Anti-semitism thread: onwards from 2023

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yeah idk if the anti-semitism thread is the place to litigate this

is he disgruntled adrian? (voodoo chili), Wednesday, 8 November 2023 18:12 (ten months ago) link

The second is that in the running for a MENA fundraiser shirt is stuff like a stylized depiction of a bulldozer busting through a fence, which is pretty explicitly celebrating Hamas.

That's extremely disturbing. Is there a faculty advisor for this group?

felicity, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 18:26 (ten months ago) link

Love how objective history is antisemitic now

― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, November 8, 2023 8:52 AM bookmarkflaglink

I think destroying a border wall unjustly keeping people from land that is as much theirs as anyone else’s is an act of liberation, not an act of terror.

― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, November 8, 2023 9:41 AM bookmarkflaglink

We get it. You're not exactly subtle.

felicity, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 18:30 (ten months ago) link

w/r/t Paul Kessler's death the other day, that was about ten minutes up the road from me. There's a sizable jewish/israeli community, and i suppose a palestinian protest there would be expected to draw a counter-protest if only because it's very possible that many residents there know/knew people who were directly affected by the Hamas attack, and this was the unfortunate result.

it should be noted that in one of the videos i briefly saw it did look like a palestinian protestor was trying to help him as he was on the ground (i don't believe it was the one who allegedly struck him or pushed him.) while i hate what happened for virtually every reason imaginable and for both sides, i also hope that's not something (if what i saw was accurate) that would go unnoticed, how even in the heat of this moment there was humanity.

omar little, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 18:31 (ten months ago) link

Let's not pretend the people who broke through the fence did it to kiss the ground of their ancestors. Start your own thread if you want that poetic fantasy.

longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Wednesday, 8 November 2023 18:49 (ten months ago) link

table, you are all but saying explicitly that Hamas' murderous rampage is acceptable. I don't know if you realize this is how it comes across.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Wednesday, 8 November 2023 20:00 (ten months ago) link

Not quite sure what to make of the two Moldovans arrested in Paris for stars of David graffiti being investigated for ties to Russia. "Putin made me do it" seems a bit weird to offer up straightaway, but the French authorities appear to be taking it seriously

anvil, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 20:18 (ten months ago) link

That's extremely disturbing. Is there a faculty advisor for this group?

Yeah, but I don't know how neutral either of them are. I brought it to the attention of the Superintendent and our Director of Equity and Student Success after running it by our Rabbi, who has a kid at the school, too, and is a super chill dude but who nonetheless responded, when I apologized for bothering him with something so relatively small scale, that "I am up to my neck in what is going on at the high school and am currently editing a letter. The situation is bad and I think being made worse."

Here's the t-shirt in question, fwiw:

It's literally this image of Hamas in action:

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 23:22 (ten months ago) link

yeaaaaahhhh....not good

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Wednesday, 8 November 2023 23:51 (ten months ago) link

Local version:
In the speech, Knight recounts a Sept. 2021 prison break by six people from a maximum security prison in the occupied West Bank. Israel, Reuters reports in a story matching Knight's description, said the men were convicted of or suspected of planning attacks on Israeli civilians but Knight called them political prisoners.

"This was a feat of determination and ingenuity only eclipsed — only eclipsed — by the amazing, brilliant offensive waged on Oct. 7," Knight said to cheers.

don't really think she should be fired but this shit is just so dumb

symsymsym, Thursday, 9 November 2023 04:54 (ten months ago) link

I'think in any large crowd of demonstration there will be people who say or display dubious things, and it isn't fair to criticise a whole crowd for the actions of a few individuals, but at the same time I didn't expect people to be cheering. I know group dynamics play a role and people are primed to cheer regardless of what is said, and we don't necessarily now how many people were cheering but thats still somewhat surprising as I in US/Canada at least I was under impression pro Hamas rhetoric was much less in play than in Germany or Belgium

anvil, Thursday, 9 November 2023 06:15 (ten months ago) link

A lot of stuff in this NYT article:

“There was an active campaign on campus of saying that if you go to Hillel, you’re racist,” said Sammy Tweedy, a Jewish student from Chicago, who described himself as sympathetic to both sides in the conflict.

