US Politics, March 2024: The house of illuminati will NOT be holding any other event in the foreseeable future.

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polls are ... shifting ?

My former colleagues at The Economist have Biden polling ahead of Trump now for the first time since September 2023. My own average is not so optimistic, but it's clear Biden has gained ground over the last few weeks

— G Elliott Morris (@gelliottmorris) March 21, 2024

I am still being cautious (I've already been burned by seeing a shift toward Biden this cycle, and I'd like to see high-quality polling confirm it), but this could be something. The prolific online polls have trended toward Biden over the last few weeks

— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) March 26, 2024


this in particular is noteworthy

Seems important.

— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) March 26, 2024

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 02:50 (three months ago) link

Alabamba Dems just flipped a State Senate seat by 25 points in a district that Trump won in 2020, dunno how significant that is but it does feel like Dems have performed better than they've polled pretty consistently since 2016

frogbs, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 03:17 (three months ago) link

assuming he doesn't wind up in prison for various crimes already committed, what do you think Trump is going to do when he loses this?

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 04:58 (three months ago) link

i can imagine the motherfucker running again in 2028

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 04:59 (three months ago) link

He'd continue down the exact same path he's been following since he lost the last election, complaining constantly about how badly he's treated and harvesting as much money and power as he can out of his tens of millions of loyal fools. But the main power structure will try to work around him any way they can, because he's a sociopathic narcissist who lies and cheats as often as he breathes.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 16:38 (three months ago) link

he could also eat a KFC Original Recipe drumstick and die.

poppers fueled buttsex crescendo (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 16:44 (three months ago) link

It seems to me he’s still attracting $$ from big money sources thinking he’ll win again. If he loses again I’m guessing that money dries up fast and he’ll just be preaching to the loyal fools and the rest of us won’t have to give him much thought. God willing.

tobo73, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 16:50 (three months ago) link

upon losing, he will demand (and get) a non-elected leadership role in the GOP and continue both grifting and getting nonstop press coverage until he dies

the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 16:52 (three months ago) link

There are so many ways he could die. It's hard to imagine the stress from losing the election then sitting through endless criminal trials wouldn't do the job even if he didn't actually end up in prison, but definitely an errant chicken part or toilet-induced aneurysm would work just as well.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 16:54 (three months ago) link

yeah but he just get five billion in fake money, that has to keep the blood pumping somewhat

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 17:02 (three months ago) link

He’ll keep grifting for sure but I think big money sources don’t like giving $$ to losers and he’ll have strung together an impressive streak of losses at that point. My hunch is he begins to fade into sideshow status and hopefully dies a painful, slow loser’s death.

tobo73, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 17:11 (three months ago) link

A really childish part of me wants to see Biden make an “L” sign with his hand during at least one campaign speech while referring to his opponent

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 17:14 (three months ago) link

keep your inner child alive

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 17:39 (three months ago) link

I am on Team Toilet Aneurysm.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 17:43 (three months ago) link

RFK JR making anyone able to make events on his website with no approval process was probably a bad idea

— organizermemes (panda era) (@OrganizerMemes) March 28, 2024

President Keyes, Thursday, 28 March 2024 12:24 (three months ago) link

Just to be clear, this was the Gonzaga basketball team.

Photos show Gonzaga getting on an Allegiant plane to Detroit for the Sweet 16, and Flight Radar shows a plane from GEG to DTW landed at 7:25 p.m., around the time this photo was posted.

This is a wild tweet

— Maxwell White (@MaxWhiteWXYZ) March 28, 2024

(•̪●) (carne asada), Thursday, 28 March 2024 14:45 (three months ago) link

"Gonzaga...sounds like Mexicans to me!"

an icon of a worried-looking, long-haired, bespectacled man (C. Grisso/McCain), Thursday, 28 March 2024 14:49 (three months ago) link

this stupid motherfucker is doubling down on his post

(•̪●) (carne asada), Thursday, 28 March 2024 14:51 (three months ago) link

they hate pretty much all sports now

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 28 March 2024 14:53 (three months ago) link

Why do these guys all wear the same uniform? Looks like a paramilitary unit to me.

