Cash Machine Question

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What happens if you type in that you're depositing $5000 then 'mistakenly' put a blank envelope in the machine? How long before your 'error' is discovered? Has anyone ever tried this? Which are the dumbest banks when it comes to this kind of thing?

dave q, Sunday, 6 June 2004 01:14 (twenty years ago) link

Having financial hard times, are we Dave?

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Sunday, 6 June 2004 01:39 (twenty years ago) link

I wouldn't try it. The transaction would have to be verified before the funds are made available. It's futile.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Sunday, 6 June 2004 01:40 (twenty years ago) link

It would be discovered the next day, when they take out the envelopes to process them.

My bank makes half the funds available immediately for an ATM deposit, but that's only been on smaller amounts ($200-400).

miloauckerman (miloauckerman), Sunday, 6 June 2004 01:53 (twenty years ago) link

The thing is, they can prosecute you for fraud...

But the 'other' thing is .. (here's a story):

I made a deposit for 5004.00 last year. I had a check for 5000 and a check for 4. Two checks. I included a deposit slip in the envelope with two checks listed on it. I listed both checks on the envelope also. At the ATM, I accidentally forgot to enter the digits on the right of the decimal point .. so the machine saw it as 50.04. Oops.. but no big deal, right? They'll catch that when they post the checks. Nope! Somehow they posted one as 50.00 and one as .04 .. And that's how they cleared the bank.

So it was on me to get the error corrected, meanwhile, the 5 large that I need for something has vaporized.

Ahh, but here's where the little guy wins ... My wife had written that $5000 check out of another account. So we were just moving it from one bank to another. And the bank that fucked up, just wrote it off - they corrected the deposit for me but didn't contact the issuing bank. We told them about it twice, and they never seemed interested .. So, now a year later, I am willing to accept that the whole thing is over, and that $5k is ours to buy pennywhistles and moonpies.

But the point of the story was going to be .. if I had deposited a check for $50 and accidentally said it was a $500 check, what do you think would have happened? mmmm hmmm.

dave225 (Dave225), Monday, 7 June 2004 11:04 (twenty years ago) link

ive seen it work won 'deposit with cash back' in amounts of 150.00 or less over many months, but this was 5 years ago

kephm, Monday, 7 June 2004 14:21 (twenty years ago) link

Just be glad you don't deal with R0y@l Bank.

TORONTO (CP) - The Royal Bank of Canada says its clients' account balances
should be up to date by the opening of business on Monday morning.

"Our transaction processing is essentially up to date and we
are finally back to a more normal schedule," Marty Lippert, a
bank spokesman, said Sunday in a release. "However, the
delays we experienced throughout much of last week have
prevented some other financial institutions from updating
their own client accounts," Lippert said.

"Now that those institutions have the information they need,
they will be able to update their records according to their
own processing schedules."

Royal Bank, the country's largest, revealed last Wednesday
that it had fallen behind in processing millions of transactions
due to a problem that occurred Monday during a routine
software upgrade of one of its systems.

By last Thursday, tens of thousands of employees in several
provinces learned that their direct-deposit paycheques hadn't
arrived on schedule due to the delay in processing

"Our clients and a great many other Canadians have shown
incredible patience and understanding and we apologize for
the inconvenience and hardship this disruption has caused
them," Gordon Nixon, the bank's president, said Sunday.

"We will not consider this disruption behind us until its consequences have been resolved for every
client regardless of the institution with which they bank," Nixon said.

The bank has said it is taking steps to help offset the impact of the disruption on clients, including
a commitment to refund any overdraft charges or fees incurred as a result of the disruption.

Royal Bank has also agreed to reimburse other Canadian financial institutions for certain costs
their clients have incurred due to the disruption.

Royal Bank customers experiencing any further difficulties are asked to contact their branch, the
bank said.

Huk-El (Horace Mann), Monday, 7 June 2004 14:31 (twenty years ago) link

Usually there is a day or two hold on cash withdrawls from ABM deposits, much like cheques often require a few days for clearing. Cheque your account details.

Has anyone ever tried this?
Aparently lots of people try this.

Mr Noodles (Mr Noodles), Monday, 7 June 2004 14:34 (twenty years ago) link

Bah, at least Royal Bank is ignoring overdraft charges for the time being. So if you want this may be the window your looking for.
Best part is the newswire we received about it was "routine hardware update." Routine hardware updates are only carried out by the likes of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

Mr Noodles (Mr Noodles), Monday, 7 June 2004 14:37 (twenty years ago) link

I'm still waiting to see if the overdraft charges are "forgiven." I don't trust the bank as far as I can through an ATM.

Huk-El (Horace Mann), Monday, 7 June 2004 14:40 (twenty years ago) link

It's election time so they probably be on their best behaviour. First impressions an all.

Mr Noodles (Mr Noodles), Monday, 7 June 2004 14:42 (twenty years ago) link

There was a rumour, one time, that if you go to a cashpoint and ask for, say, £80, and you manage to slip the two twenties in the middle out, the machine will think you haven't taken it and retrieve cash back into itself and recredit your account with the £80 like you never took (any of) it.

mark grout (mark grout), Monday, 7 June 2004 15:11 (twenty years ago) link

That is so not true - if you let the cash fall back into the machine, it assumes you have taken it anyway. You have to then apply for them to check the machine balance and recredit it to your account.

___ (___), Monday, 7 June 2004 15:12 (twenty years ago) link

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