Mr. Tweedy said he began to feel particularly ostracized after attending a Birthright trip to Israel in 2020. “I did not have friends anymore,” he said. “And I would hear that people had heard I was a fascist or a Nazi or a racist. And I was like, ‘Where is this coming from?’”

The problems accelerated when the war broke out; he was studying in Tel Aviv. He shared Instagram screenshots with The New York Times in which students went so far as to tell him, “The blood of Gaza is on your hands.”

In October, the local chapter of Hillel wrote a letter to the college’s leadership threatening a federal complaint if it did not take steps to rectify “persistent and pervasive antisemitism.”

Mr. Tweedy, who said his complaints to the university had not been addressed, has decided to finish his degree in a study-abroad program.

“I have a pact with myself that I will never, ever step a single foot on their campus again,” he said.

The demand for ideological conformity with the Palestinian cause — as a condition of participating in other aspects of campus life — is a form of antisemitism, said Bethany Slater, executive director of the Hillel chapter of the Claremont Colleges in California.

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Thursday, 9 November 2023 12:43 (ten months ago) link

Sarah Lawrence College

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Thursday, 9 November 2023 12:44 (ten months ago) link

That's Jeff Tweedy's son, btw.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 9 November 2023 13:04 (ten months ago) link

I thought this was a good, useful quote:

“Antisemitism isn’t primarily about hurting or killing Jews, and it’s not based on some theory of racial inferiority (or superiority),” he wrote. “Instead, antisemitism is a fear, and hatred, of Jewish power — expressed primarily as a readiness to believe that Jews, when organized and acting together on large scales, are dangerous, the very essence of evil.”

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 9 November 2023 13:28 (ten months ago) link

Jeff Tweedy is Jewish?

deep wubs and tribral rhythms (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 9 November 2023 13:47 (ten months ago) link

He converted. It's actually a pretty sweet story:

“Sammy, our younger son, was struggling quite a bit with the (bar mitzvah) process, and kind of begging to not to be forced to go to Hebrew school,” Tweedy told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “But it was important to us, and important to his mother.”

So Tweedy presented a heartwarming idea to the head rabbi of the family’s synagogue, the Reform Congregation Emanuel on Chicago’s North Side, to “alleviate some of (Sammy’s) kvetching”: Tweedy would go to temple each week with Sammy, and study to convert to Judaism while Sammy was working on his Torah portion.

“(I)t seemed to work. He ended up getting bar mitzvahed and I ended up converting,” Tweedy said.

Rabbi Michael Zedek performed the conversion, but during the process, Tweedy got to know Rabbi Herman Schaalman, who was his synagogue’s rabbi emeritus and continued to assist with ceremonies into his 90s.

“He spoke at Spencer’s Bar Mitzvah, and we had had lots of contact with him at our temple, before he retired and even after he retired he spent a lot of time there,” Tweedy said. “So he played a role in the kids’ interest in Judaism and I’m a deep admirer of his theology.”

Schaalman, who passed away at the age of 100 in 2017, was a legendary figure in the Reform movement. A native of Munich, Germany, he was one of five rabbis Leo Baeck brought to the U.S. in 1935 to study at Hebrew Union College. A leader in the movement for much of the 20th century, Schaalman went public towards the end of his life about having changed the ways he felt about his faith, which included questioning his belief in God.

“I was really moved by that. A lot of people’s views … on religion and things like that tend to calcify as people get older,” Tweedy said of Schaalman. “And his thinking was so nimble right up until the end that it allowed him to basically come up with a theology where it wasn’t pessimistic, it was more like ‘we don’t need a lot of (God) to be good,’ and I thought that was kind of an inspiring message for a world that’s trying to integrate religious beliefs and secular beliefs.”

The conversion process also required Tweedy to partake in a certain painful traditional ritual. He didn’t go over his circumcision story again in detail, but as he told NPR’s “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” show last year, it involved a storage closet at his temple, a black operating bag and a mohel who afterwards told him that his sons were big fans.

