Mystery Science Theater 3000: C/D, S/D.

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I absolutely adore this show, though I've only been able to see Sci- Fi episodes and only a handful of them at that due to infernal copyright issues (any channel wishing to broadcast it needs rights to both the episode and the film, thus only about 18 eps have been shown in the UK). So my knowledge of MST3K is very limited, but I'll add my vote to Overdrawn At The Memory Bank and Agent From H.A.R.M. - as for episodes to destroy, I haven't seen any eps that are bad but apparently the KTMA ones weren't that good, so destroy them.

Chris Lyons, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

First, the lowdown. Classic? Oh my, yes.


Favorite Episode Available on Rihno: I Accuse My Parents or Catalina Caper. Favorite Episode Overall: Alien From L.A.. Favorite Short: The Days of Our Years. Favorite Riff Sequences: The Beau Brummels at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go in Village of the Giants and Fat Linda Rondstadt in The Incredible Melting Man. Favorite Riff: The Albert Goldman/Greil Marcus ref in The Pod People and the "...Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Amityville, Copaigue, Lindenhurst and Babylon. Change at Jamaica for..." line in The Beatniks.


The fifteen-minute promo they did for Nintendo; the "sandwich" sketch at the end of The Undead; the long string of lesbian jokes in Racket Girls; and, ultimately, the movie, which while v. good, probably should never have been made; and finally, the various asinine copyright issues that pretty much will ensure its limited availability in non-bootleg form to future generations.

Michael Daddino, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The fifteen-minute promo they did for Nintendo

Herein a mystery -- what is this? Given that they're such gaming addicts I'm not surprised they did it...

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I made a boo-boo. It was actually for Playstation Magazine. Riffing was good, as you can imagine, but it was genuinely painful to watch them hawk stuff. Kinda odd that I can't find more info about it.

Michael Daddino, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Any film with Joe Don Baker or John Phillip Law is an absolute classic.

But if I'm being honest, I love nearly every one. The only one I think I would destroy is Hamlet, because the adaptation was so static and dull it was hard to make jokes from.

Nicole, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Oh, and Ned should definitely make me some tapes. The ones on sci-fi I see all the time, but I miss the old episodes.

Nicole, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Arrangements can be made. I need to get a second VCR for dubbing purposes first, though...

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

And yes, I did forget Space Mutiny, didn't I? "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!"

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Additional Commentary

I brought the subject up because I think it's high time we discussed it at length. A lot of Americans on ILx are pretty vocal about their MST3K-love, but for obvious reasons, much of the UK posse have never even seen the show. Those who have only know the Sci-Fi era shows (and can't get Rhino tapes, either), so they're only getting part of the fun.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Comedy-Central purist at all. The primary reason I got slowly peeved at the AOL NY MST3K contingent was because they were by and large vehemently Anti-Mike, going on and on about how the show was a bunch of boring crap now and how cute and sexy Joel was. I just couldn't see it. Admittedly, though, by the time MST3K left CC, the show's early, woozy charm had long faded away -- but it was replaced by something else that, while slick, was still awfully entertaining. (Charm isn't everything.) At the other end of the history spectrum, the KTMAs aren't bad at all, but all woozy charm and few laffs. Still, that won't matter if you're already a fan.

The worst movie they ever did was, easily, Monster A Go-Go. Scroungily overamped "What'd I Say"-rip at the beginning, but looooong stretches of black & white nothingness punctuated by perhaps the most infuriating cinematic anticlimax ever. Next in line is Manos: The Hands of Fate. It's my impression that MST3K almost single-handedly velcroed this flick onto the Canon of Bad Movies, and that's a good thing, because it's a startling artifact with a great story behind it.

Favorite Sci-Fi-era Episode: Jack Frost. Indeed, every episode involving a children's movie is sterling.

Best Acting in a MST3K Episode: Beverly Garland reads the riot act to The Celery From Outer Space in It Conquered The World. Bela Lugosi tells a fellow scientist off in Bride of the Monster.

Crow vs. Crow: Trace-Crow is more neurotic, Bill-Crow is more snide, yet once Bill got in the groove, I seriously think they were in equal in goodness.

Joel vs. Mike:

Extraneous thought: if in some alternative universe Catalina Caper was a good, no, GREAT movie, the Avalanches' album would be its soundtrack. Perhaps we could kindly suggest to Tim Burton a remake...

