GOPoll: your favorite republican myth

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which quaint/destructive "belief" of our, how shall i say, 'otherly-informed' fellow citizens do you prefer?

Poll Results

the mainstream media has a liberal bias 6
everyone in america has equal opportunity to succeed 6
the laffer curve is a viable economic model 6
tax cuts = job growth 4
the US has the world's best health care system 3
rich people are better than everyone else/more productive 2
white people are the best people 2
and even if it is, it's no big deal/ 2
the world was created like 6000 years ago 2
death panels! 1
the financial collapse resulted from poor minorities buying houses they couldn't afford 1
the financial crisis is due to those evil, dastardly unions 1
the climate is not changing 1
there's nothing we can do about it/ 0
besides, trying to do anything about it would be bad for business 0
saddam hussein DID have weapons of mass destruction 0
obama was too born in kenya/indonesia/a black panther laboratory in morroco/hell (since he's the antichrist) 0
women have no right to abort fetuses gestating within them 0
deficits don't matter, except when democrats control the government 0
gays? boo! 0
the estate (death!) tax is unfair, because everyone in america has equal opportunity to succeed 0
george w bush was elected fair and square in 2000, you whiny libs 0
it's cool to change the contracts teachers, firefighters, nurses, cops, etc., negotiate, but not bankers! 0

reggie (qualmsley), Friday, 8 April 2011 12:36 (thirteen years ago) link

i'm assuming i'm missing some. sorry

reggie (qualmsley), Friday, 8 April 2011 12:37 (thirteen years ago) link

laffer curve all the way, its a the root of 90% of the other shit.

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Friday, 8 April 2011 12:50 (thirteen years ago) link

i should probably have added that socialism has never worked anywhere ever (besides germany, finland, etc.)

reggie (qualmsley), Friday, 8 April 2011 12:55 (thirteen years ago) link

everyone in america has equal opportunity to succeed


I love my puppy -- and she loves me! (Viceroy), Friday, 8 April 2011 12:56 (thirteen years ago) link

Reagan ended the cold war!

I love my puppy -- and she loves me! (Viceroy), Friday, 8 April 2011 12:56 (thirteen years ago) link

FDR was a socialist.

I love my puppy -- and she loves me! (Viceroy), Friday, 8 April 2011 12:56 (thirteen years ago) link

Social Security is a "ponzi scheme."

I love my puppy -- and she loves me! (Viceroy), Friday, 8 April 2011 12:57 (thirteen years ago) link

i don't know that it's my favorite, but i guess the potentially most destructive(?) is "mainstream media has a liberal bias" (which essentially means everything EXCEPT the right-wing blogosphere, talk radio & FOX has a liberal bias) because then actual empirical facts about everything else on this list don't matter.

also, umm please do point me to this 'mainstream liberal' media.

confederate terror anchor babies (will), Friday, 8 April 2011 13:12 (thirteen years ago) link

(not that the "mainstream media" has any claim on empiricism or rationalism for that matter. just this idea that everything outside of the idiotic conservative echo chamber is either suspect or an outright lie)

confederate terror anchor babies (will), Friday, 8 April 2011 13:17 (thirteen years ago) link

welfare is bad for poor people
poor people are only poor because they're lazy
the civil war had nothing to do with slavery and confederates were brave freedom fighters standing up for 'states rights'

(The Other) J.D. (J.D.), Friday, 8 April 2011 20:26 (thirteen years ago) link

what exactly does "favorite" mean in this context

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 8 April 2011 20:29 (thirteen years ago) link

most entertainingly or catastrophically stupid, your call

reggie (qualmsley), Friday, 8 April 2011 20:31 (thirteen years ago) link

so tough to choose

Z S, Friday, 8 April 2011 20:52 (thirteen years ago) link

an embarrassment of riches

Aimless, Friday, 8 April 2011 20:55 (thirteen years ago) link

Yeah, "mainstream media has a liberal bias" is just such an all-encompassing favorite. It really enables them to simply write off anything about Obama, taxes, war, environment, race, religion, by just disavowing all the reputable sources and creating their own Conservapedia world.

Hardcore Bangage (Dan Peterson), Friday, 8 April 2011 21:21 (thirteen years ago) link

I haven't heard anyone talk about Bush v. Gore in a while, it would make me nostalgic if I didn't forget what a stupid Hell the past 11 years have been.

blah blah blah my entire life happened to me once (Abbbottt), Friday, 8 April 2011 21:29 (thirteen years ago) link

laffer over lib media

balls, Saturday, 9 April 2011 00:09 (thirteen years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

System, Wednesday, 13 April 2011 23:01 (thirteen years ago) link

Some omissions:
Death tax? That's double taxation!
If evolution is true, then I'm your monkey's uncle! Teach the controversy!
The sanctity of life is measured in unborn fetuses; everyone who's alive outside the womb (and not a rich white male) -- meh.

