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s3 of rez dogs is so good <3

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 31 March 2024 05:49 (six months ago) link

want hard copies of rez dogs so bad

I painted my teeth (sleeve), Sunday, 31 March 2024 06:03 (six months ago) link

i would watch something written by sally wainwright before anything else and renegade nell doesn’t disappoint. it might have been done very badly but it’s been done well. fresh, well written, acting excellent, done all together will relish.

Fizzles, Sunday, 31 March 2024 18:31 (six months ago) link

Watching it with the kids and we've really enjoyed the first few episodes.

I see it's getting review bombed on the web as WOKE NONSENSE! because it has strong female characters and also, how dare they, black people in it.

groovypanda, Sunday, 31 March 2024 18:45 (six months ago) link

black people just won’t let me enjoy things these days, it’s gotten out of hand

Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Sunday, 31 March 2024 18:47 (six months ago) link

i know its a movie and i shouldn't talk about it here but i did watch it on paramount+ and just wanted to say that i did enjoy the first 75% of Beau Is Afraid when it was dark Wes Anderson but the last 25% in the house was more like dark Charlie Kaufman and I didn't like it at all. But that sex scene was pretty funny. and the house was really cool. it took me like a week to watch the whole thing. it was kinda fun in a fairy tale/dream way. i can't imagine having to have that expression on my face for an entire movie. multiple takes! that is some commitment. and i liked how he used his body. i'm not usually a big fan of his. it might not have been entirely successful but it does make you realize that that director could really do a lot of interesting things in the future. they are talented. that movie only cost 35 million which isn't much these days! they really put a lot into it. i can't even imagine. its the big budget Frownland i didn't know i needed.

scott seward, Monday, 1 April 2024 04:38 (six months ago) link

i suspect, reading this irritating interview with the director – which contains the idea the marvellous idea that sally wainwright doesn't know how to write a successful series - that wainwright originally was going to have a series with only women left standing (nell, queen anne, sofia wilmot), trouncing and defeating men all about them. feels like maybe director (who does a good job) plus disney weren't really up for that. shame really.

He said: “I think there was some, with a show of this size, course correction. So you’re shooting in blocks. So I did episodes one and two. And you put those together and you edit them, and you sort of take stock of what's working and what's not, and what dials to turn up or down.

"I think in terms of changes, Sally was overly ready and willing to sort of incapacitate people, especially the male characters."

Taylor continued: "So [character a] is essentially sort of lobotomised after episode 1, [character b] after episode 3 is sort of incapacitated. We reconsidered that and sort of brought them back to life, [character a] less so but [character b] we needed to be a physical threat. I think he was originally written by Sally, or imagined to be bed-bound for five episodes.

"And we knew that wouldn't work for our big baddie. So yeah, we changed our mind on that.”

Fizzles, Monday, 1 April 2024 15:27 (six months ago) link

Recommendation: Why Women Kill (Paramount +, I think).

No, not another true documentation. A very stylish piece of fiction. Very pretty to look at and the plot is pretty smart too.

Esteemed character actress (sunny successor), Monday, 1 April 2024 17:28 (six months ago) link

watched The Wrath of Becky on Paramount+. top notch! i can't help it. watching Proud Boys get murdered in hideous ways is just fun. hoping for a steady stream of nazi-killing Becky movies.

scott seward, Tuesday, 2 April 2024 14:59 (six months ago) link

final post on renegade nell. it was… good, but some promise was squandered i thought. in the first two episodes there was a strong sense that nell’s ability to do stuff was getting her into situations that created more violence, taking her to a dark place. her “Puck” (billy blind) explicitly ruled out being an on demand violence enabler. that all got lost by ep 3 and it was basically a case of being able to switch it on wherever, which broke a good deal of dramatic and plot tension. nell is up against people who will explicitly use power for whatever they want. the mere desire is enough. feels like something got a bit broken along the way. still a lot of fun and the performances are great. (disney+ for anyone still interested, also showing poor things and all of us strangers for those interested)

