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Synths, synths, synths, let us talk about all the synthesizers

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 10:41 (ten years ago) link

They're great instruments.

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 10:41 (ten years ago) link

SYNTH FACT OF THE DAY: Despite performing what is called "photosynthesis", plants are in fact NOT synthesizers.

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 10:43 (ten years ago) link

do you a favorite synthesizer?

Are you an old school analog synth fetishist?

^ enlightening post (sarahell), Thursday, 30 January 2014 10:58 (ten years ago) link

Fave synth, that's a hard question. I like synths where every function has a knob you can twist, so let's go with that. The Yamaha CS-80 is my dream machine, though. The recent Dave Smith synths like Prophet 12 are good contenders for My Fave Synth as well.

Analog synths do sound great (I own a Microbrute) but some of the analog-fetishism (or rather digital hatred) can seem ridiculous for some. After all, it's the player that makes an instrument sound good, not the other way around.

Speaking of analog and fav synths, if I owned this synth I would be happy for the rest of my life:


DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:05 (ten years ago) link

I am interested in what envelopes and VCAs sound like, usually the first thing I do when I check out a synth is how "snappy" the envelopes can get, how nicely the VCAs and filters respond to it, the percussive qualities. Buchlas sound like "pk" then "pup" then "plup". ARP 2600s sounds like "clk" then "cluck". Rolands and new DSIs do not have any percussive qualities that are as useful as those synths.

Goblin Farrell (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:19 (ten years ago) link

I love the sound of FM synth + analog filters these days and have been tooling around with a couple of Mutable Instruments objects that are very interesting. Switchable tuning! turn a knob and it's real, it's Pythagorean, pretty cool stuff.

Goblin Farrell (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:22 (ten years ago) link

FM synthesis definitely needs a comeback

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:28 (ten years ago) link

My first encounter with FM synth (outside of pre-pubescent .cmf programming, and I didn't really get what was happening) (ditto a DX7 in high school) was with a Nord Wave, where it was suddenly like oh! I don't need to artificially create an overtone series? I really love the pairing of FM oscillators and analog filters, the Mutable stuff has been super fun. A friend of mine has a... Wave, PPG? what is it. Something like that. The big one. I played around with it but again the envelopes were mushy, it was all tone and no snap.

Goblin Farrell (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:38 (ten years ago) link

A studio I worked in had a CS-80 and it's not all that. When it came time for futuristic polysynth it was always the Jupiter 8-- which at this point has an equally ridiculous price tag

Goblin Farrell (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:40 (ten years ago) link

I know the CS-80 is mostly associated with Vangelis sounds although it is capable of more and may be not that great after all... but just look at that design! It seems like no other synth that came before and after the CS series has the same looks/design influences. As far as reliability goes.. at least it's not the PolyMoog.

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:47 (ten years ago) link

Actually, now that I think about it, the Polymoog DOES share some design similarities with the CS-80

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:51 (ten years ago) link

The CS-80 is surprisingly difficult to get into "dialling in" a sound, its interface isn't as intuitive later synths. Also tbrr I need MIDI or CV/gate connectivity, have the computer play the line while I work with the sound, and I don't know if that's a possibility for CS-80s (or if any owner would go for it if it was)

flamboyant goon tie included, Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:52 (ten years ago) link

I don't have much use for MIDI to be honest, sitting at a computer and programming notes, I am unable to work like that (and I tried). It just doesn't give me the same kind of joy that touching a keyboard while twisting knobs does. But it's helpful when I need to synchronize several synthesizers.

You can also buy a MIDI kit for your CS-80 at a bargain price of 470 £!

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 12:02 (ten years ago) link

Hmm, I get you. My process is this: typically I dial in a sound, record the take simultaneously as MIDI info and as audio, then save the patch (if applicable). When the song develops and suddenly I realize the synth is too glassy or too dark or whatever, or just wrong, I just feed the already-recorded MIDI info back into the synth and fix the patch in realtime. Not so fastidious, just an easy way to make changes.

A side note to this is that I've gotten so enamoured of my ARP 2600 that I rarely use any analog poly synths, I typically track each voice monophonically using MIDI-to-CV. The signal-to-noise on the ARP is so ridiculously low that you can track 10+ tracks of it and still have silence (provided you keep the spring muted). I love my ARP. I bought it with the money from a soul-destroying film gig several years ago, best decision ever-- though I'm told the Cwejman 2600alike is just as good/better (and cheaper and easier to service)

flamboyant goon tie included, Thursday, 30 January 2014 12:39 (ten years ago) link

I usually dial in a sound, play along to the track and slightly change the settings until it fits in well, record (often with a metronome) and hope for a good take or two. Sounds risky and not as professional as your method, but personally I don't like having all these "safety nets" while working on creative stuff. Having this slight tenseness helps me concentrate and evaluate certain synth sounds, mixes and parts more. Like, every part you record could be the last one of your life.

The ARP 2600 is awesome and I wish I could own one. In fact, I wish I could own every classic monosynth. I'm more of a poly guy anyway, although in our multi-tracking DAW age monophonic synthesizers work just as well for me.

Speaking of awesome monosynths, Soviet synthesizers are rarely talked about:




DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 13:12 (ten years ago) link

i was digital only for a few years but i'm getting into using analog synths more and more. it's baby steps, but i've been using a Microbrute (running straight audio) and i just got the Korg Volca Keys (controlled via MIDI).

i know a lot of dudes who are more into messing around with old gear and than they are into making records and i never want to be that, so i'm just getting hardware when i'm having a specific sound that i'm not satisfied with the digital version of.

speaking of, i really do think they both have their place...soft synths can sometimes cut through a mix much more easily.

haven't messed around with FM synthesis yet but i really want to, probably going to get NI FM8 to learn on.

festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 30 January 2014 14:01 (ten years ago) link

"Always appreciate all kinds of synths and syntheses." - Synthfucius

Speaking of digital synths and new purchases - I'm about to get a Yamaha AN1x for 250 €. Way underrated VA synth in my opinion. And even if I don't need its sounds I can use it as a MIDI controller with velocity and aftertouch and whatnot.

Jordan, I agree with you re: creating music vs. farting around, but making bloopy shit can be fun and even cathartic sometimes.

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 14:08 (ten years ago) link

Anyone get a Microbrute? Looks pretty sweet, especially for the price.

I use a Prodigy that someone in our practice space owns, and I love it, but the newer Moog stuff is $$.

I also just bought Korg Gadget for my iPad mini, which is pretty neat. I cannot find a software synth that comes close to sounding as good as the Prodigy, though.

schwantz, Thursday, 30 January 2014 17:41 (ten years ago) link

Whoops just saw your post Jordan. What do you think of the Microbrute? Can you get big, squelchy sounds out of it?

schwantz, Thursday, 30 January 2014 17:42 (ten years ago) link

i loooove it, and yes. mostly i've been using it for thick saw basslines and square-ish leads, and lfo chaos. it's very intuitive imo.

festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 30 January 2014 17:44 (ten years ago) link

Awesome. I think I'm gonna get one. I wish it had another octave, and full-size keys, but other than that it looks sweet.

schwantz, Thursday, 30 January 2014 17:45 (ten years ago) link

Unfortunately my main keyboard (Nord Electro) does not have pitch/mod wheels.

schwantz, Thursday, 30 January 2014 17:46 (ten years ago) link

Also, I got to play a Jupiter 8 on our latest record, and DAMN that is fun to play.

schwantz, Thursday, 30 January 2014 17:48 (ten years ago) link

Does anybody want to recommended sites or tutorials for gaining a practical understanding of synthesis? All I do is play with free VST synths at this point and I get the basics but I want to have a better handle on it.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Thursday, 30 January 2014 18:11 (ten years ago) link

Also own a Microbrute - it's brilliant. The minikeys aren't as shitty as on the MicroKorg, allowing you play quite smoothly. And it can do anything from exquisite to big and squelchy.

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 18:13 (ten years ago) link

St3ve, check out the Synth Secrets series, should teach you a bit (start from the bottom): http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/allsynthsecrets.htm

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 18:13 (ten years ago) link

Oh yeah, I had started in on those Synth Secrets articles but gotten sidetracked, thanks for reminding me.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Thursday, 30 January 2014 18:39 (ten years ago) link

i've had the most luck looking on youtube for either the VST i'm working with or general synthesis tutorials.

festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 30 January 2014 18:55 (ten years ago) link

what are your favorite synths for bass sounds? that's the #1 thing I'm lacking right now. I've got an Oberheim Matrix 6 (I finally got it fixed!) which makes some really lovely & mellow sounds, and I also recently bought an MS-20 Mini but haven't done anything too ambitious with it yet.

charitable remainder unitrust (crüt), Thursday, 30 January 2014 19:01 (ten years ago) link

the Matrix isn't very good for heavy tweaking on the fly though

charitable remainder unitrust (crüt), Thursday, 30 January 2014 19:02 (ten years ago) link

read that as heavy twerking on the fly

bilbo bobbins (how's life), Thursday, 30 January 2014 19:03 (ten years ago) link

uhm, I think your MS-20 mini should be able to produce some great bass sounds, although I personally don't like the KORG Sound, it's just too.. "crispy" and "defined" for my taste.

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 21:04 (ten years ago) link

The MS-20 is a fabulous bass synth, probably the best currently-available combo going, in that regard? I always forget about it! So great.

tony...ahar...ding (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 30 January 2014 21:40 (ten years ago) link

yay for fixed matrix!

my fave bass machines are juno 60 & pro one

i'm in a snit with vintage machines at the moment though since my really fucking expensive prophet 5 hasn't worked at all since i got midi installed

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Thursday, 30 January 2014 21:41 (ten years ago) link

Vintage synths can be so uncompromising, that's why I like them

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 22:02 (ten years ago) link

Well, until they stop working of course.

DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 22:02 (ten years ago) link

ha. it wouldn't hurt so much if it didn't sound so incredible when it's working

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Thursday, 30 January 2014 22:12 (ten years ago) link

Speaking of vintage synths, I just realized how much 70's and 80's library music has this sci-fi synth soundscape thing going on:


DDD, Thursday, 30 January 2014 22:41 (ten years ago) link

So many broken synthesizers. ;_;

emil.y, Thursday, 30 January 2014 22:45 (ten years ago) link

Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Synths

DDD, Friday, 31 January 2014 10:18 (ten years ago) link

Actually I'm wondering: Has anyone here played a Synclavier?

DDD, Friday, 31 January 2014 10:20 (ten years ago) link

no, but if i did i would make it say jammin on the one

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Friday, 31 January 2014 10:55 (ten years ago) link

I am fascinated/curious about what makes people say this or that synth is good for particular applications, or how to to understand the different character of different synths besides the dry technical details about oscillators and such. e.g. electricsound says he likes the Juno 60 for bass sounds but for whatever reason I associate Juno 60s more with string pads and like mini Moogs or Korg SH101s with bass sounds? Maybe those are just more obvious cliches?

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Friday, 31 January 2014 15:27 (ten years ago) link

Yeah, it's interesting since I always thought synths to be sonic all-rounders, even with their various configurations and designs. But maybe some people like the sonic capabilites of, let's say, an ARP Odyssey more than the capabilites of a Minimoog in terms of bass/lead/pad?/... sounds.

DDD, Friday, 31 January 2014 15:37 (ten years ago) link

personally when i say the 60 is good for bass it is because it has nice snappy envelopes and very tight but not wooly low end. it can do string pads well too though, it it a p amazing machine tbh. i appreciate it even more now after five years than i did in my initial rushes of excitement when i first got it

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Friday, 31 January 2014 22:22 (ten years ago) link

also i have never played a minimoog or sh101

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Friday, 31 January 2014 22:25 (ten years ago) link

i need to step up my pad game

festival culture (Jordan), Friday, 31 January 2014 22:42 (ten years ago) link

One day I'll type out my synth adventures but not today. I own a lot of synths. Maybe I will type it. Here we go.

Juno-106 - great entry level synth. Start here and end here if you plan to own house or children. Only issue is that the oscillators like to burn out, and replacing them involves ordering chips and soldering.

Juno-Alpha - teeny tiny, the B is velocity sensitive, super light, super durable, mine got the shit kicked out of it and it still works. There is a cool fifth- and sixth-stage on the envelopes, it's like an ADADSR, so you can make stuttery sounds. It is a pain to program. I bought a PG-300 (the programmer) from a guy who was looking at me like I was a sucker and then I sold it to somebody and understood what a sucker looks like. This takes a little effort to program properly but it's easier than a DX-7. It's good if you're somebody who needs to travel light.

Juno-60 - I think it's this one that has the miracle arpeggiator. Any time I want to do something arpeggiated I borrow one of these guys. I have never owned one but I use them a tonne. It receives clock in so you can send it pulses from Logic using beat mapper to live drum takes and have the arpeggiation stay in time. It also has CV-out so you can double it up with an ARP or a Minimoog. The "ensemble" function is famous and it sounds good, I never felt comfortable using it because any time I turn it on it's like "oh, that sound". This is a great synth and I'd own one except that I own a Jupiter 8.

Jupiter-8 - a weird synth. It's hella expensive, I bought it with a film score budget for a sci-fi movie. It is heavy (a two-person lift, really) and runs hot. The envelopes are too mushy to be really useful for percussion but they are good for bass and pads. I was working on a film where the director hated synthesizers, and he came by the house and kept asking for any noodles to be removed, he just wanted lame-ass indie piano/ukelele plunky-plunks. The Jupiter was the one exception, he loved the Jupiter. It does sound otherworldly, like The Best Synth Ever! But its arpeggiator sucks, it can't be controlled without MIDIfying it (and the kits are poorly reviewed so I haven't done it), it's not particularly routable, and it's too heavy and expensive to really be useful in any home studio. Mine is out on semi-permanent loan to a friend's studio until I get my own space for it, which will probably never happen. I don't know what to do with it, it's kind of like having a convertible in the garage.

Nords - they sound bad. There is something in that frequency spectrum that drives me crazy. Their pianos and organs sound "realistic" without sounding good, and they never sound good in a band. Nord synths are slightly better but still bad-sounding. All that said, I travel with and play a Nord Wave because it's light, it samples, the FM synths sound good, it's got built-in delay and reverb. You have to wrestle hard with these synths to make them sound good but the lightness, durability and usability makes it work it.

Nord Modular - especially these ones. Capable of sounding unbearably good. This is a DSP-run synth where you built a virtual modular on your PC and upload it into the hardware. Like, you drag and drop your modules on to an environment and connect them with patch cords. Super steep learning curve and, like other Nords, sounds terrible 99% of the time, but it worth it for that 1%. I am a thief, not a programmer, I download other people's architectures and tweak them. I have a Memorymoog clone on mine that is so precise in its emulation that it's uncanny. My Nord Modular is my DX-7 and my drum machine, what a great synth. Any time I need to do a shitty film score real quick I turn it on and the score is done.

ARP 2600 - my favourite synth ever, and the only one I use on recordings that I want to be proud of. It never sounds bad. The envelopes are enormously flexible, the CV modulation is amazing, you can build anything and get absolutely lost in creating self-generating patches. Sometimes if I have a houseguest I make a seagull + seashore patch and put it in their room. The spring is noisy but is fun to route sound through it and then back into other things. I am sending mine in to a synth spa in Savannah to get the ring modulator repaired and the connections tricked out. There is no HPF so you have to figure that out if you want to make hi-hats. There is no MIDI, but I use a lightpipe-to-CV converter; the added control of the Silent Way plug-ins is miraculous. I wish I was at home playing with this synth right now. Todd Terje says that the Cwejman S1 is just as good, better in other ways, and less expensive and that he's been using that these days instead of his ARP.

Mutable Instruments - I have a Shruthi and an Ambika. They are both totally awesome but I haven't found a use for either of them just yet.

I have a modular, too. I've lost a week of my life into creating beautiful, useless music with it, but haven't cracked it yet, made it feel like an instrument. I'll type about it another time.

flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 1 February 2014 00:26 (ten years ago) link

the 106 is weird, i can't stand the results i get from playing one, but other people seem to be able to coax really nice things out of it

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Saturday, 1 February 2014 00:33 (ten years ago) link

Sometimes if I have a houseguest I make a seagull + seashore patch and put it in their room


This is all really interesting. I'm drowning in free VST plugins and should really pare down, but I've also made my microscopic first step into hardware 'synth' world by ordering one of these http://www.gear4music.com/Keyboards-and-Pianos/Korg-Monotron-Delay-Analogue-Ribbon-Synthesizer/HTN. I was thinking about getting a Microbrute too but money got tight and now I must wait. The Microbrute seems to be in a class of its own for that price range (next step up being the MS-20 Mini, I suppose?), is that right?

Merdeyeux, Saturday, 1 February 2014 01:39 (ten years ago) link

don't discount the volca keys (which imo sounds better than the arturia anaolgues)

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Saturday, 1 February 2014 02:02 (ten years ago) link

lol. anaolg sysnthiziers

flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 1 February 2014 03:02 (ten years ago) link

The Microbrute's real appeal, afaic, is that it's the most cost-efficient way of getting MIDI-to-CV conversion, it's as useful as a controller/interpreter as it is as it's own sound source. Definitely a fun mono synth on its own, reminds me more of an SH-101 than an MS-20. It really can't be overstated how great the MS-20 Mini is.

flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 1 February 2014 03:04 (ten years ago) link

God, reading this thread makes me realise, despite having played synths for way over a decade, I am a shitty shitty synth person. No tech ability at all, I just press stuff and twiddle knobs and eventually something sounds good.

emil.y, Saturday, 1 February 2014 03:46 (ten years ago) link

front not can i, i am a chronic preset-relier

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Saturday, 1 February 2014 05:21 (ten years ago) link

that doesn't make one a shitty synth person!

flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 1 February 2014 09:07 (ten years ago) link

goon tie, that's an impressive list. All I own is a Microbrute (awesome), a Novation K-Station (awesome, it also has VCO drift and filter drive settings which every VA should have) and a MicroKorg (Baby's First Synth, which I'm also selling right now). Oh, also the AN1x that should arrive soon. Not as cool as all the vintage stuff, but it gets the job done.
I especially agree with you on the Nords - the Nord Leads sound too commercial and "nice" to me and most people seem to use it solely as a keyboard with 70s Moog lead/organ presets. I'll never buy a Nord Lead.

There's nothing wrong with ribbon synthesizers, they look cute and sound awesome. And while you're at it you might as well get a Stylophone, too.

Twisting knobs and pressing stuff = Playfulness, and that doesn't make you a shitty synth person at all

DDD, Saturday, 1 February 2014 10:20 (ten years ago) link

Yeah I must admit I'm a bit sheepish about the synth collecting habit, as it's the result of workaholism + no car + no house + no kids + no joy in taking vacations. My real gear-embarrassment is the number of CP-70s (Yamaha electro-acoustic pianos, i.e. Joe Jackson "Steppin' Out") that I've bought in strange places for peanuts. I love CP-70s so much. (I hate digital pianos so much; I actually bought one specifically for aero to use while we were touring together because I couldn't stand to hear him play a digital piano every night it was making me crazy.)

I've used a bunch of DSI stuff too. I started off by hating the Prophet 8 because the knobs were drifty and the sound was very un-Prophetlike. I've semi-come around on them since I used a modified one where the knobs didn't drift? Or a later issue? And also stopped comparing them to Prophet 5s. But still unsure about how I feel. I know a couple people who've recently given up on their Mophos and unloaded them.

I've never used a Novation anything!

flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 1 February 2014 12:18 (ten years ago) link

I always quite liked the Nord Lead, but agree with fgti about the piano sound.

MicroKorg (Baby's First Synth, which I'm also selling right now)

No need to be so dismissive - I'm using one of these now (my analogues are fucked and 'my' MS2000 stayed with the old band, oh yeah, and my AN1X is fucked too, oh god why am I so terrible?) and it's actually pretty great. Yeah, ideally you want more, but I'd consider having at least one of this range to be essential. I am a massive Korg stan, though.

emil.y, Saturday, 1 February 2014 12:32 (ten years ago) link

Yeah, it sounds dismissive, but the MicroKorg was literally the first synth I owned and learned synthesis on. After I bought more synths I took it out again, played my patches - and remembered why I hungered for more synths, because something about that KORG Sound doesn't please me at all. Thank you for everything, MicroKorg, but bye bye.

It's kinda weird that people make Dave Smith look like he lost his grip on building synthesizers and it's also kinda sad that almost every polysynth he makes has to face the comparison to the legendary Prophet 5. I think he's still able to design great synths nowadays.

DDD, Saturday, 1 February 2014 14:22 (ten years ago) link

BTW emil.y how was the AN1x like?

DDD, Saturday, 1 February 2014 14:30 (ten years ago) link

I think it's a great synth, though it was vastly underused for most of my ownership as it didn't go with my band's sound, and I was under-confident and under-equipped for doing solo stuff... which is possibly why it broke when I started using it a fair amount ten years later. I mostly made horrible grotesque noises on it (I love horrible grotesque noises) but it seemed good for sequenced electro things too.

emil.y, Saturday, 1 February 2014 14:40 (ten years ago) link

"Horrible grotesque noises" sounds good! "Electro things" sounds good as well. Can't wait!

DDD, Saturday, 1 February 2014 16:08 (ten years ago) link

my ARP 2600 VST plugin just made my laptop overheat and crash. Feels like I got some of the genuine vintage analogue synth experience there.

Merdeyeux, Saturday, 1 February 2014 21:16 (ten years ago) link

Did it go out of tune?

And when you f--- up, you go backwards (snoball), Saturday, 1 February 2014 21:38 (ten years ago) link

always wanted to try an an1x. i've played lots of romplers & fm synths but never done much in the way of VA

i have a fair amount of time for the DSI synths but i found the 'pro one' reference on the mopho circuit board laughable - it's a cool synth on its own but sounds nothing like an SCI synth no matter how hard i tried..

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Saturday, 1 February 2014 22:28 (ten years ago) link

Which 2600 VST were you using? I used the TimewARP, very useful to learn, not at all like the real thing, not even a little, but still good for familiarizing yourself with "this does that"

flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 1 February 2014 22:34 (ten years ago) link

I already downloaded the AN1x editing software from the Yamaha webpage. And from the looks of it the synth seems to have impressive features, eg. it has four automation tracks where you can record/draw automation lines and assign them to ~30 settings. I'm getting hyped!!!

Were you using the Arturia Arp VST?

DDD, Saturday, 1 February 2014 23:01 (ten years ago) link

it's a free knockoff one with the very subtle name 'Arppe2600va'. I have very little sense of how to use it (tbh I have very little sense of how synths work in general beyond ADSR) but it seems fun.

Merdeyeux, Saturday, 1 February 2014 23:25 (ten years ago) link

first thing i got to grips with after adsr was lfo modulation, v useful

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Saturday, 1 February 2014 23:28 (ten years ago) link

I suggest getting an oscillator VST plugin so you can see how various synth settings affect the waveform. Helped me a bit

DDD, Sunday, 2 February 2014 11:09 (ten years ago) link

That's exactly the VST plugin I use, can't recommend it highly enough

DDD, Sunday, 2 February 2014 11:35 (ten years ago) link

The other Smartelectronix plugins are awesome, too

DDD, Sunday, 2 February 2014 11:35 (ten years ago) link

ooh that's useful, thanks.

Merdeyeux, Sunday, 2 February 2014 16:15 (ten years ago) link

I multi-tracked my Microbrute to play chords on one of my songs and it sounded good, really really good... It's a shame that the price gap between monolog and polylog synthesizers is still so huge nowadays. If Arturia released a four-voiced affordable Polybrute they would cause another revolution in the synth market... Alas...

I'm still hyped about the AN1x though!

DDD, Monday, 3 February 2014 15:35 (ten years ago) link

i've been meaning to try the same thing with the microbrute.

on the same note, i finally got the routing set up so that i can send midi out to my Volca Keys and record it back in as audio, and it's that thick analog poly saw sound that i've been trying to get for years.

unfortunately i couldn't get it to record as stereo, i think it might be the 1/8" to 1/4" cable that i'm using? i don't know why most of these little analog synths make you use the 1/8" headphone jack as an out...it seems like it wouldn't be that hard to have a 1/4" line out but what do i know. so after a lot of fucking around where i could only get it to return as the left or right half of a stereo channel, i set up the send/return as mono and that sounds fine (i usually end up copying the audio to a stereo channel to add stereo effects, this feels like i'm doing something dumb but it works for me).

festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 3 February 2014 15:53 (ten years ago) link

Most line out jacks are mono anyway, most synths use two line outs for stereo recording and I don't think you can coax a convincing stereo sound out of a simple mono synth without effects like chorus/panning/delay...

If C&P'ing synth recordings feels like doing something dumb you can always double-track a synth line, ie. record it twice on two mono channels, pan them left/right and add effects so it doesn't sound so samey.

DDD, Monday, 3 February 2014 16:06 (ten years ago) link

As for the mini synths using mini line outs, I guess it's just a "mini" thing. (Microbrute has 1/4" jack tho)

DDD, Monday, 3 February 2014 16:16 (ten years ago) link

I hate digital pianos so much

OTM! no sympathetic string vibrations = you are not actually playing a piano part, even though you think you are

charitable remainder unitrust (crüt), Monday, 3 February 2014 16:26 (ten years ago) link

thanks - so i think the mini jack is stereo but my cable is converting the signal to mono, maybe?

i don't mind my current method at all but since i usually just futz with my setup until it works, i assume i'm probably reinventing the wheel and that there's an easier way that i don't know about.

festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 3 February 2014 16:54 (ten years ago) link

So I checked the manual and the mini jack is indeed stereo - it's probably the cable and/or recording jack you use. Do you have a 3.5mm stereo jack to 3.5mm twin mono cable?

DDD, Monday, 3 February 2014 18:08 (ten years ago) link

nope, i'm just using 3.5mm -> 1/4" single mono i guess (need 1/4" to go into my audio interface, of course).

festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 3 February 2014 18:11 (ten years ago) link

If you get tired of fitzing around with stereo jacks mono cables: This cable should solve everything.

If you want a cheaper cable just search for "3.5mm mini stereo jack to 2x mono"

DDD, Monday, 3 February 2014 18:16 (ten years ago) link

stereo jacks and mono cables*

DDD, Monday, 3 February 2014 18:17 (ten years ago) link

or get a Cordial cable that's not 6 metres long

DDD, Monday, 3 February 2014 18:19 (ten years ago) link

UK-only, huh? i'll probably look for a cheaper cable but ty!

festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 3 February 2014 18:22 (ten years ago) link

i think i prefer recording synths in mono unless it's the sole tenor instrument

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Monday, 3 February 2014 23:04 (ten years ago) link

otm, record synths in mono, fear nothing

flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 00:56 (ten years ago) link

BTW, when I posted the cable recommendation yesterday I thought the Volca Keys was monophonic when it's in fact a three-voice monolog synthesizer! That makes me almost want to get it if the filter wouldn't have this obvious stepping problem. Anyway, now I can imagine some stereo shenanigans going on with the VK, but yeah, recording synths in mono is the norm anyway, you can always stereoize it with FX like chorus..

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 10:51 (ten years ago) link

stepping problem?

festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 4 February 2014 14:39 (ten years ago) link

You can hear it in this vid at ~2:30:


The filter seems to react in quantized steps instead of a "smooth slide" like you would expect from an analog synth - I think it's so it can be compatible to MIDI but for me it's the deal killer

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 14:49 (ten years ago) link

But no synth is perfect and I'm a bit of a pedant when it comes to stuff like that

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 14:52 (ten years ago) link

ah, interesting. i haven't done much recording with it yet but so far it sounds a million times better than using Massive or whatever for saw chords.

festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 4 February 2014 15:00 (ten years ago) link

Haha, Massive, I actually played around with Massive a few months ago and it was pretty okay, but way too overused in certain electronic music genres IMO.

And I realized that you can connect the Volca Keys to the Microbrute to use the smooth MB filter so my criticism pretty much went up in smoke

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 15:08 (ten years ago) link

oh, connect them how exactly?

i like how quickly i can create and modulate a patch in Massive but i'm getting sick of how it sounds, i'm only using it for certain things these days (big fan of the 'Classic' waveform).

festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 4 February 2014 15:25 (ten years ago) link

1. Use one of the orange patch cables to patch "Gate In" to "Gate Out" on the back of the Microbrute
2. Connect audio output to the Microbrute "Input" jack and set the Input Level
3. Press a key on the Microbrute and the audio input signal is permamently triggered! Have fun!

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 15:35 (ten years ago) link

Oh, you should also turn off all MB oscillators and set the VCO to Gate (I think)

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 15:36 (ten years ago) link

uhm, VCA, not VCO. Sorry, it's been a while since I did that with my Microbrute. But you should get some sweet results out of that. Anything from simple filtering to overdriving the filter and making a mess with the Brute Factor knob.

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 16:03 (ten years ago) link

Also I misspelled "permamently", why am I doing all these mistakes today

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 16:16 (ten years ago) link

And I did it again....

DDD, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 16:18 (ten years ago) link

aargh... just outbid on a Voyager

JLB Credit (Jack BS), Thursday, 6 February 2014 19:55 (ten years ago) link

The Minimoog Voyager?? I don't see many people talking about that synth for some reason... a shame.

DDD, Thursday, 6 February 2014 20:50 (ten years ago) link

So my AN1x finally arrived today...

... yeah, it's a pretty good synth. Some of the factory presets are cheesy though. What's with synths and truly cheesy factory presets?

DDD, Friday, 7 February 2014 16:53 (ten years ago) link

If your on PC there is a great midi manager /patch randomizer program called an1x genetix.

dsb, Friday, 7 February 2014 17:04 (ten years ago) link

Gonna check that out, thanks!

DDD, Saturday, 8 February 2014 23:10 (ten years ago) link

The Minimoog Voyager?? I don't see many people talking about that synth for some reason... a shame.

Well, Moog have sold huge quantities of them. The consensus of the cognoscenti is that it's powerful and good-sounding, but somewhat clinical, lacking the grungy magic of the original Minimoog. I've never heard of anyone who liked the touchpad feature, and it's been notable by its absence from the many, many spin-offs that Moog have brought to market since launching the Voyager.
I've never bothered checking one out myself, as I own an early-'70s Mini, which is all the Moog I'll ever need.

Vast Halo, Sunday, 9 February 2014 21:12 (ten years ago) link

I have a pretty random collection of hardware synths.

Best luck was with the first one, which I got in high school: the Akai AX-80. which was a completely bizarre attempt to produce an 'analog' version of a DX-7. Same stripped down simple knobless / faderless interface. Presets were disgusting. But like the DX-7, the second you dip below the surface and begin to tweak it, absolutely bizarre sounding, mutant techno to Sun Ra / Residents squall, sounds more unique by the year. There's one patch from it I always I end up putting on nearly every album like a Wilhelm scream.

Other purchases since have been two cheap Casio CZ-101s, a Roland V-Synth and an OP-1. All very quirky, absolutely useless as go-to workhorses -- the basic presets are far too generic & silly, but they're all great for distinctive what-in-hell-is-that solos and ornamental ear candy details.

Milton Parker, Monday, 10 February 2014 20:30 (ten years ago) link

I listened to some Voyager demos and despite the "improvements" it definitely has the Moog thing going on. But TBH when you're able to afford the Minimoog Voyager you might as well buy a vintage Minimoog.

Milton, your collection sounds like a vintage synth enthusiast's nightmare - that's awesome! And I love the sound of vintage Akai synths. Teisco synths, too.

In other news, I was looking for a bag for my AN1x and ended up buying a Korg Monotron Duo. Woops. I know I've mentioned how I didn't like the Korg sound (especially the filters) but I looked at the Monotron and just couldn't help it.

DDD, Tuesday, 11 February 2014 12:09 (ten years ago) link

As someone who's most comfortable with SH-101 or MS-20 knob tweaky synths, the Voyager's powerful preset programming is a bit weird. Kind of like having a soft synth... sound is great but v clean.

JLB Credit (Jack BS), Tuesday, 11 February 2014 14:50 (ten years ago) link

I thought this was a cool article about programming bass sounds, and it also touches on some reasons some synths are seen as better for e.g. bass sounds than others:


L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Sunday, 16 February 2014 03:58 (ten years ago) link



DDD, Monday, 17 February 2014 16:14 (ten years ago) link

Whoaaaaa. Korg have already gone full tilt into the neo-analogue thing, but this is something else again...

emil.y, Monday, 17 February 2014 16:20 (ten years ago) link

Announcement timed to mess with Roland and their new VA line up?

an office job is as secure as a Weetabix padlock (snoball), Monday, 17 February 2014 16:39 (ten years ago) link

If you look closely at that prototype pic you can see a mini-slider next to the filter sliders - looks like the KORGyssey will maybe include both MKI and MKII filters... That's awesome, although I'm more in the mood for crystal-clear digital synths now (bidding on a Waldorf Blofeld)

DDD, Monday, 17 February 2014 18:48 (ten years ago) link

Maybe, although OTOH prototypes often have extra controls that don't appear on the final product. Anyway, interested to know if this is going to be a 85% sized version like the MS-20 mini - if so, it might be almost as cheap.

an office job is as secure as a Weetabix padlock (snoball), Monday, 17 February 2014 19:09 (ten years ago) link

looks genuinely awesome. the ody is discrete right? korg should bring back curtis chips as well 8)

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Monday, 17 February 2014 21:21 (ten years ago) link


bourgie tagger (crüt), Monday, 17 February 2014 21:24 (ten years ago) link

ow hope it's not stupid mini version of the arp, hate mini keys

Crackle Box, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 10:13 (ten years ago) link

Yep, looks like it's gonna be a bit tinier than the original model


DDD, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 10:56 (ten years ago) link

man i've been living in maxmsp land for ages now, miss playing with the synths :(

(i don't own many of these, landlord is an ex synth-junkie who lets me use all his stuff. also, i work in a recording studio doing programming/engineering)

korg ms-20 - original. badass. the best. new thing doesn't really compare imo. the originals really scream. maybe it's just age and worn components.
sequential circuits pro 1 - filthy filthy. surprisingly versatile. love the seq/arp and modulation madness.
moog taurus 2 bass pedals - got that moog sound. kinda wooly. mine's a bit scratchy.
waldrof pulse - monster sounds, huge. v annoying to program from the front panel. not really mastered this one yet.
minibrute - does some really interesting things. don't really go to it for classic sounds out of but good for experimenting.
novation bassstation 2 - it's growing on me, started using one of these in a band. really good for overdriven dubsteppy type sounds.
moog micromoog - hugely underrated, S+H etc. have had 2 and they both sounded v different.
moog minitaur - fucking great.
little doepfer modular setup - love it. rarely use it on its own. need to try out that cv software thingy
mc-202 - does what a 101 does but without the keyboard afaict
tb303 - broken but when it worked it was… eh alright. 202 does a good enough job.
prophet 12 - getting into it. i always end up in terry riley land for some reason. spent a few days doing rudimentary things like making drums / basic sounds to get a feel for it. it's a v powerful synth but it's not good at everything. the wave morphing stuff is cool but eh, computers are better at that imo.
roland gaia - LOL
juno 106 - with electricsound on this one. i'm not the greatest keyboard player but i've heard people make them sound great.
alpha juno - keyed has gone on mine again. which is fine. i like it for drones
matrix 1000 - love the sound of this. amazing value for money.
walford q - cheeky little number. like the pulse it's annoying to program, i quite like to make it freeze and crash it does all manner of weird things.
yamaha fs1r - my favourite synth in the world
casio cz101 - these sound really really great
roland jd800 - pretty cool. too many knobs and things, always have fun playing with it but don't find it partic useful.
jv1080 and all those - these are all great if you want vintage, err, digital
volca keys, beats, bass - fantastic stuff
novation supernova - v v cool, always end up getting useable stuff out of this
logan string machine - lush as fuck

really wanna play with:

more arp, buchla, ems stuff. flood's studio isn't far from where i work, really wanna get in there for a night.

synths synths synths. a lot of fun, but i think i've got to a point where i'd be quite happy with just a laptop and max/reaktor.

Crackle Box, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 11:45 (ten years ago) link

That list... wow

Also re: Roland, one might think they'd change their stance on VA/analog gear after the bad reception of the GAIA but oh well...

DDD, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 16:15 (ten years ago) link

waldrof pulse - monster sounds, huge. v annoying to program from the front panel. not really mastered this one yet

yeah this needs a controller beside it to really shine. i have the kiwitechnics PE which opens this thing right up. i got mine mega cheap from someone who clearly gave up trying to program it.

föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Tuesday, 18 February 2014 21:12 (ten years ago) link

aaaand I bought the Blofeld!

Gonna sell my K-Station.

DDD, Thursday, 20 February 2014 18:35 (ten years ago) link

wow that kiwitechnics thing looks great! want want want arghh

Crackle Box, Friday, 21 February 2014 23:43 (ten years ago) link

this is a dumb question well below the level of what everyone here is doing BUT ANYWAY: i have one of these http://www.atarimusic.net/featured-articles/retro-review-articles/271-yamaha-pss-680-retro-review, ostensibly a cheap beginners keyboard but with some surprising fm synthesis features, and even more surprisingly what seems to be fairly advanced fm synthesis hardware that can't be manipulated with the keyboard itself but can be using the midi in. i downloaded some software for that purpose but i get errors when i try to send my edited patches to the keyboard, perhaps because the software is like 15 years old. is there any general purpose software (for pc) that would do this job?

Merdeyeux, Saturday, 22 February 2014 20:34 (ten years ago) link

You tried that PSS Edit software, right?

Hmm... Did you try installing it in compability mode (assuming you're using Windows 7)?

If the PSS is able to work with SysEx commands you can maybe try a SysEx program but I don't know if editing SysEx files is possible without good results...

DDD, Saturday, 22 February 2014 21:59 (ten years ago) link

general purpose probably not, the only thing i could think of that deals with multiple types of synth sysex editing is midi quest which is notoriously unstable and very expensive for that. what is the editor you're using? also make sure the synth memory has any write protect settings set to off..


föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Saturday, 22 February 2014 22:03 (ten years ago) link

ya it's PSS Edit I've been using. I think the keyboard may be to blame, I noticed that while it initially saves my patches (the ones I make on the keyboard itself) to the banks they eventually disappear to be replaced by the default. Oh well. It still works as a MIDI controller, and has the interesting side effect of producing weird random sequences out of thin air when I use the pitch wheel. Ghost synth.

Merdeyeux, Sunday, 23 February 2014 17:13 (ten years ago) link

does the PSS use an internal battery?

DDD, Sunday, 23 February 2014 17:31 (ten years ago) link

oh, it has that option but I use mains power. Definitely something wrong with its storage though, the chord memory function doesn't work either. Never miiiiind.

Merdeyeux, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 18:26 (ten years ago) link

now that i finally got the midi in + audio out set up for my Volca Keys, i'm really happy with it. noticed something weird though...after i took an audio track of chords that i recorded with it and pitched it down an octave, there was a super unpleasant high frequency hum in there that made it unusable.

the original pitch version sounds just fine, although maybe there's something in it that's higher than i can hear?

festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 18:45 (ten years ago) link

oooh thanks! i'm sure that's it...i was definitely using a sound with a low cutoff and i wasn't entirely sure how to turn off the delay entirely. i guess you do that by turning the feedback all the way down? the manual says "FEEDBACK knob: This knob sets the amount of delay feedback as well as the mix level of
the effect and dry sounds."

festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 19:00 (ten years ago) link

The Blofeld is tons of fun... I don't have the Sampling License but there is a free Wavetable Editor for it and I've been transferring my Microbrute's waves to the Blo.. interesting, especially with the huge amount of options this synth has. Almost modular-esque.

DDD, Thursday, 27 February 2014 17:32 (ten years ago) link

i obtain microbrute

have spent last 20 minutes grooving on 'I feel love' sequence; went all 'patrick cowley remix' for a bit

if I only could, I'd make a meme with doge (haitch), Monday, 3 March 2014 14:52 (ten years ago) link

So we have a Moog Prodigy at our studio, and I LOVE the crazy filter modulation that I can get out of it. Is there ANY modern synth that can sound like that, or should I just start saving my bucks for my own Prodigy? Wondering if maybe the Novation Bass Station II can match it...

schwantz, Monday, 3 March 2014 16:57 (ten years ago) link

Everyone needs to have a Moog in their life once. Often copied, never matched.

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 18:41 (ten years ago) link

But what exactly do you mean with crazy filter modulation? Assigning the LFO to the filter cutoff and then setting the LFO speed so fast that it's audible and changing the sound?

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 18:48 (ten years ago) link

Every (good) analog synthesizer should be able to do that (like the Microbrute)

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 18:50 (ten years ago) link

No, I mean assigning something in the filter (Contour? Not sure exactly what is going on - or maybe it's modding an oscillator?) to the mod wheel, and riding it. It gets these crazy braaaps and squelches. When I try to do something similar with a software synth (I know, I know), it sounds all wimpy and lame.

schwantz, Monday, 3 March 2014 19:09 (ten years ago) link

Sorry, I think I was actually using the PITCH wheel to modify the second oscillator sync. I'll have to look more closely.

schwantz, Monday, 3 March 2014 19:12 (ten years ago) link

Yep.Like this:


schwantz, Monday, 3 March 2014 19:31 (ten years ago) link

Sounds like you can do it with the bass station 2 (needs 2 oscillators, so maybe not with the microbrute).

schwantz, Monday, 3 March 2014 19:37 (ten years ago) link

Sounds like something only a Moog could pull off well. However, both Microbrute and Bass Station II have the ability to distort the filter which should give you similar squelchy results.

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 20:45 (ten years ago) link

Looks like the bass station 2 allows you to oscillator sync, and then control the second oscillator pitch with the mod wheel, which is the sound I was looking for! Now to save my $$... Maybe I should just trade my Retina iPad Mini for one. Anyone want to do that trade?

schwantz, Monday, 3 March 2014 21:00 (ten years ago) link

Your post gave me two good reasons why I should own a Bass Station II.. now if I had one... hnnnnnnng (<- sound of Synth Desire)

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 21:22 (ten years ago) link

speaking of Synth Desire, can anyone tell me if the Oberheim OB-12 is any good?

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 21:25 (ten years ago) link

also should I get a foot pedal?

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 21:29 (ten years ago) link

i'd never even heard of one before! xpost

this patch is evolving (electricsound), Monday, 3 March 2014 21:29 (ten years ago) link

Yeah, the OB-12 has been widely decried by synth geeks because it's a VA synth made by Viscout, that Italian company that bought Oberheim and it had huge OS bugs when it was released. I don't care. It looks beautiful and has IMO one of the best interfaces I've seen. But - does it sound good and does it work well nowadays? Hmmmmmm?

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 21:35 (ten years ago) link


DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 21:36 (ten years ago) link

lucky it was the n and not the o

this patch is evolving (electricsound), Monday, 3 March 2014 22:02 (ten years ago) link


I think I'll pass on the OB-12 and save up for an used Mopho X4. Or maybe I'll buy a second AN1x (lol).

But I definitely want a foot pedal. I basically just want a MIDI expression pedal so I can use it as a second modulation wheel. Does anyone have recommendations?

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 22:11 (ten years ago) link

On the analog ones, can't you just plug them into a CV input?

I use the one from Moog with my Nord electro to act as a volume/wah-wah pedal: http://www.moogmusic.com/products/accessories/ep-3-expression-pedal

schwantz, Monday, 3 March 2014 22:13 (ten years ago) link

Yeah, I realized basically all expression pedals don't use MIDI but a CV/audio jack. So that's what I'm looking for.