Michael Daddino, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

it's a startling artifact with a great story behind it.

I was going to throw in a link to the article with all the info, but dammit, it's expired! Your vision of a new Catalina Caper thrills and disturbs my soul.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Although I should at least throw in a link to the more or less official fan site, the Satellite News.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Manos article is here.

Michael Daddino, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

That's one of the reasons I could never get into any of the MST3K fan discussions/forums online, they all seem to suffer from this irrational hatred of Mike. It's so silly and pedantic. What's so wrong with liking Joel and Mike?

Nicole, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Why do you say the movie should not have been made, Mike?

Josh, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

For one, the movie didn't make any money, partly because Gramercy concentrated its promotional efforts on the Pamela Anderson vehicle Barb-Wire, which ended up belly-flopping anyway. Plus, I got this impression from some recent interview with a member of Best Brains (can't remember where I saw this) that they all ended up regretting ever making the thing in the first place. The whole process was too arduous and distracting and they had to deal with all the asshole suits who prided themselves on having a certain level of hepness, yet told BB to take out a joke about Bootsy Collins because they didn't know who was.

Michael Daddino, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The other weird indulgence of the AOL MSTies was the tongue-lashing Sampo, a.k.a. Chris Cornell (the guy, not the Soundgarden guy), recieved on a regular basis. People seemed real irritated at the fact that he assumed the role of King of All MSTies rather quickly, and I attribute that to minor professional jealousy and peevishness over his pro-Mike stance, all caught in a spiral of ever-amplifying regicidal loathing that you often see online. (Sampo's sometime pomposity didn't help either.) Pettiness a go-go.

Michael Daddino, Sunday, 13 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

dude, fuck all that. after joel left the show totally went to shit. joel really wanted to create a feeling with story /characters and consistancy. mike was just a hired writer. i think i read someone saying in another thread "after a while if felt like the ones running the show just didnt get 'it' "

chaki, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

As so many of us are such pynchon junkies, here's a great mst3k & pynchon link.

i is brit and loving the mst3k. it can grate if you're not in the right mood, but fuck that for a game of toy soldiers. I also liked the film (riffing on This Island Earth -- fave bit is when the alien is explaining about the fate of his planet "a-huh, yeah, yup... got ya... a-huh"

Alan Trewartha, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

In point of fact, Mike wasn't merely a "hired writer": as early as the second season, he was the Head Writer. Since MST3K was always a group effort, I think it's difficult to pinpoint one person who was responsible for any particular characteristic of the show. (Two obvious exceptions, of course, are the whole Gizmonics Institute business and the idea for the Invention Exchange.) So he may share some responsibility with Joel H. for creating the rather paternal relationship between Joel R. & the 'bots -- a relationship which, for obvious reasons, would be altered once Mike replaced Joel R. the SOL.

Michael Daddino, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The funniest episode of MST3K I've ever seen is a Gammora movie that we watched on KTMA backstage during a high school show choir competition. I can't remember the name of the movie, but the bad monster was a giant gumball machine and the episode contained one of my favorite riffs ever (7-YEAR-OLD GIRL: I love you, Gamora! CROW: Keep your shirt on, honey.). Most of the others I've seen have come from the Sci-Fi years, but "Manos" is definitely classic. I will also put in a vote for "Overdrawn At The Memory Bank" if only because it's fun to watch Raul Julia in something embarrassing, plus "Squirm" and "The Final Sacrifice".

Dan Perry, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I loved Overdrawn At The Memory Bank as a child. I believe I still have a video on it somewhere doubling up with Max Headroom.

Pete, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Ah, the AOL MSTie days. Got my first stalker out of that bunch.

Anyway, I adored the show. Was a staunch Mike defender in the Mike v. Joel days, now I'm not so sure. Favorite bit (of all time): "Are You Happy In Your Work?"

Colin Meeder, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What the fuck are you doing here, Colin? :)

Michael Daddino, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Dan -- you saw a KTMA on the air? I envy and worship you, my liege.

Colin -- yeah, I remember you were, but the stalking? No, not that.

