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Is there rain or thunder on other planets

prefectorial board, Sunday, 1 February 2004 03:06 (twenty years ago) link

Of course. Not necesary of water. It depends what's going to be liquid at the temperature and pressures of other planets. There are plenty of active storm systems throughout the solar system and lightening has been observed within these, and lightening means thunder.

Ed (dali), Sunday, 1 February 2004 03:09 (twenty years ago) link

five years pass...

Kepler Detects an Exoplanet Atmosphere

NASA's new exoplanet-hunting Kepler space telescope has detected the atmosphere of a known giant gas planet, demonstrating the telescope's extraordinary scientific capabilities. The discovery will be published Friday in the journal Science.

"As NASA's first exoplanets mission, Kepler has made a dramatic entrance on the planet-hunting scene," said Jon Morse, director of the Science Mission Directorate's Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Detecting this planet's atmosphere in just the first 10 days of data is only a taste of things to come. The planet hunt is on!"

Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 8 August 2009 00:14 (fifteen years ago) link

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