I'm really unhappy at the moment.

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Someone say or do something that'll make me feel better about my life.

Andrew (enneff), Monday, 3 November 2003 00:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

You're not dating tubgirl.

luna (luna.c), Monday, 3 November 2003 00:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

Plus, you're really lovely.

luna (luna.c), Monday, 3 November 2003 00:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

VERY lovely. I don't think we huzzahed you enough for your brilliant work updating the server! :-)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 3 November 2003 00:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

Andrew, you're great!

@d@ml (nordicskilla), Monday, 3 November 2003 00:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

love to you andrew,
happiness must now attend
you every day.

Haikunym (Haikunym), Monday, 3 November 2003 00:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

say or do something that'll make me feel better about my life.

My wife has an Amniocentesis procedure scheduled for Thursday, which involves a big fuck-off needle going into her abdomen to find out whether or not our as-yet-unborn child will have any deformities or genetic problems like Down's Syndrome. Not only is said procedure unpleasant and potentially painful, the ramifications of the results are enough to scare one to death.

Be thankful you're not us right now.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

whenever you're down, just think of good ol' Patrick Moore...

Kingfish (Kingfish), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:17 (twenty-one years ago) link

Look it's Brak from a great distance....and he's dancing: http://members.aol.com/ramjetmcq/icons/dancbrak.gif

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

you are hot. no joke.

Carey (Carey), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

Hi and welcome ... please note that I created this Judd Nelson Web Site for entertainment purposes only and it may not be 100% accurate ... although I have strived to be. It is simply my way of showcasing a talented actor who has not received the recognition I believe he deserves.


Dom Passantino (Dom Passantino), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

Has anyone told you how much we appreciate your work with the ILX server? Well, we do.

j.lu (j.lu), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

Someone say or do something that'll make me feel better about my life.

You have k-cool taste in music and you are damn cute =) And I will buy you another beer as soon as a) I get over this flu, and b) you say the word! :D

Trayce (trayce), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:27 (twenty-one years ago) link


the surface noise (electricsound), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:31 (twenty-one years ago) link

Argh! Its the AndrewJim hydra ;P

Fo'serious though both of you - lets get together this week for a cheer-up boozeup, what say? I have a week off after all.

Trayce (trayce), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

yes indeedly

the surface noise (electricsound), Monday, 3 November 2003 01:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

Five Reasons Why Andrew Rocks:

1.  He's attractive. (Hey, come on, I can see and I'm a hetero female. This kind of comment is to be expected!)
2.  He and his girlfriend make a cute couple.
3.  He has totally made The Forum load up so much faster. Yay for hard work!
4.  He's actually hosting the forum in the first place.
5.  He is the only hostbeing I know who has attended chats featuring a number of the people who use the forum he hosts. Yay for being an accessible hostgeek!

Hope your mental clouds clear up as soon as possible. :)

Many Coloured Halo (Dee the Lurker), Monday, 3 November 2003 03:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

andrew you are the mandrew, take my handrew!

The Lady Ms Lurex (lucylurex), Monday, 3 November 2003 03:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

andrew is the coolest name this side of roscoe

oops (Oops), Monday, 3 November 2003 04:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

i need to see andrew if he's that cute! (and i bet he is)

jed (jed_e_3), Monday, 3 November 2003 04:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

Carey is OTM

Allyzay, Monday, 3 November 2003 04:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yr fucking hot, you have a magnificent name, and I'm really hopeful we'll get to meet you next year and we'll all have a merry old time and so on, for you seem highly great.

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Monday, 3 November 2003 04:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

(Alex: my mother had one of those several months ago and she and my half-sister are quite all right.)

Sarah Pedal (call mr. lee), Monday, 3 November 2003 07:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

And Andrew, have me send you a mix CD if you like that sort of thing. Getting mail always cheers me up.