The boards also attracted a number of true mental cases, most unforgettably KeijiKJ. He was similar to Gondola Blob in that he indulged in casebook net.kook behavior: delusions of professionalism, snottily dismissive of any random thing, threw around the word "clique" a lot. I've even heard stories that he scared the bejesus out of BB members during the first con. I personally had a thoroughly pointless argument with him about the population of the cities in California.

Concerning Mike, I'll say this: there are quite a few times during the Sci-Fi-era when he seemed to be sending out his performance via Fed Ex. Sad, because it was clear after CC he was capable of much better. But you know, a lot of the Sci-Fi-era episodes that initially seemed kinda minor and kinda eh to me now strike me as being thoroughly solid.

Michael Daddino, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

That was my first exposure to MST3K. I had no idea that it was going to become so huge; I only thought that snarky Minnesotans would find it funny!

Dan Perry, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Well, you're lucky and we hate you. There. ;-)

I'm waiting on Mike's next collection of essays and novel myself. The Megacheese collection was a scream.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Michael: With you and Dave R. here, it was simply a matter of time.

Stalking resulted from an unfortunate IRL encounter with a nice enough person. I thought it was a lovely afternoon, she thought it was TRUE LOVE FOREVER. Eek. The story resolved harmlessly enough -- she found TRUE LOVE FOREVER again with another MSTie, and this time it was returned.

Colin Meeder, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What the hell do I have to do with anything, Mr. Meeder? I've never seen you before in my life! (Weren't you supposed to get me a job?)

MST3K was never that big a part of my life - I watched it sporadically, and I always seemed to be in the wrong state of mind to truly enjoy it. I'll side with the Joel phreex, though, just because bald is sexy. (I'm getting sexier by the minute.)

David Raposa, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

DR: I'll side with the Joel phreex, though, just because bald is sexy. (I'm getting sexier by the minute.)

But wasn't Mike balder than Joel? I'm confused. No matter. I'm balder than both, and I agree with David.

Brian MacDonald, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm watching Rocketship X-M right now and it looks as if Joel is balder than Mike. I agree wholeheartedly that BALD(ING) = SEXXXY (my real and imaginary boyfriends are testament to this) but Joel really isn't bald enough to be sexy-bald.

Michael Daddino, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

grr, watch it daddino.

ethan, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Le huh?

Michael Daddino, Monday, 14 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Let me second Ned's Mike Nelson's Movie Megacheese rec. Even if you don't like or are not familiar with MST3K it is an extrodinarily funny take on a lot of overblown movies of the 80s and 90s.

Nicole, Tuesday, 15 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Had you gotten that job I mentioned, David, you'd have been laid off about five months ago. So I did you a favor by being a hopeless slacker.

I think that my slight preference for Joel has something to do with a sense that the guy's a bit . . . off, where Mike is merely charming and funny.

Colin Meeder, Tuesday, 15 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Merely? I wouldn't go that far, though he certainly projects more immediate affability. But every so often he comes out with something or takes on a role that makes you a bit nervous. Thus, when he wigged out about his old temp job in one episode, and in Time Chasers where he played his drunk angry brother or cousin, I forget which. Sure, it's a role, but he inhabited them rather well. ;-)

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 15 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Sampo once remarked that in interview, one can sense that there's something very dark and private about Mike just percolating below the surface, and that's colored my impression of him ever since. One thing to remember: "I suffer from excruciating headaches that dozens of neurologists have tried unsuccessfully to treat. I think I might be possessed."

Michael Daddino, Tuesday, 15 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I appreciate the fact that both Mike and Bridget are very private about their home life, but from the sound of it from some of Bridget's comments it's a very happy family, lots of singing and nuttiness and fun with their kids. A good reminder that the show was, after all, just a performance.

But yes, Mike has the angst in there somewhere. He just tempers it very beautifully -- thus his legendary turn as Morrissey.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 15 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Fair enough -- Mike probably *is* a churning cauldren of angst. But I think he (and his rage) are probrably more based in reality, where Joel strikes me as more otherworldly. Which I prefer (slightly, only ever so slightly) in humor.

Colin Meeder, Thursday, 17 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

one year passes...
Oh, about time for a revival (thanks in part to a recent link from Mike D.). Actually, there were a number of episodes I didn't have, mostly from the sixth season, but my Seattle trip has given me the chance to dub a lot of those from Brian's collection, yay me. Plus I finally have Daddy-O and Fugitive Alien, that took long enough!

