ODAxODg4/NzMtNjAwNC5qcGVn.jpeg
― no lime tangier, Friday, 3 November 2023 11:01 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Sunday, 5 November 2023 06:16 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/bURMFt5BlPOgBsAMvusptHeodFd8PgCmmfEVJC5RPe8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:595/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM0ODI5/MjYtMTUyMzgxODQw/Mi03NTgyLmpwZWc.jpegVarious – Qat, Coffee & Qambus: Raw 45s From Yemen
― budo jeru, Sunday, 5 November 2023 17:58 (one year ago) link
hmm. do images not work from discogs anymore, or is it just my browser?
― budo jeru, Sunday, 5 November 2023 17:59 (one year ago) link
okay, guess it was just me
― budo jeru, Sunday, 5 November 2023 18:00 (one year ago) link
i hope you hate "raw" in that title as much as i do!
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Sunday, 5 November 2023 19:08 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Thursday, 9 November 2023 03:31 (one year ago) link
Greek post-punk. You can find it on comps on iTunes and also streaming.
Bands I like so far are Clowns and The Reporters.
Greek bands could have taught Americans a thing or two about rhythm.
― Confessions of an Oatmeal Eater (I M Losted), Friday, 10 November 2023 17:38 (one year ago) link
― ian, Saturday, 11 November 2023 15:30 (one year ago) link
― ian, Saturday, 11 November 2023 15:31 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/uHwNzxSySTIirp45-KcyR548_LQrNBVrk0g7BJyTHrI/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:535/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTU1NDk0/MjgtMTM5NjI2ODg3/MC04Mjk5LmpwZWc.jpeg sabet osman, mohammad gubara, qassas kilabo miri - au royaume de la lyre. sudanese kussir, not so dissimilar from the krar.
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 16 November 2023 07:05 (one year ago) link
disc 2 starts with percussion that sounds exactly like a skipping cd! muhaummad al-badri, i note, also (i don't know who any of these people are)
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 16 November 2023 07:10 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/SNN2FoWs7iQLLkcWmfT-MoplPLaSGnFudoyv0dfBHjc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:534/w:550/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI1NzEx/MjctMTI5MTAyNzEz/Mi5qcGVn.jpeg hoggar / touareg disc on le chant du monde
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Thursday, 16 November 2023 08:34 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/WCgd9GOWXjMORp6Tc9agM0K84u_aJajAo6ys6rtdbqs/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:535/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEzODc3/NS0xNTMzNzU5Mjkz/LTk2ODMuanBlZw.jpeg workshop - es liebt dich..
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 17 November 2023 08:26 (one year ago) link
The '67 self titled Small Faces record has been my jam this afternoon. I think "Eddie's Dream" kind of invents the Happy Mondays. Cool groove.
― earlnash, Friday, 17 November 2023 22:25 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Saturday, 18 November 2023 01:01 (one year ago) link
Alan Stivell's material from around the same time was pretty great too.
― Stevo, Saturday, 18 November 2023 09:57 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/b7PDwohaF2tJ0o8IV-4tW9-wpTt-ixvRDwxrwgl6iHU/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:594/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTgzODQy/NzUtMTQ2MDU2NTA5/Ny03NDMwLmpwZWc.jpegwhich was a UK release of something that I think is a lot less exploito than the sleeve would suggestlooks like its Greek release looked like thishttps://i.discogs.com/sT-B7dYhVYFXN_q0ftk8t7ikMxDCFbnKWfkDdvyw4kQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:251/w:255/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTMzODA4/NzctMTMyODE0NjY2/My5qcGVn.jpegjust rediscovered it on Spotify after having picked it up on vinyl in the mid 80sI think the song Parelasis ought to be covered in a mire rock style.
― Stevo, Saturday, 18 November 2023 10:05 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/8z0Fd93wlnU_rN_bv-G9uoW0o7a7sMPEmur0W-v2xDQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:587/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE2NjU2/OTgtMTQ2MTQyOTc5/OS03NzM2LmpwZWc.jpegsalif keita - ko-yan - never been the biggest fan of keita's voice, but the '89 tight n shiny prod is floating my boat right now
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 18:58 (one year ago) link
https://0records.bandcamp.comhighly riyl if you like topdown dialectic, acido, leftfield dub techno,
― brimstead, Tuesday, 21 November 2023 21:41 (one year ago) link
ooh thanks, that's nice!
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 22 November 2023 04:57 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/coNllJWxjB8hHeIQiOLQYxw8mheJ8b18udC5xxoFydE/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE1ODc3/ODUtMTMzNzI3OTI5/NC04NzIzLmpwZWc.jpeg pleasantly surprised i managed to nab this 2LP "Mukanda Na Makisi / Angola" (Museum Collection Berlin) for a couple of euros - ethnographic market in Germany is quite hot. got its bolivian counterpart too so I have that too look forward to as well!
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Wednesday, 22 November 2023 10:24 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Friday, 8 December 2023 06:25 (one year ago) link
― brimstead, Friday, 8 December 2023 07:02 (one year ago) link
a stack of early jazz stuff I picked up from charity shops recently Harlan Leonard, Tab Smith, Lucky Millinder, Boots Douglas, among others.a 2cd set of early New Orleans stuff.a ;ive set by Louis Jordan and a great compi of Fats Waller both on a label I would have previously ignored.
