David Lynch - Classic or Dud

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Think so yeah

Wiggum Dorma (wins), Sunday, 7 August 2022 16:23 (one year ago) link

I only read My Life, My Tapes once but it made an impression on me. There was cool stuff in there, the amputated hands holding chess pieces or black and white squares? something like that.

akm, Sunday, 7 August 2022 16:38 (one year ago) link

Compressed Jeffries vs. complete Jeffries is interesting... I agree the way it's all edited in the film is much more creepy and unsettling, though it's probably pretty confusing for someone who doesn't know the lore; the complete scenes spell everything out more (same with the extended "meeting" above the convenience store, and the other bits with those characters).

That said, I guess the extra Jeffries scenes are the Missing Pieces whose canonicity is debatable, as his references to "Miss Judy" and "Judy's place in Seattle" conflict w/the later retcon (though maybe you could get a No-Prize by suggesting that he's speaking in code or something).

Disarm u with a SMiLE (morrisp), Sunday, 7 August 2022 16:58 (one year ago) link

FWIW, the two extra scenes that I could see inserting into the film are Laura & Donna driving from the Roadhouse to the Canadian bar with the two guys (I think the transition btw. those two settings is confusing in the movie); and the "I'm the muffin / You're the muffin" scene in Donna's living room (not just b/c it's a really nice scene, but also because bits of the dialogue become important later - especially something Donna's dad says).

Disarm u with a SMiLE (morrisp), Sunday, 7 August 2022 17:02 (one year ago) link

If I made a fan edit, I might also drop the scene where Cooper predicts the specifics of the next murder to Albert, describes what the next victim is doing right now, etc. That exchange feels a little too "extra" to me (Cooper's intuitive and has interesting dreams, but he's not a psychic!).

Disarm u with a SMiLE (morrisp), Sunday, 7 August 2022 17:04 (one year ago) link

I think he pretty much is a psychic as far as it goes tbh - “the log lady will be here in one minute”

The missing piece I might put in is the other Palmer dinner, as a contrast to the “wash your hands” scene, they’re genuinely happy but there’s something unnerving and desperate about it

Wiggum Dorma (wins), Sunday, 7 August 2022 18:21 (one year ago) link


— [ominous whoosh] (@ominouswhoosh) August 7, 2022

mark s, Sunday, 7 August 2022 18:54 (one year ago) link

In terms of semi canonical twin peaks tie in media I'd say diary > tmp > palmer family interview > log lady intros > secret history > autobiography >>>>>>>>>>>>> diane >>>> final dossier

i don't think anyone agrees, but personally, Invitation to Love is the most enjoyable Twin Peaks-adjacent thing. i enjoy it more the 12th time around then on the very first


Bruce Stingbean (Karl Malone), Sunday, 7 August 2022 19:23 (one year ago) link

Something that’s never explained in the movie is what it is about the Teresa Banks murder that leads Gordon Cole to classify it as a Blue Rose case in the first place… like what were the details of a seemingly unremarkable murder that raised his antennae. I suppose it’s one of those things that doesn’t have a clear answer (unless it’s addressed in one of the books)?

Disarm u with a SMiLE (morrisp), Sunday, 7 August 2022 19:40 (one year ago) link

three weeks pass...

A question I have on Blue Velvet (after a rewatch) concerns Jeffrey, and his general "motivation" (the "detective or pervert" angle)... like, why does he sleep with Dorothy Vallens in the first place, especially given his (apparently genuine) interest in Sandy? I suppose he's supposed to remind of a Fred MacMurray character in a b&w movie – a "normal" guy with a weakness, tempted into a web of darkness – but this angle is not really developed, and he comes off as more just a cad. Then the conflict w/Sandy (after the great/uncomfortable scene in her living room) is resolved so easily, with a single phone call...

Wikipedia sez there's an hour plus worth of deleted scenes from this movie – maybe some of those flesh out Jeffrey's character? – though I feel like the film's "tightness" is one of is virtues, hard to imagine it really benefiting from add'l footage.

Porcine-lina of the Pig Oceans (morrisp), Monday, 29 August 2022 23:43 (one year ago) link


Vance Vance Devolution (sic), Monday, 29 August 2022 23:49 (one year ago) link


Porcine-lina of the Pig Oceans (morrisp), Monday, 29 August 2022 23:50 (one year ago) link

Jeffrey's a kid, he's not very experienced, and Sandy's even more of a kid. Dorothy is 100 percent grown up, she's alluring for her casual sexuality and also for all of the mysteries and secrets she's tied to. (Plus she's Isabella Rossellini, that doesn't hurt.)