Sarah Pedal (call mr. lee), Monday, 3 November 2003 07:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

andrew is awesome! and totally hot! (i've seen the photo!)

geeta (geeta), Monday, 3 November 2003 07:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

alex and andrew, ive prayed for oyu tonight

anthony easton (anthony), Monday, 3 November 2003 07:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

Andrew, you're lovely. Please don't be sad for long! I think sometimes that feeling a bit miserable from time to time is your body's way of telling you to be nicer to yourself - so do things you enjoy, stay in bed if you don't feel like getting up, eat your favourite foods, play your favourite music, and just indulge yourself in lots of nice things. Be selfish for a while. The gloominess will pass :)

C J (C J), Monday, 3 November 2003 07:47 (twenty-one years ago) link

ditto with anthony said -- i've recently gotten through some bad stuff meself, and my "recovery" is tentative, so my heart and prayers are with andrew and alex right now

Eisbär (llamasfur), Monday, 3 November 2003 08:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

This thread actually made me feel quite a bit better and made my day just that bit more bareable. I thank you all. I'm totally going to bookmark this thread for those occasions where I'm in need of a bit of ego inflation. :)

Andrew (enneff), Monday, 3 November 2003 11:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

Not sure what was up dude, but hope you are feeling better!

Pinkpanther (Pinkpanther), Monday, 3 November 2003 11:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

And shit, GOOD LUCK ALEX. I don't think I read yr post last time, sorry.

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yay, Andrew!

Sarah McLUsky (coco), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

Thanks much! I feel guilty for co-opting this thread away from Andrew (who I do sincerely hope feels better). Our Amnio is the day after tomorrow, and I'm sure we'll be fine, but it's still very scary.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:28 (twenty-one years ago) link

just read this: hope everything turns out fine alex.

And hey andrew: def appreciate the work on the server.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

Thanks, Julio!
Andrew: Look at this picture.....


It's the ALIEN doing a BONG HIT!!! C'mon, that's gotta make you laugh, right? See, it ain't so bad!!! Cheer up, son!

Seriously, I do hope all's better today!

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

Read the Carrot-top thread over and over. You'll feel so good about your life. But don't look at the picture of him behind the podium too often or your eyeballs will explode.

Skottie, Wednesday, 5 November 2003 00:34 (twenty-one years ago) link

Andrew, you are a saint for taking over ILX when it was falling down the cyberspace black hole.

Cheer is yours, mate......hope you're feeling better.

Our Amnio is the day after tomorrow, and I'm sure we'll be fine, but it's still very scary.

Alex, anticipation is always worse than the event. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Nichole Graham (Nichole Graham), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 01:07 (twenty-one years ago) link

Okay, now it's my turn to be really unhappy right now:

1) The work assignment I was counting on to see me through the end of November is abruptly ending.
2) No one is crushing on me, or willing to admit crushing on me.
3) Someone I was crushing on is requitedly crushing on someone else. Stop me before I wish that both parties' heads get severely crushed.

Alex, I do feel for you and Peg right now. But everyone else, I'm fed up with trying to be noble about my unhappiness right now, and I want some sympathy and attention.

j.lu (j.lu), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 04:22 (twenty-one years ago) link

ILX would have never existed nor carried on long past our migration without you.

Mr Noodles (Mr Noodles), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 04:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

Do you have bedbugs like I do? No? Sweet...

ModJ (ModJ), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 04:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

j.lu, ((hugs))

i would loan my puppy for more hugs, but he's a bit big to squish into the ILX submission box. Instead here's my friend's new baby puppy:


lyra (lyra), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 05:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

j.lu, I've just gone through one of the scenarios you described. Read this passage from my little journal thingy to find out how I found out a way to handle it. It should prove to be a big help for you, too.

(Hint: It's the number corresponding to the cube root of 27.)

Many Coloured Halo (Dee the Lurker), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 05:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

Thank you, Lyra and Dee. *plays awkwardly with the puppy* But I was hoping that someone's concern would take the form of introducing me to their Washington friend who wonders why he can't meet a nice, intelligent, nonworkaholic girl.

*the silence of the tomb descends; a tumbleweed rolls through the group*

O-kay. Now more than ever I realize that my fairy godmother must be the poet Dorothy Parker, and my patron saint Murphy: "Things go right only so that they can go more thoroughly wrong."

j.lu (j.lu), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 14:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

j.lu, I do sincerely hope you start feeling better soon. Crushes are supposed to be fun. Find someone else to crush on ASAP!

