is there a name or a phrase for or anything much written about that distinctly British CREEPY VIBE prevalent in TV shows and movies of the '60s/'70s? (e.g. The Prisoner, Sapphire and Steel, Baker-era

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there was also a kind of creepy sub genre for kids in which you could include say:



and even

all terrifying to me at pre teen age. especially The Book Tower.brrr.

piscesx, Sunday, 1 May 2011 20:32 (thirteen years ago) link

Children of the Stones: Like The Wicker Man, but with ancient stone circles... for kids.

Hippocratic Oaf (DavidM), Sunday, 1 May 2011 20:56 (thirteen years ago) link

Image-wise England is way more gritty and raw, too. The landscape and the age-old history it encapsules seeps through any story you set there,

True, which also has a lot to do with the vast bulk of '60s and '70s American film and TV being shot in LA. There's definitely a sort of "sickness beneath the sunshine" vibe to some Hollywood productions that England can never hope to capture. Maybe more American horror would have had a gloomy pagan Lovecraftian feeling if the industry were centered in Boston. Cronenberg may have come the closest to capturing that English feeling in some of his '70s work, since Canada is a lot greyer.

(interesting that the U.S. doesn't have more of a tradition of ancient-Indian-curse stories --Poltergeist aside I guess. Wonder if that storyline's just too uncomfortable for the culture to handle)

Really? The ancient indian curse seems like such a cliche that it would be impossible to list how many times it was used. But again to the question of geography and architecture, there's something fundamentally different about it due to the lack of permanent native american architecture in the midst of big American cities and suburbs. It's one thing to have some Indian artifact or the land beneath your development be haunted, but it's not quite the same as your local church or pub, or entire village being taken over by a lurking evil.

So, lots of ancient architecture with pagan historical connections within easy filming distance of London, plus wartime experiences of actual invasion combined to create a fertile ground for exploring all sorts of themes of invasion and corruption from both outside and in.

wk, Sunday, 1 May 2011 21:10 (thirteen years ago) link

As a kid, The Omega Factor used to scare the living shit out of me. My friends and I used to reference bits of it out and it was shorthand for the shitting-your-pants-scary-creeping-through-derelict-house adventures we would occasionally have. Because this was only broadcast in Scotland (to my knowledge) not many people remembered it. A few years ago it came out on DVD and I snapped it up, of course it wasn't a tenth as scary, and it's so damn *slow* and everything in the sets seem to be different shades of brown, but it's still faintly eerie.

Seems like the filter of childhood remeniscence contributes to this feeling, it's always retropective but it's very attractive, for instance when I see those Ghost box covers that Julian House designs I get such a strong notion of school textbooks and suchlike from my own past.

Anyhoo, check out the titles and the relentlessly brown colourscheme

the crap gig in the sky (MaresNest), Sunday, 1 May 2011 21:40 (thirteen years ago) link

it's in my wish list, they def broadcast it in England too

bell hops (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 1 May 2011 21:42 (thirteen years ago) link

imo a good part of the creepiness is yr exposure to it a certain point in childhood/young adulthood - the supernatural is a metaphor for the not-quite-fathomed mysteries of sex and mortality that are nagging away in yr head at that point in life. of course those mysteries never quite get fathomed which means that creepiness is always going to hang around

bell hops (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 1 May 2011 21:45 (thirteen years ago) link

there's some old good k-punk posts limning this stuff, aren't they? or maybe it was just a long parenthesis whilst talking about the Fall again. but mentioned the stone tape and the later quatermass.

one wonders if you could include: those creepy public info spots ('apaches' etc); the wicker man; i had a third, but i have forgotten whilst writing this sentence. m.r. james? enh.

thomp, Sunday, 1 May 2011 21:55 (thirteen years ago) link

In a similar vein: never saw the second half of this because my dad sent me to bed on account of it being "a right load of old rubbish". He may well have been right but apparently thanks to the magic of Youtube i can find out.

xp I think the stories of M.R. James play into this but the production values on the stories they filmed make them not quite the same thing maybe?

