❀ the cult of: ➥motivational speakers ➥life coaches ➥personal growth gurus ➥new-age charlatans ➥AWESOMENESS FEST

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This is a long, dark & deep rabbit hole that I've been tumbling down since i decided to google a few names that showed up on BH Ideas and Megacycles.

It started with Sean Stephenson, who despite being a 3' tall handicapped dude seems like a pretty legit motivational speaker:


then i came across a pair of youtubes of his proposal to his fiance:


and i ended up on her site:


I coach. I take a holistic approach to coaching (mind, body, spirit, your connection to nature, etc…) You see, every aspect of our lives is interwoven, so I’ll come from all angles to help you really rock your life.

Nothing lights me up like witnessing a client break through limiting beliefs and grab hold of his or her dreams. Coming from the heart-center is the key to living your best life.

I pull from my experience as a coach and mentor, education and various trainings. These are some of the practices I’ve studied: meditation, Jungian psychology, dream analysis, chakra therapy, creativity, therapeutic nutrition, breath work, intuition, death & grief therapy, shamanism, world religions & spirituality.

After kind of loling @ "oh yeah, life coaches are a thing!" and poking around at a few more youtubes and websites, I soon ended up at the website of an event called AWESOMENESS FEST:



and from there the floodgates opened.....

Awesomeness Fest is put on by a Kuala Lumpur based company called called... wait for it... MINDVALLEY. The guy in the video is the company's founder and CEO. His name is Vishen Lakhiani and he has a few more websites.

Mindvalley has a pretty slick looking website, as does Awesomeness Fest, and both have well maintained Facebook pages. But you have to really try hard to find out what the fuck they actually do:


Basically, as best I can tell, the end result is post-The Secret shlock, mixed with ILX-documented social media assholes, and a sort of Scientology-for-pussies, feel-good & make money vibe that is ultimately meaningless and without any quantitative value to any sane adult. One minute they're talking meditation and the next minute its wealth-building. Yoga classes by day and open-bar beach parties by nite:


Everyone is so young and beautiful!

Anyway, I have been wasting several hours a day obsessing over these weird people and dragging anyone who will IM with me down the rabbit hole with me.

In this thread I will continue to document my findings, speculate as to where this shit came from & where it is going, and above all fully relish in this new found obsession.

I invite you to do the same.


⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 04:50 (twelve years ago) link

dude I fuckin love the way you think I gotta say

unlistenable in philly (underrated aerosmith bootlegs I have owned), Thursday, 2 February 2012 04:52 (twelve years ago) link

oh my god, that short bit on the "amazing trainer" part at 0:38 on the Awesomeness Fest video summary is amazing

SELF DEPORTATION (Z S), Thursday, 2 February 2012 04:54 (twelve years ago) link


omar little, Thursday, 2 February 2012 04:55 (twelve years ago) link

that quote about how "some of the people who have attended Awesomeness Fest have even said that it was one of the greatest weekends of their entire life" is perfect. especially when you think whoever told him that may have been being an extreme smartass and perhaps he didn't realize it was a joke.

SELF DEPORTATION (Z S), Thursday, 2 February 2012 04:56 (twelve years ago) link

Guys, I'd like to introduce you to 11-year-old Zynnia Jesek from Tampa, Florida, who raised over $6000 to attended Awesomeness Fest 2011. HERE'S HOW SHE DID IT:


That's right, using IndieGoGo, she raised $6475 for her awesome plan!


Here is what she learned at Awesomeness Fest:

A cover of Jason Mraz's "Yours" on ukelele! Here goes nothin!


Confounded, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:01 (twelve years ago) link

Zynnia gets a standing ovation at a hotel convention. I recommend skipping to the standing ovation part:


Confounded, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:03 (twelve years ago) link

My most recent and currently #1 most favorite discovery is wunderkind ZYNNIA!!!!!!!!


Zynnia has all sorts of cool videos on youtube, mostly of her interviewing adults about cool stuff!

But who is she?

Zynnia Jezek was born at home, caught in the hands of her brother and sister on August 5, 2000.

She was raised in the natural parenting style on a diet of primarily raw and vegan foods. She never had any major illness though she spent the majority of her life traveling and living in third world countries. Zynnia is proudly unschooled and yet probably has the equivalence of a college degree in the events and trainings she has attended.

