Star Wars 7 shit talk

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hl: clip of George Lucas justifying one of the various examples of pointless callback/recycling of story elements with less impact in the prequels: ''See, it's like poetry, they rhyme.'' Referred to frequently in the long Redlettermedia reviews of the prequels as evidence of GL's creative bankruptcy. See the ''crimes of george lucas'' thread for more.

Doctor Casino, Monday, 28 January 2013 13:49 (eleven years ago) link

abanana, Monday, 28 January 2013 13:56 (eleven years ago) link

It does lead to an interesting question that I'll be curious to see how Abrams addresses it, though, namely: What constitutes "a Star Wars movie?"

With the Trek property, he could basically do whatever he wanted because it was explicitly a reboot and because there isn't so much formalized structure to "a Star Trek movie." But for Star Wars, there's a very formal (ritualistic) structure to the opening few moments. I have to assume that Disney wants to stick with that, but I guess we'll see.

Gollum: "Hot, Ready and Smeagol!" (Phil D.), Monday, 28 January 2013 14:15 (eleven years ago) link

All further SW opening credits to be done like Enter the Void.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 28 January 2013 14:42 (eleven years ago) link

Would pay to see that, as long as the movie ended after the credits.

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 28 January 2013 14:52 (eleven years ago) link

So Han Solo, Yoda and Boba Fett solo movies as well as SW VII, VIII, and IX all in a span of 6 years? I guess "market saturation" is a non-word?

Emperor Cos Dashit (Adam Bruneau), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:13 (eleven years ago) link

Doesn't appear to be a problem for the Marvel franchise.

HAPPY BDAY TOOTS (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:47 (eleven years ago) link

Not saying I think its a good idea, but all of the Avengers spin-offs from the last three years or so have done well enough to at least justify their existence.

HAPPY BDAY TOOTS (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:48 (eleven years ago) link

not quite the same. All the Marvel movies were leading up to the Avengers, these Star Wars solo films don't have any reason to exist other than fan service/money

Number None, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:51 (eleven years ago) link

plus they're prequels. And we know how that goes

Number None, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:53 (eleven years ago) link

Number None otm - Avengers thing is totally unique actually

Welcome to my world of proses (Shakey Mo Collier), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:54 (eleven years ago) link

spinoffs FIRST, ensemble movie last

Welcome to my world of proses (Shakey Mo Collier), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:54 (eleven years ago) link

Marvel characters have existed as self-sustained characters for decades. Dudes like Yoda and Han Solo have only ever been seen in the Star Wars context. They haven't had their own parallel solo titles since the 60s or whatever.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:55 (eleven years ago) link

lol as if the whole avengers thing isn't one THOUSAND percent fan service

zero dark (s1ocki), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:56 (eleven years ago) link

/ money

zero dark (s1ocki), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:56 (eleven years ago) link

This would be like giving Kermit the Frog or Miss Piggy (in more ways than one) their own solo spin-offs.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:56 (eleven years ago) link


zero dark (s1ocki), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:57 (eleven years ago) link

Surprised it hasn't been done yet!

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:58 (eleven years ago) link

wait til you guys hear about the Jabba the Hut and Darth Maul movies

Number None, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:58 (eleven years ago) link

Heard the first spin-off will be Han/Yoda fan fic. "Use the force," etc.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:58 (eleven years ago) link

Would totally watch a Jabba sit-com.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:59 (eleven years ago) link

Jabba of the House.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 23:59 (eleven years ago) link

Jabba the House.
Jabba's World
Home is Where the Hut Is.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 7 February 2013 00:00 (eleven years ago) link

Surprised it hasn't been done yet!

Star Wars Holiday Special was more or less a solo spin-off for Chewbacca.

Emperor Cos Dashit (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 7 February 2013 00:10 (eleven years ago) link

30 'lacc?

schwantz, Thursday, 7 February 2013 00:10 (eleven years ago) link

❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Thursday, 7 February 2013 00:11 (eleven years ago) link

Avengers made crazy money ($1.5 billion in ticket sales) and most or all of the character movies made money too. I'm not surprised they're trying to do it again. This high-concept kiddie shit is even more profitable now that over half of the world population can afford to see movies.

abanana, Thursday, 7 February 2013 00:27 (eleven years ago) link

It's kind of funny all this stuff happening, it's basically all stuff GL was saying right after the first movie came out. Do prequels, do sequels, do movies that follow one or two characters, get different directors to put their own spin on it, etc. All that stuff pretty much should have happened right from "Empire". My guess is "Holiday Special" was such a horror that it scared him into ever letting go of the franchise again. Or at least until 2012.

Emperor Cos Dashit (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 7 February 2013 00:46 (eleven years ago) link

No Sarlacc spin-off, no credibili ... oh, wait.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 7 February 2013 01:04 (eleven years ago) link

We need a Max Rebo Band movie that follows them as they tour the dives - and hives of scum and villainy - of the universe.