bell hops (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 1 May 2011 21:58 (thirteen years ago) link

xpost - sorry -

oh, my original third was dennis potter

op: 'characterized by spartan production values (which are generally made a virtue of)'

i was just trying to work out whether you could draw a line around the era being talked about in terms of whether the bbc was using video or film but i don't think it quite works

but i think mb. the organising principle is that (if we accept for the moment that a lot of the effect of horror -- well, of this sort of creepiness -- is the whole unheimlich palimpsest thing, the idea that this stuff underwrites quotidian experience) this is a period where people in tv are starting to know how the conventions of tv drama have settled down, and are willing to game them -- tho not to the level of, say, the totally silly baker stories with the candy monster, or of 'ghostwatch'

so the formal characteristics of this particular vibe are on some level identical to their thematic ones, is what lends it its odd power

however i am mostly familiar with this stuff at second hand so i may well be talking out of my arse here

thomp, Sunday, 1 May 2011 22:01 (thirteen years ago) link

I've mentioned this before on other threads, but the Open University mnemonic is my all time pant crapping childhood memory and for what reason I still don't know.

the crap gig in the sky (MaresNest), Sunday, 1 May 2011 22:01 (thirteen years ago) link

The flatness of 70's video cameras goes a long way towards the vibe imho.

the crap gig in the sky (MaresNest), Sunday, 1 May 2011 22:02 (thirteen years ago) link

yeah I thought about Potter, particularly Blue Remembered Hills. Altho he is arguably working in a less explicitly supernatural way - even in something like Brimstone and Treacle - i think he is exploiting similar themes of the uncanny. Rather than Invasion, which the UK didn't really experience during WWII, I wonder how many of the writers were expressing anxieties about displacement, and specifically the displacement of city kids evacuated to a sinister-seeming countryside during the war. as well as the rearrangement of the cities caused by bombing etc.

bell hops (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 1 May 2011 22:08 (thirteen years ago) link

and I suddenly remember Penda's Fen which again is a deal better than the campier end of this stuff but rocks the England's Ancient Evil line to brilliant effect. No DVD apparently and i seem to have agonisingly lost my avi of it but copies are out there i think.

bell hops (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 1 May 2011 22:20 (thirteen years ago) link

and a quick wiki search reveals that it was written by the guy who wrote Artemis 81 and the adaptation of James' "The Ash Tree" so duh

bell hops (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 1 May 2011 22:22 (thirteen years ago) link

i was just trying to work out whether you could draw a line around the era being talked about in terms of whether the bbc was using video or film but i don't think it quite works

Well, a huge part of this aesthetic for me is the use of video for interiors and film for exteriors. When I saw Doctor Who on PBS as a kid that was one of the most immediately jarring and almost distancing elements for me. I obviously didn't know technically why it was happening but I remember that distinct feeling that parts of it felt like some kind of old educational documentary and other parts felt like a really bad public access TV show.

wk, Sunday, 1 May 2011 22:28 (thirteen years ago) link

Or actually, a soap opera is a better point of reference for that weird live video look.

wk, Sunday, 1 May 2011 22:30 (thirteen years ago) link

If you want something scary from the 1970s, you can't beat public service information films. This still gives me the creeps, 38 years after seeing it for the first time.

Cluster the boots (Billy Dods), Sunday, 1 May 2011 23:05 (thirteen years ago) link

I wonder how many of the writers were expressing anxieties about displacement, and specifically the displacement of city kids evacuated to a sinister-seeming countryside during the war. as well as the rearrangement of the cities caused by bombing etc.

Interesting idea. One thing that strikes me is the sinister sort of cuts both ways -- you get this sense of lurking pagan forces, but also the idea that "normal," middle-class postwar life is fundamentally hollow, covering over all this other stuff. Which is just normal suburban anxiety in a way, but takes a different form in a country and culture with so much history (as opposed to American suburban anxiety, where the suburbs are hollow because there's nothing underneath, no history, no anything -- or if there is, it's something recent and specific, like the Amityville Horror).

something of an astrological coup (tipsy mothra), Sunday, 1 May 2011 23:12 (thirteen years ago) link

This still gives me the creeps, 38 years after seeing it for the first time.

