Best 80s Teen Sex Comedies!

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I nominate 'Screwballs'! "Where were you caught this time, Jerkovski?"

tarden, Saturday, 7 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Wierd Science, for also being a teen house party movie too. did people like that ever really exist?

Ed, Saturday, 7 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Meatballs! no. not really..

kevin enas, Saturday, 7 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'll second Weird Science. what exactly does happen at that party at the end?

They're running a whole season of these films on Paramount Comedy, but I'll have to wait till July 20th to find out whether Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise should go on this list.

Graham, Saturday, 7 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Apparently there's a Weird Science TV spinoff. Anyone scene it?

Graham, Saturday, 7 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

sp: I apologise a million times.

Graham, Saturday, 7 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Yeah. I watched that show. It was a USA original. Pretty bad, but then I was still in high school, so what was I gonna do with my time anyway?

I nominate Real Genius. Or maybe Meatballs III.

Sterling Clover, Sunday, 8 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

_Real Genius_, to echo Sterling, though there wasn't much sex. _Ferris Bueller's Day Off_ is actually creme de la creme, but there wasn't any sex at all, so there you go...

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 8 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

How about Porky's?

From that horrible subgenre of '80s Teen Sex Comedies Set In The Fifties To Appeal To A Wider Demographic'.

Chewshabadoo, Sunday, 8 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

As 12-year-old w/ NO STASH of Penthouse, 80s teen sex comedies were where it (=tit) was at, even if I had to sneak into 'em. Have fond memories of Hot Dog (wacky ski hi-jinks plus boobies!) and Up the Creek (wacky raft hi-jinks plus boobies!), and best of all - as mentioned on, erm, 4 other threads? - was indeed Porky's cuz... !*! FULL FRONTAL NUDITY !*!

AP, Sunday, 8 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Student Bodies.

"Talking? During horsehead bookends? There's no talking during horsehead bookends!"

Andy, Sunday, 8 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I had a roommate a few years ago with whom I watched weeks worth of this stuff. Most of them were forgetable, but one that stands out is Lunch Wagon (I think that's what it was called) with music and 'acting' by members of tacky 80's faves Missing Persons. Porky's stands out too 'cuz it had male nudity. And Tarden, you're pretty funny.

Sean, Monday, 9 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Saw Hot Dog on TV the other day. I quite enjoyed it. Of course, all the boobies were cut out, but then I'm old enough to buy men's magazines if I so desire. Which then left the plot, which was fairly scanty, and the characters, which were penciled in fairly broadly, and the gags, which where run-of-the-mill, and the ski scenes which were pretty cool. Which leaves me at a loss as to what I enjoyed so much, except maybe there was just sort of a warm-hearted feel to the whole thing. Coz I wouldn't mind watching it again at all. And oh yes, the magnificently 80s soundtrack.

Sterling Clover, Monday, 9 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Is it too obvious to say Fast Times At Ridgemont High? Phoebe Cates and Jennifer Jason Leigh naked? Sean Penn before he got serious? The hands-down winner!

nick, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I really should see that shouldnt i

anthony, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

five months pass...
All geeks know the best 80s sex comedy -- probably the best sex comedy period, unless you include Some Like It Hot as an option -- is Revenge of the Nerds...

Nick, Monday, 17 December 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I was about to say "National Lampoon's Animal House" although I think it was late 70's. Surely the rosetta stone of the 80's bawdy teen flick.

Trevor, Monday, 17 December 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I like the one where the fat guy, the smart nerdy guy, the immigrant with the crazy name*, and the kool new guy in ray bans win the big race/contest/game much to the chagrin of the preppy jocks.

(*the only one to actually "score")

fritz, Monday, 17 December 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

hair pie, hair- pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

, Monday, 17 December 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Is it too obvious to say Fast Times At Ridgemont High
No! This movie is my all time favourite teen pic. The Cars playing while Phoebe Cates' breasts bop along... Jennifer eating a carrot. Sean Penn is guh-rate as well. It's all clas-sick.

helenfordsdale, Monday, 17 December 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Porky's wasnt set int he fifties to get a bigger audience but to get a film grant. Its Canadian you see and it still remains the highest grossing Canadian flick of all time as far as I know. Apartly Bruce McDonald is just too friggen wierd for people.

