Horror Novels/Short Stories: S/D

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Short Stories:
Lukundoo by Edward Lucas White
The Abyss by Leonid Andreyev
A Fragment of Fact by Chris Massie
The Unforgiven by Septimus Dale (anything by Septimus Dale for that matter)
The Very Silent Traveller by Paul Tabori
The Magic Shop by HG Wells
The Tell-tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
The Hand by Guy de Maupassant

Fred (Fred), Monday, 24 May 2004 12:51 (twenty years ago) link

Lukundoo by Edward Lucas White can be found here

Fred (Fred), Monday, 24 May 2004 12:56 (twenty years ago) link

I enjoy a good horror story, but there are some images I don't really need in my head, and that's why I won't even proofread a John Saul book anymore. He's very popular, apparently, but you can't pay me to read him, literally.

Carol Robinson (carrobin), Tuesday, 25 May 2004 16:22 (twenty years ago) link

technically a thrilla, but one of the spookiest books I've ever read...

Yuri Kapralov
Akashic Books
Akashic heavily edited this satanic thriller by Russian exile Yuri Kapralov, who took decades to write it in the first place. Credit the hard-won material, the refinement, or both--the effort's worth all the trees that were ripped down to print it. Set against the gruesome 1919 war between the Bolsheviks and the White Russians, the punchy Devil's Midnight barrels lucidly through nightmares with relentless narrative drive. The players here are mad locomotives and even madder drug-guzzling field commanders; witches searching for a meteorite on the orders of a quaint Russian devil called the Chort; and the dry, canny voice of irony that slips out in lines like "I have nothing against Satan or Samson. This is all a slight misunderstanding." The characters are vivid; even the femme fatale--actress Nata Tai, who is trained to serve the Chort but turns to killing witches--has a resonant, aching soul. As the strands of the narrative come together, it's clear that Nata and the Chort are the leads in a slick, dank tragedy that unfolds with unsettlingly deliberate power. Humans crazed by strain are terrifying to watch. But damn can some of them scrawl a warning. Next time, can we please keep the elections clean? After this, a civil war doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever. --Ann Sterzinger

Ann Sterzinger (Ann Sterzinger), Tuesday, 25 May 2004 18:44 (twenty years ago) link

"Pickman's Model" by H.P. Lovecraft

"Manuscript Found In A Deserted House" by Robert Bloch

DV (dirtyvicar), Thursday, 27 May 2004 16:26 (twenty years ago) link

It is Notebook Found in a Deserted House.
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Fred (Fred), Thursday, 27 May 2004 17:28 (twenty years ago) link

I think Wuthering Heights belongs to this thread.

Fred (Fred), Thursday, 27 May 2004 17:30 (twenty years ago) link

six years pass...

I've spent a lot of time this year burning through the supernatularist/horror/weird tale canon: Blackwood, Le Fanu, M.R. James, Hoffman, Kwaidan, etc.

I really love those stories where the otherworldly presence doesn't burst through and kill everyone so much as just sit there in full view, while the characters try to go about their business.(A number of the Mary E. Wilkins-Freeman stories are like this)

But I dunno, what's going on with contemporary horror? I know Ligotti. I've read a couple T.E.D. Klein novellas (one I liked; one I didn't), and really liked the one Ramsey Campbell short story I read ("The Brood"). The sci-fi and fantasy threads always seem to be cooking, and horror film always get a lot of talk. Where are my horror writing fans at?

CharlieS, Friday, 9 July 2010 19:26 (fourteen years ago) link

I'm not in the loop the way I used to be, but I don't see a lot of contemporary horror as subtle and creepy as the canonic work you mention.

Recent nasty, ugly horror that I liked: The Passage by Justin Cronin -- overly long, not especially original, but better written and more affecting than I expected; Horns by Joe Hill -- a distinct improvement over his first novel, still working the same in-your-face vein as his daddy, but funnier and more vicious than recent King.

Brad C., Friday, 9 July 2010 20:07 (fourteen years ago) link

Robert Aickman is the guy I'm always repping for - "ghost stories" more than horror, not always a whole lot happening but a really wicked vibe. Dennis Etchison also used to be a great horror short story writer, I think he moved on to movie novelizations.

les yeux sans aerosmith (underrated aerosmith albums I have loved), Friday, 9 July 2010 20:14 (fourteen years ago) link

Haven't read much horror, and what I read was 10+ years ago, but, I thought I'd share a few links that I've been meaning to investigate if the damned mood for horror would just come creeping.
They're Halloween posts at the fantastic Victorianist blog The Little Professor, where she links to various appropriate stories:

*Victorian Terrors!
*Eeeeek! Halloween Horrors, 2007 edition
*Halloween Horrors, 2009: Inconveniently Active (And Otherwise Unpleasant) Artwork Edition

Øystein, Friday, 9 July 2010 21:28 (fourteen years ago) link

anyone have any thoughts on Arthur Machen? better to start with his short stories or his novels?

prey like aretha franklin (sciolism), Saturday, 10 July 2010 01:51 (fourteen years ago) link

The novellas "The Great God Pan" and "The White People" are usually mentioned as the big ones for Machen.

