2 Million £ wasted Radio 1 Love Parade is cancelled

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2 Million £ wasted Radio 1 Love Parade is cancelled - they never should had the money allocated in the first place. Discuss.

This is how the BBC are wasting your License money, even if the event went ahead - 2 Million is lot of money for one big event.

When I was growing up in the 80s there was the cheap n naff Radio 1 summer roadshow, with a new seaside resort each day with different djs each week on a rota system Peter Powell, Steve Wright, Gary Davies etc and that game identify ten tracks from small snippets.

How times have changed, are these vast amounts on one big weekend event Love Parade justified?

The story: Love Parade

Radio 1 pull Love Parade blame Newcastle City Council

Radio 1 have canceled next Saturday's Love Parade after Newcastle City Council failed to issue a public entertainment licence for the event. The council has been unable to satisfy Northumbria Police about various issues, including transport arrangements and a park and ride scheme. Newcastle City Council spent Friday (July 13) in an emergency meetings with police but failed to resolve the issues by a Radio 1 deadline on 6pm.

At 7.30pm on Friday (July 13) Radio 1 announced they had pulled the event. Radio 1 controller Andy Parfitt said: "Although I recognise that extraordinary efforts have been made by the council, I am still very disappointed that they have failed to meet their obligations at this late stage." Radio 1 said they had to impose the 6pm deadline because trucks were due to start moving equipment and building stages for Love Parade on Saturday (July 14). Radio 1 are said to be furious that the event - which is rumored to have cost them more than £2 million - was canceled because the Council couldn't satisfy police safety demands, mainly in respect to providing safe parking for the 250,000 who were expected to attend.

Assistant Chief Constable John Scott, of Northumbria Police, said: "We had made extensive plans to police the event. But providing sufficient park and ride facilities for the visitors was a crucial element of crowd control." Radio 1 said they would still try and do something for Newcastle. Andy Parfitt said: "Love Parade may be dead on the streets of Newcastle but we will make every effort to keep its spirit alive on our airwaves and in local clubs and arenas." The Berlin Love Parade will run this year on July 21 despite attempts by environmental groups to have the event canceled.

DJ Martian, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Why are the BBC to blame for Newcastle's cock-up? £2 million is not a lot of money for a big citywide parade, all told: Pride/Mardi Gras costs more than this, which is why it is so abominably pricey to get in (and wanky once you ARE in).

mark s, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Aaah - after reading a couple of lines of the question, I just knew it had to be the Martian. 5 minutes later, when I'd finished scrolling down it, I was sure.

the pinefox, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I alwys preferred playing Smiley Miley's Mileage Game anyway. I don't think all the goths hanging around Bigg Market would have appreciated the Love Parade anyway.

MarkH, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Hahahahaha, KARMA! My friend came up with the idea of love parades in the UK and is big mates with the Berlin massive. BBC arses fucked her around once the idea was up and running and didn't pay her consultation fees, so NERRRRRR on them.

suzy, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

"goths hanging around the bigg market"

What????? When was this????


Norman Fay, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

love parade UK, over comercialise hooey love parade berlin, over comerciaised hooey, but not when it began.

Not that I want to begrudge anyone their fun cos street festivals are wkd. But parties with crusty types in the woods are better.

Newcastle obviously realised at somepoint that they were going to have quater of a million completely bolloxed people on their hands and must have gone 'oh my god all these kids are going to take drugs, not get drunk and beat the crap out of each other what are we going to do'

Ed, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

The goths hang around old eldon square, with the winos.

the bigg morket is where the gan t' get yer heed stoved in onna friday neet, like, the kna.

carsmilesteve, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I thought Newcastle ALREADY had zillions of bollixed people carrying on in the town centre every weekend a la fat slags/Bigg Market. We used to tease my friend Jenny that when she did the Yorkshire/Geordie female thing of white tights-less legs/bitty dress in subzero weather whilst on the razz she looked Northern From The Back. Meow.

suzy, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Pinefox: personally I found the "(DJ Martian)" after the question name a bit of a giveaway.

Tom, Tuesday, 17 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Curiously enough, they were going to use Town Moor in Newcastle: that's the racecourse, isn't it? Recalls those demented mid-80s fundays at Haydock Park, and I also remember Gary Davies doing a roadshow on the Knavesmire at York in 1993, just before he left.

Dunno, really. I tend to suspect red tape and bureaucracy and ageing, self-interested councillors and general slowness to organise these things because that's how local councils often are, or so it seems. Well, maybe the Westwood show might go out this Saturday night, after all. Result!

Suzy: I have seen with my own eyes a Newcastle United fan *take off* his coat as the temperature discernibly dropped several degrees. Read what you like into that ...

Robin Carmody, Tuesday, 17 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

According to mother it's all the posh gets in jesmond who complained about it. They had a protest group made up of lawyers, doctors and other well connected types. Also sister's boyfriend spent all last week sorting out temporary mobile phone masts to cope with 250,000 people ringing each other, he finally got it sorted at 10 to 6 last friday...

carsmilesteve, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

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