So, the other day, a friend and I were rooting around records on a stall in Derby Market last weekend, when this unnamed and unmarked picture 12" caught his eye As it was unmarked, he felt the need to buy to solve the mystery of who it's by - Google and Shazam seem to not know, but to his ears it sounds like (paraphrased) "female-fronted 90s rock e.g. Hole, etc". Does anyone know what this is?
― unpredictable johnny rodz, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 18:33 (thirteen years ago) link
(I'm Dan, by the way, long time lurker, occasional poster. Hi!)
― unpredictable johnny rodz, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 18:34 (thirteen years ago) link
― nerve_pylon, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 18:38 (thirteen years ago) link
It's a pic of actress Eve Plumb from The Brady Bunch. The band is called Eve's Plumb.
― nerve_pylon, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 18:43 (thirteen years ago) link
Fantastic! Thanks a lot!
― unpredictable johnny rodz, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 18:47 (thirteen years ago) link