This is a thread for ILXORS IN THEIR 50's

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I fully expect die of something else WAY before my colon gets me. Ditto cholesterol or my prostate gland.

I may be severely deluded (correction, I am probably severely deluded) but right now I find myself more worried about climate change, gun nuts, car accidents, my booze-beleaguered liver, and - fuck it - zombies.

In what I presume will be a massive shocker, I suspect the medical industry has a bias toward recommending tests that are (1) easy to administer and (2) lucrative in terms of reimbursement.

I literally went to see someone about a hernia and came out with a colonoscopy appointment and a recommendation to do exactly nothing about the hernia.

don't let days go by, Listerine (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 16 November 2023 01:12 (ten months ago) link

Both of my grandfathers survived colon cancer, and they took no care of themselves. They were really hard to kill. I like my odds.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 16 November 2023 01:15 (ten months ago) link

Perhaps it was only semicolon cancer.

don't let days go by, Listerine (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 16 November 2023 01:16 (ten months ago) link


I will say, my dad's dad actively wished for death for a while after they took part of his bowel.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 16 November 2023 01:17 (ten months ago) link

lol ymp

a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 16 November 2023 01:32 (ten months ago) link

Colorectal is easy to catch, easy to fix, at least compared to other cancers.

Wait around for the "perforation" and you'll be the one they're depositing into a box.

pplains, Thursday, 16 November 2023 16:22 (ten months ago) link

Hello knee pain, my old friend
I've come to talk to you again

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Thursday, 16 November 2023 23:49 (ten months ago) link

I am not sure if this is the right thread for this particular ventfest but fuckit.

Two days ago I went to meet my son's school bus and the bus was already there. (For context, it is a special ed bus and if I m not there, they leave and take him back to school and it becomes a Whole Thing.)

Annnnyway I started to run to catch up with the bus. There was a jogger with a dog, and I tried to dodge around them but tripped My face, my glasses, and my phone had a serious disagreement with the sidewalk.

My wife was out of town, I needed urgent care, and my son was having a meltdown. Also my phone was smashed, which meant that anything requiring two-factor authentication (which is a lot of things) would be impossible for a while.

Of course I will be okay about maybe I will someday look back on it as comical - a parenting injury! - but right now I just feel stupid and embarrassed.

Plus my face looks like hamburger and I don't know how to go to four business meetings and a follow-up doctor's appointment without having to address the whole episode.

Oh I believe in Yetis' Day (Ye Mad Puffin), Sunday, 19 November 2023 18:12 (ten months ago) link

oh ymp, i’m really sorry.

digital chirping and whirring (Hunt3r), Sunday, 19 November 2023 19:19 (ten months ago) link

Ouch dude, that sucks. And I don't know about you, but for me physical injuries hit a lil different now. Not that I have many of them. But just much more aware of overall corporeal vulnerability and how long any one thing can take to recover from.

Yikes, that sounds painful. Hope you mend quickly.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Sunday, 19 November 2023 20:12 (ten months ago) link

i've hit my face on the pavement a couple of times while out running, i know that pain well and fuck me does it hurt! you never really think about how little cushioning your face has compared to other parts of your body until you whack it full-force into a slab of concrete. but the worst bit is that longterm it's left me feeling a bit wary and vulnerable in moments where previously i wouldn't have had a care in the world. anyhow, heal quick ymp!

blazin' squab (NickB), Sunday, 19 November 2023 20:56 (ten months ago) link

As someone who also had a recent face-meets-road bad fall (I have a slightly Vulcan eyebrow now thanks to one scar), I empathise. Christ just last night I was unable to sleep cos I was having horrible intrusive thoughts about falling over and going to the hspital and feeling so embarrased and frightened, even though it happened over six months ago.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Sunday, 19 November 2023 21:54 (ten months ago) link

Thanks for the empathy folks, I will be fine but I definitely feel like this is oart of aging. You will get injured more easily. You will heal more slowly. Health complaints that would have been minor and temporary start to get, vexingly, more permanent.

When you're 22 and you hurt your knee, it might hurt for a few days. When you're 52 and you hurt your knee, that's basically going to be how it feels, forever. You get used to it, because what other choices do you have?

Oh I believe in Yetis' Day (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 20 November 2023 00:18 (ten months ago) link

I now totally get the olds’ fear of falling and how it influences choices of activities. I used to disparage horsewomen who got to a certain age and quit jumping. I’m not there yet and hope I never will be, but after more falls this year than in my entire riding career up to this point, I am getting more selective about what horses I jump. Biting dirt after coming off a horse at speed—this is a very different thing for a 50-something than a 15 year old rubber ball of a rider.

mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Monday, 20 November 2023 22:48 (ten months ago) link

I slept so poorly last night. Everything hurt. I feel my age today and I hate it.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Monday, 20 November 2023 22:59 (ten months ago) link

Hope you feel better jimbeaux.

Have you tried an electric heating pad? I got one and makes a world of difference. Sometimes I use it just because it's comforting, not because I have any specific injury or complaint.

Oh I believe in Yetis' Day (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 20 November 2023 23:08 (ten months ago) link

I have tried them for my back specifically, usually not when trying to sleep. I might give it a try. Thanks, and I hope you feel better too.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Monday, 20 November 2023 23:11 (ten months ago) link

I definitely feel like this is oart of aging. You will get injured more easily. You will heal more slowly. Health complaints that would have been minor and temporary start to get, vexingly, more permanent.

