Calif. teacher resigns after leaving family for student

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I had a friend/frat bro in college who was constantly dumping girlfriends for younger models. He went on to become an HS music teacher, and three years ago he plead guilty to multiple counts of sexual battery & gross sexual imposition for having sex with a 17 year old student. (He was 42.)

Flagpost Sitta (Phil D.), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:17 (twelve years ago) link

One of my HS math teachers was later fired for messing around with cheerleaders when his wife, the cheerleading coach, had the girls at her house for a team sleepover. He wasn't creepy, he was your normal jock dude slightly grown up and married, therefore all the football players and student athletes liked him. An asshole, yes, but in the "normal" range, unfortunately. Come to think of it, though, there were jokes even in my year about him looking at girls in tight pants.

drawn to them like a moth toward a spanakopita (Laurel), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:18 (twelve years ago) link

Holy shit Phil

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:18 (twelve years ago) link

The real punchline is that he was a musical theater major! (j/k)

But yeah, when he was a junior and senior, he dumped like three girlfriends to hook up with the latest freshman ingenues in the theater department. Also, the school at which his criminal activities happened is an all-girls Catholic school.

Flagpost Sitta (Phil D.), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:21 (twelve years ago) link

theater people and Catholic school, oh my

valleys of your mind (mh), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:22 (twelve years ago) link

I had a very pretty friend in HS and every time she asked our Trig teacher to explain something, he would come over and lean over her shoulder ostensibly so they were both looking at the same page. It wasn't a bad posture for glimpsing at boobage, either, as EVERYONE in the class knew 'cause he only ever did that with her.

Morning becomes apopleptic (Michael White), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:23 (twelve years ago) link

there is something so depressing about the pattern of behavior leading up to the moment of being hired at a school. it reminds me of that nyrb article a while back about sexual abuse by authorities in juvenile detention systems. iirc the article started out with, "adults who want to have sex with children seek out jobs in schools and juvenile prisons."

horseshoe, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:24 (twelve years ago) link

I'm happily married, in love with my wife, secure in growing older, but if my wife said "Oh, by the way Honey, I'm inviting the cheerleading squad over to our house for a sleepover this weekend," my reply would likely be something along the lines of "That sounds great. If you need anything, I'll be in Tunica County, Mississippi."

pplains, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:24 (twelve years ago) link

little do you know... this weekend, tunica county is hosting the largest cheerleading convention in the country

max, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:26 (twelve years ago) link

Here he is playing George Gould Strong in "Grey Gardens" and also his mug shot.

Flagpost Sitta (Phil D.), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:26 (twelve years ago) link


be scientific, douchebag (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:28 (twelve years ago) link

When I taught SAT prep (in my 20s) there were certainly times I found high school students attractive. Acting on it was just so completely out of the question though -- the idea was as remote as a sexual fantasy set on the moon.

simulation and similac (Hurting 2), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:28 (twelve years ago) link

the idea was as remote as a sexual fantasy set on the moon.

cue Revenge of the Nerds clip

be scientific, douchebag (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:30 (twelve years ago) link

Low gravity sex. Excellent!

Morning becomes apopleptic (Michael White), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:31 (twelve years ago) link

one small boner for man

flagp∞st (dayo), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:31 (twelve years ago) link

After years of rumor and reports by band kids (I was a choir dork), my high school band director (and leader of the creepy culty marching band) finally got caught in the act a year or two back. The student had just turned 18 so all he got was fired.

CharlieS, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:32 (twelve years ago) link

We had a case here of a local teacher who had been drugging and taking sexually explicit photos of girls that came over to his house for sleepovers with his daughter.I believe that he molested quite a few of the girls as well. One of the girls was the daughter of one of our closest still freaks me out that it could have happened to her. So awful. This is the only active link I could find to the story:

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:35 (twelve years ago) link

this is the opening of the nyrb article:

Adults who want to have sex with children sometimes look for jobs that will make it easy. They want authority over kids, but no very onerous supervision; they also want positions that will make them seem more trustworthy than their potential accusers. Such considerations have infamously led quite a few pedophiles to sully the priesthood over the years, but the priesthood isn’t for everyone. For some people, moral authority comes less naturally than blunter, more violent kinds.