Wired Science TV show SuXoR. Really really SuXor.

Due to my unending teenage obsession with Molly Ringwald I would say Pretty in Pink. Nonsex though, Feris Bueller is hard to beat. All it need was Low Rider instead of Yellow.

Mr Noodles, Monday, 17 December 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

four months pass...
what about HAMBURGER: THE MOVIE? and UP THE CREEK? SCHOOL SPIRIT? i think maybe....HEAVEN HELP US...too many...

jim sewell, Thursday, 9 May 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I remember setting my alarm clock for 3am so i could catch the 3:30 am showing of Risky Business on HBO. I also remember thinking my penis had developed rigor mortis.

Chris, Thursday, 9 May 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

fourteen years pass...

surveying board for interest in a ballot teen sex comedy poll (not limited to the 80s)

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 16:02 (eight years ago) link


wizzz! (amateurist), Wednesday, 25 May 2016 16:02 (eight years ago) link


Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 16:54 (eight years ago) link

14 years pass.. jeez.

piscesx, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 17:21 (eight years ago) link

This thread is now old enough to be a horny teenager.

Now I Know How Joan of Arcadia Felt (C. Grisso/McCain), Wednesday, 25 May 2016 21:18 (eight years ago) link

I look forward to hearing about this thread's wacky misadventures trying to score with a sexy substitute teacher all while ignoring his loyal, but pretty, best girl friend.

rhymes with "blondie blast" (cryptosicko), Wednesday, 25 May 2016 22:30 (eight years ago) link

I'd vote

glandular lansbury (sic), Wednesday, 25 May 2016 22:35 (eight years ago) link

this is such an interesting genre to me, it's the result of such a specific set of cultural and economic factors - sure most of the movies are formally inept and/or poorly executed but so evocative of their era.

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 22:36 (eight years ago) link

ie post-sexual revolution but pre-internet, and in contrast/conflict with puritanical Reagan era (while nonetheless often sharing Reagan era's nostalgia for and fascination with the 50s/early 60s)

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 22:44 (eight years ago) link

You need to include the plotless teen sex films of Crown International Pictures that have obvious influenced Tarantino and Linklater, titles such as The Pom Pom Girls, Malibu Beach, and Van Nuys Blvd. They're so purely and non-intellectually escapist they make films like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Risky Business, and Pretty In Pink look way too serious and artsy.

Josefa, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 22:53 (eight years ago) link

huh never heard of those - I do know My Tutor and My Chauffeur

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 22:58 (eight years ago) link

Hardbodies vs Joysticks. the golden years were that decadent new wave era from 79-83 which Reagan Values were a reaction too, before Just Say No and AIDS

saki, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 22:59 (eight years ago) link

surely risky business wins this one clear

wizzz! (amateurist), Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:06 (eight years ago) link

I hate that movie

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:06 (eight years ago) link

offhand I'd put Last American Virgin at no. 1

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:07 (eight years ago) link

you have terrible taste! :)

wizzz! (amateurist), Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:07 (eight years ago) link

The Pom Pom Girls has a lot of similarities to Linklater's Dazed and Confused, in tone and structure for instance. They are both set in the same year (1976), the difference being Pom Pom Girls was also made in that year.

Josefa, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:08 (eight years ago) link

The actress who played the Mexican hooker in Last American Virgin is now one of the OJ Simpson accusers. Fun trivia.

Josefa, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:14 (eight years ago) link

trying to put my finger on why I don't like Risky Business, beyond just knee-jerk Cruise hatred. I find him really unlikable and that's hard for me to get past. Worse is perhaps that the movie isn't fun or funny, generally it's tone is moody and subdued.

