try glasgow more

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wanko ergo sum, Thursday, 31 January 2008 22:27 (sixteen years ago) link

Spending 24 hours in Glasgow this Saturday-Sunday. Never been before! What should I do?

G00blar, Wednesday, 6 February 2008 20:27 (sixteen years ago) link

organise a fap that no-one will go to!

ailsa, Thursday, 7 February 2008 00:50 (sixteen years ago) link

That sounds a bit harsh, ailsa!

What kind of things do you like doing, G00blar?

Alba, Thursday, 7 February 2008 09:23 (sixteen years ago) link

Sorry, meant "try and fail to organise a FAP", it's what we do.

G00blar, a walk around the shops on and around King Street (off the Trongate) tends to be a pleasant way to pass time - don't miss going into Mono (pub in Kings Court) which has a fine little record shop inside.

ailsa, Thursday, 7 February 2008 09:38 (sixteen years ago) link

Thanks, Ailsa.

I do have friends coming in from Edinburgh (they used to live in Glasgow) to hang out with me Sat evening, so coming up with a night's plan shouldn't be a problem. I guess I'm just *really* excited to finally get to Glasgow! My grandfather was born there, I've always wanted to go, but it's just never happened. It's only happening this weekend 'cause a free ticket has fallen into my lap.

G00blar, Thursday, 7 February 2008 11:32 (sixteen years ago) link

Weather's meant to be a bit miserable on Saturday, but I like a good old walk round the necropolis (spooky but lovely graveyard).

ailsa, Thursday, 7 February 2008 11:51 (sixteen years ago) link

Yeah, I was going to say the Necropolis would be worth a visit, and you're not too far away if you're in the Mono area. You could combine it with a trip to the People's Palace on Glasgow Green, which is a slightly cheesy but fun local history museum. Perhaps there'll be a picture of your granddad.

Alba, Thursday, 7 February 2008 13:34 (sixteen years ago) link

the People's Palace on Glasgow Green, which is a slightly cheesy but fun local history museum and is right next to the West Brewing Company.

onimo, Thursday, 7 February 2008 13:37 (sixteen years ago) link

Autechre are playing glasgow march 1st, prob gonna go to that

Ward Fowler, Saturday, 9 February 2008 00:33 (sixteen years ago) link

I was at Earth last night. I have a feeling there might have been some other ILX people there too, but I didn't really hunt about to identify any.

I'm also considering Autechre. How about Instal next weekend?

krakow, Sunday, 10 February 2008 08:33 (sixteen years ago) link

How were Earth? Did you see Rick Bishop too?

Have my Instal ticket and holiday time booked, getting excited now

Ward Fowler, Sunday, 10 February 2008 08:49 (sixteen years ago) link

Earth were absolutely tremendous. I wasn't expecting to like it that much, because I'm not wholly convinced on them via their albums, at least the recent ones, but they were just so tight and together and the sound was massive, yet somehow restrained/sparse (in a good way) at the same time that I was totally absorbed. Each slow thud of the bass hit you full on at their relentlessly mournful pace. It was great.

I made sure to get there in time for Sir Dickie B. since I'm a massive fan of him, and he was great, as expected. He played electric guitar, which although not quite as captivating as when he did acoustic in Mono a couple of years ago, was still pretty amazing. All kinds of Spanish and then later Indian influenced playing going on. He is a total demon on solo guitar.

Overall, much enjoyment was had. I'll try and get some photos done for later perhaps, if there's any worth posting.

I too have the weekend booked off for Instal and should be there in spades. The sad death of Yasuhi Ozawa doesn't bode well for the Sunday though.

krakow, Sunday, 10 February 2008 11:34 (sixteen years ago) link

for the first time since year 2 i'm not going to instal. the line up does nothing for me (as far as i could tell anyway, the site is near impossible to make hear or tail of) and, if last year was mostly awful, this year looks even less enticing.

jed_, Sunday, 10 February 2008 13:48 (sixteen years ago) link

OK. I'm definitely on board for the whole of Instal. I'll be there taking photos, so look out for the guy crawling around annoyingly with the camera at the front of the stage in a manky blue cycling jacket.

krakow, Friday, 15 February 2008 10:21 (sixteen years ago) link



CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
Saturday 8th march, 8pm, £5

Ward Fowler, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 22:07 (sixteen years ago) link

Will there be pie?