He wants both things. Look at the color of their dresses.

Malevolent Arugula (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 30 August 2022 01:21 (one year ago) link

I forgot how substantial Laura Dern's role is... she's so good

Porcine-lina of the Pig Oceans (morrisp), Tuesday, 30 August 2022 01:34 (one year ago) link

I think that every time I watch her in anything.

I borrowed a DVD of Wild at Heart from the library. I think I only saw the movie once, when it first came out (I was pretty young), or mayyybe once more on VHS... I remembered very little about it beforehand, but recognized many of the moments as I watched.

In the first scene or two, I thought, "Oh, this is gonna be a disaster"... but as you get into its rhythm, the film sort of draws you in and becomes very watchable. Some of the critiques that came into my head early on – these don't feel like "real characters"; Lynch is going for a sort of campy theatricality but it's not "landing," etc. – ended up falling away / seeming irrelevant. I sort of didn't want to leave the characters behind at the end.

Part of that may come from watching the movie with an "on its own terms" generosity that wasn't easy in 1990. I remember there being such a strong vibe around "Lynch's first film since Blue Velvet," and esp coming on the heels of Twin Peaks S1; the hype level was so high. A lot of stuff in the movie that seemed like "random weirdness" at the time (oh, there's Jack Nance, doing a new variation on his Blue Velvet character... etc.) is easier to digest now (some of the violence/gore maybe still feels like a bit much, but now it just "is what it is").

It helps that the acting is so good... Laura Dern of course, but also Willem Dafoe in particular (whom I can normally take or leave, but man did he nail this role).

Porcine-lina of the Pig Oceans (morrisp), Friday, 2 September 2022 18:01 (one year ago) link

It was never among my top-tier Lynch, but having watched the deleted scenes (which unpack/expand a lot), I realize now how willfully obtuse and inexplicable a lot of the movie is. Which I guess is a valid artistic choice but kinda bugs me. It feels more like a hack trying to make something more Lynchian rather than just Lynch being Lynch.

Beautiful Bean Footage Fetishist (Old Lunch), Friday, 2 September 2022 18:14 (one year ago) link

On the whole, I'm just glad David Lynch made a movie with Nicolas Cage. Keeps all of us from always having to wonder.

pplains, Friday, 2 September 2022 18:34 (one year ago) link

I really should see it again (or maybe not) but my one time watching Wild at Heart I thought it was amazing and maybe his best movie (I saw this sometime in the early 2000s maybe a year or two after having seen Mulholland Drive). The characters are over the top in the best way, so many random weird and amazing scenes (I like this one in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ8ar_wuHfI).

Was very surprised afterward learning that it was considered to be his worst movie by a lot of people.

silverfish, Friday, 2 September 2022 18:44 (one year ago) link

Wild at Heart is a blast and I think one of his most stylistically thrilling movies. Great editing, sound design, and in general just kinda pops off the screen.

I’ve always maintained it’s unfairly maligned. And tbh, considering what a sacred cow FWWM had become, I think it’s silly to accuse it of being “willfully obtuse” and “Lynch doing Lynch” when that film is frequently way more egregious in those respects.

circa1916, Saturday, 3 September 2022 07:30 (one year ago) link

To clarify, it seems like Lynch often works according to his own narrative logic, which is extremely subjective and might come off as willfully obtuse, but once you see the untrimmed Wild at Heart laid out, it's clear that there was at one point a much more straightforward narrative at play (hell, even the completely bizarre Crispin Glover sequence makes more sense). As such, the edits that were subsequently made seem to be very self-consciously about making things weeeeird rather than this just being a natural outgrowth of Lynch's inherent weirdness.

Also for the sake of clarity, this might be my second or third least favorite Lynch but it's Lynch so it's still way better than a whole lot of other stuff. And there's a lot to love in this movie.

Beautiful Bean Footage Fetishist (Old Lunch), Saturday, 3 September 2022 10:50 (one year ago) link

Is the untrimmed Wild at Heart commercially available?
I don't find it particularly obtuse, by Lynch's standards - not by comparison to e.g. Lost Highway.

Vast Halo, Saturday, 3 September 2022 12:10 (one year ago) link

Also for the sake of clarity, this might be my second or third least favorite Lynch but it's Lynch so it's still way better than a whole lot of other stuff. And there's a lot to love in this movie.

very much the same for me. i will always watch Wild At Heart.

