Record stores in Fort Worth?

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I'll be in Fort Worth, TX for a week in early May (I'm coming over from NZ), are there many record stores around? Mainly looking for decent selection of 2nd hand & new/reissues. Anyone have any info?

Bill E, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 02:44 (fourteen years ago) link

I posted this about a Fort Worth record store a couple weeks ago:

"I'd buy that for a dollar!" Great purchases for a buck or less

Not a very big selection there, to be honest, but a really fun store to visit anyway, if only to talk to the great Harvey Carey. (Address is 4508 E. Lancaster Ave; 817-534-0080). As for other stores, I went so far as to map a few out before visiting there a couple weeks ago, but didn't have time to look around much. There are a few Half-Price Books Outlets (just do a Google search), though; those are always pretty good for second hand stuff in Texas, though I actually didn't buy any at the one I went to. (I'm cheap, and was only looking for $1 used vinyl.)

You might also want to look into the stores at this link; I'd be curious about what you find out, for the next time I go back there:

xhuxk, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 14:32 (fourteen years ago) link

Also, Ernest Tubb's is famous for country stuff, but I didn't go there partly because it's so famous -- I'm guessing it's overpriced, and wouldn't carry many cool $1 LPs. I could be totally wrong, though:

xhuxk, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 14:35 (fourteen years ago) link

Excellent, thanks xhuxk, much appreciated. Seems like Doc's Records & Vintage may well be worth a visit too

Bill E, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 21:49 (fourteen years ago) link

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