Jeez, yeah.

something of an astrological coup (tipsy mothra), Sunday, 1 May 2011 23:14 (thirteen years ago) link

but takes a different form in a country and culture with so much history (as opposed to American suburban anxiety, where the suburbs are hollow because there's nothing underneath, no history, no anything -- or if there is, it's something recent and specific, like the Amityville Horror).

yeah, that's what i was getting at earlier. occurred to me when thinking about the 70s-era US boom in occult-themed horror - for example, the brotherhood of satan, which i watched just a few days ago. it's set in a small, isolated town that seems to be collapsing in an orgy of unmotivated violence. turns out that a secret satanic coven is behind things, no surprise, but you never get the sense that the looming evil, however ancient the forces it might draw on, has any real history or deep connection to place. it seems, in fact, more like a foreign invader - or a commie/druggie plot from within, not to put too fine a point on it...

rosemary's baby, perhaps because it was directed by an "old world" european, positively reeks of occult history, but here even history becomes a sort of threat from without. the movie consequently seems like a battle between a placeless and superstitious anciency and the ostensibly rational modern world. to pare it down even further: between corrupt wisdom and innocent naivete, age and youth, europe and america.

upthread, wk says that, "the ancient indian curse seems like such a cliche that it would be impossible to list how many times it was used," but i'm not so sure about that. it's certainly a familiar device, but i'd hardly say that it's dominated the imaginations of american horror filmmakers over the last 50 years. and films like pet sematary and creepshow 2 (both stephen king adaptations, oddly) have often used the idea of the "indian curse" without any perceptible investment in the significance of history or landscape. poltergeist seems more interesting in this regard, given the political implications and the eventual eradication of suburban property as a sort of penitential sacrifice. then there's the shining, which allows any number of readings, but remains maddeningly vague.

i like the idea of an american horror film in which a presence or purpose coded into the landscape, something that predates european settlement, enacts itself in ways that destablize "ordinary" american life. maybe not because the presence/purpose is evil or aggrieved, but simply because its ends are different. there must be examples of this, but i can't think of any offhand...

normal_fantasy-unicorns (contenderizer), Monday, 2 May 2011 06:33 (thirteen years ago) link

i dunno. maybe i'm giving pet sematary short shrift. though it's not as direct as poltergeist in its suggestion that american comfort is built on genocide, it does invite similar interpretations. the contemporary nuclear family existing in a state of constant existential peril, threatened from one side by the very things that supply its material comforts (the road with its long-haul trucks), and from the other by a terrifying forest that conceals an explicitly forbidden history, stinking of death.

normal_fantasy-unicorns (contenderizer), Monday, 2 May 2011 06:43 (thirteen years ago) link

The Dark and Lonely Water, Billy Dods up here is sending shivers down my spine... Perfect example!

RIP Brodie, aspiring bellhop boy, 4 months old (Le Bateau Ivre), Monday, 2 May 2011 07:50 (thirteen years ago) link

voiced by donald pleasance too...

koogs, Monday, 2 May 2011 11:29 (thirteen years ago) link

Even Disney got in on this -- Watcher in the Woods is probably the first movie like this that I saw growing up in Ohio. It was really really scary at the time.

Also, The Shining to thread (re: uh oh burial grounds).

Oh, and speaking of Bette Davis, what about The Dark Secret of Harvest Home?! (The book was really good, too btw)

deez m'uts (La Lechera), Monday, 2 May 2011 13:15 (thirteen years ago) link

The cover is pretty cool -- has the same most dreadful sacrifice theme as Wicker Man, only it's set in a quasi Peyton Place sort of atmosphere. The Widow Fortune is sort of like Lord Summerisle, I guess?

deez m'uts (La Lechera), Monday, 2 May 2011 13:18 (thirteen years ago) link

Haha, we own so many of these things. In fact, just watched Penda's Fen again last night for film club. Such a strange and beautiful film.

