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cycling--C or D?

racing? arsing about on 2 wheels? walking miles and miles home when you puncture?

the latter is only classic if it's raining...

m, Tuesday, 10 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I never learnt how to ride a bike.

anthony, Tuesday, 10 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Hey, me neither! Unathletic bonding, I'm all for it.

My dad's a cycling nut, though, so I appreciate the sport and especially the Tour de France, but of course. Tour de Trump -- what a fucking lame name *that* was. I presume he doesn't sponsor that anymore. Anyway, Armstrong needs to start picking up a bit here...

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 10 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

If you added motors and chrome and leather and called them "motorcycles" instead, they'd be total classic.

Ally, Tuesday, 10 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Well, if you buy a good bike, you don't get punctures. But, me, I just putter around my neighborhood every so often, in an attempt to get in a shape that's not comparable to a full bodied plant.

Biking would be SO classic were it not for idiot drivers and idiot pedestrians. Hey, look, there's someone riding a bike on the sidewalk; let me continue walking in the middle of the path so he can ride onto someone's lawn & risk injury. Better yet - hey, there's someone riding their bike on the street by some shrubbery that's sticking out; hey, he's swerving out of the way of the shrubbery so as not to get hit. Let's see if I can clip him!

David Raposa, Tuesday, 10 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

So, what, bike riders aren't supposed to obey, you know, THE LAWS OF TRAFFIC?! Please.

Ally, Tuesday, 10 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm a bike commuter and I love it - it's the best way to experience the city, it's cheap and it keeps me fit. David, riding on the sidewalk = naughty, naughty. You can get a ticket for that here. Anyway, flats - I've got this aerosol spray can instant flat repair thing. You attach it to your air thingie and it patches the tear until you ride it home. I haven't had to use it yet. Even if I did get a flat, our "L" trains allow bikes after 8 p.m., so I could just hang out until that time if I needed to.

Kerry Keane, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I had a bike, then it was stolen. cf other thread. Occasionally I borrow a bike when I take my care into the shop. It's nice, but I wouldn't want to do it everyday.

Sterling Clover, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Many a strange bulge has lurked in bike shorts.

AP, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

When I lived in London I always used to bike around it is a totally exhilerating way to travel the ultimate in urban commuting. I could beat anyone on any other mode of transport during the rush hour. It rules cos the busses and tube cost so much. However has imbued in me a deep sense of loathing for taxi drivers and taxis the world over since I have consistently and regularly been knocked from my bike by stupid fuckwit taxi drivers who don't indicate or use mirrors or have brains

Although I haven't done it in a while. Bike touring, been round bits of Ireland twice and to france once. A really great way to spend a holiday juat going from place to place.

Ed, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

A length of twine = safe pavements

tarden, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

explain this

anthony, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Classic until you cycle into the back of a parked car and inflict serious damage to your bank acount. Then it's a definite dud.

Richard Tunnicliffe, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Apparently in Thailand cyclists are colloquially referred to as "organ donors". Ha ha ha ha HA!

tarden, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

My mother calls Motorcylces Donorcycles

anthony, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was about 10. I have no sense of natural balance, you see. Biking is only really classic if you're in a protected environment where cars cannot pretend like you don't exist. Holland has a great public bicyling system. There were not just separate paths for bicycles, but traffic lights and everything. There were more bicycle parking lots than those for cars. It was really nice.

I wouldn't do it in London, tho, you'd get killed.

masonic boom, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Me and Tim (my flatmate) constantly have races, where he cycles and I use public transport. He's beaten me home from the East End, Stamford Hill and central London before, and not in the rush hour either. Cycling must be the future, as cars get more expensive and congested and no-one solves the rail problem.

A lot of fuel companies are desperately trying to design water- fuelled combustion engines.

chris, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I am the only person in the world to fail the cycling proficiency test therefore I believe cycling is a dud. Though i often look at friends bombing down bus lanes and being fitter with a degree of envy.

The Tour De France though is easily the dullest televised sport in the world. Thank Christ for Eurosport buying it off of Channel 4.

Pete, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I too am unable to ride a bike. ILE'ers are rather immobile it seems.

Mitch Lastnamewithheld, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I can ride a bike like a son-of-a-bitch but I just see no reason for it. I mean, didn't we invent cars and motorcycles to get rid of bikes? Manual labor, errgh.

Ally, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

My office help just went ass over face after hit by a car. Boston is not a town for biking.

Mike Hanle y, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Oh, yeah - thanks, Kerry. Forgot about that whole "sidewalk" thing. Guess my town's too sleepy to be a stickler about that sort of thing.

I usually ride against the flow of traffic, so as to see the cars coming up on me, instead of having the bastards running down my neck. I'm all for obey traffic laws, but when the dumb bastards in cars just zoom by me like I'm not there, it's every man for himself.

(I should be riding WITH the flow of traffic, though, shouldn't I?)

(Should it be a shock that I came VERY close to flunking my driver's test?)

David Raposa, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

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