a set by a musician I've enjoyed this year and met recently. One I've meant to pick up for a while //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/bd19336bf88bcc6dd0aca1211cc02c0a/7161965
the first stand alone lp by a band much better known with a largely different line up.Heavy rock with howling vocals and some pretty psychedelic touches //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/ce27dd48e1e703a929a32a35244e39d2/2567471
first couple of lps by heavy Texan blues boogie band led by one of Jimi Hendrix's most promising guitarists. A ;ot moreb bite than they had later //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/f61f6a712e1f8f2e6dbddbbf2e448efc/3234768 //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/2c8ddcaab8ffa7d8479ebdfdbfebac8d/2344852from the box set that came out a few years ago //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/d29dcda514c39a6ebdd0bcfeb6819d37/4817627
early mid 60s demoes by future glam star //e.snmc.io/i/300/w/6d545ee0a8140d9dbf79dfdb31cc9d91/2329239
― Stevo, Friday, 8 December 2023 13:16 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/7Jv0dArDxIEupONOwcILIq37wBQW7nGC8REZ3pQRRoI/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIxMjAw/MDk1LTE2Mzg0NTIy/MzQtNjE4OS5qcGVn.jpeg vanligt folk - "black friday hele uka" more from this nutty swedish ebm troupe who seem to land halfway between crazy frog and the hafler trio
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 8 December 2023 13:35 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/gLxydjOxb5FcAmv8SNwWlOdse0tiNRUNFy0CRREckhI/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTExODUz/ODgxLTE2MDE5MDA5/MzItMjY4MS5qcGVn.jpeggroovin to this (some nice numbers w/ both khaen and gongs!) while my son plays a zapping lazer beams thing
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 8 December 2023 16:20 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/Db1i51CLSduQoFTPpblcdMXXpDimahujIao1xrKQhrM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:584/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyMjIw/MzgtMTUzMDcyNjA3/NC02MTMzLmpwZWc.jpeg scored this 3 cd set for 3 bucks. tim berne, chris speed, michael formanek, jim black all on fire in '96
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 15 December 2023 20:32 (one year ago) link
I'd buy that for a dollar x 3!
On a related note since she's arguably one of the great next-gen composer/improvisors in the Berne chromatic unswung straight-8s/16s NYC abstract jazz lineage, I enjoyed listening to and watching this recent interview w/ saxophonist/flautist Anna Webber by Slovenian jazz guitarist Samo Salamon (I still need to hear her new album Shimmer Wince on Intakt all the way through, though):
― If I luge, if I luge, if I luge you on the track (Craig D.), Friday, 15 December 2023 23:30 (one year ago) link
(Also xp to Brimstead, holy cow those Cynic demos sound incredible IMO--have been way more into Death than Cynic, and on first flip-through that thrashier vocal approach really helps me more fully get on board with the Focus songs)
― If I luge, if I luge, if I luge you on the track (Craig D.), Friday, 15 December 2023 23:37 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/mh3N5zFyNVcRP9Lsa4heLA7_vYlr0fdk045zzSM5oEQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIzNzM3/Njg4LTE2NTY1NzI2/MTktMjc1NS5wbmc.jpeg stumbled across this: Przepych's "I Inne Zabawne Rzeczy" boffiny no-wave herky-jerk. RIYL red krayola, dog faced hermans, us maple, 5UUs, KUU!, swell maps, although this is so very much its own thing. aloof minimalist and fun
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 16 December 2023 07:45 (one year ago) link
― no lime tangier, Monday, 18 December 2023 07:26 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/FTerqSjgV20oejf-Da0mHCzczLwPwl8_IUoIgrUM7uA/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:579/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM4ODc0/MC0xMzg4MTQwODAz/LTM3NjguanBlZw.jpeg Aksak Maboul – Onze Danses Pour Combattre La Migraine
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 29 December 2023 06:52 (one year ago) link
kristian poulsen's "layer" lp - fahey / basho / orcutt raga twangathonhttps://i.discogs.com/SZxXZ9gMi3YpO485CAPV9lZV4B7OtspezDFIKfH_OAc/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc4NTIw/MDktMTQ1MDE3NTEz/Ny0zOTUzLmpwZWc.jpeg
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Friday, 29 December 2023 09:58 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/nsx-R0jQaP1sS9QhXTD8okes7vVvHssaDMB1Qdpu9UI/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:534/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI4OTIx/NDgtMTUzMzI3ODQ5/MC0yNjQ3LmpwZWc.jpeg henry threadgill zooid "this brings us to" vol 1.
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 30 December 2023 10:59 (one year ago) link
https://i.discogs.com/lElhC_p3r_oyTZWhcKpkSxI33ndBEcpYNoocG6BuI6A/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:396/w:400/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQyNzQ1/MjYtMTM2MDQwOTY4/OS03MzA4LmpwZWc.jpeg christian lillinger's grund - "second reason" - braxy goodness
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Saturday, 30 December 2023 12:39 (one year ago) link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsC5lGPBVDQan affecting little piece
― Lowell N. Behold'n, Saturday, 30 December 2023 17:08 (one year ago) link
I've been listening to this a lot since it dropped at the beginning of the month.
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 400px; height: 472px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1323635694/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=63b2cc/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://thenewcolorblu.bandcamp.com/album/afrika">Afrika by Blu & Nottz</a></iframe>
― AreaMantis, Sunday, 31 December 2023 16:55 (one year ago) link
Dang, I guess HTML doesn't work. Sorry.
kristian poulsen's "layer" lp - fahey / basho / orcutt raga twangathon
gaah is there any way to hear this apart from ordering a secondhand copy from discogs?
― budo jeru, Sunday, 31 December 2023 22:51 (one year ago) link
herr poulsen is kind enough to have put the A side up on soundcloud here:https://soundcloud.com/kristian-poulsen-4/layer-side-a. i'd digitize the B but my setup's currently suffering from a 4KHz electronic whine - can't pin it down
― massaman gai (front tea for two), Monday, 1 January 2024 11:29 (one year ago) link
ah, thank you!
― budo jeru, Monday, 1 January 2024 20:27 (one year ago) link