To add to the book recommendations -- Mike N.'s general essay book Mind Over Matters is another fine read (the TV essay alone is some kinda genius, the mock 19th century novel even more so), while I very much liked Kevin Murphy's A Year at the Movies. Chris Piuma mentioned he felt it was fairly Joe Queenan-like and therefore not as distinct as it could be, but I think it was handled very well and worked as both microstudy of the moviegoing experience and general reflection. Certainly any of the ILF/film-going hounds on this board should consider reading/borrowing a copy, at least. Then there's Mike's new novel Death Rat, which I really need to order next month...

And praise to all the other castmembers doing things and the continual rolling out of more DVDs, though apparently Rhino says they've exhausted what they have the rights to right now and are looking into securing more, hopefully...

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

...although a quick check of the SatNews link sez there's some sort of further DVD thing coming out later this year, hm! Good thing to know. Also, anyone in Minneapolis can go to a writing workshop taught by Mary Jo Pehl next month, which I think would be great (I'm an unabashed fan of hers but she seems to really grate for a lot of MSTies...).

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

is this ever shown in the UK?

mark s (mark s), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

It may still be on the Sci-Fi Channel UK, but your best bet is to go on S0ulS33k and download entire episodes (which are about 700MB a pop, FWIW).

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

I've never come across it here, Mark - but I have never had the Sci-Fi Channel.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

It was certainly on (late night) on the Sci-Fi channel a couple of years ago.

N. (nickdastoor), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

Michael, I kiss you! I had no idea there were mst3k episodes on soulseek.

Nicole (Nicole), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:34 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah, that sounds great, rah Mike! Nicole, I might be able to help with dubbing too though I still need a second VCR, but also please drop me a line about another possible source...

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

FYI, Best Brains Inc. has its own little shop with some non-Rhino treasures. I highly recommend "Mr. B's Lost Shorts" which has the hands-down best short, "Mr. B Natural" - you know, the one with the ridiculously perky, questionably-gendered Neverland shill for Conn brass instruments.

"Bad touch."
"Does this mean I like guys now?"
"I feel ill."
"Spanking time!"

Ernest P. (ernestp), Sunday, 25 May 2003 15:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

It is a thing of beauty, that particular short. And chilling horror. Yeah, there are two short comps that are on DVD, but neither contain that gem. It's possible this thing Rhino is promising is some sort of basement-clearing compilation of all the various video oddities that have surfaced from Best Brains -- the second Poopie tape (the first is a DVD bonus with Manos, the scrapbook, more shorts like that, etc. But we'll see, I guess! (My other irrational hope is a full-on special edition of the movie...)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 25 May 2003 16:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

Michael, I kiss you! I had no idea there were mst3k episodes on soulseek.

Keep in mind that the fidelity on these files is sometimes suprisingly good considering the size, and sometimes fairly bad, but even the worst files usually have more than enough detail for a person to get what's going on.

I'm hoping the DVD is a Santa Claus vs. The Martians/Santa Claus double fun pak. It is going to come out late 2003, after all.

Later I may want to say something about MST3K in light of Mark's venting on Zappa, but right now I want to go to Central Park and maybe the Malevich exhibit before it starts raining (again).

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Sunday, 25 May 2003 16:33 (twenty-one years ago) link



Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 25 May 2003 19:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

Sounds like the latest crowdfund drive failed? I wasn’t impressed with what I saw of nu-MST3K, but I still wish it could, like THE SIMPSONS, go on forever nonetheless

active spectator of ecocide and dispossession (Eric H.), Sunday, 26 November 2023 15:33 (ten months ago) link

Yeah it barely cleared 2:3 of the minimum so no new episodes for now. Some of it was circumstances beyond control — SAG strike meant the public faces couldn’t promote it until well into the drive — and some of it was fallout for the protracted mess of physical rewards from the previous fundraiser. My own thought was that this was a kinda terrible time of year to do this, even with the Turkey Day hook and previous successes with that — too much in the way of holiday expenses combined with economic angst, rightly or not. Should have aimed for post holiday/tax refund time in the spring. Also a lot of people felt that the Turkey Day interstitials promoting the drive were flat, ad hoc, etc, clearly pretaped and creating an air they’d already given up.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 26 November 2023 15:57 (ten months ago) link

The contrast to RiffTrax (lower key and decidedly non-existential Kickstarters only done for the annual live shows) and especially the Mads are Back (no budget needed, just pay for a YouTube stream that you can download later) is arguably limited — both of those teams just need to record voiceovers, for a start — but still instructive. Maybe they just need to rethink expectations?

