Transport in London is shit

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...or so I've been told (and experienced from time to time) my whole puff. But it's come to my attention (during a phone conversation with my mum in which it was revealed that my sister and my future brother-in-law is, are getting married), that I haven't heard a single anti-tube rant so far this month, and that luego it must be de facto better than it used to be.


Gatinha (rwillmsen), Monday, 13 February 2006 21:21 (eighteen years ago) link

what about public transport in the suburbs?! FUCKING WAGN!

Vintage Latin (dog latin), Monday, 13 February 2006 21:22 (eighteen years ago) link

anyone who thinks should be bussed (specifically bussed) to A N Other city in th UK stat

ambrose (ambrose), Monday, 13 February 2006 21:28 (eighteen years ago) link

transport in london is great*

*maybe not if you use the northern line

terry lennox. (gareth), Monday, 13 February 2006 21:30 (eighteen years ago) link

Not to simply express the sentiments already aired, but I was thinking about this only yesterday, and I agree that anyone who thinks London's transport system is bad has obviously never witnessed the sheer horror of transport outside of the M25.

tissp! (the impossible shortest specia), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:07 (eighteen years ago) link

*maybe not if you use the northern line

And the Hammersmith&Shittyline.

Gatinha (rwillmsen), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:17 (eighteen years ago) link

It's shit - if you consider that it's a 'world city' in the 21st Century.

It's surely more balanced to compare London with Tokyo, New York, Paris etc rather than Basildon, Letchworth, and Chorlton-cum-Hardy.

Bob Six (bobbysix), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Transport in London is LOTS better than transport in any other part of Britain I've ever lived in or stayed in for more than a couple of days.

Transport in London is LOTS better than transport in New York.

Basically, transport in London is far from shit.

*maybe not if you use the northern line

That's been my primary line for about 4 years now and I'm not complaining, it's fine.

JimD (JimD), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Swap you for trying to get out of central Glasgow after 11.30pm any night of the week...

ailsa (ailsa), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:25 (eighteen years ago) link

It's people not complaining, and not comparing it to more modern transport systems, that's partly responsible for London's transport remaining shit.

International competitiveness studies highlight the expense of transport, crumbling infrastructure, and historic lack of investment as a negative factor in London's economic position.

Bob Six (bobbysix), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:30 (eighteen years ago) link

Call it selfish, but I would rather someone unfuck the rest of the country before London gets improved any further.

tissp! (the impossible shortest specia), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:33 (eighteen years ago) link

No, I think that's sensible - at least sorting out the ridiculous cost of travelleling by rail across the UK.

Bob Six (bobbysix), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:35 (eighteen years ago) link

OTM. For all the posturing of the government regarding public transport, the sad truth is that I still drive everywhere because public transport is such a shambles—from the local buses that can't turn up for hours in a morning to the national rail network that costs £50 to go somewhere that £20 of diesel in a car can get me.

Not, of course, that it's the government's responsibility nowadays.

tissp! (the impossible shortest specia), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:39 (eighteen years ago) link

Btw I wasn't talking about the price. Although the Oyster fares are obviously much fairer, I have got a sneaking suspicion that they're gonna wait 'til we've all got one and then jack up all the prices like mad and KILL US ALL.

That said, anyone who lives in London who DOESN'T buy a monthly travel card is either an asylum seeker or mad.

Public public public money money money is what is needs.

Gatinha (rwillmsen), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:42 (eighteen years ago) link

I know the Evening Standard is almost universally hated here, but one of its good points is the current campaign to name and shame unmanned rail and tube stations, and to push for improved passenger safety.

Bob Six (bobbysix), Monday, 13 February 2006 22:54 (eighteen years ago) link

i don't buy a monthly travel card!

but i only really use buses and not even daily -- i reckon so far i am up on the deal by some way though given the fierceness w.which they are policin the bendies now this will probbly have to change :(

mark s (mark s), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:00 (eighteen years ago) link

Is it not, possibly, slightly contradictory to demand more people manning tube/rail stations and to complain about fares being too expensive?

theantmustdance (theantmustdance), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:03 (eighteen years ago) link

No, I think that's sensible - at least sorting out the ridiculous cost of travelleling by rail across the UK.

