Star Trek Discovery: The Bryan Fuller TV reboot

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handy that georgiou showed up to take out the bad guy by (checks notes) pushing a stool towards him. and that his henchmen stood around waiting their turn to be taken out. and they didn't have backup waiting or personal shields or anything so they could just be shot by regular phasers, like the miners had all along. probably not going to get any explanation of the lumps of rock hanging in the sky with 20th century bucket wheel excavators on them either. it's cool though! i'm enjoying it!

neith moon (ledge), Sunday, 25 October 2020 20:45 (three years ago) link

I mean that the emphasis is on big budget action movie spectacle more than anything else, and once again I just don't think the season-long arcs work well. Picard was much the same way. Like I said, it's enjoyable - if I didn't think it was worth anything I'd ignore it.

justice 4 CCR (Sparkle Motion), Monday, 26 October 2020 13:33 (three years ago) link

Yeah, S2 finale felt more like the climax of a Marvel movie than Star Trek. A million things buzzing around shooting and explosions and I tuned it out pretty much the same way I tune out at climactic Avengers battles.

Donald Trump Also Sucks, Of Course (milo z), Monday, 26 October 2020 15:53 (three years ago) link

Think the 2nd episode might have been one of the best so far? It’s the first time I’ve felt like all the crew clicked, I wanted to be in their company, and find out more about the background characters. Also Michael wasn’t in it much.

There are still some annoying bits of faux-adultness (the OTT sexual threats from the baddie, the unnecessary gore) that put me in mind of bad Torchwood episodes and seem tonally off-the-mark for Trek. And the fannish veneration for the Federation (last week they literally finished by saluting a flag, which was gross) is shading a bit Robert Heinlein for me.

BUT! Otherwise this was a fun hang-out episode with some cool sci-fi and zings and mild threat, which is totally my fave kind of Trek.

Hopefully Michael’s new hair signals a Rikers-third-season-beard-style change in fortune

Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 26 October 2020 20:09 (three years ago) link

Plus the third episode is directed by Frakes

Donald Trump Also Sucks, Of Course (milo z), Monday, 26 October 2020 20:50 (three years ago) link

Much as I love him I’m not sure he is a... good director? A little overfond of studenty Dutch angles

Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 26 October 2020 21:33 (three years ago) link

I forgot to mention that Detmer is dollars to warp bubbles infected by a Control remnant.

I want to luhbahguh babum gum (Leee), Monday, 26 October 2020 21:37 (three years ago) link

Very promising episode!

Donald Trump Also Sucks, Of Course (milo z), Friday, 30 October 2020 06:49 (three years ago) link

So, I assume Stamets is named after renowned mycologist Paul Stamets, as featured in this cool-looking documentary about fungi?

trishyb, Wednesday, 4 November 2020 15:37 (three years ago) link

Yes. He was a consultant for the show too.

wasdnous (abanana), Wednesday, 4 November 2020 17:35 (three years ago) link

That viola refrain is godspeed you black emperor, right?

pedantly admonishment (aldo), Friday, 6 November 2020 16:30 (three years ago) link

episode 4, wow, what hack writing. both plots have a good idea behind them but the writing is entirely THIS IS THE STEP BACKWARD SCENE, THIS IS THE STEP FORWARD SCENE, do a first draft, repeat, never revise in character details or anything else of interest.

wasdnous (abanana), Saturday, 7 November 2020 03:50 (three years ago) link

love a good hamfisted Trill episode. occasional Akiva Goldsman-style emotional manipulation but I don’t mind being a sap sometimes

mh, Saturday, 7 November 2020 04:25 (three years ago) link

yeah i thought this was kinda sweet
and i am biased for trill episodes <3

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 7 November 2020 04:56 (three years ago) link

I loved how genderqueer both of those characters were, it was a little sappy but a good trad-Trek episode too.

B and I were loling at the pool scene saying "just hang on while we finish cleaning it before you get in" when they got those big sticks out.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Saturday, 7 November 2020 22:53 (three years ago) link

Agreed that this was super sentimental, which sometimes works in the show's favor (this week, yes), sometimes not (last week). I've kind of given up on nu Trek writing approaching the sophistication of DS9 (with the possible exception of Lower Decks).

One thing that did bug was Adira saying Senna's full, joined name all the time. You wouldn't hear Jadzia or Ezri saying "Curzon Dax this, Curzon Dax that."

I want to luhbahguh babum gum (Leee), Sunday, 8 November 2020 01:19 (three years ago) link

i was hoping Michael would call Adira “old man” lol

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 8 November 2020 01:20 (three years ago) link

Episode 5 was... too much stuff. The only part that worked was the stuff on the seed ship.

The song mystery box that they stole from BSG is such a waste of time. At least it wasn't from the 1960s.

wasdnous (abanana), Sunday, 15 November 2020 23:06 (three years ago) link

iirc ST: TNG had an episode about how a progenitor race/outside force had seeded a bunch of planets in the galaxy with life, hence the large number of humanoids that showed up. unsurprisingly, it was a story co-written by Ron Moore

here we go:

mh, Sunday, 15 November 2020 23:11 (three years ago) link

so, the “common ancestral ties” thing was in BSG by way of ST, c/o Ron

mh, Sunday, 15 November 2020 23:12 (three years ago) link

i liked this episode also BONUS CRONENBERG

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 16 November 2020 00:14 (three years ago) link

I liked it too, but god, Burnham, can you not URGENTLY WHISPER all the time as a way of communicating? I have had to restort to putting CC on this show because with the LOUD DYNAMIC RANGE and mumbled speaking ive no fricking idea whats going on.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Monday, 16 November 2020 00:46 (three years ago) link

(Could I have sounded any older then I think not)

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Monday, 16 November 2020 00:46 (three years ago) link


terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 16 November 2020 01:08 (three years ago) link

feel like there is a lot of discrimination against people with less than surround setups or people who don’t listen to shows at full volume these days

the “reduce loud sounds” settings on some streaming boxes is nice to crank it up but avoid maximum blast, and I listen on headphones a fair bit (streaming during the workday from my tablet while working because lol new show) but the full dynamic range of audio isn’t great with tv

mh, Monday, 16 November 2020 03:27 (three years ago) link

Kind of amused but mostly exasperated by Michael's insubordination. I know it's her thing but still.