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:16 (eight years ago) link

I liked The Wild Life at the time. I am offering no guarantees 30+ years later.

clemenza, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:24 (eight years ago) link

Not to get all Chuck Eddy, but the abortion subplot in Fast Times is better art than 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days.

clemenza, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:26 (eight years ago) link

...and soundtracking the abortion scene in The Last American Virgin with "I Will Follow" is bad taste at it's finest

Now I Know How Joan of Arcadia Felt (C. Grisso/McCain), Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:40 (eight years ago) link

Malibu Beach is so good and Ted Cruz talks about it in this clip

kurt schwitterz, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:48 (eight years ago) link

I'm not gonna lie: the greatest appeal of most of these movies for me was the man-candy they offered in the likes of Matt Lattanzi, Steve Antin, Christopher Atkins (who never did a teen sex comedy per se, but a fan edit of The Blue Lagoon, The Pirate Movie and A Night in Heaven could probably cobble together a decent one) and countless anonymous others. Yes, these films were aggressively geared towards the hetero-male gaze, but they weren't all that shy about showing male flesh either, albeit usually incidentally.

rhymes with "blondie blast" (cryptosicko), Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:48 (eight years ago) link

actually he's probably talking about this one

kurt schwitterz, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 23:49 (eight years ago) link

The fella with the red towel is Bill Adler, who starred in many of the Crown International flicks:

Josefa, Thursday, 26 May 2016 00:44 (eight years ago) link

never saw this one but i think the female lead(?) is a Cosby victim

rmde bob (will), Thursday, 26 May 2016 02:03 (eight years ago) link

Hunk is dreadful even by the genre's standards.

rhymes with "blondie blast" (cryptosicko), Monday, 30 May 2016 03:02 (eight years ago) link

Old Lunch: I, uh...well...I have that.

clemenza, Monday, 30 May 2016 03:15 (eight years ago) link

The Italian woman in The Party Animal, while under the spell of a fart potion, crosses herself and says “Mamma mia” repeatedly as she passes gas.

Sharia Laws and Lambchop (The Yellow Kid), Monday, 30 May 2016 03:33 (eight years ago) link

This theoretical poll will finally give me a reason to crack this thing open. Containing a good number of movies mentioned itt.

That's the bulk of Crown International Pictures' output in the genre. Missing Van Nuys Blvd. though, which I saw recently on amazon streaming and, unbelievably, was edited for content.

One more thing to say about Risky Business, it's very odd that that was the director's first feature and he only made one subsequent feature, 1990's Men Don't Leave, starring Jessica Lange.

Josefa, Monday, 30 May 2016 04:38 (eight years ago) link

two years pass...

Caught Private Schoolon the Retroplex channel last night. The script is lobotomy level dumb, though the film does kinda deliver in terms of showing lots of young skin. Could sort of see the "sex-posi feminism" aspect mentioned upthread, but not sure if that justifies the rest.

When Sylvia Kristel shows up as the sex ed teacher I was pleading that they let her class the movie up a bit, but as it turns out they mainly use her to get pushed in the pool as an excuse to receive mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from a horny guy. She's so skinny in this - must have been her cocaine period. Also enjoyed Martin Mull's cameo as the condom-selling pharmacist.

On the downside this movie made me feel super old, because I remember my high school peers looking much like the kids here and that whole world seems as remote as another planet.

Josefa, Monday, 14 January 2019 22:32 (five years ago) link

If that is the one I think it is, it ends with a sex-on-the-beach scene that is actually quite erotic in its acting and presentation, rather than leering and creepy like most in the genre.

Timothée Charalambides (cryptosicko), Tuesday, 15 January 2019 00:00 (five years ago) link

That's correct. Matthew Modine and Phoebe Cates. They go from the water to the shoreline (a la Lancaster/Kerr) and then finish on the dune.

Josefa, Tuesday, 15 January 2019 00:22 (five years ago) link

Probably the worst film i've ever seen

piscesx, Tuesday, 15 January 2019 02:09 (five years ago) link

Wierd Science, for also being a teen house party movie too. did people like that ever really exist?
― Ed, Saturday, 7 July 2001 00:00

No. Nobody ever really had a Memotexh MTX512.

*There's (Noel Emits), Tuesday, 15 January 2019 11:30 (five years ago) link

That post is older now than Weird Science was to that poster

Josefa, Tuesday, 15 January 2019 14:57 (five years ago) link

A couple weeks ago SNL had a spot-on Revenge of the Nerds parody w Jason Momoa ("Day of the Dorks").

Gunther Gleiben (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 15 January 2019 16:21 (five years ago) link

the ass-car is an all-time illustration

suggest boban (Will M.), Tuesday, 15 January 2019 18:02 (five years ago) link

five months pass...