I still have trouble understanding why/how Virgin charge £75 return to Manchester (with other return options reaching over £400) when you can fly several times the distance for half the price. And why does it take twice as long coming back? Can trains not tilt southbound?

Sororah T Massacre (blueski), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:04 (eighteen years ago) link

i don't buy a monthly travel card!

we all know you arrived here just a few days ago from Kabul. the game's up, sonny chief.

Sororah T Massacre (blueski), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:04 (eighteen years ago) link

I've not had any bad experiences travelling through and around London for a while now. I don't use the trains much but when I do they look and feel new, clean and seem to run fine. I am even cool with the Bendies, but only when they're quiet and you can get one of those big comfy seats (must face forward though).

Sororah T Massacre (blueski), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:07 (eighteen years ago) link

The trains are really good, the tube is depressing.

Markelby (Mark C), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:12 (eighteen years ago) link

Is it not, possibly, slightly contradictory to demand more people manning tube/rail stations and to complain about fares being too expensive?

I don't know about the tube, but the rail companies apparently make over £100m profit a year in London, and the cost for providing staff is estimated to be between £2m to £4m a year.

Bob Six (bobbysix), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:14 (eighteen years ago) link

T/S: Nationalisation vs. Privatisation

tissp! (the impossible shortest specia), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:15 (eighteen years ago) link

Actually, we must have done that thread already...

tissp! (the impossible shortest specia), Monday, 13 February 2006 23:15 (eighteen years ago) link

those big comfy seats

I don't find them comfortable in the slightest. They seem much harder than the seats on most other buses * and, into the bargain, the poor suspension on those vehicles gives a very bumpy ride in my experience.

* the notable exceptions to this that I've found are a few of the buses used on the 341 route which have purple seats with ridiculously thin upholstery; but these are not to be confused with some others on the same route which also have purple seats but which are wonderfully comfortable.

Oak (small items), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 00:18 (eighteen years ago) link

the tube is depressing

Very true. Resolving as I did about 4 years ago not to travel on it any more was one of the best decisions I have ever made, in a number of ways.

Oak (small items), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 00:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Flights, to anywhere in europe should never be CHEAPER than a rail ticket, advance or not.

fandango (fandango), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 00:27 (eighteen years ago) link

Rotgutt (Rotgutt), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 01:38 (eighteen years ago) link

No, pet. Transport in Los Angeles is shit. There is none to speak of. Come try it and see if you don't agree. If you don't have a car you're sk-rewed. If you DO have a car you're sk-rewed too since there are too many cars and not enough roads and freeways to move millions of cars holding ONE person per car. London transport rocks, comparitively. Off your thread topic, but lending my own obnoxious perspective - welcome or not.

Wiggy (Wiggy), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 01:53 (eighteen years ago) link

Transport in London is LOTS better than transport in New York.

Is this actually true? I'd always thought received wisdom said the exact opposite.

Public transport in London is good, but wasn't really designed to serve a city that's growing this fast - seems to be where all the problems stem from.

Oak - are you the person I think you are? Something rings familiar here.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 09:15 (eighteen years ago) link

transport in london (on the tube) is expensive.

The Man Without Shadow (Enrique), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 09:18 (eighteen years ago) link

My personal experiences weigh towards London being a little better than NYC.. on the other hand, I didn't need to get from one neighborhood to another after midnight in London... The "after midnight" factor makes the difference here, I think.

Dom iNut (donut), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 09:19 (eighteen years ago) link

transport in london is great*

*maybe not if you use the northern line

kings cross - south wimbledon, last thursday, circa midnight = 100 minutes

but yeah, mostly its good. 24 hour tubes would be nice.

i am not a nugget (stevie), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 09:24 (eighteen years ago) link

anyone who thinks London's transport system is bad has obviously never witnessed the sheer horror of transport outside of the M25.

outside london you can, you know, walk or cycle places.

The Man Without Shadow (Enrique), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 09:26 (eighteen years ago) link

how much is a monthly travelcard anyway?

