HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones - will this be just for nerds? (NO SPOILERS PLEASE)

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i'm not sure about the claim that they're 'deeper' but i'm more and more befuddled by the HBOzation of this already fairly HBOish set of books

like i was reading the wiki for it and they have introduced one new character, 'roz' -- she is portrayed by a glamour model and was given a name in the xth episode after being previously identified in the scripts as 'red-headed whore'

stay classy, HBO

thomp, Friday, 17 June 2011 13:42 (thirteen years ago) link

"deeper" in the sense that theres "more plot/more explanation" not like thematically deeper

☂ (max), Friday, 17 June 2011 13:44 (thirteen years ago) link

they should have called her "exposition whore" since that is her plot function

chupacabra - a delicious burrito (DJP), Friday, 17 June 2011 13:45 (thirteen years ago) link


jon /via/ chi 2.0, Friday, 17 June 2011 13:51 (thirteen years ago) link

i thought Ros was the redhead barmaid that Theon gets it on with in the books, or i assume at least based on her?

Roberto Spiralli, Friday, 17 June 2011 14:21 (thirteen years ago) link

she is, and she comes south.

remy bean, Friday, 17 June 2011 14:21 (thirteen years ago) link

huh huh

remy bean, Friday, 17 June 2011 14:21 (thirteen years ago) link

kinda stupid question perhaps...but i looked on amazon and it was really fucking confusing seeing which book was what, or which collections had all the books, some people were even complaining one "set" was missing a book...

In the UK, Book 3 is split into two. This might have caused confusion. It also makes me wonder if they'll split book 3 into two seasons.

Gukbe, Friday, 17 June 2011 15:01 (thirteen years ago) link

they should conflate books two and three

thomp, Friday, 17 June 2011 15:04 (thirteen years ago) link

It does kinda sound like they're doing that. In the interview with the creators in the LA Times they said they would be bringing elements of the third book into season two, so that certain characters who don't get up to much in the book don't get forgotten by viewers.

Number None, Friday, 17 June 2011 16:06 (thirteen years ago) link

yeah i'm sort of wondering if that strategy, in the long run, might also serve to shorten the number of seasons ie give them a better crack at finishing the series in less than seven arcs

all the pretty HOOSes (gbx), Friday, 17 June 2011 16:24 (thirteen years ago) link

sure, but the books are much deeper and you dont have to worry about cruddy actors or ugly sets or exposition being crammed into lesbian hooker sex.

What if I like lesbian hooker sex?

E.L. Doctorow Who (Leee), Saturday, 18 June 2011 07:05 (thirteen years ago) link

When Sansa says she doesn't want a strong, honest, good man because she wants Joffrey, does the book adequately capture the lolz that come from Arya and Ned's exchange of smirking glances?

Gukbe, Saturday, 18 June 2011 07:15 (thirteen years ago) link

wow, the 'no spoilers please' thing has really been abandoned by this thread, i should stop checking it

some dude, Saturday, 18 June 2011 16:30 (thirteen years ago) link

i think "no spoilers" refers to "no spoilers past what's happened on the show"

☂ (max), Saturday, 18 June 2011 16:35 (thirteen years ago) link

otherwise... why have a thread about a tv show

☂ (max), Saturday, 18 June 2011 16:36 (thirteen years ago) link

i thought i had seen something that hadn't happened on the most recent episode -- could be mistaken though

some dude, Saturday, 18 June 2011 16:38 (thirteen years ago) link

The interview with the showrunners upthread has a fairly sizable spoiler in like the first sentence.

Inevitable stupid samba mix (chap), Saturday, 18 June 2011 19:10 (thirteen years ago) link

Which was noted in the thread

Number None, Saturday, 18 June 2011 19:12 (thirteen years ago) link


In the spirit of "not dead unless shown onscreen," I'm wagering that the next OMGTWIST is that Ned is still alive.

E.L. Doctorow Who (Leee), Sunday, 19 June 2011 21:34 (thirteen years ago) link

wondering what happened to Arya's 'dancing' teacher myself

Gukbe, Sunday, 19 June 2011 22:40 (thirteen years ago) link

my own personal theory regarding her dancing master is too spoiler-heavy for this thread. maybe some other time..

one dis leads to another (ian), Sunday, 19 June 2011 22:50 (thirteen years ago) link

Spring 2012 to see Joffrey get some level of comeuppance.

Gukbe, Monday, 20 June 2011 02:12 (thirteen years ago) link

hate u cable tv having types

\(^o\) (/o^)/ (ENBB), Monday, 20 June 2011 02:12 (thirteen years ago) link



WHAT? Spring 2012!?!?!

21 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

My Boyfriend Could Be A Spanish Man (R Baez), Monday, 20 June 2011 02:20 (thirteen years ago) link

Wait? Spring 2012 for the next series?