Madchen, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 22:16 (sixteen years ago) link

Sick Skullflower Revive

Also: Jack Rose, The Admiral Bar in Waterloo St on Sunday at 8pm (as seen in today's Metro!) - four quid


Ward Fowler, Friday, 7 March 2008 21:34 (sixteen years ago) link

I'll be at both of these, pie or no pie.

krakow, Friday, 7 March 2008 21:41 (sixteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

I'm going to both of these concerts next week - tickets are FREE!

Ircam, the famous Paris-based research and performance centre for new music, collaborates with a British orchestra for the first time in this exciting week of concerts and workshops exploring the astounding sound worlds opened up when the latest technology meets acoustic instruments.

Each of our two big concerts is divided into several sections, with intervals between them, so you can choose to attend one or more parts as you wish.

Thursday 10th April 2008, 7.30pm
City Halls : Grand Hall
Glasgow, G1 1NQ
0141 353 8000

French clarinettist Alain Billard kicks off this evening with a classic work by Ircam’s founder, Pierre Boulez. Then Ilan Volkov and the BBC SSO play a piece for orchestra and electronics by a rising star of contemporary music, the Korean Unsuk Chin, and a recent work by Dutch-based English composer Richard Ayres.

Jonathan Harvey’s epic Fourth String Quartet - a major piece with live electronics - is played by the acclaimed young Diotima Quartet from Paris, and the evening ends with the first of our tributes to the late, great Karlheinz Stockhausen.

The concert will be recorded for future broadcast on BBC Radio 3.

Saturday 12th April 2008, 7.30pm
City Halls : Grand Hall
Glasgow, G1 1NQ
0141 353 8000

After the incredibly evocative and moving Stockhausen tape masterpiece, Gesang der Jünglinge (Song of the Children), the Scottish Ensemble makes a guest appearance with two pieces by Xenakis, who could create a unique sound-world using only acoustic instruments.

Leading French trumpet virtuoso Laurent Bômont performs a piece with live electronics by Yan Maresz, and then one of the true originals of electro-acoustic music, Trevor Wishart, performs some of his extraordinary compositions.

The excerpts from Jonathan Harvey’s recent opera Wagner Dream make a powerfully dramatic end to an extraordinary week.

Presented by Roger Wright, Controller BBC Radio 3 and Director BBC Proms, together with Jonathan Harvey, the concert will be recorded for future broadcast on BBC Radio 3.

Ward Fowler, Thursday, 3 April 2008 12:50 (sixteen years ago) link

we did a pretty decently sized feature on them the other week. sadly, i'm working till 9 every day.

grimly fiendish, Thursday, 3 April 2008 16:22 (sixteen years ago) link

thanks for the heads up WF! have you seen any performances in the city halls? the acoustics are INCREDIBLE (even for someone like me who doesn't usually notice such things).

jed_, Thursday, 3 April 2008 16:28 (sixteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

How was the Xenakis? I wish I'd spotted it was on the City Halls are a brilliant space for sitting down and listening music.

Sandy Blair, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 20:18 (sixteen years ago) link

try doomsday more

czn, Thursday, 8 May 2008 19:50 (sixteen years ago) link

Look out for my flat.

krakow, Thursday, 8 May 2008 21:05 (sixteen years ago) link


jed_, Thursday, 8 May 2008 22:47 (sixteen years ago) link

a friend from nz'll be in glasgow soon ... apart from going to optimo (she's pretty keen to see no age), what else is there around & about to do? &, uh, what's the flatting/job situation like for yr artist types?

etc, Monday, 12 May 2008 10:37 (sixteen years ago) link

Depends on the sort of job/flat she wants. Flathunting is fast-moving at the moment (excuse the pun) because it's the end of the student year so loads of people are moving out of halls and into private accommodation, or from one shared flat to another.