The Man Without Shadow (Enrique), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 09:44 (eighteen years ago) link

outside london you can, you know, walk or cycle places.

you can do those things inside london too, you know.

i am not a nugget (stevie), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 09:48 (eighteen years ago) link

death wish

The Man Without Shadow (Enrique), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 09:50 (eighteen years ago) link

the cost for providing staff is estimated to be between £2m to £4m a year

Eh? How many people do you reckon they employ?

James Mitchell (James Mitchell), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:06 (eighteen years ago) link

trains between countries in europe are always more expensive than flying! eg london > barcelona - train - 180 euros, plane 110 euros.

i cant see train travel getting much cheaper as a result of competition from air travel. maybe we should read my friends dissertation about rail/air competition for business travel between leeds and london. isnt the problem partly that franchising to an extent creates kinda flabby uncompetitive practice, where profits can be made in relative safety from predatory activity, if there isnt strong enough contractual arrnagements or tight enough regulation on the performance of the franchisee?

eg "we award you this contract but will continue to allow you to increase fares/reduce penalties for poor performance, and you can do this for the next 10 years" as opposed to "you have a guaranteed revenue stream for the next 10 years but oyu must ensure to do X Y Z and not do P Q and S"?

i dont really know anything about this anyways.

i guess in a sense i dont really compare london to other cities in europe so that gives me a warped sense of how good transport is in comparison to other UK CITIES (dear sirz, outside of london there are population sizes larger than Basildon, Letchworth, and Chorlton-cum-Hardy). but then again what other european cities are comparable? how does paris do? it might be hyperbole but what euro cities are comparable in terms of geograpohic spread, density of developemnt, population etc etc?

moscow was pretty awesome but they run everything on vodka there, or something. actually it was sort of shit outside the metro, but it depends what your criteria for "good public transport" are

ambrose (ambrose), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:09 (eighteen years ago) link

paris is a lot smaller than london, it's true. for me it's all about money. £2.50 for a tube journey is fucked.

The Man Without Shadow (Enrique), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:13 (eighteen years ago) link

The prices are ridiculous, thanks a lot Ken Fucking Livingstone

Dadaismus (Dada), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:15 (eighteen years ago) link

I thought the subway in New York was more confusing (all that fast train / slow train business, and the lines don't have nice names like Victoria and Piccadilly) but much, much cheaper - about a third of the cost.

When it comes to the 'after midnight' bit, in London that usually means walking through the rain then freezing at a bus stop for half an hour then sitting on a very slow nightbus full of nutters, or paying twenty-five quid to a random ex-convict with a 'taxi' who'll drive you home (eventually, after getting lost) while spouting reactionary nonsense at you the whole way. In New York there seem to be five yellow taxis waiting for you immediately at any time, they don't cost much, and with the grid system they don't get lost.

Tehrannosaurus HoBB (the pirate king), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:16 (eighteen years ago) link

The bus service is great, but they're (now) far too expensive too

Dadaismus (Dada), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:18 (eighteen years ago) link

It's not perfect, but Wiggy is right, compared to LA it's the best transport system ever. I thought it was about the same as NYC although it is more expensive. The buses have got a lot better in recent years, and I think CCTV has made night buses a bit safer, at least I never see any trouble on them these days.

Colonel Poo (Colonel Poo), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:26 (eighteen years ago) link

lol lol lol!!!!!

again, its hard not to laugh when you are subject to the whims of a properly deregulated market outside of london. First Groups bus fares went up 4 times in a year in s yorks, now its 1.50 a single on first buses. still 1.20/30 in london?

as for tube fares, what is expensive about a 2.50 tube fare? in comparison to previous prices? or are you assessing the cost of labour, infrastructure, distance travelled etc etc and concluding that it is overpriced?

ambrose (ambrose), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:30 (eighteen years ago) link

as for tube fares, what is expensive about a 2.50 tube fare? in comparison to previous prices? or are you assessing the cost of labour, infrastructure, distance travelled etc etc and concluding that it is overpriced?

