Matt Taibbi

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Matt Taibbi is a right wing troll. That substack article is heinous, he is promoting molnupiravir as a replacement for vaccination

Dan S, Friday, 8 October 2021 00:55 (two years ago) link

Surprised no one pasted his appearance on Bill Maher's show into this thread. (I haven't watched it.)

but also fuck you (unperson), Friday, 8 October 2021 01:01 (two years ago) link

How much stock in Merck does Taibbi own?

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 8 October 2021 01:03 (two years ago) link

at least the audiences of channels like Fox and OAN know that content has been designed for them

What is the evidence that the audience of Fox and OAN knows or understands even one single thing about anything.

This guy's a real fucking butthead if you ask me

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Friday, 8 October 2021 04:53 (two years ago) link

The Fox News audience is probably like 98% rubes and 2% evil assholes; while the MSNBC audience is just 100% rubes

licorice in the front, pizza in the rear (Whiney G. Weingarten), Friday, 8 October 2021 06:45 (two years ago) link

sometimes it feels like people decide whether or not they like a person before they decide whether or not they like what they said

DT, Friday, 8 October 2021 07:04 (two years ago) link

Kinda leaves out that there are nuts blinded on the right shooting people over mask mandates and getting the jab, but hey whatever floats your cynical pocketbook heart Taibbi.

earlnash, Friday, 8 October 2021 08:39 (two years ago) link

sometimes it feels like people decide whether or not they like a person before they decide whether or not they like what they said

Maybe we don’t like a person because of the things they say?

And of course the worms! (Boring, Maryland), Friday, 8 October 2021 13:11 (two years ago) link

well he's a piece of shit AND he says dumb stuff so either way

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Friday, 8 October 2021 13:58 (two years ago) link

For those of you (seems like most of you) who didn't read the article:

1. Stop posting in this thread! Jeez. If all you have to add is a one-sentence dunk, consider skipping it and feel free to never open this thread again.
2. I think the point that Taibbi has been making is important. You could make the point that this has been going on forever - that the media is always pushing some sort of elite consensus viewpoint (and I think Taibbi has been beating this drum since the whole WMD fiasco). However, it does seem like Trump and COVID have amped this up to a new level.

Maybe it's a good idea. Maybe the existential threats of Trump and COVID mean that we have to keep contextualizing every story to highlight that angle. Or maybe this isn't the thing that Taibbi should focus his energy on (I'm sympathetic to this argument, but he is still reporting on banking malfeasance, corruption, etc.). However, I think the current awful media landscape is worth reporting on, and even though the abuses are way worse on the right, we should still be concerned about propaganda even when there is a Democrat in the White House.

Personally, these caveats and endless contextualization feels condescending, and Taibbi is right - NYT/WaPo readers already fucking get the context, and people in the right-wing media bubble think the NYT/WaPo are fake news anyway, so what is the point of all of it?

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 16:53 (two years ago) link

yeah, I don't think Taibbi is a right wing troll, but I do think the media criticism beat is pretty well covered by others. It seems to be pretty popular amongst Substack readers, though, and surely if you're paying your own expenses it makes more financial sense to read the news and critique rather than go out and do reporting.

But I agree with Sam Seder that when Taibbi makes hyperbolic claims, like that the media's crimes in Russiagate are as bad as or worse than the WMD ones, he's ignoring the consequences of those things. On the one hand you have a million or so dead humans. On the other, uh, some annoying Maddow monologues?

frankly the public has no need to hear about mulnipravir right now, the only reason it is in the news at all is because merck is legally obligated to report it before the data are formally published to prevent insider trading issues

in general I will agree that the press has done an awful job of covering the science, though the sort of protestant ethic taibbi seems to aspire to would almost certainly be even worse, as evidenced by just about everything taibbi has had to say about ivermectin and other “controversies”

mens rea activist (k3vin k.), Friday, 8 October 2021 17:09 (two years ago) link

What is irritating about Taibbi's substack is that the only posts he seems to make public are these ones about the media. I guess they drive traffic/get subscribers. A generous reading would be that he wants to lure people in with complaints about the MSM and then open their eyes to corruption, etc, with his non-public posts. A more probable reason is that Matt just wants more subscribers. In any case, that doesn't make him wrong, just provocative, I guess.

