Design a website, win your own terrorist attack

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A TERRORIST group in Iraq has launched a competition to design its new website -- and the prize is a chance to fire missiles at a US Army base.

Sunni Muslim faction Jaish Al-Taifa Al-Mansura, "The Army of the Victorious Group", said it wanted an impressive website to counter Western publicity. It must carry communiques, videos of military operations, media reports of activities and a statement of ideology.

Whoever wins the competition will have their home computer rigged up so that a keystroke can trigger the launch of weapons on the ground in Iraq.

The group said: "The winner will fire three long-range missiles from any location in the world at an American army base in Iraq, by pressing a button with his own blessed hand, using technology developed by the jihad fighters, Allah willing.

"The website must match the good reputation of the Army, of jihad and of the jihad fighters, and defeat the Crusader information. This is an opportunitiy for our brothers outside Iraq to join their brothers on the front line. "

The competition was spotted by MEMRI, a US-based translation service which monitors extremist websites.

Hello Sunshine (Hello Sunshine), Thursday, 1 December 2005 14:53 (nineteen years ago) link

Beat that, Women's Institute Christmas Raffle!

Hello Sunshine (Hello Sunshine), Thursday, 1 December 2005 14:54 (nineteen years ago) link

So, who's entering?

dog latin (dog latin), Thursday, 1 December 2005 15:02 (nineteen years ago) link


Sororah T Massacre (blueski), Thursday, 1 December 2005 15:04 (nineteen years ago) link

This is some serious SRL shit!

'you' vs. 'radio gnome invisible 3' FITE (ex machina), Thursday, 1 December 2005 15:07 (nineteen years ago) link

The winner will fire three long-range missiles from any location in the world at an American army base in Iraq, by pressing a button with his own blessed hand, using technology developed by the jihad fighters, Allah willing.
Allah willing which part? Are they saying that the jihad fighters haven't developed this technology yet, but Allah Willing, they will? Not much of a promise.

D.I.Y. U.N.K.L.E. (dave225.3), Thursday, 1 December 2005 15:07 (nineteen years ago) link

"using technology developed by the jihad fighters, Allah willing."

I love the idea of geeky , pasty faced overweight IT jihadists.

Hello Sunshine (Hello Sunshine), Thursday, 1 December 2005 15:10 (nineteen years ago) link

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