Fizzles, Tuesday, 2 April 2024 17:31 (six months ago) link

finished the first episode of Beck. watched the first episode of Murder in Paradise on Britbox. watched the first episode of One Foot in the Grave on Britbox? i think i'm just a little bored. and sheesh MHz + Topic is kinda daunting now. too much to choose from. watched a horrifying documentary via Topic about a propaganda film the Nazis made in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942. the doc was called A Film Unfinished. nightmare stuff. i might watch the original The Killing. i enjoyed the American one. but maybe i don't need to. i never watched the original The Bridge either after enjoying the American one. I didn't watch The Tunnel either. I was actually considering a triple feature of the original The Wages of Fear which i have on DVD, the Sorceror remake with Roy Scheider that i also have on DVD, and the new Netflix The Wages of Fear.

scott seward, Wednesday, 3 April 2024 16:10 (six months ago) link

Think I'm going to dive in to 3 Body Problem. Benedict Wong will always be hapless Errol from 15 Storeys High to me, he's great.

kinder, Wednesday, 3 April 2024 16:59 (six months ago) link

i wish 3 body problem trailer and promos looked better to me. it looks kinda lame. sorta tempted to just watch the chinese one which looks endless in a hypnotic way.

scott seward, Wednesday, 3 April 2024 17:04 (six months ago) link

The new Wages of Fear is really bad. Skip it and just watch Sorcerer again. I wish I had.

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Wednesday, 3 April 2024 17:06 (six months ago) link

I didn't watch it but the capsule description mentions the drivers being a "crack team" or something like that, which is such a quintessentially stupid 2020s change to make

rob, Wednesday, 3 April 2024 17:12 (six months ago) link

ha ha i just watched the preview and it looks so awful, everyone is chiseled and beautiful and very clean. oddly i just watched sorcerer for the first time yesterday, obviously an incredible movie, but the original clouzot movie is also fantastic.

na (NA), Wednesday, 3 April 2024 17:31 (six months ago) link

It's already TWO great movies.

dan selzer, Wednesday, 3 April 2024 17:35 (six months ago) link

Girls5Evah was great all the way through, love to have more of that 30 Rock-style joke writing & pace. Actually funny songs too.

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 3 April 2024 17:48 (six months ago) link

i should watch that with maria. we need a good comedy to watch.

scott seward, Wednesday, 3 April 2024 18:58 (six months ago) link

There’s a thread for 3 Body Problem, for those looking for discussion. I came away with extremely mixed feelings. I think I’m glad I watched it and am still fairly interested in where it’s going.

Constellation, on the other hand—the AppleTV show about parallel dimensions. WOOF. What a tedious and frustrating show. Hilarious that it ended on a cliffhanger, since I can’t imagine it will get picked up for a second season. Avoid avoid avoid.

sctttnnnt (pgwp), Wednesday, 3 April 2024 19:26 (six months ago) link

I've been half-watching Renegade Nell but really dislike the 'vignetted' style it's filmed or rendered in where the edges and backgrounds are really blurry and the centre really grainy. Just looks like garbage on my fairly new TV and baffled by this aesthetic choice (this isn't the only recent show like this with it) - also that overdone blue tint on everything.

nashwan, Wednesday, 3 April 2024 19:47 (six months ago) link

Is there a thread for the show? xp

The only one I can see (where there is some discussion) has lots of book spoilers so I left that one sharpish

groovypanda, Wednesday, 3 April 2024 19:51 (six months ago) link

xpost Huh, we are I think four episodes into Constellation (so, halfway) and we are actually enjoying it, though my wife just complained that she wished there was more space and less space madness.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 4 April 2024 02:58 (six months ago) link

xpost Huh, we are I think four episodes into Constellation (so, halfway) and we are actually enjoying it, though my wife just complained that she wished there was more space and less space madness.

Maybe it’s better as a binge rather than letting a week go by between each episode. But I found it sort of confounding. Whatever its internal logic is supposed to be, it didn’t feel consistently applied.

sctttnnnt (pgwp), Thursday, 4 April 2024 03:56 (six months ago) link

Is there a thread for the show? xp

The only one I can see (where there is some discussion) has lots of book spoilers so I left that one sharpish

It’s probably the same thread but if you just scroll to the conversation that started a couple weeks ago, it’s pretty much all tv talk.

sctttnnnt (pgwp), Thursday, 4 April 2024 03:57 (six months ago) link

I avoided Constellation on the general principle that Noomi Rapace is bad and only seems to be in bad things.