Does the EP-3 also register/transmit subtle presses?

DDD, Monday, 3 March 2014 22:17 (ten years ago) link

Yep, and it has a scale knob so you can adjust how sensitive it is (though usually you get a similar thing on the digital side). I had one from Roland, but it was shittier, and died after a year or so (of not that much use).

schwantz, Tuesday, 4 March 2014 01:27 (ten years ago) link

That sounds great! BOUGHT

DDD, Tuesday, 4 March 2014 12:18 (ten years ago) link

worked out DAF 'der mussolini' sequence, then just played it endlessly doing gabi delgado impression. wonder what the neighbours think?

if I only could, I'd make a meme with doge (haitch), Thursday, 6 March 2014 06:01 (ten years ago) link

haha awesome

this patch is evolving (electricsound), Thursday, 6 March 2014 06:41 (ten years ago) link

Haaaaa, so good.

emil.y, Thursday, 6 March 2014 10:36 (ten years ago) link

Check out this Waldorf product announcement. Imagine if this thing would initiate a renaissance of string synthesizers... that would be GNARLY

DDD, Sunday, 9 March 2014 15:58 (ten years ago) link

Last sentence was gramatically incorrect, but I don't care. String synths.

DDD, Sunday, 9 March 2014 16:01 (ten years ago) link

BTW my Moog expression pedal arrived and, damn, it's huge (never had an expression pedal before) but awesome and helpful. THX schwantz!!!

DDD, Sunday, 9 March 2014 16:03 (ten years ago) link

i was interested until "bus powered"

prefect pussy (electricsound), Sunday, 9 March 2014 22:13 (ten years ago) link

Glad you like the pedal (x-post)! Just heading to the studio with my new Bass Station II! This thing sounds huge.

schwantz, Sunday, 9 March 2014 22:54 (ten years ago) link

Dis is cute


DDD, Monday, 10 March 2014 23:19 (ten years ago) link

So I played a bunch more with my Bass Station 2. Sounds incredible. Best synth for the money ($425 at GC), IMO. Two oscillators (plus subs , noise, ring mod, osc sync) and tons of routing options. The DCO aspect makes it a little less buttery-smooth than a real VCO synth, but it means I can store patches, etc. (and I imagine it makes all of the routing a bit easier). LOVING IT!

schwantz, Tuesday, 11 March 2014 17:05 (ten years ago) link

For those who care, here's a sound demo of the Streichfett:


DDD, Wednesday, 12 March 2014 14:45 (ten years ago) link

That ensemble setting sounds OK!

continually topping myself (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 12 March 2014 15:15 (ten years ago) link

I'm always looking for Solina substitutes and that thing sounds comparable from the demo

continually topping myself (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 12 March 2014 15:16 (ten years ago) link

THREAD, I need your opinions. I finally want to fulfill my Synth Dream of getting an analog polysynth. In the beginning of this thread I stated that my Dream Synth would be the Prophet 12... Well, I found out it uses digital/wavetable oscillators with an analog filter. I can pull that shit off with my Blofeld + Microbrute.
So now I'm still looking for a bread-and-butter analog polysynth. I don't care about sequencing, but about a nice sound and many modulation options. To cut a long story short, I want a Prophet 08. The sound demos have convinced me, but there are other alternatives out there. And since I actually trust you more than the people on, let's say, Gearslutz, I ask thou: Does/Did someone own the Prophet 08 and is it actually WORTH IT? Or should I go for the Vermona PerFOURmer? Or the Elektron Analog Four?

DDD, Friday, 14 March 2014 11:08 (ten years ago) link

Just for reference: An used Prophet 08 rack costs less than the Per4mer/Analog 4 in new condition where I live

DDD, Friday, 14 March 2014 11:09 (ten years ago) link

The Analog Four is a fantastic little machine, but it's not what you want if, as you say, bread-and-butter polysynth sounds are what you're after. Would you prefer for all of the parameters to be accessible from the front panel? If so, go for the P08 or look for a Juno-106.

Vast Halo, Friday, 14 March 2014 21:05 (ten years ago) link

the 08 is definitely the best of those three choices. i kinda expected to be really impressed by the vermona but was not

pizzagogo (electricsound), Friday, 14 March 2014 21:26 (ten years ago) link

"definitely" ha. i mean imo

pizzagogo (electricsound), Friday, 14 March 2014 21:26 (ten years ago) link

The latter day DSI synths have lousy sounding filters, drifty knobs and are of limited use. I use a P08 all the time and I hate it. Preferable to the P08 imo is the Tetra; cheaper, poly-timbral, and features sequencers. I have never tried a Prophet 12 but Caribou Dan got one and doesn't like it at all.

My dream is for a mini Korg PS-3100 but I doubt it will ever happen :(

If you're planning on touring your new synth I'd really recommend sticking with virtual analog. If not, I'd get a 106

continually topping myself (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 15 March 2014 00:12 (ten years ago) link

it seems like a bit of a wasteland for truly great polys out there right now. i'd almost reckon it would be worth waiting for a v5 mks80 rack

pizzagogo (electricsound), Saturday, 15 March 2014 00:18 (ten years ago) link

Thank you for all your opinions. To clarify: I definitely prefer knobby/slidery over slick synths because you can have this beautiful workflow on them. Like, you just fuck around with the knobs, and voila - new patch. Every synthesizer should be like that. That's also why I was eyeing on the P8 and not the Tetra because the Tetra's interface looks like a nightmare compared to the P8. But since the P8 is apparently lame for its price I might as well look out for other alternatives.
The Juno-106 looks like a nice candidate but I can easily imagine reaching the limits of its sound engine. I know I said "bread and butter" but the Juno seems to be like a dry pumpernickel with rancid spread fat. I know limitations can fuel your creativity but I should mention that I'm using these instruments in a home studio/sound design setting so I am also open to more adventurous/fragile instruments. I can use my An1x/Blofeld live (when they don't glitch out). Also a Juno-106 costs around the same as an used P8 rack.
Sigh. It sucks that synth companies keep churning out monosynth after monosynth yet I have to make these stupid compromises when it comes to the grim world of analog polysynths. Maybe my Synth Dream needs to stay just that, a dream. Maybe I need to lower my standards - maybe I need to concentrate more on cool vintage monosynths and less on lame modern analog polysynths. Someone around me is selling a Roland SH2000 for 500 bucks and I'm starting to like these weird old preset synth sounds.


DDD, Saturday, 15 March 2014 18:39 (ten years ago) link

Oh, I mean the Tetra keyboard version, which is almost exactly the same as the P08, interface-wise. Same dull filters, those things don't put out any sound above 2kHz, but the multi-timbrality, light-weight, and sequencing options make it preferable to the P08; unless you're looking to use it like an "analog piano" like James Blake does. Say whatever about Mr. Blake, he makes his P08 sound good

The good thing about the DSI synths is the four internal LFOs, it's pretty easy to get CS-80-like sounds with some creative detuning and wobbling. And the other modulation sources can be patched anywhere, which offers considerably more performance options than the Juno/Jupiter series.

I didn't know 106s cost the same as used P8 racks, that is weird to me; did the P8s go down or the 106s go down? I bought three 106s between 2006 and 2008 and they were in the $600-800 price range

continually topping myself (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 15 March 2014 18:55 (ten years ago) link

Used Prophet 8 rack (classified ad): 1050 €
Juno-106 (Buy Now on Ebay): 1100 €. But that's a classic case of Buy Now Prize Syndrome. When they are auctioned the price goes to 600 - 700 €. That's roughly 900-1000 $. So Junos actually went up if anything. Maybe it's like that because I'm in Europe. It's crazy and also a bit stupid.

And when I think about it I'll also skip the SH-2000, even though I'm a sucker for camp stuff (it has a Popcorn preset!)

DDD, Saturday, 15 March 2014 19:14 (ten years ago) link

But I think I mixed up the Ebay auction prices of the Juno-60 and the Juno-106, so let's say 500-700 €.

DDD, Saturday, 15 March 2014 19:22 (ten years ago) link

Oh, wow, just as I posted this I saw a classified ad selling a SH-2000 (with the Moog filter copy) for only 300 €. Now I'm torn.

DDD, Saturday, 15 March 2014 19:29 (ten years ago) link

It's official: My newest synth is neither a modern modulation masterpiece nor a cult classic of polyphonic beauty, but a monophonic preset home organ with presets such as "Popcorn", "Frogman" and "Funny Cat", essentially the Juno of the 70's. Can't be that bad for 290 €, right?

DDD, Saturday, 15 March 2014 19:38 (ten years ago) link

For all the DIY synth fans out there: Check out this Arp 2600 clone kit - shipping is unfortunately on hold right now though.

DDD, Wednesday, 26 March 2014 21:15 (ten years ago) link

Say whatever about Mr. Blake, he makes his P08 sound good

for real, he knows that thing inside and out.

festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 26 March 2014 21:18 (ten years ago) link

shipping is unfortunately on hold right now though.

sample & hold?

an office job is as secure as a Weetabix padlock (snoball), Wednesday, 26 March 2014 21:29 (ten years ago) link


In other unrelated news, I'm selling my SH-2000 right now. Yep. After living with it for a few weeks I realized I actually hate it. Too much camp, not enough usefulness. Too performance-oriented (that's why I compared it to the Juno earlier) and not enough tweakability. Too much synthesized tuba. Not even the Moog filter copy could save it, although I liked the "Electric Bass" preset. This relationship is over. I think I'll just buy a Novation UltraNova.

DDD, Wednesday, 26 March 2014 22:08 (ten years ago) link

a local electro band here makes heavy use of that sh2k preset on their records. it is a nice sound.

drum machines have no asshole (electricsound), Wednesday, 26 March 2014 22:20 (ten years ago) link

Yes, it's a blissful bass. I'm even using it for the bassline of a song I'm currently working on. My "making tracks with synths" philosophy: Even if your newest synth acquisition turns out to be a dud, you should still try to use it for a part in your composition. Don't waste important oscillators.

DDD, Wednesday, 26 March 2014 22:37 (ten years ago) link


DDD, Wednesday, 26 March 2014 22:48 (ten years ago) link

I've had an SH-2000 for years and really like it for some stuff - I make heavy use of bass, cello, basically most in that row, presets but use some others - and I always use pedals - it's great with delay, octave, chorus (not nec at the same time). That's for loud weird rock band stuff though, maybe not what you're into making.

obliquity of the ecliptic (rrrobyn), Thursday, 27 March 2014 02:26 (ten years ago) link

I definitely wouldn't mind one of those but I'm in no position to be throwing away any more money on music gear right now :/

coops all on coops tbh (crüt), Thursday, 27 March 2014 05:06 (ten years ago) link

Yeah, the Roland SH-2000's presets have this classic 70's sound ("French Horn" with slow chorus through a tube amp sounds magical), which isn't a bad thing, just not my cup of tea. Some of the other presets remind me of 70's children's TV shows! Nice but not my cup of tea either. If you're in Europe and interested in buying one, let me know.

DDD, Thursday, 27 March 2014 11:27 (ten years ago) link

Okay.. Actually, I just fell in love with the SH-2000. I was fucking around with the settings until I found out that when you tweak the "Tuba" preset enough, you can get a truly PHAT (yeah, I know) bass sound. Even better than the "Electric Bass" preset. Not selling anymore.

DDD, Saturday, 29 March 2014 16:49 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...

For all the Kraftwerk fans out there: People are saying that Kraftwerk or Kling Klang Studios are selling their gear on Ebay right now. I don't know whether that's true or not since the Ebay seller says they're closing the studio - and I haven't heard about Kling Klang closing their doors. Would suck, though. But still, lots of interesting (East German and Soviet) stuff on there.

DDD, Wednesday, 16 April 2014 13:30 (ten years ago) link

Just clicked through the auctions and almost all of them have a pic of the Elektro Müller sign - so yeah, it's Kraftwerk-affiliated.

DDD, Wednesday, 16 April 2014 13:37 (ten years ago) link

buying an RS-202 for cheap tomorrow.

smhphony orchestra (crüt), Friday, 25 April 2014 21:44 (ten years ago) link

Sweet, some nice string action! Nobody can deny a fine string machine.

Speaking of new purchases, I kept my Synth Dream alive and actually bought an analog polysynth - an Ensoniq ESQ-1. Okay, not completely analog, it has digital oscillators and an analog filter. So it's more like a hybrid, just like the Juno-106. But I prefer the Ensoniq's sound and it also has more modulation options. So yeah, ESQ-1.

DDD, Friday, 25 April 2014 22:12 (ten years ago) link

That was the first keyboard I ever had! Bought with my own money in high school. I thought it sounded crappy at the time, compared to fancier synths, but it was all I could afford, and it had a sweet (for the time) little sequencer too.

schwantz, Friday, 25 April 2014 23:23 (ten years ago) link

(BTW not saying it actually SOUNDS crappy, just that I was lusting after Fairlights and Emulator 3s and shit back in high school!)

schwantz, Friday, 25 April 2014 23:24 (ten years ago) link

bought an alpha juno 1 last week - it's like the 'one lady owner' of polysynths, the woman i bought it from has had it since she was six! but mostly playing with microbrute this week. waiting for the programmer to turn up before I go deep into the JU1.

crucially it still has the 'what the?' patch in the user memory, aka the base for the hoover of 'dominator', 'charly', 'mentasm' fame. I basically plan on a full bank of hoover variations.

dong draper (haitch), Saturday, 26 April 2014 03:20 (ten years ago) link

no sequencer or arp, but I gotta learn to play better/properly anyways.

dong draper (haitch), Saturday, 26 April 2014 03:23 (ten years ago) link

Can I just say

I love the Juno 1, light and durable and sounds kind of hilariously good. Love the weird six-stage envelope. Not hard to program once you get used to it. I don't recommend a PG-300 (the programmer) unless you really, really need to have your fingers on the frequency knob at all times. Try the software editor first until you figure out what does what, then learn how to use the wheel

"got ye!" (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 26 April 2014 04:14 (ten years ago) link

schwantz, I can understand that if you want a good workstation, the Ensoniq ESQ-1 could be a bit of a disappointment. It's a kind of clumsy attempt to be a budget workstation (right when workstations became a thing), but to me it's also a synth that is unique, gritty yet beautiful at the same time.

As for the Alpha Juno interface... man, the DX7 truly brought in the dark age of synthesizer interfaces. And actually paying money so you can program the synth more easily is a bit scummy. At least it sounds cool. And it's funny how the DX7 gets famous for its "clean" piano sound while the AJ hoovers around in a Gabber nightclub.

DDD, Saturday, 26 April 2014 10:38 (ten years ago) link

Forgot to mention: I sold my SH-2000.

DDD, Saturday, 26 April 2014 18:19 (ten years ago) link

crucially it still has the 'what the?' patch in the user memory, aka the base for the hoover of 'dominator', 'charly', 'mentasm' fame. I basically plan on a full bank of hoover variations.

First thing I checked when I got mine two months ago for $85 from a pawn shop. Thinking about getting a BCR2000 for it as I can't get the Alpha Juno Control app to work. Maybe I can try to sysex something from my 106 if possible.

BTW, this guy did a dead-on hoover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FYfRSTvspk
The parameters are listed in the video's description.

naus, Saturday, 26 April 2014 20:52 (ten years ago) link

goon tie, my eyesight is not great to be honest so the less I am peering at the screen the better!

plus you must admit this video is quite seductive: http://youtu.be/Oll0NYC1PpY

dong draper (haitch), Monday, 28 April 2014 05:05 (ten years ago) link

I remember the look on the Craigslist guy's face when I handed over $300 for a PG-300, at the time I thought it was "a bittersweet parting with a beloved object".

Six months later I'm in the carpool parking lot, selling the PG-300 to a new Craigslist sucker, $300, and I know the bittersweetness was a chump recognizing a chump

"got ye!" (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 28 April 2014 13:34 (ten years ago) link

It is awkward and large and somewhat unreliable and requires its own wall wart AC and a MIDI hookup. Fantasies of playing live evaporate in minutes. Even when I still had it lying around I had switched to using one of the virtual PG-300s that are available for download, where you can edit the patch names with your computer keyboard instead of dialling the new names in character-by-character. If you want dials and knobs you can program an Akai MPK or equivalent to act as a controller in less than an hour.

"got ye!" (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 28 April 2014 13:38 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...

Bumping this thread because I just ordered a Volca Keys + Volca Beats.

Question -- I have a USB MIDI controller that I want to use to control the Volca keys and I want to sync both of them with each other and with my laptop (running Reaper) and to output audio through my interface. I was thinking I could plug the keyboard into my computer via USB, then run a MIDI cable out from my audio interface to one of the Volcas, then from the sync out of the first Volca to the sync in of the 2nd, and from the audio out of (one or both?) Volcas into my interface. Would that work?

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Friday, 13 June 2014 18:20 (ten years ago) link

I guess your USB MIDI controller doesn't have a MIDI out in addition to the USB output?

Yarli Simon (rattled), Friday, 13 June 2014 19:06 (ten years ago) link

No, it's an Akai LPK25, it just has mini-USB out. I might get something nicer in a bit, but what can I do for the time being? Is there no way to make Reaper send a clock sync and also the MIDI messages from my controller out of my audio interface's MIDI out to the Volca?

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Friday, 13 June 2014 22:08 (ten years ago) link

See, 'cause I was going to suggest going from your controller's MIDI-out into your Volca's MIDI-thru and thereby simplifying things for you a bit. At this point I can't help myself from mentioning the Rube Goldbergian aspect of your proposed set-up. I'm thinking there's got to be a better way than what you described, but my MIDI knowledge/experience is hardly expert-level. Good luck is all I offer at this point.

Yarli Simon (rattled), Friday, 13 June 2014 22:58 (ten years ago) link

I was thinking about going USB-to-MIDI from the Akai to the synth but the Akai is powered via USB so that wouldn't work, and also I'm not sure how I'd sync the devices to the computer in that case.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Friday, 13 June 2014 23:53 (ten years ago) link

I think your original set-up might work. But don't you have an old keyboard that has MIDI out or something? It might simplify things a bit.

DDD, Saturday, 14 June 2014 10:29 (ten years ago) link

Hm, yeah I actually do, it's just kind of big and unwieldy for my workspace.

But let's say I do go straight MIDI out from one keyboard or another, I'm still wondering how I'd sync everything to my computer's clock, like if I've got other things playing on the computer. Or is that not possible?

And since the Volca keys is polyphonic, would it be possible to have some notes being triggered by the computer, and also trigger notes on top of that with a keyboard? Maybe with some kind of MIDI box?

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Saturday, 14 June 2014 14:25 (ten years ago) link

So a simple keyboard is unwieldy but lots of cables going from/to your computer & interface aren't? Just get a Korg microKONTROL or something.

You can use MIDI quantization in your music editing program to sync MIDI messages to the computer clock.

A instrument that has MIDI-in capabilties should be able to recieve MIDI messages from two sources (computer and the Volca Keys keyboard)

DDD, Saturday, 14 June 2014 19:20 (ten years ago) link

The cables can be managed but the keyboard I have is too large for my space and I wouldn't want to take it to shows. The Korg micoKontrol looks like it only has USB like my Akai, so I don't see what it would offer me.

I guess I'll have to do some experimenting when these things show up.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Sunday, 15 June 2014 18:25 (ten years ago) link

Woops, didn't know the Kontrol doesn't have MIDI out! I'm sure there has to be a similarily small-ish MIDI controller.

DDD, Sunday, 15 June 2014 19:12 (ten years ago) link

I run a Arturia Keyboard to my laptop via USB, then midi out from my interface to Korg Monotribe, then sync out from monotribe ( which converts midi clock from Ableton) into Volca Beats, then Volca Beats sync out into my modular.

and audio from all three into my interface ( with modular using a stereo in).

not sure its tight enough for a professional recording but it works.

however, I've just bought a iconectivity mio for £25 so I could run two midi connections and control both Korgs

it'll allow me to run sequences to them both via Ableton.

my opinionation (Hamildan), Thursday, 19 June 2014 19:56 (ten years ago) link

Volca thoughts so far:

Still getting the hang of using these things and figuring out a good workflow with them, but I'm having lots of fun with them already.

So this was discussed upthread, although I managed to miss it, so to reiterate, audio output from the Volcas should use an 1/8" stereo to dual 1/4" mono cable. But there's no actual stereo going on, so leaving one of the 1/4" leads unplugged doesn't seem to matter unless you hate dangling cables.

Controlling the Keys with my MIDI controller is easy enough: keyboard -> computer via USB, audio interface (Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 in my case) -> Volca via MIDI. Then I make one track in Reaper with my MIDI controller as input and the Scarlett as a MIDI output, and another track with the Volca's audio out as the input.

But sending clock sync from my computer to the Keys, as opposed to just notes, seems to be of limited use, unless I'm missing something. If I send clock with "step trigger" off, the Keys will trigger my notes at the right time but the notes will only sustain for a 16th note value, even though my MIDI notes are sustaining and sustain is turned up etc. If I turn "step trigger" on, they will re-trigger on each 16th note for the whole time they should be sustaining.

The Keys is mostly working like a charm though. Not sure if I'll have much use for the built-in delay, but I've gotten some neat sounds already by sending it through my Corona Chorus pedal.

I'm having some trouble getting the beats to sync with my DAW properly though. It seems to basically work, I'll hit play in Reaper and the Beats will play, but it won't be on the right beat and it'll be slightly late like there's some latency. I might be missing something. I also wasn't able to get it to respond to my MIDI controller. I found the MIDI spec on Korg's site so maybe later I'll be able to make sense of that. This snare mod for the Beats seems intriguing too.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Saturday, 21 June 2014 16:52 (ten years ago) link

anybody seen this yet?


thinking of going this sat in la

Crackle Box, Thursday, 26 June 2014 04:44 (ten years ago) link

i'm kinda interested but i have been 100% cured of all modular desires which dulls the interest a little. looks well made by all accounts

bill nye mouth (electricsound), Thursday, 26 June 2014 05:01 (ten years ago) link

I really enjoyed it and it made me wanna get a system 700!!

sideshow boob (haitch), Thursday, 26 June 2014 05:40 (ten years ago) link

nobody needs to justify wanting a system 700

bill nye mouth (electricsound), Thursday, 26 June 2014 05:44 (ten years ago) link

just looming there looking all knobby

old sound on sound review says doepfer used to sell eurorack s700 clone package - sounded spendy, but

sideshow boob (haitch), Thursday, 26 June 2014 05:56 (ten years ago) link

"I Dream of Wires" -- Documentary on the Modular Synth

Milton Parker, Thursday, 26 June 2014 17:54 (ten years ago) link

i find it very comforting to have zero interest in modular synths.

festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 26 June 2014 17:55 (ten years ago) link

that lack of interest will save you money, that is for sure

in related news, was in Austin last weekend and visited Switched-On, and the vintage keyboards they had available to play in the showroom there pretty much blew my mind. Prophet T-8, two Putneys, a Fairlight Mark I, all kinds of generic but absolutely beautiful 70's piano/clav workhorses (Roedelius-land), and a hefty Makenoise / Euro rack. It was very educational. And the guys have a service where they let you track in there using anything in the showroom for $25 an hour, which is remarkable.


Milton Parker, Thursday, 26 June 2014 18:00 (ten years ago) link

three weeks pass...

My monotron has died. Just stopped working. I have another but I can't get the output to work - is it worth taking the working one apart to see if there's a loose connection or something? Bearing in mind I haven't soldered since I was at school.

emil.y, Sunday, 20 July 2014 17:11 (ten years ago) link

poor monotron :(. i'm pretty sure the sound of mine has changed, maybe it too is on its way out...

Merdeyeux, Monday, 21 July 2014 14:31 (ten years ago) link

guys can we do drum machines in this thread or are they not synthy enuff

heads, shoulders, Pyrenees and toes (haitch), Wednesday, 23 July 2014 03:43 (ten years ago) link

fine w/ me

doodle cock-up (electricsound), Wednesday, 23 July 2014 03:54 (ten years ago) link

ok, good! got roland TR-8 a couple days ago.

- sounds are good. dat modded 808 kick, bewwwwwwwww.
- does indeed have the promised 'analogue' variance in the sound, without being like obvious gross fakery.
- sequencing is exactly what you'd expect.
- the onboard delay and reverb are... pretty dece! also got several varieties of each to suit yer taste.
- sidechaining of external audio feature is pretty sweet - get that throbbing sound on the beat. probably easy for you DAW types, but still!
- not a metal enclosure, but the knobs and faders are top notch, it's really well built.

- the manual is hilariously useless. didn't roland used to write good manuals?
- each pattern has an A and B variation, you can use either one, or both for a 32-step pattern - but can't copy from A to B or vice versa. so dumb! they'd have to be rectifying this in the update.
- 'scatter' mostly lollllllll. although a couple of options are ok as variation if you were performing live at lighter depth settings - there's a nice distortion mode and a reverse beat one.
- I guess more advanced users will want 'parameter locks' and what have you - think the full MIDI implementation is out there now (also missing from the manual!) so that stuff could be handled by the DAW set.
- could probably do with ability to make the green highilghts another colour. you can change the sequencer button colours apaz, I haven't yet.

ANTACID TRAX (haitch), Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:09 (ten years ago) link

didn't roland used to write good manuals?

i've not read it but i'm led to understand the original 303 manual was vaguely baffling

doodle cock-up (electricsound), Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:52 (ten years ago) link

I missed this thread even though I started this board!

In reference to Juno-106 - great entry level synth. Start here and end here if you plan to own house or children. Only issue is that the oscillators like to burn out, and replacing them involves ordering chips and soldering.

That's not true. For years the problem was one of the voices would go all crackly and the initial response was swapping them out for clones. I did that when my first voice chip went and was satisfied with the result. Then a year or two later another voice went. At that point there was new research. What was happening was that the chips were coated with some kind of plastic which was melting over the years, and that would short them out. Somebody discovered if you remove the chip, soak it in acetone or something to dissolver the coating, and put it back in, it was good as new! Think about all those chips people probably trashed thinking they were bad. So I had like two more dying voice chips and found a guy on eBay and sent him my entire motherboard. He removed all the voice chips, soaked them, put them back, tuned and calibrated it and sent it back, and it hasn't given me a problem since.

In any case, I love my 106. It never sounds bad to me, but I find myself focusing on a few basic types of sounds. It has it's limitations, but it just has such a nice sound to me, a lot of my tracks are built out of 106.

I also have a Juno 1 which I bought because I wanted a controller and figured I could spend 50 to 150 bucks on a midi controller that didn't make any noise, or spend 125 (the going rate at the time) on an alpha juno. I love it. Got a javascript app sysex programmer thingy that makes editing it nice and quick. Have never seen a pg-300 for reasonable price. I think about buying the Kiwitechnics Patch Editor, which looks great, but costs more than the Juno. If I ever own a few more synths that it works with,maybe then it'd be a good buy.

I also have an Arp 2600 that I use a lot but it's very broken. Finally thought about sending it to CMS for their repairs and some of the basic upgrades, didn't hear back from them until he wrote to apologize and say he was busy on Pete Townshend's Arp. By that point I decided I could not afford to fix it, but one day.

Recently bought an Arturia Beatstep to control the Arp. A whole lot cheaper than an Arp Sequencer.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 04:31 (ten years ago) link

Also if you haven't seen this....


it's pretty cool.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 04:33 (ten years ago) link

I think about buying the Kiwitechnics Patch Editor, which looks great, but costs more than the Juno. If I ever own a few more synths that it works with,maybe then it'd be a good buy.

i have it, and it really is great, but also i have (i think) 7 synths it can control so it is worth it. one of them being the mks-80, the controller of which is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

doodle cock-up (electricsound), Wednesday, 30 July 2014 04:43 (ten years ago) link

two months pass...

Izotope Iris looks amazing, like what I've always wanted. Anyone messed around with it?

(not gonna lie, I checked it out after reading that Arca interview)

festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 1 October 2014 14:39 (ten years ago) link

i sprung for it, it's pretty amazing what it's capable of and how easy it is to use, and it's even easier to spend an hour drawing pictures and fiddling with sounds. not sure yet if it will result in usable sounds for the kind of records i want to make.

festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 6 October 2014 20:50 (ten years ago) link

also i've been having a lot of fun w/my pocket piano (Critter & Guitari). getting a little sick of the sound, but the next thing i want to try is running midi out to record crazy arpeggio patterns, then using that to drive a sample-based soft synth.

festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 7 October 2014 18:07 (ten years ago) link

Iris is a lot of fun, very good for textural and sound design-y stuff. I can see with a bit of application you could makes some more musical or melodic noises, but I haven't really tried yet.

MaresNest, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 19:16 (ten years ago) link

that's my experience so far, it would be amazing if you were scoring a horror movie or just need some background noise. i'm hoping to get some nice glassy organ-like sounds out of the right sample though.

even if i never use the crazy spectral manipulation functions, it still works as a sampler plugin and i was in need of one (since i don't use Ableton or Kontakt).

festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 7 October 2014 20:27 (ten years ago) link

Does anyone know of any good tutorials for Korg Gadget for my friend who just purchased it as his first music production tool?

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Wednesday, 8 October 2014 15:11 (ten years ago) link

Also any thoughts on the Oberheim Matrix 6? I see it mentioned a few times way up thread. There's one that just arrived at the music shop down the street, listed for $600. I looked at and was turned off at first by the interface, but researched some more and was thinking I should grab it.

I was in the store today ready to buy it and figured I had to test all the functionality first. I played every key, messed with the levers, browsed the presets, tweaked some patches, and everything seemed in order. But when I plugged into the right audio output, there was no sound except scratchiness when adjusting the volume slider what seemed like faint crosstalk from the left channel. And the store didn't have any way for me to check the headphone out, pedal jacks, or MIDI functions. So I guess I should go back there with headphones, my laptop, a sustain pedal, and an audio interface and make sure all that shit works? Maybe if the headphone out is fine then it's not a big deal that the right output doesn't, assuming they can come down a little on price? And how should I check out the MIDI stuff -- I've heard this thing requires particular software to program and sequence.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Saturday, 11 October 2014 20:10 (ten years ago) link

No special software to sequence, same as any midi synth. For programming there are sysex programs you can find, probably more than most other synths because the architecture is the same as the matrix 1000 which doesn't have any ability to program without the software.

dan selzer, Saturday, 11 October 2014 22:59 (ten years ago) link


hardware version too, if you prefer that sort of thing

initials creaky BB (haitch), Friday, 17 October 2014 00:04 (ten years ago) link


how badass does this look??

initials creaky BB (haitch), Friday, 17 October 2014 00:07 (ten years ago) link

access matrix would be a lot more useful if the mod matrix was accessible but sadly not - i think unless you were mad collectro it would be a pretty disappointing experience vs some of the p good software editors

mit iodine (electricsound), Friday, 17 October 2014 00:15 (ten years ago) link

There's also this slightly expensive but totally awesome editor:


I can't justify buying it just for my Alpha Juno, (and hope to use an iPad app instead if I ever get one of those), but if I had a few of those synths maybe I would. They also have this crazy 106 upgrade that ads all kinds of features.

I think it's great when people hack these old synths. I have a broken Prophet 600 that I've been waiting to get fixed for years, and I'm glad I waited because someone came up with new software that apparently makes it a ton better.

dan selzer, Friday, 17 October 2014 02:37 (ten years ago) link

oh yeah, I see me talking about the Kiwi editor just a page or two up there. sorry.

dan selzer, Friday, 17 October 2014 02:37 (ten years ago) link

haha i probably did too. PE is ace

mit iodine (electricsound), Friday, 17 October 2014 03:00 (ten years ago) link

I have the 6R. Love it. i use a now no-longer-updated iPad editor for it.

Acid Hose (Capitaine Jay Vee), Friday, 17 October 2014 09:08 (ten years ago) link

I am curious how many people who have somewhat involved synth/electronic live setups use a laptop at shows, why/why not, and what do you use if not?

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 00:23 (ten years ago) link

i hate having a laptop onstage for a litany of reasons, mostly associated with experiencing countless fuckups back in the days when i did.

i have an mpc1000 for all my drum sounds & sequencing now

mit iodine (electricsound), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 00:30 (ten years ago) link

I would be curious to hear about how exactly you use the MPC. I'm kind of ignorant about non-software-based workflows.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 03:24 (ten years ago) link

i'm p much just using it as a "dumb" midi sequence playback machine (i create the sequences in pro tools then export em) plus programming the drum patterns directly into it, really only using a tiny tiny fraction of what it's capable of. it's super reliable and really quick to get set up at shows/rehearsals..

mit iodine (electricsound), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 03:36 (ten years ago) link

Ok, so if you'll bear with the stupid questions: you have a synth/multiple synths on stage with MIDI in/MIDI through, and you sequence the synth parts for your whole set ahead of time and load those onto the MPC along with your drum patterns and basically hit play? Is that about right?

How do you get the MIDI data from PT -> MPC?

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 03:44 (ten years ago) link

1st q: yes exactly, then i am free to sing and sweep the filters

the mpc can be mounted as an external drive so the .mid files can be dragged straight in and are recognised by the mpc

mit iodine (electricsound), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 04:19 (ten years ago) link

*via usb

mit iodine (electricsound), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 04:19 (ten years ago) link

I use an MPC 1000 at the start of all my tracks. I love it. It's limitations, compared to computer, help keep it simple, and halfway through or near the end I usually transfer things into the computer for more editing and processing.

It has a compact flash card that can be used instead of the USB.

You can use the MPC in a more performative way in a bunch of different ways. You can have multiple sequence patterns and each pattern is assigned to one of 16 pads...with 4 banks of the 16, and trigger a new sequence with the pad. Or you can have a sequence with 16 (of 32, 48 or 64) tracks and use the pads to mute/unmute tracks. Kind of a simplified way that people use Live with various controllers these days.

Meanwhile the MPC has two MIDI outs, so you've got 32 channels running out of 2 cables to control synths with sequencing, but it also is a sampler and can be playing drum sounds, samples or entire measures of recorded bits, coming out of 2 stereo or 4 mono outputs.

Just for starters.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 28 October 2014 04:39 (ten years ago) link

Very cool, I appreciate all the info.

Right now I'm bouncing backing tracks as audio with synths (minus solos) and drum machines, laying all of those out in Reaper with tempo changes and a click track synced up and transition samples in between songs, and sending that from my laptop through a Focusrite 6i6 to the house and the drummer (the drummer gets the track plus a click). I strum guitar and sing, another vocalist harmonizes, the drummer plays an acoustic kit, and for the solos I play an Arturia controller + TAL U-NO-LX on my laptop with patches saved for each song.

I haven't had problems with that setup, but I've been wondering if there's a better way. I kind of wish it were more "live," but I'm thinking sequencing everything with an MPC wouldn't be much different. I did find an MPC2000 for sale on craigslist for $200, and I'm tempted. Although if I were to pick it up, I'd still have to straight up play backing tracks for the synths the way I am now, because all I have for a hardware synth is the Volca keys, which wouldn't cut it. Still looking at that Matrix 6 though...

I think the bottom line might be if I want to do more stuff live without getting super clever with looping/live-sampling, which would be awkward since my songs are pretty much verse-chorus and not really loop-based, I'm going to need another bandmate to take over either guitars or synths. Still not sure if it's worth it to ditch the computer for an MPC though. I guess I'd have one less piece of gear to carry, since taking the computer means taking the audio interface too.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 16:07 (ten years ago) link

on stage i use an SP404-SX running into a Korg Kaoss Quad into a mixer, and live drums. i basically have full tracks or edits thereof assigned to the pads, along with one-shot samples that i can add over the top. no syncing, i just use the tap tempo for quantized effects.

i love not having a laptop on stage b/c i feel like everybody in the world runs Ableton or Traktor, and also i do not own a laptop. it's also super simple and reliable.

on the other hand, it would be really nice to have the freedom to vary track lengths & structure on the fly, and to have more flexibility with effects (i wish the Kaoss Pad Quad had a triplet division!). it just never seems worth it to invest in a computer + soundcard + controller, especially since i'm a little burnt out on playing shows right now.

festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 28 October 2014 16:39 (ten years ago) link

three weeks pass...

So I ended up buying the Matrix 6 a couple of weeks ago after finding the manual and realizing the right output wasn't broken, it just only sends a signal when stereo is enabled in the master edit and you're in split mode.

BUT, I got it home and realized the aftertouch doesn't work (unless I plug my Arturia controller into it, in which case it responds to aftertouch just fine). It also has some very occasional crackling on the output (but not in any specific voice), so I got some Deoxit and I was planning to open it up and have a look.

Does anyone have any ideas what I might be looking for with the aftertouch? I looked through the manual and the service manual but didn't see much that seemed useful.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 03:50 (ten years ago) link

assisted esoj in build of MS-20 kit on the weekend, what a wacky beast. there's some hilarious patches both in the supplied guide and on the internets - weird fake duophonic stuff, buchla-esque sample+hold craziness... electric bass w/ upwards string bend thru the momentary button was probably funniest.

electric sack butt (haitch), Monday, 24 November 2014 23:37 (ten years ago) link

we misinterpreted the dang instructions slightly (they really could be a little clearer in this regard) and had to do open it up again last night but now it is all sorted. i love it though, probably the most immediately fun synth i've played since my poor broken prophet 5

don't ask me why i posted this (electricsound), Monday, 24 November 2014 23:44 (ten years ago) link

the automatic octave bass sequence thing is hell of fun

don't ask me why i posted this (electricsound), Monday, 24 November 2014 23:47 (ten years ago) link

must admit I'm scoping out minis on ebay. might get one with the tote bag!

electric sack butt (haitch), Monday, 24 November 2014 23:50 (ten years ago) link

have you sung into the ESP yet, that looks pretty hilaire on the videos

electric sack butt (haitch), Monday, 24 November 2014 23:52 (ten years ago) link

no i will try

don't ask me why i posted this (electricsound), Tuesday, 25 November 2014 00:19 (ten years ago) link

So I opened up the Matrix 6 and found that the aftertouch strip was sitting upside down and in the wrong place, shoved under the lip of the case, so it wasn't being contacted by the keybed at all. I seated it properly and closed up the synth, but then aftertouch only worked for the lower half of the keyboard. Then I resoldered the joint halfway down the aftertouch strip and now it works for the whole keyboard.

Incidentally, I also stumbled on a trick to use a few MIDI controller knobs/sliders to control the Matrix in realtime. I think I've read murmurings about this before but not really the full story. Basically you can tell the Matrix what CC number to assign to pedal 1 and 2 and lever 2 and 3, and assign it the same CC as your controller sends, and then program a patch where those things are modulating whatever you want. Here I set up these sliders to control the filter cutoff, amp envelope attack and release, and resonance.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Friday, 28 November 2014 03:31 (ten years ago) link

spent last night riffing on human league 'last man on earth' on the MS-20 mini with the mood lighting on, ooooooh yeah. thunderstorm patch added atmosphere on that one.

electric sack butt (haitch), Tuesday, 2 December 2014 00:25 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...


nice 'my first buchla' vibe around this.

bloke messiah (haitch), Thursday, 18 December 2014 23:52 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...

got a microbrute. so far my method of finding my way around it has been twisting knobs while playing the 'i feel love' sequence into eternity.

Merdeyeux, Friday, 2 January 2015 23:04 (ten years ago) link

as good a method as any other

don't ask me why i posted this (electricsound), Friday, 2 January 2015 23:16 (ten years ago) link

was basically my method

bloke messiah (haitch), Friday, 2 January 2015 23:48 (ten years ago) link

while playing the 'i feel love' sequence into eternity.

...from here to eternity?

I got a Bass Station II btw, love that guy

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Saturday, 3 January 2015 15:26 (ten years ago) link

any tips on how i can control the filter cutoff on my Volca Keys using midi? i'm sending the notes in with midi, but i want to have a pulsing cutoff and doing it manually is too touchy. pretty sure this is possible but i have no idea how. is it just a matter of finding the right parameter and drawing in the automation on my midi out channel in the DAW?

virtuoso thigh slapper (Jordan), Monday, 5 January 2015 15:30 (ten years ago) link

I don't own a Volca keys but out of curiosity about the synth I did a search for "volca keys MIDI implementation" and it returned this doc


CC 44 should do it

fgti, Monday, 5 January 2015 15:56 (ten years ago) link


virtuoso thigh slapper (Jordan), Monday, 5 January 2015 16:14 (ten years ago) link

fgti is correct; however, sorry if you've tried this and there's some reason it won't work, but that seems like something you'd use the LFO for. Set speed with the LFO -> RATE knob and the intensity with the LFO -> CUTOFF INT knob. If the Volca Keys is receiving a MIDI clock signal the LFO rate should sync to a multiple of the tempo.

Also check out this neat $8 app which opens up the Volcas for more DAW control: http://www.fabriziopoce.com/volcacontrol.html

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Monday, 5 January 2015 19:52 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...

this past NAMM was freaking bonkers. So many awesome toys.

Meanwhile I finally started to understand by TX-802 the other night. That's a monster of a digital synth.

dan selzer, Friday, 27 February 2015 21:29 (nine years ago) link

i've bearly turned mine on, i'm kind of scared of it

don't ask me why i posted this (electricsound), Friday, 27 February 2015 22:09 (nine years ago) link


don't ask me why i posted this (electricsound), Friday, 27 February 2015 22:09 (nine years ago) link

I ended up buying Midi Quest Pro just to make it easier. Kinda dumb since the software cost me more than 100$ more than the synth did! But I figured it'd help me make it easier to use and can be useful for other synths as well in the long run.

I was really confused at first...I had taken the output of just one or two of the voices and was playing and was like why does this sound shitty and only playing every 3rd or 4th note I hit? I thought it was broken. Then I realized what I was doing wrong and listened to the output of I and II panned left and right and it just opened up into this massive sounding FM beast.

dan selzer, Friday, 27 February 2015 22:13 (nine years ago) link

Awesome, Dan.

Acid Hose (Capitaine Jay Vee), Friday, 27 February 2015 22:34 (nine years ago) link

Gonna look into MidiQuest as well.

Acid Hose (Capitaine Jay Vee), Friday, 27 February 2015 22:38 (nine years ago) link

i've been meaning to get midi quest for the longest time, considering how many rack synths i have it's kinda stupid i don't have it already. i think part of it was that it was notorious for being unreliable before the latest version

don't ask me why i posted this (electricsound), Friday, 27 February 2015 23:00 (nine years ago) link

oh i have no confidence that Midi Quest will work smoothly. It's not the most osx looking thing and the UX is eh but it's the only thing left. I once owned MOTU Unisyn back in system 9 days.

one think you may be interested in capitaine, is the more expensive pro version has two features the other doesnt. Works as a plug-in, which can be need, I guess automating sysex stuff w/ ease, but in reference to something I think you used to talk about, it has the ability to take any of it's library of synths and export TouchOSC templates. I think that's cool?

dan selzer, Saturday, 28 February 2015 00:39 (nine years ago) link

two weeks pass...


don't ask me why i posted this (electricsound), Thursday, 19 March 2015 03:41 (nine years ago) link

mucked around on various things that were new to me at 'synth sunday' event, here's my HOT TAKES

- korg odyssey: played with one of the whiteface ones for five minutes (big line for this). oscillators sound good. the three filters all sound noticeably different; the moogalike one that got them in trouble noticeably loses the bottom end when you turn the resonance up, the other two are better I reckon. ring mod when playing duophonically sounds amazing. sliders had a lil bit of play from side to side, felt good when actually sliding tho. the PPC mod buttons are very lol, what were they thinking here first time around - not pleasant to use. keyboard is fine, not minikeys no matter what the forum dorks (who are all concert-grade pianists I'm sure) say.