The local Alamo Drafthouse has started promoting an August screening of a 4K resto of Hot Dog: The Movie.

frustration and wonky passion (C. Grisso/McCain), Tuesday, 2 July 2019 22:02 (five years ago) link

idk if this is a movie genre that really calls for "restoration"

Οὖτις, Tuesday, 2 July 2019 22:05 (five years ago) link

maybe if it's being restored to shitty degraded VHS

Οὖτις, Tuesday, 2 July 2019 22:06 (five years ago) link

4T&A, amirite?

frustration and wonky passion (C. Grisso/McCain), Tuesday, 2 July 2019 22:16 (five years ago) link

That restoration just premiered at Cinepocalypse last month. It got a brief mention on The AV Club's roundup:

Truly, my favorite moments of Cinepocalypse are the ones that serve as crystallizations of what make it special. Cinepocalypse isn’t a horror festival, but a genre festival—one that, to me, feels like a celebration of the kinds of movies you’d have never have wanted your parents to catch you watching as a kid. Tammy And The T-Rex’s gore cut is one of those, as is Hot Dog...The Movie, the naughty 1984 cult classic that was here given a 4K producer’s cut restoration for its 35th anniversary. Whether or not it’s a good idea to revisit such a horny, uber-male film in our current era is up to you, but it was a joy to boo the scenes that didn’t age well with an audience that can still appreciate the raunchy spirit so many of us worshipped as kids.

I don't know if "worshipped" accurately captures the reality of "I was a teen, it was on cable, so I ended up watching Hot Dog/Ski Patrol/Ski School/Better Off Dead many times and such aimless time-killing is now a fond memory"

the girl from spirea x (f. hazel), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 00:33 (five years ago) link

Don't throw Better Off Dead on with those others!

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 00:52 (five years ago) link

I blame this thread for the fact that three days ago I dreamed about a teen sex comedy set in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution.

Quilter Ray (rushomancy), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 01:05 (five years ago) link

I only saw Hot Dog once and I remember it as particularly unseemly. The Always Sunny parody was hilarious, though.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 3 July 2019 01:06 (five years ago) link

at the time we didn't differentiate, now I appreciate what Savage Steve Holland brought to the table

the girl from spirea x (f. hazel), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 01:29 (five years ago) link

HD:TM is pedestrian and unmemorable even by the genre’s standards. I suspect the only reason anyone has any reverence for it is because of the title (in which case there’s also Hamburger: The Motion Picture.

Herman Woke (cryptosicko), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 01:37 (five years ago) link

now that is a dire film, the worst one I've ever seen more than five times probably

the girl from spirea x (f. hazel), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 02:56 (five years ago) link

dunno if they're 4TnA restos, but this has got to be an essential purchase for any crown pictures international fan.

andrew m., Wednesday, 3 July 2019 14:42 (five years ago) link

and based on the plot description, i'm thinkin cavegirl may be a real doozy.

"On a class excursion to a cave with stone age paintings the clumsy Rex gets lost. A mysterious crystal opens a gateway in time and sets him back to the stone ages, where he meets a group of prehistoric fellows and the gorgeous Eba. While teaching her English and doing some pseudo-research on her fellows, his main goal is to get her sleeping with him. However the curiosity of the clan chief disturbs his attempts."

andrew m., Wednesday, 3 July 2019 14:42 (five years ago) link

the stone ages? more like BONE ages

andrew m., Wednesday, 3 July 2019 14:43 (five years ago) link

"My Tutor" was on Cinemax like four times a day.

it's pronounced skinemax

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 3 July 2019 14:56 (five years ago) link

I've seen Cavegirl. It's terrible. And as Eliza notes, My Tutor as well, for the same reason... these movies were shown incessantly on Cinemax when I was a kid. We favored them, as terrible as they were, over the totally blank softcore pornography that was the alternative. At least Cavegirl had time travel.

the girl from spirea x (f. hazel), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 14:57 (five years ago) link

Also the kid on the far left in that Coach poster is, I think, Michael Biehn, AKA Reese from the Terminator.

the girl from spirea x (f. hazel), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 15:09 (five years ago) link

saw one recently that's from a dimension very near to our own, with many recognizable parts but just it's also a canadian production, which may have something to do with it.