I'm tired of antagonistic debriefs, though the back and forth between Georgiou and her interrogator was good, mostly because he wasn't stupid.

I thought that I'd acclimated to the sentimentality of the series but it continues to plumb new depths of sappiness, and this time of was too gooey for me.

I want to luhbahguh babum gum (Leee), Monday, 16 November 2020 09:16 (three years ago) link

I was annoyed with the Georgiou blinking thing. You would think that holograms would know when someone was trying to disrupt their integrity and could do something about it, even if that something is to call security. Like, if the blinking thing has been around for hundreds of years, you'd think they'd have copped on to it by now.

trishyb, Monday, 16 November 2020 09:48 (three years ago) link

Yeah, that was such a silly and pointless way of emphasizing what a badass Georgiou is supposed to be.

Tuomas, Monday, 16 November 2020 10:03 (three years ago) link

I find Georgiou a little tiresome, but I liked her and Cronenberg(!) together

justice 4 CCR (Sparkle Motion), Monday, 16 November 2020 16:21 (three years ago) link

When someone blinks that much next to Cronenberg,
there is an implicit contract with the audience that someone’s head will explode.

Philip Nunez, Monday, 16 November 2020 16:42 (three years ago) link

lol otm

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 16 November 2020 19:26 (three years ago) link

ugh what a tedious episode.

wonder if detmer's going to get herself checked out or wait until she loses it during a critical mission.

neith moon (ledge), Monday, 16 November 2020 19:52 (three years ago) link

this was so low stakes and low interest that i didn't notice any mention of music until burnham brought it up at the end.

no mention of giotto in the long wikipedia entry on perspective. i could crack open gombrich's history of art, otoh it was someone from another planet 200 years in the future so i could cut them some slack.

neith moon (ledge), Monday, 16 November 2020 21:01 (three years ago) link

Giotto advanced the development of perspective, but not quite how Saru described.

justice 4 CCR (Sparkle Motion), Monday, 16 November 2020 23:13 (three years ago) link

OK I completely missed that that was Cronenberg lol. BTW what was his deal? He seemed more... across things other people did not know? How'd he know about the terrans and the mirror universe? How was that a casual "oh yeah ppl stopped coming across from there 500 years back"? I felt like i missed something.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 17 November 2020 02:04 (three years ago) link

cronenberg knows all and sees all

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 17 November 2020 02:05 (three years ago) link


"why the glasses?"
"I dunno I thought they made me look smart..."

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 17 November 2020 02:06 (three years ago) link

I assume that DS9's mirror universe stuff made it into Starfleet reports, so the paper trail is there.

I want to luhbahguh babum gum (Leee), Tuesday, 17 November 2020 02:10 (three years ago) link

Ah now this may be where I'm at a disadvantage. If there's any assumed knowledge of other series, I'm gonna miss things, Ive not seem more than S1 of DS9.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 17 November 2020 02:13 (three years ago) link

DS9 hardly ever gets referenced by the other series -- the Alpha Quadrant fights a war that requires a combined alliance among THREE major powers, and Voyager and the movies act like that never happened -- but the real reason to watch DS9 is because it's the best Trek.

I want to luhbahguh babum gum (Leee), Tuesday, 17 November 2020 02:16 (three years ago) link


terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 17 November 2020 02:18 (three years ago) link

I dont mind what I have seen but I get so put off by Quark/ferengis in general.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 17 November 2020 05:28 (three years ago) link

imo for DS9 you can watch the debut then skip to s03

you'll miss some largely unimportant character development and a few cool episodes but it's fine

mookieproof, Tuesday, 17 November 2020 05:51 (three years ago) link

also yes, you *can* skip *almost* all of the ferengi episodes, although i wouldn't recommend it -- they become much much better and even vital as the series progresses

mookieproof, Tuesday, 17 November 2020 05:56 (three years ago) link

e6: another mess. planet situation unexplained until around halfway through the episode. The character vignettes don't work when I have no idea what is happening.

wasdnuos (abanana), Saturday, 21 November 2020 02:31 (three years ago) link

i thought it was good! also i feel like we are maybe watching different shows lol

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 21 November 2020 02:57 (three years ago) link

i am liking it, although i have to say the vulcans did a pretty shitty job of raising burnham to be logical/non-emotional

also she obviously is no longer meant for starfleet, so kick her out already

mookieproof, Saturday, 21 November 2020 02:59 (three years ago) link

can someone remind me why georgiou loves burnham? i mean, i like it, but iirc mirror burnham fucked her over and she doesn't really seem like the type to be sentimental about it

anyway she continues to be the most intersting character, goofy blinking shit aside

mookieproof, Saturday, 21 November 2020 03:03 (three years ago) link

no explanation has been given.

wasdnuos (abanana), Saturday, 21 November 2020 03:18 (three years ago) link

the entire arc of starlet captains (insubordinates, etc) is "is this person REALLY up to starfleet?" and burnham is on that

the mirror universe was 100% drama and really the more burnham pulls from georgiou the more she loves her

mh, Saturday, 21 November 2020 03:19 (three years ago) link

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