David Kay sez Tony Blair is delusional when it comes Iraqi WMD

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Sure it's a dead issue but Kay would like to underscore it.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 6 June 2004 09:24 (twenty years ago) link

How long til Kay pulls a Richard Clarke?

Sym (shmuel), Sunday, 6 June 2004 18:35 (twenty years ago) link

I think we all know that Blair, strangely unlike Bush, has been very delusional about the specific WMDs question. It is quite right that the wider public be reminded of this. Quite frankly, in his quest to 'believe what he was doing was right', Blair's stewardship of our country's foreign policy became deeply *incompetent*; trusting uncorroborated intelligence rather than taking the empirical approach.

In the coming local elections, one feels Labour will be wiped out in the south and midlands. The north may seem some residual support, but some of that will be put paid to by the absurd 'witness declarations' required for people to vote by post... Many elderly people and others will make their vote and post it, without even finding this extra slip of paper in the envelope sent out. I've done postal votes before, and this faff was never involved.

While I may personally vote Labour *locally*, so as to keep out the BNP, who are fielding plenty of local candidates in Sunderland. The European vote however, will have to go to an anti-war party.
As I'm still at University, I get another set of votes, and in very Liberal Democrat Cambridge, I certainly will not cast one vote for a Labour candidate.

Tom May (Tom May), Sunday, 6 June 2004 21:01 (twenty years ago) link

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