ILX Film Club, The (1924-2019)

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19th century novels are a good reference point, it has that richness of detail and emotional specificity.

― a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Tuesday, April 30, 2024 5:28 PM (one hour ago)

otm Alfred and tipsy. I already had that association, and when I started reading Anna Karenina the other day I immediately thought of Earrings

rob, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 23:01 (two months ago) link

there's a Chaplin season on sky arts in the UK and Modern Times (78 in the S&S list) and City Lights (36) will be two of those (i think MT is next Saturday and Sunday). so far there's been The Kid, Gold Rush, The Circus. Criterion logo in all the credits.

koogs, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 23:24 (two months ago) link

Finished watching Madame De..., you are all dead-on with the novel comparisons, reminded me of Zola's "La Curée", though without the politics, such a dance the three do with each-other, and the fact that they spent so much time actually dancing did not seem like a blunt metaphor. I did find it a little difficult to connect with on an emotional level, as I always do with the Belle Époque upper class, not sure why this is.

Tokyo Story, Yasujirō Ozu, 1953

Morbsies #141
Sight & Sound Critics #4
Sight & Sound Directors #4


Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Sunday, 5 May 2024 16:27 (one month ago) link

yeah, didn't even make the top 100

I finished Tokyo Story a little while ago and have been slowly digesting it - while I liked it quite a lot I still haven't worked out why it's a masterpiece, maybe this is just something not worth worrying about, but it just reminds me of a lot of other low-key studies of family life - that's something I generally love anyway, maybe it's that I've seen so many of its successors that it just doesn't seem novel? I am also a little confused by Chishū Ryū's acting, it is so low-key that I find myself questioning whether he's actually doing anything. (Also cannot believe that he's 49 years old in this and lived until 1993! And Kyōko Kagawa is still alive!)

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 16 May 2024 19:51 (one month ago) link

is so low-key that I find myself questioning whether he's actually doing anything.

best kind of acting imo

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 16 May 2024 20:27 (one month ago) link

I am undecided between "best" and "not best" - certainly he would be at home in a Roy Andersson film, so that sounds like I should come down on the side of "best"

La Strada, Federico Fellini, 1954

Morbsies #648
Sight & Sound Directors #38

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 18 May 2024 14:24 (one month ago) link

This one is on youtube in its entirety with English subtitles

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 18 May 2024 14:25 (one month ago) link

brilliant film

Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Saturday, 18 May 2024 15:52 (one month ago) link

I liked it but I suspect Fellini thought it was about how sex is evil and makes you subhuman

adam t. (abanana), Saturday, 18 May 2024 16:00 (one month ago) link

So Gelsomina is supposed to be autistic, right?

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 25 May 2024 19:45 (one month ago) link

Just finished this, quite a bleak ending and I'm not sure what to take away - but the world conjured up on the way was certainly worth it.

I do find it a little hard to get over what a complete dick Zampano is though, just not really interested in his internal life, he's so despicable.

Rear Window, Alfred Hitchcock, 1954

Morbsies #22
Sight & Sound Critics #38

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 30 May 2024 12:54 (one month ago) link

This was always by least-favourite of the a-tier Hitchcocks, however my exposure to it was on my Film Studies degree while being introduced to "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" so the heavy-handedness I remember may just be the lecturers.

Obviously this isn't freely available on Youtube - anyone know where it is streaming?

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 30 May 2024 12:57 (one month ago) link

I know it's tempting to hold the movie's easy pedagogical meta elements against it. But I wouldn't, it's maybe the most sheerly entertaining movie he made between The 39 Steps and Psycho.

Rich E. (Eric H.), Thursday, 30 May 2024 13:14 (one month ago) link

I feel fortunate to have seen all those classic Hitchcock movies like Psycho and Rear Window on tv when I was a kid and have my appreciation further deepen for them as I get older.

Saxophone Of Futility (Michael B), Thursday, 30 May 2024 13:24 (one month ago) link

The 1998 remake starring Christopher Reeve is apparently free to stream on youtube. Probably not going to bother with it.

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 30 May 2024 13:50 (one month ago) link

Obviously this isn't freely available on Youtube - anyone know where it is streaming?

It's on Bezos-Prime

Ippei's on a bummer now (WmC), Thursday, 30 May 2024 14:06 (one month ago) link

If you don't mind hard-coded subs:
gear icon -> HD

adam t. (abanana), Thursday, 30 May 2024 14:24 (one month ago) link

Eric otm. When Stewart, Kelly, and Ritter plot together, it'direction. point of Hitch's ensemble directing.

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 30 May 2024 14:50 (one month ago) link

Yeah, Rear Window rocks. Has overtaken North By Northwest as my fave Hitch.

