rfi: cheap magazine subscriptions?

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esp in Canada

Fritz Wollner (Fritz), Wednesday, 2 April 2003 15:03 (twenty-one years ago) link

be a student

Ed (dali), Wednesday, 2 April 2003 15:07 (twenty-one years ago) link

I had a subscription thru Publisher's Clearing House (in Canada) and it was great, the mags came on time every issue (bi-monthly) and when I cancelled early they were disarmingly nice about it and refunded me an extra dollar (as per their satisfaction guarantee they'd mentioned when I signed up that I had completely forgotten about). A few years later, I subbed to the same magazine through another company whose sign-up pamphlet I got at college. The issues arrived very sporadically (sometimes two or three at a time), sometimes quite beat-up. Then when my subscription expired, some smarmy company rep phoned and grilled me about why I wasn't renewing.

Poppy (poppy), Wednesday, 2 April 2003 16:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

I just got a bunch of useless subscriptions to various mags as a way to use up a bunch of even-more-useless airline miles (1500 or so).

Paul Eater (eater), Wednesday, 2 April 2003 16:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

Shift was alarmingly cheap: if you lived in Toronto it seemed it was free. Alas, it looks like the mag has gone down for the count again, this time probably for good.

The question immediately made me think of a Xian pub called The Plain Truth which offered free subscriptions. So of course, as kids, we'd go down to the store where they had a rack of 'em, pull out all of the subscription cards and then fill them all out with the names and addresses of people we hated or friends we wanted to piss off. C or D?

Sean Carruthers (SeanC), Wednesday, 2 April 2003 16:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

I once sent "The Book Of Mormon" to a stoner-paranoid roommate who got really flipped out by it. "How do they know my name, maaaan?"

Fritz Wollner (Fritz), Wednesday, 2 April 2003 17:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

work in the serials department of a library and take home the latest issues of whatever you like before anyone else gets their grubby meat hooks on them. if you really like them, check them in but don't mark them up = your own collection of your favourite titles.

Clare (not entirely unhappy), Wednesday, 2 April 2003 17:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

ten years pass...

Well, here's a new one on me -- a magazine subscription that costs $12*

*plus $3.95 shipping and handling

Only my cardiologist knows for sure. (WilliamC), Saturday, 25 May 2013 16:12 (eleven years ago) link

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