Sarah McLusky (coco), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 14:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

Alex - good luck for the amneo.

Pinkpanther (Pinkpanther), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 14:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

j.lu, *hugs*. If I lived in D.C., I'd work as a matchmaker-type being for you so quickly you wouldn't even know what hit you, because I'd be so tenacious [clearly my current fave word, btw] that I'd have like ten dates lined for you.

Sarah, "crushes are supposed to be fun", hm? Celebrity crushes, certainly! I'm not at all opposed to celeb crushes that hold no expectations but the one that enables one to admire their aesthetics. Hmmmm.


This guy's cute! Stare away!

Many Coloured Halo (Dee the Lurker), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 17:22 (twenty-one years ago) link

Oh yeah, and:

If anyone knows of some guy you think might be interested in me, who lives in the Austin/S.A. area, that would be much appreciated.

And Alex, terribly sorry for overlooking your post. Good luck wishes galore to you and your wife with the amniocentesis.

Many Coloured Halo (Dee the Lurker), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 17:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

Hope things look up for all. Dee, do you watch Alias?

JuliaA (j_bdules), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 19:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

Just following up. My wife had the amniocentesis today, and everything seemed to go relatively smoothly (don't believe people when they tell you it won't hurt -- they're lying!) Apart from that, it was largely fine (tho' we won't know the results for ten days). We did see our tiny little person fluttering about on the sonogram screen (which was tres bizarre, let me tell you) and even caught a profile of the little critter sucking a thumb, which spun my head all the way around. While we'll feel a whole lot better once we get an "all clear" on the results, at least the worst/physically painful part is over. Thanks for everyone's well wishes.

Andrew, I sincerely hope that whatever was dragging you down has released its talons from your mood and you are emotionally buoyant again.


Alex in NYC (vassifer), Thursday, 6 November 2003 22:44 (twenty-one years ago) link

Alex, I hope everything goes well for you, your wife, and your little fire-honourer.

Nicolars (Nicole), Thursday, 6 November 2003 22:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah Alex, glad to hear everything went ok today.

Broheems (diamond), Thursday, 6 November 2003 22:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

That dog is cute, but looks as though he could grow up retarded

ModJ (ModJ), Thursday, 6 November 2003 22:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

Alex, glad everything went so well!

J.Lu, someone else deserves your crush, and may you cross paths quickly.

Nichole Graham (Nichole Graham), Thursday, 6 November 2003 23:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

you're not me

nate detritus (natedetritus), Thursday, 6 November 2003 23:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

j.lu, you're very, very cute.

Andrew (enneff), Thursday, 6 November 2003 23:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

at least the worst/physically painful part is over

Not quite... I am glad to hear the amnio went well tho, Alex - yay baby NYC!

luna (luna.c), Friday, 7 November 2003 00:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

j.lu, you are a sweetiecutie and one of my favourite posters. i am very glad you started posting again. yes, you find new crush and go forth and conquer!

The Lady Ms Lurex (lucylurex), Friday, 7 November 2003 01:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

Dee, do you watch Alias?

I watched a season's (i.e. last season's) worth and wanted to continue watching it but didn't, because of conflicts with schedule, etc. But what I saw of it rocked and I really want to pick up watching it again whenever they start doing reruns of it.

Michael Vartan looks a bit like someone, doesn't he, J.Girl?

Many Coloured Halo (Dee the Lurker), Friday, 7 November 2003 01:40 (twenty-one years ago) link

at least the worst/physically painful part is over

Not quite... I am glad to hear the amnio went well tho, Alex - yay baby NYC!

Hmmm. Yes, that's true. Guess I speak too soon, as delivering seems like a bit of a bitch as well. But, that's still a buncha months away (though speeding towards us like a bullet train all the same).

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Friday, 7 November 2003 03:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

Good luck Alex & Ms Alex!

lyra (lyra), Friday, 7 November 2003 04:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

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