Poor, non-fuctional, design

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(I thought there was a thread devoted to this, but have not had any success in locating it.)

My mother used to complain that too many kitchens were designed by men who had never spent any time in one.

And why are so many things designed without cleaning in mind? I can barely fit my fingers behind the spigot in my bathroom in order to clean up the gunk that inevitably develops there. What if things were designed with enough space around them that they could easily be cleaned?

Rockist Scientist (rockistscientist), Thursday, 1 January 2004 20:47 (twenty-one years ago) link


Juice does not go into glass but instead runs down legs of juicer.

In addition to this it aslo looks Vile.

jed (jed_e_3), Thursday, 1 January 2004 20:53 (twenty-one years ago) link

Alessi notorious for form > function approach

stevem (blueski), Thursday, 1 January 2004 20:54 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'm going to have nightmares about those juicers.

Rockist Scientist (rockistscientist), Thursday, 1 January 2004 20:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

Sinks where the water comes out of two spouts instead of one, I imagine they are marginally cheaper, but such a pain in the ass when you want warm water rather than boiling or ice-cold in rapid succession.

webcrack (music=crack), Thursday, 1 January 2004 20:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

which makes it even worse when the fom is so vulgar.


jed (jed_e_3), Thursday, 1 January 2004 20:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

Not entirely a design issue, but at the library where I work, they put in new staff rest-rooms within the past couple years. The old ones had been in there probably since about the time the building was built, and still worked reasonably well.

The new staff men's rooms were literally falling apart within weeks of having been renovated. Toilet paper dispensers sheering of the walls of the stalls. Urinal dividers coming loose from wall. Aside from that, one of them had a couple stall doors that swing out extremely far when open, getting in the way of anyone entering or exiting the men's room. Probably mob-related contractors. (This is Philadelphia after all.)

(Sorry I'm so fixated on bathrooms at the moment, but I'm cleaning mine.)

X-post: Ha ha, at work we either have burning coal HOT or iceberg COLD water. No, they cannot rig it up to produce warm water.

Rockist Scientist (rockistscientist), Thursday, 1 January 2004 21:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

[colin: but my watch! :( ]

cozenĀ” (Cozen), Thursday, 1 January 2004 21:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

Well that doesn't look like this juicer. Im sure it will keep time to within an hour or so.

jed (jed_e_3), Thursday, 1 January 2004 21:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

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