Tweedy described the synagogue as a place where he’s simply known as “the father of Spencer and Sammy,” not a celebrity.

“You eventually blend in as a parent, and a citizen,” Tweedy said of the synagogue. “My experience with the temple, I think, has been pretty typical of most people’s. It’s just another wonderful group of supportive people.”

Tweedy sang at both of his sons’ bar mitzvahs, and he even brought along Mavis Staples, with whom he had been collaborating at the time, to sing at his younger son’s ceremony. He said the “pretty liberal” Reform environment leaves plenty of room for music (especially folk music) to be integrated into prayer. The synagogue also boasts a “semi-professional” klezmer group called the Ham-It-Up Band.

I think Tweedy has also said, essentially, that if his family was forced onto the trains again, he'd want to be with them, so he might as well be Jewish.

Btw, starting to see more clips of explicitly anti-Semitic hate speech at rallies, especially the stuff in Montreal.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 9 November 2023 14:23 (ten months ago) link

Can you elaborate on that? There's a lot of misinformation being spread about what happened at Concordia yesterday

rob, Thursday, 9 November 2023 14:27 (ten months ago) link

Never mind, I think I know what you're referring to

rob, Thursday, 9 November 2023 14:32 (ten months ago) link

I saw a clip of somebody calling somebody a kike, and I saw a clip of a professor telling somebody to go back to Poland, you whore.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 9 November 2023 14:35 (ten months ago) link

I don't know anything about the latter clip, do you have a link or can you direct me in some way?

I've seen the former, and I think it's impossible to know whether they're saying that word or "cunt," which is what the student has claimed.

rob, Thursday, 9 November 2023 14:45 (ten months ago) link

got to admit, my benefit of the doubt reserves are pretty low right now.

Can't paste the link right now, but I saw it on one of those anti-Semitism aggregate accounts.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 9 November 2023 15:16 (ten months ago) link

personally I believe anti-semitism is primarily about killing or hurting Jews

symsymsym, Thursday, 9 November 2023 16:22 (ten months ago) link

Heck of a fact check:

— Talia Jane ❤️‍🔥 (@taliaotg) November 9, 2023

symsymsym, Thursday, 9 November 2023 16:47 (ten months ago) link

lol comments full of lip readers

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Thursday, 9 November 2023 16:51 (ten months ago) link

nice of the anti-semitism aggregators to introduce the k-word into the general discourse, definitely what we as a people needed right now

symsymsym, Thursday, 9 November 2023 16:58 (ten months ago) link

it doesn't sound like either of those words to me

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Thursday, 9 November 2023 16:59 (ten months ago) link

maybe we can get Peter Jackson to use his MAL tech to demix this and solve the problems of Israel and Palestine forever

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Thursday, 9 November 2023 17:00 (ten months ago) link

The octopus was Ringo

Alba, Thursday, 9 November 2023 17:01 (ten months ago) link

Next Tuesday in Jerusalem

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Thursday, 9 November 2023 17:04 (ten months ago) link

OK lol

symsymsym, Thursday, 9 November 2023 17:04 (ten months ago) link

You know who often uses octopus imagery? Antisemites.

Anyway, I'm glad we've got this anti-Semitism stuff sorted out. Carry on, Canada.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 9 November 2023 17:05 (ten months ago) link

There is no way she's saying the K word in that video unless she retroactively was born in Georgia midsentence.

Granted, I don't blame that misinfo from spreading, I blame the person who posted the vid and made the initial claim

a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Thursday, 9 November 2023 17:58 (ten months ago) link

Honestly, I really couldn't tell one way or another from the initial vid, and the statement to the contrary comes allegedly/anonymously from the person being accused, by way of an ally of the accused, so it's not exactly some neutral defense. But I saw a second video with (to my ears) slightly better sound, and it starts off seemingly less angry and doesn't sound like what she was being accused of saying. Again, I admit my benefit of the doubt reserves are running low, so I apologize for further spreading misinformation.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 9 November 2023 18:30 (ten months ago) link

The replay center in Secaucus says NOT antisemitism

longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Thursday, 9 November 2023 18:33 (ten months ago) link

i don't blame anybody for sharing it, it's how it was framed and info spreads on Twitter quickly

a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Thursday, 9 November 2023 18:51 (ten months ago) link

personally I believe anti-semitism is primarily about killing or hurting Jews

― symsymsym, Thursday, November 9, 2023 8:22 AM bookmarkflaglink

I interpreted what Tweedy said as meaning what starts as words or symbols or fears can turn into actions.