Daniel_Rf, Thursday, 30 May 2024 15:12 (one month ago) link

some of the early relationship scenes drag
otherwise it's great

adam t. (abanana), Thursday, 30 May 2024 15:16 (one month ago) link

i find that "heavily foregrounded meta but glommed onto pure story-telling thrills" is the core of Hitchcock's attraction tbh

i love a man in a unicorn (Noodle Vague), Thursday, 30 May 2024 16:17 (one month ago) link

Whoa -- I apologize for my phone-posted post. I meant: "best Hitchhock-directed ensemble."

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 30 May 2024 17:36 (one month ago) link

Forget Vertigo -- Stewart never played a better Pure Acting moment than when he watches Thorwald assault Lisa.

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 30 May 2024 17:37 (one month ago) link

Forget Vertigo

I will not

Rich E. (Eric H.), Thursday, 30 May 2024 18:36 (one month ago) link

Just rewatched RW for the first time in ages because of this thread. Agree, hugely entertaining and well conceived and executed. It’s also so perverse of Hitchcock to cast Stewart in two different parables of impotence. (Tho he let him have TMWKTM in between I guess.)

Something there obviously about the WWII generation of men becoming redomesticated and incorporated into bland American life.

Yeah, they give a little more shading to the conventional wisdom about ‘50s America

Rich E. (Eric H.), Sunday, 2 June 2024 16:20 (one month ago) link

The domestication of the American male was fodder for thinkpieces in the 50's - a lot of talk about "a crisis in masculinity". Pretty funny when now you hear mra types say we need to get back to that era.

Daniel_Rf, Sunday, 2 June 2024 20:58 (one month ago) link

Grace Kelly cooing about seeing him in a grey flannel suit a couple years before the infamous short story.

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 2 June 2024 21:03 (one month ago) link

I love the shot at the end where she puts down her Himalayas travel book and picks back up Harper's Bazaar. She's not going anywhere, and neither is he.

My memory is so terrible. I spent this whole rewatch convinced thorwald didn't do it.

Poor miss lonely heart! What a damning indictment on Jeff and Stella, ignoring the potential suicide happening in front of them multiple times for the simple thrill of the chase.

Think I might be in love with Grace Kelly. Hope to get a date when I meet her up in the stars one day

H.P, Sunday, 9 June 2024 23:58 (three weeks ago) link

Sorry, very slow right here. Yes, this was much better than I remembered, love the construction of a particular space and a time, just so vividly conjured. And the story is so self-contained, doesn't feel like it's just under two hours at all. Parallels with Vertigo are spot on, when he falls at the end, that's basically the start of Vertigo, isn't it? The exploration of viewer as voyeur is fine, but it was good not to think about it too much.

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 14 June 2024 21:44 (two weeks ago) link

Still prefer Vertigo though

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 14 June 2024 21:45 (two weeks ago) link

Seven Samurai, Akira Kurosawa, 1954

Morbsies #97
Sight & Sound Critics #20
Sight & Sound Directors #14

Another biggie! For context here are the next five in the list

Johnny Guitar
Journey to Italy
Sansho the Bailiff
The Night of the Hunter

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 15 June 2024 14:25 (two weeks ago) link

LOL, perfect timing: Male weepies: Pick the "best," I guess

Rich E. (Eric H.), Saturday, 15 June 2024 14:26 (two weeks ago) link

Every single one of the next five movies in line is a flaming goddamned masterpiece. I love all of the next five movies in line. They are great. Yep, love 'em.

Rich E. (Eric H.), Saturday, 15 June 2024 14:27 (two weeks ago) link

Ordet happens to be your particular abnormality

(j/k I can understand loving it)

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Saturday, 15 June 2024 14:40 (two weeks ago) link


Greatest film ever made IMO

Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Saturday, 15 June 2024 14:54 (two weeks ago) link

Hm, guessing you mean Seven Samurai?

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 15 June 2024 14:56 (two weeks ago) link

mibbes aye mibbes naw

Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Saturday, 15 June 2024 15:04 (two weeks ago) link

Can be found here - - it is quite long, isn't it?

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 15 June 2024 20:27 (two weeks ago) link

The length of it feels fine

xyzzzz__, Sunday, 16 June 2024 11:18 (two weeks ago) link

should explain that I somehow haven't seen it before

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Sunday, 16 June 2024 11:32 (two weeks ago) link

It flies by. Not a second overlong.

Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Sunday, 16 June 2024 11:55 (two weeks ago) link

I wouldn't rank Seven Samurai in my Kurosawa top five.

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 16 June 2024 12:27 (two weeks ago) link

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