Tsar Bombadil (James Morrison), Thursday, 4 April 2024 05:37 (six months ago) link

The first episode had "should have been three hours not 10" energy so I never went back for the second episode. Fool me once (Silo) won't get fooled again

papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 4 April 2024 07:40 (six months ago) link

girls5eva is really funny. just what the doctor ordered. i needed a lift yesterday. when i was young this girl i was seeing on and off came in to where i worked crying and told me she was pregnant and i thought *ohnoohmygodmylifeisover* and then she told me it wasn't mine and i thought *ohthankyoujesusiwilldogoodworksfromnowon* and then i hugged her and was nice and felt bad because i knew her nightmare fucking mother and it turned out the father was a friend of mine and that kid was on girls5eva! small world! i recognized them right away. they are old now like me.

also, my favorite movie WAS The Wrath of Becky but NOW it is Mafia Mamma. saw both on Paramount+.

scott seward, Thursday, 4 April 2024 12:47 (six months ago) link

FWIW, I like "Constellation" more than "Silo" (so far). I think Jonathan Banks is miscast, but I like Rapace in it just fine. It's definitely slow, but when I think it over its pace seems OK, and I don't feel like it's holding back information artificially, just the character is slowly figuring things out at the same speed we are. Let's see if it bogs down in bullshit. I can totally see that happening.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 4 April 2024 13:17 (six months ago) link

Two new Elsbeth episodes tonight for those who celebrate...

i will watch.

scott seward, Friday, 5 April 2024 00:05 (six months ago) link

Watched the first episode of Ripley on Netflix and I'm not sure what the hype is about. It's...OK, but it starts with one of my least favorite devices (in medias res, then SIX MONTHS EARLIER) and honestly I don't understand why people love Andrew Scott so much. Oh, well.

Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Friday, 5 April 2024 00:47 (six months ago) link

one of my least favorite devices (in medias res, then SIX MONTHS EARLIER)

omg yes just tell a story in linear order please.

ledge, Friday, 5 April 2024 07:50 (six months ago) link

It's not even a very useful flash-forward. Ripley's done something bad! But of course he has, HE'S RIPLEY

Chuck_Tatum, Friday, 5 April 2024 08:01 (six months ago) link

Always feels like they have no faith in their audience's attention span when they pull that trick. The show Alias was particularly bad for overusing it

Vinnie, Friday, 5 April 2024 09:11 (six months ago) link

There was a period around 20 years ago (!!!!) when Battlestar used to do this every week, and even then it got predictable.

With Ripley, it reminded me of a show my 4-year-old watches, Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures. That starts with a flash forward every episode. ("Barbie's pulling a corpse down the stairs -- how did that happen??")

Chuck_Tatum, Friday, 5 April 2024 09:38 (six months ago) link

I recently re-watched “John Wick,” and was reminded (and a little surprised) that it uses this device… it doesn’t seem necessary for that movie, you don’t know who this guy is going in, and in fact it drains some of the suspense knowing that he is still alive at the end (if you even remember after 15 minutes or so how it began).

Malicious Complier (morrisp), Friday, 5 April 2024 15:28 (six months ago) link

I recently watched John Wick for the first time and was surprised that people have been going on about this shit for a decade

President Keyes, Friday, 5 April 2024 15:31 (six months ago) link

A big part of what made the first one so much fun (IMO) was that there was no real context for it when it came out… it was just this cool new movie that felt fresh & clever, and was done well.

Then the sequel somehow felt to me like it was already like the 5th entry in a franchise; it all felt played out (and there was much less reason to care about the character)… and now they really have made five of them… blah blah

Malicious Complier (morrisp), Friday, 5 April 2024 15:45 (six months ago) link

it just feels kinda gross now. cuzza guns. and all the guns. and people here just want to see guns. and people dying from guns.

scott seward, Friday, 5 April 2024 15:48 (six months ago) link

not that i don't watch a ton of gun/action movies. i do. those just seem...worse now. an overdose of guns. like the porn habit that has to get more extreme or something. i'm a death metal fan. i get it.