President Keyes, Thursday, 28 March 2024 14:55 (three months ago) link

President Brandon hands out basketball uniforms at the border in exchange for votes

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 28 March 2024 14:57 (three months ago) link

they are military age men

(•̪●) (carne asada), Thursday, 28 March 2024 14:59 (three months ago) link

how do we know they're men

poppers fueled buttsex crescendo (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:03 (three months ago) link

NC double-A sure sounds like a bra size.

a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:05 (three months ago) link

important to note the guy who tweeted this is a sitting State Representative

frogbs, Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:09 (three months ago) link

The numbers on their jerseys are their Adrenochrome levels. This is an auction!

President Keyes, Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:09 (three months ago) link

jimmy kimmel has done a bit for years about gonzaga being a fake team from a fake college.

scott seward, Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:15 (three months ago) link

When Gonzaga sends its people, they're not sending their best, some have limited 3pt range others have defensive deficiencies and some, I assume, are good players

(•̪●) (carne asada), Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:17 (three months ago) link

Matt Haddock

Slorg is not on the Slerf Team, you idiot, you moron (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:19 (three months ago) link

You know, sometimes I try to comfort myself with the thought" Hey, we've probably had mentally ill politicians all throughout history, it's just that they couldn't Tweet".

Slorg is not on the Slerf Team, you idiot, you moron (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:21 (three months ago) link

they hate pretty much all sports now

― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, March 28, 2024 9:53 AM (twenty-six minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink

its genuinely crazy to me that in the national divorce its the libs who got to keep the NFL. like who would've seen that coming

frogbs, Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:21 (three months ago) link

and Bud Lite!

henry s, Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:29 (three months ago) link

the FBI, the CIA

President Keyes, Thursday, 28 March 2024 15:38 (three months ago) link

I blame Kaepernick!

nickn, Thursday, 28 March 2024 16:56 (three months ago) link

We got kneeling too!

President Keyes, Thursday, 28 March 2024 17:35 (three months ago) link

did we get pizza parlors? you never know what might be happening inside of one...

also we get Hollywood. it's evil.

scott seward, Thursday, 28 March 2024 17:40 (three months ago) link

also we get all the vaccines. sorry Qanon children.... :(

scott seward, Thursday, 28 March 2024 17:43 (three months ago) link

We get colleges, video games, sex, Disney, big cities, comic book movies, Ukraine, the Army, Science

President Keyes, Thursday, 28 March 2024 17:57 (three months ago) link

They get to spend $50 on a king james version bible endorsed by Lee Greenwood + lots & lots of unwanted pregnancies.

BrianB, Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:17 (three months ago) link

They may complain about the border but if you go into any small town in KY, TN or IND the local Mexican restaurants are packed on a Friday night.

The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:26 (three months ago) link

I've literally never heard anything about Gonzaga that wasn't related to college basketball, it seems that's its only reason to exist

Andy the Grasshopper, Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:32 (three months ago) link

"Gonzaga" always sounds like some crass cartoon-ey euphemism for big breasts. Or I suppose big breast.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:35 (three months ago) link

There is Ginger Gonzaga

President Keyes, Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:40 (three months ago) link

you're thinking about Gazungas

frogbs, Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:41 (three months ago) link


(•̪●) (carne asada), Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:47 (three months ago) link


Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:48 (three months ago) link

Check out the Gonzagas on that bus

Guayaquil (eephus!), Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:50 (three months ago) link

pretty nice honker in there as well

frogbs, Thursday, 28 March 2024 18:50 (three months ago) link

John Stockton, arguably Gonzaga's most famous alum*?, is staunch anti-vax/COVID-is-a-hoax so MAGA should know not to friendly fire on one of their own.

*(Not counting Bing Crosby who dropped out after his junior year)

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Thursday, 28 March 2024 19:31 (three months ago) link

Maddock's wife is former co chair of the Michigan GOP and is also facing state charges in the fake elector scheme.

underminer of twenty years of excellent contribution to this borad (dan m), Thursday, 28 March 2024 20:50 (three months ago) link

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