\(^o\) (/o^)/ (ENBB), Monday, 20 June 2011 02:27 (thirteen years ago) link

season - whatever


\(^o\) (/o^)/ (ENBB), Monday, 20 June 2011 02:30 (thirteen years ago) link

Considering they haven't finished the scripts nor cast Stannis I'd say a year is the best you can hope for.

EZ Snappin, Monday, 20 June 2011 02:30 (thirteen years ago) link


Janet Snakehole (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 20 June 2011 02:31 (thirteen years ago) link

They start filming next month.

Gukbe, Monday, 20 June 2011 02:36 (thirteen years ago) link

...gotta admit I'm worried about a season-full (or more) of cheesy dragon f/x

You Post on ILX (Simon H.), Monday, 20 June 2011 05:31 (thirteen years ago) link

Dragon fx looked good to me.

Jouster, Monday, 20 June 2011 10:08 (thirteen years ago) link

Yeah, I thought the dragon FX looked suprisingly good!

jon /via/ chi 2.0, Monday, 20 June 2011 13:42 (thirteen years ago) link

the sound design was great and helped to sell it a bit, but I didn't find the visuals quite convincing, which would only get worse if they're, you know, 50 times bigger.

Decent finale, not mindblowing but not really trying to be. I'm intrigued by the Arya/bastard pairing, and I loved the scene with Sansa and Joffrey.

You Post on ILX (Simon H.), Monday, 20 June 2011 13:51 (thirteen years ago) link

great ep. ( *spoiler post, if you haven't watched it yet* )

i especially loved Jeor's speech to Snow. the only scene that fell flat, to me, was the one with Little Finger and Varys. what was the point of that? i was half expecting them to start making out!

this has also cemented my conviction to NOT read the books. in addition to many-another-factor - i'm enjoying not knowing what's going to happen next. seeing how they revealed Daenerys surviving the fire was just too good!

magic punani (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Monday, 20 June 2011 15:43 (thirteen years ago) link

the dragons were so cute :3

little dieter wants to FUCK (Princess TamTam), Monday, 20 June 2011 15:51 (thirteen years ago) link

final two scenes were amazing sequence to end season w/

Mordy, Monday, 20 June 2011 15:51 (thirteen years ago) link

i especially loved Jeor's speech to Snow.

Yes, that guy is awesome

the only scene that fell flat, to me, was the one with Little Finger and Varys. what was the point of that? i was half expecting them to start making out!

I thought this was cool and i dig the relationship they're setting up between the two of them. Antagonistic but with a level of mutual respect. The actor who plays Varys has been superb i think. The scene what played weirdly for me was the Grand Maester Pycelle/Ros one.

Number None, Monday, 20 June 2011 15:57 (thirteen years ago) link

the dragons were so cute :3

I am so mad that this series has made me want dragons and direwolves as pets when it's never going to happen.

I don't know who Cerebus is, and I'm 6'0 and 192 (Nicole), Monday, 20 June 2011 15:58 (thirteen years ago) link

The scene what played weirdly for me was the Grand Maester Pycelle/Ros one.

should have had the word "exposition!" flashing at the bottom of the screen imo

all the pretty HOOSes (gbx), Monday, 20 June 2011 15:58 (thirteen years ago) link

the Baelish/Varys and Grand Maester/Roz scenes both kinda sucked - the former was a little funny at least, but felt very redundant. the later was rambling and largely pointless. (I know that was the intention, but it was a waste of valuable finale time.) Would rather have checked in w/ Cersei at some point, esp. given her reaction to Joffrey's order to execute Ned last week.

You Post on ILX (Simon H.), Monday, 20 June 2011 16:02 (thirteen years ago) link

*the latter

You Post on ILX (Simon H.), Monday, 20 June 2011 16:02 (thirteen years ago) link

there wasnt any exposition in that scene, was there? it was just a character moment

little dieter wants to FUCK (Princess TamTam), Monday, 20 June 2011 16:02 (thirteen years ago) link

There was TONS of plot exposition in that scene, awkwardly wedged in around gratutious nudity.

jon /via/ chi 2.0, Monday, 20 June 2011 16:03 (thirteen years ago) link

You could get actually get a Direwolf though Nicole, they're played by a breed of dog called the Northern Inuit.

Number None, Monday, 20 June 2011 16:04 (thirteen years ago) link

yeah, but it went on waaay too long, plus he's a character we have no reason to care about. xp

You Post on ILX (Simon H.), Monday, 20 June 2011 16:04 (thirteen years ago) link

little dieter wants to FUCK (Princess TamTam), Monday, 20 June 2011 16:04 (thirteen years ago) link

tbh i can't even remember that well, my attention wandered, but it ~seemed~ like a way to give the audience some westeros history that they may need to know in the future


all the pretty HOOSes (gbx), Monday, 20 June 2011 16:05 (thirteen years ago) link

He basically just went on about the Mad King didn't he? Who we already knew about.

Number None, Monday, 20 June 2011 16:07 (thirteen years ago) link

exactly. redundant.

You Post on ILX (Simon H.), Monday, 20 June 2011 16:09 (thirteen years ago) link

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