I think the Britain = internal/forgotten histories/nature and USA = external/eradicated history/urbanity thing is spot on, actually. I want to agree that the Indian burial ground plot is a very common trope but can't think of many more examples than those already mentioned. I guess America does also have the natural spookiness of vast desert landscapes etc but I'm unsure if that's *uncanny* or something different. I guess it's less centred on the homeliness of the small British island and more on exploration of the unknown?

emil.y, Monday, 2 May 2011 13:29 (thirteen years ago) link

feel like the vibe y'all are talking about got expressed in the US via dystopian future fantasies like phase iv and the like

don't judge a book by its jpg (Edward III), Monday, 2 May 2011 13:44 (thirteen years ago) link

for some reason equivalent US examples I can think of are TV movies

dark night of the scarecrow
don't be afraid of the dark
crowhaven farm

don't judge a book by its jpg (Edward III), Monday, 2 May 2011 13:48 (thirteen years ago) link

thinking of some other "ancient evil" type US films of the 70s

burnt offerings
let's scare jessica to death
the other
lemora: a child's tale of the supernatural

don't judge a book by its jpg (Edward III), Monday, 2 May 2011 14:03 (thirteen years ago) link

I saw some of these series in the early 80's, and from the perspective of an Italian 10-yr old they seemed extremely eerie, exotic and mysterious. Sapphire & Steel and Children of the Stones were, for lack of better words, just terrifying, but as pointed out upthread even series like The Avengers seemed to have a certain, not-quite-there aura that was puzzling and fascinating.

How was Tomorrow People? I think I saw it, but I'm not sure about it.

Marco Damiani, Monday, 2 May 2011 14:34 (thirteen years ago) link

that tomorrow people sequence was heavily nostalgic for me but I can't remember a damn thing about the show itself

don't judge a book by its jpg (Edward III), Monday, 2 May 2011 15:17 (thirteen years ago) link

feel like the vibe y'all are talking about got expressed in the US via dystopian future fantasies like phase iv and the like

Yeah. I was thinking Westworld, e.g.

something of an astrological coup (tipsy mothra), Monday, 2 May 2011 15:32 (thirteen years ago) link

The closest i can think of from the US might be Twin Peaks. There was a lot of explicit nastiness going on which doesn't necessarily fit easily with the theme but the underlying idea of something ancient and evil in the woods intruding into small-town life has a lot of parallels. It's interesting as i don' think it was ever fixed at a point in history (native American curse, etc). I got the impression it predated that, in a way i'd normally associate with British or European mythology.

I LOVE BELARUS (ShariVari), Monday, 2 May 2011 16:21 (thirteen years ago) link

^ very good call

normal_fantasy-unicorns (contenderizer), Monday, 2 May 2011 17:41 (thirteen years ago) link

one year passes...

Looking to present a night of creepy-ass UK children's programming from the 70s/80s. Can anybody give me suggestions as to available stuff? This would be much easier if I could just plug a laptop into the video projector, but as it is, I'm stuck with DVDs.

I'm thinking stuff like the Tomorrow People or, if available(probably not), Children of the Stones or The Third Eye.

Steam Sale Jonesin' (kingfish), Sunday, 8 July 2012 23:14 (twelve years ago) link

Ace of Wands

Bob Six, Sunday, 8 July 2012 23:35 (twelve years ago) link

Looking to present a night of creepy-ass UK children's programming from the 70s/80s.

Where are you doing this because I'll book a plane ticket right now. When they used to show that weird block of UK shows on Nickelodeon it was pretty much my favorite thing on television.

Amoeba, Fish, Monkey, Shame (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Monday, 9 July 2012 03:22 (twelve years ago) link

Northeast Portland, naturally.

Yeah, Nickelodeon showing these in the early 80s during the Peter Davison era on PBS were a source of immense terror growing up.

Steam Sale Jonesin' (kingfish), Monday, 9 July 2012 05:04 (twelve years ago) link

children of the stones is (was) out on dvd, i have a copy...

and an amazon search for them turns up a lot of stuff in a similar vein, Shadows, Owl Service, TP, S&S...

koogs, Monday, 9 July 2012 08:42 (twelve years ago) link

see also the various public information films of the time... BFI have recently put out a dvd...

koogs, Monday, 9 July 2012 08:43 (twelve years ago) link

"Follow follow follow follow follow woof woof WOOF!
Follow that dog, woof woof
Follow that dog, woof woof
solving crime is an asset
which aint too bad for a long eared bassett
Follow that dog, woof woof
don't follow that cat, meow meow..."

Cheapest recorded tv theme tune ever?