scott seward, Friday, 5 April 2024 15:50 (six months ago) link

I remember enjoying the first two John Wick movies (though I don't really remember the second one), but I caught the third one on a plane recently and bailed on it around halfway through. There was just no tension or impact. It's like watching someone play a video game. I kind of blame modern VFX for making it so cheap to kill hundreds of extras, and it all just looks so fake and video gamey. People being shot in the face point blank and you just see this CG blood splotch show up. The guns have no recoil, there's no mess when people are shot, and we didn't know the character to begin with so there's no emotional impact. In terms of massive scale fights with tons of extras getting messed up; the Raid 2 was way more gripping and gut churning. I think this is one reason why some people I know who are violence-averse will tolerate the violence in the John Wick movies to see more Keanu. Yet there are prime-time TV shows that are too violent for their taste.

beard papa, Friday, 5 April 2024 16:40 (six months ago) link

I've been watching The Good Fight. Gary Cole is wonderful as a supporting character. I was like, "the first thing I ever saw him in was American Gothic, that short-lived Sam Raimi show." Later I saw him as a supporting character in Sam Raimi's A Simple Plan. I don't remember him in much else, except Veep, of course. I love Gary Cole.

Anyway, I wanted to watch American Gothic again. I remember loving it as a teenager. A very young Sarah Paulson is a major character and my bf loves her. It's only "buy the whole series" on Amazon so I got it. Gonna start it up tonight. I hope it's good! The preview looks kinda awful. I remember thinking, of the pilot episode, at age 16 or whatever, "this is the best hour of television I've ever seen". I don't remember why I didn't finish the series, but probably because it was shifting around on the TV schedule?

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 5 April 2024 16:46 (six months ago) link

xp I am only of those ppl who is very squeamish when it comes to "realistic" violence, but was not bothered by the violence in John Wick 1, b/c somehow it's presented with a certain degree of absurdity (i.e., there's no emotional impact). I think it was deliberately filmed that way, and it works. IIRC, the violence in Pt. 2 was even more "absurd" (like when Keanu and Common have that "covert" shoot-out in the subway); but there was a su1cide scene that I found disturbing and a turn-off.

Malicious Complier (morrisp), Friday, 5 April 2024 16:49 (six months ago) link

The entire setup of Pt. 2 (IIRC) completely undid the point of the first movie; it turned out he would have been drawn back into the assassin life anyway, due to this retconned "obligation" to some dude from the past? And you have no investment in whether he succeeds or not, b/c he's not seeking personal revenge (like in Pt. 1), it's just assassins doing assassin sh1t...

Malicious Complier (morrisp), Friday, 5 April 2024 16:51 (six months ago) link

one of my least favorite devices (in medias res, then SIX MONTHS EARLIER)

i despise it. it's been used effectively here and there, there are a couple film noirs which use it pretty well, the opening being the protagonist subjected to some interrogation over the events leading up to his current situation, or for example Out of the Past does a slight variation on it which works, but it's mostly pretty bad. They used it for every single episode in ZeroZeroZero, and it was really ineffective in an otherwise v good series. Even the film Starship Troopers, which i otherwise completely love, used it to ill effect. how much better would it have been to have no idea what these fresh-faced, overly cocky fascist recruits were in for?

omar little, Friday, 5 April 2024 16:53 (six months ago) link

You're probably wondering how I got here

Vinnie, Friday, 5 April 2024 17:01 (six months ago) link

the Wick flicks are mostly diminishing returns, maybe not in terms of how well-made the films are, but how i've come to feel about them. they just sort of feel like cold, empty, more extreme versions of Hong Kong films in the same genre. here you're just watching a first-person shooter game, pausing for scenes where our protagonist earns points and gets clues. i think three hours of Pt 4 did it for me.

omar little, Friday, 5 April 2024 17:03 (six months ago) link

all of the wick takes in here are completely wrong. two eats one's fucking lunch. the fourth is the other best one. operatic action movies of an order i thought were gone at least in u.s. cinema forever

ivy., Friday, 5 April 2024 17:05 (six months ago) link

I agree that the Wick movies get less fun as they go along, except for Halle Berry and her dogs. I haven't even watched the fourth one, because three fucking hours? Fuuuuuck you.

Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Friday, 5 April 2024 17:07 (six months ago) link

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