start a victory garden and ration your IRRATIONALLY ANGRY feelings, part 3

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the older PVR, the one that has been in semi-retirement since it threw a wobbly and i bought the new one (it recovered soon after...) was somehow even worse.

recording Resident Evil last night, on channel 50 (i think), i got

Part 1 (padded at start)
Part 2 (missing the start)
Part 2 (missing the start, but padded at end)

the old pre-virgin tivo let you manually choose recordings - a channel, a start time and an end time, which would deal with this fine.

koogs, Thursday, 28 May 2020 09:13 (four years ago) link

Can you not record the short movie news programme you dont want and pad that?

This going close to the ridiculous concept on the spotify thread where you work out how much of a song you need to listen to stop the algorithm from recommending it again.

It's great when tech makes life easier.

BRAVE THE AFRIAD (onimo), Thursday, 28 May 2020 15:33 (four years ago) link

padding is global so the 5 minute thing should be padded. except it doesn't pad conseq programmes (which is kind of sensible).

if you record an hour's stanadlone thing you get 66 minutes, 3 minutes each end

if you record 2 hours one after the other you get two 63 minute programmes, the first one padded at the front, the second padded at the end. but these jigsaw programmes seem to be handled differently.

Resident Evil re-started mid-scene but when i checked i'd actually only missed about 4 seconds of corridor (and a similar amount from the end of first part). but it's jarring.

koogs, Thursday, 28 May 2020 15:42 (four years ago) link

I share your frustration because even with TiVo I have sometimes had a tough time getting certain things to record, e.g., sporting events that run long.

That said, in the olden days we used to watch stuff when it was on!

.... a child could kick a ball in the street...

... get offa my lawn...

I bless Claire Danes down in Africa (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 28 May 2020 16:41 (four years ago) link

this is rational anger but i don't care.

debit card/credit card fraud I've had happen multiple times in recent years, but it's not too difficult to deal with. but I had a fraudulent ACH transaction (or, for all I know, my bank just fucked up and processed someone else's transaction on my account). it was only for $20, which they refunded, and they told me to update all of my regularly scheduled payments.

I didn't realize just how many monthly payments I had coming out of there. It has taken me hours over several days nabbing each one off of my bank statements. sometimes I don't remember logins to the websites, or the websites make it ridiculously difficult to update the account to the new one I set up. There's one (my renter's insurance) I can't even get into because it says I'm registered, but won't let me reset the password because on that screen, it says I'm NOT ON FILE, so I have to wait until tomorrow for their call center to open.

The bank specialist I talked to didn't tell me that any pending charges that weren't processed yet wouldn't go through. a $6 pending payment from 5/26 went through. a $35 credit card payment that was pending from Discover from 5/27 did not, was returned for insufficient funds even though I had enough funds to pay it. so now I have to make an appointment with BOA to get them to pay me back for the credit card returned check fees.

all this fucking work over a $20 charge. it's taken fuckin' forever to fix.

I am a free. I am not man. A number. (Neanderthal), Sunday, 31 May 2020 16:36 (four years ago) link

this is the age of miracles and wonders

A is for (Aimless), Sunday, 31 May 2020 19:12 (four years ago) link

two weeks pass...

the word 'colorways'

crystal-brained yogahead (map), Wednesday, 17 June 2020 02:41 (four years ago) link

that's not real

j., Wednesday, 17 June 2020 02:51 (four years ago) link

I hate it too, map.

peace, man, Wednesday, 17 June 2020 10:38 (four years ago) link

i think it's okay if you're like, a professional designer. twatty buzzwords are a job requirement.

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Wednesday, 17 June 2020 10:51 (four years ago) link

Greatutm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=esfb&utm-source=fb&utm-term=listing&fbclid=IwAR3flUTFi0RZY3Q2K8b6Rjv3Y8hx32IkRcTPKpjy6Y6Db5-BHVlEu5Bxr40 pointutm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=esfb&utm-source=fb&utm-term=listing&fbclid=IwAR3flUTFi0RZY3Q2K8b6Rjv3Y8hx32IkRcTPKpjy6Y6Db5-BHVlEu5Bxr40.

an, uh, razor of love (sic), Wednesday, 17 June 2020 11:23 (four years ago) link

A (white, male) podcaster I follow has gone full-on BLM to the extent that he has stopped posting about his show and is now picking fights with his listeners for seemingly unrelated reasons (having a go at all of gen x the other day for uh making mixtapes?) and while I am entirely on his side on almost all of this (not the mixtapes thing) I am starting to feel that he is making it all about himself and not helping the cause at all. I am muting him and whining about it on here, sorry.

