T/S: Eating paste vs. Eating Play-Doh

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i actually got a craving for some play doh

HAMBURGER NEURON GROUP (ex machina), Friday, 4 June 2004 15:02 (twenty years ago) link

I've never eaten paste. I think I might have eaten some Play-Doh when I was three.

Curt1s St3ph3ns, Friday, 4 June 2004 15:08 (twenty years ago) link

It tasted funny.

Curt1s St3ph3ns, Friday, 4 June 2004 15:08 (twenty years ago) link


HAMBURGER NEURON GROUP (ex machina), Friday, 4 June 2004 15:17 (twenty years ago) link

I remember this doughy, brown modelling paste in pre-school that was actually sweet and, I suppose, also edible. I had the restraint to eat only pieces and build dinosaurs, but this one other kid pissed me off because he ate it all and I wanted to eat it too!

Lazer Guided Mellow Leee (Leee), Friday, 4 June 2004 21:37 (twenty years ago) link

this does not sound appetising. All I can remember about Play Doh is being told off by mixing all the different colours together and ending up with a lump whose colour resembled that of cola but on closer inspection had lots of little coloured strands in it.

MarkH (MarkH), Saturday, 5 June 2004 08:38 (twenty years ago) link

I ate a bit of that Cow Gum paste once when I was in nursery school, for a dare. It wasn't very nice.

C J (C J), Saturday, 5 June 2004 08:48 (twenty years ago) link

never heard of Cow Gum. Is it made from a cow's gum, hence the name?

MarkH (MarkH), Saturday, 5 June 2004 08:51 (twenty years ago) link

I think they still have it in schools today, Mark. It's a clear, thick, gloopy paste (a bit like wallpaper paste but not grainy) which comes in little tins. I think it was made by boiling up cow's hooves or something. *shudder*

C J (C J), Saturday, 5 June 2004 08:55 (twenty years ago) link

rubber cement?

Curt1s St3ph3ns, Saturday, 5 June 2004 11:27 (twenty years ago) link

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