Charlie Chaplin: C/D

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jonathan rosenbaum is also a fan of verdoux and rates chaplin's performance in it as one of the best ever, tho sadly i don't think he's written about it at length

(The Other) J.D. (J.D.), Sunday, 12 July 2020 20:27 (four years ago) link

I had forgotten that CC really keeps the melodrama to a minimum in The Kid even though that's what people remember most. His direction of Coogan must've been the work of a savant or genius.

The whole 'heaven' dream near the end seems jarring, but it makes the point that even the Tramp's paradise turns to shit.

brooklyn suicide cult (Dr Morbius), Monday, 20 July 2020 19:45 (four years ago) link

heard that the scene in The Kid where Jackie Coogan is being taken away in the cart is so well-acted because he actually thought it was happening, not sure I would call that good direction exactly.

Anti-Cop Ponceortium (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Monday, 20 July 2020 19:50 (four years ago) link


Get the point? Good, let's dance with nunchaku. (Eric H.), Monday, 20 July 2020 19:52 (four years ago) link

“There was a scene in which we wanted Jackie to actually cry when two workhouse officials take him away from me. I told him all sorts of harrowing stories, but Jackie was in a very gay and mischievous mood. After waiting for an hour, the father said: ‘I’ll make him cry.’
‘Don’t frighten or hurt the boy,’ I said guiltily.
‘Oh no, no,’ said the father.
Jackie was in such a gay mood that I had not the courage to stay and watch what the father would do, so I went to my dressing-room. A few moments later I heard Jackie yelling and crying.
‘He’s all ready,’ said the father.
It was a scene where I rescue the boy from the workhouse officials and while he is weeping I hug and kiss him. When it was over I asked the father: ‘How did you get him to cry?’
‘I just told him that if he didn’t we’d take him away from the studio and really send him to the workhouse.’
I turned to Jackie and picked him up in my arms to console him. His cheeks were still wet with tears. ‘They’re not going to take you away[…]”
“I knew it,’ he whispered. ‘Daddy was only fooling.”

Chaplin's autobiography seems inconclusive -- Jackie might have been putting on a brave face for CC.

Irritable Baal (WmC), Monday, 20 July 2020 20:32 (four years ago) link

Jackie Coogan's parents were of course not the most compassionate people around.

Anti-Cop Ponceortium (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Monday, 20 July 2020 20:36 (four years ago) link

There's hope for the 12 year old loved City Lights and The Kid. He was blown away by Coogan too.

p.j.b. (pj), Monday, 20 July 2020 20:37 (four years ago) link

I've heard that Chaplin's book is extremely creative re provable facts.

brooklyn suicide cult (Dr Morbius), Monday, 20 July 2020 21:57 (four years ago) link

yes, whatever the deal with Coogan (who Chaplin himself seems to have treated very well as far as I know), CC himself would have multiple reasons to get cancelled today - however this is an era which has DW Griffith doing his inexcusable thing and extras and stuntmen being regularly killed, Chaplin's films are definitely at the "less problematic" end of the scale.

One thing I love about The Kid is that it's an hour long, which is the seldom-used but correct length for a comedy film.

Anti-Cop Ponceortium (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Monday, 20 July 2020 22:59 (four years ago) link

nine months pass...

I wanted to do a poll: "Chaplin: Funny? Moving?" I found this thread instead, which was all the conversation I would have hoped for. (My answer is "neither", but I respect his work.)

Halfway there but for you, Saturday, 24 April 2021 16:13 (three years ago) link

The short films are funny. Morbz not around to agree with me :(

Authoritarian Steaks (Tom D.), Saturday, 24 April 2021 16:19 (three years ago) link

misogynist dickhead

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 16:22 (three years ago) link

He hated the police though! (See above)

Halfway there but for you, Saturday, 24 April 2021 16:23 (three years ago) link

these celebrity leftists always have a few good takes, that's how they get you

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 16:30 (three years ago) link

Why don't you fuck off and stop bringing everybody down, you miserable puritanical cunt?

Authoritarian Steaks (Tom D.), Saturday, 24 April 2021 16:54 (three years ago) link

in conclusion, Charlie Chaplin was a land of contrasts.