I'll second both Aickman and Etchison. Aickman is very tasteful and understated but relentlessly spooky. I'd almost forgotten about Etchison. I remember the SoCal settings of Darkside making the shouldn't-be-happening events extra creepy.

Brad C., Saturday, 10 July 2010 02:56 (fourteen years ago) link

Machen wrote quite good stories throughout his life, but the concentration of his best material is early, from the 1880/90s: The Great God Pan, The White People, The Three Impostors (which is just a vehicle for some short stories, one of them terrible, one of the meh, two of them great - The Novel of the White Powder and the Novel of the Black Seal) and the Red Hand. If you like 'em, then it's worth checking out his other, later, stuff, which tends to be more supernal rather than infernal, and to deal with Graal legend.

The novels are not long, in fact don't really count as novels as such, more romances imo. The Hill of Dreams is fascinating, but not really horror novel/story material, more a proto-Ballardian portrait of psychic collapse and to a certain extent autobiographical.

Without at all wishing to push it on anybody (it's rather long), I did a piece last Hallowe'en on three very different ghost stories (MR James' Count Magnus, Rudyard Kipling's The End of the Passage, and Denton Welch's Ghosts, which if you are interesting you may find... interesting. It's here and I must admit I'm rather proud of its structure - it was damnable to compose.

GamalielRatsey, Saturday, 10 July 2010 18:15 (fourteen years ago) link

Dance of the Dwarfs by Geoffrey Household.

alimosina, Sunday, 11 July 2010 01:13 (fourteen years ago) link

Do not read it at night.

alimosina, Sunday, 11 July 2010 01:14 (fourteen years ago) link

Our Lady of Darkness by Fritz Leiber has to be my favorite supernatural novel. I'd definitely second the recommendation on Aickman,. Faber have recently reprinted some of his collections, though you can still pick up decent second hand copies.

In terms of recent writers, I've been enjoying Reggie Oliver and Wilum Pugmire. There are quite a few other writers working in the subtle, creepy vein, but mostly in small presses. Check out Tartarus and Ash-Tree for starters.

Soukesian, Sunday, 11 July 2010 08:46 (fourteen years ago) link

Thanks to Ann for the tip on Yuri Kapralov, who seems to have been an interesting guy - I'll have to check out his novels. The Russian theme reminds me to recommend Bruisov/ Bryusov's The Fiery Angel - more of a historical/occult novel than strictly horror, but an absolute classic. Paul Tabori is another name I don't know here who seems potentially interesting.

Soukesian, Sunday, 11 July 2010 09:01 (fourteen years ago) link

^knew you'd come through^

was vaguely aware of Tartarus (through Wormwood), didn't know about Ash-Tree. Looks great.

All related google searches lead back to the ligotti page/forum- is that, like, the big place for the community?

I've read a story each by Aickman and Etchison. Great stuff!

That Cronin looks entertaining enough, but "overly long" sounds about right. Long horror novels are almost impossible for me to get through (GR's blog bits about ghosts not liking much exposure are key).

and fwiw ole Fred, I'd put Wuthering Heights in here as well.

CharlieS, Sunday, 11 July 2010 14:14 (fourteen years ago) link

Thomas Ligotti Online seems to have become a major crossroads for genre fans - goes way beyond Ligotti's work, moderation is light-touch, but effective, and the interface is good. There are others - check out the Ramsey Campbell message board for one.

Soukesian, Sunday, 11 July 2010 14:35 (fourteen years ago) link

six months pass...

ive been a p major horror kick lately & have gotten the impression that a lot of interesting stuff is coming out of 'literary' horror small presses but, considering how tedious this stuff can be to track down, i was hoping ilb wld have some suggestions

stuff that i have read lately and really loved:

chambers 'the king in yellow' collection
ligotti 'my work is not yet done' collection
lovecraft 'call of cthulu' collection
samuels 'the man who read machen & other stories'
golaski 'worse than myself' collection

im def attracted to the sort of atmospheric 'cosmic' horror that lovecraft occasionally does & that samuels collection in particular excels @. i also like how spare some of the newer horror seems to be ligotti in particular is just so lean which i really admire.

also really everyone shld give the chambers collection a try imo

Lamp, Sunday, 30 January 2011 20:45 (fourteen years ago) link

There's a couple of anthologies I read recently which are especially good. Penguin's American Supernatural Fiction at the cheap end, and the Library of America's American Fantastic Tales set at the expensive...


buildings with goats on the roof (James Morrison), Sunday, 30 January 2011 22:16 (fourteen years ago) link

damn st joshi gets around huh

making the short collection introduction money

bet he has a p nice studio apt

Lamp, Sunday, 30 January 2011 22:26 (fourteen years ago) link

still, would order

Lamp, Sunday, 30 January 2011 22:27 (fourteen years ago) link

I liked that American Supernatural Tales collection a lot. bought the joshi edited Three Impostors and Other Stories collection this morning, along with a collection each of Ramsey Campbell and Edogawa Rampo.

those wordsworth tales of mystery & the supernatural editions are so cheap! real nice to have that around, cause I really can't drop $55 on a book. The Scottish Ghost Stories one came in the mail last week. It's been all good so far.

