a question

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Graham, to what extent can we use this test site as a replacement for ILE (whilst greenspun is down)? I mean, will use up all your space on Lycos if we go posting crazy?

jel -- (jel), Friday, 9 August 2002 10:09 (twenty-two years ago) link

Well, bandwidth is unlimited because they want us to see the adverts, and there's enough space here for at least 25,000 messages, so, yeah, go crazy.

Graham (graham), Friday, 9 August 2002 10:13 (twenty-two years ago) link


Repeat as needed.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 9 August 2002 12:09 (twenty-two years ago) link

(You know this may be JUST a test site, what with the ads etc, but I already prefer it to any number of rubbish bulletin boards. they're all so slow and unresponsive, unlike this super smooth momma. graham should publicise the code to gen pub, no?)

Alan (Alan), Friday, 9 August 2002 12:13 (twenty-two years ago) link

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