Camaraderie at Arms Length, Saturday, 24 April 2021 16:55 (three years ago) link

Mr. Fucking Predictable.

Authoritarian Steaks (Tom D.), Saturday, 24 April 2021 16:57 (three years ago) link

how come the most heated responses I provoke on here are consistently when I talk shit about abusers

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:14 (three years ago) link

You're like a bot or something.

Authoritarian Steaks (Tom D.), Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:24 (three years ago) link

thereotically if someone who wasn't me wanted to take shots at chaplin and other great men for their abuse would there be a place for them to do so here at all or is it just too much of a fucking buzzkill every time

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:35 (three years ago) link

That would be perfectly acceptable because I don't think anyone else here goes around inspecting threads for purity of thought like a beetle-browed John Knox clone.

Authoritarian Steaks (Tom D.), Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:40 (three years ago) link

I don't know Left, posting "misogynist dickhead" in ref to a man born in 1889 doesn't really scan as a concern with abuse/abusers, it's more like stating the absolutely obvious

rob, Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:44 (three years ago) link

*theoretically bc I remember this kind of thing is what soured my relationship with elements of the forum in the first place, of course I pushed back and was less inclined to be friendly on other subjects after that. my posts are a lot milder than they could be here but mods ban me again if you want idc xps

if it's so obvious why is it so enraging for someone to take issue with and why are we still worshipping great men

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:50 (three years ago) link

I wonder if he's the most problematic person born in 1889?

Halfway there but for you, Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:52 (three years ago) link

Yes, none of us had ever heard about Chaplin's life until you showed up in the thread to school us, thank you for that. But still we worship him, cargo cult style, oh noes.

Authoritarian Steaks (Tom D.), Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:54 (three years ago) link

look you could (have) just continue(d) discussing his work and just ignore(d) my comments

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:56 (three years ago) link

charlie craplin

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 17:58 (three years ago) link

I'm happy to leave it at "The short films are funny" tbh.

Authoritarian Steaks (Tom D.), Saturday, 24 April 2021 18:01 (three years ago) link

look you could (have) just continue(d) discussing his work and just ignore(d) my comments

you didn't write your comments for others to ignore, so coming from you this comment is totally disingenuous. you wanted to be noticed, deservedly got called miserable puritanical cunt, and you pretend it's none of your doing. fuck off with that noise.

sharpening the contraindications (Aimless), Saturday, 24 April 2021 18:21 (three years ago) link

eat shit

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 18:34 (three years ago) link

fuck men

Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 18:34 (three years ago) link

eating shit may not be for everyone, i'll ask my doctor about it

sharpening the contraindications (Aimless), Saturday, 24 April 2021 18:36 (three years ago) link

one year passes...

"When Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times was released in 1936, Weil not only recognized its formidable artistic vision and philosophical import, but found herself, whole, in the story: the Little Tramp was her. The film, she realized, uncannily captured the experience of the modern factory worker who, instead of using the machines, was being used and abused by them—to the point of being eaten alive. The poor worker became a tool at the mercy of alien forces: the assembly line, the factory, the whole capitalist system. Weil loved the film, even though watching it brought her no comfort; what she saw on screen was a replay of her own anguish. Just like Chaplin’s Little Tramp, the factory turned her into a thing."

xyzzzz__, Sunday, 15 January 2023 11:09 (one year ago) link

eight months pass...

Dana Carvey shared this on FB (public post):

This is one of my favorite #SNL short films. The brilliant Robert Smigel ( Triumph the Insult Comic Dog ) wrote it - and recruited me to play #Chaplin. I thought its premise was inspired. And I never turn down an opportunity to play Chaplin. Unfortunately it never made it to air.
It played at dress rehearsal to crickets, live crickets, and we still maintain that a human audience might have liked it. Here now, for the first time, watch ‘Chaplin’ and, for the trazillionth time, enjoy the magic of #PhilHartman, #JonLovitz, and I.

an icon of a worried-looking, long-haired, bespectacled man (C. Grisso/McCain), Thursday, 5 October 2023 05:58 (eleven months ago) link

The philistines didn't get the final joke!