-- ambrose (ambrosewhit...), February 14th, 2006.

what's expensive is, it's expensive! let someone else do the math. but yes 'distance travelled' being about 2-3 miles, it does seem out of proportion.

The Man Without Shadow (Enrique), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:33 (eighteen years ago) link

I've never seen any trouble on a bus in London ever. If you think night buses in London are dodgy, you should have tried spending most of your adolescent Friday and Saturday nights getting the night bus from Glasgow to Paisley at George Square.

still 1.20/30 in london?

It's now £1.50. Considering that, what 4 years ago(?), local journeys were 70p, I'd say that is somewhat above the rate of inflation.

Dadaismus (Dada), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:33 (eighteen years ago) link

are you assessing the cost of labour, infrastructure, distance travelled etc etc and concluding that it is overpriced?

another factor to consider might be the *vast fucking profits* made by the operator too?

The Man Without Shadow (Enrique), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:34 (eighteen years ago) link

But Londoners moaning about having the best transport system in Britain is a bit boring, I agree

Dadaismus (Dada), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:35 (eighteen years ago) link

but maybe justified on a thread of this name?

The Man Without Shadow (Enrique), Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:36 (eighteen years ago) link

often it coincides with a 'hail and ride' section

ah yeah, the W4 is totally a "hail and ride" section, though there are specific (albeit unmarked) spots where the bus will stop, like the top of our road - it won't just stop if you wave at it/ring the bell outside your house. We are definitely not a "well-to-do suburb", tho.

serving aunt (stevie), Thursday, 29 June 2023 11:07 (one year ago) link

if a stop serves more than one bus route then surely you always have to flag it to get on, otherwise it would be assumed you're waiting for a different bus.

kinder, Thursday, 29 June 2023 18:08 (one year ago) link

Dinging the bell is one of the pleasures of bus travel.

Dan Worsley, Thursday, 29 June 2023 18:13 (one year ago) link

Which tells you all you need to know about bus travel.

Renaissance of the Celtic Trumpet (Tom D.), Thursday, 29 June 2023 18:19 (one year ago) link

dinging the bell, sitting on the top deck and looking out, saying cheers to the driver when you get off (front door exit only) (make sure to catch their eye in the rear view mirror), rating the people sitting across or next to you...

ledge, Thursday, 29 June 2023 18:44 (one year ago) link

bus is the most fun way to travel (if you're not in a hurry) imo. You get to look out the window! You get to stay out late!!

serving aunt (stevie), Thursday, 29 June 2023 18:51 (one year ago) link

It's certainly miles better than the tube! Unfortunately I am in a hurry when I'm on a bus and not knowing if it'll take any time between 12 minutes to an hour to get to my work in the morning is a bit stressful.

Renaissance of the Celtic Trumpet (Tom D.), Thursday, 29 June 2023 18:57 (one year ago) link

Old-style Routemaster rope bell-pulls were the best, shame about the non-existent pushchair/wheelchair access mind but you could always have fun timing your rise to the feet / bell-pull combo. Yes I am old btw.

I fell asleep at kabuki (Matt #2), Thursday, 29 June 2023 19:21 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

last night's Secrets of The London Undergound about West Ashfield station was fascinating, especially the custom signage, route mas etc

koogs, Wednesday, 2 August 2023 07:45 (one year ago) link

(route maps)

koogs, Wednesday, 2 August 2023 07:45 (one year ago) link

( pics here )

koogs, Wednesday, 2 August 2023 07:54 (one year ago) link

six months pass...

London Overground: New names for its six lines revealed

My line will now be there Weaver line. OK I guess. Maroon not my favourite colour. Lioness line" would have driven me nuts so glad I don't live in Watford.

Alba, Thursday, 15 February 2024 08:40 (eleven months ago) link

New Overground line names: an exercise in turd-polishing from a Mayor seeking re-election.

Grandpont Genie, Thursday, 15 February 2024 09:16 (eleven months ago) link

Lioness line in honour of Women's World Cup losers.

The British Boy of Film Classification (Tom D.), Thursday, 15 February 2024 09:25 (eleven months ago) link

I'm going to call it the Lionessless Lion

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 15 February 2024 09:58 (eleven months ago) link

Gonna poll...