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 17:15 (two years ago) link

k3v otm

the media is bad but not for this reason

STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 8 October 2021 17:18 (two years ago) link

Maybe the existential threats of Trump and COVID mean that we have to keep contextualizing every story to highlight that angle.

Good thought! Keep it up.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 8 October 2021 17:50 (two years ago) link

Speaking of condescension.

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 17:57 (two years ago) link

The whole point was, who is this contextualization for? Why is the MSM talking down to their readers if they already get it? Are they hoping to attract dumber readers?

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 18:01 (two years ago) link

in general I will agree that the press has done an awful job of covering the science

I wouldn't agree with that at all! This stuff is complicated and I think the press has done a -- to me -- unexpectedly good job of being upfront about the difficulties and inherent uncertainties involved.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Friday, 8 October 2021 18:13 (two years ago) link

who is this contextualization for?

I see you have already forgotten how quickly the vast majority of Americans forget almost every fucking thing that has happened since 9/11. And they remember 9/11 because they get constant reminders.

The MSM isn't hoping to attract dumber readers. They are simply acknowledging the brutal fact that without constant contextualization, their readers will lose the context amid the constant torrent of garish stimuli competing for their eyes, ears and minds. Take for example, the January 6th insurrection and the massive and enduring shadow it still casts over every aspect of national politics.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 8 October 2021 18:16 (two years ago) link

I'm ok with that. It's when the contextualization turns into spin or even straight up lying that it needs to be called out.

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 18:21 (two years ago) link

The whole point was, who is this contextualization for?

It's for the 30-40 percent of the public — and a much larger percent of the online public — that grabs onto every single news story that can in any way be bent to show that a.) COVID is not as bad as "they" say it is, b.) vaccines don't really work, and/or c.) your dumb lazy ass is perfectly justified in continuing to ignore and make fun of the whole situation. Taibbi is acting like there is not a very real, powerful and consistent effort out there to minimize COVID and discourage vaccination. Maybe he just doesn't have those people in his social media feeds, I don't know, but it's a very real thing and it is directly connected to our still stupidly low vaccination rates.

So on this one, I think he's just wrong and doesn't understand the context, whereas the reporters who are writing about the health/science side of the pandemic are inundated by that bullshit every single day.

You should have seen how overjoyed my local Republican state legislators were when that Israeli study came out suggesting that previous infection gives better protection than vaccination — they were 100 percent reposting it to justify not getting vaccinated, as if the best route is for everybody to just go ahead and get COVID, because if you survive, you'll be less likely to catch it a second time.

i feel like the parallel argument to this is "how dare you combat misinformation, we have a right to be misinformed bc free speech"

STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 8 October 2021 18:36 (two years ago) link

don't read the comments -- that's exactly how many of them interpreted Taibbi (among other horrors).

So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 8 October 2021 18:46 (two years ago) link

OK you made me read the piece! It is not, in my opinion, good. If you want to insist "the masters of elite media have determined that molnupiravir has incorrect political tendencies and the official organs turned on it within 24 hours," sure, you can find articles with caveats, but -- is this really general? I am online all the time and I had no sense of the existence of a molnupiravir backlash until I saw Taibbi's curated examples. In my media environment, which is pretty mainstream, it's all "this drug reduces hospitalization by 50% and that's good news after a bunch of high-profile failures e.g. convalescent plasma." Like here's coverage from October 5, by which point, per Taibbi, elite consensus to ivermectinize molnupiravir was locked in. Headline is "Everything You Need to Know About Merck’s Game-Changing Covid Pill."

"This drug doesn't eliminate the need for a vaccine" appears in this piece, but as #7 out of 7 bullet points, not exactly the main theme.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Friday, 8 October 2021 18:47 (two years ago) link

yeah but they're so condescending about it

STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 8 October 2021 18:53 (two years ago) link

I hadn't even heard that the convalescent plasma thing was a bust.

but also fuck you (unperson), Friday, 8 October 2021 18:56 (two years ago) link

DJI, you're cool, but I'd be more engaged if Taibbi had something meaningful to contribute. He's the opposite: he gives ammo to Trumpists.