Anyone read Laird Barron?

this got posted everywhere last week, but in case anyone missed it, that Lovecraft documentary is up for free here: http://www.snagfilms.com/films/watch/lovecraft_fear_of_the_unknown/

CharlieS, Monday, 31 January 2011 02:46 (fourteen years ago) link

one year passes...

Read F. Paul Wilson's "The Keep" a couple of weeks back. It's currently $3 at the barnes and noble nook store. A really well put together and imaginative novel. Wiki P says that he can get pretty libertarian, but I didn't really notice anything obvious while I was reading it. Can anyone recommend anything else by him? Anything I should avoid?

fruitsbs (beachville), Tuesday, 24 April 2012 12:02 (twelve years ago) link

The film version of The Keep, which is streaming on Netflix these days, is pretty awful.

fruitsbs (beachville), Tuesday, 24 April 2012 12:03 (twelve years ago) link

I am working my way through the Jeff and Ann Vandermeer edited short story collection "The Weird". The gang's all here.

The New Dirty Vicar, Tuesday, 24 April 2012 17:19 (twelve years ago) link

Yeah, that Vandermeer anthology looks amazing. Their website's got some neat stuff on it: http://weirdfictionreview.com/

I read a book of Horacio Quiroga stories a few months ago. Good, odd stuff.

CharlieS, Tuesday, 24 April 2012 20:56 (twelve years ago) link

two months pass...

I'm a bit late, but:

Anyone read Laird Barron?

Yes, yes, a thousand times YES. I'm halfway through The Imago Sequence now (OOP, but cheapish on Kindle) and it's wonderful; the best modern Lovecraftian horror I've ever read. He even does something I would have thought impossible and makes a straight-up homage to a classic HPL story ("Hallucigenia" is essentially "The Dunwich Horror") work.

muus lääv? :D muus dut :( (Telephone thing), Saturday, 30 June 2012 01:42 (twelve years ago) link

Yeah, I gotta check that out. I dug "The Men From Porlock", I think it was called, from some Lovecraftian anthology a few months ago.

Tore through a Vernon Lee anthology last summer. Loved that. Heard wonderful things about Glen Hirschberg's The Two Sams but couldn't stand it, only made it through a story and a half.

Buying a nook was almost worth it just to be able to read that Vandermeer Weird anthology without breaking my back. So much neat stuff in there. The G.R.R. Martin story was a surprise! Michael Shea's "The Autopsy", goddamn! Haven't read the Barron story yet.

CharlieS, Saturday, 30 June 2012 18:22 (twelve years ago) link

I keep meaning to pick up the Weird anthology- such an amazing lineup, and some really astute choices as well (I'm thinking of Kubin, Meyrink, Schulz, Cortazar, and Gahan Wilson especially). And I'm really looking forward to reading the Tiptree and Marc Laidlaw stories- the former because I keep hesitating before buying Her Smoke Rose Up Forever and the latter because he seems really well-regarded yet all of his books are out of print and I've only experienced his work writing for Valve games.

BTW, if you liked the excerpt from The Other Side, it's finally back in print as a Kindle ebook.

muus lääv? :D muus dut :( (Telephone thing), Saturday, 30 June 2012 21:57 (twelve years ago) link

Awesome, I loved that bit. Will check out.

CharlieS, Saturday, 30 June 2012 22:19 (twelve years ago) link

two years pass...

I just got a library card. Recommend some pop fiction creepitude - something that goes with late nights and chilly autumn weather. I've read loads of crime fiction and non-fiction, some creepy sci-fi, I like seventies pop lit a lot. What is good creep-reading, and not TOO "literary"?? I'm not trying to pass an English lit test here...

Thanks in advance!

Opus Gai (I M Losted), Tuesday, 16 September 2014 22:37 (ten years ago) link

For example, I am def going to check out "Devil's Midnight". If someone has it. I like Satan and witches!

Opus Gai (I M Losted), Tuesday, 16 September 2014 22:39 (ten years ago) link

First off - Ray Bradbury, The October Country. I always pull it out when the air gets like this.

arthur treacher, or the fall of the british empire (Jon Lewis), Tuesday, 16 September 2014 23:01 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...

Picked up the October Country! Amazing how unnerving the stories are without actually having a lot of horror on the surface. Like the one about the hypochondriac who "realizes" he has a skeleton inside his body, how he loses his mind obsessing about skeletons as separate entities living inside us. He stops eating food with calcium to try and starve his :O

The cover art is amazing! Anyway I started it a few weeks ago but read infrequently cause it gets under your skin so well.

hobbes, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 06:25 (ten years ago) link

The Scythe is the one that gets me.

koogs, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 09:53 (ten years ago) link

Some horror discussed and linked on Rolling Science Fiction Fantasy & Speculative Fiction: for instance, try this vintage Richard Matheson---you have to click to magnify, but works fine---then brace yerself:


dow, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 13:17 (ten years ago) link

That was great!

carl agatha, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 13:42 (ten years ago) link

I love October Country! I'm starting to read some of Caitlin Kiernan's early short stories in Tales of Pain and Wonder mostly because I want to see how she deals with gender and body horror--the earliest stories still feel like they're trying too hard to be unsettling, but I like her oblique plotting, and I've heard good things about her recent novel The Drowning Girl.

one way street, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 15:06 (ten years ago) link

"The Emissary" really gave me the creeps as a kid. Still does tbh.

