Donald Trump: Classic or Dud?

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lol MTG probably knows nothing about her but she's one of the last members of Congress you'd want to mess with

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 03:39 (four months ago) link

holy shit

.@RepMTG: Are your feelings hurt?@AOC: Oh baby girl…don’t even play.

How it’s going in the House Oversight Committee

— Jay O'Brien (@jayobtv) May 17, 2024

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 03:42 (four months ago) link

"Oh Baby Girl... Don't Even Play" for June Thread Title.

Full exchange

This video lays out what happened in tonight’s heated exchange in the oversight hearing

— Acyn (@Acyn) May 17, 2024

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 17 May 2024 04:13 (four months ago) link

this might just be wishful thinking but I feel that acting like total psychos in order to appease a convicted felon (probably) who's also been found liable for sexual assault is gonna hurt them in the end. like having a bunch of them fly to NY just to "support" Trump so Dems can yell AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE DOING YOUR TAXPAYER FUNDED JOBS in a Congressional session is such a bad look. I genuinely think most Republican voters don't actually like this shit and vote Trump mostly because he's mean/racist and they hate the idea of people "getting free stuff". they aren't exactly pisspigs for Donald Trump, they'll be glad when he's out of the picture (as a lot of us will be for Biden). this stuff is embarrassing and I think it does turn a lot of not-particularly-engaged people off. don't forget most of the Trumpiest candidates lost in 2022, hell Lauren Boebert nearly lost an R+30 district to some guy nobody's ever heard of. the sexpest stuff cost them a Senate seat in ALABAMA a while back. every time Trump appears on the national stage his numbers go down. people aren't really going to his rallies and they sure as hell aren't showing up to support him in court. they really really need to find a way to keep MTG out of the news but they have no actual ideas whatsoever so good luck with that

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 04:25 (four months ago) link

Cohen did not do well on cross yesterday. I have no idea whether this is just a blip, but they are relying on him to tie all the other evidence together and he may have just untied it.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Friday, 17 May 2024 11:40 (four months ago) link

A befuddled Comer replied: “What now?”

He’s a massive piece of shit and deserves every moment of this.

Overly dramatic elevator music (Dan Peterson), Friday, 17 May 2024 12:15 (four months ago) link

Someone please re-share the video of the guy doing an angry impression of his Porky Pig ass voice when he was being cross-examined by Comer.

a based robot like Bender (stevie), Friday, 17 May 2024 12:24 (four months ago) link

idk from what I've read Cohen didn't exactly bust open any part of the case, the defense just spent hours running in circles to call him a sleazy liar who's out to get Trump (just like everybody else), not sure how great a strategy that is when Trump is the one who hired him and was paying him lots of money

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 12:36 (four months ago) link

it sounded like Blanche was doing a poor job, like bringing up insults Cohen had posted about him doesn't do anything productive. It has already been established that Cohen is a dickhead. Apparently his best moment was to cast doubt over Cohen's memory of a phone call with Trump or something, which doesn't seem much when there are the calls Cohen recorded in evidence backing up his version of events.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Friday, 17 May 2024 13:07 (four months ago) link

Cohen is an awful person, but I can't see how the jury could ever come to the conclusion that Trump didn't know about the Stormy Daniels payoff and wasn't across how Cohen was being reimbursed.

Zelda Zonk, Friday, 17 May 2024 13:26 (four months ago) link

I mean I don't think the prosecutions case rests solely on Cohen's memory of a phone call he had 8 years ago

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 13:33 (four months ago) link

Why couldn’t they get an honest and upstanding guy on the stand to testify about his years of doing crimes for Trump?

A So-Called Pulitzer price winner (President Keyes), Friday, 17 May 2024 13:55 (four months ago) link

what is he doing

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 21:31 (four months ago) link

like Biden didn't accept a debate on Fox, in fact I kinda doubt Fox accepted it either, I feel like he just made this all up

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 21:32 (four months ago) link

Cohen is an awful person, but I can't see how the jury could ever come to the conclusion that Trump didn't know about the Stormy Daniels payoff and wasn't across how Cohen was being reimbursed.

I think the challenge for the prosecution is that they have to satisfy the jury that, not only did Trump know about it, but that he authorized it with the intent to keep it from the voting public in order not to hurt his chances at getting elected.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 17 May 2024 22:01 (four months ago) link

I agree that Biden’s 4 album run of Crippling Inflation, High Gas Prices, Crime in our Streets, and Border Chaos were devastatingly heavy

brimstead, Friday, 17 May 2024 22:11 (four months ago) link

Virginua State University, or another venue

nashwan, Friday, 17 May 2024 22:15 (four months ago) link

'I have accepted a ninth debate invitation on ESPN, which will be broadcast live from Saratoga Golf Club! We'll see how good of a putter Crooked Joe really is...'

Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 17 May 2024 22:18 (four months ago) link

I mean *why* he did it is kind of immaterial here, like even if he was primarily thinking of his family (lol) there's no way he wasn't also thinking of his election chances

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 22:22 (four months ago) link

It's actually not immaterial at all, it goes directly to the question of criminal intent.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 17 May 2024 22:32 (four months ago) link

sure but there are several legitimate reasons he wouldn't want that story to get out

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 22:35 (four months ago) link

idk I just think the idea is absurd that the prosecution would build a case against a former president (and current nominee) that would all be unraveled if Michael Cohen, a lawyer so sleazy and dishonest that he became Donald Trump's right hand man, forgot some detail from 8 years ago. I mean the dude was being cross-examined for hours by a lawyer who was by all accounts flailing around in order to paint him as a liar, even if he did discover something that could be a real sticking point chances are the jury are just gonna forget about it over the long weekend. I think CNN is being stupid about this, like are we really ignoring the piles and piles of evidence they already have

frogbs, Friday, 17 May 2024 22:45 (four months ago) link

Thankfully, CNN isn't on the jury (afaik)

Great-Tasting Burger Perceptions (Old Lunch), Friday, 17 May 2024 22:54 (four months ago) link

One of the things i remember about the OJ trial is that one of the jurors was asked something like ‘why did it only take an hour to deliberate’ and they said something to the effect of ‘we were in that courtroom for 6 months we knew everything all we had to do is vote.’ They’ve heard from a bunch of people besides cohen already all that evidence is banked. It’s just whether they agree with the DA’s case or not

Its big ball chunky time (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Saturday, 18 May 2024 00:15 (four months ago) link

there's plenty of documentation about the alleged payoff, they essentially just needed Cohen to corroborate what went down

Andy the Grasshopper, Saturday, 18 May 2024 00:24 (four months ago) link

I guess it's not even 'alleged' anymore lol

Andy the Grasshopper, Saturday, 18 May 2024 00:24 (four months ago) link

Interesting how the evangelicals will absorb this.. we're at the stage now where they could present crystal-clear evidence of Trump sleeping with a 13 year old and it would be like 'Yeah, well Biden has done way worse!'

Nobody cares anymore

Andy the Grasshopper, Saturday, 18 May 2024 00:27 (four months ago) link

They either don't believe it or don't give a shit.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Saturday, 18 May 2024 00:28 (four months ago) link

i can only imagine it as “there’s bigger truths in this thing. the lord isn’t blessing trump’s behavior, he is using him to give blessings to us. trump is just an instrument. The lord is like that— dumb as fuck and hypocritical. And mysterious, super mysterious.”

well below the otm mendoza line (Hunt3r), Saturday, 18 May 2024 00:51 (four months ago) link

I’ve given up trying to figure the knots evangelicals tie their brains into to justify Trump. They’ve determined Democrats are Satan’s minions (abortion, gay marriage, communism, war on Christmas, whatever) and so Trump is their guy, end of discussion.

Overly dramatic elevator music (Dan Peterson), Saturday, 18 May 2024 01:33 (four months ago) link

New York magazine has an article by Olivia Nuzzi, the only reporter more devoted to her subject than Maggie Haberman. It contains this paragraph:

Just as it was strangely true that each successive indictment seemed to make Trump a stronger candidate in the Republican primary, it is also the case that the trial is making him a better performer on the trail. At after-court stops and onstage at rallies, he has become a kind of SuperTrump, a monstrously turbocharged version of the original model. Quicker and noticeably happier. He even smiles.

I mean...this is demonstrably not true! There's video of his appearances! He looks like shit! He looks depressed! At his rallies he can barely get from one end of a sentence to the next without a series of rhetorical pratfalls that suggest multiple mini-strokes. I mean, what the fuck is this woman talking about?

Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Saturday, 18 May 2024 01:41 (four months ago) link

has any human being ever embodied all 7 deadly sins more

frogbs, Saturday, 18 May 2024 01:42 (four months ago) link

there's plenty of documentation about the alleged payoff, they essentially just needed Cohen to corroborate what went down

the "affair" (which may have actually been rape) happened 10 years before the payoff, seems pretty obvious this was because of the election

frogbs, Saturday, 18 May 2024 01:43 (four months ago) link

has any human being ever embodied all 7 deadly sins more

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Saturday, 18 May 2024 03:20 (four months ago) link

I feel like he just made this all up

When Donald says he has agreed to all these debates he means that he has agreed with himself that he thinks these debates would be good to have, not that anyone else has agreed to participate in them.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Saturday, 18 May 2024 04:26 (four months ago) link

watching some clips of this rally he's doing tonight, he's really rambly and mean and I'm kind of curious if the whole rally is shit like that or if people are just cherrypicking the crazy parts. like are we really living in a country where one of the two candidates for President is a guy whose campaign events are just rambling about electric cars for some reason until everyone leaves

frogbs, Saturday, 18 May 2024 04:29 (four months ago) link

Bad reviews, going to have to do his back to basics campaign next time

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 18 May 2024 04:59 (four months ago) link

There's surely the social aspect of the rallies, where the crowd are bound together by aesthetic and camaraderie. But people say this about bands that appear to be well past their sell by date but draw bigger crowds than they ever did when they were considered to be good, does it really matter to people all that much?

O when a restaurant or cafe changes hands and the quality goes downhill a bit, but there's a lag time before it shows up in the reviews. And even then how much of it is the restaurant changing hands and how much of it is people finding out the restaurant changed hands and recalibrating their opinion based on that.

anvil, Saturday, 18 May 2024 06:52 (four months ago) link

wtf, surely he didn't speak for 12 hours?

StanM, Saturday, 18 May 2024 08:09 (four months ago) link

Its a loop

anvil, Saturday, 18 May 2024 08:20 (four months ago) link

Guy puts on sunglasses at 31 mins and removes them 6 minutes later. Same thing happens again at 1:58 and 3:25

anvil, Saturday, 18 May 2024 08:23 (four months ago) link

like a white noise machine for boomers with insomnia

papal hotwife (milo z), Saturday, 18 May 2024 08:54 (four months ago) link

oh phew - I only scrolled to a couple of points and it got darker/later in the day

StanM, Saturday, 18 May 2024 08:56 (four months ago) link

like are we really living in a country where one of the two candidates for President is a guy whose campaign events are just rambling about electric cars for some reason until everyone leaves

― frogbs, Friday, May 17, 2024 9:29 PM bookmarkflaglink

The content doesn't matter, it's a show of strength and brand recognitions that helps people construct their desired consensus reality.

Have been. We are nearly in Jean Beaudrillard's hyperreality, where the strength of the signifier is more important to many people than what the signifier actually stands for, or whether it stands for anything at all.

It's encouraging that people still have a sense of "wtf" about it.

felicity, Saturday, 18 May 2024 09:13 (four months ago) link

I think this has likely always been the case, that the label carries more weight than the labelled (and there are valid reasons why this might be the case too), though I think they are still think the label is tethered and not completely free-flowing and detached it just has a lot more room to grow and move than we might previously have thought (though I think it might be that the postwar period is the anomaly not the current period)

I think this applies to all groups of people to an extent, not just Trumpists - and brings in to play things like group dynamics, pattern recognition, social cues

anvil, Saturday, 18 May 2024 09:48 (four months ago) link

Oh definitely. Possibly the signifier has become untethered from substantive ideas and values and reattached to tribes instead. I think this when arguments are based on alleged bad faith or attacking who else is advancing "talking points" than the points themselves.

This video explains some of that dynamic.

A friend who went to journalism school told me she was taught there isn't "one truth" in journalism. There is a process and set of conventions and that they are there to report the "truth" they see on the ground.

Perhaps it takes more humility to recognize the fact that our simple human brains are too stupid to process the 100 zetabytes of information on the internet than we want to accept. But the 2-party system in the US probably doesn't help.

felicity, Saturday, 18 May 2024 10:42 (four months ago) link

yeah my priors on hyperreality were “always there.” tryna put it to the now, i think the amount of stimuli has now been massively increased again. stuff is still ultimately generally provable, but resistance can be strong. with deepfakism about to be amplified (at least i fear that dunno), info may get less proveable.

in my terrible non-statsy mind it’s like the std dev gets way worse, the size of the curve gets enormous, the falcon cannot hear the falconer and a beast (who looks like cthulu) takes a exit towards the new bethlehem suburb somewhere in texas but it may be near vegas i forget

well below the otm mendoza line (Hunt3r), Saturday, 18 May 2024 16:46 (four months ago) link

looks like Blanche is jumping all over the place again trying to make Cohen look like a crook (which he obviously is, that's why Trump hired him), the whole "WHAT ABOUT THAT PHONE CALL" thing which CNN thought ruined the entire case has apparently not even been brought up again, and now the jury is getting bored

frogbs, Monday, 20 May 2024 15:29 (four months ago) link

yeah this thing is almost over.

scott seward, Monday, 20 May 2024 16:32 (four months ago) link

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