So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 8 October 2021 18:58 (two years ago) link

could it be that matt taibbi is prone to seek out bias-confirming details and weight them differently than details that do not align with his existing inclinations? if so, this is perfectly normal for average humans thinking about anything. but matt taibbi does not claim to be no better than average at evaluating information. if he's no better at it than his readers, he'd be out of a job. he implicitly claims to be an expert evaluator and interpreter of global events, not some shlub who's as lazy at thinking as everyone else.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 8 October 2021 19:06 (two years ago) link

if he's no better at it than his readers, he'd be out of a job.

on second thought, I was wrong. many a commentator on current events gains and keeps an audience by being exactly as lazy a thinker as his readers, by confirming their biases for them, but doing it with style and a level of polish and articulation they could not achieve on their own. it's the bread and butter for most politicians, too.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 8 October 2021 19:15 (two years ago) link

Alfred - I agree that this new work of his has attracted a bunch of confirmation-bias-seeking CHUDs. I don't think that is the point of it all, though. I think the point of a lot of this work is trying to figure out how to break down the different media bubbles that we inhabit, and keeping the MSM honest is an important piece of that. Or maybe it's a lost cause...

Eephus - good point about him maybe looking too hard to find a way to make his point.

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 19:37 (two years ago) link

Taibbbbi's been doing this all through COVID, last year he wrote about how "no one was talking" about Sweden's COVID response when in fact there had been a lot of media coverage.

And of course the worms! (Boring, Maryland), Friday, 8 October 2021 19:51 (two years ago) link

I think people who are on Twitter a lot tend to do that - assume because they hear too little/too much about something in their (personalized!) Twitter feed, that NOBODY/EVERYBODY is talking about it.

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 19:53 (two years ago) link

DJI, but what is Taibbi getting right that other COVID-covering journalists aren't?

So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 8 October 2021 20:00 (two years ago) link

I hadn't even heard that the convalescent plasma thing was a bust.

― but also fuck you (unperson), Friday, October 8, 2021 1:56 PM (forty-five minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink

It's too bad, it was perfectly reasonable to hope this would be helpful but so far no dice

Guayaquil (eephus!), Friday, 8 October 2021 20:09 (two years ago) link

DJI, but what is Taibbi getting right that other COVID-covering journalists aren't?

his name

talkin' about his flat tire (DJP), Friday, 8 October 2021 20:10 (two years ago) link

DJI, but what is Taibbi getting right that other COVID-covering journalists aren't?

Hilarious response as always, DJP.

I think he is getting at the frustration that some of us have with feeling like we are being manipulated, lied to, talked down to, etc.

Here's an example - I still don't think we've gotten a good answer to the simplest question: Has anyone ever actually gotten COVID while outdoors? What I've seen from the media is a lot of "these outdoor events were associated with COVID outbreaks (but they had indoor bathrooms, or everyone also went to indoor bars and restaurants), so keep masking up outdoors just in case!"

Or, how dangerous is COVID compared to the seasonal flu for kids under 12? I have not seen a straight answer to that. Anything approaching an answer to either of these questions is so larded up with caveats and context that it seems more like propaganda than science or journalism.

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 21:39 (two years ago) link

Has anyone ever actually gotten COVID while outdoors?

The trouble is, there are very few cases of COVID where we can definitively say when, where, and from whom the person contracted the disease. But outdoor transmission is generally thought to be very rare relative to indoor transmission

And... that's the message I get from reading the mainstream media, like the New York Times piece above! I really don't think "keep masking up outdoors just in case" is a message enforced by media mandarins. I will admit that this more recent Times piece

says "Most experts agree that you don’t need to wear a mask outdoors if you’re not in a crowd and have plenty of distance (at least six feet) from people whose vaccination status isn’t known" which suggests that you MIGHT need to wear a mask if you're outdoors and NOT distanced; well, all I can say is I live in an ultra-blue city where everybody reads the New York Times and NPR and next to nobody is masked outside.