Zynnia may look like a very lucky girl whose life affords the luxuries of making videos, keeping a garden and always smiling and having fun, but do not judge a book by it’s cover. Zynnia’s life has been filled with both blessings and also profound loss.

you may ask yourself "how did a little girl end up at AWESOMENESS FEST??"

that's a great question!!!!



what did she DO at Awesomeness Fest?? She talked to a lot of AWESOME people!!

(note to Zynnia: intos are a liiiiitle long):

but that's not all... she also learned how to play ukulele! (sort of):

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:04 (twelve years ago) link

lol xposts to confounded (one of the many ppl i dragged into the rabbit hole)

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:04 (twelve years ago) link

hahaha i'll fight you for zynnia, she's mine

Confounded, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:05 (twelve years ago) link

zynnia is making some progress on her fundraising goals, but has a little ways to go:

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:06 (twelve years ago) link

i am genuinely interested in what's going to go down in this thread

all yoga attacks are fire based (rogermexico.), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:14 (twelve years ago) link

if you give zynnia $5000, she may sing you a beautiful song too

Confounded, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:16 (twelve years ago) link

And that would be... awesome?

Aimless, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:21 (twelve years ago) link

Zynnia Jezek was born at home, caught in the hands of her brother and sister on August 5, 2000.

She was raised in the natural parenting style on a diet of primarily raw and vegan foods.


Man, this shit is scary! And... well, yeah, what do they DO exactly?

thanks to denial, I'm immortal! (Trayce), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:22 (twelve years ago) link

one of Zynnia's interviews at Awesomeness Fest particularly struck


"Information Software... Yadda Yadda Yadda..."

"I had no money.. I was living on about $400 a day."

"How can I: #1: stay in Thailand, and #2: Make a LOT of money?"

"I could be a Rock star..... FAIL! LOL! Kids: It's really good to dream of being a rock star, but its really really hard... OK?"

"I'm in the process of both expanding and contracting my business."

"You follow me there?" "Yes. Absolutely."

Despite what he tell Zynnia, Greg has lots of websites too. LOTS.

http://monstermagescam.info/ <----- lol @ "scam"

and there's all kinds of youtubes!


what's it all about? Allow Greg to explain:


⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:22 (twelve years ago) link

two minutes into greg and... no idea what u talknbout

Confounded, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:30 (twelve years ago) link

"I had no money.. I was living on about $400 a day."

In Thailand! Never been, but imagining that a dollar goes a lot further there??

garbage corn fan (Je55e), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:34 (twelve years ago) link

that interview is chock full of weird slips like that

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:34 (twelve years ago) link

So he's a pyramid scheme shonk?

thanks to denial, I'm immortal! (Trayce), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:36 (twelve years ago) link

he was sleeping w/ 23 prostitutes a day, tbf

iatee, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:37 (twelve years ago) link

the guiltiest lol

horseshoe, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:38 (twelve years ago) link

this thread is terrifying

horseshoe, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:38 (twelve years ago) link

"i was using my creative abilities from music and from writing... and applying it into something solid... that I could you know, change into money somehow"

... and that thing was internet marketing, rather than yanno, like, being a musician or a writer!? o_0

thanks to denial, I'm immortal! (Trayce), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:38 (twelve years ago) link

i love this stuff and am disgusted by it at the same time. it's like cults and capitalism had some weird marriage together. amway is an old fav.

Spectrum, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:40 (twelve years ago) link

Trayce, he said: "FAIL! Don't be a writer" and gave a thumbs down, and even blew a raspberry, if I'm not mistaken!

garbage corn fan (Je55e), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:41 (twelve years ago) link

Oh ok I was skimming the damn thing, he rambles like a cokehead.

thanks to denial, I'm immortal! (Trayce), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:41 (twelve years ago) link

this trend is pretty much the final collective human dreamsong of psychosis before we all lose our identities permanently, rite?

Mordy, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:43 (twelve years ago) link

WTF is Zynnia's mysterious tragedy?

Zynnia’s life has been filled with both blessings and also profound loss.

Zynnia’s sole mission and purpose in life is to fully enjoy each moment and live in full awareness and gratitude for the power of now. Zynnia knows all too well, that at any moment tragedy can strike and the whole world you grow comfortable with can be ripped apart.

garbage corn fan (Je55e), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:45 (twelve years ago) link

she wanted waffles but they served pancakes instead :'(

Mordy, Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:47 (twelve years ago) link

I mean

Zynnia has lived through it and she has immense wisdom and maturity from that journey. This is why she very consciously chooses a life of dreams coming true.