Karl Malone, Saturday, 3 September 2022 14:07 (one year ago) link

There's a Wild at Heart Collector's Edition which has the deleted scenes. They are presented in the same manner as the deleted scenes on Blue Velvet or the Missing Pieces. They are not integrated within the existing movie but presented as a separate work.

Cow_Art, Saturday, 3 September 2022 14:31 (one year ago) link

xp afaik there isn’t an untrimmed version available at all, there was a box set that had all of the deleted scenes (taken from a workprint so not great quality) - it was called “the lime green box” or something like that, should be torrentable still

Watching them did make me like the film better but I agree with vast halo that the film was p straightforward without them? But more HDS is always good

xp my info is outdated I guess!

Wiggum Dorma (wins), Saturday, 3 September 2022 14:34 (one year ago) link

I like Wild at Heart, even though it's not one of my Lynch faves. I've always thought of it as his comedy — almost all of his stuff has humor in it, obviously, but Wild at Heart has a kind of consistent zaniness that's different than any of the other movies. The jokes are steadily punctuated by violence and unsettling events, so in a way I feel like it's an interrogation of comedy — what's actually funny, where's the line, how far can you push it. I don't know, I'm not saying it's a super coherent statement as a film, but that's my sense of it.

(Also obviously it's his Wizard of Oz tribute, in somewhat the same way Inland Empire is a Lewis Carroll homage.)

That’s interesting about the deleted scenes…

I just read a long analysis of Blue Velvet, that ends with this remark:

Having just seen the deleted scenes, I can say that there's not a single thing in them that would do anything other than detract from the film and subvert what became Blue Velvet. Some ruthless, brilliant editing was done that pulled together a tight picture that in significant ways was radically different from what was initially imagined.

(and then goes on to elaborate a little bit)

The only Lynch deleted scenes I’ve seen are FWWM’s Missing Pieces, and I guess I’ve already given my thoughts on those above…

Porcine-lina of the Pig Oceans (morrisp), Saturday, 3 September 2022 17:59 (one year ago) link

there are a bunch of scenes about Jeffrey's college life and girlfriend that are uniformly bad and needed to be cut to make Blue Velvet at all watchable

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Saturday, 3 September 2022 18:09 (one year ago) link

I remember when I saw Pulp Fiction, it felt like a less weird Wild at Heart with all of the sexual undertones - overtones? - with all of the naughty bits either removed or turned into cartoonish naughty bits, as if Quentin Tarantino was uncomfortable with sex. I had a similar feeling with Natural Born Killers. They both felt like less interesting variations of Lynch's film made by overgrown children without any of the underlying weirdness. Or with imitations of the underlying weirdness. I'm reasonably confident that this isn't an original take, but it was my first thought.

When I was young I remember that David Lynch was all over the media. He was hot stuff. But it's surprising how few films he has actually directed. How little he has to show. I assume he must have found it really hard to get funding, which might explain all the media appearances; he was selling himself. His IMDB entry is dominated, totally dominated with shorts. Short films, not shorts. I don't mean that his IMDB entry is dominated with shorts. He wears formal wear. Not shorts.

And yet he was all over the media because he was good in interviews and he looked the part; along with Tim Burton he was the model, the very archetype of the early-1990s arty-but-famous mainstream-underground creative talent. I'm surprised to find out his most recent feature film was Inland Empire back in 2006. His most recent credit is the video for "I Am the Shaman", a song by Donovan(!) released in 2021(!). I remember he did an album. With a woman. Sort of floaty singing noises. With a woman. I imagine him sitting at the mixing desk looking at the faders, thinking about Monica Bellucci.

He's obviously busy, but when I think of him I am filled with a wistful sense of melancholy because he reminds me of glossy magazines.

Ashley Pomeroy, Saturday, 3 September 2022 18:12 (one year ago) link

There was def some stuff toward the beginning of WAH that had me thinking it felt like a possible source for some of Tarantino's schtick (line readings like: "Did I ever tell you this snakeskin jacket represents my individuality and belief in personal freedom?"). Or maybe it was just kind of synchronicity... WAH feels plugged into the era's "indie film scene" in a certain way – Crispin Glover showing up; John Lurie sitting around in one scene – that I don't otherwise associate w/Lynch so much.

It's also true there was a mini-trend of violent, "young lovers on the run" flicks in the early '90s – I know QT wrote True Romance and (sort of wrote) Natural Born Killers – not sure if WAH "inspired" either of those screenplays or if he already had them going.