- korg kronos: I sat in front of this for a bit, scrolled through the menus and backed away in fear. some musical director type bro demoed it a bit later, the piano sounded pretty dead-on.

- volca keys: this was quite entertaining for the size, especially poly ring mode. cruuuuunchy digi-delay.

- DSI prophet 12: was in a dark corner of the room, couldn't see enough to get a dece sound out of it! (had similar problem with other volcas and and an elektron analog 4.) no prophet 6 in attendance sadly.

- DSI mopho x4: didn't really grab me after a quick tweak.

- minibrute SE: luuuuuurve my microbrute so thought I'd get along quite well with this, but it wasn't doing it for me - couldn't put a finger on why, maybe I'm too used to the extra restrictions. does look pretty sweet tho with the silver case and wood ends.

- moog voyager: sassy electric blue backlight model. people seem to hate on these a bit as overpriced/hyped/whatever but I was feelin' it, having all the mod bus options on the front panel really opens you up to thinking about what you can do with it. most solid build quality of anything I tried. had to take a phone call right at the moment that I was getting on top of it, would've loved another five minutes. (well, hours)

- moog theremini: fun. obviously it quantises a bit, so not as forbidding as the old-school wood case one I played with in sydney years ago. looks like a spaceship.

- buchla music easel: OK I didn't actually get a go on this, it did look pretty bangin' tho.

gay cat park (disambiguation) (haitch), Monday, 23 March 2015 21:49 (nine years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Who took the reigns at Roland? After 20+ years of making shitty ROMpler versions of their classic analogs, they debuted a new analog synth at NAMM. Two months later, at MusikMesse, they've gone full Eurorack. Must've gotten tired of Korg eating their lunch.

naus, Thursday, 16 April 2015 02:36 (nine years ago) link

Reins, I meant reins.

naus, Thursday, 16 April 2015 02:36 (nine years ago) link

kakehashi (the founder) retired in 2013, and there was a management buyout last year.

I guess it always takes time to get things done in a bigger company, too - roland is nearly 3,000 employees, korg is closer to 300.

gay cat park (disambiguation) (haitch), Thursday, 16 April 2015 04:06 (nine years ago) link

can I just


gay cat park (disambiguation) (haitch), Saturday, 18 April 2015 02:08 (nine years ago) link

just think, if we all chipped in our life savings...

unrelated: synthex reissue crowdfunding campaign - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/elka-synthex-synthesisers-by-generalmusic

gay cat park (disambiguation) (haitch), Saturday, 18 April 2015 02:26 (nine years ago) link

one month passes...

I made a MIDI-enabled Juno-106 emulation that runs in the web browser: 106.js

Chrome/Desktop only for now.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Monday, 18 May 2015 14:44 (nine years ago) link

That's awesome, St3ve! I'd like to try it over MIDI, but need a new interface.

naus, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 15:00 (nine years ago) link

If it was accurate, the Chorus would make a clicking noise and one or more of the voice chips would be crackling.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 15:12 (nine years ago) link

seriously though, fun stuff.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 15:20 (nine years ago) link


lil urbane (Jordan), Tuesday, 19 May 2015 15:24 (nine years ago) link

The chorus on my 106 is loud af, sounds like the ocean when it's engaged.

naus, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 15:30 (nine years ago) link

Thanks for checking it out! I'll add "failing voice chips" to the list of future features. ;)

I want to take a break from working on it because I've been super immersed in this thing for a few weeks, but I also kind of want to dive back in and implement MIDI learn -- WebMIDI is quite young still, and I haven't come across any other websynths that do that yet.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Tuesday, 19 May 2015 15:30 (nine years ago) link

broken roland chorus is a known issue. Both my 106 and Alpha Juno have the problem, it's pretty much unusable at this point, especially on the Alpha Juno.

The crackling voice chip is a whole other epidemic with an interesting history, with years of people swapping out chips then putting in cloned chips before the discovery that the crackling was because the roland plastic coating was melting and causing it to short and the realization that you didn't need to replace the chip, just remove it, melt off the rubber insulation with acetone, and put the chip back in and it's 100% good.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 15:55 (nine years ago) link

never knew about the chorus problem before... mine works ok (though with a lot of hiss).
had the chip fix a couple years ago.

here's a juno question: in unison mode, does everybody experience sort of a weird in-and-out of sync effect with the oscillators? kind of a rapidly changing timbre, note to note?

chinavision!, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 16:05 (nine years ago) link

On my 106, yes. It's nearly unusable except for with percussive sounds. On my Alpha Juno 1 it's fine.

It might be a calibration issue. I need to get the 106 serviced anyway.

naus, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 16:49 (nine years ago) link

There's no oscillator spread in the Juno's unison mode, so it doesn't sound very good. There are some aftermarket mods that address this, like this one for 6/60 which has been going around today and looks really neat: http://tubbutec.de/juno-66/

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Tuesday, 19 May 2015 16:53 (nine years ago) link

oh that polysex mod looks nice... I'd love the detuning function!

chinavision!, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 19:54 (nine years ago) link

I updated my synth so you can share patches. For example: Smooth Pad

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Thursday, 21 May 2015 23:30 (nine years ago) link

But apparently I can't format a link. Once more:

Smooth Pad

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Thursday, 21 May 2015 23:31 (nine years ago) link

Also Chrome 43, which includes WebMIDI, is the new stable version, very exciting times

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Thursday, 21 May 2015 23:32 (nine years ago) link

In a similar vein to the Juno-66, has anyone tried one of these for their 106?

http://kiwitechnics.com/kiwi-106.htm ?

écorché (S-), Monday, 25 May 2015 06:38 (nine years ago) link

No but I dream of it. And getting the appropriate overlay:


dan selzer, Monday, 25 May 2015 13:06 (nine years ago) link

Indeed, especially the Jupiter version.

You should jump on it - it's a bit of a slap in the face for here as they don't accept Australian or New Zealand dollars...

écorché (S-), Tuesday, 26 May 2015 04:01 (nine years ago) link

106 owners: did you replace your 80017As with clones or acetone-bath the existing chips?

naus, Wednesday, 27 May 2015 18:19 (nine years ago) link

I replaced the first crackly one with a clone, back before anyone knew about the acetone bath.

Then when further ones started to go, I sent the entire motherboard to Synth Spa on eBay to do the acetone on all the voice chips and it's been perfect since.

Now the chorus is extra noisy though. I'll get that fixed eventually but actually don't use it that much.

dan selzer, Thursday, 28 May 2015 01:18 (nine years ago) link

synth spa here... worked like a charm, but now I need to replace the battery since I can't store patch memory anymore!

chinavision!, Thursday, 28 May 2015 03:01 (nine years ago) link

I've read bad things about synth spa's turnaround times, but his work has a good reputation.

That said, I might try to find a local tech. I've got an Akai AX-60 in worse shape that was super-cheap. If they can get that fully working, I'll trust 'em with the Juno.

naus, Thursday, 28 May 2015 19:09 (nine years ago) link

New 106.js update that I'm pretty excited about.

You can now map every control to any MIDI CC message, so you can play and tweak with your hardware controller. It supports 7-bit or 14-bit CCs for those smooth filter sweeps. Your mappings will be remembered per-input, so you can have multiple mappings for multiple devices, and your last-used device is loaded by default when you bring up the page. As far as I know, this is the first web synth with a MIDI learn feature.

L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Sunday, 31 May 2015 18:25 (nine years ago) link

So I went to my boss' house yesterday for my party. He collects Fairlights, and Fairlight discs, and check out one of the discs that he's acquired:



schwantz, Sunday, 31 May 2015 21:18 (nine years ago) link

no way!!

the rites of spring reverb (haitch), Monday, 1 June 2015 02:14 (nine years ago) link

that's beautiful

surm, Friday, 5 June 2015 16:03 (nine years ago) link


example (crüt), Friday, 5 June 2015 16:32 (nine years ago) link

"collects Fairlights"

What is he, a hedge fund manager?

Vast Halo, Saturday, 6 June 2015 17:31 (nine years ago) link

holy smokes

Acid Hose (Capitaine Jay Vee), Saturday, 6 June 2015 19:41 (nine years ago) link

nbd, I collect Synclaviers and RCA Mark IIs.

dan selzer, Saturday, 6 June 2015 22:32 (nine years ago) link

fucking hell

clouds, Saturday, 6 June 2015 23:43 (nine years ago) link

that is fucking rad

Joan Crawford Loves Chachi, Sunday, 7 June 2015 00:11 (nine years ago) link

Founder of D@nger (which sold to MS)...

schwantz, Sunday, 7 June 2015 21:27 (nine years ago) link

three months pass...

Just ordered the JP-08 (http://20khz.gizmodo.com/mini-versions-of-classic-roland-synths-let-you-recaptur-1734254763). I got to play a real Jupiter-8 a few sessions ago, and LOVED it, so hopefully I won't regret this purchase.

schwantz, Friday, 2 October 2015 18:12 (nine years ago) link

I really want the new Moog Mother-32.

EZ Snappin, Friday, 2 October 2015 20:44 (nine years ago) link

maaan, i want that JP-08. such a sucker for tiny synths (especially since i have a very limited amount of space in my little studio).

lil urbane (Jordan), Friday, 2 October 2015 21:11 (nine years ago) link

Anyone try the JD-XA yet?

schwantz, Friday, 2 October 2015 21:21 (nine years ago) link

this looks kinda dumb/unnecessary but also fun, like if you got one for free: http://uk.novationmusic.com/circuit/circuit#

i wonder how playing chords works with the pad layout.

lil urbane (Jordan), Friday, 2 October 2015 21:28 (nine years ago) link

Pretty cool, but those grid controllers are pretty mystifying for this piano player...

schwantz, Friday, 2 October 2015 21:34 (nine years ago) link

Those Rolandz are nifty, but I like my tiny synths to be REAL COOL DIGITAL like the Reface DX (or the DX100 for that matter) (or the VSS-200)

DDD, Friday, 2 October 2015 22:41 (nine years ago) link

^ All machines by Yamaha, the best musical toymaker

DDD, Friday, 2 October 2015 22:43 (nine years ago) link

yeah, as i already own actual juno 106 and alpha juno 1, i'd probably go with the Reface DX. Been wanting to add some FM to my arsenal and bought a TX-802 which is about as badass as FM gets, if you can get it to work, something I'm having a good deal of trouble with. The Reface DX looks fun, would love to play around with it.

dan selzer, Saturday, 3 October 2015 02:02 (nine years ago) link

Holy shit, that Page R screenshot!

Turrican, Sunday, 4 October 2015 19:28 (nine years ago) link

had a play with a reface CS - don't really want a VA synth (it sounds p good) but it felt like a high quality build, miles beyond old mate microbrute. I want a DX one. or the piano!

expert slurpers (haitch), Monday, 5 October 2015 09:55 (nine years ago) link

I'm trying to avoid anything that doesn't have patch memory these days. Actually I'm trying to avoid buying anything for a while now as i probably have more than enough synthesizers for my budget and lifestyle.

dan selzer, Monday, 5 October 2015 14:07 (nine years ago) link

you can still get a DX7 pretty cheap, right? i kinda want the electric piano one, although for that money i might be able to get a used Rhodes of some type if i haunted craigslist.

lil urbane (Jordan), Tuesday, 6 October 2015 01:24 (nine years ago) link

plenty of DX7s round for cheaper than a reface. they're a hefty beast, though! I honestly don't have room for one.

expert slurpers (haitch), Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:39 (nine years ago) link

Check out the Yamaha DX100 then!

DDD, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 14:19 (nine years ago) link

Don't have room and DX's aren't super cheap. I'm curious about the way the reface is programmable, how different it is.

Otherwise if you just want a 4op FM, DX100 or TX81Z aren't that expensive.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 15:57 (nine years ago) link

guys let's pool all our resources, we can do this

expert slurpers (haitch), Tuesday, 6 October 2015 22:44 (nine years ago) link

I've got $8.

EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 22:45 (nine years ago) link

so we have $9 then!

expert slurpers (haitch), Tuesday, 6 October 2015 23:10 (nine years ago) link

I'm in for $10

Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 14:04 (nine years ago) link

it probably only works out at $10 a knob 8)

(i was o_O at the size of that patch panel. then i noticed there were two)

koogs, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 15:33 (nine years ago) link

melbourne conservatorium of music (part of melb uni) has one, the head of the department retired this year but his last major project was restoring it! some dudes from the local modular synth mailing list/user group got to go down there and have a play - exactly as cool as you'd imagine, apparently.

expert slurpers (haitch), Wednesday, 7 October 2015 22:31 (nine years ago) link

I can't offer any money but I can store the synth!

DDD, Thursday, 8 October 2015 09:38 (nine years ago) link

Essentially the synths is complete and almost no money needs to be spent on it other than labour time and any spare to fix any faulty boards.

Good luck with that.

Vast Halo, Friday, 9 October 2015 22:12 (nine years ago) link

two months pass...

can ppl post more pictures in here i love pictures

surm, Monday, 28 December 2015 00:27 (nine years ago) link

you should follow factmag on instagram surm -- it's all studio pix!

clouds, Monday, 28 December 2015 00:44 (nine years ago) link

you're smart

surm, Monday, 28 December 2015 00:45 (nine years ago) link


home organ, Monday, 28 December 2015 06:14 (nine years ago) link


surm, Tuesday, 29 December 2015 15:05 (nine years ago) link

that poor thing

clouds, Tuesday, 29 December 2015 15:55 (nine years ago) link

you guys, I got one of these: http://www.kilpatrickaudio.com/?p=phenol

it is higly entertaining

Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Monday, 4 January 2016 23:45 (nine years ago) link

any experience with the roland mt-32? everyone on synth forums seems to absolutely hate them but i'm guessing it's mostly anti "very midi-sounding" sounds (which i like and want in my music) -- are they really all that bad?

clouds, Thursday, 7 January 2016 19:34 (nine years ago) link

really, really want the Korg Minilogue, seems like what i've been waiting for.

sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Tuesday, 19 January 2016 15:58 (eight years ago) link

Totally! Need to try it first, but it looks pretty sweet.

schwantz, Tuesday, 19 January 2016 15:59 (eight years ago) link

yeah, can't believe it. looks beautiful, amazing features for the price. Got the basics down well and some unique extras. No stupid dated effects.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 19 January 2016 16:57 (eight years ago) link

This video shows some cool stuff. The voice modes are very cool and unique:

schwantz, Tuesday, 19 January 2016 17:30 (eight years ago) link

This thing looks ridiculous!



schwantz, Friday, 22 January 2016 19:20 (eight years ago) link

I played with a Minilogue a few days ago. It was great. I'll get one even though I don't really need it.

dan selzer, Friday, 22 January 2016 20:33 (eight years ago) link

want that matrixbrute soooooo bad. alpha juno, that and the kilpatrick should keep me entertained for a while.

Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Wednesday, 27 January 2016 23:40 (eight years ago) link

four weeks pass...

I just bought a Machinedrum. They cut the price in HALF. Now orders are all backed up. Sweetwaters supposed to get it to me in 4 weeks.

dan selzer, Thursday, 25 February 2016 01:43 (eight years ago) link

I got my minilogue yesterday. I'm LOVING it. It's just fun to play with. Nearly everything is on a knob (other than portamento time, which I miss), and there's no switching between envelopes or LFOs with a button to confuse you. The different voice modes are cool, and well-thought-through. The little OLED waveform display is a little gimmicky, but it's neat as a teaching/learning tool.

Mostly, it just sounds great. It's intuitive, and musical, which is the best thing you can say about an electronic instrument.

Cons? The delay is a little noisy, but I have a SpaceEcho pedal, so it's nbd. I'd rather have full-size keys, I guess (though I'd rather have 37 smaller keys than just 25 full-size ones). I wish there was a mod wheel, but the knobs are all pretty big, so it's not a huge loss...

schwantz, Monday, 29 February 2016 21:57 (eight years ago) link

nice. the only thing preventing me from getting one at this point is that i honestly don't know where i would put it. my studio space is super tight, really need to re-arrange that room (currently i store my drums behind my synths, and risk knocking them over every time i pack up for a gig).

sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Monday, 29 February 2016 22:46 (eight years ago) link

I'm going to get rid of my JP-08 (it's cute, but not fun to play, and constantly reminds me that is is not actually analog) and my midi controller keyboard (never could get it to work right - it was designed to work with Live, and other uses seem pretty unsupported), and just putting the bass station 2 and the minilogue next to eachother on a board on top of my keyboard stand.

schwantz, Monday, 29 February 2016 23:07 (eight years ago) link

the motion sequencing on this thing seems like a masterstroke to me. gets around it only having the one LFO to an extent.

Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Monday, 29 February 2016 23:51 (eight years ago) link

three weeks pass...


I have just taken out a membership here!

Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Tuesday, 22 March 2016 12:41 (eight years ago) link

Oooh, I would love something like that. Well, there's a guy who runs his own thing here, but uh I do not want to spend any time in his company.

sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Tuesday, 22 March 2016 13:50 (eight years ago) link

one month passes...

This is pretty neat:


schwantz, Friday, 20 May 2016 02:20 (eight years ago) link

one month passes...

just got my minlogue from sweetwater. only ordered in in mid march!

I love it. Sounds cool, fun to play with. love the little built in sequencer. Probably won't use most of the modes except for the arpeggiator and chord, which is a really smart implementation. Sure you can't use chord memory on some weird chord you come up with, but it covers all the basics.

dan selzer, Monday, 11 July 2016 03:38 (eight years ago) link

two months pass...

here's me ripping it up on two VCS3s at once:


amazing setup - VCS3 x2, sample and hold module, filter bank module, pitch to voltage module and the keyboard! barely scratched the surface...

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Monday, 12 September 2016 01:56 (eight years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I'm thinking of upgrading from a Microkorg at some point - not particularly fussed on analogue or not but ideally something with lots of hands-on options for tweaking sounds in real time. I'm looking at the Sledge 2.0, Minilogue and Minibrute SE. I know lots of people don't like the GAIA. Is there anything else in the same sort of price range that stands out?

On a Raqqa tip (ShariVari), Thursday, 29 September 2016 11:08 (eight years ago) link

I think the Minibrute wins out unless you're really set on polyphony. The Sledge 2.0 seems to work best when it's hooked up to a computer, so that might remove some of it's hands on appeal. A Korg Volca Keys/Bass/FM combo works out at about the same price, the FM even managing to make FM synthesis moderately tweakable. The Novation Ultranova is in the same price range, but it's not much more accessible than the Microkorg, although it does have an LCD display running under the knobs to indicate what's what.

here we are now entertain us (snoball), Thursday, 29 September 2016 19:00 (eight years ago) link


On a Raqqa tip (ShariVari), Thursday, 29 September 2016 19:15 (eight years ago) link

Moog Minitaur - it can do non-bass sounds but it's a little more work.
Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1 Black Box - a standalone synth, but it can be interfaced easily Eurorack modules and can even be removed from it's desktop case to be installed in a regular Eurorack case with other stuff.
Makenoise 0-Coast - might be too far out sonically and a lot of the functions are hidden and accessed through 'program pages' (tapping on the two buttons labelled PGM).

here we are now entertain us (snoball), Thursday, 29 September 2016 19:20 (eight years ago) link

Don't forget the Moog Mother-32 as well.

EZ Snappin, Thursday, 29 September 2016 19:28 (eight years ago) link

For mono stuff, I really like the bass station 2, as well. It's got 2 oscillators (whereas the minibrute only has one, I think), so you can do osc sync. It also has sub oscillator and ring mod. It could use a couple more knobs rather than context switches, but it's still pretty tweakable.

That being said, the Minilogue has most of that, but has 4 voices! The only things I miss on the Minilogue is a mod wheel and the lack of aftertouch modulation.

schwantz, Thursday, 29 September 2016 19:55 (eight years ago) link

you guys I played an OB6 last night, phwoarrrrrrr

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Thursday, 6 October 2016 01:22 (eight years ago) link

This looks pretty dope:


schwantz, Friday, 7 October 2016 17:23 (eight years ago) link

ha holy shit I was coming here to post that video - just found out about it

here we are now entertain us (snoball), Friday, 7 October 2016 18:18 (eight years ago) link

Looks like a lot of fun.

dan selzer, Friday, 7 October 2016 20:34 (eight years ago) link

Korg volca Kick demo - I have to admit that I thought this would be a bit limited but this video sells it a bit better by explaining how it actually works.

here we are now entertain us (snoball), Friday, 7 October 2016 21:24 (eight years ago) link

Also a more in depth review of the Arturia DrumBeast

here we are now entertain us (snoball), Friday, 7 October 2016 21:25 (eight years ago) link

(amazed that this is £379 although by the time the £ falls against the Euro and the $ it'll probably be more like £500)

here we are now entertain us (snoball), Friday, 7 October 2016 21:26 (eight years ago) link

played drumbrute last night, placed preorder swiftly after

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Tuesday, 18 October 2016 23:21 (eight years ago) link

Sweet. I want one too!

schwantz, Tuesday, 18 October 2016 23:25 (eight years ago) link

the 808-y kick goes loooooooooooow

luv all the cool sequencing stuff, I basically use my TR-8 with the beatstep pro exclusively so stuffing it all in the one box with extras, sign me up thanks

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Tuesday, 18 October 2016 23:33 (eight years ago) link

briefly tinkered with the matrixbrute too - hoo boy there's a lot going on there, will have to give it serious thought I think (after convincing myself I didn't need it). so many possibilities!

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Tuesday, 18 October 2016 23:42 (eight years ago) link

anyone have any of the yamaha reface series? my friend has the electric piano one and he loves it as a more portable option than his big rhodes, but i am tempted by the combo organ one. i love organ sounds and the simplicity/focus of it are appealing to me.

na (NA), Tuesday, 1 November 2016 20:09 (eight years ago) link

I'm excited about the new Korg Monologue

EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 1 November 2016 20:21 (eight years ago) link

NA all the refaces sound really good and they are built solidly for the size and form factor. (I've got the DX one, bit of a sucker for that sound at times.)

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Wednesday, 2 November 2016 23:29 (eight years ago) link

and by that sound I mean fake gongs and bells and shit.

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Wednesday, 2 November 2016 23:44 (eight years ago) link

one month passes...

OK, the Teenage Engineering OP-1 looks urgent and key. Especially with the little antenna accessory that lets you apparently just sample right off of any FM station.

El Tomboto, Monday, 12 December 2016 04:20 (eight years ago) link

I own one and love it. Only drawback for me is the limited recording space and having to dump all recorded files to a computer after the 6 minutes are used up.

Acid Hose (Capitaine Jay Vee), Monday, 12 December 2016 04:42 (eight years ago) link

i know this is not meant to be the iOS synth/VST thread but I have to take the opportunity to say that Korg's iOS recreation of the ARP Odyssey is fucking killllerrrrr

his eye is on despair-o (Jon not Jon), Monday, 12 December 2016 21:35 (eight years ago) link

Poison 202 is also pretty feature-rich for the price.

schwantz, Monday, 12 December 2016 21:43 (eight years ago) link

So I hear. That has Audio Units integration as well, which ODYSSEi doesn't.

ODYSSEi has the coolest fucking arpeggiator though. Simultaneously with the usual melodic arpeggiator you have three independent lanes of a 'parameters arpeggiator' which can be arping the values of just about any knob in the app. You can even have one of its lanes modulating the speed of the arpeggiator itself which is a wonderfully perverse effect.

his eye is on despair-o (Jon not Jon), Monday, 12 December 2016 22:43 (eight years ago) link


schwantz, Monday, 12 December 2016 22:55 (eight years ago) link

Also all the Korg stuff is 50% off in the App Store right now. So it's opportune that you bring it up!

El Tomboto, Monday, 12 December 2016 23:07 (eight years ago) link

If you have both Gadget and ODYSSEi, you can deploy and sequence multiple instances of Ody within Gadget (its in-gadget version lacks the arpeggiator unfortunately, but then again you can automate almost all those parameters in Gadget's piano roll... not as fun, though) (also, ODYSSEi is very demanding and I can't run more than two instances of it at once in Gadget before my device freaks out. Its sound is incredible, so I don't begrudge it its CPU hunger.)

his eye is on despair-o (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 13 December 2016 00:19 (eight years ago) link

The thing I don't like about soft synths is when you turn the (virtual) oscillator pitch knobs, you can hear stepping as it goes up and down. This makes for lame sounding osc sync sweeps, etc. How does the Odyssei do in that regard?

schwantz, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 00:37 (eight years ago) link

ok the OP-1 maybe has too many goofy hipster accessories


El Tomboto, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 01:00 (eight years ago) link

You don't need them. Accessories don't take away from how great a machine it is.

Acid Hose (Capitaine Jay Vee), Tuesday, 13 December 2016 01:50 (eight years ago) link

Xpost its sweeps sound really good to me -- I'm usually automating those movements with the envelope or the parameters arp* though rather than riding the ui knob/slider.

*The parameters arp has a lag slider which can smooth the transitions between arp steps

his eye is on despair-o (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 13 December 2016 03:13 (eight years ago) link

odyssey, hardware or virtual, ownz. here's mine on the drone tip:


Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Wednesday, 21 December 2016 10:48 (eight years ago) link

You can get the new Arturia Mini V filter for free if you download it from their site before the 25th:


Bubba H.O.T.A.P.E (ShariVari), Thursday, 22 December 2016 21:18 (eight years ago) link

Downloads are SLOW!

Got a DrumBrute this week. It's pretty fresh, and very fun to play. Downside is that none of the knob settings are saved, and cannot be midi controlled, so pretty much you want to work on one song at a time with it, or else you will need to take pictures of the knob positions or something. I'm thinking I'll use it to play a bunch of stuff live into... Live, and then cut together bits from there. The note repeat pads are super-fun, and the filter is a nice addition.

DJI, Thursday, 22 December 2016 21:34 (eight years ago) link

Downloaded that Mini V filter, but looked at their page for offline activation and realized I'm never going to do all that. :/

sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Thursday, 22 December 2016 21:36 (eight years ago) link

OK, the Teenage Engineering OP-1 looks urgent and key. Especially with the little antenna accessory that lets you apparently just sample right off of any FM station.
― El Tomboto, Sunday, December 11, 2016 11:20 PM

watched a video on that, not something i need but that interface/menu is amazing

am0n, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 16:02 (eight years ago) link

I got the OP-1 and a PO-24 and have spent the intervening period playing with the ARP Odyssey and iDS-10 on my iPad instead. This is mainly because super hip Swedish UX design is actually fairly unintuitive and feels unwelcoming to me

The beaver is not the bad guy (El Tomboto), Wednesday, 28 December 2016 16:09 (eight years ago) link

also I need stereo mini patch cables now. lol the future

The beaver is not the bad guy (El Tomboto), Wednesday, 28 December 2016 16:10 (eight years ago) link

iDS-10 is so much fun. I do really wish that the quantization could go like one level finer than it does. But I really love the way it does knob automation (long pressing any knob bringing up its own piano roll)

his eye is on despair-o (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 28 December 2016 16:13 (eight years ago) link

i want a volca fm

am0n, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 17:45 (eight years ago) link

I used to play the DS-10 on my nintendo DS. Esp. at the time it was really impressive feature-wise.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 18:27 (eight years ago) link

I'm fairly certain my entire contribution to the "no line on the horizon" ILX pre-cover compilation is made of DS-10 noises

The beaver is not the bad guy (El Tomboto), Wednesday, 28 December 2016 21:02 (eight years ago) link

hey yall, i've always wanted an MPC and now i'm seriously considering grabbing one. now that akai has basically discontinued the line in favor of a hardware/software combo, i imagine the older models are only going to get more expensive. any MPC users have any tips/tricks/advice for buying one? i'm looking at one of the tricked out refurbed 2500s from mpcstuff. also, any JJOS users? trying to figure out if its worthwhile to try and learn akaiOS first and then switch over

also, any alternatives for a hardware-only pad-based midi/sample workstation in 2016?

just another (diamonddave85), Friday, 6 January 2017 15:51 (eight years ago) link

I have an MPC 1000 and have always used JJOS. It is 1000000% better than Akai OS. Don't even bother with Akai.

JJOS has had a bunch of different versions and it can be confusing. I was really used to one version then I upgraded and haven't used it as much since and a few things were shuffled about. There's no great documentation so it's annoying, but EVERYTHING is so much better in JJOS. Even just naming songs, adding grid edit, the last JJOS even had loop recording.

I'd pay for just the grid edit for starters. But everything is so much better.

dan selzer, Friday, 6 January 2017 16:07 (eight years ago) link

ahh good to know. the lack of documentation with JJOS was making me nervous, given that i can barely even piece together which version of it i should be using

just another (diamonddave85), Friday, 6 January 2017 16:29 (eight years ago) link

I know. That's confusing. But in the end, just get one of them and it'll be better than Akai's and you'll figure it out.

dan selzer, Friday, 6 January 2017 16:39 (eight years ago) link

new standalone MPCs are on the way with touch screens and all that jazz like the hybrid 'touch' model from last year, probably announced at the trade shows. one's the portable form factor of the touch, the other is a big old-style one with heaps of extra encoders and stuff.

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Sunday, 8 January 2017 23:44 (eight years ago) link

interesting.. i'll have to wait and see

just another (diamonddave85), Monday, 9 January 2017 02:18 (eight years ago) link

the portable one, if it's got enuff grunt to run standalone proper-like, should be siqqqqq

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Tuesday, 10 January 2017 07:22 (eight years ago) link

I am banning myself from more gear though

Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Tuesday, 10 January 2017 07:23 (eight years ago) link

mpc x looks cool, cv/gate outputs are nice, but it's a bit out of my price range.
mpc live looks like it has potential, but i guess it really boils down to how the software is. specifically for me, how the touch UI feels.

does anyone have any experience with the mpc touch or the mpc desktop software and can give their 2 cents?

just another (diamonddave85), Tuesday, 10 January 2017 15:33 (eight years ago) link

Tip for the OP-1 - if you have a smartphone that can browse file structures, get an adaptor like this and you can back up onto your phone while you're out.

écorché (S-), Wednesday, 18 January 2017 02:13 (seven years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Has anyone gone for one of the boutique 303s Roland put out last year?

Bubba H.O.T.A.P.E (ShariVari), Tuesday, 14 February 2017 12:56 (seven years ago) link

this morning in the tunnel that connects the F train to the 1 train, late-middle-aged busker rocking a MASSIVE Korg Triton

his eye is on despair-o (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 23 February 2017 18:45 (seven years ago) link

Ha amazing.

Got to mess around with one of those again recently, a friend has been using it. It still had the Grindin' presets and everything.

change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 23 February 2017 18:53 (seven years ago) link

three weeks pass...


I'm so mad I just got my OP-1 and then they do this

SFTGFOP (El Tomboto), Monday, 20 March 2017 00:54 (seven years ago) link

I'm not a fan of their user interfaces. Too many key modifiers. I tried playing around with one of the pocket operators, and was able to make a beat, but just couldn't get into it. I guess you just have to make it over the learning curve. I love their PCB design, though! Planning to use some of their techniques (using gold etch + silkscreen) with some boards in working on.

Anyone know if Nord is releasing a Stage 3 any time soon? I'm thinking of upgrading my old Electro 2, but I don't want to get burned.

DJI, Monday, 20 March 2017 03:17 (seven years ago) link

That seems remarkably good value for $450.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Sunday, 26 March 2017 17:11 (seven years ago) link

wanna know something cool? I just took an old really busted Prophet 600 and got it fixed up and had the gigli teensy mod installed. These mods people are doing are really great, the idea that you can add so much life and features to an old synth. Maybe one day I'll do the Kiwi 106.

dan selzer, Sunday, 26 March 2017 17:27 (seven years ago) link

Is anyone currently working with a Eurorack or other modular system?

It appeals to me as a dorky, expensive hobby rather than a particularly practical musical tool but the idea of having that flexibility, and the option to - for example - integrate Wasp, Polivoks, etc elements into a set-up, is interesting.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Thursday, 30 March 2017 12:07 (seven years ago) link


DJI, Wednesday, 5 April 2017 17:21 (seven years ago) link

Video here:


Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Thursday, 6 April 2017 07:39 (seven years ago) link

Is anyone currently working with a Eurorack or other modular system?

I have this small self-contained kilpatrick modular - uses banana jacks, not part of a rack so it keeps the desire to expand it at bay (a bit). I work differently with it to the way I worked with, say, anything with a keyboard - has tuned envelopes so I can get sweeping apreggiations going really quickly, I'm more likely to spend time routing things to other things and exploring the sound rather than just working on a melodic line, etc. can be self-indulgent, but doesn't have to be - you can play it or sequence it as easily as any other regular monosynth.

Basil-flavoured Zempilas (haitch), Friday, 7 April 2017 05:43 (seven years ago) link

That look cool! I've got the Roland System 1m and the Makenoise 0 coast which are both patchable and Eurorack compatible so I am getting my head around them at the moment - the temptation to expand in the future looks pretty irresistible.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Friday, 7 April 2017 06:08 (seven years ago) link

This looks pretty sweet: http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2017/04/19/novation-peak-8-voice-polyphonic-synthesizer-debuts-at-superbooth-17/

DJI, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 19:33 (seven years ago) link



The Deepmind 12 is supposed to be good. You can also pre-order their controversial Minimoog clone now.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Thursday, 20 April 2017 12:23 (seven years ago) link

That thing looks pretty sweet, especially for the price. I think I'm done buying synths for now. Although the Peak looks pretty sweet...

DJI, Thursday, 20 April 2017 20:17 (seven years ago) link

one month passes...

Anyone here have a Moog Mother 32? I've been so taken up with programming patches for the OWL that I'm budgeting myself for a small Eurorack system.

Elvis Telecom, Monday, 29 May 2017 04:34 (seven years ago) link

Complete neophyte - Minibrute, Bass Station II, MS-20 Mini? Or is there a virtual analog to look at? Or the Roland JD-xi?

Eager for simple and to the point - watching Teenage Engineering OP-1 videos was overwhelming without even seeing one in person.

El Tuomasbot (milo z), Sunday, 4 June 2017 04:15 (seven years ago) link

Those are good, but also consider the Korg Minilogue (polyphonic; can play chords up to 4 notes) or Monologue (monophonic; can only play single notes). Of your choices, I think the MS-20 Mini would be the toughest because of the knob layout. BSII seems good also.

naus, Sunday, 4 June 2017 07:07 (seven years ago) link

Is there a particular kind of music you want to play?

On the virtual side, it might be worth looking at the Roland System 1.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Sunday, 4 June 2017 07:29 (seven years ago) link

Weird/ambient + wannabe Portishead, I think? I forgot the System-1, that and the the BSII were the two I was mainly looking at earlier tonight. Will check out the Korgs too.

El Tuomasbot (milo z), Sunday, 4 June 2017 07:51 (seven years ago) link

Bought a used MiniBrute recently but wish I'd bought the Monologue.

EZ Snappin, Sunday, 4 June 2017 11:56 (seven years ago) link

It's the Minilogue for you son, six years

El Tomboto, Sunday, 4 June 2017 12:25 (seven years ago) link

The Minilogue is a good bet. iirc it has four voice polyphony which I guess is enough for ambient pads.

It is definitely worth trying to play around with something in a shop if you can. Ease of programming is one thing but key size is another huge factor for me as a terrible keyboardist.

If you are completely new to synths, it might also be worth looking at a decent midi/USB keyboard and a good VST package. It isn't quite as tactile (or not without a bit of work) but you aren't wedded to mini keys and are not stuck with hardware limitations.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Monday, 5 June 2017 15:43 (seven years ago) link

As a decent guitarist but mediocre keyboardist I actually find I respond really well to weak-resistance mini keys like the Nanokey. Full size keys seem so much bigger than they need to be...

or at night (Jon not Jon), Monday, 5 June 2017 16:48 (seven years ago) link

My issue is probably being a terrible guitarist as well then.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Monday, 5 June 2017 16:52 (seven years ago) link

ideal for me would be two mini keyboards one above the other so its easy to make larger intervalic leaps without having to fling my arm out wayyy over therrre

or at night (Jon not Jon), Monday, 5 June 2017 17:00 (seven years ago) link

minilogue is so great, and I can't say enough about how much I love it's weird noisy delay. It adds a lot of life and grit and air and noise. I'll take that over 1,000 "brutalizer" knobs or whatever.

dan selzer, Monday, 5 June 2017 18:14 (seven years ago) link

Has anyone dug into the new features on the teenage OP-1 that will be released this fall? Thinking about getting the current version... don't know if I can wait.

Heez, Monday, 5 June 2017 18:33 (seven years ago) link

What's this? Are you not thinking of the OP-Z?

JLB Credit (Jack BS), Tuesday, 6 June 2017 06:16 (seven years ago) link

Oh I thought the Z was a new model of the OP1. It's a different beast altogether?

Heez, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 12:52 (seven years ago) link

Yeah i believe so although they share a few similarities. I'm still finding it hard to get my head round how the OPZ works with no display, but i love the OP-1 so much (especially for its midi note sequencing abilities) that i'm sure it will be worthwhile

JLB Credit (Jack BS), Wednesday, 7 June 2017 11:05 (seven years ago) link

I appreciate that 'what the world needs from Roland is an analogue monosynth Minimoog clone' is a minority opinion but that sounds pretty great.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Tuesday, 20 June 2017 12:58 (seven years ago) link

I feel a bit like they should've made the filter more roland-y

Basil-flavoured Zempilas (haitch), Monday, 26 June 2017 06:39 (seven years ago) link

Yep, to my untrained ears it does sound more or less like a straight Studio Electronics synth at a more accessible price point. Though, tbh, with an apparent list price of £509 / €600 - one that looks set to cost a bit more than the trailed $499 in Europe.

I am pretty keen to try the MFB Dominion Club too.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Monday, 26 June 2017 21:40 (seven years ago) link

three weeks pass...

you guys

novation peak!!

Basil-flavoured Zempilas (haitch), Wednesday, 19 July 2017 05:07 (seven years ago) link

Did you get one? Is it good?

DJI, Wednesday, 19 July 2017 06:15 (seven years ago) link

I did and it is great. very tweakable from the front panel, can go from glassy to nasty, great arpeggiator. 24-oscillator unison mode is quite an experience.

Basil-flavoured Zempilas (haitch), Thursday, 20 July 2017 04:01 (seven years ago) link

really it's the perfect long evolving pad machine, though.

Basil-flavoured Zempilas (haitch), Thursday, 20 July 2017 04:02 (seven years ago) link

It really seems like a beast! I have the BS2, and it's such a great monosynth. I need to go check out the Peak - I wish they had one with a keyboard.

DJI, Thursday, 20 July 2017 15:18 (seven years ago) link

24-oscillator unison mode


El Tomboto, Thursday, 20 July 2017 16:00 (seven years ago) link


👁 (am0n), Monday, 24 July 2017 21:38 (seven years ago) link

Great video!

DJI, Tuesday, 25 July 2017 00:04 (seven years ago) link

his story of pink floyd throwing away an ondioline ffs

👁 (am0n), Tuesday, 25 July 2017 16:10 (seven years ago) link

Oh wow, those tennis racket instruments (w/joystick and photo sensor!).

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 25 July 2017 17:34 (seven years ago) link

Boutique SH-01 and 808 coming!


Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Tuesday, 8 August 2017 14:04 (seven years ago) link

I havne't bothered with them but that 101 looks pretty fun. Adding polyphony was smart. Have to hear it.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 8 August 2017 14:46 (seven years ago) link

I'm really tempted by that SH-101 if it's not too $$$.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 August 2017 15:00 (seven years ago) link

Heh that might be exactly the most I could justify spending on a synth.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 August 2017 15:36 (seven years ago) link


a Synthi done in javascript.

koogs, Tuesday, 15 August 2017 08:46 (seven years ago) link

^that is pretty clever!

spent wednesday night mucking around with IRL synthis and VCS3s, and the crazy transaudio pro case 6: http://www.matrixsynth.com/2016/06/the-transaudio-procase-6-custom-dual.html

dicnic at wanging cock (haitch), Friday, 25 August 2017 00:49 (seven years ago) link

it's not quite the dual VCS3 that article suggests - lots of different functions. envelopes were a bit weird though.

dicnic at wanging cock (haitch), Friday, 25 August 2017 00:50 (seven years ago) link

what are some good places to get synths and gear online? I've looked around the area but it doesn't look like there are any local retailers that carry anything interesting.

El Tomboto, Monday, 28 August 2017 18:38 (seven years ago) link


na (NA), Monday, 28 August 2017 18:39 (seven years ago) link

Analogue Haven is supposed to be good.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Monday, 28 August 2017 18:43 (seven years ago) link

I like Perfect Circuit Audio - https://www.perfectcircuitaudio.com

Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 29 August 2017 09:24 (seven years ago) link

ebay and craigory's list. i've noticed dc listings > baltimore selection-wise

👁 (am0n), Wednesday, 30 August 2017 17:39 (seven years ago) link

Also the buy/sell section of Muffwiggler, come to think of it.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Wednesday, 30 August 2017 17:45 (seven years ago) link

perfect circuit audio send sweets with your order!

dicnic at wanging cock (haitch), Friday, 1 September 2017 01:12 (seven years ago) link

you guys are awesome, thank you

El Tomboto, Friday, 1 September 2017 01:25 (seven years ago) link

Uh oh looks like I'm buying some stuff.


jjjusten, Friday, 1 September 2017 15:09 (seven years ago) link

Looks pretty sweet! Better than Nord, though?

DJI, Friday, 1 September 2017 15:20 (seven years ago) link

Looks pretty sweet! Better than Nord, though?

DJI, Friday, 1 September 2017 15:20 (seven years ago) link

Time will tell. Considering Vox and Korg are aligned now, and knowing how blown away I've been by recent Korg product, I'm pretty optimistic.

jjjusten, Friday, 1 September 2017 15:37 (seven years ago) link

Still lusting after a Nord Stage 3, but they are still not in stores yet...

DJI, Friday, 1 September 2017 16:25 (seven years ago) link


― na (NA), Monday, 28 August 2017 18:39

tried this for the first time recently and already have a horror story. fingers crossed on an imminent happy ending

👁 (am0n), Sunday, 3 September 2017 22:52 (seven years ago) link


Boutique D50!

For all your Enya / Mylene Farmer / Legowelt needs.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Sunday, 10 September 2017 12:02 (seven years ago) link


El Tomboto, Sunday, 10 September 2017 14:42 (seven years ago) link

The UI on that looks just as complicated and menu-driven as the original!

DJI, Sunday, 10 September 2017 16:22 (seven years ago) link

I'm used to that. I was raised on worse, like general midi TGs and Yamahas

El Tomboto, Sunday, 10 September 2017 16:31 (seven years ago) link

sick. are the boutique touch pads better than wheels

am0n, Sunday, 10 September 2017 20:54 (seven years ago) link

I tend to assume anything with fewer moving parts is an improvement, but knobs are def better than touch. Wheels vs touch is probably a wash. I'll take the cheaper littler version in a heartbeat.

El Tomboto, Monday, 11 September 2017 00:54 (seven years ago) link

startrekman to thread

am0n, Monday, 11 September 2017 01:13 (seven years ago) link


am0n, Monday, 11 September 2017 01:14 (seven years ago) link

That's good stuff. 19-year-old me would want to set Eric Persing on fire.

