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乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 16:05 (eleven years ago) link

How about good food?

pplains, Sunday, 22 September 2013 16:07 (eleven years ago) link

what is good food? *strokes chin*

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 16:09 (eleven years ago) link

Seeing how most places are very keen to let newly arrived late diners know about the kitchen countdown, I'm sure the kitchen staff were more pissed off with this waitress than you could ever be. Still, it's a no-brainer for staff to provide all the menus you need at the outset, and save herself a bunch of bother by quickly getting on top of both food and drinks orders when it's that late in the evening's service. The low tip is your right here, and isn't a problem.

aldi young dudes (suzy), Sunday, 22 September 2013 16:18 (eleven years ago) link

service is service is service and one shouldn't feel entitled to good service ... when you tie the perceived quality of service to the amount of money you leave, you start getting into these issues of control using money and everything just starts to feel gross.

I like this.

Tottenham Heelspur (in orbit), Sunday, 22 September 2013 16:22 (eleven years ago) link

reminded this weekend that every restaurant on south beach automatically adds 18% gratuity because of europeans

J0rdan S., Sunday, 22 September 2013 16:23 (eleven years ago) link

rme at dayo

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:01 (eleven years ago) link

"it's just something you subject yourself to when you sit down at a restaurant"

yes when i walk into a restaurant gross to give them my business i'm gross thinking "do with me what you will"

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:04 (eleven years ago) link

i worked a service job past few months, we gave p awful service and received low tips but we stole lots of money from the till every shift so it worked out

flopson, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:12 (eleven years ago) link

i mean look i am the most patient person in the world when it comes to waitstaff, their jobs suck, but look, there are things you can do to not get a great tip from me. spill my drink on me and not take it off the bill? go out for a cigarette break while i wait 30 minutes for my food, and don't wash your hands? yeah, you're getting 10%. you have to do something pretty dumb, and have a don't-give-a-shit-attitude about it, but there are ways to get a shitty tip from me

having lived in thailand this summer has further made me appreciate any service at all tho, things are different over there

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:13 (eleven years ago) link

go out for a cigarette break while i wait 30 minutes for my food, and don't wash your hands?

pfft give me a break dog

flopson, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:16 (eleven years ago) link

sure here's 5 bucks, which is 10% of my bill

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:16 (eleven years ago) link

do tell us of the slights you suffered in thailand

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:17 (eleven years ago) link

tipping's great, isn't it?

caek, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:21 (eleven years ago) link

i mean let me stress again that i am very, very forgiving and patient with waitstaff. i tip at least 20% 99% of the time. i used to get into seriously ugly arguments with my mother over the way she passive-aggressively verbally abuses waitresses. i'm just saying that there are rare instances where i am ok with not tipping well, and it's not just "you suck at your job" -- i can forgive that. it's "you suck at your job and are an asshole about it"

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:21 (eleven years ago) link

please tell us about how it was different over in thailand

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:23 (eleven years ago) link

in thailand it was no biggie, service sucked but no one expected tips either so it made for a laid-back atmosphere. i remember tipping everyone from waiters to tuk-tukkers like 300% for the first few days i was there because everything was so damn cheap, until other people were like uh people don't do that here

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:26 (eleven years ago) link

how did the service suck

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:27 (eleven years ago) link

i mean my friends and i would go to this one bar like 3 times a week, the owner would give us free food and shit because we were regulars, and the girl who did the drinks would still take 20 minutes to bring us our drinks! and we were friends with her! it's not something you get mad about, things are just different, for plenty of legit reasons. i ended up giving her about a month's pay when i left anyway

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:33 (eleven years ago) link

did you ever go hungry? was the food always cold when it was brought to the table? did you taste the spit that the cooks expectorated into the food? were there cigarette butts in your maitais?

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:35 (eleven years ago) link

reminded this weekend that every restaurant on south beach automatically adds 18% gratuity because of europeans

― J0rdan S., Sunday, September 22, 2013

The mistake was not eating before going to South Beach.

first I think it's time I kick a little verse! (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:36 (eleven years ago) link

you were feeling mad at this girl for not bringing you your drinks sooner as you were eating the free food the owner had sent to your table?

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:37 (eleven years ago) link

where did i say i was mad?

