full story here: http://cabinetmagazine.org/issues/28/turner.php
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 11:48 (eight years ago) link
My favourite quote: "'On the whole, people remain just as disappointing untrepanned or trepanned,' Feilding laughs. 'Just because someone is trepanned it doesn’t mean that you like them any more.'"
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 11:49 (eight years ago) link
Just been reading Jon Savage's 1966, where he talks about Lobsang Rampa and the third eye - didn't know that 'Rampa' claimed to have had his third eye drilled into his own forehead!
― Darcy Sarto (Ward Fowler), Friday, 16 December 2016 11:53 (eight years ago) link
Newly uncovered colour photographs of Bart Huges were released last year. (Linked to not throw gore in anyone's face, but it's a fascinating photo and story)
― Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 16 December 2016 12:29 (eight years ago) link
"Homo Sapiens Correctus"
^^^Bart's term for someone who'd undergone the procedure (acc.wikipedia)
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 12:46 (eight years ago) link
Yeah, it was also the title of a paper roll he published. You can see some pix here
― Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 16 December 2016 12:56 (eight years ago) link
This crew!The article mentions The Bore Hole, Joe Mellen's memoir. It isn't unpublished - it was privately or small-press published bitd, then republished earlier this year by Strange Attractor. I went along to the launch because… my wife was reared in this sort of haute bohemia, so she's sort of related to this one, or some aunt used to live with another one, or some second cousin married a great trepanner from clapham or w/e. It was a quite weird night… like lots of similar-looking posh people who really did all seem to be related w/ strange jobs (someone seemed to be doing well in holograms). Also Rosamund Pike and Doon Mackichan for some reason.And on that quote - one of L's relatives said much the same to me - "I knew Joey before he was trepanned. If there'd been some great change in him, like if light had started pouring out of him, I might have been interested. But he was just the same Joey. Bit of a tosser."
― woof, Friday, 16 December 2016 13:00 (eight years ago) link
Basically, if you want a trepanning I know some people, is what I'm saying
― woof, Friday, 16 December 2016 13:01 (eight years ago) link
Great thread. Her campaign photo at the bottom is very convincing.
I've been meaning to get hold of this for a while http://strangeattractor.co.uk/shoppe/bore-hole/ Ah yes, xp
― dance band (tangenttangent), Friday, 16 December 2016 13:03 (eight years ago) link
Ohhh tt that looks great, I'm getting that. I was srsly going to order John Doran's book today, and it's the same publisher!
― Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 16 December 2016 13:06 (eight years ago) link
my book will be on strange attractor also!
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 13:09 (eight years ago) link
Oh fab! Love them.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 16 December 2016 13:12 (eight years ago) link
xp Might be worth looking at this bundle too https://strangeattractor.greedbag.com/buy/the-epiphanies-bundle-0/
The ratio of quality to output with Strange Attractor is like 1:1. What is your book be about, mark s?
Here's an illustrative clip of the original post. Warning, graphic:
― dance band (tangenttangent), Friday, 16 December 2016 13:30 (eight years ago) link
lol, but with better English (and possibly maths, I have no idea)
― dance band (tangenttangent), Friday, 16 December 2016 13:31 (eight years ago) link
this is mine: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/253164519/a-hidden-landscape-once-a-week-an-anthology?ref=user_menu
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 13:41 (eight years ago) link
I'm not sure I could read Bore Hole without a bucket handy at all times
― Lennon, Elvis, Hendrix etc (dog latin), Friday, 16 December 2016 13:45 (eight years ago) link
Looks wonderful! Let us know when it's out
― dance band (tangenttangent), Friday, 16 December 2016 13:45 (eight years ago) link
will do!
i can't now separate Bore Hole the book from all those "world's hottest borehole nearly complete" headlines of a few days back
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 13:49 (eight years ago) link
just took another look at her election poster and the trepanned skull she has as a sexy prop totally belongs on the trypophobia thread
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 14:00 (eight years ago) link
also when i googled lobsong ramp third eye, the search filled out as "lobsong rampa third eye free download" which made me lol
(i know it's also the name of his book, it just struck me as funny that you could maybe trepan yrself and then download a third eye and pop it into the hole you just drilled)
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 14:05 (eight years ago) link
Like a USB slot in your forehead?
― Lennon, Elvis, Hendrix etc (dog latin), Friday, 16 December 2016 14:16 (eight years ago) link
that would be silly
― mark s, Friday, 16 December 2016 14:22 (eight years ago) link
Read Only.
― Mark G, Friday, 16 December 2016 14:22 (eight years ago) link
deputy leader of Kensington and chelsea council rock feilding-mellen is the hole-in-the-head lady's son
― mark s, Monday, 19 June 2017 10:24 (seven years ago) link
that is at once both very surprising and not surprising at all
― cast your vote for fully automated gay space luxury communism (bizarro gazzara), Monday, 19 June 2017 11:07 (seven years ago) link
i am now keen to discover if he's been done: and --- assuming not -- to argue on twitter that this is why he is bad not good
― mark s, Monday, 19 June 2017 11:10 (seven years ago) link
Feilding my Mellen man
― quet inn tarnation (darraghmac), Monday, 19 June 2017 11:12 (seven years ago) link
Rock Basil Hugo, because one posh name isn't enough; his brother is called Cosmo Birdie. Makes documentaries about drugs.
Great couple of lads.
― Michael Jones, Monday, 19 June 2017 11:14 (seven years ago) link
i am finding myself oddly defensive of the mum, entirely bcz i posted this thread i think
i still find this observation of hers funny and perhaps even wise: "just because someone is trepanned it doesn’t mean that you like them any more"
― mark s, Monday, 19 June 2017 11:16 (seven years ago) link
brb gonna lodge a freedom of information request with kensington and chelsea borough council on the structural integrity of feilding-mellon's melon
― cast your vote for fully automated gay space luxury communism (bizarro gazzara), Monday, 19 June 2017 11:18 (seven years ago) link
understandable, given that she seems guilty only of being an upper-class eccentric
her boy seems guilty of rather more weighty concerns
― cast your vote for fully automated gay space luxury communism (bizarro gazzara), Monday, 19 June 2017 11:19 (seven years ago) link