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 26 November 2023 16:00 (ten months ago) link

It’s a small thing too but last year they were hyping up The Bubble as being the worst unearthed artifact they’d done since Manos. That created expectations that turned out not to fly — it was definitely a clunky low-budget affair but one done in the LA area in the 1960s using the built-in infrastructure for that, with plenty of extras, actual professional care on some level, it felt more like a bloated Twilight Zone episode or like the season 1 Slime People filmed in similar circumstances. Manos wasn’t just truly ‘what the,’ but gained in stature the more people realized what the hell it was and helped actually define the show more widely, an actual organic landmark. For this, they should have really just relaxed.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 26 November 2023 16:09 (ten months ago) link

it's definitely been interesting seeing Joel come under sustained criticism during this campaign, "he's no businessman" etc

( X '____' )/ (zappi), Sunday, 26 November 2023 16:10 (ten months ago) link

i don't like that the new ones have CG sets. the point is that it's ramshackle and made with glue

― Its big ball chunky time

cg is cheaper than glue these days!

idk. i feel like on some level the stuff they're doing is, in terms of material conditions, sub-KTMA. not really the fault of anybody involved. i'm just not sure it's a model that _works_ in a post-UHF, hell, post-_cable_ world.

Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 26 November 2023 16:15 (ten months ago) link

Thing is I do believe he’s always been much more of an ideas guy than a money man, to his detriment if solely looked at through that lens. If he hadn’t had Jim Mallon for a partner at the start, someone who’d already gotten into some nuts and bolts on this front via indie film and local TV, the show likely would never have happened. Cinematic Titanic wouldn’t have happened further if RiffTrax demonstrated there was a model post MST to follow, and nu-MST relies on that Alternaversal team with the Matt fellow as nu-Jim, but that guy honestly has never done much for me as the on-camera hype dude, feels like he’d be trying to do that for anywhere he was employed rather than because he gets the product at heart. Maybe he’s just better behind the scenes and should have stayed that way, but this failed fundraiser, after two admittedly successful ones, shows he’s not infallible.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 26 November 2023 16:20 (ten months ago) link

Maybe SIMPSONS wasn’t really the proper analogue. Maybe MST3K has entered the 70s/80s Beatles phase.

active spectator of ecocide and dispossession (Eric H.), Sunday, 26 November 2023 16:39 (ten months ago) link

Anyway, this all said, Joel's mailout this morning strikes me as very clear-headed about it all:

Greetings, backers.

Well, we’ve come to the end of the month, and the end of the Turkey Day Marathon and this campaign.

While we’re incredibly grateful for all of the support, enthusiasm, and encouragement, it’s clear we’ve fallen short of our goal this time.

First, to be clear, please understand that that means that no one will be charged anything, and we will not be collecting anything that you pledged to this campaign , since the agreement was that we’d only collect funds if we reached our minimum goal. No charges will be put on anyone’s credit cards.

Second, and more important, please know that we’re incredibly grateful for all of your input, feedback, concerns and questions, and are thinking about all the suggestions you have made over the past month.

One silver lining is that the continued support for this campaign, and the show, may have opened up some new conversations about potential partnerships and fundraising that could be key in getting the show another season.

We’ll spend some time now exploring those, and working to integrate all of the feedback and suggestions we’ve heard from you, and will follow up again next year, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, when we’ve had a chance to regroup and have more to share downstream.

For now, whether you pledged or not, please accept our thanks and gratitude for your ongoing dedication and investment in MST3K.

We’re proud that the show continues to mean so much, to so many, and will keep working to figure out a path forward so that we can hopefully continue to #MakeMoreMST3K.

Until then, have a wonderful holiday season, and thanks again for all of your support.

Cheers and Thanks,

Joel and Team MST3K

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 26 November 2023 17:29 (ten months ago) link

Can we as a culture please just let something be a pleasant memory instead of trying to make it exist forever.

deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland), Sunday, 26 November 2023 18:53 (ten months ago) link

Hodgman seems like a good dude who really loves the thing he created & just really wants to keep doing that. I bear him no ill will for trying.