I'd choose a life where dreams come true, but just this week I dreamed that the copier at work was located at O'Hare airport, so I can't risk it.

garbage corn fan (Je55e), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:50 (twelve years ago) link

"I'm in the process of both expanding and contracting my business."

blew my mind

the "intenterface" (difficult listening hour), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:50 (twelve years ago) link

lol that was my favorite too.

really stoked you are all here, btw.

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:51 (twelve years ago) link

amway is an old fav.

see, this is the thing... say what you will about Amway, they may be selling you overpriced toothpaste but at least you're getting an actual product to clean your teeth with.

these dudes aren't even that far removed from people who make money teaching men how to date women (Sean Stephenson has actually dipped in to this), but like, at least with Pick Up Artist gurus, the promise is that dudes will come out less afraid of talking to women-- which is a lot more solid than, "awesomeness!".

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:51 (twelve years ago) link

also a fan of when zynnia shouts "LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH ME AND MY FAMILY!"

the "intenterface" (difficult listening hour), Thursday, 2 February 2012 05:58 (twelve years ago) link

lol otm

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:01 (twelve years ago) link

OUT: dance moms
IN: video moms

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:01 (twelve years ago) link

so far, my favorite Mindvalley product is QUANTUM JUMPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just watch this interview Vishen did at the home of Burt Goldman, developer of the Quantum Jumping method:


1) count how many times they mention money
2) be sure to watch till 6:43. I promise you won't be disappointed.

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:02 (twelve years ago) link

i bet you guys are doubling the view count on all of Zynnia's videos right now

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:03 (twelve years ago) link

quaNTUM JUmping

the parable is the parable of the (Lamp), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:08 (twelve years ago) link

two phrases came into his head the first was PLANT YOURSELF the second was Take lots of pictures

the parable is the parable of the (Lamp), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:09 (twelve years ago) link

heads up, y'all: 2012 will not be the end of the world:


bonus copping of 99% jargon


⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:10 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:11 (twelve years ago) link

i was forced (along with my workmates) to attend a customized motivational seminar once. we managed to completely sabotage it -- i think i made one of the two seminar leaders cry. i am not ashamed. these folks are the lowest of the low, occupying a totally unnecessary niche opened up by the worst tendencies of corporate culture and "self-actualization" rhetoric.

flesh, the devil, and a wolf (wolf) (amateurist), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:11 (twelve years ago) link

can you remember who the speaker was?????

⚓ (gr8080), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:12 (twelve years ago) link

"I'm in the process of both expanding and contracting my business."

Trans: "I am in a constant state of starting up new concerns, hoping the IRS wont catch me when I declare bankruptcy on the old ones"

thanks to denial, I'm immortal! (Trayce), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:14 (twelve years ago) link


no they were nobodies... folks that were routinely hired by the business school of the university where i worked to provide "teamwork seminars" for different groups. i wasn't in the business school but i guess our boss decided to try them out.

IIRC one of the two speakers was trying to get us to learn about "optimizing teamwork" based on lessons from ... wait for it... people who "successfully" survived the holocaust. i interrupted him and told him that i couldn't leave the seminar because i was being paid to attend but that he would not be continuing this line of discussion.

he looked sort of lost, looked at the other speaker who nodded, then he kind of hung his shoulders and stepped aside for the next part of the seminar.

the head of my department, who arranged the seminar, was mortified.

flesh, the devil, and a wolf (wolf) (amateurist), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:16 (twelve years ago) link

"I personally dont believe 2012 will be the end of the world"


thanks to denial, I'm immortal! (Trayce), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:17 (twelve years ago) link


i got a lot of high-fives from coworkers the next day, though.

flesh, the devil, and a wolf (wolf) (amateurist), Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:17 (twelve years ago) link

IIRC one of the two speakers was trying to get us to learn about "optimizing teamwork" based on lessons from ... wait for it... people who "successfully" survived the holocaust.

oh my god

horseshoe, Thursday, 2 February 2012 06:18 (twelve years ago) link

highly recommend The Gateway podcast from 2018 (6 parts, produced by Gizmodo iirc) - it’s the original reporting that the hulu documentary series is based on, by the same reporter Jennings Brown