El Tomboto, Monday, 11 September 2017 02:21 (seven years ago) link

Like the cardinal opposite of Atsushi Hoshiai, the dude who played the cymbals on the 909

El Tomboto, Monday, 11 September 2017 02:30 (seven years ago) link

This new Roland looks pretty nice: https://www.roland.com/global/products/v-combo_vr-730/

Maybe a much lower-cost alternative to a Nord Stage?

DJI, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 21:52 (seven years ago) link


DJI, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 21:52 (seven years ago) link

three weeks pass...


am0n, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 16:09 (seven years ago) link

That sounds pretty awesome.

DJI, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 17:19 (seven years ago) link

None of those sounds in the demo are super inspiring to me but I love the interface and idea. Their effects processor looks really cool.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 4 October 2017 17:34 (seven years ago) link

yeah I'm kinda just meh on that but this thing


El Tomboto, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 17:48 (seven years ago) link

Has anyone fucked with the Yamaha CS-80 reissue? Part of the ‘reface’ series iirc. I like to fantasize that I’ll be able to buy one <$500 synth and that one’s my desideratum rn

harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 4 October 2017 18:01 (seven years ago) link

it's on my list, there are hella youtubes of people doing the most boring possible shit with it

El Tomboto, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 18:03 (seven years ago) link

That’s a shame bc I will do NEW BLADE RUNNAR w it

harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 4 October 2017 18:11 (seven years ago) link

CS-80? You mean like the CS01? The reface CS is pretty basic. Some dude's making an expensive rack CS-80 clone but it's not a yamaha reface.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 4 October 2017 19:09 (seven years ago) link

The Arturia CS-80 clone soft-synth is pretty good, though obvs i have not played an actual CS-80 to compare.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Wednesday, 4 October 2017 21:22 (seven years ago) link

So I got my LYRA-8 today. Absolutely worth waiting 13 months for it.

sounds like this:


EZ Snappin, Thursday, 5 October 2017 15:15 (seven years ago) link

yeah I'm kinda just meh on that but this thing
― El Tomboto, Wednesday, October 4, 2017 1:48 PM

think i like the morphagene better in that regard


am0n, Friday, 6 October 2017 01:05 (seven years ago) link

gawd bless tom erbe

am0n, Friday, 6 October 2017 01:09 (seven years ago) link

It's like Carl Stone in a box.

dan selzer, Friday, 6 October 2017 01:25 (seven years ago) link

am0n, I'm always surprised at your preferences, but sincerely, I do not know what I do not know; we'll see; we'eell;;;;l see;sesss; sseeee;weeelselllsseeelllssll;e

the LYRA-8 sounds like lameness distilled, never buy noise, the whole point of noise is to find it, noise is personal, I definitely want to yell at the guy who made that youtube

El Tomboto, Saturday, 7 October 2017 05:08 (seven years ago) link

i prob need to hear a better demo of thyme but bastl def wins in the interface design

am0n, Saturday, 7 October 2017 05:20 (seven years ago) link

bastl livestream


am0n, Wednesday, 18 October 2017 14:44 (seven years ago) link

It's alive!

DJI, Wednesday, 18 October 2017 18:51 (seven years ago) link

Got my Nord Stage 3 Compact this week! So stoked. It sounds so nice...

DJI, Thursday, 19 October 2017 19:41 (seven years ago) link

I really want that Make Noise 0-coast, wish it was cheaper.

Also I downloaded Dexed and realized I have NO idea how to deal with FM synthesis. Also realized it's responsible for a lot of the sounds I like and haven't been able to achieve, and I want to learn, but it seems very mysterious right now (even modifying presets!).

change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 19 October 2017 19:46 (seven years ago) link

Does anyone understand fm? Change values and algorithms until it feels good.

harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 19 October 2017 20:31 (seven years ago) link

I find it very hard because there's much less of a 1:1 relationship between parameters and the resultant sound compared to analogue synthesis.

Zings Can Only Get Better (snoball), Thursday, 19 October 2017 20:40 (seven years ago) link

I understand FM a little bit because I think of it like having a few 4+ with separate ASDRs and usually that helps - but yeah, tons of twiddling

El Tomboto, Friday, 20 October 2017 00:43 (seven years ago) link

4+ oscs, I meant

El Tomboto, Friday, 20 October 2017 00:45 (seven years ago) link

the messiness of that sentence is probably a good example of how I think about FM. no grammar, but a syntax I can guess at and sometimes get right

El Tomboto, Friday, 20 October 2017 00:46 (seven years ago) link

this is probably a good place to start?


dan selzer, Friday, 20 October 2017 01:40 (seven years ago) link

The thing that most freaked me out about Dexed was not seeing any ADSR, but apparently they're just unmarked (kvraudio forum to the rescue):

am i too stupid? i cannot find the ADSR knobs? :/

They are not there as such.. they are called 1234 each with its own level and time(rate:1=slow 99=fast) to reach set level :scared:
Just call 1 attack, 2 decay, 3 sustain, and 4 release.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 20 October 2017 16:38 (seven years ago) link

i spent last night plugging these into the fm manually. i don't know that i recommend it or even understand any more about fm than previously but i can now get around the edit menu faster


am0n, Monday, 23 October 2017 04:02 (seven years ago) link

Oh cool, I will give that a shot. What synth are you using?

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 23 October 2017 14:45 (seven years ago) link


am0n, Monday, 23 October 2017 17:33 (seven years ago) link

For some reason I always thought that Volca FM was 3-op, but I looked it up again and it's actually 6-op but 3-voice. Is it possible to poly-chain two of them together?

naus, Tuesday, 24 October 2017 06:39 (seven years ago) link

I'm still torn on the D05 as i suspect it'll be a real pain to programme. Given that the VST is already available, it seems a shame not to have done what they managed with the boutique JX3P and include a bunch of the PG1000 controls on the front panel.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 11:07 (seven years ago) link

naus you could chain multiple if you use this - https://www.retrokits.com/shop/rk002/

am0n, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 13:47 (seven years ago) link

oh that site is just full of "your terrible ideas" fodder


Ports can be defined as sync-only You can change the MIDI connector into sending out sync signals. With the use of a MIDI to Mini-jack converter (as provided with e.g. the Arturia Beatstep) in reverse to the RK-002, this enables you to use the MIDI-connectors as sync output. This way you can also use the RK-004 to drive a bunch of (example given) Pocket Operators.

Tempo manipulation Every port can be set to run relative to the midi or sync master clock (or discard the master clock alltogether). This way you can creatively use sequencer machines to run in different tempo’s with each other.

El Tomboto, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 14:06 (seven years ago) link

I mean that in a good way obviously, but I could easily see myself breaking out scratch paper and designing an unworkable $12,000 one-man-noise-wall around just that contraption

El Tomboto, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 14:11 (seven years ago) link

the tempo thing is pretty cool

am0n, Thursday, 26 October 2017 14:36 (seven years ago) link

D.T.M.C.A. (discard the master clock altogether) would make a decent band name

El Tomboto, Thursday, 26 October 2017 15:50 (seven years ago) link

Has anyone tried the Digitakt? The fact that Elektron haven't gotten around to releasing the DAW linking software about eight months after the hardware unit is a bit of a concern but it looks pretty cool as a drum machine / sampler.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Thursday, 2 November 2017 09:08 (seven years ago) link

i recently got one and i like it, still getting used to it, but it seems fairly straightforward and fun to use. has a better feel to it than some similar machine's i've had in the past and it sounds great. i don't care about the DAW linking software, though, so i didn't know it still wasn't available.

karl...arlk...rlka...lkar..., Thursday, 2 November 2017 15:10 (seven years ago) link

similar machines like? mpc? i've been mulling over digitakt/octatrack recently as the only thing i have close to it is the rudimentary sp404. kinda want volca sample also

am0n, Thursday, 2 November 2017 16:12 (seven years ago) link

tbh part of the reason I have been looking at the Digitakt is that the Volca Sample is kind of a pain to use.

I might wait and see if there any upgrades to the sampling functions in Ableton 10, though.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Thursday, 2 November 2017 16:15 (seven years ago) link

i used the mc-909 for quite a while and i'm enjoying the digitakt more, the workflow is just more intuitive and feels more flexible. i've also used an sp404, a volca sample, an electribe 2... and on my first impressions i find the digitakt more immediately appealing than all of those.

karl...arlk...rlka...lkar..., Thursday, 2 November 2017 16:31 (seven years ago) link

good to hear. the volca sample not being able to record and requiring a device for transfer is a no-go for me but the rest of it at that pricepoint is appealing. sp404 is kind of underrated but the sequencer is weak. elektron seems like they have the interface and build quality figured out on all their shit. too bad digitakt isn't stereo

am0n, Friday, 3 November 2017 19:08 (seven years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Juno has ten per cent off everything released before the first of October. The phrasing makes it sound like it is just for records but it works on equipment too - bringing the Monologue down to £215, the MS20 Mini to £405, Digitakt to under £500, etc.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Thursday, 23 November 2017 22:42 (seven years ago) link

It's been indispensable since I got it but now the Octatrack has the Digitakt-style conditional trig conditions it's... uh... even more so.

Did anyone else perhaps not-so-cleverly lay down for the Tasty Chips GR-1? Been something I've dreamed about since first learning about granular synthesis.

mor frog bs (S-), Friday, 24 November 2017 05:19 (seven years ago) link


am0n, Sunday, 26 November 2017 18:53 (seven years ago) link

Why not-so-cleverly, are they not getting produced or something? It looks dope but too expensive.

change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 26 November 2017 21:45 (seven years ago) link

Overbridge is going to be free from February and will be compatible with Digitakt!

I got a Digitakt yesterday!

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Tuesday, 28 November 2017 19:31 (seven years ago) link


I've finally almost finished rebuilding my studio (old "studio" is now a nursery) and reconnecting my Analog4 to my computer and loaded Overbridge. To be honest I still find the A4 super easy to program and mostly happy to be able to automate stuff and be better able to mess with the sound library because I do find that bit confusing.

What I find REALLY cool about the new upcoming overbridge is that it will be freestanding and not just a plugin.

I also just bought myself a Yamaha Reface DX. Just really wanted some simple FM stuff and it seems like a great deal.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 28 November 2017 19:43 (seven years ago) link

In my quest to create a fun DAW-less jamming setup, I ordered a Circuit yesterday. Not a lot of people seem to be using these with external gear, but I think it might be perfect for my setup. Anyone have one of these? The various firmware updates have made them pretty sweet! You can now add your own samples, and edit the synth patches with a pretty powerful web-based editor.

DJI, Tuesday, 28 November 2017 19:46 (seven years ago) link

i was checking out reface dx recently, looks cool. baffling that it can't load og dx patches cuz of 4 ops but the interface editing looks way better than volca. found an ms-20 and sq-1 for 20% off from some generic store called "music & arts"

am0n, Thursday, 30 November 2017 04:19 (seven years ago) link

I'm freaking out a bit, I got excited when I saw a good price, figured I'd save 50 bucks by buying the DX from some store called Unique Squared. After ordering I look at the yelp reviews and it's all these people going on like "they sold me an open box/return as new and it came DOA and they won't let me return it without a 15% restocking fee". Anyway, supposed to arrive tomorrow, fingers crossed.

Playing some more w/ the A4 and I have to say, it's a fucking beautiful and deep beast and if the mk1 comes down in price, esp used due to the new one, people should get it. Very flexible and easy routing, just made a sound with a slow LFO that changes the oscillator waveform, while the other LFO turns key tracking on and off. Even before you mess with parameter locks and the sequencer and conditional trigs there are so many simple ways to make really cool and complex sounds.

I also have it's inputs patched into the aux sends of my mixer, so I can not only use it as an effects box, but via overbridge, use it as a soundcard.

dan selzer, Thursday, 30 November 2017 04:37 (seven years ago) link

The Arturia Buchla emulator looks pretty interesting:


Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Wednesday, 6 December 2017 20:37 (seven years ago) link

Did you guys see this thing?


harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 6 December 2017 22:58 (seven years ago) link

Haha, that's great. If it was a little cheaper and I didn't have the Microbrute I would definitely buy it.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 6 December 2017 23:33 (seven years ago) link


Behringer have subsequently taken the info down but it looks like they will be turning out cheap clones of a wide range of vintage synths and drum machines, including the Wasp.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Wednesday, 13 December 2017 22:02 (seven years ago) link

VCS3 as well!

koogs, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 22:33 (seven years ago) link

Yeah man that would be fun to have a physical vcs3. People say behringer stuff is not very sturdy though and tends to break down?

harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 13 December 2017 23:10 (seven years ago) link

I blew up a mixer of theirs once (although I was doing no input mixing through it which might have had something to do with it) and although all their pedals look and feel really flimsy they all still work despite getting them second hand and paying under £5 for each of them. The bigger problem is that only one out of the four is any good (the equaliser) and it's not exactly transparent when not in use.

Thomas Gabriel Fischer does not endorse (aldo), Wednesday, 13 December 2017 23:23 (seven years ago) link

a line of drum machines well, a Linn, a DMX, an 808 and 909 and something new-ish.

It's pretty boring, I get why it's exciting, but like, there's already a cheap good MS-20, Korg makes it. And why on earth would you make a Linn and a DMX? Why not just make one that has the sounds of both?

And no real spring reverb on the 2600 clone? FAIL.

dan selzer, Thursday, 14 December 2017 00:15 (seven years ago) link

just fyi the behringer "leaks" are confirmed vaporware. i mean i already knew that cuz im smart but wanted to make sure u knew

am0n, Thursday, 14 December 2017 18:04 (seven years ago) link

consumer electronics holiday marketing stunts 2017

am0n, Thursday, 14 December 2017 18:09 (seven years ago) link

yeah i saw that haha

harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 14 December 2017 20:03 (seven years ago) link

Was buying some cables at Guitar Center today and noticed that the Deepmind 12 is on sale for $700

louise ck (milo z), Sunday, 17 December 2017 03:18 (seven years ago) link

red microbrute on sale for $200 on amazon today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074F373RW/?tag=toysj-20

na (NA), Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:18 (seven years ago) link

0-coast is quite good, y'all.

dicnic at wanging cock (haitch), Tuesday, 26 December 2017 04:49 (seven years ago) link

not quite the total relearning of synthesis that some would have it as, but lots of cool sounds can be wrung out of it.

dicnic at wanging cock (haitch), Tuesday, 26 December 2017 04:53 (seven years ago) link

recently got rid of an 0-coast. it was fun to play with but i couldn't really get into its sound for some reason. good for unearthly bass tones

am0n, Monday, 8 January 2018 15:57 (seven years ago) link

behringer made a VP-330

am0n, Monday, 8 January 2018 17:41 (seven years ago) link


am0n, Monday, 8 January 2018 17:42 (seven years ago) link


am0n, Monday, 8 January 2018 17:44 (seven years ago) link

behringer now officially doing versions of vp-330, ob-xa, and the model d announced awhile back is now shipping in eu. none of these were in the "holiday leak" list above but it does prove their serious intent of going all in on analog clones

am0n, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 20:10 (seven years ago) link

I'm in love with my LYRA-8.

EZ Snappin, Saturday, 13 January 2018 02:27 (six years ago) link

I sent an e-mail to get on the list for a Lyra-4 after watching those videos.

louise ck (milo z), Saturday, 13 January 2018 05:31 (six years ago) link

i posted some LYRA experiments on bandcamp a little while ago.


EZ Snappin, Saturday, 13 January 2018 06:41 (six years ago) link

403 on that link :(

koogs, Saturday, 13 January 2018 18:44 (six years ago) link

Bandcamp itself is giving me a 403

koogs, Saturday, 13 January 2018 18:46 (six years ago) link

That’s not good. No problems with bandcamp not that link that I can see.

EZ Snappin, Saturday, 13 January 2018 19:34 (six years ago) link

nor the link, obv.

EZ Snappin, Saturday, 13 January 2018 19:42 (six years ago) link

Still getting a 403. Firefox, android. Will try later.

koogs, Saturday, 13 January 2018 20:53 (six years ago) link

"http://bandcamp.com is not down
(it took me 1.39 seconds to check, if it is down for you, go shout at your IT support or ISP)
BTW: The status code I got was 301 and I was redirected to https://bandcamp.com/";

A 301 does not mean it's up, you idiot website. None of the checker websites seem to allow me to enter an Https site either.

koogs, Saturday, 13 January 2018 21:00 (six years ago) link

Works on everything here - firefox, chrome, safari, opera.

EZ Snappin, Saturday, 13 January 2018 21:05 (six years ago) link

Working on my end (and sounds great).

Got an e-mail back that the wait is only going to be a couple of weeks. Guess I better set aside the money now.

louise ck (milo z), Sunday, 14 January 2018 00:17 (six years ago) link

I had to wait 13 months! But they've set up a second production facility so things are coming much faster than in the first year.

EZ Snappin, Sunday, 14 January 2018 00:26 (six years ago) link

now u too can beatbox like anton lavey


am0n, Monday, 15 January 2018 00:05 (six years ago) link

I sort of like that thing but not at 4-500 euros

EZ Snappin, Monday, 15 January 2018 06:32 (six years ago) link

Minibrute 2
More or less a beefed up Minibrute with a patchbay.

2018 has to be better (snoball), Monday, 15 January 2018 18:50 (six years ago) link

Makes sense as the lower-tier Microbrute was patchable, and probably ate into some of the original Minibrute's sales for it. Weren't there crazy QC issues with the first Minibrute as well?

naus, Monday, 15 January 2018 21:22 (six years ago) link

That pipe thing looks pretty rad. Wonder if you could basically do the same thing by piping your voice into a bass station or something (and adding a reverb pedal).

DJI, Monday, 15 January 2018 22:57 (six years ago) link

Probably something very similar. I like that the prototype has this chart on the side to explain each combination:


EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 00:01 (six years ago) link

If you don’t want keys on your new Minibrute:


Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Tuesday, 16 January 2018 18:27 (six years ago) link

Got my LYRA-4 invoice today, production must be going strong. Probably more people going for the -8, I guess, since it's not that much more.

louise ck (milo z), Tuesday, 16 January 2018 23:11 (six years ago) link

This is the second thing I've ordered from Russia this month (this) so I'm probably on a list now.

louise ck (milo z), Tuesday, 16 January 2018 23:13 (six years ago) link

should have called it the Macrologue

louise ck (milo z), Thursday, 18 January 2018 06:26 (six years ago) link

Surprised at the price. I mean it's probably worth that, but the mini and mono are so cheap for what they offer, would've been great if they could hit 1000 or below for the smaller of the two. I own a mini and went to a friends house the other day and played with his monologue and had a great time with it.

dan selzer, Thursday, 18 January 2018 15:05 (six years ago) link

huh, no sequencer. That's weird. Otherwise it looks like a mix of features from the previous two with the addition of the third oscillator (digital), an additional effect and bitimbre ability.

dan selzer, Thursday, 18 January 2018 15:08 (six years ago) link

they should do a christmas edition called the Yulelogue

Winter. Dickens. Yes. (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 18 January 2018 16:13 (six years ago) link

hi how have we not covered the moog DFAM in this thread


El Tomboto, Friday, 19 January 2018 12:37 (six years ago) link

I absolutely fucking hate, hate, hate, hate a long stupid demo in which nobody does anything that isn’t 4/4 or 6/8

Jesus Christ

El Tomboto, Friday, 19 January 2018 22:52 (six years ago) link

This seems very complicated:

louise ck (milo z), Monday, 22 January 2018 22:41 (six years ago) link

you want odd time signatures out of your drum machine demos???

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 22 January 2018 22:47 (six years ago) link

of course I do

El Tomboto, Monday, 22 January 2018 23:40 (six years ago) link


I’m going to find it hard to resist that one.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Thursday, 25 January 2018 21:41 (six years ago) link

Very concerned that he's pronouncing it with a hard G.

change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 25 January 2018 21:46 (six years ago) link

Might be a dealbreaker.

change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 25 January 2018 21:46 (six years ago) link

What a weird video. We’re people complaining that their demos were too steril? Lacking in koi fish?

Looks fun. I’m happy with my reface DX which is not as powerful or as expensive.

dan selzer, Thursday, 25 January 2018 22:11 (six years ago) link

Sweet greenhouse, bro.

DJI, Friday, 26 January 2018 00:57 (six years ago) link

one month passes...

Finally found an Novation Ultranova for cheap, after reading about how it's Tom Ellard's favourite synth on his blog. Seems pretty good so far (except that it feels incredibly cheap)



mor frog bs (S-), Saturday, 10 March 2018 00:32 (six years ago) link

three months pass...

If I buy a Korg minilogue then plug it into the soundbar under the television so I don't have to spend money on speakers will I go to hell

valorous wokelord (silby), Monday, 18 June 2018 18:10 (six years ago) link


dan selzer, Monday, 18 June 2018 23:30 (six years ago) link

the iLoud Micro Monitors are scary good though

El Tomboto, Tuesday, 19 June 2018 03:41 (six years ago) link

i bought an mpc 1000 !!!! was not impressed at all with mpc live so i went for it. jj os is incredible

diamonddave85​​ (diamonddave85), Saturday, 30 June 2018 22:13 (six years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Artutia DrumBrute Impact, basically a mini DrumBrute:

Visibly Over 25 (snoball), Thursday, 19 July 2018 17:47 (six years ago) link

I have the OG Drumbrute, and like it. Seems like adding a distortion pedal onto its output might be a good thing.

DJI, Thursday, 19 July 2018 19:24 (six years ago) link

three weeks pass...

EZ snappin are you still vibing with the lyra-8, kinda thinking of selling my alpha juno and getting one with the proceeds

Steve Reich, 'Ass-Clapping Music' (haitch), Tuesday, 14 August 2018 04:17 (six years ago) link

My son was playing around with the Arturia MatrixBrute this weekend. That thing's a monster, the whole push button matrix is a pretty ingenious approach to patching.

I'm pretty hyped up about the Mother series and he's interested in getting one of the mini Korgs. All this new analog stuff feels much more attainable than in the old days.

Also, some of these high tech DJ rigs look pretty insane, and not too expensive. It's all very tempting and I need exactly none of it.

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Tuesday, 14 August 2018 04:34 (six years ago) link

I love my Lyra 8 but it's a specialized piece of kit. It doesn't play well with my other gear besides drum machines. However, what it does well, from droning ambient washes to harsh thunderous noise, it does better than anything else I've gotten my hands on.

Have you gotten your hands on one? Is there anywhere you can try one out?

EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 14 August 2018 04:58 (six years ago) link

not got hold of one, strong feeling that it is 'my bag' though

Steve Reich, 'Ass-Clapping Music' (haitch), Tuesday, 14 August 2018 07:02 (six years ago) link

alpha juno is such a great little guy though.

dan selzer, Tuesday, 14 August 2018 10:51 (six years ago) link

There are plenty of demos out there now. If they excite you I say go for it. Or if you're near Nashville drop me a line.

EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 14 August 2018 14:38 (six years ago) link

one month passes...

Bought a replacement DX7IID after being a year plus unable to repair a previous one. Jesus what a fucking synth.

in twelve parts (lamonti), Friday, 21 September 2018 12:15 (six years ago) link

two weeks pass...

This sounds amazing.


DJI, Monday, 8 October 2018 16:16 (six years ago) link

My setup:

DJI, Monday, 15 October 2018 17:10 (six years ago) link

got one of those AE modular sets on the way after a little wait - this guy with extra VCAs and a couple other things. getting the sweet-looking FX module as a bonus for waiting patiently!

Steve Reich, 'Ass-Clapping Music' (haitch), Wednesday, 24 October 2018 04:03 (six years ago) link

That looks cool! Can’t wait to hear what you think of it

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 24 October 2018 05:16 (six years ago) link

Wow, very interesting, streamlined design.

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Wednesday, 24 October 2018 05:33 (six years ago) link

one month passes...

I went to Five G in Harajuku the week before last, which is amazing. It's pretty small but absolutely packed with interesting stuff, including the Lyra-8. I didn't end up buying anything but it's a great place to visit.

Has anyone tried the ELTA Polivoks Mini yet?

ShariVari, Tuesday, 18 December 2018 13:01 (six years ago) link

four weeks pass...

This thing looks nuts:


Montgomery Burns' Jazz (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Thursday, 17 January 2019 18:25 (five years ago) link

Reminds me of the Buchla music easel, although hopefully more affordable

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Thursday, 17 January 2019 21:11 (five years ago) link


EZ Snappin, Thursday, 17 January 2019 21:25 (five years ago) link

I already have three semi-modular synths I can only vaguely understand but I can imagine it would be enormously good fun to pick up a couple of the Volcas and patch them together.

ShariVari, Thursday, 17 January 2019 21:27 (five years ago) link

it is fairly amazing that this is a thing. I'm gonna get one for work jamz.

Steve Reich, 'Ass-Clapping Music' (haitch), Friday, 18 January 2019 01:23 (five years ago) link

Aesthetic similarities to the Music Easel are definitely intentional.

dan selzer, Friday, 18 January 2019 03:42 (five years ago) link

Multi Volca jams are fun (I have drum, bass, sample and keys) but no use for anything more than fooling around in my opinion - lack of any real number of save files (one of those only has 2, for example) means you're almost always making it up as you go along. That said, this looks like a lot of potential for sounds that will pair well with something like a NDLR.

Bimlo Horsewagon became Wheelbarrow Horseflesh (aldo), Friday, 18 January 2019 08:41 (five years ago) link

It looks quite similar to the 0-Coast in terms of functionality.

I don't really use the Volcas for much - apart from the FM, which is terrific. The new Drum one looks quite sophisticated compared to the Beats and Kick, though.

ShariVari, Friday, 18 January 2019 09:35 (five years ago) link

I dusted off my Volca Keys for the first time in ages recently (actually it was the last thing I recorded for an album), it was very satisfying to get some use out of it. One of my favorite tricks is to mix it with a digital synth, the combination of grit and sheen can be really nice.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 18 January 2019 09:56 (five years ago) link

The new Drum one looks quite sophisticated compared to the Beats and Kick, though.

don't sleep on the kick, it bangs

Steve Reich, 'Ass-Clapping Music' (haitch), Sunday, 20 January 2019 23:30 (five years ago) link

This seems ludicrous for £140:


It's Behringer so it'll probably last 18 months before going up in smoke but probably still worth it.

ShariVari, Monday, 28 January 2019 12:19 (five years ago) link

Any suggestions for lesser-known, inexpensive (~$200) synths/toys/noise makers that don't take up too much space? I know about the Volcas, Critter & Guitari, etc.

Looking for a birthday present for myself. :)

change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 3 February 2019 19:40 (five years ago) link

Otherwise I'm thinking about the Volca FM, since I don't have a great FM synth (aside from Dexed, which I never really got the hang of).

change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 3 February 2019 19:43 (five years ago) link

The Landscape Stereo Field seems to have gone up in price recently but looks kind of interesting.

The Elettrorama WSG is about $200 and might be fun.

The Volca FM sounds great though.

ShariVari, Sunday, 3 February 2019 19:50 (five years ago) link

If you can spend a little more or find one used, the Novation Circuit rules.

DJI, Sunday, 3 February 2019 19:54 (five years ago) link

I got a Streichfett string synthesizer for Christmas. It's a load of fun, and makes these great artificial-sounding string sounds, but can also be tweaked to make a bunch of other sounds. I made a whole track with it. Once it's released I'll link it here.

DJI, Sunday, 3 February 2019 19:57 (five years ago) link

Could always go for a Stylophone or an Otamatone. The Otamatone Deluxe has a line out so you can run it through pedals and other synths.

EZ Snappin, Sunday, 3 February 2019 20:01 (five years ago) link

Not as tiny but as far as budget fm is concerned I’d take the reface DX over the volca.

dan selzer, Sunday, 3 February 2019 22:43 (five years ago) link

Is the streichfett a take on the Solina type sound?

valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Sunday, 3 February 2019 23:27 (five years ago) link

Yeah. This is a good review:

DJI, Sunday, 3 February 2019 23:37 (five years ago) link


DJI, Sunday, 3 February 2019 23:37 (five years ago) link

Not as tiny but as far as budget fm is concerned I’d take the reface DX over the volca.

Dan, does it make a difference if I'm not a keyboard player, and would only use it via midi (mostly for arpeggios, grist for processing, etc)?

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 4 February 2019 00:29 (five years ago) link

Anyway I might just get some Crank Sturgeon contact mics & toys instead:

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 4 February 2019 00:30 (five years ago) link

No. It’s easier to tweak the sounds on the reface than the Volca which is worth considering.

dan selzer, Monday, 4 February 2019 00:35 (five years ago) link

Anyway I might just get some Crank Sturgeon contact mics & toys instead

I want to get that multi-plunk gamelan thing and strap it to my bargain-bin cajon

El Tomboto, Wednesday, 6 February 2019 15:40 (five years ago) link

That's what I ordered, super excited tbh

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 6 February 2019 15:44 (five years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I reaaally want one of these cassette synthesizers, it's just a bit too pricey for me. So cool. And Marantz-PMD222 modded into a tape echo.


change display name (Jordan), Monday, 25 February 2019 15:16 (five years ago) link

i been having a little volca renaissance lately, never really found much use for the keys but FM through a few effects can do some good stuff

adam, Monday, 25 February 2019 16:38 (five years ago) link

Not a synth but I have a Soma ETHER on the way to me from Russia:


EZ Snappin, Monday, 25 February 2019 16:53 (five years ago) link

That's some Quatermass type sound there.

just another country (snoball), Monday, 25 February 2019 19:40 (five years ago) link


VCV rack 1.0 and 2.0 should be coming fairly shortly - with full DAW / VST integration for $99.

ShariVari, Monday, 11 March 2019 08:42 (five years ago) link

volca modular is a fun ole time. I keep it in my bag at work and break it out for jams at boring times!

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Tuesday, 12 March 2019 01:22 (five years ago) link

I was messing around with VCV rack at a friend's studio (he's using it to test the firmware for an actual module he's releasing, and make presets), it's pretty wild. I'll definitely go in for a plugin version, for easy sampling.

Hopefully virtual modular isn't as much of a non-finishing-tracks time sink as real modular. Unless your music is based on recording modular-only jams, I really think the key is to just use it as sample fodder and chop out the good bits.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 12 March 2019 17:18 (five years ago) link

I received the ETHER today. This is the sound of my apartment:


EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 13 March 2019 16:56 (five years ago) link

Pretty cool! I suppose it would be fun to chop that up and make it into a drum kit.

DJI, Wednesday, 13 March 2019 16:59 (five years ago) link

Yeah, I think it’s gonna be great for sampling purposes. And a fun listen on walks around town.

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 13 March 2019 17:14 (five years ago) link

I recently got a new iPad, and have been playing with Beatmaker pro. It's pretty sweet, but a little tough to grok immediately. I made a little jam by recording some stuff from my Nord and adding some other stuff from Beatmaker - plan to post it when it's finished.

DJI, Wednesday, 13 March 2019 17:24 (five years ago) link

I want to play around with the Samplr app, but what I learned from my last dive into iPad apps is that it was just too much of a pain to integrate into my DAW workflow, so I stopped doing it quickly.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 March 2019 17:33 (five years ago) link

Yeah apparently there are some iPad apps that will export to Ableton .als files. That would be sweet. Otherwise it’s going to be annoying. I can render out stems to my Dropbox with Beatmaker, though, which isn’t too bad.

DJI, Wednesday, 13 March 2019 19:02 (five years ago) link

I just got a Rackbrute and Plaits to pair with a Mother 32 and it is lots of fun.

ShariVari, Friday, 22 March 2019 14:14 (five years ago) link

two weeks pass...

thinking of selling some stuff off, and was simultaneously feeling a bit uninspired by the toy selection, so acquired a minibrute 2s last week.

still feeling my way with it a bit (work's been p. intense lately) but it's really hitting the spot for me, really good balance of immediacy and complexity, even without cross-patching it with eurorack stuff or another semi-modular it's got so many ways to quickly alter the sound. the sequencer rules - being able to switch the velocity and pressure lanes to be an auxillary LFO, or random source, or envelope, or various free voltages... so good. absolutely savage sync for your cars 'let's go' impressions or whatever, too.

feels very solid too if anyone is still worried about arturia QA issues. lots to get lost in if you're not a keys player and like an alternate interface.

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Wednesday, 10 April 2019 08:38 (five years ago) link

i recently sold my drumbrute but yeah the arturia sequencers are really nice, definitely the best part of the machine as i felt the voices were kind of anemic.

adam, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 14:40 (five years ago) link

The Microfreak looks fun. It has a bunch of the Braids oscillator code and an unusual Buchla-style touchpad.

ShariVari, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 16:03 (five years ago) link

I just got a Rackbrute and Plaits to pair with a Mother 32 and it is lots of fun.

― ShariVari, Friday, 22 March 2019 15:14 (two weeks ago)

This escalated quickly tbh.


ShariVari, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 17:36 (five years ago) link

is that a mutable instruments blinds on the bottom row? i just bought one

my monome teletype should be delivered today about which i am fuckin psyched

adam, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 17:40 (five years ago) link

It’s Veils on the left and Tides on the right. Èmilie from Mutable is such an inspiration. I saw her called the Bob Moog of the 21st century the other day and it’s hard to disagree. There is so much thought and invention in all their stuff.

ShariVari, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 17:46 (five years ago) link

yeah she's amazing. just the manuals on the mutable site make for good bored office reading.

my next few purchases are going to be some mannequins modules (https://www.whimsicalraps.com/) which are sort of mysterious in aspect but seem really interesting in practice.

i had been going a cheaper DIY route of buying simple kits, building them, and trying to have fun with them. eventually i realized that while making interesting sounds from first principles is a noble goal i don't really have the time or skill. maybe when my daughter is older i can really go full Synth Dad and DIY up some cool stuff.

adam, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 18:34 (five years ago) link

If everybody's gone modular this might not be of interest, but noted synthesizer guy Jexus recently came out of hiding and posted all of his patches for download. So if you have any of the synths listed in the downloads section on this page you might want to check it out: http://syntezatory.net.pl/wcog_synth_patches.htm

(they're really, really poorly labeled and basically completely unorganized but some sound very good!)

Dan I., Wednesday, 10 April 2019 18:46 (five years ago) link


is this the coolest-looking synth ever

na (NA), Wednesday, 10 April 2019 19:04 (five years ago) link

of course not, but look how cool it looks

na (NA), Wednesday, 10 April 2019 19:06 (five years ago) link

that is very cool

if we're posting attractive synths from reverb then https://reverb.com/item/18493509-jomox-resonator-neuronium-rns-n6

adam, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 19:42 (five years ago) link

I'm just waiting out this whole modular thing until VCV Rack 2.0 comes out

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 April 2019 20:08 (five years ago) link

daaaaaaaaaamn that jomox

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Wednesday, 17 April 2019 00:57 (five years ago) link

really wasn't interested in the microfreak...cheesy promo vid, questionable name and design etc, but these videos have me more intrigued.


dan selzer, Monday, 22 April 2019 01:59 (five years ago) link

That's a very comprehensive video. Certainly sells the Microfreak a lot better than the other demos I've seen. I'm not interested in the keyboard mechanism, but if they made a desktop module version I'd be more likely to pick one up. However although there are a lot of the oscillator engines, each one feels kind of limited in what it can do and how much it's sound can be varied. The Microfreak has some of the code from the Braids module, but the module would be part of a larger modular system. When it's more isolated like it is in the Microfreak, the limitations of each engine become more apparent. I like the filter though, it's nice to hear a filter that seems to have been designed to be usable when the synth is used in a track rather than make the most obnoxious screaming sound possible. I guess the nearest synth, both in size and price, is the Modal SKULPT, but that seems more firmly routed in being a VA synth rather than multi-engine like the Microfreak. I suppose one way of comparing them would be that the SKULPT has deeper programming but the Microfreak has a broader range.

just another country (snoball), Monday, 22 April 2019 10:14 (five years ago) link

A friend of mine finally released the modules that he's been working on for the last few years. I'm not a modular person but having been able to play around with them and see them develop, they're pretty unique and cool imo:


change display name (Jordan), Monday, 22 April 2019 14:32 (five years ago) link

Nice quick demos here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BwVrOaylb0V/

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 22 April 2019 17:03 (five years ago) link

into that gateseq. i also appreciate the kit coming with the smd stuff already attached, might pick one up.

adam, Monday, 22 April 2019 22:35 (five years ago) link

I am v much down for the freak. love the randomizing stuff in the sequencer.

maybe it could be a keyboard and digital osc for the minibrute!

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Tuesday, 23 April 2019 01:16 (five years ago) link

Synthi, CZ and Mellotron now added to Arturia V collection. I didn’t upgrade to 6 but will now, I think.

ShariVari, Friday, 26 April 2019 00:09 (five years ago) link

i just bought an ipad to sequence hardware via a midi-to-cv module (and to entertain my daughter on a long flight). anyone done this? i hope to give it a shot during naptime or later tonight.

adam, Friday, 26 April 2019 12:48 (five years ago) link

I haven't used it much but Lemur seems excellent for that.

ShariVari, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 17:58 (five years ago) link

i ended up returning the expert sleepers fh-2 i was going to use for midi/cv as it seemed like a tremendous drag to configure. lemur into a less feature-rich module might be the way to go.

the ipad itself is a fuckin synth goldmine--been running a whole mess of softsynths and effects through AUM and having a great time for cheap (compared to say eurorack).

adam, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 19:33 (five years ago) link

Yes. There are so many tremendous iPhone/iPad synths one hardly knows where to start the list.

Have you got Korg Odyssei and Arturia iSEM? Sunrizer and Volt also incredible. And and and

valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 30 April 2019 20:38 (five years ago) link

I've been having fun with BeatMaker 3 on the iPad, which will also host soft synths. Don't forget about Moog's amazing Animoog!

DJI, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 20:51 (five years ago) link

animoog is so good! i made kind of a corny planetarium patch and ran it through fugue machine (a very fun if gimmicky sequencer) for a couple hours the other day.

adam, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 20:57 (five years ago) link

so many good ones to get

i had iVCS3 on my phone but it's actually usable on the ipad. and it looks amazing.

adam, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 20:58 (five years ago) link

iVCS3 is wonderful, even on phone

valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 1 May 2019 18:33 (five years ago) link

Ooh, that is very appealing, at least as a sample generator.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 6 May 2019 14:53 (five years ago) link

Novation Summit looks sick.



Some patches from Patricia Wolf


DJI, Friday, 10 May 2019 23:04 (five years ago) link

good joke was they didn't have the legal permission to call it Twin Peaks

dan selzer, Saturday, 11 May 2019 04:24 (five years ago) link

i cant stop looking at that guy's watch

adam, Sunday, 12 May 2019 01:17 (five years ago) link


DJI, Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:11 (five years ago) link

two weeks pass...


"software simulator of the unique Russian synthesizer ANS – photoelectronic musical instrument created by Evgeny Murzin"

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Tuesday, 11 June 2019 11:18 (five years ago) link

ooh nice

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 11 June 2019 14:44 (five years ago) link

Bought! Looks very cool.

ShariVari, Tuesday, 11 June 2019 14:51 (five years ago) link

Yeah it’s been out for years as a great standalone app but this is the new AUv3 version with some other exciting enhancements.

valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 11 June 2019 19:13 (five years ago) link

i never got around to making the ipad talk to my modular stuff but man do i love AUM and Audio Damage and Bram Bos iOS stuff. so much fun.

gonna get this tonite for sure

adam, Tuesday, 11 June 2019 19:27 (five years ago) link

Anyone have experience with VCV Rack? The whole modular thing is completely confusing to me but this is very cool for free.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Friday, 21 June 2019 05:00 (five years ago) link

I downloaded it in beta ages ago and played around a bit and thought it was super cool then stopped. Just downloaded the v1.0 and yeah, it's awesome. One-time (sometime?) ILXor Jon Williams I don't even remember what names he went by I think has developed modules for it. There's a user group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vcvrack/

fyi put up a new track on my soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/newyorkendless

synths include Analog 4, Prophet 600 and Minilogue. Drums are Machinedrum and samples.

dan selzer, Friday, 21 June 2019 05:04 (five years ago) link

VCV Rack is amazing. The main issues is that it doesn’t integrate easily with a DAW at the moment but they’re fixing that. I’ve gone down the hardware modular route this year but VCV honestly gives enough of the same experience for zero cost that it is practically a miracle. I use it to experiment with modules I might want to get irl and it is perfect for that too.

ShariVari, Friday, 21 June 2019 06:01 (five years ago) link


It took me a minute to figure out that using the same builders' mini-synth (Pilot) uses a different operator ; instead of :

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Friday, 21 June 2019 07:44 (five years ago) link

I have become lost in the Youtube synth world since I started researching samplers. These people have way more fun than guitartube.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Friday, 21 June 2019 07:46 (five years ago) link

Video tutorials for hardware synths are often incredible - particularly as it's so rare to get actual manuals these days.

Talking of modular, i've finished the first two rows and have another Rackbrute on order.


ShariVari, Friday, 21 June 2019 08:15 (five years ago) link

beautiful. which bastl modules are those? i built their kastl synth and really like their approach

adam, Friday, 21 June 2019 11:33 (five years ago) link

Very boring ones, i'm afraid - a six-channel mixer and the Ciao! audio output. I'm going to get some of their drum / noise modules when i expand.

ShariVari, Friday, 21 June 2019 11:47 (five years ago) link

So did anyone go for the MicroFreak? I found a good deal on craigslist and I'm extremely tempted. I might even swap about my MicroBrute, which I haven't been using much (only for the occasional faux-808 bass and for LFO lasers, but I made a lot of samples anyway).

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 26 June 2019 17:43 (five years ago) link

Played a microfreak at a guitar center a couple weeks ago, loved it

valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 26 June 2019 18:00 (five years ago) link

I did it, I'm a microfreak. I'm excited! My partner was not excited that I brought a new friend home, but now I'm motivated to clear out some synths and pedals that I haven't been using much.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 28 June 2019 14:48 (five years ago) link

buying the synth is always the right choice

adam, Friday, 28 June 2019 17:21 (five years ago) link

one month passes...

I bought a Synthstrom Deluge. Pretty amazing piece of kit.

EZ Snappin, Friday, 2 August 2019 18:25 (five years ago) link

Any tracks we can hear? It looks really fun. Like a Circuit++

DJI, Friday, 2 August 2019 18:35 (five years ago) link

Nothing recorded yet as I haven’t had much time to play with it. Dabbled with its groovebox stuff last night and found it fast and intuitive. But that’s barely scratching the surface of what it can do

EZ Snappin, Friday, 2 August 2019 19:01 (five years ago) link

Looks really cool if you want a DAW replacement.

I haven't plugged in my Microfreak yet but I've looked at it many times with satisfaction, and I'm confident that it's going to do work this fall/winter.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 2 August 2019 19:10 (five years ago) link

I was debating either the Deluge or the Octatrack as my “hardware DAW/rig brain” but after borrowing an Octatrack for a little while I found out my mind doesn’t connect with the Elektron workflow. So far the Deluge makes sense to me .

EZ Snappin, Friday, 2 August 2019 19:13 (five years ago) link

Excellent! I recently bought Live 10 so I’ve been deep in software fun. It’s pretty awesome to have endless options, but also intimidating.