state park aka heavy metal summer

andrew m., Wednesday, 3 July 2019 15:09 (five years ago) link

saw one recently that's from a dimension very near to our own, with many recognizable parts but just

to be fair, that's all of these itt

andrew m., Wednesday, 3 July 2019 15:09 (five years ago) link

heavy metal summer

tbf this is one of the best titles for anything ever

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 3 July 2019 15:13 (five years ago) link

you only get one real heavy metal summer

the girl from spirea x (f. hazel), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 15:20 (five years ago) link

I miss the innocence I've known
Watching Crown features, beautiful and boned

frustration and wonky passion (C. Grisso/McCain), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 15:23 (five years ago) link

Recently saw Secret Admirer for the 1st time. I'd never even heard of it. It's actually p watchable, I was surprised!

A True White Kid that can Jump (Granny Dainger), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 16:14 (five years ago) link

I agree that it's watchable (though not much better than that). As a critic friend pointed once pointed out, it also contains one of the lovelier musical scores of the decade.

Herman Woke (cryptosicko), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 16:31 (five years ago) link

Jan Hammer!
but yeah if you're not an 80s kid or into cheesy 80s teen movies I wouldn't recommend.

A True White Kid that can Jump (Granny Dainger), Wednesday, 3 July 2019 16:39 (five years ago) link

one year passes...

Private School was on one of the movie channels here the other day; I'd seen it before (its wretched) but I paused on it long enough to hear this generic but catchy new wave-y pop/rock thing on the soundtrack which turns out to have been performed by Phoebe Cates herself. IMDb tells me that she performed a couple of songs on the soundtrack. I had no idea!

edited for dog profanity (cryptosicko), Tuesday, 22 June 2021 23:33 (three years ago) link

Recently watched Private Lessons almost back-to-back with the conceptually similar My Tutor. I prefer Private Lessons bc it stars Sylvia Kristel and bc the schoolkid in it looks and acts like a real teen. My Tutor doesn't ring as true bc it revolves around Matt Lattanzi, a pretty boy who projects no teenage insecurity (and who married Olivia Newton-John shortly after the film came out).

Also sat through the excruciatingly bad Up the Creek featuring an unwatchably smarmy Tim Matheson somehow playing a college student at age 35 (six years after he was in college in Animal House).

Josefa, Wednesday, 23 June 2021 04:10 (three years ago) link

to be fair, Matheson's character has been in college for 12 years

mark e. smith-moon (f. hazel), Wednesday, 23 June 2021 04:35 (three years ago) link

Just the kind of guy you'd want piloting your raft

Josefa, Wednesday, 23 June 2021 04:44 (three years ago) link

(Stephen Furst is better in Midnight Madness)

mark e. smith-moon (f. hazel), Wednesday, 23 June 2021 04:52 (three years ago) link

My favorite thing related to Up The Creek...(from Rick Nielsen's interview w/the AV Club)

O: What about "Up The Creek"?

RN: Now that was a bad song! I co-wrote that… No, wait, let's see… I can't remember. Maybe I actually wrote that whole thing. Man! I must've been high. That was one of the worst songs—put it this way, it was one of the worst movies that's ever been out. Song-wise, it fit right in with the movie. Our video was the worst video we've ever done. We've done some bad, bad ones, but that took the cake. The worst… [Background talking, laughter.] Hey, my wife, who wasn't even listening, heard me say "worst" and said, "Up The Creek"? and started laughing. Hey, at least we weren't standing there looking at each other trying to fake some ballad. And… [Addresses wife.] What? I just gave you money yesterday.

blue whales on ambient (C. Grisso/McCain), Wednesday, 23 June 2021 05:12 (three years ago) link

The video is pretty dopey

blue whales on ambient (C. Grisso/McCain), Wednesday, 23 June 2021 05:19 (three years ago) link

Haha that's an amazing quote. And I still remember hearing the chorus of the song being sung in the ads for the damn film.

Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 23 June 2021 14:13 (three years ago) link

I have fond, blurry memories of Real Genius so I torrented it and... man it has not aged well. The sexism is just bananas. And there are a LOT of boring parts. Imagining Eddie Murphy in it instead - it would still be pretty bad but at least watchable.

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 23 June 2021 14:59 (three years ago) link

nah Real Genius is still classic

mark e. smith-moon (f. hazel), Wednesday, 23 June 2021 15:22 (three years ago) link

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