Mark G, Thursday, 15 February 2024 10:19 (eleven months ago) link

i'm pretty glad they've got names, "major delays on the overground" is of 0 use. The names themselves, eh. I'm on Windrush though, which is great.

stet, Thursday, 15 February 2024 17:51 (eleven months ago) link

four months pass...

Guys we've reached a new low (high?) in ridiculous station announcements:

"This is a special announcement. Football's coming home."

salsa shark, Friday, 12 July 2024 09:44 (six months ago) link

oh jesus

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 12 July 2024 11:17 (six months ago) link

The jokes write themselves

Blupunishads (wins), Friday, 12 July 2024 11:40 (six months ago) link

Limebike have changed their bike unlocking noise to a commentator shouting "GOOAAAAAL" over a roaring crowd, it's both scary and annoying. Definitely a great idea to increase the chance of hearing a man scream while you walk through London.

Chuck_Tatum, Friday, 12 July 2024 13:01 (six months ago) link

The woman across from me at work keeps singing it's coming home but to the wrong tune. I am going crazy.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 12 July 2024 13:23 (six months ago) link

u+k: which tune is she singing it to?

Daniel_Rf, Friday, 12 July 2024 13:25 (six months ago) link

iiiit's coming home, ba ba ba! good times never felt so good!

ledge, Friday, 12 July 2024 13:32 (six months ago) link

i'm amazed that i've not heard that cursed song once during this whole tournament, please don't jinx me now

― Bernard Quidbins (NickB), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 22:18 (two days ago) bookmarkflaglink

Wee boats wobble but they don't fall down (Tom D.), Friday, 12 July 2024 13:33 (six months ago) link

Felt charitable toward Eng after a nice perf in their SF.

This was a mistake

xyzzzz__, Friday, 12 July 2024 13:41 (six months ago) link

Never again.

Wee boats wobble but they don't fall down (Tom D.), Friday, 12 July 2024 13:53 (six months ago) link

Do the Spaniards have an equivalent song?

Bad Bairns (Boring, Maryland), Friday, 12 July 2024 14:47 (six months ago) link

They haven't had to wait nearly 60 years to win a major trophy unlike the English.

Wee boats wobble but they don't fall down (Tom D.), Friday, 12 July 2024 14:55 (six months ago) link

u+k: which tune is she singing it to?

― Daniel_Rf, Friday, July 12, 2024 9:25 AM (one hour ago) bookmarkflaglink

Nothing recognizable which is the weirdest part.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 12 July 2024 15:04 (six months ago) link

took elizabeth line for the first time on saturday.

farringdon to shepherds bush market. there's a direct train but i used the elizabeth line because it was new, farringdon to paddington. and then had to change to h&c line which seemed to involve walking from one corner of paddington to the diagonally opposite corner, above ground. is there a better way?

(was nice to see the real trains in PAD station proper, mostly GWR 80x class, but...)

koogs, Monday, 22 July 2024 11:09 (six months ago) link

You could always just stay on the h&c from Farringdon to SBM?

guillotine vogue (suzy), Monday, 22 July 2024 11:13 (six months ago) link

but new line!

koogs, Monday, 22 July 2024 11:16 (six months ago) link

yeah, anything i gained by it being fast from farringdon to paddington (just two intermediate stops, TCR, bond street) was lost during the interchange, at least the way i did it. all the signs did seem to suggest that i needed to tap out from elizabeth line to get to any of the other lines, as if that bit is entirely separate.

saturday night felt odd anyway, like i'd forgotten how to use the tube. used to go to the betsey quite frequently before lockdown but had to look up the route...

koogs, Monday, 22 July 2024 11:22 (six months ago) link

I took it Heathrow to Paddington last week as well, really nice experience & first time too.