DJI, Friday, 2 August 2019 19:54 (five years ago) link

The Lyra-4 was a poor choice of first synth, traded it for guitar pedals a while back but I'm finally in for hardware round 2 with a Behringer Model D and a Keystep.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Saturday, 3 August 2019 00:15 (five years ago) link

Does anyone have a favourite reverb pedal for running synths through? I have a Polara, which is very good, but am aiming to add something deeper for ambient washes, etc. I’m torn between Earthquaker’s Afterneath / Transmisser, Walrus’ Slo and OBNE’ Rever.

ShariVari, Saturday, 3 August 2019 04:50 (five years ago) link

I’m a big fan of Alexander Pedals’ Sky 5000. All the MIDI controls are nice.

If you’re checking out the OBNE Rever check out the Dark Star, too.

EZ Snappin, Saturday, 3 August 2019 04:57 (five years ago) link

Cool. Thanks!

ShariVari, Saturday, 3 August 2019 04:58 (five years ago) link

I have a BigSky and it’s great for that stuff. Interface is a little too complex though.

DJI, Saturday, 3 August 2019 15:42 (five years ago) link

Earthquaker are turning Afterneath into a synth module!

ShariVari, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 21:38 (five years ago) link

hi all, looking for some "first synth" advice...

basically i want to create, endlessly tweak and zone out to penetrating drones and deep washes of noise (think eliane radigue but obviously so much less elegant)

i don't have a lot of money. i'm thinking a software synth is a good option. can anyone recommend something? the arturia modular v maybe (or is that too complicated)? thanks

cheese canopy (map), Thursday, 8 August 2019 01:01 (five years ago) link

https://vcvrack.com/ is free and open source and cross platform

koogs, Thursday, 8 August 2019 01:46 (five years ago) link

Yes, VCV rack is ideal. You can make an amazing soft synth for drone / ambient stuff just from a handful of the Mutable Instruments modules available that’s essentially as powerful as a $6000 modular hardware setup would be.

You can start with a a small virtual rack and work out how to use new stuff as you go. There is a learning curve but there are lots of free YouTube videos, etc to offer guidance.

I have a hardware modular synth and I honestly have almost no idea how the Arturia Modular V works. That’s mostly laziness on my part but the interface is typically larger than a screen can handle and it feels less intuitive when you can’t see what’s going on without scrolling. Their Buchla and Synthi reproductions are also very good.

VCV Rack could keep you occupied for years and would certainly give you a sense of which direction to go in if you did want to buy something else in the future.

ShariVari, Thursday, 8 August 2019 06:22 (five years ago) link

VCV Rack is awesome, but it's a bit of a steep learning curve for someone unfamiliar with synthesis theory and methods.

Sassy Boutonnière (ledriver), Thursday, 8 August 2019 08:39 (five years ago) link

you can start small though, lfo, couple of vcos, some kind of output.

there are tutorials that take you through it


(although the actual synth output in that is far too low in the mix. and i wish he wouldn't keep sliding the modules around like he does)

koogs, Thursday, 8 August 2019 08:51 (five years ago) link

Patch Storage has a bunch of VCV racks people have put together - most of them are insane and overly complicated but if you look through you can find some
VCV has the plugin manager on their site, you probably need to download the 15-20 most downloaded ones to get what people are using. They don't take up much memory and they're free


Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Thursday, 8 August 2019 16:40 (five years ago) link

didn't finish that first sentence - you can find some basic patches that help you figure things out. Tracing backward as to where cables go and how things interact is the best way for me to learn so starting points have been useful.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Thursday, 8 August 2019 16:58 (five years ago) link

A grendel drone commander would be an awesome first drone synth, but that's obviously the opposite of inexpensive.

Sassy Boutonnière (ledriver), Thursday, 8 August 2019 19:18 (five years ago) link

vcv looks ideal -- thanks all!

cheese canopy (map), Thursday, 8 August 2019 19:29 (five years ago) link

My only comment would be that it's way more fun to play with a physical synth than a VST. If you could get something like a Neutron or Bass Station 2 or Minilogue, it might be more inspiring for you.

DJI, Thursday, 8 August 2019 21:06 (five years ago) link

the 0-coast used sells for $350-400, most demos seem to have a harder edge but it could probably do big drone-y wash with a reverb pedal (or two)

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Friday, 9 August 2019 00:10 (five years ago) link

Any tracks we can hear? It looks really fun. Like a Circuit++

― DJI, Friday, August 2, 2019 1:35 PM

I goofed around on the Deluge in honor of 808 day. I don't know what I'm doing yet - this thing can do SO much - but threw this together in about an hour:


EZ Snappin, Friday, 9 August 2019 00:27 (five years ago) link

Awesome! Very 80s drums and bass.

DJI, Friday, 9 August 2019 03:33 (five years ago) link

Had to use those 808 style drums!

EZ Snappin, Friday, 9 August 2019 04:30 (five years ago) link


I have an iPad app that does most of this but having the knobs and sliders looks so nice.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Sunday, 11 August 2019 00:55 (five years ago) link


Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Tuesday, 13 August 2019 00:38 (five years ago) link

i was worried for a minute that the lines on her hands were conductive paint and were part of the circuit.

koogs, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 08:41 (five years ago) link

I took my first step into synth world and got a Reface CS a few months ago. It's a powerful little machine & perfect for a synth noob like myself. However, the lack of arpeggiator & a proper sequencer have me realizing that I need more. I'm thinking a Microbrute may be my next purchase once I've saved a little $$.

Auld Drink of Misery (zchyrs), Tuesday, 13 August 2019 17:19 (five years ago) link

Here's a minimal little noodle I put together on the Reface:


Auld Drink of Misery (zchyrs), Tuesday, 13 August 2019 17:20 (five years ago) link

I like that piece.

DJI, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 17:30 (five years ago) link

I have a Yamaha Reface YC organ, I mostly just enjoy sitting an droning away on notes.

michaellambert, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 17:43 (five years ago) link

Thanks, DJI!

Auld Drink of Misery (zchyrs), Tuesday, 13 August 2019 17:49 (five years ago) link

I traded some comic compendiums for a fancy-lad wooden Eurorack case (Pittsburgh 270). Having fun on modulargrid finding out how many used Honda Civics it could cost to fill it up.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Friday, 16 August 2019 03:25 (five years ago) link

fucked around and came out with the weirdest patch i could make on the volca fm, this is the result:


clouds, Saturday, 24 August 2019 23:08 (five years ago) link

lol I would not have guessed that was an FM synth at all

El Tomboto, Saturday, 24 August 2019 23:15 (five years ago) link

That LFO is definitely coming with the Earthbound vibes.

Auld Drink of Misery (zchyrs), Sunday, 25 August 2019 14:31 (five years ago) link

ha that is probably the single biggest influence on my music so thank yew

i really liked "sundogs"!

some more messing around with a single patch and a simple kalimba-like sequence

clouds, Sunday, 25 August 2019 16:54 (five years ago) link

Thx, dude!

I got a Keystep the other day, so now I can start making some proper arps and sequences (you can kind of do this with the reface's built in looper, but it's very annoying to work with). Now I just need something to program beats with, like maybe a Volca Sample. I'd use software, but my computer is getting unreliable in its dotage.

Auld Drink of Misery (zchyrs), Monday, 26 August 2019 17:18 (five years ago) link

Also, I kinda just hate working on a computer, even though you can do just about anything in a DAW.

Digging "Bint"--was this all just on the Volca FM?

Auld Drink of Misery (zchyrs), Monday, 26 August 2019 17:20 (five years ago) link

That LFO is definitely coming with the Earthbound vibes.

It's like the scene in a JRPG where an NPC reveals themself as the evil villain and then warps the party somewhere, just as they were about to achieve something.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 26 August 2019 17:29 (five years ago) link

old Korg Electribes are pretty cheap now - the ER-1 is about the same price as a Volca last time I looked.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Tuesday, 27 August 2019 00:00 (five years ago) link

Are those the little beat boxes?

I once saw a YouTube video of someone doing a really good live techno PA on one of those. Wish I could find it again.

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Tuesday, 27 August 2019 03:12 (five years ago) link

Digging "Bint"--was this all just on the Volca FM?[

yeah just volca overdubbed in audacity

clouds, Wednesday, 4 September 2019 13:31 (five years ago) link

Very nice! I can barely understand FM synthesis, but one can get some pretty wild stuff with it.

I don't think I'll be able to prevent myself from picking up one of these when they come out, this looks incredible for just $99:

icy bike chain rain (zchyrs), Thursday, 5 September 2019 16:56 (five years ago) link

Damn all the new Roland stuff looks lame. When will they stop with the virtual analog stuff?

DJI, Thursday, 5 September 2019 18:55 (five years ago) link

That little Korg thing sounds pretty great though!

DJI, Thursday, 5 September 2019 18:56 (five years ago) link

The Juno boutique thing looks good. I managed to get one of the first run in Russia but they’d been sold out in the U.K. for years and were going for a lot more money on eBay.

I honestly do not understand releasing a souped-up digital Jupiter for £2200, though.

ShariVari, Monday, 9 September 2019 21:04 (five years ago) link


a 60 minute modular-synth mix selected by Steve Davis, former world snooker champion...

koogs, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 11:39 (five years ago) link

(he plays one himself, new lp out shortly as Utopia Strong - https://www.loudersound.com/news/steve-davis-and-kavus-torabi-release-first-new-music-from-utopia-strong )

koogs, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 11:42 (five years ago) link

Wait, what? How did I not know this? That’s amazing.

The Caterina Barbieri album is brilliant btw.

ShariVari, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 11:53 (five years ago) link

tne caterina has been the stand out track so far. not exactly background listening though (in that i can't concentrate on anything else whilst it's playing)

koogs, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 12:26 (five years ago) link

Talking of modular stuff, I got a clone of Clouds from a DIY builder on eBay and it’s wonderful. I may need a second.

ShariVari, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 18:19 (five years ago) link

Please enjoy some imaginary action game music I made using Korg Gadget on my Switch:


icy bike chain rain (zchyrs), Monday, 16 September 2019 17:27 (five years ago) link

Pretty cool. Sounds like the theme song to an 80s show about a talking vehicle.

DJI, Monday, 16 September 2019 19:53 (five years ago) link

Haha thanks

icy bike chain rain (zchyrs), Monday, 16 September 2019 21:25 (five years ago) link

little ambient thing i did


clouds, Friday, 20 September 2019 18:37 (five years ago) link

Not a synth at all, but these look and sound gorgeous!


DJI, Friday, 20 September 2019 22:02 (five years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I definitely want to pick up one of these when they finally come out. Seems like a really flexible piece of gear.

just another country (snoball), Sunday, 6 October 2019 13:32 (five years ago) link

Totally--that thing looks worth it for the effects alone. And I don't have the first clue about DSP, but it will be cool as heck to download other people's FX and oscillators.

icy bike chain rain (zchyrs), Monday, 7 October 2019 20:05 (five years ago) link

I'm finally diving into the Microfreak tomorrow, and as it happens I have one day to essentially write and finish a track for a compilation. Hopefully it doesn't sound like a microfreak product demo, even if that's what it might be, lol.

Hoping for some of the old 'first time user, don't know what I'm doing' magic.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 11 October 2019 18:19 (five years ago) link

The Microfreak is the other recent synth that I've been considering - although at £260 it's a lot more than the Korg Nutekt. I was thinking about the Monologue when it first came out, but in the end I didn't buy one because although it could get pretty extreme it wasn't that far out of the usual palette of monosynth sounds. Automatic Gainsay's review of the Microfreak demonstrates that it has a lot more range and also potential for in-depth programming far beyond what the front panel controls suggest.

just another country (snoball), Friday, 11 October 2019 22:16 (five years ago) link

I'm very hopeful, in many ways it seems like the synth I've always wanted. Will report back (hopefully as a conquering hero).

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 11 October 2019 22:35 (five years ago) link

I got to play with one at Guitar Center today, I really liked the touch 'keyboard.'

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Saturday, 12 October 2019 03:03 (five years ago) link

Omg I love this synth. I've barely cracked the surface, but it's surprisingly intuitive so far, and I've never had as much fun going through presets. The keyboard & pitch bend ribbon are just delightful.

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 12 October 2019 14:53 (five years ago) link

Also preset #2 is basically a Pulse X bass, what a gift

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 12 October 2019 14:55 (five years ago) link

Well now that I've successfully made a track out of the most immediately appealing & usable patches, I guess I need to learn how to actually program the thing

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 12 October 2019 22:06 (five years ago) link

There were some quirks, like it didn't seem to be getting the bpm from my DAW (for LFOs/arps etc), but that was easily set manually. Also everything online talks about 160 factory patches, but I only had about 120 before it got into the user slots. Not a big deal though.

And I haven't figured out much with the matrix yet (basically a digital version of a patchbay where you can change lfo routing etc). All I know is I got some sick sounds, and the glide and pitch bends are amazing on this (always important).

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 12 October 2019 22:10 (five years ago) link

making some really nice droney ambient with my new ehx cathedral pedal, this thing rules


clouds, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 18:59 (five years ago) link

Has anyone picked up any of the Behringer remakes of vintage synths? Morality aside, they look quite interesting - analogue sound with contemporary improvements to functionality. What's always put me off has been the lousy build quality of their budget gear but the reviews suggest the new synths are pretty well made.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Thursday, 24 October 2019 10:06 (five years ago) link

I want the vocoder.

dan selzer, Thursday, 24 October 2019 11:07 (five years ago) link

Yes, that's the one which immediately stood out to me as well.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Thursday, 24 October 2019 12:46 (five years ago) link

Meanwhile installed update on my analog4 mk1 last night and it’s a killer upgrade. Still getting my kind blown that you can update synth software and get new features.

dan selzer, Thursday, 24 October 2019 13:26 (five years ago) link

The new sequencing functionality is making me reconsider not getting an Analogue RYTM.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Thursday, 24 October 2019 13:43 (five years ago) link

Can’t speak on the rytm though I know it’s more limited than on the a4 because the a4 is built for polyphonic sequencing and I think there some limitations w the rytm. I also have a machine drum and love sequencing midi w it like a unique step sequencer. I only wish the a4 didn’t limit tit the 4 tracks. Like if it let you sequence the 4 internal voices and shift selecting tracks or something accessed 4 additional tracks for midi sequencing.

dan selzer, Thursday, 24 October 2019 13:50 (five years ago) link

picked up a korg monotron duo for $30 on reverb, holy shit this thing is capable of some interesting sounds

i recorded a piece inspired by eliane radigue's "jetsun mila" with the monotron and the cathedral pedal, i think it turned out pretty good https://soundcloud.com/momotaropeachboy/jettison

clouds, Sunday, 3 November 2019 16:48 (five years ago) link

The new 303 knockoff sounds pretty great!

DJI, Friday, 8 November 2019 23:03 (five years ago) link

Behringer Crave is now on pre-orders (was revealed in january, then very little for 10 months). looks like a useful, and cheap, semi-modular.


koogs, Friday, 15 November 2019 22:02 (five years ago) link

should i buy an MS-20 mini?

clouds, Tuesday, 19 November 2019 18:27 (five years ago) link

yes, they rule.

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Tuesday, 19 November 2019 23:02 (five years ago) link

if you play guitar or bass, the external signal processing is pretty cool in and of itself

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Wednesday, 20 November 2019 04:08 (five years ago) link

Behringer's 'clone all the synths you've ever wanted' project continues:


I have a Wasp filter in my Eurorack set-up but will probably pick this up as well at some point.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Wednesday, 20 November 2019 12:52 (five years ago) link

Behringer just announced a polyphonic Model D/Minimoog that looks close to the size of an original.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Monday, 25 November 2019 07:50 (five years ago) link

My main problem with the glut of Behringer stuff is that I don’t have any space left to put it, but this looks very cool.

I’ve ordered a Mutable Instruments Elements in the pre-Black-Friday sales and look forward to making lots of exciting plonking noises.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Monday, 25 November 2019 12:00 (five years ago) link

The behringer poly D is actually paraphonic not polyphonic apparently

valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Monday, 25 November 2019 14:42 (five years ago) link

a local seller in town had a roland s-10 sampler up for grabs, I couldn't resist! exactly the sort of chunky early sampling I wanted

here's a quick track I made using samples I created with the volca FM:


clouds, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 17:23 (five years ago) link

love those sounds

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 26 November 2019 17:47 (five years ago) link

This inspired me to look up the Roland S-10, and then quickly download a 12 bit sampler emulation vst :)

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 26 November 2019 20:27 (five years ago) link

glad you liked Jordan!

clouds, Thursday, 28 November 2019 23:33 (five years ago) link

Signal Sounds has the Volca Modular and Volca Drum half price.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Friday, 29 November 2019 11:57 (five years ago) link


just another country (snoball), Friday, 29 November 2019 18:38 (five years ago) link

I ended up getting an Intellijel Plonk to go with Elements and a second Mutable Instruments Yarns to sequence both via my Digitakt.

I simply don’t have any room for non-modular gear atm but Novation have some good discounts:


Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Saturday, 30 November 2019 09:53 (five years ago) link


My current setup, and unlikely to change for a while - though there is space to expand.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Wednesday, 4 December 2019 14:06 (five years ago) link

what all modules are you using?

clouds, Wednesday, 4 December 2019 16:00 (five years ago) link


^ though the Polivoks filter is from ELTA rather than Malekko.

Lots of Mutable Instruments, as I love their whole approach, and a bunch of Doepfer.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Wednesday, 4 December 2019 16:53 (five years ago) link

so fancy, but what does it sound like?

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 4 December 2019 17:38 (five years ago) link

Anything you want it to! I’ll have to put something on Soundcloud.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Wednesday, 4 December 2019 17:49 (five years ago) link

Are eurorack modules all meant for monophonic stuff, or are there polyphonic modules?

DJI, Wednesday, 4 December 2019 18:17 (five years ago) link

Anything you want it to! I’ll have to put something on Soundcloud.

New board description (for "I Love Modular")

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 4 December 2019 18:30 (five years ago) link

(sorry couldn't resist, it's just the stereotype of constantly generating but not finishing anything...your setup is really impressive, I'm just always looking for the practical application when it comes to gear)

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 4 December 2019 18:30 (five years ago) link

Ha! No, that’s absolutely correct. I’m terrible at finishing stuff anyway so can’t blame the synth.

Xps, most Eurorack stuff is monophonic, though you can get some poly modules, like the new Doepfer stuff here:


You can also do chords from a single trigger with some.

Srinivasaraghavan VONCataraghavan (ShariVari), Wednesday, 4 December 2019 18:45 (five years ago) link

I wound up buying a few modules used (a Batumi, a Pamela's New Workout and a Music Thing Radio Music) but almost immediately shelved the idea when I started contemplating the all-in cost with the modules I planned out on modulargrid. Maybe someday it will be feasible but currently not so much.

Enjoying VCV Rack more since I decided to start completely ignoring anything with a bad GUI/small knobs no matter what it does.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Thursday, 5 December 2019 00:28 (five years ago) link

i'm really fixated on the idea of doing a 32hp dirty little monosynth modular rig; leave the effects and other fanciness to pedals

clouds, Sunday, 8 December 2019 05:11 (five years ago) link

I was kind of looking at the opposite - the effects are where modular is interesting to me, Make Noise stuff like the Mimeophon, Erbe-Verb and Morphagene go places that pedals can't.

(The Make Noise shared system is only, uh, $4500...)

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Sunday, 8 December 2019 20:03 (five years ago) link

that's a cool approach too!

clouds, Monday, 9 December 2019 17:08 (five years ago) link

I got an Ensoniq EPS-16+ off OfferUp for $100- shockingly everything works, menus are understandable and the built-in '80s delay & reverb is surprisingly good.

Came with one disk with a super cheesy Steinway sample and a "Hipness" drum kit that does not appear to have a kick.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Thursday, 12 December 2019 23:58 (five years ago) link

Does that one have polyphonic AT?

DJI, Friday, 13 December 2019 00:49 (five years ago) link

I think so. Keyboard is really nice - pretty light and not quiet at all but it feels way better than the sub-$500 MIDI controllers at Guitar Center.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Friday, 13 December 2019 01:22 (five years ago) link

My first synth/workstation (in high school) was an ESQ-1, so I have a soft spot for Ensoniq gear. I had a KS-32 for a while but lent it to a friend a while back and never got it back from him.

DJI, Friday, 13 December 2019 01:31 (five years ago) link

I finally got a Volca Fm, and I'm happily using the presets while messing with the velocity and algorithms (while just as happily not learning anything about fm synthesis).

change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 15 December 2019 15:56 (five years ago) link

So the Microfreak is fun for easy & quick modulations, especially getting pitch-bending sounds, but it just doesn't sound great in a mix? I feel like I have to either add a pile of effects to make it plausible, or I end up replacing it with samples or a different synth. Not universally true, but it can have a quality that's a little aggressive and brittle/thin.

With the Volca FM, on the other hand, I almost feel bad that I'm barely doing any processing to the sound. It just sounds great raw.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 16 December 2019 19:06 (five years ago) link

you can get some wild sounds once you mess with the EG settings, but i usually just play mildly tweaked presets through fx

clouds, Wednesday, 18 December 2019 00:22 (five years ago) link

The latest Behringer clone is unexpectedly the Octave CAT


ShariVari, Tuesday, 31 December 2019 18:10 (five years ago) link

just got my brand new benjolin in from derek holzer, hoping this will provide motivation to actually set up my studio space in the apartment i moved into like six months ago.

adam, Tuesday, 31 December 2019 18:14 (five years ago) link

good iPad synth things lately:
AudioDamage Quanta - the only granular synth where I can get what it's doing rather than just turn every sample into noise or an atmospheric pad
ApeSoft Sparkle - resynthesizes two samples so that one takes on the qualities of the other

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Friday, 3 January 2020 10:31 (five years ago) link

behringer is just shitting out synths like week-old sushi

Sassy Boutonnière (ledriver), Saturday, 4 January 2020 06:29 (five years ago) link

Arp (Korg) teasing something that comes in a big box and has patch cables. Rumors of a Karp 2600 as per Jean Michael Jarre? Will probably cost less than what I paid to get my vintage one fixed last year.

dan selzer, Saturday, 4 January 2020 06:45 (five years ago) link

always teasing something that comes in a big box

Sassy Boutonnière (ledriver), Saturday, 4 January 2020 07:20 (five years ago) link

i feel like all that chinese sweatshop-built behringer mass-produced crap will break within a year

clouds, Saturday, 4 January 2020 15:43 (five years ago) link

If the build quality is like their guitar pedals, then yes.

just another country (snoball), Saturday, 4 January 2020 15:50 (five years ago) link

The construction of the Model D and Neutron seem perfectly fine, the DeepMind has been out for several years now.
Behringer has some shitty business practices but it's not like all the current Korgs and Rolands aren't being built in the same sweatshop factories.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Saturday, 4 January 2020 19:21 (five years ago) link

does anyone make an affordable tactile sampler a la the dr. sample anymore

na (NA), Saturday, 4 January 2020 21:20 (five years ago) link

Roland still makes an updated version afaik (SP404).

ShariVari, Saturday, 4 January 2020 21:31 (five years ago) link

fun. what about the maschine/maschine mikro? has anyone here used those? i don't really want to be tethered to a computer and the mikro looks hard to use without having it plugged into a laptop

na (NA), Monday, 6 January 2020 16:36 (five years ago) link

yeah looks like those and the elektron model:samples require using a DAW to edit samples or sequence effectively

na (NA), Monday, 6 January 2020 21:04 (five years ago) link

i had a volca sample for a while, it was kind of a nightmare to load samples into (via iphone app) but once that's done it's pretty self contained

adam, Monday, 6 January 2020 21:26 (five years ago) link

The Elektron:Samples feels super crappy for the price - the buttons are squishy and the knobs aren't very responsive.
The Maschines are completely unusable without a computer I think.

Maybe a MPC 1000? I see them pop up locally for $400ish sometimes, they're usually listed for more online.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Monday, 6 January 2020 22:55 (five years ago) link

the roland sp seems like the best bet, i might just save up for a digitakt though

clouds, Monday, 6 January 2020 22:59 (five years ago) link

lol suck it Behringer

just another country (snoball), Tuesday, 7 January 2020 18:30 (five years ago) link

That thing is a beast.


DJI, Tuesday, 7 January 2020 19:27 (five years ago) link

yeah it looks amazing

clouds, Thursday, 9 January 2020 16:30 (five years ago) link

so i am a guitar caveman but had a chance to mess around with the Jupiter-Xm at CES and holy shit... i had no making music could be so EASY. i think i've been turned out lol. price of entry is a bit steep but between that and the wavestate i feel like i might be selling a guitar in the near future

Larry Elleison (rogermexico.), Tuesday, 14 January 2020 03:23 (four years ago) link

New MPC One looks pretty slick:

DJI, Wednesday, 15 January 2020 21:37 (four years ago) link

Behringer is going into modular with System 55 and System 100 clones at under $100 a module. Idk if I particularly want any of them. The System 100 phase shifter might be cool.

ShariVari, Saturday, 18 January 2020 11:24 (four years ago) link

i'm not that interested but the meltdowns across the Modular Internet have been entertaining

(i have sold everything except for a macumbista benjolin which i run through a gauntlet of cheapo behringer pedals)

adam, Saturday, 18 January 2020 12:22 (four years ago) link

it's gonna be a bloodbath when behringer starts cloning mutable instruments modules

adam, Saturday, 18 January 2020 12:25 (four years ago) link

Have any of the Behringer synths been out long enough to see if they're reliable in the long term? I'm often tempted to buy one of the desktop units (Crave in particular piques my interest), but I don't want to plunk even modest dollars down on a synth that will crap out in five years.

may the force leave us alone (zchyrs), Monday, 20 January 2020 16:59 (four years ago) link

So the Microfreak is fun for easy & quick modulations, especially getting pitch-bending sounds, but it just doesn't sound great in a mix? I feel like I have to either add a pile of effects to make it plausible, or I end up replacing it with samples or a different synth. Not universally true, but it can have a quality that's a little aggressive and brittle/thin.

With the Volca FM, on the other hand, I almost feel bad that I'm barely doing any processing to the sound. It just sounds great raw.

This has become increasingly true, to the point where I've made multiple keeper tracks based on the Volca FM, and will probably sell the Microfreak (RIP).

I'd like to replace it with another desktop synth to complement the Volca, maybe that Modal Skulpt? Any other ideas? Or maybe I'll just pull out the ol' Volca Keys.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 20 January 2020 20:20 (four years ago) link

I downloaded the demo of U-he Repro 1 and now I want one of the Behringer Pro-1 copies.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Wednesday, 22 January 2020 05:12 (four years ago) link

two weeks pass...


$100 a pop, curious as to how they sound. i bought the filter (looks like a MS-20 style make yr own bandpass thing) and the attenuverter/mixer/lfo, awaiting delivery

adam, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 19:31 (four years ago) link

two weeks pass...

they sound bad

adam, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 19:42 (four years ago) link

haha :(

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 25 February 2020 19:42 (four years ago) link

ok, so like the LFO on the attenuverter/mixer/lfo thing was normalled to the final output mix unless you stuck a dummy cable in its output--and the mixer is kinda noisy the LFO acts as a VCA, so you've got triangle-wave amplitude modulated background noise at all times. unless you stick a dummy cable in there, which is very stupid.

adam, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 19:45 (four years ago) link

the filter was kinda cool but the resonance slider was super super twitchy and i almost icepicked my own eardrums a couple times

adam, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 19:46 (four years ago) link

That’s a shame. The unconventional approach seemed like the best thing they had going for them, otherwise you might as well stick with Doepfer.

ShariVari, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:02 (four years ago) link

how are you getting along with your digitakt? i am tempted to get the digitakt/digitone combo, or a rytm.

adam, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:12 (four years ago) link

lately i've been playing guitar into a mess of mutable modules and it's fun but i want to do something more composition-oriented and i never finish anything in ableton

adam, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:13 (four years ago) link

i've had the digitakt for about two years now and i love it, it's at the center of everything i make. the lack of song mode and stereo sampling is a limitation, but it's very fast and easy to use

karl...arlk...rlka...lkar..., Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:25 (four years ago) link

Yep, I use it much more as a sampler and drum machine than a sequencer for my modular but it’s really fast and intuitive.

ShariVari, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:38 (four years ago) link

the other option is trying to bend ableton to my will with the push 2, anyone fuck with one of those?

adam, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:55 (four years ago) link

maybe we should have a gear/process intersection thread, i am always looking for new gear solutions to creative problems which is incredibly stupid.

adam, Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:57 (four years ago) link

Not necessarily, I also like creative solutions to gear problems though.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:59 (four years ago) link

I have a Push 2 but I almost never use it except as a step sequencer - even though I'm a unbelievably shitty keyboard player I can't get used to the pads as an alternative, I don't use the clip mode

Actually, I should look more seriously into crossgrading to Cubase and selling Ableton.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Wednesday, 26 February 2020 00:04 (four years ago) link

lol whoops i sort of accidentally solved my own problem by lowballing for an octatrack on ebay, the journey begins

adam, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 15:45 (four years ago) link


I just got a Basimilus Iteritas Alter to sit alongside the Intellijel Plonk. It sounds immense.

ShariVari, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 16:05 (four years ago) link

i had one of those. it was awesome, i think my shitty monitors didn't do it justice.

i'll be going on a post-octatrack module austerity kick alas

adam, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 16:20 (four years ago) link

Actually, I should look more seriously into crossgrading to Cubase and selling Ableton.

I've never heard anyone say this but I'm for it

I still use Cubase because it's what I learned on, and it's very fast for me, but it's my secret shame since literally everyone uses Ableton (and the ones that don't use Logic or FL Studio).

I know I'm missing out on easy warping, some crazy effects routing probably, and Max for Live. And that 'Ableton' quality that everything has today (I think of it as a little thin but with a lot of clarity and strong transients), which is a trade-off obviously. But at least I finish tracks, and I get '90s drum & bass pitch-shifting & time-stretching effects for free. :)

I'd like to think that the limitations are good for creativity, but maybe I'm just holding myself back, who knows.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 26 February 2020 16:37 (four years ago) link

I know a couple people who still use Digital Performer. Just wanted to confess to that. I was using it till I switched to Ableton.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 16:38 (four years ago) link

It feels good to know that getting tracks done in Ableton is a common problem. I wish I had better work habits to overcome this.

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Wednesday, 26 February 2020 18:16 (four years ago) link

And that 'Ableton' quality that everything has today (I think of it as a little thin but with a lot of clarity and strong transients)

i've been pondering the x-constructed club sound, like that high-gloss jeff koons balloon dog feel--do you think they are related?

adam, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 19:03 (four years ago) link

lol @ balloon dog production

But yeah, I really do. A lot of the 'hard drum' tracks in particular sound extremely Ableton to me, maybe has something to do with Drum Buss and some of the stock plugins/samples? I do think that everything being made with similar tools helps them sit together in a dj mix, but also gives it a generic veneer (which has really lost its luster for me, at least in terms of the more maximal/blown-out end of things).

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 26 February 2020 19:22 (four years ago) link

That sounds right to me - everything in Ableton seems too loud because of the way default faders/presets/drum racks are set up. Step one in loading a drum rack is lowering every sample 5-6db.

Bitwig (at least with the demo) has some annoyances recording but a secondhand license can be had very cheap and it's even easier to use for crazy effects chains and stuff (without the scripting power of Max but I'm no coder). No setting up racks, just drop a flanger in the tank of the reverb or w/e.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Wednesday, 26 February 2020 20:48 (four years ago) link

I've def been curious about Bitwig as a 'best of both worlds' sort of deal, same for Studio One, but haven't had time to mess around with a brand new DAW yet.

In Cubase it's easy to build up an effects chain and re-order the plugins (same as any DAW I'd imagine), not so easy to assign an LFO to anything, say. Although I should probably experiment more with side-chaining effects besides a compressor.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 26 February 2020 21:20 (four years ago) link

bitwig looks great but i love max for live and the midi effects. i was working on bringing some of my pre-ableton max/msp patches into ableton but i had an unfortunate hard drive meltdown.

adam, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 21:23 (four years ago) link

interested in what it is about Live that encourages not finishing things? Live user here and I finish things- they are just rubbish! (ha, maybe that means they aren't finished...)

Tib, Thursday, 27 February 2020 06:39 (four years ago) link

It's very easy to make lots of cool loops in session view and never turn them into an actual track.

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Thursday, 27 February 2020 13:05 (four years ago) link

I thought I’d be doing my session view work and then recording a performance of shopping and starting them into arrangement, but more often I use the clips as like a pasteboard and just drag them into arrangement view to start structuring a track. Dual monitor is very helpful for this.

dan selzer, Thursday, 27 February 2020 22:45 (four years ago) link

With dual monitors you're able to see both at the same time? I'll have to look into this. I have an older version of Live so it might not do this.

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Thursday, 27 February 2020 23:05 (four years ago) link

Yea and tab swaps them. While shift tab swaps the bottoms so you see the midi info on Jen side and devices in the other. I’m a multiple monitor baby, can’t do anything with one.

dan selzer, Friday, 28 February 2020 00:18 (four years ago) link

Same set up as Dan. I make a bunch of clips in session view then jam them down into the bones of a track in arrangement. then add drops/whatever, melodic elements in arrange.

I can completely see getting stuck making the clips and just jamming, never pressing record- maybe the ominous presence of the arrange view in the second monitor encourage actually making something?

Tib, Friday, 28 February 2020 02:29 (four years ago) link

set up a 2nd monitor for imminent telecommuting reasons but am excited to put these ideas into practice

octatrack is wonderful so far, far more approachable and intuitive than its reputation suggests

adam, Wednesday, 11 March 2020 20:41 (four years ago) link

Social distancing means I've finally started to learn my way around VCV Rack. Please enjoy some noises:


may the force leave us alone (zchyrs), Sunday, 15 March 2020 23:17 (four years ago) link

Cherry Audio made their virtual rack thing free:

DJI, Tuesday, 17 March 2020 21:16 (four years ago) link

Moog made their Minimoog iPad app free and Korg's Kaossilator app for iOS and Android

The Moog one sounds fantastic, was easily worth the $15-20 it normally costs

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Wednesday, 18 March 2020 07:49 (four years ago) link

Thanks for the heads-up on that Cherry Audio, I'm excited to try something VCV Rack-esque that looks like it fully functions as a VST.

change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 22 March 2020 19:16 (four years ago) link

two weeks pass...


50-oscillator ambient drone synth from Russia now available to pre-order.

ShariVari, Monday, 6 April 2020 07:56 (four years ago) link

That sounds cool! I dig the touchpad design. the tiny knobs look like they could be a pain but it's neat that they fit all those controls on such a relatively small box.

may the force leave us alone (zchyrs), Monday, 6 April 2020 15:42 (four years ago) link

LOL @ 2 ppl playing it at once

may the force leave us alone (zchyrs), Monday, 6 April 2020 15:43 (four years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Finally got a Korg NTS-1. This little guy rules. It has an "open" setting in the envelope generator which means drones for days

may the force leave us alone (zchyrs), Monday, 20 April 2020 21:45 (four years ago) link

Speaking of which, hey drone demons, any fun tricks for creating drones out of audio apart from Paulstretch or infinite reverb? I don't generally venture into these waters but I have a use case.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 21 April 2020 14:48 (four years ago) link

check the gleetchlab x program i linked in the VST thread, i've been droning by layering tiny samples (bordering on "granular" i guess), looping them, and running them through some of the software's portfolio of wild effects and processors. it's a compiled max/msp patch so there are interface quirks but it is fun as hell.


idk what the demo limitations are cause i bought it after about 5 minutes of playing with it

adam, Tuesday, 21 April 2020 15:18 (four years ago) link

i know you are not an ableton guy but you could achieve drony results in a similar manner with the granulator ii m4l device modulated with a ton of lfo devices to give the drone a little movement

adam, Tuesday, 21 April 2020 15:19 (four years ago) link

Thanks! I've got some vsts I can use for LFOs, and maybe I'll try Hysteresis for some granular fx. Maybe just adding a bunch of different layers with different pitches and effects to add movement.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 21 April 2020 16:15 (four years ago) link

I don't really know where to put this but I love the droney/ambient clips this guy is posting to twitter/youtube from his homemade softsynth:

It takes visual input for both synth waveform and score data, kind of like Daphne Oram's "Oramics" system, except you no longer need to rig up an overhead projector with thousands of pounds worth of homewired electronics into something the size of your entire living room, you can have it on your laptop.

...I mean, I haven't got any particularly good noises out of it yet myself, but I have faith in ilx:
github for source and Mac/Win installers

a passing spacecadet, Wednesday, 22 April 2020 18:42 (four years ago) link



adam, Tuesday, 28 April 2020 12:56 (four years ago) link

this is off topic but being sold by the same dude, the item description is WELL WORTH YOUR TIME https://www.ebay.com/itm/Pyradyne-Owned-by-DR-FRED-BELL-DevaStar-Orb-Patrick-Flanagan-Marcel-Vogel/233557492440

adam, Tuesday, 28 April 2020 12:59 (four years ago) link

i think it was Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith who was doing a (late junction?) session for the bbc and put polysynthi down as a required for the session because they had one and she'd never seen one.

oh, it's there in the pictures

koogs, Tuesday, 28 April 2020 13:18 (four years ago) link

that is very cool, i wonder if there's a way to hear that session. kas and greg fox is an interesting combo

adam, Tuesday, 28 April 2020 13:39 (four years ago) link

the same google search turned up a mixcloud link but i couldn't load it (but then my 3g connection has been poor all week)

https://www.mixcloud.com/latejunctionsessions/kaitlyn-aurelia-smith-and-greg-fox-in-session/ (might be dead)

(i thought the late junction sessions were always available because they are paid for by the bbc. the above does look like an official account, perhaps they do it via mixcloud and not sounds)

koogs, Tuesday, 28 April 2020 13:45 (four years ago) link

(nope, standard 30 days, and that expired on Sun, 21 August 2016 (at 12:48:00 GMT))

koogs, Tuesday, 28 April 2020 13:52 (four years ago) link

alas. i appreciate your efforts. coming up empty on slsk too.

the polysynthi came up on my saved ebay search for "synton fenix," the first time anything has ever triggered that one ha ha.

adam, Tuesday, 28 April 2020 14:26 (four years ago) link


DJI, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 22:05 (four years ago) link

i am a satisfied owner of the wavestate as of a couple weeks ago. wave sequencing made me feel stupid for a while but i'm slowly coming to grips with it. being able to hold down one key to play an entire song lightens the relative load on my digitakt and other synths

karl...arlk...rlka...lkar..., Wednesday, 6 May 2020 18:26 (four years ago) link

the polysynthi came up on my saved ebay search for "synton fenix," the first time anything has ever triggered that one ha ha.

adam you should sign up here!!!!!


2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Friday, 8 May 2020 15:06 (four years ago) link

The new Logic update seems great, I never used it because I couldn't even read EXS24 or half the older pre-Retina instruments but I'm downloading it again tomorrow.

Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Wednesday, 13 May 2020 06:34 (four years ago) link

that fenix clone is amazing. someone is selling a real one on the Horribly Named Synth Site for 10k and has a lot of nonsense in the listing about only selling to synthesists "known to him," what a dork.

is logic good? i've never used it. i am just about done with ableton after it crashed three times in a row yesterday trying to load the arturia cs-80 so i could play happy birthday to my father in law with a vangelis patch. i have the 8-track version of bitwig and it seems pretty nice.

(i also use renoise but it's a different "workflow" as they say for sure)

adam, Wednesday, 13 May 2020 16:07 (four years ago) link

I would use Logic if I was on mac.

I say this every single time, but after I finish this current album I'm working on, I'm going to give Bitwig and Studio One a real shot to see if I click with them and get off Cubase.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 May 2020 16:16 (four years ago) link

The Arturia plugins are crazy buggy resource hogs. Other than those (which I still use since they sound great), Live has been solid for me. Not sure if AU/AAX/VST/VST3 makes a difference.

DJI, Wednesday, 13 May 2020 16:17 (four years ago) link

Love the game of Russian roulette that happens when I accidentally load the wrong plugin. "Is this one of the ones that instantly crashes my DAW?"

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 May 2020 16:20 (four years ago) link

four weeks pass...

have a look at bitwig, Jordan - has good VST sandboxing thing, only the plug-in crashes rather than the DAW too.

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Friday, 12 June 2020 10:52 (four years ago) link

I've been avoiding my chaotic studio space and mucking about at home with a small army of volcæ - kick, modular and drum have been joined by bass, FM and sample via a 'producer pack' bundle (+ mixer and a case) I got a good deal on. surprised by the bass being my fave of the new ones! FM has some good sounds and some lame, the controls they've surfaced on it are good, wouldn't really want to do a patch from scratch though. sample is very greedy on the old MIDI channels and I've not used it a heap.

to get around the classic "it's just one bar loops!" volca criticism I've got them all under the control of a pyramid, which is a bit like if you made the MIDI sequencing parts of Ableton into their own hardware instrument. I've enjoyed putting some time into it properly, a great way to stay off the computer.

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Friday, 12 June 2020 12:01 (four years ago) link

Cool! I keep thinking of doing something like that, but then Ableton is so flexible and powerful. Once I have a space to do it, I may try something like that with my Circuit (albeit with way less tracks).

DJI, Friday, 12 June 2020 15:28 (four years ago) link

Thanks haitch, I'm just wrapping up an album project so now is the time to try something new.

There's one track on the record that is primarily Volca FM & Keys and I'm really happy with the sound. Still love the FM although I keep coming back to like two patches ('Plucky' and one of the bass patches), lol. Keys I usually have to combine with a digital synth to add some attack and sheen, but the blend is soooo much better than either could do on their own.

I still don't do any real hardware workflows, just program midi with purposefully lame/neutral softsynth sounds and then do a couple 'live' takes sending it out and twisting knobs.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 12 June 2020 17:36 (four years ago) link

i impulsively bought an electribe sampler from a sketchy guy on craigslist (his price was $100+ cheaper than on reverb, he showed me a photo of his storage space filled with boxed music gear, and tried to sell me a moog out of his car when he dropped it off). i don't know what i'm doing yet but it seems pretty intuitive. i don't really know what i want to make with it yet either. i don't have a spare SD card so i can't save my samples/patterns yet, but that's probably a good thing at this point. i spent my lunch break today sampling orchestral strings and then pitching them up and down and layering them to sound gross and seasick. pretty fun.

na (NA), Wednesday, 17 June 2020 20:01 (four years ago) link

three weeks pass...

I finally have a place at to play in my house! Here’s a little jam with my Circuit controlling some external synths:


DJI, Sunday, 12 July 2020 02:49 (four years ago) link


DJI, Sunday, 12 July 2020 02:52 (four years ago) link


clouds, Sunday, 12 July 2020 17:10 (four years ago) link

three weeks pass...

want 2 put in a good word for the moog subsequent 37. recently got one and it was instantly the most fun synth i've ever touched

today ordered the new hotness from a new synth company called ASM, v excited to learn to program it: https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/asm-hydrasynth

davey, Sunday, 2 August 2020 01:47 (four years ago) link

three weeks pass...

How are you getting on with the Hydrasynth, Davey?

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Thursday, 27 August 2020 11:39 (four years ago) link

Happy 909 Day!


DJI, Wednesday, 9 September 2020 23:36 (four years ago) link

The Wizard!

