i was just out on the stoop with al and donny, and they were asking about you, and i was thinking man its been a while, i really should hang out with you guys, grab a couple beers, especially now its summer you know,
i told them, about how its going to be another long summer, and we're right here in the middle of it all, it gets crazy some times, you feel it too, sometimes you just want to stop in the middle of the road and gaze at the sky
well, you know, i got to get going, but we really should get a beer, what do you guys call them again? FAPS? yea! one of those!
i know this place, down on, er, great eastern st is it? or, old st, i forget which, it gets kind of crazy down there, but i think i'm going to head down there on tuesday night, or maybe wednesday? i mean, it'd be awesome if you guys could make it too. it'd mean a lot, really
i know some of you guys dont really like it over there, so, you know, if you're not comfortable with there, suggest somewhere else, the venue doesnt really matter to me, i'm good with wherever
alright! i hope i'll see you at the fap thing
― charltonlido (gareth), Sunday, 2 April 2006 16:01 (eighteen years ago) link
oh, wow, i totally forgot, the name of the place, i think its called the foundry. one of your guys was on about it the other day, chris i think it was? yea, he's into all that stuff
― charltonlido (gareth), Sunday, 2 April 2006 16:16 (eighteen years ago) link
I am a bit bored of Hoxditch at the moment, overkill I think. I think I would prefer a nice City pub, that won't be too overrun with suits, which is something we don't really do very much. Maybe somewhere along Fleet Street or up towards Smithfields or therabouts?
― Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 2 April 2006 16:24 (eighteen years ago) link
I have somewhere else to be tonight.
They filled in Peckham Lido years ago, but (I only recently noticed) they left one of the attractive fountains in a little corner of the Rye, kind of hidden behind some bushes, painted blue.
― Tim (Tim), Wednesday, 5 April 2006 11:18 (eighteen years ago) link
No I'm not going to the site of the old Peckham Lido tonight, though no doubt I'll go past it on the bus home. I just thought Gareth might be interested, in the fountain, and that.
― Tim (Tim), Wednesday, 5 April 2006 11:31 (eighteen years ago) link