Mark G, Monday, 9 July 2012 09:02 (twelve years ago) link

This seems to be a cheap source of public information shorts:
Lonely Water very fitting. Apparently no Apaches on there tho' :(

woof, Monday, 9 July 2012 10:43 (twelve years ago) link

here's the BFI version, with apaches

koogs, Monday, 9 July 2012 11:28 (twelve years ago) link

Scary Move 4 (dog latin), Monday, 9 July 2012 12:25 (twelve years ago) link

I remember that thing! Not particularly strongly but I don't recall being creeped out, although it is fucking weird.

The ugly-wuglies scene in The Enchanted Castle by Elizabeth Nesbit definitely qualifies, although the rest of it is distinctly uncreepy. No videos available.

ledge, Monday, 9 July 2012 16:42 (twelve years ago) link

two weeks pass...

The Stone Tape

DavidM, Tuesday, 24 July 2012 11:09 (twelve years ago) link

seven months pass...

My search for ugly wuglies brought me here. Totally agree with that creepy quality that came up in 70s/80s stuff on UK TV. Good call on Nosey Bonk, Ugly Wuglies and Sapphire and Steele.
I'd also add to that list:

- the "Boy from Space" episodes on Look and Read
- Hickory House. Some kid of possessed house where presenters interacted with an alive elephantine cushion and a mop end with a red nose:
- the big-eye-browed serial killer narrator on Words and Pictures
- Vision On(with Tony Hart/Sylvester Mccoy) - furry alive caterpillar things darting around and a guy with a white-line painter paiting pictures.
- Davros from Dr Who - I once had a highly pleasant dream where he was torturing me with hyperdermic needles.
- The blonde-mulletted hippie woman off Music Time.

These are probably completely off-topic but creeped me out also:

- Wizbit, though it's later and not quite in the same league as the above stuff. Still the disturbing product of a deranged criminal mind.
- The Dick Emery show full stop.
- most of the BBC2 Open University stuff I inadvertently stumbled on in the 70s/80s
- Horror films I shouldn't have been allowed to watch: The Ghoul, Horror Express, Island of Terror, The House that Bled to Death
- The Belfast Gang on Why Don't You(sorry but they just did)

Geronibload, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 21:23 (eleven years ago) link

(did they ever explain where Barry Morse went?)

koogs, Tuesday, 21 March 2023 22:09 (one year ago) link

Back to Canada I assume.

Maggot Bairn (Tom D.), Tuesday, 21 March 2023 22:30 (one year ago) link

So his first show was UFO, which was a weird mixture of dayglow wigs and downbeat plots where the heroes always lost. And the Space: 1999, which had some awesome spaceships but every episode consisted of Martin Landau looking worried and Barry Morse looking worried and at the end of Landau would look at the camera and say "there's no hope for any of us, or for the people watching at home, because it's 1975 and there's just no hope, no hope at all".

Ok, I've never had any desire to watch this before but now I'm sold!

Daniel_Rf, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 11:20 (one year ago) link

Barbara Bain looks worried too.

Maggot Bairn (Tom D.), Wednesday, 22 March 2023 11:43 (one year ago) link

'Black Sun' is my Space 1999 Series One go-to, absolutely batshit and bleak, until this brilliant 2001-style third act.

MaresNest, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 11:45 (one year ago) link

Really nice spooky feel to several season 1 eps in Space: 1999; there's the episode where Big Jim Sullivan is playing a coral sitar recital for the team, and that music underpins the rest of the show. Lots of ultra-wide angles, shadows and voids, and age-inappropriate scares. In season 2, the ambient lighting and colour palette get brighter, Maya solves everything by turning into an insect or whatever, and they all have a good laugh in the epilogue at Tony Anholt's homebrew. Not good!


Michael Jones, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 11:50 (one year ago) link

I'd have sold a kidney to own this.

— Scarred for Life (@ScarredForLife2) March 20, 2023

koogs, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 13:46 (one year ago) link

^ all three of them looking worried

koogs, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 13:51 (one year ago) link

lol yes I love how despite all the attempts at HEY KIDS TOYS advertising that clip still feels bleak a f

Daniel_Rf, Friday, 24 March 2023 12:24 (one year ago) link

Space 1999 is a good call, I can't think of too many contemporaneous U.S. shows that had something of that sinister vibe but that one did.

