Bulldozer rampage!

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Guy loses mind, destroys town

Elvis Telecom (Chris Barrus), Friday, 4 June 2004 23:22 (twenty years ago) link

Is the rampage still going on?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 4 June 2004 23:27 (twenty years ago) link

Yeah, that story is interesting. If this were LA, it would be on every single TV for the next week. Sadly, it's not.

deanomgwtf!!!p%3Fmsgid%3D4581997 (deangulberry), Friday, 4 June 2004 23:31 (twenty years ago) link

I thought this thread was going to be about Ken taking over New York.

roxymuzak (roxymuzak), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:03 (twenty years ago) link

Vice City officials have confirmed the suspect has a six star wanted level, and will not be able to repsray the bulldozer to lose them.

Dom Passantino (Dom Passantino), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:03 (twenty years ago) link

Ever since 9/11, al Qaeda hasn't even come close to displaying this level of Yankee ingenuity.

George Smith, Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:22 (twenty years ago) link


Sean Carruthers (SeanC), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:33 (twenty years ago) link

?!?!? Killdozer was a STURGEON book first?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:35 (twenty years ago) link

?!?!? Killdozer was a STURGEON book first?

You didn't know?


Elvis Telecom (Chris Barrus), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:42 (twenty years ago) link

Actually, a correction on that...

From http://www.5minutesonline.com/1D/KILLDOZER.htm

This made for TV classic has been missing in action for almost 30 years!

Made in 1974 as an ABC Suspense Movie of the week, the story concerns a group of construction workers building an airstrip on a South Pacific island during World War II, who disrupt an ancient native temple and uncover a strange meteorite sealed within its walls. When they attempt to move the massive rock using one of their bulldozers, an unknown entity containted within the meteorite uses his/her malevolent mind to take over bulldozer. Of course this can only mean bad things for all the construction workers involved considering the alien controlled bulldozer now wants to kill them all for trying to bulldoze it's home, the earth. Kind of like an update of the Mummy, only instead of a really slow guy in bandages you get a really slow giant piece of heavy machinery.

This film was based on the comic book Marvel Worlds Unknown #6 and adapted for the screen by acclaimed science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon

Elvis Telecom (Chris Barrus), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:44 (twenty years ago) link

Ah, that makes a little more sense.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:45 (twenty years ago) link

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