Ray Brookins worked for the Texas Youth Commission (TYC), the state’s juvenile detention agency. In October 2003, he was hired as head of security at the West Texas State School in Pyote. Like most TYC facilities, it’s a remote place. The land is flat to the horizon, scattered with slowly bobbing oil derricks, and always windy. It’s a long way from the families of most kids confined there, who tend to be urban and poor; a long way from any social services, or even the police. It must have seemed perfect to Brookins—and also to John Paul Hernandez, who was hired as the school’s principal around the same time. Almost immediately, Brookins started pulling students out of their dorms at night, long after curfew, and bringing them to the administration building. When asked why, he said it was for cleaning.

horseshoe, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:35 (twelve years ago) link

so, are there any ilxors who didn't encounter a student-molesting teacher in hs?

Totes le Héros (contenderizer), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:46 (twelve years ago) link

I don't recall any at my high school.

Steamtable Willie (WmC), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:48 (twelve years ago) link

I would like to point out that my Spanish teacher, to my knowledge, never molested anyone or acted inappropriately with anyone who was a current student of his; I had also just turned 18 when he asked me if I wanted to get coffee sometime (I believe he was 24 at the time). So, while I definitely would call him inappropriate, I would not call him "student-molesting".

Vaseline MEN AMAZING JOURNEY (DJP), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:50 (twelve years ago) link

There was a math teacher in my HS who I'm pretty sure had a relationship with a 17-year-old student. I didn't really know the teacher or the student but it was something talked about and the teacher wound up leaving, so it was probably true.

simulation and similac (Hurting 2), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:51 (twelve years ago) link

Also I had a male music teacher start rubbing my shoulders in a very suggestive way and speaking to me in a hushed tone once.

It was actually a surprisingly scarring experience, although I got over it later.

simulation and similac (Hurting 2), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:52 (twelve years ago) link

Ditto with the English teacher who married his daughter's best friend; she was well out of college when that all happened.

I never knew the teacher who slept with a 15-year-old student and then claimed she had a brain tumor to deflect attention away from those allegations when people started getting suspicious.

Vaseline MEN AMAZING JOURNEY (DJP), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:52 (twelve years ago) link

There was also the time when one my friends happened to catch the school librarian making out with one of the English teachers in a bathroom stall but no students were involved in that. (I'm also not 100% sure it was the librarian; I do remember that one of the guys was my soccer coach.)

Vaseline MEN AMAZING JOURNEY (DJP), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:53 (twelve years ago) link

None at my HS.

Jeff, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:54 (twelve years ago) link

I think the takeaway is that all schools should be burned to the ground

flagp∞st (dayo), Friday, 2 March 2012 17:56 (twelve years ago) link

I've been saying that since second grade.

pplains, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:57 (twelve years ago) link

A coach at my hs was caught at home with a student by his wife. Fired, divorced, moved in with student...but not before the yearbooks had been printed. When they were distributed a few months later, one of the candid photos was of the coach and the student.

Tarfumes The Escape Goat, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:58 (twelve years ago) link

I had several attractive young female teachers throughout my adolescence who I could tell were totally into me, would've acted on it if we'd met under different circumstances

some dude, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:58 (twelve years ago) link

there were plenty of rumours and allegations about teachers among the kids at our school; none of those were actually true, it was just targeting the more eccentric-looking teachers (eg our scary latin teacher who was also the school chaplain who invariably had food stuck in his huge beard and who once scandalised parents by preaching at the school carol service that calling mary a virgin was offensive to all mothers) (in retrospect he was kind of awesome).

the two genuinely creepy teachers: 1x religious education teacher who was convicted of telephone stalking a woman (not a pupil) and left the school after that. and! the young, fit and v popular outdoor activities teacher who was also an assistant housemaster (and therefore lived on school property - with his wife and three small children) who turned out to be shagging one of the prefects in our year (we were in 6th form so i guess she'd have been 17/18). there were news crews and everything stalking the school trying to get quotes out of us, it was tremendously exciting. the teacher was instantly sacked and the prefect expelled but the prefect's ex-BFF sold her story to the tabloids because she was the kind of girl who really didn't give a fuck.