JoeStork, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 15:41 (ten years ago) link

I just finished the novel I was reading so there's still time for me to read a couple October Country pieces within the month of October, as is my practice.

a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Tuesday, 21 October 2014 22:15 (ten years ago) link

"The Emissary" really gave me the creeps as a kid. Still does tbh.

i read this one for the first time as a college student sitting alone in a near-deserted library and it still terrified me.

(The Other) J.D. (J.D.), Tuesday, 21 October 2014 23:36 (ten years ago) link

one year passes...

enjoying this. almost done. anyone read anything by steve tem? or his wife? or the both of them together? she died this year. rest in peace, melanie tem. also, i hate to think this way, but deadfall hotel would make a super t.v. series if done right. i don't ever really read horror/weird fiction anymore. glad i read this though. would read more by him. this book is a mix of every kinda thing. horror/supernatural/weird/fairy tale.


scott seward, Friday, 18 December 2015 13:11 (nine years ago) link

I liked Tem's novel Excavation, though I remember thinking it felt like the work of a short story writer going long. Good writing, realistic rural setting, sustained slow-building creepiness.

Also suitable for this thread: I don't know how I missed William Sloane's The Edge of Running Water (1939) for so long. It's exactly the sort of mad scientist story you'd expect to have been made into a Karloff movie, but the book is quite a bit weirder and more dreadful than I expected. Slick rather than pulpy prose keeps you wondering if the story will turn toward mystery or SF or horror. It's set in Maine and some scenes are Stephen King avant la lettre.

Brad C., Friday, 18 December 2015 14:27 (nine years ago) link

Deadfall is kinda broken up into novellas based on the seasons at the hotel. but there is a common thread/characters.

scott seward, Friday, 18 December 2015 15:56 (nine years ago) link

this may be old news, but a bunch of Michael McDowell's novels are now available on Amazon thanks to Valancourt Books. I'd recommend The Elementals, which is sort of like Solaris reimagined as a southern gothic family drama: a Victorian beach house is haunted by the dead relatives of a wealthy Alabama clan, but it's unclear if the apparitions are sentient or if they're sand gollums assembled by a non-human entity to torment the family with memories of their oppressive former matriarch. he has a knack for dysfunctional family dynamics (using the supernatural to awaken and complicate old jealousies/feuds) though he occasionally veers into soap opera melodramatics. I'm making my way through his 6-volume Blackwater series now.

he churned out close to 30 novels in the '80s, but a lot of them are regarded as hackwork and will probably never be reprinted; he was quoted as saying, "I would be perfectly willing if a publisher came up to me and said, 'I need a novel about underwater Nazi cheerleaders and it has to be 309 pages long and I need fourteen chapters and a prologue.'" he's best know today for writing the original screenplay for Beetlejuice, which started off as some dark twisted Clive Barker shit until Tim Burton turned it into a comedy.

small doug yule carnival club (unregistered), Saturday, 19 December 2015 00:26 (nine years ago) link

how Lovecraftian is that Steve Rasnic Tem novel? I'm vaguely aware of him as a 'new weird' writer along the lines of Laird Barron, but maybe I have the wrong impression.

small doug yule carnival club (unregistered), Saturday, 19 December 2015 00:32 (nine years ago) link

Valancourt do have a very interesting catalogue - a mix of gothic, gay, horror and mid-20th-century neglected literary novels

as verbose and purple as a Peter Ustinov made of plums (James Morrison), Saturday, 19 December 2015 01:42 (nine years ago) link

yeah, I wonder how they manage to secure the rights to all of those obscure titles. their catalogue is huge, and it seems like almost all of the modern stuff has come out in the past two years.

small doug yule carnival club (unregistered), Saturday, 19 December 2015 02:56 (nine years ago) link

I haven't read his work but I'm fairly confident that Tem does a little of everything horror, and he's from a bit earlier than most of the current wave of weird writers.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Saturday, 19 December 2015 02:59 (nine years ago) link

i'm sure he could do the lovecraft thing really well, but deadfall is fantastical/supernatural in a more straightforward way. it's an amusing book but also can be totally creepy. he plays with lots of genre ideas/cliches/etc. it's worth buying the book just for the king of the cats chapter. just insane and intense and really cool. i would definitely read more by him.

scott seward, Saturday, 19 December 2015 03:36 (nine years ago) link

i read an interview with him and he says with this book he just wanted to throw everything into the pot.

scott seward, Saturday, 19 December 2015 03:36 (nine years ago) link

i also like that he and his wife created their own legal last name together. pretty cool idea.


i want to read his book Blood Kin. i never knew about the Melungeon people before!


scott seward, Saturday, 19 December 2015 03:41 (nine years ago) link

two years pass...