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Monday, 22 July 2024 11:23 (six months ago) link

Weirdly, the Piccadilly Line route to Heathrow is better for reaching Terminal 2 quickly than the Elizabeth Line - I took the latter a few weeks ago and noticed how much closer the Heathrow tube station exit is to the terminals.

guillotine vogue (suzy), Monday, 22 July 2024 11:30 (six months ago) link

Also it's about twice as expensive! I think TCR-->Heathrow cost me £13 last time I was in town? Outbloodyrageous, although possibly makes up for all the fares I dodged back in the 80s when you could get away with it.

lanyard kipling (Matt #2), Monday, 22 July 2024 11:47 (six months ago) link

two months pass...

for here for visibility, because the other thread is 11 years old


koogs, Thursday, 3 October 2024 09:16 (three months ago) link

three months pass...

Had a bus driver drive off from the stop just outside my work, when he could easily have let me on.

However the next stop is quite close and there was a bit of traffic, so I was able to catch the bus up... and he did the same again, despite me tapping, then hammering on the window.

Unfortunately for the cunt, the stop after that, though it's a bit of a jog is usually pretty busy, so I was able to reach the stop on time and join the back of the queue. So I was able to get on the bus and give the driver a hearty greeting of, "Awright, cunt?"

Please play Lou Reed's irritating guitar sounds (Tom D.), Thursday, 30 January 2025 17:17 (yesterday) link

A heartwarming tale

Nasty, Brutish & Short, Thursday, 30 January 2025 17:42 (yesterday) link

I was crossing Holloway Road once clad in a Cardiacs t-shirt, and a bus driver idling his vehicle at the lights started waffling on to me about how great they are. You can't escape these people! He probably posts on here. Anyway they're not all miserable sociopaths, although I admit that around 90% of them probably are.

unboxing helena (Matt #2), Thursday, 30 January 2025 17:57 (yesterday) link

Love the utter contempt London bus drivers show for anyone who doesn't regularly take a London bus and tries to get off at the front instead of the middle.

Inside The Wasp Factory with Gregg Wallace (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 30 January 2025 18:06 (yesterday) link

The moral of my story is that if you're a bus driver and determined to act like an ignorant cunt then don't do it at rush hour in a route where the bus stops are within walking distance.

Please play Lou Reed's irritating guitar sounds (Tom D.), Thursday, 30 January 2025 18:16 (yesterday) link

If I’m approaching a bus that would otherwise be about to depart, strategically placing myself in the bus lane and giving the driver a happy li’l wave as I walk slowly towards him is usually a winning strategy, capped off by ‘thanks for waiting!’ Particularly effective when catching southbound buses at Angel.

guillotine vogue (suzy), Thursday, 30 January 2025 18:45 (yesterday) link

I got a strip torn off me once by a driver for walking in the bus lane. Honestly I think some of these guys would have no qualms about ploughing into you and breaking a bone or two but stopping short of death.

Please play Lou Reed's irritating guitar sounds (Tom D.), Thursday, 30 January 2025 18:49 (yesterday) link

Never been yelled at for this. Usually hauling a ton of shopping whenever I need to use the bus lane trick.

guillotine vogue (suzy), Thursday, 30 January 2025 18:56 (yesterday) link

If you're behind the bus you can simply roll under the wheels

LocalGarda, Thursday, 30 January 2025 19:11 (yesterday) link

I was crossing Holloway Road once clad in a Cardiacs t-shirt, and a bus driver idling his vehicle at the lights started waffling on to me about how great they are. You can't escape these people! He probably posts on here. Anyway they're not all miserable sociopaths, although I admit that around 90% of them probably are.

― unboxing helena (Matt #2), Thursday, 30 January 2025 17:57 (one hour ago) bookmarkflaglink


imago, Thursday, 30 January 2025 19:51 (yesterday) link

Yeah I’m very familiar with the bus stops at the Angel and the southbound one right by the station is so busy with traffic always I would never risk walking in front of the bus - there’s so many trying to move on that they can’t risk sudden stopping.

triste et cassé (gyac), Thursday, 30 January 2025 19:52 (yesterday) link

London buses increasingly getting like the Parisian metro, literally three seconds to leave the bus before the doors get shut again.

If I'm walking my daughter down the stairs to the exit on a double decker, bus driver always closes the exit doors two seconds before we reach them, never fails.

Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 30 January 2025 23:43 (yesterday) link

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