london mayoral election.
the number of pro-boris groups on facebook is terrifying. he is a tory, end of.
on the other hand, ken is vile.
i don't live in london, but i guess neither does bj?
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Sunday, 15 July 2007 20:35 (seventeen years ago) link
if boris wins I may seriously have to think about moving out of London. He's the worst sort of Tory - the "likeable buffoon", insidious cunt more like.
― Porkpie, Sunday, 15 July 2007 21:29 (seventeen years ago) link
hmmm in my temp capacity i'm watching the company that runs the tubes slide into adminstration. this could be v bad for the ken's chances.
― acrobat, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:20 (seventeen years ago) link
Why? Ken was dead against the PPP deal in the first place and has spent most of the past few years trying to find a way to sack Metronet.
― Hello Sunshine, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:21 (seventeen years ago) link
to be fair i think ken did not want whatever nightmarish PFI set-up it is that runs the tube, i think it was imposed by our new PM. i'm not sure what ken's job is except for appeasing the labour left and weirdo islamists.
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:22 (seventeen years ago) link
well it would be very easy to play as his fault as certain folks around me seem to be doing.
― acrobat, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:23 (seventeen years ago) link
Argh, why did I just register to vote? this may be the first election I have to participate in. How am I gonna do this?
― Masonic Boom, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:24 (seventeen years ago) link
Boris will win this, if he gets the Tory nomination, which I wouldn't bet on.
― Matt DC, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:30 (seventeen years ago) link
There's an "I love you but I can't vote for you" box.
Or is that a radiohead song?
― Mark G, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:31 (seventeen years ago) link
You can be mayor of my heart, but not of my town, Boris my dear..."
Wait, no that's Suede.
― Masonic Boom, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:32 (seventeen years ago) link
They should just have a bicycle race instead of an election.
― Masonic Boom, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:33 (seventeen years ago) link
The idea that Johnson will win a mayoral election in the UK's most ethnically diverse city is hilarious.
― 597, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:33 (seventeen years ago) link
If he does, I'm leaving London. He will only get in if millions of people vote for him because "he's a character". And I don't want to live in a city where people are so thick as to base their choice of elected representatives on such things.
Plus he thinks women should stay home and raise the kids while MANLY MEN go off and do work, hunt mammoth, etc. Which makes him a grade 1 TWUNT.
― Hello Sunshine, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:33 (seventeen years ago) link
I give him roughly two months before he greets heads of the Muslim community by doing an impression of the dude from Short Circuit.
― 597, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:34 (seventeen years ago) link
597 that's such bullshit. he's an evil tory but not a racist so far as i can tell.
whereas ken's anti-semitism won't exactly rock the golders green/hampstead garden suburb vote.
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:36 (seventeen years ago) link
The compere at the Rise gig yesterday said if we vote Ken they'll get Snoop Dogg next year. Good enough for me.
― Colonel Poo, Monday, 16 July 2007 09:48 (seventeen years ago) link
I love you but I've chosen Boris
― aldo, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:07 (seventeen years ago) link
"that's such bullshit. he's an evil tory but not a racist so far as i can tell"
I think Boris's problem is that he's the sort of person who thinks doing an impression of the guy out of Short Circuit would be a jolly wheeze and would then be mortified and a little confused when someone called him a racist as a result.
― Hello Sunshine, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:10 (seventeen years ago) link
Clearly the stage is set for a plucky and possibly well-known independent with a populist cause to promote. Possibly something to do with hospitals.
Guys, I don't think Boris actually knows what Short Circuit is. Also what little credit I'd give him would be to know which gaffes fall on the 'acceptable' side of 'oh that Boris look at his bufoonish ways getting him into trouble again'. Pulling a comedy Indian accent = definitely on the other side of that line.
― Matt DC, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:11 (seventeen years ago) link
after some pretty well-documented gaffes in that area from ken this is all pretty wtf.
wasn't the guy in short circuit sikh?
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:14 (seventeen years ago) link
― Hello Sunshine, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:15 (seventeen years ago) link
ok well, i don't think boris is that stupid.
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:16 (seventeen years ago) link
I don't think he's stupid at all. Just an idiot. Two very different things.
― Hello Sunshine, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:17 (seventeen years ago) link
Ken has been a good mayor, apart from the cosying up to the muslim right wing; the congestion charge and cheaper busses have been good, policing doesn't seem to be any worse, he has bugger all power over anything else. Boris must be crust and humiliated at all costs.
― Ed, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:45 (seventeen years ago) link
crust = crushed
― Ed, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:46 (seventeen years ago) link
someone at m4tron4t just suggested they "bring in alan sugar".
