Matt Taibbi

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tbf we're writing in the style of an ilx post on ilx, rolling stone isn't an ilx board, last I checked

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:02 (eleven years ago) link

The point is that iatee, as usual, is being a rude asshole.

taking tiger mountain (up the butt) (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:05 (eleven years ago) link

to matt taibbi?

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:07 (eleven years ago) link

This election isn't close enough, with 0-0 being the most rational outcome.

kizz my hairy irish azz (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:12 (eleven years ago) link

I thought the basic premise of the Taibbi piece was fine--basically, what's the matter with Kansas? once again--except, unless I missed it (I read quickly), he completely disregards race. The idea that Obama would be getting some monstrous percentage of the vote if he were a better candidate, and if millions of putative Republicans wised up to their own interests, is rather naive. Give it whatever number you want, but there's some significant percentage of Republicans who just aren't going to vote for a black candidate--I never quite get why a writer like Taibbi just glides past that.

clemenza, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:16 (eleven years ago) link

fwiw I apologize to matt taibbi and have sent him some cocaine and desperate russian girls as an apology

iatee, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:17 (eleven years ago) link

that was v big of you

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:20 (eleven years ago) link

This election isn't close enough, with 0-0 being the most rational outcome.

Picturing it:

Ham Lushbaugh (Eric H.), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:22 (eleven years ago) link

taibbi's a smug libertarian misanthrope, but he can be pretty funny too. he tends to upset pedantic, self-serious weenie libs who make terrible posts - the iatees of the world

Hungry4Ass, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:28 (eleven years ago) link


wood grain, chestnut / cody, CHESNUTT (Whiney G. Weingarten), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:32 (eleven years ago) link

the taibbi piece we're talking about is a blog post btw.

s.clover, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:40 (eleven years ago) link

Pictures of people who are not mh imo ^^

purveyor of generations (in orbit), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:55 (eleven years ago) link

sorry guys forgot to tell you I'm matt taibbi

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:57 (eleven years ago) link

matt haibbi

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:58 (eleven years ago) link

mh I accidentally sent you ukrainian girls and not russian girls I hope its okay

iatee, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:00 (eleven years ago) link

my preference, really

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:02 (eleven years ago) link

wait, who's in Alfred's pic, that's not Taibbi, lol

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:09 (eleven years ago) link

I am sorry guys, I admit, I am some guy's friend who has become an ad hoc stock photo. Not Matt Taibbi. Ukrainian girls still appreciated

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:13 (eleven years ago) link

i think in some ways he traffics in indignation porn - kinda like when i mistakenly tune into democracy now in the car in the morning and hear the daily litanies of outrage - and i like to be as indignant as the next person (i love long-gone protest folk and get a thrill out of long-gone recitations of atrocities in protest folk songs for some reason. i should probably see someone about that. a punk rock anger thrill. not thrilling in the atrocities. and those kinds of songs DO inspire me. to do what i have no idea. mostly they confirm over and over again what i already know and have known for decades.) but does it effect things positively or creatively? or is it just enough to print crimes/stupidities in print and let them sit there in print and be read by people who love to be proven right about how wrong people can be? maybe anger is enough. as a motivator for people to act or opt out or start something of their own. i wonder sometimes. when you add funny to the equation it even becomes more problematic for me because i DO read taibbi as entertainment. i dunno...

scott seward, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:21 (eleven years ago) link

haha, i am totally listening to phil ochs right this second in the store! and it didn't even occur to me while writing that!

scott seward, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:22 (eleven years ago) link

taibbi is michael moore doing a hst impression

iatee, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:23 (eleven years ago) link

Greenwald does the same, and writing for The Guardian has crystallized his indigna-porn tendencies. I don't read him daily anymore, especially when I know one of the other liberal bloggers or even Conor Friedersdorf will pick up one of his arguments.

taking tiger mountain (up the butt) (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:24 (eleven years ago) link

listening to Pink while typing this

taking tiger mountain (up the butt) (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:25 (eleven years ago) link

scott seward, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 15:25 (eleven years ago) link

watching porn while indignantly reading this thread

flopson, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:04 (eleven years ago) link

I like reading Taibbi. He consistently finds (outrageous, yes) stories that I haven't heard about, explains shady financial industry goings-on clearly, and makes me chuckle.

schwantz, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:11 (eleven years ago) link

greenwalds outrage is more humane than taibbis gonzo comedy, tho obvs they are both irredeemable monsters

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:30 (eleven years ago) link

Why, because they get paid for zinging and you don't?

The Jesus and Mary Lizard (WmC), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:42 (eleven years ago) link

keep it up w/the great zing corollary work in this thread champ

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:50 (eleven years ago) link

If lag∞n is getting paid wtf have I been sending all this money to PayPal for?

a shark with a rippling six pack (Phil D.), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:51 (eleven years ago) link

NOT getting paid

a shark with a rippling six pack (Phil D.), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:51 (eleven years ago) link

thanking u for your passion lag∞n

a shark with a rippling six pack (Phil D.), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:53 (eleven years ago) link

each backer of my kickstater campaign will receive a unique handcraft zing

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:54 (eleven years ago) link

zing envy otm

DX Dx DX (dan m), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:57 (eleven years ago) link

once i publish my underground news zine none of u will be laughing

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 16:59 (eleven years ago) link


schwantz, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:04 (eleven years ago) link

you should put a 'made in brooklyn' tag after every zing

iatee, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:05 (eleven years ago) link


― schwantz, Wednesday, September 26, 2012 1:04 PM (53 seconds ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:06 (eleven years ago) link

lessons 4 taibbi fans

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:06 (eleven years ago) link


lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:06 (eleven years ago) link

once i publish my underground news zine none of u will be laughing


schwantz, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:08 (eleven years ago) link


lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:08 (eleven years ago) link

i knew one of the zing genius itt would attempt to work their magic on it

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:09 (eleven years ago) link

You ARE funny then! Phew.

schwantz, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:10 (eleven years ago) link

if only i could find some way to monetize this talent, my ultimate dream

lag∞n, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:13 (eleven years ago) link

i definitely cringe when i read taibbi now. i wonder if he/context changed or it's just me. basically i feel like righteous anger shortchanges the seriousness of problems by creating more problems. and then i also pretty much rmde at his style.

free-range chicken pox (Matt P), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:19 (eleven years ago) link

maybe just rme

free-range chicken pox (Matt P), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:19 (eleven years ago) link

really though just sigh and skim

free-range chicken pox (Matt P), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 17:20 (eleven years ago) link

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