Porcine-lina of the Pig Oceans (morrisp), Saturday, 3 September 2022 18:24 (one year ago) link

His cameo in Spielberg’s autobiographical The Fablemans has gone down well. Apparently it’s a spoiler to say who he plays so I won’t dig.

"The audience broke into cheers and claps three times during david lynch’s cameo... and it was well deserved." "Judd Hirsch & David Lynch should go for Best Supporting Oscar as a team."https://t.co/NSzBZE2UuO pic.twitter.com/xV8HLvTIei

— --------- (@fatecolossal) September 11, 2022

Alba, Sunday, 11 September 2022 06:49 (one year ago) link

Fabelmans, sorry.

Alba, Sunday, 11 September 2022 06:51 (one year ago) link

four months pass...

No weather report for weeks now. I hope he's OK.

Alba, Thursday, 12 January 2023 11:15 (one year ago) link

I finally revisited Lost Highway… this is the one that put me off Lynch for decades, when I saw it in the theater. I was surprised by how little of it I remembered; basically just the beginning section and a little at the end. I had no memory of the entire Balthazar Getty story in the middle, which is the most entertaining/engaging part!

It’s wild how much that section has the “look & feel” of Mulholland Drive… not just the way it’s filmed (although very much that), but also the unhurried but deliberate pacing, and the (genuinely funny) offbeat humor involving bizarre violence. The “road rage” scene is great.

The movie is different from most Lynch films in a few ways; his main characters are usually extremely vivid, which is not the case here… they’re quite “blank,” I guess on purpose. Also, the soundtrack has not much Badalamenti, and instead these songs with vocals that sort of pop in and distract from the action rather than complementing it (…Lou Reed doing “This Magic Moment”?!).

The brief appearance of Marilyn Manson is (obviously) unfortunate, in retrospect; and along with some of the music, grounds the film a little too strongly in that specific mid-‘90s L.A., Ray Gun magazine milieu.

I enjoyed watching it, and thought a lot of it was pretty compelling (not sure why I had such a negative reaction in college!)… but it’s hard to avoid feeling like it didn’t quite “work” the way it should. Or maybe seeing it as a rough draft of the (far superior) Mulholland Drive

Vexatious litigant (morrisp), Saturday, 21 January 2023 18:04 (one year ago) link

how oj simpson-y was it, iyo? i just recently heard that the case inspired the story.

Cat? Cat??! CAT!! (cat), Saturday, 21 January 2023 18:15 (one year ago) link

It doesn't quite work except as a draft. The actors are unpleasant and not well cast (Getty? Loggia? Pryor?). The opening credit sequence is tops, though.

Malevolent Arugula (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Saturday, 21 January 2023 18:22 (one year ago) link

I thought Loggia was great!

Vexatious litigant (morrisp), Saturday, 21 January 2023 18:23 (one year ago) link

He wanders in from a funnier film.

Malevolent Arugula (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Saturday, 21 January 2023 18:30 (one year ago) link

great capsule review morrisp (and good calls Alfred)

assert (matttkkkk), Saturday, 21 January 2023 19:39 (one year ago) link

Thx! I’m actually glad I ended up seeing his later movies this way – getting newly interested with Twin Peaks: The Return; then watching Mulholland Drive; and then the others – as I doubt I would’ve appreciated them as much otherwise.

Vexatious litigant (morrisp), Sunday, 22 January 2023 02:57 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

I keep getting ads for a David Lynch MFA program and it seems like it’s just… transcendental meditation classes?

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:01 (one year ago) link

I’d rather have a John Carpenter MFA, he’ll get high and challenge you to some NBA 2K.

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:02 (one year ago) link

it seems like it’s just… transcendental meditation classes?

Adds up. Should have some meteorology as well though.

change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:05 (one year ago) link

we should have a thread like 'what's on your favorite artist's mfa curriculum'

ꙮ (map), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:12 (one year ago) link

i want to attend whoever's is like, we walk along a highway and look at leaves

ꙮ (map), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:13 (one year ago) link

Feel like that could be Kelly Reichardt

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 8 March 2023 20:16 (one year ago) link

Very funny that the Eraserhead baby has an entry on the "Villains" wiki

— machine gun kelly reichardt (@LingoUnbound) March 8, 2023

two weeks pass...

I just got the ad for that “screenwriting” MFA program where it seems you actually learn TM… pretty funny.

chemtrails over the turkey club (morrisp), Wednesday, 22 March 2023 23:55 (one year ago) link

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