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Thursday, 10 September 2020 01:20 (four years ago) link

shoot, xps, sorry i missed this earlier sharivari. i didn’t end up ordering the hydrasynth after all. actually i thought i had, but didn’t quite complete the transaction on ebay. then i took a look at my credit card statements, and while i’m not in debt, i couldn’t justify the purchase :/

i DID finally restore my DSI Prophet ‘08, though. it took a few operations. on the second to last, i tried to fix the two dead keys it had and, after much painstaking effort, when i pieced it all together found that something like half the keys were dead! i had to laugh. no idea where i went wrong. anyway, i got a new keybed for it and it everything works, finally. it’s a beautiful machine

davey, Thursday, 10 September 2020 12:34 (four years ago) link

I made a little jungle-ish jam using a Circuit, Streichfett, Minilogue, Bass Station 2 synths and MD500, RE20 and BigSky pedals.


DJI, Tuesday, 15 September 2020 16:53 (four years ago) link

Arturia Polybrute

Being cheap is expensive (snoball), Tuesday, 15 September 2020 18:21 (four years ago) link

I've been making some dreadful noises with a Lyra-8. great stuff.

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Wednesday, 23 September 2020 00:10 (four years ago) link

Is it easy to get started? It seems like it would be

sound of scampo talk to me (El Tomboto), Wednesday, 23 September 2020 02:33 (four years ago) link

The Lyra-8 is the best

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 02:40 (four years ago) link

Tom I think so - I just tuned all the voices around the same pitch and started from there, good way to see how changing something effected everything else. once you grasp that you can just tune some intervals up by ear and make your own scales or whatever.

my sister's not quite 2-year-old was obsessed with it when they came to visit last week, and was delighted by endless delay feedback when I let her have a play! (her older brother was not impressed, what a normie)

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Wednesday, 23 September 2020 09:07 (four years ago) link

I'm tempted by the Lyra-FX Eurorack module for when i expand my case.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Wednesday, 23 September 2020 09:32 (four years ago) link

i think i've said i really regret selling my lyra-8. the pulsar drum thing looks bananas, i like that guy's russian business hippie vibes

adam, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 14:39 (four years ago) link

two weeks pass...


DJI, Friday, 9 October 2020 16:58 (four years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Very sad news:


My bass station 2 is still my favorite synth - Huggett was a legend.

DJI, Monday, 26 October 2020 16:06 (four years ago) link

Hello thread, I bought a DFAM and a Subharmonicon last month with my redundancy money and have been annoying the tits off everyone here ever since they arrived. Absolute instruments of joy and madness! The DFAM especially is a unit of raging destruction. Have been eyeing up quantizer modules so I can patch in more melodic sequences and somewhat tame its chaos, but I think it would be a bad idea to start buying eurorack while I don't have a job. I do have a thing for pursuing bad ideas though

kites aren't fun (NickB), Monday, 26 October 2020 17:26 (four years ago) link

a used 4ms pod full of cheap and versatile doepfer utility modules would be one way to pursue that bad idea.

i just been making trash ambient with an op-1 and some guitar pedals and--secret weapon--an alesis wedge desktop reverb, love that 90s digital sound

adam, Monday, 26 October 2020 17:32 (four years ago) link

Keep telling myself that buying any sort of case is basically investing in a coffin for my bank account. I'll look into that though, just for research purposes of course!

kites aren't fun (NickB), Monday, 26 October 2020 17:44 (four years ago) link

Other gear I have at the moment, clogging up my desk and generally hijacking all my evenings: minilogue, volca fm, behringer model d, drumbrute impact, and indeed a bunch of guitar pedals. Still don't know what I'm doing at all tbh, just merrily whiling away the hours making a terrible racket

kites aren't fun (NickB), Monday, 26 October 2020 17:50 (four years ago) link

A pod case plus a Disting already does a lot but yes, you won’t stop there lol.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Monday, 26 October 2020 18:00 (four years ago) link

Yeah a disting would do very nicely indeed

kites aren't fun (NickB), Monday, 26 October 2020 18:13 (four years ago) link

I'm selling my Arturia Microfreak, it just didn't get used and I don't love the overall sound. It took way too much work to make it sit in a track, whereas my Volcas (FM & Keys) just work even with minimal processing. The keyboard is cool, I thought about keeping it around as a controller, but I do almost everything with midi anyway.

Also selling an old Korg Microsampler than I inherited from a friend. If I can sell these I've got my eye on the Yamaha Reface CP, the electric pianos sound really good from everything I've heard and I like the idea of doing crazy midi-controlled arps with them, in addition to having something pleasant to actually practice piano with.

Would love else something as small, affordable, and usable as the Volcas, haven't found the right thing but suggestions would be welcome.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 26 October 2020 18:33 (four years ago) link

bit bigger than a volca by about 50% and twice the price but i have a model:samples and that's pretty fun to use once you figure out the sample library. or there's the cycles now which is the fm synth counterpart

kites aren't fun (NickB), Monday, 26 October 2020 19:51 (four years ago) link

how much u selling yr microfreak for

covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Monday, 26 October 2020 20:55 (four years ago) link

Mmmm want to dm me? I'll give you the ilx discount if you're interested. :)

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 26 October 2020 21:08 (four years ago) link

I've got an Electribe 2 Sampler, and I kind of think of it as a Supervolca. The workflow and sequencing is largely similar. It gets a lot of hate from gear nerds, and to be fair there are some annoying limitations, but limitations are good IMO. You can probably find one for relatively cheap used (how I picked up mine).

american primitive stylophone (zchyrs), Monday, 26 October 2020 22:32 (four years ago) link

Notation usually have big Black Friday sales if any of their grooveboxes/ synths look interesting.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Monday, 26 October 2020 22:52 (four years ago) link

Argh I better not

Xpost to Jordan

covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 27 October 2020 04:18 (four years ago) link

Goddamn. I have a Peak, and it is currently my favorite synth. RIP Chris, you went out on top

octobeard, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 17:37 (four years ago) link

The Peak/Summits are so rad-looking. I've spent enough on gear this year, but maybe in a couple years.

DJI, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 18:12 (four years ago) link

Has anyone messed with the Behringer Pro-1?

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 28 October 2020 18:48 (four years ago) link

Just got one a "B-stock" Pro-1 a few days ago (Alto Music and Pro Audio Star sell Behringers as B-Stock to get lower prices but they're usually unopened IME). It's really good - different kind of bold, easier to make work with other instruments than the Model D. The small knobs on the Behringers might bother me in the dark on a stage, but in normal use they're fine.

Donald Trump Also Sucks, Of Course (milo z), Thursday, 29 October 2020 05:21 (four years ago) link

New Korg "Altered FM" synth looks pretty sweet:


american primitive stylophone (zchyrs), Wednesday, 11 November 2020 19:37 (four years ago) link

would be nice if in future it could have looping envelopes, and the modulation processors off the wavestate - that stuff seemed really cool to me!

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Friday, 20 November 2020 09:25 (four years ago) link

I stumbled into a (gold) Korg Monologue, after someone offered it in trade for my microfreak. Haven't tried it yet but I think it might be just the sort of thing I was after!

change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 22 November 2020 19:21 (four years ago) link

Not a lot of great synth deals this year but i picked up a 4MS Ensemble Oscillator anyway as it looks really fun.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Friday, 27 November 2020 14:49 (four years ago) link


Plogue's various retro VSTs are 50% off; I'm probably going to pull the trigger on the chipsynth MD

american primitive stylophone (zchyrs), Saturday, 28 November 2020 01:06 (four years ago) link

I used to use that one a lot around 2012, it sounds great. I should fire it up again.

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 28 November 2020 01:49 (four years ago) link

Oops I used to use Chipsounds, not Chipsynth my bad

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 28 November 2020 16:19 (four years ago) link

Also 2gether Audio is doing a 'pay what you want' (minimum $10) for everything

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 28 November 2020 16:23 (four years ago) link

Yeah, Chipsynth MD is an emulation of the Sega Megadrive/Genesis FM chip. So far I'm loving it. It sounds great, the UI is very clean, and there's tons of nice presets to start with.

american primitive stylophone (zchyrs), Saturday, 28 November 2020 21:48 (four years ago) link

Grabbed cherry audios realistic radio shack moog plugin for free. It’s great.

dan selzer, Saturday, 28 November 2020 21:57 (four years ago) link

Nice, I grabbed that too, haven't tried it yet.

Gotta say I'm loving the Monologue so far, more than I ever liked the Microbrute. It seems deep but also very intuitive -- haven't even cracked some of the features yet, but I was able to create some very nice patches in pretty short order. Loooove that there's a noise generator, that makes any sound 1000% better to my ears and I'm sure I will abuse it.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 2 December 2020 21:11 (four years ago) link

Also I'm very curious what my Reface CP will sound like if I put it through the Monologue's analog filter *devil emoji*

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 2 December 2020 21:18 (four years ago) link

one month passes...


adam, Tuesday, 19 January 2021 00:04 (three years ago) link

I got this little box for Christmas, and it's pretty sweet.

I can sync Endlesss (or any other Link-compatible software or plugins) on my iPhone/iPad to all my gear without having to run Live on my computer. I can sync my gear to Serato. And of course I can I can use it as a master clock for all my gear. It has a nice offset feature that lets you dial in the beat in case there are any latency or other timing issues.

DJI, Saturday, 23 January 2021 18:37 (three years ago) link

What is it? The link takes me to Twitch.

Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Saturday, 23 January 2021 19:55 (three years ago) link

Sorry! Stupid me. Here you go: http://circuithappy.com/products/themissinglink/

DJI, Saturday, 23 January 2021 20:38 (three years ago) link

Although Space Cowboys have been killing it lately :)

DJI, Saturday, 23 January 2021 20:43 (three years ago) link

Korg continues to kill it. Looking forward to their new drum machine.

dan selzer, Saturday, 23 January 2021 20:46 (three years ago) link

I've been making payments on a preorder of the Isla S2400 (reimagined/updated SP1200) and just paid it off today.

Looking forward to making very bad house when my number is finally up -


Joe Biden Stan Account (milo z), Wednesday, 3 February 2021 23:42 (three years ago) link

Love to hear a review when you get it!

DJI, Wednesday, 3 February 2021 23:54 (three years ago) link

two weeks pass...

ding dumb stressful long hours on COVID comms leaves me exhausted all the time, but they drop the bag on me for it and it's gotten me a polyend tracker, and a syntrx to live out those EMS fantasies.

the tracker is like a super deluxe volca sample - does pitched sample playback, does sample recording, can drag samples direct onto its SD card, can chop loops, etc. I never used tracker software back in the old daze but the whole organising by columns thing makes sense to me. much fun to be had with the fill functions and the randomisation and probability stuff therein. I recorded eight bars of volca modular directly in (looping sequence with some random LFO weirdness), trimmed it, auto chopped it to the transients like a drum loop, added the sample to every step in track 1, then randomised the playback point on the sample for each step. instant weird groove! it is great for on-couch noodling away at ideas.

the syntrx is really beautifully built, it's not an exact synthi A clone but you can do the feedback loop tricks and the weird FM and the battle patch and 'on the run' and all that. I find the digital take on the pin matrix quite good - pushing in those pins on the old ones can feel a bit nerve-wracking when it's not yours!

two more weeks of this godforsaken job until I go back to 9-5 work and maybe have some brainspace to use them properly.

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Tuesday, 23 February 2021 13:57 (three years ago) link

Forgot that I pre-ordered Ableton Live 11, that was a surprise $183 that I hadn't accounted for. Haven't gotten to try most of the new stuff but the new sample libraries from Spitfire Labs are pretty nice

Joe Biden Stan Account (milo z), Wednesday, 24 February 2021 04:39 (three years ago) link

I loaded it all today, but haven't had a chance to try it out. Lots of interesting looking stuff.

Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Wednesday, 24 February 2021 04:42 (three years ago) link

I downloaded 11, and quickly went to check out the tempo following. I found a couple of disappointing things:

1) When you tempo follow, you cannot use Ableton Link. I would love to be able to use the tempo follower as a Link "master."

2) Still doesn't work well for breakbeats. I would love a DJ mode that would let you bound the tempo ranges to make it easier on the algorithm to find the tempo, even on tougher-to-follow beats.

DJI, Wednesday, 24 February 2021 04:44 (three years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I just ordered one of these: https://conductivelabs.com/mrcc/

I'm looking forward to rerouting MIDI without pulling cables, etc. Not sure if I have enough gear to actually make use of all of it, though.

DJI, Thursday, 11 March 2021 22:09 (three years ago) link

Milo - did you get your Isla yet?

DJI, Thursday, 11 March 2021 22:10 (three years ago) link

I did not. The next batch of 500 just arrived at their workshop in Florida so fingers crossed sometime in the next six weeks.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Thursday, 11 March 2021 22:16 (three years ago) link

That MIDI thing looks good. I struggled for years and in some way still do. A very overcomplicated set-up w lots of MIDI and weird routing needs. I had tried a JL Cooper switcher once and just kept getting weird feedback issues. Then I had an iConnectivity box but the software seemed buggy and a pain. They have newer units that seem better. Finally got a used MOTU Midi Express XT which does everything, though the software is also annoying.

dan selzer, Thursday, 11 March 2021 22:32 (three years ago) link

I bought their NDLR when they ran it on Indiegogo because it looked interesting. I'm sure it's very clever, but I'm not sure it's for me.

Well *I* know who he is (aldo), Thursday, 11 March 2021 22:40 (three years ago) link

god i want one

davey, Friday, 12 March 2021 03:43 (three years ago) link

It took me a while to work up the courage but I built my Music Things Radio Music kit last weekend - finding it weirdly satisfying to have it running in another room with a couple of LFOs randomizing the files into delay and reverb.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Friday, 12 March 2021 21:31 (three years ago) link

which is the point of the module in a way but I'm not recording it or using it with anything else yet, just having it in the periphery while I mop or w/e

Joe Bombin (milo z), Friday, 12 March 2021 21:34 (three years ago) link

There's an E-Mu Emax SE in great shape with a USB reader installed on Reverb that I'm tempted to make an offer on with my stimmy bucks.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Saturday, 13 March 2021 02:45 (three years ago) link

Sounds tempting! Completely unnecessary, but still tempting.

DJI, Saturday, 13 March 2021 18:16 (three years ago) link

Hey synth people. What are some decent polyphonic synths that can be had for cheap? I've been eyeing a few in the Yamaha DX family. Basically just looking for something to learn piano on as well as to fuck around and get weird with.

I had been learning on this cheap-ass Casio thing that I inherited from my niece, but it's dead now and I thought I'd try to step things up a notch. Also tried a Korg Monologue for a while, which was a lot of fun, but I think I'm definitely better suited to something with a full-sized keyboard.

I dunno, just like "Oh, you're looking into the DX7? Well, be sure to check out a Bleepblorp 4000. You can get them for $200 less and it is whispered that they have the most exquisite bass sounds of the 1990s." or something like that.

peace, man, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 16:25 (three years ago) link

I wonder if the best solution would be getting a Volca FM (or another small synth like a Yamaha Reface CS, or one of the other Refaces, or the Roland boutique series, a Minilogue or another Volca, etc) and controlling it with a cheap full-size midi keyboard? I think anything with a full-size keyboard (Nord, Sequential Circuits, etc) and serious onboard synthesis starts to cost $$$$$.

Although back a few generations I used to have an Alesis Ion digital synth that was full-size, it was ok, wish I still had it.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 16:58 (three years ago) link

well what's important? If you want to learn piano you need something polyphonic, so that rules out a ton of things, like the Monologue. Also you want full-size keys.

It's not easy to find a nice cheap synth with a nice keyboard, you may be best off getting a good controller that feels good, keyboard wise, then use it to control your computer or any synths/synth modules you get down the line.

Are DXs even velocity sensitive? I don't remember.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:06 (three years ago) link

thinking the same. There are great cheapish synths, I own and love the Minilogue and the Reface DX, though neither will win keyboard awards. The minilogue is only 4 voices so again, ok to play melodies and basslines and some chords, but not suitable for learning piano.

Reface DX is small but is more fun to use than a vintage FM synth.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:07 (three years ago) link

Good thoughts - thanks! Any advice on choosing midi controllers?

peace, man, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:20 (three years ago) link

This might not be the answer you're looking for, but I find the Novation Peak super cheap for what it does. It's about $1k used, and it's got plenty of voices, subtractive and wavetable capabilities, a really gorgeous analog sound despite the digitally controlled oscillators, and very nice on board FX.

octobeard, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:22 (three years ago) link

The Peak/Summit are really great-sounding synths.

DJI, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:23 (three years ago) link

xp Oh def get a midi controller for the key action. I actually wish all synth models had module versions. Decouple that keyboard action from the sound generation.

octobeard, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:23 (three years ago) link

I'm getting a Mk3 controller too. Great for controlling software but also a sweet sequencer for MIDI/CV gear once you start down that path.

DJI, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:57 (three years ago) link

Oh wait I'm thinking of the SL Mk3. The Launchkey looks good too, but I don't think it has the sequencer.

DJI, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:59 (three years ago) link

The M-Audio Oxygen ones also work for (even cheaper) midi controllers.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:59 (three years ago) link

Another option is a low-to-medium end Roland digital piano (for learning piano) and then using it as a MIDI controller for VST synths. Lots of free and cheap VSTs that are incredible these days. All of the Rolands work over USB as MIDI controllers IIRC.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 18:02 (three years ago) link

Cherry Audio has a few cheap synths that are great, Full Bucket in germany has a ton of wacky free ancient Korg emulations that are cool.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 19:41 (three years ago) link

Yeah, the VST thing is definitely appealing, but it would mean investing in a computer that could handle that kind of thing. None of the computers I own are suitable.

peace, man, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 19:54 (three years ago) link

MIDI controller plus small synth module (Volca, Roland Boutique, etc) makes sense but it’s worth seeing what you can get used on Ebay/ Reverb.

I paid about £200 for a Roland Gaia, which is widely hated as the presets are all terrible, but it has a nice keyboard and is good enough for Grimes and Sadie Dupuis.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 20:03 (three years ago) link

What's yr budget?

dan selzer, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 20:13 (three years ago) link

They've probably climbed a bit but I saw Deepmind 12s sold locally for $500-550 last summer, that's plenty of polyphony for chords+built in effects.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 20:36 (three years ago) link

xp: My total budget is under $1,000. Preferably well under a grand. That's probably the biggest part of what attracted me to the Yamahas.

peace, man, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 23:23 (three years ago) link

A midi controller, an audio interface, an ipad, Korg Module (if you want to learn keys) or some other korg synth app (if you care more about synthesis), and an ios camera kit to hook it all up.

Dan I., Thursday, 18 March 2021 03:46 (three years ago) link

$200 used + $200 new + $200 used + $40 + $40

Dan I., Thursday, 18 March 2021 03:48 (three years ago) link

Interesting idea!

peace, man, Thursday, 18 March 2021 14:10 (three years ago) link

You don't even really need the audio interface in that scenario. You can do audio out the HP jack on iPads (not sure about the latest ones).

DJI, Thursday, 18 March 2021 16:03 (three years ago) link

And if you already have a new-ish iphone and don't mind having less screen real estate you can use that and skip the ipad too, so it's really just like $250 to get a midi controller and a synth/sound module app

Dan I., Thursday, 18 March 2021 16:41 (three years ago) link

For that route, it's trickier since they don't have headphone jacks. You can dongle out of the lightning port of the camera kit adapter, but then your phone loses battery pretty quickly.

DJI, Thursday, 18 March 2021 16:46 (three years ago) link

and of course BT audio has way too much latency for playing software instruments.

DJI, Thursday, 18 March 2021 16:47 (three years ago) link

Yeah, those kinds of issues is why I prefer the camera kit and audio interface approach. Audio interfaces are useful in so many contexts that it's a good idea to get one. I know people fetishize DAW-less approaches these days but I hardly ever use a DAW and I'm still constantly using my audio interface

Dan I., Thursday, 18 March 2021 16:51 (three years ago) link

What interface do you use with the iPad? I like the look of that Zoom UAC-2 one.

beard papa, Friday, 19 March 2021 08:40 (three years ago) link

if learning piano/keys is an important part of the equation, i'd recommend investing in a USB/MIDI keyboard controller with full-weight keys, and skimp on the sound modules (iPad seems like a good way to go) until you want to expand your synthesis firepower. weighted keyboards are considerably pricier (i think the cheapest start at $500) but i think the difference in feel/response is profound... maybe learning on a piano spoiled me, heh

davey, Friday, 19 March 2021 11:25 (three years ago) link

SYNTH LIFE UPDATE: Selling my old Reface CS to make room for some new gear. I'm jonesing to get an Opsix, but the $800 price tag feels a little steep to me. I really like the way that thing sounds though, and the patching possibilities are pretty wild.

Also considering the Modal Cobalt 8, Minilogue XD, and the Microfreak. None of which are FM like the Opsix, but the main things I'm looking for are: 1) robust sound design; 2) at least 4-voice polyphony; 3) compactness. I feel like I could actually go a long way with the Microfreak and some external FX. I'm not a big fan of that keyboard though. If anyone has recs or thoughts on these options, I'm down to hear them.

american primitive stylophone (zchyrs), Friday, 19 March 2021 12:08 (three years ago) link

ASM Hydrasynth Desktop might be desirable if a built-in keyboard is not a must

davey, Friday, 19 March 2021 12:24 (three years ago) link

About the audio interface, I'm really happy with a Steinberg UR242.

After 15 years with Presonus and Maudio interfaces that I always had to jump through hoops to get to connect and stay connected, constantly futz with things to try to avoid audio glitches due to DPC latency, and get random and not-infrequent blue screens (due to flaky drivers, best I could tell), it feels like a miracle to have an audio interface that Just Works and never, ever crashes or malfunctions.

Dan I., Friday, 19 March 2021 14:40 (three years ago) link

If you can afford it, a used Peak would be pretty sweet.

DJI, Friday, 19 March 2021 14:40 (three years ago) link

Also for audio interfaces, I think the little MOTU ones look pretty good.

DJI, Friday, 19 March 2021 14:41 (three years ago) link

This guy makes a bunch of cool tools for making glitchy live music: https://www.giorgiosancristoforo.net/softwares/

DJI, Thursday, 25 March 2021 16:24 (three years ago) link

(haven't tried them, but was recommended by a coworker)

DJI, Thursday, 25 March 2021 16:25 (three years ago) link

i used MOTU for I/O long ago and it worked very nicely. idk how the prices compare but Focusrite's latest gen has been great as well.

davey, Thursday, 25 March 2021 16:37 (three years ago) link

i fully endorse giorgio sancristoforo's gleetchlan software, it's like a bunch of wild max/msp modules that you connect together with a giant synthi style pin matrix. i like to feed 6 of the same field recording at slightly different speeds and just let it absolutely mangle itself. really fun.

adam, Thursday, 25 March 2021 22:00 (three years ago) link

gleetchlab that is.

adam, Thursday, 25 March 2021 22:00 (three years ago) link

I need to try his Stockhausen-y Berna app again, I couldn't figure it out the last time I tried.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Thursday, 25 March 2021 22:08 (three years ago) link

yeah i never got that one cookin

adam, Thursday, 25 March 2021 23:27 (three years ago) link

I'm never quite sure what's going on with Ciat-Lonbarde instruments but the Sidrax seems cool - like a Soma Lyra but less whalesong


Joe Bombin (milo z), Tuesday, 30 March 2021 17:35 (three years ago) link

Man, there are some people in my life who would LOVE that thing.

DJI, Tuesday, 30 March 2021 17:56 (three years ago) link

Well, I ended up going with the Microfreak, which I've had for a little over a week now. I'm having a blast with it so far, and it turns out I was wrong about the touchplate keys--I love them! Also I had no idea how cool the arp/sequencer on this thing is. You can make a psuedo-random repeating pattern with the arp just like on the Keystep, but then you can actually save it to the sequencer and tweak it from there. It's really cool for generating melodies and grooves.

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Thursday, 1 April 2021 15:06 (three years ago) link

that sounds fun, the arp on the keystep is wonderful

adam, Thursday, 1 April 2021 15:29 (three years ago) link

Nice to see the Timecops using a Volca Keys to monitor Loki! pic.twitter.com/FsiuVA9Yhq

— Matt Colville? (@mattcolville) April 5, 2021

na (NA), Tuesday, 6 April 2021 00:06 (three years ago) link

Must not have been able to borrow the Eventide rack unit from Contact.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Tuesday, 6 April 2021 03:10 (three years ago) link

three weeks pass...

so i got a korg microsynth and it seems pretty rad so far but i need some insight from somebody who can put things into understandable language. it's my first experience trying to do anything with a synth so i've found other forums and help guides just add more confusion at this point because i literally don't know what some of the language means and the definitions don't help explaining the questions i have.

in a lot of the patches (which i don't even known if i'm using that term correctly), there's effects already on the sound and i've been able to navigate around and tweak fairly well but i've run into two issues:

1— sometimes the knobs indicate that they should control a parameter, but turning them does nothing. the display changes text, but the actual sound remains the same. in some banks, certain knobs don't do anything and they're not supposed to — fine. i'm referring to when all signs indicate the knob should change a parameter, but it doesn't. what gives?

2— on some patches, there seems to be like a filter running at all times. i'll play some notes and it'll be nice and booming and exactly what i want, but then it feels like it's cycling through a filter (or something?) and it'll reach the other end of the filter and everything just becomes weak and stunted. i've gone through all of the effects and tried to turn them off, or least set them to as subtle as possible. but it still does it! i mainly got the microsynth for basslines and that really sucks when i'm in a groove and then all of a sudden, it's like the volume got turned down and all of the dynamics are gone. until the filter (or whatever) cycles back around.

it was a floor model, so maybe i just need to do a factory reset?

kinda feel like a dumbass rn ngl

Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 29 April 2021 00:17 (three years ago) link

2 sounds like a very slow LFO is modulating the filter

Joe Bombin (milo z), Thursday, 29 April 2021 00:20 (three years ago) link

1 - Sometimes if you have a big envelope modulating something (like the filter), changing the filter won't seem to work.

DJI, Thursday, 29 April 2021 00:48 (three years ago) link

Or maybe there is a very slight unison in place causing that very slow beating effect

covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 29 April 2021 01:17 (three years ago) link

*very slight detune I meant to say

covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 29 April 2021 01:17 (three years ago) link


Joe Bombin (milo z), Sunday, 2 May 2021 17:54 (three years ago) link

That guy's pretty annoying but I didn't think the Colossus actually existed for sale, that it was just a proof of concept deal for Analogue Solutions.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Sunday, 2 May 2021 17:56 (three years ago) link

26k pounds + 2k pounds for delivery to the US FYI

Joe Bombin (milo z), Sunday, 2 May 2021 17:57 (three years ago) link

that's a beautiful machine, but i am a dilettante who values the convenience of patch recall so i will continue to use the Zebra2 VST contentedly ^O^

davey, Monday, 3 May 2021 09:03 (three years ago) link

change display name (Jordan) at 12:58 17 Mar 21
I wonder if the best solution would be getting a Volca FM (or another small synth like a Yamaha Reface CS, or one of the other Refaces, or the Roland boutique series, a Minilogue or another Volca, etc) and controlling it with a cheap full-size midi keyboard? I think anything with a full-size keyboard (Nord, Sequential Circuits, etc) and serious onboard synthesis starts to cost $$$$$.
Although back a few generations I used to have an Alesis Ion digital synth that was full-size, it was ok, wish I still had it.
Ended up going this route, although with a Reface CP instead of a synth. Almost went with the CS because I did have visions of myself Wendy Carlosing my way through Minuet in G. Ultimately decided that having something with actual piano sounds would be much more tolerable for myself and those around me as I stumble towards those goals.

Did pair it a Novation Launchkey so there's room to expand if I do want to buy some synth modules down the line or make the switch to vsts.

Thanks everyone for your help!

peace, man, Monday, 3 May 2021 10:11 (three years ago) link

loving the new filters on the Hive2 update

davey, Wednesday, 5 May 2021 14:31 (three years ago) link

Cool! I've been loving the Reface CP too, it's just such a pleasurable sound for learning tunes. Haven't recorded it much, although it does record well.

I keep meaning to get more into the u-he synths since people seem to like them so much, but right now I'm still committed to getting as much as I can out of NI Razor (and will possibly dive into the user-created Reaktor rabbit hole and never come out, who knows).

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 5 May 2021 15:04 (three years ago) link

I love how much everyone loves the Refaces. They're such a sleeper hit. I love my DX. It's like, they're all digital and they have these little keyboards and you'd think they'd be terrible but they did everything right. Just the right simple interfaces, great sound, great price, easy to use etc. They should make a super Reface with a normal keyboard and all 4 models stuck in it.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 5 May 2021 16:40 (three years ago) link

been messing around with this li'l vocal synth from Klevgränd. good fun.


davey, Thursday, 6 May 2021 08:51 (three years ago) link

Ooh that looks fun, ty

change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 6 May 2021 14:55 (three years ago) link

One of my early pandemic purchases was a Reface YC and I absolutely love it.

Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 21:53 (three years ago) link

NGL, kinda regret selling my Reface CS to fund the Microfreak...the MF is an excellent instrument and I love it, but the CS was incredibly useful for virtual analog sounds. Really nice keys for a mini-synth too. Oh well!

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Wednesday, 12 May 2021 17:36 (three years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Anyone have any good ideas for a drum machine? I don't care about having a sequencer (I just got an SL Mk3, which has a really good sequencer), just something that can load lots of sounds. I currently have a Drum Brute, but I just don't love the way it sounds. I'm thinking of waiting for the Circuit Rhythm, but wanted to get y'all's opinion.

DJI, Wednesday, 2 June 2021 16:19 (three years ago) link

Would be nice to be able to load loops into it too.

DJI, Wednesday, 2 June 2021 16:20 (three years ago) link


dan selzer, Wednesday, 2 June 2021 16:38 (three years ago) link

What about Voca sample?

DJI, Wednesday, 2 June 2021 16:44 (three years ago) link

Volca Sample

DJI, Wednesday, 2 June 2021 16:45 (three years ago) link

I like my Digitakt but a large part of that is the sequencing workflow. If you want analogue drums, the new DRM1 MKIV from Vermona might be worth a look.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 16:46 (three years ago) link

I have a Volca Sample and it’s ok but I think the Volca Drum sounds better.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 16:47 (three years ago) link

The new Volca Sample with USB file transfer hasn't really released yet I don't think (I've had one backordered with ZZounds since January).

Joe Bombin (milo z), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 21:46 (three years ago) link

That's the one I'm thinking about.

DJI, Wednesday, 2 June 2021 21:49 (three years ago) link

I also realized that the noise generator on my Drumbrute died. Apparently it's a known issue. Hopefully they will replace the voice board for me, even though it's a few years old.

DJI, Wednesday, 2 June 2021 21:51 (three years ago) link

Roland TR-8S maybe? Different price class but it can load samples plus you get the modeled Roland drum sounds.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 21:52 (three years ago) link

Looks cool, but yeah - I think I'm looking for lower-cost. I have my computer for more production-oriented stuff.

DJI, Wednesday, 2 June 2021 22:20 (three years ago) link

Preordered the Behringer 909 clone today

Joe Bombin (milo z), Thursday, 3 June 2021 01:03 (three years ago) link

two weeks pass...

speaking of roland X0X boxes, are there any software emulators that are nearly as good (and not as stupidly pricey) as D16's stuff?


davey, Sunday, 20 June 2021 23:10 (three years ago) link

The Roland cloud versions are all available cracked if you don’t mind piracy.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Monday, 21 June 2021 03:48 (three years ago) link

thank u milo.... i'm wary of the open web, and that's not on the private tracker i use, but plz do email me if u can recommend a site <3

davey, Monday, 21 June 2021 04:07 (three years ago) link

tbh, I live dangerously and just got the Roland Cloud stuff off of rutracker.org. The only one I kept was the JV-5080, which has made me thirsty for a late '80s/early '90s rompler.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Thursday, 24 June 2021 01:58 (three years ago) link

This is only synth-adjacent, and perhaps is better-suited to the VSTs thread, but: I just copped Koala Sampler for Android (it's also on iOS) and it's maybe the best $4 I've ever spent. It's incredibly immediate and rewarding, and it runs on my dinky Motorola phone. Truly we do live in the future.

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Thursday, 24 June 2021 22:38 (three years ago) link

one month passes...


Joe Bombin (milo z), Wednesday, 28 July 2021 02:13 (three years ago) link

New tactile synth from Soma, I want one

Joe Bombin (milo z), Wednesday, 28 July 2021 02:13 (three years ago) link

me too. i love my Lyra and this would be a great companion

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 28 July 2021 20:02 (three years ago) link

Ooh, that looks like so much fun, esp with midi or a controller. I'm scared to look at the price.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 28 July 2021 21:07 (three years ago) link

Yeah that's outside the range of what I will allow myself to pay for a synth. Looks sick though.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 28 July 2021 21:10 (three years ago) link

Yeah a friend of mine shared it last week and I was with him on it till I saw the price. I think I can do the same to a degree with my Dirty Electronics bits and bobs.

Well *I* know who he is (aldo), Wednesday, 28 July 2021 21:24 (three years ago) link

Juno is listing it for £455, which seems pretty reasonable.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Wednesday, 28 July 2021 21:42 (three years ago) link

Ok, that's about a third of what it was listed at the beginning of last week.

Well *I* know who he is (aldo), Wednesday, 28 July 2021 22:15 (three years ago) link

Got my MRCC this week, and so far, it's pretty nice. I can filter stop/starts to each device, only route certain gear to other gear, etc. Right now I have it basically used as a big MIDI thru/splitter for my SL MK3. Next I need to have a USB preset for use with the computer. And then maybe I'll go back and make a preset for controlling everything with my Circuit. I also think it will be fun to be able to record things from my various keyboards into the SL, rather than having to sit in front of the SL all the time.

DJI, Tuesday, 3 August 2021 21:28 (three years ago) link

in similar news, haven't read enough to see how this compares, but Kenton's got a MIDI patch bay/filter/splitter thing coming out:


dan selzer, Tuesday, 3 August 2021 21:36 (three years ago) link

I saw that! Seems like a ripoff :)

DJI, Tuesday, 3 August 2021 21:41 (three years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I'm borrowing a Microwave XT and it's so gnarly, born to make dystopian sci-fi soundtracks.

Joe Bombin (milo z), Friday, 20 August 2021 05:35 (three years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Those Buchla modules all are so, so beautiful.

Could someone link me to any good threads about software synths / VSTs & plug-ins / music tech? I want to rave about the Arturia Pigments 3 VST, but this thread seems more interested in hardware, Pigments it is not cheap enuff to fit in the 'VST freebies and cheapies' thread, and the rest of the discussions I'm finding all are ancient

davey, Thursday, 23 September 2021 05:11 (three years ago) link

Go ahead and rave here! I'm listening at least.

DJI, Thursday, 23 September 2021 13:49 (three years ago) link

VST freebies & cheapies, what do you like?

this is the relevant thread that gets the most action

na (NA), Thursday, 23 September 2021 13:51 (three years ago) link

Pigments is great and incredibly powerful - I struggle with not just surfing presets, though. It's got so much going on it's hard to make myself start from zero.

papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 23 September 2021 21:17 (three years ago) link

Version 3 is a big jump up from the last. The additive synthesis engine is very sexy, and the new effects, FX routing and Jupiter-8 filter are pretty great.

Milo, I'm also mostly relying on the presets so far, and yeah that's never ideal. One nice little habit I've gotten into is to mark any especially striking preset as a favorite. I'm sort of working my way up to building patches ab initio by modifying presets to taste.

V3 says it has new built-in tutorials, so maybe that'll help? Or if you prefer, here's Arturia's set of video tutorials, though I'd prefer reading the manual and watching unofficial tips & tricks vids.

This year I got rly tired of trawling thru presets, so I committed to learning everything I could about the u-He Hive 2, trying to make that the first synth I feel like I've mastered. Some valuable lessons: Mastering it will probably take years, because it amounts to mastering a huge part of the subtractive and wavetable synthesis spaces, but what I've learned generalizes well to other synths. Also, reading at least some chunks of every synth's manual will be necessary, but it always pays off. Actually it's kind of fun. I started thinking of synths more a programming environments. The more languages (synths) you learn, the easier it is to pick up new ones. When Pigments 3 came out, I'd only just heard what additive synthesis was, and that by itself is going to amount to a whole new paradigm of programming/design, one fairly deep to explore... And now I'm looking at the details and realizing this is more powerful than I understood :O

davey, Friday, 24 September 2021 12:43 (three years ago) link

Pigments is extremely intriguing to me, in a "last soft synth you'll ever need?" sense. I've been dedicated myself to Razor lately, and it looks like Pigments' additive synth is Razor-like, plus wavetable and everything else?

I'm sort of allergic to presets, but also don't feel like I know what I'm doing exactly. I just start with a default sort or simple preset, and start turning knobs and writing automation until I know which ones make the sound cooler and which one are going in the wrong direction for the sound I want. :)

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 24 September 2021 16:11 (three years ago) link

oh shit, I forgot I even had Razor... been sleeping on that one too, huh, maybe I don't need to buy Loom II after all.

i think Razor's and Pigments' UI design have some things in common, but i'm doubtful the latter's additive engine is as powerful. it does let you combine additive with the other oscillator types. anyway, time for me to take another look at RZR >>>:)

davey, Friday, 24 September 2021 22:20 (three years ago) link

Oh man, I don’t think I’ve ever ventured into this thread.

I broke down and sorta impulsively bought an Analogue RYTM Mk2 today. Been a lust object for some time, so big news. Unloading some gear on Reverb, should cover most of the fucking tough price tag. I <3 drum machines and I <3 my Elektron gear though, so I have faith that I won’t regret it. Stoked.

circa1916, Saturday, 25 September 2021 04:04 (three years ago) link

Congrats! That thing looks super sweet. Please report back when you get familiar with it, would you? I am curious how it might compare to the Tempest my friend lent me last year

davey, Saturday, 25 September 2021 17:22 (three years ago) link

never used it by I still think my Analog4 (mk 1) is a brilliant synth.

dan selzer, Saturday, 25 September 2021 18:06 (three years ago) link


Oh nice. I’ve never used the Tempest and unfortunately won’t likely have the opportunity to with the discontinuation and its corresponding resale value, but I know that’s the gold standard for a lot of folks.

Been relying on samplers mostly for drums, Octatrack and Digitakt. The Digi is getting sold, as great a machine it is, it’s been collecting dust since I got the Octa and will be even further neglected with a RYTM. I have a Moog DFAM for analogue, which is a stampeding beast sound wise, love it, but obviously it’s quite limited. Good for sampling though.

Looking forward to the seemingly deep analogue sound sculpting capabilities of the RYTM. I love playing with samples, but having to rely on them for everything can be a drag. Can get lost in those libraries.

Will report back on the RYTM, though I’m sure it’ll be some time til I have a solid grasp on it.

circa1916, Saturday, 25 September 2021 19:40 (three years ago) link

I jammed out today with my synths:


DJI, Saturday, 25 September 2021 22:52 (three years ago) link

sweet setup, sounds good!

Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 26 September 2021 02:32 (three years ago) link

noooooo you are reigniting my lust for hardware a.k.a. gear. that looks rly fun ^o^

working all in the box is convenient, but some time this year it dawned on me that a DAW-free setup would be liberating—so much easier to jam on hardware, yeah?

davey, Sunday, 26 September 2021 05:10 (three years ago) link

Also, i found the Tempest clunky. Having only 6 voices to cover 16 parts assignable per patch caused parts to cut each other off frequently, and Live's drum rack never makes me think about how to work around shit like that. I realize it's a very powerful device... I guess i prefer a simpler design like the Roland TR-8S, where there's very little menu diving and the manual is only pamphlet-sized.

davey, Sunday, 26 September 2021 05:25 (three years ago) link

Playing with hardware definitely feels better in some ways. I’m guessing you could get a similar feel going with a Push or some other control surface. Hardware is trickier to route audio and MIDI with than software instruments. Hardware sounds wilder and more exciting, though, I think.

One thing I’m missing is a sampler. Maybe Koala on an iPad could work? I want something that can chop up loops, and let me play the slices from my MIDI controller. All the decent stereo hardware samplers are over $500, and are usually meant to be their own workstations.

DJI, Sunday, 26 September 2021 18:43 (three years ago) link

I have tons of hardware but have been doing a lot of stuff in the box w/ Live and a big game changer for me is the novation Launch Control XL. I actually ended up with 2 of them. 1 of them I use pretty much as a the mixer, just to have hands on control of aux sends and pan via knobs, volume via fader and mute/solo/select buttons. The second one I usually assign to control a virtual synth, and I even bought some blank overlays so i can label what everything does. They're pretty cheap and seem popular. Saw Orbital doing a live set from his studio recently and he had two of them controlling something or other.

dan selzer, Sunday, 26 September 2021 20:49 (three years ago) link

Push is great, I make good use of mine. I was thinking some more USB control interfaces might be useful. Maybe I will pick up a Launch Control or something.

davey, Monday, 27 September 2021 05:13 (three years ago) link

I love the push so far, especially for playing out ideas, but I find that I'm having a harder time than I expected getting away from the mouse and computer monitor

Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Monday, 27 September 2021 05:27 (three years ago) link

It has its limitations. For navigating thru the library, Push is very slow, and just about useless in the arrangement window, but I think you have the right idea cuz it's great for playing out ideas. Also nice to have quick access to an instrument's macros with the knobs at the top of the Push instead of one at a time with the mouse, yeah? pr0 tip: I recommend configuring and saving default settings for instruments and FX that you use frequently, so you don't have to repeat that work.

davey, Monday, 27 September 2021 07:10 (three years ago) link

yes, one big help has been using the drum rack template from the All You Need Is Live youtube channel that is set up so that you can drop a big list of samples in for each drum voice and then select the specific sample you want by turning a macro knob. It saves a lot of time since you don't have to browse through the ableton menu to test out lots of different drum samples.

Browsing the ableton library to test out different patches is far and away my least favorite aspect of Live. The fact that it's so clunky to swap out sounds in a midi track drives me nuts. I feel like hot swap option used to be much smoother, and now it barely works.

Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Monday, 27 September 2021 13:19 (three years ago) link

Lol I had a hard time getting Razor out of brostep mode yesterday, I had an LFO-based thing in my head but just couldn't rein it in enough, I think it was the wrong tool for the job. I'm learning that it maybe works best for a big moment in the track (ie 'the drop'), and not necessarily for more subtle applications, at least for me.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 27 September 2021 16:06 (three years ago) link

I got a Polyend Tracker yesterday, it's simultaneously overwhelming (remembering the combos to enter a kick every four steps automatically instead of scrolling individually, getting from menu to menu, etc.) but also stupid easy to generate results (not good results so far, but results). Sampled a two second snippet of radio and then playing it granularly with random chance for the playhead location every step+choking plus panning the kick slightly every time it triggers and it was a mess but total fun.

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 28 September 2021 00:35 (three years ago) link

Ooh, I've been very intrigued by the Tracker, especially the built-in radio sampling feature. I'd love to hear what you do when you've got a solid bead on it.

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Tuesday, 28 September 2021 12:32 (three years ago) link

the radio thing is like the best part of the op-1, didn't know the tracker did the same.

milo have you ever used renoise or other tracker software? curious as to how the interface translates

adam, Tuesday, 28 September 2021 13:50 (three years ago) link

I can't get Renoise to work properly on my iMac (every time I enable record it just autoplays and records the same C3 note at every step - I don't think it likes Macs and wireless keyboards) but from what I can tell it's very similar, the Tracker interface is a little easier because of the way the blank buttons act with note values and instrument selection.