Madchen, Monday, 12 May 2008 14:26 (sixteen years ago) link

Madchen, Monday, 12 May 2008 14:27 (sixteen years ago) link

this is me at the research club on saturday attempting to sing "islands in the stream" with rvth l34sk:

Tracer Hand, Monday, 12 May 2008 14:28 (sixteen years ago) link

and here is donald from the 1990s doing both parts of "to all the girls i've loved before":

Tracer Hand, Monday, 12 May 2008 14:29 (sixteen years ago) link

highlands industry, that is what we are

jed_, Monday, 12 May 2008 15:11 (sixteen years ago) link

i will be trying glasgow more for the first time may 29-june 4; anything exciting happening around then?

impudent harlot, Monday, 12 May 2008 15:15 (sixteen years ago) link

Hey Jed, did you go and see the Necks in the end? I was too broke to attend but found out after the fact that I could've blagged a freebie - dbl bummer! The City Halls is indeed a lovely lovely venue, wish more 'rock' acts played there...

Cpl of gigs I'll be going to this week -

STARS OF THE LID @ Stereo on Thursday 22nd May

TIMES NEW VIKING @ Captains Rest on Saturday 24th May

See you all there (hope springs eternal)

Ward Fowler, Sunday, 18 May 2008 19:11 (sixteen years ago) link

Ward, i missed the necks due to illness, double bummer :(

jed_, Sunday, 18 May 2008 19:48 (sixteen years ago) link

I'll be at Animal Collective & Stars Of The Lid this coming week.

I'm another one who failed to see the Necks, despite really wanting to. For me it was monetary reasons and a general lethargy.

krakow, Sunday, 18 May 2008 21:00 (sixteen years ago) link

i might be at SotL; not sure. fuck me, these past few weeks have sucked, blown and honked in various different ways.

we should, at some point, drink.

grimly fiendish, Sunday, 18 May 2008 22:22 (sixteen years ago) link

Hope you do make it along on Thursday, Grimly, and that things improve for you soon. I'm going to the gig with my friend Marc, who teaches illustration at Glasg0w Sch00l 0f Art - he's a great geezer and I think you two wld hit it off.

Ward Fowler, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 18:28 (sixteen years ago) link

Is there an ILX handshake or signal for if we think we've spotted other ILXers?

krakow, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 07:26 (sixteen years ago) link

Animal Collective were awesome last night by the way. Psychedelic joy.

krakow, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 07:28 (sixteen years ago) link

i categorically won't make it, which is a bummer. thanks for your kind words, ward: it'd be awesome to catch up with you soon, anyway.

rememberremember is supporting, apparently. i fucking love that dude an' all.

grimly fiendish, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 19:11 (sixteen years ago) link

shite, i missed both Animal Collective and Stars of the Lid at ATP, and now have missed/will miss both in Glasgow too. Ah well.

Ward, I thought I saw you in the airport on my way to ATP, but given your posting times here, I guess it wasn't you.

ailsa, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 19:14 (sixteen years ago) link

i'm going to be meeting up with Joe (aka impudent Harlot) at some point when he's in glasgow. he has friends here and he's going to be heading to optimo this sunday so maybe we can have a FAP on the sunday evening/night. i think Mono would be a good place since i think he's into his music. ailsa, i'm not trying to piss you off ;) but if anyone would like to meet there this sunday then maybe we can head somewhere else. possibly McSorleys? it would be nice to see as many people as possible and a visitor from elsewhere is a good enough reason to unite the motley crew.

also Ward Fowler - could you email me on colinohara at gmail dot com? cheers.

jed_, Tuesday, 27 May 2008 23:14 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm up for Sunday.

Alba, Tuesday, 27 May 2008 23:28 (sixteen years ago) link

i'm theoretically up for it, though i have a nagging feeling i'm already doing something (this is not an excuse to avoid mono)

ailsa, Tuesday, 27 May 2008 23:32 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm in Krakow (appropriately), so I miss the chance of my first Glasgow ILX meet-up.

krakow, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 19:59 (sixteen years ago) link


jed_, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 20:13 (sixteen years ago) link

i wish i'd went to see the 39 steps at the gft. glasgow, fuck you. i will try you more in a while.

Dy, Thursday, 29 May 2008 02:09 (sixteen years ago) link

i think i'm going to be at the theatre tomorrow night, so won't be able to make mono. wank.

grimly fiendish, Saturday, 31 May 2008 10:33 (sixteen years ago) link

Fiendish! I was praying you were on!
*high five*

Bimble Is Still More Goth Than You, Saturday, 31 May 2008 10:38 (sixteen years ago) link

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