Hilariously, it also reminds me of a story about Paul Simon on the set of One-Trick Pony. I've never seen the movie so I have no idea which scene this refers to, but when they shot the first take, Simon talks with a supporting player who has a line that draws an enormous laugh from everyone after they yell cut. Simon picks up on this, privately talks to the director who then goes over to the other actor and says, "we're going to do another take but this time we're giving your lines to Paul."

birdistheword, Thursday, 5 October 2023 06:55 (eleven months ago) link

Anyone who's seen One-Trick Pony* probably couldn't tell you what scene that was.

*I've seen it twice and own the Warner Archive DVD-R.

an icon of a worried-looking, long-haired, bespectacled man (C. Grisso/McCain), Thursday, 5 October 2023 17:20 (eleven months ago) link

eat shit

― Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 bookmarkflaglink

fuck men

― Left, Saturday, 24 April 2021 bookmarkflaglink

Does this apply to Lennon and McCartney?

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 5 October 2023 17:28 (eleven months ago) link

It's kind of wild to think SNL has been on long enough to go from that Chaplin sketch bombing in dress to that January Jones Rear Window sketch making the cut and airing in the first 1/3 of an ep 20 or so years later.

an icon of a worried-looking, long-haired, bespectacled man (C. Grisso/McCain), Thursday, 5 October 2023 18:09 (eleven months ago) link

The original SNL did a whole parody of Fellini's La Dolce Vita - it's pretty crazy what kind of arthouse film references they've packed into the show over the years. They were rarely funny, but then again SNL was always a very uneven show - it's perfect for clip shows for that reason.

Love Chaplin. Still the greatest comic actor in cinema IMHO.

birdistheword, Thursday, 5 October 2023 19:23 (eleven months ago) link

who has a line that draws an enormous laugh from everyone after they yell cut

there's a similar story about Rodney Dangerfield on the set of Caddyshack... after he does some bit and nobody on the set laughs, he tells Bill Murray "I'm bombing out there, I'm just bombing" and Bill has to remind him that they're shooting a film, and that crew members are not supposed to laugh because it would ruin the take. Dangerfield only knew the standup world at that point

Andy the Grasshopper, Thursday, 5 October 2023 19:41 (eleven months ago) link

Odenkirk on that Chaplin sketch.

an icon of a worried-looking, long-haired, bespectacled man (C. Grisso/McCain), Friday, 6 October 2023 14:48 (eleven months ago) link

^^Includes the whole sketh for those who don't do the Facebook thing.

an icon of a worried-looking, long-haired, bespectacled man (C. Grisso/McCain), Friday, 6 October 2023 14:52 (eleven months ago) link

I think it would have appeared in either Geena Davis or Dolly Parton's shows from 1989 (the two closest to Chaplin's centennial).

an icon of a worried-looking, long-haired, bespectacled man (C. Grisso/McCain), Friday, 6 October 2023 14:56 (eleven months ago) link

This is one of those sketches that just plays better to creatives (all of whom have probably experienced others stealing their ideas) than it does everyone else

peanut filibuster parfait (Eric H.), Friday, 6 October 2023 15:24 (eleven months ago) link

a dana carvey sketch and no one laughed? say it ain’t so

Tracer Hand, Friday, 6 October 2023 15:37 (eleven months ago) link

he’s so bad at telegraphing what he’s thinking, instead of just showing off his imitation skills - IN A SILENT SKETCH - that it takes a little while to even understand what the joke is supposed to be

Tracer Hand, Friday, 6 October 2023 15:38 (eleven months ago) link

I feel like that's an unfortunate byproduct of modern-day film (and television) comedy in general, and probably a big reason why I've exponentially grown to love Chaplin, Keaton, Lloyd, early Laurel & Hardy, Charley Chase and other silent masters - that era was really the only time where all of a comedy was perfectly geared towards a visual medium for obvious reasons. Meanwhile, so much of a comedy in the modern era is based around sketch comedy and stand-up routines, becoming much more dependent on verbal cues.

birdistheword, Friday, 6 October 2023 18:01 (eleven months ago) link

*all of comedy

birdistheword, Friday, 6 October 2023 18:02 (eleven months ago) link

Darn these Talkies have ruined everything

Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 6 October 2023 18:14 (eleven months ago) link

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