My only complaint so far is that minijacks for audio/MIDI - a regular MIDI port and 1/4" jacks would be easier than remembering to keep adapters handy.

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 28 September 2021 19:19 (three years ago) link

that it has

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 28 September 2021 19:19 (three years ago) link

tracker is exactly as good aas you'd imagine "volca sample, but you can play chromatically and chop samples and do wavetable and granular stuff and sequence full songs and quasi-generative" would be. so fast to work with!

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Friday, 1 October 2021 08:05 (three years ago) link

having a volca modular alongside is great sample fodder, until I lose my mind and get a DIY buchla clone.

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Friday, 1 October 2021 08:23 (three years ago) link

First impressions of Elektron RYTM Mk2: Not Great!

Legitimately puny sounding synth engine in this thing. Like why do I have to max out Overdrive/Volume/Distortion and have to layer a sample on everything to make it feel substantial? I went to hook it into my Octatrack and caught what I was working on in there, all sample based, and it was like 10x more ferocious. Been basically playing with the Octa all night instead of the RYTM.

I’m gonna stick it out for a few weeks, I know people swear by it, but not a great first impression.

circa1916, Saturday, 2 October 2021 02:30 (three years ago) link

That’s kinda how I feel about my Drumbrute. Sounds better when it’s clipping the input on the mixer, but it never sounds that great.

DJI, Saturday, 2 October 2021 14:19 (three years ago) link

drumbrute needs compression badly ime, maybe the rytm is similar? i found the octatrack to sound a little weedy without tons of fx too tbh, tho it is the piece of gear i regret selling the most besides my bugbrand system

adam, Saturday, 2 October 2021 17:57 (three years ago) link

Borrowing a Rytm taught me that I'm not really into tweaking and refining the synthesized drum sounds - a minimum of parameters like a 808/909 or samples for me.

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 2 October 2021 20:47 (three years ago) link

Tempted to start -===The Soft Synth Zone===-

After getting frustrated with Razor sounding to Razor-y (basically the more I messed with it, the farther away I was getting from the sound in my head and the more I started hating the track idea), I went into tailspin of checking out the other factory Reaktor instruments and scrolling through lame presets, which is always a recipe for non-creativity.

Now I've got my eye on NI Form. I hate to feel reliant on buying synths/software to generate ideas, but manipulating samples/audio has always been where my heart is, and it looks like a truly interesting way of getting new sounds and motion/automation out of samples. Anyone used it?

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 October 2021 19:09 (three years ago) link

I have tinkered with Form, and getting fiddly automating some of their presets has been very enjoyable and I think they sound very good. FYI, Pigments has similar sample synth engine affordances you might want to compare, if that synth still interests you.

I'd be down for the -===Soft Synth Zone===- thread so we'd have a separation of concerns—this thread had been a hardware focused thing. I think we could also make that a good place talk about other kinds of (not-necessarily-cheap) VSTs, like FXs and such.

davey, Tuesday, 5 October 2021 21:51 (three years ago) link

(Oh and another sample-based synth that has very powerful and unique ways of getting motion/automation out of samples: iZotope's Iris 2 spectral synthesizer.)

davey, Tuesday, 5 October 2021 21:55 (three years ago) link

I love Iris, although I only have Iris 1 and use it mostly as a basic sampler (just to easily keyboard map a sample and add glide etc). It's been awhile since I've messed with any of the spectral stuff, it's fun but I just haven't been going there sound-wise.

Pigments 3 continues to be tempting since it seemingly does everything.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 October 2021 22:03 (three years ago) link

I don't know that I'd make enough productive use of Pigments 3 for it to be a good use of my money, but it sure is pretty

Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Tuesday, 5 October 2021 22:05 (three years ago) link

there are several vst threads btw

koogs, Tuesday, 5 October 2021 22:07 (three years ago) link

Thread for awesome VSTs that cost money but are still awesome

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 October 2021 22:10 (three years ago) link

Pigments loads samples as wavetables though, right, which is maybe not the same as Form scanning and modulating the sample itself? I've never used serum, or a wavetable synth where you could load your own samples.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 October 2021 22:16 (three years ago) link

If you are looking for a modern take on Iris style spectral stuff then the free Sensel 'Spectral Shiatsu' M4L synth is the absolute shit imo: https://cdm.link/2021/08/massage-that-sound-with-free-spectral-shiatsu-for-max-for-live/

I've only been using it with a single finger on my trackpad and had some great results just drawing and tapping through old acapellas and rave pads. Basically the x axis is time and the y axis is spectral frequency, and anywhere you hold your finger will loop. I'm seriously contemplating getting a Sensel Morph soon for 8-finger spectral sample massaging fun.

(the one with 3 L's) (Willl), Tuesday, 5 October 2021 22:17 (three years ago) link

rad. thank you for that link, willl

davey, Wednesday, 6 October 2021 00:09 (three years ago) link

Oh dang, looking more into Pigments it does appear to have a sample engine that's very similar to Form. Maybe I'll try and grab demos for both and see what sticks.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 6 October 2021 18:46 (three years ago) link

Sorry, circling back to my RYTM experience.

Starting to see likely intentional design choices here. You can get mean sounds, just takes some sauce through internal and/or external effects. Seeing the design philosophy of “easier to add than to remove”. Stuff fits very well in a mix. There are some really cool sound design possibilities in this, you’re just not gonna get it without some work. Would not recommend if you just wanna jump in and jam, but would recommend if you wanna sculpt the ultimate kick drum or whatever. The sequencer is Elektron standard of course and a thing of beauty imo.

Elektron is canny and shitty enough to hold back just enough on each device so you want to pair it with another. “Not enough heat? Well we’ve got this device called Analog Heat that will solve all your problems!”

Love em and hate em in that regard.

Octatrack and Digitone are desert island devices though. They’ve got me.

circa1916, Thursday, 7 October 2021 17:43 (three years ago) link

Octatrack looks rad, but I think if I wanted to go pad-based (instead of keyboard-based), I'd get an MPC. They are looking fantastic these days.

In other GAS news, I got a Novation Peak, and I'm beyond happy. Sounds so goddamn great, and the internal effects are gorgeous. I'd rather the effects levels were send levels instead, but that's a minor quibble. Everything sounds good. Basses, pads, leads. I can still get a better howling sync sound out of my bass station 2, but the Peak has plenty of guts, and wavetables add even more stuff to play with. Honestly, I've mostly been trying out presets and packs from other people for now, but when I want to tweak them, most functions are on a knob.

DJI, Thursday, 7 October 2021 18:16 (three years ago) link

i'd been missing my mpc1000 so i got another off of ebay (ram upgrade, jjosXL2, etc) for a semi-reasonable price. really an amazing machine, even on a simple tactile level--the octatrack is the same way tbh, just pleasing to use.

i never really dove into using the mpc to sequence other gear so i'm looking forward to playing around with that.

adam, Thursday, 7 October 2021 20:11 (three years ago) link

the peak is a very appealing instrument. post some sounds!

adam, Thursday, 7 October 2021 20:12 (three years ago) link

Here's a little jam I did last week:


DJI, Thursday, 7 October 2021 20:53 (three years ago) link

I start hitting the arp on the Peak around 4:30.

DJI, Thursday, 7 October 2021 20:57 (three years ago) link

that rules thank you

adam, Thursday, 7 October 2021 21:07 (three years ago) link

Haven’t used mine in a while but mpc1000 w jjos was a great sequencer. I never used it as a sampler. I only loaded drum samples and sequenced ext synths with it. And it’s a workhorse. You still see lots of live electronic artists using them on stage.

dan selzer, Thursday, 7 October 2021 21:29 (three years ago) link

The MPC One is like $700 and does so much.

DJI, Thursday, 7 October 2021 22:02 (three years ago) link

Yeah those new MPCs look great. I was kinda turned off for a while because they were supposed to be buggy and felt like software in a box but seems like they’ve ironed out some stuff. I wonder if it would feel enough like using a 1000 but with all the modern stuff added.

dan selzer, Thursday, 7 October 2021 22:41 (three years ago) link

the MPC live 2 was tempting but it the 1000 is very photogenic, also i'm not sure i want another touchscreen in my life

the battery/portability thing in the live 2 is cool tho, someone's developed a battery mod w usb-c charging for the 1000.

adam, Thursday, 7 October 2021 23:03 (three years ago) link

Been seriously considering an MPC to break me out of my typical workflow.

Unrelated Sidenote: The Roland SE-02 is a fuckin beast and is too slept on. Basically a 3 oscillator Moog for like 400 bucks. Sounds monstrous. Don’t think Behringer is even giving you that much at that price point.

circa1916, Thursday, 7 October 2021 23:12 (three years ago) link

The MPCs can now use their USB host ports for controlling gear, which would simplify things a lot.

DJI, Thursday, 7 October 2021 23:19 (three years ago) link

I went to Guitar Center to buy picks and they had one of the new Waldorf M retro wavetable synths set up (despite having no other synths these days). The price is way past reasonable for me but it sounds great and it's laid out really well for programming.

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 8 October 2021 04:58 (three years ago) link

DJI love it so much when the arp arrives

Tib, Friday, 8 October 2021 12:42 (three years ago) link

at 4.30

Tib, Friday, 8 October 2021 12:42 (three years ago) link

This thing looks wild:

DJI, Saturday, 9 October 2021 00:54 (three years ago) link

And the $600 mini Hydrasynth with poly aftertouch looks cool too.

DJI, Saturday, 9 October 2021 01:05 (three years ago) link

"AI trained in electronic music and other genres"

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 9 October 2021 04:41 (three years ago) link

I do not understand the appeal of generative/algorithmic music.

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 9 October 2021 05:33 (three years ago) link

I downloaded the demo of Berna3 (early electronic music lab in software) and I recommend giving it a spin - I never got the old version to work, it was incomprehensible and timed out before I could figure it out but the designer put together a good video on this version and it's much easier to navigate.

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 9 October 2021 05:36 (three years ago) link


papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 9 October 2021 05:36 (three years ago) link

I do not understand the appeal of generative/algorithmic music.

Haha. Honestly a lot of fun to design, generally not so fun to listen to unless it’s yours ime. On the primitive end of it, I can get lost for hours tweaking a bunch of LFO’s controlling various parameters on a particular loop and listening to it morph and align and become its own organic thing, but I’m fully aware it’s hardly as entrancing for most anyone else.

Modular kinda cracks me up in that sense. Like I’m pretty sure 99% of generative modular stuff only sounds good to people who are also modular heads. Thousands of dollars and countless hours researching, building, patching and ultimately it just sounds like stuttering digital farts with reverb to everyone not in on the hobby.

That said… I’m totally building a modular rig when I have the scratch and space.

circa1916, Saturday, 9 October 2021 07:02 (three years ago) link

Grids, which that drum machine is based around, is a good module but I can’t imagine not also wanting a programmable sequencer, even an external one.

Purely generative music can be fun to make, less fun to listen to - i agree.

It’s not either / or, though. I have a Mutable Marbles and a Qu-Bit Bloom and they’re both good for generating phrases that can be repeated and altered or adding semi-random variation to deliberately programmed patterns.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Saturday, 9 October 2021 07:33 (three years ago) link

Yeah, I was being a bit glib there. Thoughtfully programmed stuff that incorporates just the right amount of chaos/randomness (and shit if it isn’t a challenge to hit that balance and to keep that randomness as consistently interesting as possible) is really what I’m always shooting for.

circa1916, Saturday, 9 October 2021 07:55 (three years ago) link

On the primitive end of it, I can get lost for hours tweaking a bunch of LFO’s controlling various parameters on a particular loop and listening to it morph and align and become its own organic thing, but I’m fully aware it’s hardly as entrancing for most anyone else.

I don't see that as generative, you're making a lot of choices with intent but involving randomness. Generative seems to range more "let's let this sequencer decide the notes with little or no input" to fully fledged "let the computer make it all" - then the building isn't even fun, it's more about consumption.

Like this thing:

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 9 October 2021 17:16 (three years ago) link

My buddy dragged over his gear and we did an hour of Twitch. It gets a bit repetitive, but there's some decent stuff in there:


DJI, Sunday, 10 October 2021 17:46 (three years ago) link

that torso sequencer is maybe a bit too reductive but I've been enjoying dialling in various amounts of chance on the tracker - I find it good to have a simple melody or phrase, then do some auto filling the empty notes with like 10-15% probability, then fill those with a range of random notes to scale - that basic phrase grounds it but then the probability can produce some surprising fills.

it's good to have something else to bounce off, I think, even if it is "the computer" - especially if you're not doing anything with a band environment.

2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Monday, 11 October 2021 02:46 (three years ago) link

Like I’m pretty sure 99% of generative modular stuff only sounds good to people who are also modular heads. Thousands of dollars and countless hours researching, building, patching and ultimately it just sounds like stuttering digital farts with reverb to everyone not in on the hobby.

Most modular folks I know don't listen to their own stuff, much less music made by other modular synthesists. The majority of modular is performance-only. They're not critically evaluating their own output, they're not releasing albums, and they don't spend any time thinking about the musical aspect of their hobby.

Sassy Boutonnière (ledriver), Monday, 11 October 2021 06:19 (three years ago) link


adam, Thursday, 14 October 2021 11:16 (three years ago) link

excellent review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRVZd19gAaY

dan selzer, Thursday, 14 October 2021 13:03 (three years ago) link


adam, Thursday, 14 October 2021 15:12 (three years ago) link

I needed something to sit my TD3 on behind the mc707, and was happy that this book was the exact size I needed

sous les paves, Tuesday, 19 October 2021 00:08 (three years ago) link


I needed something to sit my TD3 on behind the mc707, and was happy that this book was the exact size I needed

I needed something to sit my TD3 on behind the mc707, and was happy that this book was the exact size I needed

here is what I meant to paste

sous les paves, Tuesday, 19 October 2021 00:10 (three years ago) link

Unrelated Sidenote: The Roland SE-02 is a fuckin beast and is too slept on. Basically a 3 oscillator Moog for like 400 bucks. Sounds monstrous. Don’t think Behringer is even giving you that much at that price point.

I picked one up today and first impressions are great. I understand objections to the form factor / UX but it sounds huge.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Friday, 29 October 2021 16:04 (three years ago) link

Finally ordered a the Behringer Neutron after months of debating with myself. Fully expecting to spiral down an modular spending spree / wormhole once I get the hang of it - send help lol

Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Friday, 29 October 2021 20:35 (three years ago) link

Same thing happened to my friend/band mate, and now he sends me a text every other day with some new module he’s getting. Started with a Neutron.

DJI, Friday, 29 October 2021 20:36 (three years ago) link

not ready to take the plunge, but I fully expect this will be me someday too

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 29 October 2021 20:45 (three years ago) link

I can believe it. I’ve managed to avoid modular so far (apart from smashing clicks from sampler outputs into SH101 clock ins in the late 90’s), mainly as I lack any self control with buying music kit ;)

It’s not my first rodeo, I bought an Octatrack in the early ‘10s and ended up with pretty much the full Elektron box range within a few years, eventually selling them as all I did was jam and never ever finish anything.

Either way v v v excited to make some odd noises after a few years on VSTs alone

Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Friday, 29 October 2021 20:49 (three years ago) link

I'm salivating for the imminent Black Friday sales (looking at you NI and Arturia)

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:03 (three years ago) link

behringer is a gross company but i like the neutron. it can do some wild shit but it gets good and moogy when you want it to

adam, Friday, 29 October 2021 21:06 (three years ago) link

I've been eyeing the Arturia MicroFreak, don't know that I'm really ready for more gear yet though

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:13 (three years ago) link

I posted somewhere upthread about it, but I bought & sold the 'freak. Liked the interface a lot, loved the keyboard, hated the sound. Just sounded digital in the bad way and did not fit in my mixes (criteria #1).

I'd have to pile on plugins to get it to sound ok, whereas everything that I've used lately (Volca FM, NI Razor and other Reaktor stuff, Reface CP) I have to remind myself to try some EQ and fx, because it sounds so good raw.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:20 (three years ago) link

that's good to know because I definitely want something I can blend in with my Ableton stuff, and that doesn't sound too thin

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:22 (three years ago) link

I really like the MicroFreak, but I admit it does have a particular "sound" to it, digital to be sure but it can sound plenty warm with some finesse (subtle supersaw with low-pass filter and LFO pitch wobble sounds pretty good to me). I agree with Jordan that it can be tough to mix, but I'm more of a guy who likes to piddle around and jam than produce finished, polished material, so ymmv

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:29 (three years ago) link

I want to make finished material. Whether I actually will is another story.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:32 (three years ago) link

I mean I do too, but my top priority is just havin' a good time with knobs & sliders

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:37 (three years ago) link

Also an FYI for you or anyone else considering the MF: it's got a weird phase-cancelling thing with the main out that can contribute to the apparent thinness of the sound, especially if you split the signal from mono to stereo at any point. For this reason I always just use the headphone out, which always sounds good lol

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:41 (three years ago) link

Oh huh I wonder if that was affecting me

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:59 (three years ago) link

one of the biggest thing I've taken away from watching a bunch of Ableton YouTubes is that most producers put a string of effects on every patch for the express purpose of thickening it up, adding some crunch, and narrowing it down to essential frequencies. I don't know if the same applies to hard synths, but I'm guessing in a lot of cases it does.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 29 October 2021 22:03 (three years ago) link

Yeah my guess is that the MF feels more like a soft synth in that sense.

I had a weird a/b recently where I tried the same part with 1) a sample from my microBrute (RIP), which sounded thick with tons of harmonics to start with but then went through a ton of vsts for compression/bitcrushing/distortion etc, and played in Iris vs 2) NI Razor, which of course can do a lot of those things within the plugin itself, using a barely modified preset I think.

It was crazy to me how similar they sounded given that they were generated completely differently. I went with #1 just on principle since it felt more personal.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 29 October 2021 22:18 (three years ago) link

I have a pair of the Behringer 2500 filters (the 1047) coming from Thomann to play with the Matriarch and start my eventual journey into Eliane Radigue cosplay.

Much as Behringer sucks overall, the synths all seem to be decent products.

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 30 October 2021 01:49 (three years ago) link

Those Behringer analog drum machines look pretty cool. I don't think they ever put out the 909 one, but I thought it was cool they actually had full 1/4 outputs for each instrument.

earlnash, Monday, 1 November 2021 09:48 (three years ago) link

i just traded my behringer 303 clone for a model:samples, the behringer sounds pretty good but programming it is i guess very faithful to the OG ie very fussy

model:samples is great, love setting up elaborate cascading p-locks and conditional trigs in that elektron sequencer to turn a 16 step loop into a pleasingly varied fake ass idm skitter

adam, Monday, 1 November 2021 11:44 (three years ago) link

The Behringer 909 exists, just in very small numbers. They got one shipment out four or five months ago and almost nothing since. I ordered one from Andertons in the UK and they're saying November, Sweetwater is saying Feb '22 in the US (I ordered from both figuring I'd cancel one if the other came through).

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 3 November 2021 00:28 (three years ago) link

I went to Guitar Center today hoping to play around with the synths and see what's cool, but they literally had zero synths whatsoever, they had midi controller keyboards, and that's it. Guess this supply chain thing is really real after all.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 3 November 2021 00:31 (three years ago) link

Probably buying a minilogue xd tomorrow - my first ever hardware synth after eight years fucking around on iOS

covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 3 November 2021 01:40 (three years ago) link

New production SP1200 for only, uh, $4000.

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 3 November 2021 22:04 (three years ago) link

I bought my first hw synth - a Monologue - after messin’ around with iOS for years. Now I use all the cool iOS midi toys I’ve learned to sequence it.

beard papa, Friday, 5 November 2021 01:44 (three years ago) link

Some discussion over here about whether to buy my daughter a MIDI keyboard or a synth for Xmas.

Sterl of the Quarter (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 19 November 2021 01:19 (three years ago) link

The name Arturia keeps coming up.

Sterl of the Quarter (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 19 November 2021 01:44 (three years ago) link

That's a tough one. There are a million good free or cheap VSTs she can play with the MIDI keyboard, but you really need an audio interface to get sound out of the computer, a DAW to host those VSTs, etc. - but she could play synths and piano and etc. for the price of one keyboard.

In polyphonic synths, your price of entry is going to be quite a bit higher than the Arturia MIDI controller (or equivalent) - the Deepmind 6 keyboard is still $600ish, I think? OTOH, almost all new ones have USB MIDI so they can also function as MIDI controllers for VSTs.

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 19 November 2021 03:44 (three years ago) link

Are you looking for something with polyphony or a mono?

Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Friday, 19 November 2021 11:23 (three years ago) link


Do you know the story about Rick Wakeman and Jack Wild?

Sterl of the Quarter (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 19 November 2021 13:06 (three years ago) link

I wanted to spend about 700 and wanted at least a bit of polyphony and I’m definitely not regretting the Minilogue XD

covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Friday, 19 November 2021 15:43 (three years ago) link

You can same more money and get the more limited, but still very charming, regular Minilogue.

Though both are limited in their poly, so if she is gonna be playing like Rick Wakemen, you might want to go for something with at least 6 voices.

dan selzer, Friday, 19 November 2021 16:05 (three years ago) link

I would spring for the XD if you have the bread. I have the normal Minilogue and it sounds kinda wimpy. I think they fixed the filter on the XD.

DJI, Friday, 19 November 2021 16:11 (three years ago) link

minilogue definitely benefits from fx pedals

o shit the sheriff (NickB), Friday, 19 November 2021 17:06 (three years ago) link

4 voices of poly is nice for me because it about matches my skill level (1-finger bassline in the left hand, three voice chord in my right hand)

I would take 1 more voice tbh but more than that would be overkill

covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Friday, 19 November 2021 17:55 (three years ago) link

The problem with only 4 voices is that if there is any release to the notes, you can hear them getting stolen when you change chords. But whatever, 8-voice synths get expensive. One other option could be to get her a Circuit Tracks. If she's not a pianist, it might be more fun. You get a couple of synths and some drum tracks to play with....

DJI, Friday, 19 November 2021 18:28 (three years ago) link

I would get the Deepmind over the Minilogue - better keys (and more of them), 6 voices vs. 4, pretty much sounds like a Juno and everyone loves Junos.

If traditional keys are optional, a Microfreak would also be a solid option. Not polyphonic at all but endless sound possibilities.

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 19 November 2021 20:52 (three years ago) link

MonoPoly has no screen, just knobs, which is nice.

DJI, Friday, 19 November 2021 20:58 (three years ago) link

Just wanna rep the Yamaha Reface CS -- 8 voices, easy to program, and cheap ($300-ish). Only downside is that you can't save presets. Also, it's minikeys, but they're real nice ones. I had one for a while and it was great!

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Saturday, 20 November 2021 13:10 (three years ago) link

I think you can save presets via usb to computer or app no?

Reface series is a sleeper hit, everybody who has one loves it. I have the Reface DX, I even bought a controller for it that cost as much as the synth. It's fantastic.

dan selzer, Saturday, 20 November 2021 13:33 (three years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Went with the software solution on Tuesday, before the Black Friday sale ran out. Kid is currently using with her existing tiny midi controller and headphones until bigger keyboard and speaker arrive.

Raw Like Siouxsie (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 10 December 2021 01:52 (three years ago) link

I was kinda cracking jokes about modular earlier in this thread, lovingly. Since then I’ve bought and somehow already filled a 6U 176HP Arturia RackBrute Eurorack case. It’s a ton of fun, but yeah, predictably addictive and dangerous.

Nothing too exotic in there, standard Mutable, Make Noise, ALM starter kit stuff, with some weirder noisier odds and ends thrown in. I’ve played with it a lot and have learned a good deal, can kinda see where I wanna go next with it. The biggest challenge is just to chill out and explore all the things I can wring out of what I have instead of peaking at more modules.

circa1916, Friday, 10 December 2021 21:57 (three years ago) link

one month passes...

I think this will be the year I add one or two hardware instruments to my Ableton + Pigments set up.

My top priority is to add a drum machine, and the roland tr-8s is currently the one I'm leaning towards. I also have some curiosity about the arturia minibrute 2s for additional synth/sequencing.

My goal is to find boxes that are fun to jam on, with lots of hands on control and a good amount of flexibility without being overly complicated.

Are these good options or should I look elsewhere?

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 16 January 2022 17:58 (two years ago) link

I can vouch for The Behringer Neutron - you can get to some pretty weird places with the patchbay and imo the oscillators and filter are way less waspy than my old Minibrute.

I was a bit concerned about it only having a single LFO, but you can feed another 2 CV signals to it from an iPhone using the CVMod app - all that is required is a headphone splitter.

Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Sunday, 16 January 2022 19:03 (two years ago) link

I imagine ableton cv lfo could also do the trick, although I'd prefer for everything to be self-contained.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 16 January 2022 19:13 (two years ago) link

I will vouch for the bass station 2 as loads of fun and with enough knobs and faders to make it fun. Plus, the afx mode (where every key can have a different preset, basically) is pretty nuts. But even without that, it sounds fat and analog.

DJI, Sunday, 16 January 2022 20:21 (two years ago) link

Minilogue or minilogue Xd are great if you want to play chords.

dan selzer, Sunday, 16 January 2022 23:29 (two years ago) link

I think they're about the same price now, I'd push the Digitakt over the TR-8S - not directly modeled drum machine sounds but throw a 909 sample pack in there and you have more control over the sounds really. Plus 8 MIDI channels for sequencing other gear if you got a hardware synth. The Digitakt is very hands on and pretty simple to use.

papal hotwife (milo z), Monday, 17 January 2022 03:43 (two years ago) link

A lot of people seem to like the digitakt. I've steered away from it because it seems to be more about digging through menus rather than turning lots of knobs. But then, no one on here has had anything good to say about the roland box so far.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 04:16 (two years ago) link

I will note that the sampling aspect of the tr-8s is the least interesting element for me. I'm mostly drawn to the primary beatbox controls.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 04:21 (two years ago) link

Seems like the tr8s actually requires a fair amount of menu diving for some of its features. While I haven’t used a digitakt I own an a4 and machine drum and the interfaces are quite brilliant. I wouldn’t worry about the digitakts it’s prob fun.

dan selzer, Monday, 17 January 2022 12:21 (two years ago) link

I had an Octatrack / Monomachine / Machinedrum setup at one point and barely ‘finished’ any music the whole time I had it - mainly because jamming was way more fun than the boring bit of bouncing and ‘finishing’ stuff.

I do kind of miss them but you can do everything they do in the box for approx £3k less and without having to constantly deal with arbitrary restrictions and the dreaded 2 finger ‘delete a nights work with no undo’ button combinations. Ymmv of course.

Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Monday, 17 January 2022 12:28 (two years ago) link

Everyone I know who had a TR-8 has gotten rid of it for whatever that's worth. On the other hand, I use a clap that's sampled from it in basically every track I make.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 17 January 2022 13:27 (two years ago) link

Any idea what they didn't like about it?

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 13:41 (two years ago) link

Good question, not sure but probably they just weren't using it enough to justify the cost/space? Here's a video of Ali Berger making good use of the TR-8S (which apparently adds the ability to load your own samples?):


If you find the workflow & sound palette inspiring, go for it.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 17 January 2022 15:42 (two years ago) link

yes, the S in TR-8S is for samples. It's pretty much in the upper range for me both in terms of price and complexity. I could see going for something more basic like the drumbrute imapact, but that may be just a tad too limited. I really want something immediate that I can crank out chunky beats on quickly and that can integrate nicely with what I'm already using. The added functionality on the TR-8S seems nice. It's there if I want to take it a step further, but not critical to using it. That said, I would like to know more about its drawbacks.

The different Elektron boxes look really nice, but generally too expensive and just too much overall. It seems like you get massive amounts of control over every little element and can get some truly wild sound design and sequencing out of it, but that feels like overkill for me. Any really complex sound design I need, I'm probably going to do via Pigments. If I add in external boxes, I really want them to just be dedicated to doing one very specific part of a track really well(drums, lead sequence, etc).

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 15:57 (two years ago) link

I love stuff like this, although I doubt I could ever be this adept. Make sure to turn on closed captions. Apologies if I posted this before.


Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 16:03 (two years ago) link

I got the drumbrute impact and I love it. It does thump hard but you can dial things down to get subtler beats. Really easy to just crank stuff out on, and I love the arturia sequencer. Separate outs available for different drum voices so you can e.g. run the snares through a delay pedal or whatever.

o shit the sheriff (NickB), Monday, 17 January 2022 16:12 (two years ago) link

there's a very high likelihood I'm going to want to process individual drum sounds in ableton, so separating them out is pretty important for me

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 16:23 (two years ago) link

am I correct in thinking the drumbrute impact has improved sound quality over the original drumbrute?

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 16:28 (two years ago) link

It sounds way more aggresive as I understand it. Just checked and there are output jacks for the kick, snares, hats and the FM drum as well as the master output. When you separate out the kick for instance, it will remove it from the main out.

o shit the sheriff (NickB), Monday, 17 January 2022 16:32 (two years ago) link

I'm seeing regular drumbrutes on ebay for roughly the same price as the impact. Drumbrute seems to have more functionality, but that more aggressive sound on the impact is important too. Don't know which is better for ~$300.

As far as synths/sequencers go, I've been drawn to the minibrute 2s because I could imagine using just the sequencer as as a controller for ableton synths or pigments, plus I could see the synth being a good tool to add an extra melody to the mix. I like that there's some hands on analog synthesis, and then I could dabble a bit with patching on top of that, but without it being immediately essential to using the box.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 16:48 (two years ago) link

The one downside on the DBI for me is not being able afaict to feed pitch information into the FM drum voice via midi to create melodic patterns. That would be sick. Not sure what other boxes in that price range can do that though

o shit the sheriff (NickB), Monday, 17 January 2022 16:50 (two years ago) link

that seems like a clear plus with the TR-8S, but it's twice as expensive

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 January 2022 16:52 (two years ago) link

All synths should look like props from a sci-fi movie IMO


papal hotwife (milo z), Monday, 17 January 2022 23:11 (two years ago) link

For the TR8S money, you could get an MPC One! But sounds like you don't really need a whole new DAW. I have the Drumbrute, and it sounds a little wimpy, but some compression/saturation can help with that. I ordered an SP404 Mk2 to give me more drum options (and of course so I can sample stuff), but it won't get here until March, at least.

DJI, Tuesday, 18 January 2022 17:07 (two years ago) link

right, I don't need a full music production box, and I don't want MPC style samplers.

I went ahead and purchased the two boxes I mentioned off ebay for somewhat reduced prices, guess we'll see if it works for me! I took a hard look at both drumbrute options, I like the way the impact sounds, but was worried it would lead me to use the same drums on everything.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Tuesday, 18 January 2022 17:26 (two years ago) link

oh cool, have fun moodles!

btw just noticed that bad gear just did a video on the DBI, so you can see whether to rue your decision or not! it's a pretty fair review imo, though i can't say i noticed any knob-wobble on mine:


o shit the sheriff (NickB), Wednesday, 19 January 2022 18:49 (two years ago) link

TR-8S would be my top contender for a HW drum machine, too. I tried the TR-8 and loved the intuitive design, but its sound pallet was obviously limited. The 8S seems like it should solve that. I hope you have a blast with it!

davey, Thursday, 20 January 2022 03:05 (two years ago) link

it looks like it has just the right amount of complexity to get creative with it without being completely mind boggling

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 20 January 2022 05:53 (two years ago) link

two weeks pass...


The Casio Employee Behind the “Sleng Teng” Riddim

koogs, Thursday, 3 February 2022 16:00 (two years ago) link

Surprised it doesn't mention the Bowie Hang On To Yourself theory.

dan selzer, Thursday, 3 February 2022 18:16 (two years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I've been spending the day with the minibrute 2s, going through the manual and coming to grips with programming it. The manual is really well written, very friendly and conversational rather than purely technical. It guides you through examples to help learn what everything does. It's really the perfect first synth for me: fairly basic, but with enough bells and whistles to keep it interesting, and it's gotten me thinking how I might get it to work with other synths or eurorack stuff. At this point, I'm feeling pretty comfortable with dialing up patches, but the one thing I haven't wrapped my head around is what all the alternate track options are for on the sequencer. For example, what does it mean to sequence envelope or control voltage or LFO, and when would I want to use that?

I'm hoping to do a similar deep dive with the TR-8S, but the manual and other materials for it are not quite as welcoming, it may take some warming up to truly appreciate what I can do with it. I'm slightly intimidated.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 18 February 2022 02:06 (two years ago) link

This ancient (in Youtube years) video of Adrian Utley screwing around with a Minibrute popped up in recommendations recently, has me wanting to keep an eye on Craigslist for a 1 or 2.


papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 18 February 2022 06:18 (two years ago) link

For example, what does it mean to sequence envelope or control voltage or LFO, and when would I want to use that?

Not Minibrute specific but CV sequencing something other than pitch would generally be used for things like automating changes to volume, how open the filter is, note length, pulse width, etc,

You could, for example, have a sixteen step melodic sequence with the filter set to nine o’clock and trigger an envelope on the fifth and thirteenth steps to open the filter dynamically through to three o’clock.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Friday, 18 February 2022 08:03 (two years ago) link

put some polyrhythmic sequencing on envelope segment lengths (like on different slopes of a MN maths) and you can get real weird real quick

the buchla music easel and the buchla-inspired aalto VST from madrona labs both have a sequencer that's designed to be patched into all kinds of things. sequencing delay time is fun. sequencing the modulation index on the complex osc is even more fun.

adam, Friday, 18 February 2022 12:32 (two years ago) link

I’ve got a Make Noise 0-Ctrl with 3 controllable CV outputs per its 8 steps (among other things) and it’s been fun uncovering all the weird possibilities.

circa1916, Friday, 18 February 2022 15:10 (two years ago) link

i used to have a MN rene and pressure points combo, which i think is somewhat similar to the 0-ctrl, and it was the best hardware sequencer i've ever used.

the arturia pigments sequencer, discussed in depth on the pigments thread, is also terrific

adam, Friday, 18 February 2022 17:09 (two years ago) link

Arturia's manual game is top notch, the Microfreak manual is very also super readable. And sequencing stuff besides just note values/length/velocity is where synthesis gets really fun, imo. You can discover all kinds of strange grooves this way.

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Friday, 18 February 2022 19:16 (two years ago) link

I can more or less understand applying an LFO or envelope to something at a particular point in time, but I don't really know what it means to apply a control voltage to something or why I'd select one control voltage over another.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 18 February 2022 19:54 (two years ago) link

Control voltage is mostly for controlling other pieces of hardware (in lieu of midi), right?

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 18 February 2022 20:11 (two years ago) link

Control voltage is what drives everything, including pitch. Your sequencer sends a control voltage to the oscillator to determine the note it is playing. You can equally send CV to anything else that can be controlled automatically via a patch point, for example to change the frequency of a filter, to change the amount of an effect, to have precise control over amplitude, etc.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Friday, 18 February 2022 20:12 (two years ago) link

Yes, you could also use a CV output to connect a sequencer to another synth with a CV input.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Friday, 18 February 2022 20:14 (two years ago) link

there are different standards for CV (like, the range that the input is expecting) so interconnections can get funky--eurorack is mostly +/- 10v iirc but not everything is. but you're unlikely to fry anything.

some of the most useful eurorack modules are just like 4 attenuverters on a panel that let you tweak incoming cv or invert it or blend it together into some bizarre waveform.

then when you lose your mind and start buying banana jack synths you have to connect them to common ground b/c bananas don't carry ground and then eventually you start buying diy synth kids and soldering stuff when your kid is napping.

(and it all still sounds like crickets in a bag inside a helicopter)

adam, Friday, 18 February 2022 20:26 (two years ago) link

I had a late night session with the TR-8S, and it's starting sink in just how powerful it is. Getting comfortable with setting parameter locks opens the whole thing up.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Saturday, 19 February 2022 14:51 (two years ago) link

Synth dads <3

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 19 February 2022 15:33 (two years ago) link


I’ve had my eye on a Winterbloom Castor & Pollux for a while but they’ve been impossible to get here until now. It’s great - a really versatile Juno-inspired dual oscillator.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Monday, 21 February 2022 22:20 (two years ago) link

beautiful, love the mixer and waveform sum outs, curious how the chorusing works in practice, post bleeps

adam, Monday, 21 February 2022 23:32 (two years ago) link

two weeks pass...

loving the minibrute 2s, it sounds really, really good, especially if you are into buzzy, distorted sequences. kind of reminds me of the classic korg synth (the MS20?). I wish there was a way to save patches, I keep finding really great sounds, but then can't resist tweaking then, and then find I'm unable to re-create them. I may just try to remember to take pics of them and attempt to catalog the pics somehow.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 13 March 2022 17:54 (two years ago) link

I am moving into a new place that will have a detached garage (for the bikes / tools) and studio (for the ~synth zone~) building in the back yard that I have been given domain over. I am excited to setup the studio furniture from scratch. I plan on transferring over my standard Ikea DJ booth (2 x 4 Kallax on it's side + legs to get it to proper height) but am totally free to build / buy the desk / rack for my hardware gear setup. The center of my setup is the MC-707, and I've got a 61 key controller keyboard and a handful of other outboard kit (couple of td3's, electribeS, fx boxes). Should I put it all on one flat surface? Make some kind of tiered setup? standing desk or sitting desk?

sous les paves, Monday, 14 March 2022 17:17 (two years ago) link

I have one of those Output desks, and I like how it has a big tray underneath for my keyboard. My back definitely misses my standing desk, though.

DJI, Monday, 14 March 2022 18:26 (two years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Hardware is fun and cool, but lately I'm trying to save $$ and I'm diving into some VSTs. And holy cow, I want to strongly recommend Vital. I've ponied up for the "Pro" edition, but the basic version is free. The sound-design and modulation possibilities with this thing are utterly wild, and it's got one of the user-friendliest VST UIs I've ever seen (assuming you're already familiar with some synthesis basics).

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Wednesday, 6 April 2022 14:18 (two years ago) link

This guy has a bunch of cool hard techno videos featuring the Roland TR-8S, it's cool to see it in action getting stretched well beyond drum sounds


Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 11 April 2022 18:21 (two years ago) link

I recently downloaded the new operating system for the Elektron Machinedrum, not from Elektron. And it's really a beat. I went ahead and bought the little controller thing that also gives a more advanced sequencer.

Just more ways to make/program electronic sounds and melodies beyond the percussive sounds.

dan selzer, Monday, 11 April 2022 19:08 (two years ago) link

Vital looks extremely up my alley, ty!

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 11 April 2022 19:19 (two years ago) link

Wish I'd gotten a Machinedrum and/or Monomachine when they were just 'old' instead of 'vintage digital' and $2500-3000 each.

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 13 April 2022 06:44 (two years ago) link

Ethics and vapourware suspicions aside, this really is the most extraordinary undertaking:


Behringer claims to have 50 synths in the design / testing phase, including a Polivoks, Kobol, LinnDrum, CS80, Solina, etc.

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Wednesday, 13 April 2022 12:10 (two years ago) link

Yeah I got my non user wave machinedrum when they were just cancelling it and it was like 600 bucks. The price immediately started climbing.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 12:33 (two years ago) link

Behringer’s desktop Solina String is the one I’m most interested in.

Surprised they haven’t floated something like a Farfisa combo organ in a MS-1 sized package.

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 13 April 2022 20:09 (two years ago) link

Yep, the Solina and Polivoks, for me. Particularly as they are working with Vladimir Kuzman on the latter.

They’ve just announced they’re planning a $399 copy of the Buchla Easel 208….

Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:58 (two years ago) link

Hmm. Still trying to save $$ but that mkII Volca FM looks pretty nice...2x the voices and patch memory of the original, but in the same price range. Still kinda baffled that they don't put USB ports on these though

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:13 (two years ago) link

Ha, they finally added velocity to it too. I wish this had been a firmware update to the regular Volca FM, I'd love to have the upgrades but not enough to sell mine and buy a new one.

change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:32 (two years ago) link

Surprised they haven’t floated something like a Farfisa combo organ in a MS-1 sized package.

Yamaha's Reface YC is pretty damn close to this. I kinda prefer it more than my actual Farfisa just because I know it'll work.

Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 17 April 2022 20:45 (two years ago) link

I had a real YC for almost twenty years and forced myself to sell it when I moved across the country because it weighed like 100 pounds and I hadn’t used it in years. Instantly regretted it and will probably buy that Reface YC someday just for the comfort nostalgia vibes.

Like your Farfisa, the real YC would break a lot though!

SA, Monday, 18 April 2022 00:41 (two years ago) link

I've had Vital downloaded forever but never really dove into because the interface was a bit intimidating/flipping through presets made it worse.

Started going just from the init patch and I really like it going easy on the modulation and macros. The text-to-wavetable ability + making an LFO stereo so you start in the middle of a wavetable and have it modulating in and out going the opposite way in each channel is a lot of fun.

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 19 April 2022 07:10 (two years ago) link

Looks like Elektron are dropping something new very soon...


feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Wednesday, 20 April 2022 17:50 (two years ago) link

Syntakt's probably pretty fun, but seems like kind of just a cobbling together of existing Elektron parts. Like maybe a slicker Model: Cycles mixed with a RYTM lite? Still using the old RYTM analogue engines too, which really need a overhaul at this point. Curious to see how it lands, but considering their big releases the past few years have been minimally upgraded re-releases of classics, the budget Model stuff, and now this, they're kinda not looking too inspired these days. I know some key (or at least public facing) talent has left these past few years.

circa1916, Friday, 22 April 2022 14:44 (two years ago) link

Yeah it seems a little underwhelming, particularly given the 1K pricetag. I was hoping it would be a little more fully-featured for what they're asking. I think the budget Model stuff is good--I own a Samples and it's what got me into Elektron gear. Apparently Korg has been working on a "Drumlogue" with a similar feature set to the Syntakt, so maybe that will prove to be an affordable alternative.

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Saturday, 23 April 2022 00:20 (two years ago) link

two weeks pass...

New Oberheim for all the Van Halen tribute bands out there to really nail that "Jump" sound.

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 10 May 2022 21:09 (two years ago) link

I'm all about tiny budget synths, and those Rolands *look* very nice, but function-wise don't seem very interesting to me, since I don't really make acid techno/pick your choice of uptempo 4/4 dance music.

The new Polyend box (it's a sample-playback groovebox, so not a "synth" technically) looks very fun, but that's gonna be out of my price range for the foreseeable future.

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Thursday, 12 May 2022 18:06 (two years ago) link

Has anyone tried out Dreadbox Nymphes? It looks like it could be really nice.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 13 May 2022 01:50 (two years ago) link

three weeks pass...

ooh, the Eowave Quadrantid Swarm is one I might actually have to get, seems really good for making gnarly techno sequences

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 3 June 2022 15:16 (two years ago) link

this mylarmelodies fellow can pretty much sell me on anything


Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 3 June 2022 15:18 (two years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Dawesome Novum is the most interesting granular plugin I've seen (not cheap or free but there's a 90 day demo) - it splits an audio file into six spectral layers that can be turned on or off or individual layers swapped out with layers for other sounds.