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 15 July 2022 23:45 (two years ago) link

but it's like i pay so little attention to some podcasts that i thought she was done for in the end. it was just like whatever?

i listen to fewer such things now

maf you one two (maffew12), Saturday, 16 July 2022 00:53 (two years ago) link

as weird & suspect & fuckin snake-oily as t3@l absolutely is, for me the interview w the husband of leslie, her first client who committed suicide, is still a HUGE red flag that haunts me

faux-affable hippies are like an entire category of red flag in and of themselves

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 16 July 2022 01:04 (two years ago) link

highly recommend The Gateway podcast from 2018

+1 again on this - there's some minor talk about it upthread. The Conspirituality podcast (worth a listen, just not every episode) recently interviewed Jennings Brown about the aftermath of both the podcast and the new series.

Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 16 July 2022 05:33 (two years ago) link

not sure if I can watch much of this hulu series, because having known some people with, hypothetically, undiagnosed personality disorders, I’m just internally screaming “red flag! red flag!” every few minutes

mh, Saturday, 16 July 2022 15:38 (two years ago) link

Yeah when someone asks if there's anyone that can call you on your bullshit and you say no ... not being able to walk the talk is one thing. Not being able to talk the talk ...

death generator (lukas), Saturday, 16 July 2022 15:52 (two years ago) link

the guy who has lived with her through her multiple marriages, kind of wondering (I’m not through the series) if he’s been thrown under the bus yet

mh, Saturday, 16 July 2022 16:33 (two years ago) link

“I don’t use my attractiveness or sexuality to manipulate people, just ask my house eunuch who has lived with me through my multiple marriages!”

mh, Saturday, 16 July 2022 16:34 (two years ago) link

Long, meandering post with recaps of The Deep End with much more background information, other videos, and reactions from the T3@l Tr1b3. Unsurprisingly, they don't like the documentary.

Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 17 July 2022 02:46 (two years ago) link

four months pass...

Anyone who hasn't already had enough of NXIVM should really check out the (final?) season of the Vow. From a documentary and editing perspective, its leagues above the first season (only one of the two directors handled this one, for the better). It's also intense and incredibly depressing.

akm, Sunday, 27 November 2022 23:08 (two years ago) link

i will check it out eventually i think, it is hard to “want” to watch it

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 28 November 2022 01:38 (two years ago) link

Do I need to watch the earlier ones or can I just watch this?

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 28 November 2022 02:19 (two years ago) link

there's only one previous Vow season, and, while I think it is too long, it does give you a very in-depth view of what happened. But you may also be able to just watch Seduced, which was made by other people and focuses only on India Oxenberg's experience, and I think is a better documentary than the first season of the Vow.

akm, Monday, 28 November 2022 15:34 (two years ago) link

Watching this last season was made bearable by knowing Raniere’s sentence in advance—I would have been too anxious wondering if there’s some way he’d squirm his way out.

The Nancy-centric parts of the final episode were very compelling. I often find the second-in-commands an interesting combination of true believer and pragmatic realist, since they’re often the ones who see how the sausage is made by having to implement the details of ripping people off, etc. (See: Sheela from Wild Wild Country). For much of the season, I went back and forth on how sincere she was; she'd condemn Raniere’s evil acts, but she kept backing away from the whole truth by claiming "oh but the rest of NXIVM was totally legit and helped thousands, he was tainting the good with his bad." It was really affecting to see her finally breaking down and wondering if she’d been lying to herself with that line all this time, that maybe the curriculum really was just another abusive method of control. That scene where the crew make her watch the clip of herself telling the study group that the real sexual abuse is when society tells minors they’ve been abused!

blatherskite, Monday, 28 November 2022 15:55 (two years ago) link

My girlfriend is quite interested in the Manson Family, or more specifically, the women of the Family. She hated the ending of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood because—unlike Charlie Says, also from that year—it made no acknowledgement that Atkins et al. were themselves victims, as much as they were perpetrators. I thought The Vow skillfully handled that dynamic in its treatment of the DOS women.

