A Possibly Enlightening Diversion Involving Google, Firefox and Auto Complete

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n - next
no - nokia
noo - noodles and company
nood - noodles and company
noodl - noodles and company
noodle - noodles and company
noodle v - noodle village
noodle va - noodle varieties
noodle vag -
noodle vagu -
noodle vague -

Munter S Thompson (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 May 2009 19:55 (fifteen years ago) link

b - best buy
ba - bank of america
bar - barack obama
(checkmate in 3)

Munter S Thompson (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 May 2009 19:56 (fifteen years ago) link

g - gmail
go - google maps
gor - gordon ramsey
gord - gordon ramsey
gordo - gordon ramsey
gordon - gordon ramsey
gordon b - gordon brown


Munter S Thompson (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 May 2009 19:58 (fifteen years ago) link

t - target
to - toys r us
tom - tomtom
tom c - tom cruise

Munter S Thompson (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 May 2009 19:59 (fifteen years ago) link

s - southwest airlines
sw - swarovski
swi - swiss chalet
swin - swing lyrics
swine - swinerton
swine f - swine flu

Munter S Thompson (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 May 2009 20:00 (fifteen years ago) link

m - myspace
mi - miniclip
mic - microsoft
mich - michaels
micha - michaels
michae - michaels
michael - michaels
michael j - michael jackson

Actually entering the space affects the autocomplete so for the surname ones you often get to checkmate as soon as you type space.

Munter S Thompson (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 May 2009 20:03 (fifteen years ago) link

s - southwest airlines
su - sudoku
sug - sugar cookies
sugg - suggest
sugge - suggest
sugges - suggest
suggest - suggest
suggest b - suggest beta
suggest ba - suggest baby names
suggest ban - suggest bands


Munter S Thompson (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 May 2009 20:06 (fifteen years ago) link

i - irs
i l - I love college lyrics

otto von biz markie (bernard snowy), Saturday, 2 May 2009 22:54 (fifteen years ago) link

too depressed to continue after that

otto von biz markie (bernard snowy), Saturday, 2 May 2009 22:54 (fifteen years ago) link


A is for Amazon, for buying CDs.
B is for Best Buy, another shop. Jeez.
C is for Craigslist, more buying and selling.
D is for Dictionary, quite useful for spelling.
E is for Ebay. I'm sensing a trend.
F is for Facebook, add as a friend?
G is for Gmail, I use this a bit.
H is for Hotmail, some old fucking shit.
I is for Ikea, with wacky-named beds
J is for John Lewis (over non-Britishes heads)
K is for Kohls. God knows what that is
L is for Limewire, friend of the music biz
M is for Myspace - it's Facebook for kids
N is for Next, more spending of quids
O is for Obama, first dude at the top
P is for Photobucket, I can tell it's a shop
Q is for Quotes which are QFT
R is for Ryanair, cheap flights to Paris
S is for Southwest Airlines, my metre fails
T is for Target, clothes, furniture, sales.
U is for Utube, I hope that's not porn
V is for Verizon Wireless (yawn)
W is for W. Recursive but true.
X is for X. That thing dance fans do.
Y is for Youtube. The real one this time
And Z is for Zavvi which frankly is a bitch to rhyme.

Munter S Thompson (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 May 2009 23:27 (fifteen years ago) link

US results fairly similar, except:

I --> IRS
J --> JCPenney
L --> Lowes
N --> Netflix
O --> Orbitz
R --> Realtor.com
U --> USPS
W --> Walmart
X --> XM Radio
Z --> Zillow (???)

otto von biz markie (bernard snowy), Sunday, 3 May 2009 00:58 (fifteen years ago) link

also we're not as good at rhyming things

otto von biz markie (bernard snowy), Sunday, 3 May 2009 00:58 (fifteen years ago) link

That poem should win prizes.

James Morrison, Monday, 4 May 2009 00:26 (fifteen years ago) link


a tiny, faltering megaphone (grimly fiendish), Monday, 4 May 2009 19:29 (fifteen years ago) link

Zillow is a real-estate site.

Bianca Jagger (jaymc), Monday, 4 May 2009 19:34 (fifteen years ago) link

noodle vag -


the freakish wonder of nature that is "Beat Me" (HI DERE), Monday, 4 May 2009 19:36 (fifteen years ago) link

h otmail
hu lu
hur ricane katrina
hurt lyrics
hurti gruten
hurtin g quotes

eggy mule (Hurting 2), Tuesday, 5 May 2009 00:11 (fifteen years ago) link

m - myspace
ma - mapquest
mah - mahjong
mahm - mahmoud ahmadinejad

Bianca Jagger (jaymc), Tuesday, 5 May 2009 00:44 (fifteen years ago) link

Very happy to see Noodles and Company up there!

g mail
gu itar tabs
gua ntanamo bay
guay abera
guaya bera

Guayaquil (eephus!), Tuesday, 5 May 2009 02:24 (fifteen years ago) link

o - orbitz
on - online games
oni - onion
onim - onimusha
onimo - onomatopoeia (eh?)

the innermost wee guy (onimo), Tuesday, 5 May 2009 11:26 (fifteen years ago) link

dj equipment
dj mag
dj mehdi
dj mentat
dj menace

dj mencap

display mane (DJ Mencap), Tuesday, 5 May 2009 11:57 (fifteen years ago) link

First result for dj mencap (no quotes) is a story about Matthew Horne :/

display mane (DJ Mencap), Tuesday, 5 May 2009 11:58 (fifteen years ago) link

s - sars
se - sears
sem - semper fi
semi - semi charmed life lyrics

Crackle Box, Tuesday, 5 May 2009 13:53 (fifteen years ago) link

r - realtor.com
ro - robert pattinson
rox - roxy
roxy - roxy swimwear
roxym - roxy music
roxymu - roxy music
roxymuz - roxymuzick
roxymuza - roxymusick
roxymuzak - roxymusick (seriously, it still suggested it after i had typed out the whole word)

we know gay coop (roxymuzak), Friday, 8 May 2009 22:16 (fifteen years ago) link

Computers who think they're smarter than you, C/D?

e.e. cummingstonite (Noodle Vague), Friday, 8 May 2009 23:59 (fifteen years ago) link

p - photobucket
po - poptropica
pol - politico
poly - polyvore
polyp - polyps
polyph (and so on) - polyphonic spree

Your heartbeat soun like sasquatch feet (polyphonic), Saturday, 9 May 2009 00:03 (fifteen years ago) link

s southwest airliness
st staples
sto stock market
stoo stool softener
stoog stooges

hugo, Sunday, 10 May 2009 04:52 (fifteen years ago) link

g google earth
go google earth
goo google earth
goob goober
goobl google maps
goobla gooblar

well that's something, at least

Unknown Artist (G00blar), Sunday, 10 May 2009 05:14 (fifteen years ago) link

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