Kind of the frog being boiled alive thing

felicity, Thursday, 9 November 2023 19:32 (ten months ago) link

“Antisemitism isn’t primarily about hurting or killing Jews, and it’s not based on some theory of racial inferiority (or superiority),” he wrote. “Instead, antisemitism is a fear, and hatred, of Jewish power — expressed primarily as a readiness to believe that Jews, when organized and acting together on large scales, are dangerous, the very essence of evil.”

The quote's by a Rabbi Rubenstein at Yale, not Tweedy Jr.

I think it's true that anti-semitism almost universally does have this conspiratorial thinking about secret cabals of powerful Jews behind it at one level or another. I just find the framing a bit weird - surely anti-semitism is primarily about the actual consequences to Jews, and is about racial discrimination. And this framing doesn't leave any space for valid criticism of Jews wielding power - it's not anti-semitic for me to attack AIPAC's actions or the ADL's positions.

Jews are no less capable of using power for evil than any other group of people. It's fair for people whose families are bombed or whose lives are consigned to an indefinite military occupation to feel fear or hatred of Israel. Nobody should conflate Israel with Jewish people, but I think these kinds of definitions of anti-semitism themselves muddy the water.

I haven't read the pdf where the quote comes from, so maybe it provides more context, and I'm reading it unfairly.

symsymsym, Thursday, 9 November 2023 20:40 (ten months ago) link

Someone on my daughter's instagram account just told her the blood of thousands of children is on her hands. It's cool, though, she's distracting herself by helping her roommates hang Christmas decorations. She's decided against hanging Hanukkah decorations for the time being, though. Because something something chilling effect.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 9 November 2023 21:25 (ten months ago) link

sorry jic

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Thursday, 9 November 2023 21:26 (ten months ago) link

That's awful - I'm sorry Josh.

Alba, Thursday, 9 November 2023 22:09 (ten months ago) link

Terrible. People have lost their minds.

felicity, Thursday, 9 November 2023 22:11 (ten months ago) link

Really sorry Josh.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 9 November 2023 22:12 (ten months ago) link

I feel like something has really broken out there. Some kids were running around our neighborhood yelling "White Power" last night. On Tuesday a friend who was working at a polling place had an old man call her over to help him with his ballot. He wanted to know which people running were Jews so he could avoid voting for them.

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Thursday, 9 November 2023 22:13 (ten months ago) link

Damn. People are fucking terrible.

The Triumphant Return of Bernard & Stubbs (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 9 November 2023 22:17 (ten months ago) link

Xpost to Josh and Keyes

The Triumphant Return of Bernard & Stubbs (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 9 November 2023 22:18 (ten months ago) link

That's really messed up. I'm very sorry to hear that Josh.

Similar things have been reported about protests at Northwestern University and a friend of mine who's still there (attended as a student, then got a nice job as university staff) sadly confirmed the details. It's really insane and infuriating how too many people opposed to what's happening in Gaza have been taking it out on all people of Jewish faith - I really expected at least students in a university to know better. I was already bracing for both anti-semitism and Islamophobia to get worse - per the analyst quoted in another thread, to 9/11-era levels - but this is far worse than what I've seen in my lifetime.

birdistheword, Thursday, 9 November 2023 22:22 (ten months ago) link

Conversely, over here, people who are susceptible to yelling "White Power" are more likely to be supporting Israel's actions.

The First Time Ever I Saw Gervais (Tom D.), Thursday, 9 November 2023 22:29 (ten months ago) link

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