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 24 June 2022 02:01 (two years ago) link

Very intriguing, it looks like what I wanted out of NI Form.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 24 June 2022 04:10 (two years ago) link

three weeks pass...

gear update!

still going strong with the Minibrute 2s, just incredible bang for the buck. I recently found myself with a bit of extra money, so I decided to add on the 6U Rackbrute and a bunch of modules, here's the rundown:

Eowave Quadrantid Swarm semi modular synth and sequencer - the build is a bit flimsy, it takes up a lot of space in the rack, and it is nearly impossible to get anything in tune (a quantizer might fix this). In a way, it reminds me of a 303 because it doesn't seem to do a bunch of the stuff it was meant to do very well, but it just sounds very good and is a great way to produce noisy atonal techno jams. I probably will move it to a stand alone case eventually if I need more room.

Mutable Instruments Marbles random sampler - I really like the idea of building grooves between several voices based on random sequences that I can then lock down. I've come up with some interesting things here and there, but it can be very difficult to tame it down to something manageable. I need to keep working with this one to find it's sweet spot. Possibly changing up the scales it uses could help.

Make Noise Maths function generator - this is just extremely powerful and helps dial in the exact right sound in all kinds of circumstances, pretty much can be used with everything. There are times when I expect it to do a particular thing and I'm not sure how to get it exactly right, but that just comes down to my own lack of know how. More often than not, it does a ton of work.

Expert Sleepers ES-8 USB i/o interface - this is very handy for sending audio and CV signals back and forth with Ableton, it is pretty much how I run everything. I send clock signals from Ableton to sync the various devices, and then send back the audio to record. It also allows me to sequence modular voices with midi from Ableton and Push, as well as send additional modulation signals. Finally I can send out audio from Ableton to use modules as outboard effects processors. The one issue I've had is that I'm very reliant on an M-Audio interface for general audio i/o including sending audio to my speakers. Windows does not allow you to run multiple audio interfaces at the same time. My workaround has been using Asio4All to basically kludge the 2 interfaces together, but it is very unstable and leads to a lot of crashes. I've more or less got it working most of the time, but will probably add in a CV-to-1/4" converter to send audio back and forth from the M-Audio interface instead of trying to run both simultaneously.

SSF Stereo Dipole filter - I originally wanted to get Mutable Instruments Blades because I love how smooth it is, but I guess Mutable Instruments is going out of business, most of their items are discontinued, so it's pretty much impossible to find for anything close to an affordable price. The Stereo Dipole was the one of the closest I could find in terms of functionality. It sounds utterly amazing. It doesn't have the same smoothness as Blades, and can get a bit screechy at points, but generally just makes everything sound better. I'm pretty much running every sound through this at the moment because it adds so much.

Intellijel Quad VCA - This is a very handy little mixer that also provides some nice overdrive color. Pretty much all patches have some combination of Maths, Stereo Dipole, and Quad VCA, plus LFOs and attenuation from the Minibrute.

Mutable Instruments Plaits macro-oscillator - I was very much on the fence about this. It seems to appear in every last rig you see, probably the most popular module out there. I felt like its sound was maybe becoming too much of a cliche and wasn't sold on the idea of a digital oscillator. I bought it for a few reasons: right now there are enough out there that you can snipe one for a decent price off Ebay or Reverb, it seems like it will be discontinued in the not too distant future and will probably have decent resale value then, it would make a nice contrast to the very analog sounds of the Minibrute and Quadrantid Swarm. Anyway, it sounds really good, and it was silly of me to resist. It has enough flexibility that you can dial in stuff that still has some uniqueness.

Make Noise Mimeophon delay/reverb - this is in the mail, will be a good addition for more effects processing, which has been a very important element of the rig for me.

Other possible future additions - CV-to-1/4" or something else to help manage my interface issues, maybe a Quantizer, a compact LFO source or sequencer, a drum voice. None of these is critical at the moment, but are more nice to have someday.

The final complementary piece of gear that I mentioned upthread is the Roland TR-8S drum machine. It isn't perfect, but it has been getting a lot of use lately because it is so quick to dial up a solid sounding beat. The classic sounds are of course all great. It has a parameter locking function (Roland calls it "motion") that helps fine tune my beats and add some extra movement, although it is not nearly as precise or flexible as what you'd find on Elektron gear. It also has limited capacity for sequencing samples, which I really haven't made full use of yet. It holds far fewer samples than I would have expected, so I need to take some time to really pick out a selection of the best ones I have. I would much rather just dump a bunch of stuff in there, but that isn't going to work. With all the drum samples I have in Ableton, I can realistically create beats on the computer that are just as good, but so far the Roland has just been quicker, easier, and less CPU intensive.

I'm very happy with the move towards a more hardware-centric approach. The bottom line is that I'm getting much more high quality sounds out of the rig than I can get using soft synths, and I can dial in what I want very precisely. I tend to come up with a few sequences and/or patches, then just hit record and jam out on them for about 10 minutes. Then I can edit down the recordings to some useable loops or just use extended segments if they sound good enough. This has enabled me to be more productive and actually get stuff done without feeling frustrated. Having decent sounds readily available just makes it all more fun and less like a chore.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 20 July 2022 16:50 (two years ago) link

I think this will be the year I add one or two hardware instruments to my Ableton + Pigments set up.

― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, January 16, 2022 11:58 AM (six months ago)

lol "one or two"

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 20 July 2022 16:55 (two years ago) link

The Korg Opsix is on sale at a bunch of places for $330

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 2 August 2022 00:46 (two years ago) link

Yeah, I saw that - tempting, but I think I have enough stuff to keep me busy. Have I mentioned the Peak is great?

DJI, Tuesday, 2 August 2022 01:02 (two years ago) link

Damn the Opsix looks op-sick. Bye 8 I've been in a firmly software mode lately and it's been working for me.

change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 2 August 2022 04:36 (two years ago) link

this looks like a great deal, I'd strongly consider if I hadn't just bought a bunch of gear and have zero space left

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 3 August 2022 13:34 (two years ago) link

synth night on Sky TV (uk freeview channel 11) next friday night (12th) with a Tangerine Dream documentary, then I Dream Of Wires, some New Order thing and then 2 hours of something called Rise Of The Synths

koogs, Wednesday, 3 August 2022 17:52 (two years ago) link

narrated by John Carpenter - ooooh

"The film explores the origins and growth of the electronic music genre known as synthwave" - ewwwww

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 3 August 2022 21:27 (two years ago) link

one month passes...

Korg Drumlogue, finally

Being cheap is expensive (snoball), Thursday, 15 September 2022 18:13 (two years ago) link

kind of cool...but kind of underwhelming. At that price point, I feel like the Roland TR8S is a much better deal. The custom osc thing will be cool, but it just isn't as feature-rich as the Roland. I feel like this should be more like 450 bucks or something.

dan selzer, Thursday, 15 September 2022 18:38 (two years ago) link

Anybody using a power pack and special cable to power Elektron gear?

I came up on a Model:Cycles and Behringer RD9 new-in-box for $475 yesterday. Dude I bought them from was a little older than me (late 40s) and living out of his car. Had bought a ton of stuff but lost his job/apartment before he could use them. I gave him an extra $50 because I felt bad for taking advantage of his situation. The RD9 is kind of superfluous in my setup and it’s a bummer that it doesn’t take Pattern Change messages over MIDI, but it is cool as hell and sounds and feels like a 909. The Model:Cycles is my first piece of Elektron gear and I can tell why people like them so much. It would be a really nice piece to take off the grid on its own.

sous les paves, Thursday, 15 September 2022 18:42 (two years ago) link

Regretting not getting an Opsix while the getting was good :(

Maybe in a year the prices will be down again, after everyone who snapped one up to resell it has done so

change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 15 September 2022 18:43 (two years ago) link


it should also be noted that the TR-8S recently added probability and a set of very customizable FM drums

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 15 September 2022 19:21 (two years ago) link

I've been curious about the Model: Cycles, it seems like a good place to start with Elektron stuff because it isn't quite as crazy expensive as some of their other gear.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 15 September 2022 19:23 (two years ago) link

I have the Model:Samples! I love it. It doesn't really do anything I can't do in Bitwig, but it's just more fun to use.

I agree that $600 seems steep for the Drumlogue, but I feel like it's mostly cuz of inflation. If it had been released a few years ago it might have been priced more like an Electribe. Even the Volcas are creeping closer to $200

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Friday, 16 September 2022 21:22 (two years ago) link

When I first plugged the RD9 in last week I felt a little bit of regret for the purchase..."This is nice but doesn't do anything I can't already do with my current gear...kind of a waste of $$$". After a weekend of playing around with it I now feel like it's the only thing I've ever needed and that I'm the next Jeff Mills. It's so much fun to play hands-on and pushed through a little FX it sounds great. The thing I get with the hands-on version that I don't with software versions or with just running samples of the 909 drum sounds is that it's combination of knobs and the different accent levels allow you to be very expressive and wring a lot of 'movement' and drama out of simple patterns that just programming stuff and letting it run does not.

sous les paves, Monday, 19 September 2022 21:00 (two years ago) link

Honestly I should have saved up another 300 bux and gotten a TR-8S but....

sous les paves, Monday, 19 September 2022 21:01 (two years ago) link

five months pass...

What do we think of the Roland SH-4D? A new groovebox doesn't rank high on my list of gear I'd like to add, but up to now the top contender for me would have been the Syntakt. My first impression of the SH-4D is that it sounds better than the Syntakt but is not as powerful with sequencing and parameter locks.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 26 February 2023 17:27 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

It looks pretty sweet, wish it was a tiny bit cheaper.

I'm selling some of my synths that I haven't used for awhile (Korg Monologue and Critter & Guitari Pocket Piano) and want to use the proceeds for something new. I've been looking at the Hydrasynth Explorer, but it doesn't seem like anything I can't do with Vital, and maybe I just need to admit I'm a software boy.

change display name (Jordan), Friday, 21 April 2023 21:04 (one year ago) link

Love the Minifreak VST I got for $29, have been tempted by the hardware w/ REAL ANALOG FILTERS but from what I can hear in videos I'm not sure the real filters are adding much character over the plugin

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 22 April 2023 00:05 (one year ago) link

Yeah I didn't end up getting along with the minifreak, vst version is probably all you need unless you like the cool touch keyboard and want to use it as a controller.

change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 22 April 2023 00:10 (one year ago) link

Someone get the Buchla easel plugin and let me know how it is

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Saturday, 22 April 2023 01:34 (one year ago) link

I may have to get the behringer easel

dan selzer, Saturday, 22 April 2023 01:41 (one year ago) link

Not sure if this will ever see the light of day.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Saturday, 22 April 2023 01:50 (one year ago) link

i have the arturia easel VST, it's fun enough. though madrona labs' aalto is very similar in terms of patching and general philosophy and is better in every respect imo

adam, Saturday, 22 April 2023 02:08 (one year ago) link

Ooh, neat. I may have to try this out.

My first encounter with Buchla was stumbling upon YouTube videos of Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith playing the easel some years back. At the time, the only options available were impossibly expensive. Luckily that's been changing rapidly. Lately I've been expanding out my eurorack rig to include a couple of the Tiptop Audio Buchla modules, which are very nice and much more affordable. The dual oscillator has quickly become my favorite sound source.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Saturday, 22 April 2023 02:21 (one year ago) link

VCV Rack has all the pieces to put together an Easel (for free) too or even an improved one. The Instruo models on there are sweet - love the Cs-L complex filter and 1047 filter from the ARP 2500. Their envelope generator is an ADSR but the Befaco Rampage module is a good alternative.

papal hotwife (milo z), Sunday, 23 April 2023 21:05 (one year ago) link

complex oscillator

papal hotwife (milo z), Sunday, 23 April 2023 21:06 (one year ago) link

Yeah, vcvrack is hours of fun...

m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Monday, 24 April 2023 00:42 (one year ago) link

i've been trying to recreate some serge panels in vcvrack using the stock modules, i think there are subtleties in the serge designs that are difficult to capture in a chain of generic function generators but you can build up some pretty fun feedback patches anyway.

great software regardless.

adam, Monday, 24 April 2023 10:11 (one year ago) link

Well, I done horse-traded my Modal Cobalt 5s to help pay for a Digitone; it turns out this was a good choice! I bought the Cobalt last year for a goth-rock project with a friend that never materialized. It's a fantastic-sounding synth but incredibly awkward to work with; patching relies on a lot of shift functions that bounce right off my muscle memory. Also the XYZ pad kinda sucks, which is a shame.

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Thursday, 27 April 2023 13:15 (one year ago) link

Is this your first experience with Elektron gear? What are your thoughts? Any reason for Digitone vs some of the others?

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 27 April 2023 13:26 (one year ago) link

I was already Elektron-pilled by the Model:Samples, which I've had for around 2 years. I think they're great, you have the flexibility of modulation that you have in a DAW, but with the immediacy of hardware. I love the whole "press a key, turn a knob to change just that step" paradigm. Elektron has this reputation for having a steep learning curve, and that may be true for something like the Octatrack (which I personally can't speak to), but I find the workflow very fast and intuitive once you get the basics down. But that might just be the way my brain works, ymmv.

I've been eyeing the Digitone in particular for a few years. I like the fact that I can use it as an 8-voice multitimbral polysynth *or* as a groovebox/sketchpad. I also like the streamlined approach to FM; you're guided toward the sweet spots by default, but you still have the freedom to step outside of them when you want to. The other boxes don't interest me as much, because they're either too expensive or because their feature set just isn't what I'm looking for. I'll admit the new slicing and time-stretch machines on the Digitakt have piqued my curiosity, but I'll stick with Koala Sampler on my phone for now :)

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Thursday, 27 April 2023 15:29 (one year ago) link

The Syntakt is the one that attracts me the most, and the ease of parameter locking is a big part of it, but something about the sound of Elektron boxes always puts me off a bit, like they are a bit too clean or something.

If I ever win the lottery I will immediately buy an Intellijel Cascadia and an Erica Synths Perkons, both look amazing, but they are also absurdly over-priced

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 27 April 2023 15:35 (one year ago) link

Got to spend a couple of hours playing an OB-X8 tonight and wow, that's a legitimately inspirational machine. All the different Oberheim filter arrangements, set up an arpeggio of noise and the filter just starting to ping, flip through the SEM and OB-X LP/BP/HP options, play with the adorable paddles and manually shift the arpeggio tempo for rolls.

Same acquaintance has a Prophet 10 and if I was going to dump $4k plus on a keyboard I'd 100% go with the OB over the Prophet.

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 28 April 2023 06:25 (one year ago) link

This video's had me thirsty for a Syntakt


papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 28 April 2023 06:27 (one year ago) link

I haven’t touched a Syntakt but it’s definitely the first Elektron machine that seems kinda half-baked to me. Just cobbled together old parts as opposed to something forward thinking. Can understand the appeal as a seemingly all in one machine though.

Whoever was asking about the Digitone above, that is an actual brilliant synth. Kind of a landmark in FM synthesis imo.

circa1916, Friday, 28 April 2023 06:44 (one year ago) link

I kinda had a moment of reckoning the other day, looking at slimming down all my shit. Outside of modular, these were the boxes I’d keep for the desert island:


circa1916, Friday, 28 April 2023 07:10 (one year ago) link

octatrack would be a great desert island thing as it would force me to finally learn how to use it

scanner darkly, Saturday, 29 April 2023 01:27 (one year ago) link

The ARP 2600 FS is back! Only, uh... $4500+tax.

papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 4 May 2023 16:58 (one year ago) link

I hope Ilhan Omar gets one this time.

papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 4 May 2023 16:58 (one year ago) link

I pulled the trigger on the Opsix, it's in the mail. I'm sure I'll make some fun stuff with that magic first blush of inspiration, but I'm hoping this one will provide some long-term utility. :)

Speaking of which I should probably sell that Volca FM, which I did get an EP out of but haven't touched in awhile, and is probably redundant now.

Random Restaurateur (Jordan), Thursday, 4 May 2023 17:02 (one year ago) link

The people who did the Virus DSP emulator now have a Waldorf MicroQ version - https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=596134&hilit=filter

papal hotwife (milo z), Monday, 8 May 2023 06:01 (one year ago) link

Hmm cool, these big firmware updates almost make me wish I had held on to the Microfreak:


Random Restaurateur (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 May 2023 18:21 (one year ago) link

I have my Opsix all nicely set up, but I'm waiting for a free afternoon until I turn it on. Don't want to waste that magical 'new gear' energy.

Random Restaurateur (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 May 2023 18:22 (one year ago) link

I, too, am wishing I had held on to my Microfreak. I'd love to have some kind of granular hardware. Eager to hear how you get on with the Opsix!

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Saturday, 13 May 2023 15:58 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

I finally hooked up my Opsix and got a nice lead part recorded using one of the pluck presets (just using the basic operator mixer sliders and knobs), but have yet to get into the real sound design. Youtube tutorials, here I come.


Random Restaurateur (Jordan), Thursday, 15 June 2023 20:19 (one year ago) link

so...I have to admit. I hate my Opsix.

it makes me feel dumb and i've yet to find a sound i actually like to use on a song. the presets suck.

i'm sure this is me being not being able to use it, but i find it frustrating.

Ha, understandable. How much do you think is just the FM aesthetic? I'm personally into glassy FM sounds right now, and was also able to grab some good plucks and string pads that fit into a track with mostly piano as the main instrument, but I could see it not blending with other palettes.

Also without getting too deep into the sound design (which I really haven't yet), one of the knobs changes the algorithm, which drastically changes the sound and can easily lead to some cool patches. I think it's one of the knobs (or buttons?) on the right side, I stumbled on it but it's an easily accessible knob on the Volca FM, and was/is my main trick on that synth.

Really need to set aside some time to dive in more though.

Random Restaurateur (Jordan), Tuesday, 20 June 2023 16:36 (one year ago) link

I think the glassy FM stuff might not work real well with what I'm doing right now.
though I do like those kinds of sounds.

I'll mess with the algo knob. I don't know. the whole thing feels like a lot of effort and I messed with it forever a couple nights ago then ended up using some preset in the stock synths that come in logic haha

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 21 June 2023 12:21 (one year ago) link

ultimately, i'm just projecting my own stuff onto the opsix, it's just not made for me. i like using synths when i make music but i'm not necessarily *interested* in synths per se if that makes sense.

the opposite experience for me was at a friend's studio and he had a moog grandmother - holy shit i loved that thing, it just felt like literally everything i messed with sounded cool from the jump. it just felt musical in a way the opsix doesn't to me (not saying it can't if you know what you're doing)

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 21 June 2023 12:45 (one year ago) link

It seems like the opsix is maybe too menu divey for what you like and you need something more immediate maybe?

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 21 June 2023 13:13 (one year ago) link

Yamaha Reface DX

dan selzer, Wednesday, 21 June 2023 13:20 (one year ago) link

xpost yeah I think you're right.

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 21 June 2023 14:58 (one year ago) link

If I were to spend roughly the same amount of money as an Opsix, the synth I'd probably go for right now would be the Pittsburgh Modular Taiga, but that is a much different beast, much more hands on though!

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 21 June 2023 15:11 (one year ago) link

I don't know if they're still available but the MegaFM is 4-operator FM with sliders for everything.

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 21 June 2023 20:00 (one year ago) link

I think the Digitone is a good choice for accessible, stripped-down FM, and I enjoy using it. YMMV, as I am one of those weirdos who enjoys sound design as a pursuit of itself. You can get very nerdy with the DT, but you really don't have to. And I really like the way it sounds. To my ears it's a bit grittier and warmer than your classic DX7-style FM synth.

feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Wednesday, 21 June 2023 23:09 (one year ago) link

speaking of opsix

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 23 June 2023 20:42 (one year ago) link

always makes me a bit IA that this guy ends up hyping the "bad gear" in every video

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 23 June 2023 20:44 (one year ago) link

haha welp was gonna list the opsix but then my 12 year old was bored and asked if she could play w/a synth and just guess which synth is like the ultimate party for a tween who wants to just twist knobs and make weird sounds?

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 29 June 2023 15:48 (one year ago) link

Reface CS. Korg Minilogue. Nice entry-level synths with knobs per funtion.

dan selzer, Thursday, 29 June 2023 17:01 (one year ago) link

Hydrasynth Explorer is knobby and weird

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 30 June 2023 01:08 (one year ago) link

And maybe battery powered?

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 30 June 2023 01:08 (one year ago) link

two months pass...

I need another hobby like I need a hole in my head, but my wife got me a Moog Mother-32 for my birthday after I got transfixed in a store a few months ago.

I play no musical instruments and at age 51 I will never take this gear out to play live. I do have some money to throw at the situation. Looking for some advice on what else to get and resources for beginners with the following considersations:

1. I just want to make cool sounds to amuse myself and record it. Is there cheap software for beginners to allow multi-track recordings? I'm on an older (2016) Mac at home.

2. I don't even own a pair of headphones and nothing else to connect to the Moog to listen to it. Should I just buy a pair of headphones? Can I get a 1/4 plug to RCA connector to connect to the preamp in my home stereo?

3. What else would you add (if anything) to give me some basic options?

Please take it easy on this noob.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Friday, 29 September 2023 14:58 (one year ago) link

Cheap to free options for recording - Reaper, FL Studio, Audacity, Garage Band. I think Logic is relatively cheap too? There are also "intro" versions of Ableton and other DAWs with fewer features that are cheap.

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 29 September 2023 15:05 (one year ago) link

If you want to record, you'll probably need an external audio interface (and you can plug headphones into that), something like this https://us.focusrite.com/products/scarlett-solo

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 29 September 2023 15:07 (one year ago) link

If you are vibing well with the the Moog Mother, the obvious thing to pair it with would be the Moog DFAM, which people seem to love a lot. It seems like it would be a good idea to get any Moog gear sooner rather than later because it's unclear if they are going to continue as a business much longer.

For more of a contrast and a more affordable option a drum machine like the Arturia DrumBrute Impact could be fun.

There are definitely 1/4" to RCA adaptors out there. As far as I can tell, the Mother doesn't have any kind of USB options, so to record it on a DAW you'd need some kind of audio interface to plug it into. There are some basic interfaces that you can buy for around $100.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 29 September 2023 15:17 (one year ago) link

I’d get a little midi controller so you can play w keyboard and they usually have sequencers and stuff.

I’d also get some basic monitors. You can plug into your stereo but synths kick out all kinds of frequencies. I blew plenty of cheap home speakers before just buying powered monitors. You can get something from Presonus for not too much.

dan selzer, Friday, 29 September 2023 16:05 (one year ago) link

Midi controller, for sure. Audio interface if you want to record.

I think the M32 is a great synth to learn on and you will figure out what you want to add when you run into the limitations it has.

The one thing I’d say is that the M32 sounds great but better with some reverb. If you already have guitar pedals, they will work great. If not, some cheap ones can open up a lot of territory (or you can add in the DAW).

ShariVari, Friday, 29 September 2023 18:02 (one year ago) link

I can’t remember how many patch cables it comes with, but getting another six or eight will make sense.

This website seems to have an expired security certificate but it’s a good resource for patch ideas.


ShariVari, Friday, 29 September 2023 18:26 (one year ago) link

Thanks for all these recommendations.

My company has given out some nice gift cards the last several years that I haven't used, so I may blow them all on an audio interface and whatever else I need to get me started.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Friday, 29 September 2023 19:06 (one year ago) link

as far as midi controllers go, the Arturia key step seems to be a popular option

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 29 September 2023 19:15 (one year ago) link

Yep, it’s good. Can also be used as a sequencer.

Another cheap thing worth getting ($20 or so) is a USB to MIDI cable, which enables you to sequence notes in a DAW and send them to the synth.

ShariVari, Friday, 29 September 2023 19:34 (one year ago) link

There are cheap audio interfaces that also have MIDI. Something like the Arturia MiniFuse 2

a lot of options under 200 dollars.

Universal Audio Volt 1 and 2. Focusrite Scarlett 4i4. Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD.

the last two have 4 audio inputs and can feed your monitors. You can totally bypass getting a mixer. Just plug the Moog and 3 other devices/drum machines/mic set in at a time and use whatever software they come with to control the mix to the monitors.

dan selzer, Friday, 29 September 2023 20:35 (one year ago) link

I've ordered some cheap monitors, the key step, and a cheap audio interface. That should keep me busy for a few months (or years) while I learn some basics. I already see this hobby hitting my gearhead gene hard.

Thanks for all the recommendations. One more question: are there any basic websites, forums, or books you recommend for beginners?

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Saturday, 30 September 2023 12:24 (one year ago) link

There's a ton of tutorials on YouTube, depends a bit on the specific topic you are trying to tackle. For example, there are several lengthy tutorials on the Moog Mother.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Saturday, 30 September 2023 13:00 (one year ago) link

The videos from Loopop and, particularly, Chris Meyer are good places to start.

ShariVari, Saturday, 30 September 2023 18:36 (one year ago) link

I just watched a Loopop video where they were connecting the Key Step with the M32 and got very excited.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Saturday, 30 September 2023 21:03 (one year ago) link

Start your Youtube synthfluencer career by covering Danzig with the Mother-32

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 30 September 2023 23:42 (one year ago) link

I wish the Mother 32 was more exciting. It’s a single oscillator synth, can only sound so interesting.

The DFAM totally rules though. Two oscillators and it can kick your head in.

circa1916, Sunday, 1 October 2023 01:20 (one year ago) link

I don’t know I have a lot of fun with single osc synths. Juno 106 and alpha Juno are both single osc.

dan selzer, Sunday, 1 October 2023 02:06 (one year ago) link

Why do synth manufacturers have to make such cool looking gear? Looking at you Make Noise and Endorphin.es.

That Lyra-8 video upthread makes it sound like a nightmare machine. Drool.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Sunday, 1 October 2023 12:06 (one year ago) link


Yeah, that was a broad declaration. But the Mother was clearly designed to be used with their other units, it’s kinda bland on its own. I was going to sell mine, but with this Moog news I’ll be holding onto it.

circa1916, Sunday, 1 October 2023 17:31 (one year ago) link

Just ordered one of the Behringer VS Minis from the UK - $105 shipped to the US, cheaper than it will be with sales tax from Sweetwater whenever they get them.

papal hotwife (milo z), Monday, 2 October 2023 20:49 (one year ago) link

I’ve been having the time of my life with the demo of Synplant 2 over the last few days.

You get any sample, drop it onto the VST and its AI does multiple attempts at resynthesizing it. All local processing so doesn’t even need to be online. You can save it as a synth at any point of the resynthesizing process, and the results range from uncannily accurate to complete Autechre insanity.

I ripped the vocals from Aha ‘Take On Me’ via Moises.ai, fed them into Synplant and now have a pretty usable Morten Haarket choir from resynthesizing ‘take’, ‘me’ and ‘on’ lol

Also going through all my dusty old stab samples and resynthing them has been amazing. Literally bringing them to life with ADSR, filters, accurate oscillator settings etc.

Not sure if you can tell but I’m pretty giddy with excitement about this one. The possibilities are pretty endless and it actually doesn’t sound shit.

Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Friday, 6 October 2023 19:01 (one year ago) link

Been waiting for this, can't wait to try it

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 6 October 2023 19:07 (one year ago) link

It’s nuts. I just tried putting a few breakbeats through it and ended up with bizarre spectral sweeps that belong on a mid 90’s Ken Ishii album.

Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Friday, 6 October 2023 19:10 (one year ago) link

this looks really cool, I like the whole organic approach

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 6 October 2023 19:19 (one year ago) link

I predict a glut of Synplant ambient albums to come

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 6 October 2023 19:31 (one year ago) link

Got an ad for this thing and normally I'm annoyed by the tiny digital machines that could just as well be a plugin but this seems pretty cool actually


papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 7 October 2023 00:38 (one year ago) link

two weeks pass...

I finally got to spend several hours today with the Mother 32 and had a blast.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Sunday, 22 October 2023 03:23 (one year ago) link

two weeks pass...

I did the 3 week trial for Synplant 2 and had a lot of fun with it. I tried feeding it sounds from one of my tracks and then seeing how I could reshape them. I really like how intuitive it is when you are trying craft a sound, a lot can be done by manipulating the little strands and then you can tweak it even more in the synth settings. The synth is pretty basic and the envelope in particular could be improved, but it can generally get you where you want to go.

One common problem I have with synths is that I might land on a cool sound, but then lose it as I'm playing around with it and find that I can't get back to something I like. Synplant worked very well for getting me back on track when this happened.

My biggest positive surprise was CPU load. I never once had a problem with this and had about 12 different instances of Synplant 2 running simultaneously in one song file. By contrast, even a single instance of Pigments can completely crash Ableton for me.

I ended up getting a track together with core sounds almost entirely from Synplant 2. Let me know what you think. It's a private link, so you need to be logged into Soundcloud to access.


Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 6 November 2023 17:44 (one year ago) link

A guy in my town makes these naturey synth tshirt designs if anyone is into that kind of thing

kinder, Thursday, 9 November 2023 16:16 (one year ago) link

Having played around with Synplant now I can definitely hear the plants in that track Moodles, ie the kinds of sounds it seems to come up with (it's cool though!).

Although I know it's going to be fun with automation and sound design when I get to that, so far I've been using it to re-synthesize acoustic drum samples. It's pretty incredible with one-shots, good for giving something a little more bite, and I got some especially cool results with cymbals. But I was a bit disappointed when I fed it a longer phrase. It was a snare pattern with some different tones and dynamics, and it spit back a pretty stiff version that tried to emulate the ghost notes with a delay. Still very excited about the possibilites though, one of those things that I'll have to try with every part just to see if something cool happens.

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 9 November 2023 16:52 (one year ago) link

Agreed about cymbals, I tend to gravitate toward weird synthetic or hard metallic hats, so this works great for me. Also got a lot of mileage out of throwing automation on the bass track. Longer loops are definitely not going to be as effective, for sure.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 9 November 2023 17:05 (one year ago) link

this (free) emulation of the Kawai K1 is fun


papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 14 November 2023 20:00 (one year ago) link

Looks fun, thanks for the link

m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Tuesday, 14 November 2023 22:00 (one year ago) link

two weeks pass...

finally traded in my Korg Opsix and some other guitars and gear for a nice Stratocaster. Ended up getting the same in trade as I paid initially so harm done but I gotta be honest I ended up hating that fucking thing.

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 4 December 2023 21:42 (one year ago) link

Ha, I sold mine too. I realized that the Volca FM is all I need for those sounds, and for whatever I reason I got better results out of it and had more fun.

So this sounds potentially amazing, like Synplant except for synth patches:

It's free and works with Vital, which is also free. You can drop in an audio sample and it will do its best to create synth patches that replicate the sound. Sounds ripe for abuse.

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 18:55 (one year ago) link

not sure how that is different from Synplant

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 18:58 (one year ago) link

Similar I guess, but in Vital you'll get more standard synth controls over the resulting patch.

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 19:04 (one year ago) link

I guess I'm more compelled to start with non-synth-sounding patches with Synplant. And with this, while I definitely want to try random audio clips, it sounds like it's geared more toward stuff that starts out sounding like a synth patch?

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 19:05 (one year ago) link

I realized that the Volca FM is all I need for those sounds

I might check one of those out, so cheap used it's like buying a soft synth

The Opsix reminded me of a wacky boutique guitar pedal called the Infinity Discombobulator that is designed to demo well at a guitar store cuz it makes all these "wow" sounds then you try to make actual music with it and you can't find anything that works

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 5 December 2023 19:59 (one year ago) link

I know it's only 4op and not 6, but for FM/digital synthesis on the cheap, do not forget the Reface DX. It sounds great and is fun to use.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 14:17 (one year ago) link

fun to use

ultimately this is what did the opsix in for me...just always found it somewhat irritating to interact with.

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:34 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

Yall crazy. The Opsix rules. I get wild ass tones out of it everytime I go in for programming. The firmware update added some nice features like more sequencer program controls. I will never sell it.

mom, Sunday, 7 January 2024 07:32 (one year ago) link

They really nailed it with the Reface DX. Super fun and immediate, small and cute. That whole series is awesome. I sold mine when the Waldorf Quantum got 6-op FM. Not like FM plugs are anything new, buttttt...the Opsix plugin is only $99.

Reeves Gabrels' Funko Pop (majorairbro), Sunday, 14 January 2024 10:49 (eleven months ago) link

one month passes...

Has anyone tried the Opal synth plug-in from Fors FM? Seems to be a max-for-live device that does Elektron style sequencing. Would love to know if it's any good.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 23 February 2024 02:02 (ten months ago) link

I bought it and never used it and forgot I had it until now. Thanks. Sorry I'm not more helpful.

dan selzer, Friday, 23 February 2024 05:01 (ten months ago) link

Give it a try and report back!

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 23 February 2024 06:06 (ten months ago) link

two months pass...

have an ms-20 mini on the way for our 9 year old's birthday (shared present with my birth/fathers day). Same son has a cheap laptop, so I grabbed dexed and pedalboard/mido to work on some scripted midi/generative/transcription projects I'm hoping will be fun. FM synthesis is indeed crazy, but dexed has some decent patches built in. I'm hoping use python to set those eno patches upthread bc mouse+gui ain't the way. We will probably need a midi keyboard in case somebody wants to play chords.

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 15:55 (eight months ago) link

this seems like it will be awesome


Love the Fred's Lab Tooro lofi wavetable synth but it's a bit of a chore to program, the screen on this looks like it will be a big help

papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 2 May 2024 07:30 (eight months ago) link

SG, I like the idea of "scripted midi/generative/transcription" stuff, but haven't been able to brew up anything really satisfying... what's your workflow like?

m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Thursday, 2 May 2024 10:52 (eight months ago) link

I've only spent a handful of hours on the scripting so far. It's a fun learning and (within family) teaching tool. I'm using pedalboard, an open source spotify project, to get multiple VST instrument objects with different patches from Dexed.vst3. There's probably better python DAW stuff for this. I wrote some defs for generating 88 piano key scales from an input song key and chords from a root note. I wrote a def with numpy.random that takes a starting index to the array of notes in a scale and a number of requested notes. It builds 8-note phrases, randomly walking away from the start, and then resets to the start note for each phrase. I put the randomness in 'EchoEcho 3' over a progression in 'Chroma 5 Y'. It sounds like preset windchimes, which I'm guessing is a common landing zone for fast versions of this sort of thing. here's example output.

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 2 May 2024 16:16 (eight months ago) link

you get arrays out of passing midi to the vst objects, so you can mix, fade, and sum tracks by multiplying with envelope functions and then adding the arrays together before saving or playing.

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 2 May 2024 16:41 (eight months ago) link

for transcription, I'm hoping there are python models that can take a recorded clip and spit out reasonable midi that I can display on the dexed gui to quickly give the kids melodies from songs they know to play. a shazam music teacher, which is simpler if the student only has a monophonic synthesizer and wants to play a melody from stardew valley or the lead from calvin harris' "bounce".

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 2 May 2024 16:51 (eight months ago) link

are there other awesome and free vst instruments that, like dexed, don't require making an account or jumping through other hoops? it was so refreshing to just grab it from GitHub.

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 2 May 2024 17:07 (eight months ago) link

U-he's Zebralette 3 is in public beta (and will be free when actually released) - spectral, additive, wavetable, kind of a steep learning curve


TAL Noisemaker is a good basic subtractive synth, sort of like a Roland Juno


papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 2 May 2024 17:42 (eight months ago) link

thanks, these are great examples of what I'm looking for. grabbed both installers to hopefully check out this weekend.

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 2 May 2024 17:50 (eight months ago) link

Full bucket music has TONS, primarily virtual Korgs, including a lot of the weird ones:


dan selzer, Thursday, 2 May 2024 17:56 (eight months ago) link

oh wow. that is a great resource - thanks!

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 2 May 2024 18:01 (eight months ago) link

attracted to the PS-3300 simulator and as luck would have it -- the real thing's on sale!

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 2 May 2024 20:16 (eight months ago) link

the introductions in the manuals of these FBM synths are themselves wonderful

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 2 May 2024 20:20 (eight months ago) link

Korg announced a reissue of the 3300 or 3100 for only a cool $12k IIRC

papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 2 May 2024 20:33 (eight months ago) link

pedalboard doesn't seem to wrap the FB-3300 plugin properly. looking around, it seems python VST loader instrument compatibility may be an issue

145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine (Sufjan Grafton), Friday, 3 May 2024 14:54 (eight months ago) link

is anyone else checking out the Digitakt II? I've had my eye on the Syntakt for a while because I'm more drawn to synths vs samples, but this new Digitakt is a massive upgrade. I assume there will eventually be a Syntakt II, but that probably won't be for a few years.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 3 May 2024 15:25 (eight months ago) link

Thanks for the rundown SG, that seems well over my head, but also sounds like you could get some very cool results that way... (or at least have fun messing around with it...)

m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Saturday, 4 May 2024 01:02 (eight months ago) link

I'm definitely not selling my Digitakt I at the reduced prices they're going for now (though mine is old enough I'm pretty sure I bought it for $550 during a sale) but if I'm ever not broke I wouldn't be mad at getting the II for 16 channels of samples and the option of stereo samples (though I don't really miss stereo, I like subtle panning better most of the time) and the other improvements seem nice. The new filter modes with single cycle waveforms should make it even more useful than the I for a lot of synthesis tasks.

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 4 May 2024 01:07 (eight months ago) link

For another good free synth, forgot the DSP56300 project - Virus A/B/C and now Ti, Waldorf MicroQ emulations

You have to get firmware (widely available for the pre-TI Viruses but I had to go to a shady warez site for the Ti firmware, Waldorf has the MicroQ firmware on their site) but no account creation/etc. required

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 4 May 2024 03:20 (eight months ago) link

I really miss my Machine Drum, original one with the sample loading. I can't remember what I paid for it 10-12 years ago but remember it was like an impulse buy price. Staggering what they're going for now! I wouldn't want to pay that much for something that old (well not old, but aging) that might be tough to repair.

encino morricone (majorairbro), Sunday, 5 May 2024 04:02 (eight months ago) link

i have the SPS-1 without the sample loading. Got it the week they announced they were cancelling it and they cut the prices in half. It was like 600$ new. They blew them out. Then the prices started rising.

dan selzer, Sunday, 5 May 2024 05:14 (eight months ago) link

yeah! I think I paid like 500. Honestly I could maybe almost imagine paying 2k if I was positive it wouldn't crap out and be unfixable someday.

encino morricone (majorairbro), Sunday, 5 May 2024 19:23 (eight months ago) link

does anyone have any advice on _EXTREMELY CHEAP_ MIDI foot controllers? under $100 but actually works? doesn't need to have a million features, just needs to be able to trigger/send MIDI to my 404A. my use case is that one group i play in uses the 404A for drum machine and occasional samples, and it would be really handy to be able to trigger those with my foot instead of reaching over for a tiny pad. also, i'm often doing weird stuff on multiple instruments, drums, etc, and being able to start and stop a sampler pad would be very useful and open up some possibilities, i think.

has anyone here done something like that, and do you have any recommendations or other ways to go about it?

z_tbd, Monday, 13 May 2024 19:40 (seven months ago) link

damn, u/65TwinReverbRI has me covered in their answer here

z_tbd, Monday, 13 May 2024 19:53 (seven months ago) link

Guitar Center took in a used Melbourne Nina - the magnetic/motorized knobs are a gimmick but it's a great gimmick. Watching them turn when you move the morph knob is cool, always know where knob settings are with presets. Fine detail (trying to dial in 100 cents of fine tuning or something) was tough but I assume there's a shift modifier I didn't know about to make that easier.

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 18 May 2024 22:25 (seven months ago) link

one month passes...

I fell for the instagram ads (a first for me?) for Slate + Ash's Cycles plugin (for Kontakt) and started messing around with it over the weekend. It's certainly interesting, but it's a lot harder to get decent results with the sequencer than I expected. Seems very dependent on the material you're putting in - their sample presets work very well, but sometimes it doesn't seem to know what to do with drum loops that I put into it. But on the other hand it's been great as a sound processor/resampler for one-shots, its pitch shifting algorithm plus the crazy formant shifter (you can put it up to 400%, whatever that means) alone can get some really gritty, souped up tones.

I wanted something where I can feed in samples and get back unpredictable results, and it's certainly that, I just wish it could be unpredictable in the way I want it to, lol. Maybe I just need to watch some more tutorials (or like, read the documentation?).

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 1 July 2024 15:31 (six months ago) link

I'm also curious about this Visco plugin, which bills itself as a sample-morphing drum machine. Mostly it seems like you can do all of that by automating other plugins, and I'm pretty over all of these new "all-in-one" combo plugins. On the other hand, the sample-based sequencer looks really sick.

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 1 July 2024 15:33 (six months ago) link

Ok I'm liking Cycles more as I'm using it with harmonic material, and 'cycling' through the presets (not the sample presets, just the different loop and granular modes) rather than trying to construct from scratch, although that's worth doing too.

Also I got Visco and it is for real, it rules. Mostly for sound design that morphs between two different samples, and for the sequencer (very easy to use, and I like the random timing and swing options). It seems built around the internal sequencer rather than midi - quite weird to have a track with nothing on it (ie it doesn't even require any midi input) playing all this crazy shit.

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 5 July 2024 18:50 (six months ago) link


this experimental/still in alpha DAW is interesting - the workflow of manipulating sounds directly on the timeline is what I expected DAWs to be before I knew how anything worked. $3/mo subscription on Patreon to get in on the alpha downloads but it seems like a total "I wish I was Burial" playground.

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 9 July 2024 04:28 (six months ago) link

Blockhead looks very cool! Thanks for the tip.

I found this thing while looking for Blockhead info...


...not crazy about the interface, but looks fun to play, and it's free!

m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Tuesday, 9 July 2024 07:52 (six months ago) link

The new Moog poly sounds great


papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 19 July 2024 19:38 (five months ago) link


...this one looks like a beast...

m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Saturday, 20 July 2024 21:37 (five months ago) link

two weeks pass...

I think this is hilarious, honestly more humor than I would have expected from TE

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 7 August 2024 17:10 (five months ago) link

It's a paint job and some medieval samples. Could be funny if TE don't charge a premium for it on top of the standard unit. But I'm not TE's target audience anyway. I'm much more looking forward to AudioPilz' review video (presumably dropping this Friday).

you gotta roll with the pączki to get to what's real (snoball), Wednesday, 7 August 2024 17:36 (five months ago) link

I’m honestly tempted but I know I could just sample a bunch of early music into my Digitakt with almost zero effort.

ShariVari, Sunday, 18 August 2024 13:36 (four months ago) link

I bet if TE released a Monty Python version it would sell like hot cakes.

you gotta roll with the pączki to get to what's real (snoball), Sunday, 18 August 2024 13:46 (four months ago) link

two months pass...


This repository contains an analysis of hardware synthesizers, samplers, and drum machines. The project focuses on exploring trends in electronic music devices, highlighting the evolution of these instruments and the various features they offer. It aims to provide insights into the development of these devices over time, using attributes such as synthesis types, polyphony, and production duration to name a few.

Heez, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 13:41 (two months ago) link

two weeks pass...


love my Nymphes despite elements of the UI being awful (have to use the knob switch menu system to put a LFO on PWM), $350 for a USB powered Korg Polysix is crazy, this looks like it could be the Super Nymphes

papal hotwife (milo z), Sunday, 10 November 2024 06:33 (two months ago) link

one month passes...

teenage engineering KOII on sale for $219 - https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1763136-REG/teenage_engineering_te032as001_ep_133_ko_ii.html

na (NA), Friday, 3 January 2025 17:14 (one week ago) link

that's a good deal, now I'm kind of wondering what else might be out there post-holidays

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 3 January 2025 18:05 (one week ago) link

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