blatherskite, Monday, 28 November 2022 16:03 (two years ago) link

earlier in the season a lot of people online were reacting to Nancy's parts pretty negatively, which I understand; claiming she seemed to be trying to salvage her reputation, etc. But by the end of the series it's pretty clear that's not what she was trying to do; she was trying to understand how she'd wound up in this situation, and openly questioning why she turned a blind eye to abuse. Coercive control is something that's really hard to understand from the outside (look at the reactions to Sarma Melngailis and Bad Vegan), and I think this is the first time I've seen a documentary successfully portray what this is like.

akm, Monday, 28 November 2022 16:05 (two years ago) link

Also loved Nancy's mom: "I never liked him" (leaves room)

akm, Monday, 28 November 2022 16:06 (two years ago) link

I've only watched a few episodes of the second season and may return when I stop cringing. I was initially worried after seeing more of the interviews/footage of the people who still seem like true believers that it'd try too hard on the "gotta hear both sides" angle but that doesn't seem like the case

mh, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 16:14 (two years ago) link

yeah, it does seem like that at first but trust me, the more you see of them the more you realized how deeply delusional they are.

akm, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 16:43 (two years ago) link

i think it's necessary to hear directly from those still loyal though, because it does give you an understanding of WHY people got involved and believed in this stuff in the first place.

akm, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 16:44 (two years ago) link

the devotees dancing outside the jail was possibly one of the most cringe-inducing things I've seen

mh, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:05 (two years ago) link

It's amazing, the sort of programs and organizations that people will join rather than just going to therapy.

blatherskite, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:07 (two years ago) link

xp Absolutely, particularly because Rainiere is such an uninspiring guru. No style, nothing compelling about his manner of speaking, and certainly not sexy. I'm assuming he must have some charisma in person, but none of it comes across in the footage. In all the home movies, he just seems like a substandard dorm room slacker, rambling after a bong hit. (Much derisive laughter at him trying to explain Led Zeppelin to one of the victims, or Nancy's assessment that all he ever did was eat and lay on the couch instead of working.)

blatherskite, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:18 (two years ago) link

A friend was joking that they were hesitant to watch some of these shows because life has been very frustrating and unfulfilling and the cult might still seem reasonable even after hearing the downsides.

I get it. Therapy's kind of a mixed bag, and in a large enough group, even if you don't immediately fall for the omnipotent leader shtick, you might find people you can relate to and build a shared environment that's fulfilling in ways normal life isn't. It's easy to get blinders on about how ridiculous the shared goal truly is when it becomes a group mantra that just happens to underlie all of your fulfilling interactions.

re: nxivm, I still have no idea why that goofy manipulative huckster guy would ever be trustworthy, though. I feel like the majority of people who were really into it had absolutely no experience with people who played up the self-deprecation and humility angle to be manipulative

mh, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:18 (two years ago) link

whoops, that was an xpost

and yeah, Raniere's angle was that he was doofy and faux-humble. nearly all the footage of him teaching something starts with his claims of humility or normality followed with rebukes whenever he's contradicted. and the people coaching others to yell at each other, stay in physically stressing positions, etc. are doing it when he's not there

mh, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:20 (two years ago) link

nicki clyne's irl story arc from key battlestar galactica actor who could have perhaps used that as a springboard to more, to dancing outside a prison in support of a sex cult guru is really something. everyone has gone insane the last decade.

omar little, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:27 (two years ago) link

I haven't finished season 2 of The Vow but during the first few episodes I kept having this terrible idea: they should show the clip of her character's last scene from BSG because it'd be funny

mh, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:28 (two years ago) link


gr8080, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 16:48 (two years ago) link

oh hell yeah Vishen is back!

mh, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 17:25 (two years ago) link

"It's about bliss, but it's also about the fist."

nickn, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 17:52 (two years ago) link

one month passes...

personal growth does not exist but people change over time. People are not trees.

| (Latham Green), Friday, 13 January 2023 17:38 (one year ago) link

What about Ents

Ned Raggett, Friday, 13 January 2023 17:42 (one year ago) link


| (Latham Green), Friday, 13 January 2023 18:12 (one year ago) link

Jack is the only one I follow:


Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 13 January 2023 19:29 (one year ago) link

Then you might like this which contains samples from a Lalanne POWER JUICER infomercial!!


| (Latham Green), Friday, 13 January 2023 21:00 (one year ago) link


This guy is trending on TikTok because he decided that he lives four six hour days instead of one 24 hour day, thus making him 3 times as efficient as you fuckin’ losers. (Can’t make it to 400% kings still gotta sleep.)