― acrobat, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:47 (seventeen years ago) link
Boris must be crust... what, so I can eat him with curds and whey?
Mostly I've been pretty happy with Ken. Except for the bloody stupid Olympics thing.
― Masonic Boom, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:48 (seventeen years ago) link
simon cowell
― RJG, Monday, 16 July 2007 10:49 (seventeen years ago) link
> and cheaper busses
what are these cheaper buses of which you speak? when ken came to power it was the 70p / 100p split, and a day ticket was £2... (now singles are £1 oyster, £2 cash and £3 daily. (or free if it's a bendy bus and you get on at the back))
― koogs, Monday, 16 July 2007 11:05 (seventeen years ago) link
haha yeah otm. buses are not cheaper. nor is the tube.
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Monday, 16 July 2007 11:11 (seventeen years ago) link
The Tube is cheaper if you have an Oystercard. And hey, what with the glorious new bendy buses you can travel for free most of the time!
― Matt DC, Monday, 16 July 2007 11:41 (seventeen years ago) link
Cheaper than what? I'm pretty sure a travelcard was cheaper pre-Ken than on Oyster, even allowing for inflation.
― Colonel Poo, Monday, 16 July 2007 11:43 (seventeen years ago) link
have they ever gotten cheaper, other than during the GLC?
― stevie, Monday, 16 July 2007 11:45 (seventeen years ago) link
the oyster fares themselves have gone up above inflation, i'm pretty sure. even then it's insanely expensive compared with its european equivalents.
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Monday, 16 July 2007 11:47 (seventeen years ago) link
The idea that the tube should pay for itself through the fare box is completely out of Ken's hands, but it's a fucking travesty all the same.
― Pete W, Monday, 16 July 2007 11:53 (seventeen years ago) link
cheaper buses??!?
oh xxxxxposts!
― ken c, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:04 (seventeen years ago) link
it would be interesting to see a pre- and post-ken comparison of bus fare vs. number of buses on the roads, the latter of which has gone up considerably since he became mayor (not to mention average bus speed); it's not just a simple jacking-up of price (cf. the new york MTA), there are concrete additional and improved services being offered for the fare increase
i think ken's great, he should be mayor for life. he's not who i would grow in a lab to be my Ideal Mayor, but look at the alternatives.
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:13 (seventeen years ago) link
but i thought the congestion charge money was going to be used to improve buses etc.
― ken c, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:18 (seventeen years ago) link
+i'm sure the metrocard was like $2 a day last time i was in new york, and you get 24 hour trains!
― ken c, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:20 (seventeen years ago) link
but yeah, boris for mayor sounds a bit crap. Can't we just have Arnold Schwarzenegger?
― ken c, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:21 (seventeen years ago) link
Not seeing much in the way of improved or additional services on the Victoria line at the moment :(
― Colonel Poo, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:23 (seventeen years ago) link
Do you really think that BORIS* would make the trains run on time?
Come on, this is a man who looks like he can't even match his socks in the morning.
*and I mean Johnson, no the Japanese noize band. Though having a Japanese Noize band for mayor might be quite good.
― Masonic Boom, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:25 (seventeen years ago) link
No, I would definitely vote for Ken over Boris (or probably any of the other candidates). Just moaning.
― Colonel Poo, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:26 (seventeen years ago) link
I know. I just don't want my FIRST ELECTION TO EVER HAVE VOTED IN, OR EVEN BEEN LEGALLY ABLE TO VOTE IN to have to vote against the man I want to father my children. :-(
― Masonic Boom, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:29 (seventeen years ago) link
The first election I ever voted in, I (indirectly, obv) voted for Tony Blair... oh such optimistic days etc. Worcester got its first ever Labour MP thanks to me though (well and partly due to redrawing the boundaries so most of the surrounding farmland got shifted to Wychavon or Malvern or wherever so the constituency only covers the actual city now)
― Colonel Poo, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:34 (seventeen years ago) link
poor children :(
― ken c, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:49 (seventeen years ago) link
red ken doesn't control the tubes though, does he?
ken c, those things are true of the MTA in new york, but remember that the subways are on about the same frequency - or less - than london buses. and also that the NYC bus system is a joke.
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:50 (seventeen years ago) link
red ken has also told virtually every PFI venture that's gone tits up that they can go hang if they expect a bailout from local government
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:51 (seventeen years ago) link
i mean, as zany as boris is, could even he out-zany this deal that red ken made?? (ans: yes, but it would benefit a handful of his friends rather than a quarter million londoners on income support)
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 16 July 2007 13:56 (seventeen years ago) link
― special guest stars mark bronson, Monday, 25 August 2008 12:38 (sixteen years ago) link
Maybe he should have told ping pong jokes, bruv??