There are far worse offenders

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 26 November 2023 18:57 (ten months ago) link

Assume you mean Hodgson. Though John Hodgman would make a good Mad.

Judi Dench's Human Hand (methanietanner), Sunday, 26 November 2023 19:03 (ten months ago) link

Original MST3K was an unrepeatable coalition of talent, time, and place. I sincerely feel that the Minnesota-centeredness of the original, because from cast to writing to production it was all done in a small cow town (as they called it) and not farmed out across the continent, by a small team who all knew each other from the same small relatively supportive scene, made all the difference. They were writing all the jokers in the same room. Seeing in, for example Rifftrax, the camaraderie (not that there hasn’t been tension behind the scenes) among the cast and especially between Mary Jo Pehl and Bridget Nelson, is part of the fun. Everything we’ve learned about how nu-MST is made works against that.

deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland), Sunday, 26 November 2023 19:07 (ten months ago) link

And Joel’s heart is obviously in the right place and he had some good talent working with him on the revive. But maybe he needs to tweak the approach?

deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland), Sunday, 26 November 2023 19:11 (ten months ago) link

ugh hodgson yes xxposts

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 26 November 2023 19:20 (ten months ago) link

Can we as a culture please just let something be a pleasant memory instead of trying to make it exist forever.

― deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland)

it doesn't have to exist forever, just, like. what's joel hodgson supposed to _do_ now?

Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 26 November 2023 19:49 (ten months ago) link

this ^

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 26 November 2023 20:03 (ten months ago) link

Anyone remember TV Wheel? I liked that. Plus I’d see him do standup in a heartbeat.

deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland), Sunday, 26 November 2023 20:04 (ten months ago) link

Can we as a culture please just let something be a pleasant memory instead of trying to make it exist forever.

― deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland), Sunday, November 26, 2023 1:53 PM (six hours ago) bookmarkflaglink


that said, I too would watch a Joel standup special

Paul Ponzi, Monday, 27 November 2023 01:56 (ten months ago) link

This is good a time as any to bring up Joel's early '80s prop comic guest shots on SNL

i mean that's the truth of it, isn't it? mst3k isn't the thing hodgson is best at. the thing he's best at is _prop comedy_. in the '90s calling someone a prop comic was an insult. today it's like calling someone a rakugoka.

Kate (rushomancy), Monday, 27 November 2023 15:25 (ten months ago) link

Yes, but he was seemingly respected by the "real" comedians in the 90s. Probably because he was clearly doing his own thing.

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Monday, 27 November 2023 15:42 (ten months ago) link

Which, in the form of the invention exchange, also included prop comedy

active spectator of ecocide and dispossession (Eric H.), Monday, 27 November 2023 15:51 (ten months ago) link

Nothing wrong with attempting to keep the concept alive, but it's just the recent execution doesn't seem to be made with the focus or taste required to capture the magic.

For me the performances FEEL like modernizations such as the seemingly conscious attempt to "emulate the sensibilities of youtube/tiktok personality-driven comedy to appeal to younger audiences", but it might also just be the style of the new cast members rather than some deliberate approach based on marketing goals or whatever. Paired up with the revived thematic framework, as I mentioned, it overall has happened to come out way more juvenile than it needs to be... Like all the ingredients are thrown in the pot but upon tasting the spoon it's clear that it's not coming out the same and also not to my taste. Maybe other people like it though!

Evan, Monday, 27 November 2023 16:56 (ten months ago) link

Yes, but he was seemingly respected by the "real" comedians in the 90s. Probably because he was clearly doing his own thing.

― Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes)

i think it's more of a cultural thing, the way polka was derided by a generation even though there's nothing really wrong with polka per se. prop comedy: the polka of comedy.

Kate (rushomancy), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:10 (ten months ago) link

I ask this with some trepidation, but is there a form of comedy that's currently going through its "prop comedy in the '90s" phase?

active spectator of ecocide and dispossession (Eric H.), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:11 (ten months ago) link

Jim Breuer-style comedy? Where you make a lot of silly noises instead of jokes.