papal hotwife (milo z), Sunday, 15 January 2023 11:00 (one year ago) link

It’s amazing that “Internet entrepreneurs of teaching you how to be an Internet entrepreneur” is still such an effective grift, feels like it should have gone extinct halfway through Obama’s first term.

papal hotwife (milo z), Sunday, 15 January 2023 11:02 (one year ago) link

Is Tim Ferriss still alive or did he OD on MCT oil and supplements smuggled in from a remote island in the Pacific?

papal hotwife (milo z), Sunday, 15 January 2023 11:03 (one year ago) link

This guy is trending on TikTok because he decided that he lives four six hour days instead of one 24 hour day, thus making him 3 times as efficient as you fuckin’ losers. (Can’t make it to 400% kings still gotta sleep.)

Just wait until he discovers Time Cube!

blatherskite, Tuesday, 17 January 2023 15:56 (one year ago) link

The Power of STeroids

| (Latham Green), Tuesday, 17 January 2023 20:18 (one year ago) link

seven months pass...

Going down a rabbit hole re: lesswrong, effective altruism, AI researchers, and this group "Leverage" that existed in oakland a few years ago. Some of this stuff is tangentially related to Sam Bankman Fried and his polycule of nutters, I believe. There doesn't seem to be much written about all of this from the outside.


I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 8 September 2023 00:56 (one year ago) link

"The explicit strategy for world-saving depended upon a team of highly moldable young people self-transforming into Elon Musks" jfc. the damage this guy has done by simply existing.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 8 September 2023 01:09 (one year ago) link

I shared that with a friend and half an hour later she had a link to the Leverage Discord. I'm afraid to join but so curious

what you say is true but by no means (lukas), Friday, 8 September 2023 01:59 (one year ago) link

from what I can tell he has rebranded and maybe relaunched this organization? it's very weird to me. this isn't NXIVM level shit yet, that I can tell (no branding of sex slaves; some reports of inappropriate 'workplace' relationships though), but it's close, with the packed calendars, continual 'debugging' (think scientology and auditing, or NXIVM's "EM"s), psychological manipulation. Who is funding this shit? Silicon Valley VCs.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 8 September 2023 02:53 (one year ago) link

I stumbled on this stuff the weirdest way. Berkeley is introducing a new Mental Health Crisis team (like, half a day, 4 days a week, who can deal with something like 3 calls a day). Berkeley has like, a LOT of mentally ill people on the streets in crisis any time of the day. I hate people who comment on Berkeleyside and Berkeleyscanner, but someone did point a link to this article about someone who had a psychotic episode in a restaurant and then physically attacked the crisis worker who came (alone?) in her car. this was in 2017. This is the original story:


I looked this guy up and he got 5 years. I found his name linked in a lesswrong post calling out abuses related to two orgs, CFAR and MIRI. He basically was somehow associated with MIRI (I believe) and cracked up.


I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 8 September 2023 02:59 (one year ago) link

I heard about LessWrong when Decoding The Gurus recently ran an episode about Eliezer Yudkowksy. There's a definite infohazard self-sealing cult-thought to their writings and I'm troubled at how popular it all is amongst AI researchers.

Elvis Telecom, Friday, 8 September 2023 06:09 (one year ago) link

wow @that medium link

“3. Geoff estimated that there were roughly 10 “super weapons” or “super theories.” He said we already had 1–2, one being we had solved philosophy (but not completely, he admitted — all he had left to do was prove that time exists and maybe a few other details, was what I remember him saying).”

brimstead, Friday, 8 September 2023 06:17 (one year ago) link

Big echoes of scientology

"The explicit strategy for world-saving depended upon a team of highly moldable young people self-transforming into Elon Musks. For a long time, what was asked of me in order to maintain my funding was to “become a self-debugger”

Elvis Telecom, Friday, 8 September 2023 06:25 (one year ago) link

researching who funds this stuff I ran across this: https://survivalandflourishing.fund

which got funding from:


though oddly, I only found that link by googling, it's been taken off the saveourplanet.org navigation. NGO that seems otherwise benign. But these other groups smell.... nazi adjacent to me. Dunno. Lotta white dudes who think they are destined to save the earth.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 8 September 2023 06:46 (one year ago) link

two months pass...

Twin Flames documentary on Netflix is great.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Sunday, 19 November 2023 02:50 (one year ago) link

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