― King Boy Pato, Monday, 25 August 2008 12:52 (sixteen years ago) link
fucking labour party hack rewriting history is what this is: it was ken's great mates campbell and blair wot killed the doctor, not gilligan.
― special guest stars mark bronson, Monday, 25 August 2008 12:54 (sixteen years ago) link
livingstone can't compete with gilligan when it comes to mud-slinging i guess. he said some good stuff elsewhere in that article tho (dunno if anyone noticed).
― blueski, Monday, 25 August 2008 13:36 (sixteen years ago) link
Instead there are too many columnists. “There are people who never did anything and I’m not terribly interested in their opinions. I don’t want to pick out anybody but Catherine Bennett (of The Observer)would be a good start. Why is anyone interested in her opinions? Has she written great literature, produced great art work, run a major corporation, been elected to office, or is she just paid to produce bile?” he moans. “You might as well pop into the local pub and say ‘What’s your opinion?’ It’s equally valid.”
Reminds me of someone.
― Matt DC, Monday, 25 August 2008 14:10 (sixteen years ago) link
haws, way to pick one of the leftier hacks out there.
― special guest stars mark bronson, Monday, 25 August 2008 14:15 (sixteen years ago) link
― Jefferson Mansplain (DG), Thursday, 20 January 2011 14:39 (thirteen years ago) link
Staggering poor judgement on Ken's part, but that Evening Standard article conveniently fails to mention the prominent ES journalist and famous anti-Ken campaigner who is also in the pay of the exact same Iranian TV channel.
Oh yes. I lolled.
― Matt DC, Thursday, 20 January 2011 14:52 (thirteen years ago) link
he should keep the fuck away from those arseholes.
― American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:10 (thirteen years ago) link
yes i noticed his absence from the byline but then he's not running for mayor
book reviews must be a hoot
― Jefferson Mansplain (DG), Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:12 (thirteen years ago) link
You don't think it's slightly hypocritical of the Standard to act like this is the worst thing in the world when one of their star journalists has been employed by the exact same Iranian propaganda network in an even more prominent capacity?
I get that there are skewed moral universes involved when you're owned by a former KGB agent but still...
― Matt DC, Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:14 (thirteen years ago) link
I think it is the skewed moral universe of being a former Associated paper.
― American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:17 (thirteen years ago) link
just because its hypocritical doesn't mean it alters ken's position
― Jefferson Mansplain (DG), Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:18 (thirteen years ago) link
But yes, Ken is a fucking idiot but then again we knew that anyway.
― Matt DC, Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:18 (thirteen years ago) link
what a choice we have
― Jefferson Mansplain (DG), Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:25 (thirteen years ago) link
Think Boris will win comfortably anyway, he's distanced himself enough from the government in the popular consciousness.
― Matt DC, Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:27 (thirteen years ago) link
am starting to think that "selfish buffoon" is kind of the default mayoral choice for metropolitan mayors
― progressive cuts (Tracer Hand), Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:31 (thirteen years ago) link
― Homosexual Satan Wasp (Matt DC), Tuesday, 3 April 2012 12:28 (twelve years ago) link
― Mark G, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 12:56 (twelve years ago) link
― Rosie 47 (ken c), Tuesday, 3 April 2012 12:59 (twelve years ago) link
Will West @Castmana1Now I like Ken Livingstone, and I like Boris Johnson, but which is better? There's only one way to find out... #kenandboris #fight
― Mark G, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 13:03 (twelve years ago) link
i trust we all have our "sack boris" oyster card wallets?
― TracerHandVEVO (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 3 April 2012 13:22 (twelve years ago) link
― TracerHandVEVO (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 3 April 2012 13:23 (twelve years ago) link
oh good i need one to replace the horrible mastercard one.
― Rosie 47 (ken c), Tuesday, 3 April 2012 13:35 (twelve years ago) link
got held up by the ancient, sputtering "not ken again" bus last week. p much decided my vote.
― Upt0eleven, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 14:05 (twelve years ago) link
JD Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin added: “When I first moved to London, Ken was in charge and he opened this huge library near where I lived in Wood Green. It was my first taste of his extravagance and that’s always stuck with me. So I’m backing Boris — I hope he’ll spend money more wisely than Ken has done.”
― useless chamber, Tuesday, 1 May 2012 15:54 (twelve years ago) link
They have books in Wetherspoons you know.
― mmmm, Tuesday, 1 May 2012 18:24 (twelve years ago) link
libraries are pretty much the dry, marxist version of wetherspoons
― Ms Tum-Bla-Wi-Tee (nakhchivan), Tuesday, 1 May 2012 18:42 (twelve years ago) link
god this is TOMORROW
any particular feelings about jenny jones or siobhan benita? or brian paddick, indeed.
