A thread about the Denis Villeneuve-helmed reboot of DUNE

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I haven't read the book since high school, so watching these movies has really reminded me how much Lucas just straight stole from it. (Yes, he cribbed from all over, but especially Dune.)

Also there was something relatively recent--maybe it was Book of Boba Fett?--where they were suddenly talking about "spice" as this valuable commodity.

sctttnnnt (pgwp), Monday, 4 March 2024 20:29 (three months ago) link

How are the 70mm prints? Seeing it in said format next week.

I’m more partial to Villrneuve’s Quebec films, but he is extremely consistent

beamish13, Monday, 4 March 2024 20:30 (three months ago) link

xpost -- Oh yes there was, and believe me, I noticed.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 4 March 2024 20:41 (three months ago) link

Saw my screening with 70mm -- perfectly fine, though there were a couple of reel changeover amusement moments where I think it was clear they didn't work with the format all that often. Will be catching IMAX next week.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 4 March 2024 20:42 (three months ago) link

Anyway, that's a headline.


Ned Raggett, Monday, 4 March 2024 20:43 (three months ago) link

re: the anakin thing; i was remembering the awful scene in attack of the clones where he explains to padme how "we should just pick one guy to decide everything for everyone and follow him", and then just picturing him watching this and feeling mega jealous "SEE THIS IS WHAT I FUCKING MEANT"

Hmmmmm (jamiesummerz), Monday, 4 March 2024 22:07 (three months ago) link

they were suddenly talking about "spice" as this valuable commodity.

Considering how much of sci-fi is a reworking and rehashing of good old Terran colonialism and the Age of Exploration (and Exploitation), there's plenty of historical precedent for "spice" being a valuable commodity. Herbert was just dipping into the common pool of historical material.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 4 March 2024 22:19 (three months ago) link

Considering how much of sci-fi is a reworking and rehashing of good old Terran colonialism and the Age of Exploration (and Exploitation), there's plenty of historical precedent for "spice" being a valuable commodity. Herbert was just dipping into the common pool of historical material.

― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, March 4, 2024 bookmarkflaglink

Sure but when the term is used on a Star Wars TV show made in the 2020s that takes place on a desert planet, I think they're just ripping off Dune.

sctttnnnt (pgwp), Monday, 4 March 2024 23:29 (three months ago) link

spice has been a thing in star wars forever! “what are we going to do! we’ll be sent to the spice mines of kessel” is said by c3po right before they evacuate the ship at the very beginning of the first star wars movie release

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Monday, 4 March 2024 23:36 (three months ago) link

that is to say, they ripped that off dune from the drop

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Monday, 4 March 2024 23:36 (three months ago) link

Depends on whether they're talking about Dune "spice" or black pepper, nutmeg and cloves.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 4 March 2024 23:36 (three months ago) link

in the star wars universe it was originally a drug but disney has gone back and forth on whether they’re going to change that

the only movie to visit kessel was Solo, where a mining operation was extracting something that could be used as fuel

so spice in Star Wars is either a psychoactive drug, or a fuel that facilitates travel through hyperspace. in Dune, spice is a psychoactive drug that facilitates travel through hyperspace.

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Monday, 4 March 2024 23:42 (three months ago) link

Herbert was apparently a big psilocybin enthusiast, that must have been a significant influence on his writing to say the least.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Monday, 4 March 2024 23:45 (three months ago) link

that video of timothee chalamet and zendaya with the popcorn is one of the more sinister things ive seen recently so of course i added the annihilation music to it pic.twitter.com/URPsTfBRFx

— zach silberberg (@zachsilberberg) March 4, 2024

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 5 March 2024 04:27 (three months ago) link

No cut scenes to be released it seems. And Tim Blake Nelson still can’t say who he was playing.


Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 04:41 (three months ago) link

is that because he might appear in the third one?

CEO Greedwagon (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 5 March 2024 04:44 (three months ago) link

The article speculates as much, in re the character I was guessing he’d play.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 05:30 (three months ago) link

I was just reading about the apparently (and I don't doubt it :( ) antisemitic inclusion of Actual Jews in the sixth book :o

nashwan, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 14:50 (three months ago) link

That’s when I stopped reading the books, unclear why I didn’t stop after God Emperor Leto explains how lesbians grow out of it when they get pregnant

G. D’Arcy Cheesewright (silby), Tuesday, 5 March 2024 16:24 (three months ago) link

It's been forever since I read the last two books but Actual Jews do show up, though I honestly can't remember much about them as characters. I think one guy gave off '1930s Manhattan rabbi' vibes but that's about all I can recall.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 16:43 (three months ago) link

Anyway I do like how I'm seeing a couple more pieces lately in the wake of the success going "There's a franchise for sure! But uh...are audiences going to really going to go with EVERYTHING coming up?"

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 16:43 (three months ago) link

HBO is doing a series as well, right? I think it's already done.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Tuesday, 5 March 2024 17:17 (three months ago) link

Yeah the series is in post-production now. I suspect if the Dune Messiah movie gets made, it will probably throw a bunch of people off the franchise, as the book did to me

Thought this movie did well with the material, but unsurprisingly had to rush through a bunch of stuff. So I probably still prefer the first movie overall, but I would watch a whole movie set on Giedi Prime

Vinnie, Wednesday, 6 March 2024 23:03 (three months ago) link

What is the HBO series? Is it offshoots of this story, or a different take on the same adaptation?

sctttnnnt (pgwp), Thursday, 7 March 2024 00:14 (three months ago) link

"Set 10,000 years before the events of the 1965 novel Dune, the series follows sisters Valya and Tula Harkonnen as they combat forces that threaten the future of humankind, and establish the fabled sect known as the Bene Gesserit."

default damager (lukas), Thursday, 7 March 2024 00:38 (three months ago) link

Ah ok. I don’t know my Dune literary universe very well - is that summary based on existing books or is it prestige fan fiction ?

sctttnnnt (pgwp), Thursday, 7 March 2024 03:09 (three months ago) link

idk it very well either but my understanding is that the vast majority of the dune series (that is everything written after frank died) is prestige fan fiction

gbx, Thursday, 7 March 2024 03:18 (three months ago) link

The last few books read kinda like fanfic too tbh “Duncan Idaho is back!”

