I met another Chuck!2 messages - Collapse all
the messenjar
10:59 a.m. - 2007-07-30
I met another Chuck!
The Chipmunks Album
Hey everybody...
I hope you had a great weekend... I know I did. Dementia and I hung out all
weekend together watching the Spice channel.... She's one amazing woman... I
think I could be falling for her... Who could imagine a beautiful young girl
would ever like a hairy old welfare case like me???????
I got a nice note from another Chuck, Chuck Lysaght, a guy who reads my
diary and has his own Diaryland spot too. He's off the chain:
You really need to get a life instead of being obsessed with mine...
He writes cool poetry too!
by Chuck Lysaght
Smiling... you lift your penis head and gaze into my eyes...
Your pubic hair falls around your head quietly majestic...
I am transfixed.
Never before have I seen such beauty
nor will I again...
I look into the darkness of my heart, and it disappears with a single look,
in your eyes...
We were never meant to belong to the same world, or to each other...
But my angel, I will never forget you...
That's some heavy stuff. I hope I hear from this dude again.
Chuck Liesat
You sound like the perfect couple.
― marmotwolof, Saturday, 18 August 2007 04:42 (seventeen years ago) link