I've only read 4.

At the Mountains of Madness
Let the Right One In (This seems like a weird placement to me.)

jmm, Friday, 31 August 2018 20:22 (six years ago) link

wow i have read 10 from that paste list!

lots of good stuff in there. the thomas tryon book is slept on and recommended but not as good as harvest home

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 31 August 2018 20:31 (six years ago) link

Only read a few but IT at number 2 is absurd.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Friday, 31 August 2018 20:55 (six years ago) link

yeah -- i think Carrie deserves more praise than IT tbh

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 31 August 2018 20:56 (six years ago) link

Still need to read it, but I found the screen version of Thomas Tryon's The Other to be the perfect and in my experience very rare example of what Stephen King called "sunlight horror" (in Danse Macabre, which led me to so much good stuff): starts out like several other early 70s flicks did,
like it's trying to lift some Little House On The Prairie charm---a sick set-up for the long, perfectly timed sucker punch (just one perfect dab o' gore, barely glimpsed, in the whole thing). Directed by Robert (To Kill A Mockingbird Mulligan, once again deploying his very rare gift for directing children, in this case with even less acting experience than Scout Finch's crew, like 0.

dow, Saturday, 1 September 2018 01:22 (six years ago) link

But back to print: some good stuff mentioned on both Rolling SF etc. threads, incl:

Also Richard Matheson, who wrote a lot of the best Twilight Zones, Speilberg's Duel, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, which Chris Carter credited with inspiring him to create The X-Files, also novels like The Shrinking Man and I Am Legend, which could be an ancestor of Breaking Bad, with the one Normal terrorizing a world of vampires, although in his mind, of course, he's Making Good. Also lots of short stories---Ward Fowler scared the crap out of me by posting this 'un on the old Rolling sf etc. thread:


^my fave matheson short story, which deeply affected horror-obsessed-young-me when i read it as a boy. the whole treatment of vampirism seems very similar to the vibe that george a romero was going for w/ his movie martin, and i know romero admitted that matheson was the primary inspiration behind NOTLD. you can see why stephen king is such a big matheson fan, too - that 'naturalistic'/everyday treatment of the supernatural. again, this story reminds me v much of parts of the tobe hooper tv movie of salem's lot - vampirism as teenage yearning/disaffection

― Ward Fowler, Sunday, September 9, 2012 4:17 PM (3 years ago)'

― dow, Friday, June 17, 2016

dow, Saturday, 1 September 2018 01:28 (six years ago) link

Film version of The Other has an absolutely exquisite Goldsmith score. I haven’t read The Other yet, just Harvest Home, but I found both The Other and Night of the Moonbow in used paperback sections within the past month yay!

cheese is the teacher, ham is the preacher (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 1 September 2018 16:14 (six years ago) link

I bought a used copy of Night of the Moonbow earlier this summer because I remembered reading something about it 15 or so years ago. Beyond that, I know nothing about it or the author.

Police, Academy (cryptosicko), Saturday, 1 September 2018 18:06 (six years ago) link

Gay Hollywood actor turned horror novelist - I would actually like to know more about tryon himself

cheese is the teacher, ham is the preacher (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 1 September 2018 21:54 (six years ago) link

I have read 8 of the books on paste’s list

cheese is the teacher, ham is the preacher (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 1 September 2018 21:54 (six years ago) link

Night Things is a new addition to my look-for list based on that article. Also I did not know Anne rice had just lost a young child when she wrote Interview.

cheese is the teacher, ham is the preacher (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 1 September 2018 21:56 (six years ago) link

Yeah, I only know Tryon from the movies, as an actor (in The Cardinal etc.)and literary source---what are his books like?

dow, Sunday, 2 September 2018 20:18 (six years ago) link

Harvest Home is as good as any "outsiders travel to backwards-seeming village with pastoral pagan beliefs about crops, horror ensues" story I've read.

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 2 September 2018 20:29 (six years ago) link

Much better than I would expect from an actor tbh -- not to be rude toward actors but I would consider him a writer who acted more than an actor who wrote. Imo.

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 2 September 2018 20:29 (six years ago) link


You will like harvest home dow- and that’s my money back guarantee

cheese is the teacher, ham is the preacher (Jon not Jon), Sunday, 2 September 2018 20:41 (six years ago) link

NPR listicle is a pretty good list but terribly written

cheese is the teacher, ham is the preacher (Jon not Jon), Sunday, 2 September 2018 20:50 (six years ago) link

Paste: Read 12 plus abandoned another on the list. Can't fault their #1 choice.
NPR: 37, +1 abandoned, rather to my surprise, though this list is very heavy on the classics

Mince Pramthwart (James Morrison), Monday, 3 September 2018 07:03 (six years ago) link

I think I'm up to like 7 on the Paste list and 13 on the NPR (the short story anthology section of the latter spooked me out because they basically took a photograph of one of my bookshelves). Of the top of my head, I'm only disappointed that House on the Borderland is missing from both. Definitely bookmarking these for future reference.