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:38 (eleven years ago) link

didn't i just get through saying that my expectations for service were calibrated completely differently when i was over there?

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:39 (eleven years ago) link

lol caek

I'm not a rockist, I just hate Rap-A-Lot (sic), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:40 (eleven years ago) link

dayo, why are you trying to bait kevin into saying something racist?

call all destroyer, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:40 (eleven years ago) link

ou ever go hungry? was the food always cold when it was brought to the table? did you taste the spit that the cooks expectorated into the food? were there cigarette butts in your maitais?

“What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside? Can you take them to their places? Do you know the paths to their dwellings? Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane? Do you make it leap like a locust, striking terror with its proud snorting?"

first I think it's time I kick a little verse! (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:43 (eleven years ago) link

manifesto from an american tipper

to all british people, europeans and foreigners without tipping in their country: you don't understand/like the tipping system - i get it and i'm okay with it. different strokes, etc.

to americans who don't tip (and i assume a lot of people who are critical of the tipping system fall into this category): may you rot in the ninth circle of cheapass bastard hell.

whether you vote republican and democratic, you are the worst stereotype of capitalism incarnated, sniping and begrudging anyone who you see as taking a piece of "your" pie. i honestly believe you are constantly looking for opportunities to make a quick buck at the expense of others, and your arguments against tipping make your character transparent. there may be good reasons against tipping culture, but if so, they're nothing but fig leaves for your cheap, selfish personality.

there is a strong possibility the type of person who will steal from your friends and neighbors if you are 99% sure you won't get caught. if you do vote for progressive democrats, you are the kind of hypocrite that likes to talk about helping the working classes but refuse to put your money where your mouth is, even for a measly $3 per week.

this thread has got my blood boiling, i'm probably overstating my case, but i honestly feel that Americans who don't tip do their small part to rip apart the fabric of society. especially when you say you don't tip because librarians and bus drivers don't get tipped - I call BS.

for those of you who DO tip but have problems with the custom, may i suggest going to house parties instead of bars. at least there you can smoke, mingle with under-21s if that's your bag, and do a whole bunch of other things that may be verboten in a public setting. all without tipping. also, in any community you will find some of the best local bands playing at house shows - you would be surprised how many truly magnificent musicians never play in public settings due to insecurity/lack of confidence or obliviousness/lack of interest.

Jak, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:44 (eleven years ago) link

who the fuck says people who are critical of the tipping system don't tip?

call all destroyer, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:45 (eleven years ago) link


velko, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:46 (eleven years ago) link

got it, thanks!

call all destroyer, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:46 (eleven years ago) link

mingle with under-21s if that's your bag,


flopson, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:48 (eleven years ago) link

would like to point out just for posterity for the reading challenged that i always tip well and think that people who don't are assholes

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:50 (eleven years ago) link

dayo, why are you trying to bait kevin into saying something racist?

― call all destroyer, Sunday, September 22, 2013 2:40 PM (7 minutes ago) Bookmark

not trying to 'bait' him, trying to make him reveal what he really believes the purpose of tipping to be

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:50 (eleven years ago) link

jak can you tell me where some good house parties are? thanks.

call all destroyer, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:50 (eleven years ago) link

not trying to 'bait' him, trying to make him reveal what he really believes the purpose of tipping to be

― 乒乓, Sunday, September 22, 2013 2:50 PM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

I think most waiters themselves would agree with k3v's purpose of tipping

Neanderthal, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:51 (eleven years ago) link

i really find it hard to believe that there are differences between the level of service in thailand, and other parts of the world where they don't tip, and here. as someone who's spent extensive time in those places. k3v, you probably just had a slow server in thailand, but that's nothing to do with the fact that you don't tip her. she wouldn't come running any faster if she knew there was an extra few hundred baht waiting for her when you left. (and which you made pains to point out that you gave her anyway! but that has nothing to do with any 'service' you may or may not have received, as you yourself said.)

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:53 (eleven years ago) link

bordering a little on telling k3v his unique negative experience wasn't a valid one.