DavidM, Thursday, 7 February 2013 12:18 (eleven years ago) link

We need a 3-D concert movie.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 7 February 2013 12:56 (eleven years ago) link

how's life, Thursday, 7 February 2013 13:17 (eleven years ago) link

the originals basically ARE 3d concert movies at this point.

zero dark (s1ocki), Thursday, 7 February 2013 16:22 (eleven years ago) link

I'm not sure if you know this, but in the Star Wars "extended universe", i.e. SW comic books/novels/video games, there have already been numerous solo stories for Han Solo, Yoda, and Boba Fett... And I'm almost certain Jabba and Dart Maul have had ones too. So it't not like this is some shocking new development.

Tuomas, Friday, 8 February 2013 08:42 (eleven years ago) link

It's shocking to fans who don't give a shit about the comic books / novels / video games, which is most of them.

Also the Jabba and Darth Maul films are a joke.

Andrew Farrell, Friday, 8 February 2013 09:07 (eleven years ago) link

so what will become of "G-level canon" now that a main-sequence movie sans G is going to come out?

Women, Fire, and Dangerous Zings (silby), Friday, 8 February 2013 09:17 (eleven years ago) link

It's shocking to fans who don't give a shit about the comic books / novels / video games, which is most of them.

Is it really? Lots and lots of big fiction franchises have done spinoffs based on popular characters, why would it be shocking or weird that SW has done that too?

And I got it that Jabba and Darth Maul movies were a joke, my point was just that it isn't a very good joke, since spin-offs about them most likely already exist.

Tuomas, Friday, 8 February 2013 10:25 (eleven years ago) link

Yes, but most fiction franchises that have done this (I'm curious as to which ones you mean, though) don't have a history of grossing half a billion dollars per instance*

*The Clone Wars is admittedly a bit of an exception here, more on the lines of the Ewoks films.

Andrew Farrell, Friday, 8 February 2013 10:46 (eleven years ago) link

(I'm curious as to which ones you mean, though)

Superman, Batman, X-Men, Indiana Jones (if you count Young Indy as a separate character from Old Indy), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friends, The Mummy, , etc etc. The only really big fiction franchise I can't think of that has (AFAIK) no spin-offs whatsoever is Lord of The Rings, and I assume that's because Tolkien's estate forbids to create any new spin-offs that aren't based on his original writings.

And yeah, the Ewoks movies are actually a good example of Star Wars already having done this.

Tuomas, Friday, 8 February 2013 10:57 (eleven years ago) link

Though I guess LoTR RPGs and computer games are technically "new fiction" based on Tolkien. But AFAIK there no official LoTR movies, TV series, comics, etc that wouldn't be based on Tolkien's own material.

Tuomas, Friday, 8 February 2013 11:00 (eleven years ago) link

"there are no official"

Tuomas, Friday, 8 February 2013 11:00 (eleven years ago) link

afaik there's no spinoffs of The Godfather

Matt Armstrong, Friday, 8 February 2013 11:15 (eleven years ago) link

There's a videogame at least, but I think that follows the plot of the movie?

Tuomas, Friday, 8 February 2013 11:30 (eleven years ago) link

It's shocking to fans who don't give a shit about the comic books / novels / video games, which is most of them.

Little bit of question-begging going on w/this statement.

Gollum: "Hot, Ready and Smeagol!" (Phil D.), Friday, 8 February 2013 11:48 (eleven years ago) link

There are a lot of solo Star Wars spin-offs on my blog. Also, the characters have sex with each other a lot.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 8 February 2013 12:43 (eleven years ago) link

Mark Hamill is awesome:

They're talking to us. George [Lucas] wanted to know whether we'd be interested. He did say that if we didn't want to do it, they wouldn't cast another actor in our parts – they would write us out. … I can tell you right away that we haven't signed any contracts. We're in the stage where they want us to go in and meet with Michael Arndt, who is the writer, and Kathleen Kennedy, who is going to run Lucasfilm. Both have had meetings set that were postponed — on their end, not mine. They're more busy than I am. . . .

When I found out [while making the original trilogy] that ultimate good news/bad news joke – the good news is there's a real attractive, hot girl in the universe; the bad news is she's your sister – I thought, 'Well, I'm going to wind up like Sir Alec [Guinness]. I'm going to be a lonely old hermit living out in some kind of desert igloo with a couple of robots . . .

I said to George that I wanted to go back to the way it was, in the sense that ours was much more carefree and lighthearted and humorous – in my opinion, anyway. And another thing I'd want to make sure of is are we going to have the whole gang back? Is Carrie and Harrison and Billy Dee and Tony Daniels, everybody that's around from the original [returning]? I want to make sure that everybody's on board here, rather than just one...

I hope they find the right balance of CGI with practical effects. I love props, I love models, miniatures, matte paintings — I'm sort of old school. I think if you go too far in the direction of CGI it winds up looking like just a giant a video game, and that's unfortunate. … If they listen to me at all, it'll be, 'Lighten up and go retro with the way it looks.

this is called money bags (Phil D.), Thursday, 21 February 2013 14:38 (eleven years ago) link


zero dark (s1ocki), Thursday, 21 February 2013 14:48 (eleven years ago) link

Let him direct, shit

Emperor Cos Dashit (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 21 February 2013 15:30 (eleven years ago) link


set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 21 February 2013 16:42 (eleven years ago) link

he would know:

abanana, Thursday, 21 February 2013 16:46 (eleven years ago) link

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