Pepsi Max Vs Diet Pepsi Vs Diet Coke Vs Diet Virgin Cola

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I heard that they have this canerous content or something?!

But let me say - Diet Coke is the bomb. Quite like Branson's brand too. Prefer Pepsi Max to Diet Pepsi.

C_Zar, Wednesday, 22 December 2004 11:41 (twenty years ago) link

Yeah likewise.

mark grout (mark grout), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 11:42 (twenty years ago) link

Barf, bewark, hwalp etc. (To all of them. And all cola drinks generally)

Pashmina (Pashmina), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 11:44 (twenty years ago) link

I dont drink them much thesedays, granted.

mark grout (mark grout), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 11:45 (twenty years ago) link

fatty coke c's over diet coke's t

ken c (ken c), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 12:05 (twenty years ago) link

i prefer a nice glass of syrup, good for what ails yer

Frankenstein On Ice (blueski), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 12:06 (twenty years ago) link

First time I went to the States, I wanted to try the replacement coke. Everyone else there was, like, "Why?". And you couldn't buy it anywhere, as "Classic Cola" was always stocked in preference. Never did get to try any.

mark grout (mark grout), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 12:06 (twenty years ago) link

I always wanted to try that fake cola too. Then I cut out real Cola 2 years ago and switched to Diet (and increased the water I drink). Diet Cola is, however, possibly the most addictive drink ever once you get a taste for it. Now real coke tastes a bit uech if ever I'm in the situation of having to taste it.

C_Man, Wednesday, 22 December 2004 13:15 (twenty years ago) link

Anything other than fatty Coke tastes of toilet seas and gives you brain cancer.

dog latin (dog latin), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 13:49 (twenty years ago) link

toilet seas

I bet the beaches round there struggle to get Blue Flags.

aldo_cowpat (aldo_cowpat), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 14:06 (twenty years ago) link

This was printed on a drum of undiluted Coke syrup:

Kinda turned me off it...

dave225 (Dave225), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 14:14 (twenty years ago) link

What IS the difference between Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Max?

Oliver Pyper (stickthrower), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 20:21 (twenty years ago) link

pepsi one is my favorite. it has the most caffeine of any soda available in the united states!

stockholm cindy (Jody Beth Rosen), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 21:58 (twenty years ago) link

PS - You can still get New Coke/Coke II at the World of Coke, should you ever be in Atlanta.

Girolamo Savonarola, Wednesday, 22 December 2004 22:57 (twenty years ago) link

I don't like Kola Kubes.

I wish I did!

I generally only drink coke with RHUM.

Or maybe sometimes the morning after I have drunk a little too much coke with RHUM. Ugh.

rhum and coca cola, Wednesday, 22 December 2004 23:02 (twenty years ago) link

I like Diet Coke. At fountains I usually do 3/4 Diet and 1/4 regular.

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 23:03 (twenty years ago) link

Diet Coke is the blood of Colombian workers!

fcussen (Burger), Thursday, 23 December 2004 00:35 (twenty years ago) link

pepsi one is my favorite. it has the most caffeine of any soda available in the united states!

more than Jolt?

I like Crystal Pepsi (and Crystal Gravy).

gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 23 December 2004 00:45 (twenty years ago) link

I've been cold turkey on caffeine for three weeks (since I got told I wasn't allowed to go back to work following resigning). I don't honestly think I could drink a can of *anything* carbonated cola now.

3underscore (___), Thursday, 23 December 2004 00:48 (twenty years ago) link

more than Jolt?

It's right underneath Jolt (which is getting increasingly difficult to find around here). Red Bull has the most caffeine. But the thing with Jolt and Red Bull and other energy drinks is that people drink them just for the caffeine, so they kinda don't count. You don't have one with your lunch, unless you're really really tired.

stockholm cindy (Jody Beth Rosen), Thursday, 23 December 2004 00:59 (twenty years ago) link

ooh, check out jolt's EXTREME new packaging:

stockholm cindy (Jody Beth Rosen), Thursday, 23 December 2004 01:02 (twenty years ago) link

put some malt liquor in that and i'm sold.

I'm serious ... Ti-i-i-i-im (deangulberry), Thursday, 23 December 2004 01:10 (twenty years ago) link

I like Pepsi Max better but what is the difference between this and Diet Coke? Anyone?

Ceezar, Thursday, 23 December 2004 09:33 (twenty years ago) link

twenty years pass...

I am obsessed with that song diet pepsi. Lana pastiche

treeship 2, Friday, 27 December 2024 04:47 (one week ago) link

Re thread topic, coke zero ftw

treeship 2, Friday, 27 December 2024 04:48 (one week ago) link

I basically run on Diet Coke/Coke Zero, water, coffee, and tea. I was even raised on Diet Coke because I grew up with a diabetic parent (diagnosed several years before I was born) and the entire household basically lived off the same diabetic diet, so I very rarely got to drink any full sugar soft drinks. So Diet Coke tastes like childhood to me and Coke Zero tastes a little "naughty" and indulgent.

We Live as We Dee, Alone (deethelurker), Monday, 30 December 2024 01:02 (four days ago) link

Also, aspartame is only carcinogenic if you drink 48 cans of diet soda a day, which if you're doing you'll keel over from the excessive caffeine content long before you get diagnosed with cancer.

We Live as We Dee, Alone (deethelurker), Monday, 30 December 2024 01:03 (four days ago) link

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