I watched the movie The Wonder (currently on Netflix) the other night on a giant TV with motion smoothing turned on, and the digital made it look very much like a low budget 70s or 80s BBC production. I thought it really added something, so if you're thinking about watching the movie, I recommend seeing it that way if possible.

but also fuck you (unperson), Saturday, 25 March 2023 20:46 (one year ago) link

Any good cultural studies type writing on the British archetype of the guy who knows more than everyone else and is a total asshole about it? Sherlock Holmes, old school Who, Saphire & Steel...

Daniel_Rf, Saturday, 25 March 2023 21:32 (one year ago) link

Henry Higgins …

three months pass...

finally trudging through The Omega Factor after being unimpressed with the first couple of eps when i first bought the DVDs years ago - it is pretty thin gruel, really terrible writing and blah characters - Louise Jameson's presence and outfits probably the high point - there SHOULD be an excellent show here, secret govt department investigating paranormal goings-on in 1979 ought to be a fuckin cracker but it just doesn't work, what a shame

meat and two vdgg (emsworth), Wednesday, 5 July 2023 01:40 (one year ago) link

seven months pass...

Jonathan Miller's Alice in Wonderland? was on bbc4 yesterday

koogs, Thursday, 8 February 2024 21:22 (seven months ago) link

I love this! I always associate in my mind with Spike Milligan's The Bed Sitting Room (I think Peter Cook is the only person who's in both?)

soref, Thursday, 8 February 2024 21:26 (seven months ago) link

it's reminding me of Valerie and her Week of Wonders a bit

koogs, Thursday, 8 February 2024 21:26 (seven months ago) link

the Ravi Shankar soundtrack reminded me of this thing in some of Milligan's work where he was raised in India, and there was this idea of India as this exotic, foreign place with strange customs, and the UK as being 'home' and normality, but ofc from his point of view it was India that was home and the UK that was was the strange exotic place - this perspective of the UK as a weird alien civilisation with odd customs

soref, Thursday, 8 February 2024 21:35 (seven months ago) link

two months pass...

I've known about the 'Dodleston Mysteries' of the early/mid 80s for a while, having come across a few mentions of a book about the events, but here is a very deep dive on YT that goes into a great deal of detail.

Very entertaining and well worth checking out, if an extremely English poltergeist story colliding with time-travelling, numinous beings from the past and future (and here is the best part) all communicating via a borrowed school BBC Micro sounds like your kind of thing.

It could have easily been a late John Wyndham novel.

And if it is a hoax, then it's a rather brilliant, complex and very creepy one.

Maresn3st, Sunday, 28 April 2024 10:12 (five months ago) link

I saw something about this a couple of years ago but I can't remember where - I don't think it was a six hour youtube series though.Time travelling poltergeist or hoax... hmm tough one. (Not to diminish the weirdness of the story!)

ledge, Sunday, 28 April 2024 15:14 (five months ago) link

"100 Years of Horror" on talking pictures tonight. from 1998, fronted by Christopher Lee. no idea of contents.

koogs, Monday, 29 April 2024 17:04 (four months ago) link

watching Men which is decidedly creepy but the folk horror aspect seems a bit too knowing, like a formula has been applied.

koogs, Saturday, 4 May 2024 17:39 (four months ago) link

the last hour of that, it turned into a different film almost. the supernatural thing saved it, i think. when it was possibly just men being men it was uncomfortable. when it all went cronenberg, it did that quite well.

koogs, Saturday, 4 May 2024 18:07 (four months ago) link

and it made the tacked-on-seeming folk horror aspect less important

koogs, Saturday, 4 May 2024 18:08 (four months ago) link

YouTube sidebar served me up some 80s Give Us A Clue episodes. There is a subtle creepiness to it, like everyone’s being forced to be jolly at gunpoint.

Chuck_Tatum, Sunday, 5 May 2024 22:20 (four months ago) link

Eg. but mostly for Bruce Grobelaar’s cardigan

Chuck_Tatum, Sunday, 5 May 2024 22:23 (four months ago) link

Also, misread Dodleston upthread as Doodletown. #onethread!

Billion Year Polyphonic Spree (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 5 May 2024 22:30 (four months ago) link

two months pass...

I've been putting off watching this for months as mr kinder warned me it was a bit gruesome. but i liked it! it worked well at being unsettling.

kinder, Friday, 19 July 2024 21:20 (two months ago) link

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