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:15 (ten months ago) link

cishet white dude edgelord comedy.

Kate (rushomancy), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:18 (ten months ago) link

cishet white dude edgelord comedy

I mean, yes, and I hope that remains out of fashion forever

active spectator of ecocide and dispossession (Eric H.), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:20 (ten months ago) link

in a better world ricky gervais would be up on stage smashing pumpkins into small piles of putrid debris

the only thing that kept cishet edgelord white dude comics remotely relevant was dick jokes, and trans women have _way_ better dick jokes than any of them do

Kate (rushomancy), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:24 (ten months ago) link

I've really tried with the reboot, but every time I sit down to watch it, I don't last five minutes.

Paul Ponzi, Monday, 27 November 2023 17:26 (ten months ago) link

Where have all the edgelords gone
long time passing
Where have all the edgelords gone
long time ago
Where have all the edgelords gone
gone to Netflix every one

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:31 (ten months ago) link

i love the show but in the years since its return i've been kind of shocked at how much money and creative energy seems to go into the non-riffing elements. i get how that stuff is more in his creative wheelhouse than movie riffing itself, and that it was obviously an extremely fun part of making the show in the 1990s. but if the difference between doing it and not doing it is raising a big budget to pay for a cast of all these different side characters and a big workshop for robot designs and sets and all this other stuff, ffs get out of your own way dude. if someone asks me what mst3k is i dont start describing the story of a space janitor who got kidnapped from the gizmonic institute, i talk about movie riffing. he doesnt need to do it alone in his basement on twitch, but there certainly is a middle way where it doesnt have to cost half a mil per episode.

waste of compute (One Eye Open), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:36 (ten months ago) link

One of many reasons I'm not into the nu MST3K

a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:38 (ten months ago) link

It's with that stuff where the scope creep becomes a problem. Too many "oh! what if we..." ideas.

At least the guard rails are firmer with the riffing portion of the show.

Evan, Monday, 27 November 2023 17:41 (ten months ago) link

I will say this: I've gone to all the nu-MST3K live shows in my area and enjoyed them. They also were kind of loose and fun and definitely less tryhard. The woman who plays Mega Synthia hosted one and she is genuinely funny.

deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland), Monday, 27 November 2023 17:52 (ten months ago) link

yeah all that hamminess works much better in a live setting with an audience

Evan, Monday, 27 November 2023 17:57 (ten months ago) link

the live show was fantastic, I went to one in....2021, i think?

a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Monday, 27 November 2023 18:23 (ten months ago) link

Can we as a culture please just let something be a pleasant memory instead of trying to make it exist forever.

― deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland), Sunday, November 26, 2023 6:53 PM (yesterday) bookmarkflaglink

Ste, Monday, 27 November 2023 18:40 (ten months ago) link

Yeah the last live go-round was end of 2021 and that was a damn treat, with the Emily-led crew and Megasynthia. (The just pre-COVID tour that was Joel's bowing-out from live touring also pretty sharp.)

Ned Raggett, Monday, 27 November 2023 19:11 (ten months ago) link

I remember this show being a thing but had never actually seen it until I watched the dreary German Hamlet episode a couple of months ago and laughed my ass off.

Deflatormouse, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 04:05 (ten months ago) link

The last time I felt that ol' mistie magic was the Cinematic Titanic live shows. Really felt like "a night out" and everyone was enthusiastic and present.

kurt schwitterz, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 17:45 (ten months ago) link

Cinematic Titanic was great, I even traveled to go to their shows. Now there’s apparently bad blood between Joel and Trace/Frank so that’s unrepeatable.

Tapioca by Jean Sibelius (Boring, Maryland), Tuesday, 28 November 2023 19:06 (ten months ago) link

I'm glad they were still on speaking terms when I caught Cinematic Titanic roughly a decade ago

active spectator of ecocide and dispossession (Eric H.), Tuesday, 28 November 2023 19:18 (ten months ago) link

Thought there was rumor that issues between them had been resolved at some point within recent years

Evan, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 20:29 (ten months ago) link

four weeks pass...

"I'd shoot Donald Regan to prove my love for Lisa Foster.”

omar little, Wednesday, 27 December 2023 01:11 (nine months ago) link

Cave Dwellers is top notch still.

Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 27 December 2023 03:06 (nine months ago) link

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