Anti-Cop Ponceortium (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Wednesday, 17 June 2020 11:33 (four years ago) link

Greatutm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=esfb&utm-source=fb&utm-term=listing&fbclid=IwAR3flUTFi0RZY3Q2K8b6Rjv3Y8hx32IkRcTPKpjy6Y6Db5-BHVlEu5Bxr40 pointutm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=esfb&utm-source=fb&utm-term=listing&fbclid=IwAR3flUTFi0RZY3Q2K8b6Rjv3Y8hx32IkRcTPKpjy6Y6Db5-BHVlEu5Bxr40.

The man sticking it to you?

pplains, Wednesday, 17 June 2020 12:14 (four years ago) link

My mixtapes, in retrospect, were probably pretty horrible.

pplains, Wednesday, 17 June 2020 12:14 (four years ago) link

Sic being a dick as usual. How surprising.

Stevolende, Wednesday, 17 June 2020 13:22 (four years ago) link

His post completely belongs in this thread.

pplains, Wednesday, 17 June 2020 14:32 (four years ago) link

three weeks pass...

how irrational is this anger: driving on the motorway i overtake someone in a yellow car then move back into their lane. 30 seconds later the lane slows down, i can't move back out to overtake as the overtaking lane is full but after a couple of cars there's a gap so i indicate. the yellow car comes up behind me, moves into the gap and overtakes me. obviously i overtake it again a minute later.

neith moon (ledge), Monday, 13 July 2020 10:37 (four years ago) link

lol yellow car was listening to Lita Ford and eating Twizzlers and had no idea you were the same car

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Monday, 13 July 2020 10:46 (four years ago) link

probably looked over their shoulder when overtaking as well.

neith moon (ledge), Monday, 13 July 2020 10:49 (four years ago) link

boxes with lids, that are almost-but-not-quite square, so that the lid will only fit two ways out of four, but you can't immediately tell which.

kinder, Monday, 13 July 2020 17:15 (four years ago) link

not mine but Mr Veg’s

a local deli makes these italian sausage sandwiches that are mr veg’s favorite (sausage, peppers onions on a sourdough roll). almost always, as logic dictates, they put the sausage lengthways in the bread roll

but every now and then an agent of chaos will cut the sausages in smaller lenths and put them in the bread roll *crossways*

it only happens very rarely. but it drives mr veg ~insane~

(i find it hilarious)

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 13 July 2020 17:34 (four years ago) link

Well if you give me 1.28 more seconds, I might just have one for ya!

pplains, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 13:16 (four years ago) link

people who join a virtual meeting significantly early (like 30 minutes), and start talking and acting surprised when they don't get much response

Lady Antibody (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 22 July 2020 13:26 (four years ago) link

Last spring, my son was on a zoom call with his class. The lesson concluded and everyone left, saying bye! bye! to each other.

My son walked away, but my wife noticed one little girl still in there:

Every one's gone now!
Bye chat room!

Almost would've broke her heart had it not been so funny.

pplains, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 13:32 (four years ago) link

people who join a virtual meeting significantly early (like 30 minutes), and start talking and acting surprised when they don't get much response

okay what now

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 15:22 (four years ago) link

I generally don't start our training WebEx meetings until 30 minutes prior to class start (since my OT is limited), and usually most learners don't arrive until 5 minutes prior to 10 minutes after (because our systems are so slow).

But sometimes there's one eager person who joins training mega-early and hear silence on the line (since it hasn't started yet), and start barking "HELLO, HELLO?". and I don't always reply right away because maybe I stepped away to take a leak, or I haven't yet connected to the audio portion, so they freak out and disconnect and reconnect and wonder why they can't hear anything.

it's like....we didn't start yet. we won't be starting for a half hour. relax. I usually try and say "hello" if I'm connected to audio and I hear them, and let them know we'll start in a half hour, but I've had a few people try and talk my ear off for a half hour, and it's like...I'm actually doing work right now! I'm preparing to teach your class! Give me five minutes please, then I'll listen to you talk about the TV show you watched last night!

Lady Antibody (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 22 July 2020 15:56 (four years ago) link

a local deli makes these italian sausage sandwiches that are mr veg’s favorite (sausage, peppers onions on a sourdough roll). almost always, as logic dictates, they put the sausage lengthways in the bread roll

but every now and then an agent of chaos will cut the sausages in smaller lengths and put them in the bread roll *crossways*

There's one local Italian place that makes their sausage, pepper & onion sandwiches by slicing the sausage into discs and distributing them throughout, rather than slicing them lengthways and laying them in the roll. It's fantastic; I order from them all the time for specifically this reason. (They also include slices of potato in the sandwich, and that rules too.)

but also fuck you (unperson), Wednesday, 22 July 2020 15:59 (four years ago) link

I'm probably missing something, but why not start them when it starts? Or five minutes early to let people check that their setup's working?