Or, how dangerous is COVID compared to the seasonal flu for kids under 12? I have not seen a straight answer to that.

Both create minimal, I would even say negligible risk of illness at the level that requires hospitalization. Again, I think this information is presented pretty straight in places like New York Times, Washington Post, etc. There is the complicating issue of whether there might be long-term sequelae for kids I guess, but I've started to feel like that's kind of an unknowable at this point, and not because the media's being suppressive about it.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Friday, 8 October 2021 22:11 (two years ago) link

The issue with kids is always framed wrong, for deliberate reasons by anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. Yes, kids are less likely to get seriously ill or die from COVID, BUT they can certainly carry COVID and spread it to non-kids.

And of course the worms! (Boring, Maryland), Friday, 8 October 2021 22:19 (two years ago) link


Dan S, Friday, 8 October 2021 22:41 (two years ago) link

I think he is getting at the frustration that some of us have with feeling like we are being manipulated, lied to, talked down to, etc.

are you really one of these people?

The CDC wants to avoid a mass panic or mass outbreak. I have been having coffee and meals outdoors for at least a year -- way before vaccines. Not once did I think the CDC was lying to me. Instead, I thought, well, I'm one person who doesn't take any other COVID-related risks except the hour I'm going to sit at my bookstore cafe outside with a coffee or salad. I'll be the first to admit the CDC waited too long to finally acknowledge in April and May that outdoor anything presents little risk -- those of us who protested masked last year knew this -- but, you know, so fucking what?

So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 8 October 2021 22:56 (two years ago) link

xxp OMG yes. We know this. Thanks for caveating and contextualizing my post, just in case, for some insane reason, I don't already know that.

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 22:59 (two years ago) link

This reminds me of the acquaintance who told me in March that "We can't tell you how fucking good these vaccines are" because he was afraid it would make unvaccinated people more reluctant to take them. Well, uh, here we are.

So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 8 October 2021 23:00 (two years ago) link

the acquaintance works on the epidemiological staff at my local public university, I should point out. He also said in March that the vaccines were so good we could "more or less" return to normal if everyone else got'em too.

Well, uh, here we are.

So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 8 October 2021 23:01 (two years ago) link

If we can't trust the CDC to tell us the truth, isn't that a problem?

I guess there are two options:

1. Be overly-cautious and don't present nuanced information because some people might act irresponsibly.
2. Be more honest and risk some people taking it the wrong way.

I suppose #1 is more safety-focused, at least in the short term. But it's gotta hurt their (and the MSM's) credibility for the next time. And like you point out, it didn't seem to help for this time around either.

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 23:05 (two years ago) link

BTW, thanks for engaging in this on a level other than a one-sentence dismissal. <3

DJI, Friday, 8 October 2021 23:07 (two years ago) link

The thing is, if you're someone who doesn't listen to talk radio or isn't a Trumper, why are CDC guidelines offensive? All of us have worked out in the last 18 months some measure of risk mitigation that absorbs those guidelines but is personal. I read Taibbi's twaddle, though, and realize this interests him not a bit. He wants to posture for cranks, libertarians, and anti-Fauci people.

So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 8 October 2021 23:10 (two years ago) link

multi xps - DJI you complain of frustration at being lied, manipulated and talked down to, but neither of the particulars you cited to illustrate this show evidence of the media lying to you, manipulating you or talking down to you. Instead they are based on your desire for 'straightforward' answers to those 'simple' questions that you aren't getting. This frustrates you, because life would be simpler and more straightforward if such answer were forthcoming. Did it occur to you that maybe this really is the best information out there?

Anything approaching an answer to either of these questions is so larded up with caveats and context that it seems more like propaganda than science or journalism.

The people responsible for assembling the science which might answer your questions would, if anything, lard their answers with more caveats and context than the reporters can insert. If you suspect that they know these simple straightforward answers you expect, but are nefariously withholding them from you, all I can say is such a conspiracy does not exist and would make no sense at all.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 8 October 2021 23:17 (two years ago) link

"if we can't trust the CDC to tell us the truth" huh?

Dan S, Friday, 8 October 2021 23:24 (two years ago) link

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