lex pretend, Friday, 2 March 2012 17:59 (twelve years ago) link

I don't think I understand more than 50% of the terms you used in that post

be scientific, douchebag (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 2 March 2012 18:01 (twelve years ago) link

i once overheard one of our english teachers telling one of my classmates he was one of the best looking boys in our year (he must have been 15/16) - i didn't think this was creepy at all at the time, maybe because she was so brisk and no-nonsense despite being young and pretty herself? also because damn, she was correct on that front

lex pretend, Friday, 2 March 2012 18:01 (twelve years ago) link

I don't think I understand more than 50% of the terms you used in that post

i actually tried to make it intelligible to americans, lol

lex pretend, Friday, 2 March 2012 18:01 (twelve years ago) link

prefect = a few favoured pupils selected from each house who get extra official duties and privileges? idk exactly what they did, i wasn't one. kind of like deputies to the head boy and head girl

lex pretend, Friday, 2 March 2012 18:03 (twelve years ago) link

who once scandalised parents by preaching at the school carol service that calling mary a virgin was offensive to all mothers


None at our school.

kinder, Friday, 2 March 2012 18:04 (twelve years ago) link

head boy? head girl?

flagp∞st (dayo), Friday, 2 March 2012 18:05 (twelve years ago) link

religious education?

be scientific, douchebag (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 2 March 2012 18:06 (twelve years ago) link


be scientific, douchebag (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 2 March 2012 18:06 (twelve years ago) link

lex pretend, Friday, 2 March 2012 18:06 (twelve years ago) link

so... standard british class system nonsense

be scientific, douchebag (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 2 March 2012 18:08 (twelve years ago) link

My neighbor, a HS teacher and coach, was arrested and spent time in jail for having had a sexual relationship with one his students.

tokyo rosemary, Friday, 2 March 2012 18:10 (twelve years ago) link

i should clarify for my conscience's sake that the teacher i'm thinking of was accused of something involving a kid, not involving one of his students. we found out about it only through rumors after he had been suddenly removed. i have no idea if he was ever charged, let alone guilty. it is a possibility that it was all a mistake and his professional life was wrecked. i always kind of like the guy, he was not a popular teacher. it's a sad and sick thing whatever the truth of the matter was.

goole, Friday, 2 March 2012 19:02 (twelve years ago) link

there was a slightly different and very class-based kind of thing at my HS, where a former star athlete dude there was about to graduate from college and got together with a v popular and athletic girl, when we were i think seniors in HS, so she was probably 18. they had obv known each other for much longer. pretty sure he came to prom and everyone thought it was just wonderful.

cue much grumbling from kids lower down the social totem pole for whom bringing their 22 year old BF to prom would not be met with much fairytale approval.

goole, Friday, 2 March 2012 19:06 (twelve years ago) link

i lived in a vv small town which had communities on two sides of a lake with two different school districts. in the district across the lake, the principal and asst principal were busted for child molestation at the elementary school. i always wonder about shit like that, b/c the hell did they ever team up? ugh. anyway, it sounded pretty terrible, to have the two biggest authority figures in a school doing that. those poor kids.

omar little, Friday, 2 March 2012 19:08 (twelve years ago) link

i lived in a vv small town which had communities on two sides of a lake with two different school districts.

Are you me??

drawn to them like a moth toward a spanakopita (Laurel), Friday, 2 March 2012 19:10 (twelve years ago) link

was your town kind of terribly conservative and ass backwards?

omar little, Friday, 2 March 2012 19:13 (twelve years ago) link

if so, yes i am you~

omar little, Friday, 2 March 2012 19:13 (twelve years ago) link


Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 2 March 2012 19:15 (twelve years ago) link

yeah the thing goole brings up is a tough call ... like, we have seniors that are dating sophomores ... they go to college, and stay involved. suddenly, they're coming back for prom.

so you have a 19 y/o man-child going to prom with a 16 y/o girl. is this okay? it's a question we've struggled with!

the late great, Friday, 2 March 2012 19:17 (twelve years ago) link

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