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 16:13 (four years ago) link

I just like to have everything up and running early so if there's any tech issue I catch it early on. I do communicate and say "hello" 5 minutes prior so people know I've seen thema nd recorded them as here. I just get wigged out by people who show up a half hour early and wanna talk me to death - esp when they know what time it starts.

Lady Antibody (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 22 July 2020 16:18 (four years ago) link

"Hello and welcome; thanks for joining. I'm going to go on mute for a while, as I'm focusing on something else. We'll start at the top of the hour."

I pity the foo fighter (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 22 July 2020 16:22 (four years ago) link

and then I go to the bar

Lady Antibody (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 22 July 2020 16:31 (four years ago) link

Yeah "focusing on something else" can certainly be "focusing on drinking enough to be able to tolerate the inanity that I am about to experience"

Please, Hammurabi, don't hurt 'em (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 22 July 2020 17:00 (four years ago) link

When anyone super famous appears on a US chat show and there's 10 fucking minutes of whooping then famous person waves and there's another 5 minutes of cheering then the host goes "ladies and gentlemen... Famous Person!" and everyone cheers for another fucking week then Famous Person says how great it is be be back on Show X or back in City Y and we go again then it's commercials.

オニモ (onimo), Saturday, 25 July 2020 21:18 (four years ago) link

Whenever Americans argue that there's as much cultural variation from one US state to the next as there is between European countries, as though France, Spain, Romania, Austria, Finland, Greece, the UK, etc., were just these lumbering monoliths with no regional diversity of their own, to say nothing of the sweeping dismissal of linguistic differences that this view implies. Drives me up the fucking wall, it does.

pomenitul, Saturday, 25 July 2020 21:25 (four years ago) link

Who has ever said that?

Now, Tuscaloosa and Auburn might be as different as Finland is from Greece, but they're actually in the same state!

pplains, Saturday, 25 July 2020 21:34 (four years ago) link

It's a really common trope in my experience. I've also heard Canadians make the exact same case (about the US, that is).

Also, I gagged at that comparison – I'd be willing to start a nuclear war over this.

pomenitul, Saturday, 25 July 2020 21:40 (four years ago) link

I hate it when I'm driving around listening to the radio, and the DJ talks about what a lovely day it is, good temp, breeze, not too humid, and I look at the thermometer on the dash and it's already several degrees higher than the high she said it would be, it's hot and humid outside and generally a windows-up AC-on kind of gross day just a few miles from wherever she must be broadcasting from.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 22:56 (four years ago) link

my dash thermometer is typically several degrees higher than the actual temperature, which is what makes me irrationally angry

contorted filbert (harbl), Wednesday, 29 July 2020 23:00 (four years ago) link

It’s sampling the temperature just above the road, for the most part, which is why it’s higher than ambient in sunny weather and colder than ambient on winter mornings.

assert (MatthewK), Wednesday, 29 July 2020 23:23 (four years ago) link

In my experience it seems higher than ambient in summer but relatively accurate in winter.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 23:28 (four years ago) link

ah i was wondering where it was getting the temp. that makes sense.

contorted filbert (harbl), Wednesday, 29 July 2020 23:38 (four years ago) link

Also, that DJ likely voicetracked her shift, and was just going off on what the forecast had said.

pplains, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 23:41 (four years ago) link

Also your car is a big piece of metal that's been sitting in the sun warming up (not least because it's simultaneously a greenhouse due to sun through windows). And also because of pavement, as Matthew notes

Gin and Juice Newton (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 30 July 2020 12:15 (four years ago) link

also cars are assholes

XVI Pedicabo eam (Neanderthal), Thursday, 30 July 2020 12:41 (four years ago) link

Well, yeah.

Gin and Juice Newton (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 30 July 2020 16:50 (four years ago) link

there's as much cultural variation from one US state to the next as there is between European countries

this is plainly wrong, wrong altogether, unutterably wrong, and simply wrong. but getting angry at such wrongness would, if pursued faithfully in all instances of wrongness, destroy one's sense of well-being in its totality, so that it certainly qualifies as an irrational anger.

the unappreciated charisma of cows (Aimless), Thursday, 30 July 2020 17:17 (four years ago) link

Some states have Circle K, some have 7-11, many have both!

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Thursday, 30 July 2020 17:27 (four years ago) link

Some have Wawa!

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 30 July 2020 17:56 (four years ago) link

There’s no trombone emoji!!

all cats are beautiful (silby), Friday, 31 July 2020 23:31 (four years ago) link

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