So much goodness out there.

Matt Groening's Cousin (Leee), Thursday, 14 April 2011 01:08 (thirteen years ago) link

are we supposed to vote for the one we find most vexing or the one we think is closest to correct?

the thing about the laffer curve is, the laffer curve is completely correct! it's just that we, along with as far as I know every country in the world, are on one side of the curve, and laffer / reagan / reaganomists insisted we were on the other.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Thursday, 14 April 2011 02:21 (thirteen years ago) link

Will OTM.

EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 14 April 2011 02:30 (thirteen years ago) link

"the civil war had nothing to do with slavery and confederates were brave freedom fighters standing up for 'states rights'"

I don't think most republicans would actually say this, or believe this, unlike all the other shit at the top of the page. that is simply believed by crazy southerners.

akm, Thursday, 14 April 2011 04:42 (thirteen years ago) link

right, after all, a republican president fought to free the slaves

iatee, Thursday, 14 April 2011 04:45 (thirteen years ago) link

Nazis? National Socialists, do you see NOW?

Matt Groening's Cousin (Leee), Thursday, 14 April 2011 04:55 (thirteen years ago) link

You guys need to study up half as much on Democratic myths

your generation appalls me (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 14 April 2011 05:08 (thirteen years ago) link

My favorite for lols is the world was created 6000 years ago...I mean, it pisses me off that this is even a thing but I find the stories that go along with it to be kind of amusing at arms length

VegemiteGrrl, Thursday, 14 April 2011 05:17 (thirteen years ago) link

xpost oh Democratic myths are pretty good too...

"Globalism spreads freedom and democracy"
"You don't have any better choices for your vote"
"Change must come from within the system"
"A single-payer healthcare system is not politically feasible"
"America is still a land of opportunity"


No pop, no style -- all simply (Viceroy), Thursday, 14 April 2011 05:29 (thirteen years ago) link

also "The president will really kick ass in his second term"

your generation appalls me (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 14 April 2011 05:30 (thirteen years ago) link

haha yes! "Obama is playing the long game"

No pop, no style -- all simply (Viceroy), Thursday, 14 April 2011 05:33 (thirteen years ago) link

can't get past the climate change thing - a pet *issue* of mine.

voted and even if it is, it's no big deal/

echoes of the Insane Clown Posse: And I don't wanna talk to a scientist. Y'all motherfuckers lying, and makin me pissed

car's not yellow, it's chicken (Pillbox), Thursday, 14 April 2011 06:09 (thirteen years ago) link

"Obama is playing the long game"

A Clinton klassik revived

your generation appalls me (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 14 April 2011 10:56 (thirteen years ago) link

death panels!

Two words, but it covers so much in implication, as opposed to "at least leaving it to God means people die if they don't have any money for their required healthcare"

Mark G, Thursday, 14 April 2011 11:03 (thirteen years ago) link

"You don't have any better choices for your vote"
"Change must come from within the system"
"A single-payer healthcare system is not politically feasible"

Why are these myths in the present-day US?

EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 14 April 2011 14:29 (thirteen years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Thursday, 14 April 2011 23:01 (thirteen years ago) link



mari$$a marchant (Pillbox), Thursday, 14 April 2011 23:06 (thirteen years ago) link

three months pass...

“Adaptation to shifts in temperatures is not that difficult,” declared Rep. Barton at yesterday’s hearing on climate change adaptation before the House Energy & Commerce Committee. “Adapting is a common, natural way for people to… to adapt to their environment,” Barton continued, briefly channeling Austin Powers.

“When it rains, we find shelter. When it’s hot, we get in the shade. When it’s cold, we find a warm place to stay.”

Milton Parker, Thursday, 21 July 2011 19:28 (thirteen years ago) link

"Obama is playing the long game"

A Clinton klassik revived

― your generation appalls me (Dr Morbius), Thursday, April 14, 2011 11:56 AM (3 months ago) Bookmark

otm x1000

pathos of the unwarranted encore (underrated aerosmith bootlegs I have owned), Thursday, 21 July 2011 19:31 (thirteen years ago) link

see it'd work just fine if each term lasted 30 years

(The Other) J.D. (J.D.), Thursday, 21 July 2011 20:04 (thirteen years ago) link

seven years pass...

"I think he's trolling people, honestly," Ryan told reporters. "This is something that is in the purview of the executive branch."

Since time immemorial, iirc.

This is fine. This is all very fine indeed.

Melted Belts, Priced To Move (Old Lunch), Thursday, 16 August 2018 15:32 (six years ago) link

'I think it's clear that he hosed down that crowd of disabled veterans with his urine as a goof. This is what presidents do. I don't even understand why we're talking about this.'

Melted Belts, Priced To Move (Old Lunch), Thursday, 16 August 2018 15:35 (six years ago) link

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