Neanderthal, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:55 (eleven years ago) link

shut up dude

flopson, Sunday, 22 September 2013 18:56 (eleven years ago) link

dayo, the point of tipping at all is because waiters work shitty jobs with no bennies. my default tip of 20-25% is generous just because i feel like it, and like the literally 2 times in my life i haven't tipped at least 20%, i still probably gave 10-15%, because even though this person was an asshole, he or she still worked a shitty job without full bennies and deserved that money. if it's "gross" to dock someone that marginal 5 bucks for being an exceptional douchebag and making me have a bad time while i gave them money, boo hoo imo

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:01 (eleven years ago) link

i also never explicitly theorized that the level of service had anything to do with their expectation of a tip, fwiw

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:05 (eleven years ago) link

k3v, you got part of that right. the reason you tip is because waiters work shitty jobs (like a bunch of other people in different parts of the service industry) and are paid below the minimum wage, legally. you tip them 20% no matter what, because america's shifted the burden of compensating them for their labor on to you, and not the restaurant. you always tip them 20%, no matter what, because there is no correlation between the amount of money you give them and the 'service' you receive. simple as that. stop thinking that you're allowed to stiff them because you thought they ignored you or didn't wash their hands or w/e. under no circumstances are you allowed to not tip them 20%. none.

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:05 (eleven years ago) link

i also never explicitly theorized that the level of service had anything to do with their expectation of a tip, fwiw

― druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, September 22, 2013 3:05 PM (2 seconds ago) Bookmark

cool, there must have been some other reason you skimped on the tip then

乒乓, Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:06 (eleven years ago) link

do you tip above what u consider the correction for shitty job with no bennies so that you can still make a point by docking 10% without being a dick?

flopson, Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:10 (eleven years ago) link

i'd think most ppl who know enough about the tipping system to be critical of it are good tippers? "well i know how horrible the tipping system is for pretty much everyone, so i'm going to protest by not giving you any money"

^^ post obviously honoring and supporting Qualcomm (zachlyon), Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:10 (eleven years ago) link

altho there are definitely some assholes who do that

^^ post obviously honoring and supporting Qualcomm (zachlyon), Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:12 (eleven years ago) link

"well i know how horrible the tipping system is for pretty much everyone, so i'm going to protest by not giving you any money"

that may not make sense to you and me, but that's really how some folks operate. it's this kind of attitude: "you may be suffering for want of a tip now, kind waiter, but trust me, it is for your own good. the system needs changing and you have to start somewhere - my not tipping you could spark a revolution that leads to a better living wage for you and your ilk! plus I get to keep five more dollars in my pocket."

Jak, Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:18 (eleven years ago) link

> america's shifted the burden of compensating them for
> their labor on to you, and not the restaurant.

i've never understood this argument well. i mean, yes, it is true in a literal sense, but it is is also slightly misleading. don't restaurant revenues come out of the customers pockets? if no one eats at a restaurant there is no money to pay wages.

Jak, Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:22 (eleven years ago) link

cool, there must have been some other reason you skimped on the tip then

― 乒乓, Sunday, September 22, 2013 3:06 PM (47 seconds ago)

no, that actually was the reason. i think in america waitstaff have a pretty good idea that for a lot of customers the tip will be tied to their perceived service, obviously for better or worse. for me personally i'm not going to tip you less because you suck at your job, but i will (in theory) tip you less, but still a fair amount, if you suck at your job and don't own up to it. i guess we disagree that tipping one dude 10-15% one time for being exceptionally shitty is poor form. that's fine. i'm a smart guy, i understand the point you're trying to make and more or less agree with where you're coming from. we just disagree on a minor point.

what i was referring to in the post you just quoted was that i didn't necessarily think the service i got in thailand was any worse because the staff didn't have the tip incentive, i'm not sure that extrapolation is valid. there wasn't necessarily a "point" to my thailand tangent other than to highlight the fact that it further strengthened my patience in the face of bad service, because in my admittedly subjective experience, the service over there was slower. wasn't mad at anyone about it, we just thought it was funny. what were we gonna do, yell at them about it? had nothing to do w/ the tipping conversation really

druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:23 (eleven years ago) link

i ended up giving her about a month's pay when i left anyway

― druhilla (k3vin k.), Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:33 (50 minutes ago)


Lama Bloody SwagYurt (Nilmar Honorato da Silva), Sunday, 22 September 2013 19:26 (eleven years ago) link

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