G. D’Arcy Cheesewright (silby), Thursday, 7 March 2024 03:24 (three months ago) link

I read the series when I was probably too young and mostly remember of Heretics that “Duncan Idaho is back, and he fucks”

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 7 March 2024 03:28 (three months ago) link

that's the plot m/l

G. D’Arcy Cheesewright (silby), Thursday, 7 March 2024 03:54 (three months ago) link


The most powerful of these forces are the Honored Matres, a violent society of women bred and trained for combat and the sexual control of men.

papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 7 March 2024 04:06 (three months ago) link

they currently owe brain rent to every gop male

... 2024-- there's one clear winner! (Hunt3r), Thursday, 7 March 2024 15:10 (three months ago) link

saw this last night. i think i preferred the first? i'm trying to decide if it was because it was more faithful to the book, or because it had less plot to cover and was more able to dwell on the weird far-future cultural stuff that really makes the series special.

austin butler was fun. was trying to figure out what he reminded me of, and it turned out to be christian bale's performance in that 4th thor movie.

the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Thursday, 7 March 2024 16:58 (three months ago) link

I saw a funny post from Paul F. Tompkins asking why these movies have all these fake Middle Eastern music cues, that they might as well be ragtime scores. And then I guess inevitably somebody replied with the trailer re-scored with ragtime.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 7 March 2024 18:23 (three months ago) link

has no one seen this yet?

the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Sunday, 10 March 2024 21:12 (three months ago) link

oh i guess there was some opening weekend discussion that i gotta read

the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Sunday, 10 March 2024 21:15 (three months ago) link

Saw it a few nights ago. As with the first, loved it compositionally, the vast spaces where intimate conversations happen. Didn't connect with it or care about it, but as a 2h45m oversized Taschen book never got bored. Thought Walken was retired, so was good to see him.

paisley got boring (Eazy), Sunday, 10 March 2024 21:25 (three months ago) link

I enjoyed it but felt like it packed so much in that I need to see it again to really absorb it. My one gripe is that it didn't really give much explanation about what the water of life does to Paul and didn't show much about how his vision was altered and why that helps them. I really like the descriptions of his powers in the book and would have loved to see that translated onto the screen.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 10 March 2024 21:30 (three months ago) link

yeah villenueve is kind of like nolan in that even the dream sequences are realistic, not stylistic. he handled the visions and psychedelic aspects better in the first film i think

the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Sunday, 10 March 2024 21:59 (three months ago) link

I agree. I particularly like how it hits Paul during the spice harvester scene.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 10 March 2024 22:08 (three months ago) link

I don’t think his visions of the future were altered, I think he saw everything in context: whether it’s destiny or not is irrelevant, he’s the result of thousands of years of political and genetic maneuvering. so he is either the cog in someone else’s machine or he takes control of the machine, which may be one and the same

it’s not that he decides it’s good to be a dictator, it’s that he understands someone will be and his fault is that he thinks his way is more benevolent. or the right people get killed

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Sunday, 10 March 2024 22:34 (three months ago) link

worshipping at his father’s skull seems very un-Atreides but if they have to worship someone…

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Sunday, 10 March 2024 22:36 (three months ago) link

saw it this afternoon and wooooweee that was cool as hell

so glad i saw it in the theater, it looked fucking incredible

austin butler was fucking terrifying (the black mouth! D: ), timothee had great hairography & zendaya’s micro-reactions were a+

great job everyone, thank you fremen, thank you shai hulud

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 10 March 2024 22:46 (three months ago) link

Saw it a few nights ago. As with the first, loved it compositionally, the vast spaces where intimate conversations happen. Didn't connect with it or care about it, but as a 2h45m oversized Taschen book never got bored. Thought Walken was retired, so was good to see him.

This is where I’m at as well. I loved the set designs, costumes and stately spacecraft; I didn’t care about the action movie blockbuster battles and overall would have preferred more strangeness vs blowing shit up.

blatherskite, Sunday, 10 March 2024 23:15 (three months ago) link

xp to mh

I agree with what you said. I mean his vision is altered in the sense that once he drinks the water of life he starts seeing infinite future paths all the time and can see through the eyes of everyone who ever lived. The movie doesn't really attempt to represent that or deal with it much at all, but it is a very large part of the later half of the book.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 10 March 2024 23:56 (three months ago) link

The book is so long vanished in my memory that I don’t clock what’s missing or different. I left the theatre gobsmacked. Little criticisms try to pop up but I quelch them — fuckit, like the LoTR films it’s a flawed adaptation but it’s hard to imagine there will be a better.

It was on a accident (hardcore dilettante), Monday, 11 March 2024 03:12 (three months ago) link

i just love seeing the things you imagined in yr head being realized in this grand scale & sure maybe different than what you pictured but gosh it’s thrilling that someone could even make it real yknow

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 11 March 2024 03:22 (three months ago) link

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