rolling n00b thread

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hey guys--

just got a thomas pacconi 1900-2000 classics record player for free, pretty sweet for a n00b player even if the speakers are kind of crappy. it's supposed to have a headphone out but i can't find it.

first record was 'sexual life of the savages' as a gift and i'm borrowing some beat-up velvets stuff, buffie st. marie, a time life country collection. i picked up a poco record, 'scott 3,' and 'i am the cosmos' yesterday. the last two are 4 men with beards reissues. they look nice and are heavy but 'i am the cosmos' skips on the title track! is 4MWB trustworthy/good in general?

how often should i clean the new records?

still so excited you guys and i look forward to asking more n00b questions down the line and hope others will do so as well, on this thread!

bind music up, scratch my discs up (Matt P), Tuesday, 11 August 2009 04:15 (fifteen years ago) link

return the skippy record! it takes overcoming some laziness, but youll feel happier having done it. 4MWB pressings/masterings vary by quality (i think there might be a s/d thread in ILM), but shouldnt skip!

clean your records whenever they look dusty (or maybe if the needle accumulates dust after a side), or if you hear some unexpected surface noise. no big deal, though -- some people NEVER clean their records.

69, Tuesday, 11 August 2009 17:07 (fifteen years ago) link

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