Digital Squirts (Old Lunch), Monday, 3 September 2018 14:12 (six years ago) link

Ketchum's The Girl Next Door from the Paste list is an extremely disturbing read. Although I'm not sure I'd even classify it as a horror novel

Number None, Monday, 3 September 2018 15:44 (six years ago) link

LL's description of Harvest Home sounds appealing. I'll try to track that down.

jmm, Monday, 3 September 2018 15:49 (six years ago) link

It's really good! The Widow Fortune is a character I will never forget.

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 3 September 2018 16:01 (six years ago) link

I've read 17 on the Paste list, 29 on the NPR list ... there are a lot of titles on both that I've intended to read for a long time, especially those Tryon novels.

The Elementals is a perfect horror beach book.

Brad C., Monday, 3 September 2018 16:29 (six years ago) link

Started / the woman in black / , going well so far. Review was correct in saying that it could pass as having been written a hundred years ago

calstars, Monday, 3 September 2018 21:07 (six years ago) link

two months pass...

“Burnt Offerings” comes close to being a masterpiece and just might be.

calstars, Saturday, 17 November 2018 17:59 (six years ago) link

Still need to read that. The paperback cover (for movie tie-in?) used to give me the heebie jeebies as a kid. I wasn’t even familiar with the title phrase at the time, which added to it.

Recnac and my 📛 is Yrral (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 17 November 2018 18:34 (six years ago) link

Actually don’t think they had movie tie-ins per se at the time, when the book was written beforehand. There were novelizations of course, but that’s different.

Recnac and my 📛 is Yrral (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 17 November 2018 18:37 (six years ago) link

It starts kind of pedestrian but then gets good.

calstars, Saturday, 17 November 2018 19:01 (six years ago) link

I just bought the movie sight unseen the other day. I'm guessing it isn't quite as classic.

My mother set great store by that microwave oven! (Old Lunch), Saturday, 17 November 2018 19:03 (six years ago) link

I don't know how it compares to the book, but it's a very decent 70s horror flick ... good cast, good score, lots of atmosphere, some scary set-pieces

Brad C., Saturday, 17 November 2018 19:32 (six years ago) link

Book is undoubtedly a source for king’s shining

calstars, Saturday, 17 November 2018 19:37 (six years ago) link

I think he's acknowledged that, yeah

Number None, Saturday, 17 November 2018 19:43 (six years ago) link

Anyone read the Ceremonies by Klein?

calstars, Friday, 23 November 2018 03:28 (six years ago) link

Yes... about 20 years ago. My recall of it is hazy but it’s on my reread list

valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Friday, 23 November 2018 04:58 (six years ago) link

Just two weeks ago!

ArchCarrier, Friday, 23 November 2018 09:19 (six years ago) link

I read it relatively recently too. Felt like all sizzle and no steak to me. Plus the villain is lame

Number None, Friday, 23 November 2018 12:54 (six years ago) link

The villain is a centuries-old charred treehugger with one eye. Not lame at all.

ArchCarrier, Friday, 23 November 2018 14:01 (six years ago) link

He's a little old man who runs around giggling a lot

Number None, Friday, 23 November 2018 14:22 (six years ago) link

That's the sidekick.

ArchCarrier, Friday, 23 November 2018 14:25 (six years ago) link

Familiar perhaps. But he has a lot more screentime

Number None, Friday, 23 November 2018 14:51 (six years ago) link

I see it's discussed way upthread, but it's new to me:

I'm working my way through the VanderMeer-edited The Weird anthology, and so far it's the best-curated collection of this kind I've seen. I like the way it's limited to the 20th and 21st centuries, with all the texts presented in chronological order, and I especially like the way stories by the canonical English-language writers sit side-by-side with equally strong works in translation (many of them newly translated for this book). About a quarter of the way through, my biggest discovery has been the Belgian writer Jean Ray, represented by two quite different but equally unnerving stories. I've already downloaded some more of his work for future reading.

I'm glad I've got The Weird on my iPad -- handling the dead-tree edition would be a strength workout.

Brad C., Friday, 23 November 2018 15:23 (six years ago) link

Wow - 110 stories, you’re not kidding

calstars, Saturday, 24 November 2018 07:35 (six years ago) link

my gf got me the dead-tree anthology and i always feel terrible for not reading more in it but it's not exactly a book i can toss in the bag for an idle moment.

JoeStork, Saturday, 24 November 2018 09:11 (six years ago) link

xxp description of The Weird also applies to the VanderMeers' massive Big Book of Science Fiction, which suggests to BB reader me that you should brace yourself for recurring bouts of inconsistency, esp. when DO YOU SEE social commentary trumps art & entertainment value. But keep on keepin' on.

dow, Saturday, 24 November 2018 16:08 (six years ago) link

five years pass...