When you're 22 and you hurt your knee, it might hurt for a few days. When you're 52 and you hurt your knee, that's basically going to be how it feels, forever. You get used to it, because what other choices do you have?

seldom has a poster been so otm. over a month ago I threw my back coughing. at the outset of an incredibly busy workweek. I could not really stand up straight for two weeks, nor get out of bed without incredible effort and pain. aging requires a deeply philosophical outlook to be tolerable.

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Monday, 20 November 2023 23:12 (ten months ago) link

I saw a friend on Saturday, he's my age, he hurt his back reaching over to open a window.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Monday, 20 November 2023 23:14 (ten months ago) link

it was so embarrassing because it happened so fast, and I was due to meet my coworkers at ten -- and I'd already been up and around, they'd seen me just earlier that morning -- and they called: where are you? and I said, oh, ahem, well, I'm trying to get out of bed, but turning over is proving to be a real whole thing, give me ten minutes. it was like this for two weeks.

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Monday, 20 November 2023 23:16 (ten months ago) link

because I COUGHED.

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Monday, 20 November 2023 23:16 (ten months ago) link

I have a thing now where every time I fly in an airplane, and all the sitting that entails, will result in a back injury upon reaching my destination. Happened when I flew to Spain (as I reached down to open a mini fridge in the hotel), and it happened in Sweden in June when I bent down to photograph a wildflower.. just like a rubber band snapping in my lower back, if sucks

Andy the Grasshopper, Monday, 20 November 2023 23:50 (ten months ago) link

oh that's data for me -- this was the morning after a long flight.

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 00:16 (ten months ago) link

What about changes in weather?

Shifty Henry’s Swing Club (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 00:16 (ten months ago) link

I have had, since I was 19, a knee that sometimes clicks when the weather changes, but I haven't noticed anything with other things. I went from heat to heat on the flight though (mid-atlantic to deep south) so I'm not sure about that.

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 00:23 (ten months ago) link

My left knee used to pop like bubble wrap in the mornings. Lately it doesn't do that as much. I wonder if it's altitude/humidity related.

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 00:34 (ten months ago) link

Long flights and long drives both mess with my back/shoulders.

Somebody mentioned heating pads, I will also throw out this specifically for back/shoulder/neck stuff: a massage pillow. I have this thing and my wife and I love it to pieces:

a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 00:44 (ten months ago) link

On a flight of 3+ hours, I have to get up and walk around, my legs hurt so much. I think it's related to poor circulation.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 01:03 (ten months ago) link

Get you some compression socks! (I don't actually have any, but I should.)

a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 01:57 (ten months ago) link


out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 02:42 (ten months ago) link

I am suddenly visualising us all sittting under blankets round a fire, croaking tips at each other at how to deal with the old lumbago.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 05:49 (ten months ago) link

Don’t mind me … I am just getting a looksee at what I am in for next year

sarahell, Tuesday, 21 November 2023 07:45 (ten months ago) link

lol Trayce I will take all the advice! Starting to realize that consciously trying to minimize/avoid current or future pain is going to be a focus from now on.

a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Tuesday, 21 November 2023 16:23 (ten months ago) link

two weeks pass...

Got the shingles vaxx #2 yesterday... I'm feeling it today: achy, mild chills, slight headache. Plus my arm hurts
Glad I'm working at the kitchen table

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:22 (nine months ago) link

the shingles vax was rough but it's definitely worth it to prevent shingles

that's not my post, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:35 (nine months ago) link

I didn't really feel the first dose at all, outside of the injection site.. but #2 is kicking my ass

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:39 (nine months ago) link

hang on, this is available for all over 50s ?

mark e, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:42 (nine months ago) link

CDC recommends that adults 50 years and older get two doses of the shingles vaccine called Shingrix (recombinant zoster vaccine) to prevent shingles and the complications from the disease.

each dose is a different microchip

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:43 (nine months ago) link

Seeing Diane Feinstein in the wheelchair was enough for me to message my GP about it

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:45 (nine months ago) link

cdc = America. nhs says 65+

Thraed of Shingrix

koogs, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:48 (nine months ago) link

ahh, thats what i thought i remembered.
i.e. 65+ for us in the UK.

mark e, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:54 (nine months ago) link

The shingles vaccine doesn't guarantee that you won't get shingles. But this vaccine will likely reduce the course and severity of the disease. And it will likely lower your risk of postherpetic neuralgia. Studies suggest that Shingrix offers protection against shingles for more than five years.

FIVE years?? I thought it was good for life :-(

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:56 (nine months ago) link

shingles thread... looks like some longer term study data was published last year. one study saying protection lasts at least 7 years and another study saying up to 10 years.

that's not my post, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 19:51 (nine months ago) link

My aunt (79) has had it for years. It's been agony. The shot feels like a punch in the arm, well worth it.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 20:01 (nine months ago) link

If you had chickenpox as a kid is shingles off the cards or no?

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Thursday, 7 December 2023 02:01 (nine months ago) link

I . . . don't know. I definitely had chickenpox as a kid but they still said I should get the shot.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 7 December 2023 02:02 (nine months ago) link

Oh wait I thought shingles was if you had nevr had pox as a kid. but it seems its if you DID :/ ugh!

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Thursday, 7 December 2023 02:03 (nine months ago) link

Yeah, it's some kind of re-emergence of prior infection.

If you didn't have chickenpox as a kid, then you need that vaccine.

a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 7 December 2023 02:08 (nine months ago) link

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