― liberté, égalité, beyoncé (lex pretend), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:19 (twelve years ago) link
This is the quietest election ever, I've barely even noticed it.
Wonder if Paddick might come in fourth.
― Homosexual Satan Wasp (Matt DC), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:28 (twelve years ago) link
maybe because boris is so far ahead in the polls? or because it's not exactly an inspiring choice
― liberté, égalité, beyoncé (lex pretend), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:36 (twelve years ago) link
if the populus poll is to be believed there's a possibility that paddick might come FIFTH :o
― liberté, égalité, beyoncé (lex pretend), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:37 (twelve years ago) link
I've been more aware of Paddock than any of the others as his "i'm a copper" billboards seem to be all over South London. Probably not the best way to go to attract Brixton votes, really.
― Upt0eleven, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:39 (twelve years ago) link
isn't his entire shtick meant to be "i'm a copper but not like all them other corrupt thuggish coppers and i will REFORM the POLICE"? he's not v good at conveying it
― liberté, égalité, beyoncé (lex pretend), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:42 (twelve years ago) link
i spent a few hours the other week googling the london assembly candidates in the little booklet. how did people work out who was running before the internet?
i guess the plethora of right-wing splitter parties should serve to split the vote so it's a good thing, but it's horrible flipping through the booklet and being like, oh look, there's the BNP, the 3nglish d3mocrats, UKIP and the National Front! plus some bullshit about traditional marriage.
― c sharp major, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:49 (twelve years ago) link
paddick has been comparing himself to galloway, apparently, based on a) their low polling numbers and b) their reality tv show pasts
you can't even make punchlines about these people any more
― liberté, égalité, beyoncé (lex pretend), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:52 (twelve years ago) link
can't say i'm not tempted by benita purely because she's a faceless dull civil servant and not a personality clown, but protest-voting is kinda lame isn't it
― liberté, égalité, beyoncé (lex pretend), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:53 (twelve years ago) link
I passed Boris' bus this morning, outside the Hilton, Paddington. He was not in it.
― Mark G, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 11:01 (twelve years ago) link
so far beyond parody, these cunts
― Bad Company's Drummer's Daughter (stevie), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 11:53 (twelve years ago) link
If Ken Loach had written that...
― Mark G, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 12:22 (twelve years ago) link
It's only because he hopes Boris'll close it so that he can turn it into a pub called The Library.
― Scary Move 4 (dog latin), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 12:32 (twelve years ago) link
MJ hibbett is a prophet
― Rosie 47 (ken c), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 12:48 (twelve years ago) link
― Upt0eleven, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 10:39 (4 hours ago)
yeah his are the only ads i've seen. in kingston, where i guess it could sell.
tho i haven't received my polling card, i imagine i'll turn up at the office tomorrow and my vote will have been nicked.
― danny houellebecq (Merdeyeux), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 15:49 (twelve years ago) link
Don't think it's that cut-and-dried, he effectively decriminalized cannabis in Brixton. Of course he's also a LibDem and a nonentity as a politician.
― Homosexual Satan Wasp (Matt DC), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 16:01 (twelve years ago) link
he has those posters in finsbury park and tottenham also, i can confirm
― Bad Company's Drummer's Daughter (stevie), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 16:13 (twelve years ago) link
I got a Ken leaflet through my letterbox the other night at 10pm just after I'd shut off the TV and the whole house was quiet, it frightened the hell out of me.
― TracerHandVEVO (Tracer Hand), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 16:22 (twelve years ago) link
my french housemate who's not eligible to vote has received a voting card, maybe you could just use hers merdeyeux
― liberté, égalité, beyoncé (lex pretend), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 16:46 (twelve years ago) link
xp, i got an election leaflet at eleven pm, a few years ago, while watching The Exorcist. I nearly died.
The election was probably there for the taking with a stronger candidate but i can't see Boris getting beaten by Ken. The Labour campaign has been half-hearted, at best. At worst, it's looked like they've actually wanted Boris to win - possibly with a view to him challenging Cameron for leadership somewhere down the line.
― Just like you, except hot (ShariVari), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 17:29 (twelve years ago) link
this is the first i've seen the borisbus and its broken down just in the middle of the road #moneywellspent
― Rosie 47 (ken c), Wednesday, 13 June 2012 13:48 (twelve years ago) link
it turns back to being a bendy bus afterall
― Rosie 47 (ken c), Wednesday, 13 June 2012 14:48 (twelve years ago) link