I’m only a horror dilettante but find myself drawn to it more and more. Including the last two books I’ve read — “Hell House” by Richard Matheson and “The Loney” by Andrew Michael Hurley. I read Hell House because I like Matheson and it has this rep as the ultimate haunted house story — found it sort of gaudily entertaining, but very over the top AND plagued by sexist depictions of women in general and women’s sexuality in particular. Memorable setting, but ludicrous plot.

The Loney is good — gothy folk-horror set in a grim little British seaside in the ‘70s. Hurley’s a good writer and he finds a thousand different ways to say gray/rainy/murky. I liked how little was spelled out even as it becomes more and more apparent what’s going on. Has anyone read either of Hurley’s other books?

Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Sunday, 25 August 2024 16:36 (five months ago) link

I enjoyed that Matheson novel but the ultimate haunted house story is probably Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House

Brad C., Sunday, 25 August 2024 18:33 (five months ago) link

Which I haven’t read and obviously should. I read that Matheson wrote Hell Housepartly as a response to the Jackson book, which he thought was too atmospheric and not spooky scary enough. I have a feeling I will probably like Jackson’s approach more.

Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Sunday, 25 August 2024 18:53 (five months ago) link

Jackson's book is quieter and more disturbing. I had fun reading Hell House, but it still bothers me to think about Hill House.

Matheson deserves more love than he gets, for his screenplay work as well as his fiction.

Brad C., Sunday, 25 August 2024 19:13 (five months ago) link

Hill House is magnificent. Still think the best haunted house book is House of Leaves but I know it's not for everyone.

Bit of an adjunct but this is great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mexs39y0Imw

I would prefer not to. (Chinaski), Sunday, 25 August 2024 19:27 (five months ago) link

Has anyone read either of Hurley’s other books?

I read Devil's Day, very evocative prose but too much of a tendency to lapse into melodrama. Although I guess that goes with the territory in gothic fiction. It's not often I say this kind of thing and I hate to sound like a literary critic obsessed with 'proper' books, but I thought The Loney would have been more effective without the swerve into the supernatural. It was uncanny enough anyway!

carry on columbine (Matt #2), Sunday, 25 August 2024 19:47 (five months ago) link

I recently seen someone say it's impossible to sell certain kinds of historical fiction, so authors end up adding in fantasy elements to sell them to the fantasy market. Even Robert E Howard did this I think (also partly in fear of historical fans who might catch him out if the accuracy wasn't impeccable). I wonder how much horror does this? I've definitely read a few horror short stories where it feels like an overt supernatural element was tacked on.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Sunday, 25 August 2024 20:01 (five months ago) link


I can see that. I had read about it as "a folk-horror book," so I guess I was prepped for some kind of spooky action. As it was, I thought it was nicely suggestive about the whole thing — and interestingly conflicted about which forces were or weren't fully malevolent.

Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Sunday, 25 August 2024 20:03 (five months ago) link

For anyone who's interested, here's a list of various online short story publications with at least a partial focus on horror:

Nightmare - http://www.nightmare-magazine.com
The Dark - http://thedarkmagazine.com
The Deadlands - https://thedeadlands.com/
Gamut - https://houseofgamut.com/
Apex - http://www.apex-magazine.com/
Seize The Press - https://www.seizethepress.com
Cosmic Horror Monthly - https://cosmichorrormonthly.com
Skull and Laurel - https://tenebrouspress.com/
Ergot - https://www.ergot.press
The Drabblecast - http://www.drabblecast.org
Weird Horror - https://undertowpublications.com
Pseudopod - http://pseudopod.org
Tales to Terrify - https://talestoterrify.com/

carry on columbine (Matt #2), Sunday, 25 August 2024 20:04 (five months ago) link

I've definitely read a few horror short stories where it feels like an overt supernatural element was tacked on.

I don't think I've encountered this, but it sounds like an interesting switch from the "explained supernatural" endings of Radcliffe, old dark house mysteries, Scooby Doo, etc.

Brad C., Sunday, 25 August 2024 20:18 (five months ago) link

Haven't read xxxpost Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House, though I liked the movie. and expect the novel might be better, not just because they often are, with the suthor's voice and more room for detail etc, but also because I have read her We Have Always Lived Lived in the Castle, the edition with Jonathan Lethem's afterword, to which I enjoyed comparing mu own cold-read impressions (there should be more afterwords ). Awesome book, and short enough to have the tightness and impact of first-rate short stories, with room enough for more headsnaps. It's their house and they live there.

dow, Sunday, 25 August 2024 20:41 (five months ago) link

Yeah We Have Always Lived in the Castle is great, one of my favorite unreliable-narrator stories.

Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Sunday, 25 August 2024 22:01 (five months ago) link

Then there's this.from Rolling Speculative---the first comment is mine:

Also Richard Matheson, who wrote a lot of the best Twilight Zones, Speilberg's Duel, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, which Chris Carter credited with inspiring him to create The X-Files, also novels like The Shrinking Man and I Am Legend, which could be an ancestor of Breaking Bad, with the one Normal terrorizing a world of vampires, although in his mind, of course, he's Making Good. Also lots of short stories---Ward Fowler scared the crap out of me by posting this 'un on the old Rolling sf etc. thread:


my fave matheson short story, which deeply affected horror-obsessed-young-me when i read it as a boy. the whole treatment of vampirism seems very similar to the vibe that george a romero was going for w/ his movie martin, and i know romero admitted that matheson was the primary inspiration behind NOTLD. you can see why stephen king is such a big matheson fan, too - that 'naturalistic'/everyday treatment of the supernatural. again, this story reminds me v much of parts of the tobe hooper tv movie of salem's lot - vampirism as teenage yearning/disaffection

― Ward Fowler, Sunday, September 9, 2012

dow, Sunday, 25 August 2024 23:15 (five months ago) link


It’s theory not a horror novel itself but this is good and there are good recs in there.

treeship 2, Sunday, 25 August 2024 23:21 (five months ago) link

Just read a Matheson short story collection a few months ago, dude was fucked up

brimstead, Sunday, 25 August 2024 23:35 (five months ago) link

Thx treeship, that looks like a good read.

Blitz Primary (tipsy mothra), Monday, 26 August 2024 01:00 (five months ago) link

I picked up a Robert Aickman short story collection from the local bookshop a few weeks ago. It had one of those staff recommendation blurbs and a cover description that made it seem up my street, but I ended up feeling a bit bored with it and ultimately missold, like yeah the stories are a bit 'weird' but they are slow and often vague and don't impart enough creepiness or dread or unease for me.

The most unsettled I felt was when I went to shelve the book and saw that I already own another Aickman collection that I have absolutely no memory of purchasing, which is super unusual for me because With almost all of my other books I remember why or where or when I got them, but the circumstances of this one are a total mystery to me. A bookmark a couple stories in suggests past me didn't really get on with him either.

salsa shark, Friday, 30 August 2024 16:39 (five months ago) link

I recently read my first Daphne Du Maurier, Don't Look Now, AKA Not After Midnight: long stories, but didn't seem too slow or vague, def got creepiness, dread, unease.

dow, Friday, 30 August 2024 20:08 (five months ago) link

Re-titled Don't Look Now, at least for US, after the movie came out.

dow, Friday, 30 August 2024 20:10 (five months ago) link

Aickman rules. 'Swords' is one of the most disturbing stories I've ever read.

I would prefer not to. (Chinaski), Friday, 30 August 2024 20:34 (five months ago) link

The Aickman anecdote about not realising you already had an Aickman collection is quite Aickman-esque, one of his lesser tales maybe.

the deep cut is the firstest (Matt #2), Saturday, 31 August 2024 00:04 (five months ago) link

What the fuck, I also bought an Aickman collection this week (but I knew I already had one.) Which has "The Swords" in it. Fucking amazing and awful.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Saturday, 31 August 2024 02:42 (five months ago) link

there is a new stephen king story collection with previously unpublished stories including a post-pandemic cujo-related novella!

also this:

"Paying tribute to author Cormac McCarthy upon his death in June 2023, King previewed The Dreamers, a story he had written while reading McCarthy's 2022 book The Passenger. He described The Dreamers as "very much under the influence of McCarthy's prose" and "very much in McCarthy's style". In August 2023, King noted The Dreamers as a rare example of one of his stories that he himself was scared by, describing it as "so creepy" that he "couldn't think about it at night". The Dreamers was published in 2024 as part of King's collection You Like It Darker. The story was dedicated to McCarthy, and to the fantasy author Evangeline Walton."

scott seward, Saturday, 31 August 2024 02:47 (five months ago) link

i haven't read king in decades though...

scott seward, Saturday, 31 August 2024 02:47 (five months ago) link

i have a nice first edition of this and i still haven't read it.


scott seward, Saturday, 31 August 2024 02:49 (five months ago) link

aickman had a good look.


scott seward, Saturday, 31 August 2024 02:50 (five months ago) link

The Aickman anecdote about not realising you already had an Aickman collection is quite Aickman-esque, one of his lesser tales maybe.

And one of the more concise and clear ones, yes.

Neither of my collections have Swords. I feel left out!

salsa shark, Saturday, 31 August 2024 09:03 (five months ago) link

I really enjoyed 3 of the 4 Aickman stories I've read but never felt compelled to bump him up the to-be-read pile, just someone I hope to read more of eventually. His body of work has a sparkling reputation for consistency, being able to keep exploring the same obsessions with novelty and freshness (or so I hear)

Robert Adam Gilmour, Saturday, 31 August 2024 20:07 (five months ago) link

New Laird Barron is good. Thematically / stylistically closer to Swift To The Chase and with some recurring characters so YMMV if you strongly preferred the first two collections. Still a cut above everyone else in his field.

ShariVari, Friday, 13 September 2024 11:28 (four months ago) link

one month passes...

was just checking my wishlist and was pleasantly surprised to see those aickman compilations are currently discounted on Amazon in the uk (amz has Unsettled Dust and Wine Dark Sea for 99p and Cold Hand In Mine and Dark Entries for 1.79, Kobo has just the first two)

koogs, Thursday, 17 October 2024 00:19 (three months ago) link

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